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YOL. III. NO. 32.] HARTEORD, OONif., SATURDAY, EEBRUARY 18, 1871. , a Year; Single, 5 Otg.

Brigade and Corps Reunious. Nor the the battle on the right, which had by this ards and at any cost. Burnside’s corps ttrs at ionu. splendid times th.at the Grand Army time assumed a fearful magnitude. Along was charging. General Rodman 'observ<3s have. In fact there is only one thit'ig ,the western banks of the Antiotam River, that the rebels are about to flank us and THK NIGHTLY liEYlKW. they can enjoy, and that is to bo the wile there runs, with a gradual rise of undu­ get in our rear, and orders the 4th R. I. AI.MON W. NICHOI4SON. ol a soldier. Bat I hope the time will lating ground, a ciescent-shaped ridge, and 16th Cohn, to swing to the left that ' r soon come when the women can join us Night at the hour of twelve, and the dniinmor presenting its concave side to the rivor. we may face them, but at this particoilar rose from his grave, in our festivities and become associate The top of this ridge spreads out into a moment the rustling of cornstalks warn­ And the sound of liis rolling drum upon the air members of the Grand Army. Army lift?>|^ro;td tabloground of forests and ravines. ed us that the rebels were on us. Col. he gave. was a good school and has well fitted the]he 1 a 6.eries of timbered covered hills sur- Beach gives the order ‘Attention’! W ith his cold and flesh less a inn, with hiji beat­ soldiers to go through thick »nd thin, brave' ■Wiioded this ridge,; some of the adjacent While this order was being executed a ings over true, the storms of life, and to occupy the vari hills had been cleared of the forest, and terrible volley was fired into us. Volley >Loudly rolls he in tmccesaion reveille and ^Jifctoo. ous positions in society with honor. Per-'pjKere covered with orchards and cornfields, after volley in quick succession wa'e hurl­ .Am i the drum it ringeth ^trangewith its loud and haps it wofild be a good sugge-pfu£ion aiid snow : could get rid of him above par. There the ridge. ensued. (Tnr men fell by scores on every And they in the land of Celts, where the warmer is a wonderful satisfaction in having been Along these hills the rebel lines were side. Still our position was ob.stinately breezes blow. n .8jl>ldi^r, and l suppose there is many a ^uo.sted, four milei in extent. Their po­ maintained, until ordered to fall bacL And they in the Nile's dark bod, and in Arabian yoi!l|ig maitfvtpday sincerely regretting the sa n d s; sition w as exceedingly strong, protecttd 'I’he lebels discovered the di.sorder,, and T h ey rise iVom their silent graves with their mist^ake tS^pBad^ going to t'h6 war. by ruvines and forests. Every comma^tld- came on us in heavy column. weapons in their hands. The pi’ou d w i^ t , lif*S^i my enlist iug crest bristled with artillery, and the While we were falling back to cover Night at the hour of twelve, and the bugler rose ment as a soldi^^k^ I mhy'^add. in tb^ iprests were planted thick with infantry, near the bridge we were swept ny a de­ from his grave, 16th Conn. j k “ he extreme right of the rebel Uiie was structive cross fire, the rebels becoming .And a blast from hia bugle shrill the nightly air The 16th T’onn. orgai^en-iti Uhin three fo^rths of a tnile of the Po- entangled in thiN cross-fire extricate^ he gave. month of August, uh^ the Outn- mac ; in front, and along their left tlank themselves and fell baqk to the stone Then quick from out their sepulchres the slaugh­ mandofOol. Frank Beacli of the regular ’wed the Antietam, windiiig through a tered horsemen fly. wall. The 8th, llth, 16ih Conn. and The sanguinary equadrou old, with quaint arms iirm y . On the evening of the 15ih pf qpdi^d ravine, wUh banks too high and 4th R. I. reformed and were placed* in flashing higb. Sep’t the regiment encamped for the night with waters t'lo deep to permit a crossing, position for defence. At.this time Gen. Their grinning, bony skulls from out their blaek- on the battlefield (>f South Mountain. The except at two fords, at some distance from Burnside’s messenger rides up to Mc­ ened helmets gaze, next morning the regiment commenced to each other. Between these distai\t fords Clellan. His message is, “I want troops And in their long and fleshless hands their march at 6 o'.c||j|||||k AtKeadysville whil« there were three ,bridges ; on the right, and guns If you do not send them I can­ lengthy swords they raise. resting we fti*mP^d the shells bursting at the ceiiter, and Oil tlie left. These not hold ray position for half an houf.” Night at the hour of twelve, and the chief he in the distance. All .vyerei watching the biidges vere sti dngly guarded. The fed McClellan says slowly: ‘‘Tell Gen’l Burn­ 'rose fi’om his tumb; .And slowly forth h«? rode along with stalf amid peculiar piifFs of smoke with great inter­ ei al troops were 6a iho east side of the side th It this i.'! the battle of the war. the gloom. est, when Adjutant Burnham w Ijo had Antietam, behind a low range of hills He must hold his ground till dark at been absent, returned with the order that lying at the base of the Blue Ridge. These .A little cap upon his head, and simple garb he any cost 1 wiU send l;ini Millt'r’s Bit- w o r e ; we were wanted at the trout. This took ‘Oininences were generally commanded by tery, 1 can do no nj<)re^ ly lia,vjrf no jiifah- His only' weapon by his side, a small sword there us a little by surprise tis we did not ex- 1(1^5 hights held by the rebels. General try.’^ Then as the rnos^i^i^t' w' he bore. pect t^ yp iry;o buttle so soon. But on tainlj^ choscn a very strong. away Ue called hini iiaickV ^‘Telt him if Theiiiioou with dimmed and^llow light illu- \vcnTlm& bmiclfeK, .ajid ,utter~a hjB" Ca«noC hold bis ‘'gi'oji / mined all the plain ; march thi’ongh ploughed fields and fcr; Mfbe luau with simple a;^peared unto t^c ests, pasj\ig Briy;a^^!?-tsr^r'.v ' >sv — ^ lu»c8 their arms pl;e8eufca, anu suftu.uo.^ ^f)U i5 u n T ^ld W i^'t1 'tT ^ >v e'TTnnfly I ...... joined a 16rigade consisting of the 4th General Kod Then moved the^iiosfi ^i^J^Jiuuilding druni the conid niJir, side Jtalled and iiiglitly fluid upon. 2. ttfio! *ine t5t1i <>q4 11th C. v. pj eoUitun over.. ■■At5.,ai)out 9 o’clod^ o t T h e miir.shals and the generals all, encircled After resting awhile we loaded loru again tonned aim-iua. a having been iJol. ffarland ’rouiul him stand, muskets for the first time, and marchec, Ue, fu'Bt through a cornfield, and frntrl- oominand^->mo fXikrjt^onr ‘,t:eformfeA the With whispered word he doth address the neiirest over hill, and into a meadow which la| I^Miito a vali.'v wheiM they halted in an disoiganized rcgiiijjiits, and by hia bra ol' the baud. between two hills. While getting int,, passing through the very the unsuppovt^j i)attery wa,& rescued The word flies o’er the leaguered.linos, and rings this position vve could plainly see the ;rnfiv>;u i.lie men stripped themselves ol from capture. both far and nigh ; 'Twus’France'and ‘St. Helena,’ watchword and rebel gunners load and tire, pomeoftlia b^uikets, ovoKM.siir: and all luggage that The fii.-:hting WitS3,„ied. It was indeed battle-cry. shells coming quite near us. At mst. we iiu',)ede the ptogic.ss of marching a fearful day tor the Sixtecntl' ; without <:r ilto ns>- of firearms. After filling our having time a llo w e u to le a r n iven the In the fields of Elysium, this was the grand were in the great “lino of battle” of tiie in\litnry science, it was round the dead . . . “xVrniv ol the Potomac,*’ on its extreme cai'.f'M !is tVoui a I'.rook oear by, we march­ rndiments of bur- -Caisar made when the twelfth hour ot night its left. *lt WHS now 8 o’clock in the evening ed up li .&Lccp Mil that .almost riir-d fjrvvard and w a s foiled in regimen­ darkness spread. and quite dark; we were within a few itnpossiro^to suri'.iount, down on tal line almost for tu^' fit time on the rods of the enemy and orders were given the other side and into \ntiet;am river, l)attle field, of Antietam. '* bloodiest THK SIXTEKxNTH AT ANTIETAM. in a whi.sper ; wo were ordered to make which A'C ,%rdcd and marched to a side day America ever saw. After ot the«, hill. Soon in plain sight could be seen lirigade was relieved, and retired v. -oss l A piiper road by Lt. li. 1''. Blakeslee before Sted- no noise and to rest on our arms ; for 30 man Post 22, of this city, on the evening of February minmes you could have heard a pin dr*>p u^rebel battery dashing intrepidly for- the river to reorganize and be.readyiv.r 5th, 1871.J it WHS so quiet. A musket was accid«^nt- w^ird and planting itselfdiroctly in range the duties which they might be called up­ 1 was inlciiding to road tiiis oveniijg a ally discharged ; in a second the troops of the Sixteenth. on to do when another should come. reminisconct! containing the funny phases were on their feet, with arms at a “ ready” By this time the rebel batteries were Arras were stacked, and the tired soldiers of army and prison Ui'e, during the late and as they stood peering into the dark­ all roaring. They opened on us in all had laid down to rest. Of all gloomy rebelHoJt ; but a few oveningsj ago I hud n e s s ahead yon could hear both linit.« of their fury, the air filled with bullets and nights, I believe this was the ‘^addest I occasion to read part of it to a small par­ battle rush to arms for rnil'^s. fiendish missiles. Hundreds of cannon ever experienced. All was quiet and si- ty composed mostly ot ox soldiers and I Occasionally the boom of artillery were now aimed at us ; L’rupe and can- loj-t as the grave. The stacks of straw found ihit those who had not been iu was heard, and during the night there nister, marbles and railroad iron were the rebels fired burned slow and dimly. fioutlieni i.ririons failed to appreciate it. were repeated alarms, so thit the soldiers showered down like rain. The crest of The cries and groans of the wounded that And as this audience is composed similarly on eithei side obtained but little rest. the hill was a groat protection to tho lay on the l)attle field could be hoard dis­ and of ihotiC wliu have not even been in The hostile pickets on one position of the 16th and'only about a dozen were dis­ tinctly, and • the occasional report o'" ar­ abled. I battery was ordered up to en­ tillery sounded solemn and death-like. the army, i IVared a like robult, and have line were so near each other, that during The morning of the 18th dawned. The therefore prepared this, which it it does the tiight six of the enemy w e r e captured. gage tho enemy, but it was whirled back not amuse as luuch, 1 hope will be equ.illy The next morning dawned beautifully ; in less tlbn five minutes, losing every sun rose obscurely and there was a fair intetcsting- Besides there are many pres­ little did we imagine that bright sun officer, scien men, and five horses. To prospect of rain. The Sixteenth had gone ent this oveniog that don't know mo as would be obscured by the smoke of bat­ t-ee thospnen stand there and be shot into I he battle with 940 men. On this well a.s the members of Sled man Post, tle, the field we tread ploughed with shot, down tiy they received orders to retire morning we could muster but about 300. .and ifl was to be my self again, those not flow with blood, attd planted tliick with wasaftirful sight It was half past It was a sorry sight that morning as Gen* Icnowing me would hariily be i.iterncsted. the dead. Scarcely had the sun risen three o'clock, the 4th R. I. a;jd the 16th eral Burnsi

THE iSOLDIBBS’ RECORD. in the !trm, Maj. Geo. A. Washburn woun edition issued as soon as he could i)roi;ure having good lungs, he made thi* house full of—shall I say it?—lice ! A word on^ ded severely iu the groin, Oaptains Man* a new typo. ve&ound for hours together with his purley this subject, for no account of prison life ross, Drake and Brown instantly killed ; vous. would be complete without mention of Capt. Barber mortally wounded, dying The Cardiff' Giant is an attraction in By a singular carelessness on the part them ; but hereafter let me pass by it iu about tiftucn hours after. Captains its way, but it bears no comparison to of one of our officers this new schemo for sorrow and in silence, never forgetting,- Babcock and Haydeo wounded. Lieut the unrivalled display of ciioice works escaping was completely revealed to the but never mentioning ; for, as 0 icero says, Wm. Hortou killed, and four lieutenants of art now on exhibition at No. 267 Main rebfil authorities. He w h s s o indiscreet, “Some things are honorable eno igh to do, wounded. Thirty-eight enlisted men Street. Fine chromos, engravings, etc. to use no harsher word, for I always sus­ but not to irt/A: about!” Many of these killed outright. A great many of i.he are not only to be exhibited, but sold ai pected something worse, as to make a little fellows were dark, almost black. men were mortally wouf.ded and died very low figure, and persons desiring to written minute statement of the wlio.e Some of iny fellow officers curious in within twenty-four ^oura after tho^ bat­ add to their collections will do well to programme, and toss it across tne ‘‘deijd etymology, put a number of them into lit­ tle, so that ou the l9th two days'after call and examine. It will pay you to line” to one of our enlisted men A rebel tle bottles, which I called vials of wrath. the battle, when the regiment was detail­ come in from neighboring towns to buy sentry saw the paper, picked it up and We decided that the>=e a pigoa aphani- at popular prices. gave it to the Officer-of-the-D,iy. Gre itly prera were peculidul vestimenti, not capi­ ed to bury the deaJ and pick up the abirmcd, the commandant took all the tis ; in other words, of the kind that infest wounded, the recapitulation stood as fol­ officers, some three hundred and fifty in clothing, not hair. They were of a roving lows : Killed, 4 Oaptains, 1 Lieut., and A n s w e r s t o I n q u i r e r s —II H. F , number, stowed them in box cars, soinj turn of tnind, yet always returned to their 51 enlisted men. Wounded, 2Field Offi- Middletown.