"..". " En. HADFIELDK
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MARCH 13, 1923. 118 rnmm NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, FOR RACE ON TUESDAY- - awe MFivirciQ PirkT; HIM TO DEFEAT BERLENBACH TONIGHT - FAMOUS TRACK STARS PREPARING NEWS BRIEFS nnviNir. xnimiMAMFNT FMV? IN RAI.TIMORE BOYS' CLUB BREAKS POQUONOCK'S THREE YEAR RECORD rtlYlrtll-Ul-..Tn,mv ' mm' KAPLAN WILL FIGHT 10 TEN REASONS WHY CHISOX LYRICS TAKE THEIR BOYS' CLUB TAKES BERLENBACH FACES ROUNDER WITH McLEAN i SHOULD NOT FINISH LAST TO STEERHIM EAST Fl FINISH lona Gloves In the lust three training guinea. Featherweight Champ Games at Train at Sarasota wore Practice The Giants April 1st With St. Taul DeForrest Wants Deinpsey to lot after victories over Favors Black Man to Most ol Crows Will Rest in or C..olnt.o to Locals Down and Tale Overcomes Obstacles in McTigue (.amps Seiiai01S,,h-- .,lli11ori,. Mlld Manager MoGrow Wear Unique is o (.vorcomc tliat no negieeieu in New York , nine-m- - March IS. Louis Knockout Near New York Fight Shut Out Cincinnati KedsSto rall flH. custoninry Five-Gam- San Francisco, Win by Lead in e Series Delating Poquonock at Home uing same, unu signing 01 of Meriden, Conn.,, 0 Contests practice Kmll (Kid) Kaplan, 5 to Other ISII1 first baseman, and of the Terry, of- featherweight champion 18 was 13.-- New Tork, March Jack Meusel, outfielder, reported been iiiatcutd to fight a New York. March 13. Battling Baltimore. Md., March A ma and Notes of Players alone remains The National Guards failed to The New Britain Boyi' club cap world, has cham ficially. George Kelly bout with Stewart Mo son of Dempsey, heavyweight boxing stand the last in Hurt-lor- d ten round Slkl, sensational Senegal, jority jot the national junior hoxlng without the Bales. pace evening tured Its 15th straight victory last in tho pion, la' a many-fiste- d man If ha can Themselves. a Iran of St. Paul. Minn., once more invades New York to- of the Amateur. Athletic Union and, after having compiled the St. on the titles one California and be-f- night by defeating Joseph's Oaklund baseball park wo accomplish what nice lead, willed and went down of a twelve-roun- d In York and vicin l'liils Neat MarVmoii on own a of 1. night as half feature will rest New city 35-2- of Poquonock their floor, ning April three New Tork promoters claim March IS. A triple tho Lyrics, This defeat Madison next twelve months. March 13. Here Philadelphia, feat which had not been accomplish- The match will he promoted by battle at Square ity for the ghr, veport, a" Sehultz with the bases full left the series between tho two teams im for him. Col- by Joe ed by any team for the past three Tommy Simpson, Oakland light Garden. Boxers representing the metropoli reasons why Manager Eddie hi the Phillies standing 1 In favor of the Lyrics, of If he cornea east, and ha will If It) the sixth inning gave years. The game was ono for "the presario, as the conclusion nego Slkl conquered George C'arpentler tan association In the annual tourna does-ut- . White Sox will and the locals must cop the game, la lins think his a 6 to 3 victory over the Athletics the wildest linug-ing- s tlations which have been in prpg of then the financial Inducement aufficlant to in book", surpassing France, light heavyweight of a two-gam- here Saturday night if they are ment which closed here last night finish last: yesterday in the first of sport story writers, and the ress several days, champion of the world, in Paris Tex Rlckard la expected to grasp the Phila- in the running. feather - of titles at 1j V'alk is now one of the. exhibition series between Hardware City lads overcame all it was said that the more than two ago. He- went carried oft four the eight his head and him toward tha "1. li The was fast and close from yours drag best outtieUbTS. lie is equal- delphia National and American game manner of unique handicaps to eke wcleht title will not bo involved, to Dublin on a St. Patrick's day and stake, while 8t. LouTv Philadelphia, Bronx. Jimmy DeForest will twlat game's Athle- whistle to whistle, with both quin- Col- llUd as ul the Wit. baseball teams at the out a bare 0 in the final it was reporled that was defeated Mike McTigue, a and point him toward tho ly good in thu league tets whirlwind basketball. victory alth6ugh by Boston and Washington rlngmen ac leg arrived. tic training camp In Fort Myers, Fla. playing minutes of play. "The Old Home lins is offering "Scotty" Montelth, present champion. Sporting