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• • • • • • • The Getting Out • Hand book • • • • • • • • • oa • E Prairie Region • 78 • .P65 • G4 • 2010 • • • Public Safety Sécurité publique 1+1 Canada Canada -.71. e • — • 1W-à • G • • 7_01 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Updated June 2010 • • • ILIBRARY FIBUOTHÈQUI • PSEMSPPCC

• 7 , I • I • • Cat. No.: PS4-30/2-2006E I t.,à1 • ISBN No.: 0-662-4412-X • • CanacM • • • • Table of Contents • Introduction • 1 • Tips for finding information 2 • Finding Out More 2 • Essential Services 3 • Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate 3 • Social Insurance Number (SIN) 4 • Indian Registration 6 • Social Services 9 • Social Service Offices 10 e John Howard Society 24 • John Howard Society Offices in the Prairie Region 24 • Elizabeth Fry Society 26 • Elizabeth Fry Society Offices in the Prairie Region 26 • Services by City and by Region 27 • Manitoba 29 • First Nations Government 29 • First Nations Tribal Councils 30 • Métis Government 31 • Provincial Government 32 • Health Card 33 • Ministry of Health Offices 34 • Drivers License and Vehicle Registration 35 • Transportation/Local Transit 36 • Employment and Income Assistance 36 • Telephone Services 37 • Brandon 38 • Churchill/York Factory 43 • Cross Lake/Norway House 45 • Dauphin 46 • Flin Flon 50 • Lynn Lake 52 • Portage La Prairie 52 • Riverton/Arbour/Peguis/Gimli 55 • Ill • • • Selkirk/Fort Alexander/Grand Marais 57 • Swan River 60 • The Pas 62 • Thompson 65 • Winnipeg 70 • Saskatchewan 84 • First Nations Government 84 • First Nations Tribal Councils 85 • Métis Government 86 • Provincial Government 87 Saskatchewan Health Card 87 • Ministry of Health Offices 88 • Drivers License and Registration 90 • Transportation / Local Transit 90 • Employment and Income Assistance 91 • Telephone Service 91 • La Loche/Beauval/Clearwater River 93 • 11e-a-La-Crosse 95 • Buffalo Narrows 96 • Fond-du-lac/Black Lake 98 • Pelican Narrows/Cumberland House/La Ronge/Creighton 100 • Lloydminister 105 • Meadow Lake 107 • North Battleford/Battleford 111 • Prince Albert 115 • Regina/Fort Qu ' App elle 122 • Saskatoon 133 • Yorkton 142 • 146 • First Nations Tribal Councils 146 • Métis Government 147 • Provincial Government 148 • Health Card 149 • Ministry of Health Offices 150 • Drivers License and Vehicle Registration 151 • Transportation/Local Transit 151 • Employment and Income Assistance 152 • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Addresses & Telephone High Level/Fort Vermilion/La High Level/Fort Fort McMurray/FortSmith/FortChipewyan Lethbridge Lake/Athabasca Lac LaBishe/Bonnyville/ColdLake/Saint Grande Prairie/Grande Peace River/Fairview e erWtsii/obm/ok MountainHouse Red Deer/Wetaskiwin/Hobbema/Rocky Slave Lake/Wabasca/Peerless Lake/High Prairie Lake/High Slave Lake/Wabasca/Peerless Notes Service Cache/Hinton/Edson Crete Paul/Saddle 201 152 153 186 184 162 178 174 189 194 198 196 • • • Personal Information • • Name • • Address • • • • • • Telephone • • • • In case of emergency please contact: • • • Name • • Address • • • • • • Telephone • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTRODUCTION • You are not alone. • • This handbook tells you about services for Aboriginal people in • cities • across the Prairie Region. The guide includes information about • government services. • This book can help you find people and groups and organizations that • understand and accept Aboriginal ways and culture. • Unfortunately, the number of urban Aboriginal organizations isn't • enough to deal with the growing demand. • This guide is for you. If you have an idea or a suggestion to improve • the guide, send it to:

O • Public Safety Canada • Aboriginal Corrections Policy Unit • 340 Laurier Avenue West • KlAOttawa, OP8 Ontario • • You may visit the Public Safety Canada Homepage at: • http://www. public s afety. gc. ca • •


• fib • • • • • • • • • • • • Tips for finding information • • Your local Friendship Centre is the best place to start, the people who • work there will be able to help you or they will know someone who • can. The Centre will also know about other Aboriginal organizations in • the area. Government organizations are not always easy to deal with; • however, if you are patient and persistent, they will help. • If you run into voice messaging information systems, remember that • once you have gone through the maze of pushing buttons for • information, you will eventually be to talk to someone. • able • Try to make local calls or use 1-800 numbers where possible because • you may be on hold for a long time. That can cost a lot of money. If • you know what questions you need answered in advance, this will save • you time in the long run. The people on the other end will know • exactly what you want and you will not have to call back for more 0 information. • Some organizations, particularly Aboriginal housing organizations, e have long waiting lists. If you want an apartment/house in urban 0 Aboriginal housing, you should get your name on the list as soon as • possible. • Don't give up. There are always people out there who are willing to 5 help, they are just sometimes hard to find. • • Finding Out More e• The federal and provincial governments have many services but this • Guide does not list them all. • If you want information about a federal government program or service 0 that is not listed in this Guide, call Service Canada at 1-800-622-6232. • • 2 III • • t • • Essential Services • Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate • Vital Statistics • • To receive a copy of your Birth, Death, or Marriage certificate, contact • your provinces information provided below. You can complete the • registration form on line and send it by fax or by mail. • You can get an application form at a city hall or a town hall. Some • Canada Employment Centers (HRDC Offices) have application forrns. • Call to find out. After you receive the form and fill it out, send it back • to the same address. • • • MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN • • Manitoba Vital Statistics Information Services Corporation • 254 Portage Ave of Saskatchewan (ISC) • Winnipeg, MB R3C 0136 100-1942 Hamilton Street • Telephone: 204-945-3701 Regina, Sask. 54P 4W2 • Toll-free: 1-800-282-8069 Telephone: 306-787-3251 • Ext. 3701 Toll-free: 1-800-667-7551 e Fax: 306-787-2238

O • • ALBERTA • Service Alberta • Phone: 310-0000 (toll-free anywhere in Alberta); or • 780-427-7013 for Registries • Hours: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. • http ://www. • e • • • 3 • • • Social Insurance Number (SIN) • • If you don't have a Social Insurance Number (SIN), or you've lost it, you must fill out an application form. You also need your birth certificate, a certificate of Canadian citizenship, or a passport. If you • are a registered Indian and you want your SIN card to show your status, • you will also need your Status Indian card. • If you can't go to an HRDC office you can have an application sent to • you. Call HRDC toll free at 1 800 206-7218. If you have never had a • SIN card before, or you are changing your name, the card is free. 0 Replacement cards cost $10. e

O You will need a new card if you change your name because you are married or divorced. Take your marriage certificate or proof of divorce • with you when you go for your new SIN card. • • You can go online to download a SIN application form at the websites • listed below. O SERVICE CANADA • O • 0 HUMAN RESOURCES AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CANADA • • • O • O • O • • • 4 • O •

• MANITOBA • • Employment Manitoba • Telephone: 204-945-0575 or 1 866 332-5077 • • • • SASKATCHEWAN

• Government of Saskatchewan- Career and Employment Services • Toll Free IVR for work seekers: 1-877-727-5306 •

• ALBERTA • • Govovernment of Alberta Employment and Immigration- Career • Information Hotline • 1-800-661-3753 (free from anywhere in Alberta) • 780-422-4266 (in Edmonton) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

O • • • • • Indian Registration • • (Indian Status Card) • • Call the nearest Indian and Northern Affairs office and ask for a form. • Look in the Blue Pages in your telephone directory. Indian and • Northern Affairs is listed under Federal Government. • To be registered you need proof that your ancestors were registered or • could have been registered. If a parent was registered, send your birth • certificate. If a grandparent was registered, but not a parent, send your • birth certificate and your parent's birth certificate. • • Other documents may be accepted if the claim is being made further • back in the family tree or you can't get birth certificates. Bring two • pieces of identification; one should be photo identification. • IT IS UP TO YOU TO PROVE THAT YOU HAVE • STATUS • • If aboriginal ancestry is on the female side, you can only go back two • to three generations. If ancestry is continuous on the male side then • you can go back much further. • • The Status Indian card is free. The languages spoken by staff depend • on demand. • • A band office can usually answer your questions and help you complete • application forms. However, if you continue to have questions, or wish • to obtain advice or assistance, call the Indian and Northern Affairs • Offices listed on the following page. • • • • • • • 6 • • • • • GERNAL INQUIRIES AND PUBLICATIONS • Phone: (toll-free) 1-800-567-9604 • Fax: 1-866-817-3977 • TTY: (toll-free) 1-866-553-0554 • E-mail: [email protected] • • • MANITOBA • • Indian and Northern Affairs • Winnipeg Regional Office • 365 Hargrave St. • Winnipeg, MB R3B 3A3 O Telephone: 204-983-4928 • Fax: 204-983-7820 • • • SASKATCHEWAN • • North Central District Regional Office • 3601-5th Ave. East 1 First Nations Way, Room 200 • Prince Albert, SK S6V 7V6 Regina, SK S4S 7K5 e Telephone: 306-953-8522 Telephone: 306-780-5945 • Fax: 306-953-8648 306-780-5392 • Fax: 306-780-5733 • • Treaty Four Governance Centre Fort Qu'Appelle South • Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 1S0 Budget Center • Phone: 306-332-8500 Sioux Ave. Box 760 • Fax: 306-332-6019 • • • • • • • e • • ALBERTA • Department of Indian Affairs Canada • 630 Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5J 4G2 • Telephone: 780-495-2773 • Toll-free: 1-800-567-9604 • 1-866-553-0554 • Fax: 780-495-4088 • • INAC Southern Alberta Field Services Office • Suite 300 • 9911 Chiila Boulevard • TSUU T'INA, AB T2W 6H6 s Phone: (403) 292-5901 • Fax: (403) 292-6903 • • • • •s • • • • • 8 • • • • • Social Services e Social Services may help pay for many things. They include: food, • rent, mortgage, clothing, heat, electricity, prescription drugs, child care, • special training or work costs, moving costs, basic furniture and • appliances, basic dental work or dentures, job start-up, and glasses. 1111 Social Services may also help you if you are out of work, a single • parent, a foster parent, sick or disabled, 65 or older, or working but • receiving low wages. • To find your nearest Social Services office, call the office located de nearest to you in the list below. If it is not your office, the staff should s• be able to tell you who to call. • If all else fails, look in the Blue Pages in your telephone book under • municipalities. • Different municipalities call Social Services by different names. Some • of the names are income maintenance, community and social services, • or welfare. • If you cannot find any of these call the general number for city hall, the • township office, county office or regional government. The people will • be able to give you the information you are seeking. • Always call before going to see Social Services. Many of the addresses • in the list in this book are for a central office, or for a city hall. The • office you should go to may be somewhere else. to • Many First Nations have Social Service offices. These offices are on • reserves. To find out if there is a Social Services office on your • reserve, contact your Band Council. • • • 9 s• • • • Social Service Offices • • MANITOBA • • O Winnipeg • Employment and Income Assistance — Intake • Phone: 948-4000 • • • EIA Centralized Services Downtown West 1-111 Rorie Street #265- 391 York Avenue • Winnipeg , MB R3B 3N1 Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P4 • Telephone: 948-4000 Telephone: 948.-4406 • • Downtown East River East • 2-111 Rorie Street, 975 Henderson Hwy., • Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N1 Winnipeg, MB R2K 4L7 • Telephone: 948-4001 Telephone: 938-5100 • • River Heights / Fort Garry Residential Care Licensing • 6-677 Stafford Street 139 Tuxedo Ave • Winnipeg, MB R3M 2X7 Winnipeg, MB R3N 0H6 • Telephone: 938-5500 Telephone: 945-8137 • St. James-Assiniboia St. Vital • 2-2015 Portage Avenue, 128A Market Avenue • Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K3 Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N2 • Telephone: 940-2040 Telephone: 945-2270 • Transcona Seven Oaks • 845 Regent Avenue West Unit 3 - 1050 Leila Avenue • Winnipeg, MB R2C 3A9 Winnipeg, MB R2P 1W6 • Telephone: 938-5555 Telephone: 938-5600 • • • • 10 • • • • • Assiniboine South Inkster Office • 3401 Roblin Boulevard 128B Market Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3R 006 Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N2 • Telephone: 940-1950 Telephone: 948-4056 • Point Douglas Point Douglas • 896 Main Street 2A- 111 Rorie Street • Winnipeg, MB R2W 3P3 Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N1 • Telephone: 948-4306 Telephone: 948-4001 • Mord en Alton a • 63 Stephen Street Altona Community Memorial • Morden, MB R6M 1Z6 Health Centre • Telephone: 822-2870 240 — 5th Avenue NE • After-hours (emergency calls only): Altona, MB ROG OBO • 1-866-559-6778 Telephone: 324-6411 • Portage la Prairie Beausejour • 25 Tupper Street North 20 - 1st Street South • Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3K1 Beausejour, MB ROE OCO • Telephone: 239-3060 Telephone: 268-6028

• Toll free: 1-866-513-2185 Toll free: 1 - 866 - 576 - 8546 • After-hours (emergency calls After-hours (emergency calls • only): 1-866-559-6778 • only): 1-866-559-6778 • Selkirk Dauphin • 101 - 446 Main Street 27 Second Avenue SW • Selkirk, MB R1A 1V7 Dauphin, MB R7N 3E5 • Telephone: 785-5105 Telephone: 622-2035 • Toll free: 1-866-475-0215 Toll free: 1-866-355-3494 • After-hours (emergency calls After hours (emergency calls • only): 1-866-559-6778 only): 1-866-559-6778 • • • • 11 Pine Falls Notre Dames de Loudres 26 Pine Street Centre Dom Benoit Pine Falls, MB ROE OCO 51 Rodgers Street, Telephone: 367-6120 Notre Dames de Loudres MB ROG MO Telephone: 248- 7270 Toll free: 1-866-267-6114

St. Pierre-Jolys Steinbach 427 Sabourin Street 242-323 Main Street St. Pierre- Jolys, MB ROA WO Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z2 Telephone: 433-3340 Telephone: 346-7340 Toll free: 1-800-651-8217 Toll-free: 1-800-682-9782

Gimli Stonewall 120-6th Avenue 589-3rd Avenue South Gimli, MB ROC MO Stonewall, MB ROC 2Z0 Toll free: 1-866-475-0215 Telephone: 467-4420 After-hours (emergency calls Toll free: 1-866-475-0215 only): 1-866-559-6778

Thompson Flin Flon 59 Elizabeth Dr. 143 Main St. Thompson, MB R8N 1X4 Flin Flon, MB R8A 1K2 Telephone: 677-6713 Telephone: 687-1700 Toll free: 1-866-677-6713 Toll free: 1-866-443-2291 After-hours (emergency calls After-hours (emergency calls only): 1-866-559-6778 only): 1-866-558-6778

The Pas Swan River 3rd Street & Ross Avenue 201-4th Avenue South The Pas, MB R9A 1M4 Swan River, MB ROL 1Z0 Telephoe: 627-8311 Telephone: 734-3491 Toll free: 1-866-443-2291 Toll free: 1-888-269-6498 After-hours (emergency calls After-hours (emergency calls only): 1-866-558-6778 only): 1-866-559-6778

12 • • • • Brandon Killarney • 340-901 Street PO Box 3000 • Brandon, MB R7A 6C2 203 South Railway, Street East • Telephone: 726-6336 Killarney, MB ROK 1G0 • Toi! free: 1-866-726-6438 Telephone: 523-5230 e Toll free: 1-888-269-6498 Toll-free outside Killarney, MB: • After-hours (emergency calls 1-800-563-8793 • only): 1-866-559-6778 • • Manitoba Bilingual Service Centres • • St. Boniface Bilingual Red River Region • Service Centre Bilingual Service Centre • 614 rue Des Meurons 427 Sabourin Street • Winnipeg MB R2H 2P9 St. Pierre-Jolys, MB ROA WO • Telephone : 945-6220 Telephone: 433 - 3340 • Toll free 1-866-267-6114 Toll free: 1 - 866 - 267 - 6114 • Fax: 948-3282 • Mountain Region • Bilingual Service Centre • Centre Dom Benoît • 51 Rodgers Street I • Notre Darne de Lourdes • MB ROG MO • Telephone : 248-7270 • Toll-free: 1-866-267-6114 • • • • • • • • • • • 13 • • • • SASKATCHEWAN • • • General inquiries Housing • Telephone : 306-787-3700 1-800-667-7567 • Income Assistance • Contact Centre • Telephone: 1-866-995-0099 e • Central Region • 122 - 3rd Avenue North 220 Idylwyld Drive South • Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 4, Telephone: 306-933-5961 Telephone: 306-933-5960 • Fax: 306-933-6011 Toll-free: 1-877-884-1687 • Fax: 306-933-8039 • • 113 - 2nd Avenue East 122 - 2nd Avenue West • Kindersley, SK SOL 1S0 Rosetown, SK SOL 2V0 • Telephone: 306-463-5470 Telephone: 306-882-5400 • Fax: 306-463-5477 Fax: 306-882-5473 • • Southwest Region • 2045 Broad Street 36 Athabasca St. West • Regina, SK S4P 3V7 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 6V2 • Telephone: 306-787-3700 Telephone: 306-694-3647 • Fax: 306-787-4940 Fax: 306-694-3657 • • Box 5000 • 350 Cheadle Street W. • Swift Current, SK S9H 4G3 e Telephone: 306-778-8219 • Fax: 306-778-8668 • • • • • • 14 • • • • • • Southeast Region • 72 Smith Street East 110 Souris Ave. N.E. Yorkton, SK 53N 2Y4 Weyburn, SK S4H 2Z9 • Toll-free: 1-877-786-3288 Telephone: 306-848-2404 Fax: 306-786-1305 Fax: 306-848-2477 • Box 5000-190 Box 1400 1219 - 5th Street 177 Segwun Avenue • Estevan, SK S4A 2V6 Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 150 • Telephone: 306-637-4550 Telephone : 1-800-667-3260 • Fax: 306-637-4552 Fax : 306-332-3276 • • Box 219 • 400A Avenue D W • Wynyard, SK SOA 4T0 • Toll-free: 1-866-287-7747 • Fax: 306-554-5454 • Northwest Region • 405-1146 102nd Street Box 220 • North Battleford, SK S9A 1E9 Buffalo Narrows, SK SOM OJO Toll-free: 1-877-993-9911 Toll-free: 1-800-667-7685 • Fax: 306-446-7525 Fax: 306-235-1794 • • Box 70 4815 - 50th Street • La Loche, SK SOM 1G0 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0M8 • Telephone: 1-877-371-1131 Toll-free: 1-877-367-7707 • Fax: 306-822-1734 Fax: 306-825-6415 • • Box 20052, 4910 - 50th Street Unit 5, 101 Railway Place • Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Z5 Meadow Lake, SK 59X 1X6 • Toll-free: 1-877-367-7707 Toll-free: 1-877-368-8898 • Fax: 306-820-4267 Fax: 306-236-7533 • • • • 15 • Fax: Telephone: La Ronge, Box Fax: Telephone: Melfort, SKSOE1A0 Fax: Toll-free: Prince Albert, Box Northeast Region 800 16 1320 107 Crawford Ave.E. Central Avenue 359 3003 306-425-4568 306-752-6200 306-953-2589 La RongeAvenue 1-800-487-8603 SK SOJ1L0 1-800-567-4066 1-800-487-8640 SK S6V6G1 Nipawin, SKSOE1E0 Fax: Telephone: 210 Fax: Toll-free: Box Creighton, 1st Street East 1st 10 306-862-1731 306-688-3375 Street East 1-800-532-9580 SK 1-800-487-8594 SOP OA°

•• •• •• •••• •••• •• •••• 0011. 0 0 00011 00• •• •• •••00 ••


In Alberta, information on income support and other social service programs can be obtained by contacting your local Employment and

•••••• Immigration Service Centre

•• General Inquiries: 1-866-644-5135

Athabasca Alberta Service Barrhead Alberta Service Centre Centre

•••• 3rd Floor Duniece Center Provincial Building 4810 - 50 Street 6203 - 49 Street Athabasca AB, T9S 1C9 Barrhead AB, T7N 1A4 Phone: 780-675-2243 Phone: 780-674-8345

•••• [email protected] barrhead.lmice, • Bonnyville Alberta Service Bow Corridor Office Centre 3rd Floor Provincial Building 5201 -44 Street 800 Railway Avenue

•••• Bonnyville AB, T9N 2J4 Canmore AB, T1W 1P1 Phone: 780-826-4175 Phone: 403-678-2363 bonnyville.Imice, EI.ds-calgarye, ••• Brooks Alberta Service Centre Calgary Child Support Services 200 600 Cassils Road East 7th Floor John J. Bowlen Brooks AB, T1R 1M6 Building Phone: 403-362-1278 620 - 7 Avenue SW •••• brooks.doe, Calgary AB, T2P 0Y8 Phone: 403-297-6060 [email protected] ••• • ••• ••

17 ••• • • • Area Calgary East Area • Alberta Service Centre and Radisson Centre Alberta • Labour Market Information Ctr Service Centre • 1502 Marlborough Mall Main Floor 525 - 28 Street SE • 515 Marlborough Way NE Calgary AB, T2A 6W9 • Calgary AB, T2A 7E7 Phone: 403-297-1907 • LMIC 403-297-7570 TDD 403-297-1927 • [email protected] • Calgary Labour Market - Alberta • Information Centre- Service Centre and Labour • Downtown Location Market Information Centre • 5th Floor Century Park Place 1st Floor One Executive Place • 855 - 8 Avenue SW 1816 Crowchild Trail NW • Calgary AB, T2P 3P1 Calgary AB, T2M 3Y7 • Phone: 403-297-6344 Phone: 403-297-7200 • [email protected] • • /Central Area- Calgary South/Central Area — • 10th and 10th Office Fisher Park Canada-Alberta • Main Floor RPW Building Service Centre and Labour • 1021 - 10 Avenue SW Market Information Centre • Calgary AB, T2R 0B7 100 Fisher Park II • Phone: 403-297-2094 6712 Fisher Street SE • [email protected] Calgary AB, T2H 1X3 • Camrose Claresholm District Office • 3rd Floor Gemini Centre Provincial Building • 6708 - 48 Avenue 109 -46 Avenue West • Camrose AB, T4V 4S3 Claresholm AB, TOL OTO • Phone: 780-608-2525 Phone: 403-625-4457 • [email protected] • • • O • • 18 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 408 Drumheller [email protected] Phone: 780-594-1984 Cold 6501B -51 Cold Drumheller 2nd Phone: 780-427-9674 Edmonton CityCentre- Phone: 403-562-3285 Blairmore Main Crowsnest ei.ds-centrale, Phone: 403-823-1616 Phone: 780-422-9440 Edmonton AB,T5E5R8 Unit #2050Northgate Edmonton South Edmonton AB,T5J3L5 9499 -137 180 10242 -105 105th StreetSite 12501 -20Avenue Tri City Floor Riverside Riverside Lake AB,T9M1P2 Lake Floor AB, TOK0E0 Avenue Pass Area Street AB, TOJ0Y0 Provincial Building Street Mall Drive Centre Center Office

[email protected] Drayton ValleyAB,T7A1S7 2nd Drayton ValleySub-Office Phone: 780-422-4011 Edmonton AlbertaJobCorps [email protected] Phone: 780-542-3134 5136 -51Avenue Edmonton Edmonton ABT5G0W5 2000 NorthgateCentre 11244 - Phone: 780-415-6400 Edmonton ABT5J3E1 Services Edmonton Phone: 780-644-2888 Edmonton AB,T6H5H6 Argyll Centre Edmonton North Edmonton AB,T5E5R8 [email protected] 9th edmsouth. ise, 6325 9499 -137Avenue 10035 -108Street 105-street.ise, Floor Floor Gateway 120 Street Provincial Building Centre WestBuilding Northgate Child Boulevard Support

