JOAN SALES Letters from the Spanish Civil War Translated by Peter Bush This is a selection of letters from the collection published by Joan Sales in 1976 that he wrote from February 1936 to his exile in Mexico in 1941. They reveal his reactions to the May events in Barcelona when the anarchist CNT, FAI and Marxist POUM attacked the Telefónica building held by forces of the Catalan government, the Generalitat., his thoughts on Catalan independence and give a unique view of life at the front in Aragon and in . It is the perspective of a republican, middle-class Catholic suddenly posted as officer to the extreme revolutionary Durruti column at a time when the anarchist militia were being "militarised" into a regular army. This experience, always lived with great humanity of feeling and the letters' vivid record of daily life were the raw material Sales transformed into fiction in Uncertain Glory. The letters here were written to his close friend, Màrius Torres, the poet, Nuria (Nuri) his wife and Esperança, a friend recovering from tuberculosis in a sanatorium. Foreign Rights: Bernat Fiol SalmaiaLit C/Consell de Cent 407, 2 08009 Barcelona (+34) 626 081 038
[email protected] This translation has received a grant from the Institut Ramon Llull. 1 65 Barcelona, Saturday 8 May 1937 Dear Màrius: The postman just delivered your letter of Monday 3rd; a week – an abyss — of chaos has since opened up between then and now. One more 'tragic week' to add to the many hapless Barcelona has experienced. Anarchism was dealt its first mortal blow; at least that is the only undeniable fact that has registered in the heads of its wary inhabitants.