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-NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER .18, 1968 - Mrs. John F. and Onassis to Wed Wedding to Be Held NextWeek—Family Flies to

By MARYLIN BENDER Mrs. John F. Kennedy, 39- year-old widow of the 35th President of the , and Aristotle Socrates Onassis, the 62-year-old millionaire Greek shipowner, will marry. Last evening at 7:40 Mrs. Kennedy and her two children left for Greece aboard a char- tered airliner. Two of her sis- ters-in-law, Mrs. Peter Lawford and Mrs. Stephen Smith, also accompanied the former first lady. The announcement was made at 3:30 P.M. yesterday by Mrs. Kennedy's mother, Mrs. Hugh D. Auohincloss, from her home in Washington and relayed by Miss Nancy Tuckerman, Mrs. Kennedy's secretary in New Assotie,ed Press York. Miss Tuckerman said: Mrs. John F. Kennedy Aristotle Socrates Onassis "Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss has asked me to tell you that New York, Maryland or a Euro- ordination of Bishop-elect Paul last night but made her daughter, Mrs. John F. Ken- pean city. Anderson. himself unavailable for com- nedy, is planning to marry Mr. The report gathered sub- From then on, events moved ment. swiftly. sometime next stance when Richard Cardinal Details of the wedding plans, Neither Mrs. Kennedy nor week." Cushing, a longtime intimate including the date and place of the , hinted Mr. Onassis was available for of the ceremony and the re- Miss Tuckerman added that comment yesterday. Mrs. Ken- "no place or date has been set in Sioux Falls, S. D., that an ligious rite in which it will take official announcement on the nedy left her 15th-floor apart- place, will be issued today, at the moment." ment at 1040 Fifth Avenue at The announcement followed forthcoming marriage "may be Miss Tuckerman said. coming up tonight—tonight or 6 P.M., accompanied by her Mr. Onassis has been di- on a day full of rumors that children, Caroline, 10, and began with a copyrighted story tomorrow." vorced. He married the former John, 7. She drove off in a Athina Mary Livanos, a mem- in The Boston Herald-Traveler "No comment, my lips are limousine, accompanied by five yesterday that predicted that sealed, no comment at all," ber of another wealthy shipping Secret Service men and two family, in the Greek Orthodox the wedding would take place said the Archbishop of Boston, governesses who carried lug- before the end of October in who was in Sioux Falls for the gage. Mr. Onassis was in Continued on Page 32, Column 1 as a surprise to Roswell Gil- Continued From Page 1, Col. 7 patric, a close friend of Mrs. Kennedy's, a former Deputy rite. They were divorced in Secretary of Defense, and a 1960. Two children by that partner in Cravath, Swaine & marriage, Alexander, 20, and Moore, a law firm here. "No, I didn't know about it," Christina, 18, are both citizens he said. "I wish her every hap- of the United States. . piness." The first Mrs. Onassis mar- Mr. Gilpatric, who had ac- ried the Marquess of Blandford companied the former First ' in Paris on October 23, 1961. Lady to Palm Beach, Fla., and Whether Mrs. Kennedy, a Mexico earlier this year, was with her the night before her Roman Catholic, can marry Mr. brother-in-law Senator Robert Onassis with the approval of F. Kennedy was assassinated her church was a question that and took her to the plane when the Archdiocese of New York word came of his death. declined to answer yesterday. "She once told me," Mr. Gil- "It depends on the circum- patric said, "that she felt she stances: Many things are pos- could count on him [Onassis]. sible?' Msgr. Thomas McGov- It was an attribute she looked for in all her friends. One of ern, director of information for the things she is looking for the archdiocese, said. for herself and her children is Richard Drayne, press aide to a private life—not being in Senator Edward M. Kennedy in the public eye all the time— Washingtoin, said yesterday and he can afford to give her that the Senator was not in the that privacy and protection." capital, but he issued a state- ment for him. Sister in 'Beautiful' Group "I talked to Jackie several One of "the Beautiful Peo- days ago," the statement said, ple" is Mrs. Kennedy's sister, "and she told me of her plans, Princess . In re- and I gave her my very best cent years, Princess Radziwill, wishes for their happiness." the wife of a business- Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy's man, has been a close friend of secretary said yesterday that Mr. Onassis' who, in turn, had the mother of the slain Presi- been a constant companion of dent would not comment in any , the opera star. way about her daughter-in- Miss Callas was in New York law's marriage plans. last month to attend the open- Reports of a romance be- ing of the Metropolitan Opera. tween the couple had been cir- She complained bitterly to culating since August when friends here about the break-up of her friendship with Mr. Mrs. Kennedy, accompanied by Onassis. her brother-in-law, Senator Ed- Last night in Paris, where ward F. Kennedy, flew to she is now living, Miss Callas Scorpios, a Greek island that refused comment on the en- Mr. Onassis owns, to join Mr. gagement., Onassis for a cruise on his Mr. Onassis, a short, graying hacht, the Christina. man whose friends call him An, In July, they were seen to- seemed a surprise choice to the gether at Bailey's Beach in hordes of Mrs. Kennedy's ad- Newport, R. I., where Mrs. mirers, who include not only Auchincloss has a summer es- friends but legions of magazine tate. Last May, Mrs. Kennedy, readers. accompanied by a Secret Serv- During the lase/ three years, ice man, flew to the Carribbean Mr. Kennedy has been recog- to board the yachtfor a week- C long cruise. Visited Family Compound Several times during the last month, Mr. Onassis has visited Mrs. Kennedy at the in Hyannis Port, Mass. On one occasion, he dis- patched an aide to buy Lucite yo-yos as gifts for Mrs. Ken- nedy's children. Until yesterday, the reports nized principally for setting of the romance and impending fashion trends. marriage had been competing When she shortened her with continuing speculation skirts to two inches above the over whether Mrs. Kennedy knee two years ago, the future would become the wife of Lord of the miniskirt was assured. Harlech, a widower and long- He rappearance at Elaine's, a time friend of the late Presi- restaurant on Second Avenue ' dent's. in the Eighties, made that Last week she attended a neighborhood bistro a society performance of "The Boys in hang-out. the Band," with Lord Harlech, Mr. Onassis is short and who was British Ambassador stocky. Like Mrs. Kennedy, he to the United States during the is usually suntanned and wears Kennedy Administration. tinted sunglasses. Last October, Mrs. Kennedy Unlike other members of the toured the ruins of Angkor Wat Kennedy circle, he is not par- in Cambodia with Lord Harlech ticularly conscious of clothes, and Michael Forrestal, a New Like some of them, however, York lawyer. Mr. Onassis is a self-made man. Scores of reporters and pho- He was born in Izmir, Tur- tographers dogged their foot- key, of Greek parentage, and steps and fueled the gossip went to when he about what many of Mrs. Ken- was 16 with about $60 in his nedy's and Lord Harlech's pocket to begin a career as a friends considered would be an tobacco importer. He became ideal marriage. —and remains—an Argentine Gilpatrie Surprised citizen. The announcement also came