19 • •0 - Meadowlark Edmonton West • 120 Meadowlark Shopping Centre 200 Westcor Building • 15710 - 87 Avenue 12323 Stony Plain Road • Edmonton AB, T5R 5W9 Edmonton AB, T5N 4A9 • Phone: 780-415-8116 Phone: 780-415-6500 • [email protected] Email: [email protected] • Edson Fort McMurray • 102 Provincial Building Provincial Building • 111 - 54 Street 9915 Franklin Avenue • Edson AB, T7E 1T2 Fort McMurray AB, T9H 2K4 • Phone: 780-723-8317 Phone: 780-743-7192 • Email: [email protected] [email protected] • • Grande Cache District Office Crowsnest Pass Area Office • 702 Pine Plaza Mall Main Floor Provincial Building • Grande Cache AB, TOE OYO 12501 - 20 Avenue Phone: 780-827-3335 Blairmore AB, TOK 0E0 • [email protected] Phone: 403-562-3285 • Grande Prairie High Level • 100 Towne Centre Mall 9806 - 98 Street • 9845 - 99 Avenue High Level AB, TOH 1Z0 • Grande Prairie AB, T8V 0R3 Phone: 780-841-4315 • Phone: 780-538-6241 Email: [email protected][email protected] • High Prairie Hinton • 2nd Floor Provincial Building 568 Carmichael Lane • 5226 - 53 Avenue Hinton AB T7V 1S8 • High Prairie AB TOG 1E0 Phone: 780-865-8273 • Phone: 780-523-6650 • [email protected] • • • • • • 20 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• peaceriver.doe, Phone: 780-624-6135 Peace Valley ChryslerBuilding Peace 4500 -50Street 9603 -90Avenue Email: Phone: 403-507-8060 Olds Ralph 4901 -50Avenue Olds Phone: 780-980-0557 Leduc ABT9E6M1 Leduc DistrictOffice ei.ds-centrale, Phone: 780-871-6480 Lloydminster Lloyd 9503 Beaverhill Provincial Building Lac LaBiche 5016 Phone: 780-623-5215 Lac LaBicheABTOA2C0 [email protected] -48Street AB, T4H1R6 minster River AB,T8S1T4 Klein Centre River [email protected] AB T9V0H8 Road

4920 -51Street central Phone: 403-340-5439 Red Red Phone: 780-962-8681 Building Professional 200 Westgrove Parkland Phone: 403-529-3550 Medicine HatABT1A0G7 Spruce Grove 201 Medicine HatDistrictOffice 346 -3 Phone: 403-529-3683 Medicine HatABT1A0G7 346 -3StreetSE Medicine Hat Lower Level Phone: 403-380-2272 Lethbridge 200 -5 Main lethb icIg_e_iep@ Lethbridge 109 131 -1 Provincial Building Provincial Building Deer Deer r Floor e,gov . Avenue Street SE Avenue South AB, T4N6K8 District Office AB T1J4L1 Provincial Building Provincial Building ab AB, T7X2Z8 . ca a 21 • • Red Deer Rocky Mountain House • 3rd Floor First Red Deer Place 4919- 51 Street • 4911 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House, AB • T4T 1A8 Phone: 403-845-8590 • Red Deer AB, T4N 6V4 Email: • Phone: 403-340-5353 • • • Sherwood Park District Office Slave Lake • 105 Tailor Made Business Centre Suite 108 Government Centre • 85 Cranford Way 101 - 3 Street SW • Sherwood Park AB, T8H 0H9 Slave Lake AB, TOG 2A0 • Phone: 780-464-7000; Phone: 780-849-7290 • TDD 780-449-0712 • • Whitecourt St. Paul • 202 Midtown Mall 5126 - 50 Avenue • 5115 - 49 Street St Paul AB, TOA 3A0 • Whitecourt AB T7S 1N4 Phone: 780-645-6473 • Phone: 780-778-7149 [email protected] • • • Stettler Taber (Lethbridge Sub - Office) 4835 - 50 Street Provincial Building • Stettler AB TOC 2L0 5011 -49 Avenue • Phone: 403-740-4320 Taber AB T1G 1V9 • Phone: 403-223-7921 • [email protected] • Vegreville Vermilion O 5121 - 49 Street Provincial Building • Vegreville AB T9C 1S7 4701 - 52 Street • Phone: 780-632-8686 Vermilion AB T9X 1J9 • Phone: 780-853-8164 • Email: [email protected] • O • • 22 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wetaskiwin Wainwright Wainwright ei.ds-centrale, Suite 19ProvincialBuilding ei.ds-centrale, Wetaskiwin ABT9A0V5 5201 -51Avenue Phone: 780-842-7500 810- 14Avenue Plucher Phone: 403-627-1125 Pincher Creek Phone: 780-361-5878 160 782MainStreet 1st lo aai Building Floor Macadil Creek Area AB T9W1R2 AB, TOKIWO Office

Westlock [email protected] Phone: 780-349-7700 Westlock Phone: 780-419-3907 Provincial Building St AlbertDistrictOffice 30 St AlbertAB,T8N3A3 11304 -99 Sir Winston AB T7P0A4 Street Churchill Av.

23 • • John Howard Society • • The John Howard Society is a non-profit organization that works with • people in conflict with the law. The Society does not have a special • program for Aboriginal people. • John Howard Society John Howard Society • of Canada of Manitoba • 809 Blackburn Mews 583 Ellice Street • Kingston, ON Winnipeg, MB R3B 1Z7 • Canada K7P 2N6 Telephone: 204-775-1514 • Telephone: 613-384-6272 Fax: 204-775-1670 • Fax: 613-384-1847 • www • • John Howard Society John Howard Society • of Saskatchewan of Alberta • Suite #203 - 2505 1 lth Ave 2nd Floor, 10523 - 100 Ave. • Regina, SK S4P 0K6 Edmonton, AB T5J 0A8 • Telephone: 306-584-2115 Telephone: (780) 423-4878 • Toll Free: 1-877-584-2115 Fax: (780) 425-0008 • • • • John Howard Society Offices in • the Prairie Region • • MANITOBA • 153 8th Street • Brandon. MB R7A 3X3 • Telephone: 204-727-1696 • Fax: 204-728-4344 • • • • • 24 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fax: 202 -2203rd Fax: Telephone: Moose Jaw, 4916 -50 Fax: Telephone: ALBERTA Telephone: Fax: Telephone: Telephone: Red Grande Prairie,AB 9909-112th Saskatoon, SASKATCHEWAN Calgary, AB 917 -9 Fax: 15 Hochelaga Deer, 403 306-244-9923 (306) 692-7655 780-538-4931 (403) 265-2458 Avenue SE 7 346-8740 St. AB SK S4K1M1 403-343-1770 306-244-8347 (306) 693-0777 780-532-0373 (403) 266-4566 Ave SK S6H2E9 T2G 0S5 Ave South St. T4N 1X7 W. T8V 1V5 Suite Telephone: Fax: Regina, 2505 -llth Fax: Telephone: #401, 10010-105 Telephone: Medicine Hat,AB #208, 535-3 Fax: Telephone: Administration Edmonton, AB Fax: Lethbridge, 909 3rd 306-347-0707 403-526-4636 403-320-6613 (780) 425-1549 B07 Ave. SK S4P 403-327-8202 306-757-6657 403-526-5916 (780) 428-7590 Ave AB North Street SE Building, T5J 1C4 0 T1H 0E15 Street K6 TlA 0 H2


Elizabeth Fry Society

The Elizabeth Fry Society is a non-profit agency that works with women in conflict with the law. The Society does not have a program for Aboriginal women, but several branches are developing programs for Aboriginal women. In addition, the Society will introduce women ••••••••• to culturally appropriate agencies if they are available.

The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies 701-151 Slater Street Ottawa, ON KlP 5H3 613-283-2422 ••••••••• Elizabeth Fry Society Offices in the Prairie Region ••


544 Selkirk Ave. 201 165-3rd Ave. South •••• Winnipeg, MB R2W 2M9 Saskatoon, SK S7K 1L8 Telephone: 204-589-7335 Telephone: 306-934-4606 Toll-free: 1-800-582-5655 Toll-free: 1-888-934-4606

ALBERTA ••••••• #600-1509 Center St. SW 10523- 100 Ave. Calgary, AB T2G 2E6 Edmonton, AB T5J 0A8

Telephone: 204-294-0737 Telephone: 780-421-1175 ••• Toll-free: 1-877-398-3656 Toll Free:1-866-421-1175 •• •••

26 • •• S31113 ASS33 1/11:13S ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• SERVICES BY CITY AND BY REGION • • • • MANITOBA • First Nations Government • • Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs / Head Office • P.O. Box 277 • Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B5 • Long Plain First Nation • 5000 Crescent Road West • Toll Free Number: 1-866-331-9561 • http://www.manitobachiefs.corn • Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs/ Sub • Office Suite Portage Avenue • 200 - 275 Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2B3 • Main Tel: 1-204-956-0610 • • Toll-Free: 1-888-324-5483 • Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs represents 63 First Nations communities • and addresses issues through Chiefs Committees in the areas of Child • Welfare, Justice, Education, Self-Determination and Treaties, • Housing/Capital, Health and Economic Development. • Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin Inc. • 200 — 701 Thompson Dr • Thompson, MB R8N 2A3 • Telephone: 204-677-1600 • Toll-free: 1-800-442-0488 • • • Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin Inc. is the political and • advocacy group for members of 30 First Nations communities in • Northern Manitoba. Justice Services help people make connections to O• communities. •111 • •è 29 • • • Southern Chiefs Organization Inc.! Head Office • Swan Lake First Nation • Unit 4 - 4820 Portage Avenue • Headingley, MB R4H 1C8 • Phone: 204-832-0220 • • • Southern Chiefs Organization Inc.! Winnipeg Sub-Office • 225 - 530 Century Street • Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Y4 • Phone: 204-946-1869 • Toll Free: 866-876-9701 • • Southern Chiefs Organization Inc. works on protecting and promoting • First Nations rights, languages, customs and traditions through the • Treaty-Making process on behalf of 36 Cree, Anishnaabe, and Dakota • First Nations. • • First Nations Tribal Councils • • Swampy Cree Tribal Council Island Lake Tribal Council • The Pas: 204-623-3423 Waasagomack: 204-457-2337 Winnipeg: 204-989-4800 Winnipeg: 204-982-3300 Toll Free: 1-800-442-0459 • Interlake Reserves Tribal Council West Region Tribal Council • Fairford: 204-659-4465 Dauphin: 204-638-8225 Winnipeg: 204-956-7413 Toll-free: 1-888-358-7340

Dakota-Ojibwa Tribal Council Keewatin Tribal Council Winnipeg: 204-988-5370 Thompson: 204-677-2341 Toll Free 1-866-856-5550 Winnipeg: 204-949-4016

30 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• Winnipeg, MBR3B0J7 Manitoba Métis programs. Counselors Manitoba. Servicesareopen Federation The ManitobaMétis Telephone: 204-586-8474 300-150 Henry program (Meekeepapa), help tofindhousing,employment, Regional connections. have Winnipeg. Laurent, Dauphin,GrandMarais,Brandon,ThePas, to offer Offices and103 Call tofind All programs you. Ave. Federation (MMF are

local Métis and Locals throughout there are residential schoolsurvivorhealing to offices provided at Métis, Government for people serves the needs serves the training, and phone Head Office) Non-Status with the parenting education the province. Regional justice numbers. Seewhatthey of theMétispeoplein and Inuit Thompson system Offices in You canget at seven and St. 31 • • • Provincial Government • Community Connections is an information program where you can • find over 700 locations within the province where the public can log on • the internet free of charge. To find the closest location to you visit the • website at any of the 20 public • libraries in Winnipeg or the 83 libraries throughout the province. You • can also call 1-866-445-2555 for locations. • • The Societe Franco-Manitobaine has an information line which • provides all services available in French, 1-800-665-4443. They also • publish an annual directory available at . • • Contact Community Information (Volunteer Manitoba) provides a • listing of resources in Winnipeg and throughout rural and northern • Manitoba. Copies are available at libraries. For help in finding a • program or service, call 204-287-8827 or toll-free at 1-866-266-4636. • The office hours are from 9:00 to 4:30, Monday to Friday. You can also • visit their website. • • Northern Association of Community Councils • Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Manitoba • 750-331 Smith Street • Winnipeg, MB R3B 2G9 • Telephone: 204-947-2227 • Toll-free: 1-888-947-6222 • • The Northern Association of Community Councils are local • organizations that provide housing, education, training and employment • services to 56 communities throughout northern Manitoba. Call • Winnipeg to find the phone number of the council nearest you. • • • • • • • 32 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• rsrpin. You prescriptions. You need bill Manitoba forsix communications systemtoupdateyourcard(address you canregisterthroughyourcity Winnipeg you liveoutside or get or Winnipeg, MBR3B3M9 Manitoba municipal officesor information availabletoanswerautomatedquestions. identification To find 1-800-392-1207 Toll-free: Telephone: 204-786-7101 Manitoba For 297-8099 300 Manitoba BlueCrosstoll-free are CantonSt also availableat with yourname expenses notcoveredthroughhealth a new card out about more coverage support forprescriptiondrugs, coverage out aboutmore a or visit or Health Income Based health cardtosee months if the website, are yours hasbeenlost.Youneedto and address and pharmacies. download eligible for a eligible and Pharmacare Health Card can provethiswith

a doctor,go [email protected] at 1-800-873-2583. an application form from an application on it.PhonetheWinnipeg health cardifyou Winnipeg, MBR3B1B9 City of 510 Program care, to Main Street the hospital the you cancallthe Winnipeg a toll-free driver's license have or have . Applications name or get or your automated at 1-800- lived or change) call in or a If the 33 • • • • Ministry of Health Offices • • Assiniboine Regional Brandon Regional • Health Authority Health Authority • 192-1st Avenue West, Box 579 150A - 7th St. • Souris MB, ROK 2C0 Brandon MB, R7A 7M2 • Telephone: 204-483-5000 Telephone: 204-571-8400 • Toll-free: 1-888-682-2253 Fax: 204-726-8505 • Fax: 204-483-5005 • • Burntwood Regional South Eastman Health Inc. O Health Authority Box 470, 94 Principale Street • 867 Thompson Drive S. La Broquerie MB, ROA OWO Thompson MB R8N 1Z4 Telephone: 204-424-5880 • Telephone: 204-677-5350 Toll-free: 1-866-716-5633 • Fax: 204-778-1424 Fax: 204-424-5888 • • • • Interlake Regional NOR-MAN Regional • Health Authority Health Authority • 589 - 3rd Ave. S. 84 Church Street Stonewall MB, ROC 2Z0 Flin Flon MB, R8A 1L8 • Telephone: 204-467-4742 Telephone: 204-687-1300 • Toll-free: 1-888-488-2299 Fax: 204-687-6405 • Fax: 204-467-4750 • 4,1 • North Eastman Health Authority Winnipeg Regional • 24 Aberdeen Avenue, Box 339 Health Authority • Pinawa MB, ROE 1L0 1800 - 155 Canton Street • Telephone: 204-753-2012 Winnipeg MB, R3C 4Y1 • Toll-free: 1-877-753-2012 Telephone: 204-926-7000 • Fax: 204-753-2015 Fax: 204-926-7007 • • • 34 • • •• • Parkland Regional Regional Health Authority -

•• Health Authority Central Manitoba Inc. 625 - 3rd Street S.W. 180 Centennaire Drive Dauphin MB, R7N 1R7 Southport MB ROH 1NO

••• Telephone: 204-638-2118 Telephone: 204-428-2720

• Toll-free: 1-800-259-7541 Toll-free: 1-800-RHA-6509 Fax: 204-622-6232 Fax: 204-428-2779

Churchill Health Centre Churchill MB, ROB 0E0 Telephone: 204-675-8881 Fax: 204-675-2243 www. churchillrha. mb. ca •••••••••

• Drivers License and Vehicle Registration

You can receive a driver's license or register a vehicle at two Manitoba Public Insurance offices in Winnipeg, or at Auto Pac •••• broker agents throughout the province. Find Auto Pac offices through the phone books or you can call these toll free numbers: •• Winnipeg info: 1-800-985-7000 Outside Winnipeg info: 1-800-665-2410

To get your drivers license you need to prove your identity with a signature, photograph and two documents verifying residency like a ••••• utility bill or income assistance receipt. You can use a guarantor • declaration from a doctor or a Chief to verify Manitoba residency.

•• The cost of a Driver's license is $20.00 with a $45.00 annual license insurance premium. It costs $10.00 for the written exam and $50.00 for a Class One test. Call 204-985-7788 to book a road test, or toll-free at 1-800-782-0777. •••• • • 35 ••• • • • • Transportation/Local Transit • You can figure out bus schedules, ticket costs and maps in your area by • looking at the Yellow pages of the phone books or going on • O transportation internet sites. Bus passes are usually available at grocery • stores, banks or drugstores. Students and seniors have discount prices • and if you are traveling often buying a month pass will save $. Some • organizations provide bus passes for people who are low income, • unemployed or new to the area. • In Winnipeg, dial 204-986-5700 for routes, schedules and fare • information or visit the website at . Get to other websites tlarough the city name • and transportation. • • Employment and Income Assistance • • This program is a last resort to meet your basic needs if you are unable • to support yourself and your children. You can get help with the cost of • food, clothing, personal needs, household supplies, rent, utilities and • health costs if you are in need. The program is set up to help you find a • job or return to work. Single parents, couples with children and persons O with disabilities can apply at community area offices. Call 204-948- • 4000 for office addresses/phone numbers throughout • the province. • Single people and childless employable couples can apply at 111 Rorie • St. in Winnipeg or through community offices. • • French language services are available at 614 rue Des Meurons or you • can call 204-945-8040. • • To get more useful information on the program, visit the website at • • • • • • 36 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toll-free: 1-866-690-8260 Telephone: 204-786-7111 Province Wide: Health Winnipeg: 204-940-1781or204-946-9109 Manitoba 24 when your to obtain You willneed You Family DoctorConnection/Howtofind Crisis Lines: Canada MTS Business Office information and to find information and Manitoba For informationabout Phone Links: 204-788-8200ortoll-free1-888-315-9257 Reconnect services. A Telephone bill Center, whereyoucanalsobuy Hour HelpLines/Emergency 204-786-8686 a is driver's license,statuscard at 204-225-5687.Youcanapply paid. at 1-800-930-6644. deposit isusuallyrequiredwhichreimbursed telephone Services (MTS)PhoneCentre, Telephone hn ete near a phonecentre or 1-888-322-3019 service andthelocationof Services the Services right you, or or aManitoba or rent doctor: for service formore you cancall a phone. call the MTS Health Card at any nearest 37 • • • BRANDON • Housing • Manitoba Housing Authority • 253-9th St • Brandon, MB R7A 6X1 • Telephone: 204-726-6455 • Toll-free: 1-800-651-8217 • • Low cost housing with income sensitive subsidized rent for families, • pensioners and disabled persons. • Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority Inc. • 702 Douglas St. • Brandon, MB R7A 7B2 • Telephone: 204-729-3600 • • The council has non-profit housing for aboriginal families and students. • Units are available in Altona, Virden, Brandon and Portage la Prairie. • Applications must include references. Waiting period is one year or • more. Services provided in English, Ojibwe, Dakota and Saulteaux. • Brandon Friendship Housing Authority • 836 Lorne Ave. • Brandon, MB R7A 0T8 • Telephone: 204-727-1407 • • They provide housing for those who cannot afford or find a place to • live. Rent costs are 27% of total family income. Rent includes water, • heat, fridge and stove. Someone in family needs to be aboriginal to • apply and be placed on waiting list. • • • • 38 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brandon Mobile previous spouses upgrading, balance center providesholisticprogramstomeetallneeds.Aboriginal This Telephone: 204-578-4800 Brandon, MBR7A6N5 20 -7 Health AccessCenter Crisis Community Addictions week from11:00 Elders fridge water, housing programwhere27%oftotalfamilyincomegoesto health mental esnlcuslig& support personal counselling& treatment is This Telephone: 204-729-3838 Brandon, MBR7A6Z4 Parkwood and jobplacement with members affectedby and a14 510 are in English are in Frederick St. center has a th and community St. are through reclaiming day live tblzto ep Line:204-727-2555 Stabilization Help available to Center computer Foundation Mental about and services encourage and French. a 21 Crisis help and stove am in preventing addictions counselling. Healing/Treatment Health Help gambling recovery day live to 7:00pm skills, counselorsthathelpyoumeetwith addictions. children towork rnlt languagesifneeded. translate and the of Manitoba cultural line: 204-725-4411 in specialist priortoparticipating. substance abuse Partners for Partners Services are open to everyone Services areopen alcohol groups. Programs Line: 204-725-4411 You needtocomplete residential schoolhealing dniy Services identity. out program. The and visiting Centres Careers helpswithresumes drug recoveryprogram through education, are open and Open 7 aboriginal include, adult other an assessment to family and et heat, rent, issues, a days Services and finding a 39 • • • Cultural. Centres/Counselling • Elspeth Reid Family Resource Center 255 - 9th St. • Brandon, MB R7A 6X1 • Telephone: 204-726-6280 • This is a multi cultural drop-in center that provides educational • programs with a focus on strengthening family relationships through • parenting education. Programs run in the day and evenings. • Transportation and childcare are provided. Programs are open to • anyone in Western Manitoba. Call or drop-in to see what they have in • their calendar for you. • Brandon Friendship Center • 836 Lome Ave. • Brandon, MB R7A 0T8 • Telephone: 204-727-1407 • • Programs and Services: • Mental Health: Residential school survivor healing thru reclaiming • cultural identity. Sharing circles, wellness gatherings and connections • to respected elders. • Adult Up-Grading: improve your reading, math, writing and computer • skills • Access Exchange: provides secure and comfortable place to meet with • children/spouses who are dealing with separation issues. • Community Liaison worker: Support for aboriginal people 55 and over • Partners for Careers: Counselors will assist you with resume writing, job placement skills and help you find work. Services are open to all • people and elders available to assist with language translation. • • • 40 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toll-free: Telephone: Brandon, Family provides provides This office 340-9th service open Telephone: Brandon, Brandon Brandon, 223-11th Brandon, United Portage and Riding Mt. asked to separation Saint Christian 127-340 9th 155 -16 Hedwig's Pentecostal Church Conciliation t1 St. attend St. service Street Life Centre Life MB R7A6C2 MB R7A6C2 MB MB Employment Center 1-800-230-1885 issues National Park, 204-726-6336 204-726-6911 204-726-6909 204-726-6908 south to St. to all education Education/Training/Employment Roman west toSask.Border,north involving childrenthroughmediation.Youmaybe and a free USA border. Westman available Catholic Church sessions east towestsideofLake public Regional on service to prepare. First Nations to help people to help Office This Russell reserves. is Manitoba and a voluntary area, upto resolve This office 41 e • e Employment and Income Assistance (Provincial) • 340 — 9th Street • Brandon, MB R7A 6C2 e Telephone: 204-726-6438 e Toll-free: 1-888-269-6498 • You can find financial help for rent, food, clothing and some health e needs here. Staff will help you find employment if you can work. You • need to bring identifications, separation certificates, any pay stubs and • copies of bills to the office when you apply. e• Service Center Canada • 1039 Princess Ave Brandon, MB R7A 6E2 • Telephone: 204-726-7700 • • You can find information on government services here and use • computers and internet. •e Adult Collegiate • 725 Rosser Ave. • Brandon, MB R7A 0K8 • Telephone: 204-725-8735 • Toll-free: 1-866-726-1117 • This centre provides adult upgrading, trades and pre-employment lib trainings. • • Brandon Literacy Council • 129 - 12th Street • Brandon. MB • Telephone: 204-729-9964 • 0 This council has credit courses up to grade 12 with independent study • and tutoring support. • • 0• 42 • I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Assiniboine Toll Telephone: This college has This Brandon, Telephone: Brandon, Business, certificate aboriginaleducation Classesarein school credits. Emergency HelpLine Telephone: Manitoba Samaritan HouseLiteracyProgram Community Churchill Churchill, 32 1430 1610 Hudson Square Free: Victoria AveEast Pacific Ave. MB R7A2A9 MB R7A7L9 Health Center: Health MB 1-800-862-6307 Housing Authority 204-725-8700 204-727-1268 204-675-8838 Mental Health Co-coordinator: Mental Community College ROB an and CHURCHILL/YORK Healing/Treatment adult learning 0E0 Human for 204-675-8300 Bumtwood day Services and Housing nArclueadte Environment, in Agricultureandthe or centre evenings. Theyofferdiploma Region: where youcanearnyourhigh FACTORY Trades Centres 204-675-8311 204- 677-5350 and Technology. and 43 • • Cultural Centres/Counselling • • Churchill Resource Center • Town Centre • 318 Kelsey Blvd • Churchill, MB ROB 0E0 • Telephone: 204-675-2715 • • Return to work planning, employment counselling, job search and • placements. •

Education/Training/Employnnent • • • Keewatin Community College - Churchill Regional Campus • P.O. Box 1000 • Churchill, MB ROB 0E0 • Telephone: 204-675-2975 • This college offers vocational and academic trainings through over 25 • full time programs. They provide continuing adult education and • special programs through offices in The Pas, Thompson, Flin Flon, • Swan River and distance • education throughout northern Manitoba. • University College of the North • Churchill Regional Center • 59 Hudson Square, Box 1000 • Churchill, MB ROB 0E0 • Telephone: 204-675-2975 • • This college has adult upgrading, university preparation and courses • through Satellite and in classroom. They have working partnerships • with the University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg. • • • • 44 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Norway Norway Telephone: 204-359-6775 2010 Norway House This Telephone: 204-676-2465 Box 208 being held. throughout This Telephone: 204-359-6296ext.2222 Box 1000 This Telephone: 204-676-2218 Box 10 Pimicikamak, trainings. Cross Lake,MBROB Cross Lake Cross Lake,MBROBOJO University services center hasskillsassessments, college providesdegree,diploma government provideshealth,education,employment Norway House House, MBROB House, MBROB to 6,500members the College 204- 359-6776 Resource Center north. Calltofind Cross Lake Education/Training/Employment Cree Nation CROSS Cultural Centres/Counselling of theNorth Cree Nation,Box250 WO LAKE/NORWAY HOUSE MO MO in 12 First reserve communities. out Nation job hr h lse r currently the classesare where readiness, resume and Telephone: 204-676-2677 Cross Lake,MBROB Box 370 certificate programs and job and WO housing search 45 •

Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre Box 790 • Norway House, MB ROB MO Telephone: 204-359-4100 • This centre provides education from elementary to adult upgrading to achieve high school equivalency. Trades training and certificates are • offered when available. • • DAUPHIN •


Anicinabe Housing Corporation 217 Main St. South Dauphin, MB R7N 1K5 • Telephone: 204-638-8927 • • Manitoba Housing Authority • Parkland East Region • 27-2nd Ave. S.W. • Dauphin, MB R7N 3E5 • Telephone: 204-622-2092 • Healing/Treatment Centres • Canadian Mental Health Association of Canada • Main Dauphin Office • Box 236, Stn Main • Dauphin, MB R7N 2V1 • Telephone: 204-638-4097 •

• • • 46 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• West Dauphin, Telephone: 202 Addictions Toll-free: Telephone: Dauphin, Parkland RegionalHealthAuthority You canfindcounselling Dauphin, 625 Telephone: Dauphin, Family Reconciliation-ParklandRegion Telephone: 32-1st This Telephone: Malcolm 27-2nd substance abuseandaddictions mediation, problemsolving skills family dysfunction, Dauphin, 1430 Main Third group has Main Region Ave. NW Ave. SW MB R7N1K6 MB R7N1R7 MB R7N1G7 MB R7N3E5 MB R7N1M8 St. Strang Counselling 1-800-259-7541 tet SW Street St. 204-622-9400 204- 638-2118 204-622-2021 204-638-7969 204-622-2035 Foundation S Tribal South individual, coupleand Cultural Centres/Counselling mental Council HealthDepartment'

of Manitoba 1 and support

illness, Service here and substance abuse, to helpyourecoverfrom grieving. group therapy in issuesofabuse, group therapy (AFM) conflict resolution, 47 • • Dauphin Friendship Center • 210- 1 st Ave NE • Dauphin, MB R7N 1A7 • Telephone: 204-638-5707 • You can get involved in many family focused programs here including; • parenting education, parent/child recreation, youth center, and the • family group program which is an alternative to the child welfare • system. You can upgrade your education through the Adult Literacy • program and access internet and computers. The "Partners for Careers" • teaches the skills needed to find work. Sponsorships and scholarships • are available. • MMF Northwest Métis Council • 505 Main St. South • Dauphin, MB R7N 1L3 • Telephone: 204-638-9485 • • Unraveling the Sash Program: To learn about the history and legacy of • residential schools and how to break the destructive cycle of shame and • abuses contact this Métis Survivor Family Wellness program. • • Parkland Crossing - Community Ministry • 220 Whitmore Ave. W. • Dauphin, MB R7N 3N2 • ' Telephone: 204-638-3333 • Métis Child and Family Services • 13- 1st Ave. SW • Dauphin, MB R7N 1R9 • Telephone: 204-638-7896 • • They provide Parenting Education, Family Group Conferencing and • Support Services to Métis families. • • 48 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toll-free: 1-877-977-0007 Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N3B3 Box 651 Parkland CrisisCenter Employment Dauphin Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N3L5 27 2nd They canhelpyouupgradeyourwriting Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N0Z6 Assiniboine Dauphin Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N1C2 Parkland Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N2V5 P.O. Box4000 Telephone: Dauphin, MBR7N1A7 210 520 135A -2nd 118 Main Whitmore Ave.E. 1st Ave. Ave. Employment Center Adult LiteracyProgram St. Job 204-638-9484 204-622-2096 622-2035 204-638-5707 204-622-5627 204- 622-2222 Ave. SW, Community College NE North and Opportunity Center Education/Training/Employment NE Room Income 309 and Assistance Women's Shelter - Parkland and reading skills. Campus 49 • • FLI N FLON • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba • 2-53 Main Street. • Flin Flon, MB R8A 1J7 • Telephone: 204-687-1771/1770 • • You can find counselling and recovery programs here for substance • abuse and addictions problems. • Cultural Centres/Counselling • • Family Conciliation - Norman Regional Office • 143 Main St. • Flin Flon, MB R8A 1K2 • Telephone: 204-687-1730 • • Film Flon Indian- Métis Friendship Association Inc. • 57 Church St. • Flin Flon, MB R8A 1K8 • Telephone: 204-687-3900 • • This drop-in center has services to help you find housing, employment • skills training and career planning. They have a public health nurse, • addictions counselor, artists craft outlet and public access to computer • and intemet. They have parenting activities, child care, recreation and • regular cultural events. You can connect with elders and Christian • counselors here. • • Pentecostal Church • 180 Green Street • Flin Flon, MB R8A 1T8 • Telephone: 204-687-4596 • • 50 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: Flin Flon,MBR8A Flin Flon Toll-free: 204-687-1708 University Telephone: Flin Flon,MBR8A11(2 201 -143MainStreet Employment Telephone: Flin Flon,MBR8A11(2 Telephone: Flin Flon Keewatin Telephone: Flin Flon,MBR8A1J9 Flin Flon Telephone: Flin Flon,MBR8A Many Flin Flon,MBR8A1J7 208-35 Community AdultLearningCenter 9 115 115 111 Main Terrace Ave. Green Green Faces Main Regional Center Regional Center St. Employment Community College St. Street College 204-687-1560 204-687-1700 204-687-1560 204-687-6354 204-687-1685 204-687-3223 Education Center St. and Education/Training/Employment Income 0P7 0P7 of theNorth Centre Assistance 51 • • • • LYNN LAKE • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Lynn Lake Friendship Center O 625 Gordon St. • Lynn Lake, MB ROB OWO • Telephone: 204-356-2407 O • You can find counselling, education and re-lapse prevention strategies • here. Services are in the communities of Leaf Rapids, South Indian • Lake, and surrounding areas. • • Education/Training/Employment • • West Lynn Heights School - Frontier School Division • Adult Education Program • Box 670 • Lynn Lake, MB ROB OWO • Telephone: 204-356-2292 • • You can complete adult upgrading courses, grade 12 and training skills • development here. • • • PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE • O Housing • • Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority Inc. • 5010 Crescent Rd., Room 150 • Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B5 O Toll-free: 1-866-856-5550 • • • 52 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Manitoba Housing Authority Manitoba Ojibwe andDakota. Toll-free: 1-866-440-4663 Telephone: 204-239-3680 Portage laPrairie,MBR1N3K1 traditional teachings This Telephone: 204-239-6333 Telephone: 204-857-8353 Portage LaPrairie,MBR1N3J9 Addictions Telephone: 204-239-6590 Portage LaPrairie,MBR1N0K9 317-25 TupperSt. Single and 236 anger Portage LaPrairie,MBR1N1N4 20-3rd St. Friendship Center Portage Box 1160,205-9Saskatchewan Canadian Saskatchewan center hasfamilycounselling aaeet ditosadlaesi developmentbased management, addictionsandleadership North East Mental Health Mental families Foundation Cultural N. Ave. Healing/Treatment are and culturalvalues. eligible East of Manitoba Asociation Centres/Counselling for Ave. for low rentalhousing. W. residential schoolsurvivors, Centres Services arein on 53 •

Education/Training/Employment •

Employment and Income Assistance 25 Tupper St. N. Portage La Prairie R1N 3K1 • Telephone: 204-239-3060 • Toll free: 1-866-513-2185 • • Portage La Prairie Employment Center 1016 Saskatchewan Ave. E • Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3V2 Telephone: 204-239-3085 Toll-free: 1-800-622-6232

Portage Learning and Literacy Center 110 Saskatchewan Ave. W, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N Telephone: 204-857-6304 0, Long Plain First Nation Training Center e 5000 Crescent Rd. W. 0, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B7 • ' Telephone: 204-239-6012 e 9 Portage La Prairie School Division e Adult Education Program • 65-3rd St. SW e Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 2B6 e Telephone: 204-857-6843 e Yellowquill College, Dakota Ojibwa Tribal Council e Box 1599 Crescent Rd. W. • Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3P1 e Telephone: 204-239-1570 • Toll-free: 1-866-856-5550 • 54 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: Johnson Addictions Gimli, MB Box Toll-free: Telephone: Box Manitoba Neepawa Gimli, MB Neepawa, MBROJ1H0 Assiniboine programs This This Telephone: Portage LaPrairie, 306 Portage Red River Telephone: 290 diplomas Davidson St. Saskatchewan DriveEast 449 1680, 122-5th college offersindustryrecognizedcertificateprograms college offersupgrading,universitypreparation Regional Center Memorial in Training in business, 1-888-642-6066 Housing Authority ROC ROC Community College 204-642-5162 204-642-6060 204-632-3960 204-476-7090 Foundation many careers.Youcan Community College RIVERTON/ARBOUR/PEGUIS/GIMLI 1130 1B0 Box Center Healing/Treatment Ave. MB R1N Hospital governance, 2260 of Manitoba 0 Housing K8 social and attend full Centres health time or parttime. fields. and diploma and 55 • • You can get counselling and recovery support for substance abuse and addictions problems here.

Peguis Al-Care Center Box 69, • Peguis, MB ROC 3J0 • Telephone: 204-645-2666

This healing facility has a 42 day live in program with 20 beds. They • take people every 6 wks. You can get your assessment here and • outpatient services are available. The healing program is based on • cultural life skills and personal development and is open to all 18+ • adult men and women. The service is in Cree and English. • Cultural Centres/Counselling • ' Riverton & District Friendship Center Inc. Box 359- 53 Laura Ave. Riverton, MB ROC 2R0 • Telephone: 204-378-2800 • http ://www.rivertonfc. com • This center provides service to the Interlake area including Barrens River. They have a food bank, gym nights, regular bingos and a library. • You can learn skills to help you find work and access computer and internet through the Partners for Careers program. Counselors will help • out with all government forms and connect you to resources you need in the area. Peguis Cultural Centre te Box 10, Peguis, MB ROC 1NO Tel: 204-645-2359 • This center can help you reconnect and learn about the history, culture • and values of the Plains and Woodland Cree. • • 56 • •

Education/Training/Employment ••••• Red River Community College •• Box 220 St. Peters St. 234 Tudor Lane, Box 190 • Arborg, MB ROC OA° Gimli, MB ROC MO Telephone: 204-376-5802 Telephone: 204-642-5496

••• Employment and Income Assistance 120-6th Avenue.

•• Gimli, MB ROC MO

• Toll free: 1-866-475-0215

•• Gimli Employment Center 62-2nd Ave.

•• Gimli, MB ROC MO

• Telephone: 204-642-6020

Peguis First Nation Box 10

•••• Peguis, MB ROC 3J0 Telephone: 204- 645-2359 http://www.peguisfirstnation.ea •• •


••• Housing

Manitoba Housing Authority

••• 102-235 Eaton Ave. Selkirk, MB R1A 0W7 Telephone: 204-785-5228 Toll-free: 1-800-441-5514

••••••• 57 •• • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Behavioral Health Foundation Inc. • Selkirk Healing Center • 1147 Breezy Point Rd. • Selkirk, MB • Telephone: 204-482-9711 • • This foundation provides a live-in healing recovery program for • individuals and families. • • Selkirk Mental Health Clinic • 825 Manitoba Ave. • Selkirk, MB R1A 2B5 • Telephone: 204-482-3810 • Toll-free: 1-800-881-3073 • • Canadian Mental Health Association • 217 Robinson St. • Selkirk, MB R1A 2M5 • Telephone: 204-482-9723 • • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba • 203-250 Manitoba Ave. • Selkirk, MB R1A 0Y5 • Telephone: 204-785-2354 • • Sagkeeng Mino Pimatiziwin Family Treatment • Box 84 • Fort Alexander, MB ROE OPO • Telephone: 204-367-2172 • 204-367-2758 • 204-329-0736 • www. sagkeengfam ilytreatment. ca • • 58 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 204-482-7525 425 EvalineSt. Selkirk Toll-free: 1-866-475-0215 Telephone: 785-5106 Employment Selkirk, MBR1A2J5 Telephone: 204-646-2706 Selkirk, MBR1A1V7 Interlake Region Manitoba Métis these P.O. Box390 You canleam St. Telephone: 204-3672129 Pine This centre Box 749 Sagkeeng education Telephone: 204-482-7525 425 EvelineSt. 101-446 Selkirk Selkirk, MBRIA2J5 Laurent, MBROC2S0 Falls, MB centres. Adult LearningProgram Friendship Center Main and Cultural Centre offers and literacy programsthatareavailable7days about St. ROE MO Education/Training/Ennployment Federation a Cultural Centres/Counselling Income daycare center,Aboriginal First Nations Assistance (MMF) culture, history Regional Offices: Telephone: 204-754-2721 P.O. Box13 Telephone: 204-367-2287 Grand Marais,MB Fort Alexander,MB Box 3 Southeast Region edSat adult Head Start, and languages at a week. ROE OTO ROE OPO 59 • • Lord Selkirk Learning Center • 121-511 Robinson Ave. • Selkirk, MB R1A 1E5 • Telephone: 204-482-2121 • • Red River Community College • Selkirk Regional Center • 221 Mercy St. • Selkirk, MB R1A 2C8 Telephone: 204-785-5010 • Selkirk Employment Center • 237 Manitoba Ave. • Selkirk, MB R1A 0Y4 • Telephone: 204-785-5295 • • SWAN RIVER • • • Housing • Swan River Parkland West Satellite Office • Box 250, 514 Main St. • Swan River, MB ROL 1Z0 • Telephone: 204-734-4297 • • Healing/Treatment Centres • Mental Health Education Resource Center • 621 Main St., Box 1593 • Swan River, MB ROL 1Z0 • Telephone: 204-734-2734 • • • • • 60 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Telephone: 201-4th programs, recreation, Swan Swan River Toll-free: Telephone: 201-4th Employment Telephone: Telephone: resources This Telephone: Swan River, University Box Swan River skills Swan River, Box Swan River, Swan River, Swan River, 1483 —3 1448, 1413 1330, 128-5th center offerslowrentalhousingunits,providesadulteducation training for River Indian Ave. South Ave. rd St. and 1-888-269-6498 College 204-734-9768 204-734-3491 204-734-4419 204-734-9391 204-734-9301 MB MB Employment Center MB MB MB Adult EducationCenter South N., Box education/workshops. and Income and Education/Training/Employment Main ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL employment, Aboriginal Cultural Centres/Counselling of theNorth Ave. and Métis job placements 5000 St. E. 1Z0 1Z0 1Z0 1Z0 1Z0 N. Assistance Friendship Center through Partners Head Start and Start for Careers, Parent/Child 61 • • • • THE PAS • • Housing • Manitoba Housing Authority • 214 Fischer Ave. • The Pas, MB R9A 1K2 • Telephone: 204-627-8355 • Toll-free: 1-800-778-4311 • • Healing/Treatment Centres • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba • Box 2038, 168 — 2nd St. W • The Pas, MB R9A 1L7 • Telephone: 204-627-8140 • • You can find counselling and recovery programs for substance and addictions problems here. • • Opaskwayak Cree Nation • Box 10880 • Opaskwayak, MB ROB 2J0 • Telephone: 204-627-7100 • Toll-free: 1-888-763-1566 • • • Kawechetonanow Center Opaskwayak Health Authority • Telephone: 204-627-7260 Telephone: 204-627-7025 Toll-free: 1-800-265-6938 • Crisis Line: 204-623-0519 • • The center provides group and individual counselling services in • alcohol, drug and gambling addictions, crisis intervention, domestic • violence, sexual, emotional & physical abuse, and grief and loss. Other • • 62 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• They adult upgrading, families. This dropin Telephone: 204-627-7500 The Pas, The Pas Services areinCreeand Search program Pukatawagan, Flon, mood alteringdrugs program This Telephone: 204-623-6425 The Pas, Box Rosaire Telephone: 204-623-7203 The Pas, Box Mental treatment Centerreferrals, programs, critical programs includeparentingeducation,conferencesponsorships,youth 81 EdwardsSt. 240 2605, 81 house has have abreakfastprogram, Snow Health EducationResourceCenter House Friendship Center for menand MB R9A1M3 The MB R9A1K4 MB R9A1M3 Lake, GrandRapids, center focuses Life Edwards Cranberry an Addiction supports computer incident stress Cultural Long adult and women. Youneedtobeclean Avenue substance abuseand Learning Centerprovideslifeskills,literacy, Saulteaux. resident Portage. learning employmentskills and skills, Center Inc. on Centres/Counselling resources assessments. low rentalhousing debriefing, Healing&SharingCircles, Easterville, and of the internet region including for parents, gambling recovery Cormorant, Moose access. The and a of children and alcohol The Pas, youth center. finding work. Career/Job and and Lake, Flin 63 • • Manitoba Métis Federation • The Pas Regional Office • 150 Edwards Ave., Box 2467 1111 The Pas, MB R9A 1M2 • Telephone: 204-623-5701 • • Church of the Messiah • 165 Riverside St. The Pas, MB R9A 1K2 • Telephone: 204-623-5750 • • • Anglican Church of Redeemer • 695 Kiche Maskanow • The Pas, MB R9A 1K2 • Telephone: 204-623-2999 • Education/Training/Employnnent • • Employment and Income Assistance Ross Ave. and 3rd St. • The Pas, MB R9A 1M4 • Telephone: 627-8311 • Toll-free: 1-866-443-2291 • The Pas Employment Center • 305 - 4th St. W., Box 2550 • The Pas, MB R9A 1M4 • Telephone: 204-627-8135 • Keewatin Community College - Main Campus 436-7th St. East, Box 3000 • The Pas, MB R9A 1M7 • Telephone: 204-627-8500 • Toll-free: 1-800-238-8508 • • • 64 • • ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Addictions The centre Telephone: The Pas, 436 -7th Telephone: The Pas, Kelsey AdultLearningCenter This centre Telephone: Thompson, Polaris Place Telephone: Thompson, Keewatin Tribal entrance intocollegeprograms. Keewatin traditional healingroom days 90 120 102-83 Princeton Drive Stewart St.,Box long. Churchill Drive MB R9A1R2 MB R9A1M7 St. Adult LearningCenter There offers offers 204- 627-8623 204-623-1420 204-677-7300 204-677-2341 MB R8N MB R8N Foundation E., Box are courses Council HousingAuthority a Healing/Treatment co-ed residential also aboriginal 0 0 3000 4200 L6 L3 on site. of Manitoba leading to THOMPSON Housing the Mature staff, cultural addiction Centres recovery, whichis Student Diploma teachings and a and 26 65 • •

Keewatin Tribal Council Health/Medical Services • 102-83 Churchill Drive • Thompson, MB R8N 0L6 • Telephone: 204-677-2341 • • Mental Health Association • 23 Fox Bay • Thompson, MB R8N 1E9 Telephone: 204- 677-6050 • • This is a treatment centre, and also offers personal counselling, • assessment and support in the Burntwood Region. • • Nelson House Medicine Lodge • Box 458 • Nelson House, MB ROB 1A0 • Telephone: 204-484-2256 • The healing & wellness program covers anger management, grief • recovery, inner child, traditional life cycles, healthy relationships, and • addictions. Healing work is co-ed and in men's and women's groups, • for a 17 week program. The program is open to individuals and couples • in a continuous intake. Services are offered in English and Cree. • • Cultural Centres/Counselling • Ma-mow-we-tak Friendship Center • 122 Hemlock Crescent • Thompson, MB R8N 0R6 • Telephone: 204-677-0996 • 204-677-0950 • This center provides a 14 bedroom hostel, kitchen facilities and an • interpreter/escort service for language and transportation needs. The • staff will help you with all government forms and relocation. The Ma- • mo-we-ka'pawik "Stand Together" program has a cultural advisor and • youth/family counselor to support healing of those affected by • 66 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• program Telephone: Thompson, Thompson Regional Family wages wellness programsto They providehousing,education, Telephone: Thompson, Awasis Toll-free: Telephone: Thompson, Manitoba Métis Continental MissionChristian and in the intergenerational include literacyeducation,employmentprojects Telephone: Thompson, The children. Mediation 59 159 171 100-701 Elizabeth Drive,Box driver's education.Theyalsoofferdiabeteseducation Cree Cree e-o-thTnM-iS-i Program Mee-Noo-Stah-Tan-Mi-Ni-Si-Win adult educationprogramwhichincludesemploymentskills, are First Conciliation Thompson on site. Rd. Rd. partly 1-866-677-6713 services for families and couplesonissues families services for 204-778-4491 204-677-1430 204-677-1539 204-677-6570 MB R8N1P1 MB R8N0C2 MB R8N2A3 MB R8N1X4 Nation or effects Federation (MMF)-RegionalOffice fully paidby Drive Family Métis, non- Office of the 5 Justice Initiative residential schools.Youcanparticipate Church MMF status training, during n ni epe Programs and Inuitpeople. employment on thejobtraining. n lcmns where and placements involving and and an health elders GED and 67 • • • This program helps families to address conflicts outside of the child • and family services and justice systems through family group • conferencing. • The Light of the North Church • 32 Nelson Rd. • Thompson, MB R8N 0B4 • Telephone: 204-778-6889 • • Education/Training/Employment • University College of the North • 504 Princeton Dr. • Thompson, MB R8N 0A5 • Telephone: 204-677-6450 • Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 • This college has education and training services which include contract • skills training, continuing education, transition year and aboriginal • cultural services. • Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre • Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation 1 ATEC Dr. • Nelson House, MB ROB 1A0 • Telephone: 204-484-2886 • Toll-free: 1-866-614-7686 • At this centre, you will find job postings, pre-employment trainings and • access a computer and interne. • Tataskweyak Cree Nation Employment and Training Center • General Delivery • Split Lake, MB ROB 1P0 • Telephone: 204-342-2045 • • • 68 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• North be displayed Thompson, MBR8N0A4 Keewatin trainings and At Thompson, MBR8N Toll-free: 1-866-677-6713 Telephone: 204-677-6713 Thompson, MBR8N1X4 You canfindaffordable Telephone: 204-677-2789 Thompson, MBR8N1W2 Thompson Telephone: 204-677-6450 Telephone: 204-677-6667 3 Thompson EmploymentCenter Employment environment withotheraboriginalartists 365 Thompson 504 59 Station this Elizabeth Dr.,Box22 Princeton Drive Center centre, Rd. Community College 204-677-6463 Arts and access Mall, and you canfind Drive Council sold here. Income Assistance Income Room 118 a computerandintemet. 0N3 art classesina job postings good creativeenergy in the and artwork. Yourworkcan region, taketrades 69 • • • • WINNIPEG • • Housing • Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority • 1311 Portage Avenue • Winnipeg, MB R3G 0V3 • Telephone: 204- 988-5377 • • Low rental housing units for students and/or those with dependants are • available through this authority. Services provided in English, Ojibwe • and Dakota.

Kanata Housing Corporation • Suite 202-2055 McPhillips Ave. • • Winnipeg, MB R3V 3C6 • Telephone: 204-338-6261 • Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) — Regional Office • 412 McGregor St. • Winnipeg, MB R2W 4X5 • Telephone: 204-589-4327 5 to This group has affordable housing for Métis and First Nations. The rent is 27% of working family income less dependants, heat and water. Housing is available to those in receipt of income assistance. • • Kinew Housing Corporation • 201-424 Logan Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3A 0R4 Telephone: 204-956-5093 • Payuk Inter-Tribal Housing Co-op • 500 Balmoral St. Winnipeg, MB R3B 2P8 Telephone: 204-783-4891 • 70 • • e e • Neeginan Emergency Shelter • 652 Main St. • Winnipeg, MB R3B 1E2 ■• Telephone: 204- 943- 7961 • This shelter has 35 beds, some semi private, laundry, shower, phone, • job postings, housing lists, clothing, counselling and support. You must • be 18 and over, sober and drug free. Rooms can be reserved. • • Dial-A-Life Housing • 100— 130 Watson St. • Winnipeg, MB R3L °Al • Telephone: 204-694-9170 • • Kekinan Centre Inc. • 100 Robinson St. • Winnipeg, MB R2W 5M8 Telephone: • 204-582-0439 e Urban Native Non Profit Housing Main Office e — • 280 Broadway Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R3C 0R8 e Telephone: 204-945-4661 e Housing to lower income families, tenants and homeowners pay no • more than 25% of income towards rent/home. Applicants are selected • who are financially able to obtain affordable, suitable and adequate • housing • in the private market. e• Healing/Treatment Centres • Native Women's Transition Centre • • 105 Aikens St. Winnipeg, MB R2W 4E4 • Telephone: 204-989-8240 • • • 71 • • • • The Native Women's Transition Centre is a community-based facility • that provides support and services to Aboriginal women and their • children. The programs and services include health promotion, • treatment and care, family support, housing and counselling. • Aboriginal Health Services • Winnipeg Regional Health Authority • 4th Floor, 650 Main Street Winnipeg, MB R3B 1E2 Telephone: 926-7000 • This centre offers spiritual and cultural medical care provided through • Winnipeg's eight hospitals.

