Prehistoric o LDY009:008, , Findspot, Broighter Hoard (Early Iron Age) o LDY014:011, Stradreagh Beg, Neolithic and Bronze Age occupation site & crannog: Rough island or O’Cahan’s Garden (Scheduled) o Excavations 2009: A2 to City of Airport, Upper , (Cloghole Rd), Neolithic houses

Medieval Sites o LDY009:005, Moneyrannel (outside study area) Rath: Rough Fort (National Trust) o LDY009:007, Ballykelly, Walworth C17th Bawn o LDY009:017, Ballycastle, C17th House, Bawn and 5 cottages built by Haberdasher Co. o LDY009:019, Ballykelly, Walworth Plantation Village – Ballekelle Plantation (Scheduled) o LDY014:009 & LDY014:010, Templetown, Crannog & Tower House, Green Island: Castle of Anagh (O’Kane/O’Cahan stronghold) (Scheduled) o LDY015:004, Bolie, Rath o LDY015:008, Muff, C17th House and Bawn o LDY015:033, Eglinton, Muff, Plantation Village Site: Eglinton Grocer’s Co. Buildings (Scheduled) o LDY015A:003, Carrickhugh, Coolagh, Faughanvale, Battle Site: 1197AD

Ecclesiastical Buildings & Sites o LDY009:002, Ballykelly, Walworth Old Church, Plantation Church & Graveyard (Scheduled) o LDY014:013, Gransha, Dergbruagh, Church, graveyard and possible enclosure o LDY014:015, Templetown, Domnach Dola, Church & graveyard: Enagh (Scheduled) o LDY015:009, Muff, Church gable, Eglinton (Scheduled) o LDY015:024, Faughanvale, Medieval Church & Modern Graveyard possibly on site of C7th monastery (Scheduled); nearby stone cross o LDY015A:001, Loughermore & Tullybrisland, Tullybrisland Cross (Scheduled) o HB/02/03/002 St Finloch’s RC Church, Ballykelly o HB/02/10/006 Ballykelly Presbyterian Church (incl. boundary wall) o HB/02/10/007 Ballykelly Presbyterian Church, Gate Lodge o HB/02/10/009 Tamlaght Finlagan Parish Church (and boundary wall) o HB/02/10/017 St John’s Church (COI), Lomand Rd,

Gentleman’s Houses o HB/01/03/014, Templemoyle House, Eglinton & Registered Historic Gardens L-046 o HB/01/03/010 The Manor House incl. gates and walling, Eglinton o HB/02/01/006 Gresteel House, Eglinton o HB/02/02/001 Carrichue House, Ballykelly o HB/02/10/016 Clover Hill House, Burnally, Limavady o HB/02/10/021 House, Lower Culmore, Limavady

Appendix 2: Foyle Alluvial Plain Built Heritage Significant Assets Page 1 of 4

Manses/Rectories o HB/01/03/011 Rectory and outbuildings, Eglington o HB/02/10/022 Tamlaght Finlagan Rectory, Ballykelly

Country Houses & Estate Buildings o HB/01/05/001 Enagh House, Campsie o HB/02/10/002 Walworth House (house, bawn, bawn wall, flankers, walls to garden)

Military Structures

Air defence heritage o DH30, Ballyspallan; Ballykelly, Airfield o DH93, Longfield Level (Intake), Pillbox o DH120, Tully Lower, Command Post o DH123, Lissahawley; Coolkeeragh, Naval Base o DH136, Donnybrewer Level, Small Arms Range o DH148, Donnybrewer; Drummaneny; Longfield More, Airfield o DH153, Carrakeel, Airfield o DH166, Ballynashallog, Observation post o DH170, Drumaneny, Strongpoint o DH171, Drumaneny, Pillbox o DH172, Drumaneny, Dispersal Pen o DH173, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH174, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH175, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH176, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH177, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH178, Drumaneny, Air Force Building o DH179, Coolafinny, Air Force Building o DH180, Coolafinny, Air Force Building o DH181, Longfield More, Loopholed wall o DH182, Muff, Military Camp o DH203, Drumaneny, Hangar o DH204, Muff, Military Camp o DH205, Donnybrewer, Air Force Building o DH206, Donnybrewer, Air Force Building o DH208, Gun operations room/local HQ AA defences o DH210, Laraghaleas, Heavy anti-aircraft battery o LDY014A:034 & DH273 Ballynagard, WWII Light Anti-Aircraft Battery (Scheduled) o DH334, Faughanvale, Bombing decoy (Q site) o DH335, Crindle, Bombing decoy (Q site) o DH383, Donnybrewer, Hangar o DH384, Donnybrewer, Hangar o DH385, Donnybrewer Level, Hangar

