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* I Second claw Po«U«4 Pml4 • VoL LXX. No; 18;., ^ • * isections, 24 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 23^ 1963 At Cr«nford. N. J. _ TEN CENTS

The Cranford College C'ub has Eighteen, exhibitors will ihave awarded scholarships totaling $3,- displays in the busines and indus- 250 io" IS Cranfdrd' girls, it was trial Parade, of Progress exposi- announced this week.. Nine mem- tion-May 30, 31 and June 1 in the Municipal Building under auspices ford High Schoo'l and three reap- of the Cranford Chamber of Com- .Plans for the organization of YES, a Youth Employment plicants will share/ scholarship Tfl%*/r^> iw \%2£%^ •• nfriy^f\\Iy\/^ Vl^igff>t*—. Service in Cranford; were furthered Tuesday night'at a me'et- amounting to S2.500, the club's day. One of .the, Cranford Days irtg of represenlatives of civic and.religious groups in. the. 'educational grant for" 1963. The 'eatures, this exposition last, year Vipjd^uUding^, nine high school seniors will be •was viewed by more than 5,000 presented at the, club's annuity SlrsJ Douglasllanl _ ^Prinrcieton Youth- perso.ns. •-.-•. •• , '.-..- ,• Employment Service, Inc.,' banquet Monday evehitig at the One of "the highlights of this Shnckamaxon "Country Club•> in outlined dfetails of the; pro- year's exposition will be the New gram which has been working •Scotch Plains. . N -; . : Jersey Be.ll Telephone Co.'s TeJ- l*alace Opens In addit.'on to the high -sfchool rtar exhibit. A demonstration of successfully in that communi- grant-:*, College Club this year pro- how the new satellite is used for ty. She explained that YES vided a total of-S-750 in scholar- ntercontinental communications J3 ,an ihtiependent, non-profit qr- ships awarded to three Union Jun- will be given periodically during ganization, endorsed by schools, ior. College students, who also, will the three-day program,. churches, service clubs and £ivic be honored at the -dinner.- Among,other exhibitors will be For Prom organizations. It has the full, co- . High school recipients include: D. J.. Heyburn, Cranford Savings Couples will dance in a "Paj^- operation and' guidance of- the Suzanne- Crawford,.220 South ave- 1 and Loan Association, Para Man- ais Enchahte " tomorrow evening State Department of Labor and nue, easlf Patricia. Deane, 102 Industrjiv • ufacturing Co;, Stuart's Audio, at the annual Junior-Senior Prom # Hawthorne street; Ellen Erlckson, Publie Service-.Electric & Gas Co., The, Kpcaker. pointed 6ut that 112'Benjamin'.-street;. Janet Her- Suburban Trust Co., j. B. Wil- at Cranford High School, from 9 the Youth Employment Service has fufth, 204 Walnu^ avenue; Val- liams Co.; ftankin Fuel Cd., Cran>- p.m. to 2 a.m. . been established to fill the needs erie Geiger, 129 Thomas- street; ford Historical Society, Cranford i The ehchanted. palace tfieme of two groups — employers, Carol King, 13 Marsh street; Lily Chamber • of 'Commerce, Cranford whether householders, business- liilncCallunx,. 411 Derimari road; will, be parried out; in turtluoise Physicians' Club, B-.Y Reproduc- and white decorations. Parents men or plant managers, wh6 can Cynthia Otlowski, 233.. Walnut tion Co., Union County Txust Co., use part-time, or temporary help," avenue,' and Virginia, Roberts, 8 and students are invited to: view • . ..'••'• ';''• Photo by Frutchey •AssocluW Ditzel's' -Garden Center, Clark and the many able,.interested and .Sylvester-street. . .-.:'.' Door Co., Plymouth -Printing- (.he decorated gymnasium from 6 qualified young people who earn- . Moravian College has been se- HIGH SCHOQL WINNERS --.Shown are Crnnford High School. ~ ' "' ' ' 'l«rships this year- by-the Cranford College ahd, Iteel-Strong Fuel Co. to 8t p.m. tomorrow prior to the estly want some income and job" ~Tccte~d'~t>v i siizijirtnc Craw : her choice of a school irjrwhichrto Iub. At front-is Carol King, and others, left to right are: second "Cyt??tv***wtr" igt been announced by StuarfrMcF-ad- __'title of Miss Cranford Dayt are: Front, left to right, Diana Kreger, . jchooK The Eei^and Larry Elgart According to Norman: A. Kline study medical technology. Suz- "row, Ellen Erickson and Patricia Deane; third row, Valeric G'elger den, chairman, as follows: Thui's-' Of the Youth Study Group of the anne was a member of, the, Fresh- and Suzanne Crawford; back; row, Cynthia Otlowaki-, Virginia.. 