Pbiic Libri'1 . 6960 Onktott iiie::,u. i. O&i.

. Màine TWpa, teachers WTWpòssib1eon agree on contract Maine Townnhip Schoolteachers' organization had in- Nimrod petition by Wednesday District 207 and the Mainesisteti that the no-strike clause Teachers Assorintion anuoanced remain no longer than three AruligcouIdcome as early as center of conttoversy followingdent Party.Nlmrod has beenWédsenday morning that they yearn aninthe previous contract. Wednesday, September 1, on his recent filing ha an indepen-condemned by area Republicans have reached agreement on a The contract agreed upon will whether the Cook County Board dent càndidate for re-electios. as his independent candidacy three yearteaebern contract. he a three year contract with a ci Election Commissioners will NimrOd lout hin Republican spon- ratees the ponsihility that be may Finalizing negotiations ramestipulation extendiug the no- havet, re4earthe petition objec- sorship during a bitter MarchsplittheRepublicanvote en the first day of school for thestrike classe to between three ting to State Senator Johnprimary fight in which illinois resulting in Democrat L.zca Black, high school district. and fsuryears, - Ninirod's (R-Glenview) indepen- Rep. Bob Kosten (R4Jlenview) Nlles Towisuhip Clerk. being the Contract negotiations broke Following negotiations being dent candidacy for the State deelsivelydefeated NmirOd. victor. down last June when District 21)7 called off, 285 aogry teáchero at- Senate. Within recent weeks Nimrsd Following Nimrod's ifiing his negotiators demanded that thetended a June 7 school board Nflnrod, ten yearveteran from has filed petitisos as the coo-petitiom Kontra supporter andteachers accept a five year no-meeting to voire their opposition theth District, has heen in the didate of the Taxpayers Indepen- strike clause inthe contract, Thetothe district'saetiòns, - - $2 million revenues third lowest Village of Nues marea - - Edition IrNues ok's 1rIú8746N. SHERM. NILES. ILL. 966-3900-1-4 4.23o -tax levy 25° per copy -- VOL 26, NO. 11, TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, lI : . League . OK variation ¡flCeaSe From the : Nilm village tan levy went spst the levy at Tuesday night's Membership 4.2% for the May 'c - April '83 village hoard meeting. forSchaul's year going sp from $19310ff to Interesting figures emerged Left HandDrive $2,012,tOO. The total tax rate for from a pro-village huard prass The Leugse at Women Voterssign . the upcoming year, based onmeeting in Scheel's office Mon- - by8adBraser of Morton Gravo-Rilesvill kick- $lo,,o increase in assessedday afternoon. While boo-thirds off un ambitious und insòve.tive Io as abbreviated meeting valuntionforthevillage, actoallyof Riles population resides is Economir times arent good. membership drive, poet of usTuesday night Mayor Pro Tern decreased from 5290 te .5214 perMaine Towouhip only 45% of the Despite the nadden sport in the effort by husdeadu of LeaguesPete Pesate (nerving in the ab- $lM assessed valuation.Rilesassessed valuation is west of Otoek market, and the dropping arreos tho muatry to increase the seat of vacationing Mayor Nick estimated village-wide assessedRudern Avenue.And in the interest rates. families arenumber and diversity of their Blase) joined with the rest of the valuation was gsesstimated bydiuteibuti000f 1Ml real estate tax. tighteninguptheirpurse strings. members. Co-Peosidests Itoth village trastees in approving all village manager Ken Scheel atm000y the sillage of Riles, in- T Vacationers are staying closer te HibniekinodMarilyn Roamer foot variatios tu erect a free $388,000,fto for the oew fiscalcluding the. park and library home m.d ali of us are osmg an isue.sly invite women und mesto. standing. illumnisateti sign at year. districts, soit' received 13.01% of entra notch on sur belt hackles. our mmmoeity to mme to the Schaut's Pouilly and Meato, 7T21 juro Tens Village Presidentthe totaL Schools receive 66.92%, N. Harlem Ave. . Pete l'mole led his fellow of-Cook Coasty received 10,69%. the -- open meeting at the Riles Despite the. harder timesRecreation Céster on 't'oesduy, CnntinacdonPagels fidate in u usasimeos approval Contiswedon Puge 26 thera's a strasge phenomenonSeptember 14 st trIO p.m. going on rn our school systems. After the Polpoorri Snlod sad While pablic school eorollmentsDessert Bar, local League mom. Voters Wk. are heading downward parochialber sod author Jesimeoa Oestre- League of Women schools are reporting moreich willspeak os 'Senuat

stodests are registering.M.d Hurausmeotin . theBusiness this, despite the tight mosey era World," from a msnageeialpoiot and the high tuition tickets of view.Ossireieh corses su s sehoolsarochargiog. m000gemeOt moosliont to corn. pololeo aware of this concoct. At Notre Dame high ochoot, Members and e-sesto will receive where the entraste fee io aronod op.to.dle neoparlisan election $141B-$1500, Judy Donaoh totd so sod voting ioformution tosn- she believes the quolity education cosiese"themisthisfirst plus the discipline offered at the important election fotocsisg the school are pIsses parents are redistricting. There will oleo o seeking is their schools today. prestowccf whot io to corne w the She said the closing of Matee League yeso. North plus the closing of Chicago The Longue of Womes Voters neighborhood schools have bees (Ï,WV)is o soopoctison citizens' eeassm more boys are beating a orgosiustios woekiog to improve path to Notre Dame. Judy con- Continued os Page If tendu the permaneot neigh- hsrhsodfeelingtheNoire Damers get are important Free blood crassas for the enrollment is. pressure readings -. Blood Pressure readings will Sister Rita, principal at St.be token FREE on Thursday, John Breheul, stressed the goodSeptember z, uit by the Riles educatiosat system the schoolCommsnityilealtk Department. has ma major factor io the coo-Time: 4toip.m. location: 7th Milwaukee Ave. tisued increase is esrottment . Mayor Nicholas Blase shown reading Hirschfeld, Membership Vice-President; Mary (from tOS last year to Ill this Refutar blond pressure .proclamation declaring September 11 ta 11thLou Matant, recent new member; and Carol - ocrrnning io vital to good health. year). She, too. stressed the im- . 'Leugne of Women Voters Week" in Niles, . Present Panel., Es-President who is presently a Riles portanceefinatilling discipline inTake a few minutes to beve your during thé announcement. from left taVillage Board Trustee. - Contim.edon Page 27 premure checked. rightare: Marilyn Kramer, Ce-President Eilrno Page 2 Thc Bugle, Thursday, August 28, 1982- - ...I__o.__u1

- -- Fall activities atSe,tior Centêr , ( '- The sagte, Thursday, Angsiat 20, 1985 Fall Aetities will be rn full members oftheeeter myoh ttheirme at the office eud e , Dasidnomc.adlto,&l'osluser mry three. pert000 wifi he fouod. Begimrieg , swieg ogahe et Leeeieg Tower . . - - n:asoo:ll,,.Mmalle gesto, Sethor Adult Conter io Septem- aod -coatiouing lotermediate t 'iIi, ebeit scbe,tne,os,.CspyEd:to, ' P h,'- _, There will be th000 BridgeSoaeish resumes on Octoher 5th -eniòrCitizens ø a ' "::- Cloosesstnrtmgon Tuesday n,d6th. There ere no openings in ;;;T;;::::=: i;5;;;: AunonS Slot Bd et tisis tíee NEWSAÑb.:.\TIEWL,I expeiøive.. Wedneodny end Fridny. There io will: ho from %30 to 1E30 for 10 Lipreadingwillreomseen weeks.Intermediate BegmmngPerday, Septansher 10th from tO a senior exercise cmos from 9 to 'rill he from 50:30 to 87e:::=od lo n.m. Monday, Wedneoday end Bridge am. to 12 noon.This oleas is e:t:4 iiiu gIr Friday. 11:30 end Adveooa eegistratson loo,en to eoy000, rengardless of .-a-- ' I- ata Bridge will be from 113O to Adednsiop ritoes,boln 'News for all Nues Seioiors(age 62 and over) .4.I.dep,s.d.,.t Community .'sre'spaprr Esinhfishrd is. 1957 9663900 Bowling will resume on Friday, l23O.Advance registration isadveren registration is required. from the Nues SeniorCenter Septeteher 17t1rat Heiretler encouraged as enrollment will be Coffee Talks resume ou Sep-s- Bowling Lanes, 5250 Northwest limited. Because of popalertomber 13th and continue every 8060 Oakton, Niles - 967-6100 ext. 76 Highwny, Chicago. Members demaodanewPiuOchleClOOsheaMonday morning at 11 n.m.¡ open swim aiRlineParkDlstriCI Stable enrollment only at Oakton,Parochial Schools intereoteri may join regardless of hooP fanned.This rosS be a 5Adooioniouio free end everyone is. The Nilen Park District isoffering a free open swlonnmtf howlingohillo. Give yoor neme nt wools ooaoioo Starting Thesdny,invited. In nddition to the vorioaa utopian at the NPD Recreation CenterPeel, 7071 N. Milwaokae the offlee end yoo mili be pineed Aogoat 31stni12:30p.m. ciernes, there io a mini-health foie on Friday, AOtaot27frsm 11 am.to 12p.m. on a toare. . . the test wools of each month, withI!Free Advance registration is necessary Gramiparent Grandchild luncirenn hlOOd pressare readiogs, hlnod¡ District gran- Dancing, which is av ongoing for this risos also. Duplicatoooto, feet sceeeniog, dental Nitos Sosior Cooler and the NUes Parh Schools report continuing Bridge contiaoeo every Wodues- dparent/grandctsitd lscheou scheduled for Friday, Autant27 oJeos at Leaning Tower Senior ocronoing.Legal Aid pando au Conter contienes every Monday day afternoqn from 11.45 tO 2:3O. has been caocalled. Refends my be obtainedatplace of ticket representativa every other month of 193as morninget12noon. New Members isstereoted may groewith free legal advice for seniors sates. Thin event will be reochodaled'for the spinner IIThe- there gana very highlevel of interest intheevont. NUes and Marlou Grave will help pay far the coal of a new radar drop in enrollment of the Ssburhan Cools Comsty nyslem which nboald give residente 10 to 20 minales warning of an r. 'I SraiarCeutrr samniertime luncheon , aren. Appointments are ne0005n.a approaching tornado. The new system, called Ihr Doppler lomado Publie school enrollments is In Eant Maine district f3 the op for legal nid, The Nitos Senior Center in proud to sponsor anummertmln , V luncheon featroring the Nifes Senior Center Choral Grsop an en- waming system, will be boated io Marseilles, Dl., 65 miles local elementary schools are eu-'70-71 year's enrollment had FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ONLY los addition an "tn-Town" Thp noatheast of Chicago. The total cost nf the synlem will he $177,500. Looking Back peeled to continue their 12-year7,237 stodrnls white this year's is plonoed at leoni anos a month. lertaiomcot on Moodov. Aucost 30 at 12:30 p.m.Tickela to the lancheon are $5. Please call 967-1000 eut. 7f to check ticket Chicago officials hove indicated that they will pay far half nf Ihr downward trend while parochialprojected figure is 3,09t.'Sob- IT'S FINALLY HERE Watch the hollotin for detallo.I system with surrounding sobarbo picking up Ihe remaining cast. in The Bugle schools ore holding their owo orsequent decreases si about 150- For information ahoot joining availability. Sobarbo are especlisg to pay aboul 5 rente per resident bringing incr005isg for the coming year. 155 stadents per year arc projer- the Senior Contar of Loaning I "Deprcoolan glasn" lecher ted for the sent imourdiate years the coot to about $1,500 far Nitra asd Morton Grove each. Officials 7 Years Ago )Aagaat)... Maine Township High Schools AMedicolSupplemeot Inoorooce Program That Pays 100% Tower Family roil Shirley Senior centrr Karen Hansen will present a lactare on the hope the Doppler nyalem will be installed by seul year.The are foltswisg the elemenlaryw)lh a 2,490 enrollment eupeclod OfYomEligihie MedieareMedicalSurgicaland Hospital Spears, director . 674-8222. I Bogie series reporto Lutheran topic "depression glass" on Taeaday, Aagoat 31, 1982 at 1:38 carrent toreado system localed is Marseilles given residente only a General Heopitol has highest achonln in its district showing is tSff-57. ExponoeNot Paid ByMedicoro. . p.m. Thistype ofglonsware is glasuware thotwas inexpensively one In two remate warning afas approaching lomado. decreases which ore projected to In Hiles elementary district 71 Pays 100% ofthese eligible costs loor out of the hospital. sold very room rates in area...and local Library offers mano produced daring the 1520's and 19430's and was physician contends hospital's continue downward past the mid.population is onpected to be aboot Gaaranteedreaewahle for life. inenpensilely er given away an prensiama with cereal par- Nnmerom eantrarts were awarded during the August 17 East year in this decode. 358 students.The two-school OptionalS year coverage for a narstoghome conf inemout. services are os good as Moyo cinema ticket purchases, aod appliance parchanea. Mai00 District 03 school hoard meeting. The local Hoff Corp. gos Ctinic...Former Notre Dame Al Oahton College the studentdistrict has had 550 atodeols is its - AlooAvailahle$Soporday benefits foros long as you are r ee e e nome of thin glanaware is now very valuable. Ms. Hunnen will awarded a $13,111 Isadocapiag eanlracl for work lo be dono at the popolatios is rising snbstaotiallypeak year, 1905-te.Population confined bra license hospital. Ichases,present a brief ovarview of this type of gluau, and Iban provide student, Tim Glass fares well in Sleveosna, Mark Twain and Irlelzer Schools.The Narthbrook. world championship fencing In nearly 10,000. lo 1580, when thedecreased io reveal years, going For FREE information with so obligation oat out this tipa ou how to research gtaun ilemu to determina their valae. haned Cawger Fence Co. will receive $600 to ioslall a swing setal school moved from Morton Grovedowo lo 516 in 1577.70 441 is '78- coapon, f9855 POOr NAME, ADDRESS audAGE aedmait ter check-ups. tourney io Bsdapest...Governor Participanta are invited ta bring in piecen of glassware to this --the Mark Twain School. National Electric Supply Co. will be paid Walker approves $tO,tOO,ttt to its permanent campus in Den'75, 428 io 'lS-'tt and 3f5 io 1581- Bethendn Honpital'a Care Mo- - told.' $703.20 forlamps; $2,055.00 will he paid to 3M Company for business grant fnr phase one developing Plaines, it had 7,155 students. Io 82, Miller, Malvin & Malvin Agency bilewiltbe stationed is the Tickeisnlra jefarmatianfer Wednesday, Sept, i machines and $1,360 was oworded io the Parler Equipment Cs. lar Oahtnn College rampus...Deloy 1570, the first year of the chungo, In 1ko Park Ridge-Nibs district peeking lot of the Lincolnwood lo am. Reservation liar numbers will be diatruhated lar aU trip volleyball standards. decision for Riggin restaurant it had an 132 student enrollment.f4 schools student pnpnlatinn is 79 West Monroe Street-Saite 719 ChIcago, Illinois 60603 Library, 4000 W. Pratt ave., on Uebeln salen. Rnservaliao line aamhen are nnccaaury in ordér By-the fail of ISSt the population inosyectrd to be about 1,577 stsdes- AGE Monday, August30, from 10 am. . addition...Former Morton Grove NAME loporchane ticheta. s School District 64 experts ai treni 22 children will enroll is their Sharon Nehorl morried...Pcer- oupected In swell to 12,450, an rx-ta.The June closing of Merrill to 4 p.m. - ADDRESS 10:15 am. Ticket salen for Friday, September 18th trip to the afler'acbool doy cure program being offered for the first time Ibis loss Federal's Tim Sheehan ported 5% overage iocreane perand Jefferson schools will have S'reo vimal acidly tanto will be Sandwich County Fair (10 am. to approximately 4:30 p.m.) year. Responding to the seeds et working mothers the Dislrict f4 year.More than It% of Ikethe transfer slodents going to STATE 71P oamesN)lcnparkdistrict CITY given to pomona ages four an. flcketa inclode admiuuioo ta the fair and bao transportation. program providen supervIsed activities for school children from trcansrer...District 53 ouperin- students are Over 25 years old in-Field, Franklin or Roosevelt PHONE up. Children moot be aecompan- Participanta are reapsesible lar parchaniog their awn loochean Ike end nf the school day until parents can pick ap their children. tendent Gogo predicts t or 3 dirating older students are rotor-schools. (B) ed by n perrnt. at the fair's reutaoranta of coaccanion ntandu.Comfortable Also, forthe first lime, the elementary school dintrict is nfferisg es sing In the school. While at first InMaine Township high Lshmry u schools closingin sent few Lallonou T.Kienita walking shoes, saogl000es, nap hala, and awealera or win- tended care fer kindergarten children. Foltowiog the morning hin- yrars..Nilen tas levy $805,573 the hefty increase io studentschools the projected student District, said: "The Iecalaweed dbceakera areadviaable. - dergarten clous children will be bmed to the vacaol Jefferson population in impressive Ihrpopulation is 7,875 for the coming Library has n openial mtereat ir (1952-83 in over $t,000,OtO)...Mc- 18:35 am. Ticket aalen for the Arlington Park Race Track Trip School at Oaktos St. and Greendale for the rent st the day. Asan Donald's Don Conley opens sew district annexed several northyear.lt reached ils -pooh in the helping oar reoidents cheeh enS an Friday, September 17, 11:30a.m. totp.m. Tichntprice:$33.75s state nr federal fending is available far either program parente anhurban oreos. into the district1075-76 year when there were maintain their eyeoighta. This is Northbronk store (osons Oaktos- which includes classica room lanconon, and admission lo the most pay for the estire coat of the day-care program. Interested Milwaukee and Wheeling stores). several years alter the college11,984 stodcolu.Future prnjec- Summer Savings This Week!! a parlieslarly important partof pack. The trip is sponsored by Nilea Senior Ceatec Mena nab, paresia are argedlo call 350-7350. opened. Coolianed on Page the gaing-baeb.lo-oehoal proceso, j and ils members have priority in registering.Therefore, a-I and we're grntefut to Bethesda -tiasitedamoontaftickets willbeavailable foi ante on September Sknkle'n Cirrait Ceurt District 2, located aver the Lincoln Ave. CENTER CUT BONELESS Hospital for providing Ohio eerv-,, lstforthia trip. Skohie Police Department, io achedaledto moveta xewquariers by ira." 10:45 am. Ticket Sales far "Hayride and Pancakes II" trip on November 1.The court will he homed in the new Conk Comfy LGH Service League scholarships PORK CHOPSPORK ROAST For farther information, phone Friday, September 38tly from 9:30 am. ta approximately 7 p.m. Coarthoase complex on Old Orchard Rd.It wan nchedsled to the Library at 677-5271 nr the Ticket price: $15.45. This lrip is a reran of the papoter aagost originally be in sta sew home by September 1, however pillars in d Hospital at 761.6000, eat. 5518. -. 2othtrip. mane waitlisted an the Aagmt 2othtriphadpriarity in parking garage have been foond Io be dangeroosly weak resulting $198 , registering fortins trip apto Friday, Aogoat27th. Go September in a postponement of the court comptes opening and a law soit. u LB. Liy M. 1'heiiism at 10:45 am. the remainder of the tickeis will be nald in open (Which will hopefully be heard io a court house other 1h00 the Old registration an a first come first nerved baaes.The trip Orchard Rd. comptes.) Navy Airman Itecroif Larry M. itinerary isidentical to the Auguot2othtrlp: French strawberry Economy.NUtritiOfl.V8IUO Thompoon, non nfThomas F. and p00 cakes brunch al Millie'a Pancake Haas in Detavan, The Nilea Tnwanhip Regalar Rcpabllcaa Organizatisu is Schaul's Fresh Young Amy Thompnsu of1626 Leni Wiacoanin, browsing linSe throughout the Millie's hoatitue uhapa charging ils last committeeman, Bill Kearney, with possiblylaking ovo., Den Ploinea, kas completed complex, a short hiaride along selected pariions of the north $3,000 in Ihr organization's foods. According to Nibs Township HEN TURKEYS liso Avintion Machinist Mnte'n shoreline nf Labe Geneva, a stop with browaing time in the town Republican depaty committeeman Bill Handed, husband of Cam. HADDOCK Banjo Jet Engine Canosa.- of Lake Geoeva, Wisennain, and a hayride and bamberger mitteeman Palricia Handaci, Kearsey did osi turn over anyfinan- ceshoot at the Bar Mel Rauch is Lake Genova, Wisconsin. rial recorda to the township organisation after Haodzel's syset vie- FILLETS THEBUGLE tory. tu a biller dispuln, a local court ordered Erarnoy nul of the $ Srpirmberlaneheontickets )U0PS 069-780) . . roce when it was determined he woo nul a resident of Niles Town- David Besser Reservation line numbers will nut be necessary far thepar- ship. According ta o recently distributed sew release, Nitos Town. HOMEMADE BEEF #29 Editar and Pahlloher chase of September laucheon licketa. As individuals complete ship Republicans are warning Kearoey le "make restitution nf - LB. .:e their trip ticket porchaten, they may psíecbann their luncheon $3,000 in ireanory foods missing since March 1f, 1982, nr face FRANKFURTERS ' tickets. Individuata wishing to parchase luncheon tickets only criminal charges." (f. may come after 10:15 as Wedaeoday, September Ist. Luncheon Fresh Giade 'A' -)i5o 5ScDoz. jje ticket and trip ticket sales are being conducted an the nasen day LARGE EGGS NEWSPAPER IVLG. to rule today on handgun YOUNG s i 09 u LB. Val. 2f, No, 11, Aag. 54, 1952 closure. We nmcerelqhnp,e ibottbis chaogp fromour macal two referendum petition DUCKLINGS day registrationprocess dann sat incanvenienceaayane. 8746 N. Shermer Rd. Morion Grove officials will role signatures Omm 25 per cent nl all Nilea, ill. 60648 Travel committee ta meet on Tharadoy resideat Williamregistered volera io Martas Phonr: 8063008-l-2-4 Blameaser's petition calling for aGrove.However, Blamesoer Snacktime Favorite The Nilen Senior Center travel csrmaittee meeta monthly te The Service League of Lutheran General Norees Klein, Des Plaines, o graduate of Maine Pahlishrd Weekly na Tharoday : plan the nue day bou tripa sponsored by the Nilea Senior Center. non-bindingrefeceadamtoclaims that the petition needs Io NiIrs, illinois Hospital, Park Ridgr, recently presented health Went High School, will attend the University of The rient meeting is Tharnday, September Iat2p.m. delermiae how votera feel aboutneeded only 25 per cost of the carear scholarships to area high school graduates. CHICKEN $ 89 Second Clans posiagr far Morton Grove's ensicoveraial or-oamber of residents who voted in Illinois; Scott Parlyko, Des Plaines, o gradoate of LB., Thr Sagte paid al Chicago, ill. Seated (I to r) :Dina Messina, Elk Grove Village, Maine East High School, will attend Loyola DRUMETEES Blaodpres,nre readings dinasces prohibiting the privalethe Marchprimary elections. o graduate nf Elk Grove High School, wilt atteod --. University, and Nancy Owens, Arlington Heights, -- - In Thuroday's (today's) -,- --- Se'hscripiion rolen Advaaer). - TheVillage nfNiles is spoxsorisg freebtood prensare readinga awnerahipefbasdgens. the University nl Illinois; Marianne Juous, Des a gradoale of Arlioglon High School, will attend Schaul's Poultry Et Meat Co. Peraiegle copy Tharnday, September 1 from 4 ta 8 p.m. at the Village Ad- Ii bas been doobtiat sincemeeting Morton Grove's Municipal Officers Etectias Plaises, a graduale of Moine East High School, Northwestern University. Not pictored:Diana 7221 N. Hartem Ave., Nues,III. 0er year $9,tOs°ministration Building, 7601 N. Mitwuakee. Blamemer tamed in the referen- wilt atleod Triton and Peyeron College; Wayne Kurylak, Arlington Heights, a graduate of Twa years $1708.- dam petition earlier this yearBeard will meet to consider an Auge, Park Ridge, a graduale nf Moine South 647-9264 Threr years $23.00 whether it woold be accepted byobjective ta the petitios filed by Palat)se High School, will altend Horper College. u SENIOR OLYMPICPAIITICIPAJOT , - High School, will attend Loyola University, und The studeuto were selecled irom 123 opplicanls i year Senior Citlaeis $7.58T Morton Grave. Village afficiatsMorton Grove resident 5010k SALE DATES: Houes: moe. -FRI. S-8 lyear)oata000imiy) ,... $23.00 Ralph Nelson, of Nijea, participated in the Six County Senior Jennifer Rochford, Gtesview, a graduale of Glen- from 35 area high schools. Providing scholarships S-285eS-1 SAT. 9-5:30 Olympics On Aagaot 19 at Elmburat College. He wan teen aecond were quick to point oat that theAatbony, Thé Electioo Board is, brook Sooth HIgh School, will attendIhe tJuiver- - euch pror to stodeats interented in health careers t year (forriga,) $30.00 ' d Ce r,.,t p,:,,Isg E,,*s a place ribbum in the swimnslngcompetitinnofhisage graap. petition did not have enoagh -by law, modo ap of Mayor aity ai Illinois. Siasdingi to r) : Borbaro Weber, w. fl.e. h. RIGht " L:I 0OtI.. All APO addreiaes S Richard Flickinger, Village is one of the ongoing projects of Lulkerau as far Oervlcemeeo' ------$20.08 nignatacesan it. Glenview, n graduate nl Glenbrook Sooth High General's Sorvice League. .j.e..eneu eseer.-e.o...ine..q. According ta minais Law theClerk Jerry Scbobrke and the OchônI, wilt attend the -University of Illinois; petition wosld havr ta bavesenior troutee, Neil Casbmun. Pge4 TheB.gIe, Thursday, Mgnst2, 19 J-Uwu-LnJ1J1J-1J1J-1rU1fWsLnfWJLfuwNurse andhusband a"I___ SALE ENDS WED., SEPT. I Community ilcaith News honored forheroics I-4 /IjjiA) FUN SIZE MILKYWAY - :- CENTER CUT. 3MUSKETEER s19 PORK Joins hospital staff Holy Family aoo -SNICKER . $169 CHOP$.. I LB. Arkady Rapaport, M.D.. of A member of tise Illinois blood drive CAMPBELLS C Skokie bas joined the medical Medical Society and the Chicago PORK&BEANS seo.. BONELESS ROLLED staff of Skokie Vafley Hospital as Medical Society, Dr. Rapaport Employees of Holy Family HELLMÄÑNS CORNEDT of Hospital will be taking a little .459 a member of the department specializes is heart : MAYONNAISE...... tis U PORK $189 surgery. Ris specialityis catherizallons and coronary time out of their day ou Tuesday, BEEF LB.- cardiology. angiography. He has offices at Seplember 7, to help patients in CEÑTRELLA CREAMY $ I 29 ROAST ff31 GrossPoinl rd. in Skokie and their own and neighboring PEANUT BUTtER.- . .. .- . seo..:I BRISKET in the California-Devon Medical hospitals by participating io a - GREAT FOR THEGRILL - LB. A native 0.1Russia,Dr. blood drive. .CENTRELLA si 49 Center in Chicago. suict I BUTTERFLY Bapaport received bis medical Hospital employees will donate COLDCUPS BONELESS doctor's degree from. First Dr. Rapaport, his wife Juliaat Holy Family Hospital, 100 N. PORK 12 LB. AVG. Leningrad Medical School io and two daaghlers reside inRiver Rd., Des Plaines, during PETER PIPER C FULLY COOKED Leningrad, Russia, is 1971. Skokie. busioenshours. Phyllis PICKLES 32O CHOPS LB. Gammas, the blood drive chair- SMOKED $189 porous, encourages all em- MINELLIS HOMEMADE - u LB. r COUPON ployees to donote, noting that HAM ITALIAN HOTO' 98- I- Twin EaglesFamily Restaurant blood donations are oeeded after FROM $ the Labor Day weekend.The BUTrERNUt- SAUSAGE. ?. LB. TWO WEEK SPECIALS B-19-02 to 9.2-82 September 7 drive is the 3rd of 4 Betty Arsssutrosg, a nurse at ResurrectionHospital, and her BLUE SEAL. SAN Choice Of uloed driveo held each year at husband Charleo are flanked by Sister Bonaventure, CR., a_STEAK SPECIAL - loly Family Hospital. eneculive vice-president of the hospital and Dr. John J. Barrett, BREAD CHICKEN SALAD PLATE president of the Medical staff, during the prenentatino nf a ploque IiÓUND3L U.S.D.A. CHOICE MORE$169 WflH GARNISH CHOICE OF TOAST Named t citing the Armslrodgs fortheir citineo involvement. ILB.$ CHUCK I LB. BONELESS $298 BACON. LE11UCE TOMATO SANDWICH . LOAVES WIThPOTATO CHIPSOR HASH BROWNS 4 STRIP LBv hospital staff When Betty Armulroog, a sur-had him lie nprend-eagle on the HAMBURGER ON TOASTED BUN se al Ftesurrectioo Hospital, andfloor until the police and param- DELI 1O-12th.AVG. WITh COLE SLAW Jay H. Aleoasder, M.D., a Lin- her husband Charles respondededics arrived. colowood rmldent, han keen up- to a neighbor's plea for help, it Ose eck later on Monday, . . . U.S.D.A.CHOICE - 2.00 OFF ON ANY TWO OF ThE ABOVE pointed au attending physician tu e I ECKRICH was almost an automatic reopon-August 16, the Sisters- of the BONELESS--- SR. CITIZENS SPECIAL BREAKFAST the Departmeot of Medicine at se.It was u "human-oriented"Resurrection and the Resnrrec- SMOKED NorthwesternMemorial LB I EggwIth B.00.sn.S.n..g.,Ts.,5 $50 reaction, according to Betty andtíos Hospital Medical and Deutet GOLDEN RIPE TOP BUTI - WO.e.Jdne frcaff..srT.z HospitaL Chuck. utaff paid npecial tribute to their C SAUSAGE WITH THISCOUPON ONLY Dr. Alenander received a In the early morning hours of"heroic acUoso" during the nene BANANAS LB. Is 7900 N. Milwaukee, Oak Mill Mall medical degree from Loyola August 9, Betty and Chuck raced loncheon hour in the hospital's LolsofCanv.edsnt Pwldng University Stritcb School ofop to the Chicago opartmeutcafeteria. HOMEGROWN $ L Medicine io 1976. above them to find 19-year-old Mter congrabilatiom from Dr. $22! JeonninePeoruonbleedingJohn J. Barrett and preuentation EGGPLANTS. . . profusely from stab woundu,of o corsageof roses by Sinter IMPÓRTED - 5ware thatan asaailapt was at-Mary Gerard,CR.,vice- THOMPSON i'; s i 69 JVdhiam J.Cohen, D.D.S., Ltd. tacking Jeannine'n mother in apresident, and a tribute to the POLISH HAM.. . I 7h LB. ITALIA - - - nearby bedroom.Meanwhile, fromCelerina SEEDLESS y: MEAT or CHEESE . - Armstrougs Chuck returned to their upar--Behrman, director of Burning, a.:. La, .. , .- CARÚSOGENOA RAVIOLIS-. .24C,ssI And tment below for on emergencythe honored couple were lun- GRAPES $ 98 medical kit.Upon bio return, chenu guesta. SALAMI 74 LB. HAWTHORNMELLODY- Jeannine was able to inform Later that afternoon they SUGAR SWEET C $159 George Mui, D.D.S. e them o! the intruder's prenencehurried dnwntnwn for a private CANTALOUPES EA, 2%MILK .i. I - stiliinthe apartment. meeting with Mayar Jane M. Chuck pushed opma bedrdom Byrne and congratalatiom with a SWEETJUICY HAWTHORN MELLODY Announce August and September door and ordered the assailant to Merit Award Certificatefrem the C

