
North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) – Management Plan (2019-2024) Cllr Ruffell, Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Natural Environment

Report to Cabinet report for decision

East Woodhay; , and St Mary Ward(s): Bourne; Whitchurch; Overton, and Steventon; Oakley and ; ; and North; .

Key Decision: No Appendix 1: Constituent members of the AONB Council of Partners North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan 2019-2024 Appendix 2: (Final Draft for Adoption) Appendix 3: Officer and Member responses to consultation Papers relied on:

Foreword - Cllr Ruffell, Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Natural Environment

“The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is an area of countryside designated for conservation due to its significant landscape value and covers roughly the western third of the borough. It is nationally designated and as a consequence the council is duty bound to enable appropriate management via a management plan.

The AONB covers a number of districts and is managed collectively through a Council of Partners. The council is one of the partners and this helps the council’s commitment to preserving the natural environment.

The AONB covers many features within the borough including , Beacon Hill, the Bourne valley and Highclere House. The AONB extends from the settlements of Woolton Hill, Litchfield and in the west to Hannington and in the east. The settlements of Whitchurch and Kingsclere lie within the setting of the AONB.

The management plan sets out the objectives and policies for the AONB partners over the next five years. As part of the council’s commitment to preserving the natural environment the council is part of the Council of Partners which oversees the management of the AONB. This co-ordinated approach means that broad, landscape scale policies can be carried out across the AONB in order to protect and enhance its

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landscapes, heritage and biodiversity and the communities which live within it. This ensures the council manages the natural environment appropriately and reflects the corporate priority of “improving residents’ quality of life.”

Recommendation to Cabinet

It is recommended that:  the revised management plan be agreed for adoption by cabinet, noting that it is consistent with the council’s continued commitment to managing the natural environment.

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1 Background, corporate objectives and priorities

1.1 This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly supports the Council Plan priorities of protecting our environment; planning policies that safeguard local distinctiveness; supporting active, healthy and involved communities.

Glossary of terms

Term Definition AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Main considerations

2 Executive Summary

2.1 The purpose of this report is to present for adoption, an updated management plan for the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, covering the period 2019-2024.

3 The Proposal

3.1 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) represent parts of the country where the distinctive character and natural beauty of the landscape are so outstanding that it is in the nation's interest to safeguard them. Each AONB has been designated for its special qualities, including flora, fauna, scenic views, historical and cultural associations.

3.2 The North Wessex Downs was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1972 under the National Parks and Access to Countryside Act 1949. It covers an area of 1730 sq km and is the largest AONB in South East and the third largest AONB nationally (out of a total of 37 AONBs in England). The AONB lies within the counties of , and and, in addition to the Borough of and Deane, falls within the administrative boundaries of the three county councils and six other district/borough/unitary councils (see Appendix 1).

3.3 There is a statutory requirement under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 for local authorities to have regard to the purpose of the AONB designation in carrying their various functions. In addition, there is also a statutory requirement for constituent local authorities to prepare AONB management plans and to review these every five years.

3.4 To assist the constituent local authorities of the North Wessex Downs, a Council of Partners was formed in July 2001 and it was agreed by Borough Council (at its cabinet meeting in October 2001) that it should be represented by the current Portfolio Holder for Forward Planning (now represented by the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Infrastructure and Natural Environment). In addition to local authorities, the Council of Partners also includes representatives for the following interests: local communities, farming and rural business, nature conservation, heritage and landscape,

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recreation, government and voluntary agencies. Day-to-day support for the AONB is carried out by a professional management team of nine full and part- time staff, with an office near .

3.5 The original North Wessex Downs AONB management plan was adopted by the cabinet on 27 January 2004 and published later that year. In accordance with statutory requirements, this was followed by the adoption by the cabinet of updated versions on 23 September 2009 and 29 April 2014.

3.6 As part of the continued periodic review requirement, the management plan has been reviewed by a working group and the professional management team, under the guidance of the Council of Partners. The updated plan will cover the period 2019 - 2024.