1 Martha Frank, Margaret,Qrazi; back, in same order, Joanne Aliseo, Orchestra will play. day, May 30*. 1 to 4 pan.; Friday; „ A'buffet supper of fried chick- First Presbyterian Church, 'JSho man Chorus]. the Glee r Club . ahd Roberts, Lily MacCallum and Janet Herfurth.' "'",: May 31, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m:;'and Sat- Carol. Annie Cawley, Dorothy. Anne Craft, Anne Mazaarese^ Not- serve'd as chairman of Tuesday en breasts, salads, rolls, lemonade : the Choir. Other activities include urday, June. 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ^pictured are: Geraldine Willoughby, Candlce Bqrges and Cleaetle night's meeting: ' ' \t . membership in the Biology Club, Briefer. ; '_' Pbotoby and- chocolate, eclairs will; be Other members of tho exposi- served, from li,p,m to 1 a.m. in "YES will complement the'fine Student Ctfuncil, >G.A.A.' Council,- tion committee include Dr. Wil- t work being'done by school gui- -II Tumb'ling Club! Modern Dance the high school cafeteria under the Scholcirship Winners Told mar F. Larige, Public Safety Com- direction- of Mrs, E. Milton Boy- dance counselors.' It has the Club, Future Teachers' of Amer- wholehearted support of Dr. Clark missioner H. Raymond Kirwan,. -etteand Mrs. Fred P. Andersen; ica\and German Club. '-.."' • " . Harold D. Owen, Stuart Snowden W. McDermith> superintendent* of Patricia • Deane plnns" to attend Ten From CHS to Seek ~ adult food chairmen, - and Ellen schools, and his s.taff. In fact, job and Mrs. Marie B.'Knipe, execu- Sue Moses, student food chairman. Newark State College, where she tive secretary. Assisting the com- applicants, will be secured "mainly will major in elementary teach-* Soda will be served in class- from the school system as the re.- mittee in clocking attendance will Miss Granford Days drowii rooms adjacent to the. gymnasium* ing. Her activities in high "school be members of Boy Scout Troop su)t of the. circulation of,. appjlpar. _ on Page^S) , •- Ten contestant's, all itud«nts jat Cranford' High School, wHI vie duringthe 'evening. Others- sepv- lion' forms among students'in the 7S;~ sponsored by Cranford Methr ing bn the. food committee are:. pdist Church. . •'•• ,,:_,_„ fcir "the •Utlc of Miss'Cranford Days at the Spririg Rqvue to b6'"held' 14-20 year age*bracketf.-:.".. T 30ft drinks, Mrs. Norman H. Bru- riexT'TTn7ria^y7''May^iWr^8US^;pj^ High School, fllidi^ At a meeting of the chamber's baker, Mrs. George- H. Erdmann; "Mayor Nicholas's. LaCortc also Farewell Fete directors. Tuesday morning at Ma- torium. '"' ' " '" •' '•"•'•" " • ^'""""""^^^"^^n^.-:- •. H.- Mo^es, Mrs. expressed" on..th%siasm for YES,". risa'si Restaurant,. Miss.'Beverly The winner will be crowned by Miss Barbara Willoughby, chair- Jifc Klinp-^declared, "and indir F.:;Wolfc of Abbe Juniors and man for Beta Sigma Phi sorority,' Asa R. Lee.;'beydrag6; Mrs. WI1- program will have Ws complete i support and coopera- ForiHi Warren Rinkin. of Rankin Fuel sponsor.: Contest ants wHI J. Foppert, Mrs. F;' C. Atkins; Co. were welcomed ns new tablecloths, Mrs. i\on;i .I'''. judged -on poise . talcat and ^rrorrmnrdciptrr- officials »li0~ ThkSim* .A. reiJort' was received "from, charm by George Mortdn, Jr., f'Cotttinuedi oti Page.2) -v , Members of. Cranford Methodist Henry petering, chairman of the Mrs..Hilary Knierim, Wesley Philo. Church will honor their pastor, the decorations'" and flag committee; and Willi»m Lovett. . Rcv^JDr,- Albert Allinger, and Mrs. that all' American;, flags have been The revue, • open to the public Allmgerj,oTi"*Si»atlay_at a farewell (Continued on Page S) •• program'- in ifrc-churcH^sanctuary free of charge, also will feature at 4 p.m. women's gay nineties "cbstume i Following this service, there judging and, a variety show direct- .