Data set on ideology of ruling political parties and coalitions in former socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe.

Data is retrieved from an expert survey which included a multinational panel of 273 experts on party systems of 16 countries. The survey was conducted online in June and July 2017 by Dejan Bursać, researcher at the Belgrade-based Institute for Political Studies, as a part of his doctoral research at the University of Belgrade.

The respondents were asked to locate each party on a general left-right scale, considering all aspects of party policy and all relevant information about a party position. Ideology of each party is presented numerically in the one-dimensional policy space, ranging from 0 (extreme left) to 10 (extreme right), for every parliamentary term/government since the first multi-party elections after the fall of socialism (and in some cases, after achieving national independence) in all 16 countries of the sample. Average ideology of every government is presented as a weighted mean of member parties, in relation to their parliamentary strength.

This document is accompanied by a separate excel database.

Please cite accordingly: Bursac, Dejan (2018). Expert survey on party ideology in former socialist countries, 1990-2017. Retrieved from:


Table of Contents

POLAND ...... 3 HUNGARY ...... 8 CZECH REPUBLIC ...... 11 SLOVAKIA ...... 15 ESTONIA ...... 18 LATVIA ...... 22 LITHUANIA ...... 28 ROMANIA ...... 32 BULGARIA ...... 38 ...... 41 SLOVENIA ...... 45 ...... 50 MACEDONIA ...... 54 MONTENEGRO ...... 60 SERBIA ...... 63 ALBANIA ...... 68


POLAND Number of respondents: 20

Government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki (August 1989 – January 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Solidarity Citizens' Committee KO "S" 161 5.78 (Komitet Obywatelski "Solidarność") United People's Party ZSL 76 3.5 (Zjednoczone Stronnictwo Ludowe) Polish United Workers' Party PZPR 173 1.78 (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza) Alliance of Democrats SD 39 4.94 (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) Government score: 3.78

Government of Jan Krzysztof Bielecki (January 1991 – December 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Congress KLD 37 6.61 (Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny) Christian National Union ZChN 49 8.58 (Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe) Centre Agreement PC 44 7.32 (Porozumienie Centrum) Alliance of Democrats SD 21 4.94 (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) Government score: 7.22

Government of Jan Olszewski (December 1991 – June 1992) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Centre Agreement PC 44 7 (Porozumienie Centrum) Christian National Union ZChN 49 8.67 (Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe) Polish People's Party–Peasants' Agreement PSL-PL 28 5.94 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe–Porozumienie Ludowe) Government score: 7.43

Government of Hanna Suchocka (July 1992 – October 1993) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Democratic Union UD 62 4.58 (Unia Demokratyczna) Liberal Democratic Congress KLD 37 6.35 (Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny) Christian National Union ZChN 49 8.67 (Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe) Party of Christian Democrats PChD 5 7 (Partia Chrześcijańskich Demokratów) Polish Beer-Lovers' Party PPPP 3 5.31 (Polska Partia Przyjaciół Piwa) Polish People's Party–Peasants' Agreement PSL-PL 28 5.94 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe–Porozumienie Ludowe) Government score: 6.31

Government of Waldemar Pawlak (October 1993 – March 1995) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Polish People's Party PSL 132 4.63 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Democratic Left Alliance SLD 171 2.79 (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Nonpartisan Bloc for Support of Reforms BBWR 16 6.06 (Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform) Government score: 3.72

Government of Józef Oleksy (March 1995 – February 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Polish People's Party PSL 132 4.63 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Democratic Left Alliance SLD 171 2.79 (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Government score: 3.6

Government of Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz (February 1996 – October 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Polish People's Party PSL 132 4.63 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Democratic Left Alliance SLD 171 2.79 (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Government score: 3.6

Government of Jerzy Buzek (October 1997 – October 2001)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Solidarity Electoral Action ASW 201 7.17 (Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność) Freedom Union UW 60 5.16 (Unia Wolności) Government score: 6.71

Government of Leszek Miller (October 2001 – May 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Left Alliance SLD 200 3.63 (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Labor Union UP 16 1.95 (Unia Pracy) Polish People's Party PSL 42 4.84 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Government score: 3.72

Government of Marek Belka (June 2004 – October 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Left Alliance SLD 200 3.63 (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Labor Union UP 16 1.95 (Unia Pracy) Government score: 3.5

First government of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (October 2005 – May 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Law and Justice PiS 155 7.26 (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) Government score: 7.26

Second government of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (May 2006 – July 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Law and Justice PiS 155 7.26 (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland SRP 56 2.78 (Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej) League of Polish Families LPR 34 8.82 (Liga Polskich Rodzin)


Government score: 6.45

Government of Jarosław Kaczyński (July 2006 – November 2007) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Law and Justice PiS 155 7.26 (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland SRP 56 2.78 (Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej) League of Polish Families LPR 34 8.82 (Liga Polskich Rodzin) Government score: 6.45

First government of Donald Tusk (November 2007 – November 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Platform PO 209 5.95 (Platforma Obywatelska) Polish People's Party PSL 31 4.95 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Government score: 5.82

Second government of Donald Tusk (November 2011 – September 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Platform PO 207 5.72 (Platforma Obywatelska) Polish People's Party PSL 28 4.81 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Government score: 5.61

Government of Ewa Kopacz (September 2014 – November 2015) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Platform PO 207 5.72 (Platforma Obywatelska) Polish People's Party PSL 28 4.81 (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) Government score: 5.61

Government of Beata Szydło (November 2015 – December 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Law and Justice PiS 217 7.67 (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) United Poland SP 8 7.61 (Solidarna Polska) Poland Together PR 9 7.39 (Polska Razem) Right Wing of the Republic PR 1 8.59 (Prawica Rzeczypospolitej) Government score: 7.66


HUNGARY Number of respondents: 24

Government of József Antall (May 1990 – December 1993) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Democratic Forum MDF 164 6.52 (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers FKgP 44 8 and Civic Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) Christian Democratic People's Party KDNP 21 6.96 (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) Government score: 6.84

Government of Péter Boross (December 1993 – July 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Democratic Forum MDF 164 6.52 (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) United Historical Smallholders and Civic Party EKgP 22 7.38 (Egyesült Kisgazdapárt) Christian Democratic People's Party KDNP 21 6.96 (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) Government score: 6.66

Government of Gyula Horn (July 1994 – July 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Socialist Party MSZP 209 3.15 (Magyar Szocialista Párt) Alliance of Free Democrats – Hungarian SZDSZ 69 4 (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége – a Magyar Liberális Párt) Government score: 3.36

First government of Viktor Orbán (July 1998 – May 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Party Fidesz 148 6.57 (Fidesz - Magyar Polgári Párt) Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers FKgP 48 7.62 and Civic Party (Független Kisgazdapárt)


Hungarian Democratic Forum MDF 17 6.3 (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) Government score: 6.79

Government of Péter Medgyessy (May 2002 – September 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Socialist Party MSZP 178 3.57 (Magyar Szocialista Párt) Alliance of Free Democrats – Hungarian SZDSZ 20 4.28 Liberal Party (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége – a Magyar Liberális Párt) Government score: 3.64

First government of Ferenc Gyurcsány (September 2004 – June 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Socialist Party MSZP 178 3.57 (Magyar Szocialista Párt) Alliance of Free Democrats – Hungarian SZDSZ 20 4.28 Liberal Party (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége – a Magyar Liberális Párt) Government score: 3.64

Second government of Ferenc Gyurcsány (June 2006 – April 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Socialist Party MSZP 190 3.91 (Magyar Szocialista Párt) Alliance of Free Democrats – Hungarian SZDSZ 20 4.04 Liberal Party (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége – a Magyar Liberális Párt) Government score: 3.92

Government of Gordon Bajnai (April 2009 – May 2010) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Hungarian Socialist Party MSZP 190 3.91 (Magyar Szocialista Párt) Government score: 3.91


Second government of Viktor Orbán (May 2010 – June 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Party Fidesz 227 7.73 (Fidesz - Magyar Polgári Párt) Christian Democratic People's Party KDNP 36 7.78 (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) Government score: 7.73

Third government of Viktor Orbán (June 2014 – May 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Party Fidesz 117 8.48 (Fidesz - Magyar Polgári Párt) Christian Democratic People's Party KDNP 16 8.29 (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) Government score: 8.46


CZECH REPUBLIC Number of respondents: 26

First government of Václav Klaus (July 1992 – July 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 66 7.42 (Občanská demokratická strana) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 16 5.54 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Civic Democratic Alliance ODA 14 7.52 (Občanská demokratická aliance) Christian Democratic Party KDS 10 6.96 (Křesťanskodemokratická strana) Government score: 7.11