Key Changes to the Management Plan

3.7 An initial review of the current 2014-2019 AONB Management Plan, reflected the national guidance from , that substantial re-drafting was not required and that a ‘light touch’ review should be undertaken. This would also ensure that resources are not diverted away from delivery.

3.8 The structure of the replacement plan (Final Draft for Adoption), is similar to the previous version, containing an assessment and identification of the special qualities of the key themes which cover, The Landscape, Rural land management, Biodiversity, Historic environment, Natural resources, Development, Communities and Tourism, leisure and access. For each of these, a set of key issues, objectives and policies have been set out to guide management. Key stakeholders are also identified, outlining opportunities for delivery of the management plan.

3.9 The overall vision for the AONB, together with objectives and policies are still relevant. However changes in local, regional and national policies, along with new legislation mean that these sections need to be updated in the 2019-2024 replacement plan. In addition, a review of the actions for the next 5 years has been undertaken to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

3.10 The replacement plan follows on from the 2014-2019 version in being concise and easily accessible. The layout has been changed to a landscape format as this was thought to better facilitate clear maps and plans of the AONB and the format of tables. A copy of the North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan 2019-2024 (Final Draft for Adoption) is included at Appendix 2.


3.11 The review of the 2014-2019 management plan and preparation of the draft replacement plan undertaken by the North Wessex Downs AONB Management Team has been informed by consultation with stakeholders and interested parties (including the public). This process involved inviting responses to an online consultation exercise on a first draft of the replacement plan. Following the consultation, comments were considered by the North Wessex Downs AONB Management Team in the production of the Final Draft for Adoption.

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3.12 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has been involved in the review process via representation on the Council of Partners and also Member, Parish Council and officer consultation on the draft replacement management plan. As part of the latter, all Members were contacted directly via e-mail and invited to make comments on the proposed changes.

3.13 A copy of the responses made by Members and officers to the consultation is attached at Appendix 3. In summary 2 members provided responses whilst comments were also received from the Natural Environment and Planning Policy teams.

3.14 In general, there was support for the revised document and acknowledgement of the work undertaken. Detailed comments received related to the following general areas:

 the need to promote Green Infrastructure within the AONB;  the need to reflect the new NPPF  The role of neighbourhood planning in articulating the importance of protected landscape and setting local policies  Mechanisms for monitoring progress  consideration of potential biodiversity issues, impacts and opportunities;  ensuring that inappropriate expansion of settlements and erosion of rural character are avoided;  factual changes relating to national, regional and local policies.

3.15 Many of the comments made on behalf of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council have been addressed by the review working group in the preparation of the draft replacement management plan. However, given the number of local authorities and other partners that the management plan is being prepared for, it has not been possible for a plan to be prepared that addresses all of the council’s comments.

Implications for the council

3.16 The council is already undertaking work to promote landscape and biodiversity conservation and to ensure that planning decisions have due regard to the special qualities of the AONB. With regard to the latter, the importance of the designation is recognised in policies contained within the Local Plan. As such, it is considered that the proposed replacement plan is complementary to the Council Plan priority to maintain and enhance our natural environment.

3.17 The replacement management plan does not commit the council to any additional work. However, it will provide useful guidance for the council when carrying out these related functions to ensure that it fulfils its statutory duty to have regard to the purpose of the AONB designation.

3.18 The Council of Partners met on 5th March 2019 to consider the draft replacement plan and, subject to minor amendments, have recommended it for approval by the constituent local authorities.

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4 Key issues for consideration

4.1 The statutory requirement for the council to have a management plan in place for the North Wessex Downs AONB. The present 2014-2019 management plan for the AONB is due to expire this year. As such there is a statutory requirement for the council to have a management plan in place before the previous plan comes to an end in order to meet with the requirements of the Countryside and Rights of ways Act 2000. In order that a consistent approach can be taken across the entire AONB, and economies of scale to be taken advantage of, the NWD AONB Management Team have been responsible for the production of the plan.