- fl will ,be a reception in Randolph §a^ Nineties ad by Webster J. Van D,e Mark of ... -."Teen Tipsifor Parents" :was the subject of a panel, discussion- pre-'- Hall at 5:15 p.m.v at which time ;he Cpanford Dramatic Club. sented to the dranford High SchooP student .body Monday by a com..- the congregation and other friends r of the Allingers in the communrey BaUMamted " Contestants for the Miss Cran- rriittee of teonagers who Jiave been working with the Cranford High ••?-.! wilf have ^nn opportunity to pay loxd-liays title are: Joanne Aliseo School P.T.A. in the development of a family guide. •" . '. '. their- compliments^ ta the departing, of 513 Lexh\gton 'avehti|e, Cleaette •This was a preview look at the' sociaLbehaviqr guide'slated for : couple. ,- • " ." * A $2,200 scholarship, for her _ Swartz, a ^senior, at Brjefcr of 30.2 Retford avenue, distribution to parents of seventh The Allingers will jlea,ve the freshman year at Smith College in CranfQrd High School-, i\the win- The Cranford Rotary Club has through 12th grade students some- 1 Candice Borges of 35 Cayuga road, Cranfordf Church • June 0 . after Northampton, Mass., has be.cn ner of the nurse's; scnolarship announced that it will sponsor the •timo- this summer. . library, f nearly 20 years of seryice. awarded to Nancy G, Grote, daugh- awarded annually by tho%illage Gay Nineties Ball "during the Cargl Anne Cawley of 243' North Participants included: April Lee, Announcement; -that- the Rov. ter of. Mr. arid Mrs," Harry A. Grofe Improvement "Association, ft was Cranford Days celebration . this avenue, west; Dorothy Craft of 18 Michael. Clare, Nicola Brazzatti, announci?d this week. Funeral Home David J. Bort, associate minister, of, 28 Holly street, a senior at year. This annual costutned.dancc QentraJ 3ygnue, Margaret Orazit 23 Sharoh Orlawski, Barbara Nletzel, a/so will be 'leaving the local Cranford High SchaoJ. Miss Swartz plans to enterVhe will be held Saturday, JunF'X Colurnbia avenue, Martha Frank, Richard Britton,«. Howard Mllius, Win Citations " Mrs. Jojin A. Boynton of/Plain- from 9 p.m. to midnight in the church for a new appointment in Somerset Hospital Sbhool .of NuVs- ,464 Orchard street; Diana Kre- Dennis Sullivan and Kathleen The Cranfo.rd public Library on (June, was made'by-John V. Silli- Reid, president of the, Plairjfield- ing in.Somerville next'September. gymnasium of Cranford High Southwicke. Moderator was" Dr.. ger of 56 LivingsUm avenue. Anne Walnut avenue and the Dooley 'mani chairman of the pastoral re- Westfield Smith College Club, re- She will enroll • in a thrpe-year Schppl.. ' v Henry Mineur, a rnember of the Funeral Home, 218 North avenue, ported that the club provided $],<• Mazzarese of 4 Davis streel and lations committee, at a recent course, which alsd. will include Cd-Chairmen Howard M. Siegel parent group. Patricia Porn, the West, arc arn'ong 257 cstablish- meeting of the official: board of 600 of the total from, proceeds of courses given at Rutgers ..Univer- and Norman^Rotlc^; former Cran- Geraldinc WiUougnby of 12 Clark 10th member of the student ments throughout the state award- the. church. li -clothing sale ' arid other fund sity-in New Brunswick. '.'•.. ford Days general chairmenr an- street. • ' ' mittee, was unable to participate. ed Certificates of Civic Achleve- i ;.isir;g projects and the general -"The Rev. Mr. Bort was assigned Miss Swartz is a rriehibcr of the nounced that-the Rotary Club is ' Subjects .discussed included: mqnt-ier Lands.caprdrttfr-i»l«ee--ln—roJatiprL tp_thc dicated that if a- township-owned -, The program; will, be' nnrrateid town's recreation program. is~:ttct ., president of. the Legion Auxiliary. ' •••..*. Francis. ,;'. • •'•' . - .',*... ' Robert Piapka, Mark Myerson. Steven'iJoWanj^ClaJKie GradV. ' . •'.-''

. < \ .-•.r" i > . r^ ^ • * ., * •\v/ ':i^,-^j,;^<;,'•::._. •;,-'^ v. kS^MUaanJuseaai ^MC^; \7>..:.

