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This article was published online on 26 October 2020. their susceptibility to infection by the bacter­ ium Streptococcus pneumoniae, most of the Nuclear physics mice lacking N4BP1 survived this infection. This raises the possibility that the increased susceptibility to bacterial infections in peo- ple who receive anti-TNF treatment might A deeper look at be the result of a failure to inactivate N4BP1. Altogether, this work identifies a new regula- a cosmic tor of a key signalling pathway of the innate immune system, and reveals a direct molecu- Brian D. Fields lar target of caspase-8 in its role in controlling gene expression. Experiments conducted deep beneath a mountain have Exactly how N4BP1 suppresses cytokine provided the most precise measurements yet of a key nuclear gene expression is unclear. A deficiency in reaction that occurred seconds after the — refining caspase-8 is associated with lower-than- usual levels of phosphorylation (addition of our knowledge of the constituents of the . See p.210 a phosphate group) of IKK8,17. However, Gitlin and colleagues found that deletion of N4BP1 does not restore wild-type levels of IKK phos- Cosmologists seek to infer the history of the nuclei were unbound into their constituent phorylation in cells that lack both caspase-8 Universe by using observations of today’s and . This cosmic ‘nuclear and MLKL, nor does it affect other aspects cosmos to glean information about the exotic age’ is the time of BBN. of the pathway leading to NF-κB activation, physics at play during its earliest moments. When BBN began, the Universe was a hot implying that N4BP1 probably regulates gene The epoch of Big Bang (BBN) soup of particles in which neutrons and pro- expression independently of NF-κB. represents a crucial frontier in this history. tons were swarmed by photons and neutri- Notably, Gitlin et al. found that a substan- BBN is the process that produced the nuclei nos1. The neutrons and protons combined tial proportion (45%) of lipopolysaccha- of the lightest elements, and started about as the Universe expanded and cooled, first ride-induced genes whose transcription was one second after the Big Bang — the earliest forming a heavy of known reduced in the absence of caspase-8 had higher time at which the known laws of physics left as deuterium, whose nuclei consist of one levels of transcription if cells were deficient ‘fossils’ that can be probed experimentally1. On and one . The deuterium was in both caspase-8 and N4BP1. Moreover, page 210, Mossa et al.2 report measurements then transformed by a series of reactions into although caspase-8 deficiency blunts the of nuclear reactions that sharpen our under- ‑3 nuclei, and ultimately into helium‑4 expression of multiple cytokines, the genes standing of BBN, thereby allowing us to pre- nuclei. After about three minutes, the Universe most strongly affected by the presence of cisely measure the amount of ‘ordinary’ matter consisted of about 75% ordinary hydrogen N4BP1 are those that encode the cytokines in the cosmos and potentially deepening our nuclei and 25% helium‑4, along with traces IL-6, TNF and G-CSF, which indicates that mul- knowledge of the early Universe. of deuterium, helium‑3 and ‑7. The tiple caspase-8-dependent mechanisms prob- The Universe is expanding. We see this Big Bang was thus the origin of the two most ably integrate immune signalling to optimize today in the systematic recession of galaxies, abundant elements in the Universe (hydrogen inflammatory gene expression. Finally, how which spread to become ever more dilute with and helium), and made only light elements. caspase-8 triggers apoptosis in some settings, time. The present Universe is also cold, filled Elements heavier than lithium‑7 arose much yet mediates gene expression in non-apoptotic with thermal radiation known as the cosmic later, during the deaths of the first . cells, also remains mysterious. Much remains microwave background (CMB), which has a To test theoretical models of BBN, cosmol- to be learnt about this functionally versatile temperature of just under 3 kelvin. But the fur- ogists and astronomers observe the light protein, and this study points the way to new ther back in time you go, the denser and hotter elements in the Universe and infer their pri- avenues of discovery. the Universe becomes, with cosmic particles mordial abundances. Such observations3 have having ever-higher and undergoing confirmed that the primordial abundance of Igor E. Brodsky is in the Department of increasingly violent collisions. During the helium-4 was 25%. Measurements of deute- Pathobiology, University of Pennsylvania cosmic ‘atomic age’, when the Universe was rium4 in the distant Universe offer further School of Veterinary Medicine and Institute 400,000 years old, it was so hot that crucial information, because the ratio of the for Immunology, University of Pennsylvania were unable to exist as bound objects, and abundance of deuterium to that of hydrogen Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, ionized to form a plasma of free electrons and depends sensitively on the cosmic density Pennsylvania 19104, USA. nuclei. And around one second after the Big of ‘baryonic’ matter — ordinary matter that e-mail: [email protected] Bang, the temperature was so high that atomic consists of neutrons and protons, essentially

Nature | Vol 587 | 12 November 2020 | 203 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.

