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Corel Ventura R/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications. Ulrich L. Rohde, David P. Newkirk Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBNs: 0-471-29818-2 (Hardback); 0-471-22413-8 (Electronic) RF/MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONS RF/MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONS Ulrich L. Rohde Synergy Microwave Corporation David P. Newkirk Ansoft Corporation A WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York ///// Chichester Weinheim Brisbane Singapore Toronto Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Readers, however, should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration. Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including uploading, downloading, printing, decompiling, recording or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, (212) 850-6011, fax (212) 850-6008, E-Mail: PERMREQ @ WILEY.COM. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. ISBN 0-471-22413-8 This title is also available in print as ISBN 0-471-29818-2. Aor more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at To Professor Vittorio Rizzoli who has been instrumental in the development of the powerful harmonic-balance analysis tool, specifically Microwave Harmonica, which is part of Ansofts Serenade Design Environment. Most of the success enjoyed by Compact Software, now part of Ansoft, continues to be based on his far-reaching contributions. v CONTENTS Foreword xiii Preface xv 1 Introduction to Wireless Circuit Design 1 1-1 Overview / 1 1-2 System Cunctions / 3 1-3 The Radio Channel and Modulation Requirements / 5 1-3-1 Introduction / 5 1-3-2 Channel Impulse Response / 7 1-3-3 Doppler Effect / 13 1-3-4 Transfer Cunction / 14 1-3-5 Time Response of Channel Impulse Response and Transfer Cunction / 14 1-3-6 Lessons Learned / 17 1-3-7 Wireless Signal Example: The TDMA System in GSM / 18 1-4 About Bits, Symbols, and Waveforms / 29 1-4-1 Introduction / 29 1-4-2 Some Cundamentals of Digital Modulation Techniques / 38 1-5 Analysis of Wireless Systems / 47 1-5-1 Analog and Digital Receiver Designs / 47 1-5-2 Transmitters / 58 1-6 Building Blocks / 81 1-7 System Specifications and Their Relationship to Circuit Design / 83 1-7-1 System Noise and Noise Cloor / 83 1-7-2 System Amplitude and Phase Behavior / 88 1-8 Testing / 114 1-8-1 Introduction / 114 1-8-2 Transmission and Reception Quality / 114 1-8-3 Base-Station Simulation / 118 1-8-4 GSM / 118 vii viii CONTENTS 1-8-5 DECT / 118 1-9 Converting C/N or SNR to Eb/N0 / 120 2 Models for Active Devices 123 2-1 Diodes / 124 2-1-1 Large-Signal Diode Model / 124 2-1-2 Mixer and Detector Diodes / 128 2-1-3 PIN Diodes / 135 2-1-4 Tuning Diodes / 153 2-2 Bipolar Transistors / 198 2-2-1 Transistor Structure Types / 198 2-2-2 Large-Signal Behavior of Bipolar Transistors / 199 2-2-3 Large-Signal Transistors in the Corward-Active Region / 209 2-2-4 Effects of Collector Voltage on Large-Signal Characteristics in the Corward-Active Region / 225 2-2-5 Saturation and Inverse Active Regions / 227 2-2-6 Small-Signal Models of Bipolar Transistors / 232 2-3 Cield-Effect Transistors / 237 2-3-1 Large-Signal Behavior of JCETs / 246 2-3-2 Small-Signal Behavior of JCETs / 249 2-3-3 Large-Signal Behavior of MOSCETs / 254 2-3-4 Small-Signal Model of the MOS Transistor in Saturation / 262 2-3-5 Short-Channel Effects in CETs / 266 2-3-6 Small-Signal Models of MOSCETs / 271 2-3-7 GaAs MESCETs / 301 2-3-8 Small-Signal GaAs MESCET Model / 310 2-4 Parameter Extraction of Active Devices / 322 2-4-1 Introduction / 322 2-4-2 Typical SPICE Parameters / 322 2-4-3 Noise Modeling / 323 2-4-4 Scalable Device Models / 333 2-4-5 Conclusions / 348 2-4-6 Device Libraries / 359 2-4-7 A Novel Approach for Simulation at Low Voltage and Near Pinchoff Voltage / 359 2-4-8 Example: Improving the BCR193W Model / 370 3 Amplifier Design with BJTs and FETs 375 3-1 Properties of Amplifiers / 375 3-1-1 Introduction / 375 3-1-2 Gain / 380 3-1-3 Noise Cigure (NC) / 385 3-1-4 Linearity / 415 3-1-5 AGC / 431 3-1-6 Bias and Power Voltage and Current (Power Consumption) / 436 CONTENTS ix 3-2 Amplifier Gain, Stability, and Matching / 441 3-2-1 Scattering Parameter Relationships / 442 3-2-2 Low-Noise Amplifiers / 448 3-2-3 High-Gain Amplifiers / 466 3-2-4 Low-Voltage Open-Collector Design / 477 3-3 Single-Stage CeedBack