—Congress has just pass^ fifty in each car, and at du.sk started the settlement at night. Wonderful in. ce.'a, 2 ('aptains, 4 Lieuts.,and 176 en­ a bill giving pensions to the s irviving train towards Dajiville, Va. strength, and by no means wanting in sag­ listed men. Captured, 20 enlisted men, officers, and enlisted and drafted men, in'?' That night was one of the longest I acity were these little creatures. It may and 180 missirig, making a totnl loss of eluding militia and volunteers who serv­ ever saw. Crowded and cramped in these have been my fancy, but; I thought I saw 440 men. ed sixty days in the array or navy in thS narrow cars, with nothing but the fioors evidences of humor in them. Observing For forty-eight hours men were brought revolutionary war, or war of 1^12, and to sit on and everyb'^dy’s legs in the way one crawlin^j; beside me, as I sat on the in. Parties scoured the fields hunting were honorably discharged, and to tite whenever one undertook to lie down, we lloor in church—that is to say, ia the up­ for the wounded. Many had crept out widows and orphans of such officers and suffered severely through the long night. per I'oom during religious services—one of the storm of bittlo «nd hidden under enlisted and drafted men. Pensions at Confederate guards covered the tops of Sunday afternoon, and not being willing fences, or among rocks, or in thickets, the rate o* $8 per month. the cars, and three or four of them sat at to attract attention by violently cracking, and their strength faili ig, they could “ Brick,” Ashburnham, M.iss.—The the side door ol each. But nothing could him, I put the ball of my thumb on him- neither come forth, or make known their subscriptions of which you speak expired wholly repress Yankee fun. Determined with all my might. As I removed my presence. Some ot the badly v’ouoded with number twenty-two of th« present to make the most of the situation, Lieut. digit, he looked up at me with what ap­ did not have any attention for several volume. Simpson, ■ 11th Indiana, about half past peared to be an exultant mischiveous days. All houses and barns were con nine o’clock commenced stealing the smile, and immediately struck off into verted into hospitals, and yards and The conference committee on the bill rations from the haversacks of the unsus­ rapid troi. I could have killed him by fields were strewn with straw and the granting pensions to the soldiers of the pecting seniinels who sat with their legs stepping on him, but this would have dis­ wounded laid there without any shelter war of 1812, made a report, which was dangling from the stSTe door. The haver* turbed the meeting. He made straight Surgeons worked hard night and day agreed to. The bill now provides ior sacks were full of good things, especially for the minister, who happened to be a taking rest only when unable to stand up pensions to the surviving officers and en­ a kind of hard tack which had a secessionist visiting Danville.. Under the from weariness. At one of these hospit listed and drafted men, including militia “shortening” ingredient in it and was circumstances. 1 did not arrest the pro­ als about twenty-live of the Sixteenth and volunteers who served sixty days in quite delicious. The eatables were passed gress ol the sagacious little brute, but on­ were placed. Nothing was to be heard the army or navy in the revolutionary around in the dark to our hungry officers, ly thought of Burns’s lines to a Louse ! but cries, groans, entreaties. Here war or in the war of 1812, and were and amid much giggling and suppressed Capt. Barber lay about the center of honoiably discharged, and to the surviv­ merriment we “mounehed and monnched barn, quiet, happy, and contented with THINGS THOUGHT OF. his lot,—the wouaded lay around him on ing widows of such officers and drafted and mounehed,” while too or three of us every side; he said that he could not and enlisted men. Pensions are to uc at engrossed the atten||||| of the sentinels The Paris governmeut of defence has- live long and spake encouraging words tlie rate of eight dollars per month. by discussing in alOTW voice the great resigned. to all. Gilbert B. Foster of Co A, who subject of Confederate rations ! Ohio, having 429 soldiers at Antietam, died Nov. 13th was also here. In a room The following curious love letter and About midnight, as we were jolted proposes to erect a $5000 monument 12x20 the bloody table stood ; around it its answer, were picked up in a house in slowly along in the darkness, a sharp fire there. were five Surgeons, a wounded man laid Fredericksburg, Va.., a few moments af­ of musketry from the top of the cars was on the table, it took but a few seconds ter the occupation of that place by the heard, the train was immediately stopped. Miss Edmtinds, who wrote “Nurse and Federal troops, by J^ergeant William (Japtains____ Driscoll and Lockwood, anJ Spy’' is sindyiiig for the ministry at Ob- for them to decide what to do, and but a criin College. >;if’awh w lto o ~-do u o itj^^the1 litrvU.\ bwne ^1, of thft Fiig'ithX). V. XliSiiliiij? Reilly, Quigl**, oody, ft h r o w n ' , w^'arTf^ ; ^ • loapeu l i i i l e Admiral U.ihljrren is to have a ^15,000 inouu 0* ' ^ Coinefciy, PhHa- jh u ifi . ■ ' "a'flii repO ( ‘d io h a - o :.o n ,i 'a a i I uir ohot dead; several of - wpuE|dcd; “ ..p,.uition y-.m }# , , . ..orui Schengk can a.vo,;d WCJ-c 'i -nc. ■ ‘'.a- M-oiig in c lU iH lio n f vocaptiired ; and two o r thsAsc v ^ b a b l y nes^, which ir^us, only by throwing^ . oniidttd to ■! ;>.pnrob!Vtioi. j ol itraw, hauling aud ^ “ g wood, ' ■ .-.1 the Union lines. up his commission before he sails. in a cookiag, aSsj'*^'’ tiiou- tlon, and if stich oblifrntion i.s worthy ot Arriving iu Danville at noon, October Capt. Eli Sperry, of the 2nd C. V. H. sand /ffiys. vation niid can obtiiiu cDnimiseratioti, it 20, we were put into Prison No. 3, for A. has recently been sorely bereaved by [Te be j an ag^rHtidiiratlun beyond all joy and expectation of '' there used to be six military prisons iu the death of hia wife and throe children,, Yours, S a n s D i .'Ss im ij l a t io -’ - Danville. It was like the other Danville all within one week. ('r jails, except that it had a dark basemeut, , ^ 0 1) 1 ' lUrort) THE ANSWKR. reported to be filled with hogsheads of The wind blows with such force in AND SiK :— I perii.sed yonr oratiou with* nnic^' dolib Colorado that when a man loses his hat eiation, and a littlo «;<>n8lornation iit tl'« tobacco. The building was of three sto­ GKANI) ARMY GAZETTE. infatuation of your weak ima{;ination to show ries, each containing but a single room, he has to telegraph to the next station such vonoration on .so a foundat '"'*- to have some one stop it. attor '•xantinaC'f*!' plat ion, I the bricks of which had been whitewashed tiartfonfi Conit.. J'eb, Jfi, J&7I. .snpposeti vour adm iration wastlu*TnT7t of rf^crc'a- but m>t plastered. Huge oak pillars, The society of the army of the Potomac tion or hau spninjr from ostentatinn to display extending along the middle of each room, your education by an odd onunifiation or rather will hold its next meeting in Boston, on multiplication of words of tho samo tonnination, helped to support the floor above. In the t T M S ! ! ! the 12th of May. Gen. Lucius Fairchild, though of {;reat variation iu each rcspe^■Iiv«^ sig- up|)cr room there were joists over head, governor of VVisconsin, who lost an arm nitication. but no flooring on them, 'so that we look­ NotwithHtiimliii;; n very liiurtiipfi in tlie uiruiilu- N ow , witiiout disputation, yoni laljorioii.s. ap- at Gettysburg, will deliver the oration. tloD of tho SoLDiKiiS’ KEcoiii) (luiiiiK the liiHt moiitli, pliciition to so tedious nn occupiition desiM v.'s ed i-ight between the joists to tho roof. we are iinsioiiH to Ktill more 'wiiluly extend it, uiid ho pre­ uonnnemomtion and thinking; imitation a sulli- Moltke is modest. He says he never pare tlio way lor tliorou;;!! improvement in its ciiartietcr Stout boards were nailed across the and appeaninoo. To induce our friends evurywluire to cicnt “latilication, I am wirhotit hesitation. knew anything about the war in America, malceiiQ earnest cll'ort in our I)i)lmlf we have decided to Yours, M.vuv Modkration. ouiside of the windows to prevent all offer tho loiiowinji Ca h q T k k m iu .mh to getters up o f olulia possible escape, had one been dispo.sed to as he believed that war is a science, and J fb r one year, at tw o dollars each. Tliu cash system is tlie he did not care to road about the mere fairest and most lionorable, and KBt*ln<; pay in cash for [Written for the Soi.niKUrt'IIkooud.) leap down twenty or thirty feet upon the for their work, tliey can biiv useful or ornumental luiicles sci’ambling of iwo armed mobs. lor less price tlian any puhiisher wUl furnish them as pre­ NOTKSON KEBEL PRISONS. bayonets of the sentinels below. These miums. sentinels were instructed to fire upon any The senate propose to strike on t the ^SOO C\>l’S‘7/'/or r/ List of !000. BY IIOMER B. SPRAGUR. one raising a sash I remember with ,? 0 0 “ oOO. NISTII— .SAII,rt»tn{Y TO »ANVII,I,K, two fairest provisions of the bounty land /i*.7 •• •• :^00. gratitude how the stn^iig arm of a com­ law—those allowing the assigi.ment of ’T no " •• /r>o. The immediate cpuse of our removal to rade suddenly toie me from a window, <10 •• •• /oo. ('ei'tificntes, jind settlement by one agent. ^,o •• •• ,wo. Danville, Oct. 20, 1864, was thediscov^- which I had opened in ignorance of the \‘ e hope the house will not concur. .vy •• •• CO. eiy of our great plot to escape. After prohibition just is the guai-d outside had • • • • .7(9. the rebel autiioritv had become aware of “ drawn a oead” on me at.thirty feet dis­ “A friend of mine,” said Erskine, “was iO " “ /,o. tance ! suflCi'ing from a continual wakefulness, /•> “ “ .VO. tho existence of the plot on the foui'tcenth Subsorliition.s slioiild lie >enl to this oilice iis soon ns n> ol'Oolol)cr, iind had taken e.x raardinary Tho upper or third story being naturally and various methods were tried to bring ceived. riie luinieM uml amount will he credited to the him sleejj. At last his physicians resort­ Bender, and when the list they desire to lilUs completed, j)i\n;autions to render our ellV,rts unavaii- the warmest, most of the officei’s prefer- the premium will he forwarded, if the list is full before iii^:, wo continued our seoi-et pJepaiMtions, ed to an expedient which succeeded ad­ Benaini; the prenittini mtiy he deducted before t'endiu" to red it. On entering the building a rush this oftie.e. notwithstanding the increased difficulties was made for positions nearest the sides mirably. They di’essed him in a watch­ Sample copies sent fre<- on appUeation. Addiess in ouv way. riuspicions of trators in our of tie room, and nearest the proper place man’s coal, put a lantern in his hand, Drawer y . W , P. W A LK E E , Uartford, Conn. midst, we gave out word ptjjicly tiiat for a stove. The large square oak posts placed him in a sentr7-box, and he was the whole scheme was abanconed ; but were considered de.'^irable situations. asleep in ten minutes.” "We shall })ubli«:h nn interesting a: tide privately we notified the I’aiiluil to hold Every officer strovo to “jjre-empt the most on the Angnsta Soldier.>!’ Home in our themselves in readines.s. Oi the 17th The report of the Pittsiuirg, Pa , Sani­ next issue. coinfbi'table locality. There were now tary Soldiers’ Home, for 1870, shows that ofOciober, after consnltiiiion, with Cen- about four hundred of ns ofticers. In the on January 1st, 1S70, there ,vere 65 in­ eval Hayes, we iigiiin fixed upin time Oc­ scramble little regai'd was paid to rank, mates in the home ; 837 patients were The Courant, on the sleeping car ques­ tober 19, for 1 he grand upri^ng. Well except that Ceneral Hayes a»:d tJol. admitted during the year ; 309 were dis­ tion, talks about “the comfort of a home” do i recollect the date, font was the Hooper were tacitly allowed their choice, charged, and 14 died, leavin^^ 71) in the on wheels—referring, doubtless, to ‘'the anniversary of my birth, ar] 1 had a the northeast corner, thii'd story. Think­ institution on December 31, 1870. The long homo.” presentiment that if would also finish up ing myself stronger than mostofthe pris­ average number of patients was 71, and my career. oners, 1 did not join in the scrub-race for the avoiage cost for each was 50 cents Massacbnsotts editor announcing ap­ To divert attention from ournew plans, tlw third stojy, but quietly .selected near per day. 'I'he total cost of maintenance, proaching entortainnients by the “Barre I formed in House No. 4, a clas to study the northeast corner of the second storv. repaii's, wages, anrl salaries amounted to Dramatic Club,” was horrified to find French, Captain Cook, alreay mention­ My “claim,” was directly under that $15,447, of wiiich $6,072 were j)aid for that it had been printed with only one ed, a graduate of Yale and i thorough General Hayes. subsistence, and $5,176 for salaries and “r’’in Barre lie apologiz'Hl in nn extra scholar, gave us excellent instrction, and, The floore and walls of this prison were wages. THE SOLDIERS' RECORD.

