Photo by Darlene Aguillard

All peoples, clap your hands. Cry to God with shouts of joy!

– ENTRANCE ANTIPHON THIS WEEK Recycled Uniform Sale SATURDAY JUNE 27 Drop off Friday, June 26th 3:00 - 5:30 pm 8:00 am ������ Daily Mass Sale Day Saturday, June 27th 8:30 - 11:30 am 3:00-3:45 pm ���� Confessions–St. Gabriel OLOM School - Old Gym 4:00 pm ���� Vigil Mass 5:00-5:45 pm ���� Confessions–St. Gabriel Come on out to the Summer Recycled Uniform Sale 6:00 pm ������ Vigil Mass sponsored by the OLOM Home and School Association. Drop off your clean, labeled uniforms for sale on Friday, June 26th in the old school Gym. Items not sold SUNDAY JUNE 28 can be picked up by 11:30 am on sale day. Check out 7:00 am ������ Mass the school website for details about the sale, pricing 9:00 am ������ Mass suggestions, and label template. Face masks are 10:30 am ������ Mass required when entering the building. 12:00 pm ������ Mass 6:00 pm ������ Mass For more information, contact: Ms. Kristi Siemann MONDAY JUNE 29 [email protected] 8:00 am ���� Daily Mass 12:00 pm ���� Daily Mass Second COLLECTION TUESDAY JUNE 30 Peter's Pence 12:00 pm ������ Daily Mass 6:00 pm ���� Daily Mass On The COVER Pictured with Fr. Cleo Milano are 2nd graders Liam WEDNESDAY JULY 1 Perrault, Emilia Davros, Ava Keown, and Lucien 8:00 am ���� Daily Mass Myers masked and ready to celebrate their First Holy 12:00 pm ���� Daily Mass Communion. THURSDAY JULY 2 8:00 am ���� Daily Mass Marriage Encounter WEEKEND 12:00 pm ���� Daily Mass Have you ever thought about attending a Marriage Encounter FRIDAY JULY 3 Weekend? 7:30 am ���� 8:00 am ���� Daily Mass Would you like to rekindle 12:00 pm ���� Daily Mass the romance and passion in your marriage? Improve your communication skills? Well, now is the time. And, you can do it from the comfort of your own home! Prayer LINE Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the July 17-19 For Prayer Line requests, contact: weekend will be presented virtually. Registration will Ms. Genie Ogden: (225) 293-2367 or be limited to 10 couples. So, dust off the computer, Ms. Carroll Benedetto at [email protected] charge up the iPad or table and sign up. You can register online at www.lams-wwme.org or call Gary & Susie Muñoz at (225) 439-3384.



On June 29th, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul. This feast day is very meaningful to me. You see, last year, I was in on June 29th and was to attend the all English Mass that day at Saint James Church located in the heart of the town. Well, I was asked by the celebrant to read one of the readings at Mass. The Church was packed for the service. To say that I was excited was putting it mildly. So, let’s see what we can find out about these two icons of the Church. Well of course Saint Peter was one of the original twelve apostles but before that he was a fisherman in the Sea of Galilee. Jesus told Peter that He would make him a “fisher of men” instead. In reading the accounts in the Gospels, Peter was not always the one that most of us might have expected to lead. From the Bible stories, Peter seemed a bit high spirited, a little too “hot under the collar” and rather argumentative at times. However, Jesus molded him and despite some rough edges and early denials, surely demonstrated those leadership qualities that Jesus saw in him. Peter was designated as “the rock” upon which Jesus would build His Church and Peter was given the “keys” to the kingdom, thereby naming him the first head of the Church. Paul, actually named Saul, was a Roman citizen and came along after Jesus was crucified. Saul made it his mission to lead soldiers through the villages searching for Christians to persecute. In those early years, families of Christians were trying to band together to worship the Lord, to follow His teachings and to share the good news of the Last Supper with those who were baptized and believed. One day, while traveling to Damascus to persecute some Christians, Saul was struck down and blinded. In a , Saul was confronted by Christ. That encounter caused a total transformation in Saul. He was later baptized, regained his eyesight and changed his name to Paul. This transformation was so dramatic that he later became one of the other significant “rocks” of the early Church. Paul’s teachings to the Gentiles (non-Jews) probably did more to spread the good news of Christ than any other single thing in the early days of the Church. Paul’s writings to the Gentiles form the bulk of the New Testament works after the Gospel writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Peter and Paul both preached to the Gentiles and worked together on occasion. Peter is frequently referred to as Cephas in the letters of Paul. Peter is considered the first Pope of the , while Paul is considered by many to have helped define Christianity for the Gentile community. This feast day honors the martyrdom of the two saints sometime between AD64 and 67. Peter was crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die as Jesus. Paul on the other hand was a Roman citizen so he could choose beheading instead and is believed to have died that way. While the church recognizes that they may not have died on the same day, tradition says that this is the day that they were both martyred in Rome by Emperor Nero.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!



