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drilling the , Volume 1, a quarterly 20, Number Th journal of Society. oceanography Copyright e 2007 by Society. epermissionreserved. oceanography allrights is grantedTh use in to copy teaching research. and for article this republication, systemmaticreproduction, at mid- ridges an “in depth” perspective

By BeNoÎt ildeFoNSe, peter a. roNa, aNd doNNa BlaCKmaN

In April 1961, 13.5 m of were drilled off Guadalupe In the early 1970s, almost 15 years after the fi rst Mohole about 240 km west of ’s Baja California, to- attempt, attendees of a Penrose fi eld conference (Confer- gether with a few hundred meters of , in ence Participants, 1972) formulated the concept of a layered about 3500 m of . This fi rst-time exploit, reported by composed of , underlain by sheeted dikes, John Steinbeck for Life magazine, aimed to be the test phase then (corresponding to the seismic layers 2A, 2B, for the considerably more ambitious Mohole project, whose and 3, respectively), which themselves overlay perido- objective was to drill through the oceanic crust down to tites. Deep drilling into the oceanic crust would provide the ’s mantle (Lill and Bascom, 1959; Bascom, 1961). Born ground truth for the Penrose model; the fl ame of the Mohole in the late 1950s, the Mohole project unfortunately ended project still burned. This article draws from results of more in muddy and was terminated by the United States than 30 years of ocean drilling at mid-ocean ridges or in Congress in 1965 (Shor, 1985; Greenberg, 1971). Undeterred, older igneous oceanic crust and briefl y reviews some im- the scientifi c community rallied again to launch the Deep portant milestones that improved understanding of crustal- Drilling Project (DSDP) in 1968, followed by the Ocean processes at mid-ocean ridges. Figure 1 shows the Drilling Program (ODP) in 1985, and the Integrated Ocean locations of the numerous DSDP, ODP, and IODP expedi- Drilling Program (IODP) in 2003. These programs have pro- tions to which we refer; Table 1 lists site locations. vided solutions to some of the most pressing and interest- ing problems in ocean and (see, for example, Oceanography 19-4, December 2006).

66 Oceanography Vol. 20, No. 1 Mohole Project DSDP ODP 60 IODP 139/169 301 169 82 37 Mohole 51/53 158 304/305 30 test site 45 46/109/153 206/309/312 209 147 193 69-148 0 34

-30 118/176/179


90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 0 30 60 90

Figure 1. map of principal drilling sites at mid-ocean ridges and in igneous oceanic crust, with related dSdp/odp leg and iodp expedition numbers (see also table 1). odp leg reports are available online at www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/pubs.htm. old volumes, prior to web- based publication, are currently being scanned and will progressively be available on the same site. dSdp leg reports are only available on paper. iodp expedition preliminary reports and proceedings are available online at iodp.tamu.edu/publications/.

Oceanography march 2007 67 dSdp: tHe early yearS drilling of the oceanic was then cluded by poor drilling conditions in The fi rst confi rmation that oceanic attempted at several sites in the North basalts at depth. The most spectacular layer 2A was made of basaltic fl ows and (e.g., DSDP Legs 45, 46, failure was when the derrick of the drill- pillow lavas came in 1973 from drilling 51, and 52). Core recovery, although ing vessel bent during on the (DSDP Leg 34) in the good enough to allow high-quality sci- DSDP Leg 46 as the hole reached 255 m eastern Pacifi c Ocean, and on the western entifi c investigation of the samples, was in basaltic crust at Site 396. fl ank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, south of limited, typically less than 40 percent. DSDP boreholes yielded the fi rst in- the Azores Plateau (DSDP Leg 36). Deep Deep penetration of the crust was pre- dications that the Penrose model cannot

