Select Bibliography

BOOKS (a) In English: Robert Conquest, Courage ojGenius (Collins 8£ Harvill, 1961). Donald Davie, The Poems ojDoctor Zhivago (Manchester U.P., 1965; Bames 8£ Noble, 1965). Robert Payne, The Three Worlds ojBoris Pasternak (Robert Hale, 1961; Coward• McCann, 1961). Dale L. Plank, Pasternak's Lyric: A Study ofSound and Imagery (Mouton 8£ Co., 1966). Mary F. and Paul Rowland, Pasternak's Doaor Zhivago (Southern m. U. P., 1967).

(b) In French: Guy de Mallac, (Universitaires, 1963). Jacqueline de Proyart, Pasternak (Gallimard, 1964).

(c) In Russian: Sbornik statei, posvyashchennykh tvorchestvu Borisa Pasternalea CCollection of articles devoted to the work of Boris Pasternak? ('Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R., 1962). This volume contains articles by Gleb Struve, Boris Zaitsev, A. Gayev, Fedor Stepun, N. A. Poplyuiko-Anatolyeva, L Mezhakov-Koryakin, Dmitri Obolensky, L Rzhevsky, V. A. Aleksan• drova, I. N. Bushman and Viktor Frank.

CHAPTERS OF BOOKS (a) In English: Maurice Bowra, 'Boris Pasternak 1917-1923', in The Creative Experiment (Macmjllan, 1949; Grove Press, 1958) pp. 128-58. Helen Muchnic, 'Boris Pasternak and the poems of Yuri Zhivago', in From Gorky to Pasternak (Methuen, 1963; Random House, 1961) pp. 341-40+ Renato Poggioli, 'Boris Pasternak •• :, in The Poets oj 1890-1930 (Harvard U.P., 1960) pp. 32 1-42. select Bibliography Jolm Strachey, 'Russia', in The Strangled Cry (Bodley Head, 1962; Sloane, 1962) pp. 44-74- (b) In Russian: Mark Slonim, 'Boris Pasternak', in Portreti sovetskikh pisatelei (Paris, 1933) PP·3 8-47. Ivan Rozanov, 'Boris Pasternak', in Russkiye liriki (, 1929) pp. 103-31. A. Selivanovsky, passage in Ocherki po istorii russkoi sovetskoi poezii (Moscow, 1936) pp. 183-203. K. Zelinsky, passage in Kriticheskiye pis'ma (Moscow, 1934) pp. 237-57.