Dear Faithful Mercy, The Columbarium Garden of Peace has now received final approval of Bishop Duca and the Diocese. Work has now begun on this beautiful addition to our campus. In accord with the Diocesan policy four contractors were selected to bid on the columbarium project. They were Deumite Construction, Cangelosi-Ward, Arkel, and Charles Carter. The low bid was submitted by Arkel who has been awarded the contract. We are grateful to all of these fine companies and we are excited to work with Arkel. Pre-construction sales along with the contributions of three faithful Mercy families have made this project totally self-funded. There is no funding used from Traditions For Tomorrow for either construction or maintenance of the Columbarium Garden. The construction fence has already gone up and demolition and construction has begun. Please note this fence is for safety purposes during construction time. In the interest of serving our Church Family, and because of the COVID-19 effects on our economy, the pre-construction pricing of cremation niches will remain until construction is complete. Thus, at this present construction time, there will be no price increase. Please note that cremation burials are significantly less expensive than traditional burials. The Mercy Columbarium Garden is open to everyone – Catholic and Non-Catholics; Parishioners and Non-Parishioners alike. You may make a personal appointment; or have any questions answered over the phone by speaking with Michelle Schroeder at the Church Office at (225) 926-1883, [email protected]. The events of the pandemic will not stop the vision of Mercy and our Future together! The Columbarium Garden was the third piece of our Master Plan – Phase 1. WE DREAMED IT, WE PROMISED IT, AND WE ARE DELIVERING IT. The design has been created by Pete Newton of Newton Landscape Group, Coleman Partners Architects, Dale Songy and Joe Saffiotti, and Johnny Fife of Arkel Construction. I am very excited to move forward in our great vision for Mercy. Fr. Cleo



FINAL RESTING PLACE IN SACREDNESS, DIGNITY, AND RESPECT The Mercy Columbarium Garden of Peace is open to all parishioners and non-parishioners, Catholic and non- Catholic.

Columbarium niches are available in two sizes - each cremain niche holds a space for two persons. They are $5000 for a small niche and $7500 for larger urn niches.

Please know the Columbarium Garden of Peace is totally self-funding and uses NO TOP-OFF Traditions for Tomorrow funds for either construction or maintenance.

There is no greater gift one can give to family than planning final arrangements that fulfill one's specific wishes and take the burden off of others.

Call the Church Office to make your appointment - (225) 926-1883


MASS INTENTIONS It is time to begin scheduling Mass Intentions for 2021. The Mass Intention Book opened on June 1st for next year. In the past, we have been meeting one-on-one on the first day of June, but, because of COVID-19, we will be unable to meet with each person. Please fill out the Mass Intention Form from the Bulletin (found on the next page) or you may also pick up a form at the Parish Office and return it to Ms. Brenda Brown by mail, bring it back to the Parish Office, or you may drop it into the collection basket at any weekend Mass clearly marked “Mass Intentions 2021.” Please make sure you have your name, address, and telephone number filled out on the form in case there are any questions about your requests. Anyone wanting to purchase a Sanctuary Candle (in Church or Adoration Chapel) or Flowers for the Altar may write their request on the Mass Intention Form.