Table 1. Site Numbers, Locations, and Main Characteristics

Leg/Exp. * Year Site # Location Comment 34 1973/74 319–321 eastern pacifi c, Nazca plate early drilling in 13.02°S, 101.52°w 9.01°S, 83.53°w 12.02°S, 81.90°w 37 1974 332–335 mar early drilling in basalt at the mid-atlantic ridge (mar); and 36.88°N, 33.64°w serpentinized in Hole 334 36.84°N, 33.68°w 37.03°N, 34.41°w, 37.29°N, 35.20°w 45 1975/76 395 mar Basalts, a few gabbro and serpentinized peridotite cobbles in 576.5-m- 22.76°N, 46.08°w deep Hole 395a 46 1976 396 mar drilled 255 m in basalt 22.99°N 43.51°w 51, 52, 53 1976/77 417, 418 Northern atlantic 108 million year old basaltic upper crust, better recovery (~ 70 percent); 25.11°N, 68.04°w massive fl ows and pillow 25.03°N, 68.06°w 82 1981 556, 558, mar a few tens of meters of metamorphosed gabbro and serpentinized 560 38.94°N, 34.68°w peridotite 37.77°N, 37.34°w 34.72°N, 38.84°w 109 1986 670 mar First intentionally drilled peridotite; 92.5-m-deep hole, 7 percent recovery 23.17°N, 45.03°w 139 1991 856 Northern 8 holes to a maximum of 122 meters below seafl oor through inactive 48.44°N, 128.7°w massive sulfi de body and into a basalt sill (Bent hill) 147 1992/93 894–895 eastern pacifi c, Hess deep and upper crust gabbros in fast-spreading epr 2.30°N, 101.5°w crust 2.28°N, 101.4°w 69, 70, 83, 1979–93 504 eastern pacifi c, 504B is the deepest scientifi c oceanic borehole (drilled to 2111 meters 111, 137, guatemala Basin below seafl oor); upper rocks are basaltic; 5.9-million-year-old 140, 148 1.23°N, 83.73°w intermediate-spreading crust 153 1993/94 920–924 mar Kane area 200-m-deep Hole 920d in peridotites (57 percent recovery); ten short 23.34°N, 45.02°w holes (a few tens of meters) drilled in gabbros in the inside corner high 23.54°N, 45.03°w south of the Kane Fracture Zone 23.52°N, 45.03°w 23.54°N, 45.01°w

68 Oceanography Vol. 20, No. 1 be applied along the entire mid-ocean style crust appeared to be missing. Dur- Kane Fracture Zone, a few gabbro cob- ridge system and that the oceanic crust ing DSDP Leg 45, on the western fl ank bles were recovered from the bottom is much more heterogeneous, at least of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the of a 588-m-deep hole in sediments and locally. At Site 334 (DSDP Leg 37), gab- bros and serpentinized (water-altered) BeNoÎt ildeFoNSe ([email protected]) is CNRS Researcher, Géosciences peridotites were recovered at shallow Montpellier, Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France. peter a. roNa is Professor, Insti- depth, directly underlying 50 meters of tute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. doNNa basalts; several kilometers of Penrose- BlaCKmaN is Research Geophysicist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA.

Leg/Exp. * Year Site # Location Comment 158 1994 957 mar tag hydrothermal fi eld, active high-temperature sulfi de mound 26.14°N, 44.83°w 169 1996 1035–1038 Northern Juan de Fuca ridge Sediment hosted, inactive massive sulfi de deposit (Bent Hill) and ac- 48.43°N, 128.68°w tive hydrothermal fi eld (dead dog); 9 holes to a maximum of 404 m escanaba trough, terminating in basalt, indicating that massive sulfi de forms only a thin southern veneer (5–15 m) over the sediment sequence along the faulted margin 41.00°N 127.49°w of Central Hill 118, 176 1987, 735 Swir 1508-m-deep Hole 735B in the atlantis Bank, Southwest indian 1997 32.7°S, 57.27°e ridge (Swir); this fi rst deep hole in slow-spreading crust recovered ~ 86 percent gabbroic rocks 179 1998 1105 Swir 158-m-deep Hole 1105a, ~ 1.3 km east of Hole 735B (atlantis Bank) 32.7°S, 57.28°e 193 2000/01 1188–1191 manus Basin 13 holes to a maximum of 387 meters below seafl oor in paCmanus 03.72°S, 151.67°e active high-temperature hydrothermal system, with minor sulfi des hosted in altered dacitic to rhyodacitic rocks 209 2003 1268, mar 13 holes in mantle peridotites and gabbroic rocks; 209-m-deep 1270–1272, 14.85°N, 45.08°w Hole 1275d in 14.75°N , recovered gabbros 1274, 14.72°N, 44.89°w and troctolites 1275 15.04°N, 44.95°w 15.09°N, 44.97°w 15.65°N, 46.68°w 15.74°N, 46.90°w 301 2004 1026, 1301 Juan de Fuca ridge installation of seafl oor observatory network on the eastern ridge 47.76°N, 127.76°w fl ank in preparation for long-tem monitoring and active hydrological 47.75°N, 127.77°w experiment 304, 305 2004/05 1309 mar Hole u1309d is the second deepest (1415-m) gabbroic section recovered 30.17°N, 42.12°w in an oceanic core complex at a slow-spreading ridge 206, 309, 2002/03, 1256 eastern pacifi c, 1255-m-deep Hole 1256d (1005 m in basement) reached the sheeted 312 2005 /gabbro in 15 million-year-old, superfast-spreading 6.74°N, 91.93°w east pacifi c rise crust * details of these legs and expeditions can be found in the Initial Reports of the Drilling Project, the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, and the Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. all odp and iodp publications are available online at http://iodp.tamu. edu/publications/.