ARTICLES (a) In English: L. Abel, 'Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago', in Dissent (Autumn 1959) pp. 334- 341. This article is a reply to N. Chiaromonte's article - reproduced in the present volume - in Partisan Review (Winter 1958). , 'The Energy of Pasternak', in Partisan Review (Sept-Oct 1950) PP·748-51 • Nicola Chiaromonte, 'Doctor Zhivago and modem sensibility', in Dissent (Winter 1959) pp. 35-44. This is a reply to L. Abel's article in Dissent (Autumn 1959). J. M. Cohen, 'The Poetry ofPasternak' , in Horizon (July 1944) p. 23. --'Servant to the Ages', in Spectator (6 April 1962) pp. 449-50. Victor Erlich, 'The Concept of the Poet in Pasternak', in Slavonic Review (June 1959) pp. 325-35. Alexander Gerschenkron, 'Notes on Dodor Zhivago', in Modern Philology, LVIII (February 1961) iii 194-200. Stuart Hampshire, 'Dr Zhivago. As from a lost culture', in Encounter (1958) LXII 3-5. Manya Harari, 'On Translating Dr Zhivago', in Encounter (May 1959) pp. 51-3. Max Hayward, 'Pasternak's Dr Zhivago', in Encounter (May 1958) pp. 38-48. Angela Livingstone, 'The Childhood oj Luvers: an early story of Pasternak's', in Southern Review (Adelaide) (1963) 1 74-84. --'Pasternak's Last Poetry', in Meanjin (1923) IV 388-96. --'Pasternak's Early Prose', in Aumla (November 1964) XXII 249"-67. V. Markov, 'Notes on Pasternak's Dr Zhivago', in Russian Review (1959) I 14-22. Helen Muchnic, 'Toward an analysis of Boris Pasternak', in Slavic and East European Journal (1957) n 101-5. Dmitri Obolensky, 'The Poems of Doctor Zhivago', in Slavonic and East European Review, XL (1961) xciv 123-45. Renato Poggioli, 'Boris Pasternak', in Partisan Review (Autumn 1958) pp. 541-54. Select Bibliography 271 Aleksis Rannit, 'The Rhythm of Pasternak', in Bulletin of the New York Public Library, LXIll (1959) xi and LXIV (1960) viii. F. D. Reeve, 'Doctor Zhivago: From Prose to Verse', in Kenyon Review (Winter 1960) pp. 123-36. , 'The Poetry of Boris Pasternak', trans. P. Tempest, in Soviet Literature (Moscow, 1963) II 151-9. All the material in this article was later included by Sinyavsky in the essay reproduced in the present volume. John Strachey, 'The Strangled Cry', in Encounter (December 1960) pp. 23-37. Later reprinted as part of the book The Strangled Cry (see above under Chapters of Books). Gleb Struve, 'Sense and Nonsense about Dr Zhivago', in Studies in Russian and Polish Literature (The Hague, 1962) pp. 229-50. -- 'Russia's Terrible Years: Dr Zhivago', in The New Leader (17 October 1958). Edmund Wilson, 'Doctor Life and his Guardian Angel', in New Yorker (15 November 1958) pp. 201-26. --'Legend and Symbol in Dr Zhivago', in Encounter (June 1959) pp. 5-16, and Nation (25 April 1959). C. C. Wrenn, 'Boris Pasternak', in Oxford Slavonic Papers, II (1951) 82-97.

(b) In French: Michel Aucouturier, 'Boris Pasternak', in Esprit (March 1957) pp. 465-9. -- 'Role de l'image dans la poesie de Pasternak', in Revue des etudes slaves, xxxvrn (1961) 45-9. Alberto Moravia, 'Entretien avec Pasternak', in Preuves (July 1958) LXXXVIII 3-7· Helene Peltier-Zamoyska, 'L'art et la vie chez Boris Pasternak', in Revue des etudes siaves,:xxxvm (1961). --'Pasternak, homme du pass6?', in Esprit (January 1963) pp. 16-29. Denis de Rougemont, 'Nouvelles Metamorphoses de Tristan', in Preuves (February 1959) XCVI 14-27, but see especially pp. 23-6.

(c) In Russian: V. Aleksandrov, 'Chastnaya zhizn' " in Literatumy kritik (1937) III 55-81. Pavel Antokol'sky, 'Boris Pasternak', in Ispytaniye vremenem (stat'i) (Moscow, 1945) pp. 99-107. Nikolai Aseev, 'Pis'ma 0 poezii', in Krasnaya Nov' (1922) I1I. Ya. Chernyak, a review of Sestra moya-zhizn, in Pechat' i Revolyutsiya, VI (1922) 303-4. V. S. Frank, 'Stikhi Borisa Pasternaka iz romana Doktora Zhivago', in Opyty (1958) IX 17-22. --'Realizm chetyryokh izmereniy', in Mosty (1959) II 189-209. select Bibliography L. Khalafov, '0 muzyke stikhov Pasternaka', in Mosty (1961) vm 12<>-9. Viktor Krasil'nik.ov, 'Boris Pasternak', in Pechat' j revolyutsiya (1927) v 78-91. Mikhail Kuzmin, 'Govoryashchiye', in Uslovnosti (Stat'i ob iskusstve) (petro- grad, 1923) pp. 158-61. Konstantin Loks, a review ofRasskazy, in Krasnaya Nov' (1925) vm 286-7. R. Miller-Budnitskaya, '0 'fi1osom iskusstva' Borisa Pasternaka i R. M. Rilke', in Zvezda (1932) v 160-8. Marina Tsvetayeva, 'Epos i lirika sovremennoi Rossii: i Boris Pasternak', in Novy Grad (1933) VI 28-41. Wladimir Weidle, introductory essays to vol. I (pp. xxxv-xliv), vol. IT (pp. vii-xiii) and vol. m (pp. vii-xv) of Pasternak, Sochineniya (Works) (Uni• versity ofMichigan Press, 1961).