Aboriginal Health and Wellness Center of Winnipeg Inc. • 214 & 215-181 Higgins Avenue • Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1 • Telephone: 204-925-3700 • http ://www. ab centre. org/health. html • This cultural center provides holistic healing services based in western • and traditional practices. There are men's and women's healing circles, • Medicine Wheel Teachings and Residential School Survivor program. • This location within the Aboriginal Center has programs and services • to meet all your needs under one roof. • Klinic Community Health Center • 870 Portage Ave • ' Winnipeg, MB R3G OP1 • Telephone: 204-784-4090 , • • • • • • 72 • • •• • Nine Circles Community Health Service

•• 705 Broadway Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3G 0X2

•• Telephone: 204-940-6000

• 204-940-6001 Toll-free: 1-888-305-8647

Peer Outreach program, HIV/Hepatitis C, STD testing on Wednesdays, Counselling, nursing and full medical services. You can also connect through helpers with local elders/healers. •••••• • Mental Health Education Resource Center 432 Ellice St. Winnipeg, MB R3B 1Y4 ••• Telephone: 204-982-6100 •

This center has self-help training, parenting classes, life skills, employment and housing support for people in need.

•••• Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Center Inc. 94 McGregor St. 443 Spence Avenue •• Winnipeg, MB R2W 4V5 Winnipeg, MB R3B 2R8 • Telephone: 204-925-0300 Telephone: 204-925-0348

363 McGregor Street 318 Anderson Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 4X4 Winnipeg, MB R2W 1E5

•••• Telephone: 204- 925-0340 Telephone: 204-925-0349

•• This center has all kinds of support and resources for Aboriginal families including parent support groups, family violence prevention, homemaking services and nutrition education. ••• Native Addictions Council of Manitoba

•• 160 Salter St. Winnipeg, MB R2W 4K1

•• Telephone: 204-586-8395

• 73 •• • • • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba • 1031 Portage Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R3G 0R8 • Telephone: 204-944-6200 • Toll-free: 1-866-638-2561 • • Programs include a primary care unit, residential/out-patient treatment O for men and women, children and youth services, and a big lending library. Services are in French and in English • • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Family Services 586 River Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R3L 0E8 • Telephone: 204-944-6229 • • This center has education, assessment and treatment for women with • addictions problems. Live in and day programs available with after- • care supports. They have co-ed evening workshops and groups for • family members. Intake, assessment and orientation are available on • registration at the center. • • AA - Alcoholics Anonymous 208 — 323 Portage Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R2W 2C1 • Telephone: 204-942-0126 • Toll-free: 1-877-942-0126 • • Addictions Recovery Inc. • ' 93 Cathedral Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R2W 0W7 • Telephone: 204-586-2550 • http://www. • • • • • 74 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• An 8 program Telephone: 204-943-9904 Winnipeg, MBR3B3C7 United GospelMission http ://www.mountcarmel.c Telephone: 204-582-2311 Winnipeg, MBR2W5L4 Mount Carmel This place Telephone: 204-772-9836 Winnipeg, MBR3C1X4 Tammarack program offersopportunitiestolearnskillsneededre-integrateinto foundation has This http://www.bhfca Telephone: 204-269-3430 Winnipeg, MBR3V1L6 Behavioural HealthFoundationInc. 320 live and school traditional healing issues, community. Educationprograms and 35 Ave. 886 60 Balmoral families whoexperience Princess St. Main week live-inprogramhelpsyoutolearn parenting, employmentcounselling.There on site. De on but St. is your own. la need St. for menand Rehabilitation Center Digue, Box250 Clinic

support and long ceremonial programs,daycare term residentialprograms women who to a continue

addictions and in anger, family violence, anger, family to livedrug have

completed a full completed health problems. change are and for men, and aboriginal alcohol your lifestyle elementary women's women treatment The free. 75 • • Bible based addictions recovery program for men. They offer a long • term resident program for alcohol and chemical dependency. • Cultural Centres/Counselling •

Elizabeth Hill Counselling - Men's Resource Center • 301-321 McDermot Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R3A 0A3 • Telephone: 204-956-6560 • • • This is a drop-in center with support and counselling for men dealing • with parenting, childhood abuse, relationship loss and other issues. • • Native Women's Transition Center Inc. • 105 Atkins Street • Winnipeg, MB R2W 4E6 • Telephone: 204-989-8240 • • This great center has 21 beds for women who need support to change • lifestyles, are experiencing parenting difficulty or have personal • problems related to abuse. Stay is up to a year. Programs include • individual counselling, Breaking the Silence (sexual abuse), Parenting • Education, Children's Programs, Addressing Compulsive Coping • Behaviors, Literacy, Humor and addictions programming. Cree and • Ojibwe are spoken here. Open 24 hours, 7 days a week • • Manitoba Métis Federation • Justice Support Program • 300— 150 Henry Avenue • Winnipeg, MB R3B 0J7 • Tel: (204) 586-8474 • • The Justice Support Program assists individuals to overcome barriers • and address basic needs such as income, clothing, housing, health, • family, etc. The program focuses on developing life skills and • 76 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• women & Management community wagesworking program Peace Beginsat management, This drop-in Telephone: 204-589-7347 North End Education. Transitionalhousing units Winnipeg, MBR2W2M2 394 SelkirkAve. taking This centre Telephone: 204-586-8474 Winnipeg, MBR3B0J7 Neah in Creeand with services This Telephone: 204-942-6676 Winnipeg, MBR3B0R3 Mother promoting furniture, counselling, fax andphoneAccess, employment 8:30 150 141 BannatyneAve. Henry Ave.,3rdFloor is am Kee a an excellent series of RedNations to 4:30pm. men job Papa is Women's center hasindividual,crisis or courses parenting education,griefrecovery,soulsurvival, for men skills, and skills, of free education ready. Home workshops. or center withmany

are who wanttoincreasetheirparentingskillsby at low support Centre programs. There library, housing - offered ultimately English. Transition or 204-789-1454 cost. Thestaff Inc. groups. and Open supports and free services are Resource Center Open applications, Monday throughFridayfrom are support and drumming. Money available "Power Up"Computer can speak to women group counselling,anger individuals tobecome that include, and groups, advocacy, referral, Cree andOjibwe and clothing for clothing computer, families fine option, and 77 • • Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc. • 455 McDermot Ave • Winnipeg, MB R3A 0B5 • Telephone: 204-953-5820 • • • This center has aboriginal programs and services that focus on wellness • and build on strengths. You can participate in education, employment, • counselling, skills training, and healing programs. Services are for • aboriginal women and youth. • Main Street Project • 75 Martha St. • Winnipeg, MB R3B 1A4 • Telephone: 204-982-8245 • • This center has a transitional services team of people who will work • with you to get set up in the city. The crisis intervention service is open • 24 hours, 7 days a wk. They have a drop-in center with food, phone, • first aide and transportation to medical apps. They offer emergency • shelter, a live-in detox program and housing. You need to be 18 yrs or • over and complete application and assessment to participate. • E.A.G.L.E. Urban Transition Center • 501- 286 Smith St. • Winnipeg, MB R3C 1K4 • Telephone: 204-954-3050 • Here you can speak with someone who will help you make plans, deal • with issues and connect you with people and places. They have a drop- • in center where you can find help finding housing, employment, • training, and medical care. Open to all aboriginal people and services • are in Ojibwa, Cree, and Ojibwa/Cree. • • • • 78 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Native Clan Telephone: Winnipeg, 203 -138 The clan programs house withtraditionalteachings,elders retu Winnipeg, 470 Indian FamilyCenter Telephone: Winnipeg, Kateri Tekakwitha hospital visits,Pastor home and teachings. Telephone: services This Toll free: Telephone: Winnipeg, 2nd Family 794 Spiritual and healing programsbased Spiritual and about rn Floor, Ellice Selkirk Ave centre providesmediation ed to separation Conciliation in provides support to serving inmates support provides and links Ave. E. Portage 1-800-282-8069 Drop-in center, counselling, AA meetings, photo-copy, center, counselling,AA Drop-in Ave. MB R3COA1 MB R3G MB R2W2M5 MB R3C 379 English only. the 204-943-7357 204-586-8393 204-945-7236 204-783-7215 Organization community. They Broadway of to children, visiting 0 0 Mission T9 B9 sponsors. Open

services on site. have a

and in aboriginal in to all support, relapse to help people resolve people to help 34 financial bed residencehalfway nations ofpeople and those who have those who agreements. and Christian prevention with issues 79 • •

Aboriginal Single Window • 100 - 181 Higgins Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1 Telephone: 204-984-1415 I http ://www.abcentre. org/swindow . html • • You can find information on all government programs, application forms, housing and employment opportunities here. There is free intemet access and community phone for job search. Everything you • need under one roof. •

Aboriginal Center Law Office 0 416-294 Portage Ave • Winnipeg MB, R3C 0B9 • Telephone: 204-985-5230 • Toll-free 1-800-300-2307 • This branch of Legal Aid provides free telephone and drop-in advice or • information on legal issues. First Nations lawyers provide legal • services throughout the province. Translation services are available. • North End Community Renewal Corporation • 509 Selkirk Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R2W 2M6 • Telephone: 204-927-2333 • • • Find out where everything is in North End Winnipeg here. They • provide a number of resource/drop-in centers in the community with • programs and services. • • Whaka Pimadiziiwii Pinaysiiwigamic Inc. • Thunderbird House 715 Main St. Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N7 Telephone: 204-940-4240 • 80 ••• ••• Winnipeg Indian and Métis Friendship Center 45 Robinson St.

••• Winnipeg, MB R2W 5H5 Telephone: 204-586-8441 0• Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg Inc. 112-181 Higgins Ave. 00 Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1 Telephone: 204- 989-6605 0011

Presbyterian Church Anishinabe Fellowship 00 287 Laura St. 0 Winnipeg, MB R3A 1C4 Telephone: 204-942-8682 600 Education/Training/Employment

Winnipeg Employment Centres

Downtown Centre Northeast Centre 391 York Ave. 1122 Henderson Hwy •••••• Winnipeg MB R3C 0P4 Winnipeg MB R2G 1L1 • Téléphone : 204-945-8341 Téléphone : 204-945-8341 204-945-8400 204-945-8400

Southwest Centre South Centre (bilingual) 3338 Portage Ave. 1005 St. Mary's Road ••••• Winnipeg MB R3K OZ1 Winnipeg MB R2M 3S4 • Telephone: 204-945-0575 Telephone: 204-945-0575 1-866-332-5077 1-866-332-5077 ••••• ••

81 ••• • • Partners for Careers • Program Information Centre • 510 Selkirk Avenue • The Murdo Scribe Centre • Winnipeg, MB R2W 2M7 • Telephone: 945-0447 or toll free 1-900-883-0398 • This is an aboriginal employment information center and job placement • services are available. • • Center for Aboriginal Human Resources Development Inc. • 304- 181- Higgins Ave. • Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1 • Telephone: 204-989-7110 • http://www. cahrd. org • • This center provides quality education, training and employment • services to all aboriginal peoples. Services include: employment assessment, counselling, careers, resume writing, interview techniques, • & job search strategies. High school diploma, upgrading, literacy, Aboriginal Peoples College: in house trainings in partnerships with • industry, business and training and vocational institutions. Internet • access is available at the cyber center and daycare/parent support • programs are offered. • Winnipeg Transition Center • 1836 Main St. • Winnipeg, MB R2V 3H2 • Telephone: 204-338-3899 • http ://www. winnipegtransitioncentre. com • • At this centre, you can participate in workshops on careers, transition, • resume, interview and job search skills. • • , • • • • ' 82 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 204-925-3595 403 -181 This Telephone: 204-927-2300 Winnipeg, MBR2W2N2 http://www.urbancircletraining.corn Telephone: 204-589-4433 Winnipeg, MBR2W2M6 Aboriginal Learning phone. skills Free Winnipeg, MBR3B3C6 House This centre Telephone: 204-927-9935 Winnipeg, MBR2W4J6 You canget Telephone: 204-989-8860 Winnipeg, MBR3B3G1 627 Resource Center P.A.T.H. 519 Urban Circle development support. 561 S.E.E.D. computers 80 SalterSt. Ellice Selkirk Ave. Selkirk ebrhphr nldsacs o computers membership hereincludes accessto center hascareercounselling,resumewriting training; of Winnipeg Opportunities Higgins Ave. Ave. here. helps you start your own business and money business and helps youstartyourown Ave. instruction in reading, spelling,writing, instruction in Training resume service, job interview resume Inc.

and Center Inc. Literacy


skills and useoffax and and and intemet,email, math, scienceand personal management. 83 • • • • • SASKATCHEWAN • • First Nations Government • • The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations represents 74 First • Nations in Saskatchewan and works to promote, protect and implement • the treaties. • • Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations • Suite 200 -103A Packham Ave. • Saskatoon, SK S7N 4K4 • Telephone: 306-665-1215 • • • • • • • • • • 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 84 • 1,1 First Nations Tribal Councils

Tribal Council governments in Saskatchewan provide programs and services to assist First Nations people meet needs in housing, •••••••• employment, education, and health. Many administer services on and off reserve that can help you get back into community life. Call to see what programs are currently available. ••• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council Battleford Tribal Council

•• 100 Railway Ave. W. 1202 — 102 St. Spiritwood, SK. SOJ 2M0 North Battleford, SK. S9A 3L8 Telephone: 306-883-3880 Telephone: 306-445-1383

Touchwood Agency Tribal Council Yorkton Tribal Council

•••••• Box 280 21 Bradbrooke Dr. N. Punnichy, SK SOA 3C0 Yorkton, SK S3N 2J8 Telephone: 306-835-2937 Telephone: 306-782-3644

Meadow Lake Tribal Council Saskatoon Tribal Council 8003 Flying Dust Reserve 200-335 Packham Ave. Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1T8 Saskatoon, SK 57N 4S1 Telephone: 306-236-5654 Telephone: 306-956-6100 •••••••

Fort Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Prince Albert Grand Council Reserve # 77 Reserve #201, Box 2350 •••• 740 Sioux Ave. 2020 - 9th Ave. W. Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 1S0 Prince Albert, SK S6V 6J7 Telephone: 306-332-8200 Telephone: 306-953-7200

••••• South-East Treaty Four Fort Carlton Agency Council Tribal Council Box 220 •• Box 700 Shell Lake, SK SOJ 2G0 Carlyle, SK SOC ORO Telephone: 306-468-2326 •• Telephone: 306-577-4553 85 ••• • • Métis Government • • The Métis Nation government provides services in employment, • training, personal development and cultural supports. Call your e regional offices, listed below, to find out about programs and to find • the local nearest you. • • Métis Nation of Saskatchewan • Head Office • 406 Jessop Avenue • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 2S5 0 Phone: 306-343-8285 0 Toll Free: 888-343-6667 • e to Western Region 0 219 Robin Cres. Box 2646 5 Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M8 Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z6 5 Telephone: 306- 277-2986 Telephone: 306- 236-7215 e S 27 Andre Avenue 5 Regina, SK S4T 7C9 . Telephone: 306- 543-1285 • • North East Region Eastern Region 0 Box 72 Box 842 • Cumberland House, SK SOE OSO Yorkton, SK S3N 2X1 • Telephone: 306- 888-7700 Telephone: 302- 782-4511 •e Northern Region Box 385 • Box 1647 Buffalo Narrows • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 SK SOM °JO • Telephone: 306-425-3961 Telephone: 306-235-5836 • • Box 197 Beauval, SK SOM OGO • Telephone: 306-288-4411 • ' 86 ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toll-free: 1-800-667-7766 Telephone: 306-787-0146 Regina, SKS4S6X6 T.C. DouglasBuilding province for under 18.Youwillneedtoproveyou you, The provinceofSaskatchewan 3475 Saskatchewan 7551. back) through The card. You needtoprovidetwopieces be mailed municipalities To getyourhealth Resources helpful toyouwhen If certificate, SIN, available on-line income you Saskatchewan call 306-668-2700. These canbe To update Albert Street are assistance local married youcanregisteryourself,yourspouse or in and at least6monthspriorto housing authorities. and Saskatchewan person at Health Employment Indian Status a or programs tofamilies. card Saskatchewan card, photo-copies or at town Housing Authority Provincial

Registration or replacea you need to complete an application you needtocomplete are released. are Saskatchewan administration offices,villages,rural card, provides housing, a rgas andservices has programs of identification Health o nomto nte authoritynear For informationonthe Government originals. (Originalswillbemailed driver's license otcr altl-re at1-800-667- toll-free lost cardcall have been have Health Card The application. Theapplication Health. provides lowrental offices. Department a training, which canbebirth resident or any of and education which canbe of the photo ID Community homes which is children can and 87 Ministry of Health Offices

Cypress Regional Heartland Regional Health Authority Health Authority

429 — 4th Ave. NE 110 Highway 4 South - Box 2110 Swift Current, SK S9H 2J9 Rosetown, SK SOL 2V0 Telephone: 306-778-5100 Telephone: 306-882-4111

Five Hills Regional Keewatin Yatthé Regional Health Authority Health Authority 455 Fairford St. East Box 40 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 1H3 Buffalo Narrows, SK SOM OJO Telephone: 306-694-0296 Telephone: 306-235-2220 Toll Free: 1-888-425-1111 Toll Free: 1-800-0002

Kelsey Trail Regional Mamawetan Churchill River Health Authority Regional Health Authority Box 1780 Box 6000 Tisdale, SK SOE 1TO La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 Telephone: 306-873-6600 Telephone: 306-425-2422

Prairie North Regional Saskatoon Regional Health Authority Health Authority 1092 - 107th Street 410 - 22n ' St. East North Battleford, SK S9A 1Z1 Saskatoon, SK S7K 5T6 Telephone: 306- 446 - 6606 Telephone: 306-655-3300

88 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Regional HealthAuthority Prince Toll Telephone: Prince Albert, Telephone: Sun Country Weyburn, SKS4H2Z9 Box Health Authority 1521 -6th Free: 2003 Albert Parkland 1-877-800-0002 Ave. W., 306-765-6400 306-842-8718 Regional SK S6V7V6 2180— Health Authority Regina Qu'Appelle Telephone: Toll Regina, Yorkton, SKS3N2K6 Telephone: 270 BradbrookeDr. Health Authority Sunrise Regional Free: 23 SK S4S 1d 1-888-354-8111 Ave. 306-766-5279 306-786-0100 OAS Regional


• • • Drivers License and Registration • There are 450 Saskatchewan Government Insurance licenses burrows, with 12 main district offices and 50 smaller satellite offices, where you • can get your drivers license. You can earn a Class 5 license in 18 • months if you remain incident free. To schedule a road test, call toll- free at 1-800-667-5111 or in Regina call 306-775-6174 and Saskatoon • 306-683-2320. • • When you purchase a license plate, a basic insurance package is • included in the cost. Your vehicle can be registered without an • inspection but you need a bill of sale or receipt of purchase. •

To find the SGI office nearest you, call toll-free at 1-800-667-8015 or you can reach customer service at 306-751-1200. 111 Call toll-free at 1-800-667-9868 to book an appointment for a • probationary license. • • • ' Transportation / Local Transit • You can find out the bus routes and times in a city or town by calling • the town office or city hall. • • The telephone numbers for the bus companies are listed in the Yellow Pages of the phone directory under 'Bus Lines'. You can also find this • information on the intemet by searching the city name you are living in.

Saskatoon Transit: 306-975-7500 • Regina Transit: 306-777-7433 • • • • 90 • •• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• programs designedtohelpyoubuildindependence.Theseinclude transitional employmentsupplementthatincludes for people resort CommunityResources Saskatchewan social employment allowance 73 income at For phone service Residential alsoincludedwithin The mainofficesare free For informationontheoffice You willneedtoprovide wireless companies. fee or cheques, cash, book. this in SaskTel 30% part-time offices. Inaddition part-time of general inquiries,call at housing programoperates $35.00 1-800-221-5200. of or dealer. family unemployment. They and Employment and job start allowance, and job to childcare costs, They can provide rental phones, and They canproviderental $75.00 who income. money orders.Thereisalso .

are Telephone depending unable tomeet identification and toll-free is availablethrough nearest and a to have northern food northern in social assistance, at on Income 280 and you, 1-800-727-5835 29 your Service communities whererentis and basic main officesin room the Services call location. your currentaddressto Employment Assistance a SaskTel 1-888-488-6385 needs due needs allowance, pre- and board.A first timeconnection basic living they numerous take payments by City section by and 5 to illness,low regions is other subsidized a last or toll- and set a of 91 SaskTel Dealer Stores

Sundance Communications Yuen's Cellular Center 317 Center St. 508 Main St. Assiniboia, SK SOH OBO Humboldt, SK SOK 2A0 Telephone: 306-642-4909 Telephone: 306-682-6688

Murlin Electronics (Kindersley Mall) Electric Waves 1240-608 12th Ave. E. 404 La Ronge Ave. Kindersley, SK SOL 1S2 La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 Telephone: 306-463-6055 Telephone: 306-425-2393

Sabre Communications Inc. The Source By Circuit City 2915- 50th Ave. 110 Centre St. Lloydminster, SK S9V ON4 Meadow Lake, SK SOM WO Telephone: 306-825-8500 Telephone: 306- 236-6122

Backstage Music (Melfort Mall) Nipawin Cellular Service 1121 Main St. 222 Centre St. Melfort, SK SOE 1A0 Nipawin, SK SOE 1E0 Telephone: 306-752-9777 Telephone: 306-862-3864

Prairie Mobile Communications Rosetown Cellular 1601 2nd Ave. 205 Main St. Prince Albert, SK S6V 5B7 Rosetown, SK SOL 2V0 Telephone: 306- 953-6900 Telephone: 306- 882-2525

The Wireless Age (Victoria Square Mall) 2223 Victoria Ave. E. Regina, SK S4P 0S4 Telephone: 306-751-7728

