
and Regular AR/ER/IR


Subject : Singular yo - tú - (familiar) él - ella - usted - you (formal) nosotros (masculine or mixed gender) nosotras we (feminine) *vosotros you-all (familiar, Spain, masculine or mixed gender) *vosotras you-all (familiar, Spain, feminine) ellos (masculine or mixed gender) ellas they (feminine) ustedes you-all (formal in Spain, formal and familiar in America)

Verb Endings Present Tense Endings for regular (ar), (er) and (ir) verbs

ar verbs er verbs ir verbs yo o o o tú as es es Ud./él/ella a e e nosotros (as) amos emos imos *vosotros (as) áis éis ís Uds./ellos/ellas an en en

*Only used in Spain

Terms - The unchanged form of the ending in either ar, er or ir. Ending- The last two letters of the infinitive form of the verb. (ar, er or ir) Stem- Everything but the two-letter ending of the infinitive. Conjugation- A change made to a verb to reflect its ; a new ending is substituted for the ar, er or ir ending. An attached ending indicates/corresponds with or what is doing the action. Regular Verb-The verb follows the regular pattern of conjugation. Once you know the conjugation endings, you can conjugate all regular verbs in present tense.

What are the differences between the following? Singular vs. plural- Formal vs. informal/familiar- Talking to vs. about someone- Latin America vs. Spain- Regular verb vs. irregular verb-

Ser: to be Yo soy- I am Tú eres- You are Él/ella/usted es- He is/She is/You (formal) are/ is Nosotros somos- We are Ellos/ellas/ustedes son- They are/you all are Examples: Yo soy bonita. Nosotros somos listos. Juan es alto.

Tener: to have Yo tengo- I have Tú tienes- You have Él/ella/usted tiene- He/she/you formal has/have Nosotros tenemos- We have Ellos/ellas/ustedes tienen- They have/you all have Examples: Tú tienes ojos azules. Sara tiene pelo rubio. Ellas tienen pelo largo.