PUBLISHED LETTER Novy Mir Editorial Board, 'Letter to Boris Pasternak', in Russian in Literatur• naya Gazeta (25 October 1958) and in English (i) as an appendix to R. Conquest, Courage oj Genius (see above under Books) pp. 136-63, and (ii) entitled 'A Letter of Rejection', in New York Times Book Review (7 December 1958). Notes on Contributors

ANNA AKHMATOVA (1888-1966). Russian poet. She belonged to the Acmeist school of poetry and was the author of Vecher. Chetki. Belaya staya. Anno domini MCMXXI and Requiem. NIKOLAI ASEEV (1889-1963). Russian poet. He belonged to the same Futurist group as Mayakovsky and helped to found thejournal Lefin 1923. He was the author of Stolichnaya Iirika and Stikhi na sluchai.

MICHEL AUCOUTURIER is lecturer in Slavonic languages and literatures at the University ofGeneva. and author ofPasternak par lui-meme. NICOLA CHIAROMONTE is co-editor. with Ignazio Silone. of the Italian monthly Tempo presente and author ofLa situazione drammatica. ISAAC DEUTSCHER (1907-67). Historian andjournalist. of Stalin. a political biography. The Prophet Armed. The Prophet Unarmed and The Prophet Outcast. ILYA EHRENBURG (1891-1967). Russianjournalist and novelist. He was a war• correspondent for Russian/Soviet newspapers during the First World War. the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. He lived for many years in Western Europe and returned permanently to the Soviet Union in 1940. He was the author of Padeniye Parizha (The Fall of Paris). Burya (The Storm). Ottepel' (The Thaw) and Lyudi.gody. zhizn' (People. Years. Life). IRVING HOWE teaches at the City University of New York and is the author of William Faulkner and Politics and the Novel. ROMAN ]AKOBSON. Russian literary historian and theoretician, linguistic scholar. and a leading member of the Moscow group of Fonnalists. left Russia in 1920 and became a leading authority in the Prague Linguistic Circle. He has lived in the United States for the last twenty years. teaches at Harvard and is the author ofNoveishaya russkaya poeziya.

A. LBZHNIIV (1893-1938). Russian literary aitic. He belonged to the literary 274 Notes on Contributors group Pereval (1923-32) and contributed to its journal Krasnaya nov'. He was the author ofProza Pushkina. OSIP MANDEL'SHTAM (1891-1938). Russian poet. One of the founders of the poetic movement Acmeism. He was exiled within Russia in 1934, arrested again in 1938 and died in a prison camp. He was the author of Kamen', Tristia and Yegipetskaya marka (The Egyptian Stamp). ANDREI SINYAVSKY, Russian literary critic and novelist, was senior research fellow at the Gorky Institute of World Literature in Moscow until 1965, when he was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment 'for defaming his country' in works of fiction published abroad under the pseudonym Abram Tertz. At present he is in a prison camp. He is the author with A. N. Menshutin, of Poeziya pervykh let revolyutsii 1917-1920, and, as Tertz, of Sud idyot (The Trial Begins) and Lyubimov (The Makepeace Experiment). MARIN A TSVET AYEV A(1892-1941). Russian poet. She left Russia in 1922, lived in Prague and Paris, returned to Russia in 1939 and committed suicide there. She was the author of Versty, Pereulochki, Posle Rossii, Remeslo, Tsar'-devitsa and Krysolov.

