FREE QUEENS/LONG ISLAND/BRONX/MANHATTAN Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 DONORS TO TALK RELIEF CARICOM gets UN support for hurricane donors conference

By Bert Wilkinson to rebuild affected nations from They know very well that the international community. no Caribbean government has For the two-day meeting, the kind of money to lend or the World Bank, the Interna- Halloween treat donate to any of the string of tional Monetary Fund, west- regional countries which were ern donor nations, including Pediatric patient Amare Elize, 6, with Marsha Page of Marsha’s Makeovers, receives pulverized an unusually strong the United States, and some a Halloween makeover at NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County.See story on Page 2017 hurricane season so lead- of the wealthier countries in 28. NYC Health + Hospitals / Kings County ers have approached the inter- the Middle East are expected national donor community for to attend Granderson said. In help in rebuilding devastated fact he says, the conference is nations. open to anyone interested in Williams faces off for city council speaker With assistance from the helping with this mega rebuild- United Nations Development ing effort. Program (UNDP) and western But even as the region pre- By Nelson A. King collaborative, and the right Williams said he is “the donor nations, regional leaders pares for the watershed confer- Brooklyn Council Mem- person for what we need right perfect example of being and high officials will travel to ence, officials are making it ber Jumaane D. Williams on now.” independent, being strong, the United Nations headquar- clear that it will not be business Wednesday faced off with On the council’s relation- being not afraid to push, and ters in New York for a two-day as usual as monies raised from seven other candidates at ship to the mayor and the also being productive,” stat- international conference aimed this effort are not simply to be the New York Athletic Club council’s ability to move dif- ing that he has the most bills at raising billions in mostly used to rebuild the battered in Midtown in the first pub- ficult bills forward, Williams passed of all of the mem- grant aid to help Dominica and infrastructure in the islands, lic forum in the race for city said: “I do not think that we bers of the council, except Barbuda rebuild especially in but to do so in a manner that council speaker. have yet reached our poten- the speaker. the coming months. The con- would ensure state and pri- Williams, who represents tial as a body. What I would “I’ve been able to accom- ference starts on Nov. 21. vate properties, airports, water the 45th Council District in like to do is build on what plish that because you push Colin Granderson, assist- systems and other utilities are Brooklyn, and the other can- this speaker has been able to when you need to, and you ant secretary general of the able to withstand strong storms didates discussed a wide range accomplish. pull back when you need to, 15-nation grouping of coun- going forward. of issues facing the city. “And from what I hear from and that’s what leadership is,” tries, said this week that This is so because authori- “We are at a time where you my colleagues, really push he said. “As a leader, you have resources for such a task would ties are growing tired of having need leadership that’s going this council to be that inde- to know how to get things obviously be hard to come by in to find hundreds of millions to be bold,” said Williams, the pendent voice that we know done. But you can’t shirk the region so governments will almost each year to replace son of Grenadian immigrants, we can be and that the city the courage that you need to be pinning great hopes on rais- systems. The best thing to do, adding he was “battle-tested, expects us to be,” he added. push forward.” ing the kind of money needed Continued on Page 8           

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2 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Vincentian prime minister: ‘Much to celebrate,

United States Secretary of State despite challenges’ Rex W. Tillerson Associated Press / Richard Drew By Nelson A. King In extending greetings and congrat- ulations to Vincentians in the Diaspora, US praise on the occasion of the country’s 38th anniversary of political independence, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves SVG on said “it is evident that we have much to celebrate, despite challenges.” “Almighty God has spared us the independence ravages of hurricanes and storms, and made it possible for us to come to the assistance of our neighbors who have anniversary been affected by recent catastrophic weather events,” said Gonsalves in his remarks, read in part on Sunday by By Nelson A. King New York Consul General Howie Prince The Trump administration in the Unit- at a gala Independence Luncheon Sun- ed States has congratulated St. Vincent day at Grand Prospect Hall in Brook- and the Grenadines on its 38th year of lyn, organized by the Brooklyn-based political independence from Great Brit- umbrella Vincentian group, Council of ain. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Organi- “On behalf of the United States, we zations, U.S.A., Inc. (COSAGO). offer our best wishes to the people of “We pledge to support in any way St. Vincent and the Grenadines as you possible, and continue to pray for their celebrate 38 years of independence,” said safe-keeping and rapid recovery from United States Secretary of State Rex W. the devastating losses occasioned by Tillerson in a statement on Friday, St. Vin- these severe weather events, which cent and the Grenadines Independence serve as stark reminders of our vul- Anniversary Day. nerability as Small Island Developing “The United States enjoys our partner- States, whose developmental gains can ship with the people of St. Vincent and be reversed or obliterated by a single the Grenadines in advocating democrat- natural disaster,” he added. ic principles, economic opportunity and Stating that nationals must be ever regional security cooperation,” he added. grateful to God for his faithfulness, the Ralph Gonsalves, prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, ad- “Today we celebrate our strong people- prime minister urged that they do so dresses the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly, at U.N. to-people connections and look forward by celebrating this anniversary “with headquarters, Friday, Sept. 23, 2016. Associated Press / Craig Ruttle, File to working together towards shared goals a special sense of gratitude and humil- stated in Caribbean 2020, for a more ity, and by acknowledging the achieve- secure and prosperous ,” Tillerson ments, which have been made possible potential and to excel.” up “new and exciting possibilities in continued. “We wish the people of St. only through His grace.” He said Kingstown is also commit- the areas of transportation, tourism Vincent and the Grenadines a happy Inde- He said that among the nation’s most ted to the goal of engaging all citizens and trade,” adding that “our citizenry is pendence Day celebration, with peace and notable successes are the accomplish- in the “conceptualization, articulation keenly attuned to this fact.” prosperity throughout the year to come. ments of young people, “who continue and implementation of this country’s In essence, Gonsalves said the inter- As Vincentians in the US Diaspora to shine and to make us proud. development agenda. national airport “symbolizes the value continue to celebrate their 38th year of “Their achievements in areas such “Our people-centered post-independ- we place on our unique culture and political independence, Ambassador to as academics, sports and culture are ence narrative encapsulates the concrete heritage and, equally, on our connec- the United Nations, I. Rhonda King, noted deserving of special mention,” said and tangible, and the metaphorical and tions to the rest of the world, and the “just a few” of the country’s “recent bless- Gonsalves, adding that they are “dem- symbolic,” he said. “It is reflected in, opportunities to participate actively and ings,” urging her compatriots to join her onstrated in the results recorded in this among many other things, the empha- on an equal footing with our regional in giving thanks in the process. year’s sitting of the regional examina- sis placed on programs aimed at the and international partners.” In addressing an Ecumenical Service of tions at the various levels.” advancement of all nationals and, also, As Vincentians celebrate and con- Thanksgiving at The Church of St. Mark’s Among these, he said, is the “historic on the execution of projects of great tinue to chart the course of their devel- Episcopal in the Crown Heights section feat” of the top performers at the Carib- value and significance, which express opment, the prime minister urged that of Brooklyn, New York, organized by the bean Advanced Proficiency Examina- our national pride and identity.” nationals “be wise in the conduct and umbrella Vincentian group in the United tions (CAPE), three of whom tied for Gonsalves pointed out that the management of our affairs, wary of any States, Council of St. Vincent and the Gren- first place and for the Prime Minister’s Argyle International Airport is one such attempt to distract and divide us, and adines Organizations, U.S.A., Inc., (COS- Award, noting that the “feat” is “worthy project, stating that the completion united in our efforts to improve condi- AGO) – King said that, while “it is often of special mention.” of which is “representative of the will tions for ourselves, our loved ones and man’s practice to focus on what is wrong, to The Vincentian leader said his admin- and tenacity of our people in the face our fellow nationals. lament what he lacks, to brood over the dis- istration remains “firmly committed to of great odds, including the prevailing “Let us, too, stand firm in our on- tance he has yet to go,” the Holy Scriptures, sourcing, creating and providing oppor- global economic conditions during the going fight against those who have however, “tell us in everything give thanks; tunities for all our citizens, including entire period of construction.” chosen crime as a way of life,” he said for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” our young people, to achieve their full He said improved air access opens without elaboration. BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 3 UpdatedUpdatedUpUpdadateted daily daddailyaiilly at atat wwww.caribbeanlifenews.comwwww.c.cararibibbebeananlilifefenenewsws.c.comom CCARIBBEANARIBBEAN ROUNDUP THETHE NEWSNEWS FROMFROM BACKBACK HOMEHOME

Caribbean The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is projecting that the growth in the tourism dependent economies in some Caribbean countries in 2017-2018 to be 2.4 percent, up from 2.1 percent last year. In a report titled “Latin America and the Caribbean” the Washington-based financial institution said the baseline projections reflect data available before the impact of Hurri- canes Harvey, Irma and Maria, which hit the Caribbean recently. It said that the data do not therefore, reflect the devastating impact of these three hurricanes on several countries in the region and the risk they pose to their growth outlook, at least in the short term. But in the report, the IMF noted that for commodity exporters, growth is pro- jected to rise in 2017-2018 to 1.3 percent, from 3.3 percent in 2016. It said that in several cases, weather swings and hurricanes are expected to take a toll on overall growth this year, Slay cancer drive including Antigua and Barbuda, Domi- nica, St. Kitts and Nevis and Haiti, which The full-scale event was entertaining and informative for guests to learn about cancer, and raise money for the Caribbean. See story is still rebuilding from the effects of Hur- on Page 38. Spiceklyn ricane Matthew in October 2016.

Antigua dependency on government’s subvention Workers Union (PWU) Brian Grimes World Bank States Forum at the head- The Antigua and Barbuda govern- as it begins reorganizing for down-sized said the next time around the strike quarters of the World Bank in Washing- ment said it wants to re-negotiate a operations. action will be much more impactful ton D.C recently. US$40 million World Bank loan which Guysoco deputy chief executive offic- based on strategic changes that will be Shaw said that his large investment is was approved for re-building Barbuda er, Paul Bhim said profitability at the end made going forward. not a loan from the bank or the IMF but which was devastated by Hurricane Irma of 2020 may not be. Grimes warned that the unions are direct investment in Jamaica from the last month. “What we are looking to do is to not prepared to accept government’s private sector and overseas investors. Prime Minister Gaston Browne said become cash positive. By 2020 we are officer of a $650 figure for the structural He noted that the government is on the terms and conditions of the loan hoping to stop our dependence on gov- adjustment period. a drive to move Jamaica forward by were not in the best interest of the ernment for these subventions we’ve Recently, the Techni- attracting large investments into the island. been asking for,” he said. cal and Allied Workers country, which is one engine to spur the He said the term is The government has provided finan- Union (TAWU) and the economy. too short for $40 mil- cial support to Guysoco to the tune PWU both announced The finance min- lion and “we have asked of Guy$32 billion over plans for the industrial action over the ister told participants them to reconsider and the last three years and failure to pay compensation for workers that the government perhaps consider up to 20 years with a is still expected to con- during the period when the island was has targeted a series of five-year moratorium.” tinue providing funds implementing an International Mon- infrastructure development projects that Browne said his government was also to the sugar company. etary Fund (IMF) sanctioned package. will drive the economy towards growth. seeking to get the World Bank to reduce However, Bhim said The workers then walked off their These include reopening of the Alpart the interest rate from the 3.5 percent to Guysoco will be relying on value-added jobs recently. alumina plant with an investment of four percent to one percent. sugar productions to achieve its cash The unions had originally sought more than US$3 billion to expand the The prime minister said the loans neutrality target. EC$2,000 as a one-off payment for the facility, divestment of the country’s main would be for funding projects for the He said at the Albion Estate will focus period 2013 / 2016, but reduced their container terminal, construction of the rehabilitation of Barbuda that was on bulk sugar, plantation white sugar, demand to EC$1,500 after they accepted North-South Highway and the redevel- declared inhabitable following the pas- co-generation, and molasses. a payment of EC$1,000 earlier this year opment of downtown Kingston. sage of the Category 5 storm last Sep- Guysuco is also hoping to supply the with an assurance from the Keith Mitch- Shaw said that Jamaica intends to tember. local market which consumes approxi- ell government of a possible increase in work with the World Bank and other He said the funds would also be mately 20,000 tons of bagged and pack- July. multinational agencies to develop the going into non-revenue earning projects aged sugar country’s human capacities and capital adding that US$100 million would be Jamaica to grow the economy. required to rebuild Barbuda. Grenada The Jamaica government will soon Public workers in Grenada have ended see an injection of more than US$20 bil- St. Lucia their two-day strike in support of their lion of new investments that will help A poll conducted by the - The cash-strapped state-owned Guy- union’s demand for the government to drive the economy and increase job based Caribbean Development Research ana Sugar Corporation (Guysoco) said to conclude negotiations for the 2013- creation. This was revealed by Finance Services (Cadres) has found that most it plans to be profitable by 2020 as it 2016. Minister Audley Shaw while addressing St. Lucians are either in support or par- is undertaking measures to reduce its Public relations officer of the Public an International Monetary Fund (IMF) Continued on Page 16

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Q Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 5 United Nations begins new, smaller mission in Haiti

By Alexandra Simon tutions, especially the Haitian tation and abuse by United Last month the United National Police,” said Sophie Nations personnel is a top Nations (UN) officially ended Boutaud de la Combe. priority for the new Mission their Haiti stabilization mission With the presence of peace- (MINUJUSTH) — we have a MINUSTAH after more than a keepers in the country, the particular duty of care towards decade, and officially launched United Nations has been able the people we serve,” she said. a new and smaller operation to assist Haiti with security, “Every allegation we receive is — the United Nations Mission and a series of natural disas- a stark reminder that we must for Justice Support in Haiti ters such as the 2010 earth- redouble our efforts made to (MINUJUSTH) that effectively quake and Hurricane Matthew eliminate this scourge.” started on Oct. 16. in 2016, according to Boutaud To further implement this Earlier this year, the UN de la Combe. And the result initiative, the United Nations Security Council announced of that is a strong relationship has instituted a three-pronged that the 13-year-old mission between the global organiza- strategy aimed at eliminating was ending, and was being tion and the country. all sexual abuse crimes and replaced with the small-scale “Even after MINUSTAH enforcing their zero tolerance force. That new quest will departs, the United Nations’ policy, added Boutaud de la keep peacekeepers in Haiti for partnership with the govern- Combe. another six months until April ment of Haiti and its people Last year, the UN’s then Sec- 15, 2018, which is expected to for the betterment of the coun- retary General Ban Ki-moon reduce soldiers over the next try as a whole will continue apologized to the Haitian peo- two years. Now that the old through the MINUJUSTH and ple for their lack of effort in and controversial mission is the 19 United Nations agencies, preventing the spread of chol- Brazilian peacekeepers patroling Port-au-Prince during terminated, and a new and funds, and programs present in era. Today, small strides have Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. The United Nations improved one taking lead, the the country,” she added. been made but their multi-mil- ended their 13-year stabilization effort, for a new mission to United Nations long-term goals But the United Nations’ pres- lion dollar budget to fight the assist Haiti’s police force. United Nations / Igor Rugwiza improved Haiti, said a UN chief ence in Haiti has been mired water-borne illness still needs communications officer. in controversy, with mounting funding to eradicate it. “Since the establishment allegations about peacekeeper “The downward trend new United Nations approach And even with mixed reac- of MINUSTAH in 2004, Haiti misconduct that include sex- achieved in late 2016 and early will continue supporting the tions from Haitians in Haiti and the Mission registered the ual abuse, bribery, and bring- 2017 is an opportunity to take national authorities aimed at and abroad about the United accomplishment of several suc- ing cholera. Under the current a big step towards the elim- reinforcing the resilience of Nations, representatives are cesses, particularly in the sta- mission, officials say address- ination in 2017, but only if the population with a collec- confident that there is an over- bilization of the security envi- ing this issue is their main funding is available and the tive support, since it is through all sense of safety many Hai- ronment, democracy, and the focus. response is intensified,” said collective effort that cholera tians have in regards to peace- strengthening of Haitian insti- “Addressing sexual exploi- Boutaud de la Combe. “The can be defeated.” keepers. DERMATOLOGY .FEJDBM $PTNFUJD4VSHJDBM Alan Kling, MD (Board-Certified Dermatologist) -FOFMMF%BOJFMT+FSPNF /1t"SUFN1JOLIBTPW 1" Acne Hair loss Eczema Cysts Spider veins Skin allergies Warts Genital warts Blemishes Moles White & dark spots Scalp conditions Nail problems Rashes Keloids STD’s Psoriasis Complexion Herpes HPV infections problems Fungal conditions