Second government of Václav Klaus (July 1996 – January 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 68 7.28 (Občanská demokratická strana) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 18 5.33 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Civic Democratic Alliance ODA 13 7.44 (Občanská demokratická aliance) Government score: 6.95

Government of Josef Tošovský (January 1998 – July 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Freedom Union US 30 6.69 (Unie svobody) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 18 5.33 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Civic Democratic Alliance ODA 13 7.44 (Občanská demokratická aliance) Government score: 6.45

Government of Miloš Zeman (July 1998 – July 2002)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 74 2.88 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Government score: 2.88

Government of Vladimír Špidla (July 2002 – August 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 70 3.12 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 23 5.24 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Freedom Union – Democratic Union US–DEU 8 6.31 (Unie Svobody–Demokratická unie) Government score: 3.85

Government of Stanislav Gross (August 2004 – April 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 70 3.12 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 23 5.24 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Freedom Union – Democratic Union US–DEU 8 6.31 (Unie Svobody–Demokratická unie) Government score: 3.85

Government of Jiří Paroubek (April 2005 – September 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 70 3.12 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 23 5.24 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Freedom Union – Democratic Union US–DEU 8 6.31 (Unie Svobody–Demokratická unie) Government score: 3.85


Government of Mirek Topolanek (September 2006 – May 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 81 7.42 (Občanská demokratická strana) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 13 5.52 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Green Party SZ 6 4.75 (Strana zelených) Government score: 7.17

Government of Jan Fischer (May 2009 – July 2010) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 81 7.42 (Občanská demokratická strana) Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 74 2.88 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Green Party SZ 6 4.75 (Strana zelených) Government score: 5.23

First government of Petr Nečas (July 2010 – March 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 53 7.46 (Občanská demokratická strana) Tradition Responsibility Prosperity TOP 09 41 7.28 (Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita) Public Affairs VV 24 5.48 (Věci veřejné) Government score: 6.99

Second government of Petr Nečas (March 2012 – July 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Civic Democratic Party ODS 53 7.46 (Občanská demokratická strana) Tradition Responsibility Prosperity TOP 09 41 7.28 (Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita) LIDEM - Liberal Democrats LIDEM 11 5.63 (LIDEM – liberální demokraté) Government score: 7.2


Government of Bohuslav Sobotka (January 2014 – December 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD 50 3.24 (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) Action of Dissatisfied Citizens ANO 2011 47 5.65 (Akce nespokojených občanů) Christian and Democratic Union – KDU–ČSL 14 5.26 Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová) Government score: 4.51


SLOVAKIA Number of respondents: 16

Second government of Vladimír Mečiar (June 1992 – March 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Movement for a Democratic Slovakia HZDS 74 6.06 (Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko) Slovak National Party SNS 15 8.6 (Slovenská národná strana) Government score: 6.49

Government of Jozef Moravčík (March 1994 – December 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Union of Slovakia DEUS 18 5.85 (Demokratická únia Slovenska) Christian Democratic Movement KDH 18 6.94 (Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie) Party of the Democratic Left SDĽ 29 2.75 (Strana demokratickej ľavice) National Democratic Party NDS 6 6.83 (Národno-demokratická strana) Government score: 4.93

Third government of Vladimír Mečiar (December 1994 – October 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Movement for a Democratic Slovakia HZDS 61 6.06 (Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko) Union of the Workers of Slovakia ZRS 13 1.31 (Združenie robotníkov Slovenska) Slovak National Party SNS 9 8.6 (Slovenská národná strana) Government score: 5.59

First government of Mikuláš Dzurinda (October 1998 – October 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovak Democratic Coalition SDK 42 6.27 (Slovenská demokratická koalícia) Party of the Democratic Left SDĽ 23 2.6 (Strana demokratickej ľavice) Party of the Hungarian Coalition SMK 15 6.36 (Strana maďarskej koalície)


Party of Civic Understanding SOP 13 4.53 (Strana občianskeho porozumenia) Government score: 5.13

Second government of Mikuláš Dzurinda (October 2002 – July 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovak Democratic and Christian Union SDKÚ 28 6.6 (Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia) Party of the Hungarian Coalition SMK 20 6.5 (Strana maďarskej koalície) Christian Democratic Movement KDH 15 7.07 (Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie) Alliance of the New Citizen ANO 15 6.07 (Aliancia Nového Občana) Government score: 6.57

First government of Robert Fico (July 2006 – July 2010) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Direction – Social Democracy SMER-SD 50 3.27 (Smer–sociálna demokracia) Slovak National Party SNS 20 8.13 (Slovenská národná strana) People's Party – Movement for a Democratic ĽS-HZDS 15 6 Slovakia (Ľudová strana – Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko) Government score: 4.89

Government of Iveta Radičová (July 2010 – April 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – SDKÚ-DS 28 6.53 Democratic Party (Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia – Demokratická strana) Freedom and Solidarity SaS 22 7.4 (Sloboda a Solidarita) Christian Democratic Movement KDH 15 7.13 (Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie) Bridge M-H 14 5.87 (Most–Híd) Government score: 6.76


Second government of Robert Fico (April 2012 – March 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Direction – Social Democracy SMER-SD 83 3.69 (Smer–sociálna demokracia) Government score: 3.69

Third government of Robert Fico (March 2016 – March 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Direction – Social Democracy SMER-SD 49 3.73 (Smer–sociálna demokracia) Slovak National Party SNS 15 6.93 (Slovenská národná strana) Bridge M-H 11 5.87 (Most–Híd) Network SIET' 7 6.36 (Sieť) Government score: 4.83


ESTONIA Number of respondents: 8

First government of Mart Laar (October 1992 – November 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Pro Patria National Coalition RKEI 29 7.71 (Rahvuslik Koonderakond Isamaa) Moderates Alliance M 12 5.29 (Valimisliit Mõõdukad) Estonian National Independence Party ERSP 12 8.5 (Eesti Rahvusliku Sõltumatuse Partei) Government score: 7.34

Government of Andres Tarand (November 1994 – April 1995) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Pro Patria National Coalition RKEI 15 7.71 (Rahvuslik Koonderakond Isamaa) Moderates Alliance M 12 5.29 (Valimisliit Mõõdukad) Estonian National Independence Party ERSP 12 8.5 (Eesti Rahvusliku Sõltumatuse Partei) Estonian Reform Party RE 9 7.14 (Eesti Reformierakond) People's Party of Republicans and VKR 5 8.17 Conservatives (Vabariiklaste ja Konservatiivide Rahvaerakond) Government score: 7.15

First government of Tiit Vähi (April 1995 – November 1995) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Coalition Party EK 18 5.88 (Eesti Koonderakond) Estonian Country People's Party EME 23 5.38 (Eesti Maarahva Erakond) Estonian Centre Party K 16 4.25 (Eesti Keskerakond) Government score: 5.22

Second government of Tiit Vähi (November 1995 – December 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Estonian Coalition Party EK 18 5.88 (Eesti Koonderakond) Estonian Country People's Party EME 23 5.38 (Eesti Maarahva Erakond) Estonian Reform Party RE 19 7.25 (Eesti Reformierakond) Government score: 6.12

Third government of Tiit Vähi (December 1996 – March 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Coalition Party EK 18 5.88 (Eesti Koonderakond) Estonian Country People's Party EME 23 5.38 (Eesti Maarahva Erakond) Progress Party AP 5 5 (Arengupartei) Government score: 5.53

Government of Mart Siimann (March 1997 – March 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Coalition Party EK 18 5.88 (Eesti Koonderakond) Estonian Country People's Party EME 23 5.38 (Eesti Maarahva Erakond) Progress Party AP 5 5 (Arengupartei) Government score: 5.53

Second government of Mart Laar (March 1999 – January 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Pro Patria Union I 18 7.38 (Isamaaliit) Moderates M 17 4.86 (Mõõdukad) Estonian Reform Party RE 18 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond) Government score: 6.49

Government of Siim Kallas (January 2002 – April 2003) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Estonian Reform Party RE 18 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond) Estonian Centre Party K 28 4.25 (Eesti Keskerakond) Government score: 5.38

Government of Juhan Parts (April 2003 – April 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Res Publica Party RP 28 6.88 (Erakond Res Publica) Estonian Reform Party RE 19 7 (Eesti Reformierakond) People's Union of Estonia ERL 13 5 (Eestimaa Rahvaliit) Government score: 6.51

