qferur *flffq irfrfr a 8. Southern Regional Committee qRq-q National Council fsr Teacher Education rr$q sIErIFro ftrerr L\ng, (ttrd s{trn irl v{ frft6 rfte{H) (A Statutory Body of the Government of lndia) nw@ um NETE Date- 11l11 File No. - SRc/NCTE/Misc./lTl002 /2OI9 To, All Teachers Educational Institutions activities culminating in sub: - cefebration of constitution Day on 26.rt.2019 and subsequent 'Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti' on 14.04.2020 - reg' 20L9 and subsequent This is regarding Celebration of Constitution day on 26th November, activities culminating in 'Dr. Ambedkar JaVanti' on L4'n April, 2020:- the following All the TEts recognised by the NCTE are requested to kindly undertake Dr' Ambedkar activities starting from constitution Day (26.11.2019) and culminating in Duties' Jayanti/Samrasta Divas (I4.4.2O2O) with greater focus on Fundamental 28.L7.2019 - 29.LL.20r9 Debates, cultural Programmes, qulz competitions seminars and lecturer be organized bY TEls. 06.01.2020 - 27 .01.2020 Essay com petition on "Constitution AllTEls and Fundamental Duties" to be nized within the TEls 03.02.2020 - LO.O2.2020 Organized Mock Parliament. AllTEls 31..72.20L9 Public messages of Fundamental Duties for dissemination among students and staff during the celebrations. Invite eminent personalities from 1.4.O4.2020 (Dr. Ambedkar JaYanti) different walks of life to disseminate the massage of Fundamental Duties. to the Regional Director, The TEls are requested to kindly furnish the Action Taken Report SRC, NCTE through email:
[email protected]'org' ' ,$ Y-/t Dr.