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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 7 Aid talks New app for business The Southeast Queens Chamber of of Commerce. Continued from Page 1 Commerce is launching their new app, Representatives from the US Citizen- Million $ Mindset — Connexions, at a ship and Immigration Services will be they say, is to plan properly and rebuild business expo aiming to create new mil- making a special stop at the business resilient systems as category five storms lionaires out of small business owners. luncheon to discuss ways of hiring, rather now appear to be the norm. The app can be downloaded free of charge than marrying, to obtain a green card. “We have to look at things like whether from the Apple Store and Google Play- A Google trained specialist will be it makes more sense, for example, to store. teaching business owners how to share run your power lines underground rather “It’s about presenting opportunities their stories with video, as a means to than overhead, ensure private homes are for advancement, innovation, technologi- growing their small businesses. There built to codes. Climate change mitigation cal support and sharing strategies for will be an exciting and hopefully lucrative and adaptation efforts are important. But Ambassador Colin Granderson. success, “said Rev. Simone Lord, the pres- opportunity to learn how to create, launch to rebuild better, It will cost more money ident of the Southeast Queens Chamber and market an app for one’s business. than before so that is why we are holding this conference,” Granderson said. In fact he said, Dominica among, has to 230 miles per hour. Others hit but not already offered itself to be ”the first cli- as badly were some of the southernmost Call for lifting US embargo against Cuba mate resilient country in the world” by islands in the Bahamas chain, Haiti, St. completely overhauling its infrastructure Kitts and Nevis and Anguilla. By Nelson A. King take the necessary steps to repeal or rather than rebuild using current meth- Officials say they have no plan to The United Nations General invalidate them as soon as possible,” ods. Early indications about how much ignore the fact that associate members Assembly on Wednesday adopted a the resolution adds. is needed in Dominica has already topped like the Turks and Caicos Islands and the resolution underlining the need to The resolution enjoyed favorable the $2B mark and officials in Antigua and British Virgin Islands, had also suffered end the economic, commercial and votes from 191 of the 193 UN Member Barbuda are already talking about the serious damage. financial embargo imposed by the States. The United States and Israel need to find in excess of $200M to restore Additionally, the region also has an United States against Cuba. opposed the text. life. Granderson said a full and profession- interest in most of the other storm-hit In the resolution, the Assembly Last year, these two countries, for al assessment is currently underway. The nations because of the large populations reiterated its call to all UN Member the first time in the 25-year history full impact will be known in the coming of CARICOM nationals from the bloc States to “refrain from promulgating of the annual review of the issue, days, definitely before the conference. living in places like Dutch St. Maarten, and applying laws and measures not abstained in the vote rather than Hurricanes Irma and Maria pounded French Saint Martin and the United conforming with their obligations rejecting the text. the region in September killing more than States Virgin Islands. Hundreds were under the UN Charter and interna- Noting of the steps taken by the 50 people and causing billions in damage. given free flights back home in the days tional law, which reaffirm freedom of then Obama administration towards Barbuda’s population of about 1,600 was after the storms. Hundreds of nationals, trade and navigation.” modifying some aspects of the completely evacuated to Antigua. As like mostly university students are also living The Assembly “once again urges implementation of the embargo, the Dominica, more than 90 percent of the in Cuba which itself had suffered major States that have and continue to Assembly deemed such steps “posi- buildings were destroyed by winds of up damage from the storms. apply such laws and measures to tive, [but] still limited in scope.”

8 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ /*!*  , 01 234   $   %   $    "         !      #      %4 "%#&"$"08

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Q Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 9 LETTERS OP-EDS Deferred Action for Historic resolution on women Childhood Arrivals and peacekeeping remains and globalization mostly unimplemented

By Hector E. Garcia gram. DACA makes individuals, By Ambassador Anwarul there four areas where Millions of middle class who were brought before age 16 K. Chowdhury There are no greater progress was possi- Americans, mostly in rural by adult undocumented immi- Ambassador Anwarul better ways to ble during the last 17 years: areas, are feeling cornered by grants, eligible for a work per- K. Chowdhury, former UN get country level One, in real terms, the overwhelming forces of mit and not be subject to depor- Under-Secretary-General, is commitment to National Action Plan (NAP) globalization. Their employ- tation during 2-year renewable internationally recognized implement 1325 is the engine that would ment was displaced by auto- periods. DACA requires benefi- as the initiator of the UN speed up the implementa- mation, international competi- ciaries be in school or have a Security Council resolution other than the tion of 1325. It should be tion and corporations’ transfer HS degree, a record free of seri- 1325 when he was President NAPs. also underscored that all of jobs to other nations with ous misdemeanors and felonies of the Security Council in countries are obligated as lesser production costs and or be honorably discharged March 2000 per decisions of the Secu- more flexible laws. Many of from armed forces. Approxi- UNITED NATIONS, Oct. ment in structuring peace rity Council to prepare the these Americans express a vis- mately 800,000 DACA applica- 30, 2017 (IPS) — At the 26 and in post-conflict archi- NAP whether they are in a ceral anger towards anything tions have been approved; orig- October launch of GNWP’s tecture. so-called conflict situation international and desperately inal estimate by Pew Research (Global Network of Women We need to understand or not. So far, only 68 out reach for national isolation and Center of eligible applicants Peacebuilders) manual “No that 1325 by itself envis- of 193 UN Member States solutions that would save them was 1.7 million. Money, No NAP” on dedi- ages a broad-based concep- have prepared their plans — from people who don’t look and It seems wise to consider cated budgetary allocation tual transformation of the what a dismal record after speak like them. some of the origins of the sur- to fund the implementation existing international poli- 17 years. Some leaders have convinced rounding circumstances and of the 1325 National Action cies and practices that make There are no better ways them that they are victims of potential consequences of this Plans, Executive Director women insecure and deny to get country level com- sinister foreigners who ridicule decision. of UN Women Phumzile their equality of participa- mitment to implement 1325 American good will and naive- Most of the persons who Mlambo-Ngcuka character- tion, basically as a result of other than the NAPs. I believe te in international agreements, entered the U.S. without immi- ized UNSCR 1325 as the the Security Council’s sup- very strongly that only NAPs which are unfair to the U.S. gration documents since the most unimplemented reso- port of the existing mili- can hold the governments Those leaders claim that crimi- surge that followed the 1994 lution of the UN Security tarized inter-state security accountable. There needs to nals who have crossed the bor- launching of the North Amer- Council. arrangements. be an increased and pro- der illegally are responsible not ican Free Trade Agreements Representing the UN Sec- I am referring to the active engagement of the only for loss of jobs but also for (NAFTA) are from Mexico. retary-General, his Chef de concept of security based UN secretariat leadership to rape, murder and unprecedent- Their acceptance of the risks Cabinet Maria Luiza Ribi- on current strategic power get a meaningfully bigger ed addiction to drugs among involved was an act of despera- ero Viotti said at the Secu- structures rather than on number of NAPs. Americans. tion not unlike the despera- rity Council Open Debate human security which high- Two, I would say that Fear over declining income, tion experienced by Americans on Women and Peace and lights the security of the special attention should be increase of joblessness and vio- today. Security on 27 October that people. That change itself given to building awareness lence make people suscepti- They were hit by the forces “…seventeen years since the remains very distant. and sensitivity as well as ble to lash out at anyone with of globalization even before passage of resolution 1325, Here I would mention training of the senior offi- whom they are unfamiliar. The NAFTA was signed. The Mexi- our own implementation enthusiastically a dedi- cials within the UN system federal program DACA founded can government rolled out the remains too often ad hoc. cated woman, Peace and as a whole with regard to in 2012 is perceived to benefit red carpet to foreign investors While there is a clear rec- Security Program which 1325. That will create a such “others.” excited over NAFTA’s promise ognition of the relationship was launched last week foundational culture of rec- Consequently, many believe by pulling the rug from under between gender equality, at New York’s prestigious ognizing women’s equality they should pressure President millions of poor families sur- women’s participation and Columbia University. Led by of participation as essential. Trump to eliminate the pro- Continued on Page 20 stability and resilience, too 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Three, another missing little is being done to opera- dynamic Leymah Gbowee, element is a greater, regular, tionalize this understand- this Program has identi- genuine and participatory ing.” fied all the key areas which involvement of civil society I agree with both of them need special attention, par- in implementing 1325 both in a big way particularly ticularly emphasizing the at national and global levels. bearing in mind that adop- human security dimension We should not forget that Founded 1990 • Published by Community News Group tion of 1325 opened a much- and grassroots level expe- when civil society is margin- Corporate Headquarters: One Metrotech Center North, Suite 1001, Brooklyn, NY 11201 awaited door of opportunity riences in WPS agenda. I alized, there is little chance CEO: Les Goodstein for women who have shown wish her and the Program for 1325 to get implemented PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER: Jennifer Goodstein time and again that they all success! in the real sense. ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Ralph D’Onofrio bring a qualitative improve- Apart from that I find Continued on Page 20 EDITOR EMERITUS: Kenton Kirby ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Kevin Williams REPORTER: Alexandra Simon LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome from all readers. They should be addressed care of this newspaper to the Editor, Contributing Writers: Azad Ali, Tangerine Clarke, Patrick Horne, Nelson King, Tequila Minsky, Vinette K. Pryce, Bert Wilkinson, George Alleyne, Lloyd Kam Williams Caribbean-Life Publications, 1 MetroTech Center North, Brooklyn, New York 11201, or sent via e-mail to caribbeanlife@ All letters, including those submitted via e-mail, MUST be signed and the individual’s verifiable address GENERAL INFORMATION (718) 260-2500 This newspaper is not responsible for typographical errors in ads beyond the cost of the space oc- and telephone number included. Note that the address and telephone number will NOT be published and the name will cupied by the error. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2017 by Courier-Life, Inc., publishers. Caribbean Life is protected by Federal copyright law. Each issue of Caribbean Life is registered with the Library of be published or withheld on request. No unsigned letters can be accepted for publication. The editor reserves the right Congress, Washington, D.C. The Caribbean Life, its advertisements, articles and photographs, may not be reproduced, either in whole or part, without permission in writing from the publisher except brief to edit all submissions. portions for purposes of review or commentary consistent with the law.

10 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Phone rings again for still grieving mom

Jean Griffith-Sandifford will never forget the phone calls she Inside Life received late Dec. 19, 1986. They were relentless contin- By Vinette K. Pryce uing through Dec. 20 inform- ing her of the brutal murder of Michael, her 23-year-old Black intruders. Armed with lowed her to and from hospi- son who was killed in Howard bats and other potential instru- tals, to the Kew Gardens court- Beach. ments of destruction they house etc. Michael and passengers — answered the call to action The racist tale made nation- Timothy Grimes and Cedric with pursuit to find the men. al news and became topical Sandifford were driving Grimes managed to elude on the leading talk shows of through the Queens neigh- the bat-wielding racists. the era with hour-long analyses borhood Beach when their car Sandifford, a native of Guy- on the Phil Donahue, Oprah broke down. ana was pummeled with an Winfrey, Geraldo Rivera shows In an attempt to get the iron pipe. about the state of racism in vehicle moving they walked And although Michael ran America. to find a service station. They for his life, in desperate attempt Director Spike Lee even ded- stopped at a pizzeria and there to elude the predators he raced icated his 1989 “Do The Right From left, Jean Griffi th, Assemblywoman Annette Robinson, a tragedy unfolded. into traffic along the Belt Park- Thing” movie to the memory Vinette K. Pryce, Herb Boyd, juror Nina Krauss, DA Charles Reportedly, simultaneous to way. of Michael Griffith. Hynes at 25th anniversary of Michael Griffi th’s death. that event a birthday party in Jean, Griffith’s mother was According to Griffith’s moth- Vinette K. Pryce the same community invited spared from seeing his man- er, activist Sonny Carson was teenagers for a good time. The gled body. first to visit her home. revelry was diverted when an Her eldest son Christopher He vowed to protest the kill- New York Times. More poignant was that she 18-year-old Jonathan Lester took charge opting to boldly ing and called for a “day of out- Numerous news outlets fol- also said she had long forgiven sounded an alarm to his friends identify the body of his beloved rage” to highlight the plight of lowed. the teenager who incited a mob that “niggers are on the boul- brother. Blacks in New York City. They all informed her that to cause the death of her son. evard.” From that fated December Last Monday, Oct. 23, Lester had killed himself. It is the same forgiving Court records revealed Lest- date, Jean’s phone rang inces- Michael Griffith’s mom, Jean “I hope he will rest in peace,” response she gave after the er also shouted “kill the nig- santly. said her phone rang with the she said. incident, throughout the trial gers.” Media outlets all but camped same urgency as it did 31 years The still grieving mother and during these past 31 years. More than a dozen partying outside Griffith’s home and ago. added that she would pray for A devout Christian, Jean has teens piled into cars to find the church — some reporters fol- The first call came from the Lester’s family. Continued on Page 36

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Q Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 13 Kingsborough, library partner to create college accessibility

By Alexandra Simon see as a possibility. The program launched Get into the college mind- “For a lot of non-degree last fall, offering courses on set! holders, they don’t even think select days at Sheepshead Bay, In partnership with the of college is step after high Cypress Hills, Macon, and New Brooklyn Public Library, school,” she said. “But they’ll Lots library branches, and Kingsborough Community get to meet other students will expand to include other College is offering free college and faculty from their neigh- neighborhoods of interest. courses at library branches borhood who did.” And even select community throughout the borough. With a low number of col- based organizations such as Their joint initiative “College lege degree holders in cer- Bedford-Stuyvesant Restora- Experience,” is an off-campus tain neighborhoods and tion and Brooklyn Navy Yard, educational program that the potential employers based in are also places that residents college is hoping to expand to these areas also seeking to can go for courses. And soon disadvantaged areas and raise hire local, the program is a Coney Island, Canarsie, and interest in higher education, aiming to resolve that issue, Flatbush branches will have said the program’s founder. said the vice president of the the program available at their “I decided to create some- program. schools, according to Geller. thing for the underserved and “Our logic here is to Participants will be able to inspire people to go to col- impress upon Brooklyn resi- attend all types of courses lege,” said Anna Geller. “A lot dents because there are a lot from criminal justice to culi- of people in Brooklyn don’t of businesses that would like nary arts, which will be head- Dr. Reza Fakhari. have a high school degree or to hire from the communi- ed by two to three professors were able to finish their GED. ties they serve, but the thing from the college that lead the ‘College Experience’ is a pro- is they can’t train workers classes, said Fakhari. age them beyond the library. attendees who take a library gram that consists of actually without credentials and that’s It is aimed at locals of all “We want to excite the course are invited are fol- college classes to give people where we come in,” said Dr. ages who are either interested interests of young people lowed-up with and get to visit a taste of college.” Reza Fakhari. “We will help in pursuing higher education, and those who are chang- the college to discuss possibly Geller adds that her pro- them at a low-level and help or seeking to attain some ing careers, and there will be pursuing a degree. gram is providing a chance with GED, and offer this in experience to switch gears. opportunity to learn about Potential sign-ups for the push locals towards acquiring their neighborhood and make And it will be a chance to even enrollment,” said Fakhari. program can discovered at a something many do not fore- this free.” appeal residents and encour- As part of the initiative, local library branch.