ORA.ND ARMY OP THE REPUBLIC). m encingon the 20th. Of course they will play D., of San Francisco. Council of administration: officials. Then the Divine orator (1) took his place it well. A. H. W. Creigh. of San Francisco; J. S. Mowro; on the platform and commenced liis subject hy a po­ ICoramftnrtersof Piist* ortholr ttiljutiintsare roquosted of Sacramento; T. W. Sheehan, of Sacramento, litical inimductiun of. 1st, Who recognized the coD- Comrade C. C. Clark of Post 6, Middletown, toforvrrtrd reports of ohauKus occurring therein, and Jos. Anderson, o f ViiUeJo; J. L. V au Bokkelen, fedornte states as lieiligerenis * ‘2d And who wat '.coincados Konunilly are Inritod to coraniuuicbte all mat­ who was a surgeon in the service, is now presi­ of Virginia City, Nev. Delegate to national anxious to reroguize thoRe states as the same ? ers o f interest to the order.1 dent of the Connecticut Eloctio M edical As.socia- encampment, James O Biien, o f San ITrancisco. To the first question the orator did not feel inclined tion. 3. The following named comrades are hereiiy to give us any inforinntinn. What was the cause ? MASSAGHUSEITS. •We are glad to notice that comrade S. M announced on the staff of the Department Com­ Was it to delicate a question to answer without being' Norton, of Bristol, has been confiined by the mander, and will be obeyed and respe(;ted accord­ compelled to denounce tho orator’s own personal Col. J Pickett, ft commdo of Post 10, Worces­ Senate as postmaster for another term. Comrade ingly: A. H. \V. Croigh, itssistant*adjutant gen­ feelings, such as an alliance with tho land of the sym­ ter, baa been coiifiriued as postiiia.ster in that Norton has proved a faithful and efflcieut ofilcer eral; C. H. Eldredge, assistant quarter-master pathizers of the Alabama ? W e don’t know. «ity, for another term. He deserves it. general; C. C. Bunn, inspector; Vandor, Wliten the orator responded to the second question, Post M ather 25, o f Chester, gave a fine musical, Post 100, of Ipswich, listened to an able lecture judge advocate; James E. Hughes, W. G. Hal­ he was vigorous, suhstiintial, convincing.— with n military and dramatic entertainment at that by Gen. Harriman, last Wednesday evening, stead, R. W. Ijane, aids de-canip. dissimulation as only a man of Bible knowledge can place on Wednesday night, and repeated it at snbject, The Day and the Hour. 4. A ll comrades «in detached sorvicc, not “ssutne— of the duplicity of France in being anxious Deep River on the following evening. It is herein named, are herelty relieved from duty and to recognize the confederate states as helli^eronts, but Jos. Hooker Post 29, East Boston, held their spoken of as a very popular entertainment. will report to their respective Posts- was induced not to do so, by the good advice of tfce •sixth social assembly Ins' Wednesday evening, Nathaniel Lyon Post of this city, received The inspector will, without delay, nominate greatest (?) of grout statesmen England’s late Pre­ which they follow with their third annual ball 2, proposals for membership from four soldiers, at to the department commander, for appointment, mier, Lord Palmerston, to tho liberty-loving Napole­ this week. their recent ball. This alone would have almost assistant in.«he Posts o f this Departm ent: ferinj; republican people of France, and prevent $51.92. A grand fair is in progress this week, for a new suit of rooms for social meetings, and In accordance w'ith Sec. 2 Art. 3, Chap. 5, Rules tlicrehy the requested charity of tho Americans for whicli will include an address iiy Gen. Coggswell, the Clara Barton degree are raising a relief fund, and Regulations G. A. R., a per capita tax o f fifty tho French, would have done no bettor then this wor­ dramatic entertainment, and Old Folk’s concert. which one gentleman heads with $50. cents per annum, payable in four equal quarterly thy Divine, when taking into consideration the artis- Conirade Darius Colib, of Boston, author of installments, was assessed on eacli and every tic notions o f arms and legs, and the mental capacity, W e learn that Arthur Dutton Post, of Walling­ the ‘Veteran of the Gnind Army,’ will deliver his member of a Post of this department, for the supposing him speaking before a crowd of natives of ford, gave a pleasant entertHinment on Tuesdaj’ Alaska. new lecture on the Grand Army of the Republic current year. evening, at which they wore ahsisted by Merriam before Post 35 of Chelsea, on tiie 28th inst. He It was resolved that a si)ecial tax o f tw<-nty- in regard to the historic explanation of the battle, Post of Meriden, with an exhibition zoiiave drill, lis an able and entertaining speaker. Tliis Post five cents capita be assessed on each and every it is unnecessary to say anything, as none but tho ora­ ami a stirring address by commander Woolley. also announce a grand ball on Friday evening. member of a Po.st in this department, for the tor and a “ looker on in tho cabbage-cellar” could bo ahio to give such glowing descriptions of bullets and March lOt.h. The relief committee solicit cast off Post Elias Howe, Jr., 3, of Bridgeport, have ])urj)ose of liquidating its imlebtedness. Such sour-krout-barrels, of yank’ es and tigers, etc. etc. clothing and other u.seful articles, for the benetit leased a large new hall on the corner of Beaver special tax to be coll**cted by commanders of the •of the poor under their charge. . and W ater streets, a central location, and w ill several Posts, and forwarded by them to the As usual the scene closed by a masterly musical take possession about April 1st. The hall is assistant 800. They are greatly Herald, a card of thanks for their liberal patron­ the State are looked after. Thanks to our former for the able and efficient manner in which ho encouraged thereby. At a special meeting of the age of previous entertainments. discharged the duties o f his office. Gov. Curtin who stirred the good people up to this Post subsequently, they exi»res.siMl their sincere vitally important duty, which all tlie State seperate- ‘The Gettysburg Home,' is the caption of an 8. The department commander takes this thanks to the citizens for their generous suiiport, article on the fourth page, which we hope everj opportunity to express the thanks of the mem­ ly and collectively owe to the soldiers’ orphans. and especially to the hniies, and declared that, comrade will rty^ and think of. The work for bers of the encampment to the comrades of Col. Geo. F. McFarland u wounded soldier is the ‘w e w ill ever strive to nnike ourseh es worthy of Stiitc Supt. of Soldiers’ Orphan's Schools, who has the Grand Arm*theieiii pro])osed would be an Sumner Post, of Sacramento, for the hospitalities their regard by faithfully discharging all our extensive one, but comes within the limits of its extended on the occasion of the late reunion in filled the position faithfully for near four years, hav­ dutie.s to the Soldiers o f the Grand A rm y, and by j)ower and influence. And it is eminently the ‘City of the Plains,’and to the order throiigb- ing but one object in view— the best interest educa­ adm inistering to the wants o f the wi. awake membership, amft ing report of their recent fair in the Observer; the condltibn of the cliiklren in scholarship, in health wituout doubt will make their entertainmentlIIIIICIJL Ivya TIIK XXiri DUUMMKR X/JlwU'-uaJ b o y . ^ e t amount, S5,5:{2.88. The receipts were made and physical developcment, iu morals, and in social fine one. M e u i d e n , Feb. 13, 1871. habits. ♦idli.ivvijiir,itejnH.J'roni saltyuf Ul ktil.iiti WK8,r M ) ^},ire8ent ‘*bu\let-rid(^n’’» Qov. in hta recent & c., $1,.')00, from Afabel, Queen "()i"'i)ottTf,"1»!}25. OHIO. . / ’ ' f V AVv.^;^ir~l{KCjo'llL. ; - ,} l suppose oU, Home o f your Chkt r>,/iaelV. and especifilly tin Posts which are talk- messiigo in speaking of tnese institutions 8al<| from children’s table, $260, from tables, &e., The following ollicers were elected at the de if)g of playing the ‘ Druminor Boy,' will feel “ tho State has abundant cause to rejoice iu what it $4,500 The protits of the Reveille newspaper paitment encanipmcnt, Jan. 25th: Grand com­ ufixious lo know how wo came out in Meriden has done for its soldiers orphans, and to be proud of .amountt;d to over $200. mander, W. C. Bunts, Cleveland; senior vice hist week. W e ll then, without going into par­ tiieso schools, which now constitute the lightest jew ­ It is with jtistilial)le jtride tliat we chronicle cominander, J ]{. Thomas, Soldier’s Home; ticulars, I am very glad to iuforui iho readers of els that adorn its crown of g lo ry ” such a success, especially so as it far exceeds the junior vice commander, J. S. Clenier, Salem ; the R ecord that we h.ad a good run, the hall IMPORTANT TO VETERANS. j«turns of any other Post fair in the State. We, medical director, G. M. Boyd, Xenia; cliaplain, being crowded for the last three nights, many accept the uite'est that has been manifested as W . Earnshaw, Soldier’s Home; council of admin­ The following is a list of discharges of soldiers in being unable to procure seats. Friday night, tin endorbement of our endeavor to carry out the istration, John A. Hivliug of Xenia, C. A. Vaughn tho late war on file in the Adjutant General’s D e ­ several sleigh loads from out of town were high objects of the order. ' And the )dan we have of Geneva, J. H. Seymour of Hudson, Dr. J. partment, Harrisburg, which may be obtained on obliged to return, not being able to get even iidopted to preserve it to its uses, is given as an Armstrong of Alliance, J. M. Allen of Maumee application : standing room. It was the largest, most en­ earnest of the value of the confidence reposed in City; delegates to national encampment, J. thusiastic and select audionce ever assembled in , William, Co. D, 4th Cavalry us Warren Keifer, J. C. McGowan, W. E Pamelle, Meriden. Our total reooipts were over $1,400. Ambach. Henry, Co. H, 1st Artillery. With this report we desire to place on record : and C. O’Driscol; alternates, Theo. Voges, P. C. $1,300 being the receipts for the last three nights, Bcckman, John H., Co. D, 4th Cavalry. the thanks of every eonnade o f the Post to those j Brown, George A. Blocher and (). C. Wilson. the Post w ill clear about $600, so we aro all right Berry, Conrad, Co. K, 201st P. V. ladies whose daily atteiidaneo at the fair, and to I it was then resolved that the next meeting of the for the $1000 which we have subscribed to the Blake, WilHam, Co. D. 4th Cavalry. tiiose nuiny others whose time aner, , C<». H, 16th (.'avalry. cfevotetl in'the siime Ix half, and to whom belongs July 19, 1871. the praise of accomplishing so much The Post Comrade Anderson and troupe have made many Caldwell, James, Co. D, 4th Cavalry. feels how inade«iUiite are expressions of thanks KKNTirCK V. friends iu Meridtsu, and wo cheerfully recom­ Croft, , <;o. H, 16th Cavalry. mend them autl the play, to comrades and Posts Dalv, James F., Co, D, 1st Artillery. for such services, ami rely upon the faith that The dc[»iirtment o f Kentucky have elecftvl the Feltenhergcr, William, Co. A, 20Ist Artillery. good deeds hiing with them their own reward. follow ing officers: everywhere. The troupe go to New Haveu from here, and Post 17 will bring out the play for one Fishinger, Bart, Co. II, 201st P . V . With the means thus placed at our disposal, and Grand commander, C. .\danis; senior vice Foster, Frederick, Co. B, 99th P. V. for which we are full o f gratitude, wo feel compe- commander, Robert II, .Johnson ; junior vice com- week, commencing the 20th. Fry, Henry, Co. D, 4th Cavalry. lent to alleviate all cases o f real distress that niambi , J. H. L aw so n ; chaplain, A. H. Allen.s- There seems to be quite a desire that we should continue the play here this week, but as many of Fry, Joseph, Co. D , 4th Cavalry. may properly come within the s[)here of our worth; medical director, ,f .J. Temple; council the characters cannot give tlieir time, ami as Fry, Lewi,«, Co, D , 4th Cavalry. charities. of administration, C. P. Wilcox, William C. wo have other entertainments on the docket, wo Gihson, Thompson, Co. H, 78th P. V. This fund has been entrusted to frustles, who Nones, Asa Kinney, John F. Thomas, John L have decided to wait till they slia'l come this Gritliih, Morgan, Co. M, 2d Artillery. by the by laws, are ])revented from using the Grahiini; tlelegates lo nation.