First government of Andrus Ansip (April 2005 – April 2007) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 19 7 (Eesti Reformierakond) Estonian Centre Party K 28 4.13 (Eesti Keskerakond) People's Union of Estonia ERL 13 5 (Eestimaa Rahvaliit) Government score: 5.23

Second government of Andrus Ansip (April 2007 – May 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 31 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond) Pro Patria and Res Publica Union IRL 19 7 (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit) Social Democratic Party SDE 10 4 (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) Government score: 6.57

Third government of Andrus Ansip (May 2009 – April 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 31 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond)


Pro Patria and Res Publica Union IRL 19 7 (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit) Government score: 7.08

Fourth government of Andrus Ansip (April 2011 – March 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 33 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond) Pro Patria and Res Publica Union IRL 23 7.13 (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit) Government score: 7.13

First government of Taavi Rõivas (March 2014 – March 2015) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 33 7.13 (Eesti Reformierakond) Social Democratic Party SDE 19 3.63 (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) Government score: 5.85

Second government of Taavi Rõivas (March 2015 – November 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Reform Party RE 30 7 (Eesti Reformierakond) Social Democratic Party SDE 15 3.63 (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) Pro Patria and Res Publica Union IRL 14 6.88 (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit) Government score: 6.11

Government of Jüri Ratas (November 2016 – incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Estonian Centre Party K 27 3.88 (Eesti Keskerakond) Social Democratic Party SDE 15 3.63 (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) Pro Patria and Res Publica Union IRL 14 6.88 (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit) Government score: 4.56


LATVIA Number of respondents: 10

Government of Valdis Birkavs (August 1993 – September 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Latvian Way LC 36 5.9 (Latvijas Ceļš) Latvian Farmers' Union LZS 12 5.5 (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) Latvian Green Party LZP 1 5.7 (Latvijas Zaļā partija) Government score: 5.8

Government of Māris Gailis (September 1994 – December 1995) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Latvian Way LC 36 5.9 (Latvijas Ceļš) Latvian Farmers' Union LZS 12 5.5 (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) Latvian Green Party LZP 1 5.7 (Latvijas Zaļā partija) For Fatherland and Freedom TB 6 7.6 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai) Political Union of Economists TPA 8 3.78 (Tautsaimnieku politiskā apvienība) Government score: 5.71

First government of Andris Šķēle (December 1995 – February 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party "Saimnieks" DP‘S’ 18 4 (Demokrātiskā partija "Saimnieks") For Fatherland and Freedom TB 14 7.4 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai) Latvian Way LC 17 5.7 (Latvijas Ceļš) Latvian National Independence Movement LNNK 4 7.2 (Latvijas Nacionālās Neatkarības Kustība) Latvian Farmers' Union LZS 3 5.78 (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) Latvian Green Party LZP 4 5.89 (Latvijas Zaļā partija)


Latvian Unity Party LVP 8 4.67 (Latvijas Vienības partija) Government score: 5.59

Second government of Andris Šķēle (February 1997 – August 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party "Saimnieks" DP‘S’ 18 4 (Demokrātiskā partija "Saimnieks") For Fatherland and Freedom TB 14 7.4 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai) Latvian Way LC 17 5.7 (Latvijas Ceļš) Latvian National Independence Movement LNNK 4 7.2 (Latvijas Nacionālās Neatkarības Kustība) Latvian Farmers' Union LZS 3 5.78 (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) Latvian Green Party LZP 4 5.89 (Latvijas Zaļā partija) Christian Democratic Union KDS 4 5.9 (Kristīgi Demokrātiskā Savienība) Government score: 5.72

Government of Guntars Krasts (August 1997 – November 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party "Saimnieks" DP‘S’ 18 4 (Demokrātiskā partija "Saimnieks") For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 18 7.4 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) Latvian Way LC 17 5.7 (Latvijas Ceļš) Latvian Farmers' Union LZS 3 5.78 (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) Latvian Green Party LZP 4 5.89 (Latvijas Zaļā partija) Government score: 5.72

Government of Vilis Krištopans (November 1998 – July 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Latvian Way LC 21 5.8 (Latvijas Ceļš) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 17 7.3 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK)


New Party JP 8 5.8 (Jaunā Partija) Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party LSDSP 14 3.4 (Latvijas Sociāldemokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija) Government score: 5.66

Third government of Andris Šķēle (July 1999 – May 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Latvian Way LC 21 5.8 (Latvijas Ceļš) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 17 7.3 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) People's Party TP 24 6.4 (Tautas partija) Government score: 6.44

Government of Andris Bērziņš (May 2000 – November 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Latvian Way LC 21 5.8 (Latvijas Ceļš) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 17 7.3 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) People's Party TP 24 6.4 (Tautas partija) New Party JP 8 5.8 (Jaunā Partija) Government score: 6.43

Government of Einars Repše (November 2002 – March 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

New Era Party JL 26 6.2 (Jaunais laiks) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 7 7.3 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 12 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Latvia's First Party LPP 10 6.43 (Latvijas Pirmā Partija) Government score: 6.32

Government of Indulis Emsis (March 2004 – December 2004)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 12 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) People's Party TP 20 6.5 (Tautas partija) Latvia's First Party LPP 10 6.43 (Latvijas Pirmā Partija) Government score: 6.17

First government of Aigars Kalvītis (December 2004 – November 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

People's Party TP 20 6.5 (Tautas partija) New Era Party JL 26 6.2 (Jaunais laiks) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 12 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Latvia's First Party LPP 10 6.43 (Latvijas Pirmā Partija) Government score: 6.18

Second government of Aigars Kalvītis (November 2006 – December 2007) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

People's Party TP 23 6.3 (Tautas partija) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 18 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way LPP/LC 10 6.2 (Latvijas Pirmā partija/Latvijas Ceļš) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 8 7.2 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) Government score: 6.14

Government of Ivars Godmanis (December 2007 – March 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

People's Party TP 23 6.3 (Tautas partija) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 18 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way LPP/LC 10 6.2 (Latvijas Pirmā partija/Latvijas Ceļš)


For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 8 7.2 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) Government score: 6.14

First government of Valdis Dombrovskis (March 2009 – November 2010) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

People's Party TP 23 6.3 (Tautas partija) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 18 5.4 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) New Era Party JL 14 6.4 (Jaunais laiks) For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK TB/LNNK 7 7.2 (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK) Civic Union PS 5 5.67 (Pilsoniskā savienība) Government score: 6.12

Second government of Valdis Dombrovskis (November 2010 – October 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Unity V 33 6.2 (Vienotība) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 22 5.5 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Government score: 5.92

Third government of Valdis Dombrovskis (October 2011 – January 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Unity V 20 6.4 (Vienotība) National Alliance NA 14 7.6 (Nacionālā apvienība) Zatlers' Reform Party ZRP 22 5.33 (Zatlera Reformu partija) Government score: 6.28

First government of Laimdota Straujuma (January 2014 – November 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Unity V 20 6.4 (Vienotība)


Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 13 5.5 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Zatlers' Reform Party ZRP 22 5.33 (Zatlera Reformu partija) National Alliance NA 14 7.6 (Nacionālā apvienība) Government score: 6.14

Second government of Laimdota Straujuma (November 2014 – February 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Unity V 23 6.2 (Vienotība) National Alliance NA 17 7.4 (Nacionālā apvienība) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 21 5.5 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Government score: 6.29

Government of Māris Kučinskis (February 2016 – incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Unity V 23 6.2 (Vienotība) National Alliance NA 17 7.4 (Nacionālā apvienība) Union of Greens and Farmers ZZS 21 5.5 (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība) Government score: 6.29


LITHUANIA Number of respondents: 17

Government of Bronislovas Lubys (December 1992 – March 1993) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic of Lithuania LDDP 73 3.41 (Lietuvos demokratinė darbo partija) Government score: 3.41

Government of Adolfas Šleževičius (March 1993 – February 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania LDDP 73 3.41 (Lietuvos demokratinė darbo partija) Government score: 3.41

Government of Laurynas Stankevičius (February 1996 – November 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania LDDP 73 3.41 (Lietuvos demokratinė darbo partija) Government score: 3.41

Government of Gediminas Vagnorius (December 1996 – May 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Homeland Union – Lithuanian Conservatives TS 70 7.41 (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos konservatoriai) Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party LKDP 16 7.4 (Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų partija) Government score: 7.41

First government of Rolandas Paksas (June 1999 – October 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Homeland Union – Lithuanian Conservatives TS 70 7.41 (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos konservatoriai) Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party LKDP 16 7.4 (Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų partija) Government score: 7.41


