List of All Olympics Prize Winners in Bobsleigh in U.S.A

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List of All Olympics Prize Winners in Bobsleigh in U.S.A Location Year Player Medals Event Results Christopher FOGT Curt TOMASEVICZ Sochi 2014 Bronze four-man 03:41.0 Steven HOLCOMB Steven LANGTON Steven HOLCOMB Sochi 2014 Bronze two-man 03:46.3 Steven LANGTON Elana MEYERS Sochi 2014 Silver two-woman 03:50.7 Lauryn WILLIAMS Aja EVANS Sochi 2014 Bronze two-woman 03:51.6 Jamie GREUBEL Curt TOMASEVICZ Justin OLSEN Vancouver 2010 Gold four-man 03:24.5 Steven HOLCOMB Steven MESLER Elana MEYERS Vancouver 2010 Bronze two-woman 03:33.4 Erin PAC Shauna ROHBOCK Turin 2006 Silver two-woman 03:50.7 Valerie FLEMING Bill SCHUFFENHAUER Garrett HINES Salt Lake City 2002 Silver four-man 03:07.8 Randy JONES Todd HAYS Brian SHIMER Dan STEELE Salt Lake City 2002 Bronze four-man 03:07.9 Doug SHARP Mike KOHN Jill BAKKEN Salt Lake City 2002 Gold two-woman 01:37.8 Vonetta FLOWERS Arthur Walter TYLER Charles BUTLER Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 Bronze four-man 05:12.4 James Ernest LAMY William Longstreth DODGE Howard Wallace CROSSETT James Neil ATKINSON Oslo 1952 Silver four-man 05:10.5 Patrick Henry MARTIN Stanley Delong BENHAM Patrick Henry MARTIN Oslo 1952 Silver two-man 05:26.9 Stanley Delong BENHAM Edward RIMKUS Francis William TYLER St. Moritz 1948 Gold four-man 05:20.1 Patrick Henry MARTIN William D'AMICO Donald DUPREE Jim ICKFORD JR. St. Moritz 1948 Bronze four-man 05:21.5 Thomas HICKS William DUPREE Frederick Joseph FORTUNE St. Moritz 1948 Bronze two-man 05:35.3 Schuyler CARRON Gilbert COLGATE Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 Bronze two-man 05:34.0 Richard Webster LAWRENCE Alan M. WASHBOND Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 Gold two-man 05:29.3 Ivan Elmore BROWN Edmund Carlton HORTON Francis Paul STEVENS Lake Placid 1932 Silver four-man 07:55.7 Henry Anton HOMBURGER Percy D. BRYANT Clifford Barton GRAY Edward EAGAN Lake Placid 1932 Gold four-man 07:53.7 James Jay O'BRIEN William FISKE Curtis STEVENS Lake Placid 1932 Gold two-man 08:14.7 J. Hubert STEVENS John HEATON Lake Placid 1932 Bronze two-man 08:29.2 Robert MINTON Clifford Barton GRAY Geoffrey Travers MASON St. Moritz 1928 Nion TUCKER Gold five-man 03:20.5 Richard PARKE William FISKE David GRANGER James Jay O'BRIEN St. Moritz 1928 Jennison HEATON Silver five-man 03:21.0 Lyman HINE Thomas DOE For more information, kindly visit :
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