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Q Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 15 CARIBBEAN ROUNDUP

Continued from Page 4 Trinidad tial decriminalization of marijuana. The Trinidad and Tobago PNM gov- A/D3C>B= Cadres said it conducted the poll ernment is taking legal action against 3:31B7=< between Sept. 8-11 and interviewed former Housing Minister Dr. Roodlal = approximately 1,000 people across the Moonilal, under the Kamla Persad-Biss-  4 island. essar administration for alleged bid-rig- It said respondents ging and collusion to defraud the coun- 4 were asked their “views try through the awarding of contracts E339 A/:3$ on the decriminaliza- by the Estate Management and Business tion of marijuana in Development Company (EMBD). N@EK


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18 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 19 OP-EDS   Managing U.S. immigration efficiently

Continued from Page 10 U.S. taxpayers have already invested viving through small plots of land. A in these young people. The latter are  system called “ejido,” created to prevent leading productive lives and represent a concentration of land ownership after resource to address the country’s huge    the Mexican 1910 revolution, had a sim- socioeconomic challenges. ilar intent as the U.S. Homestead Acts. Xenophobic and ethnocentric nations In witty maneuver, President Salinas such as North Korea are subject to pre-     made it possible for foreigners to buy carious economic uncertainty. Main-         the land of survival farmers. Later, corn taining a nation “untainted” by people farmers were put out of business by of other colors and cultures is a formula American corn sold to Mexico at below- for economic atrophy not greatness.           cost prices allowed by U.S. govern- American exceptional achievements             ment subsidies. Both farming groups evolved from following nature’s lesson         moved by the millions into Mexican that diversity makes ecosystems flour-        !"    #  cities already suffering from unemploy- ish. Much as some try to homogenize $ % & %  "  "   ment and, eventually, to the wealthiest all that is human, it is reality that deter-     %   country in the world, risking life, free- mines the outcome.     $  %   " dom and dignity. Simple optics might convey the mes-   &  '( Governments and corporations in sage if readers view pictures of Jong-Un’s )        the U.S. and other developed nations troops. They do indeed “shock and awe”       "     launched globalization. Above cited but is ostentatious and machine-like  %          Americans and the Mexican poor were power what we want for our children    #     pawns in a vast international chess and children of those with whom we *   +,  "%  game. Such situations should not be share the suffering inflicted by uncar- surprising; readers only need recall who ing elites? +-   " %    +.     were responsible for 2008 global finan- Diversity is an unavoidable part of    "  "   /  cial crisis and who paid the costs. reality. Instead of removing immigrants   "%%   *  The relevant question now is: how on the basis of diversity, we should once )   "%  *  can we address DACA constructively? and for all manage U.S. immigration %       Should children following trusted adults efficiently. 0     into a different nation whose language Hector E. Garcia is published author    1#        they don’t understand be penalized for of Clash or Complement of Cultures?:   '(     " violating a law they ignored? Peace and Productivity in the New Glo- %  "         In terms of economic self-interest, bal Reality.     %        ) %   #%               "     2 3   4#   Sustainable peace and development    3  1  / 5  Continued from Page 10 6 7/568   0         to have an information and aware-  #    .-9 999 3    Four, what role the secretary-general ness raising strategy for 1325 — main-               should play? I believe there is a need for streamed in its work — not as an event 3        :% #   his genuinely active, dedicated engage- and anniversary oriented publicity. ment in using the moral authority of UN resident coordinators who repre-  3   0   ;9.-< ) the United Nations and the high office sent the SG and the whole UN system at %           he occupies for the effective imple- the country level and UN country teams                mentation of 1325. Would it not have should assist all national level actors  %  $    % &4 a strong, positive impact on countries in preparation and implementation of   $   0 &4 for the implementation of 1325 if their national action plans. %  %     leaders received a formal communica- In short, through implementation of    :    tion from the S-G suggesting a date for 1325, we want complete and real, prac-    #"%   submission of respective NAPs? tical, functional, operational equality          Implementation of 1325 should be between women and men to end the      #         seriously taken up in the SG’s UN sys- cycle of all forms of extremism which  " %     tem-wide coordination mechanism — continue to sabotage humanity’s quest   at the next CEB meeting. DPI needs for sustainable peace and development. 2#    %   <                     =  %              "   #     %         The source for news in your neighborhood: #  %        # %  

20 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Town Hall: Police-Community Relations in the Bronx Hosted by the Bronx Community College Criminal Justice Club

Join the Civilian Complaint Review Board for its November Public Board Meeting and discussion on policing.

When: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 6:30 pm

Where: Bronx Community College RBSC Playhouse 2155 University Ave Bronx, NY 10453

Source: Google Maps

For more information, visit Speaking at the Board Meeting is open to all. If you have questions about speaking or requests regarding accessibility, email [email protected].

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 21 Then maximize Do you have your Medicare these cards? this card!

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22 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ JAMAICA ST. VINCENT


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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 23 Barbados gets US$20M for global tourism presence

By Nelson A. King The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) says it has approved a US$20 million loan to help Barbados strengthen its global tourism pres- ence. Patrick Horne (sixth from left) holding his plaque and surrounded by dignitaries and offi cials. Photo by Nelson A. King The Washington-based finan- cial institution said on Wednesday that the loan will assist Barbados in increasing the appeal of its tourism attractions, with a focus on encour- Two patriots receive Vincentian aging more spending by visitors on its unique heritage and cultural prod- ucts, enhancing the digital visibility of Barbados in the global tourism market, and increasing the country’s Independence honors in Brooklyn international aviation connections. The IDB said tourism is the main driver for the economy of Barba- By Nelson A. King St. Vincent, Inc., for over 25 years. She dos, and that the tourism industry The Brooklyn-based Council of St. said that, under her leadership, when has repeatedly experienced cyclical Vincent and the Grenadines Organi- she was president, the group began peaks and valleys in terms of its total zations, U.S.A. Inc. (COSAGO), the collecting and sending gifts annually number of visitors and receipts. umbrella Vincentian group in the Unit- to the Nine Mornings Committee in St. In 2015, the IDB said tourism ed States, on Sunday bestowed its Vincent and the Grenadines during the contributed 12 percent of Barbados’ Independence Honors on community Christmas season. gross domestic product, about 37 worker Ancilla Friday and soccer coach She is “the driving force” behind percent of total employment, and and sports writer Patrick Horne. the organization’s annual walkathon, 60.4 percent of total exports. Friday and Horne received the honor at Marine Park in Brooklyn, to raise The IDB said the loan will finance at a gala Independence Luncheon, at funds for the Vincentian athletes com- the implementation of three compo- Grand Prospect Hall in Brooklyn, com- peting in the prestigious Penn Relays nents linked to tourism development memorating the country’s 38th anni- at the University of Pennsylvania. and governance in Barbados. versary of political independence, for As a member of COSAGO, Friday The first component will finance their “committed efforts and commu- said she represents the Vincentian the development of new tourism ven- nity services over the years,” said Lav- community at Brooklyn Borough Hall ues with an emphasis on “unique- erne McDowald-Thompson, president as a member of the Caribbean Ameri- ly Barbadian cultural and heritage of COSAGO. can Heritage Committee, which spon- assets,” the IDB said. “Thank you, and may the blessings sors the Caribbean American Heritage These include a new Visitor Cen- of the Almighty be always with you, as Ancilla Friday delivers her accep- Day celebration in June each year. tre in Bridgetown’s Old Town Hall you recognize your invaluable contri- tance speech. Photo by Nelson A. King She is also an executive member Building; the enhancement of an butions,” she said. of the Flatlands Civic Association and urban tourist route through historic The honorees also received citations member of the Friends United Block Bridgetown; and improvements to from US Congresswoman Yvette D. — Elise and Everard Horne, both were Association (FUBU) — both Brooklyn. the National Museum at the Garrison Clarke and Brooklyn Borough Presi- public servants — my mother was a In 1999, Friday received the and the Oistins Waterfront. dent Eric Adams. Horne also received nurse and my father a policeman,” he “Dynamic Woman Award” from New The IDB said the second compo- an award from Hairoun Sports Club. said. York State Assemblyman Nick Perry. nent will increase the digital visibili- Friday, vice president and former Under the direction of her father, In 2012, she received the “Women ty and market awareness of Barbados president of the Brooklyn-based group, Friday said she became a member of Celebrating Women” award as a com- as a cultural tourism destination in Club St. Vincent, Inc., said the award St. Paul’s Episcopal (Anglican) Church munity leader from former New York coordination with the private sector. was “bigger than me.” in the Village of Flatbush, Brooklyn, City Council Member, Jamaican-born The third component will fund “My grandmother taught me to do soon after migrating to New York. Dr. Una S. T. Clarke. the design and implementation of a the right thing, to be loyal to God,” She is the current president of the Friday has a bachelor’s degree in new mechanism to select operating she said. “If you’re doing something to Episcopal Church Women (ECW), an Community Health and a master’s airlines to reinforce air connectivity help someone, then your living will not executive member of the Brooklyn degree in Health Administration, and between Barbados and new markets, be in vain.” ECW Archdeaconry Board, Church has worked in the health care industry the IDB said. Horne, an occasional sports writer School teacher, member of the hos- for 30 years. “It is anticipated that this project for Caribbean Life, said that “since pitality committee, head of the Girl She said she now works with pro- will help the government of Barbados ‘giving, offering service to enhance Scouts, and founding member and grams for children and seniors, and “still by increasing the resilience of the lives,’ is always the theme of this annu- chairperson of the St. Paul’s Church, finds time to volunteer” with the Coali- country’s tourism sector, enhancing al affair, there is much to be said about Flatbush Windward Islands Commit- tion of Concerned Medical Professionals the appeal of the Barbados tourism this act of offering service to others. tee. (CCMP), as an advocate for persons with brand, and connecting Barbados with “For me, it started with my parents Friday has been a member of Club little or no health insurance. various new markets,” the IDB said.

24 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ 7305 New Utrech Ave, Brooklyn NY 11204 Phone: 718-513-9000 • Fax: 718-513-0001 • Email: [email protected] Store Hours: Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri., Sat. 9AM - 6PM; Thur 9AM - 8PM

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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 25 #$" !          $ $#!     


26 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Queens Borough prez celebrates Diwali with Hindu community

By Tangerine Clarke ful place for you to raise your of Richie Rich Restaurant, who Queens Borough President families, and to visit any religious came from Bangladish, Guyana Melinda Katz on Oct. 24 wel- temple or religious organization, and India, for their outstanding comed a large gathering of the to speak the language you want to contributions to the borough. Hindu community to celebrate speak, and dress the beautiful way Assemlymember David I. the Fourth Annual Diwali Festi- you want to dress from the coun- Weprin, who passed a bill for the val, stating she was honored that try you came from,” said Katz. creation of a postal stamp of the immigrants from different coun- She called Queens a sanctuary Diwali festival, and other politi- tries, come yearly to Borough city, adding ‘we are proud of our cians, brought greetings to the Hall to “allow us to be a small diversity, and likened Diwili to the gathering. apart of this celebration, to honor Jewish holiday that is celebrated Barbara Atherly, Guyana’s the traditions of their parents and around the same time, noting consul general to New York, in their parents’ parents.” that her children celebrate all turn, reflected on the spirit of Katz, told nationals in the the holidays in the public school Diwali, and told celebrants the Helen Marshall Cultural Center system. “It is truly a remarkable festival “must instill in us a posi- — a fitting tribute to the late honor for my children to have.” tive resolve to love life, to love our Borough president of Guyanese “You are always welcome at families, to love our communities parentage — “It is worth repeat- Borough Hall to celebrate the fes- and to love our dear homeland.” ing at this particular time, when tival of lights,” said the politician, Greetings from Consul Gen- immigrants are being verbally who represents the immigrants eral of Bangladesh, Shameem attacked on a national level - that who help to make-up the 2.4 mil- Ahsan and Consul General of people from all over the world lion residents who live in the bor- Nepal, Madhu Kumar Marasini, Elders go through their paces in a dance sequence to cel- make sacrifices and save and to ough. also spoke of the beauty and spirit ebrate Diwali. Photo by Tangerine Clarke bring their families to the Unit- She thanked Guyanese-born, of Diwali. ed States of America, especially Mohamed Hack, and the Diwali Prayers by Pandit Shymal Queens, so they can have a bet- Celebration Committee, among Chakraborty, Pandit Mahesh who rendered Bhajans — musi- ditional Indian attire, made up ter life for their families, the life others, who play a significant role Joshi and Pandit Tilakdharry cal interlude, and cultural dance the packed audience that enjoyed they never dreamed of having for in bringing the festival to the gov- Seerattan, blessed the evening of choreography by American Ban- the festivity, emceed by popu- themselves.” ernment office. colorful performances by Viren- gali Hindu Foundation and oth- lar broadcaster of QPTV and 8K “I am here to say that we would She applauded honorees Dilip dra Banker of the Bruhud NY ers. Radio Imran Ahmad and Moyouri like you to come to Queens, we Nath, Mahadeo Shivraj, a movie- Seniors, and Anuradha Khanna Ladies dressed in beautifully Bhattacharjee of the American have provided a safe and beauti- maker, and Jarnail Singh, owner of the Radha Krishna Govind, decorated Saris and men in tra- Bangali Hindu Foundation.