•'• " .: "I"•>'. . VASV TWO ; . CttANFOftDf (S. J>). . MAV 23, 1963 T? ig and Airs.''C.-W. Linkle jf- A. from Joseph Galilei's class. . after' the iJai;ty," HOW.T AJ!>up ,ahd down thl* Kannwhn Ch'arlesloH'-.bivfore- t)>e j>haw'boat .Barbara'.Nietze.l summed;up for and: Ohi«? rivers .— that's; whvrc sets sail gn June 14. . '-f^'' : I'-1 •'•'.< . For Gojdwater the panel by assuring the students: Gary Dorian oi 217 Elizabeth ave- ••'Gary,- who w'j,ll'. enter .his.se'nlor 'Wo have not been brainwashed. nue will be this summer: yew in .the fnll, ancj his friends' . Senator Barry Golcjwater Is thfr orily possible R6publii:an have stepped forward, and ex- These arfU»e southern[.and border pressed a ^willingness tp "pitch in" reasondbie suggestions. The PTA nearby .eon%K<>s~tfrrs'^CRCr7.He >is 1 t portunity in 1964." , •. ' Nelson Rockefeller were nominat- advertising, procedures, employer Lake,.Wear ttopic, were urged this The speaker declared that, stu- ed by the GOP, he would fcarry soJJcitartioYi, •volunteer staff, job only Maine, Vermont and New w;eek" to send- in. their: applications dies of past election "trends, plus assignments, labor laws, legisla- MARILYN G. WIGfHtMAN Jf, ELAINE GUYER .u... reports frbm. Republican leaders Hampshire and the industrial East: tive, and student-liaison. ,. immediately. in ihe South, indicate: that Gold- • "Goldwater, arid only Goldwat- Chanhing Rudd,' vice-president The bhly. vacancies,in the first water would carry; almost every (.er^can put together the necessary of Suburban Trust Co., will be in combination of electorlal. votes to mphth of camp are" in the opening southern state, plus Texas, charge of; fund raising a and ar- week, June 30 to July 7; it was "This electoral vote, plus the win for the Republicans' because ranging ''for- office space. He; said Bucknell B«gree Caiidftjates he, is the only potenial candidate, pointed out. by President John. E states carried, by Nixon in" 1&G0, he woulH ..welcome "suggestions .'." Among the candidates for the Allen. Twenty-one registrations would assure,; a.;Republican vic- who can take the ; South away from, townspeople." degree of bachelbr of arts at Buck- section group of high school stu- have been, received for the "initial tory with ' Goldwater," Mjr. MacIron- y the Democrats,'• he conclud- Thbsfe attending Tuesday night's BR 6-0700 ed;,. ... • •:.-. ' . ;•• nell University,, Lewjsburg, Pa., dents, selected by the'.council) has week. A sports clinic will b£: held Pherson said. .;..• . > •-. : initial meetiyng included Mrs. Da-are Miss J. Elaine Guyer,' daugh- niel Kusiv, Council, of. Church" been drafting "a f g.uide under the during this week, as Well as the ter ,6f Mrs. Violet S. Guyer of 211 supervision of a group of parent"; regular carnp, program. Women; Mrs. H. L. Smlthers, fcran- Walnut; avenue and the late Mr. The students requested the op- 'The second^, third and ' fourth, jp^rtunlty^Jto explain the frurpose wrplrg arn fillnd Sem&r^Pwm FarfmTtfflimdhing Ruddr Suburban Trust Wightmas, daughter of Mn-IKH J Martin D. Tittnften, Chamber of and hature"o7TRe guide to the stu- 'Dessert and .'bre.ak.fast. parties Jeane McClatchey' of 102 South Mr*. fi6dfge Wlghtrhan of 5 Green dentvbody, resulting in an assem- are three vacancies in the fifth Commerce; Murray L. Rose, Ju- week, July 28 to August, 4; .14 will add tp the gaiety of the Prom Union avenue. '. \ '. •. • court.., • i -. .