HANLEY and the HOUSE of LECHMERE, " the Honours of a Name 'Tis Juft to Guard : They Are a Truft but Lent Us, Which We Take
^ GENEALOGY COLLECTION ^* ^4^ot- ,P ,if 'b- m'/ ' ;/ V^',t\V- :(|^fy|it^ HANLEY AND THE HOUSE OF LECHMERE, " The Honours of a Name 'tis juft to guard : They are a Truft but lent us, which we take, And fliould, in Reverence to the Donor's Fame, With Care tranfmit them down to other Hands." : HANLEY HOUSE OF LECHMERE <^.h LONDON PICKERING AND CO. 1883. 1487979 To THE Memory of Sir Edmund Hungerford Lechmere, SECOND Baronet, of The Rhyd, in the County of Worcester, His Honoured Father in Law, A BRIGHT example OF THE ACCOMPLISHED AND CHRISTIAN Gentleman, This sketch of the History of his Family and of the ancient Seat OF his Ancestors, mainly regained by his own unselfish labours, IS affectionately inscribed BY EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY. PREFACE. The hand of Death has removed the writer of thefe pages, which were nearly ready for the prefs when he was called to his reft, and it remains for a member of the family whofe ancient feat is defcribed, to place this, the laft v/ork of an accomplifhed antiquary and genealogift, as well as a high-bred Englifli gentleman, before the public. It was originally intended to be printed privately only, for the immediate ufe of the numerous vifitors to the old feat of the Lechmeres, at Hanley Caftle, in Worcefterfhire ; but it was thought that his laft work would poftefs an intereft to the numerous friends and acquaintances who knew the writer, and who would regard it, flight and unimportant as it may appear in comparifon with the former well-known productions of his facile and accurate pen, as fomething beyond a mere ephemeral contribution to local and family hiftory.
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