Oceanography march 2007 69 basalts, and two serpentinized peridotite (Site 670) on the west wall of the Mid- most recent oceanic core complex to be cobbles were trapped between two basal- Atlantic Ridge median valley near drilled is the Atlantis Massif (Blackman tic units in the core. The DSDP Leg 82 23°10´N. Peridotites had just been iden- et al., 2002) at the inside corner of the drilling plan was designed to address tified on the seafloor during survey work junction between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge regional variations in basalt chemistry done by the manned submersible Alvin and the Atlantis Fracture Zone at 30°N along the ridge axis. However, a few tens in the same area. About 6.5 m of serpen- (Figure 2). The 1415.5-m-deep igneous of meters of metamorphosed gabbro and tinized and dunite (olivine- section recovered at Site U1309 provides many meters of pervasively serpentinized rich sub-types of peridotite) were re- an exceptional record of magmatic accre- peridotite were recovered in three sites covered in a 92.5-m-deep hole. In the tion, tectonic exposure, and hydrother- between 34°43´N and 38°56´N. Clearly, same area, south of the Kane Fracture mal alteration in a slow-spreading envi- the Penrose model didn’t fit everywhere. Zone, 95 m of serpentinized peridotites ronment. Lithology and deformation pat- The stage was now set for future were recovered from a 200-m-deep hole terns in Hole U1309D are clearly distinct demonstrations that the oceanic crust during ODP Leg 153. Ten years later, from those of the only other thick gabbro can be highly variable in composition, ODP Leg 209 returned to drill in the section, Hole 735B (Dick et al., 2000) on structure, and thickness, especially at peridotite-rich area around the 15°20´N the . This differ- slow spreading rates. For crust formed fracture zone on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ence emphasizes the strong heterogeneity at slow-spreading ridges, further drilling (Cannat et al., 1997). Thirteen holes at of oceanic crust formed at slow-spread- results (see next section) and seafloor six sites along the spreading axis pen- ing centers, even when sampled in what observations support a model of com- etrated mantle peridotite and gabbroic appear to be similar geodynamic settings. posite crust comprised of gabbro intru- rocks in proportions that were roughly A total of 16 holes (> 10-m deep) sions embedded in serpentinized perido- 70/30, similar to what was previously have been cored at eight different sites tites, locally but not systematically, over- sampled on the seafloor in the same area. in four different oceanic core complexes lain by sheeted dikes and basalts (e.g., These findings were consistent with the (ODP Legs 118, 153, 176, 179, and 209; Dick, 1989; Karson, 1990; Cannat, 1993; hypothesis that slow-spreading oceanic IODP Expeditions 304 and 305), and 1996; Lagabrielle et al., 1998). Crust crust in some cases consists of relatively all recovered gabbroic sections. Early formed at fast-spreading ridges appears small gabbro bodies intruded into man- models for oceanic core complex forma- to be more continuous and perhaps re- tle peridotite locally capped by erupted tion were based on the hypothesis that a sembles the Penrose model more closely. lavas (e.g., Cannat, 1993). reduced supply is a critical fac- Because of these apparent differences in When plate pulls apart such tor in the development and longevity crustal structure, drilling strategies dif- heterogeneous crust, it doesn’t break in of strain along detachment faults. This fer: a single deep hole may be representa- a vertical plane. Long, deep-reaching but hypothesis led to the general inference tive of continuous fast-spreading crust, shallowly inclined faults seem to take that oceanic core complexes represent whereas a series of offset drill holes may up a lot of the plate spreading motion, periods of reduced at parts be required to adequately understand exhuming and exposing lower crustal of slow-spreading segments. In contrast, more complex areas. and mantle rocks in so-called core com- ocean drilling results show that the bore- plexes. These oceanic core complexes hole lithology is significantly different Slow-Spreading Ridges, form episodically, commonly near the from the seafloor geology and support Composite Crust, and ends of slow-spreading segments. Their a working model in which relatively Oceanic Core Complexes domal cores commonly display spread- abundant magmatism, in otherwise rela- In 1986, mantle peridotites were inten- ing-parallel corrugations that are up tively magma-poor areas, triggers the tionally drilled at a mid-ocean ridge to 100-m high, several hundred meters development of oceanic core complexes for the first time during ODP Leg 109 wide, and tens of kilometers long. The (Ildefonse et al., 2006).