First government of Andrius Kubilius (November 1999 – October 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Homeland Union – Lithuanian Conservatives TS 70 7.41 (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos konservatoriai) Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party LKDP 16 7.4 (Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų partija) Government score: 7.41

Second government of Rolandas Paksas (October 2000 – June 2001) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Union of Lithuania LLS 33 7.56 (Lietuvos liberalų sąjunga) New Union – Social Liberals NS 28 4.5 (Naujoji sąjunga – socialliberalai) Lithuanian Centre Union LCS 2 5.56 (Lietuvos centro sąjunga) Modern Christian Democrats MKD 3 6.57 (Modernieji krikščionys demokratai) Government score: 6.16

First government of Algirdas Brazauskas (June 2001 – November 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 45 3.65 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) New Union – Social Liberals NS 28 4.5 (Naujoji sąjunga – socialliberalai) Government score: 3.98

Second government of Algirdas Brazauskas (November 2004 – June 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 20 3.82 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) New Union – Social Liberals NS 11 4.4 (Naujoji sąjunga – socialliberalai) Labour Party DP 39 4.59 (Darbo Partija) Peasants and New Democratic Party Union VNDS 10 3.69 (Valstiečių ir Naujosios demokratijos partijų sąjunga) Government score: 4.27


Government of Gediminas Kirkilas (July 2006 – November 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 20 3.82 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) New Union – Social Liberals NS 11 4.4 (Naujoji sąjunga – socialliberalai) Lithuanian Popular Peasants' Union LVLS 10 4.33 (Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sajunga) Liberal and Centre Union LiCS 18 6.75 (Liberalų ir centro sąjunga) Civic Democratic Party PDP 11 5.08 (Pilietinės demokratijos partija) Government score: 4.94

Second government of Andrius Kubilius (November 2008 – November 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Homeland Union – Lithuanian Conservatives TS 45 7.18 (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos konservatoriai) National Resurrection Party TPP 16 5.64 (Tautos prisikėlimo partija) Liberal Movement LS 11 7.56 (Liberalų Sąjūdis) Liberal and Centre Union LiCS 8 6.24 (Liberalų ir centro sąjunga) Government score: 6.83

First government of Algirdas Butkevičius (November 2012 – August 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 38 4.44 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) Labour Party DP 29 4.63 (Darbo Partija) Order and Justice Party PTT 11 6.57 (Partija tvarka ir teisingumas) Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania LLRA 8 5.55 (Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija) Government score: 4.88

Second government of Algirdas Butkevičius (August 2014 – December 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 38 4.44 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) Labour Party DP 29 4.63 (Darbo Partija) Order and Justice Party PTT 11 6.57 (Partija tvarka ir teisingumas) Government score: 4.81

Government of Saulius Skvernelis (December 2016 – March 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union LVŽS 54 4.69 (Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga) Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 31 4.19 (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) Government score: 4.51


ROMANIA Number of respondents: 25

Government of Petre Roman (June 1990 – October 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

National Salvation Front FSN 263 2.52 (Frontul Salvării Naționale) Government score: 2.52

Government of Theodor Stolojan (October 1991 – November 1992) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

National Salvation Front FSN 263 2.52 (Frontul Salvării Naționale) National Liberal Party PNL 29 6.68 (Partidul Național Liberal) Romanian Democratic Agrarian Party PDAR 9 3.71 (Partidul Democrat Agrar din România) Ecological Movement of Romania MER 12 4.59 (Mișcarea Ecologistă din România) Government score: 3.03

Government of Nicolae Văcăroiu (November 1992 – December 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic National Salvation Front / Party of FDSN/PDSR 117 2.6 Social Democracy in Romania (Frontul Democrat al Salvării Naţionale / Partidul Democraţiei Sociale in România) Romanian National Unity Party PUNR 30 5.88 (Partidul Unităţii Naţionale a Românilor) Government score: 3.27

Government of Victor Ciorbea (December 1996 – March 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party PNȚ-CD 83 6.46 (Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat) National Liberal Party PNL 25 6.71 (Partidul Național Liberal) National Liberal Party - Democratic PNL-CD 5 6.73 Convention (Partidul Naţional Liberal - Convenţia Democrată)


The Alternative of Romania Party PAR 3 6.36 (Partidul Alternativa României) Ecologist Party of Romania PER 5 4.83 (Partidul Ecologist Român) Romanian Ecologist Federation FER 1 4.67 (Federaţia Ecologistă Română) Romanian Social Democratic Party PSDR 11 3.2 (Partidul Social Democrat Român) Democratic Party PD 42 4.63 (Partidul Democrat) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 25 5.96 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Government score: 5.83

Government of Radu Vasile (April 1998 – December 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party PNȚ-CD 83 6.46 (Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat) National Liberal Party PNL 25 6.71 (Partidul Național Liberal) National Liberal Party - Democratic PNL-CD 5 6.73 Convention (Partidul Naţional Liberal - Convenţia Democrată) The Alternative of Romania Party PAR 3 6.36 (Partidul Alternativa României) Ecologist Party of Romania PER 5 4.83 (Partidul Ecologist Român) Romanian Ecologist Federation FER 1 4.67 (Federaţia Ecologistă Română) Romanian Social Democratic Party PSDR 11 3.2 (Partidul Social Democrat Român) Democratic Party PD 42 4.63 (Partidul Democrat) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 25 5.96 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Government score: 5.83

Government of Mugur Isărescu (December 1999 – December 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party PNȚ-CD 83 6.46 (Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat) National Liberal Party PNL 25 6.71 (Partidul Național Liberal)


National Liberal Party - Democratic PNL-CD 5 6.73 Convention (Partidul Naţional Liberal - Convenţia Democrată) The Alternative of Romania Party PAR 3 6.36 (Partidul Alternativa României) Ecologist Party of Romania PER 5 4.83 (Partidul Ecologist Român) Romanian Ecologist Federation FER 1 4.67 (Federaţia Ecologistă Română) Romanian Social Democratic Party PSDR 11 3.2 (Partidul Social Democrat Român) Democratic Party PD 42 4.63 (Partidul Democrat) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 25 5.96 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Government score: 5.83

Government of Adrian Năstase (December 2000 – December 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 149 3.57 (Partidul Social Democrat) Romanian Humanist Party PUR 6 4.72 (Partidul Umanist Român) Government score: 3.61

First government of Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu (December 2004 – April 2007) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

National Liberal Party PNL 64 6.44 (Partidul Național Liberal) Democratic Party PD 48 6.2 (Partidul Democrat) Romanian Humanist Party – Conservative PUR-PC 19 4.96 Party (Partidul Umanist Român - Partidul Conservator) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 22 5.92 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Government score: 6.11

Second government of Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu (April 2007 – December 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


National Liberal Party PNL 59 6.44 (Partidul Național Liberal) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 22 5.92 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Government score: 6.1

First government of Emil Boc (December 2008 – December 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Liberal Party PDL 115 6.7 (Partidul Democrat-Liberal) Social Democratic Party PSD 110 3.74 (Partidul Social Democrat) Conservative Party PC 4 4.52 (Partidul Conservator) Government score: 5.24

Second government of Emil Boc (December 2009 – February 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Liberal Party PDL 115 6.7 (Partidul Democrat-Liberal) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 22 5.63 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 16 3.84 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Government score: 6.25

Government of Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu (February 2012 – May 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Liberal Party PDL 106 6.7 (Partidul Democrat-Liberal) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 20 5.63 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 12 3.84 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Government score: 6.3

First government of Victor Ponta (May 2012 – December 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Social Democratic Party PSD 87 3.74 (Partidul Social Democrat) National Liberal Party PNL 56 6.36 (Partidul Național Liberal) Conservative Party PC 4 4.52 (Partidul Conservator) National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 12 3.84 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Government score: 4.69

Second government of Victor Ponta (December 2012 – February 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 150 3.96 (Partidul Social Democrat) National Liberal Party PNL 100 6.36 (Partidul Național Liberal) Conservative Party PC 13 4.76 (Partidul Conservator) National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 10 3.8 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Government score: 4.88

Third government of Victor Ponta (February 2014 – December 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 150 3.96 (Partidul Social Democrat) Conservative Party PC 13 4.76 (Partidul Conservator) National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 10 3.8 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania UDMR 18 5.68 (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România) Liberal Reformist Party PLR 30 5.42 (Partidul Liberal Reformator) Government score: 4.34

Fourth government of Victor Ponta (December 2014 – November 2015) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 150 3.96 (Partidul Social Democrat)


National Union for the Progress of Romania UNPR 10 3.8 (Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României) Alliance of Liberals and Democrats ALDE 40 5.92 (Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților) Government score: 4.34

