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JIEC 3540 1–5

Journal of Industrial and Chemistry xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Extraction-based recovery of RDX from obsolete

2 Q1 a a a a, b

Hyewon Kang , Hyejoo Kim , Chang-Ha Lee , Ik-Sung Ahn *, Keun Deuk Lee

3 a

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, South Korea

4 b

Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon 305-600, South Korea


Article history:

Received 3 November 2016 Recovery of from obsolete ammunition has been considered an eco-friendly alternative to

Received in revised form 20 July 2017 conventional dumping or detonation disposal methods Composition B, made of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene

Accepted 26 July 2017

(TNT), hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and paraffin , has been used as the main

Available online xxx

filling in various munitions. It was selected as a model explosive for this study. TNT was

extracted from Composition B by exploiting the different solubilities of TNT and RDX in acetonitrile. After


removing paraffin wax by hexane washing, RDX was recovered from unused Composition B with a purity

Composition B

higher than 99% and a yield of 84%.


© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering RDX Chemistry. Extraction Demilitarization

5 29

Introduction destroyed using the following techniques: dumping at sea, outdoor


burning, open detonation, and detonation in a mine tunnel [9,10].

6 31

Ammunition has a limited service life and must be disposed of In the case of dumping at sea, munitions stored in boxes and metal

7 32

at a certain stage [1]. Large quantities of unused ammunition are canisters or containers are transferred to ships. In this process,

8 33

stored throughout the world [2]. For example, Composition B, a leakage of munitions is unavoidable and can cause serious damage

9 34

mixture of two explosives (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine to marine ecosystems. Hence, dumping at sea has been banned by

10 35

(RDX) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT)) and wax, has been used as the London Convention and other related agreements [2]. Outdoor

11 36

the main explosive filling in artillery projectiles, rockets, land burning has been carried out in areas that satisfy the following

12 37

mines, and various other munitions. The term “Composition” in requirements: (1) no danger of the fire spreading; (2) absence of

13 38

Composition B has been used for any explosive material made of flammable objects; (3) dimensions of at least 20 m  20 m; (4)

14 39

RDX. Other RDX-derived explosives that have a long history of presence of an excavated channel of 0.5 m width and 0.25 m depth

15 40

application include Composition A and Composition C. Composi- around the area; and (5) warning signs marking the

16 41

tion A consists of RDX and a small amount (1–9% w/w) of combustion area. Open detonation disposal in a blast chamber has

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plasticizing wax [3,4]. The original Composition C was developed been rarely performed. Open burning and open detonation (OBOD)

18 43

by the British during World War II, but was standardized as methods have been recognized as simple and economical

19 44

Composition C when introduced to the US. It consists of RDX, a processes for the destruction of munitions; however, they cause

20 45

-based plasticizer, and a phlegmatizer [3,5,6]. Compo- air pollution due to the release of NOx, acidic gases, and fine dust

21 46

sition C-4 is the most well-known explosive among Composition C [2,11,12] and soil contamination by heavy metals [13]. Detonation

22 47

explosives and has been used not only for military purposes (e.g., in in a mine tunnel has been mostly carried out in an old abandoned

23 48

the Vietnam War) but also in acts of terrorism. Hence, large mine. The tunnel should have a depth of at least 900 m while being

24 49

amounts of Composition explosives have been produced and covered with hard rocks. Moreover, the mine must be equipped

25 50

stored since World War II for its high explosive yield [7,8]. In with emergency bunkers with air conditioning systems indepen-

26 51

addition to posing a potential hazard, storage of surplus ammuni- dent of the main ventilation system. Because of environmental

27 52

tion is undesirable because of the cost and space requirements. pollution and safety issues, the disposal of unused munitions by

28 53

Thus, stockpiles of ammunition have been conventionally these conventional techniques has been strictly forbidden by


environmental laws and banned in numerous countries [2,11,12].


Development of Resource Recovery and Recycling (R3) techni-


ques has gained interest in demilitarization activities. For instance,

* Corresponding author. Fax: +82 2 312 6401.


E-mail address: [email protected] (I.-S. Ahn). waste energy could be recovered from thermal destruction


1226-086X/© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.

Please cite this article in press as: H. Kang, et al., Extraction-based recovery of RDX from obsolete Composition B, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2017.07.036

G Model

JIEC 3540 1–5

2 H. Kang et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

58 Table 1

operations conducted under the R3 concept while scrap metals

59 Physical properties of TNT and RDX [18–20].

could be collected and sold. Conversion of explosives to fertilizers


and commercial chemicals is another example of using TNT RDX


R3 technologies [1]. Recycling of unused and obsolete explo-

Molecular weight 227.1 222.1


sives/munitions is quite valuable since energetic materials are Melting temperature ( C) 80 202–204

63 Decomposition temperature ( C) 240 213

uncompromised and can be reused as commercial explosives,


64 Crystal density at 20 C (g/cm ) 1.6 1.8

propellants, military explosives, or fuel supplements [12,14,15].

