O O O July 1992 O

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O O O July 1992 O o a o CONSERVATION PLAN FOR THE PARLIAN{ENTARY PRECTNCT o HOBART t,f =* li"' i -*- o t,F# o Austral Archaeology & Flightpath Architects a July 1992 o o o Thhle nf Cnntents Page o I Executive Summarv 1. 1.1 Introduction ................... 1 r.2 Summary of Precinct Significance ....................... 3 t.3 Gazetteers ....... 7 o ) Historical Analysis ......... 13 2.t Part One: BeforeFederation .............. 14 2.2 Part Two: The Twentieth Crnturv .....29 3 Precinct 48 3.1 Structural Development of the Precinct 48 o 3.2 Sisnificance 52 Conservation Policy 53 4 Parliament House 58 4.1 Phvsical Analvsis 58 4.2 Sisnificance .............. 62 o 4.3 Conservation Policies 63 5 Parliamentarv Gardens ........... 70 5.1 Physical Analysis 70 5.2 Sienificance 72 5.3 Lonservatlon rollcv 72 o 6 St Mary's Hospital ......... 75 6.7 Phvsical Analvsis ............. 75 6.2 Significanc" -............ ........ 81 6.3 Conservation Policy ......... 83 o 7 Hydro-Electric Department 90 7.7 Physical Analysis 90 7.2 Sisnificance ......... 92 7.3 Conservation Policv 93 8 Health Department 96 o 8.1 Physical Analysis 96 8.2 Significance 98 8.3 Conservation Policy 99 9 Government Printers 103 9.r Phvsical Analvsis 103 o 9.2 Sisnificance ........... 104 9.3 Cdnservation Policy 10 State Offces 107 10.1 Physical Analysis 1,07 r0.2 108 o 10.3 C-onservation Policv 108 11 11.1, LL.2 11.3 o t2 72.1 12.2 72.3 o 13 o t4 Bibliography ............. 123 15 Ac}oowledgements I25 o 16 APPENDIX A Project Brief .......... 126 L7 APPENDIX B Burra Charter ........ 732 1t APPENDIX C St Marv's Stonework: DOC Comment .... 136 o List of Figures o 1 Location diagram 2 2a Short term conservation objectives 5 2b l-ong term opportunities and constraints 6 J Shoreline prior to reclamation 15 4 Site plan of 7824 77 5 Proposed development of New Wharf 1827 19 o 6 Site plan of 1840 2T 7 Site plan of 1860 23 8 Plan of Old Market in 1880 25 9 Identification plan of St Mary's complex 28 10 Structural development of the precinct 1824 49 11 Structural development of the precinct L849 49 o t2 Structural developnent of the precinct 1946 51 13 Structural development of the precinct 1.992 51 L4-17 Parliament House 68169 18 rket buildings on Parliamentary Gardens 7I L9 all detail plan 115 o List of Plates o Cover photograph: Parliament House in 1901 (TMAG). 1. Temporary Customs House & Tieasury 1830 37 ) Plan of Archer Custom House 38 3 St Marv's c1860 39 4 Old Mdrket c1865 40 a 5 Parliamentary Gardens 1901 4t 6 42 7 reets c1890 43 8 1 44 9 45 10 Proposed design for Hydro-Electric building 1920 46 o 11 State Offices 1970s 47 T2 Department of Health Building 1950 r02 o o o o DGCUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction o Study of the Parliamentary Precinct together with DOC for this purpose. o This Study is being follows: Part l-Measureds andsite. Part2 - Audit of: es. Functional relationships. Part 3 - Conservation Plan of the precinct. o Part 4 - Brief for future needs. Functional accommodation requirements. This Conservation Study addresses Part 3 of the programme. The Study Area is the precinct bounded by Davey, Murray, Morrison Streets and Salamanca Place in Hobart. The precinct comprises buildings and land o owned entirely by the State Government. This Conservation Plan has been set at the level of a Precinct Study; this is on the understanding that based on the recommendations of this Plan, further detailed studies on individual buildings may be carried out beyond the scope of this Study. o The Brief states that "...the Conservation Plan is intended to form the cornerstone of a Strategic Planning process u'hich u'ill be continuous and responsive to the changing circumstances rvith regard to operational needs and availability of funds...."1 The Conservation Plan has been structured according to the requirements of o the Brief. This structure includes an historical analysis of the precinct and individual buildings and sites within it, a physical analysis of these buildings and sites, an assessment of their cultural significance and recommended conservation policies and priorities. For ease of reference the major conclusions and recommendations of the o Plan are presented in summaiy form in the Executive Summary and Site Gazetteers at the beginning of the repot t. All work *., uod.rtaken in accordance with established conservation practices and standards and the principles of Australia ICOMOS. o O 1 Commission Brief for a Consen'alion Plan of the Parliamentary Precinct, Hobart, November 1991, Department of Construction Commission No. N0078. PARLL{\{EI.