
g`, '~,I~~~ .rurbans Sp ial 60 P,Ct~~ pClp a ~ a ~~~~~~. ~Oa`~~T r~IA~.~~.Z I N ~ ~cTa~~ao~ '~~ , CAL., JUNE 10, 1925 No. 1

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S. D. W. Pontius, Vice President & ~ - ~~. General M eager, and Chief Engineer '~ ~! Johnson, on tour of inspection. Track- i ~ ~': ,x age layout is capable of handling ~,. ~ '~k~ ~ ~ ,'~'S~r~ cars. thirty ~ < ~ ~ ,- ~ ~,.r ~-mot ~ ~ ~k ,itil ~ „k

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i ~ ~ I r plan layouts of Hill Street Station I are ~I Shown on this page 0 periods in its history. This first one ~ I at four different buildings as they were when taken over i shows the tracks and from Los Angeles Pacific in 1912,

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Z o -D1~ ~ o ~ —~ Z~ rn~ This layout shows how Hill Street Station was after being N m Z ~I ~A;~ ^1 ' 1922 subway plan would have made rebuilt to allow cars more room; date: 1916. ~ Ro n Hill Street Station look 00 ~ like this. For final plan, see page 42-L. ~ s O --- io I~OLLYWOOD SUBVO/~4►Y worlffien from first and, to date, only of the members of his official staff, in- a watchman was left to prevent Los Angeles zone. subway was a mile-long double track bore cluding E. C. Johnson, Chief Engineer, who passing into the danger direct supervision of construction. extending from Beverly & Glendale Blvds. han locomotives Subway Terminal Also present were civic representatives At no time did the gasoline into the basement of the were brought Hill St. It was the from Los Angeles, Hollywood, Glendale Van enter the drifts. Empty cars Building at 417 S. of the face of the somewhat forlorn realization of Harriman~s Nuys, San Fernando and Burbank. to within about 300 feet drifts and were dropped into the lower dream of 1907: a four-track subway west to from the first 500 feet of open cut drifts either by gravity or pushed in by Vermont Ave., blanching then to Vineyard, Dirt from the and elsewhere. the western portal was removed by steam workmen. Loaded cars were pulled Hollywood, Beverly Hills at leading to a hoist which PE built in shovels and dump trucks. Lucas St. had to lower drifts by a cable Although the subway 1925 an some 300 feet from being the major trunk line en- be realigned to avoid a grade crossing and driven by electric motor was far back from the drifts. visioned by Harriman, its downtown terminus this was done at that time. The first tun- station-office nel drift was commenced at the west portal was crowned by z notewortk~y lining was poured, set stories of both the subway on Friday, June 13th---possibly an omen of As the concrete building and the of form lumber, before the terminal proper are important parts the subways short service life. and stripped and the earth core was removed, the core was used of any Western District history. The tunnel was excavated by the drift for supporting the arch segments upon whSch In was ordered to build method; about 60~ of the material excavated the concrete form lumber was placed. ground, concreting under Order was loaded directly into dump cars without very heavy and swelling the so-called followed closely behind the wing and No. 9928 of the California Railroad Comm- additional handling. A standard gauge spur always ission, issued in connection with authori- track was built into the tunnel from the arch excavation. fares to Hollywood from Glendale Line and with the construction of zation to increase from 6¢ zonas with a through fare of a trestle and bunkers, sufficient storage Grades and lines were checked daily 6¢ to two establish- effective January 1, 1922• PE could space was made for sand and~~gravel for use substantial monuments which were lOQ, lower drifts at in- think of other reasons for building this in the tunnel lining. A cement house and ed on the lines of the of about 600 feet on tangent and tunnel: (1) estimated savings a small repair shop for emergency repairs tervals $36,865 about 150 feet on the curve. A daily drift yearly in operation, plus $25,000 more due were also constructed at that point. in city record was kept by the engineer and compu- to less maintenance of tracks month for congestion, injury claims, etc. Bunkers were also built on the southerly tations made at the end of each streets, These payments $'159000 of the total cost of tracks side of the open cut, with narrow gauge payments to the contractor. (2) based on the lineal feet of drift pro- and property would be used in the future track running from these bunkers to the were subway to Vineyard. (3) Building the sub- drifts. Dirt was removed from the drifts gress. forestall s with the use of small gasoline locomotives way would lining in the tunnel sect- extending into Hollywood. and specially constructed steel dump cars. The concrete These cars were of one yard capacity and ion had an inside clear opening at trie top of rail of 28 feet and the spring line was On February 11, 1924, plans were complet- specially designed by the contractor for rapid dumping and were built by a local 5~q~~ above top of rail. The arch had a ~ed for the construction of the tunnel and minimum thickness culminated many firm. Loaded dirt cars were hauled from radius of 1Q feet with a its downtown terminal. This wasreinforced with square work, dating from the the tunnel to the bunkers, which were at a of 24 inches and years of preparatory bars. The footings had a minimum 1906 plans o; LAP through 1913-191L~ height sufficient to permit dump trucks to deformed early width of 3~2" and extend en 36" below the when heavy expenditures for land were made load underneath; it was then hauled away to local dumps. top of rail with an additional depth of 12 for rights of way to Vineyard and to First was encountered. and pro- inches where wet ground & Beverly Blvds. Alignment maps ducts were provided in the on both projects; these In addition to starting work at the west Four-foot fiber files were prepared on each side for feeder and ten- changed when the time came to portal, the contractor also made an open side walls were little sion lines in connection with electrical build the first subway tunnel. cut between Figueroa and Flower Sts., a dis- tance of about 300 feet, and from this open operation, telephones, signals, etc. At along each side wall, a Glendale-Valley Subway ex- cut worked drifts in