65 Detonation velocity (m/s) 6640 8,950

For the recovery of unused explosives, the following separation

Detonation pressure (kbar) 210 350


methods have gained interest: melting separation, Temperature of detonation (K) 2740 2600–4000


extraction separation, and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction


separation [16]. The melting separation method is based on the


difference between the melting points of waste explosive Experimental 110


components. For example, the of TNT is 80 C while


that of RDX is 204 C. Appropriate heating to make TNT reach the Materials 111


molten state but ensure RDX remains allows their separation


by simple filtration. The advantages of this method are its simple 112

Composition B, RDX, and TNT were supplied by the Agency for


operation and that it does not require any solvent. The disadvan- 113

Defense Development (ADD) of Korea. The acetonitrile, water, and


tage is the safety issue caused by heating to relatively high 114

hexane used were all HPLC grade and purchased from Duksan Pure


temperatures. The principle of solvent extraction separation is 115

Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Ansan, Korea). The extracted solutions were


that, at the same temperature and in the same solvent, there is a 116

filtered through 0.2-mm PTFE membrane filters (Toyo Roshi Kaisha,


difference in the solubilities of waste explosive components. By 117

Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).


choosing a suitable organic solvent where a molecular explosive of


interest is completely soluble, but other components are not, the 118

Extraction of RDX and TNT


target explosive can be obtained after recrystallization. The


advantages of solvent extraction separation are that high temper- 119

To completely extract TNT from Composition B, 1.5 mL of


atures are not required and safety is not breached. However, the 120

acetonitrile was mixed with 2.0 g of Composition B at room


use of organic may increase the cost of separation and 121

temperature. Considering that the mass fraction of TNT in


recovery, causing secondary pollution. Supercritical carbon dioxide 122

Composition B is about 40% and 100 g of TNT is soluble in 100 g


has been used for chemical extraction. It is inert, non-flammable, 123

of acetonitrile at 20 C, 1.5 mL of acetonitrile is about twice the


and non-explosive. The relatively low critical temperature and 124

amount needed to dissolve 0.8 g of TNT present in 2.0 g of


pressure of CO (e.g., 31.1 C and 72.9 atm) relieves us from the 125

2 Composition B. Mixtures of acetonitrile and water were also tested


concern of damaging the explosives. Such low toxicity, environ- 126

as extracting solvents to see if there was a change in the fraction of


mental impact, and concern for safety issues have led to an 127

TNT in the extractant due to the addition of water.


increase in the number of studies on the use of supercritical CO for 128

2 In order to investigate the effect of the extraction time (i.e., the


extracting molecular explosives. Once they are extracted in 129

mixing time of Composition B and acetonitrile) on the separation


supercritical CO , they can be obtained after recrystallization. 130

2 of RDX from TNT, extraction times of 5, 30, and 60 min were


However, the solubility of some explosives (e.g. TNT) in 131

examined. The mixture was then filtered through a 0.2-mm PTFE


supercritical CO is much lower than that in common organic 132

2 membrane filter. Undissolved materials, which consisted of RDX


solvents. Moreover, the operation cost is suspected to be much 133

and paraffin wax, were washed four times with 5 mL of hexane to


higher than those for melting and solvent extractions. These 134

remove the paraffin wax. The resulting RDX flake was filtered


disadvantages reduce the practical applicability of supercritical 135

through a 0.2-mm PTFE membrane filter.


CO for recycling waste explosives. 136

2 Prior to the extraction of RDX and TNT, Composition B was


In this work, a method for recovery of RDX from Composition B 137

washed with hexane in order to assess the efficiency of paraffin


is investigated based on the principle of solvent extraction 138

wax removal. Moreover, Composition B was treated with a mixture


separation. The structures of TNT and RDX are shown in Fig. 1. 139

of acetonitrile and hexane to investigate the possibility of


Their physical properties including their solubilities in various 140

simultaneous TNT extraction and paraffin wax removal.


solvents are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. As shown in Table 2,


acetonitrile showed the largest difference in the solubilities of TNT Analysis 141


and RDX. Paraffin wax is not soluble in acetonitrile. Hence,


acetonitrile was selected and used in this study as the organic 142

RDX and TNT were quantitatively analyzed using an HPLC


solvent, which preferentially extracted TNT from Composition B. 143

system (Younglin Acme 9000, Young Lin Instrument Co., Ltd.,


Paraffin wax was then removed by hexane washing [17]. 144

Anyang, Korea) equipped with a UV absorbance detector (Younglin


730D). The separation was performed on a C-18 column (5 mm


particle size, 250 mm  4.6 mm, 110 Špore size, Phenomenex Inc.,


Torrance, USA). A 50:50 (v/v) mixture of water and acetonitrile was

Table 2

Solubility of TNT and RDX in various solvents (g/100 g solvent at 20 C) [21,22].

Solvent TNT RDX

Acetone 109 8.2

Acetonitrile 100 5.5

Water 0.007 0.013 a

Methanol 0.354 0.025

Ethanol 1.23 Insoluble


Fig. 1. Chemical structures of TNT and RDX. Determined in this study.

Please cite this article in press as: H. Kang, et al., Extraction-based recovery of RDX from obsolete Composition B, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2017.07.036