LB. . - drop Ibeknife he was holding and CitynfChicagn. . NECTAR'NES. . . 5.75111., HAIFa , C "BACK TO SCHOOL " DENTAL CHECK-UPS -ZARKOV MICHIGAF. . AULA Your HALF...... p LGH names director VODKA --Choice 000 RED BROWNEtSERVE. . Consultátoon u of ambulatory surgery 3LB 7QC $109 APPLES ,..BAG E AAM'S$ 99 SAUSAGES. I Open Days, EvinIngs and Saturdays N.w Patients Welcome , Lutheran General Hospital has V.0. BIRDCS EYE announced the nppointmest nf U.S. NO. i FRESH 75e ML FRENCH RICE - 9350 Waukegan Rd., Morton Grove, H. Desmond F. McLaughlin, M.D., SWEET LBS. as director of the Ambulatory A ORIENTAL - (ONEILOCK SOUTHOF GOLF lOAD) FOR jfl99 - NLWEVENINGHOURS Surgery Cesteratthe hospital. POTATOES. . . . ITALIAN ii O 24 Hour Answering Service Mse..Wod.UThurs. -5:30re to hou pw As medical director of the SOUTHERN InnmenooMassnrc:rd department, Dr. McLaughlin will YELLOW d PHONE: 470850 he responsible for the day-in-day 3LBQCCOMFORT. ONIONS ,°-" . I U .vi ven n r. r. n n s. nu n n n n n V. nfl n n n n nn na n n na operations nf this new outpntient BAcD FLAVOR-PAK surgery facility. BEEFEATER - Dr. McLaughlin gradnated $ 99 NECESSARY from Queens University Medical GIN ThOML ICECREAM YGRENDEL'SNO APPOINTMENT School in 1954. From 1959 to 1961 he servedaneuthesistogy FONTANA CANDIDA - - _1b%RUy residenciesatSi.Joseph's RAPID OIL Hospitol,Joliet and ut the FRASCATI Is p1L Univeraityuflllionin Hospitals. WINE.. . .7SaMi. - Prior to bin Lutheran General I CHANGE appointment, Dr. McLaughlin 120Z. served as a clinical professor of BUDWEISER s 99 OCANS -- MINUTES WHILE YOU I. anesthenlolagyutthe Stole BEER . 'a° O-15 WAITLjL University nf New York Upstate HOURS: WEEKDAYS 'lii B PM INCLUDES: Medical Center and an chief of New York. MICHELOB - 120L$ 99 SAT.8606 Ow-3O or the department of anesthesiology Dr. McLaughlin reuides with 24BTLS. SPEASFARM (PEitoIL) ai Syracuse Memorial Hospital, BEER *129 ,OUREVERYDAYLOW PRICE"._0A_ 10w-40 Oli loo familyin Pork Ridge. APPLEJUICE ' oaou. '(s HAMM'S INDIANSUMMER *259 12 OZ. APPLE GsIIun "I Quit" SmokingWorkshop WILóOCD REG. OR LITE $ - CANS CIDER 'I. Gallon. "I Quit" Smoking Workshop ingroup diucnnsinn,self-tests, SODA. .24420LCa111 BEER ...... L? Septemberwillhelpareapresesiations by uuccessful quit- residents kick the habit once and tern, literature, films und a Iba right to lImit qunetitio. und s orean t printing orenes. for all. The neanions at the Holy- "buddy oystem," the workshop IMPORTED ITALIAN - - Family Ambulatory Care Center,helps porticipants analyze why SPECIALTY FOODS - 555 201 E. Strong Ave., (Milwaukeethey smoke and diocoverways to AVE. 965-0155 and Strong), Wheeling, from 7 tokick the babil. 7780 MILWAUKEE 6:30 p.m., will he held on Sep- Located North of Jake's Restaurant 8657 Milwaukee Ave. tember 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The lee for the workshop is $20 NILES MON. thru FR19 A.M. to 7 P.M. (54 BlnekSsuthofDnmpnled Sponsored In conperutlon withper person, of which $19 Is refun- PHONE: theAnserican Cancer Society, the IN-ELLI R OS. dod upon nucceusfu) completion 965-1315 . program encourages participan-nf the program. To register, call tu in atop "cold turkey," Uniug bIO-0100, 7 fam, in 10p.m. PageR fleflugle, Thoruday, August26, 1962- Natural method - - -TbeBngle, Tharnday,Aagu.at36, 1952 Page?