each direction in the 50-foot intervals The Hollywood- refuge recess was provided. ~tended from the westerly line of Hill St. same manner as at the vest portal. Thus the approximately work was greatly speeded, as shifts could ba in a northwestex*ly direction western and across worked continuously at each of the three This section extended from the parallel with Fourth.St., under feet west of Olive St. Flower and Figueroa, headings. As the bottom of this open cut portal to a point 65 Olive, Grand, Hope, to the west line of Olive a five-degree curve about 900 was some forty feet below street level, it From that point thence on St. the tunnel was flared by flattening the in length to the north, under and across was necessary to install a hoist to raise excavates dirt into bunkers. The same arch and from the west line of Olive Street Fremont and Beaudry Avenues and the inter- the all thence type of small gasoline locomotives and steel heavy type steel construction was used, section of Fourth &Boylston Sts., designed to a northerly direction un- dump cars were used at this location. footings, columns and girders on a tangent in take the weight of a limit height building. der and across Crown Hill Ave., Ttird St., Sapphire, Bixel and r~merald Sts., and to Most of the tunnel excavation was through First St. Glendale soft shale and this material was loosened by All concrete in the tunnel section was the intersection of & Cement, three From the westerly portal of the tun- using low per cent dynamite in small quanti- composes of one part Portland Blvd. five parts washed river to First St. & Glendale 231vd., about ties and by use of pneumatic air drills. parts washed sand to nel lines were laid in the 500, open cut construction was used. Excavating proceeded by making two advance gravel. Six-inch air drifts, one on the lower right and one on tunnel from large compressors and concrete in The tunnel as tiuilt turned out to be a the lower left of the face of the tunnel was mixed and placed through these lines rubber and cotton double-track, concrete lined, semi-circul- running about three cubic yards per lineal one operation. Apiece of length, was used as a ar arch section with averhedd trolley. foot, each. Timbering to support these fabric, ten feet in Station facilities were provided at Hill drifts was placed so that the uprights were depositing nozzle and it was an easy matter at any point in the St. in the basement and ground floor of a of sufficient distance apart to allow the to deposit the concrete limit-height office building of heavy steel passage of dump cars; the outside upright forms. concrete construction. Original plans timber was placed at a sufficient distance and of the tunnel section called for a terminal at grade at Hill St. from the outsine excavation so that forms The total length changed (see "Subway could be built and the concrete wall pour- was 4,325 lineal feet. The concrete lining but these were later and the From Hill St. to a point 65' ed without disturbing these timbers. This contained 26,203 yards of concrete, Terminal'). 135,000 cubic yards. west of Olive St., where the station tracks timbering also formed the base for the tim- tunnel excavation was converged into the two main line tracks, bering of the two following drifts immedi- point west ately above the lower drifts, each of which The contractor worked three shifts at ~ the grade was level. From a 65~ men St. the grade was contained about 2.3 cubic yards per lineal each heading and daily total number of of Olive St. to Flower The report .5~,~and from Flower to First & Glen- foot and also supported the inside forms employed amounted to about 650. plus average of approx- dale Blvd. a plus 2.1~. The total length for the concrete arch. All of these Four of Jctober~ 1924, shows an feet of completed tunnel of the tunnel was Q,325 lineal feet; its drifts were excavated to the outside line imately 2Q lineal width was 28 feet, and its height 213". of concrete and found support against the daily. core or center portion, ~ihich measured mak- final about 16 feet wide and 17 feet high and ran LNalls and arch were poured together, CONSTROCTION: On February 18, 1924, mass, except in one or two plans and specifications approximately 9.3 cubic yards per lineal ing a monolithic exceptional cases such as the open cut at in the hands of prospective foot. The third operation in excavation were placed arch which Figueroa St., at which point the walls were bidders. Upon opening the bids subm.tted was the removal of the wings and accomplished in one oper- poured first. Pacific electric furnished by six engineering contracting firms, iC in most cases was ation, running approximately 4.8 cubic rock, sand and cement for the concrete lin- was interesting to note that several of the delivery estimated yards per lineal foot. Each drift as it ing; two spur tracks were used for bids were within $100,000 of the the west portal and tunnel. On April 16 progressed was decked over with lagging and of these materials: at X1,250,000 cost of the open cut. tunnel contract was award- the necessary portion of lagging removed to at the Figueroa St. of that year the dump TwoY~y Brothers of Portland, Oregon. permit excavated material to drop into ed to gravity. Water seepage into the tunnel which rose Ground was broken at 10:00 AM on Saturday, cars in the lower drifts by Glendale Hlvd. to about 24,000 gallons daily during the ex- May 3, 1924, at First St. & decreased to a official ceremonies, but PE Dynamiting was generally done during the cavation period, gradually There were no changes. 15,000 gallons daily. This represented by D. W. Pontius, its Vice- noon hour or at the time of shift flow of about was warning, and heavy seepage puzzled the contractor, and president & General Manager, and a number No blasts were set off without RAPID PROGRESS ~BE~l\TG 1VIADE ON TUI~TNEL ~ „

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Hoist and earth at bunkers, through which excavated material is brought to surface and fed into trucks, one of which can be seen~in picture lower left-hand corner. 2—Gasoline locomotive and dump trains used in bringing material from tunnel to bunkers. 3—Hoist machin- ery used in connection with removal of material at the Figueroa Street shaft. TLTNI~TEL WIRIl\TG IS ~I~TISHED IN RECORD TIME