-il eticanipmcnl; at Green. William, Co. K. 119th P, V. principal excepting in cases of exi re.me necessity. large, John F. Thomas, Boland; way again. Several of the characters deporve special men­ Hannan, .loseph II., Co K. 201si P V . A comrade from Post ;J1, Ashburnham, vvrite.K : MINNESOTA. tion for the very able manner in which tiiey Hiinna, Thomas, Co. D, 4th Cavalrj’. ‘W e still live, move and havi? a being, anil many sustained their jiarts, but fearing I shall not do Hopkinson,.JoIm N., Co. D, 4th Cavalry. The annual encampment ef the department of of our Poft iirti l)usily discussing the (|uestion, them justice if I atteni)»t, I will only say that, Johns, Siiimiel A., Co. G, 2()lst P. V. Minnesota met at Rochester, Minn., on the 23d ‘to be or not. lo be’ a ^nbsi-riber to the Soi.Dlicit’s with ])crhaps one or two exceptions, it would be Jones, Oliver. Co. D,4th (Javalry. of.Ianuary. The following oftieers were elected R e c o k I) ; whether it is nol>l»!r to t-nidose •'i'2 itnd very difficult to improve on the cast. The lady Kennedy. John, Co. D, 26th P. V. for the ensuing year: receive in rfliirn a paper wi.rtli double the jniec characters could not be improved upon hy ama­ Mortran, George P , Co. D, 1st Artillery. (Jrand commander, ,f. C. Ham ilton, Rochester; of snliscripiioii. ami fm |iliaiieally a soldier’s teurs. The tableaux were just splendid. The Neff, Josefih, Co. D, 4th Cavalry. senior vice (jommaiu er, H, A, Castle, St. I’a iil; paper in evi-r.v ri-.'p<-et, oi keep their money in njjw scenery worked well, and attracted consid­ Reiisoner, John D., Co. II, 16th ( ’avalry. junior vice coniniander, M . Carpenter, Post 32; an iron bonnd pocket book, ami horrow tlioir J. erable notice. Reinlander, Peter, Co. L, 5th Cavalry. mcdieal director, J. R. Dart, Post 23 ; chaplain, reading, thus stealing from the editor the paltry To-morrow evening, Tuesday, about twenty Jieed, , Co. D, 14tli Cavalry. H, C>akes, Post 4. Council of administration am ount of subscript ion ; for 1 ean look at it in C. comrades from Post H, will accept an invitation Reeves, Merritt C., Co. G, 97th P. V. .M. 1>. Flower, A. J.Edgerton of Post 23 ; E. M. no other light. W hen we arrivt< at a .solnfiiui Delegates to to be able to add eight or ten more to ,\our o f their relief fund. Infantry. national encampment, H. G, Hicks and W. F. Bubscription list. Hut to digress from this Next Monday evening Feb. 20th, Rev. W . H. H. Reynolds. J. A., Co. K, l.Oth Cavalry. Moore. subject, we w ill turn to maiii is ill Post:{|. Com Murray will lecture at the Methodist Church in Russell, Frederick, Co. 1) 4th Cavalry. The following conirailes were appointed on the rade A. C. 'I'lniinpson was le-t liMMed e»)inmander this city, the proceeds to go to the monument Scott, W illiam B., Co. D , 4th Cavalry. staff of the grand cominander: assistant adjutant for this year at the last imieling ot the Post in fund, in the name of Clara Barton Association of Serena, Henry, Co. 1). 4th Cavalry, general, James G eorge; a.ssistaut (luarterinaster Decenilier. niid sinei- his iiistallation has labored Post 8, Schenemoyer, Henry, Co. II, .56ih P. V . general, (J, F. Allen ; judge advocate, O. B- Gould; ussitlmiusly for the welfare of the Po>l ; but it is But, dear me, it’s too pleasant, and there aro Sherman, Charles W ., 9th Cavalry. inspector, II. G. Hick.s ; assistant inspector first up hill work in a eouinr,\ town. Btd’ore the too many jo lly sleigh parties |tassiug outside, for Shomo, B,, Co. D , 4th Cavahy. ilistrict, .1, C. Palm er; a.^sistant inspector second organiziilion of the G. A. H.. thi* Army Jiiid .N’avy me to keep niy miud on Grand Army matters Stewart. James S., Co. H, filth P. V . district, J. A, R obey; iiides ilo camp, H. J. Union had a lotlge of ovei tin nicmlier^; us it had longer, consecpiently I w ill close tormenting you T ay lo r,,loseph C., Co. H, 16th Cavalry. H iitner :ind H. J. Bresshu'. no iiation:il head ll w m ! to pi.■(•.■.«, nn.l many of for the pre:^ont, rem aining innocently yours, Terrell, Daniel, Co. D, 4th Cavalry. these are holding hack from tlie (i. .\ U,, its they . CAIJKOliMA. L k i t H a n d . Terrell, , Co 1), 4th Cavalry. Hurmii^e this Older will meet the siiinf t'ni.f. \Vf Worham, George, Co. D, 4th Cavalrv. H k a i> Q i:a iit i;hs IJk t 't oi' C a i-. uteadi'.y gnin. as I'aM a.- they sec with what Wright, William, Co. D, 2dlst P. V.' systfin iind ii]ioii what prineiiihs lin- indur is San Fuasc!1S(,'u, Jan, 21, 1871. AN K^'til.l:jl^MAN S Ol’l.NION OF 11K HATl'LU 01-’ U K i l’V.SlJUl{(i. B a c u t k l l . worked. NVt' have a dramatic enii-rtiiinmeiit on 1. liriitral Orders Xo. Natio.n'ai. M ii.iTutr Asvuim, ) }h e wing to lake place sometime in^Ainil. 'I'he I. By virtue ol an election, and in accordance MiLWAt'KiCK, W ts., Feb. 10, 1871. J niilitmy eoinpany in this place, msiiniy . omiiosed with the rnlis and iegnlati»»ns of the Order, 1 MiiJs Hutchirison, tho youiiK reporter o f o f G. A. li nu-n, he d their tliiid annual ball two hereby assume commnnd of the department of E i>it()K of the Soi.inKus’ R k c o u d weeks ago, which was a jierfcctt success. I hojie California, G. A. R Cireat whm the rcjoicingof tho ininnlef) of the Nu- wouioirs nioveiiieiit,^ for the New York in mv iieM coiiimnnicatiim to aiij;mcui >our list 2 The following named comradcs having been tioiial Asylum, when they were ollicially informed 'I'l fhiiiir, is to lie irmnied to iMr. Clement of su'bsei ibcis. a s yet they hav.- not diseov(>r. d (Inly elected officers of the department for the that a lecture was to tuke phice on the evening of 0, L\)i d. ol’tho \V

THB SOLDIERS’ RECORD, (liflen-iit. The clerk perlorms hi.s rou a National Soldiers’ Orphans' Home. Cer­ made a much more elaborate and iiitelli- c ^oliitrs' llftorl) tine of duties without tiie friendly guid­ tainly one united effort would raise funds gent report than General McClellan sub­ AND ance of the employer, he gives him no enough to sustain the Gettysburg Home mitted to President Pierce, nine years share in his home interests and comforts, for another year at least. later. Mr. Hogan affirmed that her GRAND ARMY GAZETTE. and rarely cares for his future progress We throw out the suggestion for the natural wealth is boundless, and infinite in the world. When the day’s work is consideration of the G. A. R. ot the coun­ in its variety. In view of her resources W. F, WALKEE, Editor and Publisher, done, the young m; n bpends his evenings try, and we hope that they will carefully and her many bays and harbors, she would Office, No. 2 State Street. in the street, or at a saloon or gfidibling iveigh the matter. We can do much, be the center of a world-wide and busy house, for he is always welcomed there, comrades, with the little money we may commerce. Hartford, Conv.. Feb. 18, 187!• and early enters upon a career of vice, have, and nmch more by exerting our In closing Mr. Kelly said : “Frcuu the liow much evil might be averted if em­ influence in aid of so good a cause. depths of their despair the people of the Comrade H. H illkurand, 1212 Everott Street, is ployers would exercise a wise gunrdian- And if we labf>r and sacrifice t * secure Republic of Dominica imi)lore us to re­ onr General Agent for Philapelpliia. ship over the young men under tiieir such results, may we not confidently hope move the dread shadow under w’hich they charge. for and expect the hearty co operation of livoi expose her wealth to view, and SnbsrriptioiiH to tlit* .St)i.mK«8’ U k c o h d , f2 por nniium, pavablc in advauR« i if not viiiti in advnnci; $:j.25 will be those who remained in the comfort and cause it to be applied to the uses of man­ ooilccted after three iiiontliH, or $2.r»0 after six monthH; thii4 ilocH not inciiidc poHtagc, which in 90 contn per annum “Three Years in the Sixth (Corps’’ is security of home, while our fallen broth kind. Moved by their appeal, and in­ and payable at tho dflite where the paper i« deliveied. ers battled for the preservation of na­ I’apers tn Hartford county arc free from pontage, except tho title of a handsome volume of 450 structed by the action of all his really on thofle delivered by carrier, when the reKuhtr po8tii)'e pages, published by Van Nostrand, of tional liberty? great predecessors, the President propos­ is charjred. The following are our club rates: f*ur coi>icH ^7; ten New York. It is written by Surgeon es to the country to bless them and the copies tl5; twenty copicd and one copy fri'O. Speci­ men copy mailed ft-ee. Stevenn, of the 77th New York, and is a Dominica.—There has been much said world by granting their prayer ; and for A ll communicatioiiR, bnaineMH or otherwise, Hliould be concise narrative of events in the Army Mbr and against the annexation of San this he is assailed by the puny and short­ addressed to tho imblislier, Loeiv Mox Q, Hartfoid, Conn. Papers are forwarded until an explicit ordrr in rcceivrd of the Potomac from 1861 to 1865. The Domingo by the United States. The sighted leaders of the opposing party. by the publisher for their dlMContlnuance, and until pay­ ment o f all arrearages is mad« as HMjuired by law book is dedicated to Major General H. G. Piesident after a thorough examination Against their assaults 1 will not pause tO' Subscribero are partlcul'trly r

from the party who.se last declared po!i- widow sewing slopwork in a garret, evory What added very muisli to the interest of these SWEET SIXTGKN. occasions was the mnsie by tho new ban^, under Lot tho day CDino w«t, or conio it dry, icy was virtUMlly repudiation, tie looks soldier’s orphan swooping crosswalks the lead(Mship of Maj. Alfred Pray. This was a 'Mons life’s gay flowors I'm a butterfly; at General Grant in the White House, and learning the worst lessons that the line ao(]nisition. The instruments wore furnished And life to me’e one ccaseless charm, who, as General Blair told us, would un­ pavement can teach, impugns the tardy by a sub.scription amohg llie ollleors. and others F or tho blood o f youth Htill keeps mo warm , favorable to tho enterprise. The membiTS of And I’m swoet sixteen, ripe as a peach doubtedly make himself Emperor, and justice which delays togiVe them honest the band gave special attention to their duties Swinginfj on a lim b. W ill anybody reach he asks himself whether the country work or comfortable shelter. from tho first, and won enconjiums from alt for For mo 1 would have been more peaceful and pros .V. 1* 'V rihnnr. l.heir eAeellont. music, at various times. A t ores.-* paiade M ay 7, the band eame out -in fnll dress- No wealth have I at my command, perous and stable if Mr. Seymour had for I lie first time, and made quite a sensation by But a million would not buy this hand, been placed there, tie sees everywhere SKNSE AND NONSENSE. f.lniir neat iijipearanee, good music, and exact That is, it would not buy for you. tranquil and confident industry, and movements. The regiment felt ,ju''tly )irond of Unless to mine your heart were true. An Irishman sejt to the State prison, them Their uniforms we.r»‘ madt) in Baltimore For I ’m swoet .sixteen, ripe as a poach such a restoration of order as no coun­ and were v«*.ry becoming. Swiu);ing on a limb. Will anybody reach try ever showed after so fierce a convul­ was asked what trade he preferred to Capt. Mat.thewson Co K, ('apt. Woodard Co- For me f learn. He said that if it was all the same | F , and IjiiMit. Ltiomis Co. Jl, who had returned sion as that of the war, and he asks him­ from their jirisoii lifo two days ])revious, were And if for yours my name 1 chanfje. self whether industry would be more to them, he preferred to be a sailor. ' presoiit on duty with others who hud lately Your business you must so arrange tranquil and confident, and order more rotiiriied 1.0 i lie, n-gime.nt. Tho regim ent sfem ed That the ‘Lodge’ will not take all your time, An Evansville girl was singing, “ Put t But punctual come at half-past nine to your assured, if those who made the great me in ray little bed,’' to a beau, when the and drill every day. Sweet sixteen, ripe as a peach and bloody disorder should be called to profane accents of her parent broke the At this Jiinetnre o f !iU'airs there were some .Swinging on a lim b. W ill anybody reucli control ailairb. He sees that the intel­ changes made that, were, not so favorable for thiw For me ? stillness, remarking that if she didn’t put ]inrpos(‘,. ( ’iipt. 