Sçholarship recipient - . VIDEO CASSETIE RECORDER òf family Singles Sceñe, - Features: 4 Ill Record planning - vv'\BetaBèta 111111 Playback St. Peter's Siùgles añd - HanatnApRuca 5 Hours Recording You WON'T - A program0Othe Bilhittgs Time with 1830 Singles - Company .EuEvE ovulation method of natural Cassette - Singlen and Campàny will LOWacNrr family planning will be promoted St, Peter's Singlen dance, Speed Search with 00 Thursday, Auguot 26, at 8 Satorday, August 25, 9 p.m. have a dando at 7p.m. an Sun- puluall re Picture day, AligasE W at tan Ramada - p.m. in the St. Joseph Room at & '1I'uIAI4 %LE Hall,Canfield . - V.F.W. O'Hare Inn, 6680 MannheIm, MattelVR8500PT -- - Stop Action Rotorrection Hospitol, 7435 W. Live Higgins, Park Ridge. Rouemont,Admission Is 24-Hoar Electronic Timer allowsone aulomal,c ressrd:ng nOnIo TalcOS Ayo., Chicago. All singles over 39 in- 3. SElectronic Digital band. nach day. Optional remote Control features - The program tvill be preoented Forinformation call 789-8200. - Picture Speed Clock urry! Time vited.Gomia lelcume,No Searnh it furaardand recerte, SlopAction and Paase. Pewter Iirnite free of ehargo.Peraono interna- - reservation needed.Info. 337- Molallin Culdr Cabinet. 'Digital Tape i -- ted in attending the program are 7514-824-4506. Partners and. Counter asked to motad Peg Hirsoh at 774-8000, Eat. 6356. Company Kids 'n' .Me - Partners and Compony, a -GIANTSCREENCOLOR- TV Kids 'n Me, an activitiesspecial- membership dab -und 1h1 OAK-MILL group for single parenla and dating service for JewIsh Single .0+1 their children, is planning a Adulta, 079-5113. An affiliate uf DRIVE-IN the Jewish Federationut- Ms. Laura Wordioski (lettI, a lot year law student at the Loyola Pre-Labor Day Picnic (lunch, with BUY entnrtalomentgames andMetropolitan Chicago and sup- :2:,, Mmii noia the CLEANERS School of Low, received $1,500 or financial aid thro the Crusade for ported by the Jewish United I 5pnEe Phone Edseotioo Program of the Knights of Dabrowuki.Presenting prizes will be provided) on Sun- day, August 29 at 1 p.m. al the Fund. - k;r SAVE NOW! Laura the check is Mr. Chester Lizak (right), a member of the 300'CircleotSourdfort Scholarship Comotillee ofthe Advocate Society. RidgeviSe Park in Evanston on MAKE fe lit temi oq ploasure. Sloep Ridge uve. (2 blocks north uf, CatholicMuj Snitch. Alarm 0r4 Indicator RECEIVE ucd Torjohn SnsOza. Oákton). Cost Is $5 fur parent PHONE and one child and $2.50 for each Club- -- CALLS MS Bike 'N Hike additional child. For more in- THROUGH UsdM eso formatiun and reservations, A dunce fur aingles, ages 21- ma PANORAMA 200 5 samoan Coming to a path near you! Ed Kenealy of Glenview said . C a,npatnr SPACE THISTVI -. Great togive... Portable FMIAM sawn cor built-in The 010th annual MS Bike 'N "We aro especially pleased this please call Kids 'n' Me at 274- 30, will bd sponsored by the CONUA5aS 4550 Rnmat. Cmtral allO A000NCEO C asseSs Tapo flecordomlPlayar. Hike in Chicago and sobarbas year to have the help of Tim 6602. Catholic Alumni Club at 9 p.m., SPACE PHONE'" Great toreceive!Opemotot or AC 0m barroOm. communities offers a choice of 19 Weigel, of Wlß-TV, us honorary Friday, Aug. 27,at Btan- routes for participants of aU ages grandmarshal. - In-Betweeners ratonas, 7372 W. Grund Ave., and levels of enperleoce.With It was a grassroots effort that Slwsod park.The hand is UNTIL AUG. 31st paths running through 37 corn- brought MEto Welgel's attention. ÇIub "Precious and Few." Noti- mosities, the event planned for Ninety.three persons with member admission is $5.In- - INTEGRATED oDry CleaningzSintdoy, September 12,is con- multiple sclerosis who gathered Singles (40-65) The In- formation: 729-6735. oveoientto all. A hasch party for singles, age STEREO SYSTEM - at o recent 'sommerfest' in Betweeners Club will hold their Laundry a. The North Branch route wifi 21 to 35, willbe,spoñnocedhy the: Elmharnt personally signed a mootklymeetinginthe great sound. - Shirts ofollow the North Branch Bicycle request asking-Weigel to he part MinistryCenter of St. Catholic Alumni Club at-Il VPath fróm- the Chicago City oftheBike 'n Hike. am., Saturday, AuguaLlS, at . ..the easy way! Leather Raymond's Church, S-Dim and . Integrated Stereo Limits at Devon and CaldweU,- Crawford and Kenealy hope Milhum sto., Mt. Prospecton -Çedar Lake Park, Rouir 132 Suede hroogh Morton Grove, NUes and that the North Brunch Route can -Friday, August 27 at t p.m. All- west of Haute 03,Lake Villa. Receiver with Cassette -Gtenview. make a good showing in suppor singles welcome! Admisuion tu the park is $10 per Tape Recorder-Player Drapes In annBuncing details of the ting what these MS volunteers Forinforsuation call 537-2785.- cur. Furdetaili, call 726-0735. AM/FMJStO,eo FM Tuner INsrth Branch Route, opon lo already have achieved. .Automiltlò Record Changer Prainsilon TV SNOS4SP SAME DAY SERVICE cyclists and hikers between th30 All partictpants receive an MS Pateefed, soll-conTeruinu picture Parents. s Allegro Speake tabes and eticlasiue high PLANT ON PREMISES am. and 4:35 p.m., coordinators Bike 'N Bike T.shirt. They also Jewish Singles resolution electron guns provide Don Crawford nf Northbrook and are awarded a certificate and a Without a sharper picture than over new-on patch when their cTllected The Jewish Singles (ages 21- before possible is Projection TV! Open 7 to 7 Mon. thru Sot Dirent Video Input arId 4 quality - FLORAL pledges Is MS are received. 45) presenlu a "Citywide Disco IvuuI Dance" on Sunday, August 29, Partners speokers give a superior pintura Phone 967-1505 1"E'SSHOP Special are patches go to long- und great sound for all distance hihers and hikecs. from 6-10 p.m., at "Jubo Box 8151 N. Milwaukee 0500 N. MILWAUKEE "Let's Talk About Change", a video equIpment! Cut Flowers aFloral Dasians Sponsor fonns are available al Bandstand", located at 9046 W. N lLES True Valse Hardware stores or Golf, Des Plaines.Admission program about what in hap- NETT TO BOOTY S RESTAURANT Coraaaea aHuate Planta Touch a button on the - only $3 and all welcome. petting with the BellSyutem af- NE 1-0040 Jewel Food Stnres.They also 43"I dianoeal COLOR - COUPON may be ordered by calling thé - According to Sheldon J. tergoycarsof reguldildn, a-millas Space Command Remote MS Society at 312/922-8550 sr Goodman of Niles, singles from presentedby Rick Eckstein at Control., .GIANTSCREEN writing tu the Multiple Sclerosis all Cbirugoland will he in alten- Parents Without Partners, RISES from cabinet! a Ssciety, 53 W. Jackson Blvd.. dance. Chaptér 11M, Wednesday, Sept. $29800 ChicagT, SL 80604. lotatthe Golden Flame a Restaurant, 0417 W. Higgins Aware R4- The DONNARD N13IOA NEW DIAL-OUT $10 Counter The Aware Singles Group in- Registration begins at 8p.m. ZENITH Ieaderl3" CoIorTV Portable Space Phone viles all singles tu a dance at Admission is $3 for PWP mees- SELLIRS PLEA MAE.ZETZ hers and $4 tsr non-members. features the long life reliability of the SPACE - P'ce4e«e4 Attack Club 8535 p.m. Friday, August 27 at the Arlington Park Hiltnñ, Refreshments and dancing tu Triple Plus Chassis thtd the convenience COMMAND FOR Till- IENIFIT OF meeting - Euclid ave. and Roblising rd., live music- will follow the of Aulo Control Color Systems. Cr ho t i t t tau eul TV Arlington Heights. Live music LUTHERAN GENERAL HOSPITAL will be provided by Concord. Formore information, call New advoncemeota in curdiuc 280-1643. - MEN'SASSOCIATION pocernahera und eases when they Admission is TI for Aware - A GIANT are insertod in patiosts ssillbe tho members and $5 for non- tapie of discussion at the nanI members.- For more mIar- Young Single arf ONLY Northwest SuburbanCounter- mallos, cull Aware at 777-1005. F i 9' Super FLEA MRT Attachmeeting onThesday, Aware in a not-for-profit Parents Tu5QNni - Screen AND ANTIQUE ALERT September 7 beginning st 730 -urganizatiunconces-ne,j with the p.m. in Holy Family Haspital'o needs of single, divorced and Country/Western -music and 2ffdiagonal B&W PORTABLE A LOW, IN THE Asditoriarn. widowed people and isa mcm-dance leuaoas provided by s herofthe Cblcagsland TiasRAINIER . NS2SC - l7 dlesseal pers anal tian Gsest upéakor will he Richard Sbirley Gatowillhe the bIuok'andohlrn podabla linlatind le haedssmaChar- LOW Ce, M.D., Cordiulogiat, un Holy Asouciatino uf Singles Clubs program at our regular weekly soul aroao: Fauturns loJa- solid -ttateoha,sjs tor HOSPITAL PARKING LOT (CLoS). - - Family Hoopital's Mndical-DentaJ meeting at the Wheeling/Nor- aatttao ding padumana,. QuinO-un llunahira pioNna (NORTH SIDE OF DEMPSTER) - Staff. Dr. Co ioDirector of Holy thbruokHolidayInn an tuba p,onl donata, p pIstare datail. Procl,lnn VIdeo Family's Non-Snvasivo Cardiolo 0005e solId-slut, toning weh Pnrma-net VOt' fIna. Milwanliee Ave,(between tanino and 70-posIno, 06F n haret I solantor. Co,,. - 378°° section. Saturday frSunday Singles cocktail Willow And Lake/Euclid) on paCt size, oumpact prinn. .TRI-FOCUS PICTURE TUBE The Counter-Attack clubwas Tuesday evening, August 31. i The sharpest Zenith pictarnesnr! - fonnedta provide uaehd informa- Doors open at 0:30 p.m. $2 for I-ea-- August 28 and 29 tino party .TRIPLE-PLUS CHASSIS to persons with heart members $Sfor non-members, Designed to be the- mostrntiable Zenith nuerI -problems untI those seeking to - The Chicago & Suburban No prospectIve members ad- provost heart diaoauo. Meetings Singlen & Ladles & Genla,cur- mitted after 10 p.m. L.--The qualify goes in ,etore #sename goes on are bold the fient Tuesday of each diully invite all singles toa Young Single Parent offers 114-3900 month and ore preceded by free cocktail party at "Gambito", in educational and social wr-ì blood presoure testa provided by ttsè Chicago Marriott O'Hare, programa to meet the needs of personnel in Holy Family'n Car- 8535 W. Higgim Rd., Chicago, divorced, aeparate.jor widowed discRehabilitation Deportases un Sunday, August 29, at 7:36 parents, Irrespective of c: L) STORE HOURS beginningat7am. Fut ap.m Tsp D.J. Music in the custody, between the T_v. a VIS4-: additional information about ages of 21 APPliANCES Meedtey.Thursdny.Fridnp city Bring a friend, Havea and 45. Eligihlepersam are In- 7243 W. TOUHy, 9 AM. .9 PM. Counter-ABack or to attend the great time Remember the vited tu attendour úseetlng er September 7 meeting, contact Taeednp'Wndnn.dap - -. dateFor mure Information call 945-30go fur more infor- Public Sotatiods 9 AM. .6 P.M. at297-t8gO, call 297-6766. maUna. -- - est. 1174, weebdaya,. PHONE 1923 loo Saturday 9 AM. . 5 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY . :rr :i : .':cr The BogIe, Tharoday, Angnui2$, Piges TheBagir, Thuridny, Atrgrratli5, 1152 1981 Page 9 Vacation Church.. - Bozo -the Gown-,-- - Taste of Polonia Northwest CHUR.CH AND IEMPIAE NOTES at Harlem-frying School students, 'a... wna.no Choral Society Harlem-Irving Plaza presento '. The Nnrthweot Choral Society Ladies Theology Congiegation the warldfoasoua Boeothe Clown, on005ncea the beginning of its in perseo, etar-ting at 11 n.m. Stia Teste nf Polonia, o five-day eighteenth ornons, with rehear- :1 Highlight, of the outdooroats starting Monday, Septomhor Saturday, Angust 28.Bozo will 4fond fest and fair, will be held festivities include seven of Chica- announces fall speakers Adas Shalom 13at8 p.m.attheFirst Lidies Theology of Pik RidgeSb. John Fischer Pariah. will talk sigo anlogrnphs and meet with ovar labor Day Weohend at thege's tep Polka Bando including his fairs as ho mahes his perennal Cnogregotionol Church, 766 bens s e.teentb year byabreo and bow they c_ Mm Oakaa, Copernicus Center from 4 p.m. te Little Richard ondMuoic Espion-Grocnland Dna FInisce, This annidng e fill eam foecan dril with their sexuality in n6945 W, Dompeter, Morton appearance in the center reset of 11 p.m. on Thsrodny and Friday, ion, Polish doocnro and singare, the plano whichislocated et non-profit commsnity chorol 1, "living the P.ioe". henithy nod rourol sony. Grove, pill bold an Open Hanno . September 2 and 3, md seno te rodio and TV poronnolitino, door roop is comprised of meo and in the synagogue oes &mdny, lindero oveJ, Irving Park and il p.m. os loIre-day, Sasday andprizes,electronic games,shill The oeeiee of ob On Non. 10 Ffocence &sithe, Foreot Preserve dr.Fane oro women 5-nm Chicago nod the Wedneodoy oessb000 begbonbngR.N.,Coordinotor of ntho&Asgues 29 firors t p.m. te 4 p.m. Mondoy, September 4-6. cornes nod clowns. - invited to lockig carneros. A new fentorn this your is the northwest suburbs, singing light SepSember 8 mxl ondudingMinistry, Lutheran General Hon.and e,onane be invited to attend classics and popstar mosic ander November 10. pilai. will reflect on the noper-andmestRabtolsmel Pmsub and "Celebrity Shnwcaoo," opectacu. Misi-mesi orIentions, from ov.the direction of lobo Melchrr. The debo, openkers nod roo-ienees of life as they relate to oursPieen of thenynagngoe. lar indoor performances by Las nr 15 of the tep Polish restaurants *-- Vngas and Hollywood hnodliners and delicatenarm is Chicago, will Featucad is Ihn winter concert oentation are as follows: relationship to God and to oarlafannati,nr will be sveilebto on ovinbe Fred Waring's chord On Sept 8 Rev. Ibecy OSollb- onenoberebip, High Holiday tick- sock nu Barbaro McNnir, Footer be ovnilnble during Ihn Copeen. sense of encutintering Him Brooks, with Sig Sokowina no mo Labor Doy weekend feolivel. version of' 'The Nutcrnohnr von, O. Coon., SpiobtuoUty &through the hauling preuence ofsta and aeligicors urbool douses. Career specialist at Northwest Soste," 00 well as other holiday Jostice Ceoter, Cbbcogo, IL., 'Athose who hove ministered tons. Regular Friday evening family MC., and the Frash York Admissiosiu $1, children sndnr Orchestre.tnfomntino on por- 12odn,iltedfree,Copernicus Coil to Irnolvemoot: The Justice Ladies Theology is held at St.eecvieesresmeeòoAuguot2l at 9 Press Club Luncheon An1;onewho enjoyo oisging Perspective". m. and all ace welcome. Rabbi formero con beobtainedby activities members' edmiosion io Lube's Lrrthereo Church, Pros- calling The Bon Office at 777.s'so. may oWned oso nf the first two 0e Sept. 22Rev. Stepbeopact and Cedar SIs. (one bloekParnuh will affidate and an Oneg - -Career change osd job tras- stttations.She holds several open rehearoalo or coli 693-8068 Shebbat will follow. Saturday 7785. , Mustie, will tuIku.boot eldersnorth of Touhy Ave.( from 9:15 loochildren representing 13 churches, atteñded the recently held oltion will be the topics of degrees inclodog a doctorate in nr 455-0168 for morn isformolino. withio the family vieste and bow 11:15 a.m. it is opes torsoraiag services begin ut 9 n.m. duscauston at the September 3 cswseling psychslogy.from Nor- °'N with n Kiddrroh folluwiag. econicoical vacation church school. Participating diarrhea were: different dilemows sed oublionsadatto of olifaiths,eges and Gleaview United Methodist, St. David's Eptscnpal,latberan Chur- meeting of the Northwest Press thwesters University. help the Christioo fooily eupersobocirgeounds. Registeltiooio now SsmdoySeboul aboses are opeo Cluh. to all and ore free lo members. ch of Il. Philip, Glesview Prcshyte.iarr, Holy Thinly Latberon, Grossman will he the North- its foist end luso by honoringtokio5 pIsco through September Gleoview Naval Air Station Chapel and Korean Couinée United Gale Grossman, a caréer and west Press Clsh's luncheon honoro reloli9oships. 7th. The $11fee covers Clauses are aseilablo from kinder- life planning specialist io the opeaker Friday, September 3, at gastes through thierl grede. For Mgthodist. , , OirSept. 29 Begiooiogattendance at all programs, . Adslt Career Resource Center at the Octoher Five Restaurant, details. pleese call $06-5023. Classeswere again offercdlochildrenagestbreeycs. eldthrouol Exeoce Teen (Peuple whobaby-siltingforchildreatoro sinti: gradeasdSpecial Edocolisa. Oaktns Community College, will 8890 Wonhegan Rd. is Morton hove leboned to survive after theyeoroefuge mrd older, coffee and Arino Simiens will again hold discusstheinformationa Grove.Loocheon is $1.50 for two High Haliday Services. One deoth uf e loved ooe( will shorerolls. Thefeeio$18for prospective -career'chasgermembers and $85g for guests. Cl some of the trou life feelings andregistering ut the door, at $3.50will be in the oysregogue in needs to make a snccessfnl and Registration hegins promptly al Mosten Gonne and the other will Beth Emet Golden Arts Fair euperieocesthey beve hod duringfor any single oeuuiov. profitsble job transitionin 11:45a.m. - and after the loso of o spouse or To aHead all sessions, sendbe at the Fuicview fourth School Peter S. Knobel, rahbi of Beth loday'smarhet. Aoditliriam infirulde. Emet The Free Syaagofue io exhibitors For reservations call Steve child. On Oct. l Rev. Johnyour name, oddress, telephone For Iohercurrentposition, Dortacher nl 255-5350. Member- Sheo,St. Mmy of the Loiren,,mhn and ages of children forlnfs,motiuo pleuw call Horvey Evanston, and Jeffrey Klepper, Wittenberg at 440-3150 or 965- Print-winning artwork and Grossman has developedship is the Northwest Press Club Seminary, will show how certaintheoucseryand a chech for 855to conter of Beth KAmel, will cos.hond'crafted ¡grau created by programo for aod acts as a coo. is Opes to all media sod- public euperiences take on religiousUadnKom, 1001 S. Bombo, Pa&1880. doct their first Shohhat Ice-icc sullant to indnutry, professional together on Friday, Asgost 27 atresidents of Archdtoceuati Homes relations professionals. significance. Ridge, USaoiu 60068 (6925779. fer the Aginguetthe atagefur the associations and cdscatiooal io- Oo Oct. 27 Rev. John Boron, 5:30p.m. at the synagogue. Rally Day at Cantor Klepper assumed theScptemher.2 grand apening nf the Glenview .positios of castor at Beth Emet1982 Golden Acta Fair at the - Nues Art Guild meeting an Friday, Jsly 30 when RabhiMuseam nflctenceond Industry. Methodist Kosbel was away, touring the The elderly craftamea nord or- TomLynch, noted wotorcoloriot paintings- au'asprosai050 nf - Replace Your Od Furnace lists invested thetr talents ta 58 Hoflyfloysept. 2wfflo day east coast woth his family. This will be the guest demonoteator at light".His cammaoding ow of win.be the first opportunity foccategorIes tu prédace mauter- the September 1 meeting of the light and shadow hove pot bis With A New Lennox tocelebrate oar gothering pinces cnrtcbed by hours of together after the summer at Uro the rahhi asdthe cantor to jointly Riles Act Guild. Lynch, who has pstingo ingeontdamand notion. parttcipateinservices. careful work arid years of ex- woo many awards, received first Glenview UnitedMethodist perience. . Gas Cksrcb, 727 Harlem. Following Myrtle Gorton, a foonding prise from the International Th'oRiles Act Gold holds nn( member of Beth Emet osd past Participating 'homes inclade Society ofAntisto in Now York and meetings the first Wedneudoy. nf Ute 10 am. Rally Day service, a Naíaretbville .Des Plaines, St. :J WJUÇ)TM picnic will follow, mmplete with officer of the synagegse, will be wuo twice nomionted to receive noch month, September through Furnace hosting the Oneg Shahhat in.Andrew HomeNitraand one of the illinois Governors set Jons, at the Rilen Renrontion bot dogs, bambargero, cora-oa- MaryhavenGlenview. - the cob ($1 seniors, $2 Adulto, $5 honor ofber seventieth birthday awards. He heu the remarkable Center, 7877 Milwaubeo ave. atli Saveupto Family), games and balloons. Doris Caro wifl also he hosting ohility te awohea the imagiantion p.m.The public io invited te Came, join us, in a Rally Daythe linge Shahbat in honor of the of the viewer theough the power attend thesefree menInge. at Mitzvah of her danghter, Inslal chalift at Nks ofniggestion. lt is not detail that Persona interested io joining the 40% on your ArmeGrousman. intrigues, hut rather the sturino Aol Guild may contact member- Community Church of light filtering out oste hie chipchairmanSallyDatiat bandocapea. He descrihan these 685-7719. - gas heating Concerned abeat the growing NSJC iladassah North nuonher ofMemhers and Friends bills! Shore Chapter in the cea$regatinnwiro have dit- Sunday morning, August llr ftcolty getting up and dawn ateps, NILES PUBLIC LIBRAR DISTRICT the world's most S: am. - 12 noon, oil pompee- the Niles Community Church with A toar ofthe Terra Art - COOK COUNW,ILLINOIS efficient gas furnace - from five members arc invited to oMoseum, 2005 Central ove., (UnIted Presbyterian), 7401 4 broachbeingheld attheEvanutos will be the highlight of Gaines at., has installed n new Congregation, 7800 W. Lyons St., the fall membership function MOSL-LIFT choir 0(5 nne of its The public is hereby notified that a Pulse Moflen Grove.Tours of tbo basemeatutairs. - building will be coudocted andgiven hy the Business and publichearing LENNOX Gas Furnace Profeusiosal Group . Hadassah concerningthe Ei staffand officerawillhe proposed budget and the proposed levy ovailableto answer questions. North Shore Chapter. The mcm- herollipparty will be held os San- increase will beheld on September 8, Take advantage of the Lennox Pulse, the most Fell term registration is now day,September 13, al i p.m., with important breakthrough in furnace technology .takingplacr far nursery, Hehrewrefreshmenlo followiog the tour. 1982, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., at the Board arrdSanday schooL Current in over40years. Pulse combustion is a revolu- The Coagregatton office is now memberswillhe .meeting room, the Niles Public tionary concept in gas heating that allows a charged $1, and will only be ad- Library,. apeo Monday-Friday, S a.m..4milled ifthey hring a prospective 6960 Oakton Street, Niles, new level of efficiency far superior to conven p.m. for membership irifor-member.Recently enrolled Illinois.(1) The amount of property tional furnaces. maltea for the 1982-$3 year. Canmembers sad prospective mcm. -taxes exclusive of election costs, ex- thenfficeatS65. bers will be admitted at na Sunday evening, Angust 29, thecharge. tended or estimated to be extended on The Pulse's energy savingcan pay back your Israel Mfairs COmmittee will initial investment in just a few heating seasons. show the move "Golden Age nf Mmiasiontothe tour will be hy behalf of the taxing district for the reservation only.Please call (2) Stop byand get the details-on-thiseociting in. Seccn,l Ave.," and have an iceSauste Gordon, 704-3448, before preceeding year, is $969,152.00; novation from Lennox. Donrtwait for another cream aerial The cant rsl perSeptemhert. The.amount of the proposed levy, ex- season of high-heating billsl n elusive of election costs, for the current year, is $1,026,416.00;(3) the SEE IT ON DISPLAY IN Little City benefit fashion show percentage ¡ncrease is 5.9%; and (4) OUR This device will enable more the date, time and place of the public SHOWROOM- UtIle f3ty Seaoice Loague win tickets will be oued to carry outpeopletaparticipateia .hearing are set forth aforesaid; pur- presest an endUng. glamoremthemanyprogramsatuttleCity,congregatIonal activities winch .825-5727 evnot "The Greatest Shaw laPalatine, flilnolu.Not only will tobe place in the ait-purpoee suant to H.B. 1048, 82nd General Taon.," a spectacular fauhien en-the fashion show be o fand raiserroom, i.e., the Snnday macfling Assembly, effective July 29, 1981. BRISKAUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY ECONOMY fravagenee, prsdaceri by Joannefar the mentally and hltnd.'coffees," United Preubytgrlan BrasSa and starring the sbm-retarded children, hot will also Women'o Asuociatian meetings Dated August 26, 1982. - i HEATING ding fashions and furs of Stanleypravide an entertaining after-andintergeneraJbnalevgntn. 1001 Milwaukee Avenue Kerabak, sirMonday, Septembernoon of dance and music. Pictured demanutrating the AIR CONDITIONING. INC. 13, at the Hyauutegency Uricaga Make your ticket reservations Lift lu Men. Kitty Bahr,a mmii' IRENE COSTELLO, Secretar3r early. uoys president Doria Hic-heroftheBoardoflleacausl, The 7856 Oakton, NUes Elaine Stein, chairpersan nfsuman, bycafling EllrBresnik atBoard members will Niles Public Library District 647-7410 9196 $3]banas, Sknfae. ezpbened 67b8821. ue of the Life on Sanday mer' onn,e, t,r,',.r': I, 0:" 05 that the peoceeda from Str $50 man Th Hegte, urkfjÂngaut28, I82 Page 11 HolyFa ily Auxiliary dónation Resurrection Pavilionpatients Augustarts at I I I sng theirpartners Lmncolnwood Library A variety uf media are featuredcontaIn drawings and prints by in-est enkibito running throughHannuh Mossinger. Weight control instruction the month of Auguot utthe Lincolswcod uctists, photo- Lincoinwond Librusy, 4060 W.geophers, und ceuftn people at Parkside Prutl, according to Judy Weiss,wishing to enbibit their work at ccordinuter of act eshibits. the Libeosy ohould contact Mo. Educated weight Control .in-are geared towards the working Photegraphnrandlong-tisseWeins, do 077-5277. - - struction . teaching persono whyand enting hohits of the in- Lineolowsod 'ras: dent Bochum they overeat in order to- teochdividools and the fomity and Boboull Willeromo, whose photos S.M.A.S.H. Sale them how to diet - io availahle often rofloct scenes is ¿ucd aeoand - their amom,t ofdailyactivity. - Tho Society of Military Art, through outpatient rntrition ser- Registered dietitian Kathy Lincolowood, has work on dis-Science and History (SMASH.) vices at Parhoide Human Ser-Schmid, tries to keep the groaps play. Escher thinyour,hee photcgeopks wero included io uand the History Workshop cf Nor- Vices Corporation, Park Ridge. omail, with a maximom nf 15 per- theustern Illinois University will Parhoide Human Services is at- nons per neosion.. Pre-enroumeot (mied shOw at the North Packperseot "SMASH. il" a filiatnd with Lntheran Generalio necessary in order that an in- Gollecy and 01 the jueieol PhotoMilitary Model, Art, Book und Hospital. Bec- dividoal diet can he designed for Pole, Rosenstove Gallery, Collectible Show and Sale ut the Twoten-weekctasseo foradolta each participant before the oc- scod Horsoloh Conter. Shchie Vultoy V.F.W. Post Nuco- will begin on September 14 and toalsessions begin. A completely different dod ofber 3024 at 740t N. Lincoln Ave. at 15. The oessioos meet either days For more enroltment and fee exhibit in in the Liheusy's displayw. Jarvis Ave., Skohie, Illinois, or eveomgs for one hour everyinformation, phone Parhoide's case. Mnre than 100 antique cous00 Saturday, September 11, 1902. week and are offered is smallontpatient nutrition services of- hum the collection of LibrarySet-sp begins al I am., the doors per500algroops. - fice at 696-6138.Persono also Thistee, Floro Morris, and beeopen ut 9 am., and the event rudo Prior to the first class,. amay sigo op for Individual diet hosbmd, Sum,neousbibited. ut2 p so. registereddietilian cOuosnls eachcoomeliog without enrollingn Holy Family Hospital's Auxiliary recently Incloded oro coffee caos, tebucco Admission is $1 to the general participant individually.Dietsthe conrse. Moirano, Nortbbrook; Nancy Perschbacher, donated a 'statue of the Holy Family' for Ihn lobby Arlington Heights; Yetta Welch, Mt. Prospect; Gene-ingo by Sbocci Poldmanpublic and Irre to those ander 14 of the Holy Family Ambulatory Core Center in Lois Hain, Glenview; Gerry Kunkle, Des Plaines; or over 55 years of age. For fur- snill he feotorod 'm September. tother informatico call John Bar- Weight loss class at YMCA Wheeling.A preseotatios was made to Sinter Barbara Tangney, Mt. Prospectl AnneSaigb, Mt. '' October, the dotetiog eshikits wilt Patricia Ano, President, HolyFamilyHospilal, by Prospect; Macyelleu Koncoyk, Prospect Heights; wickut 312/031-3120. The Leañing Tower YMCA,. Patiente and staff members atromplicatedleft and eight grand. were encouraged to 'dance'," with f different dieta and low (left to right) Marie Creighton, Mt. Proupecl; Pat Galures Loja, Arlington Heights; -Morion Tuck, Visitors and nursing stuff 63go W. Touhy ave., Niles, is of-calorie recipes broaght into class Pilewuki, Des Plaines; Pat Grannow, Mt. Mt. Prospect; and.WinifredMcCatl, Mt. Prospect. Resurreclion Norsing Pavilion ¡n Jane Kretter noted. fering area women Lose Weightweekly. Discnssions on skie- Prospect; Sanetta Beck, Mt. Prospect; Lee Park Ridge recently enjoyedmembers joined io Ike fan as the "We had a great lime and ten- MORTON GROVE COMMUNITY The Yo Way, a more than IOcare, makeup, wardrobe plan- someold-fashioned, -bund-activityroomcruwden-tatively are planning to bring our year old Exercise, charm dining, behavior modification and Opéra class clapping, knee-slapping, foot-thusiusticatly clapped their han-entire group herb for a Decem- HEBRE SCHOOL Rapid Weight Loss Programrelaxation to avoid nervom nib- Wild-flower arranging - stumping square dance music ds to thelively teatofthe manic. ber benefitatthenursing which has ontatanding aaccesobOng will also he covered. -An np- - at De Lourdes und calling when professional The Krettlers ace members ofpavilion," ube added. EthaCnting raIes through corrective eating square dancer J00 Kcettler and the Park Ridge Runners, a Square dancing is one of Ihr tiosal 30 minnIe weekly euercise at Skokie library. Osar and behavior modification ober-session wili also be included with this fall - bis wife, June, camelo visit. square dance group, and alsomany special aclivities Patients were anuisted by nor-teach square dance classes at thescheduled by activity cose- Jewish' hing Manday, September 13 fromthis program. Weedo, wildflowero, seed pods resi setificiSI bewies in anything f 7 to 11:30 p.m. De laie-dru College fur Women sing pavilion employees an they South Parkfield bosse. dinutors al Resurrection Nursing Yssuth und other natural pleat materials do. Ilihethings in netoenl way." in DesPlumes is uffeeing a course "I believe the pavilion patientsPavilion, according to Margaret Aweighllooaofupto 21 lbs. can found in noethemMinorican be Aorangemnuto tbat formed squarru and began lear: For The be expected io the 7 weak session The fee for the catire 7 week illasteatethis Full callen"lutroduciion te ning the fundamentals of do-si- enjoyed Ike afternoon, especiallyKrizba, pavilion activity coor- Pest combined to make steiking decor- the simple Japanese-style us wellOpern". Tise flmstufutwacouroe do, ulemand left and even the the lianes the p-hrelchair patientsdinutor. uesuión will be $24.50 for Y mcm- stive aeeangements for the fullus more canvnntionat American lEYeses bers and $39 for 000:membero. sequence, "Intreductims (so Ope- and wintar. - otytebwill be en display. SENIOR CITIZENS Eegistratieos are now being ac- Mrs.ru" attempts to make apero more Find nut - how tocollect, Synnestvedt studied and receivedunderstandable, - --dramaticand Shampoo & Set '2.50 - cepted at the Y and inasmoch as preserve und mange these motor. certification in Japanese flower Registration Now Being Taken (EcoryDpeon.ptSnd,yl class size in limited registration enjoyable.- The course concecco Distriet 67 bus schedule tals attho Shokie PuhliclAbrusy ut urronging in Tokyo. A collectionitself with the steuctum of opera; tECRICKS COIFFURES in ouggeated at once.For ad- 7:30p.m. oaTaesduy, August31. 5351 N. MNw.uk.e Avs thtianal information telephone ofberdriedplunts is now on viewits nature, conventions, librelico, Following is the 1982-83 bus Roste 4 - Gleuview/Monton Grove ttoutc 7 - Nitos At BALLARD SCHOOL III. Chicago Bolonio Garden volas- iii the Librucy. sohedole for school District 67. Chin.9o, Cloned MOnd.V) ito muoio and-ito components. All Grudno ' K4 only 8320Ballard Road, Nues, Illinois the Leaning Tower YMCA at 647- loOr und Metiese- weed collector A valuable guide on idonti'ing NE 1.0574 8. - - The Opera course will be hold 8:20 um: Kay Sysmeotvadt of Waskogon, pInot materials hocon be foonden Wedosesdayn beginning on Carol Ct/Shermnr .298-1111 or 973-2828 g., will conduct this lectoce-dem-'in Route t - Mecten Geove/GoIf northern Illinois will beSépt. 22nd. To register for this Dover/Brine Shermer/Nitus OFFERING AT REASONABLE TUITION MAKING A onotration. ovoilabto to them who attend the course and fer more infoemution Shermer/Greenleaf JEWISH EDUCATION FEASIBLE TO ALL I'm u purist,"suyoMes. progrum. Aibsoission is free. For GRADES Dover/Puck Lune FRI., MON. l23O-9:3O regacdinother fall classes of- OverbankíCeabtrer Shermer/ Wright Sponostvedt, "you won't see anymore issfomsution soll the Lábmcy 5828 Capri °5-Yeer inteneine Hobrow noreicukam including Bible, SOT., 530-5:30, SUN. O-5 feresluflileLusiades cull 298-6760. 5730 Capri. Crubtree/Lucsot Greonlunt/Nalional Hthesw zege. Nutesy, leam nosiest esd synegoze - Emerson/Macmorn 323 Ceabtree Notional/Grain ukilis. -The Midwest's Headquarters for Famoûs Brands Canoeing¡Camping 6406 Bncbwith Lung Vulley/Cusetry benn Notional/Carol Preparatory School 157k theaiyear aidaI Woman 's 9331 Neonub 315 N. Smack 8:35 Hynrs- - Bat Mithvah in.t.uclion .. Neenob/Hoff. Tors. 345 N. Brunch High School division for 13 98m 15 year aids. - Colfan/Nordicu Route 8 - Morton Grove s StILT SEBTASEMONS - Weekendor women Club, award Nutclsrz/Hoffman Tree. NCSY Co-EdYouthChab, Jnniorand SeniorDMsisass, f Hoffman Tremor Circle ColfuolNara K-4 only u Holiday Celebesdans, Camp Refreatand Excuesiaass CAWSA, Chicago Area Wo- avoiluisle. Women in the sports, Hoffsssun Terr/Narrug005ott Harlem/Long Valley 8:12 n.m. ofJew,ah IIS981Ss, . . men's Sports Association,pro. odncotíoa, and human service Central (odd black) Suyro/Emeemn recipient 62 Golf Rd. , usd,rshnAunpioes 55 srmuaiiii. sentsaCanoeing/Csmpingfielda msy be allowed tun Normandy/Golf - Lehigh/George Sayre/Fostee AssuoksadTalmudTorahs of Chinons weekend for Women on August deduction of unpemes. Elaine Heinen (L), President of IoltIgb/beog Valley Sayve/Pstnsa -s I Narmundy/Pulmu 27-29 on thn beuotiful Wisconsin CAWSA insponsoringthisthe Woman's Clubof Niloo, 6530 Eldurado Lebigb/Hnrrison 7114 PaIono mInI$ II F0IDMIN River. This 1k nuniqonevent with toward Bound Ven-peeoeutedthe uwardofescellence Foster/Normandy 8:22 Golf Je. High Marion/Wilson oppoctuaity for women to gutetures, Inc., directed by Jo Aunformumbeeship increasedin 9343 Normandy Nornsandy/Maple Murion/Berhwith os ,o ,e stDç. inner strength throogh outdoorCamion, Ph.D., who specializes1981-1982 te Menate Lieto, (S) 9237 Normandy Nashville/Maple MurioulChucch activity and is suitablefor in affneing in-norsice and profes-membership chairman. 8:20 Hynen School Maple/Ide Chucob/Belletset STATE FARM sportswomen On the novice, stonaI education for wamen using 8:25 Golf Jr. High Albert/Ido 8:30 Hyurs nnsateoc, and prnfessionul level. outdoor und wilderness environ- 6742 Beckwith Golf Jr. High YOUR CHOICE The $165 feeincludes umento. She will be assisted by Route 2 - Mosten Grove 8:30 Hyors nominer en "Goulu, Teams, sedPamButler, resource person foe K-4 only Systems of Soppoet" plus clinico the nuw Sporto Medicine Center 8 n.m. Sta Francis on Injary Prevention and CoutIl. ut Weotlalse Community Hospital. Berkwith/Oak Park I s.N S U RA N C E tinning.Cosines, toute, und food Cu11346-5354 formore informa- Becbwith/New Castle Route 5 - Nies /Moetoss Grove willbe provident. A sanno, tian und for registeutinu. Beckwitb/New England All Graden Prenatal l whirlpool, asid awinsmingpnot usw New England/Church '7:55 um. I Newcautle/Cburch 9016 Waukegan Classes Oafs Park/Chmch 8640 Wunkegun Conditioning Exorcises for 1ko Forinsurance _ UNIQUE Church/Cheery 8500 Wuobegnu Child-Brucing Mothrr," u Ove- call Cheesy/Davis - Wuukngan/Geergin 'InDIC - week prenotaI encroise class, will PERSONALIZED Cherry/Hazel Shermer/Homiltou be held ut Ihr St. Fesenis Hospitol Shunner/Wright FRANK BLASUCCIO 228 CHOCOLATES Hazel/Nashville of Evanston, School uf Nursing, '2U. The amartI nf encellence wan Chucotnill/Natemu Sheesnec/Greenleaf 319 Ridge ayo. Clonons begin ut S ssse. FOR ALL presented te the Woman's Club Birch (unid block) Stsermor/Carol p.m. Tuesday, September 7. AGENT IUQSPlIUI8 of NUco iso recognition nf noisOme Hazel/Oak Park Greenwood/Marion The sessions neo dnoignud to 9140 WAUKEGAN RD. - RBY'INDI OCCASIONS ding achievement tos membership 8:16 tOpees School Greenwcod/Bellefnrt peopace the body for childbirth 2rci5eeeMws .2pu by theillinois- Fedeentinu of GreenwuudlNationsnl Casts.ItseSh..DiFOttd nod pent pasture recovery, te toso MORTON GROVE 905es 5h50 Featuring a wide variety of Woman's Chibaun ¡mie 30fb. lt Roule 3 - Morton Grove 8:10 am. Golf Jr. High und strengthen andominal mus- «jthOUr,haSeO .5,50,, nus presented te Elaine Reissen 5-8only ottLesnEaVis,& Qusts lollipops in all shapes and colors. clos, and te improve cetusution 505osO - by the President uf the illinois 8:20 and breathing teehniquea. PHONE 966-5917 Pac Man, Gym Shoes, Rainbows FederatjO,,of Woman's Club, 8850 Oak Park Route 6 - Nites Kathy Cain,instructor in and more! Mea. Harold Goodwinand Vice- Oak Park/Hazel 8:05 Lumaae method und yugo tents- President Mm. 111y B. Ss,ve Birch/Churchill Carol Cl./Skermer nique, is thu instructor.Classes - . Ask about our shower and Por information cuncerning Churchill/Natoma Greenteaf/Nutinnal (I-8 only) coat $25 and repeat throughout STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Nanlsnille/Hezel. Wedding Candiesr membeeship hi be Woman', Club NatiOnal/Grain the year. -lOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS of NOes plamemen Renato L Hassel/Charry NatiOnal/CarOl (K-6) Fur further infurmation and . CALL RANDI - 866 - 8272 .ut 968-6381, or the Preeidesst. Cherry/Dnda 0:15 Nynes registration, contesO Kathy Cain Elaine Reinen,f 968-9884, i-30 Golf ¡r, High tiotf Jr High at 328-4295. Page 12 TheBuglé, Thainday, Angusta, 1982 =ust stop TheBagle,Thurnday, Auguatl$,.1992 Page 13 off the NIÉESPOLICE BLO1TER accidents thereaders Drunk driver Business Arrested for Stunt driver picks by Secretary olSlate JIm Edgar Ciiticizes Annunzio If yno are involved In an oc- Writer charges Democrats arrested vandalized damaging wrong audience cident that cameo danìage to an Commends Blase, Black for on nuclear arms unattended vehicle er other , A 19 year old Chicago resident rigged vote for Nimrod vote Vandals damaged a Rilesrestaurant . A motorcyclist doing tricks on property there ore several ages- watching taxpayers' money Dear Editor: was arrested for drunken drivthg bosiness sometime between his mataccycle was arrested in cies you most notify.! Dear Editor: in Niles on Monday, August 16. So the August S San Times or- Augnst 14 and 16. Ac,cording to A Schasmhorg resido.it andNiles on Satnrday, August 21. After parking your vehicle in a Door Editorr tide entitled "25 gn beth ways on Pollee report first seeing the pelice, unknown persom threw atwo Arlington Heights residento Police report first seeing the safe place yen most first floe the We were surprised and angered enormons tanes, with ao relief io The recent decision by the Conk uniformly. Ynudon't háve to be a Chicago man driving os Dem- A-freeze" Thomas J. Mosre rock through an overhead elec-were reported arrested for cyclist in the 7750 blech nf Nor- drnver or owner of the damaged by receotutatement,s made in the sight. County Electnral Board to leave "ward beater" tu see how easy Il reported that"Three Clinniu poter st. Alter stopping the man trie signat forger King, 7133 . damaging a restaarant on Sos-dica ave.With police wtchiog vehicle or property.5f yen are press and on television by State Our credentials regarding John Nimrod'sname on the haSot wax for Hynes.tn tell his friend for speeding po11ce detected a representatives voted both to Dempster st.Store officialsday, Aagost 22. Police report the the driver, an lt year old Niles anobio to find him or her, you ltepreseotativeilokortKuntro (lt property taxes! are establishedas on Independent candidateStates Attorney Datey thatfrecce development of nuclear strong odor of on Ihe moo placedthedamage at $400. three people had gone to the In- mon, drove 100 feet with his frost mmt oecnrely attach a note with Gleoview) about his House Bill through our onguieg studies nf smacks uf a political deal by the Kustra was felling in the way of aod saw that he was swayisg. At and for a rapid huildop teroatisnal Home of Pancakes, wheel io the air.Police reportyour name, address aod license No. 2402 concerning a property tanes since we were given a char- Democratic machine.Chicago the traditiosat Democrats sweepof the same weapuzo.,,". Frank the Niles Police Department the Drunk cyclist 9206 Milwaukee ave., a few there were sasserons children inplate number in a highly visible tax freeze. He accused the "Cook 1er on Jose 21, 1971, us the Tan- Demnerals realise that the only of county offices this Nnvember. Chicago moo was charged with Annanzio, representing the nor- minates before the restaorant the area while the motorcyclist location. County Democrats" of killing bio payers Revolt Advisory way the Democratic candidateDaley, along with Coanty Clerkthweut oide of Chicago, was ides- driving while mder the infloence arrested opened on Sssday morning. M- was performing stantu.After Vea ore atoo required to notify bitt and denyiog the people of any Program (TRAP). We have con- can pnssibly win is for Nimrod to Kusper and Judge Eugene of alcohol. After beiog assigned tified as one of thuse who ter being told that the resloorant stopping the Riles man police the nearest police station and the propety tas relief. stonily advised against the une of stay on the ballot and split theWashowski, also Democrots,vacillatedno the issue. a Septemher coort dale the A 30 year old Morton Grove Sllinnis Department 0f Transpor- Republican vote. Although I am simply turned his head rather was not yel open the three began determined that he had no valid Mr. Rostra's accusation is an the'Multiplier" on property . The voters and taxpayers Chicago man was released osresident was arrested for drankshouting obscenities at vehicle regintrotios and did not tation nf the accident and fill nut outright lie.The complete HB tanes. When property valses eu- confident that Kustra will winthan look at the fraud and other $100 bood. residing inthe 11th Coilgresuional driving while driving his motor-. restaarant employees and poso- have u license lo operate athereqoiredforms. 2482 status which is compiled creased, people were not aware anyway, yosr readero should irregularities which should have-District beve the right Io knew cycle io Nileo os Sooday, Aogsstding os the door.White hitting motorcycle. At the Niles Police Remember, you are legally through the Legislative lofor- bmw why the Democrats rigged disqualified the Nimrndpetitinm. . Burglars 22. Police report first seeing the nf the danger of the multiplier where their Congressman utauda the door the door handle was Deportment the Riles man wasbound to stop at the scene of an mation system clearly states Now that property in no longer the note for Nimrnd. It a must unfortunate that theon an tusse of such great inspect Morton Grove mas driving thepnUed off.After being alerted, charged with reckless driving, accident io winch your vehicle is Representative Kostra pulled ont increasing io valse, Cook County Sincehisretsrs from Nimeod candidacy has played in- unsuccessful cycle sooth in the 8400 block of au nuclear proliferation. An the Niles Police arrested all making an improper start andinvotved. A driver who fallu in bis own Russe Bill prior to ita tax hiSs are billing the home Springlield, Kustca has been very ta the hands of the Democrats. usual,Mr,Annunziohas Milwaukee ave. After observing.three. At the Riles Police Dopar- ont having a valid vehicleslop Or neglects ! to report any third reading and place it into the owners, future hsme owners, and critical nftke recent property tas Kontraisclearly the bestmanaged tu straddle the fence in Borglars were sosocceosfol io the cycle driving erratically theytmeot the three were charged Sn addition to ad- attempting to borglarize two registration. Afterbeing damage to an asattended vehicle Interim Study Calendar el the enes renters who higher reels increaues. qualified of the three candidates. his characteristically wishy- stopped the driver. At the NUeswith criminal damage lo proper- assigned o Sepinminr coort dais or ntherprnperty, can be fined op Esecutive Committee. He killed paythese tanes. monisking local goveromenta for As the electinu approaches, local stores daring the sight of Police Department is wasdeler-ty. washy, noncommittal manner. The three, a 23 year old the Nitos man was released onto $1,000 and sentenced to no Ido own bill! However, both Mayor Nicktheir increased tax levies, heben voters should remember this Hecreatedconfusinnand Tüesday, Aogost 17.Police mined that the Morton GroveSchoombarg resident, and a 19 $100 bond. charged Macsoar Thomas Hynea report borglars tried to pry opes more than ose year in Jail, if con- lu June 1952 be made public Blase of Niles and State Senate uunuuer when Bob Rostra wasmisconception ou an haue that man was inloxicated. After beingand an 10 year old Arlington victed. ! statements to the preso that be candidate Loots Black, Rilenwith failure tu assess property defending suburban taxpayer in-usuaBy tends to bave clearly the bock door at Piltoburgh Pain- charged with driving ondee theHeights residents were assigned ISinois law given my office the to, 7241 Dempoler st. and at Radio - Car stolen was oppose to any tax frecce as it Township Clerk, have excellent terestu and paying for it toter as drawn lines. infloesce of alcohol the Mortona September court date and right to revoke the driving might harm local governments. records for watching Ike tan- the Democrata on the Electoral In order for the voters to in- Shack, 7245 Dempoter.Pry Grove mao was assigned a Sep-released after posting bond. Malathion foe morbo were found on bolh door A car belonging to an Ehuhuratprivileges of driveru convicted nf He further stated that his feSow payers' mosey.We wink to Buard rigged the noteforteltigently cast their tot no tomber conti date and released resident was stolen while parkedleaving an accidént ucene in- legislators' tau freeze efforts publicly thank Mayor Blase and NianrOd. Those of us whowant ef- November 2 for the candidate frames daring Ike following msr- os $300 hood. in Niles doriog the night of deplores use sing. Garage volving death or personal injury were poblicity stunts. Mr. candidate Black for their kelp in fective leadership in the Statawho best representa their views Friday, August 25.The cor, aand to suspend the driving Rostra at no time kan shown any securing thossands of signatureo Senate mast work harder this falland philosophiizo, they need to burglarized 1901 Chevrolet Corvette, wasprivileges of drivers convicted of interest in curbing the ran-away forthe ending of the multiplier. of chemical lo make sure that we send ourhaow the candidate's panitiens. parked in a lot located at 6834leaving au accident scene which property tanes. The people who very best to Sprisgield - BuhWe wish Mr. Aonunzio would get Milwaukee ave. Thy car, which resntted in over $1,100 damage to live in bin district should not he James Stack, Chairmanfleur Editoc:.- Kustra. A garage belonging loo People Dotted forTan Reform I nppreeiate yeral inteeest in the oB the fence so his constituents resident in the 0100 block of Olcott the ownor said was locked, was Ovehicle. lied lo an they pay increasingly Sincerely, con address their concerns valued ot$18,000. SI yns have any questi000 about malathion speuyiseg issue. ave. was burglarized sorno time It was soalthiau,ineidently, MargaretA. Warren thrnugb the hallotbex.Billscntt between Angost 7 and 14. . the Secretary of State's office, A The Window shut pl000e feel free ta me sur toll- est Agent Oroogn,that was Park Ridge Campaign Manager . burglars reportedly pried opena Bugle tax story speuyed in Colifoenin and caused free inlephnne nomber (800-252- Citizensfur Jim Mnynihan side door to gaio access to the ! . A Riles boniness reported it 8955). ! mols geent eantroversy Ihnen. p garoge.Once inside borglarn on target We ace feoing a similar anac rn 'I- took a $39 power saw, a $300 tool Etrod seeks police Dear Editort than I do and they only work nineMactoo Grove. Da we want hon and Isolo and a $300 power (lina to ,,.,lh, ,,_,, A.,l_ ,4, malathion seed in ose neighbor-! Who Needs generator. The Loll Hund column io themonths a year with all kinds of training August 19, 19t2 Bugle by Budvacations in between and theyhoods? 5 expeies Besser was one al Ike heut I bave only work until 3 nc 4 in the altar' Nobody dinpateslso fact that A Plumber- -n9 malothisu is a poison which hills Fog Studios, 9111 MSwauhee ove. read in my 20 years as a Riles noonaodon weekends orntghts. - The replacement value of the rom a rea ers resident. mosquitos. The innen is 0-nt the WHAT IS wlsdowwasoelat$t59t spraying as dnee on nor sIcosis You Have Us! Legislation to espand the "Balloon levying" was quite t agree with your statemeotdoesn't week und is a health abb. peogeom ofehoeging law breahoca that it is time for a "tag revolt no THE HIGHEST OF ALL évidant in this year's rçcent tax Many esperto believeusata- JUSTASK AND Theives hit for the training espan000 of all hifi.t am especially cuncernedthe local levels". People shouldthion a being used impmperly if ARÍFORMS' pvoen nificera wee calledfor over the almost 5 million entrasturt attending meetings andit is spenyed from the back of WE WILL TELL YOU HOWl business Wednesday lAng. 11) night by dollars that Maine Township hasvoicing ostrage. Unfortunately Itesebs onto ensidentiul streets. SAVING MONEY! Cook Comsty Sheriff Richard J. for the high schools.t almostnever know ensugh in advance-They canutos that malotlsion is Theivos stole $50 from a meat EIcOd. laughed myself silly to read iowhen the school hoard meetings "highly tote." RIPLACE business on Friday, Anfiel 2g. Speaking before the Cook another lacar paper that thetake place - they du sot publicize To bitt mosquitos effectively According to atore officials, twoCosoty Democeotie Forty Plot- Moine Towoskip 6207 Schoolthem tisaI much. with malsthios, we most peinen men came into Pepporidgefono Coasnittee in Mt. Prospect, District Assistant Superintendent them whou they neo ino YOUR OLD Farm, 312 Lincotnwood duringSheriff Eked eeqnented chat the of Business, Don Kinney, said the If ynaknow nf a group of peopleenscestruted, iznmobie nod so- onIon wantta get together and help store hours.While one manplattnnu inetudo kin plan which surplus in needed to "nature the cessibleotuge,i.e:l,as-vue. asked the frontclertç for kelpwoold chongotherotesfor keep closer tabs on our school REGISTER district" through Ike nest 3 years levying,Mosquitos find mock more fertile WATER H T another man went to the back ofceimbsraoment of training funds before the sent reassessmentdistrictandtao beneding pinces in ose ohyseds, the store and asked the managerto EOvoe all peace officeen, not just takes place. etc...please give me more infor-than along the hot steeds. TO WIN for kelp. motion. I would gratefully votos- With both employeespollen offenes. los 1975,fllisoismosquitos WITH A NEW A busy a Ihird man came intu the Sheeiffllleod cueenntty reqnieen With almost $5 million entrain teer any time seeded. It is timeearned SO. Laids Eseephalitis. obre and went iqto the m900gerotraadseg for aS swompersonnel- the kitty, I am00ccthe teachers that the citizesa speob out and letBot this decoded disenso hou not . our officials know they aro not FREE office stealiog $50 from a casheeeeeuti000t officoen, cencI sect- willget a mock bigger raioe than been o health problem sisee thon.. ACE GAS bon. Store officials oaid the threeoes deputies ad pollen offooes-- the rest of su. Many people is the going to get ansther tan increaseReeesttestn ttseesghost the sunto PAINTING fled the area driving north onmd io ose of the few nheciff's job torce did sot even get a raise nut nf as without occ000ting fershow noly one cornent "peek- Wantoegan rd. depnvtmonts that mandates Irai- in 1982. Most companies bave os Ike seed of it. able" roue of this tUnees - in WATER HEATER msng of ott sworn personnel. over a barrel.Most of the Modison County. Auto taken However, reissshoroemeut by the teachers now is the Maine Towu- Siocerely Why apeuy n poi500055 outs- utote io only foe training of police ship schools make mare money Mrs. Sanan Bowersstaacetftho poison doesn't get to *LewBili A Wheeling rnsidool reportednffies. itetoeget, ilSt. Louis Encephalitis. The OernpSte rPra005tntco ankcannowann,n yo[naavingupto his auto wan aloten white it was Effettivo this yeso, the Illinois isn't eooacring knee and if the *Il_ ,dated tat 50%on the Ourcfloan of bnaotOul couinaiOitpalnttngs Or top quaritb J!tflogrophio ,oprOduotovn parked io Riles on Friday,l_eec' 'inuermoaontol Law Enforce- Condemns .Kustra tactics eheasiesi itself is coosidared by water hot Auguni lo. The cor, a 1902 Pun.meat Offienen Troistsg Booed especia in carey health Choono cm cotorfulI liac Firchird, was parked io On000apnn sn000apoa.0h11con und fForatnby o loieecewos fundo from the sucoharge ist; *Giadatwilh tam eubea neu Nanenan eaekweO,W&ItOfony, Lemy Nalman! at 0310 Touhy ave.When thelecied on effoudees of the low. Dear Editor: If we don't wont those nonay- owner relamed lo the cae, whichHowevee, SheetS Elcod said, thin I bave beco reading with greotMr. Nimcud have a lot in corn-ing issnOcta to bother au, we mu. 5yw altuJpaintingn mounted ehOndoaru od wood roman. wirnd ond ready he said wan looked, ho found ilsurcharge is noly to eeimbseae foe ioterest the continuing saga of 0500. You both voted againstbuy mosquito eopelteoto. Or to hang - att hthogrnphnmountod n atumpnum tramen! wirnd and ready missing. The car was repnrtedly ERA and voted in favor of the *iy iiited wsT.ity mi to bang Ike teuusing of police oRiones ho the Black-Kostra-Nimrod snap !oettoryet, tot's tubs roui steps in worth $13,000. illinois. spera. wholesale sale of machinegnoscatting down the mosquito pops- conOUeId Sheesff Eleod's pIon requests andbond grenades. lotions - stepO that oil espoets Just Stop In, Make Your Purchase & Save Money! 15 cars damagedthol (1) eeimbsenomeot foe troj- It amaees me that an elected ageee snook. Empty out nuise ideg by 1ko stole be estended to state official (Mr. Kontra) has to t applaod Mr. Black's desire to mlleotiog in outdoor ceutoinees. eoeeentisnct effoorn nod deputy mask his apparent inability to in- discuss the issues and explain hisKeep your yard free from wends C Paintings hood selocled new noes brought is nach week.) Vandals went on a crime spree positions without dinertiog the during 1ko oigkl of Saturday,sheriffs md (2) thot the cost of teffgestly discuss issues which 0e Inog geass. 4Q GALTA that eeiotbscnemeut be borne by are of the utmost importance to topic to fictional acc000ta uf what The tenete ohould sprny wheve 148 Asgust 14, damaging 12 cars io the oueehnrgo bend. cannot possibly happen. Riles. During Ike night thenao- thevaters of the OolkDislrict with they cou be trssly effective anden RAMA dols nhel SB. pellets through Skeeiff Eked in responsible foe name-calling, iooueodnes, and Mr. Black, you deserve thethrent in people - in vaoant lota, state bank windows in each car.In ad-Ilse Cook County Skeeiff's Pollee "gutter politics." votes nf all thnse who are in- swampy Or heavily wooded areas. c_jOfl1p$ter plaza lDepncumnnt, uhotidedlargest DcMPSTER ANO GREENWOOD ditionul reports, three cars tereoted io having an honést, Let's hopo sor elected local, - department NILEStL0004O parked in Ike Gell Mill Shopping inIhnutotetthe Mr. Esotra; please do not in' issaeorientedutate senator who officials nil insist that ususquito - ACE ø 1 131 21 290-3300 busiest cemetyjoim io the mostry; suIt the voters with the fiction abatement measures in 00e HARDWARE r - Center were damaged doring theund 1ko largest wiltrepreseol his comtltuency, *,_ sight of August 14. muet nysinm in that Mr. Bloch and Mr. NizurOd musmunity are effective and safe - - the notion. could poonibly be connplrntnru Michael Portmanin the mosquita nuisance. YUVMILWAUICIIAVL litan HANLESI 41.ö46 . against you when in fact you and Skokie Phyllisil.Cloek Theßugle,flornd.y, Augaatol, Ial . : ...Pigoli Pagel4 The Bugle, Th,Aùit$.1 Teletype's Explorer ParkDistriNe S Post 747 Morton Grove Nilés Mootn.GmvePmkDiateict Foil ThePartsDisideSwittbe Niles Park en-i e- poog.o. offering many martini noto pm- our itt be doily- n eor med to muidoutu hornee Sabor grame thisfeil indoding The " Day weekend. Thin Foil the Peek Kern. De, Jede end Kneete.Att Distrièt brochure Dboict la offeriog many new progeemo will begin the week of The Niles Park District Fail, ' ers ue. s en progromu iodadiog wotereotors, September28. Foe more mienen- Winter and 5pring BZeehure *65 p000,y. bowliog, end a variety of tien call 9654200. be delivered to residierte ijegenne . fun but intereotieg pmgama. A Wemena Veileylsoil Leogne s, the weekend of Sept, 3rd. Don't FoIlrogiotootionwillbegin will be formed beginniñg ita play --I 5s- i Iss! miss this chance to take up sil Theodey, September 7 oS 9 am. inOctober. Games wilt be played painting, tap er jans danee eier- Ail regiotautiou io taken at tbe of Berg Schooleu Thursday cise claoo,vnileybail, cailigrapijy Froide View Commmrity Center. evenings. Fee io $110/teem. Fer or computer domIweep the Fer more information cali 965- more information contactthe children erSten in Gymsaedcu 1265. Athletic Supervisor et 965-1250. karate, sucrer. dance, pro- Pro'y Presents the Ulti ate in Energy Goldiluh Doy will tobe place at Slimneutim and Aquerlee wilt Herrar Peek Pool on Suoday, begin Ihe week ofSeptember 28. school, sculpture, drawieg many Auguot 29 et I p.m. Over 1,050 Slimusotic deters wilt be offered one of a variety of fmi-fihlesl lemons!! . ' Saving and Money Saving gotdfiuh wilt be retenoed teto ike at the Froide View Center while pool se youngsters mu 'ealeb" o Aquacine will be held at Nilee new pet.Pteaoe bring ¡n your wed High School.For more Fall youthsoccer Little Eric Thurman, daughter of Mci Thurumn, is fascütedby Own ptautic mntainero. The pool information cell 965-1265. The league free clinic 005rrarfoith enemy. Pol 508l,fn ¿.51 claSs the Explorer Post 747 computer sciences exhibit duriog Scout-O- soil clone following the goldfish A Ynuth Boosting Leegs.e fo infcovurknohOcnohchaebe,s seuils Ranou held recently at Arliugtou Park aud sponsored by the Nor- mend-op. Horror pontwill being formed in the Pruine View Beya and girls are invited tu saQuero. thwest Suburbou Couadil. t'out 747 is ebartered by TeletypeCor- reopen et 4 p.m. on Mooday Center. Open for individuals 7-12 ik clOgarlrncderosfolins. lanudro he poration. Thurmau, employed by the Couudil, ¡s affilioted with August 30. 1er more pool years old or 13-22 years old. Play join in the fastest growing operi ,onhioiooli000l bAsculen. Thundervalley District whicb uerves Lincolowood, Morton Grove, in America by registering for the di Eleclriopiloflasu iseoice. information mIt 965-1205.' is enSaturdays at Cianato Bowl B Corfivuocooleaeieo. Nitos and Skokie. beginning September 25. Fee is Nues Perk District necrer it *ufunalicclland l(050bsserr Snilth. A wide asoortment of Adult $5 for registrotion.For moieleagee. The program is broken Prosramredfimirs ,eesmvools cemlipajlv Asta m.d CeaSe etoomo will be information call 965-12M. into divisions and offered fer ali BELLHOWELL hetdthio fall. New etauseo offered ik velarAs Hmf. Urigsnouur,bers New membershipoforIbayeuthsiulrdte8lhgrade. feafbra Isar mm osee ceernupeod pool- will includeBegim.i.sg Preme Moneo ' Grove PorkDistrict Practices are after school door 05w for 00550 ecarge.aff'c'evromUìra. loom Weaning oe Tuesday daring the week with games Double di ThaohaorbeçsNbrrenln. Fiasnear Dual 8 Projector Racqaethall/Haudbott Health Fa- lieirsd Sssrronln co parIs. ass loso asare nightu, GIma Eteking ou Thom- cility ara being sold.Member- being played en Saturday mur- er ASce Gives you day nighta, Woierrntur Pointiug ship to the club includes osé ofniugoatGelfMillPark, ifalarge di esilI in ncrisoerio.A500n'sdeliuhr. ou Monday aigbrs,Beginning di FpoofsoMosabiliry. si,eçlifnlrgaaeopo easy to show doy heat nouons in each lochermusiker of 'foams are formed, and redudnsoosf of ,nral calls. Handhoilt Psumy un Wedneodny room, n large co-ed whirlpool, games may be held en Saturday Gas' e NOVsefiea ooUi'ed05lesiasovs lo movies for less. afternoono. More specific iofor- afternoons alan,Regiatratien selecrlho loea0000fCn.aebeeu000ns ir matiuu witt be available io the und ne exercise room equipped witho uoiverooi gym. All. may be done ill the Park Disto-jet Model MX33 Full brochure. office, 7877 MIlwaukee Ave. er Oor'lsavle loe 1dm riso Srsr.slaso gas. iucloded with valid membership. Chacsosforarrhe-seieurnl, 555.5Y- . No-trim automatic threading A special une day workuhop oc There ore obre rocquetbell/baad- laokfor no et yare echsol between ev esel proeru loda,. Appolorbian Apple Head Curving boilconclu with an additionalAugout 23 end Sept 3rd, taking . Sharp2O-32mrtt/1.5zoom lens registration. The fee is $10 which Ro-cerNEo HEAT . Forward/reverse/still projection 'will be held on Wednesday, $6/58 coseS ooago fee. Reoideat Chemise presents a gas oven the Ils US- ELECTRIC PiLonEss IGNmONA bis includes e jerney. RolamoS Hoof enables I house, lo cook enersysocer. clrclrlcoilollessisnibonignilOs . Large 400' reel capacity Offober 6 nl the Praivie View ist00 ore entended to NOes and surpassod in ele50000 anduse IuIn055 The al highar lsmporsluras for s shorfer periud Center from 12:20 to 5-30 p.m. Shohie residente. A Free Clinic is sCIIedsIed fer Con SInUOUs CI can100lur e olImInoles back- ofhme.andfnuse eucnoarmu000d000l- gus b UrnerS al liden 11h and sacos fuel cOSI Learn bow totransformau Membership rates arees Sept. 11th 12 neon at Golf Mill breaking oceno leaning. while he oven uSas deco as 000kins 11mm. YOu 000 place food Park,intruducé yeimg.stern te Relalnart Scat IO redISe greol luci elllcicncn in a cool 000nands al tIro clock Io aulo uoiinasyappteintoamique foce. follows: and savìngs Pee $4. Resident the fundamentals of soccer. mafIcally use relamed h000000king There is 1O8 Non-resident ChoOSO IronS single or doubla models. no need lo coon Ihe door ondreleose cuen $50 Family $105 Raleo, oblii develnpement and all 0th beso remorkobla Chombors feolunes heal Cnnkowilh he fuel lurned oll' WE TAKE TRADES Children of nU es will have $35 Husband/Wife $75 drilla will be incieded in the CUSTOM RAMIN the opportunity ta tobe vedono $25 Individual $50 dllnic. Aliareinvitedtnattend. creN riamos this Soll includiug Children in grades 1 &2 mili be OUR QUALITY PHOTO FIrIUSHIN1G sis College Student $20 Pokig. Qaa, Men- $15 ¡ociar $30 able la participate i., a nnçe ÇTRY ¡rol Inelemoenle, Pulk Fon and $15 SeeiorCitiaea $30 leagoecabe, by registering forthe ja Foote ned Cootim. For defoe and Ludien Singles lterquetbnllPee Wee Soccer program- The c?Idr(1ILlri timen msnmtt your Fall bruohoee. Leegee concluded Monde1,, Aug-fee ¡u $12 and the pregram is Iv411 PHONE: og Footheil regiotratioais oat16. Winaeru were Suestructuresl much the sanee as the 4 I 673-2530 taking place now io the PruinePerelgut, lot piace; Gode Riley, popelar Tee Bail Program. The /95t View Center.This prugrans is 2nd place; and Joy itiecheno, Sod league begins Sept. luth at Groe-