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Lower drift excavation and method employed in removing. Note that supporting posts are sufficiently spaced to permit operation of dump cars between them. 13

plausxbie explanation came from an transformers were tapped from the 2,200 volt Toluca Substation cost $120,000 and first the most the water seeped doRn Prom the cable by means of subway type terminal boxes went in service on June 15, 1925. old-timer: provided proper protection Prom fail- Park Lake, about half a mile above the which Echo Glendale Line. To get ure. Across the two maln line tracks Prom the west portal on the drainage an eight-inch main of concrete new substation was Toluca Yard, built in late easy the new type of The yard contained with closed points was placed for the A feature of the use of 1925. four passenger car Pipe aboutla~footebeloxetheine ^stead brace~~ described above was that it storage tracks with a total capacity of 22 elimination of trolley cars. It had 1700 lineal fast of track, betweenn~racks and permitted complete one Brade. Along each side of the tunnel 2 span wires, always a source of trouble when inspection pit and miscellaneous maintenance sub- storage in from the walls a six-inch concrete trolley poles wander. facillties and sheds. feet open bell points, and pipe was placed with intervals of 25 feet cross drains Were The five-track terminal beneath the Sub- Safety was insured by 21 block signals, at pipe with open way Terminal Building employed a type of dir- automatic train stops, and an interlocker laid of six-inch concrete Joints connecting the outside lines of ect suspension, it being a slow speed zone. plant at the throat of the terminal; this bell was located in a tower four with the eight-inch main in the center The 4/0 copper trolley wire was fastened by interlocker pipe type barn hangers stories belo'vr OliveStreet. The automatic between tracks. Over the top of all these means of special spring feet on tangents, 7 feet on block signals were arranged to handle one drains for a depth of from twelve to eight- spaced every 15 curves, to 2x12 inch planking, which in turn train every 25 seconds. een ilaced~to bring the flo g of the gtunnel was suitably attached to the. concrete beams was P The first work train the track sub-grade. The eight-inch of the ceiling. More than 2,000 lineal feet operated through up to tY.e tunnel and into the terminal on Sep- led to sumps constructed under the sub of Oregon pine planking were used. Trolley main stretched to a ten- tember 10, grade at Olive St. and at Flower St.; these wire when installed was 1925. were e4~-PPed with electric automatic sion of 2500 pounds; thereby providing a per- sumps -run, even under the „ Now We leave the tunnel and turn our pumps which lifted water from the sumps to fectly horizontal under pressure of the trolley wheel. attention to the great Subway Terminal. storm drains at these two points. maximum CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF CGWSTRUCTION: It took less than a year to drive the A new substation, Toluca No. 51, was con- tunnel through to Hill St. Ground was bro- structed adjacent to the west portal to pro- the needed for tunnel and Showing an elapsed time of but 1B months ken at the west portal on May 3, 1924, and vide most of power bore was completed on April 16, 1925. terminal operation. This new unit, in add- and 27 days from the date of breaking of the portion the ground to operation of first scheduled Y'hen began the work of laying rail and in- ition to carrying the mayor of stalling trolley wire. tunnel-terminal load, also distributed all passenger train, the following is a chron- of the electrical energy required for oper- ological table of important events in the construction of the tunnel and terminal: Th9 doubly track in the tunnel section ating the entire railway facilities in the built on twelve-foot centers. Ninety- relocated Hill St. Station. Due to its lo- eras completed for can- pound rail was used with standard t1e plates cation, the Toluca Substation relieved the Feb. 11, 1924 Pins rail anti-creepers. Redwood ties of 6~~ existing heavy load on the Olive Substation struction of tunnel and and terminal. by 8" by 8' were used and eight i;iches of and materially improved voltage conditions crushed rock ballast was placed beneath the on the Hollywood and Glendale Lines. Feb. 18, 1924 Bids asked. by pros- ties. Mar. 18, 1924 Bids submitted Toluca Sub was automatic, and was equipped pective contractors. Electrificatioh of the new tunnel involy- with a 1500 kw., 600 volt DC, 6 phase, 50 Apr. 16, 1924 Tunnel contract awarded. some unusual features. Underground cab- cycle, 600 RPH compound wound synchronous May 3, 1924 First ground broken. ed First les, running lengthwise through the tunnel converter, with complete automatic equipment, June 13, 1924 tunnel drift begun. vralls, were first to be installed. A crew all of the most modern type and incorporating Jan. 2, 1925 Work on Toluca Substation of ~~overhead~~ men was made over into a crew the latest developments in the industry. The begun. of °underground's men with much success; as building was of concrete construction and ab- Mar. 1, 1925 Completion of first drifto this was a new line of work for them, it was solutely fireproof. Its exterior design was Apr. 16, 1925 Tunnel bore completed.. xiacessary. to obtain considerable new equip- considerably more attractive than the usual May 13, 1925 Excavation for terminal rnent. A standard cable-pulling winch was PE utilitarian design for such structures. building begun. assembled in Torrance Shops, a steel pulling June 23, 1925 Wiring of tunnel begun. cable was salvaged from elevator cables dis- Toluca Substation was interconnected by July 4, 1925 Toluca Sub in service. carded at Sixth & Main Station; duct rods means of feeders with the Maple Avenue, Olive July 7, 1925 Structural steel erection axid other paraphernalia obtained and actual and Ivanhoe Substations. Suitable switching begun. work started on June 25, 1925. BY July 3rd equipment was installed for operating the Aug. 23, 1925 Building excavation finished. a total of 2Q,000 feet of No. 1¢ rubber cov- feeders, singly or collectively, thus provid- Aug. 31, 1925 Track laying in tunnel erod wire had been installed for the light- ing a unified system and flexible electrical begun. ing system; ¢,000 feet of 1,000,000 C1S lead energy supply to meet the varying demand of Sep. 10, 1925 Operation of firs* work covered feeder cable, ¢,000 feet of No. 3 an exceedingly diversified load. train through to terminal. conductor, lead covered, 2,200 volt cable, Oct. 15, 192: Laying of track finished. and IIy000.feet of ten pair lead covered tel- In addition to the relays and other de- Oct. 2Q, 1925 Structural steel erection ephone cable had been pulled into their res- vices required for starting and shutting down finished. pective ducts, ready for the cable splicers. the station machine under normal conditions, Nov. 2¢, 1925 Wiring of tLUUiel finished. there were protective relays for limiting Nov. 30, 1925 Official ceremonies and in- T'_ne trolley contact system was of catenary overloads and overspeeding; for disconnecting spection by public. construction, and presented several interest- the machine in case of power failure, single Dec. 1, 1925 Operation of first sched~ed ing features. The supporting messengers were phase operation and reversed polarity. passenger train. 300,000 c.m. copper cables, which also acted as auxiliary feeders. They were attached to the tunnel roof at 15 ft. intervals by means of porcelain suspension insulators of stand- POWER UNIT COMPLETE FOR SUBWAY SERVICE ar~ design. The trolley contact conductors were of 4/0 copper, hung to the supporting messengers i at 15 ft. intervals, midway be- e tween the messenger insulators, by means of .m... n mach type C.S. catenary hangers. o~c O U M ~ '~~- ~ - -' — At intervals of 600 feet, taps were run up through the fi' tunnel proper, the trolleys .::° b~'?~g held in alignment in the curve by the use of a new type of steady brace, developed m m o I: s~'~ ', i` in the electrical department of PE and made ~~~ the Torrance Shops. This permitted the trolley wire to raise with the pressure of trolley poles, but prevented it £rom moving s_deways. It consisted of a maple block Yastened to the roof brackets by insulated bolts, with an iron arm, swiveled at each end, _ ,~j ~{~ I running down at an angle to a standard a~ n -= f~ _ c~-_. trolley ear. An iron plate ~m .aW ~ - one was bolted on side with a hook to carry the supporting ~~ssenger. rl U a~ ~ _..- ~ +~1 P. ran -w'i ~ - -- Lights in the tunnel foot were spaced at fifty m FJM - _... intervals on both sides. put ~~ the They were refuge pockets where men could step back in a recess built into the wall. Every m r`~. t~ausand feet a specially built refuge pock- et housed a m a -„~t , act subway telephone coru~ected dir- to the terminal; ed these colored lights designat- so they could be reached quickly in case of an was emergency. The lighting system fed at 1,500 foot f~x°mers intervals from taans- Toluca Substation in 1925. Automatic equipiaent consisted chiefly of ehich also fed the signals. These relays) in§art photo sho~rs an under voltage relay. 14 RAPID PACE CONTINUES AT TERMINAL SITE _.- _ ~_ - ~ w ~. ;~ .; ... ~~L~. .f° 5', +' F Y f ~, . C~

