School Calendar 2021- 22 2021 2022 Day Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Date Events Sun 1 1 01-Apr School Reopen & Chess and Carrom Mon 2 1 2 07-Apr World Health Day Tue 1 3 2 1 1 3 10-Apr Guest Lecture 1 Wed 2 4 1 3 1 2 2 4 17-Apr PPT Presentation & Election Thurs 1 3 1 5 2 4 2 3 3 5 24-Apr Hindi Recitation & Competition Fri 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 4 1 6 01-May Labour Day & STD X Lightning of Lamp and Investiture Sat 3 5 3 7 4 2 6 4 1 5 5 2 7 24-May School Reopen STD I TO X Sun 4 6 4 8 5 3 7 5 2 6 6 3 8 01-Jun School Reopen & Judo Karate Mon 5 7 5 9 6 4 8 6 3 7 7 4 9 05-Jun World Environment Day Tue 6 8 6 10 7 5 9 7 4 8 8 5 10 12-Jun World Day Against Child Labour &Guest Lecture 2 Wed 7 9 7 11 8 6 10 8 5 9 9 6 11 21-Jun Yoga Day Thurs 8 10 8 12 9 7 11 9 6 10 10 7 12 24-Jun English Recitation -Primary Fri 9 11 9 13 10 8 12 10 7 11 11 8 13 26-Jun English Recitation -Secondary Sat 10 12 10 14 11 9 13 11 8 12 12 9 14 01-Jul Football Sun 11 13 11 15 12 10 14 12 9 13 13 10 15 03-Jul Collage Mon 12 14 12 16 13 11 15 13 10 14 14 11 16 10-Jul Guest Lecture 3 Tue 13 15 13 17 14 12 16 14 11 15 15 12 17 20-Jul Ashadhi Ekadashi Wed 14 16 14 18 15 13 17 15 12 16 16 13 18 23-Jul Guru Poornima Celebration Thurs 15 17 15 19 16 14 18 16 13 17 17 14 19 29-Jul Rangoli Competition Fri 16 18 16 20 17 15 19 17 14 18 18 15 20 01-Aug Kho-Kho Sat 17 19 17 21 18 16 20 18 15 19 19 16 21 07-Aug Guest Lecture 4 Sun 18 20 18 22 19 17 21 19 16 20 20 17 22 14-Aug Independence Quiz Mon 19 21 19 23 20 18 22 20 17 21 21 18 23 15-Aug Tue 20 22 20 24 21 19 23 21 18 22 22 19 24 21-Aug World Senior Citizen Day & Rakhi Celebration Wed 21 23 21 25 22 20 24 22 19 23 23 20 25 28-Aug Web Page Design /Painting Competition Thurs 22 24 22 26 23 21 25 23 20 24 24 21 26 01-Sep Kabaddi Fri 23 25 23 27 24 22 26 24 21 25 25 22 27 04-Sep Teachers Day Celebration Sat 24 26 24 28 25 23 27 25 22 26 26 23 28 11-Sep Ganesh Festival Celebration Sun 25 27 25 29 26 24 28 26 23 27 27 24 29 14-Sep Hindi Diwas /Debate Competition Mon 26 28 26 30 27 25 29 27 24 28 28 25 30 18-Sep Craft Competition & Guest Lecture 5 Tue 27 29 27 31 28 26 30 28 25 29 26 31 01-Oct Cricket Wed 28 30 28 29 27 29 26 30 27 02-Oct Celebration Thurs 29 29 30 28 30 27 31 28 07-Oct Rangoli Competition Fri 30 30 29 31 28 29 09-Oct Workshop/World Postal Day/Guest Lecture 6 Sat 31 30 29 30 21-Oct Founder Day Celebration Sun 31 30 23-Oct English Debate Competition Mon 31 28-Oct Diwali Mela Day Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 01-Nov Table Tennis 12-Nov School Reopens Functions for Parents Holidays 13-Nov Guest Lecture 7 24-Jun English Recitation Primary 13-Apr 27-Nov Inter House Quiz & Scout and Guide 26-Jun English Recitation Secondary 14-Apr 01-Dec Skating 23-Jul Gurupornima 21-Jul Bakri Eid 22-Dec Annual Day 15-Aug Independence day 31-Jul Teachers Training 30-Dec School Reopen 02-Oct Gandhi Jayanti 19-Aug Moharram 08-Jan Sports Week 28-Oct Diwali Mela 10-Sep Ganesh Chathurti 12-Jan National Youth Day 22-Dec Annual day 13-Sep Gauri poojan 15-Jan Mono Act/Essay Writing Competition 22-Jan Sports closing ceremony 15-Oct Dussera Festival 22-Jan Sport Week Eng 26-Jan 19-Oct Eid-e-milad 26-Jan Republic Celebration 05-Feb Art and craft exhibition 30-Oct Teachers Training 01-Feb Badminton 01-Jan New Year Holiday 05-Feb Art Exhibition Assessment schedule Open Day 29-Jan Teachers Training 12-Feb Singing Competition PA 1 (10/ 07/2021 to Open Day 29 Jul 14-Jan 18-Feb Shiv Jayanti Special Assembly 17/07/2021) Term 1 (20/09/2021 to Open Day 7 Oct Diwali break 01 Nov - 11 Nov 19-Feb Shiv jayanti 26-Feb Science Exhibition/Marathi Diwas Celebration 27/09/2021) PA2 (01/12/2021 to Open Day 16 Dec Winter break 23 Dec - 29 Dec 01-Mar Mahashivratri 28-Feb National Science Day 08/12/2021) Annual Exam Break after (09/03/2021 to Open Day 24 Mar 21 Mar -31 Mar 18-Mar 08-Mar Womens Day Celebration Annual Exam 19/12/2021)