
Bay Visions 2021 Organizations Working to Protect the Bay and its Watershed

Inspired to take action? Here’s how!

Save the Bay https://savesfbay.org/ We protect and restore for people and wildlife, uniting the Bay Area to create a clean and healthy Bay.

Blue Frontier https://bluefront.org/ A national leader in providing resources and opportunities to bring citizens who care about the health of our coasts and ocean into the decision making process.

California Native Garden Foundation https://cngf.org/ CNGF was established with the mission to inform and educate the public, particularly youth, about gardening with native plants.

California Watershed Network www.watershednetwork.org To help people protect and restore the natural environments of California watersheds while ensuring healthy and sustainable communities.

Committee for Green Foothills https://www.greenfoothills.org/ To protect the open spaces, farmlands, and natural resources of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for the benefit of all through advocacy, education, and grassroots action.

Elkhorn Slough Foundation https://www.elkhornslough.org/tidal-wetland-program/ The Mission of the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve is to ensure the perpetual health of ecosystems in Elkhorn Slough and the surrounding watershed through preservation, restoration, research, information exchange and education with particular emphasis on the Research Reserve.

Environmental Action Committee www.eacmarin.org Join EAC to protect the land, water, and biodiversity you love in West Marin!

Environmental Forum of Marin https://www.marinefm.org/ Promotes a Sustainable World through Environmental Education.Through educating and training effective global citizens, EFM seeks to develop inclusive communication and multicultural skills.

Environmental Volunteers https://www.evols.org/ We train volunteers (like you!) to lead hands-on science and nature programs in schools, community organizations, and at the EcoCenter in the Palo Alto Baylands Nature Preserve.

Estuary & Ocean Science Center https://eoscenter.sfsu.edu/ We connect science, society and the sea through outstanding interdisciplinary research, education and outreach programs to train the next generation of scientists and sustain healthy and resilient coastal ecosystems.

Grassroots Ecology https://www.grassrootsecology.org/volunteer Grassroots Ecology leverages the power of community volunteers to create healthy ecosystems across Silicon Valley, from the foothills to San Francisco Bay.

Marin Audubon Society www.marinaudubon.org Wildlife protection and wetland restoration. Learn more about birds or help us restore wetlands habitat.

OFA Marin www.ofamarin.org Help us get the word out to multiple constituencies on climate as an election issue.

One Shoreline https://oneshoreline.org/ OneShoreline works across jurisdictional boundaries to plan and build solutions to the climate change impacts of sea level rise, flooding, and coastal erosion, and enhance the environment and recreational opportunities within communities throughout San Mateo county.

Peninsula Open Space Trust https://openspacetrust.org/ POST is creating a network of protected lands where people and nature connect and thrive. Point Molate Alliance https://ptmolatealliance.org/ Working on many fronts – legal, political, social and educational – to keep these beautiful public lands in public hands.

Point Reyes National Seashore Association www.ptreyes.org Environmental education and conservation. Take a class, volunteer to restore critical habitats, help inspire youth to be Earth stewards!

San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve http://www.sfbaynerr.org/ The San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s mission is to improve understanding and stewardship of the , with a broader relevance to the ecosystems beyond the

San Francisco Estuary Institute https://www.sfei.org/ Our mission is to provide scientific support and tools for decision-making and communication through collaborative efforts.

San Francisco Estuary Partnership https://www.sfestuary.org/ A collaboration of local, state, and federal agencies, NGOs, academia and business leaders working to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary

Shore Up Marin City www.shoreupmarin.org Multi-racial environmental coalition advocating for healthy air, soil, water, and emergency protections on behalf of those most at risk. Volunteer to support video production, write articles, and help us build a larger network!

TOGETHER Bay Area https://togetherbayarea.org/ TOGETHER Bay Area is a regional coalition of nonprofits, public agencies, and Indigenous Tribes working together for climate resilient lands – including lands that are natural, working, rural, and urban.