T he ( 'ourier-G azei te (Thf P ress is the Avehimeiiean £eber that Rlobes the Odlorlti at if too Hollars a Hear

V o l . 1.— N e w S e r i e s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY. MARCH 10. 1885. X I M BE R S .


K n iT rn by W . (). Kt i.i r n . Jit. Many women are becoming commer­ Student Life In Fader,and Pecuniarily Ilefore a small number of invited per­ />»(/« Si flings. A newspaper corn spomb nt writes Set Forth. cial travellers in England. son’, eliieHy friends of \Y. D. How­ Sam \'. Harris lives in Fort Worth. from ( liHidi steti. Sot,tli ('iiolint. as fol­ ells, a, Boston recently, there was an or AMERICAN HUMOR. Vassar College shelters a modest N e ith e r lie nor bis w ifi- are v», v sin art. lows : young miss who w ants,o box w ith “ some W i i i i i i 'a Foil Tui Cm in,'a-,I x/i 111 IB ebi'Stral reading of the music composed as w ill lie seen by Hie follow ing incident “ When 1 -trike this bell.' -aid Super­ W. I i . Cl.l.u i \ is , niee looking gentleman." by George llensebel for Mr Howells’ One n ig lit Sam heard a noi.-e under bis intendent Doty, of tl,,- Morris street The pink of propriety—a blush. — Hus­ operetta, "A Sea Change: or, "Love's Here are some highly original and ex I lf bed. colored Relinol. when I was in-peeting ton Post. Stowaway." Tbe action tikes place on pressive nanus of Kansas newspapers: I'lie "tin,ne life " lit nne may lie illlnwed to ' T’nere is sunn Ii sly under tbe bed." bis branch o f t te public si bool system board the Retardez Mesopot utii i. two A woman's lienrl is men-ny sided.— Astonisher and P n ra h /.ir, Egr Opener. in ? llie term I nf Ilie (icrniun student Is widely s lid S on to bis wife. of ( d ia l I,-to n tbe other ilav, ' the ttoou days on, from Boston, nnd all the time Merchant Traveller. Handle o f Slicks. Kansas I,pre. Prairie iliH'eretit from that o f Ilie American. The "It s Fido. I guess." recess is over, and every one ,,f our supposed to elapse is between rising and The young society belle has a heart ' No, I think it's a burglar,'' I'cpliid I 10,, boys and girls is in duty bound to Hog, f'i>w Hog, U rit, f.ane.e. Ege, Tele ilirrinit.il v inml inii-ri|iirni "eliummina") breakfast. The entire second net is for any fete.— floslnn Hodge!. scope, J/eveille, Chronoseope, Sam. become motionless, preserving whatever system is tmkmiwn. E.irli one secures Ills merely the embodiment of a dream, out ••Tlmt man stared nt me uncivilly with The Jersey Lily's latest exploit was to lodgiavs through It,(or,nation furntshed by tlie "Just rcneli your band down, and il .attitude be may happen to lie in at the of which the breakfast bell arouses the il is Fido In- w ill liek it.” bis eyes." ••You ought to c iv il eyes h im ” introduce tlie song. “ Goto Sleep, my t niversiiv iiiithoritlcs, nr like myself, through timo of the bell-stroke. Yon may lie heroine. On the -Ivp are all s o i l s o f The Iiuiglar, for it was one nfier all, — Jlaslon Times. Baby,” w hile playing Lady Teazle. the signs Hi it adorn tlie windows. Tlie prices inter, sled to watch the etTeet.” people, who in operatic duty bound, in­ oveibeard tlie conversation, .and when So saving. I,,, stroek a button. I'he Tills leads tile Philadelphia Times to are to say the teas, verv reasonable. Two “ Killed by a liar" is the heading of an troduce themselves in song. Here is a Sun reaiTi,'d h it hand down tin- burglar suggest that a Juliet might climb to loud, sharp note of an iilni'iti bell re item in an exchange. lie probably furnished roams can h? ot,tallied in Ilie m a jo ri­ specimen : licked it all over verv aHTelionately. fame by singing in tbe baleonv scene. spondi tl to the pressure, mid I stepped made too many trips to it.— Hoslon ty nt ,'nlvcrsiiy towns, fur from •#.' to •*I .V, W p arc IflwtiTR mnl pltysli'iaiis, This was entirely sntisfnclni v, and tliev "Let Mu Kiss Him for His Mother," Hanker*, broker*, » Ii ciricianp, qilii klv to tlie window. Post. per niontli. In It mu mid Heidelberg, mid both went to sleep. Imt when they woke while Camille might produce a plea-an: I’tiblDber* ii' hI p >lit iciaii*, I lie assortment of grotesque positions Why is a burglar like a dog thnt tries cities frequented liv tourists, the charges me Clurjjytnon, prol'eRMor*, student* up next morning there was not much to In* witnesseil below beggars ibserip- diversion with " Baldly in Our Block.” (>f all kind*. to eateli its ta il ? Because lie goes suuicwh il higher. M y own ease may serve lelt ill tbe bouse tlm t was Win III e H iv in g Herman Sticker, ^Lio is a stonecut­ Whom mir imprudence lion. Here a boy bail a ball i.ai-ed in around Hltor bis swag. — Texas S ift­ as mi lllustr.iti in. I was a foreigner (no one I ll tlie Bifid pll! silil n f « o'lltli oil'. midair, while over yiindri' -tm d another ings. ter at Reading. works*,,' bread during mid doubt it, niter hearing my German,) Has i-imipelled, lor relaxation, I id witli bands extendeil reolv to eateli tbe day, and in tlie evening pursues the | nn l . T<» endure a brief vacation ; Were Solomon alive he might give nv rooms were on Ih • principal promi- And we nil arc truing over fir our In tilth. the bill. Ill one place some youngsters studies of an expert naturalist. H u ( . It.it whatever be our business, our \Va*t»c**, or our A HAPPY DAY IN RUSSIA were playing at leap-ting There a Sullivan some sound advice, such as known as an authority on h n lte rllirw rl ' , uud I paid a eurrespond lag price ,c x - iMie-R couple of It mils were locked in it seem "G o to th y haunt, thou slug-hard.— -Vctr He makes bis own drawings on stone, ' ' ' inl it is true) $1 U> a month. Tli.it liow- A* it In the < 'uncord School of M tapliysi s was York Journal. ever Included "service,"•e," nnn I serviea means a exproRt, Tuesday over .50,0110,000 Russian ing ile itb g rip , having been e io g b ’. bv writes Ids own descriptive matter, sits l.ove a lo n e , mid love extremely, “ W ho is that across the street ?" “ Oh. great deal in Germany. Is o u r life’s great Interest. peasants, assembled in all tbe churchi's tbe signal in the net of wto-lling. In tbe type and does tlie p rin tin g himself. of tlie empire oil ring tli inksgiving to one plaee mt autom atie gamo of lu g was that Is a very close friend of m ine.'' Your first surprise Is the morning “ entree," This gentle touch at the Concord school He lias die largest eolleetion of buttrr- God for their dcliveration from serfdom. ilbisti'ated. In another a girl had Iter “ Indeed ?” “ Yes he never lends a cent.” "eottee" Is exact, for on three cups of it, mid u philosophy keep, e unpatiy w ith some llies in the w orld. On March it. o r February 1!). Old Style at'ilis extended in the process of rope- — Hoslon Post. diniiautive roll (Ifyon are a glutton, yon dc- alviligs at Harvard, as where the hero, Four years ago tbo Mahdi was un­ ISl'il. the late Czir, in bis famous ukase, skip iiin g . "P o m p e ii w iib o iit the di In is,” 'I'lie poet who. a short lime ago, sang, m m il tw ill you begin the I altars o f tlie day. a Boston limn, says to the ship steward : known. Three years ago be was per­ used these words “ Cross yourselves I remarked. " I Have Found M y Queen.1' is now sorry Hard u s ii may seem at Hist, yon soon lind ii "I am of a very impulsive nature, ceived as a kind of speck upon the orthodox people, and ask ( t o il’s bleising "T h is is o f course only n feature of for it. Tlie other man, it transpires, though trained in ilie selionl of indill'er- horizon. A little later it was discovered sill,leleut and llia t von can do far belter work for a new life." And on that day a new the diseiplino w liie li we try to preset ve." found his ace.— Hoslon Pos(. etitism at our leading university.” that lie was a certain Mohammed Aeh- than on a inure substantial meal. A lute ar­ era was inaugurated in Russia, (Tiatlels explained Mr Duty. "Once I ring Ibis Again where the heroine says of the There is a woman in Connecticut who met, though even then he was consider­ ticle In the Znrfepe,,dent would lead one to lie became ...... men. On the anniversary of inidiuiinarv signal mot then walked lee princess: "Oil, they don't learn wears a No. !> shoe. When she sets her ed a myth. Yet to-day lie is the most lielieve (lint everyone in Germany dines talile this day tbe Ireid serf of Russia volunla leisurely from window to window to Greek at Harvard. If yon will study foot down her husband walks around it form idable personage England lias bad ,)' hole. T'he description o f die solemn seven i rily abstains from work and dedicates see bow ii bail been obeyed. Front the I tic college fetich you w ill see that they and says, “ Yessiim l w ill. ” —New York to confront since tbe days of Bonaparte, emirscs was interesting, lull to Ilie average i the day to thanksgiving and prayers. last window I ilisenieta d a lad literally only study it. I dare say lie didn't, learn Journal. and lias delivered a blew at her prestige student they urea tiling unknown. Often, lie In tbe last of bis reign tlie Czar libera­ standing on bis bead w ith bis feet rest­ anything.'’ In some parts of Europe men drink on a Mohammedan Power which will cannot afford it, and, I f he can, lie prefers to tor ordered, nnd tbe Holy Synod sanc­ ing against the fem e, where lie bad been And again : “Ob, yes—alliletics of cologne instead o f liquor. I t is not of­ he felt from the N ile to the ( I.xus. sprint Ids money in other nays, til every tioned the decree, dial henceforth Ilie for two or tlnee minutes | rang the course, and modern languages —the ten that drinkers show such considera­ town there are plenty o f restaurants, where n t llll i (lav of Febriiary (March :i) should second Itell in baste, and Iron, Hint day In Maryland in early times a box of Gi rinan. It's one of those languages tion for o ilie r people's noses.— Pliiladcl- be observed throughout Russia iis a legal prohibited tlie line art of poising on tbe forty pounds of tobacco was levied upon good dinner, well cooked mid well served, can lie that vou dance von know.” The drill j.hia Call. and church holiday. In Russia they iieinl. Rut that incident ill,istr,ties tlie every taxable inhabitant fry the pay of had for from fourteen lo twenty-four m ils, 't lie o f the social satire can be got from a have about t wo seine church holidays, prompt mid iron-el ad adberenee to tlie Among tbe brilliant jokes recently c- tbe preacher’s salary. This tax was larger part ofltie students pay tlie former price. few lilies of tbe heroine's s, •If-inlrodiic and about a doz ui <'zar’s holidays, but very letter of tbe law wliieli is cultivated volved by the American humorist are eolleeted by the .sberifl', who charged You generally meet w ith courteous table com­ tio n ; these: “ A plumber never uses a plumb;*’ lour per cent for his services and also panions, wtiu are nlwnys anxious lo hear this is tlie only holiday of tbe peasants. lien,. I bis second stroke o f tlie bell I am a im iiibi-r o f that ai'ihln.Tacy, forms the ent ire school into processions.” "N o r does a b irb e r use a Ii ir b —nor does deducted from the total collected 1000 nboiit America, laughingly correct your bait W holly rompORPlI o f ti.e lovelier *ex, o f Which in the heart of our New Wot hl Democracy A third stroke, and a s if hy mngic or a tailor use a ta il” If a tailor never pounds per annum for the payment German, and aid you in many ways. 'Through the parish clerk. Bv the laws of Vir­ IteigiiR, the obm rver tn pin iiibI p e rp lex . by mnebinerv doors tlew open in every uses a tail, bis coats must be all round­ a bit o f good fortune. I gained a plnec at tlie Since I w:irt horn—well, I do not think, really, An Obituary Gladly Published. N orristow n JJe.rahl. ginia, every clergyman received an­ T h a t I have been o f the leiint. it-e on e a r’ll! part of tbe large room. S'ill itnotlier abouts.— i la,ile o f a ••Gescllschat’t," a ll o f wtiosc ineiit- nually 1500 pounds of tobacco and six­ All Iiiih been done that could be (lone. Ideally, stroke, and in tnurebeii the tiles, a class “ Blood will tell, sir. blood will tell," U tterly tinideR* to m ake m e from b irth . . I rfcanSitw Tract-!b v. liers tiad "m ade" their Doctor's degree, at a time, through eueli opi t t i t t g . Every said M r. Oldfam iJy, proudly. “ Yes, teen barrels o f Hour. i The slipper is as oiueti o f a surprise ns your M r. Howells lias given an Ameriean "W e charge for obituaries.” said an asserted bis friend, Maltby, "so will It is somewhat umisiial thing fur a boy and girl was ex icily ill .line, the preceding meals. This you provide yourself. tone to some of tlie songs .•Hid speeches editin' to whom luul been subm itted :i breath. You may eat eloves and chew sovereign to appear in the witness box distances between the pttpn's wasinvar'ia- [ I doubt If n student In America would go out by using slang phrases for refraili. Fur long paper, commenting on the death of snake-root till you burst, and then your of a police court. The other day. how­ nly uniform, and tim e was a g, iiluntion I mid purchase leu cent's worth o f lirend mid instance: a man. breath will give you dead away the min­ ever the king of Italy, from good-natur­ of In ads in eaelt class according to tlie j live cent's worth o f butter, tint here it is u mal Victim ol whn, lot Roever, "I thought that you would be glad to ute you go into the buu-e."— HardeUc. ed motives, volunteered bis testimony Wait ami think a little, pray, height o f Hie pup il-. D uring the exer­ I ter o f course. An Ingenious ruffee pot supplies print it.” cise of a whole bitut' lliat followed there Tiie Italians believe that maternity before a magistrate in Rome. A shop­ the laid frail link you never, ' tlie liquid ( if you do not d rin k beerJ mid w itli ilim lia > Hllet “No, ii is of no interest to tlie was not the slightest deviation Iron, robs a woman of her voice. The Ital­ keeper named Maranzoni luul unforlu- If t In- sim ple w orhl belie majority of our readers.'' rig id m ilita ry order. Never a head ians should come to this country and lis­ nattily injuiad a lit t le g ir l b y r id in g o ver ! 11 Pkne, cup, mid saucer, knife ami spoon, you U i‘( i . t • dier, better, - her in tbe struct, anil King Hum bert, , areas happy ns a king. Few Americans adopt Than you fire, althotiuh il ' You would think so if you were to turned once, never a It ttid stirred to nth ten to a rural mother call home lie. I)o not undeceive it, Mt ra id it. It tells o f Hie sad death of who bail witnessed tbe accident, came ! this mode of living. They prefer the "pension” I,o not jih e j ou rself awn a tickling ear or n,,-e, and never a suo- children who are playing in a wood a Jaek-O'l Itomley.” mile distant. When a cyclone hears her fo rw a rd to sav th a t in Ills o p in io n j where they can have th o luxuries w ithout the 'I’lie vulgar "Ob!‘O b! hire a hall" and gestion of a mistake occurred in the "W ho Was lie?” voice shouting along it knows it must Maranzoni bad been in no wise to b lam e. j freedom thnt is the greatest clinriii of student "Give ns a rest.” are similarlv treated. complicated evolutions of tlie hour. “ Tlie man whn always asked 'Is Hint either jump over it or get wrecked.— and that, in fact, liis horse Imd run away life. In any case, one can live einiifortnbly in M r. Hensebel lias been sin g u la rly suc­ A fte r all tlie classes bad in some so?’ every tim e anyone said a n y th in g .'' Norristown Herald. w ith him . any I'n iv c rs ity city in tlie Empire for $.‘t0 n cessful with liis music. It is luid out inexplicable way found th e ir res|ieet.ive " A ll. then I am glad lo receive it. A New York linn applied to Abraham in niitli. In sim illcr cities like Jena amt M ar­ in forty-eight numbers and lia s almost quarters, tw enty m onitors marebed up. First Domestic—Wo have open tires A ll my i i ailcis will be glad to know Lincoln some years before be beuame burg it may easily lie reduced In S'l'i a niontli. us many quips and cranks in it as tkc ten on one side of tlie principal's desk all over our house. I wouldn’t live in a that In: is dead." and ten 011 tiie other. These class fa m ily as has a furnace. Second Do­ President as lo tbe linaneial condition of Tlie t'n ire rs ity etiarges are proportional. libretto. one of bis neighbors. Mr. Lincoln re­ M iurieniati jii costs $3.,iU; four hours o f lectures lie lias a most graceful quartette for m onitors subm itted their repot ts. O nly m estic— An why not, sure? “ Because a tw o luul failures to eltroniel,1. ami those plied as follows: "Yours of tbe lOtli weekly, from .#.'1.8-1 to #a lo r the Semester sailors with born aeeompnnimcnt, and a furnace keeps the cellar so dusty. One failures wore of the smallest possible has to be cleanin' a ll the tim e .” “ Ours instant leeeivcd. I am well acquainted I the medical amt scientific living tin-m ost ex­ ballad melody, which be treats in tbe How Baking Powders Are Made w ith M r.------, and know bis circumstan­ importance, nmmittling to lark of siiHi- don't. The cellar don't nesil cleanin' pensive). Thus one can receive instruction introduction, and again as a theme for ces. F irst o f a ll, lie lias a wife anil instruments, is more beautiful than any eieut promptness in obeying tbe first once a month.” “ But what becomes of from tlie ablest living scholars as cheaply as in \\ bile rival companies are disputing bell. a ll the ash dust ?” "O h that goes up tbe baby; together they ought to bo worth of S ullivan's late ellusions. as to what ingredients are lo be found in a third rate Ameriian “ L'niversitv." A re these children really alive?" 1 $50,000 to nny man. Secondly, lie lias In tlie w ild folly o f the second act be tlie “ best baking powder,” thu public a ir Hues into the rooms above and don't said under m y breath. “ It all scents bother mu at all, ‘rails the missus always an nlllee ill w liie li Lliere is a table worth lias a inarch lo which the waiters enter, w ill lie interested in tbe following tlelini- like some ingeniou-ly contrived mecfian- $1 50, and three chairs worth, sav $1. ill which “ Yankee foodie” is used as tion of lliese now indispensable articles, dusts them.’’