92 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• Telephone: Clearwater Box Clearwater Telephone: Beauval, SK P.O. Beauval Telephone: La Loche, Bag La Loche Telephone: Beauval, SK Beaver Telephone: Box La LocheNonProfit Box La Loche, #1 490 5010 218 Box River Health Clinic LA 68 Health SK SK River, 306-822-2033 306-288-4808 306-833-5525 306-288-2379 306-822-2599 Dene SOM SOM LOCHE/BEAUVAL/CLEARWATER SOM Housing Authority SOM SK Centre Treatment OGO OGO Healing/Treatment 1G0 1G0 SOM Housing Inc. 3G8 Centre Housing Centres RIVER 93 • • Cultural Centres/Counselling • La Loche Friendship Centre • La Loche Ave. • La Loche, SK SOM 1G0 • Telephone: 306- 822-2606r • • This drop-in centre will give you information on jobs, training, housing • and education opportunities in the region. They sponsor social, • recreation and cultural programs for First Nations, Métis and Inuit • families and youth. • • La Loche Service Centre • Box 70 • La Loche, SK SOM 1G0 • Telephone: 306-822-1711 • Toll-free: 1-877-371-1131 • • Education/Training/Employment • Dumont Technical Institute • Box 107 • La Loche, SK SOM 1G0 • Telephone: 306-822-2355 • This college provides adult basic education, literacy, GED testing, skill • training programs and cultural student support services. Through • partnerships with Métis Employment services, Saskatchewan Indian • Institute of Technology & Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Sciences, • students can complete degree programs or find work. Open to Métis, • First Nations and Inuit. • • La Loche Community School Literacy Program • Bag Service #4 • La Loche, SK • Telephone: 306-822-2024 • 94 • • •••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• This drop-incentre social, Inuit Telephone: 306-833-2313 11e-a-la-Crosse, Lajeunesse 11e-a-la-Crosse This Telephone: 306-833-2462 Il-a- Box Northwest Rehabilitation through ceremonies,lodges This centre Telephone: 306-833-2278 Il-a-la-Crosse, SK Box Telephone: 306-833-2250 Sakitawak Lajeunesse 11e-a-la-Crosse 11e-a-la-Crosse, 28 la 129 is families recreation a four Crosse, Ave, Box Ave., provides healingservices Healing week inpatientdetoxprogram and SK SK Friendship SK Housing Authority and cultural Box youth. Cultural Centres/Counselling SOM SOM Healing/Treatment has SOM SOM Centre 160 450 job 1C0 1C0 ILE-A-LA-CROSSE 1CO 1C0 postings, housing, Centre and spiritual Centre activities Housing for for retreats. residential schoolsurvivors First Centres for training alcohol Nations, Métis and opportunities, and drug use. 95 • • • St. John Baptiste Church • Box 250 • Ile-a-la Crosse, SK SOM 1C0 • Telephone: 306-833-2029 • • Education/Training/Employnrient • Can Sask Employment Services • La Jeunesse Ave., Box 220 • 11e-a-la-Crosse, SK SOM 'CO • Telephone: 306-833-3235 • Toll-free: 1-877-837-6167 • • Sakitawak Development Corporation • Box 190 • lie-a-la-Crosse, SK SOM 1C0 • Telephone: 306-833-2466 • • • These people offer pre- employment training and educational programs • for First Nations, Métis and Inuit people. • 1 • • BUFFALO NARROWS • ' Housing • Buffalo Narrows Housing Authority • Box 359 • Buffalo Narrows, SK SOM OJO • Telephone: 306-235-4283 • • Subsidized housing for low income individuals and families. • • • • 96 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 306-235-4633 They The Toll-free: 1-866-848-8011 Telephone: 306-235-2220 Toll-free: 1-800-667-7685 Telephone: 306-235-1700 Buffalo the This drop-in Buffalo Buffalo education, anger Buffalo Box 40 Keewatin Buffalo Box 220 Inuit social, cultural,and 351 BuffaloSt.,Box189 region andprovideyouwithreferralsneed.They health authorityprovides families. Elder have a Narrows, SK Narrows, SK Narrows, SK Narrows Narrows Friendship Yatthe Regional HealthAuthority Yatthe mental health center canhelpyoufind aaeetada mobiletreatment management anda Cultural Centres/Counselling Service Centre Healing/Treatment recreation programs for First for recreation programs

services are SOM OJO O °JO SOM SOM OJO evcsporm ditos recovery& services program,addictions services Centre available. out informationaboutservicesin throughout Centres Nations, Métisand the northwest region. unit. have many 97 • • • Education/Training/Employment • • Northlands College Western Region • Box 190 • Buffalo Narrows, SK SOM OJO • Telephone: 306-235-1765 • This college provides adult upgrading education, literacy, business • certificates, trades apprenticeship and training programming. You can • complete university degrees through partnerships with University of • Saskatchewan and University of Regina. There are special diploma • programs in Forestry, Business and Health. Computer and interne • training is provided and distance education is available via satellite. • • FOND-DU-LAC/BLACK LAKE • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Athabasca Health Authority • Box 124 Box 162 • Black Lake, SK SOJ OHO Black Lake SK SOJ OHO • Telephone: 306-439-2200 Telephone: 306-284-2124 • Box 39 • Fond Du Lac, SK SOJ OWO • Telephone: 306-686-2077 • • • These services include addictions counselling, education and referrals • for residential treatment in north region. Call these numbers in the • region. • • • 98 • • •••• ••••• ••• •••• •••••• ••••• •• ••••••••••• •• Athabasca Denesule Telephone: 306-284-2032 Black Lake, Box Black LakePost Telephone: 306-439-4995 Box Telephone: 306-284-2044 Black Lake, Black LakeDenesulineNation program includeslifeskills&personaldevelopment. This Telephone: 306-439-2200, Athabasca Black Lake, General Delivery Languages includeDene & theycanaccommodatelearning and Black Lake, Box outpatient 27 189 program provides 124 Alcohol 306- 439-2124 SK SOJ SK SOJ SK SOJ SK SOJ services Education/Training/Employment Secondary Coordinator Cultural Centres/Counselling OHO OHO OHO OHO and Child a to adults,families, two monthlive and Drug or and Family and English. Abuse and Project physical disabled Telephone: 306-686-2077 Fond-du-Lac, Box in Services couples and recovery/treatment 39 Open SK SOJOWO inmates. folks. to allages centre The 99 • • • • PELICAN NARROWS/CUMBERLAND HOUSE/LA • RONGE/CREIGHTON • • Housing • • La Ronge Native Women's Council • Box 888 • La Ronge SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-3900 • • This council provides temporary shelter and support for women and • children. • • North-East Housing Authority • 430 Main St. • Creighton, SK SOP OAO • Telephone: 306-688-5521 • • This authority manages subsidized housing to low income individuals • and families. • Cumberland House Housing Authority • Box 325 • Cumberland House, SK SOE OSO • Telephone: 306-888-4694 • La Ronge Housing Authority • 119 Tremblay St. • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-3013 • • • • • • • 100 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: Mamawetan Telephone: Box This La Ronge, 227 Backlund Telephone: Box Island Addictions Pine Kelsey TrailHealthAuthority Creighton, Out-Patient Addictions English. card toreceive This Telephone: Box Cumberland Canwood, SKSOJOKO Cree Nation issues are inmates toparticipate Services areinCreeand 218 760 340 line isstaffedbyregistered healing treated includinggambling, SK SOJ1L0 SK 306-425-2422 306-888-2155 306-688-8291 306-468-2072 House, centre Treatment Churchill River St. SOP OA° services. Service Healing/Treatment has SK SOEOSO in a 20

Recovery English. Recovery Haven five weekrecovery beds Regional HealthAuthority for nurses and is available Centre 18 + Services smoking and women Centres you in Cree, program. do and men,couples not need sexual behaviors. Dene, All French addictions a health and 101 • • Cultural Centres/Counselling • • Creighton Service Centre • 1st St. East, Box 10 e Creighton, SK SOP OM e Telephone: 306-688-8808 • Toll-free: 1-800-532-9580 s• Kikinahk Friendship Centre • 320 Boardman Street, Box 254 • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-2051 • • This centre provides many services to families and young people. You • can learn about resources in the community and region and get help • with application forms, finding housing, budgeting, trustee assistance • and parenting skills. • • La Ronge United Church • Box 85 • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-2466 • • Education/Training/Employment • First Nations University of Canada • Box 399 • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • 306-425-5350 • This university offers under graduate and post graduate studies in class and via satellite within an environment of First Nations culture and • history. 0 • • • 102 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 306-688-8838 Northlands College with you Business This Creighton, SKSOPOAO Box 400 Creighton/Eastern Regional university classes via satellite in partnership with classes viasatellitein university Box 480 Regina andSaskatoon. Health careers.YoucanaccesstheApprenticeshipprogram Woodland This Telephone: 306-425-4938 La Ronge,SKSOJ1L0 Indian Institute Saskatchewan training to membersofthe training This Telephone: 306-425-4977 La Ronge,SKSOJ3G0 have anSIN elders available assistant, management community health,practical northern residents. Cree 920 10 &12. La Ronge college providesadultupgrading,literacyeducation,GEDtesting, First group providesemployment area toapply. Youcanapply guidance. in Certificates You cancompletecertificateprograms in the Nations Cree most communities ubr and number, Ave. communities Enterprises Incorporated owned collegeprovidesadultupgradingupto

Box 419 and studies Outreach studentadvisorsareavailabletomeet Diploma programs prove Cree Nationsinthe nursing, n nln. Student and online. Site and in the a six of services and for industrial Technology area. life skills month residency scholarships

Telephone: 306-425-4353 La Ronge,SKSOJ1L0 Box 509 La Ronge trades. in financial region. Youneedto coach, Forestry, Trades in the services Program and Fire/Paramedic, Programs universities teachers in the bursaries assistance for include or Centre Woodland are take and grade for in 103 • • Can-Sask. Career and Employment Services • 1328 La Ronge Ave. 298 - 1 st St. East • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 Creighton, SK SOP °AO • Toll-free: 1-866-888-4520 Telephone: 306-688-8826 • • Career counselors are here to give you support to help make your plans • for training and employment. • Saskatchewan Apprenticeship Commission • 1328 La Ronge Ave., Box 5000 • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-4385 http ://www. s askapprenticeship. ca • You can learn skills and trades while working through this program. • You are responsible for finding an employer willing to participate and • the commission provides a financial contribution to wages. • • Keewatin Career Development Corporation • 135 Finlayson St. • La Ronge, SK. • Telephone: 306-425-4778 • Toll-free: 1-866-966-5232 • • This centre provides education and training in many careers and trades • for First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in the north. • ' Saskatchewan Learning Northern Regional Office • Box 5000 • La Ronge, SK SOJ 1L0 • Telephone: 306-425-4380 • Toll-free: 1-800-667-4380 • • Funding support is available for basic education and skill training • courses offered in partnership with Northlands College. • • • 104 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 306-425-6500 Human ResourcesDevelopment your area. You canget La Ronge,SKSOJ1L0 Box 1420 4510- 49 This Telephone: 306-825-5376 Lloydminster, SKS9V1G4 Lloydminster Lloydminster, SKS9V families Telephone: 306-825-2150 5303-50th Canton Telephone: 306-8206040 Lloydminster, SKS9V1Y3 Prairie North 3830 -43Ave. authority manages authority HousingInc. and th Ave. Ave. information on employment opportunities information on individuals. Housing Authority Health Region Healing/Treatrnent

0P9 usdzdhuiguis for subsidized housingunits LLOYDMINSTER Housing Corporation Centres low income and trainingin 105 • • Cultural Centres/Counselling • • Border City Métis Society #76 • 5007 - 47th Ave. • Lloydminster, SK S9V 0W5 • Telephone: 306-825-5255 • This society has programs in parenting skills, aboriginal languages, and • aboriginal family literacy. • • Education/Training/Employment • Academy of Learning Career and Business College • 4723 'A' 50 Avenue • Lloydminster, SK S9V 0P5 • Telephone: 306-825-8802 • Saskatchewan Career and Employment Services • 5016 - 48th St. • Lloydminster, SK T9V 0H8 • Telephone: 306-825-6418 • • • • • • • • • • • 106 • • • • • MEADOW LAKE • Housing • • Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing Inc. • Box 686 Meadow Lake, SK SOM 1V0 • Telephone: • 306-236-3737 e Meadow Lake Hope Centre/Door of Hope • 105 2nd Ave. East • Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1P1 • Telephone: 306-236-5537 II • This center has housing units for low income single parents, 2 • transitional units with • support programs, and a daycare for residents. • Meadow Lake Housing Authority 411 119A 2nd St. East • Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y4 • Telephone: 306-236-3977 • • This group provides subsidized housing for low income families and • individuals. • • Waskoosis Safe Shelter • Box 3368 • Meadow Lake, SK 59X 1Z7 • Telephone: 306-236-5570 • • Open 24 hours, 7 days a week for emergency and temporary housing • for women and children. • 0 • • 107 • • • or Heating /Treatment Centres • Meadow Lake Tribal Council Health and Social Development e 8002 Flying Dust Reserve or Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1T8 • Telephone: 306-236-5817 • • Prairie North Regional Health Authority • Robert Simard Centre • 711 Centre St. • Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1E6 0 Telephone: 306-236-1540 0e The Meadow Lake Health Centre provides acute care, emergency or services, detox program, mental health and addictions services. You e can find alternatives to violence education, sex offender treatment • groups, family therapy and crisis intervention service. • • Mistahey Musqua Treatment Centre e Box 404 • Loon Lake, SK SOM 1V0 • Telephone: 306-837-2184 0 • This 5 bed centre provides an addictions recovery service for adult men 5 and women or couples. The 4 week program includes life skills and 5 cultural teachings. Services are provided in Cree & English. • • Ekweskeet Healing Lodge • Hwy 17 • Onion Lake, SK SOM 2E0 • Telephone: 306- 344-2330 • • • • • • 108 • •to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Meadow Lake, Telephone: Northwest CommunityChurch Telephone: Meadow Lake, through This drop-incentre Telephone: Meadow Lake, 205 Centre North-West Friendship Telephone: Meadow Lake, Meadow LakeServiceCentre This Telephone: 720 -5th Saskatchewan Meadow Lake, Calvary applications. find 615 -5th 115- 12, 101 etfct and certificate Center Railway out aboutjobsand 8th Indian ownedcollegeprovides adultupgradingto social, Temple St. St. St. Street, Box 306-236-7500 306-234-5100 306-236-4088 306-236-6533 306-236-3766 West West West Place recreation SK S9X1T9 SK S9X1A1 SK S9X1B1 SK SK S9X1X6 Indian Institute Education/Training/Employment Cultural Centres/Counselling diploma programs SOM can helpyougetinvolved get helpwithgove 1780 1V0 and cultural of Technology in programs Fire/Paramedic, Community rn ment forms in the and trainings. (SIIT) community grade and 10 You can and 109 • • Health, Practical Nursing, Life Skills Coach, Teachers Assistant, • Management studies and Industrial Trades. Classes are held in • communities and on line. Student support services are available • through elders. • North-West Regional College • 720 - 5th St. West • Meadow Lake, SK 59X 1T9 • Telephone: 306-234-5100 • • This college provides technical or university level programs through • partnerships with First Nations University of Canada & Saskatchewan • Indian Institute of Technology. Classes are available via satellite. • Beaver River Community Futures Corporation • 106 - 1 st St. East, Box 2678 • Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z6 a Telephone: 306-236-4422 • • 0 The people here can help you find out how and plan to start your own • business. • i CanSask Employment & Training Services 204 - l e St. East • Meadow Lake, SK SOM WO • Telephone: 306-236-7538 • Toll-free: 1.877.727.5306 •

Academy of Learning 219 Centre St., Box 957 • Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1L5 • Telephone: 306-236-5991 • • The courses offered here will prepare you for immediate employment. • You can learn at your own pace in courses in computers, accounting, • Health Care, and business. • 110 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• North North North Telephone: 306-445-2742 Telephone: 306-445-4393 North Battleford Telephone: 306-446-6440 Battlefords District AddictionServices Battlefords Telephone: 306-937-7791 Battleford, SK Battlefords This 2092 —102 Battleford Telephone: 306-446-6900 Battleford, SK Prairie North 341 -22 library counselling, 1191 -99th 1092— 1308 Winnipeg is Battleford, SK Battleford, SK Battleford, SKS9A1H7 107 and a nd shelter St. nd th education programs. Interval House St., Box St. Urban free transportation St. NORTH West Regional HealthAuthority SOM SOM St., Box and drop-infor Housing Authority Healing/Treatment Native 0E0 0E0 55 5 5 9A 1Z1 BATTLEFORD/BATTLEFORD 9A 2X6 69 Housing Corporation Housing Housing to school women andchildrenthatprovides and Centres appointments, resource 111 • • Battleford Canadian Mental Health Association • 1011 - 103rd St. • North Battleford, SK S9A 1K3 • Telephone: 306-446-7177 O Services are provided here for those needing mental illness support • services. • • Hopeview Recovery Home • 1891 - 96 St. • North Battleford, SK S9A Telephone: 306-446-7370

Red Pheasant Healing Lodge Box 1658, Station Main • North Battleford, SK S9A 3W2 0 Telephone: 306-937-3994 • • Indian Health Services • 1192 - 101 St. • North Battleford, SK S9A 0Z6 Telephone: 306-937-6700 • • This clinic, owned by the Battlefords Tribal Council, provides basic • health services and programs which address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. • • Cultural Centres/Counselling •

S Kanaweyimik Child and Family Services • 91 - 23rd St. West • Battleford, SK SOM 0E0 e Telephone: 306-445-3500 • • This agency provides family violence prevention education, crisis • support and recovery programs for men, women and families. • • 112 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• North North North North #102 1272101st parenting skills. You cangetinvolved You can counselling. This centre Telephone: good life)has programs hereaimto The Telephone: Fort Telephone: Battlefords recreation Telephone: Catholic Family for theMétispeopleof social offers manyprograms 960 -103 Community Resources 1146 -102 1091 -103 Battleford Battleford, SKS9A2Y3 Battleford, SKS9A1K2 Battleford, SKS9A1E9 community development, Battleford, SK job rd and cultural nd r1 St. provides individual, provides 306-445-6960 306-445-6822 306-445-8216 306-446-7535 St. Friendship search, participate St. a 12 Urban St Services week programthathelp 5 in the and services to First and services 9A 3W2 activities. Métis Centre and SocialServices "break thecycle"for or or Battle omnt hog hs drop-incentre community throughthis 445-6863 306-446-7716 Development Inc. in trainings, maffiage, sports, River Region. River health, education, family Nations andMétis parents workshops, aboriginal people aboriginal The LaBon and develop life school based social, & training Liver families. and by (the that 113 • • Living Faith Chapel • rd 1371 - 103 St. • North Battleford, SK S9A 1K9 • Telephone: 306-445-3009 • • Emmanuel Pentecostal Fellowship • 1231 - 104th St. • North Battleford, SK S9A 1N8 • Telephone: 306-445-7777 • • Education/Training/Ernployment • Battlefords Tribal Council — Employment and Training te 1201-102nd St. 0 North Battleford, SK S9A 3L8 e Telephone: 306-445-1383 • O You can access many exciting programs here including training • through the First Nations Technical Institute, traditional language and • culture education, Fine Arts training and an annual Fine Arts Festival. e 0 First Nations Training Centre 0 691 - 109th St. e North Battleford, SK S9A 2C5 to Telephone: 306-445-9400 • • Indian Human Services Corporation — Child and Family • 509 Pioneer Ave. • North Battleford, SK S9A 3M1 e Telephone: 306-445-4149 • • Academy of Learning Computer and Business Centre 1492 — 105th St. e • North Battleford, SK S9A 1T3 Telephone: 306-445-8188 • • • O 114 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• North North North Telephone: Telephone: Northwest Community Telephone: Northwest RegionalCollege training courseshere The Prince Albert, 230 -8 Prince Albert employment preparation, here includefinancial The services 7031101 -101 Métis 761 —106 support employment http://www.pahousingauthority.corn Telephone: 10702 Battleford, SKS9A4A8 Battleford, SKS9A Battleford, SK Employment Diefenbaker th services St. th St. 306-937-5100 306-446-4600 306-446-3200 306-953-7420 East in the e SK S6V7A2 St. Housing Authority N in computer region. Youcanworkatyourownpacewithstudent Dr. and Training Futures and are 0 PRINCE ALBERT Z8 training designed toprepareyou resume writing Housing Development support, -

Western and

adult upgrading. career counselling, for Métispeople. Region Corporation for immediate 115 • • This office is responsible for providing affordable housing in Prince • Albert for families and seniors of low incomes. You can the number • provided to find the current local housing authority in the area. • Northern Housing Operations • 800 Central Ave. • Prince Albert, SK S6V 6G1 • Telephone: 306-953- 2513 Toll-free: 1-800-667-9656 • • Prince Albert Community Housing Society Inc. 425 — 13th St. E Prince Albert, SK S6V 1E2 Telephone: 306-922-5440 le This group provides subsidized housing to low income families. Rent is • based on income. •tie Northern Spruce Housing • 31 13th Street East, • Prince Albert, SK S6V 1C7 • Telephone: 306-764-9222 or 922-4122

These people provide subsidized low rental housing to First Nations individuals and families. Priority is given to students and families. • Riverbank Development Corporation • 21 - llth St. East • Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Z8 • Telephone: 306-763-4221 • • Healing/Treatment Centres • Co-operative Health Centre • 110 — 8th St. East • Prince Albert, SK S6V 0V7 • Telephone: 306-763-6464 • 116 • I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You canaccessdoctor Telephone: 306-765-6400, Prince Albert,SKS6V7V6 health counselors,physio-therapy Toll-Free: 1-866-722-2155 Telephone: 306-953-8250 Prince Albert,SKS6V1J7 Prince AlbertCentre MACSI Telephone: 306-953-2498 Prince Albert,SKS6V6Z1 Box 2350 Prince AlbertGrand the This Telephone: 306-953-7200 Prince Albert,SKS6V6Z1 Box 2350 CouncilWomen's Prince AlbertGrand Telephone: 306-765-6055 Prince Albert,SKS6V6G1 2345 -10 Mental Regional HealthAuthority Prince Albert available within 334 -19 1521 6th effects council providesprogramsthatfocus Health Outpatient th Avenue West St.E ffi Ave.W of family the city at the violence. Council and

no cost. outpatient or 1-877-800-0002 Services Spiritual and a services dietician. Healing Lodge Commission on healing holisticallyfrom here including Van transportation mental 117 is This centre http://www.cafv.inet2000.corn Telephone: Prince Albert, educational throughout based Prince Albert Telephone: Prince Albert, Prince Albert http://www. cfsp Toll-free: Telephone: Prince Albert, Telephone: Prince Albert, Canadian for This centre Catholic Family and the 118 110— 1322 1008 — 101-15' alcohol 8th Central Avenue on l group recovery e St. aboriginal Ave. St. 1-877-922-3202 Mental the rural and provides offers 306-953-6219 306-763-7747r 306-922-3202 306-765-6550 and East East SK S6V SK S6V4W3 SK S6V4Y4 SK S6V1G1 Council Community AgainstFamily chemical dependency. E

a. recovery programsavailable. Services org a Health resource library, culture, region. a

0 detox process. on V7 Association Alcohol education, skilldevelopment,counselling unit,

They alsoprovide out-patient & information, The Drug 28 Addictions Violence and day residential treatment prevention, in patient field workers program is

•••••• ••••••••••• • •••••••••• •• •••00 04104.01111 •••••••••••600•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Women Helping Telephone: Prince Albert, 410- Prince Albert, Prince AlbertServiceCentre Community Resources Prince Prince AlbertMobile Telephone: programming The Telephone: Prince Albert, Box Prince AlbertGrand Telephone: Prince Albert, Roman Crisis Labour Gambling Help Sexual Assault 800 survivors. 110- 196B -9 Central council providesurbanreferrals, family 2350 8 12 Line: Albert, th eeomn,tann n employment training and Development, St. t1 Catholic t St. St. h Suite 306-953-6229 306-953-2345 306-922-8582 306-765-5300 Ave. E 306-764-1011 W E and SK S6V SK S6V SK S6V6Z2 S6V 4W1 SK S6V3B8 Line: Line: #103 -1301 Native Cultural Centres/Counselling healing foundationservices 306-764-1039 1-800-306-6789 0 0 Council Urban Crisis V7 X5 and Ministry Central Avenue Employment Unit Co-operative - Kateri Services House supports, for service, residential school First youth Nations 119 • • • Prince Albert Métis Women's Association • 54 - 10th St. E • Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y5 • Telephone: 306-763-5356 • • YWCA Prince Albert • 1895 Central Ave. • Prince Albert, SK S6V 4W8 Telephone: 306-763-8571 • • This centre offers 44 beds as transitional housing for women. There are • pre-employment programs and a daycare on site. • • Prince Albert Indian and Métis Friendship Centre • 1409- lstAve. E • Prince Albert, SK S6V 2B2 • Telephone: 306-764-3431 • • Services here include aboriginal court workers, mediation, alternative • measures, family worker, fine option, recreation and cultural programs. • • Prince Albert Share-a-Meal Food Bank Inc. • 64 -11 th St. E • Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Z9 • Telephone: 306- 763-8161 • Full Gospel Outreach Centre • 935 Central Ave. • Prince Albert, SK S6V 4V2 • Telephone: 306-764-2516 • They offer a men's shelter with counselling, life skills education and • recovery programs. • • • • • • 120 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• job centre and college offersadultupgrading, This Telephone: Prince Albert, Telephone: Prince Albert, You cancompleteundergraduate Toll-free: Telephone: Prince Albert, Telephone: Prince Albert, New 900- Saskatchewan Can elders, personalwellnesscounselors environment ofIndian First 1288 1301 1779 -15 preparation, apprenticeship skill l Sask Life Indian Central Central Nations UniversityofCanada that providestutoring,study areas, e Ave. courses. ffi 1-800-267-6303 Employment St. 306-953-7225 306- 953-2651 306-953-2488 306-765-3333 306-764-1190 Ave. Ave. E SK S6V6P2 SK S6V6G1 SK S6V4W1 SK S6V3T6 W Indian Institute Education/Training/Employment There is Alliance culture and & an ext. Fellowship Church Training Services aboriginal studentactivity 7000 riigporm, and programs, training of and history. Student Technology

computer and - graduate decreeswithin Northern traditional social andcultural skills - Campus Woodland supports services. training, many technical & counselling include activities. life skills, Campus an 121 • Academy of Learning Centre 29 -11th St. E Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Z8 Telephone: 306-763-8551 • •

These education and training programs are designed to prepare you for • employment. You can work at your own pace towards certificate and diplomas in business, accounting, health care and small business. • Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research 48 - 12ffi St. E • Prince Albert, SK S6V 1B2 Telephone: 306-922-6466 or 306-764-1797

Dumont Technical Institute 48- l2thSt. E Prince Albert, SK S6V 1B2 • Telephone: 306-922-8850 • This college has adult basic education, literacy from grade 5 and up, • GED testing, skills trainings and student support services. • REGINA/FORT QU'APPELLE •

Housing • • Saskatchewan Housing Authority • Human Resources Services • 200 - 2080 Broad St. • Regina, SK S4P 1Y3 Telephone: 306-337-1060 • • • 122 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• http://revlis.sasktelwebhosting.cœn Toll-free: 1-866-721-2911 Telephone: Regina, SKS4R0W8 4001 -3 Namerind Silver Telephone: Regina, SKS4R1J5 Telephone: Regina, SKS4R1C9 Mews Telephone: Toll-free: 1-800-667-7567 Telephone: nearest housing authoritiesthroughout This Regina, SKS4P3Z1 Gabriel Regina, SKS4P3T2 Saskatchewan 1121 Winnipeg 1102 -8 1800- 13 1855 Victoria group provides Sage Corporation you. rd th Housing Ave. Ave. th Ave. Housing 306-721-2909 306-525-0147 306-359-1484 306-775-2905 306-787-4177 Housing Ave. N Housing St. Corporation non profit Corporation Corporation Corporation housing based the province.

