28102259-101 Principles of European Law on Commercial
Principles of European Law on Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts (PEL CAFDC) Principles of European Law Study Group on a European Civil Code Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts (PEL CAFDC) prepared by Martijn W. Hesselink Jacobien W. Rutgers Odavia Bueno Díaz Manola Scotton Muriel Veldman with advice from the Advisory Council approved by the Co-ordinating Group Sellier. Stæmpfli European Law Publishers Publishers Ltd. Berne The Dutch Working Team Georgios Arnokouros LL M (Greek Law), Professor Maurits Barendrecht (Team Leader), Lic. Rui Miguel Prista Patrı´cio Casca˜o (Portuguese Law), Odavia Bueno Diaz LL M Leuven (Spanish Law), John Dickie (Team Manager Utrecht, English Law, until 2002), Giuseppe Donatello, Professor Martijn Hesselink (Team Leader), Dr. Viola Heutger (Team Manager Utrecht), Professor Ewoud Hondius (Team Leader), Dr. Christoph Jeloschek (Austrian Law), Roland Lohnert (until June 2002), Prof. Marco Loos (Team Manager Tilburg), Dr. Andrea Pinna (French Law), Dr. Jacobien Rutgers (Team Manager Amsterdam, since April 2001), Dott.ssa. Manola Scotton (Italian Law), Dr. Hanna Sivesand (Swedish Law), Mr. Muriel Veldman (Dutch Law), Mr. Hester Wattendorff (Team Manager Amsterdam, until July 2000), Aneta Wiewiorowska (Polish law) External Reporters: Dr. Andre Jansen (Mnster) (German law), Dr. Soili Nysten-Haarala, (Finnish reporter) The Advisory Council on Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts Professor Johny Herre (Stockholm), Professor Je´roˆme Huet (Paris), Professor Ewan McKendrick (Oxford), Professor Peter Schlechtriem (Freiburg i.Br.), Professor Hugh Beale (London/Warwick), Professor Christina Ramberg (Stockholm) The Co-ordinating Group Professor Guido Alpa (Genua/Rome), Professor Kaspars Balodis (Riga, since December 2004), Professor Christian v. Bar (Osnabrck), Professor Maurits Barendrecht (Tilburg), Professor Hugh Beale (London), Professor Michael Joachim Bonell (Rome), Professor Mifsud G.
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