- -.' - bly program for 11th and 12th nior Chamber of Commerce; De- The 113th annual Bucknell com- 1 vacancies* in the sixth week, Augr at Cranford High Schooi tomorrow Sue Ann Schalef- of 29 Rutgers tective Sgt. Prank Burr, police, de- graders .in the,- morning session , and road will onfertairiijiL.&a£ti£S be- mencement exercikes will be held .a similar program for 9th and 10th ust 4-11; 9 in the seventh week, partment. August 11-18; and 24 in the eighth 9 A.M. to 9 P. M evening. fore and after the prom. ' Sundpy, June 2. graderSvin the afternoon. .. _ Mr. Kline Mrs: Marie EltiHge, week; .August 18-25. ' , Students entertaining at dessert While at 9ucknen, both ioCal •Ho^and--^iu)Jj~in-defending a Mrs. MUton Eastwick, Youth Sfiidy Application blanks are avail- parties prioj" to the biggest social girls \vere prominent in, campus statement -in the "guide whichrbe- Group, First Presbyterian Church; activities. . ' able ai the Citizen arid Chronicle, event 6f the year will be: Robin lyirs; L."F. DeWolfei. High School gins, VP«rly crashing is -an inex- Students Tour , ./Guyer served as siecretary cusable custom," told the audience Hcdenb.erg-MacBeanf Reel-Strpng demons' of 2 Burthfleld avenue; -PTA; Prestojx^ liitten, high sthool' and Sportsman's Shop.,.,' > y Richard Johnston of 209 Retford and treasurer' of the Presbyterian that liy--'s conduct be avoided by knowing in advance negotiations concerning type of when kids should be on their way employment, wages and hours. home, or at least have left the house wh^re the party is being Mr. Kline stressed the fact th£t held.'' '•:•'.; . of all who may provide full or jinw It' part time employment for youth, d e t e r m i n o what' "appropriate as well as youth who are willing dress" • means, for each occasion. 10 wolrk.lk' ' •-:••• ' ' " Panelists • agreed, ho wever,-ttnrt~ "It needs," he declared, "people lot of embarrassment ' can be' who will say YES to the Youth avoided if teenagers ask the host Employment Service.". or hostess in advance what type of Local residents or potential dress is' recommended-for trie employers interested in s^pport- evening. The fiVudents seconded ing the project have been-request- Dr. Mmeur's reminder -that short- ed to contact any of the residents shorts Would be appropriate at the who attended: the initial meeting: beach or a.t athlctio events, but cer- TOPPER tainly noi in the downtown area. '• Just wat«h his face U«ht up wheat you The legal involvements of serv- serve hkn one of our wonderrul steaks! B(igh School ing alcoholic beverages—ttr^other they're tender ...