GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST 2015 Year in Review 2015 on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest

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GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST 2015 Year in Review 2015 on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST 2015 Year in Review 2015 on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest 2015 was an exciting and busy year! The tionships with our communities, I am Gifford Pinchot National Forest contend- confident that we will be up to the task. ed with multiple fires on the forest, com- memorated the 35th anniversary of the As stewards on of public land we en- 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, began deavor to practice the words of the first planning our forest headquarters move, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, Gifford and welcomed a few new members to its Pinchot, providing the greatest good for leadership team, all while going about our the greatest number in the long run. work of serving the public and caring for the land. The Gifford Pinchot National Forest is a di- Gina Owens verse place for plants, wildlife, and people. Forest Supervisor This report is a snapshot of the Gifford Pin- chot National Forest in 2015. Many accomplishments were the result of months or years of hard work. Most involved partnership and collaboration from organi- zations, agencies, tribes, volunteers, and individuals who are all invested in the Forest. We look forward to continuing to work together for the future of this remark- able place. 2016 will be a busy year too, full of opportunities and challenges. As I to get to know all the different places in the forest and build rela- 2 The mission of the Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. To ensure our work contributes or our mision, the Gifford Pinchot National Forest focuses on these three areas: • Restoration and Stewardship • Community Engagement • Being an Employer of Choice Gifford Pinchot National Forest cares for over 1.36 million of acres of land and directly serves communities across five counties. We’d like to share some of our projects from 2015 in these areas: • Timber and Vegetation Management • Wildlife, Fisheries, and Botany • Fire and Law Enforcement • Recreation • Community Engagement • Engineering 3 TIMBER & VEGETATION MANAGEMENT Collaboration on the Gifford Pinchot Timber Facts Working with the Pinchot Partners and the South Gifford Timber is measured in million Pinchot collaborative groups result in a better collective un- board feet (mmbf). derstanding of the planning process and the value of early Volume Harvested 41.6 mmbf involvement. Both groups are actively involved in forest Volume Sold 38.7 mmbf work. Stand Improvement (thinning of small In October 2015 the Pinchot Partners, along with mem- diameter trees) 2,079 acres bers of the Cowlitz Tribe and forest staff, led a tour for Reforestation 1,240 acres legislators from Washington State and the U.S. Congress. The group toured projects to demonstrate the benefits of collaboration in forest management. The tour featured a Special Forest plantation thin area, an active huckleberry restoration project using stewardship authority, a legacy road de- Products Facts commission site, and huckleberry pie. Christmas Tree permits 2,693 Beargrass permits 2,561 Boughs permits & contracts 17 Firewood permits & contracts 984 Mushroom permits 1,159 Stewardship Projects Funded From Salal permits 1,415 Retained Receipts Berry permits 656 Free-Use permits 3,341 One tool the Gifford Pinchot uses to achieve land management goals while meeting community needs Total Value of all Special Forest Products $731,843 are Stewardship Sales. Retained receipts from these timber sales fund stewardship projects across the forest. Potential projects are reviewed by forest col- laborative groups, made up of community members. In 2015, $400,000 of retained receipts funded: road ditch line and culvert mainte- nance to strengthen watersheds Pale Blue-eyed Grass installation of gate access to improve winter elk habitat Pale blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium sarmentosum) is a lovely little plant with lilac flowers that likes to grow erosion and sediment control in meadows. However, loss of habitat has reduced its to protect water quality population to only 22 known sites in the world. Nine of removal of invasive and noxious those sites are in the Gifford Pinchot. plant species Forest botanists are working hard to help out pale pruning and weeding trees to blue-eyed grass. In 2015, the forest removed invasive improve forest health weeds on 65 acres of pale blue-eyed grass habitat; con- reducing wildfire risk through tinued to study whether the plant is vulnerable to hy- activity fuels treatment bridization with another plant, Idaho blue-eyed grass; and partnered with the University of Washington and Stevenson High School to plant 123 greenhouse grown pale blue-eyed grass. 