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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 27 Barbados finances in peril

By George Alleyne are designed, if achieved, to boost because a private citizen went The Barbados government is the international reserves over to the law courts challenging running out of hard currency, the short term and to bring, not its construction contending that and this new low of reserves necessarily back to the 12-week due process with regard to the has Central Bank Acting Gover- benchmark that we have indi- environment was not followed nor Cleviston Haynes urging the cated is most comfortable for before permission to build was administration to sell something us, but at least to change the granted. in a hurry. trajectory at which the foreign Both transactions were halted From possessing $1.457 bil- exchange is moving.” in 2016 and until government lion (Bds$1 = 50 cents US) at This comment from the act- gets past the hurdles presented, the end of 2012, this country’s ing Central Bank governor while it remains short of the badly foreign reserves have been tum- discussing his organization’s needed US$200 million to boost bling to the point at which there third quarter report released national reserves. is only $549.7 million up to Sept. Tuesday, was in reference to the “That is really our concern 30 this year, the Central Bank administration’s stalled plans to at this point, the pace at which reported Tuesday. sell the state-owned petroleum some of these transactions have Between September 2016 to import and distribution com- been moving,” said Haynes. the same month this year alone, pany, Barbados National Termi- Along with consumption of Barbados Opposition Leader Mia Mottley. the country lost $354 million. nal ltd., for US$100 million; and goods and services the reserves Photo by George Alleyne This reduces the govern- permit a consortium to build a continue to be drained by re- ment’s ability to purchase goods Hyatt Hotel, which would bring payments on international loans and services abroad to only 8.6 in another US$100 million in as they become due. Barbados dollar at half that of Mottley, reacted to this dismal weeks for this island of some fees and licences. On the other hand the tra- the United States. national financial picture and 285,700 people. The interna- The oil company’s sale suf- ditional large foreign exchange This caused the Central Bank said it speaks to Government tional yardstick for government fered a setback when one of the earner, tourism, has passed its to warn, “the Barbadian econ- incompetence and insisted that finances to cover imports, if all bidding parties filed a law suit Winter peak income-earning omy continues to face signifi- all concerned must “call a spade other sources fail, is a minimum challenging the award of the season and the money it earned cant economic challenges. In a spade”. of 12 weeks. sale to another. Some months for the year so far was only a particular, strengthening of the She said Prime Minister Fre- The dire circumstances after that the regulatory body slight increase over that of 2016. international reserves is needed undel Stuart needs to go back to caused Haynes to put some governing the actions of busi- But a dangerously low foreign to ensure that the reserve buffer the electorate. urgency in his advise when he ness entities, Fair Trading Cor- exchange account as the Barba- remains adequate in order to “Put aside false pride; acknowl- said, “there are certain trans- poration, ruled that the sale was dos government now currently protect the fixed exchange rate edge that the vehicle is spiraling actions which the government improper. holds not only puts the nation in peg”. away out of control. The prime wants to undertake, primarily The Hyatt Hotel project a perilous state, but also threat- Leader of the Opposition minister needs to do what is divestment transactions, which has not yet got off the ground ens the continued ranking of the Barbados Labour Party, Mia right by Barbados. ‘Frightful fun’ at Kings County

By Nelson A. King year, my team and I are happy NYC Health + Hospitals/ to do what we can, to help the Kings County says its pediat- children of Kings County Hos- ric patients enjoyed a “fright- pital feel valued and impor- fully fun” Halloween. tant, because they are.” The sprawling hospital in Kings County said several the epicenter of the Caribbean pediatric inpatients, ranging community in Brooklyn said in age between 18 months and on Wednesday that its Pediat- 15 years, were able to partici- ric Department staff and Mar- pate in the Halloween treat. sha Page, a New York Emmy “The youngsters were nominated, makeup artist granted some time to forget and beauty expert “made sure their illness, which itself is some of the hospital’s young- much needed medicine,” the est patients enjoyed Hallow- statement said. een.” “Hospitalizations are dif- “I am so grateful to be able ficult for everyone, especial- to bring Halloween fun and ly children,” said Lisa Rose, cheer to children who aren’t assistant director of nursing, able to get out to trick or treat Pediatrics Department. “It’s and participate in activities hard to see a child excited other children are enjoying about something they cannot E’Mirah Charles and Miley Brown, 4, receive their Halloween makeover at NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County courtesy of Marsha’s Makeovers. NYC Health + Hospitals / Kings today,” said Page, a make-up participate in. With the help County artist for NBC Universal and of our community we are able Fox News Channel, whose to make this Halloween mem- work has been seen at the orable for our patients.” Tribeca Film Festival, Mer- After having their faces statement. can dream of,” said Anastasia “For a small moment these cedes Benz Fashion Week and painted, the excited young- “I’m constantly inspired by Soare, whose company Anas- children are happy and are Parents Magazine. sters enjoyed lunch sponsored the imagination and artist- tasia Beverly Hills donated the able to forget that they are “As a mother of two daugh- by Kings County pediatric ry of children — they’re the make-up that brightened each in the hospital, and parents ters who absolutely love and staff, then went “trick or treat- next generation of creatives child’s face. feel good when they see their enjoy Halloween, I always ing” within the pediatric inpa- themselves! Makeup allows for “There’s no greater joy than child smile or laugh,” said think of the children who tient unit, and around spe- self-expression, and on Hal- brightening a child’s day and Dr. Ninad Desai, chief, NYC aren’t able to enjoy it in the cially designated areas within loween, you can transform making life feel a little more Health + Hospitals / Kings same way,” she said. “This the hospital, according to the yourself into anything you magical,” she added. County Pediatric Department.

28 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US ON NOVEMBER 16 TH

Honoring CARIBBEAN AMERICANS OF DISTINCTION Chanel Adams Rose Graham Ashley Murray Jonathan Agarrat Ingrid Griffi th Wenford Patrick Simpson Melinda Alexis-Hayes Dr. Christopher Hackett Hon. Bahaati Pitt Shinese Brathwaite Dr. Grace Hackett Ravi Ramkeesoon Amarimba Charles Andel Husbands Guilaine Regis Narine Dat Sookram Justice Ingrid Joseph Winette Saunders Carole Delinois Shani Kulture Cyril “Scorcher” Thomas Soraya Denis Lalita Etwaroo Wayne S. McKenzie Angela Sealy Daniela Fifi Linda McPherson Leticia Theodore-Greene Sharon Gordon Danny & Shelly Mohabir Margarette Tropnas Pdqno`]u(Jkrai^an-2(.,-3 Paradise Catering Hall 51 Ave. U (corner West 11th St.), Brooklyn, NY 11223 6>iÌÊ*>ÀŽˆ˜}ÊUÊf™äÊ* ,Ê- /ÊUÊ " /-ÊÉÊ 1 /Ê/ÊÈ* To order your seats, please visit If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Stern 718-260-8302 or email at [email protected] A portion of proceeds will be donated to Caribbean hurricane relief.

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 29 ADVERTISEMENT Celebrate Your Love in Paradise

718-372-4352 aradise just keeps getting better and The lavish party room, which can be made in- better. And choosing the venue for your timate enough for parties of 100, or grand enough special occasions gets easier and easier, to host a spectacular of up to 400, is marked by a P thanks to the Paradise Catering Hall central chandelier that will take your breath away. (51 Avenue U, at the corner of West 11th Street; It is the focal point for a magnificent space done 718-372-4352). up in sophisticated pinks and reds, with mirrored Celebrating your special moments here means accents that lend a touch of infinity to the already having the total attention and expertise of the staff expansive area. focused exclusively on your affair. The re-done, picture perfect bridal room is But more than this, now is a wondrous time to discover or re-discover this exceptional catering large, romantic and very feminine, accommodating hall. After a stunning re-modeling of their the grand up to 15 in easy comfort, with wall-to-wall mirrors. ballroom, management recently spared no expense Ideal photographic locales are assured in this when they completely re-did the facility’s grand lob- world of environments, which also includes an in- by as well as the luxuriously appointed bridal suite, timate private garden area, a uniquely designed now done up with marble and granite accents for a water fountain, as well as a host of fine, white look of timeless elegance. wrought-iron work. They match the walls of marble and granite in Can even Paradise become better? Of course it the ballroom — which itself sports one of the larg- can. And they proved that when they totally reno- est chandeliers in all of Brooklyn — giving you just vated the large lobby area, adding a regal touch to a brief inkling into what they have in store for you this space, as well. and your guests. Come and see the grandeur for Whether it be the wedding, engagement party yourself. or any other affair, plan it at Paradise and the bot- But this is only one reason to choose Paradise. Here, they accept only a single function at any one tom line will put a very big smile on your face. time. There’s no splitting of the resources between Our service is top flight, with the uniformed staff two or three or even more affairs. When you book a longtime part of the Paradise family. These are Paradise, you get the skills and expertise of every full-time professionals who know their business; person there, on scene and behind the scenes to not weekend teens learning the trade. assure that your event runs flawlessly. And when it comes to the food, the chefs are This sort of ultimate personalized attention starts world class. Whatever you can find in the cook- the very minute you discover Paradise. At this facil- books, they can serve at the table. They offer an ity, you don’t deal with some salesman. You deal added expertise in all manner of ethnic cooking. directly with one of the owners, Hercules, or his son, Add to that everything is cooked from scratch right Mike. And why is this so essential? on the premises to assure the highest in quality Quite simply, they have a vested interest in mak- control. ing you happy, not just in making a sale. They know Don’t you want to celebrate those once-in-a- their business depends on word-of-mouth recom- lifetime days in Paradise? mendations and on the special days yet to come in your life and the lives of your family. Thus, they The catering office is open Tuesday through will do everything in their power to be certain that Sunday, 1 – 9 p.m. Note that the facilities are also the affair you have imagined is transformed into re- available during the weekdays for all types of social ality under the skilled hands of themselves and their meetings and functions. Capture the memories with beautiful settings like this. staff. That’s the secret of their longevity and of their For the further convenience of your guests, success. Paradise also can provide free valet parking.

30 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Community center celebrates new office with art

By Alexandra Simon Welcoming the community with art. The Diaspora Community Services celebrated the opening of their new Crown Heights location with an art exhibit on Oct. 26. The exhibit titled “Lakay,” which is Haitian Creole for: the home, uses the work from four art- ists to make the center feel much like a second home for its visitors, said the CEO of the center. “We wanted to a create a nice space for when our clients come in,” said Car- ine Jocelyn. “We do a lot of youth development and wanted the space to be comfortable, somewhere where they can learn to appreciate art, and for our staff too.” The center, founded in 1981 as a Hai- tian-centric community service, now serves the multiple Diaspora communi- ties and provides them with health and mental services. Providing community-oriented serv- ices can be a demanding task for people who work in the field, but some positive and relatable artwork can help ease those work-related stressors, she added. “It’s not easy work, working with people in crisis. But for us it is making sure that we have a space for them to be reflected,” she added. “The artists Curator Regina Bultrón Bengoa with photographer Kalada Halliday in front of his work at the Diaspora Community selected gave us a reflection of that — a Services offi ce, celebrating the new exhibit on Oct. 26. Photo by Jordan Rathkopf reflection of community, young people, and family.” The artists participating in the exhibit are experiencing, said co-curator Suhaly ta-Carolina. “We did a call for artists that people will be able to relate to. are Walesca Ambroise, Kalada Halliday, Bautista-Carolina. from those neighborhoods and the areas “The conference room is vibrant and Jazmine Hayes, and Kimmikaa. They “We started thinking about what Diaspora Community Services serves, central, that room is very color colorful, were selected by an open call from cura- Diaspora Community Services do and and we chose artists who live and work in and in the waiting room, we wanted to tors working with Art Connects New York who it serves, and we wanted to ensure, those areas to ensure that the art filling use imagery people would recognize, so (ACNY), in which they sought out artists especially in this time where in New York the space is coming from people who live there are pictures of people in the neigh- who understood the Crown Heights com- and Brooklyn specifically is being gentri- in that very neighborhood.” borhood, a dad and a mom, elders sitting munity and the current and ongoing fied, it was hard to not choose artists who She said that every room of the cent- and just everyday Brooklyn life,” said rapid changes happening that people were not Brooklyn-based,” said Bautis- er’s office offers a different aspect of life Bautista-Carolina.

Artist Walesca Ambroise poses with some of her artwork.

Participating artist Jazmin Hayes in front of her work displaying cornrows and (right) artist Kimikaa is one of the four artists whose work is part of the permanent exhibit. Photos by Jordan Rathkopf

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 31 Dominica; Oct. 2 devastation after Hurricane Maria.; UNDP / Ian King Ending poverty in next 13 years means boosting resilience now

By Jessica Faieta also boost resilience — in all its forms. UNITED NATIONS, Oct 17, 2017 (IPS) This means the capacity to cope with RE-ELECT - This month the world marks two key shocks without major economic, social International Days: for the Eradication and environmental setbacks. of Poverty on Oct. 17 and for Disaster A disaster of natural causes, a finan- Reduction, four days earlier. It is no cial crisis, an economic slowdown or Laurie coincidence that they are profoundly a health problem in the family can all connected. cause people to fall into poverty — Reducing risks related to disasters especially those who barely managed has never been so urgent — and the to leave it behind, as one of our recent Latin America and the Caribbean region UNDP report shows; unless a ‘cushion’ bears witness to this. Seven hurricanes is in place to help absorb the impact, CUMBO have hit the Caribbean in the past five such as social protection systems or months, two of them as category 5, physical assets. FOR CITY COUNCIL causing catastrophic damage, including In this particular moment, it is cru- in island nations that were barely recov- cial to take special notice of what the ering from another massive hurricane Caribbean is experiencing. Two back-to- that struck one year ago. back hurricanes, Irma and Maria, were Also, two earthquakes rocked Mexico the most powerful ever recorded over in September — with almost 5.000 the Atlantic. They forced — for the first FORT GREENE • CLINTON HILL aftershocks — while another powerful time ever — the island of Barbuda to PROSPECT HEIGHTS • CROWN HEIGHTS quake struck Ecuador in April 2016. In evacuate its entire population. addition, both Colombia and Peru suf- These colossal phenomena battered BEDFORD-STUYVESANT fered major landslides in the past eight several Caribbean countries with deadly months. waves and maximum sustained winds The number of children, women and of nearly 300 km/h for up to three full men killed is deeply saddening, espe- days. They decimated Barbuda, Domi- cially in an era in which we have the nica and Saint Maarten, also impacting knowledge to minimize loss of lives due some of the region´s disaster-prepar- to natural events. Yet, we keep experi- edness champions, like Cuba and the VOTE NOV. 7 encing tragedies. Dominican Republic. The fact is that natural disasters do What we have just witnessed is a game not exist. Such phenomena become changer. And it will likely be the new disasters when people, communities norm. That’s why we need urgent action. and societies are vulnerable to them. It’s a fact. Climate change — and This, in turn, translates into losses — of all natural hazards — hit Small Island lives and assets. And the poorest are the Developing States (SIDS) hard, even hardest hit. though these countries haven’t histori- On the one hand, poverty reduces cally contributed to the problem. Hav- people’s capacity to face and recover ing lived and worked in four Caribbean from disasters; on the other hand, dis- countries I have witnessed firsthand how asters also hinder people’s ability to such nations are extremely vulnerable to Paid for by Laurie Cumbo 2017 leave poverty behind. multiple challenges ranging from debt That’s why if the world is to end pov- and unemployment to climate change erty in all its forms by 2030 we must and sea level rise.

