It Happened in Central Switzerland
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It happened in Central Switzerland Autor(en): [s.n.] Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1965) Heft 1472 PDF erstellt am: 04.10.2021 Persistenter Link: Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, 26th February 1965 THE SWISS OBSERVER 51373 IT HAPPENED IN CENTRAL SWITZERLAND URI of Zurich) on 23rd January 965. The parchment document with the signature of the greatest representative of the affairs of in the of The state Canton Uri are being Saxon Imperial House — he lived 712-973 — is preserved dealt with by modest a large amount very machinery; yet at Pfaeffikon where a simple ceremony was held to com- is the officials and of work done thanks to devotion of memorate the anniversary. The Ufenau is administered office holders. This was stated by the chairman of the from Pfaeffikon. It is a place of peace and quiet, and commission which renders account business annually on a rigorous bathing prohibition protects the island from transacted. some less attractive aspects of modern civilisation. The One of the worries of the cantonal great government grave of the great humanist Ulrich von Hutten (1488- roads the has at the moment are the which Canton to 1523) is there, and two churches dating from 950 are of and which there insufficient federal construct for are or no great historic interest. subsidies. So, for instance, the improvement of the Gersau has celebrated the fact that it figured in the Gotthard-road between Erstfeld and Amsteg, which will records of the Aargau Benedictine Abbey of Muri for the cost 2.6 million francs. It is hoped that the Confedera- first time in 1064. The small vallage has only 1,750 in- tion will yet agree to a subsidy as the road will be very habitants and twelve citizen families. (One of them is the the national relieve necessary until planned highway will Camenzind family, a member of which is the chief archi- be before the it. This may not 'eighties. tect of the EXPO.). Already in 1315, Gersau took part in to the authorities Another disappointment Uri was the battle of Morgarten as independent confederate. The decision the the that projected hydro-electric works battle anniversary was commemorated on 15th November 2 of Amsteg are now no longer possible on account capital at Sattel and Schornen. For the eighth time, a pistol con- realise such having become much too expensive to a pro- test was held, organised by the non-commissioned officers' is ject. An alternative solution now being studied to give association of Schwyz. A week earlier, the " Swiss the Canton additional water rates. " " " Schützenrat had held a meeting at Schwyz. In December, the Landrat ", the cantonal parlia- Another festive occasion was the " Schwyzer Sennen- rnent, agreed to the largest school building project ever chilbi " which was organised after an interval of four school years undertaken in Uri. Erstfeld's new will cost well on 25th January. The Schwyz cattle show took place in five and francs. The Communes of over a half million the autumn. It has an international reputation, and a lot have Unterschächen and Wassen are to financial help with of cattle were again sold. Also in the autumn, the mem- which the improvements planned for two alpine pastures bers of the government of the Canton of Appenzell-Inner- the is are vital for Canton's agriculture. Andermatt to hoden paid a return visit to the Canton of Schwyz. This a and October the first waste have new railway station, In is a tradition which is upheld in many parts of the country, Switzerland water plant in Central was opened at Altdorf. friendly courtesy visits by one cantonal government to Parliament also agreed to subsidise the renovations of another. several historic monuments, viz. the church of the Convent At the end of December, the Schwyz Cantonal Bank St. Seedorf the St. Lazarus at (1699), Convent of Carl at celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary. It published a Altdorf (1696), the parish church of St. Albin at Silenen brochure "Münz-und Geldgeschichte des Standes Schwyz" (1754) and that of St. Gallus at Wassen (1734). and donated Fr. 10,000.— towards the renovation of the Uri has also increased its contribution towards the parish church of St. Jakob at Steinen. Another renovation of the teachers' of Rickenbach running training college which is in progress is that of the Convent of Ingenbohl, which students from Well (Schwyz) accepts Uri. over which is to take seven or eight years to complete. the electorate of two years ago, Altdorf rejected two pro- Road construction is under way in Schwyz as in other These have been posais to purchase land. now accepted. Cantons. The cost of the present project Oberarth and The tourist industry in 1964 showed a slight down- Goldau will cost 2.2 million francs. The electorate ac- is ward trend. A more agreeable reduction that in traffic cepted the proposal for the construction of a vocational accidents in Uri, in spite of a steadily increasing number training college at Goldau, but the electors of the Com- of motor vehicles. " mune of Schwyz did not agree to' the plans for a new At the end of November, the traditional Rütli- school " Muota " at Ibach. The electors of the whole schiessen" took place when 1,085 marksmen met on the Canton rejected the proposed legislation regarding the re- Rütli for a friendly contest. organisation of the Communes and Districts and conse- The town of Lausanne has presented Uri with the " " quent change in the cantonal constitution. In January, metal figure Riitlischwur which was for sale after the the new tax proposals became law following the accept- the EXPO. For financial reasons Uri could not make ance by the cantonal electorate. This will mean sizeable purchase. On Christmas Eve it was made known that tax reliefs. There will be increased teachers' salaries, and Lausanne had bought the figure and would present it to the cantonal parliament agreed to an additional credit of Uri. This was hailed everywhere as a symbol of friend- Fr.33,000.— for the scholarship fund. Alpine pastures are ship between Central and Western Switzerland. to be improved, agricultural machinery for mountain The Tell pageant will again take place at Altdorf farmers will be purchased, as well as an electronic data from 3rd July onward. computer for the cantonal tax authorities. The new Treasurer of the Canton is Walter Braschler, SCHWYZ Freienbach, and the new Cantonal Medical Officer is Dr. The " White Book " of Sarnen tells of a number of Karl Henggeler. The " Krankenhaus " Schwyz has its Swedes who came to Central Switzerland in 1470 and first full-time doctor in the person of Dr. Werner Baer- settled near Schwyz. Research has not yet proved how locher of Thal/SG. far there is any connection with the people of Sweden. In contrast to Uri, traffic accidents were up in 1964. What is certain is that Emperor Otto the Great presented A second " traffic training week " was organised by the the Kloster Einsiedeln with the Island of Ufenau (Lake cantonal police in September. 51374 THE SWISS OBSERVER 26th February 1965 There was a course for avalanche rescue dogs on the money has also been allocated for the production of a Stoos in January, with dogs and their owners from many propaganda film on Central Switzerland, but by far the parts of the country taking part, including police dogs. largest sums have been voted for road construction : alpine There were delegates from Yugoslavia and the Nether- road to Engelberg at Oberdorf (1.65 million francs), upper lands. parts of the Buergenstock road at Ennetbuergen, correction Over New Year there was a research expedition at the of the Kehrsiten road at Stansstaad including the altera- Hoelloch. This cave is now 80 km. long and has been tion of the village square. On 10th December, part of the longest cave in the world for the last ten years. the Lopper motorway was inaugurated with its tunnel In December, there was a large theft of jewelry at (800 m. long) through the Lopper, a foothill of the Pilatus. the Herrengasse at Schwyz. In January, the "Escape It is hoped that the second part across the Acheregg King " Rolf Waeckerlin, who had once again managed bridge will be ready in about eighteen months. It is part to escape from prison, was arrested by the cantonal police. of the North-South connection through Switzerland, and Finally, early in February, there was a serious accident at this sector alone will cost about 21 million francs.