Rumber 1312 77

The Belfast Gazette Published Dp Kutboritp

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FRIDAY, 16th MARCH, 1956.

MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS FOR MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FOR NORTHERN IRELAND EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875 WHEREAS Sergeant Michael McKillop (No. 5376) of the Royal Ulster Constabulary was on The Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ireland the 15th April, 1954, appointed to be an Inspector hereby gives notice in pursuance of Section 5(l)(b) for Northern Ireland under the Explosives Act, of the Drainage Act (Northern Ireland), 1947 (Re- 1875: print to 1952) that a Scheme has been prepared for And whereas the said Sergeant Michael McKillop the better drainage of part of the Faughan river is no longer available for the duties of Inspector: in the County of Londonderry which the Drainage Now, I, the Right Honourable George B. Hanna, Council have declared to be a main watercourse Q.C., MJP., being the Minister of Home Affairs for within the meaning of Section 1 (1) of the Act Northern Ireland, in virtue of the power conferred The watercourse to be dealt with under the on me by Section 53 of the said Act, and of every Scheme flows from Road Bridge between other power enabling me in this behalf, do hereby Londonderry and to near Cul- order that the said Sergeant Michael McKillop shall more, through or between the townlands of Druma- from this day cease to exercise the powers and per- hoe, Fincarn, Ardnabrocky, Ardlough, Gortree, Lis- form the duties of an Inspector under the said Act. neal, Gorticross, Cam, Ballyoan, Mobuoy, Strad- GEORGE B. HANNA, reagh Beg, , Cloghole, Carrakeel, Lower Minister of Home Affairs Campsey and Coolkeeragh. for Northern Ireland. A copy of the Scheme may be inspected free of Stormont, charge by any person during the period from 19th Belfast. March to 19th April, 1956, inclusive, at the offices 12th March, 1956. of the Londonderry County Council, County Court- house, Londonderry, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS FOR and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. NORTHERN IRELAND Any person who considers that his interests will EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875 be prejudicially affected by the Scheme, may at any In virtue of the power conferred on me by Section time within one month after the date of the pub- 53 of the Explosives Act, 1875, and of every other lication of this notice, send to the Secretary, Ministry power enabling me in this behalf, I, the Right of Agriculture, 3 Donegall Pass, Belfast, all such Honourable George B. Hanna, Q.C., M.P., being (if any) observations in regard to the Scheme as he the Minister of Home Affairs for Northern Ireland, shall think proper. hereby appoint Sergeant Patrick James Rooney (No. The notice required to be given by Section 5(l)(b) 6101) of the Royal Ulster Constabulary as an Inspector of the said Act will be found in the following pub- for Northern Ireland under the said Act, and do lications:—Londonderry Sentinel for the week end- hereby direct him to exercise only such powers and ing 17th March, 1956, Londonderry Standard for to perform such duties under the said Act as I shall the week ending 17th March, 1956; Londonderry from time to time assign to him. Journal for the week ending 17th March, 1956. GEORGE B. HANNA, Sealed with Official Seal of the Minister of Home Affairs Ministry of Agricultural for Nor- for Northern Ireland. thern Ireland this 7th day of Stormont, March, 1956, in the presence of Belfast. J. V. BATEMAN, 12th March, 1956. Assistant Secretary.