Government of Dacian Cioloș (November 2015 – January 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

(technocratic cabinet, supported by all main / / / parties ) Government score: /

Government of Sorin Grindeanu (January 2017 – June 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 154 3.43 (Partidul Social Democrat) Alliance of Liberals and Democrats ALDE 20 5.65 (Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților) Government score: 3.69

Government of Mihai Tudose (June 2017 – January 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party PSD 154 3.43 (Partidul Social Democrat) Alliance of Liberals and Democrats ALDE 20 5.65 (Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților) Government score: 3.69


BULGARIA Number of respondents: 19

Government of Dimitar Iliev Popov (December 1990 – November 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Bulgarian Socialist Party BSP 211 2.18 (Българска социалистическа партия) Government score: 2.18

Government of Philip Dimitrov (November 1991 – December 1992) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Union of Democratic Forces SDS 110 7.36 (Съюз на демократичните сили) Movement for Rights and Freedoms DPS 24 4.81 (Движение за права и свободи) Government score: 6.9

Government of Lyuben Berov (December 1992 – October 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Movement for Rights and Freedoms DPS 24 4.81 (Движение за права и свободи) Government score: 4.81

Government of Zhan Videnov (January 1995 – February 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Bulgarian Socialist Party BSP 125 2.18 (Българска социалистическа партия) Government score: 2.18

Government of Ivan Kostov (May 1997 – July 2001) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Union of Democratic Forces SDS 115 7.31 (Съюз на демократичните сили) Bulgarian Agrarian People's Union BZNS 14 5.87 (Български земеделски народен съюз) Democratic Party DP 6 7.2 (Демократическа партия)


Bulgarian Social Democratic Party BSDP 2 4.13 (Българска социалдемократическа партия) Government score: 7.12

Government of Simeon Borisov Sakskoburggotski (July 2001 – August 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

National Movement – Simeon II NDSV 120 5.76 (Национално движение „Симеон Втори“) Movement for Rights and Freedoms DPS 21 5.22 (Движение за права и свободи) Government score: 5.68

Government of Sergei Stanishev (August 2005 – July 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Bulgarian Socialist Party BSP 82 4 (Българска социалистическа партия) National Movement for Stability and Progress NDSV 53 5.86 (Национално движение за стабилност и възход) Movement for Rights and Freedoms DPS 34 5.35 (Движение за права и свободи) Government score: 4.86

First government of Boyko Borisov (July 2009 – March 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Citizens for European Development of GERB 117 6.53 Bulgaria (Граждани за европейско развитие на България) Government score: 6.53

Government of Plamen Oresharski (May 2013 – August 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Bulgarian Socialist Party BSP 84 3.72 (Българска социалистическа партия) Movement for Rights and Freedoms DPS 36 4.89 (Движение за права и свободи) Government score: 4.07

Second government of Boyko Borisov (November 2014 – May 2016)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Citizens for European Development of GERB 84 6.28 Bulgaria (Граждани за европейско развитие на България) Reformist Bloc RB 23 7.65 (Реформаторски блок) Alternative for Bulgarian Revival ABV 11 4.25 (Алтернатива за българско възраждане) Government score: 6.36

Third government of Boyko Borisov (May 2016 – January 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Citizens for European Development of GERB 84 6.28 Bulgaria (Граждани за европейско развитие на България) Reformist Bloc RB 23 7.65 (Реформаторски блок) Government score: 6.57

Fourth government of Boyko Borisov (May 2017 – incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Citizens for European Development of GERB 95 6.81 Bulgaria (Граждани за европейско развитие на България) IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement VMRO 11 8.44 (ВМРО – Българско национално движение) National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria NFSB 8 8.94 (Национален фронт за спасение на България) Attack A 8 9.21 (Атака) Government score: 7.25


MOLDOVA Number of respondents: 7

Government of Andrei Sangheli (April 1994 – January 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Agrarian Party of Moldova PDAM 56 3 (Partidul Democrat Agrar din Moldova) Government score: 3

First government of Ion Ciubuc (January 1997 – May 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Agrarian Party of Moldova PDAM 40 3 (Partidul Democrat Agrar din Moldova) Government score: 3

Second government of Ion Ciubuc (May 1998 – March 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Convention of Moldova CDM 26 6.71 (Convenţia Democrată din Moldova) Movement for a Democratic and Prosperous MMDP 24 4.86 Moldova (Mișcarea pentru o Moldovă Democratică și Prosperă) Party of Democratic Forces PFD 11 7.29 (Partidul Forțelor Democratice) Government score: 6.08

Government of Ion Sturza (March 1999 – December 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Convention of Moldova CDM 26 6.71 (Convenţia Democrată din Moldova) Movement for a Democratic and Prosperous MMDP 24 4.86 Moldova (Mișcarea pentru o Moldovă Democratică și Prosperă) Party of Democratic Forces PFD 11 7.29 (Partidul Forțelor Democratice) Government score: 6.08

Government of Dumitru Braghiș (December 1999 – April 2001)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Communists of the Republic of PCRM 40 1.86 Moldova (Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova) Government score: 1.86

First government of Vasile Tarlev (April 2001 – April 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Communists of the Republic of PCRM 71 2.14 Moldova (Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova) Government score: 2.14

Second government of Vasile Tarlev (April 2005 – March 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Communists of the Republic of PCRM 56 3.33 Moldova (Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova) Government score: 3.33

First government of Zinaida Greceanîi (March 2008 – June 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Communists of the Republic of PCRM 56 3.33 Moldova (Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova) Government score: 3.33

Second government of Zinaida Greceanîi (June 2009 – September 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Communists of the Republic of PCRM 60 3 Moldova (Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova) Government score: 3

First government of Vlad Filat (September 2009 – January 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PLDM 18 6.57 (Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova)


Liberal Party PL 15 8 (Partidul Liberal) Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 13 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Party Alliance Our Moldova AMN 7 5.71 (Partidul Alianță Moldova Noastră) Government score: 6.4

Second government of Vlad Filat (January 2011 – April 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PLDM 32 6.43 (Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova) Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 15 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Liberal Party PL 12 8.29 (Partidul Liberal) Government score: 6.38

Government of Iurie Leancă (April 2013 – February 2015) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PLDM 32 6.43 (Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova) Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 15 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Liberal Reformist Party PLR 7 7.71 (Partidul Liberal Reformator) Government score: 6.12

Government of Chiril Gaburici (February 2015 – July 2015) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PLDM 23 6.43 (Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova) Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 19 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Government score: 5.65

Government of Valeriu Streleț (July 2015 – January 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PLDM 23 6.43 (Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova)


Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 19 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Liberal Party PL 13 8.14 (Partidul Liberal) Government score: 6.24

First government of Pavel Filip (January 2016 – June 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Moldova PDM 20 4.71 (Partidul Democrat din Moldova) Liberal Party PL 13 8.14 (Partidul Liberal) Government score: 6.06


SLOVENIA Number of respondents: 13

Government of Lojze Peterle (May 1990 – May 1992) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovene Christian Democrats SKD 11 7.73 (Slovenski krščanski demokrati) Social Democratic Party of Slovenia SDSS 6 5.92 (Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije) Slovenian Democratic Union SDZ 8 6.56 (Slovenska demokratična zveza) Slovenian Peasant Union – People’s Party SKZ - LS 11 7.08 (Slovenska kmečka zveza - Ljudska stranka) Greens of Slovenia ZS 8 4.2 (Zeleni Slovenije) Government score: 6.46

First government of Janez Drnovšek (May 1992 – January 1993) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party LDS 12 3.09 (Liberalno demokratska stranka) Democratic Party DS 3 4.64 (Demokratska stranka) Social Democratic Party of Slovenia SDSS 6 5.92 (Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije) Socialist Party of Slovenia SSS 5 1.73 (Socialistična stranka Slovenije) Greens of Slovenia ZS 8 4.2 (Zeleni Slovenije) Party of Democratic Renewal SDP 14 2.11 (Stranka demokratične prenove) Government score: 3.3

Second government of Janez Drnovšek (January 1993 – March 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democratic Party LDS 22 3.92 (Liberalno demokratska stranka) Slovene Christian Democrats SKD 15 7.5 (Slovenski krščanski demokrati) Social Democratic Party of Slovenia SDSS 4 7.25 (Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije)


United List of Social Democrats ZLSD 14 2.42 (Združeno listo socialnih demokratov) Government score: 4.77