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on July 10th, Progress on Hill Street terminal continues at rapid pa:e, 75% of excavation on site having been completed PicYUre herewith shows extent of excavation being made, ttie timbering being temporary support insuring permanency of side walls pending completion of structure.


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Structural steel workers are maintaining the same dizzy pace that has characterized the progress of other crews on terminat and tunnel project. Vice-President Pontius and Chief Engineer Johnson are seen on a tour of inspection. 15 P,C I ~j Qp,C 1 I~jP Q ~AaT~S< ~ r m ~F~~u qOo~u I`~I.~,~.~..Z I N ~ '~~cTa~~oO~ ' Vol. 10 LOS ANGELES, CAL., NOVEMBER 10, 1925 No. (~

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Old Glory Crowns Fabric of Terminal Steel I6 •

?° IO mprove ~ erv~ce A cYlnsrxucr awerxgr~on m~ouese a R~iyypG /Y,IJL EU/LOT AS AUM/Tj UMO£? OEWA[l(.

~ `, Line 9~~ 13 ~ 2 I I~d I - 13 ~2' ' ~ Hollywood Boulevard r_ cares=~ - - .~ Santa Monica Boulevard Line .~ ~Z • ~ I t 5 `. 9~5 R~5 Z i~ Van Nuys Line m2~ n i m Z Fm ° M D D 1926 '( Effective Sunday, February 7, n o s I o ~ I A 0 2 e i N n n y ~ a ~ ~ ~ 2 In connection with the commencement of operation 2 ~ o ? o. a y A y ~ rn into the Subway Terminal, following routings, schedules, m to Hollywood and San 0 0~ n 2 0 3 etc., will be in effect far service the Fernando Valley districts. A = 0 2 ~ ~, ~ O n ~l Ili ~ ~ ~ ~I N ~ r Hollywood Boulevard Line - ~ o~a ~ (except ~ ~ a ~ C All Hollywood Boulevard cars r Hollywood-Santa ~~ O Hollywood-Vineyard and Monica cars) will be operated into and out of ~ m O the Subway Terminal.

