Chemical Management Handbook


Australian Schools

Edition 3 Acknowledgements This handbook was produced by the Science ASSIST project managed by the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) in consultation with the Science Education Technicians Association (SETA). The Science ASSIST project is supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training through the Mathematics and Science Participation Program. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence

Under this license the material is available for free use and adaptation. Educators may use, adapt, communicate and re-publish material from the resource. The following statement must be used on any copy or adaptation of the material. Copyright: Australian Science Teachers Association 2016, except where indicated otherwise. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. This handbook has been developed by Dr Virginia Ward. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this handbook are factually correct, Science ASSIST does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this handbook.

Sincere thanks to Dr Lucas Johnson, Blackwood High School, Ganyk Jankewicz, School of Public Health, University of Adelaide, Rita Steffe, Teresa Gigengack and Deb Barnett, Science ASSIST Technician Advisory Group, and Philip Moore, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia for their professional advice and feedback on aspects of this work. Chemical Management Handbook

The Chemical Management Handbook was developed by Science ASSIST in recognition of a need for guidance on the safe handling, storage and waste disposal of chemicals in schools. The Handbook provides information on mosti of the chemicals in the Science ASSIST List of Recommended Chemicals in the form of a one-page summary per chemical, which covers safe handling, storage and first aid, and waste disposal procedures. For a few of the chemicals, an additional Laboratory Notes page is included, giving more detailed directions for solution preparation and/or waste disposal. For the enzymes, the individual summaries are in abbreviated form with other information provided as generic for the group. The summary pages are arranged alphabetically in the document, and can also be accessed via the bookmarks which are ordered according to chemical group.

Explanatory Notes

Identifiers, Descriptive, Physical and Regulatory Data Each summary page is headed by the chemical name, which corresponds to the chemical’s main identifier in the List of Recommended Chemicals. Under this chemical name up to three of the more commonly used synonyms are given in italics. Descriptive, Physical data and Regulatory information was drawn from a range of sources which are listed in the General References section (see below). The User Group codes are defined as in the List of Recommended Chemicals as follows: User Group Definition F-12 Recommended for use by students in Foundation (Reception, Kindergarten) to Year 12 as well as staff. 7-12 Recommended for use by students in Year 7 to Year 12, as well as staff. 7-12S Recommended for use in dilute solution by students in year 7 to year 12 and recommended for use as a solid by qualified staff. 11-12 Recommended for use by students in Year 11 and Year 12, as well as staff. 11-12S Recommended for use in dilute solution by students in Year 11 and Year 12 and recommended for use as a solid by qualified staff Staff Recommended for use in dilute solution by students in year 11 and year 12 and recommended for use as a solid by qualified staff. (Qualified Staff: A technician or teacher with tertiary-level chemistry training and/or experience such that they understand the chemistry and hazards involved with handling the chemical)

i Chemicals which are currently in the List and have been omitted from this Handbook are either non-hazardous or low hazard and used only infrequently, or their safe handling has been covered elsewhere by Science ASSIST

i Safe handling The main hazards of the substance and relevant notes for safe handling are summarised in this section. Glove selection Factors to consider when choosing protective gloves include not only whether the glove material is suitable, but also the thickess of the glove and length of the cuff.There is no glove type which provides protection from every chemical. A glove type may be unsuitable due to degradation through contact with the chemical and/or because the chemical can easily permeate the material. Degradation is a change to the structure of the material and may be obvious to the wearer as the glove may swell and feel tacky, or harden and crack. Permeation of the glove by the chemical occurs at the molecular level and may go undetected. Once the chemical has permeated through the glove, it has the potential to harm or be absorbed by the skin. If gloves are unsuitable or used beyond the limit of their protective capability, they may increase the risk of harm to the user. The glove material itself may be harmful; for example, latex may trigger an allergic reaction. Gloves made from heavy, highly chemical-resistant material can be expensive and can limit the dexterity of the user, thus contributing to the hazard of chemical handling. Disposable gloves provide a lower level of protection, but offer convenience and less reduction in dexterity. Choosing a glove type can therefore be a compromise between chemical resistance, dexterity, economy and convenience. The Handbook suggests the appropriate glove material(s) suitable for the chemical, based on information in safety data sheets and the glove resistance guides listed as references. As glove performance can vary between brands, the glove manufacturer’s chemical resistance guide should also be consulted to check the level of protection offered by a specific type of glove for the chemical being used. If gloves of a suitable type are unavailable, then disposable gloves can still provide protection from splash contact. Two pairs of disposable gloves (double gloves) can also be worn to provide an extra protective barrier. If the gloves being used are not ones recommended for the chemical, they should be removed immediately in the event of splash contact. Cotton-lined gloves and powdered gloves are not recommended for handling chemicals as they have poor chemical resistance properties. However, cotton gloves worn under outer, chemically resistant gloves can protect the skin from an allergic reaction to the glove material. Safety notes for glove use • Before use, gloves should be checked for damage or tears. • When removing disposable gloves, the correct technique should be used so that the skin is not contaminated with the chemical (see General References for links to instructions in this technique). • Disposable gloves should be disposed of after a single use and not reused. • Reusable gloves should be washed before they are removed. • Hands should be washed with soap and water immediately after removing gloves.

ii Storage Storage Categories Safe storage of chemicals is integral to ensuring the health and safety of school laboratory technicians, science teachers and students as well as preventing structural damage to school facilities. Hazardous chemicals need to be stored safely with appropriate segregation in order to minimise the potential for dangerous reactions between incompatible substances. The Australian Dangerous Goods Code provides a good basis for the organisation of chemical storage according to the physical hazards of chemicals, such as flammability, corrosivity and oxidising properties. Further consideration is required for incompatibilities within a Dangerous Goods class and where a chemical belongs to more than one class. Ideally, chemicals with more than one Dangerous Goods class should be segregated from all other chemicals. However, if space is limited, then storage along with chemicals in the main DG class, with secondary containment, is acceptable. General Requirements for chemical storage can be found in AS/NZS 2243 Safety in Laboratories, Part 10: 2004 Storage of chemicals. This Standard covers the basic principles of storage, required features in a laboratory, storeroom or space, the use and storage of chemicals within a laboratory and storage of chemicals in a separate store. This standard also specifies the quantities of chemicals which may be stored in a laboratory outside of a storage cabinet. Separation and segregation In the context of chemical storage, the term ‘separation’ refers to physical distance between chemical storage areas. The term is generally used in relation to storage of large quantities of dangerous goods and is not so relevant to schools where smaller quantities of chemicals are involved. Barriers such as a fire-proof walls are an acceptable substitute for separation distances. The term ‘segregation’ refers to the storage of chemicals within one storeroom, laboratory or storage cabinet. Chemicals can be segregated vertically by means of walls, cupboard partitions or storage cabinets, and horizontally by means of shelves, either open or within a cupboard or cabinet. Ideally, incompatible chemicals will be segregated through vertical segregation or storage in separate cabinets. Vertical segregation has the advantage that it avoids the mixing of incompatible chemicals in the event of a shelf collapse. Secondary containment can provide a sufficient segregation barrier where quantities of chemicals are small. Secondary containment A secondary container should be large enough to contain 1.1 times the volume of the bottle it holds and should be resistant to the chemical being contained. Suitable chemically resistant secondary containers include sturdy polypropylene (PP) or high density polyethylene (HDPE) tubs. A layer of sand in the bottom of the container is a good measure for absorbing any spills and keeping the bottle in a stable, upright position.

iii General guidelines for safe chemical storage •• Label all containers of chemicals according to the relevant legislation. •• Each chemical container should have a designated storage location to where it is replaced after use. Shelves can be labelled accordingly or the locations of chemicals recorded on a diagram. •• Store chemicals away from sunlight. Sunlight can damage lids and containers as well as promote the decomposition of chemicals. •• Store chemicals away from extremes of heat. •• Store liquids below solids. •• Store concentrated solutions on low shelves, below dilute solutions and solids. •• Store concentrated corrosives with secondary containment. Other liquids and toxic substances should preferably be stored with secondary containment/spill trays. •• Ensure good ventilation where volatile chemicals are stored. •• Check stock, lids and containers regularly for damage or deterioration. •• Store chemicals securely, with access restricted to authorised staff, and particularly for toxic and security-sensitive chemicals. •• Purchase chemicals in small quantities. Mark the date received on new chemicals. •• Mark the date opened on peroxidisable chemicals. •• Do not store chemicals in alphabetical order except within their storage class. •• Do not use food containers for laboratory chemicals. •• Do not store chemicals on shelves which are incompatible with the chemical, such as •• metal shelves for corrosives or wooden shelves for oxidising agents. •• Do not store containers of chemicals on the floor.

Spills For many liquid spills the use of an absorbent mixture of equal volumes of sodium carbonate, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter), and dry sand has been suggested. This recipe was developed by Armour et al.1 as a general, inexpensive absorbent mixture which could be pre- prepared and stored as part of a spill response kit. The sodium carbonate is included to help to neutralise the spill. The cat litter or vermiculite absorbs the liquid and helps to eliminates fumes. The sand ‘moderates and smothers any reaction that may occur’.1 Commercial spill absorbents are also available and dry sand can be used in the absence of an alternative.

iv Waste Disposal School science activities in general do not produce large volumes of chemical waste and do not generate the same type of waste on a continual basis. Nevertheless, managing chemical waste in schools can be challenging as there may be limited resources to treat and store waste. Hazards also arise from the need to store waste for long periods of time until there is sufficient to justify a collection by a licenced waste contractor. The Handbook includes procedures for the treatment of chemical waste where the procedure is straightforward and within the usual expected capacity of schools. Treating chemical waste can minimise the volume of waste, remove or reduce the hazard and reduce the cost of disposal. Such treatments include evaporation of water from an aqueous solution, neutralisation of acids and bases, controlled destruction of reactive chemicals, reduction of oxidising substances to give a less reactive product, and precipitation of heavy metal ions as stable salts. The accepted pH for waste water varies between regions, with the wider wider range of pH 6-10 accepted by some water authorities. The Handbook specifies neutralising acids and base to within the range pH 6-8 in order to accommodate the variation between regions. Modern schools usually have settling or neutralisation tanks installed in line from the science area. These tanks usually contain lime and therefore will contribute to the neutralisation of acid and the precipitation of insoluble carbonates, and enable the settling of suspended solids. The waste water acceptance limit for a particular analyte can be found on the relevant water authority website. In determining whether a concentration complies with the waste water acceptance standard, dilution due to the school’s total output of waste water should be taken into consideration. The following categories of waste must not be discharged to sewer: Heavy metal waste: hazardous for the environment. Sludge from waste water treatment plants is ultimately returned to the environment, often as fertiliser for agriculture. For this reason only very low levels of heavy metal ions are acceptable in waste water. Halogenated solvent Fats and oils: can affect waste water processing operations Flammable or volatile liquids, water-immiscible liquids which float on water: can cause a fire or explosion and create hazards for water authority workers. Aqueous solutions with high or low pH: can corrode pipes and present hazards for workers.

v Reference 1. Armour, M-A., Ashick, D., Konrad, J. 1999. ‘Tested methods for the handling of small-scale spills’, Chemical Health and Safety, 6: 24-27

General References Physical Data, Safe Handling, First Aid Chem-Supply product safety data sheets, Sigma-Aldrich product safety data sheets, Merck product safety data sheets, Gestis Substance Database, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Pubchem Substance and Compound Databases,https:// Hazardous Substances Databank, U.S. National Library of Medicine Toxicology Data Network, The Merck Index, 2013, Fifteenth Edition, The Royal Society of Chemistry. Ellis, Roy C. & Perry, Donald I. & Gormley, Barry M. & Adelaide Medical Centre for Women and Children. Educational Resource Centre. 1991, The ABC of safe practices for the biological sciences laboratory : an easy to use reference manual for laboratory personnel Educational Resource Centre, Adelaide Medical Centre for Women and Children Adelaide Chemwatch database, login?ReturnUrl=%2fchemwatch.web%2f (login required)

Regulatory Data National Transport Commission. 2016. Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail, Edition 7.4, National Transport Commission website, http:// vehicles/safety/australian-dangerous-goods-code/ (December 2016) Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government Department of Health. 2016. Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP) No. 15, Federal Register of Legislation website, (November 2016) ‘Code of Practice for Supply Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture’, Plastic and Chemicals Industries Association website, (Accessed January 2017)

vi Glove selection guides ‘GloveSelection Tool’, Kimberly-Clark website, (Accessed January 2017) Kimberley-Clark, Kimtech Brand Nitrile Gloves Chemical Resistance Guide, http://www. K4556_10_01%20Ntrl_Chem_pstr_v3.pdf Ansell. n.d. Chemical Resistance Guide: Permeation & Degredation Data 8th Edition, AnsellPro website, (Accessed January 2017)

Glove removal technique Circle Safety & Health Consultants. n.d. The Proper Way to Remove Disposable Gloves, Central Washington University website, chemistry/files/documents/Glove_Removal_1.pdf (accessed January 2017) ‘Skin at work: Removing single-use gloves without contaminating your hands’, Health and Safety Executive (UK) website, (Accessed January 2017) University of Wollongong. 2016. Selection and use of gloves guidelines, Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong, documents/doc/uow136685.pdf (June 2016)

Storage Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Guidance Sheet 4 Chemical Spill Management. Chemical_Spill_Management.pdf Western Australia Department of Education. Regional Technicians Group. Chemical Storage: Nine compatible storage group system, University of Iowa website, https://ehs. Standards Australia Ltd/Standards New Zealand. 2004. AS/NZS 2243.10, Safety in Laboratories - Storage of Chemicals, Standards Australia: Sydney Standards Australia Ltd/Standards New Zealand. 2007. AS/NZ 3833, The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers, Standards Australia: Sydney

Spills and waste disposal Lunn, G., Sansone, E.B., 2012, ‘Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory’, Third edition, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Armour, M-A., 2003, ‘Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide’, Third edition, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Flinn Scientific, ‘Laboratory Chemical Disposal Procedures’, previously accessible from the Flinn Scientific website, Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards (Updated Version), 2011, National Research Council (US) Committee on Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); vii Gases ChemAlert SDS Search – Chemical Management Software by Risk Management Technologies BOC Limited (Australia), Chemalert website, (Accessed November 2018) ‘Safety Data Sheets’, Air Liquide Australia website, solutions-technical-safety/safety-data-sheets (Accessed November 2018) ‘Safety Data Sheets (SDS)’, Supagas Australia website, sds/ (Accessed November 2018) Glasgow City Council, Education Services, Technician Support Service. 2005. Generating Gases: Hydrogen, Chlorine and Nitrogen Dioxide, Technical Guidance Sheets TGS/03, Technician Support Service, Glasgow website, GenTRS/UserFiles/file/Health%20and%20Safety/Technician%20Guidance%20 Sheets/3%20Generating%20Gases%20Guidance.doc ‘Doc.30/13 Disposal of Gases’, European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) website, (Accessed November 2018) ‘Doc.150/18 Guidelines for Safe and Hygienic Handling of Dry Ice’, European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) website, 15018-guidelines-for-safe-and-hygienic-handling-of-dry-ice/ (Accessed November 2018) Mattson, Bruce; Anderson, Michael P. 2017. Microscale Gas Chemistry, 2017 Web Version, Professor Bruce Mattson Creighton University website, Gas_Book_Web_Version_2017/Microscale%20Gas%20Chemistry%202017%20Web%20 Edition%20Download%20Page%20Labs.html (Accessed November 2018) Science ASSIST. 2014. Standard Operating Procedure: Handling Dry Ice (solid carbon dioxide), Science ASSIST website, dry-ice Science ASSIST. Standard Operating Procedure: Handling Liquid Nitrogen (LN2), Science ASSIST website, ‘SRA018 – Flammable Ice’, Supplementary Risk Assessment, CLEAPSS website, http:// (Members only login) (Accessed November 2018) ‘HC022a – Chlorine’, Risk assessment guidance, CLEAPSS website, http://science. (Members only login) (Accessed November 2018) ‘HC022b – Chlorine water’, Risk assessment guidance, CLEAPSS website, http://science. (Members only login) (Accessed November 2018) ‘HC068B – Nitrogen oxides’, Risk assessment guidance, CLEAPSS website, http:// (Members only login) (Accessed November 2018)

viii Dyes and Indicators Gabb, M.H. and Latchem, W.E. 1967. A Handbook of Laboratory Solutions, Andre Deutsch Ltd, Oxford G.B. Dungey, Barbara. 2006. The Laboratory: a science reference and preparation manual for schools (Rev. ed), National Library of Australia: Traralgon, Vic.. Green, F. J. 1990. The Sigma-Aldrich Handbook of Stains, Dyes and Indicators, Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc: U.S.A. Flinn Scientific Inc. 2008. Laboratory Solution Preparation, Flinn Scientific website. https:// Protocol Online – Your lab’s reference book, (Accessed November 2018) IHC WORLD Life Science Products and Services, Protocol database, http://www.ihcworld. com/ (Accessed November 2018) StainsFile, the Internet Resource for Histotechnologists, jindex.html (Accessed November 2018) ‘Carolina Solution Sheets’, Caroline Biological Company website, teacher-resources/carolina-solution-sheets/ (Accessed November 2018)

Metal Salts Han, K.N., Kondoju, S., Park, K., Kang, H.-m., Recovery of Indium from Indium/Tin Oxides Scrap by Chemical Precipitation, Geosystem Engineering, 5(4), 93-98 (December 2002) Fu, F., Wang, Q., Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewaters: A Review, Journal of Environmental Management (2002), 92, 407-418. Patterson, J.W., Allen, H. E., Scala, J. J., Carbonate Precipitation for Heavy Metals Pollutants, Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), Vol. 49, No. 12 (Dec., 1977), pp. 2397- 2410 Published by: Water Environment Federation, Stable URL: stable/25039473 Accessed: 15-06-2016 07:32 UTC

Metals Safety Data Sheets, ESPI Metals, (Accessed October 2018) Science ASSIST, Answer to question on Gallium, Science ASSIST, Answer to question on how to dispose of a mercury spill, https://assist.

ix Science ASSIST 1-bromobutane Chemical n-butyl bromide; bromobutane Summary DANGER

Formula C4H9Br CAS No. 109-65-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid. Heavier than ADG Class 3 water. Molar mass 137.03 -112°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 102°C UN Number 1126 ethanol, diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 1.28 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.87 g/L (25°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H315 Causes skin irritation ignition. Absorb spill with inert material such as dry sand, H319 Causes serious eye irritation vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non-sparking H335 May cause respiratory irritation tool, place in a suitable labelled container and arrange for H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects collection. Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste in a suitable labelled container such as for Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves halogenated organic waste. Arrange for collection by a (Viton® gloves are recommended; nitrile or butyl rubber licenced waste disposal contractor. gloves provide limited splash protection). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Open the bottle with care to avoid inhaling the headspace vapour. Keep away from heat and ignition sources. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours may form explosive mixture with air. Vapours may travel to an ignition source and flash back. This solvent may dissolve some plastics. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue STORAGE rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container Seek medical advice/attention. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing any sources of ignition. and wash before reuse. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin Store away from oxidising agents, strong bases, alkali irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. metals, alkaline earth metals. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS AS compliant cabinet. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell.

APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior organic chemistry: substitution/elimination reactions and reaction rates

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST 1-chlorobutane Chemical n-butyl chloride; chlorobutane Summary DANGER

Formula C4H9Cl CAS No. 109-69-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 chloroform-like odour. Lighter than water. Molar mass 92.57 -123°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 78°C UN Number 1127 ethanol, methanol, and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.89 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.5 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of ignition. Absorb spill with inert material such as dry sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non-sparking tool and place in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for SAFE HANDLING collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (fluorinated rubber or Viton gloves are recommended; nitrile WASTE DISPOSAL or butyl rubber gloves provide limited splash protection). Store waste in a suitable labelled container such as for Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and halogenated organic waste. Arrange for collection by a respiratory tract. licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Keep away from heat and ignition sources. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Open the bottle with care to avoid inhaling the headspace vapour. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours may form explosive mixture with air. Vapours may travel to an ignition source and flash back. This solvent may dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE The substance is air- and light-sensitive. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure con- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. tainer is kept upright to prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, strong bases, alkali IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. metals, alkaline earth metals, light metal powders. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. AS compliant cabinet. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Senior organic chemistry: substitution/elimination reactions and reaction rates POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST 1-iodobutane Chemical n-butyl iodide; iodobutane Summary WARNING

Formula C4H9I CAS No. 542-69-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with an ethereal ADG Class 3 odour. Heavier than water. Molar mass 184.02 -103°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol Boiling point 130°C UN Number 1993 and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.615 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.2 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H312 Harmful if swallowed ignition. Absorb spill with inert material such as dry sand, H332 Harmful if inhaled vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non-sparking H315 Causes skin irritation tool, place in a suitable labelled container and arrange for H319 Causes serious eye irritation collection. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste in a suitable labelled container such as for halogenated organic waste. Arrange for collection by a Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves licenced waste disposal contractor. (Viton® gloves are recommended; nitrile or butyl rubber gloves provide limited splash protection). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Keep away from heat and ignition sources. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours may form explosive mixture with air. Vapours may travel to an ignition source and flash back. This solvent may dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE FIRST AID Substance is air- and light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue and light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. leakage. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, strong bases and Seek medical advice/attention. alkali metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get AS compliant cabinet. medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior organic chemistry: substitution/elimination reactions and reaction rates POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST 2-chloro-2-methylpropane Chemical tert-butyl chloride; trimethylchloromethane Summary DANGER

Formula C4H9Cl CAS No. 507-20-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with an ADG Class 3 ethereal odour. Lighter than water. Molar mass 92.57 -27°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol Boiling point 51°C UN Number 1127 and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.84 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 2.9 g/L (15°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H302 Harmful if swallowed ignition. Absorb spill with inert material such as dry sand, H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non-sparking tool, place in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection. SAFE HANDLING Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Viton® gloves are recommended; nitrile or butyl rubber Store waste in a suitable labelled container such as for gloves provide limited splash protection). Exposure may halogenated organic waste. Arrange for collection by a cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Open the bottle with care to avoid inhaling the headspace vapour. Keep away from heat and ignition sources.There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours may form explosive mixture with air. Vapours may travel to an ignition source and flash back. This solvent may dissolve some plastics.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Protect from moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. prevent leakage. Store away from heat and any sources of Seek medical attention. ignition. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong bases, Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek powdered metals. medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a AS compliant cabinet. position comfortable for breathing.

APPLICATIONS Senior organic chemistry: substitution/elimination reactions and reaction rates

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST 2-methyl-butan-2-ol Chemical tert-amyl alcohol; tert-pentyl alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C5H12O CAS No. 75-85-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 disagreeable odour and burning taste. Molar mass 88.15 -8°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether, Boiling point 102°C UN Number 1105 acetone and glycerol. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 118 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Small Spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Large spill: Cover spill with with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material SAFE HANDLING into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of respiratory tract. paper towel as general waste. Symptoms of exposure include nausea, headache, Large quantity: Store in the original container or other dizziness and CNS depression. Prolonged or repeated skin suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated contact can lead to dryness and cracking. Eye exposure organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced may cause transient corneal clouding. waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid inhaling The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. open flames or other sources of ignition. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat rinsing. Seek medical attention. or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, alkali metals Seek immediate medical attention. and alkali earth metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a tertiary POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 alcohol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST 2-methyl-propan-1-ol Chemical isobutyl alcohol; isobutanol Summary DANGER

Formula C4H10O CAS No. 78-83-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a sweet, musty ADG Class 3 odour. Molar mass 74.12 -108°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol, acetone and Boiling point 106-108°C UN Number 1212 diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.803 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 85 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H318 Causes serious eye damage Small Spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion paper towel as general waste. include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS depression. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated and cracking. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced irritation and eye damage. waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated open flames or other sources of ignition. exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place. Protect from light and moisture. Ensure rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. sources of heat or ignition. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, strong IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash alkalis, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and aluminium. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 alcohol; preparation of esters.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST 2-methyl-propan-2-ol Chemical tert-butyl alcohol; tert-butanol Summary DANGER

Formula C4H10O CAS No. 75-65-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, hygroscopic crystals or ADG Class 3 liquid with a camphor-like odour. Molar mass 74.12 24-26°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water, alcohols, diethyl ether, Boiling point 81-83°C UN Number 1120 esters, ketones and aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Specific gravity 0.79 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H319 Causes serious eye irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H335 May cause respiratory irritation sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands absorbent material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). contaminated clothing before reuse. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS depression. WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus 2-methyl-propan-2-ol in a suitable Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness, labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced cracking and allergic dermatitis. Eye exposure to the liquid waste disposal contractor. may cause conjunctivitis. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact open flames or other sources of ignition. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with FIRST AID air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue In cool weather, if the alcohol freezes, it can be melted by rinsing. Seek medical attention. placing the bottle within a plastic bag into a warm IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. water bath. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If STORAGE skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. The alcohol is hygroscopic. With prolonged storage, and on IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a exposure to air and sunlight, the alcohol may form peroxides. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. ventilated place. Protect from light and moisture. Ensure POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and aluminium. APPLICATIONS Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a tertiary alcohol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST 2,6-dichloroindophenol, sodium salt, hydrate Chemical DCPIP Summary

Formula C12H6Cl2NNaO2.2H2O CAS No. 620-45-1 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green, odourless, Molar mass 326.11 ADG Class - hygroscopic powder. Dye family indophenol Melting point - Packing Group - Solubility water Slightly soluble UN Number None ethanol Soluble Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 605 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory a suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful if a large amount is ingested, or if Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or inhaled or absorbed through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • redox dye Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • for monitoring the rate of photosynthesis ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. • determinations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID oxidised reduced IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue blue colourless rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Determination of vitamin C: Dissolve 0.1g in 100mL of before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and distilled water.2 soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. CLEAPSS occur, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 dyes and indicators

Laboratory Notes Introduction Dyes are organic molecules which absorb radiation in the visible spectrum and thereby appear coloured. Dyes can change colour in response to a change in the environment, such as a change in the pH, an electrical potential difference or the presence of metal ions which can bond to the dye. Dyes and indicators can present hazards which include toxicity, sensitisation and carcinogenicity. For some dyes and indicators there is a wealth of knowledge and data regarding the health hazard they present, whereas for other dyes, such information is limited. The potential health hazard of less well-known dyes can sometimes be inferred from data on related substances which have a similar structure. Therefore, when handling dyes and indicators, it is best to adopt a precautionary approach and take care to avoid any exposure to the substance.

Suggested Control Measures Limiting exposure time and concentration The dilute form of dyes and indicators and the infrequency of use helps to minimise exposure of students to dyes and indicators. Following safe practices in the handling of these substances is therefore of greater relevance to laboratory staff who prepare solutions from the dye powders. Microscale techniques The adoption of microscale techniques is an excellent control measure for limiting the volume of chemicals used and which have to be disposed of. Well plates are very useful for activities such as testing the pH of a variety of substances. Well plates are available as white ceramic tiles or as transparent plastic plates. Choice of storage bottle for class sets The use of small ‘medicine’ type bottles could be considered for class sets of dyes and indicators. These are amber glass bottles with a dropper and screwcap closure. The amber glass helps to protect the dye from degradation due to light exposure. The screwcap closure helps to protect the contents from air-oxidation and to prevent loss of solvent where ethanol is a component. There is also less chance of the cap becoming contaminated with the dye compared with other types of bottles, such as plastic screwcap bottles. Medicine bottles are also available in small volumes (25mL), which may be preferable for indicators which are used infrequently and in small quantities. Preparing solutions It is important to work in a well-ventilated, draft-free area when weighing fine powders. Working in an operating fume cupboard may not be ideal when handling fine powders as the powder can be swept up in the air flow and can contaminate the fume cupboard surfaces. Therefore, if the substance is in the form of a fine powder, it is recommended that transfers of the powder be carried out in a fume cupboard which is switched off, but with the sash down; this provides a barrier to exposure to the powder. To weigh a fine powder • Wear PPE. Work in a fume cupboard that is not turned on, with the sash lowered, to minimise exposure to the powder. • Position an electronic balance in the fume cupboard. • Place a shallow, chemically-resistant tray in the fume cupboard. • Carry out transfers of the powder in the shallow tray. This will contain any spills of the powder. • After the solution has been prepared, switch the fume cupboard on. Clean up any spills according to the Spill directions specific for the chemical. • Finally, wash the tray with water and detergent. To weigh a crystalline or granular substance • Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume cupboard. • Place a shallow, chemically-resistant tray in the fume cupboard. • Position the electronic balance close to the fume cupboard. • Carry out transfers of the substance in the shallow tray. This will contain any spills of the substance. • Pre-weigh a covered vessel (e.g. a small beaker covered with a watchglass) • In the fume cupboard, transfer the substance to the vessel. • Cover the vessel before removing it from the fume cupboard to weigh the substance. • Return the covered vessel to the fume cupboard to adjust the quantity of substance and continue in this way until the required has been transferred. • After the solution has been prepared, clean up any spills according to the directions specific for the chemical. • Finally, wash the tray with water and detergent.

If the substance is to be made into a solution which is partly ethanol (or methylated spirits) and partly water, then it should first be dissolved in the ethanol, with warming if necessary. Distilled water is then added to make up to the desired volume. References For the sources of the recipes and some items of data given in the summary pages for dyes and indicators, abbreviated references is given with corresponding full references in the table below.

Abbreviation Reference Gabb &Latchem Gabb, M.H. and Latchem, W.E. 1967. A Handbook of Laboratory Solutions, Andre Deutsch Ltd, Oxford G.B. Flinn Flinn Scientific Inc. 2008. Laboratory Solution Preparation, Flinn Scientific website. Dungey Dungey, Barbara. 2006. The Laboratory: a science reference and preparation manual for schools (Rev. ed), National Library of Australia: Traralgon, Vic.. Protocol Online Protocol Online – Your lab’s reference book, (Accessed November 2018) IHC World IHC WORLD Life Science Products and Services, Protocol database, http://www. (Accessed November 2018) StainsFile StainsFile, the Internet Resource for Histotechnologists, jindex.html (Accessed November 2018) Carolina ‘Carolina Solution Sheets’, Caroline Biological Company website, https://www.carolina. com/teacher-resources/carolina-solution-sheets/ (Accessed November 2018)

CLEAPSS CLEAPPS. 2011.The CLEAPPS recipe book. CLEAPPS website, http://science. (updated March 2017) (login required)

Canterbury Determination of Total Calcium and Magnesium Ion Concentration’. University of Canterbury website. magnesium_calcium.pdf (accessed October 2018) Sabnis Sabnis, R.W. 2010. Handbook of Biological Dyes and Stains, synthesis and industrial applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. Guelph ‘Dye-reduction-tests-methylene-blue-and-resazurin’ University of Guelph website. and-resazurin (accessed November 2018) Aldrich Green, F. J. 1990. The Sigma-Aldrich Handbook of Stains, Dyes and Indicators, Aldrich Handbook Chemical Company, Inc: U.S.A. Science ASSIST 3-methyl-butan-1-ol Chemical isoamyl alcohol; isopentyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C5H12O CAS No. 123-51-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a disagreeable ADG Class 3 odour. Molar mass 88.15 -117°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 131°C UN Number 1105 ethanol, diethyl ether, petroleum ether and glacial acetic acid. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 25 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H315 Causes skin irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H319 Causes serious eye irritation sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material H335 May cause respiratory irritation into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus 3-methyl-butan-1-ol in a suitable Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves labelled container such as for non-halogenated organic liquid (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste dispos- Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat al contractor. and respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS depression. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness open flames or other sources of ignition. and cracking. Eye contact with the liquid may cause severe irritation. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. or ignition. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash halogens, reducing agents, alkali metals and aluminium. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 alcohol; preparation of esters.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST 4-methyl-pentan-2-one Chemical isobutyl methyl ketone; MIBK Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12O CAS No. 108-10-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile, highly ADG Class 3 flammable liquid with a sharp, agreeable, Molar mass 100.16 mint-like odour. Melting point -84°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 116°C UN Number 1245 Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, acetone and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.80 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 19 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H332 Harmful if inhaled ignition. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material H319 Causes serious eye irritation such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Small quantity: Place spill material in a shallow vessel in an AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness operating fume cupboard and allow the ketone to evaporate and cracking from the absorbent. Dispose of the absorbent material as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate the spill area to evaporate any residual ketone and Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves wash thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, before reuse. eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion or inhalation may cause CNS depression, drowsiness and dizziness. Eye contact WASTE DISPOSAL may result in severe irritation. Prolonged or repeated skin Isobutyl methyl ketone is not toxic for aquatic life and is contact may have a degreasing effect and may lead to expected to biodegrade in the environment and not dermatitis. bioaccumulate. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Small quantity: Place in a shallow vessel in an operating area. Avoid inhaling fumes, vapour or mist. Avoid contact fume cupboard and allow to evaporate. with skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled bottle such as Handle away from heat and other sources of ignition. for ‘waste non-halogenated organic liquid’. Arrange for There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. vapour or liquid. Do not expose empty bottles to heat, open Test for peroxides before use. Heating to over 30°C may flames or other sources of ignition. promote the formation of peroxides.

STORAGE FIRST AID The ketone is hygroscopic and may form explosive peroxides IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. when heated or on exposure to air. Store in a tightly closed Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. and light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leak- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. age. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, metals, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. acids, alkalis, plastics and rubber. Rinse skin with water/shower.If irritation occurs, seek Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: solvent for extraction of natural products; sample compound for gas chromatography. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST acetanilide Chemical N-phenylethanamide; N-acetylaminobenzene Summary WARNING

Formula C8H9NO CAS No. 103-84-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, shiny crystalline leaflets or powder ADG Class - with a faint acetic acid odour and slightly Molar mass 135.17 burning taste. Melting point 114°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 305°C UN Number None Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, acetone, diethyl ether and glycerol. Specific gravity 1.21 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 6.1 g/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H302 Harmful if swallowed ventilation. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool, transfer to a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wipe down spill area with paper towel dampened with 60-70% ethanol/methylated spirits then wash area thoroughly with detergent and water. Store contaminated SAFE HANDLING paper towel in a sealed plastic bag or in container with spill Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion include headache, cough, shortness of breath and dizziness. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from FIRST AID heat and any sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from strong oxidising agents and strong bases. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. If eye irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: investigating the properties of amides; occur, seek medical advice/attention. aromatic substitution reactions. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST acetic acid glacial Chemical ethanoic acid; methanecarboxylic acid Summary DANGER

Formula C2H4O2 CAS No. 64-19-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear,colourless, hygroscopic liquid or clear ADG Class 8 (3) crystalline solid (in cold weather) with a Molar mass 60.05 characteristic pungent, vinegar-like odour. Melting point 16.7°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 118°C UN Number 2789 Miscible wth water, ethanol, diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 1.05 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 602.9 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage sources. Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition SAFE HANDLING of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Decant Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. before breaks and at the end of work. Dispose of the residual solids as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (Viton®, butyl rubber; nitrile gloves provide splash protection). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract. Eye contact may result in burns and Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% permanent eye damage. by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid breathing the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. down the sink with further dilution. Vapour is heavier than air and may collect in low-lying Large quantity: Store in the original container or other areas. Vapours may form explosive mixture with air. suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a Vapours may travel to an ignition source and flash back. licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle away from heat and ignition sources.

STORAGE The concentrated acid is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away FIRST AID from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Ensure container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue any sources of ignition. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from oxidising agents, bases, alkali metals and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do alkaline earth metals. NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with separately from other chemicals, on a low shelf, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. with secondary containment. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: diluted, an example of an organic acid. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: titration of a weak acid; ester preparation. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST acetone Chemical propanone; dimethyl ketone Summary DANGER

Formula C3H6O CAS No. 67-64-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile, highly ADG Class 3 flammable liquid with a characteristic sweet Molar mass 58.08 odour. Melting point -95°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 56°C UN Number 1090 Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.79 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Highly flammable Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H319 Causes serious eye irritation ignition. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand. AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness Place spill material in a shallow vessel in an operating fume and cracking cupboard and allow acetone to evaporate from the absorbent. Dispose of the absorbent material as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Ventilate the spill area to evaporate any residual acetone Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands and wash thoroughly with water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause WASTE DISPOSAL irritation of the skin and respiratory tract. Ingestion or Acetone is readily biodegradable and is not expected to inhalation may cause CNS depression, drowsiness and bioacummulate. dizziness. Eye contact may result in severe irritation. Small quantity: Place in a shallow vessel in an operating Repeated or prolonged skin contact may have a degreasing fume cupboard and allow to evaporate. effect and may lead to dermatitis. There is a risk of Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled bottle such as aspiration into the lungs if ingested. for ‘waste non-halogenated organic liquid’. Arrange for Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. area. Avoid inhaling fumes, vapour or mist. Avoid contact The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual with skin and eyes. Handle away from heat and other vapour or liquid. Do not expose empty bottles to heat, open sources of ignition. flames or other sources of ignition. Rinse empty bottles There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, thoroughly with water to remove any residual solvent. confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back.

STORAGE Acetone is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container FIRST AID in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue away from heat and any sources of ignition. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, metals, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. acids, alkalis, plastics and rubber. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower.If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: in the reaction rate experiment, the position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS iodination of propanone. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Technical: solvent for many organic compounds and some inorganic substances; for welding plastics (acrylic, ABS). POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST acetyl chloride Chemical ethanoyl chloride; acetic acid chloride Summary DANGER

Formula C2H3ClO CAS No. 75-36-5 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless fuming liquid with a pungent ADG Class 3 (8) odour. Molar mass 78.5 -112°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with diethyl ether, glacial acetic acid Boiling point 51°C UN Number 1717 and petroleum ether. Soluble in acetone. Specific gravity 1.1 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Decomposes Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage ignition. Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate or AUH014 Reacts violently with water sodium bicarbonate and non-combustible absorbent such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up with a non-sparking tool into a bucket of water. Test the pH (pH paper) and neutralise the solution by addition of dilute HCl SAFE HANDLING (1-2M) or sodium carbonate as necessary. Flush the neutral Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands solution down the sink. Dispose of residual absorbent before breaks and at the end of work. material as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (butyl rubber; nitrile for splash contact). Acetyl chloride is corrosive and a lachrymator. Exposure may cause WASTE DISPOSAL irritation and burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract and The acid chloride can be decomposed by its reaction with on ingestion. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause aqueous base to give a non-hazardous water-soluble salt. dermatitis. Eye contact may cause permanent eye damage. Acetyl chloride requires 2 equivalents of base for Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid breathing neutralisation. vapour and contact with skin and eyes. Handle away from Small quantity: Add the waste acid chloride to sodium heat and sources of ignition. hydroxide solution (2M) or sodium carbonate solution (2M) The acid chloride reacts violently with water, giving acetic at the rate of 1mL of acid chloride to 20 mL of aqueous base. acid and corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride. Carbon dioxide gas will evolve from the reaction with sodium carbonate. Neutralise the solution to pH ~7 by addition of HCl (1-2M) and flush down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from FIRST AID moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from alcohols, oxidising agents, strong bases, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue alkali hydroxides, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store separated from other chemicals, with IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. secondary containment. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: preparation of esters, amides. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST acetylene, generated from a reaction Chemical ethyne Summary DANGER

Formula C2H2 CAS No. 74-86-2 User Group Qualified Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless gas with a slight 26.04 garlic-like odour which is due to Molar mass Vapour density (air = 1) 0.9 phosphine impurities in the calcium Melting point - Liquid density (water = 1) - carbide from which the gas is generated. Pure acetylene has a Boiling point -84°C sublimes Flammability Extremely flammable slight ethereal odour. 1185 mg/L (% by volume of air) Acetylene burns in air with a smoky Solubility in water Flammability Range 2.3-82% flame.

HAZARD STATEMENTS WASTE DISPOSAL H220 Extremely flammable gas Unused acetylene may be vented to the atmosphere in an H230 May react explosively even in the absence of air operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Unreacted calcium carbide: Add to a large volume of water and place in a well-ventilated area until completely reacted. Neutralise the resulting solution to within pH 6-8 and wash SAFE HANDLING down the sink. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Acetylene gas is not toxic and is not known to have any harmful long-term effects. However, exposure to high concentrations may lead to asphyxiation due to displacement of air. Exposure to low concentrations may have narcotic effects (dizziness, headache, nausea). The gas should be prepared and handled in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. All ignition sources, PREPARATION NOTES including static discharges, should be removed from the Acetylene is prepared from the reaction of calcium carbide work area. Use non-sparking tools. Avoid inhalation. with water according to the equation: Acetylene forms explosive mixtures with air over a wide CaC2 + H2O --> C2H2 + Ca(OH)2 range of concentrations and can decompose explosively Calcium carbide is usually the limiting reagent. into its elements if subjected to slight heating or slightly To stop the reaction, cover the reaction mixture completely increased pressure. Avoid exposing the gas to heat, shock with an excess of dry sand. or friction. Flammable/explosive vapours have the potential to accumulate in confined spaces. Acetylene can react dangerously with oxidising agents, halogens and alkali metals. Explosive acetylides can form if acetylene comes into contact with the metals copper, copper alloys, silver and mercury and their salts.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Adverse effects to the eyes are not expected. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. IF ON SKIN: Adverse effects to the skin are not expected. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Demonstration of the preparation and properties of acetylene gas.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST adipoyl chloride Chemical adipoyl dichloride; dichloride Summary DANGER

Formula C6H8Cl2O2 CAS No. 111-50-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to yellow liquid with a pungent ADG Class 8 odour. Molar mass 183.03 - Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. Boiling point 105-107°C UN Number 3265 Specific gravity 1.259 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Decomposes Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H302 Harmful if swallowed ignition. Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate or H332 Harmful if inhaled sodium bicarbonate and non-combustible absorbent such as AUH014 Reacts violently with water sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up with a non-sparking tool into a bucket of water. Test the pH (pH paper) and neutralise the solution by addition of HCl (1-2M) SAFE HANDLING or sodium carbonate as necessary. Flush the neutral solution Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands down the sink. Dispose of residual absorbent material as before breaks and at the end of work. general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (butyl rubber, Viton®; nitrile for splash contact). Adipoyl chloride is corrosive and a lachrymator. Exposure may WASTE DISPOSAL cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract The acid chloride can be decomposed by its reaction with and on ingestion. Eye contact may cause permanent eye aqueous base to give a non-hazardous water-soluble salt. damage. Note that adipoyl chloride requires 4 equivalents of base for Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid neutralisation. breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Small quantity: Add the waste acid chloride to sodium Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from hydroxide solution (2M) or sodium carbonate solution (2M) heat and sources of ignition. at the rate of 1mL of acid chloride to 20 mL of aqueous base. The reaction with water is violent, giving adipic acid and Carbon dioxide gas will evolve from the reaction with sodium corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride. carbonate. Neutralise the solution to pH ~7 by addition of HCl (1-2M) and flush down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste STORAGE disposal contractor. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from alcohols, oxidising agents, bases, alkali FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. hydroxides, amines, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with corrosive liquids (organic acids). rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek Senior chemistry: a reagent in the preparation of . medical attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST agar Chemical agar-agar Summary

Formula n/a CAS No. 9002-18-0 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to pale buff, odourless powder. Molar mass - ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water with boiling. Dissolves Melting point 90°C slowly in hot water, forming a viscous Boiling point - UN Number None solution. Insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity - Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 20 g/L (60°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources and combustible material from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Store in a suitable labelled container such as the original inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and container or with solid organic waste. Arrange for collection clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. by a licenced waste disposal contractor. The material has the potential to form a dust explosion. For more detailed guidance on the handling of agar see the following Science ASSIST resources: Guidelines for best practice for microbiology in Australian schools Standard Operating Procedure: Preparing Agar Plates

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 Store away from oxidising agents. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store with general organic solids. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention if a large amount ingested. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Culture medium for bacteriology; reaction medium for position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek chemistry/biology activities. medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST alizarin Chemical C.I. 58000; C.I. Mordant Red 11; Alizarin red Summary

Formula C14H8O4 CAS No. 72-48-0 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow to orange to red Molar mass 240.21 ADG Class - needles or powder. Dye family anthraquinone Melting point 279-283°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 0.4 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 2 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in hexane and glacial acetic acid. 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 567 nm, 609 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H315 Causes skin irritation and light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. Store away from alkalis and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or respiratory tract. Solution: bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other APPLICATIONS suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid • red textile dye waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, • histology: stains free calcium and calcium compounds add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste • standard in UV Vis spectrophotometry bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal • pH indicator contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 5.5 pH 6.8 pH 10.1 pH 12.1 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow red red purple rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Dissolve 0.1 g in 100mL of distilled water.3 soap. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in References: a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Dungey attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST alizarin red S Chemical C.I. 58005; Alizarin carmine; Mordant Red 3 Summary

Formula C14H7O7S.Na CAS No. 130-22-3 User Group 7-12S (Note E)


Dye family anthraquinone Melting point 287-289°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 20 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 1 mg/mL Flammability Poisons Schedule - 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 556 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H319 Causes serious eye irritation and light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed suitable labelled container. through the skin. Chronic or repeated skin exposure may Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or cause dermatitis. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with dampened paper there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • histology: stains calcium; stains cartilage and bone labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 3.5 pH 6.5 pH 9.4 pH 12.0 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. yellow red orange violet Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. 3 IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash pH indicator: Dissolve 0.1 g in 100mL of distilled water. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Dungey a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium Chemical aluminium foil, sheet, granules Summary

Formula Al CAS No. 7429-90-5 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silvery white, malleable, ductile metal. Molar mass 26.98 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Reacts with alkalis, sulfuric acid and Melting point 660°C hydrochloric acid, forming soluble salts. Boiling point 2467°C UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 2.7 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantities may be disposed of as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container for before breaks and at the end of work. waste aluminium metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste disposal contractor or metal recycling facility. (nitrile). Exposure to aluminium dust may cause irritation to the respiratory tract and mechanical irritation to the eyes. Sharp metal edges may damage skin. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Aluminium reacts with acids or alkalis, with evolution of flammable hydrogen gas. Aluminium corrodes in contact with other metals; the reaction is vigorous in contact with mercury.

STORAGE On exposure to moist air, aluminium develops a thin passivating layer of the oxide. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens and rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: qualitative properties of the element. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: redox reactions; electrochemistry.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium powder Chemical aluminium powder, coated Summary DANGER

Formula Al CAS No. 7429-90-5 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, silvery white powder. It’s reactivity ADG Class 4.1 is reduced by a coating of oil. Molar mass 26.98 660°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Reacts with alkalis, sulfuric acid and Boiling point 2467°C UN Number 1309 hydrochloric acid, forming soluble salts. Specific gravity 2.7 Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H228 Flammable solid Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources. Using a non-sparking tool, collect spill material and transfer to a suitable non-reactive container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wipe surfaces with dampened paper towel to remove residual aluminium dust. Rinse the paper towel and dispose SAFE HANDLING of as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the respiratory Small quantity: Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume tract and mechanical irritation to the skin and eyes. cupboard. Dissolve waste aluminium powder in a solution of Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated sodium hydroxide (5M) in the proportion of 1 gram of Al to area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with 20mL of NaOH solution. Carry out the reaction in a beaker skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. large enough to accommodate foaming due to evolution of Aluminium powder reacts with acids or alkalis, with H2. When the reaction is complete, add the solution to an generation of flammable hydrogen gas. equal volume of water and adjust the pH to approximately The powder has the potential to form explosive mixtures in pH 7.5 to precipitate aluminium hydroxide. Allow the mixture air and when mixed with oxidising agents. to age over days, then decant the supernatant. Wash the Aluminium corrodes in contact with other metals; the supernatant down the sink. Allow the residue to dry and reaction is vigorous in contact with mercury. transfer to a suitable labelled container such as for waste In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the inorganic salts and store for collection by a licenced waste extinguishing agent. disposal contractor. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a STORAGE licenced waste disposal contractor or metal recycling facility. On exposure to moist air, aluminium develops a thin Do not mix with other waste. passivating layer of the oxide. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. FIRST AID Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin APPLICATIONS thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. Demonstration of the Thermite reaction. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium chloride, anhydrous Chemical aluminium trichloride Summary DANGER

Formula AlCl3 CAS No. 7446-70-0 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to yellowish crystals or powder with a ADG Class 8 sharp, pungent odour of hydrogen chloride. Molar mass 133.34 180-181°C sublimes Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and alcohol. Boiling point 262°C decomposes UN Number 1726 Solubility in water Specific gravity 2.44 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - 450 g/L (20°C) decomposes Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate and sand or other inert absorbent material. Collect spill material in a corrosion- resistant container. Working in an operating fume cupboard, SAFE HANDLING cautiously add the spill material in portions to a large Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands volume of water. Adjust pH to approximately 7.5 and allow before breaks and at the end of work. the mixture to stand for 24 hours. Decant the supernatant Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of solid (nitrile). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic and residue as general waste. corrosive. Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contaminated clothing before reuse. contact can cause permanent injury. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Vent container WASTE DISPOSAL before opening in case of a build up of pressure. Avoid Store waste or surplus aluminium chloride in the original generating or inhaling dust, vapour, mist or gas. Avoid container or other suitable, labelled container and arrange contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or for collection by a licenced disposal company. Do not mix repeated exposure. with other waste. The reaction with water is violent and exothermic, generating toxic and corrosive hydrogen chloride gas. Heating of the substance generates hydrogen chloride. The reaction with bases, alkenes or alkali metals can be vigorous and explosive. The reaction with metals in the presence of moisture may produce flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and deliquescent and FIRST AID 3+ decomposes on absorption of water, forming hydrated Al IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ions and hydrochloric acid. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed corrosion-resistant container in a rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Protect from moisture. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from acids, alkali metals, bases and oxidising IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash agents. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Do Store with corrosive solids (DG Class 8). not attempt to neutralise. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek immediate medical attention. Senior chemistry: demonstration of Friedel-Crafts reaction. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium chloride, hexahydrate Chemical aluminium trichloride hexahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula AlCl3.6H2O CAS No. 7784-13-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to white or yellow, deliquescent, ADG Class - crystalline powder with a sweet astringent Molar mass 241.43 taste. Melting point ca 100°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point - UN Number None Soluble in water, alcohol, ether and glycerol. Specific gravity 2.4 Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1330 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate and sand. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Neutralise with sodium carbonate solution. Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect spill material and treat as for Waste SAFE HANDLING Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic and Solution waste: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer corrosive. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous and respiratory tract. Ingestion may cause severe irritation solutions. Arrange for collection. to the gastrointestinal tract. Small volumes of dilute solutions: Add sodium carbonate Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated solution until a pH of 7.5 is reached. Allow the mixture to area. Avoid generating or inhaling dust, vapour, mist or gas. stand for 24 hours. Collect the precipitate by decanting or Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. filtration. Wash the filtrate down the sink. Dispose of solid Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. residue as general waste. Heating of the substance produces toxic and corrosive Solid waste: Transfer to a suitable labelled container such hydrogen chloride gas. as for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and decomposes over time on exposure to air. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed, corrosion resistant container in a IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids, bases and strong oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention if Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis. feeling unwell.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium hydroxide Chemical aluminium trihydrate; hydrated alumina Summary

Formula Al(OH)3 CAS No. 21645-51-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystalline powder, Molar mass 78.00 ADG Class - balls or granules. Melting point 300°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Practically insoluble in water and in alcohol. Boiling point > 230°C (loss of water) UN Number None Soluble in strong acids and strong alkalis. Specific gravity 2.42 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.0015 g/L (25°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous. Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill (slurry): Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Dispose of as general waste. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and Large quantities: Transfer to a suitable labelled container respiratory tract. Ingestion of large doses may be harmful. such as for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and by a licenced waste disposal contractor. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating aluminium hydroxide above about 230°C causes decomposition with release of water of crystallisation.

STORAGE Ths substance absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and strong oxidising agents. rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: to demonstrate its thermal decomposition to aluminium oxide; to demonstrate amphoterism.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium nitrate, nonahydrate Chemical aluminium trinitrate nonahydrate; nitric acid, aluminium salt Summary DANGER

Formula Al(NO3)3.9H2O CAS No. 7784-27-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, nearly odourless, deliquescent ADG Class 5.1 crystals. Molar mass 375.13 73°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohol and ethylene glycol. Boiling point 135°C decomposes UN Number 1438 Very slightly soluble in acetone. Almost insoluble in ethyl acetate. Specific gravity 1.72 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 640 g/L (25°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove combustible H315 Causes skin irritation material and ignition sources from the spill area. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong oxidising agent. Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Exposure may WASTE DISPOSAL cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for Symptoms of ingestion include CNS effects and gastric collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Do not upset. mix with other waste. Handle in well ventilated area. Avoid inhalation and ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from sources of ignition and flammable/ combustible materials. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and deliquescent. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Protect from moisture. Store IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. away from heat and sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from reducing agents, powdered metals, rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. combustible materials, organic substances and strong acids IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and bases. Do not store on wooden surfaces. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; occur, seek medical advice/attention. construction of a metal reactivity series.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium oxide Chemical alumina; aluminium(III) oxide Summary

Formula Al2O3 CAS No. 1344-28-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless balls, lumps or powder. Molar mass 101.96 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Insoluble in water. Soluble in some Melting point 2050°C concentrated acids and alkalis. Boiling point 2980°C UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 3.94 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous. Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill (slurry): Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Dispose of as general waste. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mechanical irritation of Larger quantity: Transfer to a suitable labelled container the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. such as for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and by a licenced waste disposal contractor. inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from strong acids, strong bases and oxidising IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: to demonstrate amphoterism; occur, seek medical advice/attention. chromatography.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium potassium sulfate, dodecahydrate Chemical potassium alum; aluminium potassium disulphate dodecahydrate Summary

Formula AlK(SO4)2.12H2O CAS No. 7784-24-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - an astringent taste. Molar mass 474.38 92°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, glycerol and dilute acid. Boiling point 60-200°C (-12H2O) UN Number None Insoluble in alcohol and acetone. Specific gravity 1.75 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 139 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous. Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand and vermiculite or bentonite. Collect spill material and SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solution waste: Small volumes of dilute solutions: Add (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. sodium carbonate solution until a pH of 7.5 is reached. Allow Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive effects to the the mixture to stand for 24 hours. Collect the precipitate skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Ingestion by decanting or filtration. Wash the filtrate down the sink. of large doses may be harmful. Dispose of solid residue as general waste. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Solutions may be allowed to evaporate in a fume cupboard inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and and the residue treated as solid waste. Alternatively, the salt clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. can be recrystallised and recycled. The salt is corrosive to some metals when heated in the Solid waste: Small quantities can be disposed of as presence of water. general waste. Store large quantities of waste solid in a When preparing a saturated solution, note that the solubility suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids increases ~10-fold as the solution temperature is increased and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal from 20°C to 100°C. contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed, corrosion-resistant container in a FIRST AID cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from strong bases and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If APPLICATIONS irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. General science: crystal growing. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a determination of the empirical formula. Senior chemistry: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST aluminium sulfate octadecahydrate Chemical cake alum; sulfate of alumina Summary DANGER

Formula Al2(SO4)3.18H2O CAS No. 7784-31-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, lustrous crystals or ADG Class - granules with a sweet, mildly astringent taste. Molar mass 666.42 90-340°C (-12H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point 770°C anhydrous salt UN Number None decomposes Solubility in water 364 g/L (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Specific gravity 1.72 Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H318 Causes serious eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Neutralise with sodium carbonate solution. Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect spill material and treat as for Waste SAFE HANDLING Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Solution waste: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer Exposure may cause moderate to severe irritation of the to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of ingestion solutions. Arrange for collection. include burns to the mouth, nausea and vomiting. Chronic Solutions may be allowed to evaporate in a fume cupboard exposure may lead to CNS effects. and the residue treated as solid waste. Alternatively, the salt Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generation and can be recrystallised and recycled. inhalation of dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes Small volumes of dilute solutions: Add sodium carbonate and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. solution until a pH of 7.5 is reached. Allow the mixture to The salt is corrosive to some metals in the presence of stand for 24 hours. Collect the precipitate by decanting or water. filtration. Wash the filtrate down the sink. Dispose of solid residue as general waste. Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Ths salt hydrolyses in moist air and in solution, forming sulfuric acid. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed, corrosion-resistant container in a IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from strong bases and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: a flocculating agent in water treatment. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: in electrochemistry, battery construction; persist, seek medical attention. an example of an amphoteric salt. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonia, generated from a reaction Chemical anhydrous ammonia Summary DANGER

Formula NH3 CAS No. 7664-41-7 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless gas with a pungent, Molar mass 17.03 Vapour density (air = 1) 0.59 suffocating odour. Ammonia burns in air with a Melting point -77.7°C Liquid density (water = 1) - yellow flame. Boiling point -33.4°C Flammability Flammable

Solubility in water 517 g/L Flammability Range (% by volume of air) 15-28%

HAZARD STATEMENTS WASTE DISPOSAL H221 Flammable gas Unused ammonia gas can be bubbled into water. H331 Toxic if inhaled Any glassware, tubing and other items of apparatus H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage contaminated with the gas should be rinsed with water. The H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects rinsing water may then be neutralised and washed down the sink.

SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Anhydrous ammonia is corrosive. Anhydrous ammonia is hygroscopic and hydrolyses in water, forming alkaline solutions of ammonium hydroxide. Exposure to low concentrations may cause irritation to the PREPARATION NOTES eyes and respiratory tract. Exposure to high concentrations Ammonia gas can be prepared by warming a sample of may cause burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution or, alternatively, may lead to pulmonary oedema, which can be fatal. Chronic by gently heating a mixture of ammonium chloride and exposure may lead to damage to the respiratory system. calcium hydroxide and passing the gas through a drying tube Prepare and handle the gas in an operating fume cupboard. containing calcium oxide to remove the water vapour. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin and eyes. Avoid The gas is collected into an inverted receiving vessel by prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from sources downward displacement of air. Anhydrous ammonia gas will of heat and ignition. rapidly absorb water. Ammonia can react dangerously with oxidising agents, yielding toxic oxides of nitrogen. The reaction with acids can be exothermic and violent.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Seek medical advice/attention. General science: the preparation of ammonia gas and IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a investigation of its properties. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST ammonia, 10-32% solutions Chemical ammonium hydroxide solution Summary DANGER

Formula NH4OH CAS No. 1336-21-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear to slightly turbid liquid with a strong ADG Class 8 pungent odour. Molar mass 35.1 (NH4OH) -8°C (8%) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point -69°C (28%) Miscible with water. Soluble in ethanol and UN Number 2672 diethyl ether. Boiling point 24.7°C (32%) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Miscible Specific gravity 0.898 (20°C, 28%) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with H400 Very toxic to aquatic life absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up into a plastic container. In a fume cupboard, add the material slowly to a bucket of cold water and neutralise as for Waste Disposal. Decant neutral SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands residual solid material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate spill area and wash thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (butyl-rubber, nitrile). The solution is strongly alkaline. Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact may Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. result in severe eye damage and permanent injury. Add waste ammonia solution slowly, with stirring, to a large Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid inhaling volume of cold water. Neutralise the solution to within mist or vapour. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. pH 6 - 8 by addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. The pressure in the bottle may build up, particularly at Large quantity: Store in the original bottle or other suitable elevated temperatures. Bottles should therefore be opened labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste cautiously, in an operating fume cupboard. disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept upright to avoid leakage. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. Storage at or below room temperature (25°C) is FIRST AID recommended. Over time, the concentration will decrease as IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ammonia evolves from the solution. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents and metals. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor Store segregated from other chemicals, on a low shelf with IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do secondary containment. NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Seek APPLICATIONS medical advice/attention. General science: diluted, in investigations of acids and IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a bases. position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call Senior chemistry: reagent for qualitative inorganic a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Technical: preparation of buffer solutions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST cloudy ammonia Chemical ammonium hydroxide solution; household ammonia Summary DANGER

Formula NH4OH CAS No. 1336-21-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Cloudy white liquid with a pungent, irritating ADG Class - odour. An aqueous solution of ammonium Molar mass 35.05 (NH4OH) hydroxide (generally, <5%) with added soap Melting point -2.9°C (4%) Packing Group - or surfactant. -8°C (8%) UN Number None SOLUBILITY Boiling point ca. 100°C Miscible with water. Soluble in ethanol and Specific gravity 0.981 (20°C, 4%) Poisons Schedule S5 (≤5%) diethyl ether. 0.965 (20°C, 8%) S6 (>5%) Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with H315 Causes skin irritation absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat H318 Causes serious eye damage litter) and/or sand and scoop up into a plastic container. In a fume cupboard, add the material slowly to a bucket of cold water and neutralise as for Waste Disposal. Decant the SAFE HANDLING neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the residual solid material as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Ventilate spill area and wash thoroughly with water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (butyl-rubber, nitrile). The solution is strongly alkaline. WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause moderate irritation to the skin and Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. respiratory tract. Eye contact may cause severe irritation, Add waste ammonia solution slowly, with stirring, to 2-3 redness and pain. Ingestion may result in ulceration and times its volume of cold water. Neutralise the solution to burns to the mouth and throat. within pH 6-8 by addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated stirring. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. area. Avoid inhaling mist or vapour. Avoid contact with skin, Large quantity: Store in the original bottle or other suitable eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste As the pressure in the bottle may build up, particularly at disposal contractor. elevated temperatures, bottles should be opened cautiously.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container is kept upright to avoid leakage. Store away from heat and FIRST AID sources of ignition. Storage at or below room temperature IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. (25°C) is recommended. Over time, the concentration Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue becomes lower as ammonia evolves from the solution. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from acids, oxidising agents, alkalis and metals. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with dilute aqueous solutions. NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ APPLICATIONS shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical General science: investigations of the acidity/basicity of advice/attention. household substances. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: titrimetric determination of ammonia in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms commercially available product. persist, seek medical attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 03 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST ammonium acetate Chemical ammonium ethanoate; acetic acid, ammonium salt Summary

Formula CH3CO2NH4 CAS No. 631-61-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, deliquescent crystalline solid with ADG Class - a weak odour of acetic acid. Molar mass 77.08 114°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and alcohol. Slightly soluble Boiling point decomposes UN Number None in acetone. Specific gravity 1.17 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1480 g/L (4°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition Not classified as hazardous sources from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a SAFE HANDLING large volume of water. Decant the supernatant, neutralise to Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands within pH 6-8 if necessary, and wash down the sink. Dispose before breaks and at the end of work. of residual solid as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. (concentration < 1%): Neutralise to within pH 6-8 if neces- sary, and wash down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertilizer.

STORAGE The susbstance is hygroscopic and loses ammonia over time. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium carbonate Chemical diammonium carbonate; crystalline ammonia; salt of hartshorn Summary WARNING

Formula (NH4)2CO3 or mixture: H2NCOONH4 + (NH4)HCO3 CAS No. 506-87-6 (diammonium carbonate) or 10361-29-2 (mixture) User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystalline powder with a strong ADG Class - odour of ammonia. Composed of a mixture Molar mass 96.09 [(NH4)2CO3] of ammonium carbamate and ammonium Melting point 58-60°C decomposes Packing Group - bicarbonate. Boiling point - UN Number None SOLUBILITY Soluble in water. Specific gravity 1.5 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 320 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant, SAFE HANDLING neutralise to within pH 6-8 if necessary, and wash down the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sink. Dispose of residual solid as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause moderate skin irritation and severe eye irritation and eye damage. The dust and WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions ammonia vapours may cause irritation to the respiratory (concentration < 1%): Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and wash tract. down the sink. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or vapour. Avoid as for dry inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or licenced waste disposal contractor. repeated exposure. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertilizer. The salt decomposes when heated or on exposure to air, releasing ammonia and carbon dioxide. On contact with base, ammonia is released.

STORAGE FIRST AID The salt is sensitive to air, light and heat and over time, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. decomposes with loss of ammonia and carbon dioxide, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue forming ammonium bicarbonate. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from heat and light. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids, alkali hydroxides, oxidising agents IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash and reducing agents. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of Store with general inorganic solids. water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: demonstration of the decomposition of occur, seek medical advice/attention. the salt to give ammonia, carbon dioxide and water. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium chloride Chemical sal ammoniac Summary WARNING

Formula NH4Cl CAS No. 12125-02-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or granules. Molar mass 53.49 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water, methanol and glycerol. Melting point 340°C sublimes Slightly soluble in ethanol. Almost insoluble in Boiling point - UN Number None acetone, diethyl ether and ethyl acetate. Specific gravity 1.53 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 372 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a SAFE HANDLING large volume of water. Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands decant the supernatant down the sink. Dispose of solid before breaks and at the end of work. residue as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (latex, nitrile). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately acidic. Exposure to dust or vapour may cause irritation to WASTE DISPOSAL the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Prolonged or repeated Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions skin contact may cause allergic dermatitis. Inhalation of (concentration < 1%): Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 vapour may cause an asthma-like allergy. and wash down the sink. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or vapour. Avoid arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or contractor. repeated exposure. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertilizer, the Heating the substance generates toxic and irritating fumes application of which will have an acidifying effect on the soil. of ammonia and hydrogen chloride. The reaction with acid may liberate toxic and corrosive hydrogen chloride gas. On contact with base, ammonia is released. Ammonium chloride is corrosive to ferrous metals, aluminium and copper.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic and over time, loses FIRST AID ammonia, becoming more acidic. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. and halogens. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with general inorganic solids. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: demonstration of an endothermic process occur, seek medical advice/attention. (dissolution in water). Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium hydrogen carbonate Chemical ammonium bicarbonate; carbonic acid, monoammonium salt Summary WARNING

Formula (NH4)HCO3 CAS No. 1066-33-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals or powder with an odour ADG Class - of ammonia. Molar mass 79.06 36-60°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in methanol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 220 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.58 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H302 Harmful if swallowed sources from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with SAFE HANDLING a non-sparking tool and add to a large volume of water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Decant the supernatant down the sink and dispose of solid before breaks and at the end of work. residue as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solution area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, mist or vapour. (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Alternatively, small quantities of the solid or of solutions can The salt decomposes when heated above about 60°C, be heated to decomposition in an operating fume cupboard. releasing irritating and toxic ammonia gas, carbon dioxide Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and and water. arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertiliser.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID The salt is heat-sensitive; to minimise decomposition, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. storage below 15°C is recommended by some suppliers. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium iron (III) sulfate dodecahydrate Chemical ferric alum; ammonium ferric sulfate dodecahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula NH4Fe(SO4)2.12H2O CAS No. 7783-83-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, efflorescent, violet crystals. Molar mass 482.19 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Melting point 39-41°C - UN Number None Solubility in water 1240 g/L (25°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.71 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for H319 Causes serious eye irritation Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and dispose of as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Solid: Very small quantitites may be (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. disposed of as general waste. Solution: Evaporate the water Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and and dispose of as solid waste respiratory tract and on ingestion. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and arrange for collection by a licenced waste inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. disposal contractor.

STORAGE The salt is light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place. Protect from sunlight, heat and moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: crystal growing. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: ferric alum indicator for the occur, seek medical advice/attention. determination of chloride.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium metavanadate Chemical ammonium vanadate; vanadic acid, ammonium salt Summary DANGER

Formula NH4VO3 CAS No. 7803-55-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to yellow, odourless crystalline ADG Class 6.1 powder. Molar mass 116.98 200°C decomposes Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point - UN Number 2859 ethanolamine and aqueous ammonia solution. Insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.3 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 5.1 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H301 Toxic if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H330 Fatal if inhaled ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for H319 Causes serious eye irritation Waste Disposal. H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H335 May cause respiratory irritation material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Scoop up H402 Harmful to aquatic life with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus ammonium metavanadate in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves for heavy metal waste solid or solution, as appropriate, and (nitrile). Ammonium metavanadate is a weak oxidising agent arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal and is moderately toxic. Exposure may cause irritation to contractor. the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of ingestion include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and CNS effects. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, vapour, mist or gas. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating or mixing with base may liberate irritating fumes of ammonia. Contact with metals may generate flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE FIRST AID The salt is hygroscopic. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place. Protect from moisture and sunlight. Store rinsing. Seek medical attention. away from heat and sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents and Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. combustible materials. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with general inorganic solids or with toxic inorganic before reuse. Rinse skin with plenty of water. If skin irritation solids. Toxic chemicals must be stored securely, with access occurs: Get medical advice/attention. limited to authorised staff. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical APPLICATIONS attention. Senior chemistry: demonstration of the colours of the POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 various oxidation states of vanadium.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium molybdate, tetrahydrate Chemical ammonium heptamolybdate; ammonium paramolybdate Summary WARNING

Formula (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O CAS No. 12054-85-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless or slightly green-yellow crystals or ADG Class - powder with an odour of ammonia. Molar mass 1235.86 90°C (-H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Soluble in water, acids and alkalis. Practically Boiling point 190°C decomposes UN Number None insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.498 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 400 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect material, place into a suitable labelled H319 Causes serious eye irritation container and store for collection. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material, place in a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus ammonium molybdate in the original (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, container or other suitable labelled container such as for eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large amount can inorganic salts and arrange for collection by a licenced waste have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Solution: Allow the water to evaporate from the solution and area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact store the solid residue for collection. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated Alternatively, recrystallise the salt from water and recycle. exposure. Ammonia is released on contact with base. Heating to decomposition produces irritating and toxic fumes of ammonia and oxides of nitrogen.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Senior chemistry: colorimetric determination of phosphate. a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium nitrate Chemical nitrate of ammonia; nitric acid, ammonium salt Summary WARNING

Formula NH4NO3 CAS No. 6484-52-2 User Group 11-12 (Note M)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to white, odourless crystals, ADG Class 5.1 granules or prills. Molar mass 80.04 Packing Group III Melting point 169°C SOLUBILITY UN Number 1942 Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol and Boiling point ca. 210°C decomposes Poisons Schedule - acetone. Insoluble in diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.50 (20°C) Security CSC; SSAN Solubility in water 1877 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible check with the oxidising solid state regulator for licensing requirements

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H315 Cause skin irritation ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect material with a clean, non-sparking tool H335 May cause respiratory irritation and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent SAFE HANDLING material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Add material to a large volume of water. Decant solution down the sink or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands apply as fertiliser to soil. Wash solid residue with water and before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves again decant solution. Dispose of solid residue as general (nitrile, latex). Ammonium nitrate is a strong oxidising agent waste. which can react explosively when combined with Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any combustible materials or reducing agents. Aqueous contaminated clothing before reuse. solutions of the salt are moderately acidic. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Ingestion of a large quantity may be harmful. Store waste or surplus ammonium nitrate in a suitable Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. disposal contractor. Do not mix with any other waste. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Do not mix with If the ammonium nitrate is contaminated with organic organic substances or combustible materials. or combustible material: For small quantitiy, dissolve the Ammonia is released on contact with base. Heating to waste material in a large volume of water and wash down decomposition produces irritating and toxic fumes of the sink. For large quantity, dissolve the waste solid in water ammonia and oxides of nitrogen. and store the solution for collection. The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended. Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 1 %) can In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. be washed down the sink. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertiliser. STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic and light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed dark or opaque container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from light and moisture. The storage container FIRST AID must not contain any organic material or other incompatible IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. substance. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis, reducing agents, metals, rinsing. Seek medical attention. alkali metals, oxidising agents, hypochlorites, combustible IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. materials and organic substances. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store segregated from other chemicals, with secondary IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash containment. before reuse. Rinse skin with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: demo - endothermic dissolution in water. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: Tollen’s reagent; qualitative analysis. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium oxalate, monohydrate Chemical diammonium oxalate monohydrate; oxalic acid, diammonium salt Summary WARNING

Formula (NH4)2C2O4.H2O CAS No. 6009-70-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White odourless crystals. Molar mass 142.11 ADG Class 6.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Melting point ca. 70°C decomposes - UN Number 2811 Solubility in water 45 g/L (anhydrate) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.50 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. H312 Harmful in contact with skin Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 1%) can and respiratory tract. Symptoms of ingestion or inhalation be washed down the sink. include coughing, agitation, nausea and vomiting. Ingestion Waste solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such can lead to kidney damage. as for dry solid organic waste. Arrange for collection by a Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated licenced waste disposal contractor. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust and aerosols. Waste solution (large volume or more concentrated): Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged Store for collection or allow the water to evaporate and store or repeated exposure. the solid residue for collection. Heating to decomposition releases the irritating and toxic gases carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and ammonia.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: investigations of the photoreduction of CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. iodine with oxalate ion; determination of calcium POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 in limestone.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium persulfate Chemical ammonium peroxydisulfate; diammonium peroxodisulphate Summary DANGER

Formula (NH4)2S2O8 CAS No. 7727-54-0 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, white crystals or powder. Molar mass 228.2 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water. Melting point 120°C (decomposes) - UN Number 1444 Solubility in water 620 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.98 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking H319 Causes serious eye irritation tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such difficulties if inhaled as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction material with a non-sparking tool and add slowly to a large H335 May cause respiratory irritation volume of water. Reduce the persulfate and neutralise the solution as for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant SAFE HANDLING down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no persulfate before breaks and at the end of work. residues remain in contact with combustible material. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (neoprene, nitrile). Exposure may cause severe irritation WASTE DISPOSAL and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Solid persulfates must not be disposed of with general waste Chronic exposure may lead to allergic dermatitis or asthma. and not mixed with other waste. Store waste or surplus am- Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating monium persulfate in the original container or other suitable or inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. labelled container. Arrange for disposal via a licenced Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from contractor. Persulfate which has been exposed to water or heat and ignition sources and combustible materials. other contaminant should be disposed of. Use only clean, dry plastic or stainless steel tools and Small quantity of solution: Solutions of concentration <1%: utensils when transferring persulfate from the stock bottle. wash down the sink. Higher concentrations: Dilute to <10%, In case of fire or runaway decomposition, flooding quantities then add H2SO4 (1M) until the pH is < 3. Cautiously add a of water should be used as the extinguishing agent. reducing agent. 350mL of 10% sodium thiosulfate solution will reduce 500mL of 10% persulfate solution. Neutralise STORAGE the resulting solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- carbonate and wash down the sink. ventilated place. Over time, ammonium persulfate slowly decomposes, releasing oxygen and oxides of sulfur and FIRST AID nitrogen. Decomposition is accelerated by heat, moisture, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. sunlight or contamination. Protect from air, moisture and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue direct sunlight. Store away from heat and ignition sources. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens, reducing agents, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. organic substances, combustible materials, hydrogen Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. peroxide and metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation or Store with secondary containment (e.g. in a clear, lidded rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention polyethylene bottle). Bottles of aqueous solutions must have IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a a vented lid to avoid overpressurisation. position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: iodine clock reaction kinetics

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST ammonium phosphate, dibasic Chemical diammonium hydrogen phosphate; Summary phosphoric acid, diammonium salt

Formula (NH4)2HPO4 CAS No. 7783-28-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White crystalline solid with an odour of ADG Class - ammonia. Molar mass 132.05 >100°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol and Boiling point - UN Number None acetone. Specific gravity 1.619 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 690 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Small quantities of solid can be disposed of (nitrile). Aqueous solutions of the salt are mildly alkaline. as general waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. respiratory tract and on ingestion. Repeated or prolonged Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and skin contact may cause dermatitis. Chronic cough or asthma arrange for collection by a licenced waste may result from repeated or prolonged inhalation exposure. disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated Alternatively, apply to soil as a fertiliser. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Ammonia is released when the salt is heated or on contact with base. Heating to decomposition produces ammonia and oxides of nitrogen and of phosphorus.

STORAGE The salt gradually loses ammonia on exposure to air. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, alkalis, sodium hypochlorite and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue other oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice. General science: investigations of the effect of nutrients on POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 plant growth. Senior science: nutrient for yeast culture.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium phosphate, monobasic Chemical ammonium dihydrogen phosphate; Summary phosphoric acid, monoammonium salt

Formula (NH4)H2PO4 CAS No. 7722-76-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 115.03 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Sightly soluble in ethanol. Melting point 190°C decomposes Practically insoluble in acetone. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 370 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant SAFE HANDLING down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Exposure Small quantity: Small quantities of solid can be disposed of may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory as general waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions tract and on ingestion. Repeated or prolonged skin contact (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. may cause dermatitis. Ingestion of a large quantity may be Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and harmful. arrange for collection by a licenced waste Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated disposal contractor. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact Alternatively, recrystallise the salt from water and recycle, or with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated apply to soil as a fertiliser. The salt has an acidifying effect exposure. on the soil. Ammonia is released when the salt is heated or on contact with base. Heating to decomposition produces ammonia and oxides of nitrogen and of phosphorus.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents, sodium Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue hypochlorite and magnesium. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in General science: crystal growing; investigations of the a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek effect of nutrients on plant growth medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium sulfate Chemical ammonium sulphate; sulfuric acid, diammonium salt Summary

Formula (NH4)2SO4 CAS No. 7783-20-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals with a weak odour ADG Class - of ammonia. Molar mass 132.14 >235°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol and Boiling point - UN Number None acetone. Specific gravity 1.77 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 754 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Small quantities of solid can be disposed of (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately as general waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions acidic. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contractor. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Alternatively, the salt can be recrystallised and recycled, or Ammonia is released on contact with base. applied to soil as a fertiliser (which will have an acidifying Heating to decomposition releases ammonia and oxides of effect on the soil). sulfur and nitrogen.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling unwell or if large amount ingested. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: crystal growing; investigations of the position comfortable for breathing. effect of nutrients on plant growth

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium tartrate Chemical diammonium tartrate; tartaric acid, ammonium salt Summary

Formula C4H12N2O6 CAS No. 3164-29-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or granules. Molar mass 184.15 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Very slightly soluble in Melting point decomposes alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 439 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.601 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition Not classified as hazardous sources from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such SAFE HANDLING as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are mildly acidic. WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and Small quantity: Small quantities of solid can be disposed of respiratory tract. Ingestion may be harmful. as general waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. Avoid inhaling dust, vapour or aerosols Avoid contact with Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such skin, eyes and clothing. as for dry organic solids and arrange for collection by a Ammonia is released on contact with base. licenced waste disposal contractor. Heating to decomposition produces irritating and toxic fumes of ammonia and oxides of nitrogen.

STORAGE The salt slowly loses ammonia on exposure to air, becoming more acid. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling unwell or if large amount ingested. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Biology: nitrogen source for yeast culture. a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek Technical: buffer preparation. medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium thiocyanate Chemical ammonium rhodanide; thiocyanic acid, ammonium salt Summary WARNING

Formula NH4SCN CAS No. 1762-95-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, deliquescent crystals. Molar mass 76.12 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol and Melting point ca. 150°C acetone. Boiling point > 170°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 1600 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.3 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H312 Harmful in contact with skin Solid spill: Collect material and place in a suitable labelled H332 Harmful if inhaled container and store for collection. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent AUH032 Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and place in a suitable labelled container and store SAFE HANDLING for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminat- Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands ed clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus ammonium thiocyanate in the original eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. The salt is container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for harmful by ingestion; symptoms of poisoning include collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. dizziness, disorientation, breathing difficulty, cardiovascular Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to a effects and unconsciousness. Solutions: suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic salt Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated solutions and stored for collection. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact Do not mix with incompatible waste. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Ammonia is released on contact with base. Mixing with acid can generate highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas. Heating to decomposition produces the irritating and toxic gases ammonia, nitrogen oxides and hydrogen cyanide. The reaction with oxidising agents may be violent or explosive.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic and light-sensitive and may FIRST AID Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. decompose on exposure to light. IF IN EYES: Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed, light-resistant container in a cool, rinsing. Seek medical attention. dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from moisture. Store away Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. from sources of heat. IF SWALLOWED: Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents, nitrates, Remove contaminated clothing and wash aluminium and magnesium. IF ON SKIN: before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of Store with general inorganic solids. water. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: demonstration of its endothermic reaction CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. with hydrated barium hydroxide. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative test for Fe (III) ion.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST ammonium thiosulfate Chemical ammonium hyposulfite; diammonium thiosulphate Summary

Formula (NH4)2S2O3 CAS No. 7783-18-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White crystals with a faint odour of ammonia. Molar mass 148.21 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Very soluble in water. Slightly soluble in Melting point 150°C decomposes acetone. Insoluble in alcohol and Boiling point - UN Number None diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.679 Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1800 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Dampen spill with water spray to prevent dust formation. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite, bentonite or paper towel. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant SAFE HANDLING down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). The substance is a reducing agent. Exposure Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. tract. The substance could be harmful in case of ingestion. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust and arrange for collection by a licenced waste inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. disposal contractor. Ammonia is released on contact with base. Alternatively, apply to soil as fertilizer (as a source of S and Heating to decomposition may produce irritating and toxic N, and to acidify the soil). fumes of ammonia, and oxides of sulfur and of nitrogen.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents, magnesium rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. and aluminium. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation occurs and persists, seek medical advice/ attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Photography: photographic fixative for developing film. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 27 June 2018 Science ASSIST barium Chemical barium metal Summary DANGER

Formula Ba CAS No. 7440-39-3 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silver-grey, malleable, lustrous metal. Stored ADG Class 4.3 under petroleum-based liquid to exclude air. Molar mass 137.34 725°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Reacts with water. Boiling point 1640°C UN Number 1400 Solubility in water Decomposes Specific gravity 3.51 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H228 Flammable solid Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H261 In contact with water releases flammable gas sources. Collect material with a non-sparking tool. If it is H302 Harmful if swallowed; H332 Harmful if inhaled uncontaminated, store the barium for future use. Otherwise, H315 Causes skin irritation; H319 Causes serious eye treat as for Waste Disposal. irritation; H335 May cause respiratory irritation Treat spill area with water to destroy any residual barium, then rinse thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated SAFE HANDLING clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume (nitrile). Exposure to dust or fumes may cause irritation to cupboard. Add the barium in portions to a beaker of water in the skin, eyes, and respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. the ratio of about 1 g of barium to 100 mL of water. Allow the The metal can react with moisture in the skin, eyes, and barium to react between additions. When all of the barium respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts, causing chemical has been consumed and there is no further evolution of burns. Eye exposure can result in permanent eye damage. hydrogen, neutralise the solution by addition of dilute sulfuric Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and acid (1M). Collect the precipitated barium sulfate by filtration. inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and Allow the precipitate to dry and store in a suitable labelled clothing. Eliminate all ignition sources from the work area. container such as for inorganic waste solids. Wash the The reaction with water or acid is vigorous and generates neutral supernatant down the sink. flammable hydrogen gas. If the barium is finely divided, Large quantity: Store covered with mineral oil in the original the reaction with water can generate sufficient heat to container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for cause ignition. Barium is a reducing agent and may react collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Do not vigorously with oxidising substances. mix with other waste. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE FIRST AID Barium reacts with moist air, forming a passivating layer, as a IF IN EYES: Immediately rinse with water for at least 15 mixture of the hydroxide, oxide and nitride. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store under mineral oil in a tightly closed container in a cool, Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. dry place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Remove particles from mouth. Rinse Store away from extreme heat and any ignition sources. mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical Store away from water, acids, oxidising agents, alcohols attention. and halogens. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with like hazards, i.e. DG Class 4.3 substances which before reuse. Brush off loose particles from skin. Wash liberate flammable gas when in contact with water. affected area thoroughly with plenty of water. Seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: demonstration of the reactivity of the position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Group 2 elements. attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST barium carbonate Chemical barium monocarbonate; carbonic acid, barium salt Summary WARNING

Formula BaCO3 CAS No. 513-77-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, white to greyish-white powder. Molar mass 197.34 ADG Class 6.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Melting point >1450°C decomposes solutions of hydrochloric, nitric and acetic Boiling point - UN Number 1564 acid, ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate. Insoluble in ethanol and sulfuric acid. Specific gravity 4.43 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 0.02 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). The substance is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin and eyes. toxic inorganic solids or heavy metal waste and arrange for Ingestion or inhalation may cause irritation of the digestive collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. and respiratory tracts, gastric symptoms and CNS effects. Prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to skin sensitisation and organ damage. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Store with general inorganic solids. Administration of a 1%-5% solution of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate may limit the absorption of barium by causing precipitation of insoluble barium sulfate. Seek immediate medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis. occur, seek medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST barium chloride, dihydrate Chemical barium dichloride dihydrate; barium dichloride hydrated Summary DANGER

Formula BaCl2.2H2O CAS No. 10326-27-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or solid with a ADG Class 6.1 bitter, salty taste. Molar mass 244.27 >100°C (-2H O) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 963°C Soluble in water and methanol. Insoluble in UN Number 1564 ethanol, acetone and ethyl acetate. Boiling point 1560°C Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Specific gravity 3.86 (20°C) 375 g/L (20°C, anhydrous salt) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H301 Toxic if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H332 Harmful if inhaled Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). The substance is toxic by ingestion or Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as inhalation. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin and for waste toxic inorganic solids or heavy metal waste eyes. Symptoms of ingestion or inhalation exposure include and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal gastrointestinal and cardiovascular effects, CNS effects and contractor. kidney damage. Prolonged or repeated skin exposure may Solution: Add sodium sulfate solution (10%) in the ratio of lead to dermatitis. 15 mL per gram of barium chloride dihydrate. Stir the mixture Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated and allow it to stand overnight. Collect the precipitated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid barium sulfate by filtration. Wash the supernatant solution contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or down the sink. When it has dried, store the solid residue repeated exposure. as for Waste Disposal and arrange for collection. Small quantities of barium sulfate can be disposed of as general waste.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Store with general inorganic solids or with toxic inorganic Administration of a 1%-5% solution of sodium sulfate or solids. Toxic substances should be stored securely. magnesium sulfate may limit the absorption of barium by causing precipitation of insoluble barium sulfate. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical attention. General science: flame test. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST barium hydroxide, octahydrate Chemical caustic baryta Summary DANGER

Formula Ba(OH)2.8H2O CAS No. 12230-71-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystalline solid. Molar mass 315.47 ADG Class 8 (6.1) SOLUBILITY Melting point 78°C Packing Group II Slightly soluble in water, methanol and 100-780°C (-8H2O) ethanol. Soluble in dilute acid. Insoluble in UN Number 2923 acetone. Boiling point - Specific gravity 2.18 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 72 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H332 Harmful if inhaled sources from the spill area. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible material SAFE HANDLING such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). The substance is corrosive and is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Aqueous solutions of the substance WASTE DISPOSAL are strongly alkaline. Exposure may cause severe irritation Solid: Store waste or surplus barium hydroxide in a suitable and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract labelled container such as for waste toxic inorganic solids or and on ingestion. Eye contact can cause permanent eye heavy metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced damage. Symptoms of ingestion or inhalation include waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with incompatible gastrointestinal and cardiovascular effects, CNS effects and waste. kidney damage. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may Solution: Add dilute sulfuric acid (1M) in the ratio of 10 mL lead to dermatitis. per gram of barium hydroxide octahydrate. Stir the mixture Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated and allow it to stand overnight. Collect the precipitated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid barium sulfate by filtration. Allow the filtrate to dry and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or transfer to a suitable labelled container and arrange for repeated exposure. collection. Neutralise the supernatant to within pH 6-8 by The substance is corrosive to active metals (aluminium, addition of sodium carbonate and wash down the sink. Small zinc), the reaction generating flammable hydrogen gas. quantities of barium sulfate can be disposed of as general Heating the substance to decomposition will generate toxic waste. fumes of barium oxides. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue The solid and solutions absorb carbon dioxide from the air, rinsing. Seek immmediate medical attention. forming almost-insoluble barium carbonate. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- NOT induce vomiting. Administration of a 1%-5% solution ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate may limit the and moisture. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. absorption of barium by causing precipitation of insoluble Store away from acids and oxidising agents. barium sulfate. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with corrosive substances (DG Class 8). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: demonstration of endothermic solid-solid position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. reaction with ammonium chloride; acid-base titrations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST barium nitrate Chemical barium dinitrate; nitric acid, barium salt Summary DANGER

Formula Ba(NO3)2 CAS No. 10022-31-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or crystalline ADG Class 5.1 (6.1) powder. Molar mass 261.34 ca 592°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in ethanol Boiling point > 600°C decomposes UN Number 1446 and acetone. Specific gravity 3.24 (23°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 87 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any H301 Toxic if swallowed combustible material or ignition sources from the spill area. H332 Harmful if inhaled Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H319 Causes serious eye irritation and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible material SAFE HANDLING such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, contaminated clothing before reuse. gloves (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong oxidising WASTE DISPOSAL agent and is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Exposure Solid: Store waste or surplus barium nitrate in a suitable may cause irritation to the skin and eyes. Symptoms of labelled container such as for waste toxic inorganic solids or ingestion or inhalation exposure include gastrointestinal heavy metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced and cardiovascular effects, muscle weakness and paralysis, waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with any other waste. CNS effects and kidney damage. Prolonged or repeated Solution: Add sodium sulfate solution (10%) in the ratio of skin contact may lead to dermatitis. 15 mL per gram of barium nitrate. Stir the mixture and allow Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated it to stand overnight. Collect the precipitated barium sulfate area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid by filtration. Dispose of the supernatant solution down the contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or sink. When it has dried, store the solid residue as for Waste repeated exposure. Disposal and arrange for collection. Small quantities of The substance will become shock-sensitive if mixed with barium sulfate can be disposed of as general waste. readily-oxidisable substances. There is a risk of fire and explosion if mixed with combustible or readily oxidisable materials. The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed rinsing. Seek medical attention. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Protect from moisture. Store away from sources of heat or Administration of a 1%-5% solution of sodium sulfate or ignition.Do not store on wooden surfaces. magnesium sulfate may limit the absorption of barium by Store away from acids, alkalis, metal powders, reducing causing precipitation of insoluble barium sulfate. Seek agents, organic substances and combustible materials. immediate medical attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: flame test. position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; attention. combustion of sugar demonstration. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST barium sulfate Chemical barite; sulfuric acid, barium salt Summary

Formula BaSO4 CAS No. 7727-43-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White or yellowish, tasteless, odourless ADG Class - crystals or powder. Molar mass 233.39 1580°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point - UN Number None hot, concentrated sulfuric acid. Practically insoluble in dilute acid, alcohol and organic Specific gravity 4.5 Poisons Schedule - solvents. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 2.5 mg/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution/slurry spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract and mechanical irritation to the skin and Store waste or surplus barium sulfate in a suitable labelled eyes. Chronic inhalation exposure may lead to accumulation container such as for waste toxic inorganic solids or heavy of barium sulfate particles in the lungs, affecting lung metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste function. Repeated or prolonged exposure may lead to disposal contractor. Small quantities of barium sulfate can be toxic effects due to the presence of soluble barium salts as disposed of as general waste. impurities. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition produces toxic fumes of sulfur oxides and barium oxide.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from active metals. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic substances. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. If feeling unwell, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water and soap. If symptoms develop, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in General science: solubility of substances; a position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms develop, flocculent for soil tests. seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: product in precipitation reactions; product in the gravimetric determination of sulfate.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST barium hydroxide, octahydrate Chemical caustic baryta Summary DANGER

Formula Ba(OH)2.8H2O CAS No. 12230-71-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals. Molar mass 315.47 ADG Class 8 (6.1) SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water, and dilute hydrochloric acid Melting point 78°C and dilute nitric acid Slightly soluble in Boiling point 780°C UN Number 2923 ethanol and methanol. Insoluble in acetone. Specific gravity 2.18 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 72 g/L Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and place H332 Harmful if inhaled into a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Residual barium salts can be dissolved with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.01M) followed by rinsing with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus barium hydroxide in the original before breaks and at the end of work. container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves collection by a licenced chemical waste contractor. (nitrile). The solid and solution are highly corrosive; aqueous Waste solution: Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by solutions are strongly basic. Exposure may cause addition of sulfuric acid (1M). Allow the mixture to stand for irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract 3-4 days, then test with a few drops of 10% sodium sulfate and on ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye solution. If further precipitation of barium sulfate occurs, add damage and permanent injury. Symptoms of ingestion sodium sulfate solution until there is no further precipitation. include headache, nausea, vomiting and muscle weakness. Collect the white solid by filtration and allow to dry. Small Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. quantities of barium sulfate can be disposed of as general Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. waste. Large quantities: place in a suitable labelled container Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. such as for waste inorganic solids and store for collection. Dispose of the neutral filtrate down the sink.

STORAGE The hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide from the air to form barium carbonate. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Protect from air and moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, oxidising agents, metals and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue organic materials. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a to demonstrate its endothermic reaction General science: position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. with ammonium salts. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: diluted, in acid-base titrations; a source of soluble barium ion in displacement reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST benzoic acid Chemical benzenecarboxylic acid Summary WARNING

Formula C7H6O2 CAS No. 65-85-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystalline powder with a faint ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 122.12 121-123°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, Boiling point 249°C UN Number None diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 1.27 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 2.9 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H318 Causes serious eye damage sources. H372 Causes damage to organs (lungs) through prolonged Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for or repeated exposure if inhaled waste acid. Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and add to a large volume of water. Neutralise the solution as for Waste SAFE HANDLING Disposal. Decant neutral solution down the sink. Dispose of Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands residual solids as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and Small quantity: Dissolve waste by adding to 5% sodium respiratory tract. An allergic reaction may result from skin carbonate solution. Test the pH with pH paper and neutralise contact or ingestion. the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well- or dilute hydrochloric acid (0.5M) in portions as necessary. ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid breathing dust Flush the neutral solution down the sink. or aerosols. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and Large quantity: Store in the original container or other clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, bases and reducing Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue agents. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: melting point determinations; to practise position comfortable for breathing. Get medical recrystallisation technique; ester preparation. advice/attention if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST benzoyl chloride Chemical benzoic acid chloride Summary DANGER

Formula C7H5ClO CAS No. 98-88-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless fuming liquid with a disagreeable, ADG Class 8 pungent odour. Molar mass 140.57 -1°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with diethyl ether and oils. Boiling point 197°C UN Number 1736 Solubility in water Decomposes Specific gravity 1.22 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H227 Combustible liquid Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H302 Harmful if swallowed ignition. Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate or H312 Harmful in contact with skin sodium bicarbonate and non-combustible absorbent such as H332 Harmful if inhaled sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up with H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage a non-sparking tool into a bucket of water. Allow the mixture H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction to stand overnight. Test the pH (pH paper) and neutralise the solution by addition of HCl (1-2M) or or sodium carbonate as necessary. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. Dispose SAFE HANDLING of residual absorbent material as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Viton®; neoprene for splash contact). Benzoyl chloride is The acid chloride can be decomposed by its reaction with corrosive and a lachrymator. Exposure may cause aqueous base to give a non-hazardous water-soluble salt. irritation and burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract and Benzoyl chloride requires 2 equivalents of base for on ingestion. Eye exposure may cause permanent damage. neutralisation. Skin contact may lead to an allergic reaction. Small quantity: Add the waste acid chloride to sodium Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid hydroxide solution (2M) or sodium carbonate solution (2M) breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. at the rate of 1mL of acid chloride to 20 mL of aqueous base. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from Carbon dioxide gas will evolve from the reaction with sodium heat and sources of ignition. carbonate. Allow the mixture to stand overnight. Neutralise Benzoyl chloride decomposes in water to give benzoic acid the solution to pH ~7 by addition of HCl (1-2M) and flush and hydrochloric acid. down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue leakage. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from alcohols, oxidising agents, bases, alkali IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. hydroxides, amines, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive liquids (organic acids). IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of water. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: preparation of esters, amides. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST boric acid Chemical boracic acid; orthoboric acid Summary DANGER

Formula H3BO3 CAS No. 10043-35-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a faintly bitter taste. Molar mass 61.83 Melting point 168-171°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol, glycerol, Boiling point 300°C UN Number None ethylene glycol. Slightly soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate. Specific gravity 1.489 (23°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 49.2 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H360FD May damage fertility. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Solution spill: May damage the unborn child. Solid spill: Absorb spill with non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Neutralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution before breaks and at the end of work. down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves and arrange for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with (nitrile, latex). The aqueous solution is a weak acid. water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respi- ratory tract and on ingestion. May be harmful by ingestion, WASTE DISPOSAL inhalation or by absorption through abraded skin or open The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the pH wounds. shift. Boron can bioaccumulate in plants but is not expected Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated to bioaccumulate in aquatic food chains. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust and contact with Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated expo- Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. sure. Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium The reaction with alkali metals or metal hydrides generates carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there flammable hydrogen gas. In the presence of water, the acid is no further evolution of CO2. Dispose of the neutral solution is corrosive to metals. down the sink. Boric acid should not be handled by pregnant staff. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Boric acid is moisture sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light. Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong reducing Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue agents, strong bases, alkali metals. rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical advice. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. If irritation or discomfort persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash be- fore reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If skin APPLICATIONS irritation persists, seek medical advice. General science: flame test activities. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior biology: a component of pollen germination media. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: glass making. persist, seek medical advice. If exposed or concerned: Get Technical: preparation of buffer solutions. medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST bromine water Chemical bromine aqueous solution Summary DANGER

Formula Br2 CAS No. 7726-95-6 (bromine) User Group 11-12 (Note L)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, dark orange liquid with a pungent ADG Class 8 (6.1) odour. Molar mass 79.904 (bromine) - Packing Group I SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water. Boiling point ca. 100°C UN Number 1744 Bromine is soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether, non-polar solvents and halogenated solvents. Specific gravity ca. 1.0 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with a H315 Causes skin irritation mixture of sodium thiosulfate and sand or other non- H318 Causes serious eye damage combustible material. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Allow the mixture to stand for several SAFE HANDLING minutes. Stir the mixture and if bromine still remains in solution (indicated by its colour), treat with further thiosulfate Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands solution as for Waste Disposal. Decant the solution down the before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. (Viton®, neoprene). Exposure may cause severe irritation Wash the spill area with dilute sodium thiosulfate solution and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on (<0.1M) and then with water. Rinse any contaminated ingestion. clothing immediately with water, and wash before reuse. Bromine vapour is toxic by inhalation. Symptoms of inhalation of low concentrations of the vapour include WASTE DISPOSAL cough, nose bleed, and CNS effects. Eye contact with the Small quantity: To the waste bromine water, slowly add a solution may result in permanent damage. dilute solution of sodium thiosulfate (0.1-0.2 M) until the Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid inhaling resulting solution becomes clear. Wash the solution down fumes, vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and the sink with further dilution. clothing. Open the bottle cautiously as pressure may have Large quantity: Store in the original bottle or a labelled developed. amber glass bottle and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Bromine water is light-sensitive; sunlight accelerates the disproportionation of bromine to hydrobromic acid and hypobromous acid. Store in a tightly closed amber glass bottle in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from sunlight. Inspect the lid periodically for damage. Consider bunding in a secondary lidded container. Do not store in the FIRST AID refrigerator, as bromine vapour may build up and can corrode IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. refrigerator components. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from combustible material, organic substances, rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. reducing agents and metals. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with corrosive substances. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Solutions of bromine in water have a concentration of less IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash than 5%. The concentration of the solution will reduce over before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. time due to loss of the volatile bromine from the solution. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical APPLICATIONS attention. Senior chemistry: test for unsaturation of organic POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 compounds; qualitative properties of the element.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST bromocresol green Chemical BCG Summary

Formula C21H14Br4O5S CAS No. 76-60-8 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green powder with a Molar mass 698.01 ADG Class - characteristic odour. Dye family triarylmethane Melting point 217-218°C Packing Group - 225°C decomposes Solubility water1 6 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 40 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in ethyl acetate. 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 423 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H315 Causes skin irritation and light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store away from acids, bases, oxidising agents and H335 May cause respiratory irritation reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract, Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or and mechanical irritation to the eyes. May be harmful by bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed through the skin. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the halogenated waste bottle. Arrange • tracking dye for electrophoresis for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • histology: for protein determinations collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 3.8 pH 5.4 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow blue-green rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. In severe cases, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash pH indicator: Dissolve 0.4 g in 200 mL ethanol. Make up to before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and 1L with distilled water.3 soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Gabb & Latchem a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST bromocresol purple Chemical Summary

Formula C21H16Br2O5S CAS No. 115-40-2 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

11 DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale yellow or violet crystals or powder Molar mass 540.22 ADG Class - with a characteristic odour. Melting point 241-242°C Packing Group - Dye family triarylmethane UN Number None Solubility water1 20 mg/mL ethanol1 80 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in dilute alkalis. 1 Absorption (lmax ) 419 nm Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H319 Causes serious eye irritation light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the halogenated waste bottle. Arrange • vital stain for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 5.2 pH 6.8 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow purple rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and pH indicator: Dissolve 0.4 g in 200 mL ethanol. Make up to soap. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. 1L with distilled water.2 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST bromophenol blue Chemical BPB; Tetrabromophenol blue Summary

Formula C19H10Br4O5S CAS No. 115-39-9 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Light pink to purple or red crystalline Molar mass 669.96 ADG Class - powder with a faint odour. Melting point 204°C Packing Group - Dye family triarylmethane 279°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility water1 3 mg/mL ethanol1 9 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in acetic acid and 1 Security - sodium hydroxide solution. Absorption (lmax ) 598 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H312 Harmful in contact with skin Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H332 Harmful if inhaled light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. May be harmful if a large amount is ingested, or if bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the halogenated waste bottle. Arrange • tracking dye for gel electrophoresis for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • demonstrations of dichroism

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 2.8 pH 4.6 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow blue-violet rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash pH indicator: Dissolve 0.4 g in 200mL of ethanol. Make up to before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and 1L with distilled water.2 soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST bromothymol blue Chemical BTB; Dibromothymolsulfonphthalein Summary

Formula C27H28Br2O5S CAS No. 76-59-5 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Cream coloured, purple, green or Molar mass 624.38 ADG Class - brown, odourless crystals. Dye family sulfonephthalein Melting point 200-202°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 1 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 20 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in aqueous alkali solutions. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 420 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). Dust or mist may cause irritation. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the halogenated waste bottle. Arrange • respiration experiments: indicates acidification of solution for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. due to dissolved CO2 collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • vital stain for cell walls and nuclei

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 6 pH 7.6 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow blue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and pH indicator: Dissolve 0.4 g in 200mL of ethanol. Make up to soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice. 1L with distilled water.2 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in References: a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem medical advice.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST butan-1-ol Chemical 1-butanol; n-butyl alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C4H10O CAS No. 71-36-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a sweet, ADG Class 3 ethanol-like odour. Molar mass 74.12 -89°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether and Boiling point 118°C UN Number 1120 other organic solvents. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 77 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure H302 Harmful if swallowed good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Small spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. H318 Causes serious eye damage Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H335 May cause respiratory irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves paper towel as general waste. (Butyl, Viton®; nitrile for splash protection). Exposure may Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suit- cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and able labelled container such as for non-halogenated organic respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation, ingestion or skin liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste absorption include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS disposal contractor. The bottle may be hazardous when depression. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to empty due to residual vapour or liquid. Do not expose the dryness and cracking. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause empty bottle to heat, open flames or other sources severe irritation and serious eye damage. of ignition. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid FIRST AID prolonged or repeated exposure. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. STORAGE IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 of heat or ignition. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, bases, halogens, reducing agents, alkali metals APPLICATIONS and aluminium. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST butan-2-ol Chemical sec-butanol; 2-butyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C4H10O CAS No. 78-92-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless volatile liquid with a sweet, ADG Class 3 alcohol-like odour. Molar mass 74.12 -115°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 99°C UN Number 1120 Soluble in water and acetone. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 125 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H335 May cause respiratory irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands absorbent material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (Butyl, Viton®; nitrile for splash protection). Exposure may contaminated clothing before reuse. cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Exposure to high concentrations of WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus butan-2-ol in a suitable labelled the vapour may cause CNS depression, nausea, headache container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste and dizziness. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead disposal contractor. As the alcohol is a peroxide former, to dryness, cracking and dermatitis. Eye exposure to the waste or surplus butan-2-ol should not be stored with any liquid may cause severe irritation and serious eye damage. other waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid open flames or other sources of ignition. prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with FIRST AID air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. heat or distill the alcohol. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. STORAGE Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash contami- With prolonged storage, and on exposure to air and nated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs: Get medical sunlight, the alcohol may form peroxides, which may become advice/attention. explosive if they are concentrated. Store in a tightly closed IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away. Potect position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS from sunlight. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, bas- es, halogens, reducing agents, alkali metals and aluminium. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. APPLICATIONS to observe the reactivity of a secondary Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. Senior chemistry: alcohol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST butan-2-one Chemical methyl ethyl ketone; MEK Summary DANGER

Formula C4H8O CAS No. 78-93-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, highly volatile, highly flammable ADG Class 3 liquid with a sweet, sharp odour. Molar mass 72.11 -86°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether and Boiling point 80°C UN Number 1193 acetone. Specific gravity 0.805 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 292 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H319 Causes serious eye irritation ignition. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand. AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness Small quantity: Place spill material in a shallow vessel in an and cracking operating fume cupboard and allow the ketone to evaporate from the absorbent. Dispose of the absorbent material as SAFE HANDLING general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container and before breaks and at the end of work. store for collection. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Ventilate the spill area to evaporate any residual ketone and (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, wash thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion or inhalation may cause before reuse. CNS depression, drowsiness and dizziness. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may have a degreasing effect. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Butan-2-one is expected to biodegrade in the environment area. Avoid inhaling fumes, vapour or mist. Avoid contact and is not expected to bioaccumulate. with skin and eyes. Handle away from heat and other Small quantity: Place in a shallow vessel in an operating sources of ignition. fume cupboard and allow to evaporate. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled bottle such as confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures for ‘waste non-halogenated organic liquid’. Arrange for with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to heat The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual the substance. vapour or liquid. Do not expose empty bottles to heat, open flames or other sources of ignition.

STORAGE The liquid is hygroscopic, becoming yellow over time. May FIRST AID form explosive peroxides over time and on exposure to air, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. light or oxidising agents. Store in a tightly closed container Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. away from heat and any sources of ignition. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, metals, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. acids, alkalis, plastics and rubber. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower.If irritation occurs, Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: solvent for extraction of natural products; sample compound for gas chromatography. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST butanoic acid Chemical butyric acid; 1-propanecarboxylic acid Summary DANGER

Formula C4H8O2 CAS No. 107-92-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, oily liquid with disagreeable, ADG Class 8 rancid odour. Molar mass 88.11 -8 to -5°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water. Soluble in ethanol and Boiling point 163.5°C UN Number 2820 diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.96 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage sources. Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition SAFE HANDLING of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Decant Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. before breaks and at the end of work. Dispose of the residual solids as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (Viton®, butyl rubber; latex or nitrile gloves provide splash protection). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract. Eye contact may result in burns and Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% permanent eye damage. by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution contact with skin, eyes and clothing. down the sink with further dilution. Substance is combustible; vapours may form explosive Large quantity: Store in the original container or other mixtures with air. suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a Contact with reactive metals such as aluminium, iron, tin, licenced waste disposal contractor. and zinc may generate flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue any sources of ignition. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from oxidising agents, strong bases and reactive IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do metals. NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with corrosives liquids (organic acids). IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: preparation of esters POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST butyl acetate Chemical butyl ethanoate; acetic acid, butyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12O2 CAS No. 123-86-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 pleasant banana-like odour. Molar mass 116.16 -77°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 127°C UN Number 1123 ethanol and diethyl ether. Soluble in acetone and most hydrocarbons. Specific gravity 0.88 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 4.3 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat cracking litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent (PE/EVAL; nitrile for splash contact). Exposure may cause Small quantity: and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation or cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. ingestion may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas.Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. Protect from light, especially direct sunlight. FIRST AID Store away from heat and all sources of ignition. Ensure IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids, strong irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. bases, alkali metals and alkali hydroxides. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between acetic acid and n-butanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST butyl butanoate Chemical n-butyl butyrate; butyric acid, butyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C8H16O2 CAS No. 109-21-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless liquid with a pineapple-like odour. Molar mass 144.21 ADG Class 3 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Very slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Melting point -92°C ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 166°C UN Number 3272 Solubility in water 0.5 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 0.87 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H226 Flammable liquid and vapour ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; butyl rubber for splash contact). Exposure may Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume ingestion may cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Seek Store away from strong oxidising agents and strong bases. medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between butyric acid and n-butanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST butyl propanoate Chemical n-butyl propionate; propionic acid, butyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C7H14O2 CAS No. 590-01-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with an apple-like ADG Class 3 odour. Molar mass 130.19 -90°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with etha- Boiling point 146°C UN Number 1914 nol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.87 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1.5 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert H318 Causes serious eye damage absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; neoprene for splash contact). Exposure may Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume ingestion may cause dizziness or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids, strong Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. bases, alkali metals and reducing agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between propionic acid and n-butanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium Chemical calcium metal Summary DANGER

Formula Ca CAS No. 7440-70-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silvery-white, soft metal, in the form of pieces ADG Class 4.3 or granules, which acquires a grey tarnish on Molar mass 40.08 exposure to air. Melting point ca 839-845°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 1484°C UN Number 1401 Reacts with water. Specific gravity 1.54 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 4 g/L (20°C) decomposes Flammability Combustible Security IDM Cat 2

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H261 In contact with water releases flammable gas Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources. Collect material with a non-sparking tool. If it be uncontaminated, store the calcium for future use. Otherwise, SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Treat spill area with vinegar to destroy any residual calcium, before breaks and at the end of work. then wash thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves clothing before reuse. (nitrile). Calcium is a reducing agent and reacts with water to give strongly alkaline solutions. Exposure to dust or WASTE DISPOSAL fumes may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory Small quantity: Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume and gastrointestinal tracts. The metal can react with cupboard. Add the calcium in portions to a beaker of water in moisture in the mucous membranes, skin and eyes, the ratio of about 1 g of calcium to 100 mL of water. Allow the causing chemical burns. Eye exposure can result in calcium to react between additions. When all of the calcium permanent eye damage. has been consumed and there is no further evolution of Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and hydrogen, neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and of dilute HCl (1M) and wash down the sink. clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle Large quantity: Store in the original container or other away from ignition sources. suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a The metal reacts readily with water to produce flammable licenced waste disposal contractor. hydrogen gas and aqueous calcium hydroxide. Calcium can Do not mix with other waste. react dangerously with oxidising substances. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE Over time, calcium reacts with air, forming a passivating FIRST AID surface layer which is a mixture of the oxide and nitride. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF IN EYES: Immediately rinse with water for at least 15 from heat and light. Protect from water and moisture and minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. ensure that the metal is kept dry during storage. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from extreme heat and any ignition sources. IF SWALLOWED: Remove particles from mouth. Rinse Store away from water, acids, oxidising agents, alcohols mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical and halogens. attention. Store with like hazards, i.e. DG Class 4.3 substances, which IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash liberate flammable gas when in contact with water. before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Immerse in cool water/ wrap in wet bandages. Seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: observations of its reactivity with water. position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Technical: preparation of limewater. attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST calcium carbonate Chemical calcite; chalk; limestone Summary

Formula CaCO3 CAS No. 471-34-1 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a chalky taste. Molar mass 100.09 825°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Insoluble in Boiling point - UN Number None ethanol. Dissolves in dilute acids, with evolution of carbon dioxide. Specific gravity 2.7-2.95 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 14 mg/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. A weak solution of acid (0.01M HCl) can be used to dissolve any residues, followed by rinsing with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Large quantity: Store in the original container or other (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid eyes and respiratory tract. waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and contractor. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: acid-base chemistry; to investigate its occur, seek medical advice/attention. thermal decomposition to form calcium oxide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium chloride, anhydrous Chemical calcium dichloride Summary WARNING

Formula CaCl2 CAS No. 10043-52-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, hygroscopic crystals, ADG Class - granules, flake, prills or powder. Molar mass 110.98 772°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and ethanol. Dissolution in Boiling point 1670°C UN Number None water generates heat. Specific gravity 2.15 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 740 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with dry H319 Causes serious eye irritation sand. Small spill: Scoop up material with a non-sparking tool and add to a large volume of water. Decant the solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of solid residue as general SAFE HANDLING waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large spill: Scoop up material and place into a suitable before breaks and at the end of work. labelled container. Arrange for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause severe irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on WASTE DISPOSAL ingestion. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause Small quantity: Add to a large volume of water. Flush down dermatitis. the sink with dilution. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated Large quantity: Store waste or surplus calcium chloride in area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with the original container or other suitable labelled container. skin, eyes and clothing. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste Use cool water when preparating solutions of calcium disposal contractor. chloride as dissolution liberates much heat.

STORAGE The anhydrous salt is hygroscopic and deliquescent. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids, zinc, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. aluminium and ferrous metals. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water. If skin irritation General science: to demonstrate exothermicity on occurs, seek medical attention. dissolution and melting of ice; flame test solutions; a source IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a of calcium ions in solution. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; drying occur, seek medical advice/attention. agent/desiccant. Technical: desiccant

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium citrate, tetrahydrate Chemical calcium citrate tribasic Summary

Formula Ca3(C6H5O7)2.4H2O CAS No. 5785-44-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to off-white, odourless, fine powder. Molar mass 570.51 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Very slightly soluble in water. Insoluble in Melting point 120°C (-4H2O) alcohol. Boiling point decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 1 g/L (18°C) Specific gravity 2.0 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste and arrange for collection by a Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves licenced waste disposal contractor. (nitrile, latex). Calcium citrate may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and breathing dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If large amount ingested, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. APPLICATIONS General science: food chemistry; precipitated from citrus juice by addition of limewater.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium hydroxide Chemical slaked lime; hydrated lime Summary DANGER

Formula Ca(OH)2 CAS No. 1305-62-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to off-white, odourless powder with a ADG Class 8 bitter taste. Molar mass 74.09 580°C decomposes Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in acids, Boiling point - UN Number 3262 glycerol and ammonium salt solutions. Insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.24 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 1.79 g/L (25°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up into a plastic H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. H318 Causes serious eye damage Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Residual calcium salts can be dissolved with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.01M) followed by rinsing with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Add waste calcium hydroxide slowly to a large volume of Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6 - 8 by addition of (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. Flush the neutral solution effects to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on down the sink. ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye damage Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. and permanent injury. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin and eyes.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air and moisture. Calcium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide FIRST AID from the air, forming IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. calcium carbonate. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and light metals. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor Store with corrosive solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin APPLICATIONS irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. General science: investigations of acids and bases; heat of IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a solution investigations. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: small-scale preparation of ammonia gas CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. from the reaction with ammonium chloride. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Technical: preparation of limewater.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium hydroxide solution Chemical limewater Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. n/a User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, odourless liquid. Turns ADG Class 8 cloudy on absorption of carbon dioxide. Molar mass - - Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Boiling point ca. 100°C UN Number 1719 Solubility in water Soluble Specific gravity - Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat H318 Causes serious eye damage litter) and/or sand and scoop up into a plastic container. Add material to a large volume of water. Neutralise as for Waste Disposal. Decant the neutral solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid material as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Residual calcium salts Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands can be dissolved with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.01M) before breaks and at the end of work. followed by rinsing with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Dust can be generated in the Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Neutralise the preparation of limewater. solution to within pH 6 - 8 by addition of dilute hydrochloric Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated acid (1-2M). Flush the neutral solution down the sink. area. Avoid breathing dust or vapour and contact with skin The concentration of a saturated solution of calcium and eyes. hydroxide is approximately 0.2%, or 0.02M. Waste solutions are likely to be cloudy due to the formation of poorly soluble calcium carbonate. Theoretically, 20mL of 2M hydrochloric acid is sufficient to neutralise 1L of saturated calcium hydroxide solution.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID The solution absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, forming IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. poorly soluble calcium carbonate. Storage under a tube of Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue soda lime may extend the life of the solution. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with corrosive liquids (non-acids). Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science/Senior chemistry: test for the CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. presence of carbon dioxide. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium hypochlorite Chemical pool chlorine; hypochlorous acid, calcium salt Summary DANGER

Formula Ca(OCl)2 CAS No. 7778-54-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to greyish-white powder, crystalline ADG Class 5.1 granules or tablets with a strong odour of Molar mass 142.98 chlorine. A component of swimming pool Melting point 100°C Packing Group II ‘chlorine’. Boiling point 177°C (decomposes) UN Number 1748 SOLUBILITY Soluble in water, decomposing and releasing Specific gravity 2.35 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 chlorine. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 200 g/L (20°C) oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage ventilation. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking tool and H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such SAFE HANDLING as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of before breaks and at the end of work. water and reduce the hypochlorite and neutralise the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves solution as for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant (Viton®, nitrile). Calcium hypochlorite is a strong oxidising down the sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. agent. Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury to Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye hypochlorite residues remain in contact with combustible contact with the solid or concentrated solution may cause material. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. burns and permanent damage. Repeated or prolonged WASTE DISPOSAL exposure can cause skin sensitisation. Solid calcium hypochlorite must not be disposed of with Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated general waste. Store waste or surplus solid in the orginal area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. of ignition. Small quantity of solution: For concentrations < 0.5%, Mixing hypochlorite with acid generates toxic chlorine gas. flush down the sink. Higher concentrations: Treat with a In case of fire, use flooding quantities of water as the reducing agent. 75mL of 10% sodium bisulfite or sodium extinguishing agent. metabisulfite solution will reduce 100 mL of 5% calcium hypochlorite solution. Neutralise the resulting STORAGE solution to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. The hypochlorite decomposes slowly, releasing oxygen and chlorine gases. Decomposition is accelerated with exposure to heat, sunlight, air, moisture, FIRST AID metal oxides or other impurities. A small amount of water or IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. other contaminant can generate sufficient heat to cause a Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue runaway decomposition which can lead to an explosion or rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. fire. Protect from air, moisture and sunlight. Store away from IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. heat and all sources of ignition. Inspect container and lid Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. periodically for damage or deterioration. Do not store for IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing prolonged periods. and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with Store away from reducing agents, acids, organic substances, water/shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical combustible materials, powdered metals and amines. advice/attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: swimming pool chemistry investigations POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST calcium nitrate, tetrahydrate Chemical calcium saltpeter; nitric acid, calcium salt, tetrahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Ca(NO3)2.4H2O CAS No. 13477-34-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, hygroscopic crystals. Molar mass 236.149 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Melting point 45°C Packing Group III Soluble in water, methanol, ethanol and >130°C (-4H20) acetone. UN Number 1454 Boiling point 225°C decomposes Solubility in water 1470 g/L (0°C) Specific gravity 1.82 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with dry H319 Causes serious eye irritation sand. Scoop up material with a dry, non-sparking tool and H315 Causes skin irritation place into a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus calcium nitrate in the original before breaks and at the end of work. container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion include nausea and vomiting. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. There is a risk of fire or explosion if calcium nitrate is mixed with oxidisable or combustible substances, exposed to heat or subjected to friction or mechanical shock. The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. Protect from FIRST AID moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from combustible material, organic substances, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue reducing agents, strong acids and ammonium compounds. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Avoid storage on shelves made from wood or other IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. combustible material. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Store with oxidising substances. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: source of calcium ions for qualitative CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. inorganic analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium oxide Chemical quicklime Summary DANGER

Formula CaO CAS No. 1305-78-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White or grey, odourless, hygroscopic ADG Class - powder or granules. Molar mass 56.08 2580°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Reacts with water. Soluble in acids, Boiling point 2850°C UN Number None glycerol and sugar solution. Practically insoluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 3.37 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 1.65 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - rapid hydrolysis

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with dry H318 Causes serious eye damage sand. Scoop up material with a dry, non-sparking tool and H335 May cause respiratory irritation place into a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus calcium oxide in the original container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a licenced waste disposal contractor. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract and on ingestion. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The reaction of calcium oxide with water, giving calcium hydroxide, generates much heat. Avoid inhaling mists or fumes if carrying out this reaction.

