Chapter 51. Biological Communities on Seamounts and Other Submarine Features Potentially Threatened by Disturbance
Chapter 51. Biological Communities on Seamounts and Other Submarine Features Potentially Threatened by Disturbance Contributors: J. Anthony Koslow, Peter Auster, Odd Aksel Bergstad, J. Murray Roberts, Alex Rogers, Michael Vecchione, Peter Harris, Jake Rice, Patricio Bernal (Co-Lead members) 1. Physical, chemical, and ecological characteristics 1.1 Seamounts Seamounts are predominantly submerged volcanoes, mostly extinct, rising hundreds to thousands of metres above the surrounding seafloor. Some also arise through tectonic uplift. The conventional geological definition includes only features greater than 1000 m in height, with the term “knoll” often used to refer to features 100 – 1000 m in height (Yesson et al., 2011). However, seamounts and knolls do not appear to differ much ecologically, and human activity, such as fishing, focuses on both. We therefore include here all such features with heights > 100 m. Only 6.5 per cent of the deep seafloor has been mapped, so the global number of seamounts must be estimated, usually from a combination of satellite altimetry and multibeam data as well as extrapolation based on size-frequency relationships of seamounts for smaller features. Estimates have varied widely as a result of differences in methodologies as well as changes in the resolution of data. Yesson et al. (2011) identified 33,452 seamount and guyot features > 1000 m in height and 138,412 knolls (100 – 1000 m), whereas Harris et al. (2014) identified 10,234 seamount and guyot features, based on a stricter definition that restricted seamounts to conical forms. Estimates of total abundance range to >100,000 seamounts and to 25 million for features > 100 m in height (Smith 1991; Wessel et al., 2010).
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