Call on income through for an authority 270 123 • • Regina Housing Authority 1850 Smith St. • Regina, SK S4P 2N3 • Telephone: 306-525-2377 • After Hours/Emergency: 306-525-2377 • • • Healing/Treatment Centres • All Nations Healing Hospital and Healing Centre 450 — 8th St. • Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 1S0 • Telephone: 306-332-5611 • • • This hospital is owned and operated by First Nations governments and is located on reserve land. It provides acute health care services and a • holistic healing centre with services based on First Nations culture. • Programs include a family therapist for residential school survivors, • clinical counselling services, addictions and gambling recovery, crisis • intervention and access to traditional medicine, elders, helpers, and • ceremonies. The lodge on site is open to hospital patients or in the • community. • • Four Directions Community Health Care • 3510 - 5th Ave. • Regina, SK S4T 0M2 • Telephone: 306-766-7540 • • Health care services are based on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel • and elders are involved in providing healing services. • • Native Health Care Services - Regina General Hospital • 1440 - 14th Ave. • Regina, SK S4P 0W5 • Telephone: 306-766-4155 • • 124 • • •••• •• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• This drop-incentre health Telephone: 306-525-9543 Regina, SKS4P2S8 employment Canadian Telephone: 306-522-5662 Regina, SKS4T1K6 2839 Victoria Regina underlying families, toassist teachings toAboriginal Program" Aboriginal community."Tending healing Prairie SpiritConnections(PSCI) Fax: (306)525-9685 Tel: (306)525-9682 Regina, SKS4N Telephone: 306-766-2232 Regina, SKS4T1A5 4101 Dewdney Native Prairie SpiritConnections 1810 Albert 809 Victoria Avenue issues. Health Care Recovery and provides culturally Mental causes of change St. and Ave. Ave. life skills ORS in Homes Health provides leadership their healingprocessbydealingwith their Services male

behaviour. Detox training for Association

Inc social and offenders sensitive trainingand / training tomeet Pasqua Centre the offers Fire those experiencing recreation programs,pre- and, Hospital a holistic approach Leadership Training when appropriate,their the needs traditional of the the mental in personal 125 • • Regina Qu'Appelle Health District - Mental Health Clinic • 2110 Hamilton St., 3rd Floor • Regina, SK S4P 2E3 • Telephone: 306-766-7800 • Toll-free: 1-866-367-8743 • • Services include alternatives to violence training, alternatives to sexual • offending, social skills support groups, and individual counselling for • depression, grief, and anxiety. • • MACSI - Regina Centre • 329 College Ave. E • Regina. SK 54N 0V9 • Telephone: 306-522-3681 • Toll-free: 1-866-815-6615 • • This centre provides out-patient and a live-in treatment program for • alcohol and chemical dependency. • • Circle Proj ect • 1102 - 8th Ave. • Regina, SK S4R 1C9 • Telephone: 306-347-7515 • • • This is an excellent resource centre with support programs based on the • vision of wholeness, balance and healing by helping yourself be • involved in education, cultural awareness, family and community. • Regina Recovery Homes Inc. • 3301 College Ave. • Regina, SK S4T 1W3 • Telephone: 306-525-6604 • • • • • • 126 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 306-787-7239 Regina, SKS4S6X6 Men's http://www.reginahelp.or. Telephone: 306-347-7877 This centre Telephone: 306-522-6040 Regina, SKS4P1Y6 Iskewak Waniskawak This Telephone: 306-543-7880 Regina Telephone: 306-757-2096 Regina, SKS4P3B8 Box 1364 House Regina Transition 3475 Regina, SKS4S4Z7 336 Economics Regina Home and 2115 BroadSt. community. and Regina, SKS4R1J6 1106 recreation to family counselling Durham Drive clinic providesdoctors Albert Winnipeg Support Program Support Community Clinic offers programs St. St. support Cultural Centres/Counselling and (Women health living for health - for Living workshops Community CareBranch in services andstress education, employment, of the

Project on Dawn) women health related counselling, individual and families. justice issues inthe health 127 • • • Training programs here include life skills, job preparation, anger • management, stress reduction and parenting. Programs run weekly for • 29 weeks. The living skills program has aboriginal kokums involved in • the cooking classes. • • Mobile Crisis Services Inc. • 1646 — 11 th Ave. • Regina, SK S4P 0H4 • Telephone: 306-757-0127 • This service helps women by providing transportation, accessing • systems, housing, furniture, clothing, counselling and peer supports. • • Qu'Appelle Valley Friendship • CentreBox 240 • Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOU 1S0 • Telephone: 306-332-5616 • • • This drop-in center provides personal services of intemet and computer • use, faxing, photo-copying and assistance with letters and resumes. • You can get information on jobs, training opportunities, subsidized • housing and justice issues. There is a weight & exercise room, clothing • depot and emergency food bank. • The Circle Project Association Inc. • 1102 - 8th Ave. • Regina, SK S4R 1C 1 • Telephone: 306-347-7515 • http ://www.circleproj ect. ca • • This is a respected centre whose mission statement is to provide • support and programs based on the Aboriginal vision of wholeness, • balance and healing. We encourage people to help themselves through • education, cultural awareness, family & community. The Native • Ministry Outreach provides a correctional centre visitation program • with counselling, healing circles, bible studies and chapel services. The • 128 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••• Aboriginal Family Telephone: Aboriginal Family Kids First Program, helps families Regina, mediation, familycounselling, 4001 —3' Come programs under Telephone: Regina, First you connectwith This Telephone: 4001 - Programs includechilddaycare,healtheducation,parenting The referrals family Regina, culture camps. centre 1102 Gathering is Angus St. Nations 'n' has a has 3 violence a onestopcentre SK SK S4R 1d SK S4R and fineoption d Learn Ave. Probono Ave. Program, 306-525-1283 306-522-6722 306-522-7494 children's facility,adult and Family Regina N You cangetconnectedwithelders,receive N programs, familyliteracy,traditionalparenting 0 Place one roof. 0 the Reginaand W8 W8 Neighbourhood children.

Services Foster Care Services Centre Support Centre - Aboriginal Regina work placements. with manyFirst You canfindmanyprogramsthathelp AFSC is a and community-based organizationthat Treaty StatusIndian Support Program, area communityincluding: Head offers Law Clinic, men's talkingcircles. basic (AFSC) Start Nations servicesand the education, AAgroups, following programs: Program, Family Lea Mentoring Services Family rn food bank food ing Program. Support & Inc. Place, 129 As 425-445 Regina, Toll Telephone: Regina, 2045 need tobereferredbychurch,crisis home andcarmaintenance, kitchen, Telephone: Regina, Regina FoodBank This centre Telephone: Regina, Regina provides many This centre Telephone: Circle Service Centre employment, lowcostmeals,Laundromat,workshops counselling children, spirituality. There is on native 130 1264 1459 Retallack well Free: Broad St. Athol St. of Indian CommunityAwarenessInc. as SK S4R8P2 SK S4T7V3 SK S4T2J3 SK S4P3V7 cooking Winnipeg free phoneuse, Life Lutheran 1-800-667-3260 providing provides 306-787-3700 306-791-6533 306-359-7919 306-757-0120 and support St. — classes, trainingcafeteria Regina St. free food with dealinggovernment agencies. men's Native Ministry Native clothing, community to those supports counselling a and clothing bank, hot lunch clothing bank, in women's healingcircles. to individuals centre or community centre or need, thisgrouphas and life skills training. You training. life skills and to prepare kitchen, hotlunches, and for food families based program group. a community industry on for •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• journeyperson. Nursing, within university offersundergraduate This Telephone: 306-790-5950 wall programs includingcarpenter,plumbing, Toll- Telephone: 306-787-2444 2140 Hamilton Work, Indian Regina, SK54S7K2 First and diploma programs This Telephone: 306-546-2945 Regina, SKS4P2T7 2024 CAlbert Saskatchewan trade Apprenticeship allowsyouto http://www Regina, SKS4P2E3 Saskatchewan include; Indian instruction. 1 First Nations First Industrial and food& free: Indian ownedcollegeprovidesadultupgrading,certificate and Nations UniversityofCanada an Life Skills be employedunder 1-877-363-0536 environment You needtomeet Fine Arts, Trades. St. Way This Apprenticeship Communications, Indian Institute St. Education/Training/Employment beverage. in Coach, program Fire/Paramedic, CommunityHealth,Practical Student support services Student of Indian languages Indian Teachers the supervisionofa sponsors 50 train onthejob the and culture and of Technologies

Indian Education, educational

and Trade Assistant, Management graduate degreeprogram ahns, lcrca, dry electrician, machinist, trades and Certification history. with technical First qualifications forthe include Elders. and certification certified Nations The departments Social Health. in Studies school and 131 • • Prairie Spirit Connections Inc. • 809 Victoria Avenue • Regina, SK S4N ORS • Tel: (306) 525-9682 • Fax: (306)525-9685 • • Prairie Spirit Connections (PSCI) offers a holistic approach in personal • healing and change leadership training to meet the needs of the • Aboriginal community. "Tending the Fire Leadership Training • Program" provides culturally sensitive training and traditional • teachings to Aboriginal male offenders and, when appropriate, their • families, to assist in their healing process by dealing with the underlying causes of their behaviour. • • Métis Human Resources • Box 308 • Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 1S0 Telephone: 306-332-5588 • • Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology • Wascana Campus • 4500 Wascana Parkway • Regina, SK S4P 3A3 • Telephone: 306- 775-7300 • Toll-free: 1-866-467-4278 • • Parkland Regional College - Fort Qu'Appelle Campus • Treaty Four Governance Centre • 740 Sioux Ave. Fort Qu'Appelle, SK SOG 1S0 Telephone: 306-332-5416 • • • • • • 132 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 200-335 Packham STC Telephone: 2022 Regina Job Start/Future This centre http ://www.firstnationsemploymentcentre. Toll-free: Telephone: Regina, Saskatoon, Regina, available atthis developing resumes, Training through This Telephone: First adults who Regina, 1504-B 1 2 th Floor, learning Cress Housing Halifax Nations Work Preparation Albert SK SK S4P1T7 SK S4P2C8 a program 50% 1-866-393-3632 1945 5 have SK S7N4S1 306-244-7747 offers 306-757-9096 306-924-1606 306- 787-3845 4P 2S4 St. centre Employment St. wage subsidy. location. Hamilton been direction in in Skills Ave. provides workbased Industry Tradesisavailable and researchjob Corporation out of - Saskatchewan St. SASKATOON Centre school Centre The career Housing Institutional QuickResponse for oneyear. planning, posting. Internetaccessisalso training forthe Learning corn employment, training, employment, for 18 to unemployed 25 year old 133 • • This organization provides housing for aboriginal families where rent is • based on income. • • Saskatoon Housing Coalition Inc. • 1702 - 20th St. W. • Saskatoon, SK S7M 0Z9 • Telephone: 306-655-4979 • http://www. saskatoonhousingcoalition. ca • • This group provides residential accommodation, support services and • individual counselling for adults. • • Infinity House • Suite 4-127, Ave. Q S Saskatoon, SK S7M 2X9 • Telephone: 306-955-2332 • • This centre provides temporary shelter for women and children, • employment & job training, life skills, parenting education, budgeting, • and anger management. • • Adelle House • 628 — 10th St. E • Saskatoon, SK S7H 0G9 • Telephone: 306-668-2761 • This group provides second stage low-cost housing for women & • children up to one year. Housing includes supports through individual • and group counselling. •

Sasknative Rentals Inc. 1005 22nd Street West • Saskatoon, SK S7M 0S2 • 306-653-0384 • • • • • 134 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• poverty You canaccessdoctors Telephone: 455 —2nd Saskatoon Telephone: information, participate Saskatoon, SKS7K2C2 MACSI Telephone: Saskatoon, SKS7M1V2 335 YWCA Telephone: Saskatoon, SKS7K4A7 510- 25 Saskatoon Telephone: 210-2121 They Saskatoon, SKS7K0K9 525 -24 Saskatoon, SKS7L6W5 Central aboriginal families. and Ave. G.South stove only.Rentisbased have and food th — th Territory HousingOperations Saskatoon St. St. Airport Crisis Shelter Ave. houses, duplexes Community Clinic Housing Authority 306-652-0300 306-652-8951 306-244-2844 306-668-2700 306-668-8540 E East North security. Dr. Healing/Treatment Center and basicoutpatient in parenting circles, andadvocacy and on income apartments whichcomewithfridge and


priority isgivento care here as well on issuesof as health 135 • • STC Family Circle Healing Lodge • 128 Ave Q. South • Saskatoon, SK S7M 2Y1 • Telephone: 306-653-3900 • • This drop-in lodge has healing programs based in traditional therapy • ways with elders support. There is a family violence program, men's • sharing/joumeys groups, women's sharing/talking circles, counselling • and home visits. This is a safe place for aboriginal families to learn • about abuse issues in a culturally sensitive atmosphere. This lodge • offers private individual or group counselling and emergency safe • shelter for women and children.

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service 103 — 506 - 25ffi St. E • Saskatoon, SK S7K 4A7 • Telephone: 306-933-6200 • • Professional staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide • suicide intervention, advice in maniage and family problems, mental health crisis, child abuse and neglect. • • Community Addiction Services Saskatoon • Suite 156, 122 - 3rd Ave. N Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 • Telephone: 306-655-4100 • • This clinic provides community addictions services that include • recovery planning, counselling, relapse prevention and referrals for in • patient treatment. • Mental Health Services Centralized Intake • 715 Queen St., 4ffi Floor • Saskatoon, SK S7K 4X4 • Telephone: 306-655-7950 • • • 136 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This service Telephone: 306-655-8989 701 QueenSt. Mental programs therapist This tribal council providesmany This tribal Telephone: 306-956-6100 Saskatoon Tribal who men living and daily medical priorto This Telephone: 306-655-4500 2003 Métis AddictionsServices MainOffice circles, elder living inthe Saskatoon, SKS7K0M7 stay canbeextended dependency. Calder Centre Toll-free: 1-800-236-5204 Telephone: 306-651-3021 survivors. Saskatoon, SKS7N4S1 Suite 200-335Packham Saskatoon, SKS7J2H6 Saskatoon, SK57L6M8 100 -219RobinCres. is Arlington Ave. an Health in are violent. and couple/family adult 32 bed in patient adult 32bed The each First city regardless is The four support, Main for Family Services relationships. Theyalso admission. those 18+who Council UrbanFirst Floor if nation community whoprovideshealing nation counselling week programfocuses Centre needed. You need to have and assessment haveand needed. Youneedto - Ave. Alternatives of counselling offers family support offers family status. Theyprovide recovery program are and services unable tocopeeffectivelywith workshops. Program have a recovery program have a for Nations Services to residential school on support aboriginal people aboriginal support group recovery a living well a living programs, healing for chemical and and for 137 • • Meewasinota Healing Centre • 265 Ave. B, South • Saskatoon, SK S7M 1M3 Telephone: 306-651-3405 • This centre accepts men and women referred by corrections, addictions • services, churches and the Friendship Centers. • Social and Brief Detox Centre - Saskatoon Health District • 201 Ave. 0, S • Saskatoon, SK S7M 2R6 • Telephone: 306-655-4195 • Cultural Centres/Counselling • Food Bank & Learning Centre • 202 Ave. C, S • Saskatoon, SK S7M 1N2 Telephone: 306-664-6565 • • This center provides temporary, short term or emergency food supplies, • community cooking and sewing groups, classes in cooking on a low • budget, personal development support groups, parenting, assertiveness and problem solving training, resource library and a clothing depot. • Family and Youth Social Services • 122 - 3rd Ave. N • Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 Telephone: 306-933-5961 •

New Frontiers — Salvation Army • 339 Ave. C, S • Saskatoon, SK S7M 1N5 • Telephone: 306-242-6833 • • • • 138 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• bank Telephone: 306-477-9333 resumes At the 229 —4 available The Aboriginal Student Saskatoon, SKS7N1N1 Saskatoon Tribal student are supervised study, services, Telephone: 306-966-5790 Telephone: 306-373-9901 Telephone: 306-244-1381 97 Saskatoon Native Ministry Saskatoon Native 2553 Grasswood Head Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SKS7N4L3 Saskatoon, SKS7T1C8 Saskatoon, SKS7M0Y3 808 -20 110 MarquisHall Campus Dr. available toallaboriginalstudentsregistered Aboriginal FirstYearExperienceprogramprovides elders of Office: employment th ID. employers. Faxing, photo-copingand th Ave.S and job tutoring, careercounselling, for $1.00 each. Youcan for $1.00 St.W You needtocompletehighschool Indian Education/Training/Employment preparation skills, Rd E and Council — Centre Centre -UniversityofSaskatchewan

life skillscoaching.On-goingsupport Cultural you canaccess Training and Centre (SICC) book look

stress and appointments withcounselors Telephone: 306-244-1146 Branch office: Saskatoon, SKS7K0S2 120 -33 through computers, Employment computer or 1t1 conflict the jobboardanddata in the equivalency toenroll. St.E workbooks university with disks management, Services services are on 139 • • and bus tickets are given to those looking for work. They also provide • sponsorship to attend recognized post secondary and technical • institutes. You must have treaty status, be 21 or older and one year out • of school to apply. You need to have your high school transcripts, proof • of income and letter of acceptance from the educational facility. • • Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology- Academic Planning • 6ffi Floor, 229 - 4ffi Ave. S • Saskatoon, SK S7K 4K3 • Telephone: 306-244-4460 • http://www. siit. sk . ca • First Nations University of Canada - Saskatoon Campus • 710 Duke St. Saskatoon, SK S7S 7K2 Telephone: 306-931-1800 • Toll-free: 1-800-267-6303 ; • • • This university is owned and operated by the First Nations of • Saskatchewan. They offer undergraduate and graduate degrees within • an environment of Indian culture and history. • Academy of Learning • 1202A Quebec Avenue • Saskatoon, SK S7K 1V2 • Telephone: 306- 373-8700 • The courses here prepare you for work placement. You can learn at your own pace in Computers, Accounting, Business Administration, • Health Care services and many more careers. • Learning Disabilities Association 3 — 701 Second Ave N • Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C9 • Telephone: 306-652-4114 • http ://www . ldas . org • • 140 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You canlearn This Métis, First Métis, This http://www. Toll-free: Telephone: Toll-free: Telephone: Asimakanisesekan Askiy 917-22nd Gabriel Dumont independent. programs, apprenticeship training Toll-free: Telephone: erainl andcultural recreational Saskatchewan other Saskatoon, aboriginal studentactivity centerofferstutoring,studyareas, Idylwyld SIAST Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SIAST Saskatoon, 118 -335Packham centre offers institute has Saskatchewan provides technical,trades Kelsey and 1-877-488-6888 1-866-467-4278 1-800-667-9704 SK S7M SK S7N4S1 SK S7K3R5 306-242-6070 306-244-4444 Street West 306- 659-4300 Nations andInuit cgAl_s..)ig 33 computers, Campus Institute Indian Institute rd St.,Box certificate, Institute of Training Institute a : literacy program Ave. 0 universities.

R9 activities. of employment Reserve 1520 Applied Sciences and Applied diploma students. Theywork of Technologies and and for and skill certificate adult upgrading and those withlea & university level courses for university level Employment life skillstopreparebe (SIIT) in Technology and partnerships with rn classes. The ing disabilities. diploma social, 141 • • Employment and Income Assistance • • 160 - 2nd Avenue South • Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 • Telephone: 306-933-5960 • Toll-free: 1-877-884-1687 • Family and Youth Services, Community Living • 122 - 3rd Avenue North • Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6 • Phone: 306-933-5961 • • YORKTON • Housing • Yorkton Territory Housing Operations Regional Office • 101 — 133 - 4th Ave. N • Yorkton, SK S3N 3P5 • Telephone: 306-783-1000 • This office provides non-profit low rental housing in the region and • through the following 3 authorities in this city. • • Yorkton Parkland Housing Society • 93 Myrtle Avenue • Yorkton, SK S3N 1P8 0 Telephone: 306-783-6466 • Healing/Treatment Centres • Parkland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Society Inc. • 7 Broadway St. W • Yorkton, SK S3N 0L3 • Telephone: 306- 786-0520 • • 142 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: Yorkton, SKS3N2X3 Box Canadian Telephone: Yorkton, SKS3N2K6 270 BradbrookeDr. Yorkton Sunrise HealthRegionCommunity addictions recovery addictions education, assertiveness Yorkton Telephone Yorkton, SKS3N2K6 270 Bradbrooke Yorkton Yorkton, SKS3N Services 345 This drop-incentre Telephone: Yorkton, SKS3N1S3 Telephone: and Métis and cultural community 139 Broadway Dominion 1226 here includedoctors, Addictions Services Mental Health Centre Health Mental redhp Centre Friendship families Mental 306-786-0558 306-782-2401 306-621-5925 306-782-2822 306- 786-0520 and activities. Programs Ave. W participate Drive 0 Cultural Health and N8 offers services inthe youth. training, mental health counselling training, mental the Association in training, Centres/Counselling opportunity togetknow nursing, alternatives are region. focused

Services workshops, on support to First on support social, to violence the recreational and Nations 143 0 • or Yorkton Service Centre • 72 Smith St. E • Yorkton, SK 53N 2Y4 • Telephone: 306-786-1300 1 Toll-free: 1-877-786-3288 • • S.I.G.N: Society for Involvement of Good Neighbors 1 83 North St. e Yorkton, SK S3N 069 • Telephone: 306-783-9409 • • e This centre provides counselling, parenting education, family supports, • job coaching, trustee services and Big Brothers and Big Sisters • volunteer programs. e 1 Yorkton Tribal Council - Safe Haven • 21 Bradbrooke Dr. N • Yorkton, SK S3N 3R1 • Telephone: 306-782-0676 • • This center has 24 hour service for victims of violence. Counselling is • provided to residents and drop-ins. Services are based on holistic • healing concept. • The Salvation Army Church • 147 Booth St. • Yorkton, SK S3N 0J7 • Telephone: 306-782-3580 • I Saskatchewan Aboriginal Women's Circle Corporation • 17 — 5ffi Ave. N • Yorkton, SK S3N 0Y9 e Telephone: 306-783-1228 • • • • e 144 • e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Yorkton, SKS3N1R2 Telephone: 212 Eastern AssiniboineTrainingand Accounting, HealthCare upgrading the needs the The courses Telephone: Yorkton, SKS3N4C5 Academy Telephone: Yorkton, SKS3N2Y4 training, job The Yorkton, SKS3N4G4 80 72 Can training Telephone: 200 Parkland RegionalCollege learning 1 e Floor, Palliser Way Smith Myrtle Ave. Catherine college offerscertificate Sask allowances centre Kuziak St. in the of and Employment 306-782-0494 306-782-4661 306-786-1354 306-783-6566 here willprepareyou preparation skills E Learning St. certificates/diploma programs has adultupgrading,tutoring,lifeskills, region. Youcanworkatyourownpace Education/Training/Employment Building are available to & and Training and starting yourown & counselling, andliteracy. diploma programs for full Employment Inc. immediate employmentbased time students. in Computers, business. in many computer in adult Provincial fields. The 145 on • • ALBERTA • • First Nations Tribal Councils • Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Athabasca Tribal Council • Box 120 9206 McCormick Dr. • Atikameg, AB TOG OCO Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1C7 • Telephone: 780-767-3285 Telephone: 780-791-6538 • • Confederacy of Treaty Six Lesser Slave Lake Indian • First Nations Regional Council • Suite 204, 10310 - 176 St. Box 269 • Edmonton, AB T5S 1L3 Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A0 • Telephone: 780-944-0334 Telephone: 780-849-4943 • • Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta North Peace Tribal Council • 18178 — 102nd Ave. NW Box 1889. • Edmonton, AB T5S 1S7 High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 • Telephone: 780-444-9366 Telephone: 780-926-3446 • • Treaty 7 Management Corporation Western Cree Tribal Council • Suite 400, 9911 Chiila Blvd. Box 2129 • Tsuu T'ina, AB T2W 6H6 Valleyview, AB TOH 3N0 • Telephone: 403-281-9779 Telephone: 780-524-5978 • • Yellowhead Tribal Council • Box 150 • Enoch, AB T7X 3Y3 • Telephone: 780-470-3454 • • 146 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Métis NationofAlbertaAssociation www.albertametis.cœn Toll-free: Telephone: Edmonton, AB Telephone: Métis Settlements the six Call the Toll-free: Edmonton, AB Call Suite 11738 Kingsway 100 eight settlements Delia Grey Building Delia the main number the main the main number the main 200, 10335—172 regional offices in theprovince. regional 1-800-252-7553 1-888-213-4400 780-455-2200 780-822-4096

T5G T5S 1K9 Ave. General Council 0 in theprovince. X5 or or 11d Métis St. visit visit the the Government website website to find to find contact contact information information 147 on on • • • • Provincial Government • e Alberta has a toll free phone directory service link to provincial • services. • • Health Care Information: dial 310-0000 then 780-427-1432 • • Health Link: Call toll-free 1-866-408-5465 to talk with registered • nurses 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. • Alberta Child Support Center: dial 310-0000 then 780-415-0404 • Learning Resource Center: dial 310-0000 then 780-427-2767 • • • Career Information Hotline: 780-422-4266 • Toll-free: 1-800-661-3753 • • • Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit: 1-800-959-2809 • • Child Tax Benefit information: 1-800-387-1193 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • 148 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• then Office Toll-free: Telephone: Edmonton, ABT5J2N3 Alberta number To getyourcardyouneedtoprovide website. request full days are and Everyone originals 10025 name, 780-427-1432 of the Jasper hours where youlive an application and dateof Health as dial living inAlbertamust mailing year 780-427-1432 you willnotreceivethem are 8:15am Ave. NW 310-0000 in Alberta. & address, telephonenumber,previouspersonalhealth Wellness birth.

by in Alberta. to phone, inperson, It isbettertosend 4:30 Health Card register pm Mondayto Residency means documents back. Telephone: Calgary, ABT2W3N2 10101 for a through You needtoprovideyour health copies of Southport Friday. that provewhoyou 403-943-1111 the mail,oron living card. papers, not Rd You can at least SW 183 149 • •

Ministry of Health Offices •• ••• Palliser Health Region Calgary Health Region 666 — 5th St. SW 10101 Southport Rd SW •• Medicine Hat, AB TlA 4H6 Calgary, AB T2W 3N2 • Telephone: 403-528-5633 Telephone: 403-943-1111 •• David Thompson Health Region Chinook Health Region 602 - 4920 — 51 e St. 960— 19th St. S Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6K8 Lethbridge, AB T1J 1W5

Telephone: 403-341-8622 Telephone: 403-388-6111 ••••

Northern Lights Health Region East Central Health Region 7 Hospital St. 4703 — 53rd St. Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1P2 Camrose, AB T4V 1Y8 Telephone: 780-791-6161 Telephone: 780-608-8800

Toll-free: 1-888-608-1516 ••••••

Capital Health Region Aspen Health Region •• 8440 — 112th St. 9732 - 100 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7 Westlock AB T7P 2G3 Telephone 780-407-1000 Telephone: 780-349-8705 •••• Peace Country Health Region 2101 - 10320 - 99th St. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6J4 ••• Telephone: 780-538-5387 • Toll-free: 1-800-732-8981 •••

150 ••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• phone directory. Togetyour phone Alberta where youlive registration. Alberta To registeryourvehicleyou or visioncondition, medical To qualify Fort Lethbridge: 403-320-3885 grocery For informationonpublictransportationin If inspection original identification confirm youridentitybycalling a photoID. Grande Prairie:780-538-0337 Calgary: 403-262-1000 Edmonton: 780-496-1611 special information. Most City Hall. the Municipal listed under this isyourfirsttimeregistering McMurray: 780-743-4157 rates forseniorsand Registry insurance, twopieces or cornerstore Drivers They canprovideschedules, certificate from for Find the agent Find road testingyou and an Transportation/Local Transit Agents cities provide low income monthly bus passesand cities providelowincomemonthly ies and License that proveswhoyou example vendors. handle bothoperators'licenses government Alberta. nearest youthrough students. call 780-427-8230. must have drivers' of IDoran must be must of toll-free 310-0000.If your a Vehicle vehicle pleasecall403-340-5444. license youneedtoprovide Passes routes, section of proof signature. Oneof a resident of Alberta. resident operators' license, are, your areacall can bepurchasedfrom of Registration times your the ownership, valid your Yellow date of and ticket you phone bookor and these the have a Pages of birth, and an number You can must cost 151 be • • Employment and Income Assistance • • Alberta provides financial help and employment training to people and • families who do not have the resources to meet their basic needs for • food, clothing and shelter. Benefits are available to help with costs • related to looking for work, caring for children and medical diets. • • You qualify for help if you have difficulty working due to mental or • physical health problems or barriers to employment (not expected to • work), you are looking for work (expected to work), or you need • upgrading or training so you can work (learners). • If you receive income assistance you also receive health benefits, information and training, and child support payments. There are 43 • Alberta Works contact offices in the province.