Amplifiers / 490 3-3-1 Lossless or Noiseless Ceedback / 495 3-3-2 Broadband Matching / 496 3-4 Two-Stage Amplifiers / 497 3-5 Amplifiers with Three or More Stages / 507 3-5-1 Stability of Multistage Amplifiers / 512 3-6 A Novel Approach to Voltage-Controlled Tuned Cilters Including CAD Validation / 513 3-6-1 Diode Performance / 513 3-6-2 A VHC Example / 516 3-6-3 An HC/VHC Voltage-Controlled Cilter / 518 3-6-4 Improving the VHC Cilter / 521 3-6-5 Conclusion / 521 3-7 Differential Amplifiers / 522 3-8 Crequency Doublers / 526 3-9 Multistage Amplifiers with Automatic Gain Control (AGC) / 532 3-10 Biasing / 534 3-10-1 RC Biasing / 543 3-10-2 dc Biasing / 543 3-10-3 dc Biasing of IC-Type Amplifiers / 547 3-11 PushPull/Parallel Amplifiers / 547 3-12 Power Amplifiers / 550 3-12-1 Example 1: 7-W Class C BJT Amplifier for 1.6 GHz / 550 3-12-2 Impedance Matching Networks Applied to RC Power Transistors / 565 3-12-3 Example 2: Low-Noise Amplifier Using Distributed Elements / 585 3-12-4 Example 3: 1-W Amplifier Using the CLY15 / 589 3-12-5 Example 4: 90-W PushPull BJT Amplifier at 430 MHz / 598 3-12-6 Quasiparallel Transistors for Improved Linearity / 600 3-12-7 Distribution Amplifiers / 602 3-12-8 Stability Analysis of a Power Amplifier / 602 3-13 Power Amplifier Datasheets and Manufacturer-Recommended Applications / 611 4 Mixer Design 636 4-1 Introduction / 636 4-2 Properties of Mixers / 639 4-2-1 Conversion Gain/Loss / 639 4-2-2 Noise Cigure / 641 4-2-3 Linearity / 645 4-2-4 LO Drive Level / 647 x CONTENTS 4-2-5 Interport Isolation / 647 4-2-6 Port VSWR / 647 4-2-7 dc Offset / 647 4-2-8 dc Polarity / 649 4-2-9 Power Consumption / 649 4-3 Diode Mixers / 649 4-3-1 Single-Diode Mixer / 650 4-3-2 Single-Balanced Mixer / 652 4-3-3 Diode-Ring Mixer / 659 4-4 Transistor Mixers / 678 4-4-1 BJT Gilbert Cell / 679 4-4-2 BJT Gilbert Cell with Ceedback / 682 4-4-3 CET Mixers / 684 4-4-4 MOSCET Gilbert Cell / 693 4-4-5 GaAsCET Single-Gate Switch / 694 5 RF/Wireless Oscillators 716 5-1 Introduction to Crequency Control / 716 5-2 Background / 716 5-3 Oscillator Design / 719 5-3-1 Basics of Oscillators / 719 5-4 Oscillator Circuits / 735 5-4-1 Hartley / 735 5-4-2 Colpitts / 735 5-4-3 ClappGouriet / 736 5-5 Design of RC Oscillators / 736 5-5-1 General Thoughts on Transistor Oscillators / 736 5-5-2 Two-Port Microwave/RC Oscillator Design / 741 5-5-3 Ceramic-Resonator Oscillators / 745 5-5-4 Using a Microstrip Inductor as the Oscillator Resonator / 748 5-5-5 Hartley Microstrip Resonator Oscillator / 756 5-5-6 Crystal Oscillators / 756 5-5-7 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators / 758 5-5-8 Diode-Tuned Resonant Circuits / 765 5-5-9 Practical Circuits / 771 5-6 Noise in Oscillators / 778 5-6-1 Linear Approach to the Calculation of Oscillator Phase Noise / 778 5-6-2 AM-to-PM Conversion / 788 5-6-3 Nonlinear Approach to the Calculation of Oscillator Phase Noise / 798 5-7 Oscillators in Practice / 813 5-7-1 Oscillator Specifications / 813 5-7-2 More Practical Circuits / 814 5-8 Design of RC Oscillators Using CAD / 825 5-8-1 Harmonic-Balance Simulation / 825 5-8-2 Time-Domain Simulation / 831 CONTENTS xi 5-9 Phase-Noise Improvements of Integrated RC and Millimeter-Wave Oscillators / 831 5-9-1 Introduction / 831 5-9-2 Review of Noise Analysis / 831 5-9-3 Workarounds / 833 5-9-4 Reduction of Clicker Noise / 834 5-9-5 Applications to Integrated Oscillators / 835 5-9-6 Summary / 842 6 Wireless Synthesizers 848 6-1 Introduction / 848 6-2 Phase-Locked Loops / 848 6-2-1 PLL Basics / 848 6-2-2 Phase/Crequency Comparators / 851 6-2-3 Cilters for Phase Detectors Providing Voltage Output / 863 6-2-4 Charge-Pump-Based Phase-Locked Loops / 867 6-2-5 How to Do a Practical PLL Design Using CAD / 876 6-3 Cractional-N-Division PLL Synthesis / 880 6-3-1 The Cractional-N Principle / 880 6-3-2 Spur-Suppression Techniques / 882 6-4 Direct Digital Synthesis / 889 APPENDIXES A HBT High-Frequency Modeling and Integrated Parameter Extraction 900 A-1 Introduction / 900 A-2 High-Crequency HBT Modeling / 901 A-2-1 dc and Small-Signal Model / 902 A-2-2 Linearized T Model / 904 A-2-3 Linearized Hybrid-π Model / 906 A-3 Integrated Parameter Extraction / 907 A-3-1 Cormulation of Integrated Parameter Extraction / 908 A-3-2 Model Optimization / 908 A-4 Noise Model Validation / 909 A-5 Parameter Extraction of an HBT Model
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