News & views anything in the periodic table. Importantly, Universe could thus become the ‘poor person’s the baryon density inferred from deuterium Cosmic accelerator’: astronomical observations will rays measurements agrees with the value obtained allow us to glean information about the exotic independently from measurements5 of physics at play during its earliest moments. the CMB. Moreover, because BBN models tell us that Neutron In the race to test BBN models ever more ordinary matter represents 4% of the Universe precisely, measurements of the primordial today, we can infer that the remaining 96% con- + abundance of deuterium have achieved 1% Photon sists of invisible dark matter and dark , precision4, which is much better than the Proton the identities of which are unknown. If these uncertainties in predictions of this quantity Deuterium Helium-3 dark components influenced the abundances that have been made using BBN theory6. nucleus nucleus of light elements produced during BBN, they The uncertainties in the predictions largely will also need to be accounted for correctly in derive from the precision with which the Figure 1 | Precise measurements of a primordial BBN models to ensure that predictions from cross-sections (essentially the rates) of key nuclear reaction. About one second after the Big those models agree with observations. Studies BBN nuclear reactions have been measured Bang, the Universe was a hot soup of particles, of BBN can therefore help to inform theories experimentally, most notably the rate of the including neutrons and protons. These combined of the dark side of the Universe. reaction in which a deuterium nucleus and a in a sequence of reactions to form the nuclei Looking forward, BBN promises to remain proton combine to yield a helium‑3 nucleus of light elements, a process known as Big Bang an exciting research topic throughout the nucleosynthesis (BBN). Mossa et al.2 have carried and a photon (Fig. 1). 2020s. The agreement between the pre- out measurements of the rate of one of the reactions, The previously reported data for this reac- dicted and observed primordial deuterium in which a proton combines with deuterium tion rate were sparse at the particle energies (a heavy isotope of hydrogen, consisting of a abundance will be even more sharply tested. 7 8 relevant for BBN, and theoretical calculations proton and a neutron) to form a helium-3 nucleus Future measurements of the CMB will provide have shown that estimates of the rate based and a photon. The experiments were performed even-more-precise quantifications of baryon on these data might have been systematically in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, density, of the abundances of helium and cos- low. If so, then BBN predictions based on exist- more than one kilometre underground, to block mic particles, and of the energy content of the ing data would have incorrectly calculated out cosmic rays — which can produce background Universe at early times. The resulting findings the deuterium abundance. Any difference signals that confound the measurements. The new will enable new tests of BBN, or will achieve between the deuterium abundance predicted measurements are therefore the most precise so their maximum potential when used in con- by BBN models and the value obtained from far, and have been used to confirm that a theoretical cert with BBN theory, and might also lead to a observations might indicate that unknown model of BBN accurately predicts the observed better understanding of the puzzling cosmic physical laws were at play in the early Uni- abundances of ‘normal’ (baryonic) matter in abundance of lithium9. the Universe. verse. Progress in cosmology therefore requires a definitive experiment to measure Brian D. Fields is in the Department of the rate of the key nuclear reaction. Mossa and the existence of unknown physics to account Astronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, co-workers’ study addresses this lacuna. for the discrepancy. Illinois 61801, USA. He is also in the A formidable challenge when making preci- Mossa and colleagues’ findings will have a Department of Physics, and the Illinois Center sion measurements of the rate of this nuclear lasting impact on the field of BBN, and indeed for Advanced Study of the Universe, University reaction is that irradiation of the laboratory all of cosmology. Their data allow an even of Illinois. by cosmic rays produces background sig- sharper determination of the baryonic content e-mail: [email protected] nals that can drown out the results. Mossa of the Universe, which they report to be 4% of et al. have eliminated this background noise the total density today. This now agrees at the by performing their experiment in the Gran 1% level with the value derived independently Sasso National Laboratory, which is located from CMB measurements6. This agreement more than one kilometre beneath the Italian represents a triumph for the basic theoretical Apennine mountains. They used a particle framework of cosmology: by using known laws accelerator to bombard a deuterium target with a beam of protons, thus carrying out the “These findings represent helium‑3-producing reaction at particle ener- gies associated with BBN, and at surrounding a triumph for the basic energy values. theoretical framework This great care was rewarded: the uncertain- of cosmology.” ties in the measurements of the were reduced from 9% precision to less than 1. Pitrou, C., Coc, A., Uzan, J-P. & Vangioni, E. Phys. Rep. 754, 3%. This allowed the authors to refine theo- of physics in combination with observations 1–66 (2018). 2. Mossa, V. Nature 587, 210–213 (2020). retical BBN predictions to a precision much of the Universe, one can ‘run the movie of the 3. Aver, E., Olive, K. A. & Skillman, E. D. J. Cosmol. Astropart. closer to that achieved from deuterium obser- cosmos backwards’ to when the Universe was Phys. https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2015/07/011 vations. Moreover, the measured reaction rate just one second old, and show that it started (2015). 4. Cooke, R. J., Pettini, M. & Steidel, C. C. Astrophys. J. 855, is higher than the value obtained from the pre- with a hot Big Bang. 102 (2018). vious sparse experimental data at the relevant In turn, this spectacular success will stim- 5. Planck Collaboration. Astron. Astrophys. 641, A6 (2020). particle energies, but notably falls below the ulate the study of cosmic epochs even earlier 6. Fields, B. D., Olive, K. A., Yeh, T.-H. & Young, C. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. https://doi.org/10.1088/​ value that was predicted from the theoretical than that of BBN, for which the underlying 1475-7516/2020/03/010 (2020). 7 calculations . This relaxes the tension between physics is not well known. At times less than 7. Marcucci, L. E., Mangano, G., Kievsky, A. & Viviani, M. the results from the deuterium observations one second after the Big Bang, the cosmos Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 102501 (2016). 8. 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