— Philadelphia Call. PROMINENT PEOPLE. ieal puppot-sliow on a vast scale.” • Last of all there is in one corner a large counterpoint to a broad Wagnerian as giving by Appleton's Cyclopedia, tbe rat bole which w ill bear looking into.” mai l'll, and be works up a born pipe and acknowledged American autliority: And yet there wa- no bored, automat­ ic expression on the blight fines before HOW PROOF READING SOUNDS. Since llio occurrence of tbe earth­ General Robert Toombs is ill at liis oilier tilings in a style which are ns “ The la st baking powders are com­ me. Evidently the pupils revelled in quakes in Spain, tlie dwellers of a quiet home in Washington, Ga. .“cieiitilienllv interesting ns they are posed of bitartrale o f potash (eream of tbe very rigidity ot the disci),line to Moines lleg inter. nook in N orm andy have been throw n "Mark Twain” is going to England in eH'eetive. For liis vocal ballet be uses tartar/, tartaric acid, carbonate of am- which they were subjected. I think into considerable excitement. Il lias May next to give readings from bis own an I'll'eetive minuet and polonaise. miuii.a, and soda bi-earbonate, bound to­ Some w rite r has produced a poem perhaps the personal magnetism of been noticed that the chim ney o f the works. gether liy a little starch.” called “ Sounds from the Sanctum." It Superintendent Doty had something to cotton-spinning factory situate in a dale reads just too pretty, and gives readers Chief Engineer Melville is lying ill ART APPRECIATION. do with securing such a sttperh system. at St. l’iene Entreniont, Orno, which the thought that the author never visit­ w ith pneumonia at Hie Irv in g House in Certainly I never saw anything in the ed tlie sanctum when business was in never received tlie rays o f the sun between Pliiladelpbia. Hue],re's Mo,J uki,a A JAPANESE BABY III,tilt which even approxim ated Hie full blast. If lie had called about mid­ tbe 5th December and 11th January, Miss Nellie Arthur's place in tlie It seems not unnatural that a Boston iiiateliless iliu ip lim t of these M ortis night, for instance, ho would liavo seen was lit up this year daily, at noon during W hite bouse w ill lie one vacancy that correspondent should make a Chieago street colored children. '.wo saints, one poring over a proof slip, the above-mentioned dates. Tbo sup cannot be tilled. thu other holding liiu copy, and tbe position is, therefore, tint either the man tlie hero of this incident in wliut is When Kine. tbe little Japanese baby, called I eal life : sounds would have been something like ground on which tbe factory stands lias Bret Ilarte is said to Ii., of all living was one lium lred days old she was ear- A M Y S T E R Y O F A M IN E A prom inent m erchant of one of our th is : risen, or that Mt, Ccrisy, situated on tbe Americans tin, bust known and most lied In tbe temple, just as some Ameriean W estern l ilies, who counts liis dollars Deatbcaud Tiom-tr. Proof-reader—“ As tlowers without the south, lias sunk some metres. read in Germany. parents lake their little children to tbe with seven ligmes, bat who in tbe anient The Star No I mine in tiie Galen dis sunshine fair— com m u-so— comma— E lizab ctli S tuart Phelps is suH'ering church to have them christened, though The death o f Prince Paul DemidoH'. pursuit of wealth. b:i“ negleetcd such t r i l l is ow'iii il Ii,’ B illy liie!iard-.,m anil without you—do I—full stop—breathe a seriously from insomnia at her home in Kine's parents do not know or worship who was at one lime one of the great frivolities as literature and art. was re­ Levi Dell'eb icii. Mr. Blooiluiidpartnci* dark and dismal mair------” gamblers of liis day, lias revived tbe Andover, Massachusetts. the true God. ’I'lie priest wrote a prayer cently visiting in Boston with bis family, on a piece of paper and pul it into tbe look ti contract lo run in a tunnel and Copy-holder—"Thunder. Not mair recollection of ,a celeb rated match at Mrs. Jackson, the widow of “ Stone­ and seeing tbe sights of "the Hub.'' In after gelling in about twenlv-livu feel — a ir." wall" Jackson, and their d tiigbter -ire prayer bag, which was small mid made, reai'Ii' witli Khalil Bey. The two ad­ the eoui'sa o f bis w,I n d ia in gs be enti I't ,1 struck a bedv of sixty nuneo silver rock Proof-reader—"1 breatho a dark and versaries agreed to play 50,0(M>ra game, visiting in New Orleans. of red crape, embroidered in white tbe Museum of Fine Aits, and after g a z ­ tlowers ami drawn together by silk co ds. They penetrated Ilie ore body but a short dismal air—comma—of llowcrs—com­ and to continue until one or the other Queen Victoria lias ordered Mr. ing superciliously ar. lind at the This bag containing the prayer was the distance when they broke into a large m a.” bad lost a million of francs. They com­ Boehm, the sculptor._ to make a bust of | tents then ol, bis nltenliiui finally rested crevice, tw o feet or m ole in w idth. I that Copy-holder—“ Shoot thu comma.” “ gu i l d from evil," and ii is devoutly menced play in a private room at the General Gordon for Windsor Castle. upon some tin, paintings by Gustave is almost vertical. A t ope was proemed Proof-reader—“ ’Tis done. As bow­ I, lieved by all Japanese to have the Cafe Anglls, and the Turk began by Mine. Ruttkay, tlm sister of Louis , Dore, which wen1 nt the time the pride and a lighted candle lowered one liillidi'Cil ers without the sunshine fair—semi­ power of keeping children from evil winning right oil' 5UO,OOOf Luck then Kossuth, and companion of liis home in o f the c ity . These seemed to interest fee', when 11 shelving mojeelion prevenl- colon— confound slug seven, he never spirits, from delusion by loxes —lor tbe turned against him, and after playing T u rin , Ita ly , speaks o f him as being in him. for. turning to Ids guide, besaiil. e I it from going fttrl'ie r down. Stones justifies his lines—No joy in life—com­ a ll night. Hie Russian found him self, at people think that foxes ran ebeat or en­ excellent health and spirits. “ G. Dore? G Dore? are those liv G. chant people—mid from all dingers. welt, dropped in nt the top and they ma—no worms ” nine in the m orn ing, a w inner o f 150,- Dore could he bend s trik in g along the side Copy-holder—"warm th." (Hltlf. They then agreed to take a little (/ueeii X’icloi'ht has sent an Hiitngraph Tills little red bag was attached to tlm letter to Miss Gordon, sister of General Un receiving an allirinative lesponu-, (or a long distance below the i ait,lie Proof reader - “ No warmth I share— lest, and w ith o u t q u ittin g tlie eafe slept girdle behind. After bestowing a gift in Gordon, expressing Her Majesty's syut- , lie continued, "it sci ii h to me that be I lie owners ot Hie m ine w ill explore comma—and health and vigorous e ti sofas until noon, when after liinelieon money upon tlie priest the parents and patliy with the lady in her bereavement lias improved greatly of late, hasn't relatives returned bmne with tbe little ibis natural shall and will goto Hie bol- Hies------" they resumed. Au hour was saerilieed lie ?” toti) as soon as a windlass can lie eiei ted Copy holder—“Blazes! Health and by the lots of her heroic brother. g irl ami held a great feast in her honor lo dinner and tlie game went on again 'I'lie guide, reinembeiin< that the lo raise and low er Hie m iners. Florence Nightingale, Lady Rosebery. Kinu was carefully niirsnl ami carried v ig o r li v---” all the second n ig h t nnd until b ill-past ad sumo lime, slrug- A peculiarity ol lim Itoln in tlie rocks Proof reader—"Health and vigor fly Ladv Rotbseliild, Mrs. Gladstone mid ■ , ,,.i.:i , ,,,1,1, . i , . 1 , ,, on...... die back of a tnilhlul servant, who eleven tbe third day, when Khalil Itey " ■ ...... ■ 1 gl ul .1 u lo l w in,itb the ilesiile: e to be in illi- ' f.l,|e n rd her there bv a long stl'in is llia t there is a e o tis la n l ebb and 11 ,w —full stop." rose from the table w inner of the m illio n . oilier well-known Indies have formed a tul, Imt delighted that tin ..real----- man bandage drawn around the " waist and of ait tiiiimgb it. For two and a half That's about the sound of it when committee to raise funds with wliieli to , bad found -ometliiug to inti rest him, minutes Hie air comes up and then lor poetry is on deck. provide ussistiincu and comfort for sick legs of the child, ami ero-sial over the EMBARRASSING GENEROSITY finally doubtfully answered thnt per- imek and sbuulders of tin, maid. about the same length of time it go, s mid wounded soldiers in Hie Soudan. , Imps lie bid. Her little head and bright eyes wou’d down. It evidently connects with -unie Usman Digna is really Alplmnso i Then tin- Westerner called bis son to -ulile i i aneaii cavern Hull It is an outside HER ONE QUALIFICATION. hoi, mi every side as her nurse walked Not only the Imuses o f the Mexican®, Vinot, a fell-blooded Frenchman, born him: “John, see these pictures by G opeltiltg souiewltere. but wlialever you admire is yours. If at Roiieti in 1H.T2. His widowed mother or run, and here she would go soundly Dole. Yes, it .... ta in ly >001118 to me a-leep, or play as any baby would. She Halon Courier. you express a sentiment of approbation ill 18117 married an Alexandrian iner- III has im proved very much. G. Dore? Died Befort Reaching tlie W hite House Mother—So you think of getting mar­ for anything the owner at oueu savs: eliant, half French and half Egyptian, was never carried in nny persons arms. ti. Dore? \\ hg he j ’ iinle d ne han ■ in Japanese babies seldom an-. When ried, John ? “ Senor, it is vours,V but lie simply in­ bv name Usman Digna. who died in Chieago.:" Kine's mints nr cousins wished to coax //iiini ./in,ma/. Son — Yes, inotber. tends something 11 altering, and you 1H12, leaving bis name and a fortune of In i' awuv from Iter nut>e or m other, they M rs. A rth u r is bv tin me us the lir-t M .—Is the young lady pretty? ate tbeiefiu'e not expected to accept any­ $11111,000 lo liis stepson. SUNDAY-SCHOOL ITEM would bold their backs invitingly, mid I ’l’c -id e lll's w ile who tuts died helot- tier S. — Brvtty as a picture. th in g that is ofl'ered you. An am using lio n . George Banerofi. the eminen*. she would put out her little antis and go Ittl-batid II ,s leached the U I,ile Ib tt-e. M .—Can she cook? si, ry is told o f S ir Spencer St. John.tbe historian, a native of Worcester, has to one or an other as she ihose. ( la-p Maltliu Skelton, tlie beautillll wile of S.— Diinno. English eiiibassador, which illii'tiates signili d liis desire to present In tlm city "W h a t tlin e men wen east into tbe ing lig h tly Hie licck III the lavored one. Ti Het - a t, It id b, ,11 .1, ol nil a tn 11 tears M,— Make bread, wash, mend and how this national courtesy often provokes a fiiinl of $10,000 to form tbe “ Aaron liery furnace ?" asked the Sunday si liool and In Id there by the leei or leg-, she before lim'husband w Iieinl. R iitiol take care of a bouse? em barrassmeiit. S ir Spi in er who is a and Lucretia llamroft Scholarship teacher. would I, as Imppy as if em lille I up in I , inclsoii, lb, wile ol .In k - 11, I: id iter S — D iiuno. gallant old bins' elor was prom i ii uling Fond.” 'I lie iiieim m is to be devoted to Slmdraeli, Meslmeli, and Al.e.I-ne.'i the m ins. As the baity grew and began lll’i S.'I'S m ade to take III I' pi.I ' as Ill'streSS M.—Is there anything she can do in w itb some ladies in tbo p ir k when be tlie liliera) education of some one selml.ir shunted the class. .0 walk, little .-andlcs made o! ,-traw i f Ha Ex, eutive M i n - i o n , Imt dn il three ibe wav of housekeeping? met an nurse girl with a bl'igllt-eyed selected from tbe citizens of Worcester. " I ’id tln-y burn ' were pul 0,1 lie feet. These wen months in lore (Ed lln koiv v. tn.iugii- S.— 1 >1111110. baby. ’I'lie ladies stopped to adlllil e tin- “ No, m um .'' fasten,d mt bv patting the g n a t toe 1 itued II itinali ii , the I’ousml of M.—(despairingly)—fan she do any­ little one, mid Sir Spencer asked whose i " T il it is eolTi "t. Not a h ill' u i He i through n loop. Wlien she w as a year Wait Buren, lav in lief griVi -i viiiteen thing ? eliild it was. "Senor, it is your own,” A one eared man live- in Willimantic, Ili ads w, re sing, d. Now, W illi old Iter hair, w liie li bad In eti shaved, t e a l 's before J i e k - o , 1 IIIade lulu liis sne­ S — (w id i a n iin a 'io ii)— She can. She's replied the m u-e, w ith a courtesy. Sir I ,'onn. He lost Ilie o ilie r w hile d riv in g you tel! inn why their hair wa not was allowed lo grow a little, and then er—or, and I’ , s id i n' H arrison died in < ne o f the b :st rollin' skaters that goes to Spencer has never inquired as to the , over a bad road, and In, wants the town singed ?" tii'd :t the tap in a very funny fashion, 1,lliee I ,id o l, ' - \ 'll- I. id . ..me to IV. sti- the lin k . parentage of pretty children since. lo pay him $10,000 for il. ■ Vcs, m um . 1'iicy wuz bald headed.' every yttr i: wa- worn dill'ereutly■ , ingt on. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1885 CITY COUNCIL SI RANGE DOINGS OYSTER RIVER WATER. CHAT OF THE WEEK. F O R A Opened This Morning Th • A.Himistration of 1885 Swears to Some of the Things for Which No The New Company Wins a Complete The event in this country was the inaugur­ Uphold the Charter. Eellar Can Account. Victory in the Legislature. ation o f President Cleveland. So long a time had intervened since the inauguration o f I he n ic m lfi* o f the m ' city £1* eminent I ’n- o f our b jo t and shoe merchants went I h- Cosing day of th- leg C tture was n im k td Nice Dinner, Supper or Bueh.man, the k i'f democratic presjdi nt. that elected last « .v k in. r at tin ity '»um il iw m - 'n:<. a book -t o e on- Saturday ami ask-«! for bv an -x -itin g contest on the m iters connected AT Wednesday’* ceremonies weie o f more than yesterday it !•' - Im k *. in. fi»r m g m i/ite m , hi< Sunday t h m t l. w ith th- water -<> ltp.iny charters in wbieli o,;r i itv is so deeply Interested. I lie a a u i.iln o nt usual significance. Au immense crowd was l u x c i r, rt id took I .- <».ith n M m i • I- -iv, d a sever,* mi;. re-o:nmend atioti of th- judi-fity commit­ and hearty, and delivered w ithout notes. p iv * id n t 01 the 1 .u.Mion .mm il \ . itv grocer in a tit of itbMrnclion j died tee. Representative Moore ol Thomaston had P itsidciit Cleveland’s fam ily <»l advisers are REED'S RESTAURANT. Davis w.ts 1 . I.-, n d < Imk .d lii 11 down b n sal, * on a piece oi wrapping pup-l­ E. B. HASTINGS -".tv e d to secure the passage o f i crtain amend­ f-dlows T hoim i' I . Bayard, secretary o f In uni ■ miventum Aid 1.11 m and tie n di I up a pound o f pork in that idcn« FARNSWORTH BLOCK, ments to the Rockland Water Co.’s -barter. 1 th- tiea-ury; William ( . Endicott, secretary of Roger- aid ’ ’.mV limen K iiig h '. ti> il pie-'’ o f paper for a customer. among w hich was one granting tin latter com- w.o ; W illiam C W hitney, secretary o f the Halt were a inniuittep t > wa up. ,1 mid in iio . .»ri«* ot R • k lu m l’s t »il«»r< l*»ft a d i\ last Everything served in First-class Style I Case Best Quality DRESS CAM­ ptny permission toim rea*- the supply o f water navy; William 1. Y ila®, postmaster general; dun M iv .1 < le. • <’a - . to wh-mi the oath of ,,* -k . *d l i i lav afternoon began ld« usual BRICS. which we shall sell for 6 l-2c in C hirknw niikic Pond by drawing from Oyster Lm ins V. II. quoted on DRY forthe pri-'-ni her guardians. I t us sec to eiitiiliihite fur go vernor last autumn, and not- about one third the distance a-ross the channel. Summary of the Moat Important Busi­ il., $1.50, regnliii- pi-ice 2.25. GOODS. it dial all her int<:• .*1* ..r- faithfuilv protected, w iili.'h iiiiliu g the llu tle r defection, he ran eon - sparing im etf ot* in w inking h i this result. Ih - b -ll was rung violently by the keeper ness Transacted. ■ hlernlilv nllfrttil of h l' state ticket ami received I Lot Misses hid .V Goul Butt. Box Toe, I h«- business and excitement in-id- lit to the o f th- light, to attract the attention o f the Tli- sixly-thlrd Maine legislature closed it** a-t days an I nights of tin- closing scenes ot in.inv vole- liom mtsidc his party, lie is a W. B. il.. 1.(15, refillin' ,u-iei‘ 2.50. m !<’er, but for some reason the win ning was sessions Friday night h iv in g played to crowded this se.-smn ot the b -is h itiii so m e o f w hich iiimiher of ll:e llisioih il Soeiilv anil one ol' We open this week :t Large Stock without t li t. and the schooner struck the houses for 53 days. The session although a I l.ol I,tidies Glote Top. 1’id i. G oul, i'ox ■ ' the lx ,n il o f ov, i*eersls ih - v, " i d 't r u c k , the life boat wa* --eu round­ | important nieasnres came up, and nuiwy were I l.ol l.itilies Cnrtieoit hid Butlon 1.50. «lay« to lie ; >.|e to mak. a communication g iv­ feel in height mid having n line li end of Iron- ing in .1 ’ it! Ip : finau-ial situation, together ing the point to render cs'i'tauee. refillin' price 2.50. j Hie eloquent speeches w liicli echoed through gray hair mnl regular features. w ild sindi Mig-’t dions and ice .mmeudation a* lakm g in t.....msl 1-ration the fact that the shall appear to be necessary for your jo u s id c r- Hie law-making lulls. William \\ hitney of Sew York City will he I l.ol l.udies I tirneon hid Butlon, *• Day schooner-onId not be seen from the station, By this legislature the state tax lias been re- N E W G O O D S ! atiou I ill sin li time as I ran get together the the youngeet member o f Ihe cabinet, living Sewed” 2.00, regnlitr price 2.50. lie. Chsitry information, von w ill please excuse j mid tii it th .'urtm aii on dutv had to report to diiced to three ami thtce-foiirths m ills, and about I't year- o f age. lie is a lawyer by me for further trespessiiig upon your time. the M alioii, the boat be lautielie.l. manned, and p ro \i'io n s made for the establisliim*iit o f an I Lot Ladies hr. Glove Top hid Eox But­ profc-Hion, and wa- .o live in the prosecution o f I,lection of city clerk followed. Oil tile first j■ rowed 'ome distance before she came round agricultural station, and the appointment of a ton 2.00, reinilnr price 3.00 A: 3.25. the Tweed ring. He Is u friend o f Mr. Tilden. ballot Dr. R. I f M iller received 11 vote.