70 Oceanography Vol. 20, No. 1 20 m running average Fraction of cored interval Southwest shoulder Transition Southern peak 0 0.5 1 Central dome Adjacent to steep normal faults 0 Southeast shoulder volcanic b block in northern lt range u a F rm fo s n ra T tis n RTI a tl 200 nodal A basin a

M id-A s tlant 10 k prea ic R m ding idge axis 400 N

cm cm c Olivine d 600 Gabbro Olivine-rich Troctolite 25 65

800 Depth (mbsf)

30 70 1000

1200 35 75

1400 Basalt/ 40 80

Oxide gabbro

Gabbro, gabbronorite Olivine-rich Troctolitic gabbro, Troctolite olivine gabbro Troctolite 45 Olivine-rich troctolite, dunite, harzburgite Figure 2. Summary of drilling results in Hole U1309D showing: (a) A three- No recovery dimensional rendition of the of Atlantis Massif and the loca- tion of Site U1309. (b) Downhole log indicating proportions of major types. (c,d) Core samples from ~ 1100 m below seafloor showing typical olivine-rich troctolites. After Blackman et al., 2006

Oceanography March 2007 71 Fast-Spreading Ridges: downhole logging, and necessary bore- article by Tivey, this issue). Prior to the Drilling a Complete hole cleanout operations, to penetrate advent of drilling, hot-water circulation Section of Oceanic Crust 1836.5 m into pillow lavas and sheeted studies were limited to their seafloor At fast-spreading ridges, the oceanic dikes before insurmountable technical and water-column manifestations, liter- crust is built by a constant influx of problems forced further drilling to stop. ally the “tip of the iceberg” of these sys- melt to the ridge-axis magma cham- The average recovery (~ 20 percent) was tems that extend for kilometers beneath ber (e.g., Sinton and Detrick, 1992). good enough to allow a complete study the seafloor and are the main means by As a consequence, the structure of this of the downhole alteration profile (Alt which heat is extracted from the igneous crust is apparently much more homo- et al., 1996) and to demonstrate that, at seafloor. A typical seafloor hydrother- geneous than at slow-spreading ridges, site 504, the fundamental layer 2/3 tran- mal system, based on studies in ophio- likely nearly continuous and close to the sition corresponds not to the dike/gabbro lites (sections of former oceanic crust Penrose model (Conference Participants, boundary, as had been assumed for years, that have been raised onto dry land by 1972). This homogeneity, and the lack but rather to an alteration in the plate-tectonic forces), begins at depth of heavily faulted, rough, high-relief to- sheeted dikes. at the “reaction zone” near the top of a pography common at slow-spreading The quest for total crustal penetration magma body where heat is exchanged ridges, has resulted in only a few places is not over and the lessons learned about with . Axial magma along the fast-spreading deep drilling over the last 45 years have chambers have been detected between that allow access to deeper levels of the been put to good use. Initiated in 2002, 2 and 3 km depth at many sites on inter- in situ crust. Such “tectonic windows” near the end of ODP (Leg 206), as a mediate- and fast-spreading ocean ridges are found at places like Hess Deep (e.g., dedicated deep drilling site, Hole 1256D where the magma chamber may extend Francheteau et al., 1990), Pito Deep (e.g., was opened in 15-million-year-old crust many kilometers along the spreading Hekinian et al., 1996), or Endeavor Deep that formed at the East Pacific Rise while axis. One of the first magma chambers (e.g., Hooft et al., 1995), where previous- it was spreading at a rate greater than detected on the slow-spreading Mid- ly formed Pacific crust is being ripped 200 mm/year. Predictions were that this Atlantic Ridge was detected seismically apart by a new spreading center. ODP very high spreading rate would lead to about 3 km beneath the Lucky Strike Leg 147 drilled upper mantle peridotites the dike/gabbro boundary being formed hydrothermal field (37°20´N, 32°15´W) and upper crustal gabbros at two sites in close to the surface. Consistent with this where the magma chamber extends about a foundered tectonic block on the floor prediction, Hole 1256D became the first 7 km along axis (Singh et al., 2006). of Hess Deep. hole to reach the base of the sheeted Thermally expanded fluids rise buoyantly Despite the success of such drill- dike complex in December 2005 at the from this reaction zone, up through a ing in tectonic windows, deep drill- end of Expedition IODP 312 (Figure 3) zone of permeability that may be focused ing through an intact, complete sec- (Wilson et al., 2006). by intersecting faults. High-temperature tion of the oceanic crust—the Mohole fluids passing through this zone create a dream—remains a prime objective of the Hydrothermal Systems stockwork (rock containing ore veins) of ocean drilling programs as it is the only and Mineral Deposits alteration and mineralization, and may way to answer some of the fundamen- It isn’t just going deep that has lead to deposit a massive metal sulfide body. tal questions about how oceanic crust is amazing discoveries during the drilling Metal-rich, high-temperature solutions formed. The deepest hole ever drilled in programs. Just penetrating the seafloor (up to 400°C) belch from mineralized the oceanic crust, reaching 2111 meters takes scientists into the normally hidden chimneys on the seafloor. below seafloor, is Hole 504B in the equa- third dimension of geological systems, ODP has drilled into three types torial Pacific. Eight legs, starting with opening up entirely new research areas. of seafloor hydrothermal systems: DSDP Leg 69 and ending 14 years later A good example is the investigation of (1) hydrothermal systems that concen- with ODP Leg 148, combined drilling, seafloor hydrothermal systems (see also trate massive sulfide bodies hosted in