STORAGE Calcium oxide is hygroscopic and becomes ‘air-slaked’, forming calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate, with absorption of moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alcohols, acids, light metals, and rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. halogenated compounds. Do not store in an IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. aluminium container. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: to investigate its exothermic reaction with CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. water. POISONS CENTRE 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium phosphate, dibasic, dihydrate Chemical calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate Summary

Formula CaHPO4.2H2O CAS No. 7789-77-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or granules. Molar mass 172.09 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Practically insoluble in water and alcohol. Melting point ca. 100°C (-2H2O) 370°C decomposes Soluble in dilute hydrochloric, nitric and UN Number None acetic acids. Boiling point - 2.89 (20°C; anhydrous) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.2 g/L (25°C) Specific gravity Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal (nitrile). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes contractor. and respiratory tract. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/ attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. If respiratory symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate Chemical calcium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O CAS No. 10031-30-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or crystals with ADG Class - a strong acid taste. Molar mass 252.065 100°C (-H2O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 200°C decomposes Sparingly soluble in water. Soluble in the UN Number None dilute acids hydrochloric, nitric and acetic. Boiling point - Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Specific gravity 2.22 (18°C) 18 g/L (30°C) (anhydrous) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as H319 Causes serious eye irritation for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. Alternatively, if the salt is not contaminated, it before breaks and at the end of work. can be applied to soil as a fertiliser. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal respiratory tract. contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from moisture. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science/Biology: investigations of the effect of CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. nutrients on plant growth. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium phosphate, tribasic Chemical tricalcium phosphate; bone phosphate Summary

Formula Ca3(PO4)2 CAS No. 7758-87-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or crystals. ADG Class - Two crystalline forms: b-form transforms into Molar mass 310.18 a-form at 110°C. Melting point 1670°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point - UN Number None Practically insoluble in water, alcohol and acetic acid. Soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid Specific gravity 3.14 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - and dilute nitric acid. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 0.02 g/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal (nitrile). contractor. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. IF SWALLOWED: Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/ attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. If respiratory symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS General science/Biology: investigations of the minerals found in bones and teeth.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium sulfate, dihydrate Chemical gypsum Summary

Formula CaSO4.2H2O CAS No. 10101-41-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or crystals. Molar mass 172.17 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Melting point 1450°C Packing Group - Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in 130°C (-3/2H2O) ammonium salt solutions and acids. 163°C (-1/2H2O) UN Number None Insoluble in organic solvents. Boiling point - Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water ca. 2 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.32 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes and contractor. respiratory tract. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents and acids. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. If respiratory General science/Biology: flocculating agent for soil testing; symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. investigations of the effect of nutrients on plant growth. Senior chemistry: inorganic displacement reactions; dehydration/rehydration reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST calcium sulfate, hemihydrate Chemical Plaster of Paris Summary

Formula CaSO4.1/2H2O CAS No. 10034-76-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless fine powder. Molar mass 290.296 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Very slightly soluble in water. Melting point 1450°C 163°C (-1/2H O) 2 UN Number None Solubility in water 0.30 g/L (25°C) Boiling point - Poisons Schedule - Specific gravity 2.5 Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up and treat as Not classified as hazardous for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. Alternatively, react with water in a disposable before breaks and at the end of work. container, allow to set, and dispose of as general waste. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves suitable labelled container such as for dry inorganic solid (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes and waste. Arrange for collection via a licenced waste disposal respiratory tract. If ingested, Plaster of Paris may harden contractor. and lead to an obstruction in the stomach. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The salt reacts vigorously with water and acids, generating much heat. Do not attempt to use Plaster of Paris to encase or make a cast of any body part as serious burns may result.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from moisture. FIRST AID Store away from strong oxidising agents and acids. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. Do not attempt to remove hardened plaster particles by mechanical means. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Drinking glycerin or gelatine solution or large volume of water may delay setting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek APPLICATIONS medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. If respiratory General science: preparation of moulds and casts. symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST carbol fuchsin Chemical Summary DANGER

Formula C21H21N3 .HCl CAS No. 4197-24-4 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green odourless crystals or Molar mass 351.88 ADG Class - powder. A mixture of phenol and basic fuchsin. Melting point 69-75°C Packing Group - Dye family triarylmethane UN Number None 1 Solubility water 2 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 30 mg/mL 2 Security - Absorption (lmax) 547 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. H332 Harmful if inhaled Protect from light. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects Store with corrosive solids (DG Class 8). H351 Suspected of causing cancer H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources from the spill area. SAFE HANDLING Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a before breaks and at the end of work. suitable labelled container. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or (nitrile). May cause irritation and burns by all exposure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. routes. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill generating or inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated contaminated clothing before reuse. exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add APPLICATIONS aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for • detects acid-fast bacteria; collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • stains mycobacteria FIRST AID PREPARATION IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Dissolve 1 g of fuchsin in 10mL of ethanol. Prepare a 5% Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. aqueous phenol solution by dissolving 5 g of phenol in IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. 100mL distilled water. Add the fuchsin solution to 90 mL of Give water to drink. Immediately call a Poisons Centre or 2 the phenol solution. Allow to stand 24 hours, then filter. doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek immediate medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Dungey position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST carbon, blocks or rods Chemical charcoal Summary

Formula C CAS No. 7440-44-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Black, odourless blocks (ca. 100 x 25 x 25 ADG Class - mm) or rods (ca. 6 mm dia, 100 mm long). Molar mass 12.01 3550°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Insoluble in water, acids or alkalis. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 18.21 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good Not classified as hazardous ventilation. Collect material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Carbon in bulk form can be disposed of as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus carbon powder or granules in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves licenced waste disposal contractor. (nitrile).Exposure to dust or small particles may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The dust can form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. Store in a container made from non- FIRST AID combustible material. Ensure that blocks are cool and dry IF IN EYES: (dust/small particles) Rinse cautiously with before packing away for storage. Store away from sources of water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present heat or ignition. and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, reducing IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. agents, oils and other hydrocarbons, halogens and Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling peroxides. unwell. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: (of dust) Move patient to fresh air and keep at Senior chemistry: blocks: redox reaction to extract a metal rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, from the metal oxide; rods: inert electrode in electrochemical seek medical advice/attention. cell.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST carbon powder Chemical charcoal powder Summary

Formula C CAS No. 7440-44-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Black, odourless, amorphous powder. Molar mass 12.01 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Insoluble in water, acids or alkalis. Melting point 3550°C - UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Boiling point Specific gravity 18.21 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good Not classified as hazardous ventilation. Collect material with a non-sparking tool into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus carbon powder in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves disposal contractor. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, and on ingestion. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The dust can form explosive mixtures with air. Charcoal will burn if exposed to a flame. Burning may produce toxic gases including carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Charcoal can ignite spontaneously in air. The more finely divided the charcoal, the greater the potential for spontaneous ignition. Exposure to heat, oxygen or moisture also increases the chance of spontaneous ignition.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place. Protect from moisture. Store away from rinsing. Seek medical attention. sources of heat or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, oils and Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling other hydrocarbons, halogens and peroxides. unwell. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek redox reaction to extract a metal from Senior chemistry: medical advice/attention. the metal oxide

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST carbon dioxide, generated from a reaction Chemical Summary

Formula CO2 CAS No. 124-38-9 User Group 7-12 (Note A)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless, odourless gas. Molar mass 44.01 Vapour density (air = 1) 1.52 Melting point -78.5°C Liquid density (water = 1) - sublimation point Flammability Non-combustible Boiling point -56.6°C triple point (5.19 bar) Flammability Range (% by volume of air) - Solubility in water 2.0 g/L

HAZARD STATEMENTS WASTE DISPOSAL Asphyxiation hazard Unused carbon dioxide may be safely vented to the atmosphere in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Glassware and other items of apparatus should be rinsed with water. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and can collect in low- lying areas. Aqueous solutions of the gas are moderately acidic. At high concentrations there is a risk of asphyxiation due to displacement of air. The victim may be unaware of the asphyxiation. Lower concentrations of the gas can cause headache and increased respiration. PREPARATION NOTES Ensure adequate ventilation when generating the gas. Carbon dioxide can be prepared from the reaction of an acid (e.g. hydrochloric or acetic acid) with an alkali or alkaline earth carbonate (e.g. calcium carbonate). The gas is collected directly into the receiving vessel by upward displacement of air. Either the carbonate or the acid can act as the limiting reagent.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Adverse effects to the eyes are not expected. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. IF ON SKIN: Adverse effects to the skin are not expected. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. For advice, call the APPLICATIONS Poisons Information Centre or a doctor. General science: the preparation of carbon dioxide gas and POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 investigation of its properties.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST carbon dioxide, solid Chemical dry ice; carbonice Summary

Formula CO2 CAS No. 124-38-9 User Group Staff (Note A)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA A white solid which sublimes to a colourless, odourless Molar mass 44.01 Vapour density (air = 1) 1.52 gas. Melting point -78.5°C Liquid density (water = 1) - sublimation point Flammability Non-combustible Boiling point -56.6°C triple point (5.19 bar) Flammability Range (% by volume of air) Solubility in water 2.0 g/L -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Ensure adequate ventilation in case of a spill. Sweep up Asphyxiation hazard spill material and place in a suitable open container in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Allow the dry ice to sublime to the atmosphere.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Unused dry ice may be safely vented to the atmosphere in before breaks and at the end of work. an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, loose- fitting cold insulated or leather gloves. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and can collect in low-lying areas. At STORAGE high concentrations there is a risk of asphyxiation due to displacement of air. The victim may be unaware of the Store dry ice in an insulated container such as a styrofoam asphyxiation. Lower concentrations of the gas can cause cooler box, in a well-ventilated, low-traffic area in a stable headache and increased respiration. position. Store below 45°C. Skin contact with dry ice can cause cold burns. Eye Ensure that the container has a loose-fitting lid; there is a exposure can cause permanent eye damage. risk of explosion if the solid gas is stored or heated under Dry ice should only be handled by experienced staff. containment. The audience should wear safety glasses and should be at least 2 metres away from the demonstration.

If the dry ice is to be transported in a private vehicle, it should be collected in an insulated container with a loose- fitting lid. The container should be placed securely in a compartment of the vehicle which is segregated from the driver’s compartment. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Immediately flush with tepid water (30°C) or sterile saline solution for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Cold burns: Remove contaminated clothing. Irrigate skin with tepid water (30°C) for at least 15 minutes. Apply sterile dressing and treat as for thermal burn. Do not apply hot water or radiant heat. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air (avoid becoming Demonstration of the properties of dry ice. a casualty) and keep at rest in a position comfortable for See the Science ASSIST Standard Operating breathing. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing. For Procedure: Handling dry ice for further guidance advice, call the Poisons Information Centre or a doctor. and recommended activities. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST carmine Chemical C.I. 75470; Cochineal; Natural red 4 Summary

Formula C22H20O13 CAS No. 1390-65-4 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red to dark purple, odourless powder. Molar mass 554.41 ADG Class - Dye family anthraquinone Melting point 136°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 8 mg/mL ethanol1 0.8 mg/mL UN Number None Soluble in concentrated Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - sulfuric acid. 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 531 nm, 563 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause mild irritation to the skin and eyes. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • histology: nuclear stain Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • microscopy: stains protozoa cilia; to observe paramecia ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add feeding aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If feeling unwell, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash microscopy stain: Dissolve 1 g in 100mL of distilled water.3 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Dungey a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST charcoal, activated Chemical activated carbon Summary WARNING

Formula C CAS No. 64365-11-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Black, odourless, amorphous powder or ADG Class - granules. Molar mass 12.01 3550°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Insoluble in water, acids or alkalis. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 18.21 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good Not classified as hazardous ventilation. Collect material with a non-sparking tool into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store waste or surplus carbon in a suitable labelled before breaks and at the end of work. container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, and on ingestion. Activated carbon, particularly when wet, absorbs oxygen from the air; a sufficient quantity can deplete the air of oxygen in a confined space. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The dust can form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Steam activated carbon is not classified as spontaneously combustible (DG Class 4.2).

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, oils and rinsing. Seek medical attention. other hydrocarbons, halogens and peroxides. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If APPLICATIONS skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. General science: investigations water purification methods; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in construction of an air battery. a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek Senior chemistry: removal of coloured impurities from medical advice/attention. organic products

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST chlorine, generated from a reaction Chemical chlorine gas; molecular chlorine Summary DANGER

Formula Cl2 CAS No. 7782-50-5 User Group Qualified Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Greenish-yellow gas with a 70.91 pungent, irritating odour. Molar mass Vapour density (air = 1) 2.44 Chlorine gas is only visible at Melting point -101°C Liquid density (water = 1) - high concentrations. Boiling point -34°C Flammability Non-combustible oxidising gas Solubility in water 8.62 g/L

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H270 May cause or intensify fire; oxidiser Accidental release of chlorine gas into the lab: H331 Toxic if inhaled Evacuate the laboratory. Open external windows. Close H315 Causes skin irritation internal windows. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solution spill: Dilute spill with a dilute aqueous solution of H335 May cause respiratory irritation sodium hydroxide. Take up with absorbent material and rinse H400 Very toxic to aquatic life down the sink. Rinse spill area thoroughly with water. WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Fill vessels containing unused chlorine with dilute Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands (0.5M) sodium hydroxide solution. Rinse contaminated before breaks and at the end of work. glassware, tubing and other items of apparatus with the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves sodium hydroxide solution. Neutralise the rinsing solution (chloroprene, nitrile). Chlorine is a very toxic gas and a and wash down the sink. In alkaline solution, chlorine strong oxidising agent. Aqueous solutions of the gas are disproportionates to chloride, Cl-, and hypochlorite, ClO-, - - - acidic. Exposure to low concentrations can cause irritation according to the equation Cl2 + 2OH --> Cl + ClO + H2O and inflammation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Exposure to high concentrations can cause severe irritation PREPARATION NOTES and chemical burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract Chlorine can be prepared from the reaction of hydrochloric and possible pulmonary oedema which can be fatal. Eye acid with one of sodium hypochlorite solution (household exposure can cause permanent damage. Detection of the bleach), calcium hypochlorite, manganese dioxide or gas by smell is subjective and cannot be relied on to gauge potassium permanganate. either the presence or the concentration of the gas. The gas can be collected by direct delivery into the receiving Preparation and handling of chlorine gas should only be vessel by upward displacement of air. carried out in an operating fume cupboard by trained staff. The hydrochloric acid is usually the limiting reagent. Remove any sources of ignition from the work area. Avoid The reaction can be quenched by dilution of the reaction inhaling gas, mist or vapour. Avoid prolonged or repeated mixture with water followed by addition of dilute hydroxide exposure. solution. Chlorine can react dangerously with alkalis, reducing agents, organic substances and combustible materials. FIRST AID Ensure that the glassware and other items of apparatus are IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 free from oil and grease. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. In the presence of water, chlorine is very corrosive to most Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. metals. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion of the gas is considered The gas is heavier than air and may accumulate in low lying unlikely. In case of ingestion of chlorine water: Rinse mouth confined spaces. with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. The use of microscale techniques in the generation of the Seek immediate medical attention. gas is recommended. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Flush affected area with water for at least CHLORINE WATER 15 minutes. For burns, apply a dry sterile dressing. Seek Chlorine water is toxic and corrosive. Heating of the solution medical advice/attention. will release chlorine gas. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. IF INHALED: Avoid becoming a casualty. Move patient Avoid inhalation of vapour, mist or gas. to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing. Treat APPLICATIONS with a glucocorticoid spray. Seek immediate medical advice/ Demonstration of the preparation and properties of chlorine. attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST chromium Chemical chromium pieces Summary

Formula Cr CAS No. 7440-47-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION A hard, brittle, lustrous, steel-grey metal ADG Class - which is very resistant to corrosion. Molar mass 52 Melting point 1857°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 2672°C Reacts with dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric UN Number None acids and strong alkalis. Specific gravity 7.20 (28°C) Non-combustible Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Combustible in Security - powder form

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store in a suitable labelled container for waste chromium before breaks and at the end of work. metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor or metal recycling facility. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to chromium dust or fumes may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may lead to sensitisation and dermatitis. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Combustion of chromium generates toxic fumes of chromium oxides. Chromium powder can react dangerously or explosively with oxidising substances, halogens, and carbon dioxide. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE Chromium is oxidised in air, forming a thin passivating layer of the oxide. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, FIRST AID well-ventilated place away from heat. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, oxidising agents and halogens. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids or with other bulk metals. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in General science: qualitative properties of the metal. a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate Chemical chromic chloride hexahydrate; chromium trichloride hexahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula CrCl3·6H2O CAS No. 10060-12-5 User Group 11-12S (Note B)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green or violet crystals or powder with a ADG Class - faint, slightly pungent odour. There are Molar mass 266.45 several isomers of the hexahydrate, all of Melting point 80-83°C Packing Group - them deliquescent. Dilute aqueous solutions are violet; concentrated solutions are green. Boiling point >600°C decomposes UN Number None SOLUBILITY Specific gravity 1.76 Poisons Schedule - Soluble in water and alcohol. Slightly soluble in acetone. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 590 g/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and place in a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for solid spill. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Chromium salts should not be released to the environment. (nitrile, vinyl). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Store waste or surplus chromium (III) chloride in the original Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and container or other suitable labelled container such as for respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may solid chromium or heavy metal waste. Arrange for collection cause allergic dermatitis. by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Chromium (III) ions can be precipitated from solution as the area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with hydroxide at approximately pH 8.0. skin, eyes and clothing.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST chromium (III) nitrate, nonahydrate Chemical chromic nitrate nonahydrate; chromium trinitrate nonahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Cr(NO3)3.9H2O CAS No. 7789-02-8 User Group 11-12S (Note B)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Deep violet crystals with an odour of nitric ADG Class 5.1 acid. Forms reddish-violet dilute aqueous Molar mass 400.15 solutions which become green on heating; Melting point 60°C Packing Group III concentrated solutions are also green. Boiling point >100°C decomposes UN Number 2720 SOLUBILITY Soluble in water, alcohol, acetone and alkali. Specific gravity 1.8 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 810 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H315 Causes skin irritation ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and place in a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. Solution spill: Cover with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Do not use combustible materials SAFE HANDLING (paper, cloth) to clean up spill. Treat as for solid spill. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). The substance is a strong oxidant. Exposure may The substance must not be disposed of with general waste. cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Store waste or surplus chromium (III) nitrate in the original Repeated or prolonged skin contact may lead to skin container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for sensitisation and allergic dermatitis. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Solutions may be allowed to evaporate and the sludge area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with stored for collection. Solutions of nitrates should not be skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources heated to evaporate and should not be evaporated to of ignition. dryness. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. Take care not to mix with incompatible waste such as reducing agents, or combustible substances or readily oxidisable materials. Chromium (III) ions can be precipitated from solution as the hydroxide at approximately pH 8.0. STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Protect from moisture. Store IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. away from heat and sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from reducing agents, organic substances and rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. combustible materials. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST cinnamic acid Chemical trans-cinnamic acid; benzenepropenoic acid Summary

Formula C9H8O2 CAS No. 621-82-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystalline powder with slight ADG Class - balsamic odour. Molar mass 148.16 134°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point decomposes UN Number None ethanol, diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 1.2475 (4°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 500 mg/L Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition Not classified as hazardous sources. Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for waste acid. Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or SAFE HANDLING bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and add to a large Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands volume of water. Neutralise the solution as for Waste before breaks and at the end of work. Disposal. Decant neutral solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solids as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash (nitrile). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes any contaminated clothing before reuse. and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Small quantity: Wrap well in paper and dispose of as inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes general waste. and clothing. Alternatively, dissolve waste by adding to 5% sodium carbonate solution. Test the pH with pH paper and neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate or dilute hydrochloric acid (0.5M) in portions as necessary. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. If symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: a substrate for bromination; ester occur, seek medical attention. preparation; to practise recrystallisation technique.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST citric acid, monohydrate Chemical 2-hydroxypropanetricarboxylic acid monohydrate Summary WARNING

Formula C6H8O7.H2O CAS No. 5949-29-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, slightly deliquescent ADG Class - crystals. Molar mass 210.14 135-152°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 175°C (decomposes) UN Number None Solubility in water 750 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.54 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H319 Causes serious eye irritation sources. Solid spill: Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution SAFE HANDLING down the sink with further dilution. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 before breaks and at the end of work. mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Neutralise as for solid spill. Decant Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin and of residual solids as general waste. respiratory tract. Skin contact may cause an allergic reaction Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash and dermatitis in some individuals. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated WASTE DISPOSAL area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Avoid prolonged by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise or repeated exposure. the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE The monohydrate is efflorescent in dry air. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents, metals, bases and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. reducing agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If General science: an ingredient (food grade) in sherbet. skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: titration of a triprotic acid. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Technical: preparation of buffer solutions; in spill kit - position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS a neutralising agent for spills of alkaline solutions. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate Chemical cobalt dichloride hexahydrate; cobaltous chloride hexahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula CoCl2.6H2O CAS No. 7791-13-1 User Group 11-12S (Note B)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pink to red, odourless crystals, becoming Molar mass 237.93 ADG Class 6.1 violet and then blue on heating, with loss Melting point 52-56°C (-4H2O) of water. Packing Group III 100°C (-H2O) SOLUBILITY 120-140°C (-H2O) UN Number 3288 Soluble in water, alcohols, glycerol, 735°C (anhydrous salt) acetone and diethyl ether. Boiling point 1049°C Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 586 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.92 (25°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed; H317 May cause an allergic Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. skin reaction; H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms Solid spill: Collect spill material and place in a suitable or breathing difficulties if inhaled; H341 Suspected of labelled container. Store for collection. causing genetic defects; H350i May cause cancer by Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as inhalation; H360F May damage fertility; H410 Very toxic to sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as aquatic life with long lasting effects for solid spill. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Cobalt salts should not be released to the environment. (nitrile, latex, neoprene). Cobalt chloride is toxic by ingestion Store waste or surplus cobalt (II) chloride in the original and inhalation. Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately container or other suitable labelled container such as for acidic. Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and solid cobalt or heavy metal waste. Arrange for collection by a respiratory tract. There is a risk of sensitisation through licenced waste disposal contractor. skin contact or inhalation; an allergic response (dermatitis, Solutions can be evaporated in an operating fume cupboard asthma) may occur in sensitised individuals. Chronic with gentle heating. inhalation exposure may increase the risk of cancer. Cobalt Cobalt (II) ions can be precipitated from solution as the compounds have been evaluated by the IARC as possibly carbonate by addition of sodium carbonate solution, or as carcinogenic to humans. the hydroxide at pH 8.0-8.5. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Strong, prolonged heating may lead to decomposition and release of toxic fumes of hydrogen chloride. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and light. Protect from moisture. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents and alkali metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with general inorganic solids or with toxic inorganic before reuse. Rinse skin with soap and plenty of water. If substances. skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: displacement reactions (microscale only occur: Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. recommended); demo of the catalysis of the oxidation of POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 tartrate by hydrogen peroxide; test for presence of water. Technical: preparation of cobalt chloride paper.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST cobalt (II) nitrate, hexahydrate Chemical cobalt dinitrate hexahydrate; cobaltous nitrate hexahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Co(NO3)2.6H2O CAS No. 10026-22-9 User Group 11-12S (Note B)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red-brown, deliquescent, odourless crystals. Molar mass 291.03 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water, ethanol and acetone. Melting point 55-57°C >74°C decomposes UN Number 1477 Solubility in water 1330 g/L (0°C) Boiling point 2170 g/L (100°C) Specific gravity 1.87 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed; H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction; H334 May ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and if inhaled; H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects; place in a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. H350i May cause cancer by inhalation; H360F May damage Solution spill: Cover with absorbent material such as sand, fertility; H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting vermiculite or bentonite. Do not use combustible materials effects (paper, cloth) to clean up spill. Treat as for solid spill. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. The substance must not be disposed of with general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus cobalt (II) nitrate in the original (nitrile, latex, neoprene). The substance is an oxidising container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for agent. Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Solutions acidic. Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and may be allowed to evaporate and the sludge stored for respiratory tract. There is a risk of sensitisation through collection. Solutions of nitrates should not be heated to skin contact or inhalation; an allergic response (dermatitis, evaporate and should not be evaporated to dryness. asthma) may occur in sensitised individuals. Chronic Take care not to mix with incompatible waste such as inhalation exposure may increase the risk of cancer. Cobalt reducing agents, combustible or readily oxidisable materials, compounds have been evaluated by the IARC as possibly or reactive metals. carcinogenic to humans. Cobalt (II) ions can be precipitated from solution as the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated carbonate by addition of sodium carbonate solution, or as area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact the hydroxide at pH 8.0-8.5. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue The substance is hygroscopic. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. from light. Protect from moisture. Store away from sources of Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. heat and ignition. Do not store on shelving made from wood IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash or other combustible material. before reuse. Rinse skin with soap and plenty of water. If Store away from reducing agents, combustible material, skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. organic substances, acids and metals. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur: Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: displacement reactions (microscale).

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST copper Chemical copper sheet, foil, turnings Summary

Formula Cu CAS No. 7440-50-8 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Reddish, odourless, ductile, malleable metal. Molar mass 63.55 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Reacts with nitric acid and hot concentrated Melting point 1083°C sulfuric acid. Reacts slowly with ammonium Boiling point 2567°C UN Number None hydroxide solution. Specific gravity 8.94 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store in a suitable labelled container for waste copper before breaks and at the end of work. metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor or metal recycling facility. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). The main hazard is exposure to copper dust which may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation of copper dust or fumes can lead to metal fume fever. Chronic eye exposure to the dust may cause injury and permanent eye damage. Skin contact with copper may induce dermatitis in susceptible individiuals. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE On exposure to air and moisture, copper forms a thin passivating layer of basic copper carbonate. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. Store away from acids, acid chlorides, halogens and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. oxidising agents. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in General science: observing the properties of the metal. a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ Senior chemistry: electrochemical cells; redox reactions; attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST copper powder Chemical Summary

Formula Cu CAS No. 7440-50-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Reddish, odourless metal powder. Molar mass 63.55 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Reacts with nitric acid and hot concentrated Melting point 1083°C sulfuric acid. Boiling point 2567°C UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 8.94 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources. Using a non-sparking tool, collect spill material and transfer to a suitable non-reactive container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wipe surfaces with dampened paper towel to remove residual copper dust. Dispose of the paper towel as general SAFE HANDLING waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to copper dust may cause irritation of WASTE DISPOSAL the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Copper powder may Store in the original container or other suitable labelled be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal skin. Chronic eye exposure to the dust may cause injury contractor or metal recycling facility. and permanent eye damage. Skin contact with copper may induce dermatitis in susceptible individiuals. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Copper powder can react dangerously with oxidising substances. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE On exposure to air and moisture, copper forms a thin passivating layer of basic copper carbonate. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. Store away from acids, acid chlorides, halogens and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. oxidising agents. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Senior chemistry: redox reactions. a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST copper (I) chloride Chemical cuprous chloride; copper monochloride Summary DANGER

Formula CuCl CAS No. 7758-89-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to grey, odourless, hygroscopic 98.99 ADG Class 8 crystals. In the presence of moisture, turns Molar mass blue-green when exposed to air. Melting point 430°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point ca. 400°C UN Number 2802 Practically insoluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol and acetone. Soluble in aqueous Specific gravity 4.140 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S6 acids, aqueous ammonia and ether. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water <0.01 g/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Copper (I) chloride is sensitive to air and light. On H315 Causes skin irritation exposure to air, the salt becomes blue-green with H318 Causes serious eye damage formation of basic copper (II) chloride. Store in a tightly H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects closed container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light; protect from air and moisture. Store away from oxidising agents and alkali metals. Store with corrosive solids. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid spill: Scoop up and place in a container and store for (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause skin, eye and collection. respiratory irritation. Eye contact can lead to eye surface Solution spill: Cover with sand or other inert absorbent injury. Copper salts are toxic by ingestion; symptoms of such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and ingestion include nausea and vomiting. bectonite (cat litter). Scoop up and place in a container and Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated store for collection. area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin, eyes and Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Release of copper salts to the environment should be avoided. Store waste or surplus copper (I) chloride in a suit- able labelled container such as for copper waste or heavy metal waste. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS Senior chemistry: to demonstrate the formation of stable FIRST AID chloro- complexes in concentrated hydrochloric acid IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several solution; in investigations of the oxidation states of copper minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. and the preparation of cuprous chloride; to demonstrate the Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS absorption of carbon monoxide into CENTRE or doctor. cuprous chloride solution. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. PREPARATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated In aqueous solution, if not in a stable complex, clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation oc- copper (I) chloride disproportionates to copper (II) and curs: Get medical advice/attention. elemental copper: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 2Cu+ --> Cu0 + Cu2+ position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (I) oxide Chemical cuprous oxide;copper oxide red Summary WARNING

Formula Cu2O CAS No. 1317-39-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow, orange, red, or reddish-brown ADG Class 9 odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 143.09 1232°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in dilute Boiling point 1800°C (decomposes) UN Number 3077 hydrochloric acid, and in aqueous solutions of ammonia and its salts. Specific gravity 6.00 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Insoluble in ethanol. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water <0.007 mg/L (25°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE With exposure to moist air, copper (I) oxide will gradually H302 Harmful if swallowed become oxidised to black copper (II) oxide. Store in a tightly H400 Very toxic to aquatic life closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects from heat and light; protect from moisture. Do not store in an aluminium container as copper (I) oxide is corrosive to aluminium. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with general inorganic solids. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. SPILLS Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Scoop up and place in a suitable labelled container and eyes, nose and throat, and respiratory tract. Copper com- store for collection. pounds are toxic by ingestion; symptoms include nausea Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash and vomiting. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or any contaminated clothing before reuse. well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and WASTE DISPOSAL contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or Release of copper compounds to the environment should be repeated exposure. avoided. Store waste copper (I) oxide in a suitable labelled container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange APPLICATIONS for collection by a waste disposal contractor. Senior chemistry: investigations of the oxidation states of Residual copper (I) oxide can removed from glassware by copper and the preparation of cuprous oxide. rinsing with a minimal quantity of warm dilute acetic acid. PREPARATIONS In dilute sulfuric or nitric acid, copper (I) oxide disproportionates to copper (II) and elemental copper: FIRST AID 2Cu+ --> Cu0 + Cu2+ IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash area thoroughly with water and mild soap. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If irritation or other symptoms occur: Get medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) acetate, monohydrate Chemical cupric diacetate monohydrate; copper diacetate hydrate Summary DANGER

Formula C4H6CuO4.H2O CAS No. 6046-93-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green crystals or powder with a faint ADG Class 8 odour of acetic acid. Molar mass 199.65 115°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and ethanol. Slightly soluble Boiling point 240°C (decomposes) UN Number 1759 in glycerol and ether. Slowly soluble in aqueous solutions of ammonia. Specific gravity 1.88 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 72 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Scoop up and place in a container and store for H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage collection. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Solution spill: Cover with sand or other inert absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and bectonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and place in a container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Release of copper salts to the environment should be avoided. Store waste copper acetate in a suitable labelled Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange (nitrile, latex). Copper acetate is irritating to the skin, eyes, for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. nose and throat and respiratory tract. Copper salts are toxic Waste solutions: waste treatment options: by ingestion; symptoms include nausea and vomiting. (i) Evaporate the water from the solution and store the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated residue as for solid waste. area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin, eyes and (ii) Immerse steel wool in the solution, and thus displace the clothing. copper ions. Decant the supernatant from the precipitated copper and flush down the sink. Dispose of the copper metal residue as general waste. (iii) Recrystallise the salt and recycle. (iv) Precipitate the copper ions as basic copper carbonate by STORAGE adding the solution to a slight excess of sodium carbonate Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- in solution. Allow the mixture to age over a few days. Collect ventilated place away from light. the precipitate by filtration, allow to dry and store for Store away from oxidising agents and strong acids. collection. Dispose of the filtrate down the sink. Store with corrosive solids.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several APPLICATIONS minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. General science: crystal growing; flame tests Continue rinsing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: electroplating. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Food science: for the determination of tannins in tea. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin PREPARATIONS with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: A concentration 0.5-1M is suitable for flame test solutions. Get medical advice/attention. A concentration of 0.1M is suitable for qualitative inorganic IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a analysis. position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) carbonate hydroxide Chemical basic copper carbonate; dicopper carbonate dihydroxide Summary WARNING

Formula CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 CAS No. 12069-69-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green, odourless powder. Molar mass 221.12 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY 200°C (decomposes) Packing Group - Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in dilute Melting point solutions of acids, sodium bicarbonate Boiling point - UN Number None solution and ammonium hydroxide solution. Insoluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 4.0 Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water Practically insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilated place away from heat and light. H315 Causes skin irritation Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store with general inorganic solids. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Solid spill: Sweep up and place in a container Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands (see Waste Disposal). before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation. Copper salts are toxic by ingestion; WASTE DISPOSAL Release of copper salts to the environment should be symptoms of ingestion include nausea and vomiting. avoided. Store waste copper carbonate in a suitable Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated labelled container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact Arrange for collection by a licenced waste with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated disposal contractor. exposure. Strong heating will generate irritating fumes of copper oxides.

APPLICATIONS General science: an example of a carbonate in the FIRST AID reactions of carbonates with acid; to simulate the extraction IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several of copper ore. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Senior chemistry: demonstration of its thermal do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical decomposition to copper (II) oxide. advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) chloride, dihydrate Chemical cupric chloride dihydrate; copper dichloride dihydrate Summary DANGER

Formula CuCl2.2H2O CAS No. 10125-13-0 User Group 7-12S

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green-blue, odourless, hygroscopic powder. Molar mass 170.48 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol and Melting point 100°C (decomposes) acetone. Insoluble in ether. Boiling point - UN Number 2802 Solubility in water 1150 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.51 Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H312 Harmful in contact with skin Solid spill: Scoop up and place in a container and store for H315 Causes skin irritation collection. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solution spill: Cover with sand or other inert absorbent H400 Very toxic to aquatic life such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects bectonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and place in a container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste copper(II) chloride in a suitable labelled Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange (nitrile, latex). Copper chloride is irritating to the skin, eyes, for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. nose and throat and respiratory tract. Contact with eyes can Waste solutions: waste treatment options: cause eye surface injury. Copper salts are toxic by ingestion; (i) Evaporate the water from the solution and store the symptoms of ingestion include nausea and vomiting. residue as for solid waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated (ii) Immerse steel wool in the solution, and thus displace the area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with copper ions. Decant the supernatant from the precipitated skin, eyes and clothing. copper and flush down the sink. Dispose of the copper metal Copper (II) chloride is a mild oxidant; handle away from residue as general waste. combustible materials. (iii) Precipitate the copper ions as basic copper carbonate by Heating to the decomposition temperature generates irritat- adding the solution to a slight excess of sodium carbonate ing fumes of hydrogen chloride. in solution. Allow the mixture to age over a few days. Collect the precipitate by filtration, allow to dry and store for collection. Dispose of the filtrate down the sink.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several ventilated place away from heat and light. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store away from alkali metals and strong oxidising agents. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS Stored with corrosive solids. CENTRE or doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated APPLICATIONS clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation General science: a source of copper ions for flame tests. occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a copperplating; demonstration of the equilibrium between the position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing hexaaquacopper(II) and tetrachlorocopper(II) ions respiratory symptoms: Get medical advice/attention. in solution. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) nitrate, trihydrate Chemical cupric nitrate trihydrate; copper dinitrate trihydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Cu(NO3)2.3H2O CAS No. 10031-43-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Blue, odourless, deliquescent crystals. Molar mass 241.6 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water and ethanol. Practically Melting point 114°C insoluble in ethyl acetate. Boiling point 170°C (decomposes) UN Number 1477 Solubility in water 2670 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.05 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove any combustible material from the spill H302 Harmful if swallowed area. Do not use combustible materials(paper, cloth) to clean H315 Causes skin irritation up spill. Solid spill: Scoop up with non-sparking tool and H318 Causes serious eye damage place in a container. Store for collection. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Solution spill: Cover with sand or other non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and bectonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up with a SAFE HANDLING non-sparking tool into a container. Store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause severe skin, eye and Store waste copper nitrate in a suitable labelled respiratory irritation. Contact with eyes can cause severe container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange eye surface injury. Copper salts are toxic by ingestion; for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. symptoms of ingestion include nausea and vomiting. Waste solutions: waste treatment options: Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated (i) Allow the water to evaporate from the solution and store area. Avoid generating or inhaling dust. Avoid contact with the residue as for solid waste. skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated (ii) Immerse steel wool in the solution, and thus displace the exposure. copper ions. Decant the supernatant from the precipitated Copper (II) nitrate is a strong oxidant. Handle away from copper and flush down the sink. Dispose of the copper metal combustible materials, heat and sources of ignition. residue as general waste. (iii) Precipitate the copper ions as basic copper carbonate by adding the solution to a slight excess of sodium carbonate in solution. Allow the mixture to age over a few days. Collect STORAGE the precipitate by filtration, allow to dry and store for Copper (II) nitrate trihydrate is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly collection. Dispose of the filtrate down the sink. closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light; protect from moisture. Store away from sources of FIRST AID heat or ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from reducing agents, combustible materials, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue organic substances, finely powdered metals, ammonium rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. compounds, amides and cyanide complexes. There is a risk IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. of explosion when mixed with potassium ferrocyanide. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: a source of soluble copper (II) ion for position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respirato- qualitative inorganic analysis; in displacement and ry symptoms: Get medical advice/attention. precipitation reactions; in electrochemical cells. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) oxide Chemical cupric oxide; copper oxide black Summary WARNING

Formula CuO CAS No. 1317-38-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Fine, black to brownish-black, odourless, ADG Class 9 amorphous or crystalline powder. Molar mass 79.55 1326°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point - UN Number 3077 solutions of acids and of ammonium chloride or ammonium carbonate. Dissolves slowly in Specific gravity 6.3 - 6.5 Poisons Schedule S6 solutions of ammonia. Insoluble in alcohols. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water Practically insoluble

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Copper (II) oxide is sensitive to air and moisture. With H302 Harmful if swallowed exposure to moist air and absorption of carbon dioxide, H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects copper (II) oxide will gradually form copper (II) carbonate. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light; protect from moisture. Store away from reducing agents, aluminium, alkali metals and finely powdered metals. SAFE HANDLING Store with general inorganic solids. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves SPILLS (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, Wear PPE. Solid spill: Sweep up and place in a container eyes, nose and throat and respiratory irritation. Copper and store for collection. compounds are toxic by ingestion; early symptoms include Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash nausea and vomiting. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Release of copper compounds to the environment should Heating copper (II) oxide to its decomposition temperature be avoided. Store waste copper (II) oxide in a suitable will produce copper (I) oxide and oxygen. labelled container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Residual copper (II) oxide can removed from glassware by APPLICATIONS rinsing with a minimal quantity of warm dilute acetic acid. Senior chemistry: in investigations of the oxidation states of copper; as a reagent in redox demonstrations. FIRST AID PREPARATIONS IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several In the presence of hydrogen, copper (II) oxide is reduced to minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. copper (I) oxide at 150°C and to elemental copper at 250°C. Continue rinsing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Demonstrations of the reversible reduction-oxidation of IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. CuO-Cu are more safely conducted as Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. microscale experiments. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) sulfate, anhydrous Chemical cupric sulfate anhydrous; copper sulphate, anhydrous Summary WARNING

Formula CuSO4 CAS No. 7758-98-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Greyish-white to greenish-white, odourless, 159.61 ADG Class 9 hygroscopic powder. Molar mass 200°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point (slight decomposition) Soluble in water and methanol. Soluble in UN Number 3077 solutions of ammonia. Insoluble in ethanol. Boiling point 560°C (decomposes) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 203 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 3.60 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Scoop up spill material and place into a suitable labelled H315 Causes skin irritation container. Store for collection. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Store waste anhydrous copper sulfate in a suitable labelled Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange before breaks and at the end of work. for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Alternatively, the salt can be purified by recrystallisation as Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves the pentahydrate and recycled. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation. Copper salts are toxic by ingestion; symptoms of ingestion include nausea and vomiting. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The anhydrous salt can be prepared from copper sulfate pentahydrate by heating carefully. Take care not to heat to its decomposition temperature of 560°C; decomposition gives toxic and irritating fumes of copper and sulfur oxides.

STORAGE FIRST AID Anhydrous copper (II) sulfate is hygroscopic and will IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. gradually turn blue with absorption of water from the air. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical ventilated place away from heat and light; protect from advice/attention. moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from alkalis, phosphates, magnesium, strong Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. reducing agents and powdered metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with general inorganic solids. Wash area thoroughly with water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: Investigations of the reversible occur: Get medical advice/attention. dehydration-hydration reaction; determination of the POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 number of molecules of water of crystallisation in the hydrate; demonstration of an exothermic hydration reaction.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate Chemical cupric sulfate pentahydrate; blue vitriol Summary WARNING

Formula CuSO4.5H2O CAS No. 7758-99-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Blue, odourless, efflorescent crystals or 249.68 ADG Class 9 powder with an unpleasant metallic taste. Molar mass Melting point 30°C (-2H2O) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY 110°C (-4H2O) Soluble in water, methanol and glycerol. 250°C (-5H2O) UN Number 3077 Slightly soluble in ethanol. Boiling point 560°C (decomposes) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 317 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.286 (15.6°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Scoop up and place in a container. Store for H315 Causes skin irritation collection. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solution spill: Cover with sand or other non-combustible H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and bectonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up into a SAFE HANDLING container. Store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste copper sulfate in a suitable labelled (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause skin, eye and container such as for copper or heavy metal waste. Arrange respiratory irritation. Copper salts are toxic by for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. ingestion; symptoms of ingestion include nausea Waste solutions: waste treatment options: and vomiting. (i) Evaporate the water from the solution and store the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well- residue as for solid waste. ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin, (ii) Immerse steel wool in the solution, and thus displace the eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. copper ions. Decant the supernatant from the precipitated Heating or burning the salt may give rise to toxic fumes of copper and flush down the sink. Dispose of the copper metal oxides of copper and sulfur which can cause residue as general waste. respiratory irritation. (iii) Recrystallise the salt and recycle. (iv) Precipitate the copper ions as basic copper carbonate by adding the solution to a slight excess of sodium carbonate in solution. Allow the mixture to age over a few days. Collect the precipitate by filtration, allow to dry and store for STORAGE collection. Dispose of the filtrate down the sink. Copper sulfate pentahydrate is efflorescent, slowly losing its water of crystallisation to the air. Store in a tightly closed FIRST AID container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from finely divided metals, steel, strong oxidising rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/atten- agents and strong reducing agents. tion. Store with general inorganic solids. If SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. APPLICATIONS Wash area thoroughly with water. If skin irritation occurs: Get General science: a source of copper (II) ions for medical advice/attention. precipitation reactions; crystal growing; copper plating. If INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: In dilute solution, as a reagent in position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms qualitative inorganic analysis; a component in Fehling’s occur: Get medical advice/attention. solution and Benedict’s solution. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 2 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST cresol red Chemical o-Cresol red; Cresolsulfophthalein Summary

Formula C21H18O5S CAS No. 1733-12-6 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red-brown crystalline powder. Molar mass 382.44 ADG Class - Dye family triarylmethane Melting point 290°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 1 mg/mL ethanol1 3 mg/mL UN Number None Soluble in solutions of Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - acids or alkalis. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 570 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H319 Causes serious eye irritation light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle; add • tracking dye for gel electrophoresis aqueous solutions to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 0.2 pH 1.8 pH 7.2 pH 8.8 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue red yellow yellow reddish purple rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and pH indicator: Dissolve 0.1g in 26 mL 0.01M NaOH solution. soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. Make up to 250 mL with distilled water.2 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Flinn medical advice.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST crystal violet Chemical C.I. 42555; Methyl Violet 10B; Basic Violet 3 Summary

Formula C25H30ClN3 CAS No. 548-62-9 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green, odourless powder. Molar mass 407.99 ADG Class - Dye family triarylmethane Melting point 215°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 4 mg/mL ethanol1 30 mg/mL UN Number None Soluble in glycerol. Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 590 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. H318 Causes serious eye damage Protect from light. H351 Suspected of causing cancer Store away from acids, oxidising agents and H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids or with toxic organic solids..

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to tract. a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other • primary stain in the Gram stain (to differentiate suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria) waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, • pH indicator add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

pH 0.0 pH 2.0 FIRST AID yellow blue-violet IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. Reagent for gram staining: Dissolve 2 g crystal violet in IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash 20 mL of 95% ethanol. Dissolve 0.8 g ammonium oxalate before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and monohydrate in 80 mL distilled water. Mix the two solutions soap. Seek medical attention. 3 and allow to stand overnight. Filter if required. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References:1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST cyclohexane Chemical hexahydrobenzene; hexamethylene Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12 CAS No. 110-82-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 sweetish odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 84.16 7°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 81°C UN Number 1145 ethanol, diethyl ether, acetone and petroleum ether. Moderately soluble in methanol. Specific gravity 0.78 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 0.06 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Small spill: Absorb with paper towel. Treat as for Waste H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways Disposal of small quantity. Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and SAFE HANDLING collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands suitable labelled container and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate spill area and allow the solvent to evaporate. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include CNS WASTE DISPOSAL effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing Small quantity: Absorb with paper towel or place in a effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. shallow vessel in an operating fume cupboard and allow Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- the solvent to evaporate. Dispose of paper towel ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact as general waste. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such exposure. as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for Handle away from heat and other sources of ignition. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, Glassware contaminated with cyclohexane can be rinsed confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures with a minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. waste bottle. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, STORAGE open flames or other sources of ignition. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and any FIRST AID sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and bases. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing APPLICATIONS and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and Senior chemistry: comparing the properties of saturated water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. and unsaturated hydrocarbons; solvent for extracting IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a halogens from aqueous solution, in the preparation of nylon position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms and in thin-layer chromatography; a component of synthetic occur, seek medical advice/attention. ‘crude oil’; extraction solvent for natural products. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST cyclohexanol Chemical cyclohexyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C6H12O CAS No. 108-93-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear colourless crystals or viscous liquid ADG Class - with a faint camphor-like odour. Molar mass 100.16 24°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether, Boiling point 161°C UN Number None acetone, ethyl acetate and petroleum solvents. Specific gravity 0.95 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 40 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H315 Causes skin irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). Store waste or surplus cyclohexanol in a suitable labelled Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste respiratory tract and on ingestion. Exposure to high disposal contractor. As the alcohol is a peroxide former, concentrations of the vapour may cause nausea, headache, waste or surplus cyclohexanol should not be stored with any dizziness and CNS depression. other waste. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness, The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual cracking and dermatitis. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated open flames or other sources of ignition. area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas.Vapours will form explosive mixtures with FIRST AID air if strongly heated. Vapours will travel to the source of IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue of ignition. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. or distill the alcohol. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. STORAGE Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. Wash The alcohol is hygroscopic. With prolonged storage, and on contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs, seek exposure to air and sunlight, the alcohol may form medical attention. peroxides, which may become explosive if they are IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a concentrated. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS dry well-ventilated place away. Potect from moisture and CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. sunlight. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. POISONS CENTRE 13 11 26 Store away from sources of heat or ignition. Store away from oxidising agents, nitric acid, alkali metals. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS APPLICATIONS compliant cabinet. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a secondary Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. alcohol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST cyclohexene Chemical tetrahydrobenzene Summary DANGER

Formula C6H10 CAS No. 110-83-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with an ADG Class 3 aromatic odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 82.15 -104°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 83°C UN Number 2256 ethanol, acetone, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 0.21 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H302 Harmful if swallowed ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H312 Harmful in contact with skin material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects suitable labelled container and store for collection. Ventilate spill area then wash area with detergent and water. SAFE HANDLING Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store surplus or waste cyclohexene in a suitable labelled (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and container such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include CNS and dispose of via a licenced waste disposal contractor. effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing Glassware contaminated with cyclohexene can be rinsed effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. with a minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- waste bottle. ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of open flames or other sources of ignition. ignition. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. Test for peroxides (e.g.with peroxide test strips) periodically and before use. If crystals or a precipitate of peroxide is present, do NOT attempt to open the bottle; arrange for its disposal via a licenced contractor. FIRST AID STORAGE May polymerise or form peroxides over time and/or on IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. exposure to air or sunlight. Store in a tightly closed container Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from light and rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. leakage. Store away from heat and all sources of ignition. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, bases, halogens. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3). Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. Call a POISONS Mark the bottle with the date received and the date opened. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: observing the properties of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons; organic addition reactions. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST dichloromethane Chemical methylene chloride; DCM Summary WARNING

Formula CH2Cl2 CAS No. 75-09-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 6.1 pleasant, sweet odour. Heavier than water. Molar mass 84.93 -97°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol Boiling point 40°C UN Number 1593 and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.33 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 13 g/L (25°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H351 Suspected of causing cancer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of ignition. Absorb spill with inert material such as dry sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non-sparking SAFE HANDLING tool, place in a suitable labelled container and arrange for Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (Viton® gloves are recommended; nitrile or butyl rubber gloves provide limited splash protection). WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and Store waste in a suitable labelled container such as for respiratory tract. halogenated organic waste. Arrange for collection by a Detection of dichloromethane odour occurs above the TWA. licenced waste disposal contractor. (odour threshold: 205-307ppm; TWA: 50ppm). Dichloromethane has been evaluated by the IARC as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Open the bottle with care to avoid inhaling the headspace vapour. Dichlorormethane forms a flammable air/vapour mixture above 100°C. Handle away from ignition sources. This solvent may dissolve some plastics. FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Substance is heat- and light-sensitive. Store in a tightly rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. from heat and light. Ensure container is kept upright to Seek medical attention. prevent leakage. Store away from heat and any sources of IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. ignition. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs, seek Store away from alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, medical advice/attention. aluminium, strong acids and bases, strong oxidising agents, IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a amines, vinyl compounds. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Store with general organic liquids. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell.

APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: solvent used in ester preparation and extraction of natural products.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST dodecan-1-ol Chemical lauryl alcohol; n-dodecanol Summary WARNING

Formula C12H26O CAS No. 112-53-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless liquid or crystals with a sweet ADG Class 9 odour. Molar mass 186.33 24°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 261°C UN Number 3077 ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.83 (24°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 4 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H319 Causes serious eye irritation Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Cover spill with H400 Very toxic to aquatic life non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand. Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool. Place in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash SAFE HANDLING any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus alcohol in a suitable labelled Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and disposal contractor. respiratory tract. Absorption of a large amount by ingestion, inhalation or via the skin may lead to narcosis. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, mists or vapours. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept FIRST AID upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. or ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, acids and acid chlorides. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general organic liquids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. APPLICATIONS Senior chemistry: preparation of a detergent (sodium lauryl sulfate).

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST hydrogen peroxide 3% Chemical dihydrogen peroxide Summary

Formula H2O2

CAS No. 7722-84-1 (H2O2) User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear colourless, odourless liquid. Molar mass 34.01 (H2O2) ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Miscible with water and alcohols. Can react Melting point -1.6°C explosively with organic solvents. Boiling point 100.4°C (decomposes) UN Number - Solubility in water Specific gravity 1.007 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Miscible in all proportions Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC oxidising liquid

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in an opaque container in a dark, cool and dry place Not classified as hazardous. away from heat and light. The container should be stored upright and must have a vented lid to prevent a build up of pressure. The recommended storage temperature is 2-8°C; however, if storing under refrigeration, the refrigerator must SAFE HANDLING be spark-proofed. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store away from powdered metals, zinc, copper, iron, before breaks and at the end of work. reducing agents, oxidising agents, combustible or organic materials, acids and bases. Do not store on shelves made Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves from combustible material. (nitrile, latex, PVC). Exposure may cause skin and respiratory irritation. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour and SPILLS contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat See Laboratory Notes for details of spill treatment and sources of ignition. methods. Hydrogen peroxide spilt on combustible material Bottles may develop pressure over time and therefore the cap can lead to spontaneous combustion, especially if should be opened carefully to release any build up of concentrated by evaporation of the water. Therefore, spills pressure. of hydrogen peroxide on combustible materials should Use glass or plastic vessels and pipettes when handling, be diluted with water immediately. Contaminated clothing rather than metal implements and vessels, as the should be removed and rinsed thoroughly before reuse. decomposition reaction may be catalysed in contact with a metal surface. WASTE DISPOSAL Dilute to 0.5% and dispose of down the sink. Empty APPLICATIONS hydrogen peroxide containers should be rinsed well with General science, Senior biology: to demonstrate the activity water and disposed of in the general waste. They should of catalase in animal and plant tissue. not be used for the storage of other substances. Senior chemistry: as an oxidising agent in organic and inorganic reactions. FIRST AID PREPARATIONS IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to heat and light, especially minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to direct sunlight, and decomposes to give oxygen and water: do. Continue rinsing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. 2H2O2 --> O2 + 2H2O IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Decomposition is also accelerated by soluble and insoluble Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. impurities, contact with metals, and a pH above 4. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated Commercial solutions of hydrogen peroxide contain stabilisers clothing. Wash area thoroughly with water. If irritation which slow their decomposition. However, if the commercial occurs: Get medical advice/attention. solution is diluted, decomposition is likely to be more rapid IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest due to exposure to catalysts and dilution of the stabilising in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other agent. Solutions are therefore best prepared as required. symptoms occur: Get medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 11 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST hydrogen peroxide 6% Chemical dihydrogen peroxide Summary WARNING

Formula H2O2

CAS No. 7722-84-1 (H2O2) User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a weak acrid ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 34.01 (H2O2) Melting point -6.4°C (10%) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 101.5°C Miscible with water and alcohols. Can react UN Number - explosively with organic solvents. (10%, decomposes) Specific gravity 1.03 (25°C, 10%) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water Miscible in all proportions Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC oxidising liquid

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in an opaque container in a dark, cool and dry place H319 Causes serious eye irritation away from heat and light. The container should be stored upright and must have a vented lid to prevent a build up of pressure. The recommended storage temperature is 2-8°C; SAFE HANDLING however, if storing under refrigeration, the refrigerator must Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands be spark-proofed. before breaks and at the end of work. Store away from powdered metals, zinc, copper, iron, reducing agents, oxidising agents, combustible or organic Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves materials, acids and bases. Do not store on shelves made (nitrile, latex, PVC). Exposure may cause skin irritation and of combustible material. burns, and respiratory irritation. Contact with eyes can cause severe burns. SPILLS Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. See Laboratory Notes for details of spill treatment Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and methods. Hydrogen peroxide spilt on combustible material clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. can lead to spontaneous combustion, especially if Open the bottle cautiously in case of a build up of pressure. concentrated by evaporation of the water. Therefore, spills Use glass or plastic vessels and pipettes when handling, of hydrogen peroxide on combustible materials should rather than metal implements and vessels, as the be diluted with water immediately. Contaminated clothing decomposition reaction may be catalysed in contact with a should be removed and rinsed thoroughly before reuse. metal surface. WASTE DISPOSAL Dilute to 0.5% and dispose of down the sink. Empty hydrogen peroxide containers should be rinsed well with water and disposed of in the general waste. They should APPLICATIONS not be used for the storage of other substances. General science: for the preparation of oxygen gas. Senior biology: to demonstrate the activity of catalase in animal and plant tissue. FIRST AID Senior chemistry: as an oxidising agent in organic and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several inorganic reactions. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS PREPARATIONS CENTRE or doctor. Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to heat and light, especially IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. direct sunlight, and decomposes to give oxygen and water. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. 2H O --> O + 2H O 2 2 2 2 IF ON SKIN: Wash area thoroughly with water. Remove Decomposition is also accelerated by soluble and insoluble immediately all contaminated clothing and rinse thoroughly impurities, contact with metals, and a pH above 4. with water before reuse. If irritation occurs: Get medical Commercial solutions of hydrogen peroxide contain stabilisers advice/attention. which slow their decomposition. However, if the commercial IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest solution is diluted, decomposition is likely to be more rapid in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other due to exposure to catalysts and dilution of the stabilising symptoms occur: Get medical advice/attention. agent. Solutions are therefore best prepared as required. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 11 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST hydrogen peroxide 35% Chemical dihydrogen peroxide Summary DANGER H O Formula 2 2

CAS No. 7722-84-1 (H2O2) User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless liquid with a slightly acrid odour. Molar mass 34.01 (H2O2) ADG Class 5.1 (8) SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Miscible with water and alcohols, glycols and Melting point -33°C acetone. Can react explosively with organic Boiling point 107°C (decomposes) UN Number 2014 solvents. Specific gravity 1.13 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Miscible in all proportions Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC oxidising liquid

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Store in an opaque container in a dark, cool and dry, H290 May be corrosive to metals well-ventilated place away from heat and light. The H302 Harmful if swallowed container should be stored upright and must have a vented H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage lid to prevent a build up of pressure. The recommended storage temperature is 2-8°C; however, if storing under SAFE HANDLING refrigeration, the refrigerator must be spark-proofed. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store away from powdered metals, zinc, copper, iron, before breaks and at the end of work. reducing agents, oxidising agents, combustible or organic Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves materials, acids and bases. Do not store on shelves made (nitrile, latex, PVC). Substance is corrosive. Exposure can of combustible material. cause severe burns to skin and eyes, and respiratory irritation. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, SPILLS eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of See Laboratory Notes for details of spill treatment meth- ignition. ods. Hydrogen peroxide spilt on combustible material can Open the bottle cautiously in case of a build up of pressure. lead to spontaneous combustion, especially if Use glass or plastic vessels and pipettes when handling, concentrated by evaporation of the water. Therefore, spills rather than metal implements and vessels, as the of hydrogen peroxide on combustible materials should decomposition reaction may be catalysed in contact with a be diluted with water immediately. Contaminated clothing metal surface. should be removed and rinsed thoroughly before reuse. There is a risk of fire or explosion if concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution is mixed with incompatible materials. WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantities: Dilute to 0.5% and dispose of down the sink. Large quantities: See Laboratory Notes for disposal APPLICATIONS procedure. Empty hydrogen peroxide containers should General science: in the demonstration of the rapid be rinsed well with water and disposed of in the general decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a waste, and not used for the storage of other substances. catalyst such as potassium iodide or manganese dioxide (the ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’ reaction) ; in the preparation of oxygen gas. FIRST AID PREPARATIONS Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to heat and light, especially IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several direct sunlight, and decomposes to give oxygen and water. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to --> 2H2O2 O2 + 2H2O do. Continue rinsing. Decomposition is also accelerated by soluble and insoluble IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. impurities, contact with metals, and a pH above 4. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated Commercial solutions of hydrogen peroxide contain stabilisers clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. which slow their decomposition. However, if the commercial IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in solution is diluted, decomposition is likely to be more rapid a position comfortable for breathing. due to exposure to catalysts and dilution of the stabilising POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 agent. Solutions are therefore best prepared as required.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 11 Dec 2016 hydrogen peroxide Formula H2O2 CAS No. 7722-84-1 (H2O2) MW 34.01 (H2O2) LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water Miscible in all proportions

Units of Concentration

The concentration of hydrogen peroxide solutions is usually specified as weight %, or wt%, which is the mass of hydrogen peroxide in grams per 100 g of aqueous solution. The concentration is also expressed as volume strength or ‘volumes’, which is the volume of oxygen gas liberated per unit volume of solution. For a 3%, or 10 volume solution, this means that complete decomposition of 5 mL of the solution will liberate 50 mL (10 x 5 mL) of oxygen gas. The concentration of a hydrogen peroxide solution can be determined by titration with a dilute solution of potassium permanganate.

