PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DATA FROM A PILOT MARINE PROTECTED AREA ON THE ISLAND OF MILOS, GREECE Tselentis B.S.1, Kyriakopoulos K.1, Moghaddam-Gholipour K.S.1, Kavvadas P.1, Kourkouli P.2 1Laboratory of Marine Sciences, University of Piraeus,
[email protected] 2 Department of Geography, Harokopio University Greece ,
[email protected] Abstract It is recognized that the creation of Marine Protected Areas is an important tool in the effort to preserve biodiversity, protect and increase fish stocks, prevent further degradation of the marine environment and to protect and restore habitats. It is deemed timely and topical to establish a network of Marine Protected Areas at both national and regional levels in order to mitigate the destruction of sensitive reproduction ecosystems and protected habitats, as well as restrain uncontrolled overexploitation of fish stocks. In this paper the need to gather scientific information on ways to select and map areas that are in need of protection is highlighted and preliminary scientific data on a marine area on the northern part of Milos Island in the Cyclades, is presented. It is also inferred that all efforts within the framework of sustainable management of marine ecosystems and the marine environment in general are not seen as an isolated project, but as a component of the island’s infrastructure as a whole, as well as a factor of social cohesion and local participation in any management schemes applied. Key Words: MPAs, biodiversity, habitat mapping, Cyclades 1. Introduction Scientific evidence has proven that worldwide marine ecosystems are now manifesting severe biodiversity degradation (Rashid et al.