~M a D Hollywood Vineyard .Line ~ 2 was 2 Z No change will be made in this service, n y ~ rn G~ - head- y s I rn same to be operated under ten minute way as at present via Hill Street. 2 a 2 ~ rn ~ ~ ~ rn Santa Monica Boulevard Line = °~1r.. All Santa Monica Boulevard cars will be d~ u a~ I Z~ a =n°z _I operated into and out of the Subway Termi- "§yn ?yr L_L _ nal (except Western and Franklin Avenue ~,7 °z ~I w ~. Line). ~' ~~ ~' ~zym and Franklin Ave. Line sz ~ fp _.— Western .`,^ ou.~-waoo. Western and Franklin Avenue cars will be '"TO VEfNCE 6 SANTP MONICA o ST. operated as at present along Hill Street to and N P fN rlr o ~ HILL ~ m pmoZ ~ D from Twelfth and Hill. m- m Anm .njyQ ~D y~ Zfr'Z 0 Echo Park Avenue Line as oA= r.~N nn Echo Park Avenue cars will be operated ~ Hill Street to and from ~ ~ ~ rn m o ~ ~~. ~~ovOOO~DO~O~~~oQ Q~~ OD f~l at present along .Y~~ Twelfth and Hill. ~ ~\~~Q~O~ ~ Q'~O~ _ N ma N Z~m l , ~ ~~~ DO ~~DO~po r° co Van Nuys.Line i s Y ~, _ e ~ ~ pD ~D ~?~ rn All Van Nuys Line trains will be operated dam' ~ ~1 into and out of the Subway Terminal (except 3 o m ~ ~~OOOO~O~OQ N Y r~~ N OQDOOO O O train leaving Van Nuys at 11:44 p.m. and train O leaving Los Angeles at 4:15 a. m., which trains Q ~0 ~"QED o will be via Hill S#reet to and from Hill Nn 0 operated Station). plan for integrating Hill Stree3 Station with Subway Street Above: The 1926 on page Terminal, xhich was carried out as shown; compare xith plans Renouncement carried in all cars of chaagea effective 42-E, (Right) Subcray, Hollywood-Santa Monic~- Feb 26 xhich brought Valiey and many Hollgvrood cars into 7 at right. Car (Belox) Tolnca Yards circa 194~i; car storage tracks Venice Line at left ie about to enter eubxay. (a21, Hagna Collection) All throug~n Hollywood-Santa Monica-Ven- J ice Line trains ~.vill operate as at present to and ,~ from Hill Street Station via Hill Street . .:. s ~' ~~.. Fare Collection Plan for Local Cars Through Subway will be placed at head of ~, w? Fare collectors ~~ .. °x>' r 1" ramp in main waiting room in Subway Term- inal, to whom passengers will pay- fares instead r.s~°t z om~ kt of to conductors on cars. Such collectors will "~„°' .~ ~ ,~'~, issue identification checks (if going beyond r .:._ ~~ , .: Inner Zone), also transfers, eta F,. 0 r ~ y '" _ ,~ ,,, x p ~~,.,.. _ PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY February 2, 1926 —uexrc No.~ i~



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outbIn its World }p II oundnt, passes to Burba~.t ~ MC


to make Jfhenever Pacific Electric wanted ~~ -,~ a mayor improvement, executives at Sixth & Main, after numerous conferences, worked out a formalized ~~Request for Authority for .. ~~k t Expenditure of Funds.~~ This was submitted first to SoutherA Pacific Headquarters in 7r San Francisco; if approved there,it went on to New York City for final approval or refection by the Southern Pacific Board of 7~'i _ ~ 1i ~ Directors. These Requests were cogent and ill' precise; years later they remain highly in- ~ ~_ for a; teresting to read. Here is the Request ,~ `~~ ~ '~ ~ 't'~~~,iaa'1 the construction of the Subway Terminal: ',~ 1 ~: .,

'Request for Authority for Expenditure . g ~ a sr~ a j~ q p F ,. of $696,155; January 1, 1924• =1 ~ i. ofr. n 'v ~ ~ ~1~~ ~~ ~~ FY ~! ~~ F~ "To construct depressed passenger ter- minal and provide other facilities.

'Recommendations: d. s~ ~ ( r ~~1. Construct depressed passenger ter- _~~ a# ~~3 ~~~ ~ ~~ minal from Hill St. to Olive St. for flolly- ~3 ~~ ~~ wood Subway service.

~~2. Purchase of lot on Olive St. for additional yard space. ~t q,i~. a.. in Olive "+7.'. 3~.: ~~ ~~3. Construct retaining wall .,. .:.~r-atu~~i ~~.'s'n"a^~,~ ~ alt ~ ~ St. cut and construct Olive St. undergrade crossing. a ~.

~~y. Demolish old 'leanto~ building ser- ving as passenger station for Santa ivionica Bay district trains.

"5. Relocate trackage serving Santa Mon- £, trains. ~' ~'' ica Bay district ~ s n~ ~ ~ ~ .ed to ~~6. Y'Jreck Masonic Temple Building _ ~ construct new station to accommodate con- - _~` cessionaire tenants and provide a station facility for Santa Monica F3ay District cars. • The great at ¢17 S. Hill St. is o,e of Los Angeles largest office buildings, ccljitairiing 1100 rooms. In this photo, the nevi Hill "7. Purchase furniture and fixtures. Street Station snd yard are seen in forzground. (SFiu)

