The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC - 2016-2017 Part – A Data of the Institution 1. Name of the Institution SRI SARADA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN TIRUNELVELI -627011 Name of the Head of the institution : Dr.M.Malarvizhi Designation Principal Does the institution function from own campus Yes Phone no./Alternate phone no. 04622520129 Mobile no. 08903004534 Registered e-mail
[email protected] Alternate e-mail
[email protected] Address Sarada Nagar, Ariyakulam, Maharaja Nagar (PO), Tirunelveli - 627 011 City/Town Tirunelveli State/UT Tamil Nadu / India Pin Code 627 011 2. Institutional status: Affiliated / Constituent Affiliated Type of Institution: Women Co-education/Men/Women Location : Rural/Semi-urban/Urban Rural Financial Status: Grants-in aid/ UGC 2(f) - 30.10.2011 UGC 2f and 12 (B)/ Self financing and 12(B) -14.6.2018 / Self Financing Name of the Affiliating University Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli -627 012 Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator : Ms.N.Renuka Phone no. 09443870595 Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR for Affiliated/Constituent Colleges Page 1 Alternate phone no. 08220653606 IQAC e-mail address
[email protected] Alternate Email address
[email protected] 3.Website address Web-link of the AQAR (Previous Academic Year) : 4. Whether Academic Calendar prepared Yes during the year? Whether it is uploaded Yes in the Institutional website Weblink 5. Accreditation Details: Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accreditation Validity Period 1st B 2.76 2011 From:16.9.2011 to: 15.9.2016 2nd A 3.01 2017 From: 23.1.2017 to: 22.1.2022 6.