available for 3-6 graders. . Fee io place. nan Heights en Sat. 9-li tSiano 920.Any intereuted volunteers The Prairie View Community am. Regeoter at the Bec. Can- s:itiiausuuS uhouldeonteet the Athletic Super- ter.For information, call 967- Custer sein be closed Leber Day 7933 N. LINCOLN AVENUE, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS door at 965-1200. Weekend, September 4, 5, and 6.f9y4after4p,. Alpha time at pre-school The Hiles Fork District Pm-is o maltiseasory pre-readiagMiiwanice Ave.A birth w Scheel program will be preuee- program designed rspecialy for certificate is reqeired Catt fing a cow ceucept in all their pre schootero. 7- claoses beginning this fall.It is 6633 fr information en dayu. Registration begins Sept. tut,timrv andines, railed Alpha Time. Alpha Time 1502 at Ike Rec. Center, 7$77 - nrrrrcre . a ______-_ r . SAVE MONEYI cup . SAVE ENERGY! I I VoulU Both The high-IsshiOn beauty of your St. Charles kitchen . Whot kuchen design best rellects yoor lifestyle- poriod tmdiliorial or theconleelporafy Continental look? . . s cart be as timeless as period traditional oras When You Replace FREE contomporsry 55 the Continental look. And your Let our designer/cossuitants croate your high-fashion choice ot materials, colors and finishes is nearly st. Charles kitchen in your owc choice of materials. Your Old Wa RUAD T limitless. May our designer/consullanls croate colors ond tioishos. 4 HeaterW ANew ooeforyousoon? ' GAS ENERGY SAVER Our Staff will alsoAdvise you Energy Saving and Beauty. on Gas SavingTechniques. can Go Together. . SALES . SERVICE . INSTALLATION SIZESTAILORED TO YOUR FAMILY CONSUMPTION .57 DE PSTER Morton Grove III. 967-5521 . Wh EnergySaving Ideas with Gas meet Village Plumbing & Sewer Service, hic. - 90*1 CourtI.nd Avenu., Nil.. h dionPlanning Creativeness . - c.n_ .1lw..*.. ...d C.wtI..d -9es-1 - VlltOeoSlmwmanTod.y! EST. I : The Bugle, Thucsday, August26, 1902 Fege ti Page 16 The Bugie, Tlrnrsday, Aagiast2, 1982 rJ SPORTS Basketball champs Inducted into club iHEI'I6E5ID(N1S NEWS Citizens Bank Reorganization at promotion Des Plaines Natiönal Bank Girls softball 200run In a reorganizatioe aimed atFirst National of Mt. Proopect is nerving customers more effec-1978, where he became vice tivelyandefficiently,Despresidentof the Commercial tournament champsin 0CC Plaines National Bunk has na-BankingDeportment. He The Niles Perk District 13-15seon, Beeb Wiltgen wes ewerd- noanced the creation of two nnwassumed his position at First year old Girls Softboll Term woned the Most Vnlueble Player, banking unito and two majorNational of Chicago in 1986 as the Skokie Girlr 12" lavitationolLeading Hitter Leryssamarathon appointments. manager of thn Weet Section of Tournament held Aug. 6-8. SeniorVice PresidentBruee M.the hank's Mrtropolitan Landing Wymrychenho, Best Fielder wee Slagg, who has been with theGroup.Tomasello holds a BO The Niles Team swept the ehortetop Geroiw Bertucei, Meet bank since 1979 as brad of len- tesresmeet by wienieg 4 straightImpreved Player - Jill Karher aed Nearly 200 romreroportiutpoted degrne with a major la hmisem gamee ta the Champienehipthe Meet Dedicated award wentSuodoy, Aspast 22, tor the first ding, will lake of theadmbsistration and a mlaor is gerne, Nitre detested Hinudole massi Oahton 000hnunity Gal- hunk's newly formed Retailfinance fromIllinoisState to Cheryl Piereld. A special Meut Banking Group.This division 5-2. la the four gemes a total ofDedicated award wentto the Zychlege "Bypese the Bypeoe" 10 lun University and is a graduate of Bill Norwood, lt.) of Park Ridge has keen isductef into illinois enly 4 rene were ecored againstfamily for their eutetandiag will be engaged inofferingthe Stonier Gradnate Scheut of Bell's Presideet's Club, O group comprised of the top 10 percent of Nilee. Ryan Stoll silabe Bluff led the deposit/Investment, residentialBanking al Rntgers University. The epectueeler defensesuppertefthe team in cemieg eut mortgage, installment lending, Ihr company's business sales torce. Norwood was inducted at a was led by uhertutop Geralynte watch every game for the pastfield in a time st 31:24.0 followed Chairman of the Board Dan E. tormal crremOsy by Illinois Bell Preoidenl William Weiss, fr.)who Berturci. three yesrel closely by David Hellerta and financial advisory oervices,Andrew otated, "The appels- announced that Norwood hadtnrther distinguished himself as one 31:24.6. Diane Mooreot Schaum- Shown above aro the Jtednecks, champiom et the NOes Park und will he oriented to meetingtment.uf Mr. Tomasells is a f w- three The offense wee epueked by eds of the peroonal con- of Ike "Bost-ot-lhe-Bent",ao honor bestowed upon the top Janet l'siete und Luryseu Wynny- Nest peur the team soull return burg wee the firet woman names District Summer Basketball League. The Rednerko posted anua- the therdevelopmestinthe percent ottho salestorce. streaks. The tournament capped ° defend rIe 141e. New players the finish line in 42:07, mope than detealed crasos witha rocord of 150. namer. strenglheelag of oar snnlor As on occoant esecutive - isduutry coosoltant,Norwood is aremarkuble naneen ferire team. we welcome to try eut er sign upfive minutes ahead st ber nearest Back row (l-r) Dan Basici, Dan Redig, Nitos park District Vicè Joveph M. Tomusello, formerlymanagement team which began reopoosible tor identityiog and analyzing hminess problema in the The girls rereived their awardsfor the heuer league. fluas cernpntttor. Presideet Elaine Heisee, Beh Weber and Park Distrirt President ofFirst National Bank ofwith the appointment is June of petro/chemicalindustries and fordeveloping the appropriate voice Aug. 16 at a eplush party held byinternutednheeld contact the Parb WolterBeusse. Froet row: DentPayeo, Jeff Majewehi. The Board ot Directors ofChicago, joined the statt of thetIsis year of Our new president and date coasmmicatioesnystems tosolve 6600e problema. their roach Jay Ruse.For theDrstrrct early neat eprmgl Ciliocos Baoh & Truot Compasyhank on Angost 19 as senior viceRobert Bowman. Former world record heider president is charge of the bank's Tom O'Hara startedthe106 is plcoued lu avootioce the elec' Avon employee Shakespeare at Lincoinwood Library renner field ranging in ages tesas lion st Phyllis Heaty (I.) to New newlycrestedCommercial "Klee Me Ruth," the morirai PralLAdmiseejon is free. MONNACEP fall brochures Banking Group.This division, Harlem-Irving chosen for. eis to seventy-eta under threaten- Accasato Officer/Assistant which wifi employ a slaft twice blood drive version of Shakespeare's "Tam- To musirbyColePerler, isgohies. There wee n light mist, Deparlment Manager.Healy ing st the Shrew," will be shown Howard Keel and Kothrpa Gray- which mmbined with tempera- inmail jaleed Cilioroutonh.ie 1970 asothe sire of the bank's former Employees of the,Avon Prodac- en Thereolay, September 2, at 7 nn au the players within a play, toreo in the 60's, hnpt the field MONPtACEP'o tall 1982 course asd registration tatar- Commercial Lending Dopar-to, Inc. Morton Grove facility, Resurrection care facility hood avd general purpose teller, learnt, will be eogoged in offeringsod the Glonview facility will be p.m. in the Kerbst Room of thestag and danno their derneje comfertohle torthe entise 6.2 mile brochure bao breo mailed tomalieniscontainedin the ood become New AccOuOts A satellite immediate cam surrounding this chosen alto," Sr. Lincolnwoed Library, 4000 W. troubles away. 230,000 residences is the Oaklon brochure.floue who have net lending,deposit,ood cauhparticipating is a two-day em- Thooe curc:tOddlO5 Rcprcscolalive ie 1070.In hermanagemeol servicesto businessployee blood itrive On Thursday facility will be comirsected byBosaventure noted. totheoverall Commusity College district andrecoived brochures may consult now position, Phyllis will be Resurrection Hospital on theneighborhoods include the corn- winsers, medals were given estto 10,000 out-st-district residents district libraries whirh have ousistool to lhc deportmeolcustomers otthe hank lhroughoutasd Friday September 1g aod 17. southwest corner at Harlem andmnoities of Harwood Heights, who atlesdrd the non-credit copias. the northwest suburban area. The blood drives will ho held at tu the tiret term wh,ners in ais monoger ood will be rrspontible t9tl Golf Rd., Morton Grove, Irving Pork rd. and will offerNorridge,ElmwoodPark, EVERYDAY LOW'sNoAppoinffiiant ege divisiose tor hoth men andprogram laotyrar. Sterling Asgmt 30, lu-person for opening of sew checking,Under this new olignmest, the both immediate and primaryFranklin Pork, Schiller Park and . . honk looks forward to an iolen-dnring bosisess bourn. The blood lstCanie,lstServad fin now coscar lineup of 700 registration will be conducted at soviogs, IRA accouhit, aed cor- physician core tu residents andthe Dunning area in Chicago. 6 PRICE Batisgu rangea from the fine arts 0CC hulk is Den Plaism and sitied business calling programdrives ore the firot to ho held in s Any Length lificolcs of deposit. cooperation with Ihr North isdmtry. Plum for the new immediate . Modem. Efficient g y Despite 86 additional cempntil to home improvement know-how. Skokir, and in aoves area high Phyllis is orodootr of St.ood accelerated growth io corn, Isasnouncingthesitocare center now on the drawing Want ore registeringthe morning et the The program otters a large schools.MONNACEP clauses merciai loas volume. Suburhan Blood Center. s Great Service By Bcocdicl High School aod Nor- acqqieition, Esecutive Vice-boards call tom a two-story all'so- professional stylists ruco, the whole eveot went ottselection of physical edacationbegis os Thureday, September Tornasello io o commercial The blood drive chairperson, President Sr. Bonavootnre, CR., throslcro University. honking specialiol who begas bisD5000 Novak, encouragns all lureet appronimately 5,000 without o hitch, according to theand dato processing cOuroes, as 23. She is wolber of Lioo, Laoro, stated that the site oolectiOnsquare feet. The ground floor mili roar coordiootyrs, Msurice Weil-well as buuieess-related and MONNACEP iothe adult hoehingcoreér st Cilisees BankAven Products, Inc. employees lo followed an in-depth steady ofcontain examining rooms, au- We do need the hair freshly shampooed and Jot:, and mohos her home iois Park Ridge is 1975. He joineddenote. 150 employees ore eopec- lout, Pot Sovuge and Tom Jomdt. rareor-odvavciog topics, occor- edscation element st Oáhtoa Porh Ridgc. Rosncrectioe Hospital's serviceciltaryfacilitiesincluding the day of the Kut to insurean accurate Thirty-five volunteers from theding Io Stan Harris, aosistant Commsnity ted lodonate during the two-day College in drive. area condncted by Ernst R Whiss-laboratory and s-roy, reception . Wonderkuts.. . icollege helped sot sp the course, directorotMONrlACEp. cooperation with Maine, Nitos and administrative offices. The THEGUARANTEE rotistyrpooticipontu,awarded Regislration by mail lu epenandlllenbrook High Schools. For "Our evaluation of the marketsecond floor will 000lais private - HA-LO relocates in Your hair will be wet. but and dried using i medollioos, rollad split times andnow.Information concerning further information call 902-9888. ICC approves freeze share aonumptiona needtophysician offices. Easy acceso te nur special techniques! We will shape it to assisted io o superbly ogueized project demaod for immediateample parking will te provided. Ontelephone leasing Lincoinwood care physician visits indicatedOpening of the new center is ex- your likingl Each and every Wonderkat is r 'For n first time event, we guaranteed for ancurany! t Lou Weishnek, founder md Ihr feasihility of an amhulatorypectedearly nest year. couldo't be more pleased with the VarietyClub Golf care center for the neighberhsods MENTION OR BRING The Illinois Commerce Con- Ceotel reqnested the odjuol-President nf HA-LO ADVERTI- turnout and with the woy thiagv meOt 05 the telephone industry SING SPECLALTIEO, announced went so ewuothly," Jorodt said. mission approved a tariff Aagmt Tournament 11 that requires 00w einIge-See continues to moyo toward furtherthe July 20, 1902 coloration ot bis All ayoteras uro goloa Ihr 5lh derogolatios and competition,firm to a more spacious and lo other trech news, Oahton nio'e bidn taro to be an enoiting hooinesn and residential . Moedeulhro Friday Anousl Vortoty Club-Try Kop- cmtomers of Central Telephone according to Donald U. Adkissoo, totally remsdelesthuildisgnt 6633 10:00 un, 0e 7:00 pw Cross Cosotry Coach Pot Suvoge event, toc, in addition to o suns- N. Lincoln Ave. in Lineolawood. duel Invitational LPGA Pro-Am Company of flhinois to purchasegeoorul manager - SaWrdy 9:00am le5:00 pr, woo eutrowely plrueed with bio ptuOUO repoot, there will he HA-LO pmvides promotional and top performers io the 14th annusIGott Tournoment andGalo Dis- ratherthat loose mainregslatory/planoisg for Centri - ocr, to he hold on Monday nsuignioienis of lady pros, one of Illiooie."This will provideindividuals, small and large two person 10 milo relay.Jokho whom wilt compete each tour- telephones. Isusinesoes, iostitions, and orgun- WonderKuts® KolliucodSteve RoseablomAuguut3llh, ut Ihr Evuenton Gott The only cnstomero affectedcoelomero with on opportnoily to Family HairKut Centers Club, Shohte,Illieotu,says some. hold down theirmoothly rates," combined for n time of 45:30 tor will be those who hove Ceotet Business people ace welcome to Il-vt chuirmon Mike McDermott. Bob Dachman, Tournament ph000 numbers io Park Ridge,he said."A costomer ron save 75212 N. Harlem lat Milw. Ave.l placetollowod by Jesse visitwithost nppointmeoton 3Obk.n,,thafeen,d DeFlueote sod Mihe Heorilton is According to Ihr touroomontDireclor, and Entry Chninnan, Des Plaines, Chicago and other$10 or more por year by pur- cwcoaobv suies direciorßoh Dachmoo, over 3001Jock Briclthouse, are very ex- consmsnttieo oerved by CentrI inchosing a phone rather 1h00 Moodny throogh Friday from 9 PRECISION HAIRSHAPING 47:08.Steve Modro cod Chuelu 0m. to 5 p.m. An electronic sign FOR MEN AND WOMEN 774-3500 Woideoboch fioisbrd first is o 4 the ootion's top womencited about this year's LPGA the immediote vicinity. Theteosiog ittrom Ike csmpooy." proteusional golfers will loom sp format, which will bring o wave Telephones coo be porchosedwith the time and temperature milo reloy is 20:54 toltowed hy tariff will become effective Sept. indentifieo HA-ID's new home. Jeff Turbio and Peter Vouqueo inwith Chicago-area goiters, who 01 isquirieo and requeots, and 1, 1982.Current customers, asfrom Centris Pick-A-Phone Ces- 21:55. will contributo o $750 estry tee to theyoreurging all parlielpanto to well as new costomero applyisgter at727 PcOrsOO St.io downtowo ploy in the Iwo-host toureomeet. oigo ap as 0000 as possible. To for service prior to Sept. 1, willDes Ploioes, where o complete YOUR SUMMER MENU More thon holt st this year's top enter the Variety CIsh-Kup continue to hove Ike option tooelnctioo at new and refurbished STARTS STARTSt25 mosey wianors will he in the LPGA Pro-Am Golf Tournament, either loose or purchase opkoeeo ore on disploy and group. coIl 202-5207. Proceeds from the telephose.However, osistiegavailable iasosediatoly foc pse- SEPT. SEPT. Tournament will be used to carry customero who chooge servicechose. The Pich-A-Pksse Center OLD FASHIONED Koch player ond hie lody willsot programs foc non-resident io open weekdays from 8:30 am. $339 25th 25th be Ihr gnootu ot desoid Morton (tor esample, moviog from one SMOKED HAMS. sasn'l,oe LB, and Ort, Kspcinet on Sosdaymeotally retarded children, who residence to aoolher within the to 7 p.m. u., °Ph7 Join Our Jr. League evening, Asgoot 29th, tor pre- con 00w rvjuy the facilities of the Centri serviog oreo), sr oew Cestral Telephone Compony et 01804 celebration festivities at Arale'oVoriely Clnh-Karyn Kspcinet . customers who apply tsrserviceIllinois io a suhsidiory of Ceolel LAND O LAKES Center at Little city, Palatine, Corporotioo, the fifth largest on Stato St. Tho eveotog at Ar- 00 or after the effective dote, AMERICAN CHEESE sanear LB. Register Aug. 28, 1982 Dlisois. would so longer brable to leaselelcpheee company in the oatiuo, their telephones from the com-with telephone oiierOlisss io 10 9 AM.-12:00 Noon pany. states. CREAM STYLE 2 FREE Games of Bowling COLE SLAW. . Reg 1.09 For Junior Bowlers Registering Rangers Minor NuES flRUNSWICI( JUNIOR BOWLING CLUB 79t At This Time Hockey Association Registration Fee 83.00 WARSZAWSKA Pro-Season Skates FREE Bowling Shirts - FREE use of Shoes PEE WEES -- 5-7 yrs. (2) games Sat. 9:30 kM. Or sao.em $939. ADVANCE REGISTRATION TO BE . LB. HELD AT THE PARK DISTRICTS 6 Hours on ice inslauction -'20 BANTAMS-7-11 yrs. Sat. 9:30 or 12:15 P.M. SERDELOWA DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST (Undordirection of JIM WEIDES JUNIORS-12-14 yrs. Sat. 9:30 or 12:15 P.M. 98DENNISSOBOJ) MILWAUKEE AVE. SAges for Skates-4 thru 14Years Old SENIORS - 15-21 yrs. Saturday at 3:00 P.M. 6247 Ñ. 192-142 SALE OATE5 (2,Blodes Saulh st Oese n) 5.00 Registration Fee 'Starting Times will vary withage BRUNSWICK NILES BOWL ara to 5-29 CLASSIC BOWL Champs 7usd alder- lf:3t 'Iii Nane Houes.TUESDAY TI-IOU FOIÖAY. 9. SATURDAy 06 Home of State 98 CityTournument older- NasaIlllullôP.M. 8530 WAUKEGAN Road, M. G. to cover sanction fee for YABA For Further information n and SUNDAY 0.2; CLOS6Ö,MONI30Y 7333 Milwaukee Ave. 647-9433 lussdulde,:7:MP,M. 'dIn!esu- Phone 965-5300 and bowling shirts CALL 2978010 Days srodaAget 1902 Page 19 Page Z The Thigle, Thurday,AuguM2, 1982 Harper offers - Ga1lery of Art LEGAL NOTICE - I $40 niilïion tó reduce Good Citizenship LEGAL NOTICE - dental servtCes The Hoepee College Dental atDempster noise at O'Hare Hygiene program io offering free awards s 00.000 The Senate bas authorized $40 suburban communities sorrows- examination tereetoiog foe adulto Plaza Búnk million for new, quieter enginesding O'Hare,' Percy told. The Conference Report who have not eegoolor appOint- for Air Notional Guard tankers month with a dentist for cheek- -byEdiaaflunfl based at O'Hare field Senatorauthorizing the funding, which ups or teeth eteuning.Patienta Charles H. Percy (R-III) an-Percy supported was approved who have gum stoeasoare nounced today. 77-21 Tuesday night by the Ito the priceless Moos Lasa, Scuote. The House of Represen- especially needed. painted by the famed Leonardo 5200, 000 The fleet of eight 1CC-135 planes The ocroesieg is Scheduled for da Vinci. Just.ahout everything are now equipped with 30-year- toRves voted 221-148 to approve Thursday, AugustS6, tremO am. the measure Wednesday night. has happened to this most prized old J-57 Ingines that are as laud to 12 cosos sod from i p.m.to 5 5 00,005 as the supersonic Concorde on The tankers at O'Hare ore and pampered painting of all 0oOo0O00 O 00,000 p.m. intheDental Itygicoelab ho lt WOO confiscated hy the take-oH.The new engines witt operated by thé 126th Illinois Air Building D 01thoCosege, those. Notional Gourd Refueling Wing, Naois', -stolenby- Violcenzo 00000 5000, 000,050 540,000 reduce noise levels at take-off hy AlgonquinroodRosalieRots., 60 perrent. providing support to the Strategic E'eruggio, On employee.of the Palotioe. Louvre museum,inParis. 'The operation of these air- AirCommand (SAC). Patiosts aootoptooi foflowiog the Leosardo du Vinci had painted 400540 g,0010. 0..t2cDDR O craft has been a nuisance to covoosiog ovilI hove work done by the lady with the inysterious - 51,200.006 St.000,400 Harper dental hygiene atudenhi smile 05 WOOd instead of canvas, OP2O 0000At. Oit. 0004000S "Is your home under the supervision of liceuned so that Pareggio csuldn't cutit classes hyutt sod denudO. CIe out of ils frame, roll it up and Ùisured for nula,flooeido toeobmosto sod shove it ander his coat. Instead for young actorsrudiogoopho see provided for a be cleverly managed ta spirit to whatí1 micimal charge. A ooferral roo his apartment where it remained - ose. 200 00,000055 000.0.000 100,204.0000 . ho d0d 000fl000 by 00000p0500 cC be devo and rodiogeupks caso be in the false bottom of u trank for worth, or 'l'wo series of obstas for yousg peivate actors (grades S to t2( will be ovvi tothepotiect's more thantwO years. just for what offeeed vn Saturdays beginsiog dootist. Aftertheheat" dieddswn,he - moosato se000d000s mocos 055055t 1000500/200005lottAno lOI 00,00). at The To orroogo so oppoiotmont Or attempted to seS it to his native Septamber 25 for 8 westb r000ive further informativo, call itcost you..?" Copercisnus Cultural and Cinto Recipieuts ofthe DAR. and SAR. Good Citizenship Awards, tlaly bst Italian officials had him seems, bautstate Farms tko office of the Denial Hygiono Centee, 5216 W. Lawreoee ove., progreso at 397-3000, eut. 534. presented at the June 2 Moine East senior honors award program, arrested and returned the most autumads Inflation cuveras. Chivago, IL 60630. were (I. to r.) Melissa Sostrin of Merlos Grove and Michael valuable painting of all-time to thatcani ncraaSe withthe The two-hour weekly sessions Frunce where it now hangu again Coglianese ofNileo. - . salue styuur huma. will include body movement sodThomssen awarded is the famous Louvre Museum of Blue Max 000000S.epnU001.5 (co od 0cc Oho FRANK mime; usbog voice os ois lestes- Paris. - lvO0SO0cvOY Sc 07 00m 50550,500 - - PARKINSON ment; emotiosafacial enprew Park Ridge resident Bob Girl Scout Not too many years ugo, you stono; tOChOiCOJ theatre; musical -Thomaseo was awarded the Blue may recall, under tight security, n45 MILWAUKEE AVE. Cao so 0000000 osa000 Nile,. IL 60648 theeatre;professionaltheatee; Max by the Blue Cross and Blue council awards it was bruiigtst ta the United 5000500 0: mc n,ch 00500 0 dcco,d be and avene proparation. A Sold Shield Plan of illesi, for his out- Stutes, and fur a time was 0002, 0, 004,000.001 Oho 967-5545 trip to o peofestional theatee will standing sales performance in Thirty eight Northwest area Recognitions were presented osloihited in the Art Institute of .0,050550 005 505000, Oonrs s000000obO 0, 1981. Girl Scouts earned their Firstby Csuscil president, Gert Likeagood".'. itottude o visit back stage. Schrioer, saying, "Your efforts Chirags where it drew record- lasrotruetor Floyd Iteugee, from Thurnssen joined the Plan io Class/Silver Awards ut the Girl breaking crowds. - neighbor, 4 00 .000 State Earns The Chicago 000oervatoeyof 1971 as a life insurooce specialist. Scout Conseil of Northwest's an-have brought honor tu yourself Did you know that art enhibits, - s asado suaLrecognition event, held ataand reflect the image of encellen- 01.000 - isihere. Matiewilleondovt the two He also hoo served as a last year in the United States 51,505,4051 5h.o40OootO 000000 pSCd 0000000000 0 eOO,0 od t O0.O h . Rolling Meadows High Achool. co is Girl Scouting.You have classes from 100.55.to 12 soon Marketing representative and \ drew muro people than all the bodiso O00 0000 0S,oao STATE FARM FIRE Ho is currently u Eight llesior girls earned the topshored your skills, developed yo_o lo $2.005,005; toodShsa,0 2oO,d O 00000 Sog AND CASUALTY COMPANY und from i p.m. lo 3 p.m. -Fee is esecutive. teams in major league baseball. seniorMarketing esecutive in the honor in Girl Scouting, the Goldyl(ur leadership, and shown s ossol. $o,000;005. n. ,otaasocd0000 00 SO '00,00004 00 hood Oo.d 50 Hvmv OfficeBloom!ngIo:1. Illinois $25 per studest. To register roll And, art, in the United States has 777-0890. Old Orchard district office. Award. commitssienttouervice." The event woo planned by Hof- become big business, ito corn- bleed sales surpassing that of the 7040, 0 00 fosan Estates troop 408, led by 0000,000 - -- Shelby June Bennett.Cadette stock market and some other troop 30 of Skokie, led by Revu financial investmentu. UÑS! Now beginning Sept. 2, Dem- s 05.000 Sherman perfornied the flog a Codos øø pster-PlazuStateBookis ALL TIRES IN STOCK E ceremouy; Nileo troop 791 and featuring o GALLERY OF FINE (s1000 040,1 463, led by Kim Kasoell and ART offering original Oil Pain- Rachel Durkin preseuted the I 0,000400t parent welcome addreso; aod bag and lithographs at a fraction oftheir cost. a ososo s ro.000 . . Palatine troop 1 led by Jill 50%off Schneider esplained the award J These original oil painttogs are requirements. the works ofthleutod artists from SUGGESTED LIST PRICE s to,000 O 0,500 First Class/Silver Awards went around the world.And, hand 155SR12 carvedwoodon frames made by a t 00 0 0 0 401 The one show- List tuiMorton Grove, Temp 100, Street tough, European styling, 5.0. 672 Leader: Laurie Man- master craftsman are available I0,00000,1 and only wide '79.89 m many stylos andsizes which 4 per1ormanCe sing. Miss Marie LoCrois, Park 0 04,200 s dorso stoppin,,riders Sale Ridge, Troop 652, SU. 622 can enhance these wonderful Dunlop Dunlop Gli LeaderMartha Weiland. 51155 works ofart. - Dunlop SP4 Jeanlee Chaja and Miss Karos Who knows? The oil patoting EliteSevenly Qualifier Radiais $39.94 you may purchase at the DEM- Steel Belted FET'l.41 Neumann. Troop 973, SU. 662 0110.000 - 0000.000 Radial Leader: Christel Owem.Miss PSTER PLAZA STATE BANK 0111 metlic radIal 40,000 eIlt boost OotnOrR at Dempster and Greenwood, List r,5O,tO 0dm to It soir mOOnS and Karen Ann SchoB and Miss Wen- 120.67 List dmrotoodusts .ro,vhll-wldlttsrml dy Lyon Thorsssn, and Skohie NoIes, now may someday be wor- bsts.Ottlt500all ordbbwl000ll (soso lb o great deal of money. You Sa '120.67 Troop 222, 5.0. 611 Leadert San- 0450, 500 Sal. Pmm l550h2tu 165615 draPiper. Mios Oñgrld Helgeson, cas purchase one or more for a 6O.33 Miss Julie Moslov aud Miss Lyon mere pittance during DEM- P-196-701413 60.33 PSTRR PLAZA'S great world Piper.Troop t85, 5.0. 611 sca500 0: 0 oho, 00000 50000402 0 000000 00 0 0000 sod 00,00 PET 'LOO PET. 20g LeadertSis Pesoatore. Miss wsdeArtShow. On behalf of the management . vudo,oggr050IVetrOOd Katherine Radier. Troop 30, SU. s 00.000 . OII-unSontccmbrOCIA of theDEMPSTER-PLAZA s 04 .000 rood dOSSO 613 Leader Rovo Sherman. . Orool Dunlop dodicI toto to 0001 cr04 iog STATE BANK, I'm inviting you e roo oboulder-lo-SlrOuJdit Mitos Cheryl Bairn, Miss Jennifer . uvdOrdDwdeoprofre - to come in sod browse around as e Fwolull-uAdffl stool bollo Oriol bollo Duiedaic, Miss Laurio Katz and e MoplypoIRstoluord body t 050pOlttOlO,lrdIOl body Just Say Mitos Mario Reyes. longasyoulike. Ifapaintingor oonhropoeryol0000.oIl lithograph captures your eye, 0lluurdotOtaddod 'Charge It°' pr000bon you'll be ataucad how reasonable 1toC51010g 5140,500 00 20 .0 04 a50000 e500rorwoy t 50-sellosol000tsllable willi your Orchestra seeks yoscan purchase. Master or Rom P19570R13 AssIsSe Inwide wogt The fine peuple of the DEM- tu P25570615 0155. 60, 70-sortes sizes Visa Cards instrumentalists PSTER PLAZA STATE BANK (st 4,000 will explain just how easy you O 500 0 1 The Trnily Chamber Or- can own an original sil painting chestra of Deerfieltt is is need of whose future value may be worth SALI inslrsmeotalisls for the cumlog sa. Piace many, many times the small year.Isotrumests isclude all prireyoupaldforit. s 00,000 s ¿0,050 otrings, bass000, flute, horn, You are all invited. There's no oboe, and trumpet.The or. obligation. Jost come in and S-______\ v-1 r chestra is u volunteer ensemble browse around - It's a wonderful 1.91 O0500000n5 010 COMPUTERIZED specializing is chamber or- waytogetawoyfromthe cares of aoakosO40O-c 00-Oso l.Ih choutes repaortoire.Works for thetoday. 0450,000 014 AUTO REPAIR 1982-53 include compositIons by- I'lineeyouthere-Aloha... Beethoven, lot 000,04000 00 005 t0000 00 str, 015 Grieg,Mozart, CENTER Respighi, Bach, Ives, Hyde. The Drew S. BOhne 234 orchestra performs three macer- Marino Lance CpI. Drew S. s ¿2,005 .,,oduaw-olosade 2.47 Is per year. ReboisaIs are once Bohuo, 91 Patton dr. ,Den 5.i.00 od O0p.5.001oo s 23.000 2.42 9655040 per week os Thesdays, 7tS5.930, Platoon, hou repostad for duty do .405 2.57 8851 N. MilwaukeeAva. starting September 7,For fur- with Headquarters sod Head- Ils. UO.ar0010tosO Oso.. Nil., thor information, call Dan 50m- - s_, Mañoe Coepu- mervifle, Munie Director, 299- Hel Air Station, Tuttle, oo.me55010uoSAsVcbes0200 : 050tdSO PPOINTMINT NOT MWAYS NECESSARY 0738. 500,915 ThhhkcIa;okRd*'C" AItRIIn" Pe 20. Th.BgLe Musiciansneeded avoy-Aires cast or"Princess Idà" SCHOOL NEWS The Actors Guild, Opere Divi ion, 1850 Chestrnt in GIenviw i Leading remantiC roles in htaoh.verae poredy nf a Tennyson seeking volunteer musicians tor PtiReRReld hy Gilbertaad poem. The otory, while fleet 0CC wins International the Nevember presenttien ef the Sullivan, thè 1982 prodnetion nf proseotad io 1894, io remarkably Dr. Moses greets East'Student assists epereAmehl end the Night the Baver-aireR, RtiU be perfnrmed 1982 io leteo.lt deals with the Visiters"..flutes,e1erüete,eh- by Neany Arlen nf Evevetna ed emerging otatus nf romen nod Grant eqoolityand in antibiotics Studies ees, hasseon, hem, inimpete, Dea Kane of Chicago. The two opeeiflcollywith The U.S. Dojiartment of Educe- pendoneo and herr to menage ita hoep, pinie, ielins end eeedeet- teilt appear en Prioneto Ida and odoratino.Prioeeno Ido in the Maine staff members granted Onkten oppoatoniliennadpvnbleeen leIbe l'rione Hunnen. Leading chorReE- tienrecently heed nf an all-women univeroity Thelsotitutr PIamiIstgCOssSnsite The membete of the Iaaotitsste research Community College $44,1831 for demaing global rontusy." Canali er mies Ore oasigoedtnJohñ Shea tenor whieh men (regarded se Maine Sebonl Camndeee arel Oak. Prank theflrstoftwoYoars of fomding to saWed, nf Chinogn (King Gamo), Ron tAnto) ore totally excluded.This tee of the 'Faut District #63 Ita annnmaattd that Wagner, Asoisteat Ssspesintord- initiate an internatienol stsadim Lie Boeoedtn. mondant diroeteir httereeted metleiens call the MaekweilofEvoneten(King ollnwo name lively ten when Pein- Kevin Massey of Park Ridge, a noitod director BettyJ.Wisniewski, Dr. Ken-netb L. Monee,Clinical eat of Cook Carmty; Ramona progeam of eosnoatenityed8t5ROa Hildebrand), and Je Aen Miodane Hilorien, to whom tda was janinr at Ohio Wenleyan Univer- thatOektoti mou One of13 966-4657 for additionel informa- of Nnrthbrenk (lady Blorinhe). brthrothed as n hoby twenty Psychologist eaad Dioncter, 16e- Wuod, Special Services Rewe-ally, io one of three otadentu The g000t project refleote tho metano Natwselto, Inr.Evonuton, seelative; Heeriefi Pepp, Neme; input of0CCfocalLy members mllegea in the U.S. to remise The Savny-oires were founded in yenes ago, teens op to ctaimher sunioting in antibiotics research fsnadingto initiate en inteeoatiOo- 1965 by y,,k Miller nf Shokie, n., will ho the keynote speaker et Natalie Feldman, Pnychelegist;IR the univernity'n Summer and odmininteatore wheon work COUPON hand. the Tooeherr' Institute to he held Esther Blumenthal, Payehelegiot; won cderdiaated byPoteick Ceoe- el studino program. principal cellini of the Chinogn Research Progressi. The peoject'n ObjeotivEsita- Symphony Ornhenten and Litina in the Gelnute Theater ufApeRo Eileeo Cerliule, Teenher, Gemini li,peofeueer of IiOiOanitieu end Prianem Ida in on ontypicet Selsant so Monday, Aegesut 30. SehàoI; Viulo Stanton, Teacher. Funded by the Reueareb Cor- Fere'n laoguoges. dodo: mteenatieaaOlO'g'''' the eve- AUGUST CircleofWthnottn. MiSer Gilbert nod Sotl5vao operetta in rinvIa ter ntodenlo who plan to continues os moste director and The progreso wIR begin with Melzer Schml; Elsie McAvey, paratiou, Pinney'a research is rn- "Sinee we ea langor live in n thntit has three acto with n welnaming mesnages term larry Tomber, Neben Scheel; HOetiet vestigating the synthetic eotien 'oolaledhyentional hound- teanefec tu tour-year mOrgen and Cine ne prodncer nf Primean Ida. Mi-fledged in the third. lt ueiveesitim, as well on fer these SPECIAL ineeaa Ido is based en n Salemon. Board of Edoretinn Judy, Teacher, Stevenuno Srheel; develeprnent of antibielien and nrim,otudeets will benefit great- nontnine seme of Soltivon's finest President, mad Duoald C. Stetino, Gmrgin Nirgintia, Tearher, Merk could centriboto te diacavering a ly hem interoetiaaial pregroma. puenoinggeneeOledmtut5en. vece- nriting end is frequently wmpur- Aeuuciete Sssperinteodeet.Dr. 'I'wain Schaut; LeUte Sayadiao,way ta manufacture them mere Increasingglobal inteedepeod- Stenel-technical and continuing 820-5000 ed musically te The Mikado and Pickwuck rrag. Dunold E. Salid, Ssiperiotendont, Teacher, Wnshiegtuo Scheel;efficiently. He is wurktog ander once offenSe everyone.Although educotian csireiesile, and prn'eid- The Gondoliers. The Snvoy.eiren aviS speak te the ataff en"An Dnruthy Cwoygel, Teacher, Gem- the direction of Richard Amm, wo muet beep tcuditiaoeleuh- ing appoatiinitieo far ave05000 Theatre first -presented Peinreoo Ida in Auspisinan Blast ta the 1082-83 ied&heel; Judith Hennig. Basinassistant prafeasur al chemistryjenle, we have te odd the glabel study. ç5.. 5967. The norrent pendontion will Monee' lileillo Teacher; Welter Sieldershi, tohelpstudente 'mather ebjective in establish- PRINTS SchselYear," Dr, atOtoaWeslnyan. perspective ALL SlATS open at lOtas North Audiinrioec ut presontatien in entitled "Teach- Peincipel, Mark Twain Srhanl; -breadeas their edueatiaaal careers ing GCC'n pregeem of Educatiao- Old Ornhend on Thursday, Sept- A chemistry major, Pioney el Servico tar Bucin000, lodootoy EA. ing in Tiarbotent Timm." Mile Hethnaes, Principal, Weuh- and achievetheiepersonal , 15o ember 2 ut 8 p.m. and cuntinuns ingtan' Sebml; Dr, Dunold C. was selected fur the prugram as goals," Cased said. andGovernment as nreeuaece tu At Titne of Developing Priday and Sntorday eseningn Yntlevcieg the presentotien, bedding facsdtieovilI meet at Strtinn, Associate Saperinteod- the basis ei hivacadrmic record "Studente muet be treined tathe bua'mons nammunity far PG oleoet8p.m. A final asdhis totrrestin chemistry. Sylvester StaIIone euch schoelto ahaoetheir ideas as Ont; Dr. Lennre Page, Aseiatiiait anderalaasd the world'u 'mterdo' international edumtien. pnrfonnance will be presented on Superintendent farCuoaicelum ECONOMY Sondny, September 5 ut 7 p.m. ta huw them meseegea can he PHOTO hnplemented in the new wheel and Inutmctien. SERVICE ROCKY III The cant and choroy of Prisoenu Ida contain performers from all - ERA Callero &Catino 9109 Milwaukee ever the north ined northwnnt Nues Fri. 7:15-9:15 mens of Chicago and soburbs. District 63 receives 'AII You Need to Know in Real Estate" inclodeAlejandra WITH YOUR ORDER Sat. Et Sun. MUte leude , Free 5x7 Enlargement 3:15,5:15,7:15,9:15 Abrnhnm(Chicago)osCyril, State commendation Sandy King (of your choice( David DoveS (Morton Grove) eu -i Mon. thru Thurs. PIonne, Jebe Lagrrlof (Wilmette( The East Maine Public Scheute is-cervice training to, deprave WITH THIS AD 5v Ame, Hughes PlopnweU (Park. Eaffee t-31-82 7:1 5-9:15 have received a letter cf corn- testrucliun io the basic shills J Rrdgel ca Seysstbios, end Anthnny meodaliou frein the Illinain State thrnughuat Illieoin.Dr, Denald OVER QUARTER MORE ThAN 150 Green (Wihnette) Us Gores. The "gond goys" trin from Prieeoau Ida. Fmm left: Ainjanden Beard uf Educatiue, Prngrarn E. Bead, Superintendent, en- OtherfemaleleudoareLisa Abrcbnm ofChinago, Dnsid GavaI uf Mostee Grave, and Don Kane Planning and Development See- pressed bis appreciatian te Dr. OF CENTURY YEARS COMBINED Krishna (Chinugu) os Lady- Psy- ofChicago. The Gilbert and Seffivnn opeeettnisboingpresenteol by lies, enrnplimeeting the Dintrict Losare Page, Assistant Superte- IN SERVICE EXPERIENCE ehe, Eleennr Stem lChicugn) us The Sovoy-aires beginning September 2 et NUes EuCh Aoditaeium on ils Basic Skillslmprcvemeat trndent fer Curriculum and In- Meliuua,end GIuria Hnpnwell at Old Orcherd.Fnr ticket information, cell 673-6300. Prugraos. The Staten review uf clructiun and BasirSkillu Prutecl Peek Ridge) su Sechsriuoa. the final report cengratulated Direeter, and tu the mauy page boye to the rnyet courtei. And end Amnld Nelson of Park Kidge. - District 63 for its many Upper- tcaehern and administrators to- The stage dieertur for Princees55 "Daughters uf the Plough", Prom Nitre: lan Kraft und Karen timities fur parent invulvemeat valved in this prcgraeo. During Idaisa aewenmerinthe Margueet Hichs and Meg Walden Peraah and -Marshall Raunt tram aedthe collection nf instrneli000l parrot-Tracker Cenferenres ta Savny-aiees but aettu the Chicagouf Winnetha; Judy and Wendy materials which have beco be held in Nuvember, percate vein Salesperson Ofthe Month Shokie. - urna. lie is Dr. Renold Combsnf Kuntrr of Evansinn; and Elica- devclsped by teachers and ad- view their children's Individual IN SAN FRANCISCO Chicago,head oftheopera beth Weinmehl nf Shnlde. Tinhete fer PrineeRn Ida may he. miaintratars, Student Prefiles illastratiag their FULL SERVICE - FULL TIME, deportment at Nnrthrautesw lIlt- ebtained by tvlephune at 673- During the test scheol year the progress in the Bissic Skills areas soinUniversity. Combs bao Chorus members from 1mal 7300. Ticket peines ere SOliti and District received a grant to cfrcading,mathematica, oralami Our associates arohighly trJnedininarketlig techniques, i4ork written eommmsieatiOn. , directed several perfannancea furcosononities inclode Donald Lord 86lit. - initiate this prejeet and tu assist I-totd financing, taxation and valuation of all kindsof rea! estate. 940 Setter St. Chiragn Opera Theater. other dislricL in the Stete witk A few blocka fo Union Sqeare We believe thatknowledggof R.I Estate teimpoflanta Reten from $50-$65 doable -A nomber of area children will Oakton receives Creative but knowledge. combined with propertoolslo ma,ket Phone 415-885-6800 participate as performers in /NPA77ON PrinrenuIdo. Peor Deerfield andfi-tanceare imperative to soll in todaysmackeg brothers:Brian, Bradley, Eric, $100,000 Writiüg &/1/Z egíg t°4seue and Kevin Morris will appear as Toservice You bettera we havé affiliatedourselves with: training grant Workshop The newest attraction in major city Northwest Suburban Board of Realtors hotelssmall. delightfully reytored, Oaktun Cummanity Cellege The first reeutive ventingmark- Northwest Suburbénaaßpa. Multiple Listing Service GOLF MILL AlL... Parli Ridge beautifully appointed with antiques, was recently gratited $100,060 to ahap spensaredhl'the Northwest Chicago Board Multiple ListingService STARTS FRIDAY pruvide in-plant training fur Io- Center et Concern beganleeS exciting colors, OLD FASHIONED PRICES uuccesutsil that OHare Group Multiple Listingservice for comm)indust. Real Estate cheerfully decorated August 27th fulink Corporation 'nf North- March, andwae se THAT MAKE DINING OUT A REAL Patricia Leanoed Reusasked to spacious marble, chondeliered lobby, R break, accurdieg te Maureen in the tall of aaRRSO. Referral Service .- JOAN COLLINS PLEASURE...WE'AE HOLDING THE Turici,director cf 0CC lauch anstherit International MLS Services continental courtesy. warmth and charm. Services lcr 1982. The woeh0P, ta heheld Electronic Realty Association National and LINE ON THESE SPECIALS EVERY Eduratineal twa houes, traino Our own Uplush Room Cabaret" with "HOMEWORK" Basinens, Industry and Gaver- unce o week fac ERAa5 Sellers Security Plan (Guaranteed sales and equity advances) WEEK writerstovaporeeideasin (with interest up to 5% below nationally known stars entertaining. EVERYDAY Fondieg for the period at creative imagery andcleoity. The ERA5 Mortgage Partnership Plan 2:00,4:00,6:00,8:00,10:00 EanryWedneadey August 16, 1902 threugh June 30, unique appreach lelearned so prevailing rate) , Going egst or west?- nIl tOilai POyeRiba ifBeat niCh salad theeunìgmnenta a n 1903, was granted by the High quicklythat ERAa5 Sellers and Buyers ProtectionPlan (12 month home warranty) phone now for reservations. HELD OVER Impact Training Servicen f HITS) arma ta weinthemeelseu, and ( $5.95 .4.95 Pregram nf the Illieoin Depar- flor waiting isturned aet. IN ATLANTA burnt et Adult, Vacatiaeal and Enrollment seill begin Thurn- We SuN Residential. Cummércial andInvestment Real Estate "DINER" TenboicalEducatian. day, September 9,atad the Best r '"ijThiirndny 0CC will itas the fuodn ta asuist eluse, Thuesday,September t6, weekends Rotci I4ork EVERYDAY: Esn,y Monday Baal Licor with 0510es or asear Infebnk in training 50 Illinoislram2p.m.todPm Atsiiti000f Open weekdays 9 AM to 9 PM, 10 AM to 5 PM 2:00,4:00.6:00,8:00.10:00 chiscas PnvIgiisioItflSiIed, Choice of Posato residents, primarily engineeru, 540 fer the8-week waalauhep of any timo byappointment! 683 Peachtree St., N. E. Rail asd Botsar field engineering support alatI,ehnold he paid otthe liane of IR hiatoric mIdtown HELD OVER '2.95 '3.20 and aperations persuneel, who enrolment diroeUl' toMes. Lean- Retan from $39-44 doable R 551.4 Bnr'1.OR Eon. will be the nucleas - stall of Io- orli as the Center ofCessera in-a RESIDENTIAL DEPARTMENT Phone 404-874.9200 "ROAD taBak's expanding Norlhbeock nee.pmflt ergeoiaatiaO. speratiena. Enmy FridaY will he held 'so 951-6000 or 174-1900 WARRIOR" EnnreTnosdey Infaliek, has o facili)y in Nor- 'l'ho workshop sriafleeinl,h Mut SiCei, JumBu aIrINERI thbrook as weB an ace in SanSaite 4 of the 1580N. NOttIsorot EVERYDAY: 5i1i0,HeIland aiea, F,iad Ponh...uiihrataeaea, 2:00 4:00.6:00.8:00,10:00 Diego, Califarnia The cemprniyHighway Bedding,Poek-RidgO' COMMERCIALIINVESTMENTDEPARTMENT '2.25 ella floes, R395 designa, produces and marketuFor furtheriisfaeniOtiOn, please BARCAS PRICES.OLL T000TRS cam- datacollectionand celi 823- 967-0555 ALL EVERYDAY mwiicatiena syatenis. SEATS 'TIL 6,30 OROS JAKE'S RESTAURANT '1.75 Nies. IIiOIS 9oo MII WAU' F29ô-vv 7740 MILWAUKEE AVE. NILE I. SCHOOL 1800N MwaiÌoo'AVoflhlO 'a The Bygle, ThSlYd9Yr Aegeet r'92' - p5Err23