* and the point, this may be considered quick work, state board of health. The tempcran-c law** In ihe Tweed eases tin corporation eounicl lie 1 l.ol I.adies Er. Einislt hid Button. Box W. (,. Fuller, Jr., I f I lie ballot being a tie, and la irly illustrates t h 1 capacity o f the crew have been made more .stringent, while the made an cnviulile reputation as a lawyer. Mr. Toe 2.00. regular price 3.25 A 3.50. the Mayor threw his deciding vote for Mr. of this Life Saving S ta tio n , to deal with the crime of perjury will hereafter be punished by Whitney has aa attractive personality and has Fuller, who w as declared elected. rough, difllcult ami dangerous’ work they are impidsonment tor not more than ten years. been popular in school, at college and in I l.ot l.udies Er. Einislt High Cut Bull. flie vat ions rules and orders were adopted -ailed upon to perform. 1 lie schooner came Provision has also been made forth e punish HOcicty. lie is about six feet in height, with a Box Toe 2.75, regular price 3.50. Itelow we rpiote a very few of the in both boards, ami an adjournment was taken off apparently without damage. ment of a debtor who after filing a petition rather light complexion, d irk hair nml erect Bargains we shall offer: to next Monday night. ------secretes property with the intent o f defrauding I l.ot I.atlies H igh Cut (.out Eox G love lignre. — ------Top Butt. 3.00, regular price 4.00. CAPITAL WANTED. Ids creditors; also an insolvent debtor shall W illinm 1'. Yilns id' Wiseonsin is nlso n A H A U N T E D HO U S E. not lie discharged if he has fraudulently con- lawyer. D aring the war he set veil first as I l.ol l.udies Emery A Holmes' Bund 1 Bale of good quality Brown Cot­ A Correspondent Discourses Concern­ i eealed any property. ing the Business Prospects of West captain and rose nr lie major and lietilemint Sewed hid Butt. 4.00, reg. price4.50. ton only 4c per yard. The law relating to savings banks and the Ghostly Kappings Disturb the Equa­ W arren. coionel. In 1S79 Colonel Vilas refused the use nimity of an Island Community. character o f their invest incuts, which was am ­ W es i Wan h e x , March 10, 1885. o f his name as a candidate for Ihe governorship All of the above aoods were M a n ufa ctu re d E x- ended tw*o years ago so as to alHw (lie banks a Best quality Brown Sheeting 6c per Green's Landing is greatly excited overall We beg leave to occupy a small space in of Wisconsin, lie lias persistently declined prcssly for un. and coiiwiot ol the fol­ wider selection o f securities in which to invest lowing makes: yard. alleged haunted house, situated 011 Moose your paper, to express our views regarding the olllee, but went to Chiengo as n delegate to the the funds deposited with them, has been again Island, not far distant from the village. The -Imnees for business at Warren station. We convention of ISSI, which honored Idin with E. II. DAY, amended so as to allow the investment o f funds house is rented by (»c ». E lton o f the owner, are located in the woods, as is frequently said its permanent chairmanship, lie is pleasantly S. NEWCOMB & CO. Fruit of Loom Cotton only 8c per in the first mortgage h inds o f any water coui- G/orge Allen. All through the winter visitors o f us, and many strangers, who step from the leinctnbered by the Massachusetts delegates, TINKHAM, UEKD& GIFFOltD. y a rd . pm y in the State actually engaged in supplying wlio describe 1dm its a good-looking, compactly from all the vicinity hive mule pilgrimage i train, look about them and say, “ Why, 1 S M IT H , l ’ K A Y & CO. t i any city or town having not less than 1500 to die place, the sceptic and believer, the thought Warren was more o f a place than built man, about live feet ten inches in height, inhabitants water for domestic use and for the Good quality Ticking only 5c per thoughtful ami thoughtless, to investigate the this,” and perhaps arc tempted to board the lie has a good voice ami an ctfeelive de­ ad' I'Iicmc are (rood. Stylish, Well Mule and extinguishment of fire. Nice Fitting Good*. We want to noil every pair of yard. supposed spiritualistic in tnifestations. train again, when they arc informed by the livery. these inanul'itetururs’ make*, and are >uti*ficd that A good work has been done in educational 'fhe following story, as told by one of a hack driver that Warren village is two miles laieius tf. C. I.atnar o f Mississippi lias had thl* Mark Down 1* the lines by the enactment o f several bills, one of pait.v o f live, who visited the island on a tour from this but lie w ill convey them to the a diversified career ns a student, lawyer, Best quality Feather Ticking only which provides that where a convention o f not <»f inspection, corresponds to the other above place for the small sum o f 25 cents planter, teacher, soldier, diplom atist, scientific 12 1-2c p er ya rd. less than th irty teachers’ meets the state shall stores given. each. instructor, law professor, member o f congress BIGGEST BARGAIN pay the expense o f stieh a convention, also pro­ “ Four or liv.- ot' its started for the island We are in the woods, hut this tact may help and senator, lie is by uatnrea scholarly man, viding for scientific temperance instruction in Chevoit Shirting only 8c, worth 10. bent 011 settling this v e x -I and much mooted us out. We w ill sec. The fact that we are in of broad views, a thorough student, and, in ever offered in ihi* County, and will insure a rapid the schools. (dofilng oul (»f the entire lot. We cannot take lime subject. V .• rc 1 di • 1 th • house and mule the woods suggests that wood is plenty, as it many respects, tlie most prominent mail from here Io show how ami why, but auk you to come in On account o f the action ol Congres' in re­ 0111.selves a’ h im • w iltin g p d ic itly for the is. Pine lumber that could be manufactured tlie south in congress today. He served in the at jour earliest opportunity, and secure the Best Best quality Dress Prints only 5c. gard to thd French spoliation dnim s, a bill lias Bargain*. appearance o f the di?a I- I gh n tly visitant. into something more profitable, is now being Confederate army as lieutenant colonel .-ml been enacted providing for the appointment by \f*»Tit t-n o'clock did night a faint rapping manufactured into !ime-< isk beads, amt is colonel. He llrst attracted national attention the Probate Court o f adm inistrators o f estates A new lot of Indigo Blue Prints ju st was heard in th • b un . S.iou after three of bought for from *•"» to #3.50 per cord. We bv ids memorable eulogy on Ctiarles Sumner, interested in those claims, in cases where the received. the company, wli » were in the bedroom, heard wish to call special attention to the chances lor and lie Inis ever since held a prominent place E. W . B E R R Y & CO., will.' have been destroyed or lost. v-.ip.s oil th e i dl.ir dour whi li was near them. burning lime. Limerock that compares fav­ in puldie life. He was elected to the United Considerable ex •Iteincut was occasioned by I lie sound was as if someone was pounding on orably with tli.it quarried in the neighboring States senate ill 1S7II, and was ic-elc' led in Opp. Thorndike Hotel, Rockland. Twilled Crashes only 4c. the presentitlon o f a b ill against assessment die Hom with both hands, audjiising comddera city o f Rockland can be bail and at an e x­ 12. He is noted for Ids shill in tlie art of insurance companies. The matter was com­ bi.* force. I he most complete investigation failed pense not exceeding the amount it costs our leadership, mi l for his a bility t > win mi oppo­ promised last week bv inserting in the charter^ Check Gloss Toweling, a ll lir.en, 10 reveal au\ . uhc for such disturbances. neighbors. Wood, labor and casks would un­ sition over to his way id’ thinking. Mr. | o f the companies asking fo rth e same o f see only 8c, sold everywhere for 10. U'lie raps were kept up at intervals until two doubtedly be mu-h less than at Thomaston l.mmir will be dd years old lids fall, but he tion.' asking for the gradual aecuuiiilatioii of a sie lo ik. and Rockland. T li” fact n ies at the village are looks younger, lie is a poor mail, w itli tlie WELCOME “ The lady ot tlu house is almost crazed guarantee fund. 1 Case Bed Spreads only 87 1-2c Hocking up with wood at tVom #2 63 to #2 "5 simple, inexpensive habits of a student, New* to the Buyer* of with tear, and *t ites til it tli • raps are b ’aid not ( 2 i: •lilro ad legislation include' a large part of with ' no dibit at slio.v or display, and worih 1.25, This is the best trade while as high as SI is paid in Rockland for the | the business transacted. The Maine Central only at luglit led freouently during the day­ same q ua lity. his leisure hours are given to reading ami ever offered in a Spread, and every i has been authorized to operate steamboat lines, Flour, Provisions and time. The worn in'* daughter, about 12 year* Formerly the seuhnird towns had a derided study. lady should see it. i thus legalizing the company’s action in open o f ag e, w as s,» teirilied that she was sent to advantage for shipping, but the railroad sys­ Augustus G .uhtuil o f Arkansas has had u | Groceries. nig a steamboat line between Mt. Ferry the mainland to live early in the winter, and tem has opened a new way o f transportation, valuable experience in public afiairs. lie was and Nova Scotia. F u rtb u r time has been 10 Pieces White Shaker Flannel leliiscft to . nil • li ime. A sister o f Mrs. I iton ! and now considerable o f the lime burned in a delegate to the state convention that passed granted for the completion o f the Wiscassett only 10c, worth 15. lives with her. ('apt Geo. Allen, the owner of | Thomaston and K o-klan.l is shipped by rail. the ordinance o f secession in 1861, and o f the J a m e s D o n a h u e & Co and (ptebee road, and a charter bus been grant­ the house, li i- visited the place, and is as m ys­ We t. X - a O V lifS cupied th- house, an I who .lied about two that has been in successful opt ration fo r so m e many industries that might be mentioned. his deportment is modest and unassuming, I T o l l e r for $ 3 . 2 3 , al-o one for We shall open the last o f this week, years in other parts of the « oantry, mid which years ago, answered the .a ll by moving the Land can be purchased at a reasonable lie is sociable and full o f humor, w ith a keen $ 3 . 0 0 , either of these last two Flout* wil 150 Pieces New Hamburgs, in a ll w ill save those u iu iii* ipalilics and also the lime tablcn when b it name was « died, and alter figure. Good watei is easy o f access. A appreciation o f the ridiculous. In debate he is match those brand* being sold in this city for $5.50. grades and prices. We shall show manufacturers large sums of money annually. aoiue (|iiestioiiing gave them to understand dial po'tolli-e has been established, and we have a strong and (dear speaker using words with We also have a trnd« In ST. LOFIS SIB HITS an elegant assortment of Matched The Boston and Maine Express Company his little boy who had been adopted by a fam ily nccC'S to Boston and Portland daily papers. pieclsion, and never indulging in long-winded which w <• b..light before the rise, and will sell for Patterns in fine goods. has been incorporated with the right to do ONE CEN T per Ih., \vl ieh is less (ban the same at Swan’s I iland was ill treated, and besought I f capital ami enterprise d io iild step in mid harangues. He is redited with high execu­ ((Utility can be bought for by th e 'Ton from o th er business over the Boston and Maine Railroad tii? living brodiei logo and get the eliild. On open up .'Oine hu.siiiesH here, we are satUlicd it tive abilities and great readiness in the de­ D ealers. and the suvcrul railroad, steamboat and stage We are dosing out our Cloaks at lanng a s k -I if d ii- was the cause o f the ghostly would lie a good iiiv o tm e iii. Many more spatch o f business- Mr. Garland's wile died Our THIRTY Cl« NT MOLASSES I* all the line* ol this Stale. New Brunswick and Nova rage. I’arlle* who have used it *uy il i* better than such Low Prices that it will pay for tappings die s p iiit answered in the allirmative, points *ii importance concerning the matter soon after he was elected to the senate, and he Scotia. .'ome they paid 50c for. and said that if it.- wish was obeyed it would ■ m id b • put forward, but space forbids u* to has since remained a widower, his mother pie­ customers to buy now for next sea­ The towu of Brnnswi k Ini* be-u granted a Be sure and see our NEW SOAP that we are lioubl. them n • more. The brother says lie say mor- nt present, ami w- tni.'t some one siding over his household. ‘o iling > »• n // zy .' .z -z- I'h i utu h'it Ceutd,i v T hir­ son. who may read these line.', w ill be led to inves­ -ity charter; Augusta has had its ('ouiiiioii shall go for tin 1 child at once.” Things in oilier part* o f the world are get­ ty H>u ' jvr thu Dollar, it 1* without doubt THE tigate th- matter. A N a i iv e . Council rc'tored ; Gardiner has had its churtvi Soup to buy. ting more and moic tangled. England is still We have ju st received another case amended, and the towns o f Lexington and N E W P R U N E S Ce p. r lb. YANKEE ADDAMS. anxiously waging war in Soudan, and Italy of the Gray Blankets which we have Maine < ity elections held ycbtcrdav result a ' I Kingsbury have been incorporated. Com­ We have just bought a trade in COFb’EE, and is helping in a half-hearted way. Turkey follow*' Augusta republican by 117 majority, panies have been incorporated to .supply w ith will *ell Hio far lar, m nl Jara fa r ‘JUr. sold so many of, at cnly 75c a pair. tie r-publi-alls gelling -oiitrol of the -ity gi>\ wauls to help the Mahdi hut dan not. Russia He Plays Hi . Last Part. Ring Down water thecilicsof Augusta, Rin kl.iiul,Gardiner Il.e Best FORTY CENT TEA hi the city i* the Curtain. ei iniieut ; Bangor elect- Ncallev, lepubliean by seems to hate the itimexation of Mghanieian kept here. 128 m ajority; Biddeford re-elects Hon. E. \\ . Bath and FI Is worth and the towns of Phillips, in view, and England is preparing to rcsLt the P u rtn s buying 3 B a ird * ‘of Flour, or more, will John I'. Addain*, the veteran a< ii*couiit. tline widely know n us a delineator of Yuukcc 1 elect.'Col. W in. li. I-oglcr mayor with little Bai Harbor W ater ( Ornpauv has been in* r-.ised or no opposition, no political issues being in ­ still y.inks at the < binc.'c • tic, and Bisniark in i lar.u ter, died at the < ity Hospital, Boston, on to s*.iU.oiio and the Pr100,000. 40 Maili .street, Rockland, Maine. a < hair > to make a good spe illation was tiorii in Huston. Man h 9, IKI.'», made hi? Henry Lal/, olChicago, a bricklayer, who The dairy inteiesis o f the .state are intended debut there, and ha- plat cd over a laig- section had <|iiairclcd with b i.' w ile and bad separated to be promoted by the enactment ot a l.iil pro- , horn h er, went Saturday morning into a yard ot the country and in Australia. 11- has not vidiug for annual premiums fo r dairy products A romantic story is told of a young Maine Red Cross Tobacco acted tor some ycai», Ids voice being affected on Augusta street, wh-rc she was hni ging out htiicss, whose lather died some years ago ami clelhe.', mid shot nt hci twice w ith a levolver, by the two Stale tails annnallv held in this ---ONLY --- ov a I ioi chiul tumble. “ Vanlue" Ad.lauis, us mortally wounding her. 11-then killed him- let! her to the tender mercies of a Frem hiiian, State, and also by the ciuu lincut o f a Jaw her gu.udiaii, who married her before she was he was fa m ilia ilv -ailed, was well known in »ell. ilia motive Wat jealousy. probibiiiug tin- selling, or having in pos.'C'fiion eighteen yeur* ol age. took her Io France 5 0 cents per pound E. B. HASTINGS tin.' city, where be has phtyed many engage- with intent t j m dl, any artiel?, Mibstanec oi with him, ami after getting her to deed all her inentft. to the delight of a youiigei generation During the progie." ol the d ia l ol a c ivil compound made in imitation of kuttcror-iieoc. property to him, cut her throat ami threw her > ase in tin Police C ouii at Lau.-anm , Switzei- into ihe Seine. She was rescued by a peasant now glow il old. I lie aged u