To find the centre nearest you call Employment and Immigration Alberta tool-free at 1-866-644-5135.

You can also visit their website at: http://employment. • Telephone Service • • Phone services in Alberta are provided by private companies, the main • one is Telus. You can apply for phone services or buy a phone on the • internet or in person at Telus dealers throughout the province. Your • phone directory has the listing. • • For information on getting a home phone call toll-free at 1-877-48 1- • 2332 or across Canada toll-free: 1-866-558-2273. • • • • • • 152 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• membership card transition You canfindsafe,affordablehousing YMCA Telephone: 403-569-9030 Calgary, ABT2B2E9 Bay 1-5301-21A Métis Telephone: 403-263-1550 Telephone: 403-531-1070,ext210 Subsidized housing Calgary, ABT2G0E5 Ave SE 320-5th Crisis Calgary, Box 6084.StationA The You willneedto Telephone: 403-221-9100 assistance Calgary, ABT2E7Y2 Calgary Subsidized lowincomehousing. 1701 CenterSt.NW Awo Taan Line: 403-531-1972 Urban Housing - AB T2H2L3 Housing Authority Mary here. receipt. 403-531-1976 Dover House Healing Lodge have and Ave. for proof proof SE low incomes. Youwillneedyour Corporation of income. of CALGARY Housing income with4pay-stubs The

or 211 rent is30% for women of the and children family or an income or an Métis in income. 153 • • Inn from the Cold no-ilth Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G 0X5 Telephone: 403-263-8384 http ://www.innfromthecold. org • • This is a temporary overnight shelter open from 4:00 pm to 5:30 am every day.

Mustard Seed Ministry 102-11 Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G 0X5 Telephone: 403-269-1319 • • This ministry provides emergency overnight shelter and support • services. • Healing/Treatment Centres

Sheldon Chumir Health Centre • 1213 — 4th Street SW • Calgary, AB T2R 0X7 Telephone: 403-955-6200 • • This centre offers medical care, public health, mental health and home care on a 24 hour basis. • Fresh Start Recovery Center 808 Abbeydale Dr. NE • Calgary, AB T2A 5X9 • Telephone: 403-387-6266 • This eight week program for adult men is open 24 hours, 7 days a • week. You can access second stage housing units upon completion. • 154 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Alpha This Telephone: 203 -15 monthly meetingsand Follow-up isavailablethroughweeklygroup Telephone: Recovery Telephone: There Treatment Calgary, AB contact the long Telephone: Aventa housing programthatisavailablefrom Calgary, AB Calgary, AB Calgary until overnight shelter for available Calgary. AB apply 610 —25 1835— 10101 is admission if on line. are 27 Southport House a th with counselorsat Addictions term th Ave. safe Health RegionAboriginalProgram Ave.SW t1 12 Acres Society Ave.SW for 403-234-7388 403-245-1196 403-943-0221 403-245-9050 T2G 1G4 T2T 1H2 T2W 3N2 beds T2S place to recoverfrom place program(3-6 Society adult males based males adult SE

0 Rd you in the short term program in theshort L6 Treatment SW are

booked to no cost. months) There

and for on the 16 addictions. Women a beds for beds treatment center. 3-12 12 are step modelofrecovery. (2-4 wks.) months. Call for months. Call 10 detox. There beds You canstayhere are in a Services and 55 transitional 19 beds app. beds or in 155 #2130 residential Treatment, stabilization Telephone: This centre Distress Center Telephone: walk-in This centre Telephone: AADAC Tsuu T'ina addiction Calgary, AB Opioid Telephone: 204 -1409 Telephone: Calgary, AB Calgary, AB 3700 assessment provided. Calgary, AB Oxford Calgary, AB Suite 1213 4 1177 -1 156 Anderson 300, 1010-8th Sheldon Street Dependency Program support, House l th Counselling to heroine, Ave. program. Edmonton has 403-297-5118 403-297-3071 403-281-6866 403-214-2046 403-266-1601 24 offers group Spirit T2R T2P 1J2 T2R 1K9 T2W 3C4 T2E 3K8 SW Chumir a four Rd. SW SW, daily intake 0 Healing Lodge X7 Ave. SW morphine, 2 week outpatientprogram Trail and nd Health & Box and Floor long Prevention Services NE individual counselling, and 101 hour crisisline

Centre term codeine,& follow-up after-care

Society supports prescription drugs. for adultswithhistory and 46 arts and services. beds in a crafts, Medical 90 day of

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• Nursing and Renfrew RecoveryCenter Telephone: Calgary, ABT2E5K6 residential treatmentprogramis This centre Telephone: Sunrise 420 —9 parenting, budgeting,independent This Telephone: self-refer support and filmson Calgary, ABT2E6N4 Telephone: and culturalservice Calgary, ABT3E0B6 3507— 17 Closer to Calgary, ABT2G0R9 Salvation ArmyCenter 1611 1231 —34 center providesholisticstrategies Remington th groups. Native AddictionsServicesSociety Ave. but th th Home Ave. Ave.SW 403-297-3337 provides 403-261-7921 204-543-0550 403-410-1150 doctor alcoholism need tobeclean SE The out-patient NE Rd. Community Cultural Centres/Counselling

services onsite, to aboriginalfamilies. individual, NE and of Hope or 410-1145 (Detox) drug for 3 Services -Pekewe treatment is group 3 addictions, & months. living, grief,and days assessment

or for change,support, prior. family counselling, Trainings Open 24hrs7 four and men's to Program six loss. treatment planning. include skills and weeks days. Youcan women's treatment lectures and the in 157 • • • This centre has 194 beds for men and 24 for women. You need to be • motivated to change to be admitted. • • Aboriginal Friendship Center of Calgary • 342 — le St. NW • Calgary, AB T2N 1Z7 • Telephone: 403-270-7379 • http://www. anfca. com • • This center provides programs & opportunities to assist people and • groups in developing a quality of life comparable with mainstream • society. • • Aboriginal Resource Centre & Omemesis Learning Centre • 1603- 10t11 Ave. SW • Calgary, AB T3C 0J7 • Telephone: 403-204-0083 • • This is an excellent center with many services to support transition • including, affordable housing registry, language groups, cultural • programs, education, employment, parenting education, recreation, • fathers and men's groups, and volunteer opportunities. • • Awo Taan Parent Link • 100-1603 10 St. SW • Calgary, AB T2H 0G5 e Telephone: 403-531-1880 • e You can learn traditional teachings in a positive environment here. The e focus is on growth through the development of healthy lifestyles that • include spiritual, emotional, physical and mental. • Métis Calgary Family Services • 352 Sunvale Drive SE. • Calgary, AB T2X 2P1 • Telephone: 403-240-4642 • • 158 • • •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: Spectrum Youth with children. training. Eagle Calgary, AB 6919— adolescent http :// Telephone: Calgary The Telephone: qualify 423 —4 Call toreceive Calgary, AB Calgary, AB mental Calgary Associationof Telephone: 840 —7 Calgary Calgary, AB 1019 -7 center providesresources,activities,lifeskills,creative Spirit 32 fil health th for th Ave.SW Ave. They offer Legal Drop-In Ave.SW nd conflict program legal Ave.NW 403-247-5003 403-234-9266 403-266-8711 403-266-3600 access toelders, T3B T2P 3G2 T2P 1A8 T2G 008 and support SE free Guidance aid. 0 & and K6 legal advice in-home Family Rehab Center Self-Help groups. and a Services family cultural

for supervised accessprogram those whocannotafford support services,aparent/

advisors, and cultural awareness arts, a for lawyer visits 159 or • • Kiwehtata - Aboriginal Parenting Program • 3507A - 17th Avenue SW • Calgary, Alberta T3E 0B6 • Telephone: 403- 543-0550 • • • This centre provides hands on teachings in how to provide the best • possible environment for children. • Sarcee Cultural Program • 3700 Anderson Rd. SW • Calgary, AB T2W 1NO • Telephone: 403-238-2677 • YMCA Calgary - Aboriginal Programs and Services • 510 — 940 — 6ffi Ave. SW • Calgary, AB T2P 3T1 • Telephone: 403-531-1660 • • You can get involved with the community here through training and • recreational programs for families. • • Education/Training/Employment • Native Centre - University of Calgary • Room 390Z, MacEwan Student Centre • 2500 University Dr. NW • Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 • Telephone: 204-220-6034 • • Services include, academic advising, outreach program, financial • advise, tutoring, cultural ceremonies, social gatherings, student • orientation, computer lab, study rooms and student lounge. • • 160 • • •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• training. Telephone: 403-974-1400 Tsuu T'ina Business Toll-free: 1-800-691-6078 Telephone: 403-251-9242 utrs history cultures, Aboriginal students The IniskimCentre Telephone: 403-440-5596 Services Calgary, ABT2W6H6 development Calgary, ABT2H0G5 Treaty SevenEconomicDevelopment Telephone: 403-250-8902 2611 — Calgary, Room C201-4825Mount Suite 250-9911 6011— lA Mount Royal funding. assistance in people. This aboriginal self-employment Pre-employment Calgary, ABT1Y5V7 Métis Employment 37 include adult upgrading,independent learning,& AB T3E6K6 loans n Ave. St. SW Bullhead AdultLearningEducationCenter start-up training. College- for Chula Blvd. and NE services, assistance Treaty 7members,&aboriginal is dedicatedtofosteringacademicsuccess and protocols. Services or expansion group alsoprovides Iniskim increasing awareness Royal Gate career counselling, to startyourown SW. Centre of businesses,proposalwriting SW Corporation

Métis people business. Open job of distinct Aboriginal referral, search entrepreneur with computer to all for and and 161 • • Chinook Lodge Aboriginal Resource Centre- South Alberta • , Institute of Technology • N108 Main Floor, Senator Burns Building • 1301 — 16th Ave. NW • Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 • Telephone: 403-210-4028 • http://sait. ca/pages/studentservices/aboriginalstudents • • The Chinook Lodge Aboriginal Resource Centre serves the learning, • training, and personal needs of Aboriginal students at SAIT. Students • can make use of the Lodge's resources and study areas, take part in • cultural and social activities, or take time to socialize with other • students. • • Aboriginal Futures Career and Training Center • 200 — 6011 — lA St. SW • Calgary, AB T2H OGS • Telephone: 403-253-5311 • http ://www. • • Employment counselling, career planning, job search strategies, • computer lab, interne access and training, help with funding sources, • upgrading and occupational training. • • EDMONTON • • • Housing • • Amisk Housing Association • 16678 — 114-d'Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5M 3R8 • Telephone: 780-452-6651 • • Subsidized housing for low income aboriginal people. 5 — 10 yrs • waiting list • • 162 • ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 780-452-6440 Métis women A Telephone: 780-426-4985 of ProvidenceSociety Wings Edmonton, ABT5L0A2 Aboriginal Youth and Aboriginal Youth Edmonton, ABT6K4C2 Box 32141 program, Telephone: 780-482-5522 Edmonton Native Telephone: 780-413-9360 Edmonton, ABT5M1C2 High School Junior Westmont This centre http://www.edmontonnativehealingcentre.corn Edmonton, ABT5L0G7 smudging ceremonies. 11922— 121A 11125- 131 101 —11813123 twenty Urban Housing and public access to computer and internet, daily prayers and dailyprayers computerandinternet, public accessto suite provides pastoral provides Street children leaving St. apartment complexisavailable rd Heating/Treatment Healing St.NW

Corporation Family Well-Being Centre abusive oneln, culturalcamps, counselling,

relationships. Centres


for six Education month terms biking Society for 163 • • • Poundmakers Lodge • Box 34007, Kingsway Mall • Edmonton, AB T5G 3G4 • Telephone: 780-458-1884 • Toll-free: 1-866-458-1884 • • • The lodges provide support to re-build lives, re-connect with • communities, re-claim culture and restore balance in your life. • • Recovery Acres Society • 6329— 118ffi Ave. NW • Edmonton, AB T5W 1G2 • Telephone: 780-471-2969 • 780-471-2996 • http ://www.recoveryacres . net • This addictions recovery program is 8 wks and focused on life skills. • Help is there to find employment after treatment. You need to complete • an interview and be clean for 3 days prior to admission. • • AADAC Recovery Centre • 10302 — 107th St. NW • Edmonton, AB T5J 1K2 • Telephone: 780-427-4291 • Our House • 22210 Stony Plain Rd. • Edmonton, AB T5S 2C3 • Telephone: 780-474-8945 O http://www.ourhouseedmonton.corn • 1 This is a 32 bed center for adult men trying to recover from addictions. • The 3 phase program is based on the 12 steps. In the third phase • employment and a residence is provided with support from a transition • worker. Room and board rates apply. You need to be clean for 7 days • prior to admission and can be self or professionally referred. • • 164 • •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• program Alberta Telephone: 780-427-2736 Edmonton, ABT5J0G5 quitting smoking needed. Residential 72bedfacilitythatoffers Telephone: 780-422-9069 programs, counselling, 4225— 118 Henwood and Edmonton, ABT584K3 Telephone: 780-424-8335 This Telephone: 780-471-3220 Survivors include Story-telling,crafts,parenting,healingcircles,12StepCircle Red and shelter, Edmonton, ABT5W1A5 evcs include Services http :// Edmonton, ABT5H0M5 George 10010 —102 18750— 18 10015— free child-care. Road Healing Aboriginal FamilyResourceCenterhas 105A Spady Alcohol for group, and Treatment 111 th 780-422-4446 treatment referral. St.NW nd Ave.NW women Ave.NW Ave. NW Centre Society a program. Applicationand and coffee Society and men women's wellness.Thereis Drug Centre cultural

drop-in centre,detox Abuse Commission separately. Thereisalso therapy &psychotherapy. a 19 day very health assessment social support, overnight a collective workers, mentoring intensive a gambling Services recovery kitchen are and 165 • • • Cultural. Centres/Counselling • • Bissell Centre 10527 — 96th St. 0 Edmonton, AB T5H 2H6 • Telephone: 780-423-2285 • http ://www.bis sellcentre. org/ • • • This centre gives help with food, clothing, household goods and crisis • of all kinds. • Boyle Street Community Services • 10116 — 105ffi Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5H 0K2 • Telephone: 780-424-4106 0 http ://b oylestreet. org/ • • Programs include Adult Outreach, Family supports, Mental Health • Unit, Housing, Employment and Youth Services. • • Canadian Native Friendship Center • 15001- 112 Avenue 5 Edmonton, AB T5G 2A4 • Telephone: 780-496-9890 • 0 This center provide recreation & cultural programs, food band, housing • referrals, job education, volunteer opportunities and an aboriginal home • ownership program. Membership is $3.00. • • Native Counselling Services of Alberta (NCSA) • 10975 — 124th St. • Edmonton, AB T5M 0H9 e Telephone: 780-451-4002 e • • This is an excellent organization with many programs that support the • transition back to family and community. Programs include aboriginal • 166 • 0 ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 780-423-5302 Women's Emergency Edmonton, AB T5H008 awareness, support) andKhichi Awasisak family This Telephone: 780-477-6648 Edmonton, ABT5B2G7 Ben treatment, family The Telephone: 780-423-2111 kitchens, freemeals,employment Telephone: 780-425-4190 program. program, lifeskillsprogram family family wellnessprogram,lifeimprovement 9611— 101 Edmonton, ABT5H007 9618— 101 Salvation Army Food http://www.edmontonsfoodbank.corn Edmonton, ABT5G2Y2 Edmonton FoodBank 12046 —77 11508— 120 army hasemergency Calf society offersprogramsincluding hampers and support culturalservice, Robe Society e th st trainings, sweats, Ave. Ave.NW St.NW th St.NW services and information on Accommodation food,

for healing circles health shelter, aboriginal parentingeducation aboriginal women, and low incomehousing,

services. (traditional parenting). emergency shelter. the Ketotayminawak(inhome suicide Center and rvnin addictions prevention, ceremonies available. (WEAC) training, and healing tears collective long-term Cultural 167 • • This centre has shelter, meals, outreach supports, counselling & on site • medical clinic. • • Student Legal Services • Emily Murphy House Downtown (Corona) Office • 11011 — 88'n Ave. 203 — 9924 — 106th St. • Edmonton, AB T6G 0Z3 Edmonton, AB T5K 1C7 • Telephone: 780-492-2226 Telephone: 780-425-3356 • • The Support Network • 400 - 10025 106 Street • Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4 Telephone: 780-482-0198 • • • Kara Family Support Centre Society • 6717 — 132 Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5C 2A4 • Telephone: 780-478-5396 • • • Support for single parents, education, role modeling and hands on • learning. • • Edmonton YMCA • 10030 - 102A Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5J 0G5 • Telephone: 780-421-9622 • te The Family Center • 20 — 9912 — 106th St. • Edmonton, AB T5K 105 • Telephone: 780-423-2831 • • • • • 168 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bent ArrowTraditionalHealing This Apeetogosan This centre Telephone: 780-481-3451 Edmonton, ABT5P1P2 2nd and the http://www.apeetogosan.corn Toll-free: 1-800-252-7963 Telephone: 780-452-7951 Edmonton, ABT5M2N4 Generations Family This Telephone: 780-477-6334 Edmonton, ABT5J2J9 First Telephone: 780-424-3545 Edmonton, ABT5H2X3 sustainablefinancial Profitable, 302 —12308111 gospel, Catholic 12140— 10709— 105 means toeconomicself-sufficiency connecting to Floor, 10117—150 centre offers church providesculturally basedworship Nations Alliance marriage counselling,men's 103 Social Services offers rd th St.NW St. Métis in homesupport, the the th Ave. program. Development Inc. Adult employment,HealthyFamilies community. th Church St.

services and support to thosewhoseek services andsupport Society volunteer mentors,parentingskills and

women's programs. and ecig, four teachings, and the7 fold 169 • • Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples • 10821 — 96th St. NW • Edmonton, AB T5H 2J8 • Telephone: 780-422-3052 • http://www. s acredpeoples. com • This church provides worship services, AA mtgs., preparation for • baptism, first communion and confirmation ceremonies. • Education/Training/Employment • Ben Calf Rope Education Centre - NorQuest College 10215 — 10eSt. • Edmonton, AB T5J 1L6 Telephone: 780-644-5800 or 780-644.6130

This center has many training courses including adult upgrading and • cultural camps. • • Women Building Futures • 10326— 107th St. NW • Edmonton, AB T5K 1K2 • Telephone: 780-452-1200 • Toll-free: 1-866-452-1201 • This group has training and mentorship programs for women entering • the trades. • • Aboriginal Education Centre - Grant MacEwan College • 10700 — 104th Ave. Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2 • Telephone: 780- 497-5040 • • 170 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Northern NAIT Telephone: 780-491-3917 Edmonton, ABT5G2R1 EnCana AboriginalStudent Aboriginal Student training and Telephone: 780-492-5677 2-400 Students Telephone: 780-427-9674 Edmonton CityCentreAlbertaService Edmonton, ABT6G2J7 http://am Telephone: 780-424-1270 Amiskwaciy funding Career Advise,employmentcounselling,worksearch, Edmonton ABT5J3L5 high school This centre Edmonton, ABT5G0W6 11762— 106 supports and 101 Airport 10242 —105 provides careercounselling, info. iskwaciy.eps Alberta Institute Alberta provides workbasedteamingprogramswithtutoring classes and ffi Rd th return toschoolupgradingprograms. elders St. St (Beaver Hills)Academy Union Building Union in Services Centre b. net eiec.Yune o have residence. Youneedto have letters

of Centre Technology a of friendship center,pre-technology - reference toapply. University of completed some Alberta and student 171 • • YellowHead Tribal College • 17304— 105th Ave. NW • Edmonton, AB T5S 1G4 • Telephone: 780-484-0303 • http://www.ytced. ab. ca • • The college provides many Post Secondary courses, certificates, • diplomas and degrees, with adult basic education, & upgrading • available. • • Aboriginal University & College Entrance Program • Concordia University College of Alberta • 7128 Ada Boulevard • Edmonton, AB T5B 4E4 • Telephone: 780- 479-8481 • • This 8 month program includes courses for university entrance • specializing in Aboriginal history and Cree language. • • Alberta Aboriginal Apprenticeship Project • Suite 405, 10707 — 100th Ave. • Edmonton, AB T5J 2W3 • Telephone: 780-427-5901 • • This centre helps aboriginal people enter and complete apprenticeship • programs. • Boyle Street Education Centre • 10312— 105th St. NW • Edmonton, AB T5J 1E6 • Telephone: 780-428-1420 e • II • • • 172 S • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone: 780-423-2237 Edmonton, ABT5M2N4 Métis Aboriginal Telephone: 780-423-2340 Oteenow Alberta Telephone: 780-495-2954 Edmonton, ABT5J4C3 computer andinternetaccess. counselling, education, Edmonton, ABT5Y2B6 Toll-free: 1-800-272-9675 Telephone: 780-422-7722 Edmonton, ABT5J1B1 725 -9700Jasper Services includereturntowork 12308— 111 14021 Victoria 100— 10237—104 Employment Aboriginal Business Employment Business Canada th Ave. Trail Ave. th St.NW Services training, job Centre