Your Ad Appears Your Ad Appears USE THE BUGLE In The Following Edilions - USE THE BUGLE In The FollowingEditiàns u- NILES BUGLE NILES BUGLE ADS MORTON GROVE BUGLE MORTON GROVE BUGLE SKOKIEILINCOLNW000 BUGLE ADS .sKOKIE!LINcOLNW000 BUGLE SPARK RIDGEIDES PLAINES BUGLE SPARK RIDGEIDES PLAINES BUGLE 9663900 GOLF-MILLIEAST MAINE BUGLE orn 966-3900 GOLF.MILLIEASTMAINEBUGLE APPLIANCES PETS HELP WANTED Meyteg washer N alee. dryer, mas. NICE PETS FOR -s vu eyed prir. gond cend.' 0250.05. ADOPTION PRESSMAN Eeperinnc ed pressmeyn ended fer us 965.1155 - 9151935 TO APPROVED HOMES 2 voler Snirme 30 in. 0105er prese, CEMENT WORK MUSICAL - 3.yeor'eld Whirlpool rnfrig. $250. Hrs i'5p,nm. 'lduysu wook. momrly 2 volur work, some 4 nolur cj.s. CLERK ALUMINUM . HANDYMAN SEWER SERVICE Rnouiving ooimuls 7-Sweukdays, pr Odem, . Locerud on Lake Michigeo CONCRETE INSTRUCTION old bor good washer b dryer. Detail minded persunrreeda d for this Soil rime pualtien. You will SIDING 047.7429 7'l Sotorday Er Svvduy. io ehe Heort tt The Froit Bols, Clotod all legai hvliduys. RATSON PRINTING deol wirt apdenlng. moinfaloing undoer ifyino edditiuns sed HANDYMAN Piene.Guirar.AocurdiutOrgan Et FLUSH SEWER SERVICE chenues made te the Cenmal informatien System, You will aise be CEMENT WORK Frea Estimate Sentes Harben, MI 4M22 C..p.smy Pae.IIeg Velue. Fri vat,iOstroc sinn, heme er KM'S ANIMAL SHELTER framed esebac k-up in the Casromer 5sF-inn Dnpurtmenr, ePlembleg ,eTdabTsdeO. Srio Call 61692E-0011 SUMMER *SAVINGS By PElAGIO CONS1RIIC11ON EIaotrix.I etodioClesslc Et popular music. apuno, fetog FURNITURE 2705 ArIinton Hts. Rd. epaetSiaio aoeadcor,tde s peciulizin g i nconcretet taira, per. Hue.&WaIITiIeleCaramIe Prior heok bvOkhcepin geupuriencerequiredan d CRT copuriende Or REMODEUNG u. WIssf Haue Yne ecarehEasUu starry Pançe Arlinoton Heights NEW ORLEANS ROORNO choc, guroge floory, driveways.. RIcHARD L GIANNONE I welnut ruin eire kuekcsse heed. good typing skills preferred. For moro information, pluose call: sidewalku. petiot, etc. In.id. ft OoaIde PaIndn 919.0810 SEAMLESS GUTTERS Gleeelew beerd wlbulit.iu light N frame. geodCanary std cege, 52,00. 965.9576, ALUMINUM SIDING In.eredeReededCFree Esde,.Ies teWailpepadeg 965-3281 l4OJaetes Ct cotd, $50.00 er bsssefler, 998.1957 91319.30 SOFEIT ft FASCIA Orgaeiee Clesetu Tree Rout. Ree,eeed 90719982 STORM WINDOWSIDOORS 860-5284 or 351-34M CALL ROY SKOIUE Loreua Ross AWNINGSISHUTTERS . 9550415 LOST & FOUND REPLACEMENT DOORS PAINTING TELEVISION - HENEGHAN Rich, The Handyman MISCELLANEOUS NORWOOD SIDINO e CONCRETE aLawn Main tenencu Curpentry SERVICE' Lost dog, AOg, 12, 6 kidn crying for ,LiidBANK Drlveways PuIles INTERIOR , INSTALLATION walke eEl actrice I Plon,blng Bosser n 5,1ev. Ali whr molo, bIb 4400 OAKTON STREET, SKOKIE, spain tingInter ierlecterier EXTERIOR PAINTING FOR AMWAY PRODUCTS collar, mod no, rnward,-647'8133 - . Gsragefloors fr Feundatlens TELEVISIONSERVICE eBuildint Meint enance Call 900.9463 -, FREE ESTIMATES 631-155 I naure U Ruasen. bin Rates Weilpupurine. wall weehixe, pieuter. S2,UOSeroiceCaii, Pares eotra, trum 9 am, to 4 p.es. 823-2619 FREE ESTIMATES iogfrdrywallrepaire. Clean OwaerMr. Sensacul Wuntnd te buy REOW. celer portable Work Mendoy tt,mo Friday COCKTAIL WAITRESS 9652114 profexuivoal work as affordable TIFFANY LAMPS. Closed AUTOS FOR SALE TELEPHONE SOLICITORS ALUMINUM SIDING prices . Local fradeoman. Esrimures TV's theteudtepuirs. restaorant. Mott sell many han. 11:00 AM, 5e 2:00 P.M. Moot be 21 yuuts or elder ED'S CONCRETE CIRCLE-I'S trout glodly any rime. Cali Jim Call from hocen for AMVETS lOther 500,0 Availehiol Fell or perO time SOFFrI' FASCIA 39-5229 or 432-9182 - dmnad esmalte d Slavo TIFFANY"73 POntiac Grand Saf,ri Wegon, S 35 Years Experience MAINTENANCE SERVICE O rennen uf: 68 huiars weekly.' Good 03.75 Per 900rTo Stars Applyin person ufter3:3S SEAMLESS GUTTERS Insu,ud,Sxnded LAMPS,5372192 cylinder, pow ereteerin g, power PLU MBING.ELECTRICAL ocnr9iissiecrs Cal between 912 Ad vence muot porenni CLASSIC BOWL AI1WOrk G .rfltOO d Free Eutlmute CARPENTRY-SEWER RODDING 966-1194 - i pr. holluwvvre. lieht odor wood, hrukev, power windows Cell Come In For Applicoelon ' - Monday Wwu Friday. Insured. Free Estimate C unerete tpeclalIsIt HE AT IN G ROO FIN G TREE & STUMP - tiidiflg dOOrs.fis opening 72".guod afror 5:30. 024.5051 NILES McDONALDS 8530 W.ukegan O5CONNOR SIDING AnythIng le Cenerete cond. 025,50 or bnvt offor. 9951957 546-4510 9655396 LIcEryseusIssOu - . MILW. b OAKTON-9659874 E47.9814 e' tS6lE2tefter7 pm INTERIOR fr EXTERIOR REMOVAL 1974 Z'25 Conmoro. 450tOeing ge&Dn F-nary Ulm,.' b Oa'sey F-s.c 955-9.9.52 SALESPEOPLE 0662312 Or 2741470 PAINTING engine, co, vend, New motor; 2 dr, Bank OpPortoniries Foil Or Partliore. FREE ESTIMATES SMALLEY'S - Avriqvn dow tpb V sink wituacets.'Cull eleer 5 pm or wknds, 905.4095 0150.00 or best Offer. 5491293 atm. . 50 00 Home Perot, Plan. RESIDONT9AL fr COMMERCIAL TELLERS High Earninse ,Gteet For TREE b STUMP REMOVAL 7pm Mvn..Fri. Att. item Sat.Er Cors $200! Trocks 01501 Availuhie 0e M ueher Or Sroduns, New MARK RASHKOW'S Fully lesured Sot 90519.952 Eepurienv e preferredbvr nor BLACK TOP FIREWOOD KITCHEN CABINETS 10001 900't volee Call Irntondublel Conypuny With Greet HOME SERVICE Free Estimeta 1.714.559.0241 ut,. 2185 fer direct' necessurY will tromn, 0229W.Desten orn thur shows You how 50 par. Ad ounce mutt Porenriel. Mont SF-toot moottnd iodh cabines. rich s FuilTima Positiens Be Good With People, McaYeeIi95ov. 470-1616 635-9319 enrique avid tini sh,plate gluvs phase, 24 ltrs. WHELAN PAVING SEASONED WOODGRAINING s Pert Time Pesino,, Anuil' Cull John 304.0575. OFUNCOLN WOOD MIXED A fraction et the cues ei refinlehint mirror 24"v31" overa Il. 000 00. 900. chi, Also er läminating. Give peor kitchen EXPERT 2542att. 6. 90919.10 New '82- Ford Escurt Eop'v Choose ydar Own heat, from the Eecavaun HARDWOOD cubi nereanu w richly graine d, oiled BUSINESS Resurlacing of driveways TUCKPOINTING and Mustangs. Yeur.end leilewing: MOVING SALE Priced to 6.11 weed finish. Painted or neF-l. Ne INTERIOR b EXTERIOR Modorn btosschan dniier with 0m. . SeaI oeaIl,.g. Fesohiog strippint, ne mes,. Muny wuod boI ovturo hades, 24'h" diam., evo. cluveuet prioes. plus rebate. Mundey ehrv Thareduy 2.Opm OPPORTUNITIES Edison Pork. AO9, 27 N 2. Fri. N PAINTING Friday 28pm Orruwa, FREE ESTIMATES 635-9319 noven. Uebelieoubl eresalts . Scm Fully usurad cnnd. 0125.00. 950.2542yt5. 6 super deals on used cars Sur,. 10-4.7524 N. 91519.05 Sasurdey7:3Banr'2:30Pw AMBITIOUS COUPLES TO RUN Hwerhold ynms. cloUt, 0e much orSo. 5I pie,. Cali Even. Free Eetimete FARRELL Sou, Fur the best deal. call: 4376291'or 298-1925 TUCKPOINTING Ron 235-8648 Dropnry Icostom model gcld.Ohivn, JOHN ILLG Mundey thrs Thursdey 5-6F-n home. 00 $25001mO, $565541 GARAGE DOOR buy lined, 142"vOt" long. 2 prb. Frid.y3Spm . . CHIMNEY REPAIR 470-9800 satvrduyl:30am2:tOpw DINOS CARPET CLEANING . FORMICA REFACING 52054" long. 0155.00. 290.5570 : REPAIRS CAULKING ' UNISEX HAIR SALON Wtxooerue ti reeeter er of oabinef INTERIOR b 91219.23 OFFICE SPACE WATERPROOPING Macday Ihm Friday 7.11.-n : AnnluaresrySpecial : Manual, EIecfrIc fr with furmice. New deere und HOT N FLAT ROOFING . TOUCH OF BEAUTY drawer fronte installed. Cheice uf EXTERIOR SPECIAL ON 2 FLAT COlvyial 3.iight ohundnlier, fiorai MOTORCYCLES FOR RENT Spudicl. Oar Mottle Huir. Remote Confral decorreted whiteless ahudus, an. Please nail: Colonos Oeoowae Durivltivu, : CARPET CLEANING weed grains N cole,t. Chulee el 30 736.7111 OttIca Pereeenel' NEW INSTALLATIONS designs. Chulee of bendice N PAINTING fl4.Z4l8Aee. Service tiqan brave fini h. 25,1" diam. Stroll of tour voms fOr tent, . any Shede to soir your skin FullserVlCsoar potcle.r,lng precentioe mein tenone e baler, hinges. Pleeeecuii for Free Estimate. Free Eesirnate Fully insored 0125.00. 96612542 aft. 6 91119.16 Yarnoha 80 dirt bike, Popo1. cvnd. 027.1181 Eiassld Rewl building. . tutu, professionally done by* 9041e.26 speolaliete. FressedemtW. follyIn. Winter. Steel, Weel or F,bergless HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER CailArt - oono.00. 635.6355 DES PLAINES 945-53go : etpnrt hair colorish NO volvO, corad. - Pool ehm, ev cond, 15 cons wlravk Er 2 °° itching,no smell non.: enuiluble. ReeIucement ef ,priñgs, 823.1012 8258023 NATIONAL BANK whIt,, seuflenels. boils. bridge bull tavk, plusticcvr. O ullcrgen:c, 8214097 S78 Lee Sfreet i SFsst for rbi. $i75lbest Offer, 9655556 OUT -OF STATE -:: eaeacueeaeae eeaaeae Expert Full Service ANTIQUES Dsspialsess,IL - Lese Price. LANDSCAPING PLUMBING REPOSSESSED SIGNINO DOWN .ugvm'rFedrnenetor.r Or REAL ESTATE Firsttimeapplication . UPHOLSTERY : : Carpet Cleasiing ProfonlecalWods ntsf 15 fur short heir I Ye.rWemuetyaN rento PAYMENTI Taku 00E-Pop MARK RASSIKOW'S 059.50 Per Month. 4' o 8' Flushing Fabulous MEROI'MAC needy 2xopervisvrs. 5 Acres COLORADO 54.9751560: VILLAGE PLUMBING AND . Permanents r15,90 and up MARK RASHKOW BUTCH'S LANDSCAPING PETE'SUPHOLSTERY Arrow Sign, Compiere wiryew DOLL TIMESTOYDOLL SHOW hero t oreOrUiean d truly domon. down. 105 paymenrs of 065, Finon. R SEWER SERVICE : Thin Spadiul guod ottli Sops, 25 W. Ds.s ReeoTiiiine cs.,emOeòsbs.rrfreeruu.. Svlbs fr Lntturs, Cosliff Sigot, Toll Sot,. Aag, 29, 9.4 strutOrs.., sullgifts.. Soy,, home ce choree 51,941. 5% lo terco y, Cell 6229W.Dempeter spewer RestoS Samp Pomps. hot weser heaters. Can*Farn15.r.e.b8rlOry' M Morton Grove 470-1016 Cen,plutn L,wfl If Garduv Care ei ectricbuwarr odding. sinks. Fr's i90i10. Ask About REPO, Kook CoonSy Fuir GroUnds, decor ot parry plat, COr. Pho te a nd Owour Och tinto. 800476-0090. Sprioe Cleary-Up lir.5 elanomac rualua murmure free% Rundoll 'tweun er, 64 0e 30 pureo play nopcniencefl000ssery, 4J5'l$lS droi nsotc lugged. uOtouaamaualredcreeF-st - - 1NO't teilers, loaseis 21' pool wllk.new 515er bond) Or st, Cheries. ill. Abo hiring dem00000aruro, Call FREE Ornurountal G Devorafive Gordens eaelodbçartsnastdrouary . ili000loon water prnssUrecurr cenete. Sup Rs.ous.oa 5 Soues. 000r 150 deolers ' 02 Ad-n, t040 Ncrlh Weehly Maintnnatce plius fur thu Da-l5-Yeureailer, Cure. 0000r, 5505,05, 635.6355 1805253-9077 Have a nice 3 FrOcs JERRY Fer tree a,amn.m.. eêdcm* b daa,.r. esa t0318'26 Beuos,Soldiurv00li5T0Y5 RENT BUTCH - piete plumbit gservicee Er supplice, ' 6357958 995-0310 275-4935 T' 'Ci on..Minin»Etc,. Etc., Eec, weekend! THE 'RUG oocioR" 9551755 - 2304W. Pastar, Chiugge WONDERFUL WORLD STEAM CARPEf CLEANER COURTLAND AT M!LWAUKEE OF WELCOME MARKR*S*SKOW'S GILBERT LANDSCAPING BICYCLES ARAGE HOME SERVICE Pewar Rekixu b Spring Cleanup UNIOIJE INTERIORS Greet new families moving Tree Trimming -Graos Cutting into your Own hometown, I,r- ensW' Den ROOFING OIS1N.cIakSL,cblicaile SALE \ p0 Moflan Grove 470'ISlS sod Coltivuning Custom-made Uphobstpey. Boy's 1g" Seers MX hike wish Work by appointment. SUMMER Cempiete Lundecaping Service Abb Work Gearanteed. training whuele, good cond. 030,00. Aug. 25 Er 29, iOam'Spm. 7201 Flexible hours. Permanent, uu5-c Wilson, MG 12 hike, S. uf Golf On SAVINGS Indontrial . Reeideoriel eeya 50% en labe, mte,g. jA UI. ed. Vwr 965.4576 95419.30 parttimejub. Must have car. CATCH BASINS b Commercial LOW COST Heriuml Koyak, watnr bud. srereo Er photo Oqoip.. pins poog tebie. like people and live in the 4599987 0,9654856 RECREATIONAL or Des & SEWERS 761-8787 - foro, N mach moro. MorsonGrove 8166 N.Milwaukee ROOFING Plaines area. Ccorpirte Qeelity Avelino Service VEHICLES Giganfic 3.Fun,ily GaruSe Sole. Avenue