J. H. W iggin lays claim to the finest cat in MEN AND WOMEN. E. H. Dcniuth, at Ingraham’s H ill, has tine the city. Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. See his North British farwell hall. - rockland. FOLKS AND THINGS. Advertisement. There w ill he work in Aurora Lodge. Wed nee Personal Paragraphs of More or Less AXD day night, on the 2nd and 3 I degree*. Interest to Our Readers At the American House, Boston, rooms are W hiting B trtle tt lost a horse Inst week. now let w ith or without meal*. location About four hundred seats for the Mather en­ F. W. Robinson A Co., tailors, remove Edbert Kelley o f Fairfield is visiting here. central, house newly furnished. Advertise­ ment in another column. tertainment remain yet unsold. nbout A pril 15th to the ‘•tore north o f Thorn­ Miss Addie Hahn ha* gone to Chelsea, Mercantile ins. v«... Wednesday, March II, dike Hotel. Mass. Mr*. A. It. Morse ha* just opened a circu­ A t the First Baptist circ le Thursday evening, OF LONDON AND EDINBt RG M. P. Simonton, o f Simonton Bros., is in lating library. It contain* at the outset over young people w ill be housekeepers. A. A. Beaton, register o f probate, ha* been 300 volume*, which w ill be added to every making extensive Improvements In the appoint­ Boston. month. Ihe list o f Imnks embraces a wide A social gathering was held at the residence S T A r K M E N T Special Engagement ol ments o f his otli e. Miss Ad lie F. Starrett is visiting fiiends In ranee of literature, and w. are pleased to state of A. 1). Bird, Wednesday evening. Moncton, N. B. that Mr* Mor**-'* venture i* meeting with SHOWING IHE CONDITION There w ill be a special meeting o f K ing great sneer**. Terms are stated in the Adver­ White A Case have been making improve­ Miss Mabel W iley o f Warren visited at Solomon’s Chapter on Thursday evening the tisement. Ol THE ments and change* in their counting-room. G. F. Blackington’* last week. 12th. W ork on the Mark Degree. Lime manufacturers pay 51 per cord forthe R ev . W c . Barrows is sick with erysipelas UNITED STATES BRANCH, MARGARET A tramp entered the residence o f Mrs. Addie RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. best kiln-wood, and IS cents tor lime cask-. at his home in Lewis’on. For year ending |>ee. 3 I t. ISSI. At a regular meeting of Hamilton T«odge Keating one day last week. He was discover­ Mi s Berth i G lover returned Saturday from Oeo. F. Avers Ins a very valuable full blood­ No. 147 I. G. o f G. I . held Match 7th 18.s.\ the ed however, and beat a lu sty retreat. an extended visit in Boston. ed Jersey cow ju st bought o f Union parties. follow ing resolutions were tmaniiiiouslv adopt­ While Dr. (,. F. Cushing was making his E. W. Palmer and wife returned from their ed. John Ranlctt has a handsome pair o f black W in in i* . It ha* pleased the Supreme K iller MATHER professional rounds Saturday morning h it trip to Watei ville last week. P u tted S.atf » Stoek* and H onda...... F1,Q',,,,t".’ and tan terriers from the Philadelphia kennel. o f the Universe in hi* invsteriou* providence to Ail olb er Stock* ami ib o id * ...... 7*1.2."..' 42 Imtse fell on the iee «t the Meadow, and re­ Hon. A. IL Black of Ellsworth is visiting take from our inid*t, by death, our much cs ( 'a*li held ity l'i ii*tc( - for reinvf*tm» iit 1»?2.. That we deeply sympathize with Ward 4 Tuesday, It. O. Robinson, republican, Maine and Maine Central railroads are nego­ T otal L in id litieR ...... ♦ 1,';77,1P1 74 ' ington Territory, is visiting at J. M. Farnham’s, her grief stricken fam ily, and tender them our Suppoitcd by was chosen. tiating for the purchase o f the steamers and heart-felt condolence in this their sal hour of Cedar street. The members o f the Freewill BaptL*t c hurch property o f the Boston and Bangor line. One bereavement. C. G. MOFFIT, Agent, Ml! NFS i.EVIUB. II. I.. Poland and family lnve returned to KOCKI.AM), MAINE 1 11 I took possession o f their new room in Granite offer it is banl has already keen made by the R esolved, That this preamble and these FRFDERK’K PA! I.DING. their old home in this city after a sojourn o f a resolution* be spread upon our records, ami a WM D W I D G E . HM . block, Friday evening. railroads. copy transmitted to the fam ily o f our deceased year In Warren. MRS. CAKIUK » \MI*»ON The North National Bank is to remove to , sister and to the city papers. A South-end artist has drawn a caricature of Col, F. C. Knight nml C. F. Wood and wives FIRE ASSOCIATION A certain local politicians, and placed it on the the store now occupied by the American Ex- i returned from then southern tour Wednesday, OF PIIII.ADELPIIIA. M ISS K M E F t.K T i press ami W . U. Telegraph offi^egT The E x- walls o f O. P. H ix ’s ollice. and give glowing accounts o f the trip. VOCAL INSTRUCTION. STATEMENT, .JANLAItV 1st. 18H8. A id it g< ><1 Di iinnlb < um punv. nml* r ilt« trtunag* press Co. removes to t li^ - t . - f - •-r": r glii m i I t.f MR I M H ll.l The High school yfeswnqer w ill be issued Dr. II. P. Fairfield of Newburyport, Mass., H. M. Lord w ill receive a lim ited number of Cn*h ArkcIi*...... $4,le«L42j 90 block ; the Telegraph Co. p rB p 4 9 to the room pupils in vocal music. Apply at T m . Cot lim n- 1.1.Mil I.IT IF.*. from this ollice this week, and .w ill be offered has located In this city, and is having an office G azi r r i office. Piipabl l.o«*e*...... $178,272 PI to b? vacated by the bunk. IP* Immrauet Fund ...... 2,74'.'.::.’.t» *'.' for sale at the different bookstores. lilted up for his occupancy in Jones’ block. ------Miirgiirct M iiln*r Cumpntiy rtirriv* ill* Hamilton Lodge dedicated their new lodge C.i*b U apilul...... ■.o(i,»mm 00 *3,427.»L’(t Steamer Morrison is undergoing repairs nt iVnrren W illiam s and wife entertained a room Saturday night. Refreshments wereflp^ A TESTIMONIAL. < )W N ()H< 'I I KSTKA ! Tillson wharf. She is to be painted, and w ill party o f friends at their home at the 7-9 Hnrplii*...... tU7H,7PG a ’. served and a pleasing cntortnini/K'nt given by This i* to certify that I have been more or go on the route nbout the first o f A p ril. Meadows Fri lav evening. A line supper was less troubled with nervous dyspepsia for years, G. MOFFIT. Airent, ItocKIntiil. Me. BgrTi*h t- 7 ■ nml fi (•'. ’ ■ u **n call it S|Hnr tlia talented ladies o f the lodge. The room lias oftentimes in an aggravated lotto. Si M ay’*. The March term o f the S. J. Court opened served. been very cosily ami tastily fitted tip, ami is Last year I fried W iggin’* Pellet* ami ob this morning with Judge Walton presiding. W . V. Wentworth o f this city was appointed one o f tlie most comfortable society rooms in tallied immediate relief. I have scarcely Red Shoes Cheap at L. S. Robin­ Rev. C. A. Soutlmrd officiated ns chaplain. one o f the speakers for the exhibition o f the s,itiered any since. the vicinity. Junior class o f Howdoin college at the end of This is simple just ice to a remedy that has s o n ’ s. The members of the Thomaston Amateur J. W. Covel’s claim for disability in the the present term. proved o f great value in my particular case. NOTICE. M instrel troupe were present in a body at W, G. Hoi.MAX. order o f United Fiiends has been approved J. C. White, formerly of this city, is now Farwell Hall Saturday night, getting points. Rockland, Aug. 30th, 1883. and he receives 51000. one Iia lf the amount of one o f the firm o f Goff ami W hite, dealers in Branch Brook harm. Perry Bros, old white horse “ Charlie” hauled his insurance. This is the second disability builders’ materials ami Rockland lime, Provi­ n load o f rock last week weighing HUSO pounds, claim allowed in this city within a month, and dence, It. I. The business lias been carried on Miivtbs. Rockland, Mareli I, ‘Sa. including the sled which weighed 580 pound?-. w ithin a year 53500 has been paid by the order for years by Mr. Goff. BERKSHIRE, IMPROVED CHESTER The pronunciation mania numbers many to persons here. Adrian (’. Everett of South Thomaston and Wc have jusl completed our victims in this vicinity. Tlie exercise in T in and GRADE SWINE. II. S. M o o r’ and Ralph Blackington have Miss Marv E. Payson o f Camden were mar­ Animal Inventory of Stock, nml Co v iu e u -Ga zk tte o f last week attracted great gone to Newcastle to assist Ed Boston in ex­ ried at the residence o f Rev. IV. S. Roberts, Rose and Single Comb Brown and attention. selected from every department terminating foxes. Mr. Boston complained of Saturday evening. Mr. Everett, who is an C arriag es. White Leghorn, Plymouth Rock Rev. G. II. Scott of tlie Congregational 1st the foxes, saying that they were becoming so industrious ami highly respected young man, each -‘odd article,'' "remnant," church delivered a highly interesting temper­ bold that they came up to the house ami looked lias been w ith II. II. (Tie A Co. o f ibis city for Rockland, Mare.h and -‘short length," with the and Wyandotte Poultry, ance lecture before the Reform Club Sunday some years. The newly wedded couple w II Leverett E. Smith ti in at the windows. The price o f fox skins is T hom aston. view of offering them to our afternoon. expected to drop. make tin ir liotnc nt Ingraham's Hill. Rm-kland, M arch 7, by Rev. W. 8. Roberts, From numerous favoring reports we conclude A-Irian (’. Everett of Ho*. Thomaston, and Mary customers at about one-half The usual excitement over fillin g the various J. R. Five has a set o f valuable histories in E. I’.iysoii of < auidce. that ( ’. E. Littlefield, es(j«, who was one o f the city offices is now current. Something like a four volumes. They were published in 1790 Rockland, March 7. bv Rev. (’ A. Southard. the former price. This sale representative.* to the legislature fiom this city Edward <*. Iliggln* and Nellie E. Marshal, both of dozen candidates are mentioned for the position by W. W. Winterbothrtin. The title page C am den. the past winter has been a credit to his consti­ will begin to-day, anti last till of city marshal. conveys the information that tho history is M utinied*, M arch 2, C harles .1. I’olm au am i .lose tuency. lie was assigned to the most important pldue A. Norton, both of Mathiiiui*. every article is sold, and will Petitions are being circulated for the appoint­ “ An Historical, Geographical, Commercial ami Ilollistou, Ma**., Fell. 10, John Batchelder of committee—tlie jndiciarv—where his abilities ment o f Peter Richardson as light-keeper at Philosophical view o f the United States o f Holtiston, ami Mrs. Julia A. Collin* of Union. offer a rare opportunity fur se­ were speedily manifested, no less than on the W hite Head, and Capt. Ilanshawe as keeper at America, and the European settlements in curing Wonderful Bargains, Hoor o f the house, where lie took part in de­ Indian Island, Rockport. America ami the West Indies.” D e a t h s . bate, principally in the water charter contro­ as every article is tirst-da«s in Geo W . Cofrcn, agent for the Harden Star Wednesday, Inauguration Day. the demo­ versy. It was M r. Littlefield's fir*t experience cratic campaign Hag Happed proudly in the hand grenade, gave exhibitions o f the extin Koi'klwill, Mareli 7, Hophln I!., wife of Ihe late every respect, and the onl\ as a member o f a legislative Hodv, and throu Ibiilsnn Itoiibins, aged i;• \e-r-. rt inmiths I itiiy. breeze, and in tlie evening a large bon fire ...... that Invent,,,,, in post-ollii'c wltklt itcjt^Tteam atidcMo hix^put^nn? Ituekliiud, Mareti U, bake Dean, aged hl >ears, "out'’ will he a limited quan­ SI|UIUC Wednesday. Brisk flics were kindled a months, a,lays. blazed in front of Rankin block. , tity. These "odd lots" will E O K and wlien under full lieadwny were nlmast ini- — **‘ Itoekl oid, March a, Jennie II.. daughter of Geo. E G G S HATCHING, Geo. Gay lias bought two powerful horses, It. Lamb, aged la years. It inanllis, 14 days. consist of Dress Goods, Silk«. Carefully p . ke*l to g*> .my *li*tarir«’. and named them for two of Rockland’s guar­ I mediately extinguished Ity tiro nl'the grenades. , A M U S E M E N T S , Ilastan, Fell. 27, dolai I*. Addums, die veteran i Tlie ollieers ol' tlie lire department were pre artnr. aged 70 years. Velvets, Satins, Cottons. Prints. Selling dians o f the peace, “ Sam” and “ Jack.” “ Sam” Saadi Walpole, Mass., Feb. 27, Mrs. Zerati Ko*»* C o u th I’.iiiw n L**gl» >rn . .. 81.00 I ent mid expressed themselves ns highly pleased Collins. is contrary at times, while “ Jack” is lazy. I lie usual sociable o f the Methodist soeietv Singh* ('mull (iron n l.eglmrn. .. 1.00 with the results. M r. Cofren utniiscd n Piques, Tickings, Silesias, Cam­ James Fernahl has been taken into partner­ will be held ill the elinrch vestry Thursday Single Comb W hite l.egbni n .. 10(1 Thomaston audience yesterday. brics, Corsets, Handkerchiefs. ship in the firm o f W. II. Glover & Co., having evening. LOST. Itosc Cunil) W hite Leghorn ...... 1 . pai I m r*li.|» umli r Towels, Curtain Laces, Lam­ nade. C. It Jones was spokesman for the ' play w ill he a line one, and presented by a tin* llrm iniiiH* o f S il l'L\ .X B I .\( 'K I N G ’l’O N , ami IIOCKLAND. MAINE. Hour, ticket No. 737; pant cloth, 570; four will carry on tin* I'lninhing I'ih Iiic.-h a t tin- old brequins, Curtains. Flannels serenaders. Col. K night made a neat response, talented east o f vhiiriii lers. orrcspomlenee fully answered. 0 knives. stan d of Arthur dtiea. d f1 mid other members o f the elnli said something. Tlie levee mid la ir o f tlie Cedar Slrcel Bap­ ARTHUR HI1EA, Pant Cloths, Blankets. Shirts St. Nicholas for March is ju s t as good Cigars put the tlnnle upon the very pleasant tist society held in Granite Hull, Wednesday J. M. BI.At KINGTON, Rockland, March 10, lNtf. 8 and Drawers, Cloaks. Vests M. E. METCALF as it can b j—which is saying a great deal. I f time. evening, was a very pleasant n tl'iir. The tables you have a fam ily o f children ami this mag­ and Pants. White Dress Shirts, Mrs. I.. C. M eKinstry is delivering 11 course were well tilled with fancy articles a ia l elegant azine isn’t included in their reading, you arc ECCS FOR SETTINC. of very interesting lectures in this city lids I refreshments. Music was furnished bv Iopns Woolen Carpetings. Tapestry making n mistake. Pure I’l.YMOl III RGUK EGGS for batching. week. This mid tom orrow evening she speaks Mule Quartet. About Sat) was netted. W ill m |I tlii-ni for O N i: 1 )0 1 .1.A K I ’E R S E T ­ Carpetings. Oil Cloths. Curtain I UINSWOKTII BI II.DING. A rth u r Shea and Jcsso M. Blackington have ut Granite Hall, on the “ Medo Persian mid H in k l e s .—Fine parlies attended the rink T IN G . Kcnd money u ith order*. E l’*j * carefully formed a partnership in the plum bing business, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings o f last w eek packed f -r whipping. Aibln S* Cambrics, Etc., Etc. ('ome Grecian Empires;” Thursday. Friday and Sat­ h il E. II. DKMUTll, Rot klaml. a notice o f which w ill be found in these urday evenings nt 7 o’clock, nml on Sunday a! ....T lie Koekhind polo team were defeated lit Farm at Ingralrun’* Hill- Dean Farm. early if you wish to secure the columns. Messrs. Shea and Blackington are ID.JO, 2 and 7 she speaks at Farwell Hall. Belfast Wednesday night Ity three straight Best Bargains. young men well known in this community, goals. The return game w ill lie played nt the Subjects there, “ The Itoinnn Em pire” and CHANCE OF BUSINESS. Respectfully and arc making preparations to boom tilings. “ Modem Europe.” Thondinission to nil these ' rink lids evening, and it will prove a hard H aving wold my Goal nml W ood bualnem to T he Cnviu m:s.—After the Friday night lectures is free, collections being luken in the fought mid exciting one. II. II. 11 A 1.1. .N ( '(L, i tak • tbi* opportunity of The Fitchburg Scnliiifi' was pleasantly sere­ commending them to m v pu*t cn-loinei*. meeting Rev. Mr. Roberts o f the First Baptist placo oi die sale o f tickets. The lecture's have I f-liall nettle all of iln c\l*ting accounts, ami church was attacked w itli chills and fever, from ju st 'dosed nt Cnuiden with great success. naded recently by the “ Our Irish V isitors' wiali tliowe having dciuamlN agaiiiwt me to pre* rn t company that plays in Farwell H all in a few 1 them, and all owing me to call ami Reitb a' otn • . which he lias since been confined at home, In die six day roller skating contest ut New 8-1U JA M E S F E R N A L D . weeks'. This eoiupmiv is managed by J. M. though lie is now recovering. Rov. Mr. South­ York Maddox formerly of this city stood I Hill, wlm is nlso manager for Denman Thomp­ ard preached in his place Sunday morning, tak­ fourth ill a long list competitors. Maddox For Sale at a Bargain. son and Margaret Mather, mid is endorsed Ity ing text from Luke 15-10. skated an even lilllU miles in tlie six days, A GOOD FARM, eoiiHlMlng of Is «er«-of land, flic press, wherever it appears, as tirst-ela-s. The report of tho city treasurer will show lie was regarded ns a dangerous rival all with houwe ami barn *ltuale«| at Owl* lb ail I urtber information will In given on applying at T.A.W cntworth A very pleasing niusieal ciitertainiuent was that the fitianchl affairs of tlie city during the through die rate. Last night's dispatches eon- I given in Ihe ves ry o f ihe First Baptist church i ( oIKII.II-G a /I i ii. on it I. past year h tve been well administered. Added tain the fo llo w in g ; W ill (.’tiutiuiu- Hi* I last evening, by the Choral I'nlon ioiine led to the usual expenditures o f the year was sev­ A ll the contestants in the six-day roller ' with the society, assisted Ity the church choir, ‘ eral hundred dollars in bills left over from the skating race were doing well today, except FOR SALE. GREAT Maddocks. lie did no! leave die I ’ulnam Master George Spear, violinist, ami others, preceding year, notwithstanding which there a g o o d TONEP PIANO at a '/•■»> Lo AD\MS(»NS BOTANIC’ COP OH House for two reasons. One was that lie wa» t he ilitl'ereut numbers on the program were Price. Inquire at 2U9 Main St. B .U .S V M , It id uh pleacant n* honey. remains now in the treasury, after all bills are physically unable, and die oilier was a lic k ot* 7 I.O T T IF. la. W IG G IN . ('eugli*. ( «d«I-and Vthtua, whii’h l**i«J money. A reporter found him slrutchcd out well rendered. Ice-cream, cuke mid eoll'ee j Id UmiMUIIlpditll. lu r e been epee.lily paid, an unexpended balance o f $1000. cured by Uu* iuh* of A*lam*eti'* ualtnin on liis lied in u little room in d ie third story. were offered for sale jn the elnir. h parlors. The gallows which arc to be used at Thom ­ BOOK-CASE FOR SALE. MARK DOWN SALE! n iter all o th er cough mediein*** have Ilis eyes were sunken deep in Ids held and About ft'tS was netted w hi-li w ill be used for failed. Huffcrct'H from ci! Ih-r rt cent o r aston next mouth are now being repaired at his lips were swollen mid colorless. “ 1 have the purehaso o f hooks lo r the Sunday school clirouic emighd or brm iehial affcctiniiM, the shop o f George F. Ayers & Co., by J. IL been forsaken by everybody,” lie said, rolling cau n-ert in ihi* great icincdy, ci ufi- liis head to mid fro on liis pillow . “ I am led 1 library. , kliihd ail, railroad crossing at the South-end he saw a The sale o f seats for Margaret Mather ! of “ Aunt Mary" with much credit. The I Bo»ioii, oil iraiu* leaving Rockland at P> a- iii . runaway horse and sleigh coming at full opened yesterday inornlii; , and this morning audience was more than delighted with Ihe N eck W ear, I and Bindon at '• a. m. The . ur will run on if. Western «hvi>ion P* x M. R R. ... Law urn . . . t speed towards him . Tlie snow piled up on 500 tickets had been sold, rendition o f the farce, responding to the Circulating Library, I and will iirrive at ami *1* * u*t from ihe llaymark* i each side prevented his turning out, and Tlie following ipiotulion from a western ellbrls of tlie actors wiili hearty laughter mid Sq'jajf station, Bo-tun. N w, lii*l-clu»H car* will Linen anil Paper Collars, &c„ Be put upon tin* rout-’ d* bt tiii a* they rail be lu iilt. sheering his horse to one side as much as paper is worth reading: applause. 