For more information, contact: Ms. Brenda Brown [email protected] (225) 926-1883


Person Requesting Masses:______First Last


Home Phone # ______Work # ______Date______


Number of Masses Requested ______

MASS INTENTIONS ______Deceased ______Living DATE TIME




4 MULTIPLE/SHARED MASS INTENTIONS No more than (5) Names: Tuesdays @ 6pm Saturdays @ 6pm Sundays @10:30 am Friday @ 12 Noon Sundays @7 am Sundays @12 Noon Saturdays @ 4pm Sundays @9 am Sundays @6 pm






___ In Person ___ Drop Off ___ Phone ___ will mail ___ will bring by Stipend Received Y___ N___ Notification Sent Y___ N___

Sanctuary and Chapel candles $20 / Mass Intentions $5 / Altar Flowers $150

BATON ROUGE, LA 7 Called to Prayer IN REMEMBRANCE Mass Intentions Sanctuary Light Memorials JULY 4, SATURDAY The sanctuary light in the church 8:00 am...... Sandy J. Roppolo burns this week in loving memory of 4:00 pm...... Martin S. Rinaudo, Jr. / Kevin Keyser / Faye Oldendorf Shawn Kean / Plauche & Dufour Families / Donaldson, Giannoble, Danna, Ruhl, West, Wintz, Cox, Wilcox, Molina & Calandro Families / Alex Spano / Virgil & The sanctuary light in the Adoration Chapel Eunice D’Armond / Sugar & Cookie Kane / Ellie Sances / burns this week in loving memory of Jo Cormier / Demesme Family / SPECIAL INTENTIONS: Shannon Cormier & Family / Regan & Coyle Families Neil Joseph Daigle 6:00 pm...... John Brown, Sr., Cecile D. Brown, & Maurice Brown In Sympathy to the Families of:

JULY 5, SUNDAY ■■ 7:00 am...... ALL PEOPLE Lionel Francis Currier 9:00 am...... Marie & Bert Carbo, Sr. / Robert M. ■■ Tuminello, Jr. / Sadie Anderson Sean Anselmo 10:30 am.... Mike, Tami, Keith Couvillion / Vallie & Vivian ■■ Lemoine / Mildred & Charles Reynaud / Faye Kling / Roy Jones Conner Cronin / Anthony Saia / Neil Joseph Daigle 12:00 pm.... Thomas & Deumite Families / Theresa & Nelvin Fontenot / Joseph L. Saizan / SPECIAL INTENTION: Charlie Murphy Altar Flowers Memorial 6:00 pm...... Eldine Colligan Each week you may honor a loved one with a gift of 150$ to dedicate the floral arrangement JULY 6, MONDAY that adorns our Sanctuary. 8:00 am...... Theresa & Nelvin Fontenot 12:00 pm.... Lee & Richard Rizer MERCY PRAYS JULY 7, TUESDAY 12:00 pm.... Casey, Landry & Hebert Families 6:00 pm...... RitaAnne Babin, Madelynne, Joseph Kevin Jeff Blackwell Adrienne Gunther Babin, Babin Babies, Charles Jumonville, III / Michael Ruth Boudreaux James Hall Fakouri / Calvin, Georginia & Curran Oubre, Wynona Ronnie Bourgeois, Sr. Warren Knecht & Joseph Alfred Lindsly, Hiram & Ellen May / Carolyn Rose Caruso Shelby Lewis Bergeron / SPECIAL INTENTION: Erin Wright Marjorie Collins Kevin Minor JULY 8, WEDNESDAY Janie Constantino Dr. Clifton Morris 8:00 am...... Eduardo Brito Mieles Joseph Corsentino Frank Panepinto 12:00 pm.... Johnice Louise Daniel Rita Corsentino Suzanne Tredico Pauli Pete Crifasi Amelia Spires JULY , THURSDAY 9 William Daniels Jim Stalls 8:00 am...... Sandy J. Roppolo 12:00 pm.... Joseph Miceli Carroll DiBenedetto Mack Titus Mary Ann Fasullo Dana Vidrine JULY 10, FRIDAY John Fruge, Sr. Erin Wright 8:00 am...... William John Bull 12:00 pm.... Lydia Julier / Raymond & Mollie Prince / Helene Forester / Marie-Therese Ruaudel / Poor Souls in Purgatory / SPECIAL INTENTION: Charlie Murphy