72 Oceanography Vol. 20, No. 1 Velocity (km/s) Recovery Lithology 4 5 6 7 0% 100% 250 Lava Velocity (km/s) Pond Recovery Lithology 4 5 6 7 0% 100% 250 VelocityLava (km/s) Recovery Lithology 4 Pond5 6 7 0% 100% Inflated 250 Flows Lava 500 Pond InflatedLeg 206 Flows 500 Inflated Leg 206 Flows 500 Leg 206 750

750 Sheet and Massive Flows 750

1000 Transition Sheet and Massive Flows Exp 309 Zone Depth (meters below seafloor)

1000 x Sheet and Massive Flows Transition

Velocity (km/s) Exp 309 Zone Recovery Lithology 4 Depth (meters below seafloor) 5 6 7 0% 100% 1000

250 Figure 3. Summary x of drilling results Transition in Hole 1256D showing core recovery, Exp 309 Zone Lava 1250major rock lithologies, and seismic ve- Depth (meters below seafloor) Pond locities measured on discrete samples

x by wireline logging tools and by seismic refraction (Wilson et al., 2006). This hole was drilled into oceanic crust formed 1250 at the East Pacific Rise at a very high Inflated spreading rate (> 200 mm yr-1). Hole Sheeted Dike Comple 1256 D was the first drillhole to reach

Flows Exp 312 the base of the sheeted dike complex. 500 1250 This hole, successfully drilled duringPlutoni c three drilling expeditions, is open andComplex Sheeted Dike Comple Leg 206 1500ready for deeper penetration. Exp 312 4 5 6 7 Plutonic

Sheeted Dike Comple Massive Basalt Complex Intrusive contacts Sample velocity measurement 1500 Sheet Flow Exp 312 Magmatic contacts Borehole velocity measurement Pillow Basalt Breccia Plutonic Sheeted Dike Refraction velocity measurement Granoblastic4 texture5 6 7 Complex Gabbro Massive Basalt 750 1500 Intrusive contacts Sample velocity measurement Sheet Flow Magmatic contacts Borehole velocity measurement Pillow Basalt Breccia4 5 6 7 Sheeted Dike Refraction velocity measurement Granoblastic texture Massive Basalt Gabbro Intrusive contacts Sample velocity measurement Sheet Flow Magmatic contacts Borehole velocity measurement Pillow Basalt Breccia Sheeted Dike Refraction velocity measurement Granoblastic texture