313 Main St., Rockland. ! I be limit* .1 far. b. twm u R . klam l am i B o-tou possible lie received tlie shock. The thills of Miss Margaret Mndier, supported tic her The minstrel entertainment given in Farwell D uring (In M onth of M ar b. | ohly liis sleigh were carried away, the sleigh upset own Hramatic Company which includes' such Hall Saturday evening Itv Hi Henry's troupe T'EXTJVXti : sterling urtisis us Mr. Millies l.cvick, Mr. Fred­ TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. and the occupants spilled out, Mrs. Holman erick Paulding, Mr. W illim n lt.ividgc Si . Miss was intended by it l uge audience, and wa» Hubseri|Kion 1 volume) $3.0n pi i yeur, payable strieily in udviuu i*. Traiob nt 7 '-ent* p* r nay. An impoitnut freight at rang* iimiil i« now , receiving severe bruises. Tho runaway animal Kutc 1* iclclier mid Miss Currie Jamison logeihcr very enjoyable. Tlie costumes were new an d . lin t bv wbieli Flour. < m. I* * * *1 ami all 1 . ,. was stopped before be did other damage. w iili Ollier well known ladies mid gentlemen liaiidsoine, and tlie singing line. Tlie biuie-- A money deposit is reqiiiied from strung* rs. T. A. WENTWORTH, Ir. iyl t Uu b, *|. A cred at R.- Mai. 1 and all -I. I.* ■ ill tlie cast, w ill present John Tuhiu’s gl nous < itulogue* free m regular siibseriher.*, s I from neatly .*'.1 t».*.- dirttibui mg pomm m tli* W* .pie Base Ball Niue mid skating Carnival were O ur boat Ini idcrs are busy at their shops. comedy “ I lie Honeymoon.” Miss .Mather 213 Miiiii St., Kocklnuri. at <- obl.u..* . yacht, and Js getting out boats for the slop gent'i manly imiiiiigcnieiil d ia l o f Mr. J. M. H ill would lie dill! "alt to e\ el, uu 1 id lly Lyons ns by applying to who three years ago escorted the then unknown a female impersonator wa- flrst class. H i ( . \ (O O M I’.S , ► opt building at tli-yard of Carleton, Norwood A lad.v to a tin ilii.-.il lirm anieiit si-cuiid to n a n c , Co., Rockport. Mr. Loring has the plans, and which would havi been dangerous indeed bad Henry in Ids cornet solos Da* very popu- NOTICE. w ill soon begin work on a steam launch for she not been endowed w iili geniii. -m li aeiii io lar. Otis liawers w e- iiowevcr. tli • ivain ol' AMERICAN HOUSE, I be Prttprivloiftliip • I the Dm? ami M . remain dale. that dll' growing iielres- the troupe, and wa* tl o pet oi ihe iiutlieiiic. hmdilc** < a l ted till bv th e lalt til n ib. I I. Ritlll C i ia s. T . S p e a r , W . S. Haz.eltine, express messenger on the possesses all dial Il ls been claimed lor her none B O S TO N - Henry B. Rica & Co. .,i Tbt.maidoii, I. .viitg pa-et.l nr., the I. - - The singing o f the •■mgs “ Stan 1 by your Cambridge. The launch w ill be 30 feet long can doula. Her Iriiiuiph Ibis season ill a high I )|( II < . I.l.x IS - \l EU. t» be t u r i.’d i a ’ I i over a ll, 27 feet on the waterline, six feet beam, order of comedy ns well as heavy tragedy i- mother Jack” and th*. “ Da le” s ing was of IS' * *\v I )< •] t: i el t u-t ■. old -‘and an I with tb- >ame a--..: ».!. u. . now an csiubiished lacl, die most positive am i hereby noil •’ tlie eoiitln :< d f.n r < f lie- !■ three feet draft aft. M r. Loring has just com­ the best. A inerieuu Plan, W.3 0 0 p e r l> A ) and u p n .n d -. thanking Hom I r pa>t I'.tvor.* f i d p i!i >ii >g« undeniable proot ol whieii presents iiselt in Rt. 1.1* only M . l l l l p e r 1) A ^ .oi*l npw .trd-. COTTON SEED MEAL pleted a 12-foot boat for schooner John Girard- ! tie la her later eoneepiion m il liuislied pci foi injure KF! I l l I D AND GKUVri.V IM PID)\I I) , ij -.ut. the One of the Best Feeds for Cows Johnsou Staples li is jn ,t completed uu elegant ol Julian, in die lloia-yiuoou mid in trugedr A C A R D O F T H A N K S , * U l.( I . • XI 'I 'v I .... - till I,. I.. It. |. It. •I*X€*K* I T . yacht for Frank W ilson. N. F. Albee is nt us l.ady Macbeth. Is ii not u marvel that one ‘fhe 1 emperniice Reformi ( lub would hereby so young should be capable o f mustering so work upon a schooner boat belonging to W. (). icturu thank* to R* v. M r. s< ott for the able great a pail in tragic role- nod „ address u hi h he delivei . i Intore them. Sun­ L. S Robinson’s Shoe Shop is over R e p a irin g o f .ill k in d s neat ti t.- Go attd • e the ' Bradbut*/” Re A bbott, making changes, etc. comedy part ii' Julian.” day lu -i, \h;r< Ii * th . H. N. Keene's Store, at the Brook. at L. S. Robinson's. I THE ROCKLAND COURTER - GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MARCH Hl, 1885

A GREAT CONTRAST sd mid that il was im,Mutant that Mr. ( apitol. Thousands had nlieady waited WHAT A CENT GROWS TO. Lim -oin should le- in H -i'h in c f"U "n that there from three to five hours for the HAVE YOH GOT On tin-nn itiinI. day." Mr. I.ineoln. after full di«e>is«- doors to oprn. The nmjurity were North­ A cent seems of little value, lin t if it Ill,- r itiz ns " I S p rin g liil'1 . Illin ii-, l>r- ion, derided to submit to the judgement ern men. T lirre wei e few S >u lau ner- is only doubled a feiTlinvs it grows to a • .11 In lull'.' Ill til.' i nt 'I lij s of his fi ir nds a m ie a iry out lie- progi am presi-nt. 'l lie people of the District gen­ in ii velloiH sum. A y.ning lady in Port­ . . • l i n k :i lug., iin iilirr lin,Hi-"i'ii.b|, il. I he n< xt ,pie-tioii wa- who sl.onld ae- e ra lly slood aloof. land e night ber fattier in a rasli promies It., .1 \v is glnotm , tin- sky .Lu'L -it " , i«, ly Ii"' min- tide, i d S-imm r -aid le- --intended Vice Pre id' nt elect, enleii d the S -n l i e Sle- modestly proposed ih it if Iter father ii . .. I.. i , - ii i I .k Mr I.iiir- 111 ii 'l n lo s .i M r I.ineoln safe in W ashington.'’ eh iliib -'f. The Judges ot Ihe Supreme would give her only one cent on one day - II " ing II I-Iilv dined, Mr I. neoln C ourt, lie o i l ' l l b y llie teller aide , llil’f and double tlie am u n i t on eaeli sneei ss I, , in, ;,| .1 H ilk .il H niviy In II I ,-.ir. Hu- w is Im u i. I to I p - loom , when* lie Ju-liee I mi'V, i iitcia d soon after, l lie iv e d iy for ju s t one month sle- would |, , f illin g Inn k m ill -is nniny n« eliaiiged his I-I a and led nn-l pissed I ijpioie.alii < ' u ps w ere all in tlu-ir places, pledge herself never load; of him an­ i I -nnking hi- linn.I. I'lnin ih ■ pi il- rapidly Ihioitgli il,,- hail ml "ill ol ihe l lie Si nalois wa re all pr. sent. I'iie gul- other cent of money as long as she lived. | I,, , t iIn .-.ii. nl ,-i r, m n v itig I. s lint door. II. lew . i- i don i I S inner. A- h l ies ivi re erott-ih d. l lie President and N I slopping to tun over the lignies ill mil ili iwing Ii i i i i ". Il tip In Ills lull Mr. I.'lieidn mid Laicoii stepped iulo llie Pie- I'-n'-eli-el weie soon n f lir his In ad, and not supposing it would | . in||i. - t o n .| in pii>'min,l sJ.’lici' I ir llie close e.iri i.-igc and S m iner was u-h-ii 'l into llie , apitol. Mr. l.if i-oln am-'mt to a l ug" -tint. In- was glad to 1 | Iv i lw«l fo r -n t tlm . II 1.1 n • i v. nil it lar lio i*i» better than I ness ul your linnils Here I have lived the ease to help w ork it and :l num ber of over llie I. mg Bridge to take pail ill the sums d lily until otherwise ordered. If weiu’ht, alum or phosphate powders. Sohl only/ ■ u-. Mr. I*. . \ •’» - iv there mn’t hr. • ’ from mv "m ill until now I mu nn old dele.-Iives to cover the tracks and pre­ rebellion, which was near at hind. llie old gentleman had fiillilh-d his prom­ Mil.. Ittttnlr .1 p I,.’.-1 ill to I -h e r ami all . man 11'H', III.' most suer, d liis of s e r v e the my-ti ry. Mr. Lincoln had a ise. bis daughter would h ive had upon f i d t h a l l i u m ' I5r» vi.’s S a r-ip u H h i a ile d h lieith. which, of course, was too short, e mill were iis«Uined. Here nli of mv D IE T l-'OR T H E SIC K . the receipt of the jlh itli-'lh paytm-nl the «f K. Iii I ’!-. and gaie oeea*ion for jokes. I.idle Was liild r. ii w eie Imrn mid here one nl snug li'Hc.siiii i f f t?IO,-l.'!l£ th irty minutes past d in e ii'cloel: in the il us strong as collt'c. Drink as warm frnin fli t AllnUll (.Ver.) Ilrnrl lf. l.'llVe "III I go In ns-lllll.' II I is k m o le < Ivcr in t’lliiirchlll County. Nev.. tli-re ddlielllt Ilian tluil which devolve,I upon morning and e.xi, c i an am ount id whis­ as possible. is a travelling mountain of sand 'l lie \V,is| ingloii. I'nh'-s lie* grenl I .ml pering nmi h i -iinuoiu ring and the tinal t'ru-ker Panola. S.iak a main I. W. T. i i •'nil right.’ nothing nnu'icil oeeuired. era ek,-r in u pin! of water until it lias winds gathered together a great heap who assisted him shall lie « ith me mid and keep it constantly moving like an a id me 1 lin.'st fail, lint il tile sitlne ...... I'liere were some Indicium Incidents ali-orlied i.liuosi Ur entire quantity. w I. a-h lo M i. Lite dll wi re a green lilt) v.i Sprinkle i-inmim-ui and a little sugar immense g I aider. It er.wls stendilv ei ii nl iiiin d mid n lin ig liiv m m llud along over valleys and till oiigh i-ant oil". ilil'entgil and protected him guides and i i 11 unis and In- enjo"- i tlemi immensely . ,vcr llie lop, then pmir over llie whole I a due I ime tin- e u - tt ere hulle d i two taldi-pooiifills of wine or other the sand making a ioiv musical -iippuils me, I shall lint fdl I -had sound as they lu ll .against each other, I.ld i. y in -tlieeed. le t Us nil pray that llie th .il do •• ugh ll e i ■' y . m I In ir w-i y I" W i-li- liquor. ii-.gion, which was reached iii lim e. much as they ,|o around the .Spliinx every id mu l.ithers nitty not fm -:ike us now Currant Jelly Like ire ei-cani. Ihe mot tling al sunrise, which gave rise to To him I commend yon all. Permit me M i Lincoln mid f' iliincl L-iuiuii pissed ol'dill il l CIIITUnt j -llv is ton sweet for f I. W v r - .r . r r the legenil that Ihe stony statue was lo -,-i; ll.n l « illi ( qual sinei l ilv mid I lith mu ol die ear and through the depot mi­ invalids, but Uns receipt mav please any K.di,. y !h- . Hr ll, sir" I except by one m in . who greeting the morning sun with a song, von invoke His wi-deiii mid guid nice lor invalid. I pint currant juice. I I 2 cold lint the moving mountain of Churchill no With lilt--- lew words I lllll- l leave wu'clicd Mr. L'lieotu closely, and fe'z water, 1 talih spoouliil -ugar, I lemon BEAR IM M IND ing hold in die hand ol the Presidenl- contains still another pe ailiarity. " li. l- t llo.v long I know no!, l-ii. iels. (juice o n ly .) I tablespoon fit I • i.x’s gel a- While its sides are symmetrically formed 1 one mid nil. I now* bid VOli mi nlb'clhiti- "ieel cried oat; -'Yon ein't play that ine. Pont'a Ii d f pint bailing water on tiint u li-’H ytitir blootl bccdinr.'t impure tii? -afc o il me.” Till' slranger Was about to Iv and lay in folds like solidilieii waves, | urn faiew i II.’’ iln- geiatine to dissolve il, add the oilier gu ii-1 ;ig.iin>f serious illness is to nl inice lfsort struck win n Mr. Lincoln inli-rposi d tliere is no cone at the top. Instead of Mr. Lincoln hwl never "|i|> ued so ingredients m ill set on tie- h e to freeZ '. ,o nn re lia b le p u rifie r. L on;; e x p .’H ence \vi:l» Im p-u.ininb’-d l . do ah claim «l for it, and any with Don't sli d-" him. D in'l str.ke it going to a peak, there is a hole there all. cled l ie in r e mill his simple cli',|iicnee V, proves b- yentl question liiat it i- the dingj-i-tv. I g'.v ton bi > . ii non y if St «Li •« him. Il's Wii'hliui n ” Mr. Seward White Cos ard.—Separate the yolks made by counter winds, and whoever is lint, Krmimhir > v «• print onh home 1- ■ mo"d Ids listeners deeply Thelmin and whites of tim e eggs; ii-elhe whites rash enough to scale the ridge and pass b e s t blood purifier known. moved mil mid his i eighhors, w ith few lead given Washlcirn a hint ol what was nioni il* from m lla b f p« npb going on. They di drove to Willard's, only. Take, also, one-fourth le ispoonfiil into that hole pays for his rashne-s with Hii v.ri S urfapari’I t .M by all drtt •• ;-» • for . xreplioiis i i e " u ' -mv him after. H hen ol salt, two lalili'spiionfuls of sugar. where M i. Luu-olu Was soon after found his life, for the liekle sands yield hem- ith DON’T ALLOW BLOTCHES $j h i', <; t. Ml— for \R A WARREN, «r. i lili ie more ih an lour yenrs had pis«id. Hive a light grating id’ nut meg. iln-n one by M r. Sewm d liis feel, and the morn he struggles lo get » id1 pimples Io disfigure you when there i« n prieloi,15 • ’ r, Main his leimiins were brought hack to tlm pint rich mill;. 1',-it sugir, whites, h ic k Ihe luster he sinks u n til lie is .same pl.iee for hlirinl. M unday, Maia h I. opened b lig h t, p « ih t eurti to ho had in the Liniidy use of with every indication of fair wcadu-r salt and nutmeg : then add a little milk, sniolluau d to death. Thu Indians teil of " a HOUSEHOLD PANACEA." At ne il ly every | I me on tie n u e to Vegel .H, . Humors ol eonspiraey and violence filled and heal thoroughly Alien add lie: le -t o f several of their trili.t having been thus W a-hili glim the pi ople en me out to gleet llie m ilk . B ike in eu,in set in a p in ol swallow ed, ami no trace has ever been Mr. I.iinn.lo. mid a, tie principal cities the air. Secession was openly talked. REST AMD SLEEP B A K E R ’S I-'ears were enlerlained for M r. Lincoln's water. When lin n in the center put on found of them since. lie addressed them . Inevery inslanee lie I he ice lo cool. are i!i‘li I CI I T II 1.1£ I A A M I rections. Troiips were marching and bring it to a boil, adding one half a and many other places with greater full- through the artist's eharaeter portrait of SOKE Til KO AT, SOKE u n it WEAK eiiunli'i marching and pre lielious of cup of sugar, the juice of a lemon, and ne-s and increased emphasis. Al II.H'iis- him as "Dickey Scrag.” the butcher boy i . i x u s . j y i e k s a i . p a i n s , c u t m i* bloodshed were freely indulged in. A' one egg. Beal it w ell and p it’ mi iee. und COLIC, COVHK.4 mid COLDS, lim g he s»id : " I l is not w ith any p'e is- in “ Dolly and the lid .” a two act farce, i M U UOK N M S t IT RIIBI M, the ( ’ ipitol tin- people of all conditions Ilcmemhcr, a tabiespoonlnl served in a As Tol<*ratioii Avoithnl lio v v a I-'atli- Itl.EI Dl.VG mid ITCII3VO PILES, and and ela-ses h-gall to gather and h, fore dainty disll mav pursuade your patient D ial a ne.'c-sily may arise in ihi-em inti v 182.3. i t , W ife and D aughter Eh<*ap<*>l I. • li.l l i> tl' O 11 II it n \ I Ii I li g e t »e . About nine ii'eioi-'; the proeessi-ill be­ object of wonder for the eotdni ss lie cx- sorted to almost every remedy ami eon.-uited the OKI V l’ A V. i It 1< A \ SI’ECI 4 1« and in,,si csiieei dly never to shed Imter- a piece of stone or iron red hot on it; most prominent surgeons and physicians D r. ----- . I..tk. . A I ... 1’i.rtl uni. Me gan to form. H. I! l-’ieiieh was Ihe hiiiited while watching the sweeping i .Ii o olitai mil blood.” ' drain oil' the water and continue to apply of Troy, Haiti that a surgical operation would be foi you .1 any uliutusaiedruggist in .Sin England. Mr l.incoin arrived in IT.iladi Iplii i grand marshal, assisted by many ai ls lie- hot iron until you h ive a space large aw ay o f a fortune. iieev.’SUi’Y, but fearing fatal resiiltH I h e sita te d . At eleven tin- procession began io move, .Some of the physicians elal.i.cd that it was caused ?’• Satisfaction Guaranteed !• 4J lim n New V e il, on Ihe .'Island was re­ • nougli lo hold lliree or lour oysters. “ Did you save anything. M i l " ? asked passing through I. misiaaa to Pennsyl­ by one tiling am i smile by a ’ o ilu r. T h e KuiigiiH M A I K IC C . H A ICE 1C A CO., ClicinlMta, ceived with unbounded enthusiasm. The oysters should lie i e idy seasoned to a hall dozen of the "Row’’ Inys iu a was prominent and disligurtd In-r looks. Having t'liip.ulo and At iituf.icllllet , V orUm td. MLe» News was iiet'e brought that there was vania avenue. Tl.'e u n lit u y formed on suit the in valid, then plaUB ill llie iee chorus. heard of Dr. Kotmedy’s I AYtHHI’E REMEDY all sides nl W illa rd ’s working so tlmrougldy on the ldood I i-otermincd hutching in P.allimore a eonspil'.iev lo “ dish” and the soup plate so covered “ Nulliing whatever,” lie said, “ except lo rv ii. i" see if ibis medicine could do what doe assassinate him as le- pa-sed through M r. Buchanan, who had been kepi with ferns, or vine leaves, that th e 's id e .’ O l eour.-e, you fellow s w ill ti Is bad failed to do and Hugeous had hardly dared busy signing lulls at the White House, to undertake. I esu say in truth that the result of lic it city. <' inferences w eie Irnld w ith only Ihe block o f iee, w ith Ihe oy-tcr.-i he glad to know that .your little accounts ibis trial was the complete cure of mv daughter of lailroad ollleials, tlm civil ncigistiales appe in 'll al llie hotel at li.alf-pa«t eleven. 