'rilVa’iy was sent on duty at ligence, the rural labor, the moral sen­ him in d—n soon, he’d have to shift for liead-quaiters in town. (^apt. Kibbe and Lient- timent of the country instinctively favor himself out doors. Hixby, with tlndr respe< iiv« itompanies were sent, FOR EVER. republican rule, and he asks • hinWielf to Hagerstown to ))iek iip oiil ;iriny saddles, and other pTojierty of'Cnelc Siin,’ which were found For ever and ever the reddening loaves whether the cause of individual liberty, “You flatter me,’’ said a thin exquisite st(U'ed .away in b:irns ;inAi>ui,niiA,-Jan. 2.5th, 1S7T. For ever and ever the weary thoughts progressive in the truest American sense, Ei>iTO)j.of the .SoLDiKits’ H k ijoud . Are tracing the self-same track. the cause which is that of all our best er?” “I think, mamma,” said the urchin, 1 regretfully acknowledge that some of our former For ever and ever, to and fro, “I’d rather be a candy-shop.” comrades in arms have given awny to teraptHtion and On the old unchanging road they go, principles and of our most legitimate sin, and are consequently drifting down the stream.of Through dreaming and walking, through joy and hopes—is satisfactorily represented to A citizen who deserves well of his intemperanee nnd ruin ; but is this to he much won­ woo, dered at ? J^ull all the staj’s from the best of men and Calling the dead hours back. the popular mind by the honest purpose, country had a large family, to which ad­ see how quickly they will ho fk>ating in rhs same di­ the sturdy good sense and simplicity, of ditions were constantly making. One day rection. Bnt. friii! comrade, as I value my own hnp- For ever and ever tho tired heart General Grant. It does not make him piness, so is my deep interest for j’our well being. Ponders o’er evil done. one of hiilittle boys was thus interroga­ Hence I say to you in good faith beware ; you hut For ever and averthroiigh cloud and gleam. an ideal hero. It does not deny that it ted ; “*6hn, how many brothers and little undorHtand what you are doing when yon iai^.e Tracing the course of the strong life stream. wishes some things might be different in sisters have you got?” “I don’t know,” the damning intoxicating cup to your lips repeatedly And dreary and dull as the broken dream. his administration, as, indeed, in every until you become drunk and stagnun have upon you. Your men have unsettled opinions on the sub­ friends, one by one, are reluctantly leaving you to Tue formation of Grant clubs in the tration, and it declares that it finds him your mi.sorahle fate. You are going down to tho' city of Now York is a significant sign of sensible, sincere, upright; a man who ject of religion, and none at all respecting grave “ unhonorod and unsung.” Drunk. Hut how literary questions ; but when you come different with tho temperate and conscientious veteran- the tendency of opinion in the republi­ does not believe that the old day of sla­ There is no moral object, so beautiful as a conscien­ can party. It shows that the conviction very was better than the new day of to black dress coats, cravats and walking- tious man. He resists temptation not without a strng- ot the renomination of the President is so liberty; who doe.'^ not wish to try how canes you will find their views in these gle, for that is not a virtue. He sees the hand of a vital matters fixed with all the rigid ten­ creating God, and rejoices in it. He heeds not the Btrong that gentlemen are willing to pro- far he can venture to return toward a watchword offashion— it leads to sin. . Onward, then, n(mnce for him, thereby prejudicing their policy which the country has rejected ; acity of grim death itself.” conscientious comrade! Rai.sethy standard and nerve but who does wish to confirm and thy goodness. If God has given thee intellectual pow­ chances with any other possible candi­ P eople W e H ave not M et.— A hair er, awaken in that cause; never let it be said o f thee date. There i«, indeed, no other serious strengthen the country in its now an: tal strength throw not that, di-oii into a polluted cur­ ■is that the adnnijisiriitioa of General tion8 on it. > rent, but cultivate ii- by coiiirlliuiing lo tho Bkookd. Grant ib felt to be, upon the whole, hon- in the very first crisis of the war, there A lined-draper’s shopman who will be I wish I could impress evei'v (Vail comrade with the Of>t, efficient, and saiislactory. It cer­ were those who thought that it would be importance of ab.stniiiing from all intoxicating drinks, content with selling a lady what she wants, and becoming strictly tomperate, moral and good tainly has not lacked criticism from its wise to try a new candidate who had not and not worry her to buy n dozen things men. It will pay far better in the end, and if you are friends, in which we have borne a part; been so severely criticised. But those she does not want. the least sceptical ou this point tty it, make the reso­ but its great merit is that it has j.racti- who heard the thrilling shout of unanim­ lution to keep it, and you will ever after thank God A Shakespeare commentator who will for it. cally persuaded the groat mass of intelli­ ity with which he was re-nominated at abstain from twisting simple passages Awake, arise, comrade, usMMue the beautiful garb gent A m erican citizens that it seeks un­ Baltimore, knew that it was tho voice of into thoroughly obscure ones. of virtue. It is fearfully eas/to sin ; it isdiflhtult to that great popular confidence, which ho pure and good. Put on thy strength ; let Truth bo ostentatiously and economically the pub­ An habitual criminal in the art of the lady of thy love. Defemi her. lic welfaro. A certain good sense has was only the surer because it was not punning who will avoid using a word B a c h t k i-l . presided over it throughout ; and, at­ blinded by idolatry. The good sense of because he sees there is a joke in it. P. S. Thanks to the Hoa. Mr. Edmunds for his tacked with a rancor which from its ex­ the people renominated Lincoln as it o- perseverance in pushing the hill throu>:b the Senate travagance has been often lurticions, it lected (irant. Tho .same sagacity is now increasing the pensions 20 per cent. B. * has yet maintainud its evon way, and has turning to Grant, as a man who ha.s faith­ KHiHTEENTM UEGIMENT, 0. V. quietly lived dow)j a great many imposing fully served the country, and wlnnn the I.V THK W .\U KOK T U K U N IO N . j T U K O L » Ji-I.Ati. uccusations. country heartily trusts.— IIarp(r\s Wvvlilt/. t.’IIA.VGK.S A.NI) I'ASri.MKS. CONUOKi), N. H., Feb. 6, 1871. T h f hiiirn'iider of Lee and .Johnson, w rought a E d it o r lli:uoitu:— Tho ‘Old l’’lag’ was produced Indeed, a leoble republican administra niin veh>ns I'haiige in (lie g(>neral asjuMM o f things by tho Post in W ebster, Mass., the a6th, 27th and tion would be more trusted l)y the coun­ A D k b t o f Honok.—The Xation has in and :in)nn«i Martinsliurg, as well as elsewhere. 28th. Tlie first evening the house was a tbiu one try than any democratic ndininistration never meant to be disloyal to the memory 15y the last of April llicre .se*‘ined to lie a com­ owing to a severe snow storm, but on tho two plete tireaking up of the relielliiwi. last nights, the b a ll w as not large encmgh to bo ld whatever. For the (jerni.inent lactin rlie i of her vons who d’cd for her in bittle. If Conftulerate soldiers were coming in every :aine, made the times rather lively just th('n. ‘down caster,’ liis story o f his mi.-ibap olicitod part, is elected to the Senate, it in by that weak and idle alms giving which Onlers w*;it? issued iif Wiushington to rednet* peals r as .soon as praeticable. not bo fair to iiarl,irt* 'onlered away, and am nnable. t.o d«i so from the etlects o f injuries declined, it is by democratic papers that service, to neglect the recompense of the troops were pa.ssing throii;;li Mari insburg, it was receive evitlent that every tinif the eonipanies \vont out lure, and have given the world a socoird M ark party oratora niid papers cry out against the work. Even organizations, depend for this duty, they difl not nnan to o v e re x ert 'I'waiii. I «lon’t really expect to receivo his republican exti'avagance and corruption, ing lor money ou the voluntary contii- themselves. There was a i;en»'ral disposition to thanks for this advice, but 1 cannot help giving while in ihe govemment ol tho city ot butions <»f so pro-occupied comniuniiies, take things easy. As the woatlicr grew warm it. all the same. 1 beg his pardon for intruding, and plensant, the otlieors would amuse them­ hut 1 shall leave him to his glory from this time New York the whole country Tieholds an fir.d themselvos constantly lestricted and selves liy riding out into the eoniit ry, and oeea- for.wai'd, giv in g him this parting advice, illustration of iteniocialic economy and defe ited in the execution of their plms, sionally eall on the ‘natives,’ and diseu.ss refresh­ .Shrink not to aim your shafts of wit honesty ! by the want of means. Stales and tho ments anil probable results o f tho war, aiul tiie At t hat ))oor clown, (Juilbtrmo. There is, therelbre, and most justly, United States must establish Soldiers’ times gtjiierally. I5ut, oh ! before you bemt your bow, The lirst sabbath in May, the Kev. Mr. Itedlau He, sure it holds t he arrow. in the great popular heart of this coun­ Homes, for the widows and orphans of preached in the ehapel tent, was jM’esent al.so at drc.ss parade at o P. M-, also Kev. Mr. Tilton, and We, have ju st closei must sup­ try, a profound distrust of tho a largo niiiiil)er of citizens from,town. It. was an nieiit in Lebanon, N. H., a place o f 3000 innaDi* cratic party. If a man thinks the taxes ply work to men of families if they are nnsnally interesting occasion. It was evident taiits, the roceijits being #:J27. Wo play in heavy, he sees that the dominant party able to undertake it. Every maimed sol the regiment was not losing its intercKt and (.-(uieord, N. 11., as soon as they can learn the pride in dress parades, but on the other haml play ; shall probably open the 14th. has both diminished the debt .md rediiced dier organ grinding on the street, or vain­ evc.ry oHic.erand private seemed ti» vie with each VVe are negotiating with three other places, the taxation, and he asks himself whether ly hawking prize packages of cheap pa­ other in attention an