~~8. Construct 1,000 lineal feet of way property having frontage of 1~1~ on west height hugeness contained more steel than single track in depressed terminal in add- side of Olive St. will be little affected in any other building in Los Angeles: 6,000 ition to xrackage under ~~,Vork Order 22,000. value by new plan as tracks will be so far tons, of which 2,400 tons were below the undergrounn that surface and air rights will street level; the latter figure was greater "9. Provide 165 lineal feet of double be extremely valuable. Former plan would than the total of all steel used in the track tunnel. have prevented arty return from property.' city~s largest hotel, the biltmore. "Reasons: To permit sale of northerly The excavating ~uras pusueri for~rarn aitu 141 feet of terminal property reserving iVork Order 22,000 referred to above was all possible spee~; 45 trucks asJd ~ ste;;R, terminal rights in limit height building the authorization to construct the subway shovels worked 15 hours daily. As the west to to be erected by purchaser. If the termin- itself. The ~~former plane mentioned had Ibourulsry of the site knit deep into bunker al were constructed at Hill St, grade as do with the original plan to bring tracks Hill, the tracks there ~eould be four floors first planned, it wouln be impossible to in from Figueroa St, via a tunnel -~to west b~ausath Clive St., while at the east enri of ever improve with an office building as edge of Hill St. Station yard, then emerge the sw~bterranean train seen they ~rouid be cost would be prohibitive. Purchaser has on grade level with Hill St.; this plan is Brut ~Lhirty feat beio~ ii~11 St. It was, of been founn who will buy the property and reproduced on page ¢2-E. course, necessary to close Olive St. for construct a limit height building under the several months to permit excavating, in- follo~xing conditions: The 'purchaser" above mentioned was the stallation of retaining walls aiin the var- Subway Terminal Corporation, formed by some ious subsurface facilities required: the ~'(a) Pacific Electric Railway Company of the city~s leading citizens. This cor- trainmen~s rooms, the passenger traffic to retain perpetual rights to entire base- poration paid PE $705,000 for the land on heanquarters, etc. Most of the Olive St. ment area, the west 194' of ground floor which the huge structure was built, plus subsurface structure was unfinishen; tem- area on Hill St. level, and the ground $400,000 for construction work from found- porary offices were partitionen off from floor area fronting twenty feet on Hill St. ations to and including the ground floor. a dark, huge, shapeless room with rough giving access +.o rear and basement areas. concrete walls; noubtless this would have Ground for the Hollywood Subway was bro- receiver finishing touches had the Venice ~~(b) Pacific Electric to construct foun- ken on May 3, 192Q at the west portal, it Subway been built to connect. Directly dations and basement structure for a limit was more than a year later that excavation opposite the Hill St. property on Olive St. height structure up to and including the work began on the site of the terminal it- stood an old public school; Pr, bought this rough concrete floor at the Hill St. level self: ~6ay 13, 1925. Plans for the build- property and it, too, was excavated to pro- Los and bgver will pay PE $400,000 as full pay- ing were prepared by Schultze & ~;veaver, vide the throat of the tunnel; approximate- The men~ for such work. &ngeles and New York architects. tunnel ly 68 feet west of Olive St. and terminal project, jointly accomplished '!This plan will permit expansion to care by PE and the Subway Terminal Corporation, August 1925, all excavation work up On 23, for future subway requirements by connect- represented the largest relief offered was complete and the reinforced concrete ion from remaining terminal property on the to that time for traffic congestion; it foundations were started. erection of the while original grade terminal plan brought outlying communities three miles framework followed, to be finisher south, in steel precluded the possibility of extending the nearer the central business district on October 2Q, with the traditional val- 1925 subway system in the future. point of time; it stabilized property Old Glory on the topmost gir- it provided a unfurling of ues for many blocks arounn; der---symbol of success wherever steelmen ~~Present station building and old Mason- business and professional office address toil. ic Temple building will have to be wrecked ~,nequalled in the city. in order to relocate the Sven while heavy steel girners were be- terminal tracks. These track changes also The Subway Terminal Building contained ing hoisted into place far sbove, PE crews require the purchase of a lot at the south- 600 offices; a garage, entered from Olive mere pressing forwarn in the great train west corner of the station grounds. St., afforded parking for exclusive use of shed far below the surface of the ground. tenants. 122,000 cubic yards of earth were By September, 1925, the vast room han taken "Additional advantages are: (1) Large excavated for the building---the largest shape. The cOnerete curbs, similar to the office building at terminal drawing andit- excavation for any building in the city up ones on the 6th & Main elevated structure, ional railway travel and anchoring business to that time. The building had a frontage were in place and the five stub tracks had to vicinity. (2) 200 more concessionaire of lyl feet on Hill St. and a depth of 330 been laid between them. Tracks were laid revenue, up to $27,000 per year. (3) Rail- feet. The steel framework for its limit on ballast cushions; and the work of con- 19

• Train platforms were re~chen ann left via gentle ramps; here is Track 5's ezit ramp.