Procedure for the treatment of hydrogen peroxide spills1

Wear PPE. Cover the spill with inert, non-combustible material such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, sand and cat litter. Dampen the mixture with water and transfer it to a plastic container using a plastic scoop. In an operating fume cupboard, add the mixture to a large volume of water. With spills of low H2O2 concentration, dilute further as necessary, so that the H2O2 concentration is 0.5% or less. Decant the solution down the sink and dispose of the solid residue in the general waste. With larger spills of more concentrated solutions which cannot easily be diluted to 0.5%, ensure that the H2O2 is diluted to approximately 5% and treat with sodium metabisulfite as for waste solutions (see below). Decant the treated solution down the sink and dispose of the solid residue in the general waste. Rinse the spill area and any contaminated materials thoroughly with water.

Procedure for the treatment of waste concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions1

Principle: Hydrogen peroxide is reduced by its reaction with metabisulfite: 2- 2- + 2H2O2 + S2O5 --> 2SO4 + H2O + 2H Procedure: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Dilute the hydrogen peroxide solution to a concentration of 5% by careful addition of the peroxide solution to a large volume of water. Prepare a solution of an excess (1.5 x) of sodium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) and to this, add the hydrogen peroxide solution slowly and with stirring. Monitor the temperature of the reaction; a rise in temperature indicates that the reaction has started. If no temperature increas occurs, acidify the mixture with dilute sulfuric acid. Neutralise the mixture to a pH of 6-8 by addition of sodi- um carbonate solution and dispose of down the sink. Example: To treat 100 mL of 35% hydrogen peroxide, dilute the hydrogen peroxide solution by adding it to 600 mL of water. Prepare a metabisulfite solution by dissolving 147 g of sodium metabisulfite in 350 mL of water. Slowly add the peroxide solution to the metabisulfite solution, as described above.

Reference 1. Armour, M.A., Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2005, Florida, p 297.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 11 Dec 2016 enzymes

Laboratory Notes introduction Enzymes are biologically active proteins which act as catalysts within cells of living organisms. A catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction but is not itself changed in the process and does not form part of the final product. Enzymes catalyse biochemical reactions so that they proceed at a rate which is useful to the organism. The substance on which an enzyme acts is called the substrate. Enzymes bind to the reacting substrate molecule so that the molecule is oriented in a way which will lower the energy barrier to the reaction and increase the chances of it occurring. An enzyme is usually highly specific for a particular substrate and the reaction it catalyses. This specificity is often explained using the ‘lock and key’ model wherein the active site on the enzyme is represented as a lock which allows the specific substrate (the key) to fit perfectly. Environmental conditions affect the activity of an enzyme. For each enzyme, there is a temperature and pH at which it is most active. These optimal conditions vary depending on the source of the enzyme, its structure and form. Due to the high demand for enzymes and the limitations of extracting enzymes from their natural sources, many enzymes are now produced from genetically modified fungi or bacteria using recombinant DNA techniques. These products are expected to be free from GM material.

hazards of enzymes Enzymes may cause non-allergic irritation to the eyes, respiratory system, mucous membranes and skin. Proteolytic enzymes (those which act on proteins and polypeptides) are more likely to cause irritation than other enzymes. Many enzymes are respiratory sensitisers and are classified as Respiratory Sensitiser Category 1 under the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, (the GHS). Repeated inhalation of dust or mist containing these enzymes may lead to a respiratory allergy in some individuals. The hazard classification of an enzyme may vary with the manufacturer and will depend on such factors as the source of the enzyme, its form (solid or in solution) and the particle size, if a solid. Fine powders will be present a higher level of hazard than granulated solids or enzymes in solution. Under the GHS, the cut-off concentration which will trigger the classification of Respiratory Sensitiser Category 1 is 0.1% w/v, i.e. below a concentration of 0.1%, the substance would not meet the criteria for this classification. safe handling Safe handling of enzyme preparations can be accomplished through proper work practices, engineering controls, and use of personal protective equipment. Always wear safety glasses and gloves (nitrile). Always use practices which do not generate dust or aerosols. Avoid inhalation of enzyme dust or aerosols, so as to avoid sensitisation and allergic reactions. Many enzymes in powder form are hazardous substances, however in dilute aqueous solution they are considered to be of low hazard. When working with powdered enzymes, wear a dust mask or work in a fume cupboard that is not turned on to minimise exposure to any dust. If working outside a fume cupboard, make sure you are in a draft free area. Weighing enzyme powders: • If the enzyme powder has been stored in the refrigerator or freezer, allow it to warm to room temperature before opening the bottle. This will minimise condensation forming inside the bottle. • Wear PPE. Wear a dust mask, or work in a fume cupboard that is not turned on, with the sash lowered, to minimise exposure to any dust. Position an electronic balance in the fume cupboard. If working outside a fume cupboard, make sure you work in a draft free area. • Carry out any transfers of the powder in a shallow tray in the fume cupboard. The tray will contain any spills of the powder. • After the solution has been prepared, switch the fume cupboard on. With damp paper towel, wipe down any surfaces which may be contaminated with the powder. • Wash the paper towel thoroughly with water and dispose of as general waste. Wash any tools and glassware thoroughly with water and/or dilute bleach to remove any traces of enzyme powder. A site-specific risk assessment should be conducted to assess and control the risks and to determine how to safely prepare, handle and dispose of the solution. preparation Enzymes are usually made up as a percentage concentration. A 0.5% to 1% w/v solution is generally suitable for enzyme digestion practicals carried out in schools. It is always best to use the lowest concentration and smallest amount possible. Enzyme activity is affected by concentration, temperature, pH, substrate concentration, the presence of inhibitors or activators and the age of the reagents. The conditions for optimum activity can be different for each enzyme. The protocol for the procedure that you are following should indicate the conditions required. This may mean that the enzyme is dissolved in a dilute acid or buffer solution, rather than water. It is always advisable to check that the enzyme reaction is working as required and make adjustments to the conditions and concentrations as necessary before any practical class. It is important to keep enzymes stable and prevent them from denaturing. Never froth an enzyme solution as it can denature.

sensitisation The process of sensitisation occurs in two stages. In the first stage, an individual is initially exposed to the enzyme. If a sufficient amount of the enzyme is inhaled, the body produces antibodies in response to the enzyme. In the second stage, the individual is re-exposed to the enzyme. The body may then exhibit an inflammation response, with symptoms similar to hayfever. When exposure to the enzyme ceases, so should the symptoms. storage Most enzymes need to be stored at cool or cold temperatures, in the fridge or freezer. Some enzymes lose their activity rapidly, even under optimal conditions, and may have a shelf life of only a few months. More thermally stable enzymes may remain active indefinitely when stored at room temperature. The manufacturer’s safety data sheet should be consulted for the storage requirements of a specific product. In general, enzymes in solution are less stable than in solid form and can lose their activity in a matter of hours. Solutions should be freshly prepared as required and kept on ice during practical activities. spills Powder spill: Wear PPE. Take measures to reduce air circulation. Use a fine mist spray of water to dampen powder. Wipe up the powder with a damp paper towel into a bucket of water. Flush solution down the drain. Rinse the paper towel thoroughly in water and dispose of as general waste. Do not sweep up an enzyme powder spill with a broom or brush as this risks generating dust. Dilute solution spill: Clean up spill as soon as practicable to avoid the solution drying out. Wear PPE. Absorb spill with paper towel and dilute with water. Flush down the drain. Rinse paper towel thoroughly and dispose of as general waste. Concentrated solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand or vermiculite. Scoop up and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Wash spill area with dilute bleach. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. waste disposal Small quantity: Dissolve in a large volume of water and flush down the sink. Large quantity: Store bottles of hazardous enzymes for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. first aid IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Call a POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell. IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 references • The Comprehensive Enzyme Information System, BRENDA, • Worthington Enzyme Manual, Worthington Biochemical Corporation website, http://www. • Working Safely with Enzymes, Enzyme Technology Association website, English.pdf • Guidelines for the safe handling of enzymes in detergent manufacturing, Enzyme Technology Association website, Document-8-February-2002.pdf • Enzyme overview, Southern Biological website, Products/Chemicals/Enzymes/EnzymeOverview.pdf • Enzyme FAQ, Southern Biological website, faq

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not accept liability for the VERSION completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 7 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST Chemical enzymes Summary

amylase diastase; a-amylase; b-amylase; g-amylase DANGER

CAS No’s 9000-92-4 (diastase); 9000-92-2 (a-amylase); 9000-91-3 (b-amylase)

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS White or tan, hygroscopic powder, or brown aqueous solution. NATURAL OCCURRENCE H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing a-Amylase is produced in the pancreas of animals and in the difficulties if inhaled saliva of some mammals, including humans. b-Amylase is found in germinating seeds and sweet potatoes. Both a- and b-amylases are found in honey. ACTION Hydrolyses linkages in amylopectin and amylose in starch, APPLICATIONS and in glycogen. a-Amylase produces maltose and dextrins. Investigations of the effect of amylase on starch, breaking b-Amylase produces maltose. it down into simple sugars detectable with Bendict’s NOTES solution. Extend the investigation by varying the pH, Diastase is a generic name and can refer to any of a-, b- or temperature and/or substrate concentration. g-amylase. Amylases often require Ca and/or Cl ions for stability.


CAS No. 9001-05-2

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Available in solution. Can be sourced from plant and animal cells (liver, capsicum, potato). Not classified as hazardous

NATURAL OCCURRENCE Found in most animals and many plants and micro- organisms. Liver has a high concentration of the enzyme.

ACTION An oxidoreductase; catalyses the decomposition of APPLICATIONS hydrogen peroxide to give oxygen and water. Investigations of the action of the enzyme in liver or potato on NOTES hydrogen peroxide, detecting the presence of the oxygen gas Most forms of catalase are tetramers, with each subunit formed. Extend the investigation by varying the pH, incorporating a heme (Fe-containing) group. Inhibited by the temperature and/or substrate concentration. presence of Na or K ions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Chemical enzymes Summary



CAS No. 9012-54-8

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Powder or amber, aqueous solution. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing NATURAL OCCURRENCE difficulties if inhaled Fungi and micro-organisms; termites; symbiotic bacteria in the gut of herbivorous animals.

ACTION Catalyses the hydrolysis of cellulose, a polysaccharide in plant cell walls, to give glucose. APPLICATIONS NOTES Investigations of the effect of cellulase on cellulose fibres (e.g. ‘Cellulase’ refers to several enzymes which, acting together, in filter paper), breaking it down into simple sugars detectable decompose cellulose. with Benedict’s solution.

invertase saccharase; invertin; sucrase DANGER

CAS No. 9001-57-4

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS White to tan powder. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing NATURAL OCCURRENCE difficulties if inhaled Produced by a range of microorganisms and fungi which utilise sucrose as a nutrient source; bees.

ACTION Catalyses the hydrolysis of sucrose, to give an equimolar mixture of fructose and glucose. This mixture is called APPLICATIONS ‘invert sugar’. Investigations of the action of invertase (from yeast) on NOTES sucrose to produce fructose and glucose, detectable with Optimum pH of 4.5. Benedict’s solution.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Chemical enzymes Summary

lipase triacylglycerol lipase; pancreatic lipase WARNING

CAS No. 9001-62-1

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Off-white powder. H335 May cause respiratory irritation NATURAL OCCURRENCE Pancreas, liver and stomach of animals; yeast; fungi; bacteria.

ACTION Catalyses the hydrolysis of triacylglycerides, giving diacylglycerides, monoglycerides, and carboxylic acids. APPLICATIONS Investigations of the action of lipase on fats in food (e.g. milk). NOTES The course of the reaction is followed by observing the Requires Ca ions for activity. lowering of the pH as fatty acids are produced.

pectinase polygalacturonase DANGER

CAS No. 9032-75-1

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Pale brown, hygroscopic powder or clear to light brown aqueous solution. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled NATURAL OCCURRENCE Fungi; bacteria; ripening fruit

ACTION Hydrolyses and depolymerises plant pectins (polysaccharides).

NOTES APPLICATIONS Three main types of pectinases, based on their mode of action: Investigations of the action of pectinase on the production of polygalacturonase, pectinesterase and pectin lyase. juice from fruit.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Chemical enzymes Summary

pepsin digestive enzyme; digestive protease DANGER

CAS No. 9001-75-6

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Off-white, hygroscopic powder. H315 Causes skin irritation NATURAL OCCURRENCE H319 Causes serious eye irritation Found in many organisms. Pepsin A is the main H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing proteolytic enzyme in vertebrates. The proenzyme, difficulties if inhaled pepsinogen, is produced in the stomach mucosa. H335 May cause respiratory irritation

ACTION Hydrolyses peptide linkages in proteins, giving amino acids. APPLICATIONS NOTES Investigations of the action of pepsin on albumin protein in a Four forms of pepsin: A, B, C and D. Pepsin A is the coagulated egg white suspension. predominantly-occurring enzyme.

rennin chymosin; rennet DANGER

CAS No. 9001-98-3

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Yellow, hygroscopic powder. H315 Causes skin irritation NATURAL OCCURRENCE H319 Causes serious eye irritation Produced in the stomach of infant mammals for the H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing digestion of milk. difficulties if inhaled H335 May cause respiratory irritation ACTION Clots milk by cleaving a peptide bond of the k-chain of casein (milk protein).

NOTES APPLICATIONS Secreted as the proenzyme, prochymosin, which is activated by Investigations of the action of the enzyme in coagulating the acid in the stomach. ‘Rennet’ is a generic name which refers to milk protein casein. Compare the rate of reaction at different any preparation of proteases which clots milk. temperatures and rennin concentrations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Chemical enzymes Summary

trypsin serine protease; proteolytic enzyme DANGER

CAS No. 9002-07-7

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Off-white to yellow powder. H315 Causes skin irritation NATURAL OCCURRENCE H319 Causes serious eye irritation A digestive enzyme of many vertebrates. The proenzyme, H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing trypsinogen, forms in the pancreas and is activated in the difficulties if inhaled small intestine. H335 May cause respiratory irritation

ACTION A serine protease. Catalyses the cleavage of proteins to give amino acids. APPLICATIONS NOTES Investigations of the action of trypsin in breaking down the milk Stabilised by Ca ions. protein, casein, into amino acids.

urease urea amidohydrolase DANGER

CAS No. 9002-13-5

DESCRIPTION HAZARD STATEMENTS Off-white to yellow powder. H315 Causes skin irritation NATURAL OCCURRENCE H319 Causes serious eye irritation Bacteria; yeast; higher plants. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled ACTION H335 May cause respiratory irritation Catalyses the hydrolysis of urea to give ammonia and carbon dioxide.

NOTES The progress of the reaction can be observed by monitoring the APPLICATIONS increase of the pH with the production of ammonia. Investigations of the action of urease on a urea solution to produce ammonia.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST eosin yellowish Chemical C.I. 45380; Acid Red 87; Eosin Y Summary

Formula C20H6Br4O5.2Na CAS No. 17372-87-1 User Group 11-12 (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Reddish-brown, odourless crystals Molar mass 691.86 ADG Class - or powder. Dye family xanthene Melting point 295-296°C Packing Group - >300°C decomposes Solubility water 300 g/L (20°C) UN Number None ethanol soluble Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in acetic acid. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 517 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a gloves (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and suitable labelled container. respiratory tract. May be harmful by ingestion. Eosin Y has Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or been evaluated by the IARC as not classifiable as to its bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. carcinogenicity to humans. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • histology: stains collagen, muscle fibres; Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add counterstain to haematoxylin in H&E staining ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add • fluorescent pH indicator aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 0.0 pH 3.0 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow fluorescent green rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Dissolve 1g in 100mL of distilled water or ethanol.2 soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Sabnis 2. Protocols Online position comfortable for breathing. If recovery is not rapid, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST eriochrome black T Chemical C.I.14645; Mordant Black 11 Summary

Formula C20H12N3O7S.Na CAS No. 1787-61-7 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Brownish-black crystalline powder with Molar mass 461.38 ADG Class - a faint odour. Dye family azo Melting point - Packing Group - Solubility water1 80 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 10 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid. Security - Absorption (lmax ) -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and light sensitive. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Protect from light and moisture. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands SPILLS before breaks and at the end of work. ear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves from the spill area. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with tract. May be harmful by ingestion or if absorbed through the water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a skin. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • complexometric indicator: red when complexed to a labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. metal for determination of total Ca and Mg (water Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add hardness) ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE

free chelated FIRST AID blue red IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention if you feel (i) 1% (w/v) in ethanol: Dissolve 1.0 g of Eriochrome Black unwell. T in 80 mL 95% ethanol. Make up to 100 mL with 95% IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash ethanol.2 (ii) In ethanolamine/ethanol: Dissolve 0.2 g of Erio- before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water chrome Black T in 15 mL of triethanolamine and then add 5 and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/ mL of absolute ethanol.3 attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. CLEAPSS 3. Canterbury occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST ethanol Chemical ethyl alcohol; Summary DANGER

Formula C2H6O CAS No. 64-17-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless highly volatile liquid with a sweet, ADG Class 3 fragrant odour. Molar mass 46.07 -117°C (100%) Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point -114°C (95%) Miscible with water, methanol, diethyl ether UN Number 1170 and acetone. Boiling point 78°C Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Miscible Specific gravity 0.79 (20°C) Security IDM Cat 3 Flammability Highly flammable

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the before breaks and at the end of work. solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the absorbent material as general waste. Alternatively, treat as Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves for Waste Disposal of a small quantity. (Butyl, Viton®; neoprene for splash protection). Exposure Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. and store for collection. Symptoms of ingestion include inebriation, dizziness, Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any headache, nausea and narcosis. Prolonged or repeated skin contaminated clothing before reuse. contact can lead to dryness and cracking. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhalation of vapour. WASTE DISPOSAL Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol or repeated exposure. to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, paper towel as general waste. confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with Large quantity: Store in the original container or other air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual STORAGE vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Ethanol (100%) is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed open flames or other sources of ignition. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, acid IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. chlorides and alkali metals. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with APPLICATIONS plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms investigations; solvent for chromatography or extraction of develop, seek medical attention. organic compounds. Technical: solvent for preparation of solutions; cleaning and disinfecting agent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethanol, denatured Chemical methylated spirits; industrial alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C2H6O CAS No. 64-17-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless highly volatile liquid with an ADG Class 3 ethereal odour. Molar mass 46.07 (ethanol) -114°C (ethanol) Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water, methanol, diethyl ether Boiling point 78°C (ethanol) UN Number 1170 and acetone. Specific gravity 0.79 (20°C) (ethanol) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Highly flammable Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Small spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent SAFE HANDLING material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material before breaks and at the end of work. into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (Butyl, Viton®; neoprene for splash protection). Exposure contaminated clothing before reuse. may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion may lead to inebriation, dizziness, headache, WASTE DISPOSAL nausea, narcosis and blindness. Prolonged or repeated Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol skin contact can cause dryness and cracking. to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhalation of vapour. paper towel as general waste. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not ingest. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with waste disposal contractor. air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Denaturing agents, present in low concentration, may open flames or other sources of ignition. include methyl isobutyl ketone, methanol and denatonium benzoate (a bitterant).

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue or ignition. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, acid IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. chlorides and alkali metals. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: disinfecting agent; solvent for develop, seek medical attention. chromatography. Technical: solvent for preparation of solutions; cleaning and disinfecting agent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethyl acetate Chemical ethyl ethanoate; acetic acid, ethyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C4H8O2 CAS No. 141-78-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 fruity odour. Molar mass 88.11 -83°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 77°C UN Number 1173 Soluble in water and acetone. Specific gravity 0.90 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 85.3 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. cracking Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume eyes, nose and throat and respiratory tract. Inhalation or cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. ingestion may cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Prolonged or repeated skin exposure may lead to as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for dermatitis.Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. breathing vapour and contact with skin and eyes. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept FIRST AID upright to prevent leakage. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids, strong alkalis Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye and alkali metals. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: solvent for extraction of organic compounds and thin layer chromatography; a product of the POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26. esterification reaction between acetic acid and ethanol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethyl benzoate Chemical benzoic acid, ethyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C9H10O2 CAS No. 93-89-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a fruity odour. Molar mass 150.18 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Very slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Melting point -34°C ethanol, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. Boiling point 213°C UN Number None Solubility in water 0.5 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.05 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus ester in a suitable labelled container (butyl rubber, Viton®). Exposure may cause irritation to the such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and skin, eyes, nose and throat and respiratory tract. Inhalation arrange for collection by a licenced waste or ingestion may cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The vapour is heavier than air and will collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from strong oxidising agents and bases. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. compliant cabinet. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/ attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: hydrolysis of an ester; product of the position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms esterification reaction between benzoic acid and ethanol. occur: Seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethyl butanoate Chemical ethyl butyrate; butanoic acid ethyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C6H12O2 CAS No. 105-54-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 pineapple-like odour. Molar mass 116.16 -93°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 120-121°C UN Number 1180 ethanol, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. Specific gravity 0.88 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 6.2 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H226 Flammable liquid and vapour ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (PE/EVAL; butyl for splash contact). Exposure may cause WASTE DISPOSAL irritation to the skin, eyes, nose and throat and respiratory Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent tract. Inhalation or ingestion may cause headache, dizziness and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from oxidising agents, bases and acids. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction occur: Seek medical advice/attention. between butyric acid and ethanol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethyl cinnamate Chemical ethyl 3-phenyl-2-propenoate; cinnamic acid, ethyl ester Summary

Formula C11H12O2 CAS No. 103-36-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, oily liquid with a fruity, balsamic ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 176.21 6..8°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 271°C UN Number None ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.049 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 178 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good Not classified as hazardous ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves. Store waste or surplus ester in a suitable labelled container Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and respiratory tract. arrange for collection by a licenced waste Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated disposal contractor. area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse eyes cautiously with water for several prevent leakage. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store away from oxidising agents, bases, acids and reducing Continue rinsing. agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. compliant cabinet. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms occur or if APPLICATIONS feeling unwell, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between cinnamic acid and ethanol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethylene glycol Chemical 1,2-dihydroxyethane; 1,2-ethanediol Summary WARNING

Formula C2H6O2 CAS No. 107-21-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, viscous liquid with a sweet ADG Class - taste. Molar mass 62.07 -13°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water. Soluble in alcohol, acetic Boiling point 197°C UN Number None acid, acetone and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.11 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Cover spill with H302 Harmful if swallowed sand, or other inert material such as vermiculite or bentonite. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place in a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash SAFE HANDLING any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Store waste or surplus ethylene glycol in a suitable labelled Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste (nitrile). Inhalation of vapour or mist from the heated glycol disposal contractor. may cause respiratory irritation. Symptoms of ingestion or inhalation include nausea, vomiting, headache and CNS effects. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause mild irritation and may have a degreasing effect. Eye contact may lead to irritation and eye damage. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. If mists or vapours are being generated, work in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE The glycol is hygroscopic and light sensitive. With prolonged storage, explosive peroxides may form. Store in a tightly FIRST AID closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place. Protect IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from light and moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, alkalis, aldehydes and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. aluminium. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash compliant cabinet. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science/Senior physics: to observe its physical develop, seek medical attention. properties (density, viscosity, refractive index, ‘antifreeze’ POISONS CENTRE 13 11 26 properties).

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST ethyl propanoate Chemical ethyl propionate; propanoic acid, ethyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C5H10O2 CAS No. 105-37-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 pineapple-like odour. Molar mass 102.13 -73.9°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 99°C UN Number 1195 acetone. Miscible with ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.89 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 17 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; nitrile for splash contact). Exposure may cause Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or ingestion may and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from oxidising agents, bases and acids. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS appear: Seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between propionic acid and ethanol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST fluorescein sodium salt Chemical C.I. 45350; Acid yellow 73; Uranine Summary

Formula C20H10O5.2Na CAS No. 518-47-8 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Orange-red to dark red, odourless Molar mass 376.27 ADG Class - powder. Dye family xanthene Melting point 320°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 40 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 70 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 491 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tracts. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • Senior physics: investigations of fluorescence ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 4 pH 4.5 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue colourless fluorescent green rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash 0.1% alcoholic: Dissolve 0.1 g in 75 mL of ethanol. Make up before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and to 100 mL with distilled water.2 soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Flinn IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST fuchsine Chemical C.I. 42510; Rosaniline hydrochloride; Basic violet 14; Magenta I Summary

Formula C20H20ClN3 CAS No. 632-99-5 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Metallic green, odourless crystals or Molar mass 337.85 ADG Class - powder. Dye family triarylmethane; magenta Melting point ca 235°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 4 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 30 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 549 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H351 Suspected of causing cancer light. Protect from air and moisture. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids SAFE HANDLING or with toxic organic solids. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory sources from the spill area. tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with through the skin. Skin exposure may lead to sensitisation. Solid: water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a The substance has been evaluated by the IARC as possibly suitable labelled container. carcinogenic to humans. Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add APPLICATIONS ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for • microscopy: bacteria stain; collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • component of the bacterial stains Basic Fuchsin and Ziehl-Neelsen. • component of Schiff Reagent, for detection of aldehydes FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash pH indicator: Dissolve 1 g in 100mL of distilled water.2 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Flinn IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST fumaric acid Chemical trans-2-butenedioic acid; trans-1,2-ethenedicarboxylic acid Summary WARNING

Formula C4H4O4 CAS No. 110-17-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or crystals. ADG Class - Geometric isomer of maleic acid. Molar mass 116.07 287°C (decomposes) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, Boiling point - UN Number None diethyl ether, acetone and concentrated sulfuric acid. Specific gravity 1.64 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 4.9 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H319 Causes serious eye irritation sources. Solid spill: Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution SAFE HANDLING down the sink with further dilution. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 before breaks and at the end of work. mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Neutralise as for solid spill. Decant Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and of residual solids as general waste. respiratory tract. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated any contaminated clothing before reuse. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion WASTE DISPOSAL and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Small quantity: Dilute the waste by adding slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from FIRST AID moisture. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue and bases. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: investigations of the properties of the occur, seek medical attention. cis,trans-isomers, maleic and fumaric acid.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST gallium Chemical gallium metal Summary WARNING

Formula Ga CAS No. 7440-55-3 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Soft, silvery-white metal, liquid at just above ADG Class 8 room temperature. A brittle grey solid when Molar mass 69.74 cooled. The liquid is more dense than the Melting point 29.8°C Packing Group III solid. Boiling point 2403°C UN Number 2803 SOLUBILITY Reacts with acid or alkali. Specific gravity 5.904 (25°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources. If the gallium is molten, pour iced water over the spill; this will freeze the metal. Scoop up with a non- sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled plastic (e.g. polyethylene) container. Arrange for collection. Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store in a suitable labelled plastic container or sealed plastic (nitrile, latex). Exposure to gallium may cause irritation to bag. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal the skin and eyes. The oxide which forms on the surface of contractor or metal recycling facility. the metal is toxic by inhalation. Avoid generating and inhalating dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Gloves should be worn to protect the skin but also to prevent the metal becoming contaminated. Gallium is corrosive to most metals, particularly aluminium and its alloys. The metal can react dangerously with oxidising agents and halogens.

STORAGE Gallium tarnishes in moist air. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed, plastic (e.g. polyethylene) container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 Protect from air and moisture. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Protect from high temperatures. do. Continue rinsing. If irritation develops or persists, seek Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens and medical advice/attention. oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Storage in the refrigerator is recommended as the metal is Seek medical attention. less likely to tarnish when cool. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, APPLICATIONS seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: demonstration of the physical properties position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical of the element. Further guidance and suggested activities attention. for using gallium can be found here.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST Giemsa Stain Chemical Azure eosin methylene-blue Summary

Formula n/a CAS No. 51811-82-6 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green powder. A mixture of Molar mass 291.8 ADG Class - Methylene Blue, Eosin and Azure. Dye family Melting point 300°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 7 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 5 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

Security - Absorption (lmax ) 630-645 nm, 520-525 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H318 Causes serious eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill before breaks and at the end of work. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed WASTE DISPOSAL through the skin. Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS • mixed histology dye: for visualising chromosomes.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue STORAGE rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and light. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. Store away from alkalis, oxidising agents and IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash reducing agents. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids. soap. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

Reference: 1. Aldrich Handbook

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST glycerol Chemical glycerin; 1,2,3-propanetriol Summary

Formula C3H8O3 CAS No. 56-81-5 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Oily, colourless, odourless, hygroscopic liquid ADG Class - with a sweet taste. Molar mass 92.09 18°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water and alcohol. Insoluble in Boiling point 290°C UN Number None diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.26 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Cover spill with Not classified as hazardous sand, or other inert material such as vermiculite or bentonite. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Seal material in a plastic bag and dispose of as SAFE HANDLING general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large spill: Place in a suitable labelled container and store before breaks and at the end of work. for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Eye contact may cause mild irritation. Inhalation of vapour or mist from the heated substance may WASTE DISPOSAL cause respiratory irritation. Repeated or prolonged skin Small quantity: Absorb with non-combustible material. Seal contact may lead to irritation and dermatitis. Ingestion of a in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. large amount may cause gastric irritation and CNS effects. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. If mists or arrange for collection by a licenced waste vapours are being generated, work in an operating fume disposal contractor. cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Glycerol is hygroscopic. With prolonged storage, explosive peroxides may form. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place. Protect from light and moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents, strong bases, halogens IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. and acetic anhydride. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin APPLICATIONS thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek General science/Senior physics: to observe its physical medical advice. properties (density, viscosity, refractive index, ‘antifreeze’ IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a properties). position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: demonstration of its exothermic reaction develop, seek medical attention. with permanganate; surfactant in electroplating activities. Technical: heating bath medium.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST haematoxylin Chemical C.I. 75290; Hematoxylin; Natural black 1 Summary

Formula C16H14O6 CAS No. 517-28-2 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to yellowish crystals or crystalline powder with a characteristic sweet Molar mass 302.28 ADG Class - odour. Turns red on exposure to light. Melting point 100-120°C Packing Group - Solutions become red on standing. 200°C decomposes Dye family flavone UN Number None Solubility water1 30 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 30 mg/mL 2 292 nm Security - Soluble in glycerol and Absorption (lmax ) alkali hydroxide solutions.

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Haematoxylin becomes oxidised to the dye haematein on H332 Harmful if inhaled exposure to air and light. H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Protect from light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from alkalis and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves sources from the spill area. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Solid: water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a through the skin. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Solution: bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any APPLICATIONS contaminated clothing before reuse. • histology: general stain for cells and tissues, stains nuclear chromatin; usually combined with counterstain WASTE DISPOSAL Eosin Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • pH indicator labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add COLOUR CHANGE aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. pH 0.0 pH 1.0 pH 5.0 pH 6.0 .- FIRST AID red yellow yellow violet IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. PREPARATION IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Gill’s formula: Mix 50 mL ethylene glycol with 150 mL Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. distilled water. Add 0.4g haematoxylin followed by 0.04g IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash sodium iodate. Add 3.5g aluminium sulfate (Al2(SO4)3.18 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and H2O) and 4 mL acetic acid. Stir for 1h at room temperature, soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. 3 then filter. This solution should be stable for 1 year. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. StainsFile position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST heptan-1-ol Chemical enanthic alcohol; n-heptyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C7H16O CAS No. 111-70-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a fragrant odour. Molar mass 116.2 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Melting point -34°C ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 175°C UN Number None Solubility in water 1 g/L (18°C) Specific gravity 0.82 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Cause serious eye irritation ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material SAFE HANDLING into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). Heptan-1-ol is harmful to aquatic life. Avoid release to the Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory environment. Store waste or surplus heptan-1-ol in a suitable tract and mild skin irritation. Symptoms of exposure include labelled container such as for non-halogenated organic liquid cough, waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste nausea, headache, dizziness and drowsiness. Prolonged or disposal contractor. repeated skin contact can lead to dryness and cracking. Eye The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual exposure to the liquid may cause severe irritation. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating open flames or other sources of ignition. and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and acid halides. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. AS compliant cabinet. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion occur, seek medical advice/attention. investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST heptane Chemical n-heptane Summary DANGER

Formula C7H16 CAS No. 142-82-5 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 petrol-like odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 100.2 -91°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 98°C UN Number 1206 diethyl ether, and petroleum ether. Soluble in ethanol. Immiscible with methanol. Specific gravity 0.68 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 2.2 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Small spill: Absorb with paper towel. Treat as for Waste H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways Disposal of small quantity. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and SAFE HANDLING collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands suitable labelled container and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate spill area and allow the solvent to evaporate. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract. Ingestion or inhalation may cause CNS effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing Small quantity: Absorb with paper towel or place in a effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. shallow vessel in an operating fume cupboard and allow Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- the solvent to evaporate. Dispose of paper towel ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact as general waste. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for ignition. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, Glassware contaminated with heptane can be rinsed with a confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the waste with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. bottle. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, STORAGE open flames or other sources of ignition. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container FIRST AID is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing APPLICATIONS and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and Senior chemistry: comparing the properties of saturated water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. and unsaturated hydrocarbons; solvent for extracting IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a halogens from aqueous solution, in the preparation of nylon position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS and in thin-layer chromatography; a component of synthetic CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. ‘crude oil’. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST hex-1-ene Chemical 1-hexene; n-hexene Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12 CAS No. 592-41-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 petrol-like odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 84.16 -140°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 63°C UN Number 2370 ethanol, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. Specific gravity 0.67 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 0.05 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and SAFE HANDLING collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands suitable labelled container and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate spill area, then wash area with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include cough, nd Store surplus or waste hexene in a suitable labelled CNS effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing container such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. and dispose of via a licenced waste disposal Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- contractor. ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact Glassware contaminated with hexene can be rinsed with a with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the waste exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of bottle. ignition. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures open flames or other sources of ignition. with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. Test for peroxides (e.g.with peroxide test strips) periodically and before use. If crystals or a precipitate is present, do NOT attempt to open the bottle; arrange for its disposal via a licenced contractor.

STORAGE May polymerise or form peroxides over time and/or on FIRST AID exposure to air or sunlight. Store in a tightly closed container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from light and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. leakage. Store away from heat and all sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and halogens. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. AS compliant cabinet. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation Mark the bottle with the date received and the date opened. occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. comparing the properties of saturated Senior chemistry: POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 and unsaturated hydrocarbons; organic addition reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST hexadecan-1-ol Chemical cetyl alcohol; palmityl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C16H34O CAS No. 36653-82-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, waxy solid with a faint, rancid odour ADG Class - and bland taste. Molar mass 242.44 49°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 344°C UN Number None diethyl ether and acetone. Slightly soluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 0.82 (50°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water <0.1 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H319 Causes serious eye irritation Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Collect spill with a H315 Causes skin irritation non-sparking tool. Seal material in a plastic bag or place in H413 May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life a suitable labelled container such as for organic solid waste and arrange for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Store waste or surplus alcohol in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves disposal contractor. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Absorption of a large amount by ingestion, inhalation or via the skin may lead to narcosis. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, mists or vapours. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat FIRST AID or ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents and strong acids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic liquids or with flammable and rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. combustible liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. General science: surfactant used in the preparation of hand cream; to test its efficacy as an evaporation-reducing film over water. Senior physics: preparing a heating/cooling curve.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST hexamine Chemical hexamethylenetetramine; HMTA Summary WARNING

Formula C6H12N4 CAS No. 100-97-0 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White hygroscopic powder or crystals with a ADG Class 4.1 mild ammonia odour. Molar mass 140.19 280°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol and acetone. Boiling point 263°C (sublimes, with UN Number 1328 Slightly soluble in diethyl ether. partial decomposition) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 490 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.33 (20°C) Security - Flammability Flammable

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H228 Flammable solid ventilation. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Hexamine is biodegradable and is not expected to before breaks and at the end of work. bioaccumulate. Small quantity: Dissolve in a large volume of water and Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves flush down the sink. (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes Alternatively, place in a steel crucible or similar fireproof and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Prolonged exposure vessel, in an operating fume cupboard. Set alight and allow to the vapour or solid can lead to respiratory allergies and to burn until consumed. dermatitis. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and ingestion contractor. and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The reaction with acid generates formaldehyde (a sensitiser and probable human carcinogen).

STORAGE Hexamine is moisture-sensitive and decomposes slowly to ammonia and formaldehyde when wet. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away FIRST AID from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. heat and any sources of ignition. Store in the original Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue unopened packaging until required for use. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, halogenated IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. hydrocarbons, nitric acid, acetic anhydride and iodine. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. General science: fuel for model steam engines.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST hexan-1-ol Chemical caproyl alcohol; n-hexyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C6H14O CAS No. 111-27-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless flammable liquid with a ADG Class 3 sweet, fruity odour. Molar mass 102.18 -45°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with diethyl Boiling point 157°C UN Number 2282 ether. Soluble in ethanol and acetone. Specific gravity 0.82 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 5.9 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Cause serious eye irritation ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H302 Harmful if swallowed material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H312 Harmful in contact with skin sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Hexan-1-ol is slightly toxic for aquatic life. The alcohol is (Butyl, Viton®; neoprene, nitrile for splash protection). readily biodegradable and bioaccumulation is not expected. Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and However, the degradation products may be more toxic. Avoid respiratory tract and on ingestion. Symptoms of exposure release to the environment. Store waste or surplus include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS effects,. hexan-1-ol in a suitable labelled container such as for non- Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irritation and halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for collection dermatitis. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe by a licenced waste disposal contractor. irritation and burns. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact open flames or other sources of ignition. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container rinsing. Seek medical attention. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. of heat or ignition. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, halogens, alkali IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. metals, alkaline earth metals and aluminium. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary occur, seek medical advice/attention. alcohol; heat of combustion investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST hexane Chemical n-hexane Summary DANGER

Formula C6H14 CAS No. 110-54-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 petrol-like odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 86.18 -95°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 69°C UN Number 1208 ethanol, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. Immiscible with methanol. Specific gravity 0.66 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 10 mg/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child Small spill: Absorb with paper towel. Treat as for Waste H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Disposal of small quantity. H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent repeated exposure material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects suitable labelled container and store for collection. Ventilate spill area and allow the solvent to evaporate. Wash SAFE HANDLING any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Absorb with paper towel or place in a (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and shallow vessel in an operating fume cupboard and allow respiratory tract. Ingestion or inhalation may cause CNS the solvent to evaporate. Dispose of paper towel effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing as general waste. effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated Glassware contaminated with hexane can be rinsed with a exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the waste ignition. bottle. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. open flames or other sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue any sources of ignition. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents and halogens. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an AS compliant Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and APPLICATIONS water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: comparing properties of saturated and IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a unsaturated hydrocarbons; solvent for extracting halogens position comfortable for breathing. Get medical from aqueous solution, in thin-layer chromatography, in the advice/attention if you feel unwell. preparation of nylon; a component of synthetic ‘crude oil’. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST hexane-1,6-diamine Chemical ; HMDA Summary DANGER

Formula C6H16N2 CAS No. 124-09-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White hygroscopic crystalline solid with a ADG Class 8 strong amine odour. Molar mass 116.21 41°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and ethanol. Boiling point 204°C UN Number 2280 Solubility in water 800 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 0.89 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H312 Harmful in contact with skin ventilation. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Hexane-1,6-diamine is biodegradable and is not expected to before breaks and at the end of work. bioaccumulate. Forms a corrosive mixture with water. Small quantity: Dissolve in a large volume of water. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of dilute (neoprene, butyl rubber; nitrile for splash protection). (0.5M or ~2%) hydrochloric acid (test with pH paper) and Exposure may cause severe irritation and burns to the skin, flush down the sink. eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. may result in permanent eye damage. Skin contact may Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal result in an allergic response and dermatitis in some contractor. individuals. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE The substance is sensitive to air and light, is hygroscopic and absorbs water and carbon dioxide from the air. Store in FIRST AID a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. away from heat and light. Protect from moisture; storage in Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue a desiccator is preferable. Store away from heat and any rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidisers, acids, acid chlorides, acid Seek medical advice/attention. anhydrides and acid halides. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately contaminated clothing. Store with corrosive solids. Rinse skin with water/shower.If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE or doctor. a reagent in the preparation of nylon. Senior chemistry: POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST hexanoic acid Chemical caproic acid; n-hexanoic acid Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12O2 CAS No. 142-62-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless to pale yellow, oily liquid ADG Class 8 with characteristic unpleasant odour. Molar mass 116.16 -4°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol Boiling point 206°C UN Number 2829 and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.9212 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 9.7 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H302 Harmful if swallowed sources. Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 H312 Harmful in contact with skin mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or H332 Harmful if inhaled bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect spilled material with a H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Decant the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. SAFE HANDLING Dispose of the residual solids as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes Small quantity: Dilute the waste by adding slowly to a large and respiratory tract. Eye contact may result in burns and volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within permanent eye damage. pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid inhaling pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes further dilution. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilat- FIRST AID ed place away from heat and light. Ensure container is kept IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. upright to prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive liquids (organic acids). IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: ester preparation. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST hydrochloric acid Chemical muriatic acid; spirits of salt Summary DANGER

Formula HCl CAS No. 7647-01-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear to light yellow, fuming, corrosive liquid Molar mass 34.46 ADG Class 8 with a sharp, suffocating odour. An aqueous Melting point -42°C (32%) solution of hydrogen chloride gas, available Packing Group II in concentrations of up to 36% w/w. -30°C (36%) Boiling point 79°C (32%) UN Number 1789 SOLUBILITY 61°C (36%) Soluble in water, alcohols and diethyl ether. Poisons Schedule S6 Insoluble in hydrocarbons. Specific gravity 1.159 (32%) 1.179 (36%) Security CSC IDM Cat 3 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Absorb spill with H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of H335 May cause respiratory irritation sodium carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water. Neu- SAFE HANDLING tralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced contractor. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water. (latex, nitrile, neoprene, butyl, Viton®). The concentrated Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. acid is highly corrosive and should be handled with care. Exposure can cause severe irritation and burns to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact may The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the result in severe eye damage and permanent injury. pH shift. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Do not breathe Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium When diluting, add the concentrated acid slowly to water. carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there Never add water to the concentrated acid. is no further evolution of CO2. Dispose of the neutral solution down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed, labelled container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure the container is kept upright to prevent leakage. FIRST AID Store away from heat and any ignition sources. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, alkalis, metals, organic Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue substances. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive liquids (inorganic acids). IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated General science: in dilute solution as an example of a clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. strong inorganic acid; for the preparation of the gases Seek medical advice/attention. hydrogen and carbon dioxide. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Senior chemistry: acid-base titrations; inorganic analysis. a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ Technical: to remove rust from glassware. attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST hydrogen, generated from a reaction Chemical hydrogen gas Summary DANGER

Formula H2 CAS No. 1333-74-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless, odourless gas. 2.02 Hydrogen burns with an Molar mass Vapour density (air = 1) 0.07 invisible flame. Melting point -259°C Liquid density (water = 1) - Boiling point -253°C Flammability Extremely flammable Solubility in water 1.6 mg/L (20°C) Flammability Range (% by volume of air) 4-77%

HAZARD STATEMENTS WASTE DISPOSAL H220 Extremely flammable gas Residual hydrogen may be safely vented into the lab. Spent reaction mixtures should be neutralised to within pH 6-8 before washing to waste. Unreacted zinc granules can be rinsed, dried and stored for future use. SAFE HANDLING Magnesium residues can be destroyed by the reaction with hydrochloric acid and the mixture neutralised to within pH Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands 6-8 and washed down the sink. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Hydrogen is extremely flammable and can form explosive mixtures with air. It is a weak reducing agent. Hydrogen is not toxic but at high concentrations can act as an asphyxiant due to displacement of air. The preparation and handling of hydrogen should be conducted in a well-ventilated area away from hot surfaces, sparks, open flames, static discharges and other heat and PREPARATION NOTES ignition sources. Avoid inhalation of the gas. Hydrogen is generated from the reaction of hydrochloric Hydrogen can react violently or explosively with oxidising acid with an active metal such as zinc or magnesium. The substances, peroxides, metal catalysts and active metals. gas can be collected over water or into an inverted vessel The exploding of hydrogen filled balloons can be very loud. by downward displacement of air. The receiving vessel filled It is recommended that this activity be conducted outdoors. with hydrogen should be kept inverted until capped It is recommended that exploding of stoichiometric mixtures or sealed. of hydrogen and oxygen be conducted on a small scale only The acid is usually the limiting reagent. (e.g. as bubbles on the surface of soapy water) due to the The reaction can be quenched by dilution of the reaction intensity of the explosion. mixture with water.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Adverse effects to the eyes are not expected. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. IF ON SKIN: Adverse effects to the skin are not expected. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. For advice, call the APPLICATIONS Poisons Information Centre or a doctor. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 General science: the preparation of hydrogen gas and investigation of its properties.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST hydrogen sulfide, generated from a reaction Chemical hydrogen sulphide; rotten egg gas Summary DANGER

Formula H2S CAS No. 7783-06-4 User Group Qualified Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless gas with an odour of 34.08 rotten eggs. Molar mass Vapour density (air = 1) 1.2 Hydrogen sulfide burns in air with Melting point -86°C Liquid density (water = 1) - a blue flame. Boiling point -60°C Flammability Extremely flammable Solubility in water 4 g/L (20°C) Flammability Range (% by volume of air) 3.9-45.5%

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H220 Extremely flammable gas Accidental release of H2S into the lab: Evacuate the H330 Fatal if inhaled laboratory. Open external windows. Close internal windows. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Solution spill: Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Dilute spill with a solution of bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution). Absorb spill and wash down the sink. SAFE HANDLING Rinse spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume cupboard. Discharge (butyl rubber, nitrile) . Hydrogen sulfide is a very toxic residual H S gas or solution into a dilute solution of bleach. gas and a reducing agent. Aqueous solutions of the gas 2 A solution prepared from 25 mL of bleach (5.25% sodium are acidic. Exposure to low concentrations can cause hypochlorite) in a large volume of water is sufficient to irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory system. oxidise 50 mL of H S. Immerse contaminated glassware in Exposure to high concentrations can cause rapid loss of 2 the bleach solution. Allow the reaction mixture to stand for 1h consciousness and can be fatal. The sense of smell cannot and then wash to waste. be relied on to detect either the presence or concentration of the gas: at low concentrations the ability to smell H2S fades rapidly whereas at high concentrations the olfactory nerve becomes rapidly paralysed. PREPARATION NOTES Preparation and handling of hydrogen sulfide should only be Hydrogen sulfide can be prepared by gently heating a carried out in an operating fume cupboard by trained staff. mixture of iron sulfide and dilute hydrochloric acid. The Remove any sources of ignition from the work area. Avoid gas can be collected over warm water or directly into the inhaling gas, mist or vapour. Avoid prolonged or repeated receiving vessel by upward displacement of air. exposure. The acid is usually the limiting reagent. The gas is heavier than air and may accumulate in low- To stop the reaction, remove the heat source. Dilute the lying, confined areas. It can form explosive mixtures with air reaction mixture with water. and can react violently with oxidising agents. The use of microscale techniques in the generation of the FIRST AID gas is recommended. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion of the gas is considered HYDROGEN SULFIDE SOLUTION unlikely. In case of ingestion of H2S solution: Give water Solutions of hydrogen sulfide are weakly acidic. Heating of to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Get immediate medical the solution will release hydrogen sulfide gas. Avoid contact advice/attention. with skin and eyes. Avoid inhalation of vapour, mist or gas. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Hydrogen sulfide in solution undergoes air-oxidation over before reuse. Skin which has been exposed to H2S solution time, forming a yellow precipitate of sulfur. should be irrigated with plenty of water. Seek medical advice/attention. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: position comfortable for breathing. Get immediate medical Demonstration of the preparation and properties of advice/attention. hydrogen sulfide gas. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST indigo carmine Chemical C.I. 73015; C.I. Acid Blue 74 Summary

Formula C16H8N2O8S2.2Na CAS No. 860-22-0 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark blue-violet powder with a coppery Molar mass 466.35 ADG Class - lustre and faint odour. Aqueous solutions are blue, the colour fading on Melting point > 300°C Packing Group - standing. 340°C decomposes UN Number None Dye family indole Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Solubility water1 3 mg/mL 1 3 mg/mL 2 Security - ethanol Absorption (lmax ) 608 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed The substance is light sensitive. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. Protect from light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed suitable labelled container. through the skin. Eye exposure may lead to permanent Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or damage. May cause an allergic response in susceptible bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. individuals. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • histology: contrast dye; stains cytoplasm labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • redox indicator ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add • ‘chemical traffic light’ demonstration aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 11.4 pH 13 oxidised reduced IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. blue yellow blue yellow Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash pH indicator: Dissolve 0.1 g in 50mL of ethanol. Make up to before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and 100mL with distilled water.3 soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Gabb & Latchem position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST iodine Chemical diiodine Summary WARNING

Formula I2 CAS No. 7553-56-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Heavy, violet-black crystals or granules with ADG Class 8 (6.1) a metallic lustre and a pungent odour. Molar mass 253.81 114°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 184°C UN Number 3495 ethanol, diethyl ether, cyclohexane, glycerol and aqueous alkaline iodide solutions. Specific gravity 4.93 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 340 mg/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 2

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H312 Harmful in contact with skin Small spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. H332 Harmful if inhaled Solution spill: Treat spills of iodine solution, and iodine H400 Very toxic to aquatic life stains on benches/floors, with a minimal quantity of dilute sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1-0.2 M) and wash residues SAFE HANDLING down the sink with dilution. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large spill: Cover with dry sand or other non-combustible before breaks and at the end of work. material. Collect material and place in a plastic bag con- tained within another plastic bag. Place into a labelled plastic Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves container and store for collection. Wash the spill area with (nitrile). Iodine is corrosive and readily sublimes to a violet dilute thiosulfate solution and then with water. vapour. Exposure to the vapour may cause irritation to the WASTE DISPOSAL skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Symptoms of ingestion or Small quantity: Treat small quantities of waste iodine or high inhalation exposure include severe irritation, metallic iodine solution by dropwise/portionwise addition of dilute taste, headache, fever and gastric upset. Skin or eye sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1-0.2 M) until the brown colour contact with the solid or concentrated solution may of the iodine is discharged. Flush the solution down the sink result in severe irritation and burns. Sensitive individuals with further dilution. may show symptoms of iodism on exposure to small Large quantity: Large amounts of waste or surplus solid amounts. iodine and large volumes of concentrated aqueous or Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated ethanolic iodine should be stored for collection by a licenced area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, vapour or mist. waste disposal contractor. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Residual iodine on instruments and glassware can be removed by treating with sodium thiosulfate solution STORAGE (0.1-0.2M) prior to washing. Iodine is hygroscopic and light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect FIRST AID from sunlight and moisture. Inspect lid periodically for IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. damage. Consider bunding in a secondary lidded Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue container. Do not stored in the refrigerator as the vapours rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. may build up and corrode refrigerator components. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from alkali metals, alkali oxide, metal powders, Seek medical attention. ammonia, ammonium compounds. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store the solid and solutions with Class 8 Corrosive before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If substances (acids). skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. The concentration of iodine solution will change over time IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a due to (i) loss of the volatile iodine from the solution, and (ii) position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS air-oxidation of iodide ion to iodine, a reaction promoted by CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. heat and light. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

APPLICATIONS General science: demonstration of sublimation. Senior chemistry: (in solution) iodometric titrations; Biology: (in solution) to indicate the presence of starch. visualisation agent for thin layer chromatography; Forensic science: visualisation agent for fingerprinting. Iodine-Clock reaction.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST iron Chemical iron sheet, rod, wire, filings Summary

Formula Fe CAS No. 7439-89-6 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silver-grey metal. Molar mass 55.85 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Melting point 1535°C Packing Group - Reacts with organic acids, dilute mineral Boiling point 2750°C acids, cold dilute nitric acid, hot concentrated UN Number None sulfuric acid and hot concentrated nitric acid. Specific gravity 7.86 (20°C) Non-combustible Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantities may be disposed of a general waste. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container for Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste iron metal. Arrange for collection by a a licenced (nitrile). Exposure to iron dust or fumes may cause irritation waste disposal contractor or metal recycling facility. of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Avoid generating and inhalating dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE Iron is oxidised in moist air to form a red rust, iron (III) oxide. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Store away from sources of heat and ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, halogens and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: qualitative properties of the element; position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. investigations of magnetic fields. Senior chemistry: electrochemical cells; redox reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate Chemical ferrous chloride tetrahydrate; iron dichloride tetrahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula FeCl2.4H2O CAS No. 13478-10-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Light green crystals with a slight odour of ADG Class 8 hydrogen chloride. Molar mass 198.81 Melting point 105-110°C (-4H2O) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY 670-677°C (anhydrous) Soluble in water and alcohol. UN Number 3260 Boiling point - Solubility in water 1600 g/L (10°C) Specific gravity 1.93 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Solid waste: Store waste or surplus iron (II) chloride in a Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin and suitable labelled container such as for waste heavy metals eyes, and respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated contractor. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid Solution waste: Alternatives: (i) Neutralise to within pH 6-8 contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or and store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste repeated exposure. heavy metal salt solutions. (ii) Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and evaporate the water. Dispose of the solid residue as solid waste. (iii) The Fe(II) ions can be precipitated as the hydroxide at approximately pH 9. On exposure to air, the green Fe(II) hydroxide will become oxidised to the brown Fe(III) hydroxide.

STORAGE The substance is hydroscopic and air-sensitive and becomes oxidised on exposure to air and moisture. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue moisture. Do not store in a metal container. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from alkali metals and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with corrosive substances (DG Class 8). NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical attention if effects persist. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: preparation of ferrofluid. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (III) chloride hexahydrate Chemical ferric chloride hexahydrate; iron trichloride hexahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula FeCl3.6H2O CAS No. 10025-77-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Brownish-yellow or orange crystals or powder ADG Class 8 with a slight odour of hydrogen chloride. Molar mass 270.3 ca 37°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohol and acetone. Boiling point 280-285°C UN Number 3260 Solubility in water 920 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.82 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes skin irritation Disposal. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are strongly as for waste heavy metals and arrange for collection by a acidic. Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin licenced waste disposal contractor. and eyes, and respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Solution waste: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and store with Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated waste heavy metal salt solutions, or evaporate the water area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid and dispose of the solid residue as solid waste. Alternatively, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or Fe(III) ions can be precipitated as the hydroxide at repeated exposure. approximately pH 4-5 by addition of sodium hydroxide The reaction with water may generate toxic and corrosive solution. Allow the precipitate to age for 2-3 days and collect fumes of hydrochloric acid. by filtration or by decanting the supernatant. Neutralise the supernatant solution to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Allow the solid precipitate to dry and store for collection.