Third government of Janez Drnovšek (March 1994 – January 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 22 3.92 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Slovene Christian Democrats SKD 15 7.5 (Slovenski krščanski demokrati) United List of Social Democrats ZLSD 14 2.42 (Združeno listo socialnih demokratov) Government score: 4.56

Fourth government of Janez Drnovšek (January 1996 – February 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 22 3.92 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Slovene Christian Democrats SKD 15 7.5 (Slovenski krščanski demokrati) Government score: 5.37

Fifth government of Janez Drnovšek (February 1997 – June 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 29 4.08 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Slovenian People's Party SLS 19 7 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 5 3.58 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Government score: 5.16

Government of Andrej Bajuk (June 2000 – November 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovenian People's Party SLS 19 7 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Slovene Christian Democrats SKD 10 7.5 (Slovenski krščanski demokrati) Social Democratic Party of Slovenia SDSS 16 7.45 (Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije)


Government score: 7.28

Sixth government of Janez Drnovšek (November 2000 – December 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 34 3.85 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Slovenian People's Party SLS 9 7 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 4 3.54 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) United List of Social Democrats ZLSD 11 2.77 (Združeno listo socialnih demokratov) Government score: 4.12

Government of Anton Rop (December 2002 – December 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 34 3.85 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Slovenian People's Party SLS 9 7 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 4 3.54 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) United List of Social Democrats ZLSD 11 2.77 (Združeno listo socialnih demokratov) Government score: 4.12

First government of Janez Janša (December 2004 – November 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovenian Democratic Party SDS 29 7.69 (Slovenska demokratska stranka) New Slovenia NSi 9 8.08 (Nova Slovenija) Slovenian People's Party SLS 7 6.85 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 4 3.77 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Government score: 7.32

First government of Borut Pahor (November 2008 – May 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Social Democrats SD 29 3.54 (Socialni demokrati) Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 5 3.67 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 7 3.31 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Zares – New Politics Zares 9 3.16 (Zares - nova politika) Government score: 3.45

Second government of Borut Pahor (May 2011 – February 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democrats SD 29 3.54 (Socialni demokrati) Liberal Democracy of Slovenia LDS 5 3.67 (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) Government score: 3.56

Second government of Janez Janša (February 2012 – March 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Slovenian Democratic Party SDS 26 7.92 (Slovenska demokratska stranka) New Slovenia NSi 4 7.92 (Nova Slovenija) Slovenian People's Party SLS 6 7 (Slovenska ljudska stranka) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 6 3.69 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Gregor Virant's Civic List DL 8 5.85 (Državljanska lista Gregorja Viranta) Government score: 6.97

Government of Alenka Bratušek (March 2013 – September 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Positive Slovenia PS 28 3.15 (Pozitivna Slovenija) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 6 3.69 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Gregor Virant's Civic List DL 8 5.85 (Državljanska lista Gregorja Viranta) Social Democrats SD 10 2.62 (Socialni demokrati)


Government score: 3.53

Government of Miro Cerar (September 2014 – September 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Modern Centre Party SMC 36 4.67 (Stranka modernega centra) Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia DeSUS 10 3.54 (Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije) Social Democrats SD 6 3 (Socialni demokrati) Government score: 4.26


CROATIA Number of respondents: 17

(Governments elected before the end of the War in Croatia have not been analyzed)

Government of Zlatko Mateša (November 1995 – January 2000) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 75 7.63 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Government score: 7.63

First government of Ivica Račan (January 2000 – July 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party SDP 43 4 (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 25 5.81 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Alliance of Primorje-Gorski Kotar PGS 2 3.5 (Primorsko goranski savez) Slavonia-Baranja Croatian Party SBHS 1 6.64 (Slavonsko-baranjska hrvatska stranka) HSS 17 5.54 (Hrvatska seljačka stranka) Istrian Democratic Assembly IDS 4 3.06 (Istarski demokratski sabor) Croatian People's Party HNS 2 4.06 (Hrvatska narodna stranka) Liberal Party LS 2 4.58 (Liberalna stranka) Government score: 4.73

Second government of Ivica Račan (July 2002 – December 2003) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party SDP 43 4 (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske) LIBRA - Party of Liberal Democrats LIBRA 10 3.88 (LIBRA - Stranka liberalnih demokrata) Alliance of Primorje-Gorski Kotar PGS 2 3.5 (Primorsko goranski savez) Slavonia-Baranja Croatian Party SBHS 1 6.64 (Slavonsko-baranjska hrvatska stranka)


Croatian Peasant Party HSS 17 5.54 (Hrvatska seljačka stranka) Croatian People's Party HNS 2 4.06 (Hrvatska narodna stranka) Liberal Party LS 2 4.58 (Liberalna stranka) Government score: 4.36

First government of Ivo Sanader (December 2003 – January 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 66 6.63 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Democratic Centre DC 1 6.13 (Demokratski centar) Government score: 6.62

Second government of Ivo Sanader (January 2008 – July 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 66 6.63 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 2 6 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Croatian Peasant Party HSS 6 6.31 (Hrvatska seljačka stranka) Independent Democratic Serb Party SDSS 3 3.79 (Samostalna demokratska srpska stranka) Government score: 6.48

Government of Jadranka Kosor (July 2009 – December 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 66 6.63 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 2 6 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Croatian Peasant Party HSS 6 6.31 (Hrvatska seljačka stranka) Independent Democratic Serb Party SDSS 3 3.79 (Samostalna demokratska srpska stranka) Government score: 6.48

Government of Zoran Milanović (December 2011 – January 2016)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Party SDP 61 4.07 (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske) Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats HNS 15 4.4 (Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati) Istrian Democratic Assembly IDS 3 3.44 (Istarski demokratski sabor) Croatian Party of Pensioners HSU 3 4.19 (Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika) Government score: 4.11

Government of Tihomir Orešković (January 2016 – October 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 49 8.06 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Croatian Peasant Party HSS 2 5.56 (Hrvatska seljačka stranka) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 2 6.23 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Croatian Party of Rights Dr. Ante Starčević HSP AS 3 9.25 (Hrvatska stranka prava dr. Ante Starčević) Croatian Growth Hrast 1 9.19 (Hrvatski rast) Bloc Pensioners Together BUZ 1 6.13 (Blok umirovljenici zajedno) Croatian Christian Democratic Party HDS 1 8.46 (Hrvatska demokršćanska stranka) Bridge of Independent Lists Most 15 6.73 (Most nezavisnih lista) Government score: 7.71

First government of Andrej Plenković (October 2016 – June 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 57 7.13 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 1 6.47 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Croatian Christian Democratic Party HDS 2 8.08 (Hrvatska demokršćanska stranka) Croatian Growth Hrast 1 8.94 (Hrvatski rast)


Bridge of Independent Lists Most 13 7 (Most nezavisnih lista) Government score: 7.15

Second government of Andrej Plenković (June 2017 - incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Croatian Democratic Union HDZ 55 7.13 (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica) Croatian Social Liberal Party HSLS 1 6.47 (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka) Croatian Christian Democratic Party HDS 2 8.08 (Hrvatska demokršćanska stranka) Croatian Growth Hrast 1 8.94 (Hrvatski rast) Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats HNS 5 4.57 (Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati) Government score: 6.98


MACEDONIA Number of respondents: 11

First government of (August 1992 – October 1994) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 31 3.25 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Party for Democratic Prosperity PDP 17 3.63 (Партија за демократски просперитет) People's Democratic Party NDP 5 7.43 (Народна демократска партија) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 4 2.78 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Liberal Party of Macedonia LP 11 5.5 (Либерална партија на Македонија) Government score: 3.99

Second government of Branko Crvenkovski (October 1994 – November 1998) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 63 4 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 7 3.7 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Party for Democratic Prosperity PDP 13 4 (Партија за демократски просперитет) Liberal Party of Macedonia LP 26 5 (Либерална партија на Македонија) Government score: 4.22

Government of Ljubčo Georgievski (November 1998 – November 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO- 49 7.36 Organization – Democratic Party for DPMNE Macedonian National Unity (Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство) Democratic Alternative DA 13 5.2 (Демократска алтернатива) Democratic Party of Albanians DPA 11 7.1 (Демократска партија на Албанците) Government score: 6.94


(Note: throughout the year 2001, all-party government was formed, due to the armed conflict between government forces and ethnic Albanian secessionists)

Third government of Branko Crvenkovski (November 2002 – May 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 43 4 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Liberal Democratic Party LDP 12 5 (Либерално демократска партија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 2 5.67 (Демократска партија на Турците) United Party of Roma in Macedonia OPRM 1 6 (Обединета партија на Ромите на Македонија) Democratic League of Bosniaks DLB 1 6 (Демократска лига на Бошњаците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5 (Демократска партија на Србите) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 16 5.2 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 4.52

