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Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1935 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE PAT HARRISON; Mississippi, WILLIAM Utah , JAMES Michigan HENRY W. KEYES, New Hampshire DAVID I. ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE, Wisconsin Kentucky JESSE METCALF, Rhode Island TOM DANIEL 0. HASTINGS, Delaware THOMAS P. QORE, Oklahoma ARTHUR CAPPER, Kansas EDWARD P. Colorado JOSIAH W. BAILEY, North Carolina BENNETT , HARRY FLOOD BYRD, AUGUSTINE LONERGAN, Connecticut HUQO L. BLACK, Alabama P GERRY, Rhode Island JOSEPH F. Pennsylvania M. JOHNSTON, Clerk II Page Abbott, Miss Grace, ‘Chicago, Ill., editor Social Service Review and professor of public welfare, University of Chicago- ______I., New York City, representing the National Unemployment Council-- ______1222 Anderson, H. B., New York, N. Y., representing the Citizens Medical, Reference Bureau, ______Andrews, Elmer F., New York City, State industrial commissioner-- 2; Andrews, Rev. George. Reid, New Haven, American Eugenics Society 1003 John B., New York, N. Y., representing the American Association for Labor Legislation-l- ______439 Baldwin, Mrs. Harris T., Washington, D. C., National Leagne ‘of Women Bannerman, Mrs. Mary Washington, D. C., on legisla­ tion, Congress of Parents and Teachers- ______721 Benjamin, Herbert, New York’ City,’ National Joint Action Committee for Genuine Social Insurance ______1145 Browder, Earl, City, representing the Communist 1217 Brown, J. Douglas, professor of economics and director, industrial relations section, Princeton University,- ______281 Guy Irvin , New York Reference, Bureau-, 1004 Lewis H., ki? ational Society for the Prevention of Blindness-- 730 Chandler; George B., representing the Ohio Chamber of Commerce-- 1102 R. E., representing Old-Age Revolving Pensions, 1051 Nathan, Philadelphia; Pa., representing the Action and the Philadelphia Chapter of the Interprofessional ‘1235 Hugh S., Surgeon General. Public Health Service--::- _ _ _ 408 Hugo E., Washington; D. C _____ 680 Davis, Miss Susan Washington, representing the Townsend-Davis Health Treatments, Athens, Ala.; also representing Mrs. Emma H. Townsend, Corsicana, ______549 ’ Doane, Robert R., New York City, representing Revolving Pensions, L&d------r ------1243 Robert G., Airy Hall Plantation, Green Pond, S. ______8 2 5 Emery, James A.,. Washington, representing the National As­ sociation of Manufacturers- ______921 --Epstein, Abraham, New. York; Y., representing the American Association for Social Security- ______Dr. I. New Canaan, the staff of the Committee on Economic Security 419 Filene, Lincoln, Boston, Mass., William Filene’s Sons Co _ _ 820 Marion B., Rochester, N. Y., ‘assistant treasurer Eastman Kodak Co. and member of advisory council to ‘the Committee on Economic 553 Forster, H. Walter, Philadelphia; Pa., Towers, Forster 659 Gall, John C., Washington, D. C., representing the National Associa­ tion of Manufacturers- ______931 Graham, Frank P., president University of North Carolina, and chairman advisory council to the Committee on Economic 291 Green, William, president American Federation of Labor, ______141 Gordon David, New York City, representing the Committee for Unem 1192 Grulee, b Clifford Evanston, Ill., professor of pediatrics, Rush Medical College, Ill, ______691 IV CONTENTS