Sheet and Massive Flows Gabbro

1000 Transition

Exp 309 Zone Depth (meters below seafloor) x

1250 Sheeted Dike Comple Exp 312 Plutonic Complex 1500

4 5 6 7

Massive Basalt Intrusive contacts Sample velocity measurement Sheet Flow Magmatic contacts Borehole velocity measurement Pillow Basalt March 2007 73 Breccia Oceanography Sheeted Dike Refraction velocity measurement Granoblastic texture Gabbro RAB Resistivity Wireline Resistivity 0.1 (Ωm) 100 0 FMS Static normalization Dynamic normalization




80 Depth (mbsf)


Static normalization Dynamic normalization RAB 120

140 Figure 4. A comparison between logging-while-drilling Resistivity-At-the-Bit (RAB) (log- ging data collected while the hole is being drilled) and wireline log data (logging data collected after the hole has been drilled) from the first ODP deployment of the RAB tool in Hole 1189C (ODP Leg 193). The measurements provide images of the borehole wall 160 (left and center) and log curves of electrical resistivity (right). The RAB data (image and resistivity) show fracture patterns and alteration trends (denoted by arrows) that may be indicative of hydrothermal fluid flow along fractures. The wireline logging data were collected only in the upper 65 m because of a hole obstruction, emphasizing the value of obtaining logging-while-drilling data before deterioration of bore- hole conditions. Various features (including fractures) marked by contrasted electrical conductivities (underlined in blue) correlate well between the full 360° coverage RAB and the higher-resolution (< 2 percent borehole coverage) Formation MicroScanner (FMS)-oriented images. Because of relatively low core recovery, the logging-while-drilling logs provide the only continuous record of the lithostratigraphic sequences drilled in the Manus Basin. Modified from Binns et al., 2002

basaltic (—high in magnesium basin, western , drilled In this context, downhole geophysical and iron) volcanic rocks of the oceanic during Leg 193); and (3) hydrothermal measurements and imaging are par- crust (Transatlantic Geotraverse [TAG] systems hosted in sediments (Escanaba ticularly important for depicting lithol- at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge drilled dur- Trough, Gorda Ridge, and Middle Valley, ogy and physical-property variations ing Leg 158); (2) hydrothermal systems Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Northeast where core is missing. At PACManus, that concentrate massive sulfide bodies Pacific Ocean, drilled during Legs 139 advances in logging provided continuous hosted in dacitic-rhyolitic (felsic—high and 169). Drilling into massive sulfides imagery of the section penetrated using in silica and feldspar) volcanic rocks and volcanic rocks is technically feasible Resistivity-At-the-Bit, the Formation (PACManus in the Manus back-arc but difficult, and core recovery is limited. MicroScanner, and other methods

74 Oceanography Vol. 20, No. 1 Figure 5. Oceanographic Drilling Vessel Chikyu sailing in Tokyo Bay. Chikyu is 210-m-long, can accommodate 150 people, and will operate for IODP at the end of 2007. Thanks to the riser drill- ing technology, Chikyu is expected to drill much deeper than conventional nonriser vessels used so far in scientific ocean drilling. Complete infor- mation is available online at www.jamstec.go.jp/ chikyu/eng/.

(Figure 4). The maximum penetration What’s Next? Drilling (U1309D in the Atlantis Massif at the achieved so far is about 500 meters be- More, Drilling Deep, and slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge, low the seafloor in sediments that host Long-Term Borehole and 1256D in the superfast spread- the inactive Bent Hill massive sulfide Monitoring ing East Pacific Rise crust) are still body in Middle Valley. This depth is far We will soon celebrate 40 years of scien- open and ready to be deepened. These short of the reaction zone, which is a tific ocean drilling. Since the early days holes are probably priority targets distant goal of drilling seafloor hydro- of DSDP, considerable progress has been for the future, together with some thermal systems. Immediate goals are to made in understanding the architecture other known sites (e.g., Hole 735B in determine heat and chemical exchanges of the oceanic crust and related mid- the Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian in the hydrothermal systems, investigate ocean ridge accretion and alteration pro- Ridge). Drilling deep requires tools the subseafloor biosphere, and charac- cesses. Nevertheless, we still know very that have so far not been available to terize the mineralization as an analog little. Fewer than 20 basement holes are the scientific community; the road of ancient volcanogenic massive sulfide deeper than 200 m and only four have to the few very deep holes drilled so deposits and sedimentary exhalative exceeded a depth of 1 km. There is a long far was very roughly paved. The new deposits (ore deposit formed through way to go to reach the Moho and to fully drilling vessel Chikyu (Figure 5) will the precipitation of minerals out of hy- understand mid-ocean ridge dynamics. soon provide IODP with riser drilling drothermal fluids through contact with Potential future directions of the ongo- technology, which should allow us to cold seawater) that are economically ing IODP include: penetrate more deeply and eventually important as sources of copper, zinc, • Drilling deeper at some sites where to penetrate the base of the crust into silver, gold, and other elements where part of the history is already revealed. the uppermost mantle in boreholes accessible on land. Two of the four existing deep holes that are roughly 6-km deep. In its