- ROYAL WELCOME JOHN'S WRITTEN '53321v,treveltrouer.suif' Aagoaf 27, 20 Er29,9.5, 0273 FREE ESTIMATE WINDOW 566-0520 GOODmL SEWER SERVICE - HANDYMAN cvtroined, Lvooriuosl Nsourertd, Oe.oum, Siles, 1.000FF WASHING Air cond. Too many corros ro 1100. Sept 16,1862 966-9222 GLENVIEW IO THE AREA. Lobe N PART TIME ANY PIZZA Oakton & Milwaukee, Nibs Orig. 011,000, sac, 17.500, 527.2336 Pfingsten, Ail nne, Arts N Crafts, OR DELIVERY CWpenIIyPnthgRepS1I NEW ROOFIÑG WINDOW WASHING SU eohibifnre'ptivnd 51,90-465W. nona SECRETARY WANTED 6864889 Apeche fuld.down toildseorecum' MUST BE MENTIONED OVER PHONE fr Remode1ngEIeClIicSrSwI AND REPAIRS Reeidential Et Commercial hiuhnr. Set, only Aus, 20,10.S:35, Experience preferred. ONE COUPON PER ORDER Veo, Neighborhood Sewer Man FREE ESTIMATES ptr. Situps B. G ovren gr. sink, B1o* WÌidow. All Woel Guarantaad. iceheo, 2.sp esdoun tilotot. single Typing and plating phone NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER COUPON MARK RASHKOW'S YARD SALE A000rteddestinS, Akimlitum Stono Windows Insured. Fi.. Estimates LP took, 57,505,00 or hast offor. 649' 5.27 Er 28, 10.4. calls required. Call Cathy - ,,lO HOME SERVICE 1293 eft, 7pm Mon,.Fri, Als, 100m toys. miso, ifems, Out NEW "1100 10X05" GUARANTEE HOT DELIVERP en_ Icete6.&ce OCONNOR ROOFING 1729 Lareosaâets, Chovistu. 555150 7758079 FREE EST. - INSURED 6229 W. Dempster ser, Er Son. 90615902 t J CeO ART 8252023 965-3077 Morton Grove 470-1616 :;! tt ','.'tft,th,n;Ct' MtU dT - , . flM BU1MpThUfld8Y1 A.gt26, 1982 Page 2$ - m&saie;mariiay, AaguM2S, IS2 LEGAL NOTICE ,-- LEGAL NOTICE - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Continuedfrom.Page24 EUASOEIIIEV .1 31190101 IUSSO,AVIS.IV. I 09115109 F .1.195.1 EGALESANISI A EACALSIM.. ENZ.A0, GARDES NAY I 6 AO