Subway Terminal ann surface tracks. At the time five rail lines used it; from the sub- way proper ran the Glendale-Burbank Line, the Santa Monica blvd.-.test Hollywoon Line, the Vari iduys Lirie, ann most of the Holly- woori blvd. Line; the Venice Short Line ran out of the surface terminal. From the bus neck over the surface tracks operated the Redondo Beach Line, the Santa Monica via Beverly Hills Line, and the Beverly-Snnset- Castellamare Line. Altogether, these lines carried 65,000 passengers daily into and out of the Subway Terminal. Moreover, a large proportion of the assignments of trainmen and operators for VJestern District passenger lines, as well as all assignments of the subway; left of interloclting tower are tracks 1 ann 2; • The throat for box motor and railway post office oper- are to right. (R. B. Petersen Photo) tracks 3, 4 and 5 ations out of the Union Passenger Terminal were made from the Subway Terminal Foreman~s structing the concrete loaning and unload- horsecar, then a little wooden city car of office. Other ~vVestern District assignments Ocean Park. ing platforms was nearing completion. All the 1Vineties; a high wooden interurban car, were made at 6Vest Hollywood and focal of the rough ~xork involved in the concrete one of the Golden Gates, represented the Truly, the Subway Terminal was the ramps leading to and from the mezzanine 1902 intercity concept, and modern equipment point of all activities on the entire west. floor to the train platforms had bee:l com- was represented by a new 1100 type interur- pleted. All rough work in connection with ban, a 1600 Class locomotive, ann three-car Top man at 4he Subway Terminal was the the Olive St. undergrade crossing was fin- trains of 600s which offered free riries to Trainmaster for the 'Aestern District; 1943 ished and Olive St. was reopened to public the west portal to all comers. I remember saw him supervise the handling of 52~ of use; the tower to house the interlocking well that first ride through the blackness PE's passengers---61,032,000 of the system plant at the throat was almost completed, of trie Hollywood Subway; the little lights total of 116,550000. The chain of commann it being a part of the Olive St. structure. in therefuge pockets guiried us on into the went down from him through Supervisors, depths---our headlight seemed remarkably Terminal Foremen and Stationmasters. Some 700 trainmen and operators were supervised Esy the end of 9ctober, all work in the futile; the exciting curve of the lights from the Subway. At the heart of the whole trainshed was finished,~as was the block as we reached the midpoint, and then the operation were the three Subway Tower oper- siPnal system. The interlocker was about completely disappointing sight, far ahead, ators; on average days some trains and 90q complete, and large forces were busy of the west portal which we had not wished 754 perhaps 100 empty cars s~rritching in and out putting the final touches on the terminal; to beholn so soon. The train pulled up to from Toluca Yard had to be guided from the placing tile, terra cotta and marble. The Beverly & Glendale Blvds. ann then changed to the one of five brick curtain wall was completed for the ends, giving us a brief glimpse of Toluca two tunnel tracks proper terminal tracks. So sense was traffic that first story, and facing graciite was placed yard and substation. Then back into the it was estimated that a single error on the on the Hill St. front to a height of 1z depths and into the Terminal, this time part a towerman would so upset schedules floors. The date of completion was near getting a much better view of the inter- of that 30 to 60 minutes would be required to ann the Transportation Department was busy locking tower. Then triere followed about rectify the mistake. mapping out timetables.; a fitting celebrat- an hour of exploration, ranging from the ion was the great event, cars on display to the depths of the Olive being planned for Subway Terminal was a station of magni- -+a-hich, as PE Vice-Presinent D. 'd. Pontius St. undergrade structure, surely as eery as ficent distances; from sidewalk to train- proudly announces, wools take place on Nov- anything imaginable. side was 596 feet of steady walking; in the ember 30th with a civic banquet at the reverse direction it was 506 feet. After Eiltmore Hotel preceding the formal open- The basement trainshed of the Subway Ter- complaints that this was excessive, PE re- ;ng. minal could accommodate thirty cars on its five tracks. Six inclined ramps were pro- leased a comparative table of distances in some of the nations large terminals: Grand 30, was truly a great day vided between the track level and the mezz- iuovember 1925, Central, New York City, 790 feet in, same in Los Angeles history. Your editor was anine concourse and waiting room; loading out; Pennsylvania Station, New York City, among the thousands who crammed into the and unloading platforms ann ramps were pro- in direction; Chicago Union Subway Terminal that day and perhaps his vided to eliminate confusion and speed up 630 feet either Station, 720 feet either way. first-hand recollections would be of inter- turnaround time. est. First of all, there was the long walk ?rom Hill St. to the waiting room: 130 The breaking of a bottle of gingerale To provide even greater safety in subway feet down a marble-floored arcade flsnked (prohibition then, remember?).against car operation, PE installed automatic train on both sides by shops. Then the main wait- 7Q1 and the departure of that car and its stops throughout the tunnel in 1927. These ing room itself---surely as impressive as two trailers Formally opened the Hollywood were manufactured by the Union Switch & Sig- ornate head offices of banks and reminiscent Subway on November 30, 1925,. The next day nal Company and had been in successful use of same. Then there were the long, winding the subway went into regular service with on New York subways and Boston elevateds ramps to the lower mezzanine where more Glendale-Burbank trains using it. Sunday, since 1904. The installation, involving a waiting room space was provided; and fiscally February 7, 1926, saw Hollywoon and San Fer- heavy capital expenditure, was made with the the gradually descending straight ramps to nando Valley cars rerouted into the subway approval of the State Railroad Commission 'track level. Winding down the ramps with via a new track connection on Park Ave. be- which thoroughly investigated the device. the crowd, it was slow going---but swelling tween Glendale Blvd. aid Sunset Blvd. PE~s This automatic train stop consisted of an martial music from below stirred the senses expenditure of more than $¢,000,000 was in air line valve cock mounted on the leading and further heightened the excitement felt the laps of the gods. truck on each side of car; at seme block by everyone. Then the first glimpse of the signals was an arm which raised when signal great cavern itself---a cavern brightened OPNRATIU1r: The height of the subway s displayed a red aspect; when raised, this at intervals by photographers flashguns--- passenger handling occurred in arm engaged the valve cock on arty truck a cavern wherein the PE 23and on a bunting- World War II, so lets take a quick look at which passed it, opening the car +s air line bedecked flat car outdid itself---a cavern the way this facility met the severe test: and applying the brakes. The equipment was ~+herein were placed on display a priceless applied to each of the 210 cars then using collection of PE equipment from early days In early 1944, a total of 88[, trains, the subway, and to thirteen of the 21 block ~o the present. There was a resurrected old made uy of 1194 cars, entered and left the signals. About the only disadvantage to zo this scheme was the bother of applying the cocks to additional cars when for any valve the reason they were required to operate in New tunnel (as for example, the 100s on cars Year s Day j, although Western District embarr- on foreign lines were occasionally emergen- assed by having their air thrown in sine. cy by a trackside rock o£ the right the subway s years of use, there Throughout ample was never a wreck of ar{y consequence, proof of the efficacy of the automatic train stops. Periodically the city chortled at news- accounts of attempts of inebriated paper of automobile drivers to negotiate the mile subway was tunnel. As the entrance to the direct line with Glendale Blvd. they in their could perhaps be pardoned, considering even made hazy state of mind. Some autoists into the Subway Terminal, doubtless c're- it in ating a certain amount of consternation that sacred-to-rail country. Such intrepid and a voyagers were carted off LJ sober up crane and flat car picked up their car PE In and returned it to good asphalt footing. time it became the turn of the sobered due this autoist to register consternation; a bill usually took place when he received repairs from Pc. for services rendered plus for any damage caused.