-, . .juicy . .';'. and oh so ("Continued from Page 1) • . people's children were discussed U. S. Choice mailed to parents and once the by several members of the panel. delicious! Good as good can be — our ateaka returns were tabulated it was ap- The students agreed,that since the CAR COAT are cut from- KnunrfcM. ste«r b«ef and parent, pr.: Mineur said, that a legal drinking age is 21, it is pci-r SIRLOIN STEAK large -percentage: fa*wqd ' such a tenUally dangerous to serve Intbxi- triinmed In our very special way that T r BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED •project... ' '• . ' ....'" "i co'iing "beverage^; lnbludlHg" be"(5f/ removes excess bone and fat BEFORE The student council was then to teenagers. AND PRESSED weighing and nrioine. So for goodneos sake approached; and for the past"severe i "Theparents in whose home a kid \ al months; a representative cross- has been drlnjcing*ean be s"ued for U. S. Choice (and these low prices) put steak on your' PORTERHOUSE STEAK (y Recommends ANY MEN'S OR LADIES' eau BIRD&EYE 2pkg. STORED ft INSURED for $25 PVOB CLEANING CHAHOE KRAFT Mb. box FRENCH BEANS... 39c S EXCESS VALUATION 1% VELVEETA ...; BIRDS-EYE 3 pkg. ANY ' • . BOX STORAGE STORE ALL YOUR WINTER WQOL- Blended Scotch Whiskey EN3 thii economical way! Skirl*, KRAFT 7 FUR COAT 1 Jackets, Snow Suits, Sweater*, House- BtRDS-EYE . 3 pkg. STORED & INSURED for $50 • 'hold Itams .'. . ANYTHING except fur, Strawberry Pres. . 29c EXCESS VALUATION 1% " " •a. fur trimmed coats and heavy, coats. KRAFT AMER. 8^1. pkg. BABY LIMAS .....55c STORED IN OUR VAULTS CLEANED ft GLAZED CRAM IT FULL! CHEESE SLICES ... 29c DQWN^ PUKE . 2pkg. .99 2% of Valuation WAFFLES;;:;... ..; 25c FUR COAT 4 Plus Cleaning Charges v.

FREE WITH EVERY c -T^ll*! Gay Nineties Ball BOX STORAGE ORDER 5 U ™M ' Tickets On Sale Here JV5 CRISCOorSPRY 3-1K t«H W)TH MINIMUM DRY (JLEANING ORDER OF $12. B A O SHORTENING ... 79c NfiWORBEN 21b. „, . /• C. A U M > PEANUT BUTTER.. 35c Ib. % ears N.B.C l^pk^ ZUCCINI SQUASH 29c RITZ CRACKERS . 29c SW6IBT RIPE Ah. CftHishaw Melons 29c SERVICE PHONB 6-0 3 92 I WE MO EXTRA CHARGE -,6039J • \DEUVER 0VVNE3 A O?ci\Art\) BY BUtRKLiN U SVSE S K £ Y, INC :-i\Kfc. .iL-JKS1- 8 AIM TU CK'M 0AM T GAR VVOGli S N UNION AVi-: ,MJ .l

'. • > "',:. .••.'•...... •.•••• -V.: •, ;*i.1

-' ..''*•'•'• '-•'.•-,V- '"':' •-'• •- ••• • '••'•>•{ >•'•> SK ^^ .-...• .-ii-r-.'

- ' .'' • • '• • •'-— • '• ' .i • *'' - • "'1.'J" •• '•• ' • • • ••"•"• >«i>iii«Aiin in i k AITITITU "iun ruunuiri c TiiitvcmV MAVVV no mat T>.;^ CJKANPORP-IN. j.) GITIZCN XND CHEOJWCLE^=THlIRfiDAiL-MAV 23^1963 . Bit* Vmlixxl f«^ tUu'*.*i;...» has'-bc-en .wusjkfHdwfTitor-r^O^ays, it wa>-amf4^*triiitrwcA''»ny''.Mu*- JfveK%J2 ortoi- W. effective as of^a* iAj^dW the .tor Vehicle Director'^d j: P% ins I'CS, 21,-ttf-^Retford. avenue,"60^70. excessive Speed prograrii, i-ckian, .:.:._." • ,1 •. Citation Lauded f()r Past Services igmond v'l".:1;;"! . ' Rabbi Sidney DSShankeri of 1 I Wilttam B. Rocker of Elizabeth, Tpmplc Beth-,E1 was awarded a. vioe-presldent of'Swath Cleaners, hljjhllQt. Ji .v, Jl.j'. i;Clhd " . ' .' itation On Sunday by, ihe Aifteri- 44 North avenue, east,^\yas lauded . of "Harpoon" HtV-^'.i'aivlongthG.'.in-i!^!^. •• van.-Jeyi'tih Congress for Jiis par- f for his-- sfciVjces during the past icipatlon' in >thc freedom move- ••'A '•'*,• ' • ' .. , • • •: • ' '' ' • • \ .••"-••• year'"as. he wa-s.ginstalled. Sunday 1 iv vienl/'in the .South.... ', • , / -,*\ ' ••"•.• jantien-£>i".*Jpu'j 1'ii'i-trim :•-•..••'i'' '"'-r . .s ••"' night for "his second, term. a.s"pv'esi-

