The Manifestations of Corruption in Nigeria: a Critical X Ray of Some Selective Development
April IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 4 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 ___________________________________________________________ THE MANIFESTATIONS OF CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA: A CRITICAL X RAY OF SOME SELECTIVE DEVELOPMENT ADEYEMI O. O.* AKINDELE S.T. (PhD)** ABUBAKAR, O. S. (PhD)*** OLUGBEMI, K. V.**** __________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: There are many challenges to governance in Nigeria, but the issue of bribery and corruption is more worrisome. The menace of corruption leads to inefficiency of Nigerian bureaucracy, police extortions at road block and slow traffic on the highways, port congestion, queues at passport offices and gas station, ghost worker syndrome, election irregularities, among others. The study examines the various definitions, and forms of corruption in relation to the Nigerian State. The paper, among other things, shows various form of practical manifestation of corrupt practices, and how the Nigerian State continues to engender corruption, in spite of concerted efforts of the past and present government to tame the scourge of corruption . A number of solutions have been proffered in the study as way of combating corruption and ensuring good governance in Nigeria. * DEPT. OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE IFE ** DEPT. OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE IFE *** DEPT. OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA **** DEPT. OF HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, ADEKUNLE AJASIN UNIVERSITY, AKUNGBA- AKOKO, ONDO - STATE A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A.
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