32 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ ADVERTORIAL TOP DRIVER DISTRACTIONS Using mobile phones phone conversations. The haps they’re checking out chewing gum at the same a rest area and spend 10 Leading the list of the use of a hands-free device a house in a new neighbor- time may want to avoid minutes snacking there top distractions behind the does not lower distraction hood or thought they saw eating while driving. The before resuming the wheel are mobile phones. levels. The percentage of someone they knew on the majority of foods require a trip. Phones now do more than vehicle crashes and near- street corner. It can be easy person’s hands to be taken just place calls, and driv- crashes attributed to di- to veer into the direction off of the wheel and their Reading ers often cannot pull away aling is nearly identical your eyes are focused, caus- eyes to be diverted from the Glancing at an adver- from their phones, even to the number associated ing an accident. In addition road. Reaching in the back tisement, updating a Fa- when driving. According to with talking or listening. to trying to stay focused on seat to share some French cebook status or reading the California Department the road, some drivers pre- fries with the kids is also a book are all activities of Motor Vehicles, studies Daydreaming fer the help of lane depar- distracting. that should be avoided have shown that driving Many people will admit ture warning systems. Try to eat meals before when driving. Even pour- performance is lowered to daydreaming behind getting in the car. For ing over a traffic map or and the level of distraction the wheel or looking at a Eating those who must snack consulting the digital is higher for drivers who person or object outside of Those who haven’t quite while en route, take a display of a GPS system are heavily engaged in cell the car for too long. Per- mastered walking and moment to pull over at can be distracting.

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 33 Whether you’re buying or selling a car, If You Can’t Make It To Us,



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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 35 BUSINESS, BROOKLYN STYLE – ADVERTISEMENT Howard Beach horror

Continued from Page 11 Aug. 14 but did not detail dren, Lester reportedly the circumstances that tried to reform himself never admonished Lest- resulted in his demise. and reportedly stated — er or any of his many Jayne’s social media “I found the whole thing accomplices. postings also empha- sickening. I have never She has always main- sized a contention that been a racist, no matter tained that painful as her her brother was wrongly what people say or think.” loss would “leave it in convicted and that he was “In jail in America, I God’s hands.” never a racist but used as met many Black people Despite the fact more a pawn by politicians. who I am proud to call my than 12 formed the mob, a Jean said Lester had friends.” majority plead guilty, tes- sent her a card and letters In England he dated tified against their friends while he was in jail. dark-skinned women and and for that were able to She said he reached commented “If my girl- accept lesser charges of out numerous times and friend can live with what assault instead of murder even wrote “an ode to I did, why can’t everyone while Scott Kern, Michael Jean” an expressive trib- else?” Pirone, Jason Ladone and ute which could have also Lester said he had read the ringleader Lester applied to his mother also that Michael had two sis- were charged with man- named Jean. ters — Odette and Bren- Have a party to slaughter. Throughout the trial da. Pirone who was in 1988, he showed no Brenda, Jean and accused, confessed he was remorse and during sen- Cedric’s only child was present at the scene but tencing was chastised by just five years old when did not follow through Judge Thomas Demakos her father was brutally remember at Sirico’s with Lester’s command. for showing “no guilt” attacked. He pleaded that he “no fear” nor shame. “I have two sisters” was injured and “couldn’t “I was very young when — Julia and Jayne, he 9P:8D@CC<JG

By Alexandra Simon I agreed because it is a skill if you have no bones in the It’s a crash course on car- that is dying,” said Antoine. body. The wire is the bone of nival design. Over the years, many the costume,” he said. A new workshop is going to bands have resorted to just The workshop is intending teach classes on construct- buying the looks and putting to teach long-term skills and ing carnival costumes this them together, but that also when students are done, they weekend. The Carnival Cos- reduced the number of origi- can expect to be experts at tume Construction and Mas- nal creators who miss out on basic costume design, where ter Wire Bending workshop learning other key elements students learn how to make starting on Nov. 4, is hop- of costume design, added curves and shapes with wir- ing to show those interest- Antoine. ing before attaching the fab- ed on how carnival’s biggest “The reason it is dying ric. attraction is created. The is because anybody can cut “All of these skills are nec- West Indian American Day a piece of fabric and stick essary to design and con- Carnival Association (WIAD- braids and beads on it and struct the costume, so if you CA) tapped veteran master call it a costume — but what can’t learn this basic stuff, of mas, Kenneth Antoine of about the headpiece, what you can’t put together a cos- Antoine International, to about the backpack, and the tume,” said Antoine. head the classes that will foot piece?,” he said. The six-week course will help teach a skill. With more Costume designing teach students the ins and than 30 years in the busi- requires a skill that includes outs of creating costumes and ness, he is an expert at his the understanding of wires prepare them to use cheaper craft and wants to revive an and how they fit into con- alternatives in the design of art form on the decline, he structing a main factor in lavish costumes. said. the elaborate gear that are “Whatever students learn “I regularly teach wire seen down Eastern Parkway or show in class, they will be bending classes and they on Labor Day. able to go home and produce Learn how to make elaborate carnival costumes at the West know the work I do and what “If you’re thinking about some things and present the Indian American Day Carnival Associations costume con- I’m capable of, so when they adding f lowers to create birds, designs at the next class,” struction and wire bending workshop starting Nov. 4 to asked me to host this class, you can’t expect to walk in it he said. Dec. 16. Associated Press / The Canadian Press, Victor Biro

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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 37 Guyanese Girls Rock Foundation launched with fanfare By Tangerine Clarke their support of Guyanese Girls Guyanese Girls Rock Move- Rock, the foundation. ment (GGRM) stepped into the “Remember, when you have spotlight with the launch of a vision, write it down. When Guyanese Girls Rock Foun- Cloyette started her blog for dation during a lavish recep- year ago, she knew she want- tion at Zen Hibachi Lounge ed to launch a foundation, so in Queens. The four-year-old today it is here.” organization proved that it was “On behalf of the New York a force bigger than the stormy City State Senate, and the peo- weather on Oct. 29, attracting ple, we applaud you for the many patrons who showed sup- hard work you have done, and port for the non-profit focused we will work with you as you on igniting passion in Guy- continue this journey,” said anese girls to become the next Sen. Persaud. generation of global leaders. “When we think of a leader, we The red carpet event attend- Senator Roxanne Persaud think of someone who is com- ed by New York State Senator (left) of the 19th Senate Dis- mitted, someone who has drive Roxanne Persaud and Guyana trict of Brooklyn, presents and someone whose resolve is Founder and President of Consul General to New York, to move things towards a singu- Young author Ayana Willabus recites her inspiring poem Guyanese Girls Rock Foun- Barbara Atherly raised much lar unified purpose — like the “She Believes In Me” at the launch of Guyanese Girls Rock dation, Cloyette Harris- needed funds via its Silent Auc- Guyanese Girls Rock Founda- Foundation. Photos by Tangerine Clarke tion and raffle, to provide lead- Stoute with a citation from tion — breaking conventions ership capabilities in young the New York State Senate. and developing new products women to empower and help and service,” declared Consul a Guyanese woman be applied liance and achievement of Guy- the youth, to reach their full showing people how progres- General Barbara Atherly. positively and let us all commit anese girls and women across potential through enrichment sive we are and how committed The diplomat applauded to our girls who have the right the globe, during her welcome programs, scholarships and we are.” GGRF for its efforts to raise to let their voices heard; to be note. exposure to exceptional female The Senator of the 19th awareness, and educate “our empowered and to take up lead- Young author, Anaya Lee Wal- role models. Senate District in Brooklyn, in young women in confidence ership roles in our community,” labies, cemented the foundation’s Sen. Roxanne Persaud, acknowledging Harris-Stoute, building, leadership skills, added CG Atherly. vision in her poem “She Believes lauded Founder and President an entrepreneur and someone proper etiquette and college Vice President of GGRF, In Me” that said “Women of Harris-Stoute for her vision who continue to inspire women readiness,” noting that women Rhonda Binda, Esq., reiterated courage, you are not a hero but and commitment to launch through her organization, empowerment will ensure equal the importance of the founda- a She-Ro, nothing can stop you the Guyanese Girls Girl Rock offered congratulations and rights. tion’s trust, which is to inspire, but yourself, as I watch your foundation, adding, “we are called on attendees to continue “Let the resilient character of motivate and celebrate the bril- compassion for others.” SVG committed to overcoming threats to social, economic survival By Nelson A. King Basin and as Small Island Devel- ther afield, free of charge, while a process in which the govern- As St. Vincent and the Gren- oping States, are especially vul- paying them a monthly stipend ment is fully engaged to enhance adines celebrates its 38th year nerable and susceptible to the of $1,000.00 during their three- trade and the tourism product,” of political independence, its impact of climate change. year course of study. Gilchrist said. “To complement Ambassador to the United States, “It is a risk to life and limb In addition, she said there this, we have the development Lou-Anne Gilchrist, said the and to livelihoods,” she added. is training for first responders, of our infrastructure, as well as Ralph Gonsalves’ administration “It places us all at risk for loss with special focus on the Argyle incentives for investing in the in Kingstown was committed of property, it is a threat to our International airport, adding service sector.” to “overcoming and neutralizing personal and national security, that the oncology unit is near- She said significant strides the threats to our social and eco- to our prosperity and to our ing completion and the Health are being made in agriculture nomic survival.” economic survival. Alas, we are and Wellness Commission will to advance trade, support liveli- In addressing a gala luncheon vulnerable and are victims of soon be launched. hoods and to increase food secu- Sunday, Oct. at Grand Prospect extremely adverse climatic con- St. Vincent and the Grena- With regard to enhancing rity. dines Ambassador to the Hall in Brooklyn, organized by ditions, to the cause of which United States Lou-Ann Gil- the delivery of patient care, the Gilchrist said the Diaspora the Brooklyn-based Vincentian our region contributes very lit- christ. envoy said the patient’s charter plays a “very important role” umbrella group in the United tle. Photo by Nelson A. King will be released shortly. in the development of St. Vin- States, Council of St. Vincent “For this, and for our eco- She noted that there is also cent and the Grenadines, quot- and the Grenadines Organiza- nomic and social survival, our a modern medical complex and ing from the 2016 Independence tions, U.S.A., Inc. (COSAGO), nation assiduously adheres to smart hospital, with another to Speech by Prime Minister Gon- Gilchrist said the government the principles and pathways laid childhood education services in be established in Chateaubelair salves. is, however, “ever mindful of the out in the 2030 [United Nations] 10 government operated cent- in the northwestern quadrant of “‘Our nation’s progress, myriad challenges which con- Sustainable Development Goals,” ers in previously underserved the country. enhanced prosperity, peace and front us and which, in this 21st she continued. “Worthy of note communities and the strength- Through bilateral partner- sociopolitical stability have been Century, require solutions which is the work being done to build ening of the skills sector, with ships, the envoy said medical achieved largely through our can often be costly, depend on our resilience to storms, such as the award of regional vocation- professionals have been deployed own efforts at home, in concert the formation of elusive strate- the construction of river defens- al qualifications which enable in the country to provide exper- with the considerable assistance gic alliances and which require es, the strengthening and lifting our nationals to be certified, tise in “some critical areas, as of our Diaspora, friendly nations trust, commitment, harmony of the Education Revolution, the so enhancing their economic the thrust of the government is abroad, and supportive institu- and creativity. provision of paid internships and mobility and independence.” to provide affordable, available tions and peoples regionally and “One major challenge is posed job placements to graduates of In the health sector, Gilchrist, comprehensive health care.” globally, and through the abid- by the impact of global warming the SVGCC [St. Vincent and the a former chief education officer With regard to boosting the ing grace and beneficence of a and the attendant scourge of Grenadines Community College] before dispatched to Washing- economy, she said the inaugura- loving God. This combination of climate change,” said Gilchrist, and institutions of higher educa- ton, D.C. as a diplomat, said the tion of the Argyle International a many-sided human effort and who is also Ambassador to the tion, the improvements in equity government continues to train Airport in February is “certainly divine inspiration ensures our Organization of American States and equality of access to educa- nurses for employment at home a boon.” continued upliftment today and (OAS). “We, in the Caribbean tion by the provision of free early and possibly for employment far- “Its further development is beyond,’” she said. 38 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Former beauty queen raises cancer awareness By Alexandra Simon It’s a slay day for cancer. A breast-cancer survivor host- ed a fun and informative cancer awareness event in Bedford Stuy- vesant on Oct. 29. Former Miss Grenada/USA Deniece Mitchell, organized her “Slay Cancer Sip, Shop, and Fete” event to help inform her community about the invasive disease, and also raise funds for victims of hurricanes Irma and Maria. Crownholders: Mitchell, who “It’s very important for the was the former Miss Grena- young black community because da / USA in 2001 with cur- there’s a face for breast cancer, rent title holder Ebonie Da- and that face is an older white vis. Spiceklyn woman but that’s not the truth,” said Mitchell. To counter this misconcep- the recent hurricanes on the tion, she organized an educa- Caribbean and said she wanted tional and entertaining day-long to use the event as an opportu- event featuring testimony from nity to bring attention to the dire other breast-cancer survivors, needs of the people affected. all-natural and vegan beauty “Recognizing that October is products, healthy food offerings, Breast Cancer Awareness Month prizes, and her slay cancer cloth- and the fact that Caribbean islands ing. have been tremendously impacted She said making the event fun by hurricanes, I wanted to focus was one of the highlights. on my two passions — Breast “I wanted to create an atmos- Cancer Awareness and the Carib- phere that was entertaining but bean aesthetic,” said Mitchell. “It still informative, so people could is especially important to promote pass on the information to their proactive health care especially in Fighting cancer: From left, soca artist Nasilele, organizer Deniece Mitchell, and Dominique friends,” she said. the young African American and Andriese, sporting slay cancer gear at the Slay Cancer Sip, Shop, and Fete at Space 71 in Mitchell noted the impact of Caribbean community.” Bedford-Stuyvesant on Oct. 29. 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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 39 LIMOUSINE SERVICES MARBELLA RESTAURANT MILA LIMOUSINE CORPORATION (718) 232-8973, 220-33 Northern Boulevard ROMANTIQUE/DOUBLE DIAMOND Bayside, NY 11361, (718) 423-0100 LIMOUSINES PARADISE CATERING HALL 1421-86 Street, Brooklyn, NY, (718) 351-7273 2041-Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island 51 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11223 (718) 351-7273, (718) 372-4352 SOPHISTICATED LIMOUSINES THE PEARL ROOM Serving the Tri state area & NJ, (866) 455-5466 8518 - 3rd Avenue PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Brooklyn, NY 11209 FANTASY PHOTOGRAPHY (718) 833-6666 3031 Quentin Rd., Brooklyn NY, (718) 998-0949 E3227<5 SCHNITZEL HAUS NY PHOTO VIDEO GROUP 7319 5th Avenue, Bay Ridge, NY 11029 1040 Hempstead Turnpike (718) 836-5600, Franklin Square, NY 11010, (516) 352-3188 27@31B=@G ROCCO’S TACOS BRIDAL FASHION 339 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 KLEINFELD BRIDAL SAMPLE STUDIO [email protected] (718) 246-8226, ONE FINE DAY PHOTOGRAPHERS 123 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011 SIRICO’S CATERERS 459 Pacifi c Street, Massapequa Park (2nd fl oor across from Kleinfeld Bridal) 8015-23 13th Avenue, Brooklyn (516) 690–1320 (917) 388-2341 (718) 331-2900, www.onefi SOTTO 13 th SALONS TUXEDOS 5140 West 13 Street, New York, NY PILO ARTS SALON TUXEDO WORLD OF STATEN ISLAND (212) 647-1001, 8412 3 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 2791 Richmond Avenue, #6, TERRACE ON THE PARK (718) 748–7411, Staten Island, NY 10314, (718) 698-4859 52-11 111 Street, Flushing, NY 11368 (718) 592-5000 SERVICES COSMETIC & LASER CENTER OF BAY RIDGE CATERING & VENUES THE VANDERBILT AT SOUTH BEACH ATLAS STEAKHOUSE 9921 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 300 Father Capodanno Boulevard (718) 833-2793 or (718) 833-7616 943 Coney Island Avenue Staten Island, NY th off 18 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (718) 447-0800 ELITE WEIGHT LOSS (646) 494-7227, BAY RIDGE MANOR 1316 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11229 (917) 444-3043 476 76th Street, Brooklyn FAVORS & INVITATIONS THE BRONX DESIGN GROUP (718) 748-8855 JOSEPH LICHTER, D.D.S. 2914 Westchester Avenue CELEBRATE AT SNUG HARBOR Bronx, NY 10461 1420 Avenue P in Brooklyn (718) 339-7878 (718) 442-2700 (718) 409-9874, Ext. 106 [email protected] OMNI DENTAL CARE [email protected] UNFORGETTABLE EVENTS 313 Kings Highway in Brooklyn EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS 2049 Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn, (718) 376-8656 133-22 Springfi eld Blvd., (718) 528-3344 (718) 377-4535 158-18 Cross Bay Blvd., (718) 848-3344 FLORISTS FLORAL FANTASY THE VEIN CENTER OF THE VASCULAR 1357 Fulton Street, (718) 622-3344 INSTITUTE OF NY 1557 Ralph Avenue, (718) 451-3344 3031 Quentin Road in Brooklyn, Dr. Natalie Marks (718) 998-7060 or 960 - 50 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219 StoreLocator.aspx (800) 566–8380 (718) 438-0067 GLEN TERRACE www.fl 5313 Avenue N, Brooklyn, (718) 252-4614 FLOWERS BY MASSENET GRAND OAKS COUNTRY CLUB Jamaica, Queens, NY WEDDING CAKES 200 Huguenot Avenue, Staten Island (347) 724-7044 WHIPPED PASTRY BOUTIQUE-WEDDING CAKES (718) 356–2771, (718) 526-3725 (718) 858-8088 GRAND PROSPECT HALL HENRY’S FLORIST 8103 Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn 263 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn WEDDING EXPOS (718) 788-0777, (800) 543-6797 or BRIDAL AFFAIR HUNTERS STEAK HOUSE (718) 238–3838 (718) 317–9701, www.bridalaff 9404 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 www.henrysfl (718) 238-8899, MARINE FLORIST AND DECORATORS WEDDING INSURANCE IL FORNETTO 1995 Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn TRI-STATE INSURANCE BROKERAGE 2902 Emmons Avenue in Brooklyn (800) 447-6730 or 610 Crescent Ave., Bronx 10458 (718) 332-8494 (718) 338-3600 277 Tarrytown Rd., White Plains 10602 www.marinefl (718) 618-7666, TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS DIRECTORY CALL (718) 260–8302