STORAGE The substance is hydroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Do not store in a metal FIRST AID container. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from alkali metals and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with corrosive substances (DG Class 8). rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical attention if effects persist. General science: preparation of ferrofluid. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: redox reactions; position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms qualitative inorganic analysis. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: preparation of fake blood; component of Bial’s Reagent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate Chemical ferrous sulfate heptahydrate; iron (II) sulphate heptahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula FeSO4.7H2O CAS No. 7782-63-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale bluish-green, odourless crystals or ADG Class - granules with an astringent taste. Molar mass 278.02 60-300°C (-7 H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point > 400°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 400 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.89 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes serious eye irritation Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as SAFE HANDLING for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). The substance is a weak reducing agent. WASTE DISPOSAL Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. Exposure may Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such cause irritation to the skin and eyes, and respiratory and as for waste heavy metals and arrange for collection by a gastrointestinal tracts. Ingestion of large amounts may lead licenced waste disposal contractor. to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys. Solution waste: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and store Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and in a suitable labelled container such as for waste heavy inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and metal salt solutions. Alternatively, the neutralised solution clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. can be evaporated down, and the residue treated as solid Heating to decomposition forms the anhydrate with loss of waste. Fe(II) ions can also be precipitated from solution as water of crystallisation. With further heating, iron (III) oxide the hydroxide at approximately pH 9 and the precipitate and toxic fumes of sulfur oxides are produced. treated as solid waste. On exposure to air, the green Fe(II) hydroxide precipitate will become oxidised to brown Fe(III) hydroxide.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and sensitive to air and light. On exposure to air and moisture, ferrous sulfate becomes FIRST AID oxidised, forming a brown coating of corrosive ‘basic ferric IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. sulfate’. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do and moisture. NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. Store away from alkalis, carbonates, acids and oxidising IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash substances. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Store with general inorganic substances. soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: redox reactions; qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (II) sulfide Chemical ferrous sulfide; iron (II) sulphide; black iron sulfide Summary

Formula FeS CAS No. 1317-37-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark brown or dark grey, odourless pieces, ADG Class - sticks or granular powder. Forms colourless Molar mass 87.91 hexagonal crystals when pure. Melting point 1195°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point - UN Number None Practically insoluble in water. Specific gravity 4.84 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - when pure and dry

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mechanical irritation to WASTE DISPOSAL the skin and eyes. Exposure may irritate and damage the Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Ingestion may lead to inorganic solids or waste heavy metals and arrange for generation of hydrogen sulfide in the stomach, which may collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Small cause CNS and cardiovascular effects. Inhalation of fumes quantities may be disposed of as general waste. may lead to metal fume fever. Ingestion of large amounts may lead to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The reaction with acids may generate highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.

STORAGE Over time, on exposure to moist air, the substance becomes oxidised, forming iron (III) hydroxide and sulfur. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue moisture. rinsing. Store away from acids, peroxides and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with general inorganic substances. NOT induce vomiting. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Senior chemistry: product of the reaction of iron and sulfur (small scale is recommended); to demonstrate the IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a preparation and properties of hydrogen sulfide (microscale position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms is recommended). occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (II,III) oxide Chemical ferrosoferric oxide; magnetite Summary

Formula Fe3O4 CAS No. 1317-61-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Black, amorphous, odourless, ADG Class - ferrimagnetic powder. Molar mass 231.54 1538°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Insoluble in water and alcohol. Dissolves Boiling point - UN Number None slowly in hydrochloric acid. Specific gravity 4.8-5.18 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mechanical irritation to WASTE DISPOSAL the skin and eyes. Exposure may irritate and damage the Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Inhalation of fumes inorganic solids or waste heavy metals and arrange for may lead to metal fume fever. Ingestion of large amounts collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Small may lead to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys. quantities may be disposed of as general waste. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The substance is oxidised to iron (III) oxide, Fe2O3, on heating in air.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, peroxides and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic substances. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: investigations of magnetism; occur, seek medical advice/attention. properties of ferrofluid.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (III) nitrate, nonahydrate Chemical ferric nitrate nonahydrate; iron trinitrate nonahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Fe(NO3)3.9H2O CAS No. 7782-61-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale violet crystals with a faint odour ADG Class 5.1 of nitric acid. Molar mass 404.00 Melting point 47°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY ca 100°C (-9H2O) Soluble in water, alcohol and acetone. UN Number 1466 Slightly soluble in cold concentrated Boiling point ca 125°C decomposes nitric acid. Specific gravity 1.68 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Non-combustible Solubility in water 1500 g/L (20°C) Flammability Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove combustible H315 Causes skin irritation material and ignition sources from the spill area. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H335 May cause respiratory irritation and treat as for Waste Disposal. Some products are not classified as oxidising. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands container and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). The substance is an oxidising agent. WASTE DISPOSAL Aqueous solutions of the salt are strongly acidic. Exposure Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable may cause irritation and burns to the skin and eyes and labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with other waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Solution waste: Small volumes of dilute solutions area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid (concentration < 1%) may be washed down the sink. contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or Concentrated solutions may be allowed to evaporate and the repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and ignition sludge stored in a labelled container for collection. Solutions sources. of nitrates should not be heated to evaporate and should Mixing of the substance with reducing agents and/ not be evaporated to dryness. Alternatively, Fe(III) ions can or combustible material may result in fire or explosion, be precipitated as the hydroxide at approximately pH 4-5 by liberating toxic oxides of nitrogen. addition of sodium hydroxide solution. Allow the precipitate In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. to age for 2-3 days and collect by filtration or by decanting the supernatant. Neutralise the supernatant solution to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Allow the solid precipitate to STORAGE dry and store as solid waste for collection. The substance is hydroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. Protect from moisture. Store away from heat and sources of FIRST AID ignition. Do not store in a metal container. Do not store on IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. wooden surfaces. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from alkali metals, powdered metals, organic rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. substances, reducing agents and combustible materials. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. investigations of equilibria and Le Chatelier’s principle; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a catalysis of its reaction with thiosulfate ion. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Technical: preparation of fake blood. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST iron (III) oxide Chemical ferric oxide; red iron oxide Summary WARNING

Formula Fe2O3 CAS No. 1309-37-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Reddish-brown, odourless powder. Molar mass 159.7 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Insoluble in water. Soluble in acids. Melting point 1539°C Boiling point - UN Number None Specific gravity 5.25 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H335 May cause respiratory irritation Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mechanical irritation to Store waste or surplus iron (III) oxide in a suitable labelled the skin and eyes. Exposure may irritate and damage the container such as for waste inorganic solids or waste heavy respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Inhalation of fumes metals and arrange for collection by a licenced waste may lead to metal fume fever. Ingestion of large amounts disposal contractor. may lead to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys. Small quantities may be disposed of as general waste. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Glassware coated with iron oxide: Cover with dilute inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. hydrochloric acid (~1M) and allow to stand for hours or days, Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. depending on the level of contamination. Then rinse (scrub if necessary), and wash glassware as usual.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from acids, peroxides and oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic substances. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. If recovery is not rapid, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: redox reactions; position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms qualitative inorganic analysis. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: demonstration of the thermite reaction.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST isoamyl acetate Chemical isopentyl acetate; acetic acid, isoamyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C7H14O2 CAS No. 123-92-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to yellow liquid with a banana- or ADG Class 3 pear-like odour. Molar mass 130.19 -79°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 142°C UN Number 1104 ethanol and diethyl ether. Soluble in acetone. Specific gravity 0.87 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 2.19 g/L (19.4°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert cracking absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; nitrile for splash contact). Exposure may cause Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or ingestion may and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids, strong irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. bases, alkali metals and alkali hydroxides. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between acetic acid and isoamyl alcohol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST janus green B Chemical C.I. 11050; Union Green B; Diazine Green 5 Summary

Formula C30H31ClN6 CAS No. 2869-83-2 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Blue to black powder. Forms green to Molar mass 511.07 ADG Class - blue solutions. Dye family phenazine Melting point Packing Group - Solubility water1 30 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 5 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 660 nm, 395 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a respiratory tract. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • redox indicator for indicating the presence of oxygen labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • histology: vital stain; stains mitochondria Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID oxidised reduced IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. blue pink Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1g in 2-3 mL ethanol. Make up to 100 mL with IF ON SKIN: before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and distilled water.3 soap. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Carolina position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST kerosene Chemical lamp oil Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. 8008-20-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, blue or colourless liquid with a strong ADG Class 3 odour. Mixture of aliphatic and aromatic Molar mass - hydrocarbons, mainly with carbon number in Melting point - Packing Group III the range C9-C16. Less dense than water. Boiling point 175-325°C UN Number 1223 SOLUBILITY Miscible with other petroleum solvents. Specific gravity ca. 0.80 Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H315 Causes skin irritation ignition. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Small spill: Absorb with paper towel. Allow the solvent to H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of paper H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects towel as general waste. Large spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Place material SAFE HANDLING in a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Ventilate the spill area and wash with detergent and water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Kerosene is flammable and has a low flash point. Kerosene is toxic to aquatic life and should not be released Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, respiratory to drains or waterways. tract and on ingestion. Symptoms of inhalation or ingestion Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or place in a include drowsiness, dizziness and nausea. Prolonged or shallow vessel. Allow the solvent to evaporate in an repeated skin exposure can lead to dryness, cracking and operating fume cupboard. dermatitis. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs Large quantity: Store in original container or other suitable if ingested. labelled container, such as for non-halogenated organic Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated liquid waste, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste area. Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist. Avoid contact with disposal contractor. skin, eyes and clothing. Empty containers can contain explosive vapours. Empty There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, containers should be rinsed thoroughly with water and the confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with rinsings absorbed onto inert material and treated as for air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash spills. Washed empty containers can be disposed of as back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. general waste.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue or ignition. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, bases and amines. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: solvent for extracting non-polar CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. substances. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST lactic acid, aqueous solution Chemical 2-hydroxypropionic acid; milk acid Summary DANGER

Formula C3H6O3 CAS No. 50-21-5 (n.o.s.); 598-82-3 (DL) User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless or yellowish, odourless, ADG Class - hygroscopic, syrupy liquid. Available as an Molar mass 90.078 85-90%w/w aqueous solution. Melting point 16.8°C (DL) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 122°C (DL) UN Number None Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.2060 (21°C, DL) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Soluble Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H318 Causes serious eye damage sources. Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition SAFE HANDLING of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Decant Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. before breaks and at the end of work. Dispose of the residual solids as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Eye contact may result in burns WASTE DISPOSAL and permanent eye damage. Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes, and the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The acid is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to FIRST AID prevent leakage. Store away from heat and any sources of IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, bases rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. and iodides. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with corrosive liquids (organic acids). NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water and soap. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. General science: preparation of polylactic acid. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST lead Chemical lead sheet, foil, shot Summary DANGER

Formula Pb CAS No. 7439-92-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Buish-white, silver-grey soft and malleable ADG Class 9 metal. Lustrous when freshly cut and Molar mass 207.2 tarnishes on exposure to air. Melting point 327.4°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 1740°C UN Number 3077 Reacts with mineral acids: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Specific gravity 11.3 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with H332 Harmful if inhaled a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or contaminated clothing before reuse. repeated exposure H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects WASTE DISPOSAL Store in a suitable labelled container for waste lead metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor or a metal recycling facility. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to lead powder, dust or fumes may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Lead particles may cause mechanical irritation of the eyes and skin. Inhalation of fumes may lead to metal fume fever. Lead is poorly absorbed via the skin. The effects of lead exposure are cumulative. Children are more sensitive than adults to the toxic properties of lead. Elemental lead has been evaluated by the IARC as probably carcinogenic to humans. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid ingestion FIRST AID and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. repeated exposure. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Lead pieces should be wrapped (e.g. with plastic film) rinsing. Seek medical attention. before being handled by students. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Finely divided lead reacts with acids, generating flammable Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention hydrogen gas. Heating to decomposition will generate toxic IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Brush particles fumes of lead oxide. off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. extinguishing agent. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical STORAGE attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 26 11 Freshly cut lead surfaces are oxidised rapidly in air, forming a passivating layer of basic lead carbonate. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from APPLICATIONS sources of heat and ignition. General science: qualitative properties of the element. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Senior chemistry: electrochemical cells; redox reactions. Store with general inorganic solids or toxic solids.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST lead (II) nitrate Chemical lead dinitrate; plumbous nitrate Summary DANGER

Formula Pb(NO3)2 CAS No. 10099-74-8 User Group 7-12S (Note C)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to off-white, almost odourless crystals. Molar mass 331.20 ADG Class 5.1 (6.1) SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in ethanol Melting point 470°C decomposes and methanol. Boiling point - UN Number 1469 Solubility in water 486 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 4.49 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources H302 Harmful if swallowed of ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H332 Harmful if inhaled Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and H318 Causes serious eye damage place in a suitable labelled container. Store for collection. H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child Solution spill: Cover with absorbent material such as sand, H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or vermiculite or bentonite. Do not use combustible materials repeated exposure (paper, cloth) to clean up spill. Treat as for solid spill. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. The substance must not be disposed of with general Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste. Store waste or surplus lead (II) nitrate in the original (latex, nitrile). The substance is toxic and is a strong container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for oxidising agent. Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and Solutions may be allowed to evaporate and the sludge respiratory tract. Acute or chronic exposure can lead to stored for collection. Solutions of nitrates should not be blood, CNS, kidney, cardiovascular and reproductive system heated to evaporate and should not be evaporated to disorders. The effects of lead exposure are cumulative. dryness. Children are more sensitive than adults to the toxic Take care not to mix with incompatible waste such as properties of lead. Inorganic lead compounds have been reducing agents, combustible substances, readily oxidisable evaluated by the IARC as probably carcinogenic to humans. materials or reactive metals. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- Lead ions can be precipitated from solution as the carbonate ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid at pH 7-8 by addition of a solution of sodium carbonate. contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from light. Store away from sources of IF SWALLOWED: Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE heat or ignition. or doctor. Store away from reducing agents, combustible materials and Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. organic substances. IF ON SKIN: Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Seek medical Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: as a dilute solution, in displacement attention. reactions (microscale only recommended). POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST lead (II) oxide Chemical lead monoxide; yellow lead oxide; litharge; plumbous oxide Summary DANGER

Formula PbO CAS No. 1317-36-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow to reddish, very dense, odourless ADG Class 6.1 crystals or powder. Molar mass 223.20 888°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 1470°C UN Number 2291 acetic acid, dilute nitric acid and warm alkali hydroxide solutions. Insoluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 9.53 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 0.017 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Spill can be covered H332 Harmful if inhaled with damp sand to avoid dust formation. Collect spill H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child material and place in a suitable labelled container. Store for H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or collection. repeated exposure Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Lead compounds should not be released to the environment. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store waste or surplus lead (II) oxide in the original container before breaks and at the end of work. or other suitable labelled container such as for lead or heavy metal waste solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves waste disposal contractor. (nitrile). Lead oxide is toxic by inhalation or ingestion. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin and eyes. Acute or chronic exposure can lead to blood, CNS, kidney, cardiovascular and reproductive system disorders. The effects of lead exposure are cumulative. Children are more sensitive than adults to the toxic properties of lead. Inorganic lead compounds have been evaluated by the IARC as probably carcinogenic to humans. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents and metal powders. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids or with toxic inorganic Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE substances. or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: demonstration of the reduction of lead attention. (II) oxide to elemental lead. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST lithium Chemical lithium, elemental Summary DANGER

Formula Li CAS No. 7439-93-2 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silvery-white, ductile, light, soft metal; ADG Class 4.3 becomes yellowish on exposure to air and Molar mass 6.94 moisture. Melting point 180.5°C Packing Group I SOLUBILITY Boiling point 1342°C UN Number 1415 Reacts readily with water, releasing flammable hydrogen gas. Soluble in liquid Specific gravity 0.534 (20°C) Poisons Schedule ammonia, giving a blue solution. Flammability Flammable solid Security IDM Cat 2 Solubility in water Reacts with water

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H260 In contact with water releases flammable Lithium is air and moisture sensitive. Store in a tightly closed gases which may ignite spontaneously. container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light. Ensure H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. that metal is stored under paraffin oil. Lithium is less dense than AUH014 Reacts violently with water. paraffin oil, however a thin film of oil will cover the surface of the metal and protect it from the air. Alternatively, lithium can be stored covered in petroleum jelly (petrolatum). Lithium reacts readily with water; keep away from contact with water. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. SAFE HANDLING Store away from acids, heavy metals, halogenated hydrocarbons, Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash oxidising agents and phosphorus. hands before breaks and at the end of work. Store with DG Class 4.3 Dangerous When Wet substances. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Lithium is corrosive and a strong reducing agent. Contact with lithium can cause severe irritation and burns to the skin and eyes. Fumes of SPILLS burning lithium are highly irritating. The reaction with See Laboratory Notes water generates flammable hydrogen gas and caustic lithium hydroxide. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Ensure that all tools WASTE DISPOSAL See Laboratory Notes used in handling are dry. Handle away from open Small quantity: Store under mineral oil in a suitable flames and other ignition sources. Large quantity of waste: container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal In case of fire, smother with dry sand or use approved contractor. Class D extinguisher; do not use water, foam or CO2 extinguisher.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. APPLICATIONS Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Senior chemistry: In the demonstration of the reaction rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. of an alkali metal with water. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. PREPARATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. For detailed safety notes and procedure, see Science Brush off loose particles from skin. Rinse skin with water/shower. ASSIST Standard Operating Procedure: Demonstrating If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. the reaction of alkali metals with water. IF INHALED- metal oxide fumes (unlikely) or hydrogen gas: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST lithium chloride Chemical lithium monochloride Summary WARNING

Formula LiCl CAS No. 7447-41-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder ADG Class - with a sharp saline taste. Molar mass 42.39 610°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohols, ether and Boiling point 1360°C UN Number None acetone. Specific gravity 2.07 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 832 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes serious eye irritation Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). The salt is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a respiratory tract. Ingestion of large amounts of lithium licenced waste disposal contractor. ion may cause CNS and neuromuscular effects; chronic Solution: Transfer to a container for aqueous inorganic exposure may lead to impaired kidney or thyroid function. waste and arrange for collection. Alternatively, allow the Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and water to evaporate and store the solid residue as for solid inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions(<1%) of lithium clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. chloride can be washed down the sink.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and deliquescent. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkali metals, halogen-halogen rinsing. Seek medical attention. compounds and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with general inorganic solids. NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. General science: flame test. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST lithium hydroxide Chemical lithium hydroxide anhydrous Summary DANGER

Formula LiOH CAS No. 1310-66-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 23.95 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water. Melting point 450-471°C 924°C decomposes UN Number 2680 Solubility in water 71 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 2.54 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). The salt is corrosive and is toxic by ingestion WASTE DISPOSAL or inhalation. Aqueous solutions of the salt are strongly Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for alkaline. Exposure may cause severe irritation and corrosive waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on licenced waste disposal contractor. ingestion. Eye contact can cause permanent eye damage. Solution: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to Ingestion of large amounts of lithium ion may cause CNS a container for aqueous inorganic waste. Arrange for and neuromuscular effects; chronic exposure may lead to collection. Small volumes of neutral dilute solutions (<1%) of impaired kidney or thyroid function. lithium ions can be washed down the sink. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating the substance to decomposition will generate hazardous fumes of lithium oxides. The substance can react with active metals (aluminium, zinc), generating flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE FIRST AID The substance is hygroscopic and absorbs carbon dioxide IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 from the air, forming lithium carbonate. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Continue rinsing. Seek immmediate medical attention. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do and moisture. NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with corrosive substances (DG Class 8). before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 General science: properties of acids and bases.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST lithium nitrate Chemical nitric acid, lithium salt Summary WARNING

Formula LiNO3 CAS No. 7790-69-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or granules. Molar mass 68.95 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol and Melting point 255°C acetone. Boiling point > 600°C decomposes UN Number 2722 Solubility in water 522 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.38 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible material and ignition sources from the spill area. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible material SAFE HANDLING such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). The salt is a strong oxidising agent and is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Exposure may cause WASTE DISPOSAL severe irritation to the skin and eyes, and the respiratory Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for and digestive tracts. Ingestion of large amounts of lithium waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a ion may cause CNS and neuromuscular effects; chronic licenced waste disposal contractor. exposure may lead to impaired kidney or thyroid function. Do not mix with any other waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Solution: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid a container for aqueous inorganic waste. Arrange for contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or collection. Small volumes of neutral dilute solutions (<1%) of repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and sources of lithium ions can be washed down the sink. ignition. There is a risk of fire and explosion if mixed with combustible or readily oxidisable materials. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended.

STORAGE FIRST AID The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. Store away from heat and ignition rinsing. Seek medical attention. sources. Do not store on wooden surfaces. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store away from acids, alkalis, metal powders, reducing NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. agents, oxidising agents, organic substances and IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash combustible materials. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. If Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: flame test. occur, seek immediate medical attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 combustion of sugar demonstration.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST litmus Chemical Summary

Formula n/a CAS No. 1393-92-6 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Blue powder; a mixture of dyes Molar mass - ADG Class extracted from various lichens. Dye family Melting point - Packing Group Solubility water1 50 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 3 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule

1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 575 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. Protect from light and moisture. Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with dampened paper there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 4.5 pH 8.3 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue red blue rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink.If effects persist, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Add 4 g to 100mL of distilled water.2 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and References: soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Chem-Supply Product SDS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium Chemical magnesium ribbon Summary DANGER

Formula Mg CAS No. 7439-95-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Light silvery-white, odourless metal strips. Molar mass 24.31 ADG Class 4.1 Melting point 651°C Packing Group III Solubility in water Slowly decomposes Boiling point 1107°C UN Number 1869 Specific gravity 1.75 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security IDM Cat 2 Poorly flammable

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H228 Flammable solid Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H261 In contact with water releases flammable gas sources. Collect material with a non-sparking tool. If it is uncontaminated, it can be stored for future use. Otherwise, SAFE HANDLING treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wipe surfaces with dampened paper towel to remove before breaks and at the end of work. residual magnesium dust. Rinse paper towel with water Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves and dispose of as general waste. If the amount of residual (nitrile). Exposure to dust or fumes may cause irritation to magnesium dust is significant, ensure that it is destroyed by the eyes or respiratory tract. High acute exposure to dust or treating the paper towel with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1M), fumes may result in metal fume fever. then rinse the paper towel with water and dispose of as Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact general waste. with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat or Wash spill area thoroughly with of water. Wash any other ignition sources. contaminated clothing before reuse. Magnesium burns with an intense white light which extends into the UV region and can be damaging to the eyes. The WASTE DISPOSAL light cannot be observed safely without the protection of welding-standard safety glasses. Students should be Small quantity: Add waste magnesium to dilute hydrochloric instructed not to look directly at burning magnesium. acid (1M) in the ratio of about 1 g of Mg to 100mL of acid. The reaction with water or acid generates flammable Allow the magnesium to react between additions. When all hydrogen gas. Magnesium can react dangerously with the magnesium has been consumed, neutralise the solution oxidising agents, metal oxides, methanol, silver nitrate to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. and if heated with sulfur. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal company. extinguishing agent. Do not mix with other waste.

STORAGE Magnesium slowly becomes oxidised in moist air; in dry air it forms a passivating surface layer, a mixture of the oxide and FIRST AID the nitride. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry IF IN EYES: Immediately rinse with water for at least 15 place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If supplied in combustible packaging, magnesium ribbon Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. should be re-packaged into a labelled non-reactive IF SWALLOWED: Remove particles from mouth. Rinse container, such as a glass jar. mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, attention. halogens and halogenated solvents. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). before reuse. Brush off visible particles. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Immerse in cool water/ wrap APPLICATIONS in wet bandages. Seek medical advice/attention. General science: observations of the reactivity of the metal; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a preparation of hydrogen. position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: determination of an empirical formula attention. (MgO); electrochemistry; redox reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium acetate, tetrahydrate Chemical magnesium diacetate tetrahydrate; acetic acid, magnesium salt Summary

Formula Mg(CH3COO)2.4H2O CAS No. 16674-78-5 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder or crystalline ADG Class - powder. Molar mass 214.45 80°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Boiling point >135°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 1200 g/L (15°C) Specific gravity 1.45 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such as eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large amount may for waste inorganic solids. Small quantities may be disposed cause gastric upset. of as general waste. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Solution waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and as for waste inorganic salt solutions. Magnesium ions can clothing. be precipitated from solution as the hydroxide above pH 10 Heating the salt releases the water of crystallisation; further and the precipitate treated as solid waste. Small volumes of heating to decomposition yields magnesium oxide. dilute solutions (concentration <1%) may be washed down the sink.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic and deliquescent. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away FIRST AID from heat and light. Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, bases and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic substances. rinsing. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium carbonate basic, hydrate Chemical magnesium carbonate hydroxide; Summary magnesium hydroxide carbonate light; Formula composition varies, e.g. magnesium hydroxide carbonate heavy 3MgCO3(OH)2.3H2O (light) 3.2MgCO3(OH)2.3.2H2O (heavy) CAS No. 39409-82-0 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, bulky white powder. Molar mass 365.31 (light) ADG Class - 383.32 (heavy) SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Melting point 700°C decomposes (l) acids. Insoluble in alcohol and acetone. 350°C decomposes (h) UN Number None Boiling point - Solubility in water 0.106 g/L Poisons Schedule - (20°C, anhydrous) Specific gravity 1.45 (light) 2.95 (heavy) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large amount may cause gastric upset. Chronic inhalation exposure may lead Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste to lung damage. inorganic solids. Small quantities may be disposed of as Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and general waste. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Heating to decomposition generates harmful fumes of oxides of magnesium and carbon. The reaction of the salt with acids liberates carbon dioxide.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and oxidizing agents. rinsing. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic substances. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persists, seek medical advice/ attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and APPLICATIONS soap. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: investigations of antacids. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; occur, seek medical advice/attention. displacment reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium chloride, hexahydrate Chemical magnesium dichloride hexahydrate Summary

Formula MgCl2.6H2O CAS No. 7791-18-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless flakes or crystals. Molar mass 203.3 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water and alcohol. Melting point 117°C -6H2O - UN Number None Solubility in water 1670 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.57 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material SAFE HANDLING and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation of large amounts may lead to metal fume fever. Absorption of large quantities may Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such as lead to muscle weakness and cardiovascular effects. for waste inorganic solids. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Solution waste: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and store in a inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic salt Heating to decomposition generates toxic and corrosive solutions. Magnesium ions can be precipitated from solution fumes of hydrogen chloride gas and magnesium as the hydroxide above pH 10 and the precipitate treated as oxychloride. solid waste.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light. Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic substances. rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. General science: flame tests. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms displacement reactions; occur, seek medical advice/attention. demonstration of Le Chatelier’s principle.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium hydroxide Chemical magnesium dihydroxide; milk of magnesia Summary WARNING

Formula Mg(OH)2 CAS No. 1309-42-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder. Molar mass 58.33 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Practiclly insoluble in water. Soluble in dilute Melting point 350°C decomposes acids and ammonium salt solutions. Boiling point - UN Number None Insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.36 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.009 g/L (18°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H335 May cause respiratory irritation Disposal. Not classified as hazardous according to some suppliers Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste eyes and respiratory tract. Absorption of large quantities inorganic solids. may lead to muscle weakness and cardiovascular effects. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Heating to decomposition generates harmful fumes of magnesium oxide.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and absorbs carbon dioxide FIRST AID from the air, forming magnesium carbonate. Store in a tightly IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue from heat and light. Protect from moisture. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from acids, oxidizing agents and powdered IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. metals. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic substances. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. General science: investigations of antacids.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium nitrate, hexahydrate Chemical magnesium dinitrate hexahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Mg(NO3)2.6H2O CAS No. 13446-18-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystalline solid. Molar mass 256.41 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Melting point 89°C Packing Group - Soluble in water and alcohol. >90°C -6H2O UN Number None Solubility in water 420 g/L (20°C) Boiling point 330°C decomposes Specific gravity 1.46 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes serious eye irritation Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation and burns to Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Eye contact may lead to labelled container. Do not mix with other waste. permanant damage. Inhalation of large amounts may lead to Solution waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such metal fume fever. as for waste inorganic salt solutions. Solutions may be Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating an evaporated in an operating fume cupboard and the residue inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and treated as solid waste. Solutions of nitrates should not clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. be heated to evaporate and should not be evaporated to Mixing of the substance with reducing agents and/ dryness. Magnesium ions can be precipitated from solution or combustible material may result in fire or explosion, as the hydroxide above pH 10 and the precipitate treated as liberating irritating, toxic fumes of nitrogen and magnesium solid waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration oxides. <1%) may be washed down the sink.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in FIRST AID a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from moisture. Store away from heat and sources of Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ignition. rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. Store away from reducing agents, organic substances, metal IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. powders and combustible materials. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; displacement reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium oxide Chemical magnesia; oxomagnesia Summary

Formula MgO CAS No. 1309-48-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Fine, white odourless powder. Available as ADG Class - heavy or light depending on its density, as Molar mass 40.30 determined by the preparation method. Melting point ca 2800°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 3600°C UN Number None Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in acids and ammonium salt solutions. Specific gravity 3.58 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Insoluble in alcohol. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 0.086 g/L (30°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause minor irritation of the Store waste or surplus magnesium oxide in a suitable skin,eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large amount labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids. Small may cause gastric upset. Inhalation of large amounts may quantities may be disposed of as general waste. lead to metal fume fever. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. The reaction with strong acids may be exothermic and violent.

STORAGE Magnesium oxide absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture from the air. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry FIRST AID well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic substances. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: a product in the burning of magnesium, occur, seek medical advice/attention. to determine the formula of magnesium oxide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Chemical magnesium(II) sulphate heptahydrate; epsom salts Summary

Formula MgSO4.7H2O CAS No. 10034-99-8 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 246.48 120°C -6H O Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 250°C -7H O Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol 2 UN Number None and glycerol. Boiling point 1124°C decomposes Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 710 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.68 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material SAFE HANDLING and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause minor irritation to the WASTE DISPOSAL skin and respiratory tract and mechanical irritation to the Solid waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such as eyes. Ingestion of a large amount may cause gastric upset. for waste inorganic solids. Small quantities may be disposed Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and of as general waste. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Solution waste: Store in a suitable labelled container such Heating to decomposition generates toxic fumes of sulfur as for waste inorganic salt solutions. Magnesium ions can and magnesium oxides be precipitated from solution as the hydroxide above pH 10 and the precipitate treated as solid waste. Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration <1%) may be washed down the sink.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light; protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic substances. rinsing. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If APPLICATIONS irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. General science: crystal growing; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a investigations of ‘hard’ water. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: electrochemistry; occur, seek medical advice/attention. determining the formula of a hydrate.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 31 October 2018 Science ASSIST magneson I Chemical 4-(4-Nitrophenylazo)-resorcinol; Azoviolet; p-Diazoviolet Summary

Formula C12H9N3O4 CAS No. 74-39-5 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red to dark red crystals or powder. Molar mass 259.22 ADG Class - Dye family azo Melting point 195-200°C Packing Group - Solubility water 1 g/L - ethanol soluble UN Number None Soluble in glycerol and Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - solutions of alkali hydroxides. Security - Absorption (lmax ) 432 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H319 Causes serious eye irritation and light. Store away from alkalis and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. through the skin. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle; add • indicates the presence of magnesium in alkaline aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for medium. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 11 pH 13 free chelated IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow violet red-violet blue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If feeling unwell, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Reagent to detect Mg (e.g. in tap water): Dissolve 0.001 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and g of the dye in 100mL 2M sodium hydroxide solution. Add soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. 1-2 drops of reagent solution to 1 drop of test solution on a IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a dropping tile. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST malachite green oxalate salt Chemical C.I. 42000; Aniline Green; Basic Green 4 Summary

Formula C46H50N4.2C2HO4.C2H2O2 CAS No. 2437-29-8 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green, odourless crystalline powder. Molar mass 927.02 ADG Class 6.1 Dye family triarylmethane Melting point ca 159°C Packing Group III Solubility water1 40 mg/mL 164°C decomposes ethanol1 50 mg/mL UN Number 2811 Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 614 nm, 425 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H301 Toxic if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H318 Causes serious eye damage and light. H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child Store away from oxidising agents. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids or with toxic organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with dampened paper there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • pH indicator labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • microscopy: stains plant cytoplasm; stains bacterial Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • endospores ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add • redox indicator aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 0.2 pH 1.8 pH 11.5 pH 13.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow green green colourless rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If feeling unwell, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Indicator or stain: Dissolve 1 g in 50 mL distilled water. Make before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and up to 100 mL with distilled water.3 soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST manganese (II) acetate, tetrahydrate Chemical manganese diacetate, tetrahydrate; manganous acetate tetrahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Mn(CH3COO)2.4H2O CAS No. 6156-78-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale pink crystalline powder with an odour of ADG Class - acetic acid. Molar mass 245.09 80°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and ethanol. Boiling point 323°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 233 g/L (25°C) Specific gravity 1.59 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes serious eye irritation Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash SAFE HANDLING any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, disposal contractor. eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic inhalation exposure to Solution: Store in a bottle for waste heavy metal salt manganese compounds may lead to CNS effects. solutions and arrange for collection. Alternatively, allow the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated water to evaporate and store the solid residue as heavy area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact metal waste. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic substances. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST manganese (II) chloride, tetrahydrate Chemical manganese dichloride, tetrahydrate; manganous chloride tetrahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula MnCl2.4H2O CAS No. 13446-34-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pink, odourless crystals, which become pale ADG Class 9 blue with loss of water of crystallisation. Molar mass 197.91 Melting point 58°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY 106-198°C (-4H2O) Soluble in water and alcohol. Insoluble in UN Number 3077 diethyl ether. Boiling point 1190°C (anhydrous) Specific gravity 2.01 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1980 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy acidic. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste respiratory tract. Chronic inhalation exposure may lead to disposal contractor. inflammation of the respiratory tract and CNS effects. Solution: Store in a bottle for waste heavy metal salt Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated solutions and arrange for collection. Alternatively, allow the area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion water to evaporate and store the solid residue as heavy and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or metal waste. repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition may generate toxic and corrosive hydrogen chloride gas.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light. Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids, oxidising agents and active metals. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic substances. rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical advice/ attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and APPLICATIONS soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. General science: crystal growing. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ demonstration of the oxidation states of manganese. attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST manganese (II) sulfate, hydrate Chemical manganese disulphate, monohydrate; manganous sulfate hydrate Summary WARNING

Formula MnSO4.H2O CAS No. 10034-96-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pink, odourless, slightly efflorescent crystals. Molar mass 169.02 ADG Class 9 SOLUBILITY Melting point 400-500°C (- H2O) Packing Group III Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. 700°C (anhydrate) UN Number 3077 Solubility in water 762 g/L (20°C) Boiling point 850°C (anhydrate) Specific gravity 2.95 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or Collect spill material and treat as for Waste repeated exposure Solid spill: Disposal. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash SAFE HANDLING any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and disposal contractor. respiratory tract. Chronic inhalation exposure may lead to Solution: Store in a bottle for waste heavy metal salt inflammation of the respiratory tract and CNS effects. solutions and arrange for collection. Alternatively, allow the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated water to evaporate and store the solid residue as heavy area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust and aerosols. metal waste. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed FIRST AID container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. and light. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, oxidising agents and active metals. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic substances. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Get medical advice/ attention if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 demonstration of the oxidation states of manganese.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST manganese (IV) oxide Chemical manganese dioxide; manganese black Summary WARNING

Formula MnO2 CAS No. 1313-13-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Brownish-black, odourless crystals or ADG Class powder. Molar mass 86.94 535°C decomposes Packing Group SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Insoluble in Boiling point - UN Number alcohol, nitric acid and cold sulfuric acid. Dissolves slowly in cold hydrochloric acid, Specific gravity 5.21 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - with evolution of heat and chlorine. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water < 0.001 g/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition H332 Harmful if inhaled sources and any combustible material from the spill area. H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste repeated exposure Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbant material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic inhalation exposure Store waste or surplus manganese oxide in a suitable may lead to inflammation of the respiratory tract and CNS labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced effects. Some products may contain a low concentration of waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with incompatible respirable crystalline silica which has been evaluated by waste. To clean glassware contaminated with manganese the IARC as known to be carcinogenic to humans. (Chronic dioxide: immerse the glass in dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1M) inhalation exposure to respirable crystalline silica may also add a reducing agent such as sodium sulfite. Allow to lead to silicosis.) stand until the dark precipitate of MnO2 has dissolved. This Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated should reduce the Mn(IV) oxide to the soluble Mn(II). Rinse area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion glassware with water. and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition gives Mn(III) oxide and Mn(II,III) oxide with evolution of oxygen gas. The reaction of MnO2 with cold hydrochloric acid generates highly toxic chlorine FIRST AID gas. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical advice/ STORAGE attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from heat and light. Give water to drink. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if Store away from combustible materials, acids, oxidising you feel unwell agents, reducing agents and active metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with general inorganic substances. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/ attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: catalyst for the decomposition of occur, seek medical advice/attention. hydrogen peroxide. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST maleic acid Chemical cis-butenedioic acid; toxilic acid Summary WARNING

Formula C4H4O4 CAS No. 110-16-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals with a faint acidulous ADG Class 8 odour and a characteristic astringent taste. Molar mass 116.07 Geometric isomer of fumaric acid. Melting point 138-139°C (from water) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point - UN Number 3261 Soluble in water, ethanol, acetone, diethyl ether and glacial acetic acid. Specific gravity 1.59 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 441 g/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H315 Causes skin irritation sources. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise H335 May cause respiratory irritation the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. SAFE HANDLING Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands bentonite (clay cat litter). Neutralise as for solid spill. Decant before breaks and at the end of work. neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves of residual solids as general waste. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash eyes and respiratory tract. Skin contact may cause an any contaminated clothing before reuse. allergic reaction and dermatitis in some individuals. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Avoid prolonged the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate or repeated exposure. in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution When heated to above 287°C, maleic acid is partially down the sink with further dilution. transformed into its isomer, fumaric acid. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. and bases. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with corrosive solids. NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and mild soap. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical APPLICATIONS advice/attention. Senior chemistry: to demonstrate its isomerisation to IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a fumaric acid and observe the properties of the two isomers. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Technical: preparation of buffer solutions CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST malonic acid Chemical 1,3-propanedioic acid; methanedicarboxylic acid Summary DANGER

Formula C3H4O4 CAS No. 141-82-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals or crystalline powder. Molar mass 104.06 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Melting point 135°C (decomposes) - UN Number None Solubility in water 1390 g/L 20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.63 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H318 Causes serious eye damage sources. Solid spill: Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 SAFE HANDLING mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands bentonite (clay cat litter). Neutralise as for solid spill. Decant before breaks and at the end of work. neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of residual solids as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and any contaminated clothing before reuse. respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise and clothing. the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-venti- lated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. FIRST AID Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue bases. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: position comfortable for breathing. Senior chemistry: a reagent in the Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction; titration of a diprotic acid. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST manganese Chemical manganese pieces, rod, flake Summary

Formula Mn CAS No. 7439-96-5 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Steel-grey, lustrous, hard, brittle metal. Molar mass 54.94 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Melting point 1244°C Packing Group - Reacts with dilute acid. Boiling point 1962°C UN Number None Solubility in water decomposes Specific gravity 7.2 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Store in a suitable labelled container for waste manganese Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal before breaks and at the end of work. contractor or metal recycling facility. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to manganese dust or fumes may cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic or high exposure to manganese compounds may lead to CNS effects. Avoid generating and inhaling dust/fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Manganese reacts with water and dilute acids, with evolution of flammable hydrogen gas. In case of fire, use sand or dry powder as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE Manganese rusts on exposure to moist air. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from moisture. Store away from sources of heat and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ignition. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from acids, oxidising agents, reducing agents IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and halogens. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Brush particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. General science: qualitative properties of the element.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST mercury Chemical mercury metal Summary DANGER

Formula Hg CAS No. 7439-97-6 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Shiny, silvery, odourless, heavy, metallic ADG Class 8 liquid. Molar mass 200.59 -38.9°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Reacts with dilute and concentrated nitric Boiling point 357°C UN Number 2809 acid, aqua regia, and warm concentrated hydrochloric acid. Soluble in lipids. Specific gravity 13.55 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S7

Solubility in water 0.06 mg/L (20)°C Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H330 Fatal if inhaled; H360 May damage fertility or the Wear PPE. Isolate spill area. Ensure good ventilation. Open unborn child; H372 Causes damage to organs through external windows. Close internal windows. Turn off any air prolonged or repeated exposure; H410 Very toxic to aquatic conditioning or heating systems. Collect any droplets of life with long lasting effects mercury using a pipette or absorbent sponge. Cover spill area with a suitable decontaminant such as a 1:1 mixture SAFE HANDLING of lime and sulfur, zinc powder or commercial mercury Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands absorbent. Leave for 24 hours to allow the reaction to take before breaks and at the end of work. place. Collect material with a piece of card. Transfer spilled Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves material to a suitable container and label as ‘DANGER (nitrile, latex, PVC, neoprene). The main route of exposure Elemental Mercury Spill’. Store for collection by a licenced to mercury is by inhalation. Elemental mercury is poorly waste disposal contractor. absorbed by ingestion or via the skin. Exposure may cause Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract Discard or decontaminate any contaminated clothing; do not and on ingestion. Eye exposure may cause permanent wash contaminated clothing in washing machine. eye damage. Prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to DO NOT vacuum up a mercury spill as this will contaminate respiratory and/or skin sensitisation and dermatitis. Chronic the vacuum cleaner. exposure may lead to cumulative effects. See Science ASSIST Spill Response Procedure for more Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes detailed guidance. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. If opening the container to transfer the substance, work only WASTE DISPOSAL in an operating fume cupboard. Ensure that any work and Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for storage surfaces are non-porous. Avoid using metal tools or collection by a licence waste disposal contractor. vessels for handling or storage: many metals are corroded on contact with mercury.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store only a small quantity of mercury (up to 25 mL), and only for demonstration purposes. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for 30 minutes. Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place. Protect from sunlight and moisture. Store rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. away from any source of heat or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly. Do NOT induce Store away from oxidising agents, alkali metals, active vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical metals, ammonia solution, amines and halogens. attention Store with secondary containment, such as in a tightly sealed IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and dispose of glass vessel within a sealed polycarbonate container. or decontaminate before reuse. Blot or brush away drops of Store with corrosive substances (DG Class 8). metal from skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Rescuer should not put themselves at risk. Senior chemistry and physics: demonstration of the Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position physical properties of the element. comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST methanol Chemical methyl alcohol; wood alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula CH4O CAS No. 67-56-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 (6.1) mild alcohol odour. Molar mass 32.04 -98°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water, alcohols, diethyl ether, Boiling point 65°C UN Number 1230 esters, ketones and most other organic solvents. Immiscible with hexane, heptane Specific gravity 0.79 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 and cyclohexane. Flammability Highly flammable Security - Solubility in water Miscible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H301 Toxic if swallowed ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H311 Toxic in contact with skin material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H331 Toxic if inhaled sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. H370 Causes damage to organs Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands absorbent material as general waste. Alternatively, treat as before breaks and at the end of work. for Waste Disposal of a small quantity. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves and store for collection. (Butyl, Viton®; neoprene for splash protection). Exposure Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any may cause mild to moderate irritation to the skin, eyes and contaminated clothing before reuse. respiratory tract. Methanol is toxic by all routes of exposure. Symptoms of exposure include CNS depression, nausea, headache and dizziness. In severe cases, exposure may WASTE DISPOSAL Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol lead to potentially irreversible CNS effects, vision Small quantity: to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of disturbances and blindness. Symptoms may be delayed. paper towel as general waste. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness and Store in the original container or other cracking. Large quantity: suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin and waste disposal contractor. eyes. Do not ingest. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with open flames or other sources of ignition. air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept rinsing. Seek medical attention. upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. or ignition. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. reducing agents, alkali metals and metal powders. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. contaminated clothing before reuse. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: preparation of esters; heat of CENTRE or doctor. combustion investigations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST methyl acetate Chemical methyl ethanoate; acetic acid, methyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C3H6O2 CAS No. 79-20-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 fruity odour. Molar mass 74.08 -98°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Miscible with ethanol and Boiling point 57°C UN Number 1231 diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.93 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 240-250 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. cracking Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause skin, eye or respiratory and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume irritation. Inhalation or ingestion may cause headache, cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. dizziness or drowsiness. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye prevent leakage. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. strong bases. Seek medical attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between acetic acid and methanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST methyl benzoate Chemical benzoic acid, methyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C8H8O2 CAS No. 93-58-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, oily liquid with a fragrant ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 136.15 -12°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 199°C UN Number None ethanol, methanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.09 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 2 g/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H227 Combustible liquid Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H302 Harmful if swallowed ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus ester in a suitable labelled container (butyl rubber, Viton®; nitrile for splash contact). Exposure such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and may cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or arrange for collection by a licenced waste ingestion may cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from strong oxidising agents, strong acids and irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. strong bases. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell.. compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: hydrolysis of an ester; product of the esterification reaction between benzoic acid and methanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST methyl blue Chemical C.I. 42780; C.I. Acid Blue 93, Disodium Salt; Aniline blue; Cotton blue Summary

Formula C37H27N3O9S3.2Na CAS No. 28983-56-4 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark blue or dark brown powder. Molar mass 799.80 ADG Class - Dye family triarylmethane Melting point >250°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 70 mg/mL ethanol1 0.4 mg/mL UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 600 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition H315 Causes skin irritation sources from the spill area. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with H335 May cause respiratory irritation effects water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill before breaks and at the end of work. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS • histology: stains collagen

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. light. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids. attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. PREPARATION IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 2 position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Dissolve 0.1 g in 100mL of distilled water. occur, seek medical advice/attention. References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Flinn

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST methyl butanoate Chemical methyl butyrate; butanoic acid, methyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C5H10O2 CAS No. 623-42-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with an ADG Class 3 apple-like odour. Molar mass 102.13 -85.8°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 103°C UN Number 1237 ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.90 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 16 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; butyl for splash contact). Exposure may cause Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent irritation to the skin, eyes, nose and throat and respiratory and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume tract. Inhalation or ingestion may cause headache, dizziness cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. or drowsiness. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye prevent leakage. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, bases, acids, alkali metals IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and acid halides. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. between butyric acid and methanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST methyl green Chemical C.I. 42590; ethyl green; methyl green, zinc chloride salt Summary

Formula C27H35N3.Br.Cl.ZnCl2 CAS No. 7114-03-6 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green to dark brown powder with a Molar mass 653.23 ADG Class 8 weak characteristic odour. Dye family triarylmethane Melting point 300°C Packing Group II Solubility water1 70 mg/mL UN Number 3261 1 ethanol 1 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 629 nm, 423 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H351 Suspected of causing cancer and light. H411 Toxic to the aquatic environment with Store away from oxidising agents. long lasting effects Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids or with toxic organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes, and water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Eye exposure may suitable labelled container. cause permanent eye damage. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • histology: fluorescent DNA stain labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • tracking dye for gel electrophoresis Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 0.1 pH 2.3 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. yellow greenish-blue Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.5g in 100mL of 0.1M acetate buffer solution 3 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and (pH 4.2). soap. Seek medical advice/attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. IHC World a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST methyl orange Chemical C.I. 13025; Acid Orange 52; Orange III Summary

Formula C14H14N3O3S.Na CAS No. 547-58-0 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Orange powder or crystals with a faint Molar mass 327.33 ADG Class 6.1 characteristic odour. Dye family azo Melting point > 300°C Packing Group II Solubility water1 4 mg/mL UN Number 2811 1 ethanol 0.3 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 507 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H301 Toxic if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids or with toxic organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory a suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful or toxic by ingestion or inhalation or if Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or absorbed through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other APPLICATIONS suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid • pH indicator waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 3.1 pH 4.4 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. red yellow Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1 g in 50mL of ethanol. Make up to 250 mL with 3 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and distilled water. soap. Seek medical attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Gabb & Latchem a position comfortable for breathing.Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST methyl red Chemical C.I. 13020; Acid Red 2 Summary

Formula C15H15N3O2 CAS No. 493-52-7 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Violet or red crystals with a weak odour. Molar mass 269.3 ADG Class - Dye family azo Melting point 178-182°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 0.1 mg/mL ethanol1 2 mg/mL UN Number None Soluble in acetic acid Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - and lipids. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 410 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or Methyl red has been evaluated by the IARC as not bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid APPLICATIONS waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, • pH indicator add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 4.2 pH 6.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue pink/red yellow rinsing. Seek medical advice. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If feeling unwell, seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Dissolve 0.1 g in 75 mLof ethanol. Make up to 250mL with soap. distilled water.2 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem position comfortable for breathing.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST methyl salicylate Chemical methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate; oil of wintergreen Summary WARNING

Formula C8H8O3 CAS No. 119-36-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless or yellow to red, oily liquid with an ADG Class - odour of wintergreen. Molar mass 152.15 -8°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 223°C UN Number None diethyl ether. Miscible with ethanol and glacial acetic acid. Specific gravity 1.18 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 0.74 g/L (30°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus ester in a suitable labelled container (butyl rubber,Viton®; nitrile for splash contact). Exposure such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and may cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Prolonged or arrange for collection by a licenced waste repeated skin contact may lead to sensitisation disposal contractor. and dermatitis. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and FIRST AID any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. prevent leakage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye Store away from strong oxidising agents and strong bases. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. compliant cabinet. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If symptoms develop, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: hydrolysis of an ester; product of the occur, seek medical advice/attention. esterification reaction between salicylic acid and methanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST methyl violet 2B Chemical C.I. 42535; C.I. Basic Violet 1 Summary

Formula C24H28ClN3 CAS No. 8004-87-3; 603-47-4 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green, odourless crystals with Molar mass 393.97 ADG Class 9 a metallic lustre. Mixture of the hydrochloride salts of N-methylated- Melting point 137°C decomposes Packing Group III pararosanilines, mainly that with - CAS no. 603-47-4. UN Number 3077 Dye family triarylmethane Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 50 mg/mL 2 Security - Solubility water Absorption (lmax ) 584 nm ethanol1 60 mg/mL

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed The substance is hygroscopic and light sensitive. H318 Causes serious eye damage Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H351 Suspected of causing cancer light. Protect from light and moisture. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Store away from oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids or with toxic organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands SPILLS before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves sources from the spill area. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with tract. May be harmful by ingestion. Eye exposure may lead water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a to permanent damage due to staining of the cornea. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • pH indicator labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • histology: stains blood cells Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • microscopy: stain for bacteria ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 0.15 pH 3.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 yellow violet minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. pH indicator: Dissolve 0.1g in 250 mL of distilled water.3 IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and References: soap. Seek medical attention. 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice/ attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST methylene blue Chemical C.I. 52015; Basic Blue 9; Tetramethylthionine chloride Summary

Formula C16H18ClN3S CAS No. 61-73-4 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green, odourless crystals or Molar mass 319.85 ADG Class - powder with a bronze lustre. Aqueous solutions are deep blue. Melting point 100-110°C Packing Group - decomposes Dye family phenothiazine UN Number None 1 Solubility water 50 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 70 mg/mL Soluble in acetic acid 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 661 nm and glycerol.

