Directorate-General of Health Services, New Delhi
CAMPAIGN 375 Aug., 1952] BCG VACCINATION Public Health Section NEW DELHI DIRECTORATE-GENERAL OF HEALTH SERVICES, L Assisted BCG Vaccination WHO/UNICEF Campaign j REPORT FOR MAY MONTHLY 1952 J State Tested Completing positives tes^ Negatives Vaccinated Remarks Part A States . Assam .. 12,643 10,049 2,500 7,549 7,549 ?^ihar 33,779 23,923 8,102 15,821 15,694 Bombay 10,564 8,551 6,389 2,162 1,960 Pradesh ^adhya 6,152 4,660 2,671 1,989 1,935 Madras 800 766 507 359 258 Orissa 9,598 7,093 4,557 2,536 2,531 Punjab 126,292 93,128 49,356 43,772 43,538 Uttar Pradesh 124,016 99,572 61,266 38,306 38,306 ^rest Bengal 34,696 28,662 17,288 11,374 11,280 Part B States .. Hyderabad .. 6,553 3,105 2,059 1,046 1,040 Kashmir .. .. the due date Figures not received by (preliminary figures 10,626 vaccinated). tested, 3,060 ^ladhya Bharat 77,463 52,392 25,477 26,915 26,781 Mysore 6,395 4,659 2,908 1,751 1,677 ^ePSU 62,006 50,552 26,413 24,139 24,125 ^ajasthan .. 2,545 1-969 1,142 827 827 ^aurashtra .. 5,038 3,593 1,876 1,717 1,717 Jravancore-Cochin 22,745 16,128 8,878 7,250 7,204 Part C States Ajmer 2,004 2,124 1,335 789 776 ^hopal 19,223 13,280 6,690 6,590 6,576 ^elhi 5,739 4,291 3,083 1,208 1,206 Pradesh ^iniachal 14,397 8,818 3>295 5,523 5,518 Kutch Work under suspension since 15th December, 1951.
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