Service action planning, search, resumes,workexperience, Network employment 173 • • FORT MCMURRAY/FORT SMITH/FORT CHIPEWYAN • Housing • • Wood Buffalo Housing and Development Corp. • 9011 — 9915 Franklin Ave. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4 • Telephone: 780-799-4050 • Toll-free: 1-888-799-4050 • • Individuals and families are eligible for subsidized rent based on • income level. • Heating/Treatnnent Centres • Fort McMurray Personal Support Network • #5 - 118 Millennium Drive • Fort McMurray, AB T9K 2S8 • Telephone: 780-791-1757 • • Call the telephone number provided for information on Alcoholics • Anonymous meetings, family couselling, Narcotics Anonymous, and • Parents Help Line. • • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addictions Commission 410-9915 Franklin Ave. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4 • Telephone: 780-743-7187 • • Pastew Detox Centre • 505 Sakitawaw Trail S • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4P3 • Telephone: 780-791-2525 • • • 174 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Workshops Telephone: Fort Association Health Mental Canadian Northern LightsRegionalHealthCenter Telephone: Telephone: Fort Fort and self 7 Fort Telephone: Fort Box McMurray SexualAssaultCenter Fort 9908 Grief and This centre Telephone: Salvation ArmyFamily 9919 Saturdays 10011 Hospital McMurray, McMurray, 6165 McMurray, McMurray, McMurray, Manning MacDonald Franklin Avenue,Suite esteem. and Loss Program St. 780-743-1053 780-743-8605 is 780-791-6708 780-791-6161 and trainingin 780-743-4135 an Sundays. Ave. AB AB AB AB AB emergency shelter Ave. Cultural Centres/Couselling T9H 2K7 T9H 2B9 T9H 4W1 T9H 1P2 T9H 1S7 Services parenting, anger

302 for men. management, Soup Kitchenis life skills, open on 175 • • Fellowship Baptist Church Soup Kitchen • 141 Alberta Dr. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1R2 Telephone: 780-743-3747 • • Evergreen Christian Reform Church • 101 Tundra Dr. Fort McMurray, AB T9H 5A4 • Telephone: 780-743-8989 • Native Christian Fellowship Church 10012 Gorden Drive Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4N7 Telephone: 780-791-9508 Food Bank • 370 MacAlpine Cres. Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4B1 Telephone: 780-743-1125

Athabasca Tribal Council Child and Family Services 9206 McCormick Dr. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1C7 • Telephone: 780- 791-6538 • • • Programs include support & counselling therapy for Mikisew Cree, • Athabasca Chipewyan, Fort McKay, Fort McMurray, and Chipewyan • Prairie First Nations. • Nistawoyou Association Friendship Society • 8310 Manning Ave. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1W1 • Telephone: 780-743-8555 • • This drop-in center has a clothing bank, craft services, lunch program, recreation and social programs for elders, children and families. • • 176 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••• Telephone: 780-791-7110 Fort The Box 6165StationMain housing This Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Toll Telephone: 780-791-4801 This Telephone: 780-743-4671 Fort Unity HouseFamilyCrisis information. Technology Center programs This Fort Keyano collect callsaccepted. clothing are 25 Crisis Employment 8115 10020 Franklin HUB FamilyResource McMurray, T9H2K6 free: 1-800-251-1408 McMurray, McMurray, society providesemergencyshelter is institute hasmanytechnical,adultupgrading Franklin Line: 780-743-1190 beds, a onestopdrop-in information, recreation activities information, College and on siteand a collectivekitchen,nursingservices, housing advocacy. Program, Ave. Room167 Ave. Education/Training/Employment AB T9H4W1 AB T9H2H7 - Nechi and theKeyanoTheatreGroup. through aerEpomn Services,Suncor Career Employment Institute center withparentingeducationprograms, Society Program, Centre distance Open 24 education. Programsinclude, Aboriginal Skills Telephone: 780-697-3767 Fort Chipewyan,ABTOPIBO 108 Flett for hours and women community a day, 7days St. and clinical and university level children. There for service care, a week, Education 177 • S I • Métis Employment Services • 9612 Franklin Ave. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2J9 Telephone: 780-714-3029 • • This centre provides help to find employment for Métis people in the • Wood Buffalo Region. • Alberta Human Resources and Employment Centre • 9915 Franklin Ave. • Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4 Telephone: 780-743-7192 Toll-free: 1-800-661-3753 This centre provides information on training courses and job • opportunities. You can process applications for SIN numbers and • employment insurance here. •

GRANDE PRAIRIE/GRANDE CACHE/HINTON/EDSON • Housing • • Wapita Community Dorm • 10057 — 98th St. • Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2E7 • Telephone: 780-513-4043 • • This dorm offers emergency, transitional and permanent shelter for individuals. There are showers available on site for $2.00. '

Odyssey House • 10123 — 107th Ave. • Grand Prairie, AB T8V 1M1 Telephone: 780-532-2672 • • 178 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Administration Office and This Hinton Housing Willow Telephone: Evergreens Foundation Telephone: Grande Spirit Telephone: Hinton, This Telephone: Grande Prairie,ABT8V0T5 9713— 100 Hinton, Claremont Grande Prairie,ABT8V7G9 9505 —102 and Subsidized housing 110 102 children withconfidential affordable housing West Jasper Gove house providessafe, center providestransitional,temporary AB T7V2A6 AB T7N1X2 Place rn and SpiritRiver. ffi nd ment Rd. 780-814-2349 780-865-5444 780-532-2905 780-865-4762 Ave. Ave. Foundation St. for for singlemenand communities short supports. term and of Beaverlodge, CrookedCreek, Telephone: Grand Prairie,ABT8V8L3 Family Housing 111 —11010107 emergency shelter women. or permanent 780-532-3276 Office supportive th Ave. for women 179 • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addiction Commission • Grande Prairie Area Office • Suite 300, 9728 Montrose Avenue • Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5B6 • Telephone: 780-538-6330 • Enhanced Services for Women (ESVV) • 11333-106 Street • Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6T7 • Telephone: 780- 538-6356 • 0 Northern Addictions Centre- • Detoxification Services • 11333— 106ffi St. • Grand Prairie, AB T8V 6T7 • Telephone: 780-538-6300 •0 Northern Addictions Centre- • Residential Treatment Program • 11333-106 Street • Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6T7 • Telephone: 780- 538-6350 • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addiction Commission • Hinton Area Office • 102- 131 Civic Centre Rd. • Hinton, AB T7V 2E8 • Telephone: 780-865-8263 • • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addiction Commission • Edson Area Office • 111 — 54th St.- Suite 105 • Edson, AB T7E 1T2 • Telephone: 780-723-8232 • 180 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tel: Alberta Alcohol Native Telephone: Peace Peace Telephone: Beaverlodge, 422 10A Beaverlodge Telephone: Fairview, Grande Grande Telephone: Telephone: Grand Cache,AB Peace Community Community Community Fairview HealthComplex- Grande Prairie,AB 10200 10101 68 10628 110 10001 10104— 780-827-3430 River, AB River Country Hoppe Shand Ave. Counselling Cache, AB 101 Cache AreaOffice Street Street AB Street 780-835-6149 780-538-5160 780-532-9359 780-827-3701 780-538-5160 780-354-2136 1-800-732-8981or 780-624-6151 e Community HealthCentre- Mental Mental Mental Ave. Municipal AB Avenue- POBox TOH 1L0 Health T8S 1Z7 and TOH OCO TOE W TOE T8V 0Y3 Services Association Health Health Health Drug OYO OYO Hospital- Fairview or Grande Prairie, (Grand Prairie) Addiction Commission Services Services Ser 120 vices 181 Grande Prairie College and Community Health Centre 10620 — 104th Ave. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8J8 Telephone: 780-814-5800 or 780-532-1873

Cultural Centres/Counselling

Alberta Native Friendship Centre Associations Grand Prairie Centre Edson Friendship Centre 10507 — 98th Ave. 13 —5023 — 3rd Ave. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4L1 Edson, AB T7E 1X7 Telephone: 780-532-5722 Telephone: 780-723-5494

Hinton Friendship Centre 965 Switzer Dr. Hinton, AB T7V 1X6 Telephone: 780-865-5189 http://www.anfca.corn

The centre provides outreach and support services to find housing, and employment. They also provide Family Literacy programs, addictions recovery, women's support center, sharing circles, cultural and recreational activities.

Grande Prairie Canada-Alberta Service Centre 100 Towne Centre Mall 9845 - 99 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0R3 Telephone: 780-538-6241

Grande Prairie Public Library 101, 9839- 103 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6M7 Telephone: 780-532-3580

182 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toll-free: Telephone: 780-539-2944 Grande Prairie,AB welding Programs includePreEmploymentSkills,apprenticeship Toll-free: Northern Grande Prairie opportunities Telephone: 780-539-2075 Telephone: 780-532-0704 Grande Prairie,AB North Country Telephone: 780-532-3720 Grande 9615— Salvation ArmyFamily Telephone: 780-513-0240 Grand Prairie,AB Grand Grande 10726— 10632— 11633 —100 11330— 102 Prairie, AB Prairie, 106 102 106 trades. Prairie 1-888-539-4772 1-888-999-7882 Alberta Institute Alberta nd th nd th th St. Ave. St. St. in Ave. AB Education/Training/Employment electrician, Community Church Regional College Center 2000 T8V 7C3 T8V 7X9 T8V 4C4 T8V 6J8 T8V 2T8


instrument of Community Technology technician, millwright Support Services training and and 183 • • HIGH LEVEL/FORT VERMILION/LA CRETE • • Housing • High Level Housing Authority • 9806 — 98ffi St. • High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 • Telephone: 780-926-4118 • • Subsidized housing provided for the communities of Fort Vermillion & • Paddle Prairie • • Mackenzie Housing Management Board • 9802 — 105th St. • La Crete, AB TOH 2H0 • Telephone: 780-928-4348 • 780-928-4349 • • Subsidized housing provided in the communities of Fort Vermillion • and Marlboro. • • Healing/Treatment Centres • Northwest Health Centre • 11202 — 100t1 Ave. • High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 • Telephone: 780-841-3200 • • Action North Recovery Centre • Box 872 • High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 • Telephone: 780-926-3113 • • • • 184 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• Alberta Telephone: High LevelArea High Level, High Level providescommunity This drop-incentre http://www.anfca.corn Telephone: High Level, Box High Level High Level, Distance education is available. Distance Apprenticeship This institute providesover This Toll-free: Telephone: High Level, Northern Telephone: opportunities, cultural one 10106— 10901 —93 10316-105th year certificates 1735, 10801-96 100 Alcohol 1-888-999-7882 Alberta rd 780-926-3355 780-926-2265 780-841-3600 780-926-4177 Native Christian t1 AB AB AB St. AB ' St. Ave. o h o riig programs (on thejobtraining) Education/Training/Employment TOH 1Z0 TOH 1Z0 TOH 1Z0 TOH 1Z0 Box and Office Cultural Institute Friendship Center or 486 Street Drug

and Fellowship two year diplomas. There are four two yeardiplomas.There recreation programs. 200 Addiction of Centres/Couselling Technology courses (fullor Commission- information, in part-time) leadingto many employment trades. Long Year 185 • • Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry Regional Service • 9806 — 98th St. 4701 - 52 Street • High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 Vermilion, AB T9X 1J9 • Telephone: 780-841-4315 Telephone: 780-853-8164 • • Services include career counselling, job opportunities, trainings and • workshops. • • LAC LA BISHE/BONNYVILLE/COLD LAKE/SAINT • PAUL/SADDLE LAKE/ATHABASCA • • Housing • • Greater North Foundation • 5210 — 47th Ave. • Athabasca, AB T9S 1K5 • Telephone: 780-675-9660 • • This group has subsidized housing for the communities of Athabasca, • Boyle and Lac La Bishe. • • Lakeland Lodge and Housing Foundation • 4904 — 50th Ave. • Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H5 11, Telephone: 780-826-6202 • • This foundation offers subsidized housing available for the • communities of Bonnyville, Cold Lake, Ardmore and Moose Lake • • St. Paul _47t1 Heritage Homes • 4525 Ave. • St. Paul, AB TOA 3A3 • Telephone: 780-645-5366 • • This authority manages subsidized housing for low-income individuals • and families. • 186 • •

Healing/Treatment Centres

Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addictions Commission (AADAC)

••••••• Bonnyville AADAC Cold Lake AADAC

• 5201 — 44`11 St. New Park Place 5013 — 51 e St. Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H4 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P3 Telephone: 780-826-8054 Telephone: 780-594-7556

Lac La Bishe AADAC St. Paul AADAC

••••• 9503 Beaver Hill Rd. 5025 — 49th Ave.

• Lac La Bishe, AB TOA 2C0 St. Paul, AB TOA 3A4 Telephone: 780-623-5227 Telephone: 780-645-6346 •• Bonnyville Indian and Métis Rehabilitation Centre Box 8148

••• Bonnyville, AB T9N 2J4

• Telephone: 780-826-3328

Beaver Lake Wah Pow Detox and Treatment Centre Box 1648 Lac La Bishe, AB TOA 2C0 Telephone: 780-623-2553 •••••

This center has a six week cultural co-ed program for 18+ adults. There is a daily intake to 25 beds for individuals, couples and families. They have out-patient service, detox program, and after-care services. Languages are English and Cree.

Cultural Centres/Couselling

Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association Lac La Bishe ANFCA St. Paul ANFCA

••••••••••• 10105 Church Dr. 4901 - 50th St. Lac La Bishe, AB TOA 2C0 St. Paul, AB TOA 3A0 • Telephone: 780-623-3249 Telephone: 780-645-4630

187 ••••• Athabasca ANFCA Bonnyville ANFCA 4919— 53rd St. 4711 — 50th Ave. Athabasca, AB T9S 1L1 Bonnyville, AB T9N 1A6 Telephone: 780-675-3086 Telephone: 780-826-3374

Cold Lake ANFCA 5015 — 55th St. Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P4 Telephone: 780-594-7526 This centre provides cultural, educational, employment, health and recreational programs for aboriginal families.

Saddle Lake Cultural Kehewin Community Education Program Education Centre Box 130 Box 30 Saddle Lake, AB TOA 3T0 Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H2 Telephone: 780-726-3829 Telephone: 780-826-6200

Beaver Lake Cultural Program Bag 5000 Lac La Bishe, AB TOA 2C0 Telephone: 780-623-4548


Blue Quills First Nations College 3 Airport Rd N St. Paul, AB TOA 3A0 Telephone: 780-645-4455 Toll-free: 1-888-645-4455 •

This college has excellent adult upgrading and post secondary programs that include programs in welding, carpentry, plumbing and automotive, cultural life skills and personal development, aboriginal language learning bundle, cultural sensitivity, leadership accountability and restoring balance. 188 •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• positive changesin Toll-free: 1-866-623-5551 Telephone: Telephone: 200 —5197 Treaty 7UrbanHousingAuthority This home Telephone: Lethbridge, Parkside rural This Telephone: Lethbridge HousingAuthority-CommunityRegistry Lac LaBishe,ABTOA2C0 9531 —94 Portage Lethbridge, 712 — Lethbridge, 324-B, authority providessubsidizedhousing area. l Mayor MagrathDriveSouth e Ave. College — th Homes Ave. has 403-327-1995 403-327-5497 403-329-0556 780-623-5551 AB T1J2G8 AB T1J3L7 AB TIJ0A7 th S St. 16 semi-independent rooms S Main life. Campus



BRIDGE for single for the

city adults making and surrounding 189 • • • This authority provides subsidized housing for low incomes in • Lethbridge, Calgary and Cardston. You need to present your status card • and SIN number to apply. • Healing/Treatment Centres • Alberta Mental Health Clinic • 200 — 5ffi Ave. S • Lethbridge, AB T1K 4L1 • Telephone: 403-381-5260 • • This health clinic provides assessments and treatment services. • Mental Health Association • 426 — 6th • Lethbridge, AB T1J 2C9 • Telephone: 403-329-4775 • Services include education, recreation, crisis intervention, independent • living skills, and transitional housing. • • Nitsitapii Wellness Program • 1101 — 400 — 4ffi Ave. S Lethbridge, AB T1J 4E1 • Telephone: 403-317-7101 • • This is a ten week program based on the Medicine Wheel Teaching that • includes traditional healing, residential school recovery, addictions, • self-esteem, spirituality, family violence and cultural awareness. • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addictions Commission • • Associates Counselling Services • 239 — 12ffi St. N • Lethbridge, AB T1H 2K8 • Telephone: 403-381-6000 • • 190 • • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• management, programs canaccommodatehearing Toll-free: 1-888-737-3757 Telephone: 403-737-3756 Box 179 St. Paul'sTreatment assertive program includes This centre Cardston, Services Box 1448-520-18thStreetSouth Native beds the 25 You needtobewillingparticipate This 30 http://www. southernalcaremanor. Telephone: 403-328-0955 Lethbridge, Southern AlcareManor There Telephone: 403-329-6506 Lethbridge, 520 —7 counselling and support services. counselling are th Women's day St.S include counselling communication skills. Mediation communication AB TOKOKO family unitsavailableto women is locatedapproximately are AB T1J4K2 AB T1J2H1 substance abuse program is substance abuse parenting, relationships, transition &change,and parenting, relationships, reserved a 5 Transition Home Cultural Centres/Counselling week residentialschoolsurvivors Centre for those comingfrom for anxiety, depression,anger coin or an in

physical disabilities. fund raisingactivities.Some orsuho ehrde The hour southofLethbridge. open services are and to children with corrections. men and women 18+. men and available. program. All 191 of • • • Womanspace Resource Centre • 504 — 740 — 4th Ave. S • Lethbridge, AB T1J 0N9 Telephone: 403-329-8338 • • • This centre provides a resource library, support groups, community • information and educational events. • • Family Centre • Suite 225, 200 - 4 Avenue S. • Lethbridge Centre • • Lethbridge, AB T1J 4C9 • Telephone: 403-320-4232 • • • The centre provides Parenting Education, family supports, interfaith • community kitchen, and outreach family counselor services. • • Family Outreach - Sun Country Child and Family Services • 3305 — 18ffi Ave. N • Lethbridge, AB T1H 2B2 • Telephone: 403-381-5543 • Services include in home support addressing discipline, communication • and anger management parenting issues. • Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Centre • Medicine Tree Friendship Society • 1709 — 2nd Ave. S • Lethbridge, AB T1J 0E8 • Telephone: 403-328-2414 • • Lethbridge Family Services - Sexual Abuse Survivors Groups • 1107 - 2 Ave. N • Lethbridge, AB T1H 0E6 • Telephone: 403-327-5724 • 192 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Interfaith Telephone: Lethbridge, Catholic ChurchCharitiesClothing abused survivors Services http :// Telephone: Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Lethbridge Telephone: Lethbridge, 200 —5 Main Lethbridge Lethbridge, Red needs. Tutoring, Telephone: Telephone: 810 —5 535 —13 1116 —3 118 —5 Crow CommunityCollege Floor, Open th th th St. Ave. rd Ave. th include women's St. and Ave.N Food Bank 403-327-0846 403-320-8779 403-380-2272 403-327-6984 403-380-7310 AB T1J2B2 AB T1H0H6 AB T1J4C4 AB T1J4C7 AB T1H2S6 Provincial Building Public Canada AlbertaServiceCentre S days, evenings N learning programs S S Education/Training/Employment and parents. Library and and men's

weekends. are

available herebased support

Bank of groups Lethbridge for sexually on your 193 • • Aboriginal Career and Employment Centre • 454 — 5th Ave. S • Lethbridge, AB T1J 4L4 • Telephone: 403-320-8889 • Toll-free: 1-866-320-8889 • • Services include assessment, resumes, job search, placement and on the • job training. • • • PEACE RIVER/FAIRVIEW Housing • •

North Peace Housing Foundation • 4918 — 49ffi Ave. • Grimshaw, AB TOH iWO • Telephone: 780- 332-2410 • • This group provides subsidized housing for the communities of Fairview, Bluesky, Peace River and Hines Creek • • Healing/Treatment Centres • AADAC Services • Provincial Building • 9621-96 Avenue- PO Bag 900-1 • Peace River, AB T8S 1T4 • Tel: 780-624-6193 • • • • • • • 194 • • • •• Cultural Centres/Counselling •• Sagitawa Friendship Centre

•• 10108 — 100th Ave.- Box 5083 Peace River, AB T8S 1R7 Telephone: 780-624-2443

This drop-in centre provides referrals, counselling, cultural education programs, youth recreation, community information and hosts the Moonlodge Women's group. ••••••• Education/Training/Employment •• Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Peace River Campus Fairview Campus

••• 8106— 99th Ave. 11235 — 98th Ave.

• Peace River, AB T8S 1V9 Fairview, AB TOH 1L0 Telephone: 780-618-2600 Telephone: 780-835-6600 Toll-free: 1-888-999-7882 Toll-free: 1-888-999-7882

For information on their courses and programs, visit their website at

••••• or call the campus located near you. •• ••••• ••••• •• 195 ••• • • RED • DEER/WETASKIWIN/HOBBEMA/ • ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE • • Housing • • Central Alberta Housing Society • 6002 — 54th Ave. • Red Deer, AB T4N 4M8 • Telephone: 403-342-4722 • • This society manages affordable housing and can help you find • temporary shelter. • • Red Deer Housing Authority • 5024 Ross St. • Red Deer, AB T4N 1Y3 • Telephone: 403-343-2177 • • This authority has subsidized housing for the communities of Red Deer, O Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Seniors Homes and Community Housing • 5201 — 50th Ave. Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0S7 • O Telephone: 780-352-4435 • Healing/Treatment Centres • O Alberta Alcohol and Drug Addictions Commission Red Deer AADAC Wetaskiwin AADAC • Main Floor, Provincial Building 2' Floor, Provincial Building • 106 — 4920 — 51 st St. 5201 — 50t15 Ave. • Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8 Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0S7 • Telephone: 403-340-5274 Telephone: 780-361-1358 • • • 196 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• treatment, This centre Telephone: Rocky Mountain 4917— Rocky patient This Telephone: Hobbema, ABTOC Box Family Wellness and culturalprogram. This drop-in available. Services high school, This Toll-free: Telephone: Hobbema, ABTOC Box Maskwachees families, and criminal Programs includeadultliteracy, adulthighschool,languageinstructor, evening groupsforyouth. 570 360 healing programhas college providesprograms tohelpyouretu 52 Native service onsite. justice certificate, andoffice couples, nd 1-866-585-3925 a St. provides 403-845-2788 780-585-2219 780-585-3925 detox enter center providesmanyeducational,employment,recreation Friendship Cultural Box Education/Training/Employment House, AB inmates. Walk-incrisis university Cultural Centres/Counselling centre anda are 1NO 1NO 1927 a drop-insupportforaddictions There is provided College a Centre Society 6 or T4T 1B4 week outpatientdayprogram The an recovery complete diplomas in - alcohol Four intake isdaily English technology. program. Trails and services and and Cree. drug rn and toschool,complete addictions and counselling is interpretation is degrees. open for to out- all ages, and 197 • • • SLAVE LAKE/WABASCA/PEERLESS LAKE/HIGH PRAIRIE • • Housing • • Heart River Housing • Box 909 • High Prairie, AB TOG 1E0 • Telephone: 780-523-5282 • • This foundation provides subsidized housing in the communities of • High Prairie, Valleyview, Fox Creek and Kinuso O Lesser Slave Lake Housing Authority • 221 — 3rd Ave. NW • Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A0 • Telephone: 780-849-4505 • O • This foundation provides subsidized housing in the communities of • Slave Lake and Fort Smith. • • Healing/Treatment Centres • • Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission • Slave Lake AADAC High Prairie AADAC • 3rd Floor, Lakeland Center Provincial Building O Box 1278 5226 — 53rd Ave. Box 1110 • Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A0 High Prairie, AB TOG 1E0 • Telephone: 780-849-7127 Telephone: 780-523-6640 • O Pee Kis Kwe Tan Society AADAC • Box 180 • Wabasca, AB TOG 2K0 • Telephone: 780-891-3640 • • This centre provides a drop-in support for addictions counselling and • treatment, a detox centre and a recovery program. • 198 • • •• • Cultural Centres/Counselling •• Metis Nation (Zone 5) of Alberta

•• 353 Main Street North

• Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A3 Phone: (780) 849-4654 Toll Free: 1-866-849-4660 ••• Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association High Prairie ANFCA Slave Lake ANFCA 4919- 51 st Ave, Box 1448 416— 6th Ave. NE High Prairie, AB TOG 1E0 Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A2 Telephone: 780-523-4511 Telephone: 780-849-3039 •••••• This drop-in center has a food bank, recreational and social programs

•• as well as traditional cultural events. Programs include parenting

• education, workshops and trainings.

•• Education/Training/Employment

Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority Box 870 Wabasca, AB TOG 2K0 Telephone: 780-891-3825 780-891-9156 Toll-free: 1-877-458-2447 ext. 201

This centre provides education programs, workshops, trainings and counselling support to the communities of Wabasca, Calling Lakes,

•••••••••••• Trout Lake, Peerless Lake and Chip Lake. ••• ••

199 ••• • • North Alberta Post Secondary Institute Society • 1201 Main St. SE • Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A3 Telephone: 780-849-8774 Toll-free: 1-866-652-3456 • • Northern Lakes College 1201 Main St. E • Slave Lake, AB TOG 2A3 Telephone: 780-849-8600, or • Toll-free: 1-866-652-3456 • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 200 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ICIV •


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