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat. Protect from light. Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a tract. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill The reaction with strong acid can generate toxic hydrogen area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any sulfide gas. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • redox indicator: blue bottle experiment labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • simple stain for animal cells and tissue, bacteria, plant Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add sections, fungi, yeast. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID oxidised reduced IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. blue colourless Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Stock solution: Dissolve 1.5 g in 100 mL ethanol. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Working solution: Take 10 mL of stock solution. Make up to soap. If effects persist, seek medical attention. 100mL with distilled water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Dungey occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST mineral turpentine Chemical turpentine substitute Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. mixture: 64742-82-1, 64742-95-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with an aromatic ADG Class 3 odour. A mixture of aliphatic and aromatic Molar mass - hydrocarbons. Less dense than water. Melting point - Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 135-210°C UN Number 1300 Miscible with other petroleum solvents. Specific gravity ca. 0.78-0.82 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways ignition. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Small spill: Absorb with paper towel or cover with H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects non-combustible absorbent such as sand, vermiculite or AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or bentonite (clay cat litter), collect with a non-sparking tool and cracking place in a shallow vessel. Allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of the absorbent SAFE HANDLING material as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent (see before breaks and at the end of work. above). Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place in a Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves suitable labelled container and store for collection. (nitrile). Mineral turpentine is highly flammable and has a Ventilate the spill area and wash with detergent and water. low flash point. Inhalation exposure may cause respiratory Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. irritation, drowsiness and dizziness. Skin or eye contact may WASTE DISPOSAL cause mild irritation. Prolonged or repeated skin exposure Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or place in a can cause dryness, cracking and dermatitis. Prolonged or shallow vessel. Allow the solvent to evaporate in an repeated exposure may lead to hearing loss. There is a risk operating fume cupboard. of aspiration into the lungs Large quantity: Store in original container or other suitable if ingested. labelled container, such as for non-halogenated organic Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated liquid waste, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste area. Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist. Avoid contact with disposal contractor. skin, eyes and clothing. Empty containers can contain explosive vapours. Empty There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, containers should be rinsed thoroughly with water and the confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with rinsings absorbed onto inert absorbent material and treated air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash as for spills. Washed empty containers can be disposed of back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. as general waste.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat rinsing. Seek medical attention. or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and bases. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: solvent for extracting non-polar CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. substances; solvent for chromatography. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST molybdenum Chemical molybdenum pieces, foil, wire, pellets Summary

Formula Mo CAS No. 7439-98-7 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silver-white, lustrous metal, or dark grey or ADG Class - black powder with a metallic lustre. Molar mass 95.94 2623°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Reacts with concentrated nitric acid or hot Boiling point 4639°C UN Number None concentrated sulfuric acid. Specific gravity 10.2 Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store in a suitable labelled container for waste molybdenum before breaks and at the end of work. metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contractor or metal recycling facility. (nitrile). Exposure to molybdenum dust may cause mild mechanical irritation of the skin, eyes or respiratory tract. Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Molybdenum in powder form is flammable and can form explosive mixtures with air. Combustion produces toxic fumes of molybdenum oxides. Molybdenum reacts with mineral acids, generating flammable hydrogen gas. The reaction with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid is slow, but proceeds readily with hot concentrated sulfuric or nitric acid. Molybdenum may react violently with oxidising agents. In case of a powder fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place. Store away from heat and sources of Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ignition. rinsing. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Store away from acids, oxidising agents and halogens. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Brush particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek General science: qualitative properties of the element. medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST naphthalene Chemical naphthalin; camphor tar Summary WARNING

Formula C10H8 CAS No. 91-20-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to yellow or brown, volatile, ADG Class 4.1 crystalline flakes, powder or pellets with an Molar mass 128.17 unpleasant mothball odour. Melting point 80.3°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 218°C UN Number 1334 Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, methanol, diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 1.14 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 32 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H228 Flammable solid Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H302 Harmful if swallowed ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H351 Suspected of causing cancer material such as bentonite and/or sand and collect with a H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wipe down spill area with paper towel wetted with SAFE HANDLING ethanol/methylated spirits. Allow the solvent to evaporate Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands from the paper towel, then transfer to the waste container. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate the spill area, then wash with detergent and water. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). Naphthalene is a volatile solid which will sublime at WASTE DISPOSAL room temperature. Naphthalene is classified by the IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Store waste naphthalene in a suitable labelled container and Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal and respiratory tract. Symptoms of ingestion and inhalation contractor. include headache, nausea and dizziness. Chronic skin exposure may lead to dermatitis in sensitive individuals. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid ingestion and inhalation of dust or vapour. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The vapour or dust can form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away from heat and other sources of ignition.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from light; protect from moisture. Store rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. away from heat and all sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents and halogens. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If concerned: Get medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: an example of a low-melting solid; in qualitative analysis and melting point determinations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST naphthalene black Chemical C.I. 20470; Acid black 1; Amido Black; Napthol Blue Black Summary

Formula C22H14N6O9S2.2Na CAS No. 1064-48-8 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark brown, odourless powder. Molar mass 616.49 ADG Class - Dye family azo Melting point >350°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 <0.1 mg/mL ethanol1 3 mg/mL UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 618 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H373 May cause damage to organs (blood) through light. prolonged or repeated exposure Store away from oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. Skin exposure may cause sensitisation and an allergic bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. reaction on re-exposure. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. APPLICATIONS Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • histology: stains protein.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue PREPARATION rinsing. Seek medical attention. Stain for protein: Dissolve 0.1 g in 70 mL distilled water. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Add 10 ml glacial acetic acid and make up to 100 mL with Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. distilled water.2 IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If symptoms of irritation develop, seek medical advice/ References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Protocol Online attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST neutral red Chemical C.I. 50040; C.I. Basic Red 5; Toluylene Red Summary

Formula C15H17ClN4 CAS No. 553-24-2 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green or brownish-black, Molar mass 288.78 ADG Class - odourless powder. Dye family phenazine Melting point 290°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 50 g/L (25°C) UN Number none ethanol - Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in ethylene glycol. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 540 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H301 Toxic if swallowed and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, suitable labelled container. ensure there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • histology:stains nuclear material; cell vacuole stain ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add • differentiates lactose fermenting from non-lactose aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for fermenting bacteria collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • vital stain FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. COLOUR CHANGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. pH 6.8 pH 8 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. red yellow Give water to drink. Immediately call a Poisons Centre or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash PREPARATION before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If symptoms of irritation develop, seek medical advice/ pH indicator and vital stain: Dissolve 0.1 g in 60 mL of attention. 2 ethanol and make up to 100 mL with distilled water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Flinn occur, seek medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST nickel Chemical nickel pieces, rod, foil, rounds Summary DANGER

Formula Ni CAS No. 7440-02-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Lustrous, silver-white, hard, malleable metal. Molar mass 58.69 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Insoluble in water. Reacts with dilute nitric Melting point 1455°C acid, and hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. Boiling point 2730°C UN Number None Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 8.9 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with H351 Suspected of causing cancer a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any repeated exposure contaminated clothing before reuse. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects WASTE DISPOSAL Store in a suitable labelled container for waste nickel SAFE HANDLING metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contractor or metal recycling facility. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, PVC, neoprene). Nickel is harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed through the skin. Exposure to nickel dust or fumes may cause irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Skin exposure may cause dermatitis, asthma and hypersensitivity. Nickel metal has been evaluated by the IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Nickel compounds have been evaluated by the IARC as carcinogenic to humans. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Nickel reacts with acids with evolution of flammable hydrogen gas.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Nickel is very resistant to corrosion in air. Store in a tightly Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue closed container in a cool, dry place away from heat and rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. light. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from acids, halogens, oxidising agents and Give water to drink. Seek medical attention reducing agents. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with general inorganic solids or toxic solids. before reuse. Brush particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If symptoms develop or persist, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Demonstration of the qualitative physical properties of the position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek element. medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST ninhydrin Chemical 1,2,3-Indanetrione monohydrate Summary WARNING

Formula C9H6O4 CAS No. 485-47-2 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to yellowish crystals or powder Molar mass 178.14 ADG Class - with a faint characteristic odour. Dye family indanone Melting point 250-258°C Packing Group - decomposes Solubility water 20 g/L (20°C) UN Number None ethanol soluble Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Decomposes on exposure to light. Store in a cool, dry, well- H315 Causes skin irritation ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store away from acids and oxidising agents. H335 May cause respiratory irritation effects. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May be irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with dampened paper there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • indicates the presence of ammonia, amines; Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • for fingerprint detection. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID Reacts with ammonia and primary amines to give a deep IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. blue-purple colour, and with secondary amines to give a Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue yellow-orange colour. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. PREPARATION IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and 0.1% aqueous for indicating amino acids: Dissolve 0.1 g in soap. If symptoms of irritation develop, seek medical advice/ 100mL of distilled water. Visualise by heating treated sample attention. at 110°C.1 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Reference: 1. CLEAPSS; Gabb & Latchem position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST nitric acid Chemical aqua fortis; azotic acid Summary DANGER

Formula HNO3 CAS No. 7697-37-2 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless to slightly yellow liquid with 63.01 ADG Class 8 (5.1) a sharp, pungent, suffocating odour. Molar mass Concentrated nitric acid usually refers to a Melting point -47°C (65%) Packing Group II 68% w/w aqueous solution. Boiling point 122°C (69%) UN Number 2031 SOLUBILITY Miscible with water. Reacts with many Specific gravity 1.4 (20°C, 65%) Poisons Schedule S6 organic solvents. Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC Solubility in water Miscible oxidising liquid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Absorb spill with H290 May be corrosive to metals non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodi- H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage um carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water. Neu- SAFE HANDLING tralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Arrange for collection by a licenced contractor. (Viton®, butyl, neoprene). The concentrated acid is highly Wash spill area thoroughly with water. corrosive and a powerful oxidant and should be handled Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. with care. Exposure may cause severe irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye damage and permanent WASTE DISPOSAL injury. The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the pH Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Do not breathe shift. vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. heat and sources of ignition. Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium When diluting, add the concentrated acid slowly to water. carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there Never add water to the concentrated acid. is no further evolution of CO2. Dispose of the neutral solution down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. STORAGE Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Store in a tightly closed, labelled amber glass bottle in a cool, contractor. dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store on a low shelf, and ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Check container and lid periodically for damage. Nitric acid becomes yellow with exposure to light due to the FIRST AID formation of toxic nitrogen dioxide; discard solutions which IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. are markedly yellow in colour. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from reducing agents, organic acids, combustible rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. materials, oxidising agents, alkalis, metals and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do organic substances. NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS Concentrated nitric acid should be stored separately from all CENTRE or doctor. other chemicals, on a low shelf, with secondary containment. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ shower. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: an example of a strong inorganic acid. position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a Senior chemistry: to demonstrate oxidation of Cu to Cu(II). POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Technical: cleaning glassware, eg removal of silver mirrors. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST nitrogen, liquid Chemical liquid nitrogen Summary WARNING

Formula N2 CAS No. 7727-37-9 User Group Qualified Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless, odourless liquid or gas. Molar mass 28.01 Vapour density (air = 1) 0.97 A spill of liquid nitrogen will appear as a fog, due to condensation of Melting point -210°C Liquid density (water = 1) 0.8 atmospheric water vapour. Boiling point -196°C Flammability Non-combustible Solubility in water 20 mg/L Flammability Range (% by volume of air) -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H281 Contains refrigerated gas; may cause Store dewars of liquid nitrogen securely in a well-ventilated, cryogenic burns or injury low-traffic area in an upright, stable position. Store below AUH044 Risk of explosion if heated under confinement 45°C. Store away from sources of heat and ignition. Due to the low temperature near to the LN dewar, there is a risk that oxygen from the air will condense, and therefore, the SAFE HANDLING area should be kept free of combustible materials. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Contact with liquid nitrogen can cause embrittlement or before breaks and at the end of work. changes to the physical properties of some materials, including metals. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, long-sleeved shirt, Liquid nitrogen will vaporise to almost 700 times its volume. long trousers, loose-fitting cold insulated or leather gloves. Ensure that the dewar is loosely capped; there is a risk A face shield over safety glasses is recommended to avoid of explosion if the liquid gas is stored or heated under splashes to the face when transferrring the liquid and when containment. conducting a demonstration. Unused liquid nitrogen should not be returned to the dewar Nitrogen is a fairly unreactive gas. At high concentrations as it may contain condensed oxygen. there is a risk of asphyxiation due to displacement of air. The victim may be unaware of the asphyxiation. Nitrogen gas is slightly lighter than air, however, liquid nitrogen is APPLICATIONS more dense than air and therefore has the potential to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Skin contact with liquid Demonstration of the properties of liquid nitrogen. nitrogen may cause cryogenic burns. Eye exposure can See the Science ASSIST Standard Operating cause permanent eye damage. Procedure: Handling liquid nitrogen for further guidance Liquid nitrogen should only be handle by trained staff. Do and recommended activities. not handle liquid nitrogen in isolation; ensure that a second person is on standby. FIRST AID Audience members should wear safety glasses and should IF IN EYES: Immediately flush with tepid water (30°C) be at least 3 metres away from the demonstration. or sterile saline solution for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Transfer the liquid nitrogen from the dewar into a suitable Seek immediate medical attention. vessel such as a stainless steel bowl or polystyrene cup. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. Use tongs for placing items into and removing them from the IF ON SKIN: Cold burns: Remove contaminated clothing. liquid nitrogen. Apply warm water to clothing before removing, so as to avoid causing skin damage. Irrigate skin with tepid water (30°C) for at least 15 minutes. Apply sterile dressing and treat as for thermal burn. Do not apply hot water or radiant SPILLS heat. Seek immediate medical attention. IF INHALED: Asphyxiation risk in high concentrations. Avoid Ensure adequate ventilation in case of a spill. Spillages may becoming a casualty. Move patient to fresh air and keep at cause embrittlement of surface materials. rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Apply artificial WASTE DISPOSAL respiration if not breathing. For advice, call the Poisons Unused liquid nitrogen may be vented to the atmosphere in Information Centre or a doctor. a well-ventilated area or operating fume cupboard. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST nitrogen dioxide, generated from a reaction Chemical nitrogen(IV) oxide; (dinitrogen tetroxide) Summary DANGER

Formula NO2; (N2O4) CAS No. 10102-44-0 User Group Qualified Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Red-brown gas with a pungent, acrid Molar mass 46.01 Vapour density (air = 1) 1.58 odour. NO2 is in equilibrium with dinitrogen tetroxide, N O ; at lower 2 4 Melting point -11.2°C (N2O4) Liquid density (water = 1) - temperatures the equilibrium shifts toward the dimer. When cooled, the Boiling point 21.1°C (N2O4) Flammability Non-combustible mixture of gases becomes a pale oxidising gas Solubility in water hydrolyses yellow liquid. Below -11.2°C, N2O4 Flammability Range (% by volume of air) crystallises as a colourless solid. -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Accidental release of NO into the lab: Evacuate the H270 May cause or intensify fire; oxidiser 2 H330 Fatal if inhaled laboratory. Open external windows. Close internal windows. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage WASTE DISPOSAL Fill vessels containing nitrogen dioxide with dilute sodium hydroxide solution (0.5M). Rinse contaminated glassware, SAFE HANDLING tubing and other items of apparatus with the sodium Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands hydroxide solution. Neutralise the rinsing solution and wash before breaks and at the end of work. down the sink. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Residual copper turnings can be rinsed, dried and stored for (protection from concentrated nitric acid: Viton®, butyl, future use. neoprene, nitrile for splash protection). Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic, corrosive gas and a strong oxidising agent and supports combustion. Exposure may cause severe irritation PREPARATION NOTES to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation of low Nitrogen dioxide can prepared by dropping concentrated concentrations can cause lung damage. Inhalation of high nitric acid onto copper turnings. The reaction initially gives concentrations can lead to pulmonary oedema which can nitric oxide, NO, which is rapidly oxidised on exposure to air, be fatal; the effects can be delayed. Inhalation of NO2 can giving reddish-brown nitrogen dioxide, NO2. There is a delay aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma. in the production of the brown gas, after which it can be The preparation and handling of nitrogen dioxide should produced in voluminous quantities. only be conducted in an operating fume cupboard by trained The gas may be collected directly into the receiving vessel staff. by upward displacement of air. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. The nitric acid is usually the limiting reagent. The gas can be readily taken up by damp clothing. Avoid When sufficient gas has been collected, water should be prolonged or repeated exposure. added to the reaction vessel to quench the reaction. Nitrogen dioxide hydrolyses in water in an exothermic reaction to form nitric acid, HNO3, and nitric oxide, NO. FIRST AID Nitrogen dioxide can react dangerously with reducing IF IN EYES: Immediately flush with water for at least 15 agents, organic substances, combustible materials, alkaline minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. earth metals, finely divided metals and ammonia. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. The use of microscale techniques in the generation of the IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion of the gas is considered gas is recommended. unlikely. In case of ingestion of dilute nitric acid: Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove damp or contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse affected area with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Avoid becoming a casualty. Move patient Demonstration of the preparation and properties of nitrogen to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for dioxide gas. breathing. Treat with a glucocorticoid spray. Seek immediate medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST oct-1-ene Chemical caprylene; 1-octene Summary DANGER

Formula C8H16 CAS No. 111-66-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, volatile liquid with a petrol-like ADG Class 3 odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 112.22 -102°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 121°C UN Number 3295 ethanol. Soluble in diethyl ether, acetone and petroleum ether. Specific gravity 0.71 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water 4.1 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects material such as vermiculite or bentonite and/or sand and collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a SAFE HANDLING suitable labelled container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Ventilate spill area, then wash area with detergent and water. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract. Symptoms of inhalation include cough, nd Store surplus or waste octene in a suitable labelled CNS effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing container such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. and dispose of via a licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- Glassware contaminated with octene can be rinsed with a ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the waste with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated bottle. exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual ignition. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, open flames or other sources of ignition. confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back Test for peroxides (e.g.with peroxide test strips) periodically and before use. If crystals or a precipate is present, do NOT attempt to open the bottle; arrange for its collection via a licenced waste contractor.

STORAGE FIRST AID May polymerise or form peroxides over time and/or on exposure to air or sunlight. Store in a tightly closed container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light; protect Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue from moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. leakage. Store away from heat and all sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and halogens. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. AS compliant cabinet. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: observing the properties of saturated POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 and unsaturated hydrocarbons; organic addition reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST octadecan-1-ol Chemical stearyl alcohol; n-octadecanol Summary

Formula C18H38O CAS No. 112-92-5 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White flakes or granules with a mild, soapy ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 270.5 59°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 340-355°C UN Number None ethanol, methanol, diethyl ether and acetone. Specific gravity 0.81 (59°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water <0.01 g/L Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Collect spill with a Not classified as hazardous non-sparking tool. Small spill: Seal material in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. Large spill: Place in a suitable labelled container and ar- range for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and general waste. respiratory tract. Absorption of a large amount by ingestion, Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and inhalation or via the skin may lead to narcosis. arrange for collection by a licenced waste Avoid generating and inhaling dust, mists or vapours. Avoid disposal contractor. contact with skin and eyes. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat FIRST AID or ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents and strong acids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic liquids or with flammable and rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. combustible liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. General science: surfactant used in the preparation of hand cream; to test its efficacy as an evaporation-reducing film over water. Senior physics: preparing a heating/cooling curve.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST octan-1-ol Chemical capryl alcohol; n-octyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C8H18O CAS No. 111-87-5 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless oily liquid with an ADG Class - orange-rose odour. Molar mass 102.18 -16°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Very slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 195°C UN Number None ethanol, diethyl ether and mineral oil. Specific gravity 0.82 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.3 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H319 Causes serious eye irritation Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or SAFE HANDLING sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory Store waste or surplus octan-1-ol in a suitable labelled con- tract and mild skin irritation. Symptoms of exposure include tainer such as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and cough, headache, dizziness and drowsiness. Prolonged or arrange for collection by a licenced waste repeated skin contact can lead to dryness and cracking. disposal contractor. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe irritation The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual and burns. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating open flames or other sources of ignition. and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place. Protect from sunlight. Ensure container is IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue heat or ignition. rinsing. If irritation persists or if concerned, seek medical Store away from oxidising agents, acids, bases and acid attention. halides. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an Seek medical advice. AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs, APPLICATIONS seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms investigations. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST octan-2-ol Chemical 2-octyl alcohol; sec-capryl alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C8H18O CAS No. 123-96-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, oily liquid with a ADG Class - disagreeable aromatic odour. Molar mass 130.23 -32°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol, Boiling point 180°C UN Number None diethyl ether, acetone and aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Specific gravity 0.82 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 1.12 g/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H318 Causes serious eye damage Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent SAFE HANDLING material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material before breaks and at the end of work. into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. (Butyl, Viton®, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Exposure may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract and mild skin irritation. Symptoms of exposure include WASTE DISPOSAL cough, Octan-2-ol is harmful to aquatic life. Avoid release to the headache, dizziness and drowsiness. Prolonged or environment. Store waste or surplus octan-2-ol in a suitable repeated skin contact can lead to dryness and cracking. labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe irritation waste disposal contractor. As the alcohol is a peroxide and burns. former, waste or surplus octan-2-ol should not be stored with Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating any other waste. and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, exposure. open flames or other sources of ignition. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas.Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to heat or distill the alcohol.

STORAGE With prolonged storage, and on exposure to air and sunlight, the alcohol may form peroxides, which may become FIRST AID explosive if they are concentrated. Store in a tightly closed IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Protect from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue sunlight. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, bases and acid Seek medical advice. halides. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an AS Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. Wash compliant cabinet. contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs, seek Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a secondary POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 alcohol; heat of combustion investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST octane Chemical n-octane Summary DANGER

Formula C8H18 CAS No. 111-65-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, volatile liquid with a petrol-like ADG Class 3 odour. Less dense than water. Molar mass 114.23 -57°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 126°C UN Number 1262 ethanol and acetone and petroleum ether. Specific gravity 0.70 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 0.7 mg/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness Small spill: Absorb with paper towel. Treat as for Waste H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways Disposal of small quantity. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite and/or sand and collect with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a SAFE HANDLING suitable labelled container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Ventilate the spill area and allow any residual solvent to before breaks and at the end of work. evaporate. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and Small quanity: Absorb with paper towel or place in a respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include CNS shallow vessel in an operating fume cupboard and allow effects. Repeated skin contact may have a degreasing the solvent to evaporate. Dispose of paper towel effect. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. as general waste. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- Larger quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid contact as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal exposure. Handle away from heat and other sources of contractor. ignition. Glassware contaminated with octane can be rinsed with a There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, minimal amount of ethanol/methylated spirits into the waste confined areas. The vapour can form explosive mixtures bottle. with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual vapour or liquid. Do not expose empty bottles to heat, open flames or other sources of ignition. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light; protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue leakage. Store away from heat and all sources of ignition. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: comparing the properties of saturated position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS and unsaturated hydrocarbons; a component of synthetic CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. ‘crude oil’. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 20 Nov 2018 Science ASSIST orange G Chemical C.I. 16230; acid orange 10 Summary

Formula C16H12N2O7S2.2Na CAS No. 1936-15-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow to orange, odourless crystals Molar mass 452.36 ADG Class - or powder. Dye family azo Melting point > 280°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 80 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 3 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 475 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill before breaks and at the end of work. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or WASTE DISPOSAL inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. APPLICATIONS • tracking dye in gel electrophoresis • histology: stains keratin

FIRST AID PREPARATION IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Dissolve 1g in 75 mL distilled water. Make up to 100mL.3 Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue References: rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical attention. STORAGE IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms and light. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST orange IV Chemical C.I. 13080; Acid Orange 5; Tropaeolin OO Summary

Formula C18H14N3O3S.Na CAS No. 554-73-4 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow-brown to orange scales Molar mass 375.38 ADG Class - or powder. Dye family azo Melting point 375°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water soluble UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H319 Causes serious eye irritation and light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with dampened paper there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 1.4 pH 2.6 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue red yellow rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1g in 75 mL distilled water. Make up to 100mL.1 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If effects persist, seek medical attention. Reference: 1. Flinn IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST orcein Chemical Natural Red 28 Summary

Formula C28H24N2O7 CAS No. 1400-62-0 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark brown powder or crystals. Molar mass ADG Class - Originally derived from lichens, synthetic orcein is a mixture of 14 dyes. Melting point Packing Group - Dye family phenoxazine UN Number None 1 Solubility water 10 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 1 mg/mL Soluble in acetone, acetic 2 Security - Absorption (lmax) 575 nm acid and dilute alkali solution.

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. before breaks and at the end of work. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill (nitrile). area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure contaminated clothing before reuse. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. WASTE DISPOSAL Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. APPLICATIONS • histology: stains elastic fibres, chromosomes

FIRST AID PREPARATION IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue (i) Stain for elastic fibres: Mix 1 g with 1 mL of concentrated rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. HCl. Add this to 100mL of ethanol. Allow to stand overnight, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. then filter.3 (ii) Aceto-orcein stock solution: Equip a flask with Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical advice/ a condenser. Add 2 g of orcein to 45 mL of glacial acetic attention. acid in the flask. Boil gently until dissolved. Cool and filter.4 IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash References: before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn 4. Dungey soap. If irritation develops, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek STORAGE medical advice/attention. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST oxalic acid, dihydrate Chemical ethanedioic acid dihydrate Summary DANGER

Formula C2H2O4.2H2O CAS No. 6153-56-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, crystalline solid. Occurs naturally ADG Class 8 in many plants (rhubarb leaves, spinach, Molar mass 126.07 parsley). Melting point 101.5°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 149-160°C UN Number 3261 Soluble in water, alcohol, diethyl ether and glycerol. Specific gravity 1.653 (18.5°C) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water 102 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H312 Harmful in contact with skin sources. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution SAFE HANDLING down the sink with further dilution. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 before breaks and at the end of work. mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Neutralise as for solid spill. Decant Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose (nitrile, latex). Oxalic acid is a strong acid. Exposure may of residual solids as general waste. cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Eye Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash contact may result in burns and permanent eye damage. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated WASTE DISPOSAL area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Avoid prolonged by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise or repeated exposure. the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate Oxalic acid in solution is corrosive to metals. in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light. Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from heat and any sources of ignition. Store Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue away from metals, alkali metals, bases, ammonia, mercury, rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. oxidising agents, silver and silver compounds. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with corrosive solids. NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: a reducing agent. position comfortable for breathing. Technical: preparation of buffer solutions; removing iron or manganese residues from glassware. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST oxygen, generated from a reaction Chemical oxygen gas Summary DANGER

Formula O2 CAS No. 7782-44-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless, odourless, 32 tasteless gas, slightly heavier Molar mass Vapour density (air = 1) 1.1 than air and slightly soluble in Melting point -219°C Liquid density (water = 1) - water. Boiling point -183°C Flammability Non-combustible oxidising gas Solubility in water 4.28 mg/L Flammability Range (% by volume of air) (20°C, O2 atmosphere) -

HAZARD STATEMENTS WASTE DISPOSAL H270 May cause or intensify fire; oxidizer Residual oxygen may be safely vented to the atmosphere in a well-ventilated area.

SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Oxygen is an oxidising agent and supports combustion. Oxygen is not toxic, but can be harmful if inhaled at high concentrations (> 60%). Generation of oxygen should be conducted in a well- ventilated area away from sources of heat and ignition. In an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, materials which burn in air will burn more vigorously and combustible materials such PREPARATION NOTES as oils or grease may ignite spontaneously. Ensure that Oxygen can be prepared from the decomposition of glassware and apparatus is free from oil and grease. hydrogen peroxide, catalysed by manganese oxide or Oxygen can react dangerously with reducing agents, potassium iodide. The reaction rate depends on the surface powdered metals, organic materials and phosphorus. area of the catalyst; only a small amount of finely divided catalyst is required (~0.1 g of MnO2 powder or ~0.5g KI per 25 mL 6% H2O2). The gas is collected over water. The hydrogen peroxide is the limiting reagent. The reaction can be quenched by diluting the reaction mixture with water.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Adverse effects to the eyes are not expected. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion is considered unlikely. IF ON SKIN: Adverse effects to the skin are not expected. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. For advice, call the Poisons Information Centre or a doctor. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 APPLICATIONS General science: the preparation of oxygen gas and investigation of its properties.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST paraffin oil Chemical white mineral oil Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. 8012-95-1; 8042-47-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless viscous liquid. ADG Class - A mixture of saturated hydrocarbons with Molar mass - carbon number predominantly in the range Melting point ca. -20°C Packing Group - C15-C50. Less dense than water. - UN Number None SOLUBILITY Boiling point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Specific gravity 0.83-0.90 Poisons Schedule S5 petroleum ether, oils and diethyl ether. Insoluble in ethanol. Flammability Combustible Security - Solubility in water ca. 1mg/L

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways sources. Cover spill with sand, or other inert material such as vermiculite or bentonite. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small quantity: Seal material in a plastic bag and dispose SAFE HANDLING of as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Large quantity: Place material in a suitable labelled before breaks and at the end of work. container and arrange for collection. Residual oil can be removed from spill area by wiping down Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves with paper towel wetted with petroleum solvent. The area (nitrile). Exposure to mist or fumes may cause eye or should then be ventilated the area to allow any residual respiratory irritation. Prolonged or repeated skin contact solvent to evaporate. Wash any contaminated clothing may cause irritation and dermatitis. May cause gastric before reuse. irritation if a large amount is ingested. There is a risk of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. WASTE DISPOSAL Avoid generation and inhalation of mist, aerosol or fumes. Paraffin oil floats on water and is slow to biodegrade. Do not Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Handle away from release to waterways or waste water. sources of ignition. Small quantity: Absorb with non-combustible material. Seal Pharmaceutical grade or food grade white mineral oil is not in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. a Schedule 5 poison. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from light. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids and strong IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. bases. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic liquids. rinsing. If eye irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If large amount ingested, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, seek General science: comparison of physical properties of liquids (density, viscosity, thermal or electrical conductivity, medical advice/attention. refractive index). IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Senior chemistry: to demonstrate the cracking of hydrocarbons. Technical: storage medium for alkali metals; heating bath medium.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST paraffin wax Chemical Summary

Formula n/a CAS No. 8002-74-2 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, translucent or white, waxy solid ADG Class - with a faint odour. A mixture of Molar mass - predominantly straight chain hydrocarbons Melting point 45 - 95°C Packing Group - with carbon number >C20. >300°C UN Number None SOLUBILITY Boiling point Soluble in petroleum ether, warm alcohol, Specific gravity ca. 0.90 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - diethyl ether, oils and some esters. Combustible Security - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS As for Waste Disposal. Not classified as hazardous WASTE DISPOSAL Take up with absorbent material. Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste.

SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to dust (room temperature) or fumes (molten wax) may cause irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, throat and respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause irritation and dermatitis. May cause gastric irritation if a large amount is ingested. Skin or eye contact with molten wax may cause burns. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. When using hot molten wax, work in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area away from any sources of ignition. Avoid inhalation of fumes from molten material. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. STORAGE Eye contact with hot, molten wax: treat as for skin contact. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If ventilated place away from light. Store away from sources of large amount ingested, seek medical advice/attention. heat or ignition. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin Store away from oxidising agents, strong acids and strong with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, seek bases. medical advice/attention. Store with general organic solids. Skin contact with hot, molten wax: Irrigate with plenty of cool running water. Cover or wrap area with a clean dressing. Do not attempt to remove adhered wax from skin. Seek urgent medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms APPLICATIONS occur, seek medical advice/attention. General science: candle making; melting point investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST pentan-1-ol Chemical n-amyl alcohol; n-pentyl alcohol Summary WARNING

Formula C5H12O CAS No. 71-41-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a mild, sweet, ADG Class 3 fusel-like odour. Molar mass 88.15 -78°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 138°C UN Number 1105 ethanol and diethyl ether. Soluble in acetone. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 22 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. H315 Causes skin irritation Small spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Large spill: Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H335 May cause respiratory irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (Butyl, Viton®; nitrile for splash protection) Exposure may Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of and on ingestion. Symptoms of exposure include paper towel as general waste. nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS effects. Prolonged Large quantity: Store in the original container or other or repeated skin contact may cause irritation and dermatitis. suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe irritation and organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced burns. waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated open flames or other sources of ignition. exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. of heat or ignition. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing bases, halogens, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. shower. If irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST pentan-2-ol Chemical sec-amyl alcohol; 2-pentanol Summary WARNING

Formula C5H12O CAS No. 6032-29-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, flammable, moderately ADG Class 3 volatile liquid with a strong, disagreeable Molar mass 88.15 odour. Melting point -50°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 119°C UN Number 1105 Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.81 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 166 g/L (20°C) Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H315 Causes skin irritation material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or H319 Causes serious eye irritation sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. SAFE HANDLING Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus 2-pentanol in a suitable labelled (Butyl, Viton®; nitrile for splash protection). Exposure may container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract disposal contractor. As the alcohol is a peroxide former, it and on ingestion. Symptoms of exposure include nausea, should not be stored with any other waste. headache, dizziness and narcotic effects. Prolonged or The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual repeated skin contact can lead to drying, cracking and vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, dermatitis. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause redness, open flames or other sources of ignition. pain and possible eye damage. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, FIRST AID confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to heat IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. or distill the alcohol. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash contami- STORAGE nated clothing before reuse. If irritation occurs: Get medical With prolonged storage, and on exposure to air and sunlight, advice/attention. the alcohol may form peroxides, which may become IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a explosive if they are concentrated. Store in a tightly closed position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat POISONS CENTRE or doctor. and light. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. Store away from oxidising agents, halogens, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. APPLICATIONS Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a secondary Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. alcohol.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST petrolatum Chemical vaseline; petroleum jelly Summary

Formula n/a CAS No. 8009-03-8 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless semi-solid. A mixture ADG Class - of mainly saturated crystalline and liquid Molar mass - hydrocarbons with carbon number >C25. Melting point ca. 38-60°C Packing Group - Less dense than water. - UN Number None SOLUBILITY Boiling point Soluble in petroleum ether, oils and diethyl Specific gravity ca. 0.815-0.865 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - ether. Practically insoluble in glycerol and alcohol. Flammability Combustible Security - Solubility in water Insoluble

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS As for Waste Disposal. Not classified as hazardous WASTE DISPOSAL Take up with absorbent material. Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste.

SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Eye contact may cause mild irritation. Inhalation of mist may cause respiratory irritation. May cause gastric irritation if a large amount is ingested. May cause skin irritation or dermatitis in sensitive individuals. Avoid inhalation of mist. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Handle away from sources of ignition. Purchase of pharmaceutical grade petrolatum is recommended to avoid toxic contaminants which may be present in less refined products.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from FIRST AID sources of heat or ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. If eye irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If large amount ingested, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: activities exploring its fluorescent position comfortable for breathing. properties; a release agent for moulds and casts. Technical: to seal wet mount slides; lubricant for microscope mechanism.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST phenol red Chemical Phenolsulfonphthalein; PSP Summary

Formula C19H14O5S CAS No. 143-74-8 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, bright to dark red crystals Molar mass 354.38 ADG Class - or powder. Dye family sulfonephthalein Melting point > 280°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 3 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 4 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Slightly soluble in acetone. Soluble in aqueous alkali. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 557 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H319 Causes serious eye irritation and light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory a suitable labelled container. tract. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • pH indicator Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 6.8 pH 8.2 pH >8.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. yellow red pink/fuschia Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATION Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1 g in 100 mL of ethanol. Make up to 500 mL with 2 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and distilled water. soap. If irritation develops, seek medical attention. References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST phenolphthalein Chemical Summary

Formula C20H14O4 CAS No. 77-09-8 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White or yellowish-white, odourless Molar mass 318.32 ADG Class - crystals or powder. Dye family phthalein Melting point 262-263°C Packing Group - > 450°C Solubility water 1-6 mg/L UN Number None (pH dependent) Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 30 mg/mL Soluble in acetone. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 552 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H350 May cause cancer and light. H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child Store away from acids, alkalis, oxidising agents and reducing agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with toxic organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill gloves (nitrile). May cause irritation to the respiratory with 60% ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and and gastrointestinal tracts and mild irritation to the eyes. transfer to a suitable labelled container. Phenolphthalein has be evaluated by the IARC as possibly Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or carcinogenic to humans. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust with 60% ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable • pH indicator labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 8.2 pH 10 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. colourless purple Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, PREPARATION seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.5 g in 300mL ethanol and make up to 500 mL before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If with distilled water.2 irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST phosphoric acid Chemical orthophosphoric acid; phosphoric acid, 85% Summary DANGER

Formula H3PO4 CAS No. 7664-38-2 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, viscous, clear liquid. ADG Class 8 Commercially available as an 85% w/w Molar mass 98 aqueous solution. Melting point 21°C (85%) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 158°C (85%) UN Number 1805 Soluble in water and ethanol. Specific gravity 1.685 (25°C, 85%) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Absorb spill with H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodi- um carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water. Neu- Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands tralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution before breaks and at the end of work. down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Arrange for collection by a licenced contractor. (latex, nitrile, neoprene). The concentrated acid is corrosive Wash spill area thoroughly with water. and should be handled with care. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Exposure can cause irritation and severe burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact WASTE DISPOSAL may result in severe eye damage and permanent injury. The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the pH Repeated or prolonged skin contact can cause dermatitis. shift. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well-ven- Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. tilated area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist and contact Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium exposure. carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there When diluting, add the concentrated acid slowly to water. is no further evolution of CO . Dispose of the neutral solution Never add water to the concentrated acid. 2 down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal STORAGE contractor. The acid is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Protect from freezing. FIRST AID Store away from heat and source of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from alkalis, metals, powdered metals, organic Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue substances. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive liquids (acids). IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. APPLICATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing General science: to simulate the corrosive properties of and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ phosphoric acid-containing softdrinks. shower. Seek medical advice/attention if concerned. Senior chemistry: an example of a polyprotic, inorganic IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a acid in titrations. position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a Technical: preparation of phosphate buffer solutions; POISONS CENTRE or doctor. removal of rust from glassware. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST platinum Chemical platinum rod or wire Summary

Formula Pt CAS No. 7440-06-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, lustrous, silver-grey metal. Does ADG Class - not tarnish on exposure to air. Molar mass 195.08 1772°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Insoluble in water, mineral acids and Boiling point 3827°C UN Number None organic acids. Reacts with aqua regia. Specific gravity 21.45 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 2

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store in a suitable labelled container for waste platinum before breaks and at the end of work. metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contractor or metal recycling facility. (nitrile). Exposure to platinum dust may cause mild mechanical irritation of the skin, eyes or respiratory tract. Chronic exposure may lead to skin sensitisation or allergic asthma in susceptible individuals. Avoid generating or inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Platinum absorbs oxygen from the air and releases the gas on heating. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. In case of fire, use dry sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place. Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: inert electrodes for electrolysis position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST potassium acetate Chemical potassium ethanoate; acetic acid, potassium salt Summary

Formula CH3COOK CAS No. 127-08-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals or powder with a weak ADG Class - odour of acetic acid. Molar mass 98.15 292°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 2530 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.57 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. Small Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 1%) can be (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, washed down the sink. eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and as for waste organic solids and arrange for collection by a inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. licenced waste disposal contractor. Mixing with strong acid generates fumes of acetic acid.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Senior chemistry: qualitative analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium bromide Chemical bromide salt of potassium Summary WARNING

Formula KBr CAS No. 7758-02-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 119.01 730-734°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble Boiling point 1435°C UN Number None in alcohol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 2.75 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 650 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H315 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and transfer to a suitable labelled container and store for SAFE HANDLING collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Store waste or surplus potassium bromide in the original eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic exposure to small container or other suitable labelled container such as for quantities may lead to CNS effects and skin rash. inorganic solid waste. Arrange for collection by a licenced Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and waste disposal contractor. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Waste solutions: Small volumes of dilute solutions Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. Larger quantity: Store in a container for waste inorganic solutions or alternatively, allow the water to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard and treat the residue as for solid waste.

STORAGE The substance is slightly hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents and strong acids. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; redox reactions of the halogens.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium carbonate Chemical potash; dipotassium carbonate Summary WARNING

Formula K2CO3 CAS No. 6381-79-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourles, odourless, hygroscopic, granular ADG Class - powder. Molar mass 138.21 891°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 112 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.43 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop spill material into H315 Causes skin irritation a plastic container. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Small spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Large spill: Place into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Add waste potassium carbonate slowly to a large volume of (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions are strongly basic. cold water. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6 - 8 by Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. Flush the respiratory tract. May be corrosive, causing burns, at high neutral solution down the sink. concentrations or with prolonged or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. Eye contact may result in severe eye damage and Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. permanent injury. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis and skin sensitization. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Protect from moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: example of a weak base. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: preparation of buffers.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Potassium chloride Chemical muriate of potash; hydrochloric acid, potassium salt Summary

Formula KCl CAS No. 7447-40-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a saline taste. Hygroscopic. Occurs naturally Molar mass 74.55 as sylvite. Melting point 773°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 1413°C UN Number None Soluble in water. Soluble in glycerol. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Insoluble in ether and Specific gravity 1.98 g/cm³ (20°C) Poisons Schedule - acetone. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water 347 g/L (20°C)

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Not classified as hazardous ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from strong acids and strong oxidising agents. Store with general inorganic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE, sweep up and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Dispose of as general waste or dilute to Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: 5% and dispose of down the sink. (latex, nitrile). Potassium chloride may cause irritation to the Place in a labelled bottle for waste dry skin and eyes, and respiratory irritation. Large quantity: chemicals and store for collection by a licenced waste Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin disposal contractor. and eyes.

APPLICATIONS General science: to demonstrate an endothermic process (dissolution in water); flame tests. Senior chemistry: concentrated aqueous solution may be used to prepare salt bridges for electrochemistry. FIRST AID PREPARATIONS IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several The concentrated (3M) or saturated KCl solution can be used minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to for the preparation of salt bridges from either strips of filter do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Seek paper or agar gel in a tube. medical advice/attention. A concentration of 0.5-1.0M is suitable for conducting a flame IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. test. If recovery is not rapid, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur: Seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 30 Nov 2016 Potassium chloride Formula KCl CAS No. 7447-40-7 MW 74.55 LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water 347 g/L (20°C)

TABLE 1: Quantity of potassium chloride required to prepare a solution of given volume and concentration

final volume of solution

concentration 1000 mL 500 mL 250 mL 100 mL 0.1 Ma 7.46 g 3.73 g 1.86 g 0.74 g

0.5 M 37.28 g 18.64 g 9.32 g 3.73 g

1.0 M 74.55 g 37.28 g 18.64 g 7.46 g

3.0 M 223.65 g 111.83 g 55.91 g 22.37 g

Saturated (20°C) 347 g 174 g 87 g 34.7 g

a alternatively, prepare by a 1 part in 10 dilution of a 1.0 M solution.

Procedure 1.Weigh out the required mass of solid 2.Place distilled water to about one-half the final volume in a mixing vessel such as a beaker or conical flask. 3.Transfer the solid to the mixing vessel and stir until the solution is clear and all of the solid has dissolved. 4.Transfer the solution to a measuring cylinder or volumetric flask and make up to the final volume. 5.Transfer the solution to a labelled bottle.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 12 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST Potassium citrate, monohydrate Chemical tripotassium citrate hydrate; citric acid, tripotassium salt monohydrate Summary

Formula K3C6H8O7.H2O CAS No. 6100-05-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, hygroscopic crystals, ADG Class - granules or powder. Molar mass 324.41 180°C (-H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Soluble in water. Boiling point 230°C (decomposes) UN Number None Solubility in water 640 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.98 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Not classified as hazardous ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from strong oxidising agents. Store with general inorganic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE, sweep up and treat as for waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL Dispose of as general waste or dilute to (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild respiratory irritation. Small quantity: 1% and dispose of down the sink. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Place in a labelled bottle for waste dry inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Large quantity: chemicals and store for collection by a licenced waste Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS Senior biology: preparation of buffer solutions. PREPARATIONS The salt can be used for the preparation of buffer solutions from pH 3 to pH 6. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If large amount ingested, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur: Seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 30 Nov 2016 K C H O .H O Potassium citrate, monohydrate Formula 3 6 8 7 2 CAS No. 6100-05-6 MW 324.41 LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water 640 g/L (20°C)

TABLE 1: Quantity of tripotassium citrate monohydrate required to prepare a solution of given volume and concentration

final volume of solution

concentration 1000 mL 500 mL 250 mL 100 mL 0.1 Ma 32.44 g 16.22 g 8.11 g 3.24 g

0.5 M 162.20 g 81.10 g 40.55 g 16.22 g

1.0 M 324.41 g 162.20 g 81.10 g 32.44 g

Saturated (20°C) 640 g 320 g 160 g 64 g

a alternatively, prepare by a 1 part in 10 dilution of a 1.0 M solution.

Procedure 1.Weigh out the required mass of solid 2. Place distilled water to about one-half the final volume in a mixing vessel such as a beaker or conical flask. 3.Transfer the solid to the mixing vessel and stir until the solution is clear and all of the solid has dissolved. 4.Transfer the solution to a measuring cylinder or volumetric flask and make up to the final volume. 5.Transfer the solution to a labelled bottle.

TABLE 2: Preparation of citric acid-tripotassium citrate buffer solution pH 3 to pH 6

Volume of component required for 100mL pH 0.1M citric acid /mL 0.1M potassium citrate /mL 3.0 82.0 18.0 4.0 59.0 41.0 5.0 35.0 65.0 6.0 11.5 88.5

Procedure For 100mL of buffer solution at the required pH, mix the given volumes of 0.1M potassium citrate and 0.1M citric acid.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 12 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST potassium dichromate Chemical bichromate of potash; dipotassium dichromate Summary DANGER

Formula K2Cr2O7 CAS No. 7778-50-9 User Group 11-12S (Notes D,K)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Bright orange-red odourless crystals. Not ADG Class 6.1 (5.1) hygroscopic or deliquescent (unlike sodium Molar mass 294.18 dichromate). Melting point 398°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 500°C decomposes UN Number 3086 Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.68 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 120 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer; H301 Toxic if swallowed; Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources H312 Harmful in contact with skin; H330 Fatal if inhaled; of ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage; H334 Solid spill: Spills can be covered with damp sand to avoid May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing dust formation. Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool difficulties if inhaled; H317 May cause an allergic skin and place in suitable labelled container. Store for collection. reaction; H340 May cause genetic defects; H350 May cause Solution spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent such cancer; H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child; H372 as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Treat as for solid spill. Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated Apply a dilute solution of a reducing agent (sodium bisulfite, exposure; H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting sodium metabisulfite or sodium thiosulfite) to the spill area. effects Cover the solution with absorbent material (see above). Collect material and add to a large volume of water. The SAFE HANDLING resulting solution should be green due to chromium (III) ion. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands If it is orange or grey, add further reducing agent portionwise before breaks and at the end of work. with stirring until a green colour is obtained. Dispose of the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves solution down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general (nitrile, neoprene). Dichromates are strong oxidising agents waste. and are corrosive and highly toxic. Exposure may cause Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any irritation and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes, respiratory contaminated clothing before reuse. tract and on ingestion. Repeated or prolonged exposure WASTE DISPOSAL can lead to sensitisation and an allergic reaction of the skin The substance must not be disposed of as general waste. or respiratory tract. Eye contact can result in burns and Store waste or surplus potassium dichromate in the original permanent damage. Chromium (VI) compounds have been container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for evaluated by the IARC as carcinogenic to humans. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid The hazard of chromium (VI) in solution can be lessened by generating or inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact treament with a reducing agent (see above) to give a green with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated solution of chromium (III) ions. exposure. Handle away from heat and ignition sources. The purchase of a dilute solution is recommended so as to mitigate the hazards associated with handling and storing FIRST AID the solid reagent. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue STORAGE rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place. Protect from sunlight. Store away from heat Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. and sources of ignition. Store away from reducing agents, IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. organic substances and combustible materials. Rinse skin with water/shower. Immediately call a POISONS Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). CENTRE or doctor. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest APPLICATIONS in a position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a Senior chemistry: in dilute solution, to distinguish between POISONS CENTRE or doctor. primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; redox reactions. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium ferricyanide (III) Chemical potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); red prussiate of potash Summary

Formula K3[Fe(CN)6] CAS No. 13746-66-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark red, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 329.26 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water and acetone. Slightly soluble Melting point > 300°C decomposes in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 464 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.85 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. AUH031 Contact with acids liberates toxic gas Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste DIsposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste of surplus potassium ferricyanide in the original (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, container or in a suitable labelled container such as for eyes and respiratory tract. On ingestion, highly toxic dry inorganic waste solids or waste aqueous solution of hydrogen cyanide may be produced in the stomach due to inorganic salts, as appropriate, and arrange for collection by the reaction with gastric acid. a licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas is produced on contact with strong acids. Heating or fire may generate toxic fumes of cyanides.

STORAGE The substance is light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from exposure to light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Senior chemistry: test for ferrous ion; component of ferroxyl indicator.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium ferrocyanide, trihydrate Chemical tetrapotassium hexacyanoferrate (II); yellow prussiate of potash Summary

Formula K4[Fe(CN)6].3H2O CAS No. 14459-95-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Light yellow, odourless crystals or powder ADG Class - with a mild saline taste. Molar mass 422.39 ca 70°C (-3H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Soluble in water and acetone. Slightly soluble Boiling point - UN Number None in alcohol. Specific gravity 1.85 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 289 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus potassium ferrocyanide in the original (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, container or in a suitable labelled container such as for eyes and respiratory tract. waste inorganic solids or waste inorganic salt solutions, as Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and appropriate, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. disposal contractor. Highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas is produced on contact with strong acids. Heating or fire may generate toxic fumes of cyanides.

STORAGE The substance is light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from exposure to light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Senior chemistry: test for ferric ion.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium hydrogen phthalate Chemical potassium biphthalate; potassium 2-carboxybenzoate Summary

Formula C8H5KO4 CAS No. 877-24-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals. Molar mass 204.22 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Melting point 295-300°C - UN Number None Solubility in water 80 g/L Boiling point Specific gravity 1.636 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and organic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste respiratory tract. Ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption of disposal contractor. the substance may be harmful. Inhalation exposure may lead to asthma-like symptoms. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The substance may react violently with strong oxidising agents or nitric acid.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents and concentrated nitric IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. acid. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Technical: primary standard for standardising alkali solutions; buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium hydrogen sulfate Chemical potassium bisulfate; sulfuric acid, potassium salt Summary DANGER

Formula KHSO4 CAS No. 7646-93-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 136.17 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol and Melting point 195°C decomposes acetone. Boiling point - UN Number 2509 Solubility in water 490 g/L Specific gravity 2.24 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H335 May cause respiratory irritation Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust to within pH 6-8 SAFE HANDLING and decant solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic and WASTE DISPOSAL corrosive. Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a contact can cause permanent eye damage. licenced waste disposal contractor. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Solution: Adjust to within pH 6-8 and store in a suitable area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid container for waste inorganic salt solutions. Arrange for contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or collection. repeated exposure. Small volume of dilute solution (concentration < 1%): Contact with metals in the presence of water generates Adjust to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium hydroxide (5% flammable hydrogen gas. Heating to decomposition solution) and wash down the sink. releases corrosive and/or toxic fumes.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from alkalis, oxidising agents and alcohols. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium hydrogen tartrate Chemical potassium bitartrate; potassium tartrate monobasic; cream of tartar Summary

Formula C4H5KO6 CAS No. 868-14-4 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a pleasant, slightly acid taste. Molar mass 188.18 250°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Slightly soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 5.7 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.954 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust to within pH 6-8 SAFE HANDLING and decant solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. respiratory tract. Small volume of dilute solution: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and and wash down the sink. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. as for waste organic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If rapid recovery does not occur, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice if symptoms develop. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if Food science: chemistry of cooking. effects persist. Technical: buffer preparation; pH standard.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium hydroxide Chemical caustic potash; potash lye Summary DANGER

Formula KOH CAS No. 1310-58-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, hygroscopic pellets or flakes. Molar mass 56.11 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water, alcohol and glycerol. Melting point 360°C 1327°C UN Number 1813 Solubility in water 1130 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 2.04 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Small spill: Scoop into a plastic container. Treat as for H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Waste Disposal. Large spill: Scoop up and place into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Add waste potassium hydroxide slowly, with stirring, to a (nitrile). The solid and solutions are highly corrosive; large volume of ice-water. Neutralise the solution to within aqueous solutions are strongly basic. Exposure may cause pH 6 - 8 by addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract Flush the neutral solution down the sink. and on ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. damage and permanent injury. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Dissolution of the hydroxide in water generates much heat. Carry out solution preparation in an operating fume cupboard. Place the mixing vessel in an ice-bath and add the solid cautiously to water. Avoid inhaling mist or fumes from the hot solution.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic and absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, forming potassium carbonate. Store in a tightly closed FIRST AID container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. and light; protect from air and moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Avoid storing solutions of the hydroxide in glass bottles, rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor especially those with glass stoppers, as the hydroxide will IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do react with the glass and the stopper may become fused. NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS Store away from acids, oxidising agents and metals. CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: an example of a strong base. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST potassium iodate Chemical iodic acid, potassium salt Summary DANGER

Formula KIO3 CAS No. 7758-05-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 214.00 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water and dilute sulfuric acid. Melting point 560°C (decomposes) Insoluble in alcohol and nitric acid. Boiling point - UN Number 1479 Solubility in water 92 g/L (25°C) Specific gravity 3.89 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking tool and H335 May cause respiratory irritation treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect with SAFE HANDLING a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands water and reduce the iodate and neutralise the solution as before breaks and at the end of work. for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant down the sink Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves and dispose of solid residue as general waste. (nitrile). Potassium iodate is a moderately strong oxidising Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no iodate agent. Exposure may cause severe irritation and corrosive residue remains in contact with combustible material. Wash injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory and digestive tracts. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Eye contact may cause permanent damage. Iodates are WASTE DISPOSAL toxic to retinal cells by ingestion; uptake of a large amount Solid sodium iodate must not be disposed of with general may lead to visual impairment. waste. Store surplus or waste sodium iodate in the original Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating or container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. collection by licenced waste disposal contractor. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from Small quantity of solution: Treat with a reducing agent: 18 heat and other sources of ignition. mL of 10% w/v solution of either sodium bisulfite or sodium In case of fire, use flooding quantities of water; do not use metabisulfite will reduce 10 mL of saturated (ca. 0.4M) dry chemical, CO2 or foam extinguisher. sodium iodate solution or a solution containing 1g of the salt. Add the bisulfite or metabisulfite solution to the iodate solution until a persistent pale yellow colour is obtained. STORAGE Neutralise the solution with sodium carbonate to within pH Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- 6-8 and wash down the sink. ventilated place. Over time, potassium iodate can decompose on exposure to light, heat or air and moisture. Protect from air, moisture and direct sunlight. Store away FIRST AID from heat and all sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from reducing agents, flammable substances, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue combustible materials, acids and alkalis. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If Senior chemistry: the iodine clock reaction; skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. demonstration of the Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a iodometric titrations. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Technical: a primary standard; preparation of standard CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. iodine solution; standardisation of thiosulfate solution. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST Potassium iodide Chemical potassium monoiodide Summary DANGER

Formula KI CAS No. 7681-11-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a bitter saline taste. Hygroscopic Molar mass 166.01 and sensitive to light. Melting point 681°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 1323°C UN Number None Soluble in water, acetone and glycerol. Slightly soluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 3.13 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 1430 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 2

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away H319 Causes serious eye irritation from heat and light. Over time, potassium iodide, both as H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing a solid and in solution, becomes yellow with the generation difficulties if inhaled of molecular iodine. Exposure to air, light or moisture may H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. accelerate the decomposition. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, acids and metals. SAFE HANDLING Store with general inorganic solids. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. SPILLS Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wear PPE, sweep up and treat as for waste. Wash spill (nitrile, neoprene, latex). Exposure to potassium iodide may area thoroughly with water. cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Exposure to small amounts may cause symptoms of iodism in sensitive individuals. Skin contact or inhalation may lead to WASTE DISPOSAL allergic sensitisation in some individuals. Small quantity: Dilute to 1% and dispose of down the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. sink. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, Large quantity: Place in a labelled bottle and store for eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS General science: in the preparation of aqueous solutions of iodine; to catalyse the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’); in the reaction to precipitate lead iodide. FIRST AID Rinse cautiously with water for several Senior chemistry: a source of iodide ion in qualitative IF IN EYES: analysis; in clock reactions (the Harcourt-Essen Reaction, the minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Persulfate-Iodide Clock Reaction). do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATIONS Seek medical attention. Solutions of potassium iodide may become yellow with the IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin oxidation of iodide ion to give iodine. One or two crystals of thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: sodium thiosulfate or a small quantity of glucose can be Seek medical advice/attention. added to the solution to reduce any generated iodine. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in Alternatively, solutions can be stabilised with addition of a a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory small quantity of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate symptoms occur: Seek medical advice/attention. which buffer the solution and thus render the pH less favourable for the oxidation of iodide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 30 Nov 2016 Potassium iodide Formula KI CAS No. 7681-11-0 MW 166.01 LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water 1430 g/L (20°C)

TABLE 1: Quantity of potassium iodide required to prepare a solution of given volume and concentration

final volume of solution

concentration 1000 mL 500 mL 250 mL 100 mL 0.1 Ma 16.60 g 8.30 g 4.15 g 1.66 g

0.5 M 83.00 g 41.50 g 20.75 g 8.30 g

1.0 M 166.01 g 83.00 g 41.50 g 16.60 g

a alternatively, prepare by a 1 part in 10 dilution of a 1.0 M solution.

Procedure 1.Weigh out the required mass of solid 2.Transfer solid to a mixing vessel such as a beaker or conical flask. 3.Add water to about two-thirds of the final volume and stir until the solution is clear and all of the solid has dissolved. 4.Transfer the solution to a measuring cylinder or volumetric flask and make up to the final volume. 5.Transfer the solution to a labelled bottle. 6.Potassium iodide solutions may become yellow over time, through oxidation of the iodide to molecular iodine. A small amount of dextrose or sodium thiosulfate may be added to the solution to reduce any generated iodine.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 12 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST potassium metabisulfite Chemical potassium disulfite; dipotassium pyrosulfite Summary DANGER

Formula K2S2O5 CAS No. 16731-55-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals, granules or powder with ADG Class - a slight odour of sulfur dioxide. Molar mass 222.33 150°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 450 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.34 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H318 Causes serious eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material SAFE HANDLING and add to a large volume of water. Treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. Dispose of residual solid material as general before breaks and at the end of work. waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (nitrile, latex). The substance is a reducing agent and forms contaminated clothing before reuse. acidic and corrosive aqueous solutions. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin and severe irritation to the eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract. Eye contact can cause permanent Small quantity: Metabisulfite ion can be oxidised to sulfate eye damage. Repeated exposure can lead to sensitisation. ion by its reaction with hypochlorite (bleach) as follows: mix Exposure via the skin, inhalation or ingestion can result equal quanities of the metabisulfite and sodium carbonate in an allergic response in individuals who are sensitive to and add to a large volume of water. Slowly add household sulfites. bleach (>5% NaOCl) in the ratio of 17 mL per gram of Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated metabisulfite. Allow the solution to stand for 1-2 hours. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, vapours or mist. Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such or repeated exposure. as for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection On contact with acid or on heating, the substance by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with decomposes, liberating toxic sulfur dioxide gas. incompatible waste.

STORAGE The substance is air- and moisture-sensitive. Oxidation to the sulfate can occur over time on exposure to air, particularly in FIRST AID the presence of moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents and acids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of APPLICATIONS water. Seek medical attention if effects persist. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Food science: investigations of its properties as a food/ IF INHALED: wine preservative. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention if effects persist. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; iodine clock reaction; redox titrations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Technical: to reduce an oxidising substance.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST Potassium nitrate Chemical saltpetre; nitrate of potash Summary WARNING

Formula KNO3 CAS No. 7757-79-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless transparent prisms or ADG Class 5.1 crystalline powder with a cooling, pungent Molar mass 101.1 saline taste. Slightly hygroscopic. Melting point 334°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 400°C (decomposes) UN Number 1486 Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble in ethanol. Specific gravity 2.11 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 316 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer ventilated place away from heat and light. The salt is hygroscopic; protect from moisture. Store away from reducing agents, combustible materials, organic substances and metals. Do not store on shelves SAFE HANDLING made of wood or other combustible material. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves SPILLS (nitrile, latex, neoprene). Potassium nitrate is a strong Wear PPE. Sweep up with a non-sparking tool and oxidising agent. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin and transfer to a bucket of water. Dilute to 1% and disposed of eyes,and irritation and burns to the respiratory tract. down the sink. The spill area, contaminated clothing and Repeated or prolonged skin exposure may cause dermatitis. any other contaminated combustible or organic materials Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. should be washed thoroughly with water. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL There is a risk of vigorous reaction, fire or explosion if Small quantity: Dilute to 1% and dispose of down the potassium nitrate is mixed with combustible material or sink. Large quantity: Place in a labelled container and reducing agents, especially finely divided materials. Handle store for collection by a licenced waste contractor. away from heat or any ignition source. Alternatively, dilute and utilise as a fertilizer for lawn or The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended. ornamental plants. Concentrated solutions may be allowed to evaporate and the sludge stored in a labelled container for collection. Solutions of nitrates should not be heated to evaporate and should not be evaporated to dryness. APPLICATIONS General science: to demonstrate an endothermic process (dissolution in water); an example of a potassium salt in flame FIRST AID test activities. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several Botany: investigations of the nutrient requirements of plants. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Senior chemistry: inorganic analysis; concentrated aqueous do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Seek solution can be used to prepare salt bridges for medical advice/attention. electrochemistry. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. PREPARATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin A concentration of 0.5-1M is suitable for conducting a flame thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: test. The concentrated (2.5M), or saturated, KNO3 solution Seek medical advice/attention. can be used for the preparation of salt bridges from strips of IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest filter paper or agar gel in a tube. in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 30 Nov 2016 KNO Potassium nitrate Formula 3 CAS No. 7757-79-1 Molar mass 101.1 LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water 316 g/L (20°C)

TABLE 1: Quantity of potassium nitrate required to prepare a solution of given volume and concentration

Final volume of solution

Concentration 1000 mL 500 mL 250 mL 100 mL 0.1Ma 10.11 g 5.05 g 2.53 g 1.01 g

0.5 M 50.55 g 25.27 g 12.64 g 5.05 g

1.0 M 101.10 g 50.55 g 25.27 g 10.11 g

2.5 M 252.75 g 126.4 g 63.19 g 25.28 g

Saturated (20°C) 316 g 158 g 79 g 32 g

a alternatively, prepare by a 1 part in 10 dilution of a 1.0 M solution.

Procedure 1.Weigh out the required mass of solid 2.Place distilled water to about one-half the final volume in a mixing vessel such as a beaker or conical flask. 3.Transfer the solid to the mixing vessel and stir until the solution is clear and all of the solid has dissolved. 4.Transfer the solution to a measuring cylinder or volumetric flask and make up to the final volume. 5.Transfer the solution to a labelled bottle.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 12 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST potassium oxalate monohydrate Chemical dipotassium ethanedioate monohydrate; oxalic acid, dipotassium salt Summary WARNING

Formula K2C2O4.H2O CAS No. 6487-48-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 184.24 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Melting point > 160°C (-H2O) decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 360 g/L (20°C) Boiling point - Poisons Schedule S6 Specific gravity 2.13 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H312 Harmful in contact with skin Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus potassium oxalate in a suitable (nitrile, latex). The substance can act as a weak reducing labelled container such as for waste organic solids and agent. Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately alkaline. arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury to the contractor. skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact can cause permanent eye damage. Ingestion can lead to kidney damage. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition may produce toxic fumes of carbon and potassium oxides.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If available, give plenty of milk. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of APPLICATIONS water. Seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; redox IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a chemistry. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. Technical: a reducing agent. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium permanganate Chemical Condy’s crystals; permanganate of potash Summary DANGER

Formula KMnO4 CAS No. 7722-64-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark violet, odourless crystals. Molar mass 158.03 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water. Decomposed by alcohol. Melting point > 240°C (decomposes) UN Number 1490 Solubility in water 64 g/L (20°C) Boiling point - Specific gravity 2.70 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 3 oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage ventilation. Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking H400 Very toxic to aquatic life tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect with SAFE HANDLING a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands water. Reduce the permanganate and neutralise the solution before breaks and at the end of work. as for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant down the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves sink and dispose of solid residue as general waste. (nitrile). Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no agent. Exposure may cause severe irritation and corrosive permanganate residues remain in contact with combustible injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on material. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. ingestion. Eye contact may cause burns and permanent WASTE DISPOSAL damage. Symptoms of ingestion include gastrointestinal Solid potassium permanganate must not be disposed of with burns, nausea and vomiting. general waste. Store surplus or waste solid in the original Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for breathing dust and aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes collection by licenced waste disposal contractor. and clothing. Handle away from combustible material and Small quantity of solution: Treat with a reducing agent sources of heat and ignition. under acidic conditions to give a solution containing Mn(II). In case of fire, flooding quantities of water should be used To treat 500mL of 0.1M KMnO4 solution: Acidify by adding as the extinguishing agent. 10mL of 2M H2SO4. In a fume cupboard, slowly add 300mL of 10% w/v sodium bisulfite or sodium metabisulfite solution. STORAGE The resulting solution should be colourless to faint pink. If Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- permanganate still remains, add a further portion of ventilated place away from heat and light. bisulfite solution. Neutralise by addition of sodium carbonate Store away from reducing agents, combustible materials, to within pH 6-8. Wash the solution down the sink. alcohols, peroxides, powdered metals, zinc, copper, strong acids, sulfuric acid and alkali metals. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). FIRST AID Permanganate ion in aqueous solution decomposes to give IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. solid manganese dioxide, MnO2, which further catalyses the Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue decomposition. The reaction is catalysed by light or rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. impurities. To slow the decomposition reaction, store IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. solutions in clean dark/opaque bottles and protect from light. Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. General science: reduction of Mn(VII) to observe the Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. colours of the lower oxidation states. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: redox titrations; oxidising agent in position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS organic chemistry; demonstration of the exothermic reaction CENTRE or doctor. of KMnO4 with glycerol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST potassium persulfate Chemical potassium peroxydisulfate; dipotassium peroxodisulphate Summary DANGER

Formula K2S2O8 CAS No. 7727-21-1 User Group 11-12S (Note D)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 270.32 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Melting point ca.100°C (decomposes) - UN Number 1492 Solubility in water 50 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 2.48 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking H319 Causes serious eye irritation tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such difficulties if inhaled as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect with H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of H335 May cause respiratory irritation water. Reduce the persulfate and neutralise the solution as for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant down the sink SAFE HANDLING and dispose of solid residue as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no persulfate before breaks and at the end of work. residues remain in contact with combustible material. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (neoprene, nitrile). Exposure may cause severe irritation WASTE DISPOSAL and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Solid persulfates must not be disposed of with general Chronic exposure may lead to allergic dermatitis or asthma. waste. Store waste or surplus potassium persulfate in the Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating original container or other suitable labelled container. or inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Arrange for disposal via a licenced contractor. Persulfate Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from which has been exposed to water or other contaminant heat and ignition sources and combustible materials. should be disposed of. Use only clean, dry plastic or stainless steel tools and Small quantity of solution: Solutions of concentration <1%: utensils when transferring persulfate from the stock bottle. wash down the sink. Higher concentrations: Dilute to <10%, In case of fire or runaway decomposition, flooding quantities then add H2SO4 (1M) until the pH is < 3. Cautiously add a of water should be used as the extinguishing agent. reducing agent. 350mL of 10% sodium thiosulfate solution will reduce 500mL of 10% persulfate solution. Neutralise STORAGE the resulting solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- carbonate and wash down the sink. ventilated place. Over time, potassium persulfate slowly decomposes, releasing oxygen and oxides of sulfur. FIRST AID Decomposition is accelerated by heat, moisture, sunlight or IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. contamination. Protect from air, moisture and direct sunlight. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from heat and ignition sources. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store with secondary containment (e.g. in a clear, lidded IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. polyethylene bottle). Bottles of aqueous solutions must have Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. a vented lid to avoid overpressurisation. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store away from acids, alkalis, halogens, reducing agents, Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation or organic substances, combustible materials, hydrogen rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention peroxide and metals. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: iodine clock reaction kinetics

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST potassium phosphate, dibasic Chemical dipotassium hydrogen phosphate; Summary phosphoric acid, dipotassium salt

Formula K2HPO4 CAS No. 7758-11-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 174.18 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Melting point >180°C decomposes - UN Number None Solubility in water 1600 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 2.44 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions alkaline. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink.Small respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large quantity may cause quanitities of solid may be disposed of as general waste. gastric upset. Larger quantity: Store waste solid in a suitable labelled Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and container such as for waste inorganic solids. Waste solutions inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. can be evaporated in a fume cupboard and the residue The salt may react violently with strong acids. treated as solid waste, or the pH adjusted to within 6-8 and the solution transferred to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous solutions. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertilizer.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other Technical: buffer preparation. respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium phosphate, monobasic Chemical potassium dihydrogen phosphate; Summary phosphoric acid, monopotassium salt

Formula KH2PO4 CAS No. 7778-77-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 136.09 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Melting point ca 253°C decomposes - UN Number None Solubility in water 222 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 2.34 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink.Small acidic. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and quanitities of solid may be disposed of as general waste. respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large quantity may cause Larger quantity: Store waste solid in a suitable labelled gastric upset. container such as for waste inorganic solids. Waste solutions Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and can be evaporated in a fume cupboard and the residue inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. treated as solid waste, or the pH adjusted to within 6-8 and The salt may react violently with strong bases. the solution transferred to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous solutions. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Alternatively, the salt can be applied to soil as a fertilizer.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from FIRST AID moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from strong acids, strong bases and oxidising Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest General science: crystal growing. in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other Technical: buffer preparation. respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST Potassium sodium tartrate, tetrahydrate Chemical Rochelle salt; Seignette salt Summary WARNING

Formula KNaC4H4O6.4H2O CAS No. 6381-59-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, translucent crystals ADG Class - or white powder with a cooling, saline taste. Molar mass 282.22 Effloresces slightly in warm air. Melting point 70-80°C Packing Group - Boiling point 100°C (-3H O) SOLUBILITY 2 UN Number None Soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol. 130-140°C (-4H2O) 220°C (decomposes) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 630 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.79 Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Not classified as hazardous ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from acids and strong oxidising agents. Store with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE, sweep up and treat as for waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Dilute to 1% and dispose of down the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: sink. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause skin, eye or respiratory Place in a labelled bottle for waste dry irritation. Large quantity: chemicals and store for collection by a licenced waste Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and disposal contractor. inhaling dust and contact with skin and eyes.