WEEKDAYS MASS TIMES: M, W, Th, & F: 8:00 am & 12:00 pm Tues: 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm

RECONCILIATION: CATHOLIC M - F: 45 minutes prior to Mass COMMUNITY RADIO MASS TIME: 8:00 am SATURDAY 1380 AM – WPYR RECONCILIATION: 3:00 – 3:45 pm & 5:00 – 5:45 pm VIGILS: 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm Listen daily at noon and 10:30 am on SUNDAY MASS TIMES: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm Sunday for Mercy’s NURSERY: No Nursery at this time Mass live broadcast PRE-SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS: No Bible School at this time

SATURDAY JULY 4 SUNDAY JULY 5 4:00 pm* 6:00 pm 7:00 am* 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Fr. Milano Fr. Minj Fr. Milano Fr. Milano Fr. Milano Fr. Minj Fr. Minj Extraordinary Ministers Extraordinary Ministers L D'Armond F Gwin S Montagnino D Deshotels Deacon Grant T DeJohn D Smith J Stalls J Smith T Penouilh P Prosser K Toohey J Frederick M Blouin M Roussel S Jones C Roberts F Heroman C Farnet J Frederick C Schutte A August J Eckert E White S Maggio M Taylor M Kimble R Roland

Lectors Lectors C Giffin D McCrary J Pastorek D Deshotels A Toohey G Anderson B Avery N Krzystowczyk S Cunningham A Wilson T Roemer G Farnet C Graves G Bertrand Altar Servers Altar Servers

The complete Ministry Schedule is published on our website at www.olomchurch.com. Called to serve? Contact Deacon Grant to volunteer for liturgical ministry. *These liturgies are celebrated without incense.


Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church Glorify the Lord by your life 445 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 MEMBERSHIP...... Ms. Brenda Brown Phone: (225) 926-1883 Fax: (225) 923-0448 BAPTISM...... Deacon Richard Grant [email protected] olomchurch.com FIRST COMMUNION/PSR/RCIA...... Mr. Jason Romero PASTOR...... Father Cleo Milano CONFIRMATION...... Ms. Tori LaBelle VICAR...... Father Nutan Minj, IMS

PERMANENT DEACON...... Deacon Richard Grant WEDDING...... Ms. Alison Nodier

ADMINISTRATION...... Mr. Randy Arabie FUNERAL...... Ms. Michelle Schroeder PRINCIPAL...... Mr. Chris Porche

FACILITIES...... Ms. Michelle Schroeder OFFICE HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY...... 8:30 am – 4:30 pm FINANCE & GIFTS...... Ms. Katherine Chenevert Priests gladly see people by appointment. To view complete staff list, visit olomchurch.com.

Parish Activity Center 444 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 928-6216

Our Lady of Mercy Our Lady of Mercy is a family of Catholic School faith united in prayer, love and 400 Marquette Avenue Catholic Tradition. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: (225) 924-1054 Fax: (225) 923-2201 We are dedicated to spreading the Good olomschool.org News of Jesus Christ through evangelization, education and Christian example. We strive Communications to be as faithful as the Blessed Virgin Mary Ms. Christy Haldane and live our faith by serving God, our fellow [email protected] brothers and sisters and our community.

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