{TARY P RE CIN CT C O NSERVATI ON P LAN Jull' 1992 Austral Archaeology Flighrpath Archirecrs 1 o o E)GCUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction a o St. l{ary.s Buildiag --'-,.uHerrrr L/epanlDenrn \ I Building a Hobart a Offrces Sute Gosero$eot a Parliamcot House o a o o Figure 1 Location Plan of Parliamentary Precinct showing main buildings. o July 1992 PARLIAMEIVIARY PRECINCT CONSERVAIION PLAN 2 Austral Archaeology Flightpath Architects o a Significance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY o 1.2 Summary of Precinct Significance o 1.2.L Eistoric Significance The Parliamentary Precinct is a place of consi.derable historical and social significance" The gradual evolution of the precinct towards exclusively public administrative functions at the expense of mixed uses reflects the o growth and complexity of public administration at the State level. The location of the precinct close to the harbour reflects the historical importance of maritime trade and communication to the economy of the colony. o r.2.2 Archaeological Significance The precinct has sonrc at'eas that arc of archaeological sigilficance and others that are likely lo have research potential. This includes the area under the Parliamentary Gardens which was originally reclaimed from the cove and o then used as a market. L.23 Architectural Si gnifrcance The precinct is of minor significance as a nicrocosm of architectural sryIes o reflecting the significant periods in Hobart's architecnral history. The effort over a considerable period to reuse and reinterprel ptevious architectural elements in later buildings on the precinct demonstrates changing approaches to the design of infill buildings. o r.2.4 Environmental Significance The precinct is significant because it ntakes an inportant contribution to the historic streetscape qualiry of Hobart. The buildings create hard urban edges to the bloch defining the streets as enclosed public places. The Davey Street corners of the block are given strong definition and identity by the St o Mary's and the Health Department. The architectural articulation of the corners of Parliament House and its return wings on Salamanca Place and Murray Street define the Sullivans Cove end of the precinct. The adjoining infill buildings are built to the street line and setbacks are defined by fences and walls. The concious use of sandstone and sandstone coloured finishes o on most of the buildings also gives a unified character to the precinct. The Parliamentry Gardens contrast with the hard edged built form of the precinct and proi,ide an appropriate setting for Parliarient House. o PARLIAMENTARY PRECINCT CONSERVATION PLAN July 1992 o Autral Archaeology Flightpath Archilecrs o EXECUTIVE SUMI\{ARY o {calth Depertmenl Hydro Eleclric Oeparlmenl and mainlain exlant 1936/7 labric: . Relain and mainlain Retain . stone facade. slreel lacades up to lourlh slorey Rgtain extant oflice suite with bleckwood o Murray Slreet enlrance panelling and restore lo its original . form Srair wells and lift tower Discontinue ad-hoc exlension ol adjacent Vaults. corridor and carelaker's llat uses Inlo or onto the buildrng ndaol carelaker's llal tor olfice or olher ' Demolish remainder of lhe building if iomoatible uses req u tred Belain extanl oflginal reconsliluted slone . Retain light welt in rhis tocation . lacrngs Remove external service oiDework trom Rotlrn and marnlArn enaitt ongrnal renCet lhe light well and rear of the buitdino :.urlaces and delailrng lo lrll lower o i ean and reoarr rendered Slreel lacades- MUf IAY o Hsal I h o O Salamanca Place Sl Mary's Hospitsl Parliamenl House a . Retain, repair and maintain Areas A. B/E . Retain, conserve and restore the extanl and F and establish a compatible tong term 1835-40 tabric, the 1856 addirions and lhe 1938-40 additions ' Mrnimise physical intervention with luture . Upgrade enernal signage slonework consefvation 'Upgrade physical security, locking and Inspection procedures ' Flelain, repair and maintain slone walt. Significant areas : to be ,elained. o 0 5n o Figure 2a Short term conservation objectives. o tooz PARLIAMENNARY PRECINCT CONSERVATION PLAN futr Arstral Archaeology Flightpath Architects o o DGCUTIVE SUMMARY o Heallh Deparlment Hydro Electric . Departmenl Precincl Belurbrsh Inlericr ollrce spaces as required 'DemolrSh temainder . ol the burtdino it . Desrgn new rnill marnlarn o Reslore rhe onginal form of lhe building by requtreo burldrngs lo or removal lrlth recover lhe hiStoric character of lhe Ine ot lhe s'orr.y . Belain lrght well in thrs locatron . Const'uct a selback top lroor ano rool . Drecincl Flemove extefnal service prpe-work from lettace ' Aclive pedestrian use of the inlenor open lhe lrghl well a^d rcat ol lhe buildrno ' Flemove o. reoesrgn Inlru.srve aI space should have prionty over carparkrng condrlronrng planl and duclrng state otficcs ' Landscape Inlenor spaces lo reinforce lhe nrslonc . Flemove or redesrgn external servrce shalt . Belain, adapt, redevelop or demoirsh characler and lo suooort acltve I lscs behrnC lrh shatl . Possibly reclad In lhe medurm rerm to lorm . parnlco plarn Femcve render and a more neulrat and sympathelic backdroo lo Parliament House o feconsirucleo lo malcn tne sireel lacaoes Parliament . Hcuse Remove Intrusive dark brick addrtions .
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