ERASING ASSYRIANS: How the KRG Abuses Human Rights, Undermines Democracy, and Conquers Minority Homelands ERASING ASSYRIANS 1 Erasing Assyrians: How the KRG Abuses Human Rights, Undermines Democracy, and Conquers Minority Homelands by Reine Hanna and Matthew Barber Special thanks to Max J. Joseph and Mardean Isaac for their assistance and contributions during the research for and composition of this report. Assyrian Confederation of Europe September 25, 2017
[email protected] The Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE) represents the Assyrian European community and is made up of Assyrian national federations in European countries. The objective of ACE is to promote Assyrian culture and interests in Europe and to be a voice for deprived Assyrians in historical Assyria. The organization has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Cover photo: 7th-century BCE Assyrian archaeological site in Dohuk vandalized with the Kurdish flag ERASING ASSYRIANS 2 NINEVEH PLAIN The Nineveh Plain is the only region in Iraq where the largest segment of the inhabitants are Assyrians. The area is considered the original Assyrian heartland. KURDISTAN REGION MOSUL ERBIL Nineveh Plain KIRKUK IRAQ On January 21, 2014, in a landmark moment for Assyrians “ and other minorities in the Nineveh Plain, the Iraqi Council of Ministers voted for the creation of three new governorates in Iraq, among them a Nineveh Plain Governorate. This new governorate would ostensibly serve as a safe haven for minorities, including Assyrians, while