Notes from the Unpublished Papers of Dorothy Stroud
A list of landscapes that have been attributed to ‘Capability’ Brown This list, now in its fifth edition(16th December, 2016), has been compiled by John Phibbs from the work of others, primarily Dorothy Stroud, but also David Brown, Karen Lynch, Nick Owen, Susanne Seymour, Roger Turner, Peter Willis, and, in particular, my collaborator, Steffie Shields, who has checked and added to its drafts. The lists have also been shown to and commented on by the County Gardens Trusts. Great credit is due to all parties for their help. The list of attributions to Brown has elicited a good deal of correspondence for which I am very grateful, and among many others, thanks are due to Don Josey, Surrey Gardens Trust; Terence Reeves-Smyth and Patrick Bowe from Ireland; S.V.Gregory, Staffordshire Gardens Trust; Joanna Matthews, Oxfordshire Gardens Trust; Christine Hodgetts, Warwickshire Gardens Trust; the Dorset Gardens Trust; Kate Harwood, Hertfordshire Gardens Trust; Val Bott, Susan Darling and Barbara Deason, London Parks & Gardens Trust; Janice Bennetts, Wendy Bishop, Michael Cousins, Dr Patrick Eyres, Jane Furze, Tony Matthews, Jenifer White and Min Wood. Many correspondents have written with material about what Brown might have done at various places. I have to emphasise that the attributions list attempts to include all the places where he might have offered advice. It asks neither whether that advice was acted on, nor whether he was paid. The determination of what might have been done at any of these places is a distinct process and will always be open to question. The aim of this list is to assess the likelihood of each and all of the attributions that have been made to Brown.
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