mEN Wili EASUER AS PR 3 98 , 1W88Th4F29 .499; 888 81f E I #8 Att AND 89.8 1 9" $. 683 9" $83 75 r $897 ,$L0.0J ILLINOIS D.pi tRf8@b1, $5,866.00; 901800 P0o1o0 Fooa, ,zo.su, C.M9LESEOU IP.MENC0.,%S 50.30,CHAOLOSCIOEL,1I ,S0.40, ILLIND1SN*013301 $661 0 00 85 56 0'O $865 08 00 ,. $3138 09800783. $7661

0003ThmOr 0898 Bd 88 0., 87 0F DEPOSIT. 608 SAVInGS 800 W80S Wt0 FOOd, $96,7J.1.00; p7877, iNC. .11:11 2.10, CHICAG000AROASSN.!SIO 0.0 0uU IN0S90033:IES .$I,79.5S. 1130'LOU0LNES0300HINES 00 $687 00 00 $ I 0 00 $3 5603 $336635 060007 $656 75

11 90097 FmTh 01 &0 ( 00 N8,666.00; 00118000 P001tS, $35,762.00; C00,tP30 . 6000000,I23ê.04, CIAR000 D DARLOWCO.,IOfl .05 .I 6*02 LOBERO. 1050.00.I 0000.600SS 6239.11 0.00; 00000 .300,000, 0000000* ROMAN 90. , Lt0.SLB.00. CLAUDE B00E0010010 0000S00, $1 .90L.00 J000UTO'OTIVE ,$4,078.90. J. 735,507.00; 0000010 L 100! - . 000100000 P.5I0.312.95, J.M. IVE0S 30.060.00, J.fl. $1 672.00; 109000 1, 0000$ , $26,925.00; I;oo0,,,0I, .s0ÇTE E0,0.00. CLE0000EI003 $B0.64 CLOW OWE0390CI000NV $43,554 .70, J0035RA Ölt ,S21 .604.33, JACK :c995. $;6,330.00; M0[!000871 OOt&0200,' 000,! p&0100 I0. $j 562,. 000PoRArToN.s006.so. 000rosunoN CE.,116331.5, COAl. BELTFA0000UA00000 ,AI.708.5A C ALEXIA TE ENATEON*LLTD. eR*NET.$31.44. JACKUE NOELL,S1E0.00 JAMAl CANOA NOENS, Oli .00..9. t0t0000000T .0. $661,291 00; Ik?pl0A!A 00CI'.A , C OMAOSWEALTEE OIS NS.s6g.A2.JANE S,$AN,ANA.3N, JAMESC . EEN,t1.INI.NX, $60,509.00; F 00E0!N0FE000 'FAX 800KO, .$13029.00; 9. ,!j0,S8A5 .00 CALAR TE1600..SASA .S1 VARES NAÑK,SZA,24A.SE, JAMES OAHNflL ,5L4.IE, JIMENA. OAF 0.080, 9,.XIAAFXXA . $705.00; CpYAOAI)OOE1000EE . SN, N40,O1. 930 MONOE ALTHEFI090,I1I1.30? . 1.0, C1NPIT NLAfl 8533 1 3. 8 0 $8558 EN 7 O 0k $83 .012 $953 £1 j AO $9 46 AFt *A6SNE.IA, JAMEENA SOTK,AZN, 119.56. JAONS0000IK,SL02.S9, $2,326.00; Poj $79-050-AUX' 800ACF&0000 ENd FOAOOAOA, COEEI'E'S ,1A2'.OG, 0L100XCT ,25C.iC, C. PASUXPLYCfl., JAMES P.000LISO,EI7N.AA, JANES SCHE302 ER,E22,AOC.05, $36,617.00; Pooj.#19-0560-OEth 2ANCAX O NAbAb. .$03,682.00; ANC.,E210.50. OC,(EIILELICTAIC9C MOO,?, flO,1C. '9, JAMOS NC000EOER,104.00, JAMOS 51045039 .29. JANESU El S,, fr03 #79-0500-1MM 0020F000003, $1,895.00; Pool#19-0567- CCEflNAOC 00901, 0U,.,AIC N.'5, 100;,r.7 A9 0091FILL., 00 $6 87323337 8 68 6 NA '.1 ES 00 $577 OF $ 63 El $335 CF $96 80000K 000E 000p!tMFEAFi0AE . $080.00; ROAd F,od-000&1 51000059 .,IX,300.30. 7 A000AN101,E0, S;0..JO, OXI'SL JEFFE EVUAYNEAOAXE .S17,AI7.00, JENSISCSCH. 0002151. 0100N10'U',EaO ,170.fl. SCAI'1.90 O.1TUÇ. RIPIO 053.,?, ANC..EIA.714.NZ. JERR0199ETM,Efl. 00.02. JAR29900LIC,A , - 0000FAO 00CCOEOOA- 0003, $32,919.00; FlEO 70008AAA,,-flpp 1600.00, JIPIO P.0 0150EV EI , A00.00, JERNYSIHU0000, CASINO,, $1,250.00; 0011E0IE100 00,0E 10,0001 ,$65,973.00; OARLE.39. 1 PIALO , SI 1, AJ0.OA, 1)001 '209,09CflL'. L t; .0 , AO AO 00 $5 7 OX $66 9216 0980, $6799 95 20000 ASO 0t ÙOH'IILOOC.CR j L.;OJ]iIO P f00,05 .LOLfl2E 0 S1.140.75, J010 0001000 901101 ICS..A100,040.09; J071 $095,066.00. MOTOR FOOL A0N0 - AOSOO Fool Too 04000 XO0,j3,çs. 1.25 P J. CAbMAN .E2ZO.00, J0051IESAIK .SAO,400.01, J0135101100 o $305,163.00; 00111Es t 1000MO, $12,012.00. 000210 5871!,: ,UI000N.E32,oS3 . o, bILOCO o 9!KSi0PJ , i I 10.05, 0900000 E. I EINSOANSILO ,AV,212.5H. 0II0;073005. IV N LIIOIL JILl 6 11ON $31 5 Am 8 857 0 011S0001VI- S1K,SLCÌ.11. OFP0000711 20 0ol;!JI ,A.flO.'L!.IAAO_Oa. J 000MO 0000LI. A11,.00 .91.JUHN 0057ES. - SAlA Of IMOSAPOd lEPO, $1,167.00; I0101EAIOA1109, 02 $9 I $56 9 $1,869,099.00. 201,000 PENSION FINO - NO p1091E9001FO- j 005IMP AbC.)? II110N1010000IN 0.21, 91010F 13M O. J OMNOPOESOAL ,EIl,001.2N, 3100 0. ETA,Jl.,E19.05S.23L 100100A. $95,006.00; D000JE0OA. $00,703.00; Op500100 EA1 2.05. 9! SOPVEO 110.05; SIVONI010# 1 25110009 502.0,.J OHS010SS01900 000000,5121.M1, J OHNJ500L& ,E12.05. JOHN'S 165109 IECOI0101.10,0E1.00, j OLIFTJI0A OSC3LLO.10, $308,601.00; 9,90,0 01,01 TOO, $6,026.08. 08890 P921*0; OlLO 5000100001001 .50, 031,07112 .9 151J9,fl0 ,7ZA.50, Co $609 8 AMPEl AN FO NO $1161 $6739 $67,651.00; MAO OE0EAE0IrAA , $3,872.00. ORAN» 10900,:, on. 395090000,:100: E4Sa.lO,L0iV9S . JOSE PHOALK OVAIZ.01 .011.80. J OSEP#J.fl0 HI, ALO. 1;3.,0, - $316,154.80. SPECIAL 0SSEO94001 FONO - o $6,020. 'AIA 0. 00,0UIE'ACOCSFEVIM 2,X22,89, OL!OLE80080) NISOILJOSOPH -L. P2100SI,E1 5,110.13, JOS000LU281 0 00OlAI0, 1010FEA10000100 J 00 IOASE1IIX,OSE $669.10. 10980 12101, .01RA ,t21.SL, 08100081E NN,A971.55 ,F. F. PA 85515. IOC.,SAIO .30, JU011HOAYEL1001 ,S050.00, JUDO 104900100 o-. - . 11,9X890, O AEIIE'lIIlE%PAI E,fl.00.SN, OISIPN'10180980$1 0,010.MF, K-0000000FNST I 0811,X94 0.00, 1166 UOAFOFOS6 $6,691.00.00880 10186 - ALI. 0X0040: $9.999.2;.00.

