One Heart, One Spirit
2 WELCOME 3 Letter from SOMA 4 Nigerian Youth Center Adopt a Seminarian 5 Growing Numbers in Vietnam Chinese Catholic St. Joseph’s presented OLQP with a painting that depicts both churches, bonded by Forum a handshake, and captioned “Two parishes become one for life.” It was painted by a student from Medor who is now studying art in Port au Prince. (Haiti photos courtesy of Dr. Sue Carlson.) 6 Spotlight on a Spiritan CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT PROVINCE OF THE UNITED STATES Winter ONE HEART, ONE SPIRIT 2017 Spiritan Parish in Virginia Celebrates 20 Years of Friendship and Service in Haiti Our Lady Queen of Peace Church According to their quarterly news- students to include a secondary (OLQP) in Arlington, Virginia, one letter, The Advocate, “They had faith school, now educating 3,000 stu- of more than 20 Spiritan parishes that OLQP would be able to climb dents in grades K-13. scattered throughout the United the mountain to St. Joseph’s (both States, takes the Spiritan commit- literally and figuratively!), one of Continued on page 2 ment to global ministry to a whole the most inaccessible parishes new level. in the twinning program, a place without roads, running water, On October 22, 2017, OLQP sewage system, or an electrical celebrated its 20th anniversary grid.” of “twinning” with St. Joseph’s in Medor, Haiti. Since 1997, the parishes have worked together to improve health, The two congregations were paired education, energy, and local devel- in 1997, when Fr. Jeff Duaime, opment in Medor. C.S.Sp., then pastor at OLQP, re- quested a parish with challenges Some highlights of the many that other parishes might find too accomplishments are expand- difficult to partner with.
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