40 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ ATTORNEY SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ACCIDENT VICTIMS !54/!##)$%.43s42)03!.$&!,,3s#/.3425#4)/.).*52)%3 &2%%#/.35,4!4)/.s.O&EE5NLESS3UCCESSFUL Our Lawyers Will Come To You! Home, Office or Hospital Visits Available At No Charge WILLS & REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY !UTO!CCIDENTSs4RUCK!CCIDENTS "US 4RAIN 3UBWAY!CCIDENTS No-Fault Cases 7%(!6%/"4!).%$ 3PINE.ECK)NJURIES -),,)/.3/&$/,,!23 3LIP&ALLs0EDESTRIAN /."%(!,&/&/52#,)%.43 $EFECTIVE0RODUCTSs,EAD0OISONING 3CHOOLS0LAYGROUNDSs$OG"ITES


BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 41 Beautiful Mae rules, schemes her way in Harlem

“Unforgivable Love” by Sophf- But she wasn’t the only ronia Scott woman Val had his sights c.2017, Wm. Morrow set on. Elizabeth Townsend, $15.99 / $19.99 Canada a friend of Val’s Aunt Rose, 516 pages seemed to be the challenge he craved; Elizabeth was beauti- By Terri Schlichenmeyer ful, pious and straight-laced, You know how to use a ham- and was passing time at Rose’s mer. house while awaiting the It’s not that hard: just return of her lawyer-husband. grab the end and swing. Easy Val knew she was wedded, enough; in fact, there are prob- but could she be bedded? He ably lots of tools you know how thought so. to use, although, as in the new But could Elizabeth be dis- novel “Unforgivable Love” by tracted while Val seduced Ceci- Sophfronia Scott, do you know “Unforgivable Love” author ly — or, at least, while he how to use people? Sophfronia Scott. Rob Berkley waited for Mae’s latest young Absolutely nobody ever said lover to seduce Cecily for him? “no” to Mae Malveaux. It would all hinge on secrets Young, beautiful, wealthy, that he planned to marry her kept, but the outcome would and widowed, Mae ruled Har- cousin’s virginal daughter, be a win-win for both Mae and lem society with a silky ham- Cecily. Mae seethed, until she Val. mer, surrounding herself with noticed that Valiant Jackson And that was fine with carefully-chosen sycophants had walked into the club, too. Mae. She loved those kinds of and moneyed men who hoped Of all the men she’d ever schemes. Mae might fall in love with had, Mae considered Val her Destroying people was one them. equal. He wasn’t as smart, but of her better talents… Mae wanted love, that’s he was every bit as devious as Obviously, the very first true. But she wanted it her she, and he loved a good game. thing you’re going to notice way — which is why she was On the spot, Mae cooked up about “Unforgivable Love” angry when she saw her former a scheme and promised Val when you see it is its 500-plus- lover, Frank Washington, in a that he could have what he’d page heft. It’s a big book and nightclub she considered her always wanted, in exchange for yes, it’s wordy sometimes, but domain. How dare he? She was revenge on Frank. What Val don’t let that scare you off. even angrier when she learned wanted was Mae. This is a great story. Book cover of “Unforgivable Love” by Sophfronia Scott. >@=AB/B313OW\TcZc`W\ObW]\-3`SQbWZSRgaTc\QbW]\- ESacQQSaaTcZZgRWOU\]aSb`SOb( >@=AB/B31/<13@ @SQSWdS3TTSQbWdSB`SOb[S\b 3fO[W\S/ZbS`\ObWdSa 3<:/@532>@=AB/B3 ’3f^S`WS\QSRB]^1ZOaa @SRcQS0ObV`]][B`W^aW\ eSSY C`]Z]UWaba=\Q]Z]UWab /ZZSdWObS=bVS`Ag[^b][a ’AO[S2Og7\]T¿QS 2WOU\]abWQ@ORW]Z]Ug 7;>=B3<13 ’:OPBSabaeWbV @SUOW\4W`[3`SQbWZS4c\QbW]\ 7[[SRWObS@SacZba 3f^Z]`S7\\]dObWdS=^bW]\a /[S`WQO¸aB]^C`]Z]UWabaAW\QS '’=^S\%2Oga/ESSY’/ZZ;OX]`7\ac`O\QSa/QQS^bSR SM PATIENTS’ 0@==9:G<( $! 3 "bVAb`SSb

42 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Multi-generational households are common once again. Caring for grandchildren n the not-so-distant past, it was live in three-generation households. can elicit many feelings in grandpar- initial behavioral problems. quite common for various genera- Nearly 1.5 million live in split-gen- ents, from nervousness to excitement Take care of yourself. Grand- I tions of a single family to live un- eration households or ones in which about a fresh face around the house. children, particularly young ones, der one roof and for many different grandparents are raising their Raising grandkids can be overwhelm- can have a lot of energy and may re- members of the family to play a role grandchildren. The proportion of all ing for elderly men and women, but quire constant attention. Caring for in raising the children. grandchildren living in three-gen- the following are a few tips that can such lively youngsters can be taxing But that dynamic slowly changed eration households, 3.6 percent, has make the process easier: on grandparents, who must make as families spread out geographically. been steady in recent years. Explore your feelings. When their own health and nutrition a pri- However, when the economy faltered Resea rch suggests t hat split- gener- you acknowledge your feelings, ority. Give yourself some time for and parents of young children real- ation households are usually formed you are on the right path to making recreation and rest. Have grandchil- ized they needed help, many returned when parents are no longer able to things work and recognizing possi- dren help out where they can. Don’t to the old way of doing things. Grand- take care of their children because of ble obstacles. feel you have to spend every moment parents stepped up to look after their physical or mental illness, substance Expect mixed feelings from entertaining them. grandkids, and adults moved back abuse, or economic problems. Three- others. Grandchildren and your Ask for help when needed. home with their aging parents. Some generation households, on the other own children also may be apprehen- Reach out to friends or community seniors needed to move in with their hand, are generally formed because sive about this new living situation. members if you are feeling over- children to make ends meet. of problems parents encounter living Encourage everyone to share their whelmed. There are a number of re- A study of data from the Rand Cor- independently, such as through sepa- thoughts and come to a consensus on sources available to you, and many poration found that, of the 4 million ration or divorce or due to unemploy- how things will be done. Expect it to organizations, including AARP, have children living with their grandpar- ment or economic need. take some time to establish a sched- their own tips for assisting three-gen- ents in the United States, 2.5 million Caring for their grandchildren ule, and don’t be discouraged by any eration households.

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 43 ELDERCARE TODAY When you become the parent of your parent edical advancements have enabled people bound to change? to live longer. Though everyone wants to • Can this care be handled by someone who Mlive longer, some people outlive their ability comes into the house, such as a visiting nurse? to care for themselves. In such instances, family • Will my parent feel comfortable with an outside members must make a decision regarding how best person helping with day-to-day care? to care for an elderly relative. • What are my parent’s limitations? According to “Aging in Place in America,” a • Am I capable of handling this on my own? commissioned study by Clarity and the EAR Foun- • Can I afford an adequate care facility? dation, 63 percent of Baby Boomers are actively in- • What are my local facility options? volved in providing some kind of help or assistance • Will this type of care affect my own personal to their elderly parents. Whether this is due to the well-being? rising cost of eldercare or simply a feeling of obli- • Can I handle this emotionally and physically? gation on the part of the child, many middle-aged Any person facing the prospect of caring for an men and women are responsible for caring for ag- aging parent can realize that there is help avail- ing parents and young children. able, as well as many different people who can help The emotions that might result from caring for guide a decision. The fi rst resource is to ask sib- an aging parent are often mixed. Some people are lings, aunts, uncles, and cousins to weigh in on the happy to do their part to help make life a little eas- situation to help the family come to a consensus. ier for a person who devoted so much of his or her There are also social workers who specialize energy to raising them. Others in the sandwich Many men and women are taking on the responsibility of in this sort of thing, as well as fi nancial consul- generation can feel like this is a burden or guilty caring for aging parents. iStock tants who can spell out the pros and cons of differ- that they’re not doing enough for a parent. ent types of care and help determine the most af- to receive care. fordable option. This can also go a long way toward Signs an elder needs help helping determine the course of action. When an older relative stops driving, this is of- Questions to ask The burden of caring for a parent can take a phys- ten indicative that he or she needs assistance with Taking on the care of an aging parent may seem ical and mental toll on a person. Knowing there is daily living. There also may be signs that support like the best idea possible, but particularly for a se- a support circle available can ease one’s mind and and care is needed, such as if the house seems un- nior who is very afraid of losing his or her indepen- enable caregivers to make rational decisions that tidy, if he or she is having trouble maintaining per- dence, it may not always be in either party’s best in- are in everyone’s best interest. sonal hygiene, if the parent is getting hurt attempt- terest. Before anyone determines what will be done Caring for a loved one who can no longer care for ing to do things around the house, or if he or she to help a relative, it’s best to answer a few questions him-or-herself is something that many Baby Boom- seems malnourished due to the inability to cook as straightforwardly as possible: ers are facing on a daily basis. Although it may be a meals. Limited mobility or loss of mental faculties • What type of care does my parent need? touchy subject, it is worth exploring what you will also may be indicative that it is time for a loved one • How soon into the future is that type of care do before the situation becomes urgent. Natural Solutions To Treating Explaining Alzheimer’s to Children and Teens s families gather for the holi- days, children and young adults A may meet relatives and friends Care with Alzheimer’s or a related form of dementia. The changes in personal- Chronicle ity may be frightening and confusing. Lou-Ellen Barkan Taking time, in advance, to talk with the younger members of your fam- & Preventing ily will make the holidays easier and make that person feel or act. Since some- more joyful for everyone. Encourage one with these diseases might look phys- children and young adults to ask ques- ically “okay,” some behaviors might be

Joint Disease Arthritis tions and to talk about their feelings. surprising or upsetting. Give kids simple, Nearly 50 million Americans (one in six people) suffer from some form Here are some tips for talking with common examples so they know what to of Arthritis. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are the best known younger family members. expect such as forgetting names or ask- of over 100 chronic diseases of the joints, bones and muscles. Always be open and honest, offering ing the same questions many times. If you clear explanations and plenty of reassur- anticipate more diffi cult or challenging The pain and limited mobility caused by Arthritis and related joint ance. Having open conversations can help behaviors, let the child know that it’s the diseases can destroy a person’s way of life and dramatically reduce kids express how they are feeling. Tailor disease (not the person) acting that way. their job performance. what you say to the age of the child and ex- Explain that showing kindness and pa- Discover what the former president of the Arthritis Foundation says plain that Alzheimer’s is a disease that af- tience are the best responses. is the true cause of Arthritis (and it is not simply a matter of aging). fects the brain and causes people to have Keep interactions as normal as possi- trouble with memory, thinking, and be- ble. If they are old enough, include younger Why do some people never get Arthritis? What is the secret to flexible, havior. Be sure they know that you can’t family members in daily routines or sim- pain-free joints? Don’t think everyone has joint pain or Arthritis as they “catch” Alzheimer’s or give the disease ple activities. Spending time together will get older; the vast majority do not. to others. Young people sometimes feel help children feel less afraid of personal- You do not need to suffer. Schedule this talk today! responsible for situations outside of their ity and behavior changes. Depending on a control, so remind them that no one is at child’s age and the relative’s ability, these Let Dr. Adamo work with you to help alleviate your pain. fault when a person has a disease. And be activities could include going for a walk Most insurance accepted | Sliding scale fees for the uninsured sure to let them know that these diseases together, playing games, sorting objects, DR. VINCENT ADAMO | LIVE HOLISTIC don’t affect children. listening to music, or making a scrap- Discuss what happens to someone book. Let kids know that spending time "!92)$'%0!2+7!9s"2//+,9. .9ss777,)6%(/,)34)#.%4 with these diseases and how it might together is meaningful and that they can

