HRHOA Newsletter Spring 2018 Harbour Rise Home Owners Association
[email protected] Newsletter The Harbour Rise Home Owners Association (HRHOA) was formed for the interest of home owners of Harbour Rise Hillarys, to monitor and facilitate the maintenance and use of common areas in the Harbour Rise estate. The HRHOA consists of voluntary committee members. Home owners wishing to participate on the committee are encouraged to contact the HRHOA via email to:
[email protected] leading up to the annual general meeting in October, where the committee is voted in. Letter from the Chairperson Hi and welcome to the Spring 2018 edition of the Harbour Rise Home Owners Association newsletter. Since the HRHOA was formed the committee has been successful in representing the Estate owners with respect to a number of initiatives: The landscaping contract for the Estate reviewed and renewed every three years; Replacement of assets within the Estate including lake fountains, bollards, street lights and garden beds; Provision of exercise equipment in Harbour View Park; Improved response times to security issues; Accountability of the City of Joondalup (COJ) operations and budget with respect to the Estate; and Progression of the exercise stairs and look-out in Whitfords Nodes. During the past twelve months, the committee has continued to monitor and progress the above initiatives as well as address the following: Promoted a reduced speeding on Estate perimeter roads by lobbying for an extension of the current 50