Biggest cars to use the subway were the 950s, while the almost-as-large SOOs saw considerable service up to 194• 5000s and 600s (5050s) bore the brunt of the service, while the 550s opened the tunnel and ran in it until 1937. 100s saw use on iVew Year s Day once or twice, ann business car 1299 was equipped with a lowered version of PE~s pneumatic trolley base to permit it to nego- tiate the subway on inspection trips. All cars entering the bore had to have double trolleys as restricted clearances in the trainshen made it impossible to swing poles.

Certain special rules were in effect at First train to carry passengers into the subway was headed by car 566; this Glendale the Subway Terminal: Illuminated numbers booster group made November 30, 1925, a day to be remembered. (SFN) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on west side of tower at throat of tunnel indicated on which track the inbound train was to proceed; upon re- The remainder of the tunnel, filled in the complaint said, violated a i9z4 ceiving track indication from tower, motor- ground, the mid3le by the Bunker Hill plugging Is conductors by electric bell agreement under which the 12 story building a men signalled govern- intact, although unased. It remains as signal, indicating by number was built. Ultimately the federal communicating waiting most fitting monument to Los Angeles' un- rings the track to be taken so that con- ment became the tenant of the former of complex---first, for the healthy obsession with the automoblle. ductors could open either right or left cen- room and main store and noR .°or ter doors to proper exit landing. After the Social Security Administration, last passenger left car, conductors opener the Veterans Administration. side doors so outbound passengers opposite $050s were could enter. 'rJ'henever an emerg°ncy arose, After abandonment, thirteen the tower stopped all trains by one long removed from the Subway by truck to Terminal sound of tower horn; two short sounds of Island for scrapping; the thirty PCCs re- horn was signal to resume normal operation. mained stored in the Subway until September As an indication to towerman for placing o£ 1959, +hen they were trucked to the harbor arriving trains, Glendale trains misplayed and shipped to Buenos Aires---to the General ^Subway Terminal" on head signs, Valley Urquiza Railway which had purchased them for trains displayed ~~Los Angeles," Hollytivood further transit use. Blvd. cars displayed °Hollywood Blvd.,' and Santa Monica Blvd. cars displayed "Santa For several years the unused tunnel stood Monica Blvd.~~ Deadhead equipment inbound vacant, save for desultory use of its Bever- displayed head sign indicating line on which ly Blvd. end for storage of impounded autos it was to go into service. 1Yhen trains were and some microfilm storage in the downtown ready to leave the Terminal, conductors not- train shed---which was also stocked with s ified the tower by the use of push buttons certain amount of foods, first aid material located on posts alongside tracks. and other requisites for use as a disaster shelter. AuF~aDOividr',iYT: One by one the rail lines us- ing the Subway Terminal were The first physical destruction of a part com~erted to motor coach operation. PE it- of the abandoned subway occurred in Decem- self cut doom the Valley and Santa Monica ber, 1967, when that portion from Flower Blvd.-'vest Hollywood Lines. Metropolitan St, to dust west of Figueroa St. was filled Coach Lines, purchaser of PE passenger ser- due, it xas claimed, to the fact that it successful in in vice on October 1, 1953, was was 'unsafe." The City of Los Angeles, to souttlis~g the Hollywood Blvn. and Glendale- the subway had been deeded by Southern Line, sole which Burbank Lines. The Venice Short Pacific, asserted that the unu$ed subway was user -of the surface tracks, gave up the Hill redenelop- left incompatible with the Bunker ghost in 195. Tne last regular car because the tunnel lacked rein- ~I. train- ment project .ice the cavernous, brooding subterranean forcing steel, hence notY~ing could be built morning, June 19, 1955. shed early Sunday above it. As a matter of fact, the Harbor markers went the hopes of .ski {,~:. With its rear Freeway, a defense sysiem highway, was con- r Angelenos for a true rapid transit system; in 1447, m0^'.a~~: ~t c. now structed directly over the tunnel with it also went PE~s £our millions, and state engineers had de- the ground which after U.S. Army .~' ~ ~>; represented by a hole 3n the subway was so strong that used for nothing. termined that apparently could be no bridge structues or caissons would be the required. Such apparently was the feeling of ~ebru- Subway Terminal Corporation which in re- the The photo at right, taken while the ary of 1956 sued PE for X2,500,000; segment of the alleged that by moval and filling in of this Subueay Terminal Corporation shows clearly that a away from the build- tunnel was underway, routing its passengers great deal o° steel reinforcing material ing, PE had in effect decreased the value - .:,c.ti of had in effect been incorporated into the of the structure. Discontinuance of use below walls of the subway. the ground floor and of facilities