Harri» Post, No. 7, Mystic Bridge— W . W. Packer, com­ V a l u a b l e T b s t i j VIOn i a l .— WORTH UHMRMBHIMN'O. GRA.Nl> Ali.My OB THE KEPirBLIO. mander, m. eta 1st and 8rd Thursday evenings of each A Gener­ A ll mull who uiili.st4)(l lictAVOHii July 12, I86I month. al William T . Collins, Adjutant Gener­ aonlJiiuu&>, wm o i'nt.itl(Ml Ni if they llOSTER OF OFFICERS. Merriam Post No. ti,Meriden—J. J, Woolley command­ er, meets every Friday evening, exceyt last week in month al of the G. A. E., bears the following served two yuaiM. •loin A .iO^an, ..ominandur-in Chief, W afhiiigtou. before lull moon, then on Saturday even’g iu C. B. Degoe. testimony concerning the K e c o r d :— A ll inon wlm (MilintiMl in <>lil from KiiuiuH KairchiJd, .Siaiior Vioo r, meets every evening. Louis iVaxnor, Junior Vice Coiniiiunder-ln-Chinf, I’hil W a s h in g t o n , Feb. 1:2th, 1870. All iiKMi \v!io «iilistf,4, unt oo. J. .Stannard, f>t Albfins, V t.; T. A. Post Mather, No 2:"), Chester— Walter S. Clark com­ 1st All soldiers, Provost Murahuls, Deputy l^ro- Disabled Soldier.s or Ladies will find these works pleas­ D ivis. RIclimond, V;i.; {icorffc B Goodwin, Milwaukee, mander, meets 1st and :id Tliursday evenings. ant and jirofltable emj)loyment for them. Apply at •vost Miirsluilrt and Knrolliu}r (>ificors, who wore disa VVisuonsiu. Kellogg Post No. 26, Derby—Wm. D. Giiliert, comman­ Oled dire •of duty, and all volunteers (exfeptin".tho30.eQli8tioK Samuel A , Green. Medical Director, Boston. A. G. Warner Post No. 35. Putnam—P. P. Wilson com­ after July 18, 1864,) discharged in consoquence of Uev. Uorac(} .lames, (;hapiaiu, Lowell. mander, meets 1st aiidSd Wednesday evenings. Wednefiday Afternoon, Feb'y 15, the close of the war, are entitled to the same bounty S. Uovey, Jr., Assibtant Adjutant lieneral|tf oston. Arthur Dutton Post No. 3t;, AVallingl'ord—Charles F. Wm. S. Greenougb, Quarter-Master Gen’l,^ Boston. Harwood commander, meets 1st ai.d 8d Tuesdays. and continuing each day, afternoon and evening, un­ iis if thuy had served out their full tuue of service ; IL' B. Pierce, Department Inspector. Abington. Gillette Post No. 37, Windsor, Geo. W. Barnes Com­ til disposed ol'. but if discharged for disability, other than wounds E. O. Shepard, Judge Advocate, Boston. mander, meets 1st and third Fridays. as statetl above, they ai-e entitled to the matured in Council o f Adminivtration.— VVm. S. Cobb, N ew Bed­ Fowler Post No. .38. Thompsonviile—J. P. Davis com- stallinent only ; but if the disability existed prior to ford; llenrV U. Sibley, Charlestown; Luke Lyman, Nor­ The Goods must be sold. N~oiv is thampton; J. VV Kimball,Fitchburg;J. E. Uoilis, Bos- inaudei, meets 2d and 4tli Fr.days each month. •anlistinent, all unpaid installments and die $25 ad the time to buy! vance, if received are forfeited. I f honorably dis- E. C. Pierce, Weymouth; L. B. Iliscockj Bos­ -harged for any cause, other than above enumerated ton Highlands; Francis B. Platt, Weymouth; William SEDGWICK POST No. 1, NORWICH. Spaulding, Charlestown. witliiu two years, they are entitled to the matured Just Fubliahed, M ailed fre e on receipt o f price. ttitallments only. J^arlom iu Jtlchavds* JtitUdlny, M ain Street. ENTITLED TO INCRBA8B. Meets on the 1st. and Sd, Friday Evenings of each month. “The Gas Consum er’s Guide.” DEPARTMENT OF RHODK ISLAND. A popular hand book of instruction on the proper man­ 1st. A ll person who have lost hoth hands or both B. P. Learned, Commander; Jno. H. Norris, sen. v. c.; Charles It. Brayton, Grand Coinmander, Providence. agement and economical use of &is, with a full descrip­ G. S. Town, Junior v. c .; L. A. Manning, A(\]utant; C. «yes, or been totally disabled in the United States ser­ Lelaud D. JenckH, Senior Vice Coin’der, Woonsocket. tion of j;as nieter.s, and diicctlons for atcerlaining the vice, or so permanently and totally disabled as to ren­ Chaa P. Williams, Junior Vice Commiiuder, Phenix. M. Coit, ^uartennaster : W . A . Thompson, surgeon; Geo. consumption by meter, ventilation, etc W . Huntington, chaplain ; Henry C. Irish, b. i>.; Chas H. der them utterly helpless, or so nearly so as to require J. L. Shormau,AH«i«tant Adjutant Gen'l, Providence. lllustr.'ited, lUmo cloth, $1. Paper, 75 cents. Jobb ollicerofthe guaro, VV. F. Smith serg’t maj; Goo. I’o auy one burniu;; gBS this book will save its cost in a the constant porsotial aid and attendance o f another Henry Allen, Assis aut y. M. General, Providence. McClure, Q. M. 8. Henry R. Barker, Inspector General, Provieence. very short time. person, are entitled to $25 per month. Howard W . King, M. D. .Medical Director. Providence, A i.k.ic a n u e u M o o u e , Publisher, Boston. A bounty of $100 ii given to the heirs of soldiers liev. S. W . Field, t:iiaplain General, Providence. NATUANIEL LYON POST NO. 2. who enlisted for more than six months and die in the Council of Adminiftration.—E. C. Pomroy, Providence; ..AfUl/TA. _on wir^Qvy and if there he no widow. R. F. Nichola, Providence; E. G. Cuudall, Aflhaway; I. HARTFOKD. SKIN DISEASES. Hu ; TarkT»T Plrttorvitlo7-JninOB Aiwrn; PfDirWcnce. o the childreu of all voluuteers who enlisted for loss DelfipatesDeleqates to National Encampment.-Encampment.—Edwiu Metcalf, A- Parlors at Talcott & Post’s Upper Hall. The undersiftned will cheerfully mail (free) to all «ian SIX months and are killed in the service. C. Eddy, Prnvldouco. it till t'rldai/ evetilngH in each Month. who wisn it. the recipe and full directions for prepar­ ing and using a simide and beautiful VeiJretnbln Balm, Tins only relates to hix months men who enlisted ItKOIBTHa OK P*8TS. fl'neb. G. Ellis, P. C., H. S. Brown, S. V . C.. jkuder the call of the President in 1862 for 500,0'X* that will immediately remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Prescott No. 1, Providence, Thomas Simpson, Fridays. Jns.P. Trumbull, J. V . V.’., P . O ’Farrell, Adjutant; E. Blotches, and all eruptions and impurities of the skin, •non. Stovena No. a, Newport. F. H. Wilkes, Tliursday«. C Clark, Q. M. Henry P Stearns, Surgeon, H. E. liavinfT the same soft, clear, smooth and beaut)lul. 2nd. A ll persons who have lost both hands, or one Ballou N o .C e n t r a l Falls, Manly I’. Barber, Tburiiday. He will also send (freej instructions for producin^i Cooley, Chaplain; Frank Stone, S g ’t Maj.; Ethelbert by a very simi)le means, a lu.xuriiint growth ol hair *oot and one hand, or who are totallv disabled in the Babbitt No. 4, Bristol, Frank G. Bourn, I liursdays. French, Q M S.; L. F. Squircs,Officer Day ; W . A - lUwlins No. 5, Asha way, x'. M. Barber, 2 & 4 Thursday. on a bald head or smooth face. *m e, or otherwise so di.sahled as to bo incapacitated Garvie. Oflicer Gnard. The above can be obtained liy retur n mail by ad- •or performing any manual labor, but not so much as Reno No. 7. E. Ureenwieh, G. S. Burton, Wednesdays. McGregors, Phenix, (J. P. Williams, Wednesdays. dressini; •o require constant personal aid and attention $20 per Smith 9, Woonsocket, L. D. Jencks LOUIS L k MAH, -uonih. Slocum 10, Pi ovideiico, II. R. Barker, 1st Wednesday. ELIAS HOWE J r . POST NO. 3. ImportinK Chemist, 69; Broadway, N. Y. 3rd. All those persons who have lost one foot or Kodii.an 12, Proviilenco, K. H. L Goddard. 1st Tuesday. BlilDGEPOltT. P. O. Box 511)6. HP hand, or boon totally and permanently disabled in Ives lb. Providence, R. F. Nicola, Thursdays. Sedgwick 14, Natick, Peter Whelan, Ta.-sdays. Vie same, or otherwise so disabled as to render their Parker 15, Slatei-sville, Nathan Benton, 1st Tuesday. Parlors in Sturdevant Building, Main Street. aability to perform manual labor equivalent to the Biirusidu 16, Hope Valley, L. A. Cole, Saturdays. R eynlar K ncam pm en evc.i-]/ Thursd ay U venlny, OSS of a.hantl or foot S15 per month. George A. Parklngton, P. C ; K. Blake, S. V. C.; Soldiers who have lost their discharges are entitled Jas Cahill, J. V . C ; S. L. Uose, Adjutant; D. Cow- a o DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK. o bounty and it -jan b prooored fcr them in all ca- ler, Q. M ; Chas W . Scarritt, Chaplain; C. S. Welles «s in wliich they would have boen entitled if the dis- Edward B Lansing, Grand Commander, Brooklyn. Surgeon; D . H. Jennings, O. D ; Stephen Weaver, Jnirge had not boon lost. Johu. C. Robinson, aeuior VrceOomnunder, Binghamp- 0. G ; VV. Geddis, S. M ; Frank A. King, Q. M. S ; a " a S " A ll the above are paid to the heirs of decoa.sed so 02 t 0 ^*^John A . Reynolds, Junior Vico Comnuinder, Rochester. Fred Wilmot, Drum Major. H - ^ a CS -iday eucninij, except the lant in each month C"< u • V a ® Council of Adminijtralion.— JuUli P. Short, Brooklyn; H 4dead or re-married, the minor childre are entitled George D, Weeks, Brooklyn; Alonzo Aldeu, Troy ; John before the full muun, when the Clara Barton 'j i H W . Marshall, New York; A, H. Mulligan. New York. JJegree 7neetn on Saturday cueuimj. 'lmrles A. Biitrick, A d j't ; Charles j . DEPARTMENT OF CONNECTICUT. ^C).r>0 i>ev m o n t h . Th*- best sclliujj book wver «as drawn from nature by mysell, and is warranted a Buckbeo, O. M.; O. A . Peek. Surgeon;' A. A. Smith, jmblislied. Agents who sell oui new work, William H Mallory, Grand Commander, Bridge Chaplain; Frank Powers, O. D.; .lunn-s Wineliell, O G.: true representation of the place. J. i l Gitiiiiis, S;i‘t AliiJ.; II. Miirtin. .\l. ,S. rLAIN HOME TALK AND MED­ JAMES H. SAWYER, Vineland, N. J. port. J. J. Wooley, Senior Vice Grand Commander, ICAL COMMON SENSE, STRICKLAND POST NO. 21, N. LONDON. y ^ECTURFS.BY Meriden. have no competition. There never was a book published li. P. Learned, Junior Vico Grand Commander, Parlors at No. 8 Bradley Street. like it. Any body can sell it. Everybody wants it. Norwich. JIany agents are now making from iffiOii to 8ti5Uper month Ool- Hoinei* B . SpraortTe, Henry K Taintor, Assistant Adjutant General, Meets 2d- and 4th- Wednesday Evenings in eaoh Month- ^ellillf'this wonderful book. ‘JI psj'e Descriptive Circu­ lar sent free on application. W e waut good live agents, t)/ lirooklyn, {late of Cornell Lnivenily.) Hartford. F. J. Cbitt^'iidri!. coiiiiiiaiidei ; ,(ie.o. Havens, seiiim- men who can fully appreciate tiie merits of the work, and Charles E Fowler, Assistant Inspector General, vice: .I«hii W . lJiewst*-r. .iimioi- vici-, lie-/.. B. .Smith tiie fact that it me.ts a universal want, A};ent8 who 1. W hen I WHS In Jail. New Haven. ad)’i; .1 A. Tibbets Q. W.; Knii' ii< K. (Miappell surueoii. de.iiie to do «ood as well as make inonev, address 2. Riolies and what constltutc-s them. Stratton ehuplalii ; W. II. lientley. S. M. WKLLS & (.’O.. Itroome Sfre< t; New York. 3. Milton as an Educator. L A Dickinson, Assistant Quartermaster General, For terras, iSio., address the editor of this paper. Hartford Nathiiii Mayer, Assistant Surgeon General, Hart’d. STEDMAN 1*0«T Nii.L'L’, M.VUTFO II C 'rruiiibull, Assistant Chap General Hartford. Parlors at Stedinau Hall Cor. Main and PratU r i e d w 0 T Collins, Judge Advocatn. Meets 1st and Hd H'rdiifsdn" Ki'ru’^is tif'riirh Monih TO THK "WOKKING CLASS— We aie now prepared T CouncUuf Adminhtralion— 1*. W Ambler, Danbury, to I'urnisli all cla.Hses witii constant eniplounent at home, C. J. Buikbee, Now Haven; S A (irangor, VVinsted: H C Dwiiiht, r ; 11. K. raiiuor, S V C; D the whole of the time or for the spuie moments. ISusineaB new, li){ht and prolilable. IVihOns of either sex easily % OALANCE W II Tuhhs, New Lonbon ; F J Seymour, Wolcott G Fraiinfi, .1 V C; Wm I. Hl.liell, Adj’t; B K Blakes- B earn from 50e to per evening, and a proportional sum AND NOT FOUND WANTING!! ville. lee, Ci M. Win U Brownell .Snrtreon; G T Scott, Q by devotinj; tteir whole time to the busiiuss. Boys and RKOISTKU or POSTS. M S; (.’ O’Neil, dr. O 1); G <1 Wliitiiey, 0 G. >;'irls earn nearly as mueh us men. That all who see this W e have a remedy for all diseases ol the kldneya, In- notice may senti their address and test the business, we 'flamniation of the passages, stone in the hluUder. reten- Sed wick Post No. I. NoawiC'U—B. P- Learned, com­ make this unparallud olVei : I'u hiicIi as are not well satis- lloii of urine, gravel, or other diseases ur wi'aiy mail. Uiader, il jo u waut Will I). (JiiliiTi. I’. ( ’ ; O. I'. liiiiliri)|i, S V C; A. perniHUent, prelitable wori<, address ■One member of our llrin was cured of a long standing kid­ Post No. 4. Manchester—.lohn Dutton com W . Ftird, il. i ihi hi ('m uisli .Ailjt ; Dan’i S. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Me. ney disease in a very short time, after physicians had pro­ mauder, meets Istand 3d Monday evenings in each month. nounced all medicines useless. It is inexpensive in its Latlirop, .M ; A W IMiilip.H. . |) : Kdwin Clark •I- Seveli-Oelave Pianos ol the best manutacture, and THmudy iu the market. 'I'ry it. Price |K>r bottle 5ii ci iiIh fnllv wiirranted. Also an eh-niuit i;at>iiiet Organ, to ba Uibbons Post No. (1, Middletown- John C. Broatoh, com- O. (>.: t'lnif Joliii-i II S y’i Maj ; B. M. Builcy, Q, and |1. W. W. Fuancih b Co., aolii at a jjn at saeiilUe Kiuiuln; at tills otlice. Loek Box (j, Hartford, Conn. mauder, meets every eveninjf. M. S e i - ’t. THE SOLDIERS’ RECORD.

