Strategy DECISION DATE: 16/12/2020 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm DECISION BY: Executive Board (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31
[email protected] Sustainability strategy for the Riksbank The Riksbank is a public authority under the Riksdag. The state’s core values guide the Riksbank’s work. The Riksbank takes account of sustainability in both its internal operations and its policy work. This document describes the principles the Riksbank follows in this work. The document also provides a more solid description of how work is conducted in different areas of policy work. Sustainable social development By sustainable development, the Riksbank means what has by now become a commonly-used definition: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, and in which consideration is given to economic, ecological and social aspects.1 This definition of sustainable development comes originally from the United Nations and is used by the Government of Sweden and the Riksdag, among others. The 2030 Agenda - a resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015 - identifies 17 goals for sustainable development. Several of these goals have a bearing on the Riksbank’s operations, for example those concerning climate change, sustainable consumption and production, decent working conditions, equality and global partnership. The Riksbank’s mandate According to the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the Riksbank is to maintain price stability and promote a safe and efficient payment system. The Riksbank therefore needs to understand and take account of sustainability issues if these affect the Riksbank’s ability to carry out its policy tasks.