follow- Polo Grounds and Charley Hender He has to- led Nats' offense counted for the remlaning champion who The second Is to be played Mert Taylor the Town" would have been an ideal of a guarantee of ers the African would son will tie him behind a auhway "2. ritcher Ted Blankenship, game six manager Kaplan, agree that shins. the club last with three field goals and fouls locale for the hattle, as It was a typi- If it is made a title con be the boxers of tho train headed for the new Crater in did little pitching for day. 9 $20,000 among loading Tho new titlcholders crowned last win-lin- of 12 Restelll collected come close to g Harrlsa was pitching for the uut tries. cal small-tow- n affair, with home If he could retrain from comics Long Island City. This, of courae. season, should of the day night are: me. a lot when Sehultz made his points. I'ite proved the pitfall team and crowd on edge and ready- McLean scored a technical In the and concentrate upon depends upon his ability to eiuoo 15 games for maybe Americans enabl- ring Harry Traub. New and to that Nats, his passing and shooting to commit murder at the slightest in an Oakland fight arena matter iu hand. Flyweight: California promoters. Bore. three bagger up point knockout the York; bantamweight, Tony Canzon- - Mostil 1s but one run. in me ing tho Lyrics to pull the game from of defeat. In addition to nlirht over Jimmy Mackley, ban Several months he met Tony A triangular battle was apparent "3. Outfielder Johnny had allowed suggestion n,t ago crl. Brooklyn; featherweight: Ray Con- the fire. He was ably assisted by bellicose tho club l in the first round of of New in when DeForest telegraph due for a big season. He has last, three innings Groves, this atmosphere, edro, Calif., (Young) Marullo Orleans Kiist St. Louis; yesterday about did 1'eldman and Malcolm each of whom six Dour, al- - Alfano. lightweight: ed an offer of "mora money man natural and has nie Mack's $100,000 southpaw, encountered unsatisfactory referecing their scheduled round New Y'ork and Wnt the decision, N. Y.; wonderful ability .1 1. .f. Murray Israel, Richmond Hill. to tne some one hit shot five field goals. and so that, all things ui. .1.. uo' ever tboforo" Jack Kearns, bean knocking at the door for not permit a run and only tricky timing, mougu iiutny ins eusoiuu Eddie Hurbst, New while Hender- on was made off his de- The Nats sturted off in champion considered, they were fairly lucky to llevcd that he had earned at least welterweight: champion's manager, time. I am banking strongly in each inning York; middleweight; Alex Badcr, to have a certified fanned three batsmen ship stylo and ran up a fairly safe win. A. L. A. TEAM SWAMPS a draw as no damage had been son determined him. Great hoy; great player. livery, lie the defense Philadelphia; light heavyweight; check for $500,000 Inform tha world Bob-rtio'- n ono pass. Baumgartner. lead, renetrating Lyrics The floor was small and the home done, and although Marullo fol "4. 'Red' Faber and Charley and gave well-kn- Wills would while a it the little OUTFIT Henry Lamar, Washington. that a bout with Harry were last who the first three innings maintaining guard team, especially elocky DOWN RIVER lowed his opponent at all times, he Interfer- both handicapped pitched themselves. At the half tho Itke a The victory of Israel over Tom be free from all political of arm in Juries. yielded two runs system Cunningham. kneWIt multipli- failed to land any telling blows, season because for the Mackmen, 16-1- Lown of New York city, featured last ence, and Tex Rlckard forsook bis recovered. and then blanked Hardware City team led When cation table, while one basket sagged Slkl showed an excellent knowl Kaeh says he has entirely in the first inning touch. night's bouts. At the end of tho trial in Trenton, N. J.. long enough an in the next two. Ho re- the second period opened, the Lyrics and bounded at the least Winning Streok edge of tho art of and '8. Bill Kamm had Ws rivals 19-1- Breaks Hlgganum's throe the to that he had accomplish- shot ahead to a 6 lead, but the Poetic justice was meted out, how- even while at close found scheduled rounds, judges explain bat. I know Kamm is a goou tired the side on strikes in the third quarters to a winner ed what he had set out to do In t the Nats refused to be counted out. ever, when Poquonock lost several of 17 Games by Trimming time to smile and wave to the spec were unable agree upon will go much better this an extra round.