YURI TYNYANOV (1894-1943). Russian biographical novelist, literary his• torian and theoretician. He was a prominent member of the Formalist school of criticism in Petrograd, and author of Kukhlya, Pushkin and Problema poeti• cheskovo yazyka. VLADIM1R WEIDLE, Russian literary scholar and thinker, left Russia in 1924 and has lived since then in Paris where for twenty years he was Professor of the History of Christian Art at the Institute of Orthodox Theology. He is the author of Les Abeilles d'Aristee: essai sur Ie destin actuel des Lettres et des Arts, La Russie absente et pdsente (Russia Absent and Present) and of critical introductions to each of the first three volumes of Pasternak's Works published at the Uni• versity ofMichigan. Index

AERIAL WAYS II3, II4, II9-20, 8, 179-80; (discussed) 28-9, 179, 149,221 184-5 Afinogenov, A. (quoted) 31-2 'DEFINITION OF POBTRY' 2II 'AFTER THE STORM' 204 'DBFINITION OF THB SOUL' 211 Akhmatova, Anna 41, 56-7, 69, 76 Deutscher, Isaac 259-68 passim 'ApPROACH OF WINTER' 203 DOCTOR ZHIVAGO 29, 31, 32, 33, Aseev, Nikolai 25-6 221,231-8,240-58,259-68 Dryden,John 28,29 Batyushkov, K. 16, 68 Duncan, Robert (quoted) 12 Baudelaire, Charles 15 Bely, Andrei 75 Ehrenburg, TIya 42, 43 BLACK GOBLET, THE 187 Eliot, T. S. 15; 'Love Song of J. Alfred Blok, Alexander 20-1,23,43,75, 166, Prufrock' I4; Four Quartets 14 175-6; Retribution 196-7; The Erlich, Victor 22 Twelve 255-6 ESSAY IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, AN 'BREAK, THE', 25-6, 81-3, 89-90 32, (quoted) 175-6 Brik, Osip ('Zvukovye povtory') 19 Bryusov, Valeri 14,17-18,76 Fet, Afanasy 70,74-5,133 Bukharin, Nikolai 30 'FIRST FROSTS' 167 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 16-17, Ford, Ford Madox 26-7 47 Formalism 19-20 'FROM AN UNPRINTABLB .. Centrifuga 14, 40 (quoted) 90-1, (discussed) 91-2 Chaplin, Charles (A Woman of Paris) Futurism 17, 70 n, 76, 95, 100-1, 110, 141 126,135,136,157,172,174,175 CHILDHOODOFLuVERS, THB 93-4, 113,119,139,144,148,178,221 Goethe,J. W. von 88 Chopin, Frederic 173 Gogol, Nikolai 73 'CONQUEROR, THB', 203 Gorky, Maxim 23-4,30, 198-9; Life Conquest, Robert 30 ofKlim Samgin 199 Crane, Hart 23; White Buildings 13; 'GRASS AND STONES' 204 The Bridge 25 Gumilev, Nikolai 76

Dal', Vladimir II2 and n 'HAMLET' 228 'DBATH Of THB POET' (quoted) 27- Heine, Heinrich 41,47 276 Index Blasko, Marek 266 Nekrasov. Nikolai 75 NINBTBBN HUNDRBD AND FIVB IL TRATTO DI APELLB II3, 221-

'TAKB AND BLOCK MB •• .' II7 V AST EARTH, THB 203 T ALB, A 165,229-30 Verlaine, Paul 14, 15,26,129.181 'TBRRIBLB T ALB, A' 203 THBMBS AND VARIATIONS 75.78. 'wAVBS, THB' 18S, 202-3 79,81.84,117,118,120,158,174 'WBBPING GARDBN, THB' 168-9 'To THB MBMORY OF RBISSNBR' Weidle, Wladimir 13,27 213 WHBN THB WBATHBR CLBARS 33, Tolstoy, Aleksei 75 203 Tolstoy, Lev 93; War and Peace 244, Williams, William Carlos 23 247,263 Translation 31,206--8 Yazykov, N. M. 67,74. 7S Trotsky, L. (Literature and Revolution) YBAR 1905, THB see Nineteen Hun• 249 dred and Five Tsvetayeva, Marina 32, 166, 168, 179 Yeats, W. B. 16-17,23.29 TWIN IN THB CLOUDS 157.222 Yesenin, Sergei 20-1, 23. 88. 132. Tynyanov, Yuri 12,20 166 Tyutchev, Fyodor 74. 7S, 8S, 102-3 Zamyatin, Yevgeni IS Valery, Paul 14, IS Zukofsky. Louis