JIARTFORD. NEW ADVERTISEMEIN'TS. aNEW YORI^. n E W YORK. McHsrs. Goo. P. Rowell, 41 Park Kow; 8. M. Peltengill, L. A. DICKINSON, “JUST ONCE.” 37 Park Kow, are otir author!/,od ageiita in N ew York ^GENTS WANTED FOR THE C IT Y A G R N T ^GENTS WANTED FOR SIG HTS AND SEC K E'PS Aetna Fire Insurance Co. Our ‘sH.vt i8 uliort and Mveot. like tlie old lady’s i>io O F T H E NATIONAL CAPITAL, cruRt. W e lire youn^, rt'Bolute and ciiergetic. and atnnd •‘WONDERS OF THE WORLD.” The most startling, instniotive and entertaining hook oft Office 226 Hain Street, Hartford. Conn, upon tlie liRht side ok t iik CAPH-iifOK so Car us the Over .ONE TH0U8ANI) illustratioHH. The largeBt, hen1 lue Uttv.i,' hond ior olrciilai-s, and see our terms.•-'’•iur. .dunresiA ddres* word ‘boat’ Ir Bubstitutcd for that oi money! That IJ. b. lU B L I S U I X t j CO., 411 Broome St. N Y selling, and most attractive Hubscriptlon book over pub sep2.'54w HUGENDUBEL, which Ib worth doinj.' at all is worlh doinj< well. ll lisdecL Send for circular, with terms, at once. Address C, we can beat ClirlRtopltcr ColiinibuR, tlie Declaration of U. 8. P U B IjIS H IN U CO., ■lli iiroomo St., N . Y MANDFACTUllRR OK 8epa.'i4w Independence and llui I'^niancipation I’rorlaniation, ‘de. LAEGEST-BEST-CHEAPEST. TIN, COPPER, and SHEET IRON WARE ponent Raycth not.’ Uiit 11 our rcadiTM will ‘look in D E A L E R IN upon hr', we think tliut alter a carfliil in.spection they ly \ ears been freely useii upon Stoves, Ranges, Funiaces, &c will ffcl as well satisrted an n >?reat nmnv people do, aft*M- attending camp meeting for a week or soinj; to N o , 24 Sheldon Street, Moore’s Rural New Yorker. a two days' circus! Hut— read one. and all, anil yoii'l HAIiTFOlU), COX^\ And ns a result it is now, pre-eminently, the Largest. Besti, know UH bettor and learn what we can siiCfessl’ull and Cheaiwst Ii.i.ijstii.vtki) R u iial, L it b u a u y a n d - Plankliud ware of all kinds made to or

L iv iN O ISh v o m j T iik ik M k .vnh. Hulwcr hh,v> f’ ll I LA JJELI’H IA . UAHTFOlil). thwr pDVcriy is only an iduii in nine cases out of tfti. IIAHTFOIID. S oiiu'm en wit'. S I,000 n yeur sufFer more for wi\nt II II illi'lttand. 191-2 Kvijrett .Street Ih our General Ateii*^ "N n r M / H o o k . —Agents Hell lO.i per week. Price o f means than others wiili S500. llis income is SlO.flOO for I'liiludelphln. and in authorised to roeleve iidvertise- menti nnd siiliscriplions. W Address I.. STEIUJINS, Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Providence and Fishkill ji yctir, ami he suffers ctu;u(;h for bcin^ duiinotl for unpaid (lehn to kill a sensitive man. A man who PATENTS. Railroad. earns a doll.ir ii day nnd does not {{o in debt, is the JOHN L. SLATER & CO., I n v e i i l o r M . —Before jo u select a solicitor, send for On and after July 7, 1869, trains will leave as follows happier ol the two. V ery few people who have never ny tVee treatise '‘A bo ut P a t k x t s,” and ciiculars show­ GOING F^ST. been lifh will iielifve tl»is; hut it i> true. 'I’hern are ing the extraordinary inducement* I offer. W . E. Sl.MO.M)8, 345 Msln Street. Hartford for Provldene e attHO a. m. and I 50 p. m. tlmiisiinds iinnn{r No. 3 South Tenth Street, Hartford for VVilllmnntlc, 0 10. a m.. 1 60 Bud 6 l.'i 6 15 p. m. i the 6 10 a. m , 1 ,'iO and (J 15 p. m connecti the w.jikiii}^ iiitMi iu the would than nnioung those lor N ew London; the 0 10 a.m . and 1 .'')0 p. ni. connect who me ciilli-il lifh . PHILAPELPHIA, PA. _ lor Palmer G. A. R. 'Hartford for KocKvllle. B 10, 9 4o a. in., 1 50. i 4o, 6 10 A H in t ru V(ii;.\ a. m., 1 IS nnd 5 30 p. m. Saturdays at 8 p m. Durini' the cdiivcrsation that ensued, the merchant said | rjURIO US, HOW STRANCEI-TheAfarncrfia ilitiii' I'rimite Cumpanion contains the desired informa­ Waterluiry for Hartford. 7 50 a. m. ond 4 20 p. in.. con to him,‘‘ H ow is Harry, that you have been able to live tion. .Sent tree for stamp. Address Mus. U . METZGKR 6 State Street, Hartford, Conn. m ctiug from Winsied ; 12 05 p m connecting from Uridgo afid 'live niDiiey on the Moall Hum vvliicli you received iliinover, I’eun. port. Dealer in all kinds of Itristol for Hartford, 7 15, 8 35 a m , 12 50 nnd 5 O'* for your services, while I found it impossible to give p. m. in my business, with a jrood round SI.OOO to ba(?k me. J T r A H T E D , A C E N T S . - f 2 0 Watch free, given Plainville for Hartford, 7 :)0,8 55a. m.. 1 10 and 5 25 and " (I.s a id the tierchanic,' tliai is easily undeistood » V jr|litis to every live nian who will act as our njient. FINK GOLD AND SILVKR WATCHKS, 7‘JOp. m., connects from Ilolllnsville at 8 55 a.m. and 7 20 Uusine.-fi lij?ht and honorable; pav« $30 per day. Address I- I h:ivo lived wi h reference mo>tIy to the comforts and p.m.. New Haven and Northampton, 8 55 a. m., 110 and 7 It. ^f(lnrull Ktnnedij !( Co., I’ittsburuh, fa. GOLD CHAINS, SOLID SILVKR WARE, !iO. p.m. tastes of m yself and family: while you havo lived mostly witli referancc to the opinions and tastes of New Uritain ‘"or Hartford, 7 -to and 9 10 a. in., and 1 20. KOGERS’ PLATED GOODS, CLOCKS, 2 40, 5 40 and 7 35 p. mj others. It costs more to please the eye than to keep tl e .M Lf^CELLANEOUS. (;oiNG wi:.sT. back warm and the stoinacd lull. And all articles usually found In n tlr.-«t chiM* Jewel­ Hartford for Waterbiirv, 8 20. il 20 a. m. and 4 10 p. m, ry store. connecting for Wlnsted." The II ‘iO and 4 Ui p m trains ^OOK AGENTS WflNTED.- of the connect lor Hrldgeiiort, Ir*til>lislier’K SSpecial jVotici*fs.—A Mlin ^ White Hoiitie.'' No oppositlou. Steel ennravinnS. Rap­ Hartford for Hristol, 6 15, 8 20 and 11 -iO a. m. and 4 ID ilore this piirugruph indicatcn tliiit the xiibt'Cr plioii ha id sales I'’or piirticubirs address U. 8. ruiinsHiNG Co., W A T C H RJGPAIRI.^C.;. p. in. ipircti. W«i ^llall be very bitpiiy to have it reiir«i tl N. V ('.tucii.uiiti and tjhlungo Hartford (or Plalnvllle. 6 15. 8 20 and 11 iiO a. m.. and llsD Cllosft hctorn tills parajjrapU (UmioIcm I bat. l lie Having had an experience of ^ver twenty years as 4 10 p m., connects for Nortliampton at 6 15, 11 20 a. m., t ^Cl•iber is ill arrcaiH lor suliseriptioii. 1'IiIh i» uiipbiaH a watchmaker, I leeJ confident of being altle to p1ea.se and 6 25 p. in.; for i ’olliiisville nf 11 ‘JOn. m., and 6 25 p. ant for the «alis(!ril)cr an;lvt^-«u a laiicli bel l.cr paper wlicii evt?ry (ieliniiuent Hartforl for New Hritain, 6 15. 8 20 and 11 20 a. m., 1 ‘»0. A salary of $:)5. per week or allow a large commiiMlon to 4 10 and 6 25 p. in. suh< 10. LU ones, lives, li ii« or any Otbrr iiunibei-. A host of jiciiple ted to put in perfect order. 10. 5 .'iO. () 10 p m. llnble Double-Motion / E t n a Machines, niade by Jaiiilt< »re ilntlipiiiK »tln r papi rsalioii tlieae diiVH, and our aK‘;iu p a (ilnit, or aiil some I'rimid to do so, or ble kind) and to the e.xposure of Swindling, Humbugs, thlyW is now acknowledged the model Parhu' Maga/.lne of ______SA M UK L N O IT , Supt. Induce your I*. M. t'> ael mh aiii iit. i c . Onlv 75 cents a year anti a sujierb eutfraving ‘Evan­ I l l f b r m i n * ' CJtnlxs the paper may be addressed to geline’, I l-!ix2 feet 3 1.UI.O oircula|M. Money re­ this country. Its fashiotiH, lilgh-tonod literary articles, as ■well as numerous departments of utility in tlie hoti.seludd, ]^RE£CH LOADING pOGKET J ^ I I F l ¥ s anJolHei’ or.iniet's in llii! I>nitc4 Stales, singlv or other- funded to nil who aak it. It is wide a w a fl, fearless and render It tho most acceptable as well jis'tlie most arti«tical- wlBO. 'f'lio till'*' l'<" noiiipletin'; a club is not limited, but truthful, 'fry it now. 'i'Ci cents a year. Specimens sent With extetiHion breceh :ind globe Mights. Can ho cnrrled lybe.autlful Miignzine now publiHlied; to each siibscriiier I'reciiKMit rcp'ii IS ari' desired. The money must always ae- Address ‘liA^•N^:lt^ Hinsdale, N. H. in a .side pocket, are II nerteet marvel and no humbug.!— Is also sent a large and niagnllicent Steel t^iigrnving. ;>8 bv ^vompttuv the M ime«, wliieh shoiil be vnry plainly written, Send for a descriptive eiiciilur to >;lving post^ollice .... Htalej alno amount enclimcd, the 35 IncheH, entitled “ Tim Picnic on tho Fourth of July, val uedat^io M . \V. 1>0\VL3, FSristol, C’onn, numljer of new «ir.i-,erlber!., and renewals. PROMPT, HONORABLE. RELIABLE, Tho engraving is all done in line and stlpjde, IVom the o J3»“jul«* 'X'ht'O. M,. "VVrtle, As.Vt Quar­ rlglnal palntlngiby Lily M. Spencer, nnd besides tlio copy n termaster Oenerul of the l»i'partmenl of California, Box CiKNTS W A N T E D in every city town and village for ^ L EKT SKIXXEK, the largest and most succes-ful DOLLAR HOUSE in right, cost over seven thousand dollara. and Is acknowleii- 1146, Siiu Fr.iiinirtoo, Mn’ uj^ont i>l' Mk' HK('Our> tho A ged by artists to be the most perfeet and beautiful lari;o en !*,icitic const, and is authorized to reoeiv*' .subscriptions thecountry— O.V/zT OA'i? endorsed by thu leading Papers and Express Co’s o f tho United States. Our goods uive graving ever Issued lu this countrj'. Surely $10. -wiil not ^MERCHANT TAlLOIi. ;.oi! trananel other liiiBlno.ss for us. universal satisfact/on, our prumlums to agents c an n o t procure another that combines so much inte’rost and beau­ N 'o(;ice.