Government of Hari Kostov (June 2004 – November 2004) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 43 4 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Liberal Democratic Party LDP 12 5 (Либерално демократска партија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 2 5.67 (Демократска партија на Турците) United Party of Roma in Macedonia OPRM 1 6 (Обединета партија на Ромите на Македонија) Democratic League of Bosniaks DLB 1 6 (Демократска лига на Бошњаците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5 (Демократска партија на Србите) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 16 5.2 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 4.52

Government of Vlado Bučkovski (November 2004 – August 2006) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 43 4 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Liberal Democratic Party LDP 12 5 (Либерално демократска партија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 2 5.67 (Демократска партија на Турците) United Party of Roma in Macedonia OPRM 1 6 (Обединета партија на Ромите на Македонија) Democratic League of Bosniaks DLB 1 6 (Демократска лига на Бошњаците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5 (Демократска партија на Србите) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 16 5.2 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 4.52

First government of (August 2006 – June 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO- 38 6.67 Organization – Democratic Party for DPMNE Macedonian National Unity (Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 3 4.6 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Liberal Party of Macedonia LP 2 4.9 (Либерална партија на Македонија) Union of Roma in Macedonia SRM 1 5.29 (Сојуз на Ромите на Македонија) Democratic Union DS 1 5.63 (Демократски сојуз) Democratic Party of Albanians DPA 11 6.8 (Демократска партија на Албанците) New Social Democratic Party NSDP 7 4.13 (Нова социјалдемократска партија) Democratic Renewal of Macedonia DOM 1 4.57 (Демократска обнова на Македонија) Party for a European Future PEI 1 5.25 (Партија за Европска Иднина) Government score: 6.17

Second government of Nikola Gruevski (June 2008 – June 2011) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Internal Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO- 53 7.89 Organization – Democratic Party for DPMNE Macedonian National Unity (Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 3 4.56 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Democratic Union DS 1 5.56 (Демократски сојуз) Democratic Renewal of Macedonia DOM 1 5.25 (Демократска обнова на Македонија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 1 5.71 (Демократска партија на Турците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5 (Демократска партија на Србите) United Party of Roma in Macedonia OPRM 1 4.71 (Обединета партија на Ромите на Македонија) VMRO – Macedonian VMRO - M 1 6.75 (ВМРО – Македонска) Party of Democratic Action of Macedonia SDA 1 5.71 (Странка на демократска акција на Македонија) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 18 5.11 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 6.94

Third government of Nikola Gruevski (June 2011 – April 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO- 47 8 Organization – Democratic Party for DPMNE Macedonian National Unity (Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 3 4.7 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Democratic Union DS 1 5.33 (Демократски сојуз) Democratic Renewal of Macedonia DOM 1 5.14 (Демократска обнова на Македонија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 1 6 (Демократска партија на Турците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5.25 (Демократска партија на Србите)


VMRO – Macedonian VMRO - M 1 6.2 (ВМРО – Македонска) Party of Democratic Action of Macedonia SDA 1 5.67 (Странка на демократска акција на Македонија) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 14 5.33 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 7.12

Fourth government of Nikola Gruevski (April 2014 – January 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO- 52 8.44 Organization – Democratic Party for DPMNE Macedonian National Unity (Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство) Socialist Party of Macedonia SPM 3 4.8 (Социјалистичка партија на Македонија) Democratic Union DS 1 5.5 (Демократски сојуз) Democratic Renewal of Macedonia DOM 1 4.68 (Демократска обнова на Македонија) Democratic party of Turks DPT 1 5.5 (Демократска партија на Турците) Democratic Party of Serbs DPS 1 5.25 (Демократска партија на Србите) Party of Democratic Action of Macedonia SDA 1 5.67 (Странка на демократска акција на Македонија) Union of Roma in Macedonia SRM 1 6.14 (Сојуз на Ромите на Македонија) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 19 5.1 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 7.3

Government of (January 2016 – May 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

(transitional government, supported by all / / / main parties ) Government score: /

Government of (May 2017 - incumbent in December 2018)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia SDSM 39 2.67 (Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија) Democratic Renewal of Macedonia DOM 1 4.63 (Демократска обнова на Македонија) New Social Democratic Party NSDP 4 3.2 (Нова социјалдемократска партија) Liberal Democratic Party LDP 3 4.6 (Либерално демократска партија) Party for Movement of Turks PDT 1 5.57 (Партија на движење на Турците) Party for the Full Emancipation of the Roma of PCER 1 4.86 Macedonia (Партија за целосна еманципација на Ромите) Alliance for Albanians AA 3 7.11 (Алијанса за Албанците) Democratic Union for Integration DUI 10 3.4 (Демократска унија за интеграција) Government score: 3.24


MONTENEGRO Number of respondents: 9

Government of Željko Šturanović (November 2006 – February 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 33 6.29 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Social Democratic Party SDP 7 5.57 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 7.17 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) Government score: 6.18

Sixth government of Milo Đukanović (February 2008 – March 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 33 6.29 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Social Democratic Party SDP 7 5.57 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 7.17 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) Government score: 6.18

Seventh government of Milo Đukanović (March 2009 – December 2010) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 35 6.14 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Social Democratic Party SDP 9 4.86 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Bosniak Party BS 3 7.17 (Bošnjačka stranka) Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 6.83 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) Democratic Union of Albanians DUA 1 7.5 (Demokratska Unija Albanaca) Government score: 6.01

Government of Igor Lukšić (December 2010 – December 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score


Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 35 6.14 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Social Democratic Party SDP 9 4.86 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Bosniak Party BS 3 7.17 (Bošnjačka stranka) Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 6.83 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) Democratic Union of Albanians DUA 1 7.5 (Demokratska Unija Albanaca) Government score: 6.01

Eighth government of Milo Đukanović (December 2012 – May 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 32 6.14 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Social Democratic Party SDP 6 4.86 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Liberal Party of Montenegro LPCG 1 5.6 (Liberalna partija Crne Gore) Bosniak Party BS 3 7.17 (Bošnjačka stranka) Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 7 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) Government score: 6.04

Ninth government of Milo Đukanović (May 2016 – November 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

(all-party cabinet, “government of electoral / / / trust” – formed in order to overcome political crisis until the 2016 elections) Government score: /

Government of Duško Marković (November 2016 – incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS 35 6.29 (Demokratska partija socijalista) Liberal Party of Montenegro LPCG 1 5.4 (Liberalna partija Crne Gore) Bosniak Party BS 2 7.57 (Bošnjačka stranka)


Croatian Civic Initiative HGI 1 6.14 (Hrvatska građanska inicijativa) New Democratic Power – FORCA FORCA 1 6.75 (Nova demokratska snaga – FORCA) Social Democrats of Montenegro SD 2 5 (Socijaldemokrate Crne Gore) Government score: 6.27


SERBIA Number of respondents: 25

First government of Vojislav Koštunica (March 2004 – May 2007) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Serbia DSS 53 7.23 (Demokratska stranka Srbije) G17 plus G17+ 31 6 (G17 plus) Social Democratic Party SDP 3 4.24 (Socijaldemokratska partija) Serbian Renewal Movement SPO 13 6.78 (Srpski pokret obnove) New Serbia NS 9 7.04 (Nova Srbija) Government score: 6.74

Second government of Vojislav Koštunica (May 2007 – July 2008) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Serbia DSS 33 7.25 (Demokratska stranka Srbije) New Serbia NS 10 7.26 (Nova Srbija) United Serbia JS 2 7.61 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Serbian Democratic Renewal Movement SDPO 2 6.94 (Srpski demokratski pokret obnove) Democratic Party DS 60 4.92 (Demokratska stranka) Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina DSHV 1 6.58 (Demokratski savez Hrvata u Vojvodini) Sandžak Democratic Party SDP 3 5.88 (Sandžačka demokratska partija) G17 plus G17+ 19 6.04 (G17 plus) Government score: 5.97

Government of Mirko Cvetković (July 2008 – July 2012) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party DS 64 4.79 (Demokratska stranka)


G17 plus G17+ 22 5.7 (G17 plus) Sandžak Democratic Party SDP 4 5.56 (Sandžačka demokratska partija) Serbian Renewal Movement SPO 4 6.43 (Srpski pokret obnove) League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina LSV 5 3.71 (Liga socijaldemokrata Vojvodine) Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina DSHV 1 6.64 (Demokratski savez Hrvata u Vojvodini) Together for Šumadija ZZŠ 2 5.88 (Zajedno za Šumadiju) Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 12 3.91 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 5 3.36 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) United Serbia JS 3 7.05 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians SVM 4 6.24 (Savez vojvođanskih Mađara) Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak SDA 2 7.86 (Stranka demokratske akcije Sandžaka) Government score: 5.02