Statement of-Continued. Hall, Miss Helen, New York City, National Federation of Settlements, and Henry Street Settlement; member, advisory council to the Committee on Economic Security ______767 Hansen, Alvin H., Washington, D. C., Chief Economic Analyst, Department of State- ______447 Harriman, Henry I., Washington, D.. United States Chamber of 913 Harrington, John, representing the Illinois Manufacturing 685 Haynes, George E., New York, N. Y., representing the department of race relations, Federal Council of Churches ______479 Hooker, Elon New York City, representing the Manufacturing Chemists Association- ______876 Houston, Charles H., Washington, D. C., representing the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, ______George A., Philadelphia, Pa., representing the Church Pensions Conference- ______428 Hutzler; ‘Albert’ D., Baltimore, National Dry Goods Association _ 711 Philip, Portland, Oreg ______1235 Irwin, Robert B., New York City, The American Foundation for the ______726 Jackson,. Henry E., New York City, president, Social Engineering Jolly, Robert, representing the Hospital Association, _ - Kahn, Miss Dorothy,. Philadelphia,- Pa., representing the American Association’of ______647 . ‘Kellogg, Paul H., New York editor, Survey and Survey Graphic, and vice chairman, advisory council to the Committee on Security: ______900 F.; Chicago,. Ill:, representing the National Metal Trades Association ______862 Clarence. A., University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pa- _ _ _ 907 Lamb, Mrs. Beatrice- York, N. Y.; representing the National League of Women ______442 Latimer,, Pennsylvania Association the Blind- ______780 Latimer; Murray, chairman Railroad. Retirement Board, Washing- ton, D. ______,7------744 i Latshaw, Stanley!’ New York representing the National Pub­ lishers _ _ _ ------. 872 William N., Mediation: Board- ______259 -I Katharine Chief, Department’ of. ---5------, : . 337 Lyon, Dr. Huntington; _____ 693 _. ’ ‘. Marsh; Benjamin C.; representing’ the People’s Lobby- _ 961 Marvin, Dr. Cloyd Washington, D. representing the American Council on - ______1071 A; T., Louisville; Ky., commissioner, State board of health 689 ____ 775 Morrow, L. New York City, the Publishers Association:: ______787 Washington, and New York City, counsel to the American Federation of Labor 771 Parker, L. H chief ‘of staff, Joint _ _ _ _ _ 1247 Peck, Lloyd A., ‘Joliet,’ Ill.; Association-:--: ______918 Frank, Washington, C., representing the Sentinels of the Republic- ______677 Pence; Owen York, N. Y., representing the National Council, Y. M. 434 Perkins, Hon., Frances, Secretary of Labor- ______- _ _ 99, 111 Potter, Dr. Ellen, Trenton, J., representing the National Com­ mittee on Care of Transient and Homeless:‘- ______522 . CONTENTS

Statement of-Continued. Page Reeder, Sherwood, Washington, C., representing the United States Conference of Mayors and the American Municipal Association- _ _ 658 Reiss, Dr. Oscar, Los Angeles, ______697 Reyburn, Samuel W., New York City, National Retail Dry Goods 702 Reymond, M. H., Binghamton, N. Y 669 Roche, Miss Josephine, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury- ______374 Sargent, Noel, New York City, representing the National Association of Manufacturers- ______940 Shelton, Mrs. Frederick, representing the National Board of Young Women’s Christian ______- 444 Sinclair, S. executives of State commissions and State agencies for the and Pennsylvania Council for the Blind- _ _ _ 778 Snow, W. A., Washington, D. C., representing the Associated General Contractors of America- ______861 _ Story, Harold W., Milwaukee, Wis., vice president, and general counsel, Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co- ______516 Studebaker, Dr. John W., Washington, D. C., Commissioner Education, Department of the Interior ______- ____ 731 . Taylor, Miss Lea D., Chicago, Ill., representing the Illinois Committee on Townsend, Dr. F. E., Age Revolving Pensions, _ 1::: Tyson, Francis D., professor of economics, University of Pittsburgh, 737 Underwood, Dr. F. J., Jackson, Miss., State health officer ______411 Wagner, Robert F., United States Senator from New York ______1 Walter, M. M., Harrisburg, Pa., representing the National Rehabili­ tation Association 424 Watts, L. Richmond, Va., Virginia Commission for the Blind, and the American Association of Workers for the Blind ______778 Webster, William R., Bridgeport, Conn., representing the Connecticut Manufacturers