—Many subscriptions e.xpire BE KXOKLivKD, and our chucks are fVee. Having two hous­ ty. Feb.'j.'Sa lioonis, Ko. 357 Main St., up stains, witJi the present uumher of the Um ouD. W e desire a es—iioston and Chicago—onr facilities are une(juai.lki>; Kormerly of 20th C. V. i.rompc and j'cneral renewal o f each and everyone. We and our business exceeds In aniouut all other concerns In •ent<'r upon the thiniyear with assurance that the soldiers this trade combined. of New I'iaKlaiid iippreoiate and will heartily sustain this FOK OIRdULARS FREE OLL’IS to Take One on Trial! HENRY E. TAINTOE, uaper, and mako It one of inereaBed prosperity and iiiHu- etvee. It is tliooulv paper In this section devoted to the in- S. C TH OM PSON & CO., i:iO F fd era l Slrcct, Jtosloii, or lerests of soldiers, and these interests It will fcariessly »u»- Free of Charge. Attorney and Counsellor at Law livin. Every soldier should talce a copy of the puper, and IRH Utate Str<^i-t, Chifiiyo, lond the aid of his inlluence and hearty co o)ieration. Wo No. 333 ,Wain Street, want reniiulscenc.es of personal history, Incidents connect- <■<1 with tlie wtir. and eommunlcatlous on topics of iuterert One Million Acres (Room 17, Hill's Block.) Hiirtibrd, CJt. Jrr»ui Holdieirt everywhere. I,et euoli make, it his Hpecial OF o ily to'pbire on a iternnuienr t>n8. ^ 'lie Capture, the I’rlson-Ven, and the Escape.” (See the Itailroads :;lreadv built through the Lands, and on all urospeotus on 8ili psjte | The work Is u comprehensive sides of them. Great Indncenn-nt-s to settlers. Send for ALL WHO WANT TO BUY AN ORGAN AKE Ladles and Gentlemen's Ice Cream Saioeu record ofu wonderfnl experience in Southern prisons, nnd oiir free raniphlct It gives jirices, terms, location ; tells ANI» darhiB and (inallv sueees'^tul attempts at enctipe. It Is the who should come west; what they should brings what it . INVITED TO COME AND TAKE ONE OF nDinsrnsTG- book for tlie soldier’s library. iSecure a copy as n premi­ will cost; glve.-i plans and elevations of eighteen dilferent um lor two Kubsoribens. styles of ready-made > ouses, which the (Jompany furnish ut from 8-J50 to ?4,HC0 ready to set up. Maps sent If desir­ Farris’ American Model Organs, A U OMJEltFUL IMPltOVEMENT ed. Addrenn AUTHORIZE I) AGENTS. On trial, nnd after les-tiiip their nieiits thou uglily if W. W. WALKER, Vieo-ITesideiit. they do not prove the T ie r -t , flienpest mid Kor Having time, money, labor, soai> nnd wear of clothed. Tho foUowinfr persons are authorized. to , roceivo Cedar Rapids. Iowa. M o st H>urtvl)le Orj^niiH in Hit* oriel, they Hulwcriptions to T iik R k c o u d in their various localities, j — ------uan be leturned fice of charge. PAT. SELP-AOTINa OLOTHES WASHEE. A. A Ru(!:Klt.'S and A Rose, Harttord ; Killain &! F D A 3 I O J N T J 1 L Y Fits lu any size of wash boiler. It will wash clothes nlco- WelloH, Now Hritain; Win II Warner, Ansonia; A C j • W ■■ W ly in 15 to 20 minutes; disponse.-^ with rnbbiug-board and Or any way you choose. Teinm made to suit cubtom- waHliing machines. Manufactured and sold by C W Thompson, Ashburnham, Alass ; ( M ) Parsom s ,-l,ig |)iseaS0. lli;iy be found toiners, and from one to two years'tinie allowed. Hawxhurst, 32 I Main s t Hartford- i’ow^ rights lor sale or agents wanted. Addlc^i8 as above. in tlie use of Fi\l{EIS’ M ODEL OllGAlNS T O W READY!' ( (lutiiin n>»ny ini]:oitiint ini| i<.\< n.en',s Idund in no Uoys, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. oiliei.'. ninong wbich nie the S Karr, llinsdalo, NMI ; Jas A Tunks, Lewiston, Patent Im proved Vox Hum ana Stop—the I leivK used the iniMllclne known as T'kiiky D a v is P a i n SPLENDID STEKEOSCOPIC VIEWS O F Me.; Jolin C Broatch, Middletown ; W W 1‘nrker, tb.ibeht Tiemolo in the wi rlii. K ii.i.ku In my family for the biMt twelve months, and have “ D u j c l a n a S t o p —uiakmg tone extiemu- Mvstic ; Win Caruthors. Norwich; Win II Tubbs. greiit nleiisure in testltylng to Us very valuable proin'rtlss. ly delicate and soft. I would not on any account b« withiint It. During the ex- New London ; C 1C Fowler, Now Ilavon ; 1‘ P Wil “ V o x C e l e s t e —» ‘ hiirniing -(do Stop of CAMP WINSHIF, NORWICH, CONN istenci) of the cholera last year. I used no medicine of nny 9on, Putnam ; S S Knight, Portland, M e; C II Har- piculiar lirilliancy. sort except the I’ain Killer, although myself and several nev, P:ovidenco, U I ; H Hillebrand, Philadelphia, , *■ Sub Bass Extension--i>'i'duclngtwo UANIICL S. CAMP, Photographer, meiiib-. rs of the family were attae.ked i)y it severely.and 1 octiives 8uli>|iasN. im-urin;; ei|unl biilnnce. Pa.; (} N BrlKhiuii, Rockvi^lo : H P Packer, Soitili am hiii)py to say that the Pain Killer was equal to every Charter Oak_Bnnk Knilding, Hnrtford. Im proved Octave Coupler-doub­ Coventry ; Theo M Wato, San Francisco, Cal ; J K emergency; it was l>oth a i>reveutative and a certain cnrn. ling the power ami .uivmg u i)ii.f-like (luality llomilton, Unionville ; W W Bii'nc, Wolcottville; IT I e.onslder that I should not be doing m\- tlnty to the com- to lliu tone. munitv did I not .say this much I f I were attacked by GEMMILL, CLARKE & 00. M Calder, Winsted; K D Carpenter, W^est Killinj^ly; Automatic Knee S w e l l —tbe motef. knowltcnnberellelon. K. K llKi{(iI\SICND. ford ; Frank G Otis, Meriilen ; F. II. Moore, War­ Movable Lamp Brockets— which And Ueiilurs In Galena, Illinois. ren, Mass.; 11 M Coney, Warn, Muss. adjust the ll^ht to Hint coiivenii nee. Clotliiiig^, Clotliiii, «criptions may forwarded direct to this of- ‘ Book C lo s e t s —W'ith eonipailments for bu bitieet Music and Uonkh. vfcce hy money order or in ii registered letter, and thu VeBtiiigs, Gouts’ Fanii.sliing Gooda, «&c., proniiums will bo forwarded iit an early date. Tbeso in connection with tlieir Klast-.c 'loiieh, Puri ty of Voicing, variety of conibiuntlons. elegant de.sijit position amone leed instrnnienis. k F. Burulmm. Hurtfonl^ COTin. For the accommodivtioti o f our subscribfrH we 'I rv Thom anti ConipHro with OIIkms. John Geminlll. late of the IGtli Oonn. Vols., of tho firm oi bfC GomniilK Clarke &. Co. have made 8)iecial arrangement.s with piildisher.s . Himimber, furnith a flvu octave Organ ^^llh the 1 0 , 0 0 0 Wordif iiiid iiieaniiijiti nut in other Dietionarie.^. We will send Tilt: UiX’oitit u'ld either llnr|iers best tremolo In the world, Patent Knee Swell, solid wal­ 84 Asylum Street, Hartford. HOOO'.Etiortn'liif/ii; IStO l‘n.*slie’s Illustrated W eekly, Chininey t ’oriier or La- E (W . II, Prescott, the Historian.) Splendid Double Keed Organs, for plKi.tO and ii is hivS motto. »Ues Mana/.ino, lor .f 4.r>u a year. “ '' “ “ with 7 stops anil bouK he must cuni|ilete Dictionary of our Language. closets for Sl.^iO.OO Call and see him at H4 A S Y l .U M UTR K KT. For S;i wo will scud with 'riii'. R i-.c o k d either the T (Dr. Dick of Scotland.I 14 styles Parlor Crand Organs, ihe most eie- Livdy’s FrieiKl. Bosum W e i k h State.siimn, Weekly he best guide of students of our Language. gnift style In the world, from Sl-J.'i to ^S.W. A l l y n House Boot and Shoe Store. Nt;\v York World, Saturday Evening Post (Plilla.) T (John (J. Whittier.) Send for our Catalogue nnd l*rlce Liwt. Mailed free Amoriciin Af^riculturist, Toledo Blade or .Monthly e will transmit hi name to lateut posterity. to any address. (Chancellor Kent.) jqHNJWATSON. H Several second-hand Organs and Me- Novolletie. tymological part surpusNes uiipthing '.ly earlier liibor- For 7.5 either Honrs at lloi.^e, H om e .JournnI, lo c ^ e o n s made by Mason & liamlin, Et^U y and others LYOJN, E ei-rt. (Ueorge Bancroft.) (which we have taken in excluinue) for siilu at a Hucrlflce Tho Imlepcndent, (including two steel eii--ravings of earing relation to Language Ilrlncipia docs to Phil­ to close them out. Also one good ni.x octave piano for sale D E A L E R , IN yrant and Colfax, worth ,|!2 each,) Amerivaii Union, osophy. (Klibu lJurritt.) at a baiKoln. Pianos, OrgaiiK and Melodeons tuned and B repaired, also taken in txchantie. ■or Leslio’.s Boy« and Girls Weekly. xcels all others iu defining scicntlflo terms. Newspapers, Maj^aziiies, Toys Tni; Ri:c»)KI> and Kvery Saturday ; North E (PreHident Hitchcock.) CrF“ALL KINDS OF SHEET MUSIC AT HALF o far as I know, best detlnlng Dictionary. i^nioricun Review, ICelectie Mairazine iJi.'i.aS; Faue.v Ooocls, S lilorace Maun.) PRICE. Demorests Monthly, with ennravinps, S I (W; Littell's ake it altogt'llier, the surpassing work. >S(); Moore’s Rural New Yorker. !*i4; A nicessity to every intelligent ftimily, student, teacher Peterson’s $.3 20 ; PhronuloKical Journal, .’ti-'t .'io ; itnd profesHional m..n. Whut llbraiy is uomplete without STEHE08C0PE8 AND 8TERE0800PI0 VIEWS. ^Vood’s Household MiiKa/.ine, 2.25; BaUou’.s Month­ the best ICngllKh Dietionary 1 ORGAN WAREROOMS, O f every description. WEBSTFR'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. ly, ijia 7ft ; Herald of Heiillh, 2 75 ; Riverside Miiga- 197 and •JUl M .\IN STKKKT. 219 Mailt StLMdoor bolow CenterChurcli, «Q0 , $2.ftl) ; Leslie’s Budget of Fun, S2.75 ; Pleasant 10iOPages Octavo. Kiignivlngs. Price # « . jiinP'v ’ Opposite Athenteum. «ID , COKTl>T. Hours, $2 75. The work is really u gum of a Dictioniirv, just the thing for the million.— Anieric.m Kdiicutioniii Moiithlv. TTOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES VV’eddiiijK ivnd V iH itiiifj C/'iivcIh lingraved and Printed ill every style. I.iv n l of nil kinds. A B W A N T !Ui active, reliable CHUvasHHr in uvery coun. Published by O. & (^ MKIMtl-VM d. .Ma~s., and Medieine ( ii-teH. nUo ea.se» relil'ed. AT rtn: .M.rvs iioisn mtf>a s t o h k . tine lot of stereoscoiiie Views of Piii is at #2011 per doz- W ty lu K. Kuglaiid on liberal terms. KK( Oill> Ctlloo. Sold bv all Kockseller'. iMi. wli'cli iire spp ei illj de^ii-.iliU'jnst now.