1 is visible I f the ice slips a napkin can will show up as usual on p ly-ilay,” and this drcndliil nialadv. Dr. Kennedy’s EAVOltlTE A t half past iw e lv e M r. Lineulu and M r. ' and eiiizeii-. Many doubted lie- exis­ he folded under il hidden, like tho plate, Mil wanted to laugh, while llie hoys R EM I I > Y alone t Heeled it. \Ve used nothing elso, Buell man camo out ol the hull 1 and lor other things had completely failed. Mv tlangh- tence of any such conspiracy, though w illi the leaves. looked paralyzed and crushed. tei to-day enjoys vigorous Inal’h ami to Favorite many alleged I'mts weie lelated lu sus­ took seals in n c a ll inge, t il" public cheer- — Itemedy alom- is the credit due. My wife also was liemi-mher. — When invalids are con­ very tioor in health, due to sumo liver difficulty with tain the report : neveitheless. il was I ing and hands playing Hail Columbia. .Senators Baker and Pearcn also took valescing they are mine particular about D r. Tanner, the great (aster, is a res- which she had sutlered a long time until she became tlio iig lit le .st to net w ith prudeime. Mr. wry m,tell retina d in llesli. A t- ial of Dr Kenne­ seals in the carriage with Mr. Lit,coin 1 the minuLitl) of their ilieL than when iilentof Dona Anna County,New Mexico, dy's Eavoille Remedy has resulted iu the complete Seward sent word from H ashiligtoii of and Mr Buehanau. The killer looked well. Always serve as small a quantity where he is devoting himself lo the restoration of ha litallh, which she had not en- flic eonspiraey, sett ing it I’m III as much jojed before for ye.os. She had gained iu tlesh ami grave and hardly spoke. Mr. Lincoln as possible nt once. Let eve ryth in g lie propagation of a new religion, founded greater in scope than the liist rep ills strength, and thus secured perfect health, ami this was calm and self-possessed, lb-w citi­ neat and clean on the trav. Do not spill oti a new Bible, revealed by a new is DI E EN flREl.Y 'I’D DR. KENNEDY’S FA­ made it out to he zens o f W ashington were in the process­ Ihe lea on the saucer nor till the gruel prophet of Jehovah. Tho name of tho VORITE REMEDY. As for my>elf, being tn- Having, according lo appointment J how* more than one half full. When Bilile is “ Oalispu." Tin: medium of gaged in the grocery and commission IiuhIiicss, i a ril o u tlie m orning id the 22 I, laiseil ion. The delegates from abioad, al­ which makes it necessary for me lo test the quality though 1-ti ge numb rs were in Ihe eiiy, you make toast always roll il on your Cod ill making tliis latest revelation of of ditlerent articles, like baiter, etc., my sense of the .Amerii hi llag o " r lndi'p'-mlctu-e and my stoinm h were seriously injured. Every­ num bered not over 700 or boo New iiread-lio'ird with tiie rolling pin to crush liis w ill to the win 1,1 is not Dr. Tunnor, H ill, Mr. Lincoln, with a lew friends, thing seemed o nauseale llie, and learlttl of dys. England sent l 'i0, New Y ork .100. 'l lie ihe eriist; then put it on allot plate in hut Dr. J. B. Newliorough, a dental pepsin in its most bWere form, 1 tried DR. KEN departed for Huti»herg. where there eutli't South was represented by not the oven (or a miuute; cover with surgeon, forniei ly of New ^ork, hat NEDY’ri I- W OEITE REMEDY. Tho lirsI hottie was lo lie a reception with spmelms another hot plate and servo. If you now of Dona Anna County, lie is the all uded immediate relief, and from tl.al day to I In night previous, ill Pil'd ulelphia. nt a more Ilian 75 person-. From the North­ this I can say that Favorite Remedy has re-tored west the numbers were lew. Pennsyl­ serve boiled eggs iu the shell ami wish new p-ophetof Noil. Dr. I’alim r is i nli me to pel’fet t health. 'These are filets which I claim eonfeii m e'held hv II seliet few, of whom prove that Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the vania avenue was almost ankle deep to keep them from cooking hard, after an apustle of the prophet, and his coad­ the I ,lc Colonel I'luimas A Scott was best medicine in the world for those atllicted with willi du-,1, ri-mh ring mm liing very ile-y have boiled three minutes, just ju to r. the above tliflieultieri. It any one iu the city of one, a program id future movements take the hack of the howl of a teaspoon Troy doubts the truth of these statements let him was arranged, ft wa- that tho next dillieult and uni umforlublo. come to me ami I will prove them. I have rerom- and crack one end a little, to stop the Mgr. Capel says that our children are ineiide I Favorite Remedy to liuudredH ami with the , $ u n e (£une fo R evening al six o'eloek .Mi Lincoln, ivilli The m ilitary arrangements shoivi d the looking process. apprelieiisitui- of a munlei uis plot liable to become short-sighted and round same good results. one friend, should -piietly leave II u ii- - shotlldcied on account ol the Hat disks Y ours, t t.- , W IL L IA M W IN D S O R . HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA. again-t Mr. I.ineoln. His i arri ige was Corner Canal ami Mount Streets, Troy, N. Y. hiire iii a s|....ial ear I he roads were used ia t li'1 school room . How would lo lie eh ii e | ol all other trains and skilled so I'losely sinToumb d on all sides as lo INDIGESTION. CONSTIPATION. Some of the silk jersey cloths are he have them, sphericalP ii legiaph imui were to see that tlm hide ii from vie.v. A shot could not ehangi- lhlo tliis year, and some are det- MALARIA. HEARTBURN.SOIJR STOMACH. w i l l s leading Olli of II lllishlllg were p.i-si'nly have been aimed at him . s i ted with white ligurcs. As the latter As an uutl malarial medicine ( eloselv was lie environed h y lic military. BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS ■ ul and kept rut till it was known that are dyed in the piece they are not so A WoS'UKiti-'ul. D iscovi'.ttv. l)K. IIAVIII KENNEDY'S The guards of honor weie m levied from Mr. Lincoln hid reached Washington. desirable as the others, Iml they m ike ( 'i>il.-iiin)ilives uiul all, u bo siill’i-i'Iroiii any A N D A L L S TO M AC H TROUE3 LE lie most clii -ient i-ouipauie- of llie reg­ \ l W 'e l Philadelphia a deti etivu woldd excellent waists lor foul aid skirts. iill'velloli ol d ll' 'I 'ln-,1111 and 1.lings, i nn tind a FAVORITE REMEDY meet him and conduct him by a c irc u it­ ulars mid marines. Platoons of soldiers i-t-i taiii cure iu lb'. King's New Discovery lor AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. iv< re siatioui d i-vi-i y huu-lre I yards lias w on golden opinions No t raveler should con­ o u s rouie i i In- Philadelphia, W ilming­ (*onsuiu|ilioii. Thousands ot perinsneiit sider bis outfit complete iiule-s R includes a bottle of cuii s verify llie until o f this stnieuicnl. No I b r sa / r by lb lu/yesls. ton m i I! illjmore depot. along Pennsylvania avenue. Seveial A H ro u k h ii landlord Iris been sued by this medicine. If you are exposed to frequent eompinie- wi le held in reserve it llie a tenant wh ise family was strii-ki-n with medicine can siiow such a rei-oid ol woiidcrlul i hangc- of climate, food ami water, FuvorJto Remedy 1 liis program was communicated to cures. 'Thousands o l 'once liopt-lrss sulhitjs armories, lo lie dispatched to anv point • lioulil alw ays be w jihiii >ou r reaeh. ll expels ifln- Mr. Lincoln and puty on their way to diphtheria bi-ciillsc he failed to repair now giatelTIv I'loeliiiin l i n y ow e llieir lives to lan u l poi>i.ii>, and is th e bc.-i p u w u tu tn c " f clitll-i Haiii-liurg from Philailelphia on the in e I, I of all oullil'eak. Mounted order­ Ihe plumbing worl. when its defects were lids New Di'si-ovviy. ll will eo.-i you nothing am i mului'iul fe u -rlii Hie world, it is especially of- B o ld , > Icred asa trusiuorlhy i e< illetor thecureof Kidney Sole/jgeqts m orning ol .Muri-h 22 1. Pin- party con­ lies were place I at every stria l e irner to pointed out to him . to give it a dial. I'lcv Trial al Win. aml l.ivi r complaints.< 'miMipaiion am lall dlsortlers sisted nl Judge Davis, ( ulonel I. iiiion. convey iuloriu itiou sp-e lily to Utaier.d II. Kitlredge’s Drag Store, l.aige size, 50 els. arlsingfrom an impure slate of tiie blood. To women Providence, F\-I- Dos’i l-’itoM \ 11 You fix ' llE i.f t and >1. w Iio sutler from any of die ills peculiui* to their hex i '.,1. Sumner, M.-uor lluiiler, < iptain Scott, who rem lilted all dit al head- I , Favorite Remedy is eoiisiantly proving ii.-eif an un- ,|Uaiters. Billem eii Were pi iee.1 on the But don't smile more than you ale oliligi-d fullliig friend a k al blessing. Addrc‘> the proprie­ CIRCULARS MAILED FREE Pop,- I'ue lliree latter, a llo y ollieers. Viitv lti:'iaukabi.t; Discoveiiv. tor, I)r. D. K ennedy, K onduui, N. Y. $1 bottle, o fo r roofs of lie: houses along mi l ailj cent In, il you hail1 a iiioultitul of discolored lia-lh. $5, by all druggists. UPOn APPLICATION. join'd Mr l.incoin alter he left Spring- Il such is the ease |>roi'iiri- amt ii-eal least once Mr. Geo. V. W illing, of Muiivbvsler, Midi., lield. I lie program was a surprise to lo the avenue to watch for dangerous i ii-iy day. Sozuiiox i , wliieli u ill remove the writes: "M y wife has been almost helpless persons, i he procession moved slowly iii iIm-c,>miug spins and specks that disfigure Ibr live years, so helpless that she could not them all. tail. Sumner, who was the mi ll over in I,ed alone. She used two Bottles A P R I Z ESend . : ! six eenU for postage, and Iii-I lo expi. ss liiimi-lf, said il w.add he through tile avenue, with little of tin- lour li-elli, lender lliein peily while, make Ihe •ostly box ol' goods gums hard and rosy, and impart liagranee to ol Electric Hitlers, uud is so much improved, will help you to more imm To Save Time is to Lengthen Life. ad d piece of eowariliee anil that he manifest itioiis on previous o,'elisions of that she is aide now to do her own vcoik." the kind. I'.-.ei v iiiin g was done as in sour hrcitlli. SozoiHixr, inorcovir, couiainsi y right away than anything else I A M |»|. pared to do < ' >py 1 NG (.» th< I } l ‘i .- would gel II “ S.I'I id o f cavalry aid. cut iio eorrosive acids or grilly panicles, which is Electric Bitters w ill do all that is claimed in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from lirsi 1 W R 1 IT R in a Httlliif *• I ' j m an n er, .m l .*< i ea- the pre-euee of danger and a- though ibr them. Hundreds of testimonials a ite sl hour, ’fin broad road to t< rtunc opens before the «Oiiubl<- p iin u . out way through to Washington.' To lie ease willi some dentifrices, but is emim-mly calamity was pending. s a le in well Ils Ihoruughly ell'eeliie. Sold by their greul t-urmive powers. Only lil'ty cents a workers, ubsolutel) sure. At once address 'I’m h 1 C. C. LKOSN. which lesponse was made that “ by that [ bottle at Win. II. Kittredge's. K C o., Augusta, Maitie. WJ Wnb Cdb iih in .t Si w ti L. lim e in lU gm alion d iy would have pass- <, Ma-sesof people pout> I towards the druggists. UV Main bl , RockiuiMl. W TIIE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1835.

/arm , (’xuben anb /lotocr-lnb. C lim b in g roses rarely need m uch pru n ­ IN THE "MONITOR'' TURRET. MISS HFECHER’,3 ing. aside front cutting out any old dead RAILROADS ANO STEAMBOATS. wood that may exist. v rn iT T P .x i <>it the cot ini it-c tzi tti: n v The late ( ' in i. J D. Greene, in 77f H air o r W hisker lh <‘ A rilM TIi tl. I AIIMI I; AM) I l.nlilsT. Mould in lim Flower Pols. S imetiines I'ctiltii'if War S-rir i f ir M ireh, writes of KNOX AND IINCOI.N RAILROAD. a white mould appears oil llie sm laen of lim light In’lW ""ii I ie M u iitiif a m i M r - the soil. Its presence should iie uu ler- Fall and Winter Tims Tabic. Farm am> Live Shu k. lim a", frinii which W" q'lo’i’ tl| fililllW- stood is showing that the soil is not in a in g : ' • l im ill a w h i ks t i llie p isition nt Commencing Monday, Oct, 20,1884. Fix up sagging gates. prime condition for lim plant. Most lim pilot h ni-e -a ,u • -Din realiz'd. We Fngagu tlm lutnib early. likely it is too wrt from in k of proper I’linld not lire ill ’a I tmr within several drain age. We would tap stl ll plants (> v (Jet aroiniil llio grass sit'd. points of Ihe Imw, since tin blast out of their puts, r.h ive oft' i nougli suit uu.' own guns would have injur Supply fowls with coarsp sand. from tile bottom of tile lu ll so tiiat an people in the pilir-hon-e. o n i v Ihiift build larg. r limn tired d. ineli of drain ig e could ha placed ill tile yards oft' Keeler and Toft' y pas Keep nn account w ith each lluld. pot. T hi n a hall an im h of soil in ile p lli, e ip!sin's orders and messages io me, should also lie dug (mm llie Input llie Due In Rnn« h lf’ «. Cronp. W i.o.»pl»c <'<>«ab, w ith/" il mid alacrity, hut, liutli being I'lir lira,III. lirautv am! valur of four these eliang' S tliere w ill lie little elianee • I- tl.- D-N' H, „"1. C. f I r r . ’M tt b a sin A«f hm a. Q uhe’.v. Pnln« In <’be»t. na'I ot r landsmen, our technic d eouiinuniealious null.-cvcnititf Im .Itu- in Ru. klaihl the id i nlP’.'li-ns uf tin* Tlst-nnl an I Ir iul will di’prlid oil how you rail’ for for mould lo grow and llie plants ought soumiiini's miseirriid. Tlm situation Price .’IO c»*nb* n bottle. :’»’bl ' v Pr,i'.:■ iHim ' ’ * In erocling a hou«r allow the wife's Pruning tl.e Shrubs.—With tlm eoui- iu ilg rin cn t and ideas lo prevail la rg rlj'. ing in of m ild d u s. tliis w o rk is iisuallv dm cant tin, commanding and guiding 2 C A. COOMRP, pMpt. Snlo Owners mi' IIMtli I 'lir house is her kin gdom ; she lives Iter performed. IViili the exeeption of prun­ ail, w a s inclosed in one plai’C, ami III" life ulinost wholly within its walls. ing the hydrangea, ultim a, In lin in g hush executive ollieer, win king ami lighting Maine ( enlral Railroad. As llie fori sis go, insecls tlm l fo riu rrlv and roses, shrub pruning in ll i e spring is die guns, was shm up in aiintlii r, mol ------A?ri»------fed on lliein consume our crops w illi not so miieli prai'lii'i' l now as loi iim ily. eoniniiinieatiiiu between them was dilli- Portland.B.mgor.Mt. Desert & Machi­ dieadfili c (illseipienees. We mu«t eneonr- To prune the kinds naim'd at this season eult and uncertain. It was this experi- as S te in ib o a t Co., agr and protect the birds. We ludieve is proper enough, for llie llow er buds on eliee which e itisi'd isaae Newton, imme­ it will yet lie seen that none ought to he these conic only from new g ro tv lli ol the diately alter tiie engagement, to suggest WINTER ARRANGEMENT ! the elever plan of pulling tlm pilol-huuse killed. W. leome tile lo llili, el'ow and same season. It is w ell to cut such as I > AS-HSIiXUIJf l . \ t train- leave Bath at TOO a. rr. hlaekliird. these bark severely now. But nearly all i‘li lop ol Ihe lurrel. mid making it , I and .t 11 irrival of tt «in leaving other kinds, dower Irm n last season’s cylin d rica l instead o f square; mid Ins K I'klatbi at a. tn.,) roniiectinir nt Bril ti* wick ll may w ell he said III it the earn and 'll »• >1 '• »• r.:t'»n.| iviil, trail- .aralnir wood, and any cutting done now, lakes suggestions w ie subsequently adopted I’’ p d o n a ’ j. ,n. lerdiug of a coll should begin before il in tliis I vpe of vessel. is horn. If m ires, wliiie pregnaiil. are away just so many ll overs. The better u '■’ " 1 ’ ' ' - - Bath I n t p. zaftcr nr- time to prune this class is immci,lately “ As dm engagement eiuidnusd, the rival nl train avintf R- ' kland 1,1’. p. m.,) con- T H E G R E A T negle, led. Iinder-fed. nvi r-Wol'ked or neftinr at Brunawiek for Le\vinintt, Aut'iiMn. wiuking of the turret was not altogelher kepi cold, th i1 foal must he a si irv lin g , alter tlm blooming period, for all tlm /a A,-'.' / : • I: 5, V al. rv • . Portland and BoM<"i. Arriving iu Bo-. grow th of tiie season billow s after tliis satlsfai'iury. Il was dilii "ill lu -tart i ami ten to one, w ill m vi r develop in to a T h i uirh Tr revolving, or. win n once started lu stop G e rm a n VII,liable niiiniill. interesting stage, thus providing tile needed wood for ll iw ering the next year. iton aeeoiiiil of die impel lections of llie j < - ' ( S J Fences.— Fences have been tertnod a novel machinery, which was now under­ 0 i m rritjFoffTH EsicitB lelie of liarliarisin. Al any rate it is going its lirst trial. Slinmrs was ail aid- ■ Sinir. Lily ol' Richmond d r ’ ' ' ' ' A - f well to consider III il w ill. lever lends lo A BRIEF CHAPTER ON GIRLS. ive, nitiseular man. and did liis utmost to | ;.''*TTTTT^t >.i 1,9 !rtr< lav ev. -ting8 at 11 o ’clock lessen Ihe use o f these, i Heels a great control dm moiiou o! tlm lurrel; Im f, in 1 i‘ r Ide. Sedevvi.'k. So n.-it Hirn uh u t l'l ll •r. Mt. I > . r i F erry, (there saving, greater than most persons are Spile III liis I Hurts, it was dillieidt il nut I ' \ > 7 |» in. ti.-dii fj-.iin Boh >n>l i ,-l-t iire iiiv . Ji III awaieof. Careful slutislies based upon impossible In S i 'i u r e imetil'ati’ lirin g . Ii"< rr r.dtH. S3 The girl of sixteen who will neither i idge, .leu. .-pm l, MaclUu-port «sa ;m r- ’ LAJ census i el urns, plnen llie enst of the Toe conditions were very iliiret'enl from sew nor do liou-ework has no business .. Me Cleilti.-mtlu’ \ iii: Too |TJ 'etiees o f I lie I idled Slates al Upwards those uf an ordinary broads de gun, un­ rblo o d wlm», y.-u ■ to lie dei'ked out in lim ry and rambling ia-p. - III of one ami oiie-iliird hillioiis of dollars, , ft.DDe. ,nm with iraiiiM for I’orili H impurities bind H l about iu .search of fun and fro lic unless der which ive h id been trained mi mr through The M dnli amt iln ir annual maintenance at Iwo her parents are rich, and iu liiat, event wooden ships. My only view of ill • t. D r,, ;t Ft t rv v d n g vvi -l. al 5 u P im p le s I'd. tclies jjm hundred and llfly millions. By adopting she needs tlm watchful direnliun o f a World uiit-ide of die lower w as over the ' R • kl-.ti I al abmin11 'it i11 i . . . a. in,;. .arriving i ho soiling system ol feeding e ittle. am i I. it' vv ind an wentb-r art favorable, to f.I’llt'lt Ill’l 11 !; • OT guild m other mine llie less. T li"re is no muzzles of the guns, wliieli eleired die villi md health v ill foi ' Vj k. eping all lliese oil' the highways, one- pots hv a lew inches iillly . When the oliji'i'tion lo lu l l , hut il sin.uld lie wei I PAYSON IFCKKR, not‘piootire-unifh iit _____ . . „Ft' hall ol the fences, or more, could III) dis­ chosen mid w ell timed. No woman m guns weie run in, lim pm: h lei were CHICAGO, LOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R’Y I* '" - Atf’l. , xm l ,,:u,.G.II»l" r „ . y pensed with. By Ute i-fi't-al T'OHiI'ui Hi line, f .fi’D 'u t ’Jb, LA R K, A vent, K ockliind. nreeniilined in do».r<.