Association- ______Weir, Joseph P. B., Washington, D. C ______::Fi Williams, Ernest Wells, Washingto, D. ______976 Witte, Edwin E., executive director Committee on Economic Security Wolfe, James H., Washington, D. C., women’s division, Demo­ cratic Committee, ______698 Yarros, Dr. Rachelle, Hull House, ‘Chicago, Ill ______, 816 Briefs, letters, statements, etc., submitted by- Adams, Benjamin F., and Henrietta M., Silver Springs, Md ______1265 Association for Social Security, Washington branch--- _ _ _ _ 1138 American Bar Association, report of special committee opposing the ratification of the proposed child-labor amendment to the Consti­ tution of the United States ______1276 American Association of University Women, Washington, D. _ _ _ _ 700 American Federation of Actors, New York City, letter addressed to Senator Robert F. Wagner- ______1140 American Home Economics Association, Washington, D. C., letter American Nurses Association- ______%f C. W., New York City, Child Welfare League of America, 782 Associated Women of the American Farm Bureau Federation, brief submitted by Mrs. W. Sewell, administrative director- _ _ _ _ _ 373 Burke, John J., Washington, D. C., National Catholic Welfare Burns, Dr. M., Columbia University, New York City- ______1%: Christman, Miss Elizabeth, Washington, D. C., on behalf of the National Women’s Trade Union League of America ______445 Crumbine, Dr. T., New York, N. American Child Health 370 Douglas, Prof. Paul H., University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill ______892 Draper, Ernest G., New York City, The Hills Bros. Co ______781 Gourley, Lawrence L., Washington, D. C., representing the American Osteopathic Association ______1269 Guthrie, William D., chairman special committee of the American Bar 1289 VI CONTENTS

, Briefs, letters, statements, etc., submitted by-Continued. Page Hall, Percival, Washington, D. C., chairman executive committee, Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf- _ 1143 Hoar, Roger Sherman, North Milwaukee, Wis., letter and statement addressed to Senator Thomas P. Gore ______1092, 1093 Hogue, Richard W., Washington, D. C., Independent Legislative 1136 Howett, Harry H., Lansing, Michigan Crippled Children 371 Kennedy, Thomas, international secretary-treasurer, Mine Workers of America, lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania- - _ - _ - - - 1268 Kittle, Mrs. William, Washington, D. C., ‘on behalf of the National Consumers’ League and on behalf of the Women’s Homeopathic 445 Kletzer, Mrs. Child Welfare Commission of Oregon- _ _ _ _ - _ 785 La Du, Mrs. Blanche, Minnesota State Board of _ _ _ - - - _ _ 782 Dr. E. V., the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 371 Dr. James R., Emory University, Atlanta, Ga ______373 Message of President Roosevelt submitting report recommending legislation on economic security--- ______1303 Miller, Dr. James Raglan, Hartford, ______371 National Conference of Catholic Charities, Washington, D. _ _ 457 National Council of Jewish Women, Inc., New York City.. ______701 Robb, Miss Marquis, Newtonville, __ - - _ _ _ _ - ______- _ _ _ _ 1251 Sanger, Mrs. Margaret, president, National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth 1266 Shibley,’ George, Washington, D. C., director, The Research 1255 United States Engineers, Inc., New York City--,-- - ______-- _ _ - _ _ 1257 Witte, Edwin E.: Estimated costs of old-age pensions to the States- ______319 Model unemployment-insurance bills for and suggestions for State old-age assistance laws and accompanying explanatory 591 Principal studies and reports prepared for or presented to the Committee on Economic Security ______323 ’ Statistics concerning extent and amount of insurance in certain 725 Supplemental to the report of the Advisory Council to the Committee on Economic Security- ______324 Women’s Homeopathic Medical Fraternity ______701 Young Women’s Christian Association, D. C ______700