44 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ ELDERCARE TODAY


Your elderly mother just told you she fell in the bathroom Aging men and women may fi nd that technology helps them simplify their everyday lives. How seniors can simplify last night at 4 A.M. everyday tasks Now what? he ability to perform everyday require any drilling to install. Spe- tasks is something many people cialty grab bars, tub grips, and tub take for granted. But as men and transfer benches are just a few addi- T Your parents want to live in their own home. women approach or exceed retirement tional products that can make bath- age, many may start to struggle with ing easier for seniors who have lost or You can’t be with them 24/7. That’s why the chores and tasks they have performed are starting to lose some of their phys- Visiting Nurse Service of New York offers more for decades. ical strength. Physical limitations are a common senior home care services than any other home side effect of aging. But such limi- Get ‘smart’ on the road healthcare organization in New York. With care tations do not have to prove too big Seniors who are experiencing mild a hurdle for seniors to clear. In fact, diffi culty driving can make getting options to help both generations feel better there are many ways for seniors to about town that much easier by plug- – including nursing, personal care and simplify everyday tasks while main- ging their smartphones into their ve- companionship – the Visiting Nurse Service of taining their independence: hicles or making use of the various apps that have become standard in New York is the right care now. Embrace technology modern vehicles. Even the proudest Luddites cannot For example, the maps app on a deny technology’s potential to make smartphone can be connected to a CALL NOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT seniors’ lives easier. Seemingly sim- car and direct seniors to their desti- PROFESSIONAL, PERSONALIZED CARE TO MEET ple tasks like shopping for groceries nations, saving them the trouble of and vacuuming a home can be dif- remembering all the ins and outs of YOUR LOVED ONE’S INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. fi cult for seniors with dwindling or how to get a particular destination. limited mobility. Seniors also can employ apps to help But seniors with Internet access in them fi nd their vehicles should they 1-855-VNSNY-NOW • VNSNY.ORG their homes can order their grocer- forget exactly where they parked in ies online and then pick them up in- crowded parking lots. Such apps can store or have them delivered, saving increase seniors’ comfort levels on them the trouble of walking around the road while helping them maintain the store. With regard to vacuuming, their independence. autonomous vacuum cleaners have removed the need to use traditional Downsize vacuum cleaners. Certain autono- Whether downsizing to a smaller mous vacuums employ sensors to de- home or simply downsizing a lifestyle, tect dirty spots on the fl oor, and these seniors may fi nd that living smaller is vacuums can even be programmed to akin to living simpler. Empty nesters clean the home while residents are may fi nd they no longer need several out of the house. bedrooms in their homes, and moving into smaller homes can reduce their Upgrade bathrooms daily workloads while also clearing Tasks associated with personal hy- out clutter that can make performing giene also tend to be taken for granted everyday chores more diffi cult. until they become diffi cult. But a few Men and women accustomed to simple bathroom alterations can help hustle and bustle may also fi nd that seniors safely navigate the bathrooms cutting back on professional and-or in their homes so they can maintain personal commitments gives them their personal hygiene without fear of more energy for everyday activities Services are usually covered by Medicare, Medicaid injury. while enriching the commitments and most insurers. VNSNY also offers private care. Grab bars can be installed on they continue to maintain. shower walls so seniors can safely get Aging men and women can employ © 2017 VNSNY in and out of their showers and bath- various strategies to simplify their tubs. Such bars are both effective and lives and maintain their indepen- inexpensive, and some do not even dence well into their golden years.

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 45 Kiss Your ELDERCARE TODAY Dentures Goodbye ...and say hello to the comfort and convenience

of dental implants Caregivers and their loved ones should consider both health and budget needs when com- that paring Medicare plans. Ronnie Kaufman/Larry Hirshowitz look and function just like your natural teeth! Medicare 101 Senior Special for caregivers VENEER IMPLANT ccording to the Caregiver Ac- care supplement plan, which covers SPECIAL tion Network, more than 65 mil- some or all of the costs not covered Alion Americans care for loved by Parts A and B. $1,250 Cosmetic Porcelain ones with chronic illnesses, disabil- Next, compare your care recipi- ities, and frailty. Among their many ent’s options. (abutment and crown $750 responsibilities, caregivers are of- “When caregivers are compar- additional $1,250) Per Veneer ten tasked with helping their loved ing Medicare plans, it’s important Call us today for the extreme makeove you have always wanted one understand Medicare and make for them to consider both their loved 718-339-7878 coverage decisions. By following a one’s health and budget needs,” said Call today OFFICIAL few tips, caregivers can feel more Rhonda Randall, D.O., chief medical to schedule your private DENTIST confident about their ability to help officer for UnitedHealthcare Retiree consultation with an expe- OF their loved one navigate Medicare. Solutions. “Look at the total cost of rienced dentist in the latest NEW YORK First, start with the basics. There a plan, including premiums, deduct- dental implant technology. RIVETERS are two ways to access Medicare. ibles, copayments and coinsurance, Original Medicare includes Part as well as the plan’s network, if it A (hospital insurance) and Part B has one, to make sure you’re com- (medical insurance) and is offered fortable with the doctors and hospi- sCosmetic dentistry / sDigital, low-radiation x-rays through the federal government. As tals that are included.” extreme makeovers sSoft tissue laser for an alternative, some people choose If additional benefits such as den- sPain-free treatment recontouring gum tissue Medicare Advantage (Part C), which tal and vision care or a gym mem- sImplants sZoom! in-offi ce whitening includes all the coverage of Origi- bership are important, Randall nal Medicare plus additional bene- suggests considering a Medicare Ad- Needle-free drilling for safe, immediate results s fits, often for no additional monthly vantage plan; benefits like these are sLaser diagnosis sDiagnodent, a noninvasive premium. These plans are offered not typically covered by Original sVelscope, for early diode laser that can detect through private insurance compa- Medicare. detection of oral cancer decay while it’s still small nies approved by the government. Lastly, don’t go it alone. If you care Digital intraoral photography sTMJ & endodontic therapy Prescription drug coverage is for an older adult now or anticipate s available with Medicare Part D, taking on a caregiver role, there are which is typically included in Medi- caregiver tools and resources avail- Call Today to Schedule a Convenient Appointment care Advantage plans but can also be able to help you and your loved one. purchased separately for those with To learn more and get the support Original Medicare. It is also offered you need today, visit www.WhatIs- 718.339.7878 through private insurance compa- Solutions or call nies approved by the government. (877) 765–4473. Services are avail-       Some beneficiaries who have able in all 50 states and can be tai- Original Medicare enroll in a Medi- lored to meet specific needs. JOSEPH LICHTER, D.D.S. 1420 AVENUE1t4&$0/%'-003t#300,-:/ /: Go to for the latest (#&58&&/&"455)"/%5)) Take B or Q Train to Kings Highway B68, B82 & B7 in Caribbean news, entertainment, sports, .PO8FEBNoQNt5VFTBNoQN business, viewpoints and more. 5IVSTBNoQNt'SJBNoQN


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BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 47 ELDERCARE TODAY Older motorists must reassess driving abilities or many older drivers, driving be a wake-up call and the loved one is more than getting from point should intervene. FA to point B. Getting behind the Schedule a vision and hear- wheel allows older drivers to remain ing exam. Driving abilities can be af- independent, as well as mobile. But fected by poor vision and hearing, both as a person ages, his risk of injury on common side effects of getting older. the road increases, according to the Getting a senior a new eyeglass pre- Centers for Disease Control and Pre- scription or a better hearing aid may vention. Older adults and their fam- make all the difference in his driving ily members need to make plans for ability. handing dwindling skills behind the Review prescriptions and over- wheel and the point in time when it is the-counter medications. Many se- no longer safe for a loved one to con- niors take a bevy of different medica- tinue driving. tions, and the side effects to these drugs In rural and suburban commu- could impact their driving abilities. If nities, driving is a necessity for medications cause drowsiness or dizzi- independent living. With limited ness, speak with your loved one’s physi- Driving is a sensitive subject for older drivers who see being able to get behind the wheel as resources available for older individ- cian about a possible alternative treat- uals to get around, seniors may hold an opportunity to maintain their independence. iStock / Donna Coleman ment that might make driving safer. onto the notion of driving longer than Be honest. If an older driver is no is safe and practical. it often begins with an honest conver- include identifying a new car with longer safe behind the wheel of his auto- The National Highway Traffi c sation: upgraded safety features, such as mobile, it is important to involve other Safety Administration says that in Let a loved one know you are on brighter headlights, a back-up cam- family members and make a joint deci- 2009 alone, 5,288 people age 65 and his side. Make sure the fi rst topic of era, and a better safety record. Enroll sion to remove driving privileges. Have older were killed, and 187,000 were conversation is that it is not your in- together in a driving safety course to other solutions available, such as senior injured in traffi c accidents. Older tention to take away the keys of the brush up on driving skills. busing or courtesy vans, so your loved people are involved in around 15 per- car. Indicate that you want to work Go for a “test drive.” Family one doesn’t feel he will be confi ned to cent of all traffi c accidents in a typi- together to help keep this person be- members can ride along with an older the house. cal year. hind the wheel as long as possible. Be- driver to get a better sense of his abil- Driving is a sensitive subject for Getting older doesn’t mean it’s ing open and honest about intentions ity behind the wheel. older drivers who see being able to get time for you or a loved one to turn in may eliminate arguments or animos- If drivers have too many close behind the wheel as an opportunity to your license just yet. There are ways ity. calls, frequently get lost in familiar maintain their independence. But in- people can come together to make the Figure out safe ways to keep places, exhibit slower response times, dividuals need to be honest with them- driving experience go smoothly, and your loved one driving. This may or are easily distracted, this should selves to remain safe on the road. EYE SPECIALISTS Reich Center for Eye Care Raymond Reich MD., Isaac Reich, MD.

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Investor Joe Bogdanovich is orga- nizing a big benefi t concert for the people of the Caribbean. Omar Lewis Star-studded relief concert

By Alexandra Simon It’s a uniting moment for the Carib- bean. A forthcoming benefit concert fea- turing some of the biggest names in , dancehall, and soca is slated for Nov. 22 in Kingston, Jamaica. The Caribbean Love Now Jamathon is hop- ing to raise money and awareness for ‘PLAISANCE’ countries in the Caribbean hardest hit by last month’s Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The concert will be an opportu-

Continued on Page 50 Fashion show to benefit BVI

By Tangerine Clarke Guyanese born reggae musician (born Edmond Montague Grant) performs on the stage of the Brooklyn-based Guyanese designer, Stravinski hall during the 42nd Montreux Jazz Festival in Montreux, Switzerland, late Wednesday, July 16, Roger Gary, and New York Fashion 2008. Associated Press / KEYSTONE / Jean-Christophe Bott Week renowned couturiers, Tracy Reese, Zang Toi, Yumi Katsura, Cesar Galiano British Guyana-born performer traces roots will give the British Virgin Islands a big boost, when the designers glam up By Tangerine Clarke The 14-track release, after 11 years ed States, became gold, is no doubt the runway in a titled “Raising Aware- Eddy Grant is a world-renowned of touring the world, includes “Mind thrilled to be in his country of birth, ness and Resources Through Runway singer, producer, songwriter, and the Gap,” “Now We’re All Together,” after images surfaced on social media Retail — a British Virgin Islands Hurri- founder of , a recording “I’m The One” and “True to You” — showing “Plaisance” singer with locals cane Relief fundraiser — at 226 W 37th studio in Barbados where mega Carib- an up-beat lyrical composition that in Georgetown restaurants. Street, 4th Fl., Manhattan. bean performers including the Mighty tells the story of the singer’s upbring- The dreadlocked musician left Guy- Terry Donovan, founder of Summer Sparrow, , David Rud- ing in Guyana. The video for “True to ana to live with his parents in the Unit- Sizzle BVI — a fashion week and life- der and Lord Kitchener recorded hit You” showcases various historic sites ed Kingdom at age 12, later becoming style destination event, and native of records. including the monumental Kaieteur a trailblazer who co-founded “The the BVI, told Caribbean Life, that BVI Just recently, the mega superstar Falls. Equals,” one of the UK’s first mul- Friends and Family will join #BVIRUN- returned to his homeland of Guyana, Grant, who released 13 compilation tiracial pop groups back in the 60’s WATOREALITY, on Thursday, Nov. 9, at to release his new , “Plaisance” and 19 singles, with “Killer on that recorded “Baby Come Back.” He 7:30 pm, to present the multi-designer named for the village on the East Coast the Rampage” reaching number 10 on later became a solo act with breakout pop-up food bazaar, and silent auction. of Demerara where he was born. the Billboard 200 chart in the Unit- Continued on Page 50 Continued on Page 50

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 49 Fashion show benefit Continued from Page 49 since evolved into a fashion- Cocktails will be served from 6 filled four-day event, which pm to 9 pm. showcases the best that the Some of the items to be auc- islands have to offer. To this TOPOP 10 tioned are designer accessories end, the fashion expert will handbags, shoes, jewelry, as use his passion for fashion to SINGLESNGLES well as hotel, dining and spa rebuild his homeland through packages, Art by model Henry this endeavor. Watkins, and experiential pack- Proceeds will benefit resi- Feel It Still ages for onsite and online auc- dents of the British Virgin 1 Portugal. The Man tion where patrons can bid on Islands devastated by the cata- Attention these items. strophic hurricanes Irma and 2 Charlie Puth Donovan, a high-profile fash- Maria and the BVI Family and ion insider, who has booked Friends NY organization www. 1-800-273-8255 superstars Taraji P. Hanson, 3 Logic Feat. Alessia Cara... Nigel Barker, and Eva Marcille, A donation of $40 will be as emcees for Summer Siz- accepted, by going to https:// Sorry Not Sorry zle in the past, said, as part 4 Demi Lovato of the ticket purchase, guests mer-sizzle-bvi-fashion-for- There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back will be treated to complimen- hurricane-relief-cocktail- 5 Shawn Mendes tary treats in the International party-fashion-show-tick- Pop Up Food Bazaar, featur- ets-38593761981. What About Us 6 ing unique cuisines from res- Donovan would like to thank P!nk taurants, and a complimentary sponsors: Yumi Katsura Show- Thunder drink, (cash bar for all other room, Peonies to Point, Chips 7 Imagine Dragons drinks and treats). Event Design, Lashnoir, Bridal- New York Fashion Week gal, and Alyssa McKenzie Cos- Strip That Down inspired Donovan who cre- metics. 8 Liam Payne Feat. Quavo ated Summer Sizzle BVI in For more information, email: 2009 aimed at promoting the [email protected] or Slow Hands islands. As such, his vision has call 917-449-8736. Designs by Tracy Reece. 9 Niall Horan