| i, i r girl wlm will not work lias a rig h t to c iiv c re I by iiiiiv v iron pendulunis,pierced La .t find ilia We d by Hi .• Ik ti. i i utile, .m l . , U ‘ l. 43 shouldIDtit i:use «. Tsi h ey t.pid w ill , , ,. ‘ , |H‘ H! willi smaii holes I i allow Hie iron rain i * . .. ; ’ri... „ ; •ui •' ;:;;t«i; U ?iu v ' ill .. e u re C1. J How are ihe Ilorscs.—In a few weeks share tile wages i.f a pour man's toil. not. tl;. n he w e a k a n d ’lockkind and Vinalhavon r lei lV. heavy wink w ill he upon Ihe teams, and I f slm dues w ork, if slm makes llie im r ami spinge Ii indies to protrude spi.ptn u I’.i 11 rusflT’i there should he some special picpiiratiun clothes she wears ami a-sisls in llie w hile lim y weie in use. Tu hoist llm -c to .O'er from Rheum ill build u tip.’.udft’l f o r i!. More grain ami less hay should pi illin iu m s in q u ire I die entire gitn’s ai d and iniiunilU ik e y o u atrot ludnlil household duties, the ell inees are she nt, lieifiF compoHcd ali :u, use a bottle ot crew ami vastly iaerea-i d ill" work in­ •anlifitl Day C.i u iu •» 1884- Winter Arrangement. -1884 Spi.pitt li IIITII t;s ; lie fed than lo r llie w in te r season. Six w ill have enough sell-respeet. (<> behave n‘n*t Cliair Citv, I — side lim lurrel. fepitii: Cat'a. and the O N I<; T U I 1 ’ I > \ I L Y it l ...... tail to cu re “ i l p iii ii iir: i cn> hia q ua i ls 1 mil a simple matter lo keep file hearing. “ A L B E R > LEA ROUTE.” H , i, • v .rr r r r ought lo answer ns a daily allowance. degree of right to have her own wav, A N ow and Du '«•: STM ’R P$O?M£ER . M I .m i II I ln illy 11 .If a bushel ol carrots per week foi W hite hi irks had Imen placed upon tlm kcc, ban recently I. ( A P I. W aI. R. CliKED, licjillb, ulin arc ill 11 1 •oi.nlgln, iiii.IkII ill-judged though it may lie. The wild Norfolk,Ncwpurt rundown, Iinulil ii-i l .. will hlri|. eaeli aliimiil, given a few al a lime, will girl usually aspires lo prominence in slnti mmy deck iiiime liately below the K'.iNtji. Na.Uivill •. J ’I I ’D i t. leave C arver’ll H arl jSl'l rill II I.II ' I 'll... find Ii ol I., tier I. turret to indie,ale die direction of lim In d V » Yinnlliaven,...... for<*»r Rock-Roc lie found must helpful in im provin g Ihe smile social eirelo or oilier, ami her olia- ,r , * I tnd DAILY, SundavH excel.- .Modlo d W o rk pulill 'In-I ■ coal, the stomach, and the breathing. starlioai'd mid port sides, mid tlm It iw I at 7 a. in., -land ir<1 time Io A. I’. i HiiiWAr Jt I H manners and conduct are in greater or These slm >ld he nicely washed to he and stern; Iml lliese marks were obiiter- | RETURNING, b-avt Rockland, Tilb-.u Wharf, • H *• a Copy , free. less degree designed to attract tiie fol­ •t. in. Touching at Hurricane ImIu ipI most grateful lo Ihe animal. Leave lowing of men. Slm should remember ated early iu the aetimi. I would emi- away. nitre and ail drugs out of llie stable un­ that followers are not always admirers, tin ll dly ask the captain, II hv does Ihe G. A. SAFFORD, Agent, Rockland. II. M. RORKR I - Au- !.;, V lnalhiw on* 87 less there is sickness, in which ease call mid that tlm most sincere admiration a M'U'riimie bear’i1 He leplied, ’On die in a competent doctor. man ever feels for a woman in a ilra iv- slarhoard-lieam,’ or 'On dm purl quar­ Soi.ing.—That ten acres of land will ing-room is wlien Im looks upon Imr ami ter.’ as die ease m ig h t he. Then llie provide niiiplo feed by the soiling sys­ says in his own consciousness: ‘'Shu is a dillieulty was to determine die direction Boston & Bangor S. S. Co tem. lor as many head of cattle as thirty perfect lady.” of dm starho ird-heam, or porl-quarler, acres will under ordinary pasturage, is a or anv other heiiriii” . It dually resulted, m atter that is capable ol proof. That dial when a gun was ready lor Til ing, WINTER ARRANGEMENT! How Governors of Territories Are Ap lim tu rre t would he started on its re vo lv­ Ctiiniitencing D ecem ber 2b, 1884, Steamers will the labor of carrying out a complete {..(•klainl a- r.dlovv- . - system of soiling is not as great as many pointed. ing journey in search ol dm target, ami BdHoii Steam er Iv ATA II D IN , C apt. F. C. wlien found it was taken 'mi die Iiy ,' Im- Diller, Mo'idav-and I liurtnlayn at 0 p. ai. are prone to ludieve, is found (o lie true For Camden, Ib lfast, Searsport, Buekwpnrt, Wiu- by tlioso wlio intelligently try this method Illtl c mse dm tu rre t could n o lle accurately !• i port, anil R ingor • I.', if from Bm-kHport, controlled. Onee the Merrimac tried to of leeding. To lie sure it calls for more Washington lias this peculiarity, tint \\ (tlm t-.lav find Saturday Morninga upon arrival of rani 11s; lint Worden avoided die direct w o ik , both for m ind and muscle, tli.au tile man wlm lias once listened lo her For North Haven, Green’H Landing, Kwhii’h impact Iiy tiie skillful use of tlm ,1 dm, pasturing, hut llio gains are sullieieiit sil'en song and wm iiied liis frozen heart l-laiid. Ba>- llarbor. Pontli We-t Harbor, Bar liar- mol she struck a glancing blow, w liiyfi bor, Goul.Inborn, l.amoiiie. Ilattem k and Sullivan— to pay well for ali this many times over, in Imr smiles in nine eases out o f ten did no damage. Al die instant of Col­ \\ ediienday and Saturday Mornings upon arrival of F O K IlXTTEFtlXrJVXj ami profit is our aim in farming. Plans becomes her slave. He is from liiat i Huston. lision I planted a solid one-hundred-mid- should notv lie laid for carrying out a moment a victim lo tlm olliee habit, and -A . KT ID eighty-p 111111I shot fairnnd square upon [ ItEld ItMM I Io ROCKLAND: systemnlie course of sowing and leeding. as the man wlm lias once Imeked tlm EXTERNAL USE. tlm forward put of Imr casemate. Had Boston : Tiietidayn, ami Fridays nt f. m. If rye was sown early in llie fall, cut­ lig e r and won, seeks tlm menagerie I 'rolH Bangor . Mondat, - andThurtolavr at 1O.3- ami 'I bur-lav h. .)• CURES - D ip h th e ria . C ro u p . Astlnnn, B ron- of May or sooner. Tliat which is cut torn, laecraled and busted, so does quenily used w illi similar guns, it is 'I ielo tf Hold lo all p o in t-, ami B aggage checked early will sprout nut again, and provide Ihe threadbare mid shabby genteel politi­ M l f f i OIL rice t l State Kooiuh reduced. prolnhle tliat tliis shot would have pene­ CHAS. L WEEKS, Agent. Rockland. .a later cu ttin g in done. Feeding on cian wlm lias oiiee lived easily ill Wash­ trated imr armor; but tlm charge being •I AS. LITTLEFIELD. Gi.\. St rr.. BoMon. Diseases, Seiati elover may eoniliieiicc about [lie middle ington Ibr a time linger about the beau­ U M. II II1 Li , .Ik .. G e . m ,: r , j;, wt,,n. ;,o anti Horpiie-s in Body or Limb*. COrit'-.in free limited to fifteen pounds, in accordance 3 B O N IT I Y I I. S. JOHNSON «fe CO., BOSTON, MASS. of alb r the rye is gone, or at tiie tifu l Hume that Im may scotch liis wings with | eremp’m y orders to tliat ( fleet sontli, alfalfa or luiaan may take its once again. 'I’liere are a good many of li 'A it x.\|, \U L’AId.l A M IA i ll A from flm Navy Depariiiirnt. die shot re- place. Following on the elover, oils lliese .specimens. Some o f them have Dll’ll I IILRIA, Ll \G AND < III.- 1' liottndt d without doing anv mure dam­ D i'! \'E . I.IYER \ND IvIDMA ( «>M ami peas, liia t were sown early may he shirts, others have nothing but a fading age than possibly lo stall some of tiie PLAINT, WEAKNESS Ol Til! used, ami allet this, corn fodder, millet hope. Many of them have waited for beams of her arin o r-li m kiti." SPINE \M> LIMB>. sorghum, up until frosts. Corn should years, asking a big foreign mission at lie looked upon as one of the most im por­ lirst, lint at last lowering llieir estimate i .T A IN ^ NEITHER I'CRPENI INI. NOR tant crops, and sowings should lie made till they are willing lo do almost any­ \l.< O H O L . at in lerv .Is of two weeks, from the liist th in g so that lim y may draw a sum, no Bi i'll nr. Ci niai WILE X<»T I \PI.OPK OR TAKE FIRE. wei k in May u n til August. A fte r fall malter Imw small, from tlm mighty pcrinanciii Iv or no pay. Oar new and sure ■ 1K< I I.AF I t 1 I. OF HOME TI -IIMON- MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD. Irosls, pumpkins, root lops and cabin go cure nielli id m 'Ire u iu;’ niptiire, without the I \ I <. SENT FREE. ADDRESS, P o sitiv ely euro C ons’ i pat ion. RICK-7172 ADACIIE, treasury which you and I, gentle leader, knife enables us le guarantee a cure. Trusses Ullin.IHUI ss, and ail L1Y EH and UOV/F.L U M - are tiie fodders mostly to lie depended laliur to sii.-tain. Yen' alier year the PLAINTS. BLOOD POISON, .■ ml Skin Dis. asi s van lie llii'ewu away at lust. Sen I two letiia 1 O S T O H VITAL OIL CO., ONE PILIi A DOSEi. for Ft male Comph l ts upon. m ig h ty arm y inereases. The pri'.-ident si.mips lo r rclereimv, pamphlet and Ii i i i i s . B O STO N , M those Pills have no equal. Ifali who read ibis will W oihl's D isp ells.o 'v M e l n ,11 A --■ <-i iii.i,1, Buf­ :.•••! 1 their ad.Irens on a p'.slal tiny si .til iccive Orchard and Garden. mid heads of departments become at i it EL bv m ail nJ vice fo r w hich lie v w ill atvv i.va be list diispeiale. A wild-eyed erank falo, N, Y. , hankl'ul. One Imx Pills by mail 25 < ts. m »tai n t. 'O d7'J-7g'£JX'2.1E! I S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. Haul out manure. Ininnts them willi liis hungry appeals, “ A I’ i .iii ki t Fi lion 11; Si x h i m .” S tart Ihe early hot beds. till tlm suspicion arises that iu a lew will fill lim heait of every-uill 'i'ing woman if I'fint.lM A I l.v i t i.i D l\ l''|(().M oo T d ! Set blackberry plants early. more days he w ill blossom forth as an she w ill only persist in Hi" use o f Di- I'ierve’s I ■.<> DAT Wi t til .1 T DI 1 ; X I |OX "1'ivoi'ile l'n i ripiiou.' It will v in e tiie most assass’n if lie doesn’ t get mi appoint meat, I lillTI I’.I'-IX ! Al'DItKSx, Brown’s Shaker Fluid Extract of Parsley likes a gravelly loam. mid so tlm young territory lias to suft’er. vxei iii ialiug pei ioifival pains, and relieve you of all iriegiilarliii s ami give Inalioy anion’. It ENGLISH VALERIAN. I,line is an excellent m anure lo r car­ l lie president looks on lim map to see J. H. PORTER. M. D., PordiH. :m - o f lb NERVi It’S SYSTEM, in Hienallv rots. will positively cure la ie rtia l itillaiiitiu i) ami < illeucioiiH in m rv"im irritation, palpitation «•’ lit which te rrito ry is tlm fa itlie st away, and nleerali'iu. misplacement ami all kimlreil dis­ 21 Clilt'S > i , < II A III I - I ' Hl X lii-IIIK T In art. ifiirai-'.a, k!> < hhii. . inr\<>n- In .id if lf , Asparagus wants a deep heavily man­ from which point tlm appointee would order. l ’riec reduced to one dollar, llv drug­ hy-D ri.-4. \ c . :,|ko IN E L \MM \T< »R\ D lSl \S1 s gists. Ihi-Tux. M \ss. Kciild-. burns, cuts, \ c . Sold b.v all Drin-'g.-i ti led soil. have tlm most diftieully to return, and UNITED SOCIETY OF SHAKERS, EM'II EU, N. II . Mir i ms, price, $1 00. Bv mail. .S 1 20 Six e uia $5*00, then Im makes tlm appointm ent! < ’oNsI MPTION. U M. WILSON. 1JESINLSS M \ \ \<;Elt express paid. Very valunid - i mil irs Free Don't stir tiie soil before it is dry aiiSkr.aiinTTj EsTTjV Tfl'itTfUYTu llit: £ iftm 1. S. JOHNSON i: CO.. BOSTON, MASS. enough io crumble. Xutw ilh-tam liog the gredt initiibei vv Im ve.ii lv J Trad.- biipplicd by Mt KESSGN A; BOBBIN'S, N Y Kiirciiinb t.» tlih tceiible nmi f.ual ' World's l)i>peiiSiir\ Medi­ Mywteiu. tlm days of ilia Colorado gold le v e r w illi To color up well while growing, fruit cal Association,Bull do. N. Y. Th i ,, \ e tormented tin hum in fam ily and liis inlant daughter. His wife and one 0(1 the test of M needs plenty o f sun. When trees are ' t-. 'I'lirim* mid l.iingn * ‘ On hards iu Grins.—It is pretty well his father's western home ami visited llie . r I."til. W If ’. at. ll II tl \ Y A >"X, Port- ■ Ir I’i-ciu-i ip lio n < decided now liia t what is known as grass with pain o f cutting B elli It -u, ^end at om ”Atu i.oi’i:oko.s’'1.s anew remedy, but it luia l*liY»i(dii n« o f !•<...... ------_ Wasatch mountains in ,'tali nil in ami get a bottle o f Mi>. W jis lu w ’.s Soothing l>een abundantly tried. Er« m far and > • o il- i l o r I(Ih S k ill in - ;.g. i i ..unit iiinlb I. - • .. • - culture fur on hards is superior lo any In C u r in g A (i • elions c»l the Thronl uutl vain. From there Im went luck to Syrup for Children Eeelhiug. Its value h in timoiiial.q Iron* well-known per»*nii» wlm hud Ci ,g peepte. l.iing*. and used by linu m his pmer.ee loi ov. t :;n olln r kind of manageuient. The system Ottawa and lo llrutllebuni Yi. where ealculahle. l l w ill relieve the poor little suf­ bt ei* hull- t'erK. It bus tu rn ed their disearex <>iu It y e n s w itli a siieee.v, unknow n to any other preparation. ba- cured them. Tliat is ail,- and tlial i» em OTIIKII. I • r . .i.i.lity m leht v. gained for them in Ind weather, through Here lie leartied dial tlm papers found’ ing Syrup I or Children Teething is pjea*mit to 4- ATHLOi’iinitos ’ b asin lids time hail u n h a ‘lag and eel taint y in eium g ll Ik iiuiniipai'alily tlm inlet ventimi of tlm grass mat. Ihe taste, and i> ih- prescriptmi! o fo n c o t tlm gootl trial all . ver the o at ■ true w uk .a ifc tin" hi pa rall» k d otb i T o alt vv I... S u p n -io i* tu any other leinedy. there bad been sent back lo Salt L ik e oldest and In st tv male nurse.- ami phy-i 'ian- kuov.u, and it.s true ebaructer proved. II '■a’islie.l we vv ul t-elid to |. ■> for till Noltl by all Ilenlrr*. 1‘idrr. .*5.» ('riilk. City. Arriving O'loher, lss:i tliere lie writing im. Full particulars, .breed.>i JUouuld, Jti on ii «JL Co., l"oi ilaud, M anic. Fi.iiweiis and tiie I.awn. iu the United states, and is lor - tie by ail “ A n n oi’iiokos’’ nieai s “ Ptlzz-Beater;" found tliuni alii i a palient search. Stev­ druggist-throughout the world. Price go nt- K ill (lie iipliis. " V ic to r;" *• < -tit puTor " 11 «-ari'icK oil the prize ua ens liHd not yet reached tiie end o f liis at hollc. Y ic ro a " o r lh« . i»a. I.-.1 tie . terrible n aladi. Sow verbena seed. sa d C o s^ i riiD ii "I t'm In g h tfu l ag.»nm« ihe rv e troubles and bail to -lay in tlm West Yegctine w ill cleanse eiotitia and Siofulu tiutK iiavo eudurv d. N' t u nmie t» n:p«»rary rel «t. CITY OF ROCKLAND. Top-dress tlm lawn. until lie could emu enough money lo humors from the system. but a permanent, endurinjr, uud trmmi hunt cure liose slips root easily now . lake liiili hack to Canada. In tlm midst B u c k le n ’s A rn ic a Salve. 1 f you cannot get a rni.oi’itonos o» > our drug- of liis labors lie was taken sick amt for gl I. W" Util H'lHl R exprr ) ||I . on I. , . tp: of tsonm tuberoses may lie stalled for Tiie lH.si S m ve iu tiie world ib r Cuts, NEW CITY LOAN. a long lim e liis recovery si e iiii d im possi­ i gularprice—one iloll.trper buttle. WeprcB r early demand. Bruises, Barns, Sores, Ul t r.-. Salt Kheutii, S trie lly 3Iiinit‘ipal. ble. Ones iiavk lo Montreal lie had no Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, C h il­ th a t, voi* bu y R iron* y o u r (Iru g g N t. b u t If b e (.'alias grow wild iiy tlm million in blains, Corns, and a ll Skin Eruptions, and hasn't It. do not l»c p« rsda lcd to ti y soiueiblng A lim ited am ount o f R o tk lau d M unicipal Koudfe d iftie u lly in g etting possession o f liis else, but ord< r at once iron* us as directed. areuow offered for sale, or in exchange lor lioutit A frica. propel ly . and now comparatively a rich positively cures Piles or no pay. It is guar­ anteed to give perleet satisl'm lion or money ri j iartued in aitl ol' tho Knox k Lincoln R ai li uud, il If roots protrude through tiie holes in man, lie is at Braltlelioi'o, Vt. after his ATHLOPHOHOS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW TORN, applied for iinmcdialely. funded. Price 2b cents per box. h’or sale by N. A & S. H. Burpee, Rockland, Me. LEANDERWEEKB, Trctui. t l i s pots, nip them oft'. bride. W. IE Eittndge. Iy47 itiumii.ii...)... it,...... ; iucb7 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MARCH in, 1885.

ROCKVILLE. THOMASTON. CAMDEN. UNION. ....('a p t. E. W att* nml wife, who have been Franklin Rice is s till im proving in health. The entertninm*nf given here Tuesday even­ visiting in Union, have returned h om e... .( ’apt. (apt. I chafe* 1 Wilier, of bark Freda A. 1 ; ink W . l'errv I* offering «ome £nori Bar­ Robert G ilchrist, who has l>een away since last Ladies Circle w ill be held at tlio vestry Wed­ ing b y J. I . Coomb*' singing claw a**i*ted bv W ille y i* at home. gain* m dry and fancy . The wotoing season, for NFIWERY STOCK. Experi­ A school meeting is called for Wednesday. lloor was crowded. 'The skaters unmasked si ence not essential. 5 to 25 yards, without re­ Experiment b ill, mid has been one o f the Mar. llt k . Miss Josie Lvford is attending school nt most active Senators o f the session. In the 9.30. Miss Sadie Philtirook was awarded the Salary with Expenses Paid. gard to cost. K< nr - Hill, committee room lie hi.is been an earnest, posi­ 'I lie champion checker player o f So. Warren prize for the prettiest costume, which was Liber I Inducement* to men of good bushier* Lyford A Ginn have leased their factory to tive w orker.” is John Bradford, a lad fourteen years o f age. made o f a red ami while material, faneifullv ability. Apply at once by letter and state age, and L ine A Libby. Rev. S. L. llanseoni o f Thomaston held a trimmed with numerous tiny hells which jin ­ name references. Carpets Made and Laid at Camden village corporation held its annual gled m errily as she gracefully glided around (J-18 fc». T . C A N N O N & CO., Ai c;C8TA, M r. The personal effects o f the late (build B. meeting Tuesday evening at Megimtieook very interesting meeting at the H all, S im ilar, short notice. Mar. 1st. the hall. As usual there wa* eoii.