APPLICATIONS General science: for crystal growing activities; preparation of the salt from sodium hydrogen carbonate and cream of tartar. Senior biology: a component of Fehling’s solution. Senior physics: crystals of the salt are used to demonstrate FIRST AID piezoelectricity. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several PREPARATIONS minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Fehling’s solution is used to test for aldehydes or to distiguish do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Seek between a reducing sugar such as glucose, fructose, or medical advice/attention. galactose and a non-reducing sugar such as sucrose. A IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If recovery is not rapid, seek medical advice/attention. positive result is a brick red precipitate of Cu2O. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur: Seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 30 Nov 2016 KNaC H O .4H O Potassium sodium tartrate, tetrahydrate Formula 4 4 6 2 CAS No. 6381-59-5 MW 282.22 LABORATORY NOTES Solubility in water 630 g/L (20°C)

TABLE 1: Quantity of potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate required to prepare a solution of given volume and concentration

final volume of solution

concentration 1000 mL 500 mL 250 mL 100 mL 0.1 Ma 28.22 g 14.11 g 7.05 g 2.82 g

0.5 M 141.11 g 70.55 g 35.28 g 14.11 g

1.0 M 282.22 g 141.11 g 70.55 g 28.22 g

2.0 M 564.44 g 282.22 g 141.11 g 56.44 g

Saturated (20°C) 630 g 315 g 157 g 63 g

a alternatively, prepare by a 1 part in 10 dilution of a 1.0 M solution.

Procedure 1.Weigh out the required mass of solid 2.Place distilled water to about one-half the final volume in a mixing vessel such as a beaker or conical flask. 3.Transfer the solid to the mixing vessel and stir until the solution is clear and all of the solid has dissolved. 4.Transfer the solution to a measuring cylinder or volumetric flask and make up to the final volume. 5.Transfer the solution to a labelled bottle.

Fehling’s solution (test for aldehydes, reducing sugars) Prepare Solution A and Solution B. Mix the two solutions together in a ratio of 1:1 just prior to use.

Fehling’s solution A: Dissolve 34.66 g copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) in approximately 300mL of distilled water. Make up the solution to 500mL.

Fehling’s solution B: Mix 173 g potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (KNaC4H4O6.4H2O) and 50 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with approximately 350mL of distilled water and stir until dissolved. Make up the solution to 500mL.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 12 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST potassium sulfate Chemical potassium sulphate; sulfate of potash; sulfuric acid, dipotassium salt Summary

Formula K2SO4 CAS No. 7778-80-5 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 174.26 1067-1069°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol. Boiling point 1689°C UN Number None Solubility in water 111 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.66 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant solution down SAFE HANDLING the sink. Dispose of residual solid material as general waste. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. eyes and respiratory tract. Small volumes of dilute solution (concentration < 1%) can be Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and neutralised and washed down the sink. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids or aqueous solutions, as appropriate, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Alternatively, apply to soil as a fertiliser.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; precipitation reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST potassium thiocyanate Chemical potassium rhodanate; potassium rhodanide; potassium sulfocyanate Summary WARNING

Formula KSCN CAS No. 333-20-0 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 97.18 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water, alcohol and acetone. Melting point 173-175°C 500°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 2170 g/L Boiling point Specific gravity 1.89 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302,H312,H332 Harmful if swallowed, in contact with skin Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. or if inhaled Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Disposal. AUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. For very minor spills, collect material and add to a large volume of water. SAFE HANDLING Decant solution down the sink and dispose of residual solid material as general waste. For larger spills, collect material Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Chronic WASTE DISPOSAL exposure may lead to gastrointestinal and CNS effects. Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste Ingestion of a large quantity can result in convulsions and inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced loss of consciousness. waste disposal contractor. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust and Solutions: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to a inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic salt clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. solutions and stored for collection. Mixing with acid can generate highly toxic hydrogen cyanide Do not mix with incompatible waste. gas. Heating to decomposition generates highly toxic gases (oxides of potassium, sulfur and nitrogen, and hydrogen cyanide). The reaction with oxidising agents may be violent or explosive.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and light-sensitive. FIRST AID Decomposition occurs over time, on exposure to light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat. Protect from moisture and rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. sunlight. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents and acids. Give water to drink. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if Store with general inorganic solids. you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: preparation of artificial blood. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: test for Fe(III) ion; qualitative analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST propan-1-ol Chemical 1-propanol; n-propyl alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C3H8O CAS No. 71-23-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 sweet, pleasant odour. Molar mass 60.1 -126°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water, ethanol and other Boiling point 97°C UN Number 1274 alcohols, diethyl ether and propylene glycol. Soluble in acetone. Specific gravity 0.8 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H318 Causes serious eye damage ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands absorbent material as general waste. Alternatively, treat as before breaks and at the end of work. for Waste Disposal of small quantity. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves and store for collection. (Butyl, Viton®; neoprene, nitrile for splash protection). Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat contaminated clothing before reuse. and respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure include CNS depression, nausea, headache and dizziness. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dryness and cracking. WASTE DISPOSAL Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel and allow alcohol Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. Avoid paper towel as general waste. ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid Large quantity: Store in the original container or other prolonged or repeated exposure. suitable labelled container such as for non-halogenated There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, organic liquid waste and arrange for collection by a licenced confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with waste disposal contractor. air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, open flames or other sources of ignition.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container IF IN EYES: Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. of heat or ignition. Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, acid chlorides, IF SWALLOWED: Seek immediate medical advice. halogens, alkali metals and aluminium. Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a primary position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS alcohol; preparation of esters; heat of combustion CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. investigations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST propan-2-ol Chemical isopropanol; isopropyl alcohol Summary DANGER

Formula C3H8O CAS No. 67-63-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, volatile liquid with a musty ADG Class 3 odour of rubbing alcohol. Molar mass 60.1 -89°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water. Soluble in ethanol, Boiling point 82°C UN Number 1219 acetone and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.78 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Cover spill with non-combustible absorbent H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands allow to stand until the solids have settled. Decant the before breaks and at the end of work. solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves absorbent material as general waste. (Butyl, Viton®; nitrile for splash protection). Exposure to the Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container vapour may cause mild to moderate irritation to the skin, and store for collection. eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract. Symptoms of Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any exposure include nausea, headache, dizziness and CNS contaminated clothing before reuse. depression. Eye exposure to the liquid may cause severe WASTE DISPOSAL irritation and possible eye damage. Prolonged or repeated Small quantity: Add to a large volume of water and flush skin contact can lead to dryness and cracking. down the sink. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well- Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and contractor. As the alcohol is a peroxide former, waste or clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. surplus isopropanol should not be stored with any other There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, waste. confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with The bottle may be hazardous when empty due to residual air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash vapour or liquid. Do not expose the empty bottle to heat, back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. open flames or other sources of ignition. Test for peroxides before use, particularly if intending to heat or distill the alcohol. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue 2-Propanol is hygroscopic. With prolonged storage, and on rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. exposure to air and sunlight, the alcohol may form peroxides, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. which may become explosive if they are concentrated. Store Seek medical advice. in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. place. Protect from sunlight. Ensure container is kept upright Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Wash to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or contaminated clothing before reuse. If irritation develops or ignition. persists, seek medical advice. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, halogens, alkali IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a metals and aluminium. position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Mark the bottle with the date received and date opened. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

APPLICATIONS Senior chemistry: to observe the reactivity of a secondary alcohol; heat of combustion investigations.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST propanoic acid Chemical propionic acid Summary DANGER

Formula C3H6O2 CAS No. 79-09-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, oily liquid with a slightly pungent, ADG Class 8 (3) disagreeable odour. Molar mass 74.08 -21°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 141°C UN Number 3463 Solubility in water Miscible Specific gravity 0.99 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage sources. Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect spilled material with a non-sparking tool. Add slowly to a large volume of water with SAFE HANDLING stirring. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands of sodium carbonate in portions (test with pH paper). Decant before breaks and at the end of work. the neutral solution down the sink with further dilution. Dispose of the residual solids as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash (Viton®, butyl-rubber; neoprene gloves provide splash any contaminated clothing before reuse. protection). Exposure may cause severe irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Eye contact may result in WASTE DISPOSAL burns and permanent eye damage. Inhalation exposure may Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% lead to an asthma-like bronchitis. by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise Handle only in an operating fume cupboard or well- the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution mist. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and down the sink with further dilution. clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Handle away suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a from heat and ignition sources. licenced waste disposal contractor. Contact with reactive metals such as aluminium, iron, tin and zinc may generate flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Ensure container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. is kept upright to prevent leakage. Store away from heat and Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue any sources of ignition. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, bases and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do reactive metals. NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Store separately from other chemicals, on a low shelf, with IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing secondary containment. and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ shower. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: ester preparation. occur, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST propyl acetate Chemical n-propyl ethanoate; acetic acid, propyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C5H10O2 CAS No. 109-60-4 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, highly volatile liquid with a ADG Class 3 pear-like odour. Molar mass 102.13 -93°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Sparingly soluble in water. Miscible with Boiling point 102°C UN Number 1276 ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.89 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 21.2 g/L (20°C) Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H319 Causes serious eye irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat AUH066 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. cracking Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent (butyl rubber). Exposure may cause skin, eye or and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume respiratory irritation. Inhalation or ingestion may cause cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. headache, dizziness or drowsiness. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye prevent leakage. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, bases and alkali IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. metal hydroxides. Seek medical attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS APPLICATIONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction between acetic acid and n-propanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST propyl butyrate Chemical n-propyl butyrate; butanoic acid, propyl ester Summary WARNING

Formula C7H14O2 CAS No. 105-66-8 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless liquid with a sweet odour. Molar mass 130.19 ADG Class 3 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Melting point -95°C ethanol and diethyl ether. Boiling point 143°C UN Number 3272 Solubility in water Slightly soluble Specific gravity 0.87 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert H319 Causes serious eye irritation absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat H335 May cause respiratory irritation litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; butyl rubber for splash contact). Exposure may Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent cause skin, eye or respiratory irritation. Inhalation or and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume ingestion may cause headache, dizziness or drowsiness. cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye prevent leakage. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and bases. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. between butyric acid and n-propanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST propyl propionate Chemical n-propyl propanoate; propionic acid, propyl ester Summary DANGER

Formula C6H12O2 CAS No. 106-36-5 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless liquid with a pear-like odour. Molar mass 116.16 ADG Class 3 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with Melting point -76°C ethanol and diethyl ether. Soluble in acetone. Boiling point 122°C UN Number 3272 Solubility in water 5 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 0.88 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Highly flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H332 Harmful if inhaled ventilation. Absorb spill with paper towel, or cover with inert absorbent material such as vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand and scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small spill: Evaporate as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place material into a suitable labelled container SAFE HANDLING and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash the spill area with detergent and water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (PE/EVAL; butyl rubber, nitrile for splash contact). Exposure Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or other absorbent may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose and throat and and allow the solvent to evaporate in an operating fume respiratory tract. Inhalation or ingestion may cause cupboard. Dispose of absorbent material as general waste. headache, dizziness or drowsiness. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated as for non-halogenated organic liquid waste and arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour and contact with skin, eyes and collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The ester may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. any sources of ignition. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. If eye prevent leakage. irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and bases. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS Senior chemistry: product of the esterification reaction CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. between propionic acid and n-propanol. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST propylene glycol Chemical propan-1,2-diol; methylethylene glycol Summary

Formula C3H8O2 CAS No. 57-55-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear, colourless, almost odourless, viscous ADG Class - liquid with a slightly acrid taste. Molar mass 76.1 -60°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water, ethanol and acetone. Boiling point 188°C UN Number None Soluble in diethyl ether. Sparingly soluble in petroleum ether. Specific gravity 1.04 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Eliminate all ignition sources. Cover spill with Not classified as hazardous sand, or other inert material such as vermiculite or bentonite. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Small quantity: Seal material in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands arrange for collection. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Eye contact may cause mild irritation. WASTE DISPOSAL Inhalation of vapour or mist from the heated substance may Small quantity: Absorb with non-combustible material. Seal cause respiratory irritation. Repeated or prolonged skin in a plastic bag and dispose of as general waste. contact may lead to irritation and dermatitis. Ingestion of a Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and large amount may cause gastric irritation and CNS effects. arrange for collection by a licenced waste Avoid generating and inhaling vapour or mist. If mists or disposal contractor. vapours are being generated, work in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air if heated strongly. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The glycol may attack/dissolve some plastics.

STORAGE The glycol is hygroscopic and light sensitive. With prolonged storage, explosive peroxides may form. Store in a tightly FIRST AID closed container in a cool, dry well-ventilated place. Protect IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from light and moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. rinsing. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, acids, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If alkalis and acid chlorides. symptoms develop or if large amount ingested, seek medical Store with flammable and combustible liquids in an attention. AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science/Senior physics: to observe its physical position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms properties (density, viscosity, refractive index, ‘antifreeze’ develop, seek medical attention. properties).

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST resazurin, sodium salt Chemical Alamar Blue; Azoresorcin Summary WARNING

Formula C12H6NO4.Na CAS No. 62758-13-8 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green to black powder. Molar mass 251.18 ADG Class - Dye family phenoxazine Melting point - Packing Group - Solubility water1 20 mg/mL - ethanol1 6 mg/mL UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax) 598 nm, 380 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H315 Causes skin irritation and light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store away from acids and oxidising agents. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition before breaks and at the end of work. sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a tract. suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATIONS Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • redox indicator: for measuring cell respiration; Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • Blue bottle demonstration; ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add • assay for bacterial content of milk. aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 3.8 pH 6.5 oxidised reduced IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue orange purple blue-purple pink rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, PREPARATION seek medical attention. (i) pH indicator: Dissolve 1 g in 100mL of distilled water.3 (ii) IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash test for milk: Dissolve 0.005 g in 100mL of sterile distilled before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water water (or follow instructions if using tablets). Add 1mL of and soap. If irritation develops or persists, seek medical solution to 10mL of milk.4 attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn 4. Guelph occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST rhodamine B Chemical C.I. 45170; Basic violet 10; Brilliant Pink B Summary

Formula C28H31ClN2O3 CAS No. 81-88-9 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, green crystals or powder Molar mass 479.02 ADG Class - which forms blue-red aqueous solutions. Dilute solutions are Melting point 210-211°C Packing Group - fluorescent. decomposes UN Number None Dye family rhodamine Flammability Combustible Solubility water1 30 mg/mL Poisons Schedule - ethanol1 50 mg/mL Absorption1 (l ) 543 nm Security - Slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid or max sodium hydroxide solution.

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition H318 Causes serious eye damage sources from the spill area. H412 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill before breaks and at the end of work. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). May cause irritation and burns to the eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS • demonstrations of chemiluminescence

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 STORAGE minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. and light. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do Store away from oxidising agents. NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink.Seek medical Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids. attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Reference: 1. Aldrich Handbook

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST rose bengal Chemical C.I. 45440; acid red 94; rose bengal, disodium salt Summary

Formula C20H2Cl4I4O5.2Na CAS No. 632-69-9 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red-brown to violet powder. Molar mass 1017.65 ADG Class - Dye family xanthene Melting point decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 100mg/mL ethanol1 30 mg/mL UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 548 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. APPLICATIONS • histology: contrast and cytoplasm stain. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink.Seek medical 1% aqueous: Dissolve 1g in 75 mL distilled water. Make up attention. 3 to 100mL. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash References: before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Flinn irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST safranin O Chemical C.I. 50240; Basic red 2 Summary

Formula C20H19ClN4 CAS No. 477-73-6 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark red to dark green crystals or Molar mass 350.85 ADG Class - powder. Dye family phenazine Melting point > 240°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water1 50 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 20 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 530 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H318 Causes serious eye damage Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and H319 Causes skin irritation light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and suitable labelled container. respiratory tracts. May be harmful by ingestion or inhalation. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for APPLICATIONS collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. • histology: stains lignin and plant cell walls; counterstain in Gram stain. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. PREPARATION IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink.Seek medical (i) for Gram stain: Dissolve 1g in 75 mL distilled water. Make attention. up to 100mL.3 (ii) Lignin stain: Dissolve 1 g in 50mL ethanol. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Make up to 100mL with distilled water.4 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 1.Aldrich Handbook 2.Sabnis 3.Gabb & Latchem 4.Dungey position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST Chemical decanedioyl dichloride; sebacoyl dichloride Summary DANGER

Formula C10H16Cl2O2 CAS No. 111-19-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, pale yellow liquid with a pungent ADG Class 8 odour. Molar mass 239.14 -5--3°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in hydrocarbons and diethyl ether. Boiling point 161°C UN Number 3265 Solubility in water Decomposes Specific gravity 1.12 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage ignition. Cover spill with a mixture of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate and non-combustible absorbent such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up with a non-sparking tool into a bucket of water. Allow the mixture to stand overnight. Test the pH (pH paper) and neutralise the SAFE HANDLING solution by addition of HCl (1-2M) or sodium carbonate as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands necessary. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. Dispose before breaks and at the end of work. of residual absorbent material as general waste. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves any contaminated clothing before reuse. (butyl rubber; nitrile for splash contact). Sebacoyl chloride is corrosive and a lachrymator. Exposure may cause irritation WASTE DISPOSAL and burns to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract and on The acid chloride can be decomposed by its reaction with ingestion. Eye exposure to the liquid or vapour may cause aqueous base to give a non-hazardous water-soluble salt. permanent damage. Skin contact may lead to dermatitis. Note that sebacoyl chloride requires 4 equivalents of base Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid breathing for neutralisation. vapour and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid Small quantity: Add the waste acid chloride to sodium prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from heat hydroxide solution (2M) or sodium carbonate solution (2M) and sources of ignition. at the rate of 1mL of acid chloride to 20 mL of aqueous base. The reaction with water gives sebacic acid and hydrogen Carbon dioxide gas will evolve from the reaction with sodium chloride. carbonate. Allow the mixture to stand overnight. Neutralise the solution to pH ~7 by addition of HCl (1-2M) and flush down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and STORAGE arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Ensure container is kept upright to prevent FIRST AID leakage. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from alcohols, oxidising agents, bases, alkali Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue hydroxides, amines, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive liquids (organic acids). IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Take of immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If effects persist, seek Senior chemistry: a reagent in the preparation of nylon. medical attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST silicon, bulk form Chemical silicon pieces; elemental silicon Summary

Formula Si CAS No. 7440-21-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Brittle, odourless, steel grey pieces or black ADG Class - to grey, lustrous needle-like crystals or Molar mass 28.09 platelets. Melting point 1410°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 2355°C UN Number None Soluble in molten alkali oxides. Insoluble in organic solvents and mineral acids. Specific gravity 2.33 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good Not classified as hazardous ventilation. Collect large pieces with a dry clean tool. Scoop up remaining material with a non-sparking tool into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. If the spill material SAFE HANDLING is moist or wet, do not store in a closed container. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash before breaks and at the end of work. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract. Store waste or surplus silicon in the original container or Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and other suitable, labelled container and arrange for collection inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. by a licenced waste disposal contractor. If the material is wet Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. or damp, do not store in a closed container as hydrogen may The flammability of silicon and its reactivity toward water be slowly generated. Small quanitities of bulk silicon can be increase as particle size decreases. Silicon in bulk form is disposed of as general waste; the expected environmental considered non-flammable. However, silicon pieces can fate of elemental silicon is its slow oxidation to form silica. ignite if heated to high temperatures. Silicon dust can form explosive mixtures with air. At room temperature on exposure to air, silicon develops a protective oxide layer. When heated, silicon will react with water, generating flammable hydrogen gas. In case of fire, use dry sand or dry powder suitable for metal fires; do not use water, foam or CO2 extinguisher.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place. Protect from moisture. Store away from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue sources of heat or ignition. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, alkali carbonates, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. active metals and calcium. Seek medical attention Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: qualitative properties of a metalloid position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms element. occur, seek medical attention. Senior physics: investigations of the change in electrical conductivity of silicon with temperature.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST silicon powder Chemical silicon powder, amorphous; elemental silicon Summary WARNING

Formula Si CAS No. 7440-21-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, dark brown powder. Molar mass 28.09 ADG Class 4.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in molten alkali oxides. Insoluble in Melting point 1410°C organic solvents and mineral acids. Boiling point 2355°C UN Number 1346 Solubility in water Insoluble Specific gravity 2.33 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H228 Flammable solid ventilation. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. If the spill material is wet or damp, do not store in a closed container. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus silicon powder in the original (nitrile). Exposure may cause mechanical irritation to the container or other suitable, labelled container and arrange skin, eyes and respiratory tract. for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. If the Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and material is wet or damp, do not stored in a closed container inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. as hydrogen may be slowly generated. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. The flammability of silicon and its reactivity toward water increase as the particle size decreases. Silicon powder can form explosive mixtures with air. Silicon will react with water, generating flammable hydrogen gas; the reaction with silicon dust proceeding at room temperature but requiring heat for silicon of a larger particle size. At room temperature on exposure to air, silicon develops a protective oxide layer. In case of fire, use dry sand or dry powder suitable for metal fires; do not use water, foam or CO2 extinguisher.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from light. Protect from moisture. Store Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue away from sources of heat or ignition. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents, acids, alkali carbonates, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. active metals and calcium. Seek medical attention. Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: demonstration of the redox reaction position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms between sand and magnesium powder, giving occur, seek medical attention. elemental silicon. Technical: preparation of silicon tetrachloride.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST silver Chemical silver metal Summary WARNING

Formula Ag CAS No. 7440-22-4 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Soft, ductile, lustrous, white metallic solid. ADG Class 9 The element has the highest electrical and Molar mass 107.87 thermal conductivity of all the metals. Melting point 961.9°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Boiling point 2212°C UN Number 3077 Insoluble in water. Reacts with nitric and hot sulfuric acids. Insoluble in alkalis. Specific gravity 10.49 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Store in a suitable labelled container for waste silver before breaks and at the end of work. metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contractor or metal recycling facility. (nitrile). Finely divided silver may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation of dust or fumes may lead to metal fume fever. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or fumes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Silver can react explosively with acetylene. Compounds formed with ammonia can become explosive when dry. Silver can act dangerously with oxidising agents and halogens. Hydrogen peroxide may decompose violently in the presence of silver. Finely divided silver is flammable; handle away from sources of ignition. Combustion produces toxic fumes of silver oxides.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from heat and light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from ammonia, oxidising agents, rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. hydrogen peroxide, acids, halogens and alkalis. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: Qualitative properties of the element. position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek Senior chemistry: Product of redox chemistry. medical attention. POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST silver nitrate Chemical lunar caustic; nitric acid, silver (I) salt Summary DANGER

Formula AgNO3 CAS No. 7761-88-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals with a Molar mass 169.87 ADG Class 5.1 bitter taste. Melting point 212°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 433°C Soluble in water, glycerol, hot alcohol and UN Number 1493 aqueous ammonia. 400°C decomposes Specific gravity 4.35 Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 1220 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage sources and combustible material from the spill area. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). The substance is a strong oxidising agent. WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes Store in a suitable labelled container such as the original and respiratory tract. Eye exposure may lead to permanent container or with waste silver metal and salts or their eye damage. solutions. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and contractor. Do not mix with other waste. inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and Silver ions can be precipitated from solution as the chloride clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. by addition of sodium chloride solution. The supernatant Handle away from sources of ignition and flammable or should then be neutralised before washing to waste. combustible materials. The substance can react dangerously with reducing agents, alkali metals and active metals. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE The salt decomposes on exposure to light, becoming grey- black. Traces of organic materials promote the reaction. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 ventilated place. Protect from air and light. Store away from minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. heat and sources of ignition. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from acids, alkalis, reducing agents, alkali IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. metals, organic substances and combustible materials. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical advice/ Do not store on shelves made from wood. attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush any visible particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If symptoms APPLICATIONS develop, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: Tollens’ test; electrochemistry; redox position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms reactions. appear, seek immediate medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST sodium Chemical sodium, elemental Summary DANGER

Formula Na CAS No. 7440-23-5 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Silvery-white, ductile, light, soft metal; rapidly ADG Class 4.3 tarnishes on exposure to air, becoming Molar mass 22.99 greyish-white. Melting point 97.8°C Packing Group I SOLUBILITY Boiling point 881°C UN Number 1428 Reacts violently with water, releasing flammable hydrogen gas. Soluble in liquid Specific gravity 0.968 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - ammonia, giving a blue solution. Flammability Flammable solid Security IDM Cat 2 Solubility in water Reacts with water

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H260 In contact with water releases flammable gases Sodium is air and moisture sensitive. Store in a tightly closed which may ignite spontaneously. container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light. Ensure H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. that metal is protected from moisture by storing under paraffin AUH014 Reacts violently with water. oil. Sodium reacts violently with water; keep away from contact with water. Store away from heat and sources of ignition. Store away from acids, heavy metals, halogenated hydrocarbons, oxidising agents, halogens, alcohols and sulfur. Store with DG Class 4.3 Dangerous When Wet substances. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Sodium is corrosive and a strong SPILLS reducing agent. Exposure can cause severe irritation See Laboratory Notes and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Fumes of burning sodium are highly irritating. The reaction with WASTE DISPOSAL water generates flammable hydrogen gas and caustic Small quantity: See Laboratory Notes sodium hydroxide. Large quantity of waste: Store under mineral oil in a suitable Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Ensure that all tools container and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal used in handling are dry. Handle away from open contractor. flames and other ignition sources. In case of fire, use dry chemical, dry sand, soda ash, or lime; do not use water, foam or CO2 extinguisher.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several APPLICATIONS minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Senior chemistry: In the demonstration of the reaction Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or of an alkali metal with water. doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. PREPARATIONS Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. For detailed safety notes and procedure, see Science IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. ASSIST Standard Operating Procedure: Demonstrating Brush off loose particles from skin. Rinse skin with water/shower. the reaction of alkali metals with water. If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED- metal oxide fumes (unlikely) or hydrogen gas: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 Nov 2016 alkali metals



Principle of destruction: Lithium and sodium are destroyed by their reaction with either water or an alcohol to yield hydrogen gas and the metal hydroxide or metal alkoxide, respectively. The reaction with an alcohol is slower than the reaction with water. + - 2M + 2H2O → 2M + 2OH + H2 + - 2M + 2CH3CH2OH → 2M + 2CH3CH2O + H2

Wear PPE: laboratory coat or apron, closed shoes, safety glasses, gloves (nitrile). Carry out the destruction procedure in an operating fume cupboard. Ensure that there are no ignition sources present. Having a fire blanket close to hand, to smother the reaction if necessary, is also advisable.

DESTRUCTION OF WASTE LITHIUM (up to 1g) To 1-2L of iced water in a beaker or bucket, cautiously add small pieces of lithium, one piece at a time at such a rate that hydrogen evolves in a controlled manner and the reaction does not become violent. Allow each piece to react completely before adding the next. Neutralise the solution with dilute citric acid or hydrochloric acid (1M) to within pH 6-8 and dispose of down the sink.

The method for destruction of sodium by its reaction with ethanol can also be used with lithium.1 Lithium reacts more slowly with ethanol than does sodium, and the lithium-ethanol mixture should be allowed to stand overnight to ensure complete reaction of the metal.

DESTRUCTION OF WASTE SODIUM1 (up to 1g) To 100mL of cold ethanol or methylated spirits in a beaker, cautiously add small pieces of sodium, one piece at a time at such a rate that hydrogen evolves in a controlled manner and the reaction does not become violent. Stir the mixture until all of the sodium has completely reacted. Cautiously add a few mL of water with stirring, and allow the mixture to stand for 1 hour, to ensure that there is no residual unreacted sodium. Dilute the solution with an equal volume of water, and neutralise with dilute citric acid or hydrochloric acid (1M) to within pH 6-8. Dilute ten-fold with water and flush down the sink.

Sodium can also be destroyed by reacting it with isopropanol (propan-2-ol). The reaction of sodium with isopropanol is slower than the reaction with ethanol, and the sodium-isopropanol mixture should be allowed to stand overnight to ensure complete reaction of the metal. A small quantity of ethanol is then added with stirring, and the mixture is allowed to stand for 1 hour. Water is then added, and so on as in the procedure using ethanol.

TREATMENT OF SPILLS OF LITHIUM OR SODIUM2 Wear PPE. Isolate spill area. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Using a dry tool, collect larger pieces of the metal and return them to the storage container. If water is present, cover the residual spill with a 1:1:1 mixture by weight of sodium carbonate, cat litter (bentonite) and dry sand. If no water is present, cover the residual spill with dry sand. Collect material into a corrosion-resistant container with a non-sparking tool. To a large volume of cold ethanol/methylated spirits in a beaker or bucket, slowly add the collected material in small portions with stirring. Allow each portion to react completely before adding the next. Allow the mixture to stand overnight. Add a small volume of water with stirring and allow to stand for 1 hour. Dilute the mixture with an equal volume of water and neutralise to within pH 6-8. Dilute the neutral solution further with water and decant the solution down the sink. Dispose of the solid material in the general waste. Wet the spill area with ethanol/methylated spirits and then rinse with water to ensure destruction of any metal residues.

REFERENCES 1. Adapted from Lunn, G., Sansone, E. B., Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, p 37. 2. Armour, M.A., Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide, CRC Press, 2003, p. 325 and p. 535.

DISCLAIMER While all care has been taken in compiling this information, Science ASSIST can not VERSION accept liability for the completeness or correctness of the information, nor for errors or omissions. 19 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST sodium acetate, anhydrous Chemical sodium ethanoate; acetic acid, sodium salt Summary

Formula CH3CO2Na CAS No. 127-09-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals with a weak ADG Class - odour of acetic acid. Molar mass 82.03 324°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Moderately soluble in Boiling point - UN Number None alcohol. Specific gravity 1.52 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 365 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and dispose of as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Dispose of as general waste. Small (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 1%) can be alkaline. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the eyes and washed down the sink. respiratory tract. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and as for waste dry organic solids and arrange for collection by inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. a licenced waste disposal contractor. Mixing with strong acid generates fumes of acetic acid.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if Senior chemistry: qualitative analysis. effects persist. Technical: preparation of sodium acetate trihydrate; buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium acetate, trihydrate Chemical sodium ethanoate trihydrate; acetic acid, sodium salt, trihydrate Summary

Formula CH3CO2Na.3H2O CAS No. 6131-90-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals with a weak ADG Class - odour of acetic acid. Molar mass 136.08 58°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and diethyl ether. Slightly Boiling point 120°C (-3H2O) UN Number None soluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 1.42 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 613 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and dispose of as general waste. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Small quantity: Dispose of as general waste. Small (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the eyes volumes of dilute solution (concentration < 1%) can be and respiratory tract. washed down the sink. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. as for waste dry organic solids and arrange for collection by Mixing with strong acid generates fumes of acetic acid. a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and is efflorescent in warm, dry air. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue moisture. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general organic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if General science: demonstration of the exothermic process effects persist. of crystallisation from the supersaturated solution. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium bromide Chemical bromide salt of sodium Summary

Formula NaBr CAS No. 7647-15-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 102.89 755°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Moderately soluble in Boiling point 1393°C UN Number None alcohol. Specific gravity 3.20 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 905 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and transfer to a suitable labelled container and store for collection. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Store waste or surplus sodium bromide in the original (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic exposure to small inorganic solid waste. Arrange for collection by a licenced quantities may lead to CNS effects and skin rash. waste disposal contractor. Handle in a well ventilated area. Avoid generating and Waste solutions: Small volumes of dilute solutions inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink. Larger Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. quantity: Store in a container for waste inorganic solutions or alternatively, allow the water to evaporate in an operating fume cupboard and treat the residue as for solid waste.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and light-sensitive. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat. Protect from sunlight and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids, oxidising agents, halogens rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. and alkali metals. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store with general inorganic solids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; redox reactions of the halogens.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium carbonate Chemical soda ash; washing soda Summary WARNING

Formula Na2CO3 CAS No. 497-19-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, hygroscopic powder ADG Class - with a bitter taste. Molar mass 105.99 851°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble Boiling point decomposes UN Number None in alcohol. Insoluble in acetone. Specific gravity 2.53 Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 217 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop spill material into H319 Causes serious eye irritation a plastic container. Small spill: Treat as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Place into a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. Add waste potassium carbonate slowly to a large volume of Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves cold water. Neutralise the solution to within pH 6 - 8 by (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions are strongly basic. addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. Flush the Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and neutral solution down the sink. respiratory tract. May be corrosive, causing burns, at high Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. concentrations or with prolonged or repeated exposure. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Eye contact may result in severe eye damage. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis and skin sensitization. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. To prepare a standard solution, absorbed water can be removed by heating the salt at 260-270°C for 30 minutes, then allowing it to cool in a desiccator.

STORAGE The salt is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in FIRST AID a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms primary standard for acid-base titrations. Senior chemistry: occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: preparation of buffers; neutralising agent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST sodium chloride Chemical rock salt; common salt; halite Summary

Formula NaCl CAS No. 7647-14-5 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals or powder with a ADG Class - characteristic saline taste and odour. Molar mass 58.44 801°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, glycerol and ethylene Boiling point 1461°C UN Number None glycol. Very slightly soluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.17 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 358 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material SAFE HANDLING and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause slight irritation to the Small quantity: Dispose of as general waste (solid) or wash skin, eyes and respiratory tract. down the sink (solutions). Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Solutions may be evaporated with heating in a fume inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. cupboard. Solutions of the salt are corrosive to base metals. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids or solutions, as appropriate, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The salt is somewhat hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed, corrosion-resistant container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Store away from strong oxidising agents and alkali metals. Store with general inorganic solids. FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If symptoms persists, seek medical advice. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If a large amount ingested, seek medical APPLICATIONS advice. General science: qualitative observations of chemical IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash substances; flame tests; observation of an endotherm before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If (mixture with ice). irritation occurs seek medical advice. Senior biology: demonstration of osmosis; germination IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. experiments. Senior chemistry: corrosion experiments; displacement reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium citrate, dihydrate Chemical trisodium citrate dihydrate; sodium citrate tribasic Summary

Formula Na3C6H8O7.2H2O CAS No. 6132-04-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or granular Molar mass 294.10 ADG Class - powder with a pleasant acid taste. Melting point 150°C (-2H O) 2 Packing Group - SOLUBILITY 309.6°C Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 720 g/L (25°C) Specific gravity 1.76 (18°C) Poisons Schedule - (anhydrous) Security - Flammability Combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with a non- SAFE HANDLING sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. Small eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion can result in burns to volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 15): Adjust to the upper digestive and respiratory tracts. within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Larger quantity: Store solid in a suitable labelled container inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. such as for waste dry organic solids. Solutions: Adjust to within pH 6-8 and store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous solutions. Alternatively, allow the solution to evaporate and treat the residue as solid waste. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If symptoms persists, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air. APPLICATIONS General science: food science experiments. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium dichromate dihydrate Chemical bichromate of soda; disodium dichromate dihydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Na2Cr2O7.2H2O CAS No. 7789-12-0 User Group 11-12S (Notes D,K)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Red-orange, odourless, deliquescent ADG Class 6.1 (5.1) crystals. Molar mass 298.00 Melting point 140°C (-2H2O) Packing Group II SOLUBILITY 357°C (anhydrous salt) Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point >400°C decomposes UN Number 3086 Solubility in water 732 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.35 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer; H301 Toxic if swallowed; Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources H312 Harmful in contact with skin; H330 Fatal if inhaled; of ignition and any combustible material from the spill area. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage; H334 May Solid spill: Spills can be covered with damp sand to avoid cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if dust formation. Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool inhaled; H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction; H340 May and place in suitable labelled container. Store for collection. cause genetic defects; H350 May cause cancer; H360 May Solution spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent such damage fertility or the unborn child; H372 Causes damage to as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Treat as for solid spill. organs through prolonged or repeated exposure; H410 Very Apply a dilute solution of a reducing agent (sodium bisulfite, toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects sodium metabisulfite or sodium thiosulfite) to the spill area. Cover the solution with absorbent material (see above). SAFE HANDLING Collect material and add to a large volume of water. The Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands resulting solution should be green due to chromium (III) ion. before breaks and at the end of work. If it is orange or grey, add further reducing agent portionwise Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves with stirring until a green colour is obtained. Dispose of the (nitrile, neoprene). Dichromates are strong oxidising agents solution down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general and are corrosive and highly toxic. Exposure may cause waste. irritation and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes, respiratory Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any tract and on ingestion. Repeated or prolonged exposure contaminated clothing before reuse. can lead to sensitisation and an allergic reaction of the WASTE DISPOSAL skin or respiratory tract. Eye contact can result in burns and The substance must not be disposed of as general waste. permanent damage. Chromium (VI) compounds have been Store waste or surplus sodium dichromate in the original evaluated by the IARC as carcinogenic to humans. container or other suitable labelled container and arrange for Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. or inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes The hazard of chromium (VI) in solution can be lessened by and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle treament with a reducing agent (see above) to give a green away from heat and ignition sources. The purchase of a dilute solution of chromium (III) ions. solution of the potassium salt is recommended so as to avoid handling and storing the solid reagent. FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. The substance is hygroscopic. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. ventilated place. Protect from moisture and sunlight. Store IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. away from heat and sources of ignition. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store away from reducing agents, organic substances and IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. combustible materials. Rinse skin with water/shower. Immediately call a POISONS Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). CENTRE or doctor. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest APPLICATIONS in a position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a Senior chemistry: in dilute solution, to distinguish between POISONS CENTRE or doctor. primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium dithionite Chemical sodium hydrosulfite; sodium sulfoxylate Summary DANGER

Formula Na2S2O4 CAS No. 7775-14-6 User Group 7-12S

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White or yellow-grey, crystalline solid with a ADG Class 4.2 slight odour of sulfur dioxide. Molar mass 174.11 ca 100°C decomposes Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number 1384 Solubility in water 250 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.5 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible. Can Security - self-ignite in moist air.

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H251 Self-heating; may catch fire Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid or solution spill: Cover spill with a 1:1:1 mixture of AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas sodium carbonate, sand and absorbent material such as vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large SAFE HANDLING volume of water. Treat with household bleach and neutralise Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands as for Waste Disposal, and decant the solution down the before breaks and at the end of work. sink. Dispose of residual solid material as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong reducing agent. any contaminated clothing before reuse. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Exposure via inhalation or ingestion can WASTE DISPOSAL result in an allergic response in individuals who are sensitive Small quantity: Add to a large volume of water. Add to to sulfur. the solution an equal quantity of sodium carbonate. Slowly Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated add household bleach in the ratio of 30 mL for each gram area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact of sodium dithionite. Allow to stand for 1-2 hours. Test for with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated the presence of sodium dithionite by addition of 1-2 drops exposure. of silver nitrate solution to 1-2 mL of the dithionite/bleach Keep work area clean and dry. Do not leave the container solution. A black precipitate indicates the presence of open. Toxic sulfur dioxide gas may be produced if the unreacted dithionite; the solution should be treated further substance is heated or exposed to acid. In solution, the with bleach. When the reaction is complete, neutralise to substance will decompose to hydrogen sulfate, thiosulfate within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. and hydrogen sulfite; sulfur dioxide is generated under Large quantity: Store in a separate labelled container strongly acidic conditions. Cool, alkaline solutions (pH 9-11) and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal of the substance are more stable. contractor. Do not mix with any other waste.

STORAGE The substance can heat and ignite spontaneously in air on contact with a small amount of water. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air IF IN EYES: Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue and moisture. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store away from acids, oxidising agents and combustible Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. materials. Store with spontaneously combustible substances IF SWALLOWED: Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. (DG Class 4.2). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If APPLICATIONS irritation or other symptoms occur, seek medical attention. General science: in solution, as a reducing agent; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a experiments with dyes (indigo). position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms appear, seek Technical: cleaning agent for reducing and sequestering medical advice/attention. metal ions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium hydrogen carbonate Chemical sodium bicarbonate; baking soda Summary

Formula NaHCO3 CAS No. 144-55-8 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder Molar mass 84.01 270°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 96 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.22 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up spill material Not classified as hazardous into a plastic container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Small quantity: (i) Seal in a plastic bag and dispose of as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. Alternatively, (ii) Wearing PPE and working in before breaks and at the end of work. a fume cupboard, add waste sodium bicarbonate slowly to a large volume of water. Neutralise the solution to within Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves pH 6 - 8 by addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions are weakly basic. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. respiratory tract. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. cause drying and cracking. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. When heated above 50°C, the bicarbonate gradually decomposes to give sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from FIRST AID moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water. If symptoms occur, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: acid-base chemistry. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: example of a weak base. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: preparation of buffers; neutralising agent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST sodium hydrogen sulfate Chemical sodium bisulfate; sulfuric acid, monosodium salt Summary DANGER

Formula NaHSO4 CAS No. 7681-38-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class 8 a faint acidic odour. Molar mass 120.06 315°C decomposes Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number 3260 Solubility in water 1080 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.103 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust to within pH 6-8 SAFE HANDLING and decant solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic and WASTE DISPOSAL corrosive. Exposure may cause irritation and burns to Solutions: Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye < 1%) can be washed down the sink after neutralising to contact can cause permanent eye damage. within pH 6-8. Larger quantities: neutralise to within pH 6-8 Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated and store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, vapours or mist. inorganic solutions and arrange for collection. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for or repeated exposure. waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a Contact with most metals in the presence of water licenced waste disposal contractor. generates flammable hydrogen gas. Heating to decomposition may generate toxic and corrosive fumes of sulfur oxides and sulfuric acid.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from alkalis, oxidising agents and alcohols. rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms appear, seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; generation POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 of copper sulfate by its reaction with copper oxide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium hydroxide Chemical caustic soda; soda lye Summary DANGER

Formula NaOH CAS No. 1310-73-2 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, hygroscopic pellets ADG Class 8 or flakes. Molar mass 40.00 318-323°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohol and glycerol. Boiling point 1390°C UN Number 1823 Insoluble in acetone and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 2.13 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 1090 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Small spill: Scoop into a plastic container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Large spill: Scoop up and place into a suitable labelled SAFE HANDLING container and store for collection. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse.

Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile). The solid and solutions are highly corrosive; Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. aqueous solutions are strongly basic. Exposure may cause Add waste sodium hydroxide slowly, with stirring, to a large irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract volume of ice-water. Neutralise the solution to within and on ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye pH 6 - 8 by slow addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with damage and permanent injury. Skin contact may cause stirring. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. irritant dermatitis. Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Dissolution of the hydroxide in water generates much heat. Carry out solution preparation in an operating fume cupboard. Place the mixing vessel in an ice-bath and add the solid cautiously to water. Avoid inhaling mist or fumes from the hot solution.

STORAGE The hydroxide is hygroscopic and reacts with carbon dioxide from the air to form sodium carbonate. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away FIRST AID from heat and light. Protect from air and moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Avoid storing solutions of the hydroxide in glass bottles, Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue especially those with glass stoppers, as the hydroxide will rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor react with the glass and the stopper may become fused. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store away from acids, oxidising agents, metals, ammonium NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISONS salts and organic materials. CENTRE or doctor. Store with corrosive solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: an example of a strong base; to position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call demonstrate an exothermic dissolution process. a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: diluted, in acid-base titrations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST sodium hypochlorite, 5-9% solution Chemical bleach; hypochlorous acid, sodium salt Summary WARNING

Formula NaOCl CAS No. 7681-52-9 User Group 7-12S

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale yellow liquid with a pungent chlorine-like ADG Class - odour. Molar mass 77.44 -6°C (5%) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Miscible with water. Reacts with organic Boiling point decomposes UN Number None solvents. Specific gravity 1.1 (6%) Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Dilute spill with water H319 Causes serious eye irritation and wash down the sink with further dilution. AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Dilute to a concentration of ≤ 0.5% and wash down the sink. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Alternatively, sodium hypochlorite solution can be treated (nitrile). The solution is a moderately strong oxidising agent with a reducing agent. 100mL of 10% sodium bisulfite or and is strongly alkaline. Exposure may cause severe sodium metabisulfite will reduce 100 mL of 5% sodium irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on hypochlorite solution. Work in a fume cupboard. Dilute the ingestion. Asthma, dermatitis or conjunctivitis can result hypochlorite solution to a concentration ≤ 5%. Add the from repeated or prolonged inhalation, skin or eye reducing agent slowly to the hypochlorite solution, with exposure (respectively). stirring. Neutralise the resulting solution to within pH 6-8 by Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated cautious addition of hydrochloric acid (1M). Wash the neutral area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist and contact with skin, solution down the sink with further dilution. eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of Large quantity of surplus sodium hypochlorite: Arrange for ignition. Take care when opening the bottle in case of collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. overpressurisation. Mixing bleach with acid, particularly hydrochloric acid, generates toxic chlorine gas.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Commercial bleach solutions are expected to be relatively stable but will decompose slowly over time, releasing low concentrations of oxygen and chlorine gases. Decomposition is FIRST AID accelerated with exposure to heat, sunlight, metal oxides or IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. other impurities. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from reducing agents, strong acids, organic rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. substances, combustible materials, powdered metals, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. amines, ammonium salts. Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE Store with corrosive substances (non-acids). or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ APPLICATIONS shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. General science: example of a household substance. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior biology: an antimicrobial agent. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: determination of chlorine in bleach. occur, seek medical advice/attention. Technical: preparation of chlorine or bromine water; POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 disinfectant.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST sodium hypochlorite, 10-12.5% solution Chemical bleach; hypochlorous acid, sodium salt Summary DANGER

Formula NaOCl CAS No. 7681-52-9 User Group 7-12S

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Pale yellow liquid with a pungent chlorine-like ADG Class 8 odour. Commmercial products of this Molar mass 77.44 concentration are available as swimming Melting point -25°C (8-12.5%) Packing Group III pool ‘chlorine’ or industrial bleach. Boiling point decomposes UN Number 1791 SOLUBILITY Miscible with water. Reacts with organic Specific gravity 1.2 (14%) Poisons Schedule S5 solvents. Flammability Non-combustible Security - Solubility in water Miscible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Dilute spill with water H400 Very toxic to aquatic life and wash down the sink with further dilution. AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING WASTE DISPOSAL Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Dilute to a concentration of ≤ 0.5% and wash down the sink. before breaks and at the end of work. Alternatively, sodium hypochlorite solution can be treated Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves with a reducing agent. 100mL of 10% sodium bisulfite or (nitrile). The solution is a moderately strong oxidising agent sodium metabisulfite will reduce 100 mL of 5% sodium and is strongly alkaline. Exposure may cause severe hypochlorite solution. Work in a fume cupboard. Dilute the irritation and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and hypochlorite solution to a concentration ≤ 5%. Add the respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact may cause reducing agent slowly to the hypochlorite solution, with burns and permanent damage. Asthma, dermatitis or stirring. Neutralise the resulting solution to within pH 6-8 by conjunctivitis can result from repeated or prolonged cautious addition of hydrochloric acid (1M). Wash the neutral inhalation, skin or eye exposure (respectively). solution down the sink with further dilution. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Large quantity of surplus sodium hypochlorite: Arrange for area. Avoid breathing vapour or mist and contact with skin, collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. eyes and clothing. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. Take care when opening the bottle in case of overpressurisation. Mixing bleach with acid, particularly hydrochloric acid, FIRST AID generates toxic chlorine gas. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue STORAGE rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from heat and light. Commercial Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE bleach solutions are expected to be relatively stable but will or doctor. decompose slowly over time, releasing low concentrations of IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated clothing oxygen and chlorine gases. Decomposition is and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/ accelerated with exposure to heat, sunlight, metal oxides or shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. other impurities. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Store away from reducing agents, strong acids, organic position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms substances, combustible materials, powdered metals, occur, seek medical advice/attention. amines, ammonium salts. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Store with corrosive substances (non-acids).

APPLICATIONS General science: (diluted) example of a household substance. Senior biology: an antimicrobial agent. Senior chemistry: determination of chlorine in bleach; pool chemistry investigations. Technical: preparation of chlorine or bromine water; disinfectant.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST sodium iodide Chemical sodium monoiodide Summary WARNING

Formula NaI CAS No. 7681-82-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 149.89 651-661°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohol, acetone and Boiling point 1304°C UN Number None glycerol. Specific gravity 3.67 (20°C) Poisons Schedule Solubility in water 1793 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security IDM Cat 2

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Small quantities of dilute solutions (concentration < 1%) eyes and respiratory tract. The substance is moderately may be washed down the sink. toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Prolonged exposure to Large quantity: Store waste solid in a suitable labelled iodides can lead to iodism in sensitive individuals. container such as for waste inorganic solids. Solutions Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and should be adjusted to within pH 6-8 and stored as aqueous inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and waste.Solutions may be allowed to evaporate in a fume clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. cupboard and the solid residue stored accordingly. The substance can react violently with strong oxidising Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal agents, with generation of iodine fumes. contractor.