What Lovers Do 10 Maroon 5 Feat. SZA Concert Eddie’s new album Continued from Page 49 world. It’s magnificent.” TOPOP 1100 Continued from Page 49 “Guyana is really everything, nity for artists to show solidar- hits “,” I can put Guyana against any ALBUMSBUMS ity, but most importantly bring “Walking On Sunshine” and country in the world — Guy- the dwindling attention back “Paintings of the Soul.” ana means a lot to me because to the region for much needed With mega hits like Elec- it has given me a lot. It’s given Flicker aid, said the concert organizer. tric Avenue, Living on the me my mother, my father, my 1 Niall Horan “In the face of global warm- Front Line and Romancing the family, and a lot of my values. ing, what happened in Barbu- Stone, the iconic 69-year-old And where Guyana has gone Losing Sleep 2 da and particularly Dominica, singer, who owns a sprawling wrong, I also have the right to Chris Young is indeed something to think property on Island in say that. Just like if I go wrong Jamaican singer Etana. Super Slimey about and the consequences,” the majestic Essequibo region, somebody has the right to say, VP Records 3 Future & said Joe Bogdanovich, a Jamai- said he has always returned to Eddy you’re wrong,” stated the ca-based investor. Guyana through his music. musician. When Was The Last Time “I feel fortunate to be in In an interview with Visit Grant said he always gets 4 Darius Rucker Jamaica where the storm a decade. Tourism will come Guyana Magazine, Grant said a great reception when he didn’t hit us, but at the same back, but they don’t have a after he had written “Gimme walks the streets of Guyana. A Long Way From Your Heart time we have to lookout for big superpower to help them,” Me Hope Jo’anna” lyrics to “Where else in the world can 5 The Turnpike Troubadours our brothers and sisters and said Bogdanovich. “People’s describe apartheid divided you see your superstar, your Beautiful Trauma vice versa — you have to do lives have been turned upside South Africa — he was asked artist on the road?,” asked the 6 P!nk something.” down, especially in Dominica why he didn’t write “Gimme Me multi-instrumentalist. Grant In turn, Bogdanovich decid- and Anguilla. They need us Hope Guyana” and he replied, said he goes to Shant’s Res- Thinking Out Loud ed to reach out to various now — they have no water, “because I know somewhere in taurant to pick up Potato Ball, 7 Young Dolph companies and corporations electricity is scattered, and my heart, Guyana is not a lost Roti Curry, and visits the fruit to mobilize the country to housing, schools, and hospi- cause.” vendors in Bourda Market, The Sin And The Sentence get behind a benefit concert, tals are gone and disease will The master musician, who Stabroek Market and Parika 8 Trivium aimed at raising money and be next, so we need to get produced under his famous Market. Warmer In The Winter goods for hurricane. Some busy.” Carriage House Studios in Describing himself, as hav- 9 Lindsey Stirling of them include Hardware The Jamathon is one of London, Ice Records, and Blue ing the energy of a 19-year- & Lumber, H&L Rapid True those ways to give back. It will Waves, said the time had come old, Grant noted that he has Tell Me You Love Me 10 Value, Usain Bolt’s Tracks & be shown on television chan- to write an entire album spe- been working on his autobi- Demi Lovato Records, RJR Communica- nels across the Caribbean, and cifically about Guyana, adding ography for some time now, tions Group, Jamaica Tourism is going to be streamed online that it took him a while to and added it would be in three Board, and many more. to millions. With Caribbean gather the songs that would parts. He then quipped that Presented by After seeing destruction in music being one of the biggest live together on “Pleasance.” it wouldn’t be sex, drugs and Dominica first-hand, he says cultural exports in the region, He promised to record one rock and roll, because there the island is facing a lot of organizing the concert is one about the Essequibo as well is very little sex and no drugs. wireless challenges that will make example for notable names “because I have seen certain “It will be a manual for living rebuilding a huge struggle. to display and draw support, things about that place that I according to a Guyanese boy “Their recovery might take added Bogdanovich. think makes it special in the from Plaisance,” he added.

50 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ Wounded warriors readjust to civilian life Bennett) starts pressuring him to get help because he not only “Thank You for Your Serv- dropped their newborn baby ice” inexplicably, but he’s constantly Excellent (3.5 stars) looking for IEDs whenever they Rated R for sexuality, drug drive down the street, as if he’s use, graphic violence, brief still in Iraq. Trouble is, there’s a nudity and pervasive pro- nine-month waiting list to see fanity a shrink at the VA hospital, and In English and Samoan he’s being discouraged from with subtitles seeking treatment by a callous Running time: 108 min- colonel (Jake Weber) suggest- utes ing that all he needs to do is Distributor: Universal Pic- toughen up a little. tures Then, there’s Solo (Beulah Koale), a Samoan with amne- sia whose fed up wife (Keisha Castle-Hughes) is thinking of By Kam Williams leaving him, despite being preg- In the spring of 2007, the nant. Another buddy, Will (Joe Washington Post’s David Fin- Cole), was dumped by his fian- kel accompanied a combat cee (Erin Darke) before he even “Thank You for Your Servic” stars Miles Teller as Adam Schumann, a former sergeant os- team of American infantry- arrived home. And so forth. tensibly suffering from PTSD. men deployed to Baghdad at The plot soon thickens, with the start of the controversial things getting worse before they surge ordered by President ice,” an update about the same impressive directorial debut of with surviving members of the get better. But at least this loyal Bush. After being embedded troops’ struggle to readjust to Jason Hall, who’s previously tight-knit unit once under his band of brothers can count on for a year, the Pulitzer Prize- civilian life upon returning to best known for writing and command. Unfortunately, all each other, if not the VA or their winning reporter chronicled the States. Now, that opus has appearing in American Sniper of them have been left dam- loved ones for support. A heart- the intrepid GIs’ heroic efforts been adapted to the big screen (2014). The picture stars Miles aged, mentally and/or physi- breaking tale that’s difficult to to bring stability to the region as a psychological drama tel- Teller as Adam Schumann, a cally. Consequently, all of their swallow since its based purely in a riveting best seller entitled escoping tightly on the mental former sergeant ostensibly suf- relationships are in crisis, and on the hard, cold truth. “The Good Soldiers.” state of a few members of the fering from PTSD. none has managed to hold A sobering account of our In 2013, Finkel published battalion. As the film unfolds, we learn down a steady job. wounded warriors’ tragic mis- “Thank You for Your Serv- The movie marks the that he has remained close Adam’s worried wife (Haley fortunes.

Independent & Foreign Films 4HE"ESTOF#ARIBBEAN,IFE 1945 (Unrated) Post- World War II drama, set in Hungary, about Kam’s Kapsules a Jewish father (Ivan Angelus) and son (Mar- By Kam Williams cell Nagy) treated with suspicion upon return- ing to their hometown after sur- standup comedy as a teenager before viving the Holocaust. Support cast getting a big break at 20 when includes Peter Rudulf, Bence Tasna- he was recruited to join Saturday di and Agi Szirtes. (In Hungarian Night Live’s ensemble cast. Featur- ISJUST and Russian with subtitles) ing commentary by Lewis Black, Blade of the Immortal (R for Whoopi Goldberg and Jim Gaffigan. ACLICKAWAY graphic violence and relentless Lady Bird (R for profanity, sexual- carnage) High body count, samu- ity, partying and brief graphic nudi- rai saga about a chivalrous war- ty) Coming of age drama chronicling rior (Takuya Kimura) who helps an a year in the life of a headstrong orphan (Hana Sugisaki) avenge the teenager (Saoirse Ronan) rebelling murder of her parents by a ruth- against her equally strong-willed less warlord’s (Sota Fukushi) goons. mother (Laurie Metcalf) who’s strug- With Hayato Ichihara, Erika Toda gling to keep the family afloat after and Kazuki Kitamura. (In Japanese her husband (Tracy Letts) loses his with subtitles) job. Featuring Lucas Hedges, Odeya The First to Do It (Unrated) Rush and Kathryn Newton. Hoops documentary chronicling the Last Flag Flying (R for perva- Go to life and times of Earl Lloyd (1928- sive profanity and sexual references) for the latest in Caribbean news, entertainment, 2915), who grew up in the segre- Richard Linklater directed this bit- sports, business, viewpoints and more gated South, made history in 1950 tersweet drama about a grieving when he became the first African- Vietnam vet (Steve Carell) accompa- Updated Every Weekday! American to play in the NBA, and nied by a couple of his marine bud- lived long enough to see the country dies (Laurence Fishburne and Bryan elect its first black president. Cranston) to the funeral of his son Gilbert (Unrated) Poignant ret- killed in Iraq. With Cicely Tyson, J. rospective of the career of Gilbert Quinton Johnson and Deanna Reed- North America’s Largest Caribbean Newspaper Gottfried, who started out doing Foster.

BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 51 6]eQO\ !$$ \Sea^O^S` `SORS`a W\0`]]YZg\ VSZ^g]c` PcaW\Saa-

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ICC Chief Executive David Richard- BIG GAME son. Associated Press / Saurabh Das Nine-nation Test match By Azad Ali WIN The International Cricket Council (ICC) has unveiled a nine-nation Test championship recently in a bid to pre- serve the five-day format’s status fol- lowing the rapid growth of Twenty20. The Test league was among sev- eral reforms agreed at an International Cricket Council board meeting in New Zealand, Auckland, including revamp- ing the One-Day International (ODI) schedule. ICC Chief Executive David Richard- son said in a statement, “our priority Continued on Page 54 Windies Women’s clean sweep

By Azad Ali West Indies Women made a clean sweep of the three-match Twenty20 series against Sri Lanka at the Coolidge Cricket Ground in Antigua last week. Right-hander Deandra Dottin smashed 112 runs off 67 deliveries, Brooklyn Nets center Jarrett Allen, left, guards against Denver Nuggets center Mason Plumlee (24) during including nine fours and five sixes to the fi rst half of an NBA basketball game, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017, in New York. Associated Press / Kathy Willens become the first player to score two T20 Internationals hundreds in her career, Murray, Jokic lead Nuggets to 124-111 win over Nets following her maiden one several years ago during the Twenty20 World Cup in the Caribbean. By Michael Scotto Nets 124-111 on Sunday. out and imposed his will on the game The Barbadian century was also her NEW YORK (AP) — After getting a “Before the game this morning and was fantastic for us.” second of the year, coming on the heels pep talk from his coach, Jamal Mur- (Murray) said, ‘Coach right now I’m a Wilson Chandler added 18 points of her unbeaten l04 against Pakistan ray came through with a big game broken arrow,’” Nuggets coach Mike for the Nuggets, who have won two in the Women’s 50-overs World Cup for the Denver Nuggets. Malone said. “I said, ‘No, you’re not. straight games. last July. Murray scored 26 points, Nikola You’re going to be fine. Just stay with Spencer Dinwiddie tied a career- She was voted Player-of-the Match. Jokic had 21 points and 14 rebounds, it. I believe in you and you have to high with 22 points, Rondae Hollis- Dottin got support from Haley Mat- and the Nuggets beat the Brooklyn believe in yourself.’ Tonight, he came Continued on Page 54 Continued on Page 54 BQ Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 53 New Test Continued from Page 53 was to develop (a) structure that gave context and meaning across interna- tional cricket and particularly in the Test arena.” The Test league will start in 2019 and will see nine teams play six series over two years — three home and three away. It will culminate in a final between the two top teams at Lord’s, England. The ICC has argued for years that a Test championship is needed to boost the format’s popularity as crowds and TV viewers flock to the fast-pace, big-hitting Twenty20 version of the game. It first appointed a committee to examine the concept back in 1998. But the squabbling over formats and fears that some nations will be disad- vantaged, have twice stymied efforts to launch a league structure since 2010, the statement said. The statement noted that purists view Test cricket as the pinnacle of the sport but it has struggled, par- ticularly in Asia, as lucrative T20 competitions such as the Indian Pre- mier League have caught the public’s imagination. Clean sweep

Denver Nuggets guard Gary Harris (14) tries to strip the ball from Brooklyn Nets guard D’Angelo Russell (1) as Rus- sell dribbles during the fi rst half of an NBA basketball game, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017, in New York. Nuggets center Mason Plumlee (24) and Nets center Jarrett Allen (31) watch, right. Associated Press / Kathy Willens DENVER NUGGETS DEFEATS NETS West Indies’ Deandra Dottin throws the bat in delight as they Continued from Page 53 season. this season. “The biggest challenge win against Australia in the fi nal of “It’s just the defensive end, really,” for us is going to be when you have the ICC Women’s World Twenty20 Jefferson had 18 points and Joe Harris Harris said. “You can’t give up 40 a 21-year-old backup point guard and 2016 cricket tournament at Eden tied his season-high with 16 points for points in one quarter. Obviously they a 20-year-old starting point guard, Gardens in Kolkata, India, Sunday, the Nets. got comfortable, came off with a little there are going to be inconsistencies. April 3, 2016. The Nuggets went on a 22-4 run to more energy than we did and that was Can we try to help them and speed up Associated Press / Saurabh Das, File begin the third quarter as Brooklyn the game right there.” their maturation as players? Because missed 10 of its first 11 shots. Chan- Hollis-Jefferson led Brooklyn with we have big plans, we want to be a dler carried Denver in the third with 16 points at the half as the Nets took playoff team and when you have two Continued from Page 53 14 points as the Nuggets took a 100- a 63-60 lead into the locker room. young guards who are going through thews who struck 34 from 40 balls at 84 lead into the fourth quarter and Brooklyn’s 63 points matched a sea- growing pains at times, it doesn’t the top order as the Windies Women never looked back. son-high for points in the first half make it always easy.” Juancho Hern- made 159 off their 20 overs. “I thought that third quarter was previously done in the season opener angomez (mononucleosis) was out. In reply, Sri Lanka could only man- phenomenal,” Malone said. “That was against Indiana. Emmanuel Mudiay Nets: Coach Kenny Atkinson said age 128 for five off their 20 overs by far our best quarter of basketball led Denver with 15 points at the half. DeMarre Carroll (right ankle sore- despite half centuries from wicketkeep- on both ends of the floor. We out- Brooklyn’s 36 first quarter points ness) and Quincy Acy (left groin er Rebecca Vandort (50) and Shahikala scored them 40-21 and to hold them marked its most in an opening period strain) are day-to-day. Jeremy Lin Siriwardene (50). to only 40 percent for the game was this season. (right knee) was also out. ... Timofey Matthews claimed four for 18 from terrific.” Mozgov has now made two 3-pointers four overs with her off-spin. While the third quarter was Den- TIP-INS in seven games, which is more than The series sweep came after their 3-0 ver’s best quarter of the season, it Nuggets: Malone believes his young he totaled the previous two. ... Jacob whitewash in the ICC Women Champi- was arguably Brooklyn’s worst of the backcourt will be the key to success Wiley made his NBA debut. onship ODIs two weeks before.

54 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ =!  &% # #*%   :.6<43.;011-+3,. -4;38/.786..8?     


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68 Caribbean Life, Nov. 03–Nov. 09, 2017 BQ