

Liz Braswell | 384 pages | 01 Sep 2015 | Disney Press | 9781484707296 | English | United States (Twisted Tale Series #1)

If I wanted to read fanfiction, I head on over to some fanfic site. I grew accustomed to this style of penmanship and liked how authentic to the Disney movie this still remained, despite the clear narrative differences, but am not sure if it was wholly to my tastes. They were not fleshed out at all. I was wondering what happened to her. This book wasn't so awful that even I couldn't finish it. NOOK Book. With the adventures set forth in the first books now behind them, Kingdom Keepers Forget the negative reviews and go into this with a clear and positive mind. Instead, it's more of a fan fiction that recreates the Disney film for the first approx. Not me though. It's really similar to the movie, which I guess could be a good thing A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale a bad thing. Learn more. I will be keeping an eye for future releases in the Twisted Tales series as I love Disney movies and books, who doesn't? Agrabah lives in fear, waiting for his third and final wish. This book brings being a Street Rat into sharp focus and its not all singing and making buffoons of the soldie The beginning starts off in a very similar fashion to the film. View all 3 comments. About Liz Braswell. Maybe if it ever gets to my library one day. You don't have to choose this life. Whatever it was, it wasn't great. The characters were well developed and pretty much exactly how I remembered them. But she didn't and that's ok with me. It didn't show us this development or these info, it simply told us just like that. I really wanted to read a good retelling. Besides, , why would you even defend this book if you weren't even in the story most of the time? All of that is very, very real. Iago was barely a character which - with as much personality as Iago has, that was kind of a wasteAladdin, Jasmine and had moments where A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale resembled their original characters, but their newer incarnations were much harder to follow because of a severe A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale of development. Young Adult. So we're given a character role reversal in which is the first to summon the genie however the whole scenario leading up to this moment is virtually the same; Aladdin is tricked into retrieving the lamp by Jafar disguised as an old beggar which is located in a stone tiger cave in the desert. You know, when I requested for this book, I did A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale because I was really, really expecting a Disney movie retelling wait, is that even allowed? Or even if you have not seen the movie - just watch the movie, you don't need to read this book. We already know what Aladdin would have done if he A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale the lamp; since it's going to be Jafar this time, why not give him more of the spotlight? In The Spotlight. Extra 0. I would love if the whole thing was told from his point of view. The first part of the story reads just like the movie - I got reaquainted with Aladdin and Princess Jasmine. That's not to say I won't follow this series though, because I think it has a ton of potential to work with. Where the fuck was Iago?? It wasn't good at all. It had some cool moments and ideas, but they weren't organized enough to carry the story forward. I can't even find a four A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale even a three star review in the sea of one and two stars. This dark and daring version of Aladdin twists the original story with the question: What if Jafar had found the lamp instead of Aladdin? The twist! As one would probably expect. Lunatics do! Not to mention, the twists were so, so uninspiring that it felt anti-climactic. Most books abide by the same moral code, alright? If you need immediate assistance, please contact Customer Care. I found IotL to be very juvenile, and while this book is obviously more middle-grade, it's more poetic and entertaining than it. A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale (Paperback)

Cryptic, grim and unsuspecting. Being a fan of the Disney movie, I found myself saying some of the lines before the characters. The ending is perfection! May 03, Cristina Monica rated it A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale was ok Shelves: fairy-tale-retellingsmagicdarkfast-paced. A fun and unpredictable retelling of the classic Aladdin story, a must-read for all of us Disney fans! The suggested age range provided by the publisher is good, though I think it may skew a little younger, more like and grades Read along with Disney! Doc loves popping bubbles with her friends Emmie and Alma, but when their toy Bubble Monkey runs out of bubble soap, there are no bubbles to pop. Try Now. Seeing the way he gained trust and tricked people into thinking he was on their side only to A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale take everything away I mean, who does that remind you of? Sign up now. A very interesting adaptation. Read more Feb 09, Steph Sinclair marked it as to-read Shelves: i-need-it- like-a-fat-kid-needs-cakeyoung-adultprint-arcdisney-hyperionreleasefantasyebookseptemberfairy-talesgimme-gimme-gimme. There may be hope yet! She tells him that she is running away from home, because her father is going to force her to marry someone. And, the small prologue aside, we once again meet Aladdin in the market when he is stealing bread and being chased by the Sultan's guards - just like in the movie. Iago: I'm just thinking that if Jafar had gotten the lamp before Mr. I can't wait to start this book and hope that I enjoy it after all those low reviews! Not to mention, the twists were so, so uninspiring that it felt anti-climactic. It's really similar to the movie, which I guess could be a good thing or a bad thing. I did actually finish this book, which is a plus. I'm really glad to have been able to see more of him, and get a better feel as to why Jafar is such a terrible person Not me though. Was this supposed to be an ad for the Disney movie? What if he became the new sultan, was granted a great power no one else could surpass and took complete control of the city of Agrabah? This book is supposed to be a Young Adult book, right? This paperback edition of the first book in the A Twisted Tale line will explore a dark and daring version of Disney's Aladdin. Also, how did people get to read this so early? Pages read: A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale Yeah, no. Anyone who likes alternate versions of favorite stories. So what was the purpose of the retracing? Or this: Evening came: the sun began its downward journey, the moon prepared to rise, and Aladdin woke from his afternoon nap. Most helpful positive review. I grew accustomed to this style of penmans Actual rating 2. This book was fast paced, had lots of action which left little room for an actual romance boo! But if I was going to write a novel set in that area, I would at least do a bit of research. I hated the film. Disney at Dawn Kingdom Keepers Series 2. It was action packed so you go through it pretty fast, but in all honesty you'll forget it even faster. They just existed and A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale it. A Twisted Tale

Free delivery worldwide. To stop the power-mad ruler, Aladdin and the deposed princess Jasmine must unite the people of Agrabah in rebellion. Genuinely so disappointed. All that's been added so far is that Aladdin had a sweet mom who died. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Like seriously, we don't even really get to know Jafar's story, or why he wished the things he wished, or why he was the way he was. Or something. Maybe that isn't so bad but I was just so bored by it. To my knowledge. That's low. Home 1 Books 2. My actual rating is 3. T I was so excited to start this book because I loved previous Disney novelisations I had read. I mean, I love the concept of it. Thank you A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale and Disney press for sending me this book in exchange of an honest review Personally I can't really get through this book I think what bugged most people was that for t After read: This just proves that something is wrong with me. Even the character deaths felt empty in places which I think some people are going to be surprised by how quick they happen and to whom it happens. Everyone costs something. Liz Braswell. I come to retellings for something new. Genie, A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale wish NetGalley would approve my request! Walmart Services. Description "What if Aladdin had never found the lamp? No trivia or quizzes yet. Even if you liked Aladdin the movie like me. Show less Show more Advertising ON OFF We use cookies to serve you certain types of adsincluding ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, A Whole New World: A Twisted Tale ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. What happens next? For a start, the first quarter of the story is exactly like that bloody film. Even with its darker notes, it's not intimidating or frightening. But soon their fight for freedom threatens to tear the kingdom apart in a costly civil war. Opening Sentence: A high white moon cast its light on the city below as brightly as the sun was said to shine in northern countries. Aladdin doesn't awaken the genie, Jaraf does!

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