STORAGE The salt is deliquescent and on exposure to air and light, gradually turns brown, with liberation of iodine. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place. Protect from air, light and moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkali metals and oxidising agents. rinsing. If eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest APPLICATIONS in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other General science: precipitation reactions. respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium iodate Chemical iodic acid, sodium salt Summary DANGER

Formula NaIO3 CAS No. 7681-55-2 User Group 11-12S (Note B)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 197.89 ADG Class 5.1 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water, acetone and acetic acid. Melting point ca.560°C(decomposes) Insoluble in methanol. Boiling point - UN Number 1479 Solubility in water 81 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 4.28 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition and any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible materials from the spill area. Ensure good H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction ventilation. H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing Solid spill: Collect material with a non-sparking tool and difficulties if inhaled treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Absorb with non-combustible material such SAFE HANDLING as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter). Collect with Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of before breaks and at the end of work. water and reduce the iodate and neutralise the solution as Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves for Waste Disposal. Decant the supernatant down the sink (nitrile). Sodium iodate is a moderately strong oxidising and dispose of solid residue as general waste. agent. Exposure may cause severe irritation and corrosive Wash spill area thoroughly with water; ensure no iodate injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory and digestive tracts. residue remains in contact with combustible material. Wash Eye contact may cause permanent damage. Symptoms of any contaminated clothing before reuse. allergic reaction may include rash, itching or breathing WASTE DISPOSAL difficulty. Iodates are toxic to retinal cells by ingestion; Solid sodium iodate must not be disposed of with general ingestion of a large amount may lead to visual impairment. waste. Store surplus or waste sodium iodate in the original Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating or container or other suitable labelled container. Arrange for inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. collection by licenced waste disposal contractor. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle away from Small quantity of waste solution: Treat with a reducing heat and other sources of ignition. agent: 18 mL of 10% w/v solution of either sodium bisulfite In case of fire, use flooding quantities of water; do not use or sodium metabisulfite will reduce 10 mL of saturated (ca. 0.4M) sodium iodate solution or a solution containing 1g of dry chemical, CO2 or foam extinguisher. the salt. Add the bisulfite or metabisulfite solution to the iodate solution until a persistent pale yellow colour is obtained. Neutralise the solution with sodium carbonate to within pH 6-8 and flush down the sink. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- ventilated place. Over time,sodium iodate can decompose on FIRST AID exposure to light, heat or air and moisture. Protect from air, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture and direct sunlight. Store away from heat and all Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue sources of ignition. rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store away from reducing agents, flammable substances, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. combustible materials, acids and alkalis. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. If APPLICATIONS skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: the iodine clock reaction; demonstration IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a of the Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction. position comfortable for breathing. If experiencing respiratory Technical: preparation of haematoxylin microscopy stain. symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST sodium metabisulfite Chemical sodium disulfite; disodium pyrosulfite Summary DANGER

Formula Na2S2O5 CAS No. 7681-57-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to yellowish crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a slight odour of sulfur dioxide. Molar mass 190.11 > 150°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble Boiling point - UN Number None in alcohol. Specific gravity 1.4 (25°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 650 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material SAFE HANDLING and add to a large volume of water. Treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. Dispose of residual solid material as general before breaks and at the end of work. waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash the spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong reducing agent and contaminated clothing before reuse. forms acidic and corrosive aqueous solutions. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin and severe irritation to WASTE DISPOSAL the eyes and respiratory tract. Eye contact can cause Small quantity: Metabisulfite ion can be oxidised to sulfate permanent eye damage. Repeated exposure can lead to ion by its reaction with hypochlorite (bleach) as follows: sensitisation. Exposure via the skin, inhalation or ingestion mix equal quanities of sodium metabisulfite and sodium can result in an allergic response in individuals who are carbonate and add to a large volume of water. Slowly, with sensitive to sulfites. stirring, add household bleach (5% NaOCl) in the ratio of 19 Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated mL per gram of metabisulfite. Allow the solution to stand for area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust, vapours or mist. several hours. Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and wash down Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged the sink. or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such On contact with acid or on heating, the substance as for waste toxic inorganic substances and arrange for decomposes, liberating toxic sulfur dioxide gas. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with incompatible waste. STORAGE The substance is air- and moisture-sensitive. Oxidation to the sulfate occurs over time on exposure to air, particularly in the FIRST AID presence of moisture. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents and acids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of APPLICATIONS water. Seek medical attention if effects persist. Food science: investigations of its properties as a food/ IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a wine preservative. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention if Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; iodine effects persist. clock reaction; redox titrations. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Technical: for reducing an oxidising substance.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium metasilicate, pentahydrate Chemical disodium metasilicate pentahydrate; water glass Summary DANGER

Formula Na2SiO3.5H2O CAS No. 10213-79-3 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless granules. Molar mass 212.14 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Melting point 72°C (-5H2O) 1090°C (anhydrous) UN Number 3253 Solubility in water 840 g/L (20°C) Boiling point - Poisons Schedule S5 Specific gravity 1.75 Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H335 May cause respiratory irritation Disposal. Solution spill: Neutralise spill and cover with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash the spill area thoroughly with warm water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Transfer to a suitable labelled container such as (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the substance are for waste inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a strongly alkaline. Exposure may cause irritation and burns to licenced waste disposal contractor. the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Solution: Adjust to within pH 6-8. Small amount: wash down Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust and the sink or take up with absorbent material and dispose of as inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and general waste. Larger amount: Transfer to a suitable labelled clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. container such as for waste aqueous solutions and store for The substance reacts with acidic solutions exothermically, collection. forming a gel.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents and acids. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical General science: preparation of crystals and crystal attention if cough or other symptoms occur. gardens; preparation of a silicone polymer. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium molybdate dihydrate Chemical disodium molybdate dihydrate; molybdic acid, disodium salt Summary

Formula Na2MoO4.2H2O CAS No. 10102-40-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals. Molar mass 241.95 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Melting point 130°C (-2H2O) 687°C (anhydrous) UN Number None Solubility in water 840 g/L (20°C) Boiling point - Poisons Schedule - Specific gravity 3.78 (anhydrous) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Transfer to a suitable labelled container such as for waste (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, inorganic solids or aqueous solutions, as appropriate. eyes and respiratory tract. The substance may be harmful Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal if absorbed by inhalation or through the skin and is contractor. moderately toxic by ingestion, particularly in high doses. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents and halogens. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if symptoms occur. Senior chemistry: demonstrations of the oxidation states of molybdenum and of its complexes.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium nitrate Chemical chile saltpetre; nitric acid, sodium salt Summary WARNING

Formula NaNO3 CAS No. 7631-99-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class 5.1 powder with a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 84.99 308°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble Boiling point 380°C UN Number 1498 in alcohol and acetone. Specific gravity 2.26 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 874 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove combustible H302 Harmful if swallowed material and ignition sources from the spill area. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H319 Causes serious eye irritation and treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled SAFE HANDLING container and store for collection. Do not mix with other Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong oxidising agent. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract. The substance is moderately toxic by Solution waste: Small volumes of dilute solutions ingestion or inhalation. (concentration < 1%) may be washed down the sink. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and store for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Handle Concentrated solutions may be allowed to evaporate and the away from heat and ignition sources. sludge stored in a labelled container for collection. Solutions Mixing of the substance with reducing agents and/ of nitrates should not be heated to evaporate and should not or combustible material may result in fire or explosion, be evaporated to dryness. liberating toxic oxides of nitrogen. Do not mix with other waste. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. Alternatively, the salt can be applied as a fertilizer for lawn or The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended. ornamental plants.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Store away from heat and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. sources of ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkali metals, powdered metals, rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. organic substances, reducing agents and combustible IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. materials. Do not store on wooden surfaces. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other APPLICATIONS respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. General science: flame tests. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium oxalate Chemical disodium ethanedioate; oxalic acid, disodium salt Summary WARNING

Formula Na2C2O4 CAS No. 62-76-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless powder. Molar mass 134 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol or ether. Melting point 250-270°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 37 g/L (20°C) Boiling point - Poisons Schedule S6 Specific gravity 2.27 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H312 Harmful in contact with skin Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust to within pH 6-8 SAFE HANDLING and decant solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash the spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). The substance can act as a weak reducing WASTE DISPOSAL agent. Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately alkaline. Store waste or surplus sodium oxalate in a suitable labelled Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury to the container such as for waste organic solids and arrange for skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. contact can cause permanent eye damage. Ingestion can lead to kidney damage. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition may produce toxic fumes of carbon and sodium oxides.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If available, give plenty of milk. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of APPLICATIONS water. Seek medical advice/attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; redox IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a chemistry. position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. Technical: a reducing agent; primary standard for POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 standardising potassium permanganate solution.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium phosphate, dibasic Chemical disodium hydrogen orthophosphate; phosphoric acid, disodium salt Summary

Formula Na2HPO4 CAS No. 7558-79-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a saline taste. Molar mass 141.96 ca 250°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Very slightly soluble in Boiling point - UN Number None alcohol. Specific gravity ca 1.7 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 77 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions alkaline. Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink.Small respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large quantity may cause quanitities of solid may be disposed of as general waste. gastric upset. Larger quantity: Store waste solid in a suitable labelled Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and container such as for waste inorganic solids. Waste solutions inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. can be evaporated in a fume cupboard and the residue The salt may react violently with strong acids. treated as solid waste, or the pH adjusted to within 6-8 and the solution transferred to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous solutions. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, General science: food science experiments. seek medical advice/attention. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium phosphate, monobasic, dihydrate Chemical monosodium dihydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate; Summary phosphoric acid, monosodium salt

Formula NaH2PO4.2H2O CAS No. 13472-35-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 156.02 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water. Practically insoluble in Melting point >170°C decomposes alcohol. Boiling point - UN Number None Solubility in water 850 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.915 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are moderately Small quantity: Small volumes of dilute solutions acidic. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes (concentration < 1%) can be washed down the sink.Small and respiratory tract. Ingestion of a large quantity may quanitities of solid may be disposed of as general waste. cause gastric upset. Larger quantity: Store waste solid in a suitable labelled Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and container such as for waste inorganic solids. Waste solutions inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. can be evaporated in a fume cupboard and the residue treated as solid waste, or the pH adjusted to within 6-8 and the solution transferred to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous solutions. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from strong acids and strong bases. rinsing. Seek medical advice. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis. seek medical advice. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium phosphate, tribasic, dodecahydrate Chemical trisodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Na3PO4.12H2O CAS No. 10101-89-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystalline solid or ADG Class - powder. Molar mass 380.12 ca. 75°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point 100°C (-11H2O) UN Number - Solubility in water 285 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.62 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S5 Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove combustible H319 Causes serious eye irritation material and ignition sources from the spill area. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a SAFE HANDLING large volume of water. Neutralise as for Waste Disposal and Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands decant the solution down the sink. Dispose of solid residue before breaks and at the end of work. as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are strongly contaminated clothing before reuse. alkaline. Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye WASTE DISPOSAL contact can cause permanent eye damage. As appropriate, place in a suitable labelled container such as Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated for waste inorganic solids or adjust the pH to within 6-8 and area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact store with waste aqueous solutions. Arrange for collection by with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated a licenced waste contractor. exposure. Small volume of dilute solution (concentration < 1%): The substance corrodes some metals such as aluminium, Adjust to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. zinc, tin and magnesium, the reaction producing flammable hydrogen gas. The reaction of the salt with acids can be violent and exothermic.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from acids and metals. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest General science: investigations of the chemistry of in a position comfortable for breathing. If cough or other detergents. respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: precipitation reactions; qualitative POISONS CENTRE:13 11 26 inorganic analysis.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium silicate solution Chemical water glass; liquid glass Summary WARNING

Formula Na2O.(SiO2)x(aq) CAS No. 1344-09-8 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless, viscous liquid. ADG Class - The given classification is for a product with Molar mass - composition 1:1 in Na2O and SiO2 and a Melting point < 0°C Packing Group - concentration of 30-60%. Boiling point > 100°C UN Number None SOLUBILITY Soluble in water. Specific gravity 1.2-1.7 Poisons Schedule S5

Solubility in water miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Neutralise spill and H315 Causes skin irritation cover with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or H319 Causes serious eye irritation bentonite. Treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Wash the spill area thoroughly with warm water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands WASTE DISPOSAL before breaks and at the end of work. Small quantity: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink or take up with absorbent material and dispose of as Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves general waste. (nitrile, latex). The substance is highly alkaline. Exposure Large quantity: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer may cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and to a suitable labelled container such as for waste aqueous respiratory tract and on ingestion. solutions. Alternatively, take up with absorbent material and Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhaling mist or transfer to a container for waste inorganic solids. Arrange for vapour. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. prolonged or repeated exposure. The substance reacts with acid exothermically, forming a gel.

STORAGE The solution absorbs CO2 from the air, leading to precipitation of insoluble silica. Freezing and re-melting of the substance may cause the solution to separate, giving an inhomogeneous mixture. Gradual decomposition of the substance may occur with prolonged exposure to FIRST AID temperatures above 32°C. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from air. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Do not store in aluminium, tin or zinc containers; flammable IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. hydrogen gas may be generated on prolonged contact with Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. these metals. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store away from oxidising agents and acids. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water and Store with general inorganic solutions. soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention if symptoms occur. General science: preparation of crystals and crystal gardens; preparation of a silicone polymer.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium sulfate Chemical sodium sulphate; sulfate of soda; sulfuric acid, disodium salt Summary

Formula Na2SO4 CAS No. 7757-82-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder with a bitter, saline taste. Molar mass 142.04 888°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Insoluble in Boiling point > 890°C decomposes UN Number None alcohol. Specific gravity 2.67 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 170 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust to within pH 6-8 SAFE HANDLING and decant solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Small volumes of dilute solutions (concentration < 1%) can inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. be neutralised and washed down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids or aqueous solutions, as appropriate, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention if feeling unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; precipitation reactions; a drying agent.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium sulfide, hydrate Chemical disodium monosulfide hydrate; sodium sulphide Summary DANGER

Formula Na2S.xH2O CAS No. 27610-45-3 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to yellow to brick-red flakes or Molar mass 78.04 (anhydrous) ADG Class 8 crystalline solid with an odour of 240.18 (nonahydrate) hydrogen sulfide. Packing Group II Melting point 50°C (nonahydrate) SOLUBILITY 1176°C (anhydrous) UN Number 1849 Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol. Boiling point - Insoluble in ether and n-octanol. Poisons Schedule S5 Specific gravity 1.43 (nonahydrate) Solubility in water 450 g/L (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove combustible H302 Harmful if swallowed material and ignition sources from the spill area. H311 Toxic in contact with skin Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage and treat as for Waste Disposal. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Solution spill: Cover spill with a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate or calcium carbonate, and sand, vermiculite or SAFE HANDLING bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong reducing agent. Small quantity: Sodium sulfide can be oxidised with bleach Aqueous solutions of the substance are strongly alkaline. (sodium hypochlorite) to give sodium sulfate as follows: Exposure may cause irritation and corrosive injury to the Work in an operating fume cupboard. To 90mL of household skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye bleach (5% NaOCl), add, with stirring, 50mL of 1% NaOH contact can cause permanent injury. solution. To the solution add 1g of sodium sulfide in portions Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated over 1 hour. Stir the mixture for a further 1 hour. Check that area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or vapours. Avoid the oxidant is still in excess: To 2-3 drops of the solution, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or add 2-3 drops of 10% KI solution. Acidify with 1 drop of 1M repeated exposure. Use non-sparking tools. Do not handle HCl. Add 1 drop of starch indicator (1%). A deep blue colour the substance with bare hands. indicates that oxidant is still present, in which case, adjust The substance reacts violently with acid, generating to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. If the oxidant has toxic hydrogen sulfide gas. Heating to decomposition will been consumed, add a further portion of bleach and proceed generate toxic fumes of oxides of sulfur. as before. Anhydrous sodium sulfide is combustible and can self-ignite Large quantity: Place in a suitable labelled container and when heated. store for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with other waste. STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and discolours on exposure to FIRST AID air and light, becoming brown-black. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place. Protect from air, light and moisture. Store rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. away from heat and sources of ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from acids, metals and oxidising agents. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with corrosive solids, with secondary containment. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Some manufacturers recommend storing in the refrigerator. before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Senior chemistry: in dilute solution, demonstration of position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical precipitation reactions. attention. Technical: precipitation of metal ions from waste solutions. POISONS CENTRE:13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium sulfite Chemical disodium sulphite; sulfurous acid, sodium salt Summary DANGER

Formula Na2SO3 CAS No. 7757-83-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder with ADG Class - a saline, sulfurous taste. Molar mass 126.04 > 500°C decomposes Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water and glycerol. Practically Boiling point - UN Number None insoluble in alcohol. Specific gravity 2.63 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 220 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, vermiculite or bentonite, and sand. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Treat with SAFE HANDLING household bleach and neutralise as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Decant the solution down the sink and dispose of residual before breaks and at the end of work. solid material as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash (nitrile, latex). The substance is a strong reducing agent any contaminated clothing before reuse. and is moderately toxic by ingestion of gram doses or larger amounts. Aqueous solutions of the salt are alkaline. WASTE DISPOSAL Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and Small quantity: The sulfite ion can be oxidised to sulfate respiratory tract and on ingestion. Exposure via the skin, ion by its reaction with hypochlorite (household bleach) inhalation or ingestion can result in an allergic response in as follows: mix equal quanitiies of the sulfite and sodium individuals who are sensitive to sulfites. carbonate and add to a large volume of water. Slowly, with Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and stirring, add household bleach (5% NaOCl) in the ratio of 14 inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. mL per gram of sulfite. Allow the solution to stand for several Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. hours. Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. The substance may react violently with oxidising agents. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container The reaction with acids may produce toxic sulfur dioxide and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal gas. Heating to decomposition generates toxic fumes of contractor. Do not mix with other waste. oxides of sodium and of sulfur.

STORAGE The substance is air- and moisture-sensitive. FIRST AID Oxidation to the sulfate occurs over time, on exposure to air. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. moisture. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents and acids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: redox reactions. occur, seek medical advice. Technical: reducing agent; preparation of sulfur dioxide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium tartrate, dihydrate Chemical disodium tartrate dihydrate; tartaric acid, disodium salt Summary

Formula C4H4Na2O6·2H2O CAS No. 6106-24-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Translucent to white crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder. Odourless to slight tartaric odour. Molar mass 230.08 57°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point 120°C (-2H2O) UN Number None Solubility in water 290 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.82 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant the supernatant SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid material as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Small quantity: Dispose of solid as general waste. Small Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and volumes of dilute solutions (concentration<1%) can be inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. washed down the sink. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste organic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If rapid recovery does not occur, seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if Food science: an emulsifier. effects persist.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium tetraborate, decahydrate Chemical borax decahydrate; sodium borate; disodium tetraborate decahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula Na2B4O7.10H2O CAS No. 1303-96-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, granules or ADG Class - powder. Molar mass 381.37 Melting point 62°C (-5H2O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY 320°C (-5H2O) Soluble in water and glycerol. Slightly soluble 743°C (anhydrous) UN Number None in acetone. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point 1575°C decomposes Poisons Schedule S5 Solubility in water 49.74 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.72 (20°C) Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Small spill: SAFE HANDLING Collect material and add to a large volume of water. Adjust Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands to within pH 6-8. Decant the supernatant solution down the before breaks and at the end of work. sink. Larger spill: Collect material and treat as for Waste Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Disposal. (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are alkaline. Wash spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and any contaminated clothing before reuse. respiratory tract. Ingestion may cause gastric upset and CNS effects. Absorption via the skin can occur if the skin WASTE DISPOSAL is damaged or irritated. Reproductive toxicity effects have Small volumes of dilute solution (concentration <1%) can be been shown in animals which were subject to high exposure washed down the sink. Larger quantities of solution can be levels. allowed to evaporate and the solid stored for collection. Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated Larger quantities of solid or solution waste: Store in a area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated solids or aqueous solutions, as applicable, and arrange for exposure. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. The reaction with strong reducing agents, such as alkali metals, will produce flammable hydrogen gas. The substance is non-flammable and has flame retardant properties.

STORAGE The substance is efflorescent in dry air, with crystals FIRST AID developing a powdery coating over time. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. and acids. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in APPLICATIONS a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice if General science: preparation of slime; crystal growing; effects persist. flame test. Technical: buffer preparation.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium thiocyanate Chemical sodium rhodanate; sodium rhodanide; sodium sulfocyanate Summary WARNING

Formula NaSCN CAS No. 540-72-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 81.07 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water and alcohol. Melting point 310°C > 368°C decomposes UN Number None Solubility in water 1250 g/L (20°C) Boiling point Specific gravity 1.74 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302,H312,H332 Harmful if swallowed, in contact with skin Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. or if inhaled Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Disposal. AUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. For very minor spills, collect material and add to a large volume of water. Decant solution down the sink and dispose of residual solid SAFE HANDLING material as general waste. For larger spills, collect material Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands and treat as for Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Chronic WASTE DISPOSAL exposure may lead to gastrointestinal and CNS effects. Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste Ingestion of a large quantity can result in convulsions and inorganic solids and arrange for collection by a licenced loss of consciousness. waste disposal contractor. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust and Solutions: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to a inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic salt clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. solutions and stored for collection. Mixing with acid can generate highly toxic hydrogen cyanide Do not mix with incompatible waste. gas. Heating to decomposition generates highly toxic gases (oxides of sodium, sulfur and nitrogen, and hydrogen cyanide). The reaction with oxidising agents may be violent or explosive.

STORAGE FIRST AID The substance is hygroscopic and light-sensitive. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Decomposition occurs over time, on exposure to light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- rinsing. Seek medical advice. ventilated place away from heat. Protect from moisture and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. sunlight. Give water to drink. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if Store away from oxidising agents and acids. you feel unwell. Store with general inorganic solids. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Rinse skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS General science: preparation of artificial blood. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. Senior chemistry: test for Fe(III) ion; qualitative analysis. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST sodium thiosulfate, pentahydrate Chemical sodium hyposulfite pentahydrate; ‘hypo’ Summary

Formula Na2S2O3.5H2O CAS No. 10102-17-7 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, translucent, odourless crystals or ADG Class - powder. Molar mass 248.18 48°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Boiling point 100°C (-5H2O) UN Number None Solubility in water 701 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.67 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Not classified as hazardous Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Small solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and add to a large volume of water and decant the SAFE HANDLING solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solid material as Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). The substance is a mild reducing agent. Exposure may cause slight irritation to the skin, eyes and WASTE DISPOSAL respiratory tract. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may Small quantity of solution: Small volumes of dilute result in dermatitis. solutions (concentration <1%) can be washed down the sink. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Larger volumes of solutions can be treated with household inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite) to oxidise the thiosulfate Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. to sulfate ion as follows: Add an equal quantity of sodium Heating to decomposition produces toxic fumes of sodium carbonate to the thiosulfate solution. Slowly, with stirring oxide and sulfur oxides. The reaction with acids generates add bleach, in portions, in the ratio of 23 mL of bleach per toxic sulfur dioxide gas. The reaction with oxidising agents gram of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate. Allow the mixture may be violent. to stand for 1-2 hours, then neutralise it to within pH 6-8 and wash down the sink. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for waste inorganic solids or aqueous solutions, as appropriate, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste STORAGE disposal contractor. The substance is hygroscopic in moist air and efflorescent above 33°C in dry air. Thiosulfate in aqueous solution slowly decomposes at room temperature, and more rapidly when heated. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek medical advice if effects persist. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice if feeling unwell. APPLICATIONS IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash General science: investigations of the rate of its reaction before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of with hydrochloric acid. water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. Senior chemistry: titrimetric determination of iodine. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Technical: a reducing agent. position comfortable for breathing.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 28 June 2018 Science ASSIST stearic acid Chemical 1-heptadecanecarboxylic acid; stearophanic acid Summary

Formula C18H36O2 CAS No. 57-11-4 User Group F-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to pale yellow waxy solid (flake, crystal ADG Class - or powder) with a light tallow-like odour. Molar mass 284.48 69-70°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 350°C (decomposes) UN Number None alcohol, acetone, toluene and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 0.941 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.597 mg/L (25°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition Not classified as hazardous sources. Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for waste acid. Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or SAFE HANDLING bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and add to a large Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands volume of water. Neutralise the solution as for Waste before breaks and at the end of work. Disposal. Decant neutral solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solids as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, any contaminated clothing before reuse. eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of large amounts may WASTE DISPOSAL cause gastric irritation. Small quantity: Wrap well in paper and dispose of as Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and general waste. inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes, Alternatively, dissolve waste by adding to 5% sodium and clothing. carbonate solution. Test the pH with pH paper and neutralise the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate or dilute hydrochloric acid (0.5M) in portions as necessary. Flush the neutral solution down the sink. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents and IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. bases. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general organic solids. rinsing. If symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of water and mild soap. If symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms General science: to observe the melting and freezing occur, seek medical attention. points of stearic acid; to observe its emulsifying properties; preparation of hand cream.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST strontium chloride hexahydrate Chemical strontium chloride hexahydrate Summary DANGER

Formula SrCl2.6H2O CAS No. 10025-70-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, white, crystalline needles with ADG Class - sharp, bitter taste. Molar mass 266.61 61°C 150°C (-6H O) Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 874°C (anhydrous) Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol UN Number None and acetone. Boiling point 1250°C anhydrous Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1062 g/L (0°C) Specific gravity 1.93 Security - Flammability Non-combustible

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H318 Causes serious eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources from the spill area. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin, WASTE DISPOSAL eyes and respiratory tract. Store in a suitable labelled container such as the original Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and container or with waste inorganic salts or their solutions. inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contractor. Strontium ions can be precipitated from solution as the sulfate by addition of sodium sulfate solution.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place. Protect from heat, light and moisture. Store FIRST AID away from oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 Store with general inorganic solids. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Brush any visible particles off skin. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: flame tests. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms appear, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST strontium nitrate Chemical nitric acid, strontium salt Summary WARNING

Formula Sr(NO3)2 CAS No. 10042-76-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals, powder or ADG Class 5.1 granules with a bitter taste. Molar mass 211.63 570°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in alcohol Boiling point 645°C decomposes UN Number 1507 and acetone. Specific gravity 2.986 Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 660 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition H302 Harmful if swallowed sources and combustible material from the spill area. H318 Causes serious eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect SAFE HANDLING material with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). The substance is a strong oxidising agent. Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the skin, eyes WASTE DISPOSAL and respiratory tract. Eye exposure may lead to permanent Store in the original container or other suitable labelled eye damage. container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and contractor. Do not mix with other waste. inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and Strontium ions can be precipitated from solution as the clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. sulfate by addition of sodium sulfate solution. Handle away from sources of ignition and flammable or combustible materials. The substance can react dangerously with reducing agents, alkali metals and active metals. There is a risk of explosion if the substance is subject to shock or friction. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place. Protect from air and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 Store away from heat and sources of ignition. minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Store away from acids, alkalis, reducing agents, alkali Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. metals, organic substances and combustible materials. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Do not store on shelves made from wood. Give water to drink. Seek medical attention. Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If symptoms occur, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. General science: flame tests. Senior chemistry: redox reactions; displacement reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST sulfamic acid Chemical sulfamidic acid; aminosulfonic acid Summary WARNING

Formula H3NSO3 CAS No. 5329-14-6 User Group 11-12S

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals or powder. Molar mass 97.09 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY 205°C (decomposes) Packing Group III Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in acetone. Melting point Sparingly soluble in ethanol, methanol. Boiling point - UN Number 2967 Insoluble in diethyl ether. Specific gravity 2.13 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 213 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Absorb spill with non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Add material slowly to a large volume of water. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Neutralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced contractor. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water. (latex, nitrile, neoprene). Sulfamic acid is a moderately Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. strong acid. Exposure can cause irritation and severe burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and on ingestion. Eye contact WASTE DISPOSAL may result in corneal burns with permanent damage. The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated pH shift. area away from sources of ignition. Avoid generating and Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. inhaling dust and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. prolonged or repeated exposure. Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there is no further evolution of CO2. Dispose of the neutral solution down the sink. STORAGE Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away contractor. from heat and source of ignition. In aqueous solution, the acid slowly hydrolyses to form ammonium sulfate and bisulfate. When mixed with water, the acid is corrosive to metals, with generation of flammable hydrogen gas. FIRST AID Store away from oxidising agents and alkalis. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with corrosive solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. APPLICATIONS Seek medical advice/attention. General science: diluted, an example of a fairly strong IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash inorganic acid. before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If Senior chemistry: a primary standard in the determination skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. of basic solutions by titration. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a Technical: to remove limescale and rust from glassware. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST sulfur Chemical flowers of sulfur; sulphur Summary WARNING

Formula S CAS No. 7704-34-9 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Yellow, odourless powder, granules, flakes or ADG Class 4.1 pastilles. Molar mass 32.06 113-119°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in Boiling point 444-445°C UN Number 1350 toluene. Slightly soluble in acetone, ethanol and diethyl ether. Specific gravity 1.96-2.07 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Practically insoluble. Flammability Flammable Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H228 Flammable solid Wear PPE. Remove all sources of ignition. Ensure good H315 Causes skin irritation ventilation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Collect with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Molten sulfur: Cover with sand or other non-combustible SAFE HANDLING absorbent. Collect with a non-sparking tool and treat as for Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Waste Disposal. before breaks and at the end of work. Ventilate spill area and wash thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure to dust or vapour may cause irritation to WASTE DISPOSAL the skin, eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract. Small quantity: If uncontaminated with hazardous material, Symptoms of exposure may include cough, shortness of waste or surplus sulfur can be applied to soil as a breath, headache and nausea. Prolonged or repeated conditioner. The application of sulfur to soil has the effect of exposure can lead to skin sensitisation and dermatitis, and lowering the pH over time. Recommended application rates permanent eye damage. are in the range of 25 to 100 grams of sulfur per square Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and metre, which is dug into the top 10 cm of soil. inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container and Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal The vapour or dust can form combustible mixtures with air. contractor. Be careful not to mix sulfur waste with Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. incompatible chemicals/materials. Burning of sulfur generates harmful and irritating sulfur dioxide gas and should be conducted in an operating fume cupboard.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from light. Protect from moisture. Store IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. away from sources of heat or ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, ammonia, ammonium rinsing. Seek medical attention. nitrate, bases, amines, alkali metals, alkali earth metals, IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. metals and halogens. Seek medical attention. Store with flammable solids (DG Class 4.1). IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If APPLICATIONS skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. General science: qualitative properties of the element; IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a conductivity investigations. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: demonstration simulating the formation occur, seek medical attention. of acid rain; demonstration of the formation of copper sulfide from the elements.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 6 Jan 2016 Science ASSIST sulfur dioxide, generated from a reaction Chemical sulphur dioxide; sulfurous oxide Summary DANGER

Formula SO2 CAS No. 7446-09-5 User Group Staff

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA Colourless gas with a pungent, Molar mass 64.06 Vapour density (air = 1) 2.26 irritating odour. Melting point -75°C Liquid density (water = 1) - Boiling point -10°C Flammability Non-combustible Solubility in water 228.3 g/L (0°C) Flammability Range (% by volume of air) 112.7 g/L (20°C) -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Evacuate the H331 Toxic if inhaled Accidental release of SO2 into the lab: laboratory. Open external windows. Close internal windows. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solution spill: Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Dilute spill with a solution of bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution). Absorb spill and wash down the sink. Rinse spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wear PPE. Work in an operating fume cupboard. Discharge (neoprene, nitrile). Sulfur dioxide is toxic and corrosive residual SO2 gas or solution into a dilute solution of bleach and has both oxidising and reducing properties; aqueous (5.25% sodium hypochlorite). A solution prepared by diluting solutions of the gas are acidic. Exposure may cause 10mL of bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) in a large irritation and possible burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory volume of water is sufficient to oxidise 100 mL of 2SO . tract. Eye exposure can cause permanent eye damage. Immerse contaminated glassware in the bleach solution. Allow the reaction mixture to stand for 1h and then wash to Inhalation of SO2 can aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma. waste. Unused copper turnings can be rinsed, dried and Preparation and handling of the gas should only be carried stored for future use. out in an operating fume cupboard by trained staff. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. PREPARATION NOTES Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Sulfur dioxide can be prepared by gently heating a mixture The substance can react dangerously with oxidising of copper turnings and concentrated sulfuric acid or agents, reducing agents, strong alkalis and strong acids. alternatively, by treating a sample of sodium hydrogensulfite It is corrosive to most metals in the presence of water, the with dilute sulfuric acid. The gas is collected directly into the reaction liberating flammable hydrogen gas. receiving vessel by upward displacement of air. The use of microscale techniques in the generation of the The sulfuric acid is usually the limiting reagent. gas is recommended. When sufficient gas has been collected, water should be added to the reaction vessel to quench the reaction.

SULFUR DIOXIDE SOLUTION FIRST AID Sulfur dioxide hydrolyses in water, forming sulfurous acid, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 H2SO3, which is slowly oxidised to sulfuric acid, H2SO4, on minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. exposure to air. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Saturated solutions of sulfurous acid are toxic and corrosive. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion of the gas is considered Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid inhalation of vapour unlikely. In case of ingestion of sulfurous acid solution: Rinse or mist. mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. APPLICATIONS Seek medical advice/attention. Demonstration of the preparation and properties of sulfur IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a dioxide gas. position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical advice/attention. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 19 November 2018 Science ASSIST sulfuric acid Chemical oil of vitriol; sulphuric acid Summary DANGER

Formula H2SO4 CAS No. 7664-93-9 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless to slightly yellow, oily, highly ADG Class 8 corrosive, hygroscopic liquid with a faint acid Molar mass 98.08 odour. Melting point -1.1°C (98%) Packing Group II SOLUBILITY Boiling point 327.2°C (98%) UN Number 1830 Miscible with water and ethanol (mixing generates heat). Specific gravity 1.84 (20°C, 98%) Poisons Schedule S6

Solubility in water Miscible Flammability Non-combustible Security CSC IDM Cat 3

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H290 May be corrosive to metals Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Absorb spill with H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage non-combustible absorbent such as a 1:1:1 mixture of sodium carbonate, bentonite (clay cat litter) and sand. Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. SAFE HANDLING Small spill: Add material to a large volume of water. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Neutralise as for waste disposal. Decant the neutral solution before breaks and at the end of work. down the sink. Dispose of solid material as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Large spill: Place material in a suitable labelled container. (Viton®, butyl, neoprene; nitrile for splash protection). The Arrange for collection by a licenced contractor. Wash spill concentrated acid is highly corrosive and has powerful area thoroughly with water. Wash any contaminated clothing dehydrating properties. It should be handled with care. before reuse. Exposure to both the liquid and mist can cause severe irritation and burns to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract WASTE DISPOSAL and on ingestion. Eye contact may result in severe eye The acid is harmful to the aquatic environment due to the pH damage and permanent injury. shift. Handle only in an operating fume cupboard. Do not breathe Small quantity: Wear PPE and work in a fume cupboard. vapour or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Add the waste acid slowly to a large volume of water. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Neutralise the solution to between pH 6 and 8 with sodium Dilution of the concentrated acid generates much heat. carbonate, adding the base cautiously in portions until there When diluting, the mixing vessel should be cooled is no further evolution of CO2. Dispose of the neutral solution (ice-water bath) and the acid added cautiously to water. down the sink. Never add water to the concentrated acid. Large quantity: Store in a suitable labelled container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. STORAGE The concentrated acid is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed, labelled container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Ensure FIRST AID container is kept upright to prevent leakage. Check container IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. and lid periodically for damage. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from reducing agents, oxidising agents, alkalis, rinsing. Immediately call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor. metals, organic substances and combustible materials. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Concentrated sulfuric acid should be stored separately from NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. all other chemicals, on a low shelf, with secondary IF ON SKIN: Remove immediately all contaminated cloth- containment. ing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water/shower. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a General science: an example of a strong inorganic acid. POISONS CENTRE or doctor. Senior chemistry: a catalyst in ester preparation; to demonstrate the dehydration of sugar. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST tartaric acid Chemical L-(+)-tartaric acid; (2R,3R)-dihydroxysuccinic acid Summary WARNING

Formula C4H6O6 CAS No. 87-69-4 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystalline solid. ADG Class - L-tartaric acid is the naturally occurring Molar mass 150.09 isomer. Melting point 169°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point decomposes UN Number None Soluble in water, ethanol, methanol, propanol, diethyl ether, and glycerol. Specific gravity 1.76 (20°C) Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water 1390 g/L (20°C) Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H315 Causes skin irritation Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Eliminate all ignition H319 Causes serious eye irritation sources. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solid spill: Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for waste acid. Liquid spill: Cover spill with sodium carbonate or a 1:1:1 mixture of sand, sodium carbonate and vermiculite or SAFE HANDLING bentonite (clay cat litter). Scoop up and add to a large Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands volume of water. Neutralise the solution as for Waste before breaks and at the end of work. Disposal. Decant neutral solution down the sink. Dispose of residual solids as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, any contaminated clothing before reuse. eyes and respiratory tract. WASTE DISPOSAL Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and Small quantity: Dilute waste to a concentration of about 5% inhaling dust. Avoid ingestion and contact with skin, eyes, by slowly adding the acid to water with stirring. Neutralise and clothing. the solution to within pH 6-8 by addition of sodium carbonate In aqueous solution, tartaric acid is mildly corrosive to in portions (test with pH paper). Flush the neutral solution reactive metals such as aluminium, iron, tin and zinc. down the sink with further dilution. Large quantity: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container, such as for waste dry organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents, reducing agents, bases, FIRST AID hydrogen peroxide, silver and silver compounds. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general organic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a POISONS CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash APPLICATIONS before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with water. General science: crystal growing; an ingredient IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a (food grade) in sherbet. position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: titration of a diprotic acid. occur, seek medical attention. Technical: preparation of buffer solutions. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 9 Dec 2016 Science ASSIST tartrazine Chemical C.I.19140; acid yellow 23 Summary

Formula C16H12N4O9S2.3Na CAS No. 1934-21-0 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Bright orange-yellow, odourless powder. Molar mass 534.36 ADG Class - Dye family pyrazolone; azo Melting point > 300°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 300 mg/mL ethanol1 0.8 mg/mL UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 425 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing sources from the spill area. difficulties if inhaled Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a suitable labelled container. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. SAFE HANDLING Pick up any residual material with dampened paper Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill before breaks and at the end of work. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves contaminated clothing before reuse. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation or skin contact may induce an allergic WASTE DISPOSAL reaction in susceptible individuals. Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

APPLICATIONS • histology: contrast stain. • determination of tartrazine in food.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. STORAGE Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue The substance is hygroscopic. rinsing. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do light. Protect from moisture. NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink.If effects persist, Store away from acids, bases, oxidising agents and reducing seek medical advice/attention. agents.Store with general organic solids or with other dyes IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash and indicators. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST thymol blue Chemical Thymolsulfonphthalein Summary

Formula C27H30O5S CAS No. 76-61-9 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Dark green crystals or powder with a Molar mass 466.59 ADG Class - characteristic odour. Dye family sulfonephthalein Melting point 221-224°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 0.6 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 70 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in acetic acid and dilute alkali solution. 1 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 594 nm, 376 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H302 Harmful if swallowed Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with ethanol. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves a suitable labelled container. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or tract. May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or if absorbed bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. through the skin. Pick up any residual material with paper towel dampened When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure with ethanol and transfer to the waste container. Wash the there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. APPLICATIONS Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add pH indicator ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 1.2 pH 2.8 pH 8 pH 9.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue red yellow yellow blue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical PREPARATION advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1 g in 50mL ethanol. Make up to 250mL with before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If distilled water.2 irritation develops or persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a References: 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Gabb & Latchem position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST tin Chemical tin pieces, foil, granules Summary

Formula Sn CAS No. 7440-31-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Soft, silver-white, ductile, malleable metal. ADG Class - Tin metal changes to a brittle, grey non- Molar mass 118.71 metallic powder over years at temperatures Melting point 232°C Packing Group - below 13°C. Boiling point 2507°C UN Number None SOLUBILITY Specific gravity 7.3 Insoluble in water. Reacts with hydrochloric Poisons Schedule - acid, sulfuric acid, aqua regia, alkali solution. Flammability Poorly flammable Flammable in Security - Solubility in water Insoluble powder form

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Store in a suitable labelled container for waste tin metal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal before breaks and at the end of work. contractor or metal recycling facility. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Elemental tin is of low oral toxicity. Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle away from sources of ignition. Tin can react dangerously with oxidising agents and halogens. Combustion produces toxic fumes of tin oxides. More finely divided tin may react when heated with water or steam, producing flammable hydrogen gas.

STORAGE Tin powder becomes oxidised over time on exposure to air and moisture. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from oxidising agents, acids and alkalis. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If large amount ingested, seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms occur, seek General science: investigating the properties of metals. medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST tin (II) chloride dihydrate Chemical stannous chloride, dihydrate Summary DANGER

Formula SnCl2.2H2O CAS No. 10025-69-1 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White to yellow, odourless crystals. Molar mass 225.63 ADG Class 8 SOLUBILITY Packing Group II Soluble in water, alcohol, hydrochloric acid, Melting point 38°C glacial acetic acid and and sodium hydroxide Boiling point 623°C (anhydrous) UN Number 3260 solution. Specific gravity 2.71 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 1187 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H332 Harmful if inhaled and treat as for Waste Disposal. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbant, non-combustible H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child material and treat as for Waste Disposal. H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any repeated exposure contaminated clothing before reuse. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Store in a suitable labelled container such as the original container or with waste heavy metal salts or their solutions. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal before breaks and at the end of work. contractor. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Tin ions can be precipitated from solution as hydrated tin (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the oxides at approximately pH 7. skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Eye exposure may lead to permanent eye damage. High inhalation exposure may lead to metal fume fever. Skin exposure may lead to sensitisation. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Heating to decomposition generates corrosive and toxic fumes of hydrogen chloride.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 The salt is moisture-sensitive and absorbs oxygen from the minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. air, forming the insoluble oxychloride. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. ventilated place away from heat and light. Give water to drink. Seek immediate medical advice/ Protect from air and moisture. attention. Store away from acids, alkali metals and oxidising agents. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with corrosive solids (DG Class 8). before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: electrochemistry; redox reactions. attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST toluidine blue Chemical C.I. 52040; Basic Blue 17; Tolonium chloride Summary

Formula C15H16ClN3S CAS No. 92-31-9 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green crystalline powder with bronze Molar mass 305.82 ADG Class - lustre. Dye family phenothiazine Melting point > 200°C Packing Group - Solubility water1 10 mg/mL UN Number None 1 ethanol 4 mg/mL Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule - Soluble in methanol. 2 Security - Absorption (lmax ) 626 nm, 630 nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classifed as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory suitable labelled container. tract. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or through the skin. bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, work in Pick up any residual material with dampened paper an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating or inhaling towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. contaminated clothing before reuse. WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. histology: metachromatic dye; stains chromosomes, Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add endoplasmic reticulum, cartilege; in botany, for staining ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add lignin. aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH pH pH pH IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical PREPARATION advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash 0.05% aqueous stain for lignin: Dissolve 0.05 g in 100mL of before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If distilled water.3 irritation persists, seek medical attention. References: IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a 1. Aldrich Handbook 2. Sabnis 3. Dungey position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 26 November 2018 Science ASSIST tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Chemical Tris base; THAM; trometamol Summary

Formula C4H11NO3 CAS No. 77-86-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless crystals. Molar mass 121.13 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Soluble in water and ethanol. Slightly soluble Melting point 168-172°C in acetone, ethyl acetate and ethyl acetate. Boiling point 219-220°C UN Number None Solubility in water 800 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.353 (23°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Scoop up with a Not classified as hazardous non-sparking tool. Place in a suitable labelled container and store for collection. Solution spill: Cover with absorbent material such vermiculite, bentonite (clay cat litter) and/or sand. Scoop up into a plastic container. Dilute with water, and neutralise as SAFE HANDLING for Waste Disposal. Decant the neutral solution down the Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sink and dispose of residual solid material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Waste solution: Neutralise the solution to within pH 6 - 8 (nitrile). Aqueous solutions are moderately alkaline. by addition of 5% hydrochloric acid, with stirring. Flush the Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and neutral solution down the sink. respiratory tract. Waste buffer solution (pH ~ 7):Flush down the sink with Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating dust. further dilution. Avoid inhalation and contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Waste solid: Store in the original container or other suitable Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. labelled container such as for waste organic solids. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat FIRST AID and light. Protect from moisture. Store away from sources of IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. heat or ignition. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, bases and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical attention. Store with general organic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin thoroughly with water. If symptoms occur, seek medical advice. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical advice/attention. Senior biology/Technical: preparation of buffer solutions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 24 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST Universal Indicator Chemical Universal Indicator Solution (pH 3 - pH 11) (Chem-Supply) Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. n/a User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Green solution with an ethanolic odour, Molar mass - ADG Class 3 which turns a red over time. Mixture of four indicators in ethanol/water. Melting point -37°C Packing Group II UN Number 1933 Solubility water soluble Specific gravity ca 0.8 ethanol soluble Poisons Schedule - Soluble in n-octanol, Flammability Highly flammable methanol, and acetone. Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. H319 Causes serious eye irritation Store away from heat and sources of ignition. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with flammable liquids (DG Class 3) in an AS compliant cabinet.

SAFE HANDLING SPILLS Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition sources from the spill area. Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or bentonite. (nitrile). May cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory Collect material with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a tract. Ingestion or inhalation may lead to CNS effects. Eye suitable labelled container. exposure may cause eye damage. Wash the spill area thoroughly with water and detergent. Contains phenolphthalein which has been evaluated by the Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Avoid generating or inhaling vapour, aerosols or dust. Avoid WASTE DISPOSAL contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or Store in the original container or other suitable labelled repeated exposure. container such as for non-halogenated liquid waste. Arrange There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying areas. for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor. The vapour can form explosive mxtures with air and can travel to an ignition source and flash back. Handle away from sources of heat and ignition.

FIRST AID IF IN EYES: Immediately irrigate with water for at least 15 APPLICATIONS minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. • pH indicator Continue rinsing. If rapid recovery does not occur, obtain medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. If effects persist, seek medical advice. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash COLOUR CHANGE before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention. From red through to purple over the range of pH 3-11 IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms appear, seek medical attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST white spirit Chemical low aromatic white spirit; heavy naphtha Summary DANGER

Formula n/a CAS No. 64742-82-1 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Clear colourless liquid with a paraffinic odour. ADG Class 3 A mixture of hydrocarbons with a carbon Molar mass - number predominantly in the range C7-C12. Melting point - Packing Group III Less dense than water. Boiling point 90-230°C UN Number 1300 SOLUBILITY Miscible with aromatic and aliphatic Specific gravity 0.78 (15°C) Poisons Schedule S5 petroleum solvents. Flammability Flammable Security - Solubility in water Insoluble

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H226 Flammable liquid and vapour Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove all sources of H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways ignition. H315 Causes skin irritation Small spill: Absorb with paper towel or cover with H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects non-combustible absorbent such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite (clay cat litter), collect with a non-sparking tool and place in a shallow vessel. Allow the solvent to evaporate SAFE HANDLING in an operating fume cupboard. Dispose of the absorbent Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands material as general waste. before breaks and at the end of work. Large spill: Cover with non-combustible absorbent (see above). Scoop up with a non-sparking tool. Place in a Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves suitable labelled container and store for collection. (nitrile). White spirit is flammable and has a low flash point. Ventilate the spill area and wash with detergent and water. Inhalation exposure may cause respiratory irritation, Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. drowsiness and dizziness. Skin or eye contact may cause WASTE DISPOSAL mild irritation. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may Small quantity: Absorb onto paper towel or place in a cause dryness, cracking and dermatitis. Prolonged or shallow vessel. Allow the solvent to evaporate in an repeated exposure may lead to hearing loss. There is a risk operating fume cupboard. of aspiration into the lungs if ingested. Large quantity: Store in original container or other suitable Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated labelled container, such as for non-halogenated organic area. Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist. Avoid contact with liquid waste, and arrange for collection by a licenced waste skin, eyes and clothing. disposal contractor. There is potential for the vapour to collect in low-lying, Empty containers can contain explosive vapours. Empty confined areas. Vapours will form explosive mixtures with containers should be rinsed thoroughly with water and the air. Vapours will travel to the source of ignition and flash rinsings absorbed onto inert material such as vermiculite or back. Handle away from heat and sources of ignition. bentonite and treated as for spills. Washed empty containers can be disposed of as general waste.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from light. Ensure container is kept Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue upright to prevent leakage. Store away from sources of heat rinsing. Seek medical attention. or ignition. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Store away from oxidising agents, acids and bases. Seek immediate medical attention. Store with flammable liquids in an AS compliant cabinet. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: solvent for extracting non-polar position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISONS compounds; solvent for chromatography. CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 Nov 2016 Science ASSIST xylene cyanole Chemical C.I. 42135; Acid Blue 147 Summary WARNING

Formula C25H27N2O6S2.Na CAS No. 2650-17-1 User Group 11-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Blue to dark green crystals or powder. Molar mass 538.61 ADG Class - Melting point 295°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water 1 g/L (20°C) UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE H315 Causes skin irritation Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat H319 Causes serious eye irritation and light. H335 May cause respiratory irritation Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and suitable labelled container. respiratory tract. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • tracking dye in gel electrophoresis; Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add • component of ‘screened methyl orange’ (pH indicator). ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID pH 3.2 pH 4.2 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue violet green rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical PREPARATION attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Gel electrophoresis: 0.03% when mixed with the sample. before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If Screened methyl orange: Dissolve 0.2 g methyl orange and irritation persists, seek medical attention. 0.28 g xylene cyanol in 50mL ethanol. Make up to 100mL IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a with distilled water. position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST xylenol orange, sodium salt Chemical XO Dye; Cresolphthalexon S Summary

Formula C31H28N2O13S. 4Na CAS No. 3618-43-7 User Group 7-12S (Note E)

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Brown-purple solid with a characteristic Molar mass 760.58 ADG Class - odour. Dye family sulfonephthalein Melting point 210°C decomposes Packing Group - Solubility water 510 g/L UN Number None Flammability Combustible Poisons Schedule -

Security - Absorption (lmax) 433nm, 573nm

HAZARD STATEMENTS STORAGE Not classified as hazardous Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from heat and light. Store away from oxidising agents. Store with dyes and indicators or with general organic solids.

SPILLS SAFE HANDLING Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove ignition Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands sources from the spill area. before breaks and at the end of work. Solid: Do not dry-sweep up a fine powder. Dampen spill with Wear PPE:safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves water. Collect spill with a non-sparking tool and transfer to a (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and suitable labelled container. respiratory tract. Solution: Cover spill with paper towel, sand, vermiculite or When transferring the solid, or preparing solutions, ensure bentonite and transfer to a suitable labelled container. there is good ventilation. Avoid generating or inhaling dust Pick up any residual material with dampened paper or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. towel and transfer to the waste container. Wash the spill Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. area thoroughly with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL Solid waste: Store in the original container or other suitable APPLICATIONS labelled container such as for dry organic solid waste. • complexation agent: for titrimetric determination of Fe(III) Solution waste: Store for collection. Alternatively, add and other multivalent metal ions. ethanolic solutions to the non-halogenated waste bottle, add aqueous waste to the aqueous waste bottle. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal contractor.

COLOUR CHANGE FIRST AID free chelated IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue red yellow rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Seek medical PREPARATION advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Dissolve 0.1 g in 100mL of distilled water.1 before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If Reference: 1. Gabb & Latchem irritation persists, seek medical attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 29 November 2018 Science ASSIST zinc Chemical zinc sheet, foil, granules Summary

Formula Zn CAS No. 7440-66-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Bluish-grey, odourless, lustrous metal. ADG Class - Becomes malleable when heated Molar mass 65.39 to 100-150°C. Melting point 419°C Packing Group - SOLUBILITY Boiling point 907°C UN Number None Insoluble in water. Reacts with acids and alkalis. Specific gravity 7.14 Poisons Schedule -

Solubility in water Insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Sweep up material with a non-sparking tool. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area with water and detergent. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse.

WASTE DISPOSAL SAFE HANDLING Store in a suitable labelled container for waste zinc Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands metal. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal before breaks and at the end of work. contractor or metal recycling facility. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. If reacted to give salts or zinc oxide, high acute exposure to dust or fumes may result in metal fume fever. Zinc in compact form, such as sheet or granules, does not pose a flammability hazard. The reaction with acid or alkali generates flammable hydrogen gas. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE On exposure to moist air, zinc will gradually develop a white passivating layer of zinc carbonate. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place away IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. from heat and light. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If large amount ingested or if effects persist, seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a General science: investigating the physical and chemical position comfortable for breathing. If symptoms occur, seek properties of metals. medical attention. Senior chemistry: electrochemistry, redox reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST zinc powder Chemical zinc powder, stabilised Summary WARNING

Formula Zn CAS No. 7440-66-6 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, grey powder. Molar mass 65.39 ADG Class 9 SOLUBILITY Packing Group III Reacts with water, acid or alkali. Melting point 419°C 907°C UN Number 3077 Solubility in water Decomposes Boiling point Specific gravity 7.14 Poisons Schedule - Flammability Combustible Security - Poorly flammable

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any ignition sources. Using a non-sparking tool, collect spill material and transfer to a suitable non-reactive container. Treat as for Waste Disposal. Wipe surfaces with dampened paper towel to remove SAFE HANDLING residual zinc dust. Ensure that the zinc dust is destroyed Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands by treating the paper towel with dilute acid (0.1M HCl), then before breaks and at the end of work. rinse the paper towel under water and dispose of as general waste. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any (nitrile). Exposure may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes contaminated clothing before reuse. and respiratory tract. Inhalation exposure to zinc oxide fumes may lead to metal fume fever. WASTE DISPOSAL Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Keep away from heat and ignition Store in the original container or other suitable labelled sources. container. Arrange for collection by a licenced waste disposal The powder reacts violently with acid or alkali, wtih evolution contractor or metal recycling facility. of flammable hydrogen gas. There is a risk of explosion with halogens, or oxidising agents or if heated with sulfur. Zinc powder poses a risk of a dust explosion in the presence of an ignition source. In case of fire, use sand or dry chemical as the extinguishing agent.

STORAGE On exposure to moist air, zinc will gradually develop a white passivating layer of zinc carbonate. Store in a tightly closed FIRST AID container in a cool, dry place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Protect from moisture. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store away from acids, alkalis and oxidising agents. rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. Store with general inorganic solids. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical advice/attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: electroplating/alloys - turning copper occur, seek medical attention. coins silver and gold.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 22 November 2018 Science ASSIST zinc acetate, dihydrate Chemical zinc diacetate; zinc (II) acetate, dihydrate Summary WARNING

Formula Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O CAS No. 5970-45-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals with a weak odour of acetic acid and an astringent taste. Molar mass 219.51°C ADG Class 9 >100°C (-2H O) SOLUBILITY Melting point 2 Packing Group III Soluble in water and alcohol. 237°C UN Number 3077 Boiling point - Solubility in water 430 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 1.74 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H319 Causes serious eye irritation Solid spill: Disposal. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. SAFE HANDLING Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste (nitrile). Exposure may cause irritation and possible burns to disposal contractor. the skin and eyes and gastrointestinal tract. Inhalation may Solutions: Store in a bottle for waste heavy metal solutions cause respiratory tract irritation and possible lung damage. and arrange for collection. Zn (II) ions can be precipitated Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and from solution as the hydroxide at pH 9.5. inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

FIRST AID STORAGE IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue ventilated place away from heat and light. rinsing. If effects persist, seek medical attention. Store away from alkalis and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with general inorganic solids. NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms appear, seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; displacement reactions; redox reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc carbonate basic Chemical zinc carbonate hydroxide; carbonic acid, zinc salt Summary

Formula [ZnCO3]2·[Zn(OH)2]3 CAS No. 5263-02-5 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION White, odourless powder. Molar mass 548.96 ADG Class - SOLUBILITY Packing Group - Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in dilute Melting point ca 1970°C acids with evolution of carbon dioxide, and in Boiling point - UN Number None dilute alkalis. Specific gravity 3.5 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water Practically insoluble Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Not classified as hazardous Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy eyes and respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation exposure metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste may lead to symptoms of metal fume fever. disposal contractor. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. The substance reacts explosively when heated with powdered magnesium or aluminium.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: thermal decomposition of zinc carbonate occur, seek medical advice/attention. to form zinc oxide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc chloride Chemical zinc dichloride; butter of zinc Summary DANGER

Formula ZnCl2 CAS No. 7646-85-7 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless deliquescent crystals or powder ADG Class 8 with an acrid odour. Molar mass 136.3 ca 290°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Melting point Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerol and Boiling point 732°C UN Number 2331 diethyl ether. Specific gravity 2.91 (25°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 851 g/L (25°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H302 Harmful if swallowed Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). The salt is corrosive and forms acidic Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for aqueous solutions. Exposure may cause irritation and heavy metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced corrosive injury to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and waste disposal contractor. on ingestion. Inhalation may lead to metal fume fever. Eye Solution: Neutralise to within pH 6-8 and transfer to a bottle contact may cause permanent eye damage. for waste heavy metal solutions and arrange for collection. Handle in an operating fume cupboard. Avoid generating Zn (II) ions may be precipitated from solution as the and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes hydroxide at pH 9.5. and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Aqueous solutions of the salt are corrosive to most metals. Contact with acids will generate toxic and corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride gas. Heating to decomposition generates fumes of hydrogen chloride and zinc oxide.

STORAGE The substance is hygroscopic and deliquescent. FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. moisture. Continue rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from alkali metals and oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with corrosive solids (DG Class 8). NOT induce vomiting. Do not attempt to neutralise. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek immediate medical Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; attention. displacement reactions; redox reactions. POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc oxide Chemical zinc monoxide; flowers of zinc; zincite Summary WARNING

Formula ZnO CAS No. 1314-13-2 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, white or greyish granules Molar mass 81.39 ADG Class 9 or powder. Melting point 1975°C Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Practically insoluble in water. Insoluble in Boiling point - UN Number 3077 alcohol. Soluble in acids and alkalis. Specific gravity 5.61 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Solubility in water 0.0016 g/L (29°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy eyes and respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation exposure metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste may lead to metal fume fever. disposal contractor. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- ventilated place away from heat and light. FIRST AID Store away from acids and oxidising agents. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store with general inorganic solids. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice/attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. If effects persist, seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. If irritation persists, seek medical advice/attention. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms Senior chemistry: redox reactions; sunscreen chemistry. occur, seek medical advice/attention.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc nitrate, hexahydrate Chemical zinc (II) nitrate hexahydrate; nitric acid, zinc salt Summary WARNING

Formula Zn(NO3)2.6H2O CAS No. 10196-18-6 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless crystals or powder with a slight ADG Class 5.1 odour of nitric acid. Molar mass 297.48 Melting point ca 36°C Packing Group II SOLUBILITY 105-131°C (-6H2O) Soluble in water and alcohol. UN Number 1514 Boiling point - Solubility in water 1843 g/L (20°C) Specific gravity 2.065 (20°C) Poisons Schedule - Flammability Non-combustible Security - oxidising solid

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Remove any H302 Harmful if swallowed combustible material or ignition sources from the spill area. H315 Causes skin irritation Solid spill: Collect spill material with a non-sparking tool H319 Causes serious eye irritation and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution spill: Cover spill with non-combustible material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material with SAFE HANDLING a non-sparking tool and treat as for Waste Disposal. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any before breaks and at the end of work. contaminated clothing before reuse. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves (nitrile, latex). The salt is a strong oxidising agent and may WASTE DISPOSAL be harmful by ingestion or inhalation. Exposure may cause Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for severe irritation to the skin and eyes, and respiratory and heavy metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced gastrointestinal tracts. Eye contact may lead to permanent waste disposal contractor. Do not mix with any other waste. eye damage. Solution: Adjust to within pH 6-8 and transfer to suitable Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated labelled bottle for heavy metal salt solutions. The water area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid can be allowed to evaporate in a fume cupboard and the contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or sludge stored as for solid waste. Do not heat the solution to repeated exposure. Handle away from heat and sources of evaporate and do not evaporate to dryness. Zinc ions can be ignition. precipitated from solution as the hydroxide at approximately There is a risk of fire and explosion if mixed with pH 9.5. combustible or readily oxidisable materials. In case of fire, use water as the extinguishing agent. The preparation of explosive mixtures is not recommended.

STORAGE FIRST AID The substance is hygroscopic. Store in a tightly closed IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from light. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Protect from moisture. Store away from sources of heat and rinsing. Seek medical attention. ignition. Do not store on wooden surfaces. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store away from acids, alkalis, metal powders, reducing NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. agents, organic substances and combustible materials. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash Store with oxidising substances (DG Class 5.1). before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly wth plenty of water. Seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical attention. APPLICATIONS POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; electrolytic cells; redox reactions.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc sulfate heptahydrate Chemical zinc (II) sulphate, hydrate; white vitriol Summary DANGER

Formula Zn(CH3COO)2 CAS No. 7446-20-0 User Group 7-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Colourless, odourless granules or crystalline Molar mass 287.54 ADG Class 9 powder with an astringent, metallic taste. Melting point 39-280°C (-7H2O) Packing Group III SOLUBILITY Soluble in water and glycerol. Insoluble in Boiling point ca 680°C decomposes UN Number 3077 alcohol. Specific gravity 1.97 (20°C) Poisons Schedule S6 Solubility in water 965 g/L (20°C) Flammability Non-combustible Security -

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. H302 Harmful if swallowed Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste H318 Causes serious eye damage Disposal. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Solution spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly with water. Wash any SAFE HANDLING contaminated clothing before reuse. Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. WASTE DISPOSAL Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves Solid: Store in a suitable labelled container such as for (nitrile, latex). Aqueous solutions of the salt are acidic. heavy metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced Exposure may cause irritation and possible burns to the waste disposal contractor. skin and eyes and respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Solution: Store in a bottle for waste heavy metal solutions Prolonged skin exposure may cause dermatitis. and arrange for collection. Zn (II) ions can be precipitated Handle in an operating fume cupboard or well-ventilated from solution as the hydroxide at approximately pH 9.5. area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust or aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Mixing of the salt with water produces sulfuric acid. Heating to decomposition generates toxic and corrosive fumes of sulfur oxides and zinc oxide.

STORAGE FIRST AID Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. ventilated place away from heat and light. Protect from Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue moisture. rinsing. Seek immediate medical attention. Store away from oxidising agents. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do Store with general inorganic solids. NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention. IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a APPLICATIONS position comfortable for breathing. If respiratory symptoms occur, seek medical attention. Senior chemistry: qualitative inorganic analysis; POISONS CENTRE: 13 11 26 displacement reactions; redox reactions; electrochemistry.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018 Science ASSIST zinc sulfide Chemical zinc sulphide; zinc blende Summary

Formula ZnS CAS No. 1314-98-3 User Group 11-12

DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL DATA REGULATORY INFORMATION Odourless, white to yellow crystals or 97.43 ADG Class - granules. Exists in two crystalline forms: Molar mass alpha (wurtzite) and beta (sphalerite). Melting point 1700°C Packing Group - 1020°C b -> a form SOLUBILITY - UN Number None Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in dilute Boiling point mineral acids. Insoluble in alkalis. Specific gravity 4.04 (20°C, a) Poisons Schedule - 4.09 (20°C, b) Solubility in water 0.0069 g/L (18°C, a) Security - Non-combustible 0.0065 g/L (18°C, b) Flammability

HAZARD STATEMENTS SPILLS AUH031 Contact with acid liberates toxic gas Wear PPE. Ensure good ventilation. Solid spill: Collect spill material and treat as for Waste Disposal. Solution (slurry) spill: Cover spill with absorbent material such as sand, vermiculite or bentonite. Collect material and treat as for Waste Disposal. SAFE HANDLING Wash spill area thoroughly with detergent and water. Wash Maintain safe laboratory work practices. Wash hands any contaminated clothing before reuse. before breaks and at the end of work. Wear PPE: safety glasses, closed shoes, lab coat, gloves WASTE DISPOSAL (nitrile, latex). Exposure may cause irritation to the skin, Store in a suitable labelled container such as for heavy eyes and respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation exposure metal waste and arrange for collection by a licenced waste may lead to metal fume fever. Highly toxic hydrogen sulfide disposal contractor. is produced on ingestion of the substance, from its reaction with gastric acid. Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid generating and inhaling dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Mixing with acids yields highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.

STORAGE Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well- FIRST AID ventilated place away from heat and light. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Store away from acids and oxidising agents. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue Store with general inorganic solids. rinsing. Seek medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Give water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical advice. APPLICATIONS IF INHALED: Move patient to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice. Senior chemistry: qualitative analysis; redox reactions; demonstration of the preparation and reactivity of hydrogen sulfide.

DISCLAIMER This chemical summary is not a safety data sheet (SDS). It is intended to provide generic information for this chemical. VERSION The manufacturer’s SDS should be consulted for information specific to the chemical used. 15 October 2018