Jflarinf Dtparlnunt. MAINE MATTERS. D E E R IS L E Several prominent Mason* are about apply INVESTMENTS BL\CKI\GTO\ Ex-State Treasurer Wm. Caldwell died yes­ ing for the degree* in Ellsworth ( ’hnpter. It i« well knew n tbit tl <• < ity of S’. P . 11, Mbine STATEMENT "otn. I* n’Kiir. d of 1 rapid grou tb from n*»u <e, “ D iinhom ," Thursday la-t. lie New York. Changes are being made in the cotton m ill at M illtow n, «ay* th e '/’»»»» t. I wo hundred new drove to Sedgwi* k, neross the Reach. I want every one to try niy BI I' WILL A GLEE I*» Capt. Prank Sprague Is to take command of looms hare been started up sin. e September. A week o f religious meetings lias .i i*t dosed 1 sell. St. Elnm. The Salvationists in Biddeford are apparently nt the s. . « hapel. Rev. Mr. Pre*cott nml I SATISFY ALL IN PRICES. Sch. B illow , Dyer, was loading lime Saturday doing nnieli good, some o f the worst o f the Rev. Mr. (»aies attending. I lie meeting* w ill | 50 ( EXT TEA. for N\ w York. d rinking m tn o f the city having joined them be continued through a part of next week. Lite Insurance Seb. Nile, Manning, loads lime for W hite I . H. (T n lf o f Saco has been a verv success­ I'iie past wei k ha* been a good < ne lo r the IT BEATS THEM ALL. ft Case tor New York. ful hunter thi« winter. Since the tirst fall of lee busines*. IF T. L ufkin and \V. R. Seller* Seh. Isaac Orbeton, T rim , a n iv c il at Carde­ snow he has shot (’*'• rabbits, 7 coons an I 3 have taken advantage o f the plea-m t weather F 7 . SELLING AGENT FOR nas 21th from Richmond. to till their ice houses with splendid clear ice S. 15 I I? I) , loxes. eighteen inches in thickness. BLACK 1 \(.l (»\< (OB NEK Seh. Lizzie W ilson, Chadwick, arrived at I be Salvation A rm y hare decided to estab­ Company, Card,mas, 2f»,h from Alexandria. lish a branch ot their army in Augusta, d he officers of the town elected for the next year on Mom lav 2n»l are a* follows F. I-.. Srh. (». B. McFarland, Strong, arrived at commencing operations the tirst Sunday in 1 1 v • A pril. Rayncs, clerk ; G. \Y. Spofl’ord, W. B. d'liur- | OF NEW VOIIK, •• c Havana 23d, from Balinnore. low. B. (o Barbour, selectmen, assessors ami i FLOUR! FLOUR! S, h. Alibv Dunn, flilehrest, arrived at Carde­ The appropriation o f #18,000 for abut­ over*rors of the poor; B. T. Torrey, treasurer. / . . . v nas 28d, from W ilm ington. ments nml piers in I emluskeag stream, Ban­ F. S. WINSTON, President. gor, has pis-ed both houses and been signed Dr. J. F. Benjamin left town with bis team ' You can got the Beat Trade Sell. S. D. .1. Rawsm, French, arrived at Monday 23d expecting to r« turn in two days, Cardenas, 23d, from Charleston. bv the pre-iil» nt. by buying of MONAih'.t SHIRTS Hut on reaching Buckspoit hi* horse was taken For flic yctir cinlinu* December 31 *1, 1 ss I Sid 3d, seh. Alliei Oakes, Tobin, from W ar­ J. T. Jones has been arrested in Aroostook suddenly ill, ami died there, nml a* the doctor ?ni.n nvi_( AniNn dfai re r ren, It. I., for New York. enuntv and sentenced to six months in jail tor has not yet suited him *elf in the purchase o f a frnduicntlv obtaining subscriptions to the Lew­ CHAS. T. SPEAR. new horse he lias not yet returned. ASSETS...... «IO.'LH7.2*5 II makes a savinir in time jon can In* etnp >w**r* d. a g re ahlv to 'aw , to *e I ai d -onvi-v served to ail a ft*r the installation. Ri*k* Terminated ...... 7,:;su 25,*:i2,7.t0 take it riiilit od'the stove, all lioilimr. -O mm h tin* real e-tatc «',f -aid d* . < a-. 5,220,H29 S3 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. sailed from Friendship Friday ice-laden for the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company o f Matured Endowment* 2,490,451 99 I be stuck nf Jewelry, Wiiteli M, (’lucks, Silver t T otnl ( lalm* — KNi:t(i:i>, that notice thcrcot he gfien Hire** week, w ii’ suddenly taken violently insane. (Total paid Police hold / within a year. The store is in a good location, day from New Y olk, and is unloading coal at ) er«—$ 13,92 ( 002 19 ( directly opposite tin* Bay View (louse, and parties week* -m**’« --iv**ly, in Tin to n . ,5 / -//<;•»/(*, p rinted Tillson’s wharf. He was taken to his home In Topsham, where C'ommi**iou*, (payui •nt o f can have a lease of name for a term ol years. Store in It* ('klaml, in -aid County, that all p**r*mi* inter- lie is at present quite ill. current i.ml extinguishment is doing a good business ami there is no sharp coin- e*ted in.iv attend a, a Probate ('■ irt to be held at Sell. L. T. W hitmore, Blaekington, arrived The farmers o f Freeport held an enthusias­ Spring Cloths of tu tu re )...... 997,S40 19 petition. Reason lor selling, pr -prietor going linadilllll, nil llic tllir.l Tli|.. Balance to New A cent 97,009,913 OS ever made in this fishery. thought that when the factory is established KNOX COUN I'Y. - In Court of Probate, held at Sell. Bertha J. Fellows, W all, sailed from 100 more will be called into requisition. $114,007,427 27 e Ts b o w l e r . R ockland,on the th ird l it. **lay of Ft b ru ary , 1SK». Rockport Fiiday lime-laden for New York Jane Y. Hall AdminDtratrix on tin e-,ate ot ROBINSON’S, Elkauuh S. Hall, lat*- of Rocklnnd, in -aid Couti'v, from Shepherd, Jones ft Co. (lecea*ed, having pi****ented b» r lir*t account o f a I- Sell. Helen Montague, Green, has taken a WORLD HAPPENINGS. Natural History Store, miui-tJation of -aid e-tatc for allowane* part o f a cargo of 1003 casks o f lime for Ames OltnEltED, That not iec thereof tie elven, three ItALAXCR SHEET. ft Co. for New York. 124 MAIN ST., BANGOR, ME- week* hiicc* -sivcly, in the Courier-frtizi ttf, printed in Roeklaml, In *aid County, that al: p* r-.m* inter- J. \V. Sweetser was killed by a falling ladder Birds nnd Animals Finely M ounted..?* S ell. 11nine, Post, is at Boothbav w itli cargo at a fire in Boston Sunday night. e-ted may attend at a Probate Court to be held at o f lime on tire. ('apt. Ira Eileins has gone on Roeklaml, on tin* third Tuc*tlny of March m xt, It is estimated that there were otic hundred To Reserve at four per cent...... $98,242,543 On The only place in the Stale where you can get to see to it. Nothing serious is apprehended. work WARRANTED AGAINST MOTHS AND ami *bow ciiiisc, if any they have,’why the *abl a* • thousand strangers in Washington Wednes­ Merchant Tailors Claim* by deatli not vet dm*...... SOJ.3S7 IN SEC TS. 3t» count should not be allowed, 6-8 Seh. .1. B. lloiden, Scott, at Fall River 5th day. Premiums puid in advance...... 27,477 30 E . M. W O O D , Ju d g e . Inst., from Pensacola, reports Feb. 22, in the SurphiH and Contingent Guaran­ A true copy—A ttest:—A. A. Beaton, R egister. straits of Florida lost foretopmast. Herr Sonneathal, the German tragedian, ar­ 233 MAIN STREET, foot of Limerock tee F u n d ...... 4,743,771 15 rived m New York by the steamer Elbe Sun­ Seh. Em ily J. Watts, Watts, arrived at Sagua, day. $103,870,178 51 A. T. CROCKETT, 20th, from New Y o rk ; 23d, bark S. G. Hart, K. II. CO PH R A N . A . W . SK W A L L . Pierson,/St. Thomas; seh. M. A. Aeliorn, Gen. J. C. Black o f Chicago has been ap­ ------T E A C H E R O F ------Aeliorn, Fernandina. pointed Coiiim i.-sionerof Pensions, and accepts C o c h r a n <&, S e w a i l ’s the office. A large line of By Ronds Secured by Mortgages 01 Ai East Bootlihay, from llodgdon Bro’s. P iano & O rg a n , I’resident Cleveland Friday signed General I Real E sta te ...... $ 10.97*.527 90 FIKE, MARINE, LIFE, yard, was launched a first-class ti-hing sell, o f United State* and other Bond*.. on Violin and Musical Composition. 7b ton- register, called the ‘•Fannie S Ome," G rant’s commission as an olllcer on the re­ Loan* on ( ’ollatcrn ls...... • ,898,387 59 —AND owned by F. Orne ft Sons, o f Southport, to be tired list of the army. Real Estate...... 10,2*2,093 ( 4 64'Tenn nf 20 L oshuiih # 1 2 .0 0 . commanded by Capt. Berten Kimball, she The dynamite explosion in the House ot w o o l e n s , Cash in Rank - ami Trust Compu ROCKLAND, ME. 11 Accident Insurance Agency. 2,0 It,OSS w ill lease for Southern fishing grounds in a Commons ami Westminister Hall damaged the nies at intcrc.-t...... 54 CAPITAL REPRESENTED DYER lew days. j building to the extent o f #13,000. Interest accrued ...... 1,202,418 54 Iii a ll t lie Preiuium* deferred, quarterly ami NINETY MILLION DOLLARS. Bark Henry Knight, Pendleton, from Pen­ Senator Riddleberg r withdrew his objec- semi-annual...... 1,193,115 38 E. P. LABE, sacola Kith ult. for Montevideo, was burned lth I tions to the confirmation o f Mr. Bayard, and Premium* in transit, principally Losses Adjusted and Paid at this Ottlee. in-t. oil Salt Key Lighthouse, Sagua. The : the entire Cabinet was confirmed. tor Ducutnber...... 138,714 51 Buspeiise \eeouilt...... 37.314 11 249 .MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND. whole crew, ten in number, arrived at Havana Newspapeis have been received in C hili in 31 Fashionable Styles Agents' Balances...... 7,190 99 Fresco & Sion Painter, Friday in schooner Eddie Huek, from Phila­ 1 days from Loudon by steamship to Buenos — delphia. The K night register:*! 488 tons, and Ayres ami theneo across the continent. -O N H A N D .— $IU3,S7G,17S f>t W ith HAHN, ROBBINS & CO- built in LS7O at Camden, where she was owned. MAIN STREET, - KOCKLAND. ME. c. G. MOFFITT, It is said that after the vote in Parliament on All work of the best quality in point of N i w Y ohk C iia r ik u n . The following are the censure question tin* Queen requested Fire and Life Insurance. Fit , Stv i.e ami Make. HatiHfaodou gtiuranteud. reported under date o f M arch?. Sell. Nina Gia Istone to resign, but he declined to do so. • Lomu a ad|U*ted at till* office, .99 14 Tillson, hence to Cardenas, empty lilnls., A strike was inaugurated Thursday on the Note—If the New York Standard of four ami a 278 Union Block. RocklandJMo. (’>.’> cunts; Belle O’Neil, lienee to .Manzunilla. Texas ami Missouri Pacific Railways. All half per cent. IlltricHt be uned, the Surpill* i* nvel CHAS. E. BURPEE, cooperage, and back with molasses, #2.50; tralll •, passengers and, freight h ive been cut $12,000,000. W. K. SIIKEKEK, cargo out lor port charges; Hannah E.Carleton, oil'. r I'm ; hence to Nuevitas ami back, at or about #1,100 From Ibc Surplus, a» appears in Ihc Balai.cc The cost for extra police in London the past and port charges; Joe Carlton, from Perth Sheet, a dividend will be apportioned t<> ea<*h par­ Amboy to Boston, clay, #'1.7*’>; Jonathan year on “ dynam ite" duty has been $190,000 ticipating Polley w hich r-lmll In* in Im ee at Ita M ini­ the previous vear the expense was only #'G0- ver nary in 1H85. linuriu , from Hoboken to Boston, coal, #1.25; 000, Ellie .1. Simmons, from Perth Amboy to Port­ Lire! Lire! Lire! Grainer, Paper Hanger, Hubert (t. Thompson, New Yorkers say, is A SSKTS...... $ 103,*70, 7* 51 land, coal, #1.30 and discharge; Helen, from AND DEALER IN South Amboy to Hurricane Island, coal, #1.25 to be made Collector. Tammany feels budly N ew Yoke, J a n u a ry 21, IS,*5. R. II. BURNHAM, and discharge; Charlie ft W illie, lienee to over Secretary Manning’s choice o f a first as- | It j on want a good fire buy hoiiic of the Hyannis, k i i i i , in bulk 3 cents, ami bags 7; sistnnt. PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS Rachel ft Maud, from Cardenas to a port north The celebrated trotting stallion Mambrino o f Hatteras, molasses, #2.12 1-2. Pnteheu, ta ll brother to Ludy ’I borne, died sud- Varnishes, Glass, etc. STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS, iledly Friday at Lexington, K v., at the age o f Rl)ARD DF TRUSTEES. Capt. G. W. Pendleton, o f late Seh. Maggie School Books, Toys, etc. 23 years. I). Mai-Io.i, has arrived home. He reports that Frederick H. Winston, John II. Sherwood, MATERIALS-FOR=ARTISTS Al.,11, lir.t . I ir- « 1 it< 1 1. vt‘in<; 1.111 it a it v he left Rockland, Feb. fith for New York. At the (L illian Embassy in Loudon it is de­ Samuel L. Sproull.-, (ieorge 11 Amln-w*, (oiituiliitlg all the Latest Novels. A fter several snow storms ami much bail clared that war between England and Russia is E gg and Stove I.UeiUH I {obi liroli, ICobci, i dyidiant, A Great Specialty. ND. 25K MAIN STREET. weather the Marston on the l l i l i ran into the imminent. At the Russian Embassy the idea Samuel D. Babcock, (ieorge F. Baker, is ridiculed. George S. Coe, Benj. B. >le rm an, 222 MAIN ST., - - ROCKLAND. ite in Lung Island Sound oil Rye Beach, Conn. Jo*. Thompson, John E. Devlin, Prices Low. Satisfaction , G eorge < . |{i<*liard*oii, Robert Sewell, going ashore near Lloyds Neck in the vicinity Fires in the Failed States and Canada d u r­ FRED R. SPEAR. o f H iintiu ton Bay, L. I. Both anchors were Ab xand< r IL Rice, S. \ an Kcmi’* laer < ’rugcr ing tlie past mouth destroyed #10,000,000 Every toil warranted to give Satisfaction. William F. Babcock, ( baric* l{. IIciidcrfton, HAHN, ROBBINS & CO., let go but the chains were soon parted, the ves­ worth of property considerably more than for Fr«-'leriek 11. < 'ufniit, I Li I'll*. W . I’eekbam , sel being then about one-third ot a mile from any previous February. If you huve a Boor Draught try our I.**win May, Wm. P. Dixon, (lie bea> ii. A tier this the ice became very lin n , < lliver Harriman, J. Hobait Herrick, 4 City Island dLpateli says the Sound is Painters, Grainers, Glaziers, being from ten inches to eight feet in thickness, lin iiry W. Sm ith...... AND ...... with little or no open water visible in any now perfectly clear o f iec from Tlirogg’s Neck, direction. On Friday, Feb. 27. the tug Young to Eaton’s Neck, and no further annoyance PAPER HANGERS. from this cause is anticipated. “ ENTERPRISE" COAL, America made an attempt to release the vessel, Il burns nearly an free an the Franklin, will not Lat aim working 33 hours, was obliged to Fnder the influence ut warm days and elinker so eaady* ami being very Mmug will Wholesale ami Retail D* ah r* in abandon the undertaking and return to New a drying wind some o f Boston's streits nre lust miK-b longer than Whim A-b < 'oal. Y ork. I lie weather having moderated, another almost dusty in places, a condition which tt/) I’rii t« d Dir< < tioiH fur imiug tbe“ Kuter| rise’’ C. M. GIGNOUX, Portsmouth, N. H. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, cfi'orl " a - made on the follow ing Sunday when has not existed lor a number of weeks. to tie had at our olliee. (ien'l Ag't for M ainland New llampMliire. the vessel was reached, ami at 7 e. u., started It is alleged that on the 3d of March Sec. Artists’ Materials,Brushes, lo r New Y ork, steaming very slowly through Teller issue.I patents to the New (Moans ami much heavy d rill iec. On Monday at I \. w , Baton Rouge < ompHiiy. known as the •‘ Back­ OUR “ CUMBERLAND” COAL Alabastines for Walls and Ceilings. without any previous warning, the ve*.-el w-is COCHRAN & SEUALL, bone Road,” tor seven hundred thousand acres |m uiicquuled by unv coal hi tlu* m arket lor Hmilli- 99- Saiisfaetimi Guarani'« d in all * found to be sinking, and in live minutes alter o f Ian 1. ing purpoMes. d'ry it am i eouvim-e your»<*il'. went down ill nine fathoms of water, oil Foi l A G E N T S fo r R O C K I. A N D . G > 204 Main Street, - Opp. Farwell Hull. Schuy ler, Throgg’.- Neel;. The erow ii id barely Measles h ive become an epidemic in Mon­ Coombs’ Oyster House I treal. Di ali quarters o f the city (lit) school* time to save a portion o f their personal d i ets, NICE PRESSED HAY. $17 per ton, DELIVERED. I r- -p* **'fulb aum m ti » that I It e <• lilted up the it i» supposed that a heave piece o f ice must w ithout distinction have lieeu aluuut decimated o f their seholais. and if the disease is not ar­ r.. .m - 1 F hu.- a , I, Block t- a tiot . : R. -laur have driven in tin- bow ports, causing iln* ves­ BEST KEROSENE OIL, Robinson ft Rowell, ant, ami Will be plean d to ».*IVe tl.e public with the sel to till suddenly. 1 lie next dav all lie \.-s rested tin y w ill bare to be closed. Tie- Thirtieth Progressive Semi-Annual Slateim nt sel’b masts were found broken oil by He’ d rif Detectives arrested a Lamp in Teuiii *sce and WlmlcMulc anil Retail. brought him to Amherst. Mas*.. Satmday. lie ------o r the----- ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHOICEST NEW YORK OYSTERS ice and current. I'll. Marston was in line order Examine our “ PATENT OIL CAN." ' ( la m < h n w d e i . H o t ( •»!!• < . **G*.tU*. < hole** ami a valuable vessel for our coasting trade. is . h.irg'nl with the munJer ol Moses B. lHck- A. K. Spear Block, loot of Park Stii. t, P a » tr y . P it-L ie d P ig '* I ••••<, a n d '1 he cargo was fu lly insured in Bangor ami iii’ oii at Amherst, ten veai - ago. T im otlieers A il our Goods a i Hard Pan Prices. a ll t lit* at*t-**--i»rii*t>. Boston olliee-. The vessel was but partially, are * oiilideut th*y have bagged the right parly. New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., I. n . R O B IN SO N . { ii b f t t u l Z. II. II l i d . I - it . < .,i„l i! ,. • • o 1 i i-1 i.«»w i l l . 1 n » u < it 1 <1 m 1 . b utter in tlie »lule. 44 ami not fu lly insured, as lias been reported. Gen-Grant slept more and heter on Thurs­ M A NCR ES T E R , N. H. day night than for three weeks. His throat is F r e d K . S p e a r , improved in appearance ami lie is in every 31 ND. 1 BARK STREET. The Lord Mayor of Dublin apologises fora more comfortable. lie remarked to Gen. Statement, January 1, 1SS5. tlireut made last Sunday to haul down the Hag Jhnleau the other d iv that lie didn't expect to O I L M E A L ! on the Mansion House the moment the Prime < ash Capital...... >600,001) 00 live thirty days. Kcpcrve for Ri -ln su ru n ee...... 247,1-0 OS For Horses and Cattlo. ADVERTISERS o l Wales landed in Ireland. He says In* in ­ I)B . COIEF. Rcwervc for I'npaid Lo-ses ami oilier tended to in Jicate his dislike to Ea*l Spencer It is said that Postmaster General Vilas bus Re-LLnue, < orn<*r of I'nion and Sum m er 1 Liabilities...... 5’.O3» 77 Will fatten faster than any other kind P. tddr. p‘1 • GEO. P R D M I LL ft ( ( » ., ! ' and not the Prince of Wales. This w ill arou.-e promised to uppoint ex Congrcssinan Talbot ot S tr e e t* . N et S u rp lu s...... 214.00U 50 b'pru e 61., New V>rk, < an luurtt the exa. t cost of the ire o f the Nationalists against the Lot I Baltim ore as Second Assistant Postmaster Oftteo in A K. Spear’M New BLn k, North of Feed. ui.y proposed line of A D V L R T IS 1X G in Aim-ri* aii Mayor. Gn the other liaml the Iris h people General, ( ’ongrcssinaii Mouev wants to be o llL e . 3’otal A*»eG ...... $1,014,570 95 w ill do all in their power to give the Prince First Assistant, but Luuiar is working in the 0-S Nt w-pap- rs Vu I OO-page Pam phlet, I Ot*. and l ’jim ess a cordial welcome. interests of a Mississippian. j Office Hours: 1 to 3, uud 7 to S_B. M. J tOCURAN ft SEW ALE, Agents. CHAS. T. SPEAR. 8 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1885.

T he Courier-Gazette Tlxr Knlilpfiirri rfrurnnl says that "th e HIS LITTLE LOVE. and in a very few moments Jerome fol­ ' showing the powerful chest in which Doc-rotts ! ineoixsisfpnpy of the lobster 1 nr is ap­ lowed. the heart would never heat again. The O f n il the ilifl’crnnt schools in the >-onntrv, parent front the fact that a lobster Eor awhile the fire glowed on noisily other, a young girl with a face of ex­ have thousnmls itte every year o f B rich t'* in the grate, the wind howled, and the treme loveliness, though convulsed with disease Ilf the Ixhlnevs, who cniihl lie living 1 M inches in length is called small; A snowy January afternoon. Through the little windows of the quiet remained unbroken; then the anguish. today ifth e v hail used S ulphur Bitters. They A MODERN PAPER w hile one 10 1 2 incites . just iine-fiiiirih lie ivy velvet curtain was drawn hack Her dress denoted that she was a me niirqiitiileil til the world for all ilisenses o f warm waiting-r.xnu two traveller* saw the kidneys. New Haven Union. 1 trgrr. is called large." The line must ill* ’ snow blowing across the whitened and Marion stepped out from behind. fisher lass, and as she bent over the body “ R n u u li n t CoujjIk .” hi' ill awn some where, ’I'lie law is no fields, and Iv a ril the sweep of the avind Her fare was as p d liil as a ghost's. of her lover, one hand over Ins heart, Iter dark eyes were burning w ith fierce the other balding on the little black A«k for '•Rough on Con irb*," r<»r Cough*, UgMr» more ah-nr.l in tliifl, re |wct than many among the leafless In-,inches and against S ore T h ro a t, lloar.*