9 OX $7 5 9 8 6 $15 s 6 9) N 000101019IA , $0,000.00; ( Foot 9 Sol,oI10I100 60 pO U0081021,ENSA.AS, EOWAE9- 2U110LT,E0I .00, 10UA11'ALE1988EI N,Al1.19, I EIIE1010ROUSSO .N-101.1F, CEO1 00108 NILES;

- ASO..SA ,VIV.17, KEVIN 000fl,011,4VN.11, 03 PLINIO F- ASOCIO. C.pOtA. $11,350.00; 101AMEA110000F .$1,350.00; 900k SERVAGE .SV11.00, ADIAR o 00C.1321.53, $5 567.00. E ILF0NPVOCF ,SZSN.00. RLIISCOIIIUOF0000LLEIF , E0N.01. E011AE,EIA.00, ILEOSNUENERY .S1,01S.10, KNOPF SHOES, 001Es, $1,016.00; PVIOEIO290000000flV000C. ALLORO S101PFFR0EVV ,VON.MN, E LVOV01E00 ,I.EVN.IEI.La, PIAFEN .054.NM, K OHL'90009 -51081 F 100 SIA_aV. 0031115-31CL, at OpalIn 10120,8119,525.00. F0111 ON lIlAO 100 0000qINI;I'IL: lo $558 10$ LV $9 9 $205,000.00.T2OCL $269 Ii;. .00. ASV,IEI.00, lIbEllISPVR0S.,.91.II: 'VISTOS LIF LA1S' AaAaro0V0IN1.,EVH3 .5E, LIPSPIIER A


D S 1Nc..soo;oo.o1ExOSb0RbMb04.7hh;5010, HAI telL CC'PAS,EV?V.00, , FlORAL 100E 1101111,X1 ,AAO.IN, LINSKILFAN ,SOAV.2S,21951000 7.AE,A5I.VE .0. 95701010,

E_I GOP 17Hl6F0GMS,09O,855:11;0o9Co2E

S 6 2$AMo$ L

E N" ¡El A, 110JAEII2LO, : INUNDO O. 194,09. 0102ES S 0291 OaL,ANO 1.15,

0101 II, OOAV00010I0110S IIMMCI,XNN.0I, #a0L711 PAISCoFI H.,000,000.V9, 908100 1lO0M070C5H 753,

A A y 51,541.21, 1. E.HACC,;IAE:NM: GALE RESEARCH CO., cenunuedEnPageSI . C. U. dO8saoa..V.IA.IO, C. W. JflHNSON ,ICC:, S24N.OV, I 0L9P309R .001,231.92, ILL. M HLLIFLOPH9'O1 CV:.IHO.I1. ContinuedonPage2s The Bagle,.Thlosd.yAugsmot 24.108k ,' PageZTr.0

P21' Bertini appointsr . - School MGBoard.. Cnntinned frum MG P.1 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IFrom the LEFT HAND One village ordinance that has ce committee, "it's nut that ourcampaign aides eflrOlhflent... CoutthaedfromPage 1 enpenditures have gune sp that Continuedfrom Page2 shown an immediate dIce- Coatinuedirom Page 3 tiveneus cuncerns false alarms, much, hut oar revenues haveand mañager their students, which has resaltadsaid the "earing" the teachers 555e duma due to the economy." In pârenta sending their childrenenpresa, making each child feelThere has been a 32% reductlun Cathy Bertini, Republican can- finns expect the 3 Maine htgh. in alarms in the 6 muuth period Sales tas income hou declined, schools tu have a 6,150 populatton to Breheuf. She said, "We're lu-'Important, Is gsud reassn for didate fur Congress frum the Nm- since the law placing fines ou fur example, and au Trusteeth District of fllinuis, today as- senviCE,$ôS.bO, THeAURORAHIST .MUSEUM, by 198687. Store past projections terested in children", whichparents canstdering a private Sneider illastrated, last year the THEALLENCARPET seeusssuhonic. Bntttmaybetheschusleducattuss, false alarma has been-enacted, sousced the appointment of a forcasted about 3,5010 ntudenta In according teTrustee Cashnoan. village received nolhing fromcampaign manager and three _ eachofthe 4Maine high schools it must Important attrihute private building permits, whereas in 0/20)02 schools have to offer, At St, Juha Lutheran school in Also at the August 23 village argauicalinsalexperf-T. tu expected a second high school heard meeting, Trustee Richard previnus years they have seen as will be cloaedbefsre 1*. NUes enrullment fu down but it is much as $lOO,fOO from these Sister Rita told us they alsolikely due tu inner pruhfems InHeIss explained thaI the village Schaul's sign... has decided-that rather than licemes. have IO familles frum St, Jetesthe school.But even though While bulk Hilhin and Zolek Nimrod petition...Contbnsrd from NIIes-E.MehMePg. In Incul parochial elementary Lutheran attending Breheuf thisstudent pnpulatisn bas beenpassing a $6 million hand lasse to Schaut's, which nwns theschools St, John Breheof showt aileviate finoduisg problems, they complained abost the near _ Contlrniedfrom Pagel year,..She also cited 6 to 8 Greekhalved thIs year une heard uf Suburban Cigarette prupertyauinereoseframi0intudentala5t. director at the school cited thewsuld cumbal the problem area deadline release uf appropriation yeartu621studentuforthe'2-'83 Orthudno families are :nefld05g ligares, village beard members Morton Grove resident Sheldon alongsideitspsultry meat theírrliildrentuffreheuf. higher level st achievement andby area, ming regular village market store property, will nub-year. the more dlseipliue the schoolworkers. were udamanl that the public is Marcus filed an objeotion to the encouraged to become involved Nimrod petition.During an divide 12 feet tsenable the Schaut Beth Brehouf and Our Lady nfdemands which has led parents tu Su far they have spent over property to cnnfnrsu with the sign Principal Sister Therese repor- $4,908.47 fur four separate es- in the budget process au early as August 16 hearing by the Cook Bassum have enrollment in-eurulling their children here in May. The trastees urged residen' ordinance. Tise new sign wilt he . tu Our Lady uf Ransum expects a eavatiuns.- According lu Hoto, Coosly Election Board to rule on creases this year,And bathrecentyearu. ta to participale in any commit- placed at the sooth end of its . 35 student increase over last year area residente expressed their Marcus' objection Chicago attor' schools have very successful pre- teemeelings and tu attend village fey Frank Londing, representing property. totaling 594 atudents. This year acheul programs fur 3 and 4 year At Our Lady nf Ransom prao-approval of his line uf attack at a NUes has a Sign Board uf Ap'the school will operate a pre- bipaI Sister Therese said the at-recent cuismounity meeting. board meetings which are held Marcus, Was not allowed to oldu. Sister Rita said this year's . the 2nd aod 4th Mondays of each present evidence alleging fraud peals which regulates the signschool for 40 chIldren wha are 'w- kindergarten classes have gunetraction tu the Ramum school is Trastee Gregg Yuustra has Toeluded in this year's enrallmeut asked that residente who are able month. - in N$mrod's petitions. placements in the village. up from 42 to 53 students; moot ofbecame "we have a guud thing In other business, Bernard After the board ruled in favor prevent "sign pullution" signsfigure. them.cuioing from the pre-schmlgoing". She added, "They lunecnnuider dnnaling blood the lot must conform to regulations Thursday nf the month. He said Saltnharg, Development Director of Nimrod political observerp program.And she said unly 1as", She explained they have an and Founder uf Ike Orchard Bertini, 32, a resident uf the queslioned the parlisan make'np which are based on the total Notre Dame High School's family from last year's kin-interesting program and a goadMurtas Grove is the only North enrullment is heading up again Shore vifiage which couducta a Association fer the Retarded, ad-Lincoln Park orso is Chicago, is $50. 00; UMfl 001 of the electoral board. The three. number of frontage feet on the dergarten did not register theirfaculty.While she cited the OUrBUMU MEFIlM» AULE: L. , monthly blood drive. dressed the Board fur fonduos leave from Container Cor- $200. AU; U. U000(00 ,$50. OU. U ROUI) OOMTAI ,:.$300. OU. consistoof land where the signs are placed. after diminishing enrollments school ates has a new learning member board child in flrstgradethiu pear. neededtosperate Orchard poratius nl America, where she is Democratic Cook County Slates Schaut'sisremovingitsdaring the 70's.This year there center with a cumputer center lu- Mayor Richard Flickinger has present sign which now occupies are 315 freshmen, 328 sophomores, proclaimed the week of Septem' Village.He enptained that hisManager nf Stale and Local 0(, ]0ENMOI EIt1@T oo. (b.,.M2L.ULL5, Allorney Richard Daley, In SkokietheSslemnneluded, and a large library $]L.00(.OL; ose space is its parking lot. 208 juniors and 299 seniors for a Schnal'sfacility, she didn't think the ad-ber 11 through Seplemher 18 as group bas hace kurt by majorPublic Affairs. The Ninth SlUÌUVO:,L0. 009,200.00; Democratic Cook Counly Clerk ScheehterJewish cutbacks in state sod federalDistrictllen partly in Chicago and UMo00J !'(!1, $]l! 000.00; V I0:U&)O Stanley Kooper and Democratic Is other actions, $1,000,000 of1,225 total. Last year student enruilmeut has increased fromditiönal facilities wereLeague ufWomen Vulers Week. GUMMI) tmenl, far example, receives the fasdiug, and that since 1979 theypartly iii ils northern suburbs. 020i Indo. 1000. *29,21)95. J000J.:$216,Oi}:.(L. Jodgo Eogene L. Warhowski. industrial revenue bonds forpopulation was 1,190. It's Inwent MOtu S7lstudents thluyear, Mrs.motivating parents sending enrollment was in the 'yll-'79 year lowest wagm uf any ueighhoring have received nu increase in per The Bertini campaign $1 . 11E. Ç))P, Allornoy Londing saod on w.w. Graisger, 7300 Melvina, children there. OU?MiRLAr I.Iii UI: nOI IO PAUlO ?:MUO Cfl.,, Glass, the eduratinn directsr, diem for programming from theheadquarters are localed in ¿rl):,. $200mo; (0E))) 2I:b:ILl)i wilt be heard by were approved.Grainger hadwhen there were 994 students. lu village. n )) 0000 Tuesday thec000 said the 1 year old school started Zolek still pointed to the need state. Evanston. UUU, $33,207.60; U th,b,rLO@,)p . 00E ..$.05,909.l)0; Judge Joseph Schneider, received prior approval for a dif-'79-80 it moved up lo 1,037 and m with only a kindergarten clam 6 Despite the doing of Jefferson 0 'OdthrSU ,,C:,,),t0(),000 r...... 006,750.06; Lro.UE rodrr LE) , '8tk'll itwas 1,075. fur vacations without pay fur He kaskeenpetitioning Appoinfed campaign manager - It school duma Ike street from Ran- $$,L15,75; FU:;t MMO'O 000k :rE 0Uot©6rM .$;3;,Jr)rO.1.5; Presiding Joidge of the County ferest address (building). years agu but now has K-6 grades village employees, such as he had villages in the lownuhip and haswas Virginia Berg, uf lt. Pant, G2o:0p,: ,)Ir)0L, U,,. ,$6 00.1:2 ,!&}IEttflU Or.. Division, on September t.Loo. requested the okay fer the new aswett asamiotofle school. sum, only sue family kas Iran- 0rUor O.r,]).. jmt euperienced in the private received muney from the town-Minnesota, a political eupert with . $35,779.J; T.rO U];0NMt;UoOUr,k ,$2U.UU ding said Democratic Jodge address is their complex. Notre Dame's peak year was in uferredthelrckildts Ransom, sector. Village Attorney Martin skip itaeli.Sallzharg eoplainedextensive 'fundraising and rom- $50290.25: TOO&,)rOE-S0t rE 11) !)010 ,$2,202.20; Schneideris knows to role Noies wjll joon woth fellow-'g3_'g4 when there were 1,543 Mes, Glass, whu said tuitiuu .OrrUO,),OrU(.,:r.Er)ÌF $05956.60; U I,).: rl...,: Ashmas explained, however, that that O of his home's 56 rmideuts poigs management experience. U 27th)'.00 )0 suburbsintheNorthweststudents.The first year the The pre.uchuol program, with AspI; MOtOr Or ,$69f .60. I; RUOlI '100010 $1,06.102.21. quickly on such cosen and may ¡s$2,500 a year, said a suhutautial when a private corpuration lays have Murtos Grove families. Ms. Berg has managed three in Municipal Coancil Solid Waste 41 students, has been very suc- pass judgmeot on the day it school held graduation, 1958-59, srhnlarship program eases the off empinyees, it can also rut On an optimistic economiclegislative campaigns and in 19110 heard. Task Council for stuotyong landfill enrollment was 1,424. financial burdenfor manyremfod. Asid the 60-student kin- "l',rlllrrlr hack un production."A local note, steps are being taken tanerved au finance director and $30 (:6; ;rirr,lor_:rrL Errijil ll,rir..025,rl U; Commentiog on what he expec- oeedo fer the future.Approval dergartenindicates .further FS011)O r.rIr,) 10:, 02 6,0111,. $2.020,06. 0,0050 J;U$l.r familles. She said the persunal village is not like a private cor- make mortgage money availableassistant campaign masager for was for a manisuufls contribution . . enrollment increases in the $35,192.62. I.e the outcome of Ike cose will br In Noles Townuhop high schools attentisn the ntudent receives, . poratiun; We cannot reduce ser. for first time home buyers.At'a Republican Congressional ran- of $5,000 wilh $2,500 as a Gal fee comIng years. This year, Sister Landing said,"I think Judge Nifes West will have 2,150 and with a 10:1 student-teacher catin, vices - we have a level of service torney Aubman said that Cookdidate in Mbsuesota. Schneider will reoerse Ike (elec- and the balance based on theNotes North enrollment will he is important motivatiun for sen-Therese said the school will ha in Marion Gruye which is well County is hoping tu release Appointed field manager was $06981,09; O. flOrrrflSU, $2, 196.00; U. llir,rrU, toral) hoord aod send it book.,." sosulation of Nues, which pays upenlng a Boicot first grade. 1,900 for a total of 4,111, down ding children to her school. She federal mortgage revenue hondo, - $5,507.]2; Il;M0000- O tMt@rll OOlIr101,, 000,00; 2. 01,12:0. 'proportionally to other towns' husmo tu ha nutatanding." Jomen D. Ysung, 23 of Wilmelte, $1,01. 20;'MIrO OUI00000020 1100k r $12 .:5.200)10 IUT$l.: for o re-hearing. 9.7% from last year. He iilmlraled thaI when prices by petitioning ils communities towho will be responsible for population. $92379.06. _ are raised, consumers canselec- cede lbeir handing righis for 1982 organining and directing cam-

. was September 11-18 Student population peaked at tively cut hack on purchases, fin' to the country. paugn organisations throughout Tax Levy... . designated au League of Womeo on the '09-7f year.In 1955 GOP candidate blasts This would enable the releasethe District. A member uf the Voter's Week in Niles, a saluto tu ding ways to save, bui people Continaed from Nllrs-E.Maine Pg.I s)sdenl enrollment was 1,800. It cannot get alung with a cut hoch of murtgage funds fur those whucampaign staff for Jobs Porter in the Morton Grove-Niles group inincreased an average of 10% per Democrats on Nimrod.ruling in village services, such as fire have not owned a property in thelotO, Young has served as staff Sanitary District got 7.98%, our communities. year until 1970 with o 33% m- and police protectiun and gar- laslthree years. The foods wouldassistant fur Congressman Por- Maine Township received 1.21% ....Masager Scheel reported crease during the 1950 year. Jubo M. Tnmliu, Repahlicau freeofthe yoke of Stanley Kasper kage collection. apply ta homes which are lesster until his recent appointissent. and the mosquito ahatemeot ser' sales lax refunds for May wereBeginning in 1970 the decrease Trustee Joan DecIserO poloIst than $73,800 fur a sew unit, and (Thirty-nine percent uf the new vices got .19% of the total real $352,000, received in August candidate fur Cook Cuanty Clerk who plays the triple role of averaged 3% per year until 1975, called Stanley Kasper's decisionprosecutor, Judge and jury underoat that in Ike S years she's beco $04,170 for au existing home,Ninth Districl was in Purler's estate tax pie. .me ETA anunutsced NutenLast yearwas the largest amsual trustee's although a hill is in the works to bus drivers were awarded Safe denyIng a challenge tu Sen. Johncurrent election laws," Tomlis ou the board, district in 1580.) Amnng 24 north and sortbweot decrease, diminishong 11% for Nlsurud's TIP Party petitium amid. remuneration has never bees raise those ceilings te $90,311 and Appointed Manager of Special suburbs, Rites had the 3rd lowest Driving Awards for the pastyeñr. Thou year the ....Clairifiedthefinancialthe 'Il-82 year. blatant ahuse uf the electuraf "This decision is aunther in a raised. She wished the public to $7843f respectively. Interest Groups wao Sue Leonis tan levy.Niles .529 municipal decrease is 9.7%.A 7,7% os recugnine that they were not Ashman said he wanis to cnn- ofGlenview. Leesis was director's functions.he will he process. lung series uf unjust decisions by rate was the same as Des projected for next year, 4,3% fur "I am campaigning fur a trulyKasper,designedtofavor vuting themselvesa5% hike. suIt with accomtanis Benjoissisassistanttothecampaign Plaines, whose assessed allowed to make purchases under and 3.2% decrease for '85- According to Trustee Lewis manager in the campaign of Approval of the manager'8-' independent suburban electionDemocrats over Republicans in ,and Lang before bringing bis valuation almost dnubles Nues. $500. Republican Greenberg, who chairs 1kb finas-recommendatios to the board. Dave O'Ncal, former lieutenant Gleoview has a .620 tax cate, Lin- and director is necessary if pur- hoardtu seme the interests uf the suburbswhere The 1992 projection has total' saburha, nut the requIrements nfmajurities are being deprived of governor, for the U.S. Senate io cotnwood, .809, Skokie, 1.235 rate, chases are from $500-$4,000. Over . 1980 snot has been active in nther $4,loopurchases oeatedkidu mustsludent population estimated at the ChlcagoDemucrat machine," their right to free and fair eIer- Park Ridge, 1.29$, MorIon Grove 2,504. Rueckert calls for congresoionalcampaigss. a 1.431 tau levy rate andthe he received by the village. Tomilumid. tiosu," Tumlin charged. "Kmper has thumbed his nose "We need and mast huye, an Atan Gold of Chicago wifi assist highest levied town, Evanston, pe:tk election board far suburbao Senior Citizens Protection Act in the field.He has enlemive had a 2.784 rate per $100 assessed CarlKohleldt,8240Health Series... again at the Republican voters of organizational experience in valuation during the 1981 year. Lyons, fur a side yard variation the 28th Diotrict,who chose Bobareashe saine as Chicago has an Coat'd fromSkokle-L'WOOd PI Kustra over Sen. Nimrod by aelection board for the City.It is 50th district GOt' candidate for ly enpogusst since they involve un Chicago. He was Ninth District A large part nf the total levy, from5 feetto 2½teet. Stato Rspeesentative, Tom Rum' sci against those who uro leastcoordinalor in the 19ff Anderson SenttoZoningBoard nearly two to one margin. Yet, ridicofuss for a partisan, Chicago 42.25% is osed for pession tundo, p.m. On Weduesday, September Democrat ruuuhsg for election oubeet, has called tee the esuctsonnl able to defend themselves. for President campaign. petition from the estate of Elvina . 15, at the Lineoluweod -Vdlage here we see Kasper denying the a total of $550,000 of Ihe $2,012,000 apaitisan slate lu bave the powerof u "Senior Citizen Protection "The hind nl pornos who tabes levy. C. YehI, deceased, requesting Hall, f918 N. Reeler ave., Lin- challenge ou the flimsy pretest Ast," to dete.e crimos of violenceudvanlage of the elderly md The tao levy is determined by variations within R2 for 7802 coinwond.It is coordinated by that NImrOd did not have enough tu decide Suburban electioss." influa can only be deucribed ) specifics to prepare an adequate "Kasper should, at the veryoguisst the elderly. Nues Township thevillageappropriation, Oakton st. property for Lota Michael G. Feinzimer, M.D., In- least, have the decency to as morally reprehensible,"Raec. revenuewhichthevillage and 51fora single familytersist,ContinuingMedical defense." Rsecherl said thut the Illinoisbeet sold. "That hind ai orinuua.l residence with side yard and "Whm my plan, embudied isadisqualily himself sisee bis name harsh September receives leso property tases and Education Director, SI. Francis is un the ballot upen which he isGeneral Assembly should adopt is surely deserving of s for espesditureo anticipated for hack yard variations. Hospital. Fotoce programs will bill to be introduced in the Legislature, becomes law, thenruling". legislation similar Io that which the coming year. ....Msoager Scheel's commit-iuclude topics such as:Heart kas been introduced in nine other and unly then will the suburbs be Ruechert nIno sold that a study meeting tee was given authority to act on Disease and Cardiovascular Fit- sIales,soakingforudditiosol aeceptauce of bids for a 15 inrh Stress, Your Emotions and mundatory prison penalties lar of elderly victimization conducted Tke September "First LWV drive... sasitary sewer su GreenwoodVoscHeslth;Fitnessand about crimes committed aguinut pee. bythe Floridu Burnuo of Criminal Tuesday" meeting of the NTRRO Ave. from Ballard lo North Ave. Health; and Nutrition. Thebest person to see suns 60 years of age orolder. Justice Planning, recommended s will feature the state cononittee Cont'd from Nlleu-E.Malne P.1 Bids included Sanlucci Brou, ,sj programs are open to the your LIFEINSURANCEmay be Senior Citizen Protection Act and precinct training materials and $543,775.75 ; Jus.LoVerde, puhlic free ofcharge. projected Ihnt it would sshstsn' the wisdom of our precinct per- sod sobones the political process home and healthagent! Rnucheñ said that the elderly holly duisr crimea against senior sonuel. through iovolvementislocal, $522,090; Marconi, $575,421. your car, See or call: aro the moot frequentVictimo of citizem. The session will start at 8 p.m. stole und national issues. lt strong 00m rubbery (muggings), al athe Skukie V.F.W., 7406 Lin- supports memores lo RumbeE sold 11ml if nest to the aotivsly paesesuntcbuisg, pickpochetisg colis, Ihokie, IL 00076. protect the environmoot, essora You deserve a and crinsinul fraud. He said that GeneralAssemblyhewould A pre'moeting "Meet the Cn. voliug rights and promote fuir since many senior eitiaess ace introduce legislotion thst would LWV iscurrently Bill Southern impeoo an additional sue to five dilates Session" will start al 7 housing. break today® dependent upon Ilseot incomes, p.m. begioning a major studyou 7942 AKTON STREET the crimes huye n dispropertion- year sostenes is run musmutise "National Security Policy" which NILES, ILLINOIS 60648 ably severe impact upon them. is the seiginul sentones impeucd for the schuss of nasault, buttery, was adopted for study at the McDonaId 698-2355 - TAKE A BITE OU'? OF recentnationalconventionin . Ruochert, un alforsooy, und 19 rnhhary, burglary, larceny, ans. Houston. I® Lfkr a goml srluhficr. Sicic For'sIi ihr,e. year criminal investigator far the aol armait or eeiminal head, _ D. flOhs, 00.97, ESMÌSOSSMAS I16041 3.OIMOEI 00, SOSO. Give yourself a present and get STATE FARMUPE INSURANCECOMPANY State uf Itlinuis, said that crimes when committed agsinst persum involved with the LWV. Phone MILWAUKEE OAKTON .H..01110*0BIeomIutoC,10mal. against the eldorly are particular' go years uf ago sr alder. CRIME Joan,. Goldberg,82$-5002,for mere information NuES Compare Md SAVE We Reserve V . PR?PION A V The RighITo NEEDS1 Lilmit Qraerrtities Use Vour Mejor Credil And Correct DRUGS-LIQUORS Printing Errors HARLEM DEMPSTER965-3880 SALEDATES ThURSDAY, AUGUST26 WEDNESDAY. SEPT.lst MAGIC MARKER PRESIONE ANTIFREEZE LIQUID CRAYONS GALS. BROAD & FINE FO90 10 PACK LESS MFG.$200 BY MAIL .) YOUR FINAL" COST




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