Oceanography March 2007 75 present configuration, Chikyu will not of examining the role of microbes in nature of the subseafloor biosphere, and be able to drill at Site 1256 because the global biogeochemical processes (e.g., to achieve total penetration of oceanic seafloor exceeds its water-depth capa- Staudigel and Furnes, 2004). crust (Atlantic and Pacific) within about bility for riser drilling (2500 m). The • Another fundamental IODP goal 20 years. Achieving these goals will fulfill extension of the riser to 4000 m or is to deploy borehole instruments the InterRidge mission to promote inter- even 4500 m is a goal hoped for by the capable of acquiring time series of disciplinary, international, collaborative, mid-ocean ridge research community. physical properties of the oceanic and multidisciplinary studies of oceanic • Drilling new sites in different settings crust and to sample circulating fluids. spreading centers. will provide further insight on the At mid-ocean ridges, such deep-sea variability of the oceanic crust. Other observatories allow the documenta- References oceanic core complexes are already tion of crustal hydrological properties Alt, J.C., C. Laverne, D.A. Vanko, P. Tartarotti, D.A.H. Teagle, W. Bach, E. Zuleger, J. Erzinger, J. Hon- targeted in IODP drilling proposals— (see review of “CORK” design and norez, P.A. Pezard, K. Becker, M.H. Salisbury, and the Kane core complex at the Mid- operation during ODP in Becker and R.H. Wilkens. 1996. Hydrothermal alteration of a section of upper oceanic crust in the eastern Atlantic Ridge (Tucholke et al., 1998) Davis [2005]). A network of seafloor equatorial Pacific: A synthesis of results from Site and the Godzilla core complex in the observatories has recently been set up 504 (DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83, and ODP Legs Parece Vela back-arc basin (Ohara et (IODP Expedition 301) on the eastern 111, 137, 140, and 148). Pp. 417–434 in Proceed- ings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Re- al., 2001). Ultra-slow spreading cen- flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. This sults, v. 148, J.C. Alt, H. Kinoshita, L.B. Stokking, ters, such as the (Dick network is designed to conduct active, and P.J. Michael, eds. Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX. et al., 2003) or certain portions of multidisciplinary experiments over Bascom, W.N. 1961. A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea: the Southwest Indian Ridge (Dick et time scales of minutes to years and The Story of the Mohole Project. Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, 352 pp. al., 2003; Cannat et al., 2006), consti- length scales of meters to kilometers. Becker, K., and E.E. Davis. 2005. A review of CORK tute the magma-poor end-member Operations will include offset seismic designs and operations during the Ocean Drilling of mid-ocean ridges and therefore experiments, long-term monitoring, Program. In: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, v. 301, A.T. Fisher, T. Urabe, likely provide an ideal spot to drill and cross-hole testing (Fisher et al., A. Klaus, and the Expedition 301 Scientists, eds. mantle peridotites. 2005). Fluid flow through the oceanic Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Manage- ment International, Inc., College Station TX, • Drilling of hydrothermal systems crust provides the main mechanism doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.301.104.2005. hosted in ultramafic rocks, such as for heat and chemical exchange be- Binns, R.A., F.J.A.S. Barriga, D.J. Miller, et al. 2002. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial the Rainbow Hydrothermal Field on tween the crust and the ocean, and Reports, v. 193. Ocean Drilling Program, College the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Fouquet et supplies nutrients to organisms living Station, TX. [Online] Available at: http://www- al., 1997), and drilling an assemblage at and below the seafloor. Data from odp.tamu.edu/publications/193_IR/193ir.htm (last accessed November 8, 2006). of large massive sulfide mounds from seafloor observatories will shed new Blackman, D.K., J.A. Karson, D.S. Kelley, J.R. 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