4.2 That the management plan reflects the council’s policies and opinions in so much as is possible given that the document reflects the contributions of several local authorities and other partners.

4.3 Following any adoption by the council (and others within the designated area, the management plan to cover the period between 2019-2024 will be launched at the Annual General Forum of the North Wessex Downs AONB in October 2019.

5 Options Analysis

5.1 It is considered that there are two options available:-

1. Adopt the updated management plan. This will ensure that up to date guidelines exist for the management of a part of the borough that is of nationally recognised importance. It will also ensure the delivery of council priorities.

2. To not adopt the updated management plan. The council is required under statutory legislation to have a management plan in place. Therefore, as the current adopted plan (2014-2019) is due to come to an end, the council would be in contravention of the statutory requirements of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

For the reasons set out in this report, it is recommended that the council endorses Option 1 and approves the updated management plan set out in Appendix 2.

Corporate implications

6 Legal Implications

6.1 There are no legal issues arising from this report

7 Financial implications

7.1 Funding to support the AONB management team comprises a combination of DEFRA funding and also contributions made by the constituent members of the Council of Partners. The total budget for 2019/20 is £322,604 with £248,604

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from DEFRA and the remainder funded by the Council of Partners, including a contribution made by Basingstoke and Deane of £3,938.66.

8 Risk management

8.1 The main risk arising out of any decision made on this report, could arise, if it is decided that a replacement management plan for 2019/2024 is not adopted. In that situation, the council may be in breach of the statutory provisions of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

8.2 A risk assessment has been completed in accordance with the council’s risk management process for the preferred option outlined in 5.1 above. This has identified no significant (red or amber) residual risks that cannot be fully minimised by existed or planned controls or additional procedures.

9 Equalities implications

9.1 When considering the Public Sector Equality Duty, under the Equality Act 2010, the proposed draft management plan for North Wessex Downs AONB is generally positive for all protected characteristics groups. The policies and objectives included in the plan refer to meeting the needs of residents of all ages and providing and managing ‘accessible green spaces’. It also refers to developing community capacity, inclusive communities and networks and encouraging communities to share their cultural heritage. All of which goes towards promoting equality and building good relations between different groups.

10 Consultation and communication

10.1 The consultation undertaken as part of the development of this report is covered in 3.11-3.15. Once the management plan has been finally adopted, a link to access it will be placed on the council website.

11 HR implications

11.1 There are no HR implications issues arising from this report.


12 Summary and reason for the decision

12.1 The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a national designation that covers approximately a third of the borough. The designation acknowledges a number of special characteristics that affect many aspects in those areas including, the landscape, biodiversity, land management, communities, development and the historic environment.

12.2 One of the ways that the council supports the management of this area is through the North Wessex Downs AONB Council of Partners, which as a group, has set out guidelines within a management plan. This has been produced by a central management team on behalf of all authorities within the AONB.

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12.3 In order that the special qualities of the area are recognised and that the council accords with its statutory requirements, it is recommended that the replacement management plan is adopted by the council to cover the period of 2019-2024.

13 The options considered and rejected

13.1 The option not to adopt the Draft North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan 2019-2024 was rejected as the council has a statutory requirement to review and prepare a management plan every 5 years. The management plan has already been accepted by the North Wessex Downs Council of Partners and there is a requirement to undertake this action by the end of 2019.

Date: 10 September 2019 Decision taken by: Cabinet

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Tom Payne, Interim Head of Environmental Services Lead officer [email protected] Christopher Slack, Biodiversity Officer Report author [email protected] Version Final Dated 22 August 2019 Status Open It is considered that information contained within this report (and appendices) Confidentiality do not contain exempt information under the meaning of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and therefore can be made public.

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Appendix 1: Constituent members of the North Wessex Downs AONB Council of Partners

Hampshire County Council Oxfordshire County Council Wiltshire County Council

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council District Council Borough Council District Council West Council

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