4 WILDLIFE, FISHERIES & BOTANY Festivals for Fish Mount St. Helens: Fostering Future Forest The Gifford Pinchot continually works 35 Years Later Scientists to improve fish passage and habitat Thirty five years ago on May 18, 1980, More young women are getting in- throughout the forest. But fish were Mount St. Helens erupted, spewing volved with science each year. The also in the spotlight at fish and fishing ash, rock, and hot gases into the air Gifford Pinchot National Forest and events across the forest. and causing mud to flow down the Mount St. Helens Institute want to mountain sides. Within minutes the help young women pursue science and In June hundreds of kids and their volcano’s north flank collapsed, trig- natural resources careers. families learned about fish, partici- gering the largest landslide in recorded pated in arts and games, and grabbed history. In August, the Institute hosted a Geo- their poles to reel in a catch. Forest Girls camp. Twenty middle school fisheries and recreation staff partnered Today, the volcano has become a girls from Oregon and Washington with local organizations at the Mount world-class outdoor laboratory for the attended the week-long camp. They St. Helens Kids Fishing Derby at Lake study of volcanoes, ecosystems and were mentored by professional scien- Merwin, the Lewis County Kids Fish- forestry, as well as a major recreational tists and science educators. Forest Ser- ing Derby at Lake Scanewa, and the and tourist destination. vice employees participated by sharing Mount Adams Fish Education Day at about their jobs and potential career Goose Lake. 2015 marked the 35th anniversary of paths as these young women think the eruption and represents a key mo- about their future. The mentors taught In September, forest staff participated ment in the volcano’s history. A com- the girls how to use many different in the Sturgeon Festival in Vancouver, memoration was held at the Science kinds of equipment such as GPS sta- WA. This fish festival was a huge hit and Learning Center to honor those tions and Photogrammetry Software among families, promoting sturgeon who lost their lives, listen to stories of to build 3-D models of Mount St Hel- and their home in Columbia River those that survived, and hear scientists ens. ecosystems. Participants saw some share their amazing discoveries over forest animals up-close during reptile the last 30 years. and birds of prey shows featuring live animals. Improving Watersheds through Invasive Plant Removal Gifford Pinchot National Forest Fisher- County Weed Control Program staff project has helped improve aquatic ies Biologist Ken Wieman knew there and board members to make a plan of habitat and inland fisheries across the was an invader in Coldwater Lake. If attack. Toutle River watershed. it escaped its present home it might spread and take over dozens of places On a sunny day in June, a dive across the southern part of the forest. team from the Northwest Re- The culprit? Eurasian milfoil (Myrio- gion Office arrived to help the phyllum spicatum), an aquatic plant, forest and county partners. has been labeled an invasive species Armed with bags, nets, ca- in half the country, and costs millions noes, and other equipment, of dollars to control nationwide. staff went to work hand-pull- ing and removing all of the The Gifford Pinchot National Forest Eurasian milfoil possible. doesn’t have a lot of Eurasian milfoil and Wieman wanted to keep it that Staff will continue to monitor way. Biologists met with partners the lake to see if any milfoil from the Skamania County and Cowlitz reappears, but this successful 5 FIRE & LAW ENFORCEMENT Fires on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest Smokey Goes to School Fire plays a very natural role in ecosys- care to preserving the wilderness char- Firefighters and school kids generally tems on parts of the Gifford Pinchot. acter of the landscape while containing don’t hang out together but during 2015 was a hot, dry year. The winter of the fire. Heavy lift helicopters dropped the Cougar Creek Fire students and 2014-2015 contributed little snow and water while ground crews eliminated staff at Glenwood School shared their drought conditions continued through burning or hazardous snags. school with over 500 fire personnel the summer. As a result, the forest had fighting the 50,000 acre fire around an unusually busy fire season. Nearby, the Cougar Creek Fire be- Mt. Adams. Incident Management gan on the south side of Mt. Adams Teams often set up base camp at When deciding how to respond to on August 10. Eventually growing to schools during the summer, but Inci- fires, the forest keeps the safety of sur- over 53,000 acres, the Cougar Creek dent Commander Dave Leitch couldn’t rounding communities and firefight- Fire brought together the U. S. Forest recall a school ever permitting a team ers as top priorities. Steep terrain and Service, the Yakama Nation, the Wash- to stay after school starts. sometimes windy conditions empha- ington Dept. of Natural Resources, and sized the importance of responding Klickitat County Emergency Manage- Staff assigned to the fire camped on strategically while looking out for the ment.
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