Appendix 2: Foyle Alluvial Plain Built Heritage Significant Assets Page 2 of 4 o DH386, Donnybrewer Level, Hangar o DH397, Drumaneny, Pillbox o DH398, Drumaneny, Pillbox o DH406 – 12 , Longfield Beg, Hangars o DH413, Drumaneny, Strongpoint o DH414, Longfield More, Operations Block o DH415, , Operations Block o DH698, Muff, Dispersed living site o DH699, Muff, Dispersed living site o DH700, Coolafinny, Dispersed living site o DH701, Drumaneny, Dispersed living site o DH722, Campsey Upper, Heavy anti-aircraft battery o DH731, Tullanee, Dispersed living site o DH732, Muff, Dispersed living site

Maritime structures Lighthouses o IHR01555:000:00, Ballynagard, in , Lighthouse o IHR01556:000:00, in River Foyle, Lighthouse o IHR01558:000:00, Culmore, Lighthouse o IHR01561:000:00, at sea, to E of Connyburrow Point, Lighthouse o IHR01617:000:00, Ballynashallog, Lighthouse o IHR01618:000:00, Ballynashallog, Boomhall Lighthouse o IHR01619:000:00, in River Foyle between Gransha & Ballynashallog o IHR01620:000:00, in River Foyle between Gransha and Ballynashallog o IHR 01621:000:00 , in River Foyle between Gransha & Ballynashallog o IHR01622:000:00, Gransha (Intake) in River Foyle, Rosses Bay Lighthouse

Historic Parks & Gardens o Enagh House (HB01/05/001) & Church & Graveyard LDY014:015 o L-013 Walworth; HB 02/010/002 - House; SMR LDY009:007 - Plantation Bawn; LDY009:0019 - Plantation Village o L-046 Templemoyle House, Muff Glen o HB02/10/14A Sampson’s Memorial Tower

Institutional Buildings o Gransha/ Stradreagh Hospital site

Infrastructure – Roads, Canals & Railways

BNCR Main Line -Londonderry: o IHR01339:048:00 Myroe Level (Intake), Level crossing o IHR01339:052:00 Ballykelly Level (Intake), Level Crossing o IHR01339:054:00 Ballykelly/Walworth, Ballykelly Station; Level Crossing & Bridge o IHR01339:056:00 Carrickhugh, Bridge

Appendix 2: Foyle Alluvial Plain Built Heritage Significant Assets Page 3 of 4 o IHR01339:057:00 Carrickhugh, Station o IHR01339:061:00 Coolkeeragh, Level Crossing o IHR01339:063:00 Coolkeeragh, Bridge o IHR01339:064:00 Lower Campsey, Level Crossing o IHR01339:066:00 Clanterkee Saltworks, Level Crossing & Bridge o IHR01339:068:00 Donnybrewer Level (Intake) Eglinton Station & Level Crossing o IHR01339:070:00 Donnybrwer Level / Drummaneny, Level Crossing o IHR01339:072:00 Longfield More/Beg, Bridge o IHR01339:074:00 Gresteel Beg, Bridge o IHR01339:076:00 Faughanvale/Tullyverry, Bridge o IHR01339:077:00 Coolagh, Bridge o IHR01433:001:00 BNCR Branch Line Limavady Junction – , Ballykelly Level, Limavady Junction o IHR01433:003:00, BNCR Branch Line Limavady Junction – Dungiven, Broighter, Station at Level Crossing o IHR01433:004:00, BNCR Branch Line Limavady Junction – Dungiven, Burnally, Bridge

Broharris Canal: o IHR01436:000:00, Ballykelly, Ballykelly Canal o IHR01565:000:00, Donnybrewer, Canal

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