First government of Ivica Dačić (July 2012 – September 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Serbian Progressive Party SNS 58 6.14 (Srpska napredna stranka) New Serbia NS 8 6.44 (Nova Srbija) Strength of Serbia Movement PSS 2 6.44 (Pokret Snaga Srbije) Movement of Socialists PS 2 3.95 (Pokret socijalista) Bosniak People's Party BNS 1 7.15 (Bošnjačka narodna stranka) Roma Party RP 1 5.08 (Romska partija) People's Peasant Party NSS 1 5.3 (Narodna seljačka stranka) Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 25 4 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 12 3.68 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) United Serbia JS 7 6.45 (Jedinstvena Srbija)


United Regions of Serbia URS 16 5.72 (Ujedinjeni regioni Srbije) Social Democratic Party of Serbia SDPS 9 4.11 (Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije) Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak SDA 2 7.2 (Stranka demokratske akcije Sandžaka) Rich Serbia BS 1 5.25 (Bogata Srbija) Government score: 5.41

Second government of Ivica Dačić (September 2013 – April 2014) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Serbian Progressive Party SNS 58 6.14 (Srpska napredna stranka) New Serbia NS 8 6.44 (Nova Srbija) Strength of Serbia Movement PSS 2 6.44 (Pokret Snaga Srbije) Movement of Socialists PS 2 3.95 (Pokret socijalista) Bosniak People's Party BNS 1 7.15 (Bošnjačka narodna stranka) Roma Party RP 1 5.08 (Romska partija) People's Peasant Party NSS 1 5.3 (Narodna seljačka stranka) Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 25 4 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 12 3.68 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) United Serbia JS 7 6.45 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Social Democratic Party of Serbia SDPS 9 4.11 (Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije) Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak SDA 2 7.2 (Stranka demokratske akcije Sandžaka) Rich Serbia BS 1 5.25 (Bogata Srbija) Government score: 5.37

First government of Aleksandar Vučić (April 2014 – August 2016) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Serbian Progressive Party SNS 128 6.23 (Srpska napredna stranka)


Social Democratic Party of Serbia SDPS 10 4.44 (Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije) New Serbia NS 6 6.53 (Nova Srbija) Serbian Renewal Movement SPO 4 6.37 (Srpski pokret obnove) Movement of Socialists PS 5 3.9 (Pokret socijalista) Democratic Christian Party of Serbia DHSS 1 6.71 (Demohrišćanska stranka Srbije) Strength of Serbia Movement PSS 2 6.33 (Pokret Snaga Srbije) People's Peasant Party NSS 1 6.5 (Narodna seljačka stranka) Bosniak People's Party BNS 1 7 (Bošnjačka narodna stranka) Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 25 4.24 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 12 4 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) United Serbia JS 7 6.42 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Government score: 5.73

Second government of Aleksandar Vučić (August 2016 – May 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Serbian Progressive Party SNS 93 6.29 (Srpska napredna stranka) Social Democratic Party of Serbia SDPS 10 4.81 (Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 9 3.95 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) New Serbia NS 5 6.37 (Nova Srbija) Movement of Socialists PS 4 3.9 (Pokret socijalista) Serbian Renewal Movement SPO 3 6.41 (Srpski pokret obnove) Serbian People's Party SNP 3 6.18 (Srpska narodna partija) Strength of Serbia Movement PSS 2 6.55 (Pokret Snaga Srbije) Independent Democratic Party of Serbia SDSS 1 6.13 (Samostalna Demokratska stranka Srbije) People's Peasant Party NSS 1 5.54 (Narodna seljačka stranka)


Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 21 4.2 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) United Serbia JS 8 6.72 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak BDZS 2 7.17 (Bošnjačka demokratska zajednica Sandžaka) Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians SVM 4 6.59 (Savez vojvođanskih Mađara) Government score: 5.78

Government of Ana Brnabić (May 2017 – incumbent in December 2018) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Serbian Progressive Party SNS 93 6.29 (Srpska napredna stranka) Social Democratic Party of Serbia SDPS 10 4.81 (Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije) Party of United Pensioners of Serbia PUPS 9 3.95 (Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije) Movement of Socialists PS 4 3.9 (Pokret socijalista) Serbian Renewal Movement SPO 3 6.41 (Srpski pokret obnove) Serbian People's Party SNP 3 6.18 (Srpska narodna partija) Strength of Serbia Movement PSS 2 6.55 (Pokret Snaga Srbije) Independent Democratic Party of Serbia SDSS 1 6.13 (Samostalna Demokratska stranka Srbije) People's Peasant Party NSS 1 5.54 (Narodna seljačka stranka) Socialist Party of Serbia SPS 21 4.2 (Socijalistička partija Srbije) United Serbia JS 8 6.72 (Jedinstvena Srbija) Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak BDZS 2 7.17 (Bošnjačka demokratska zajednica Sandžaka) Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians SVM 4 6.59 (Savez vojvođanskih Mađara) Government score: 5.76


ALBANIA Number of respondents: 26

First government of Fatos Nano (February 1991 – June 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Labour of Albania PPSH 169 2.96 (Partia e Punës e Shqipërisë) Government score: 2.96

Government of Ylli Bufi (June 1991 – December 1991) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Party of Labour of Albania PPSH 169 2.96 (Partia e Punës e Shqipërisë) Democratic Party of Albania PD 75 6.48 (Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë) Government score: 4.04

Government of Vilson Ahmeti (December 1991 – April 1992) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 169 2.96 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Government score: 2.96

First government of Aleksandër Meksi (April 1992 – May 1996) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Albania PD 92 6.69 (Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë) Government score: 6.69

Second government of Aleksandër Meksi (May 1996 – March 1997) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Albania PD 122 6.75 (Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë) Government score: 6.75

Second government of Fatos Nano (July 1997 – October 1998)


Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 101 3.5 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 9 4.56 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 3.58

First government of Pandeli Majko (October 1998 – October 1999) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 101 3.5 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 9 4.56 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 3.58

First government of Ilir Meta (October 1999 – June 2001) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 101 3.5 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 9 4.56 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 3.58

Second government of Ilir Meta (June 2001 – February 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 73 4.19 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Agrarian Party of Albania PA 3 4.04 (Partia Agrare e Shqipërisë) Democratic Alliance Party PAD 3 5.78 (Partia Aleanca Demokratike) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 4 3.75 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 4.26

Second government of Pandeli Majko (February 2002 – July 2002) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 73 4.19 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë)


Agrarian Party of Albania PA 3 4.04 (Partia Agrare e Shqipërisë) Democratic Alliance Party PAD 3 5.78 (Partia Aleanca Demokratike) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 4 3.75 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 4.26

Third government of Fatos Nano (July 2002 – September 2005) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 73 4.19 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Agrarian Party of Albania PA 3 4.04 (Partia Agrare e Shqipërisë) Democratic Alliance Party PAD 3 5.78 (Partia Aleanca Demokratike) Social Democratic Party of Albania PSD 4 3.75 (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë) Government score: 4.26

First government of Sali Berisha (September 2005 – June 2009) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Albania PD 56 6.17 (Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë) Republican Party of Albania PR 11 6.88 (Partia Republikane e Shqipërisë) Environmentalist Agrarian Party PAA 4 4.32 (Partia Agrare Ambientaliste) Unity for Human Rights Party PBDN 2 5.1 (Partia Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut) Democratic Alliance Party PAD 3 5.55 (Partia Aleanca Demokratike) Government score: 6.13

Second government of Sali Berisha (June 2009 – September 2013) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Democratic Party of Albania PD 68 5.83 (Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë) Republican Party of Albania PR 1 6.63 (Partia Republikane e Shqipërisë) Party for Justice and Integration PDI 1 6.79 (Partia për Drejtësi dhe Integrim)


Socialist Movement for Integration LSI 4 4.39 (Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim) Government score: 5.78

First government of Edi Rama (September 2013 – September 2017) Party Abbreviation No. of MP’s Score

Socialist Party of Albania PS 65 4.18 (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë) Socialist Movement for Integration LSI 16 4.12 (Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim) Unity for Human Rights Party PBDN 1 5.15 (Partia Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut) Christian Democratic Party of Albania PDK 1 6.05 (Partia Demokristiane e Shqipërisë) Government score: 4.19