: : 1 - The 'award nindeSit the annual ... _i ••:. ' •'- •• .•; - " y '•;-"i^ :-v i dent /of the, Young Men's and

l • oldnian Hotel; West Orange, was ..•all cluy^-.v.'L-t or/ • _ oi: the association, many of,whom j Rabbi Shanken was arhdng 20 ar.e residents- of Cranford. sportswear !• abb.jj who' volunteered -to" ' ' ' for sp~ior10frt'*r« • icipa'te1' in dcrWonstratio'ns organ- Among the^>peakers at into an- >ed by- Pi1..' Martin Luther nual dinner were' State Senator Nelson>^tamler, Elizabeith Maypj-, >ec-n called off by the1 time the Steven Bercik an.rl Harold Levy, ooup arrived, Rabbi Shanken ^c-. {•resident of the State Federation joired, but the rabty$ spoke .tp | more than 6,000 Negroes at cburch OJ YMHA'K... ~ .'_'..• ... • neetings, pfferirtg their support . Mr. Rocker grew up. in the ':c the negroes' demands, for rights WILLIAM B. KOCKER YMHA, of which his' father had bfcen an officer and active ..worker with no compfomlBcs. for, many yefirfc,; In.-hjs adult TO CHOOSE FROM Final Session Tonight years,- Mr. Rocker has participated in all committees of the Y and has Trbiit'Says Thanks For Pre-School Group made an outstanding record in the The Roosevelt PTA pre-school YMHA building fund campaign. For Fishin?: Rights committee ^ill have (Is finalses - s g!8natni3irTg ~~JKCJEEElSJ;^ *°£.. 'Knihg of.^ the 11 h the other day. •.'.'• contract fbptfTe*i^ec^ira^Tninsw SCOUT 6AMPOR¥E of Mrs. William Gui.ntW. 23 La.-Sl,50p,000 ' YMHA building on Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Norton of Sallc avenue.. . . If so, just call BUSTER BROWN, identify the : 22 Central avcuue wjCre. presented Green lane, Union, which now. is MAY ,24/25, 26 : Mrs. Ormond.nnd Mrs. Mairano, under construction. He appealed with a tvout by two teenage boys kindergarten teachers at Roose-: childv and the-.'ifirst person will receive "who had been fishing at the rear to the \300 attending Sunday night'.- S*op In for Y^ur Scout Supplies r0 w velt, will discuss the program dinner to keep working until the . A Pair Of ^ or the Norton's P JP^y»_ M^ wlvich-isv given during a yenrfnr 61 borders on the river.';.'; . kindergarten and an outline of a "We hope to serve 10,000 mem- Mrs. "Norton reported this is thetypical, day In kindergarten. $3.95 Goodyear Sneakers iflrst fish to''be 'caughi this Avay in bers there from the nine commun- ^•. THE", ..•-•••; ,\; . ,-•:• Mrs. C. J.-De Cotiis, chairman, ities in our area ot Union County," their 34' years in Cranford. - The ; and Mrs. R. G. Stevens, co-chair- :••"•/• ' •'•.-••• "FREE ;•. ,:r-V. •-••> two boys offered ..part of. their he declared. ' ' . •; man, expressed thanks to Mrs..Ror Active in Temple B'nai Israel, tateh in .return for the privilege of land Massimino, Mrs. Ralph Jones, SPORTSMAN'S Elizabeth,. Mr. R(ocker also has tak- ..lishing from the Norton's "property. Mrs. J. P.. Leonard, Mrs. Jerry The couple claims .to have one1 en an active part in the United SHOP Murphy, Mrs. -^Charles Stevens, Fund, United Jewish, Appeal, Boy of the best flshing: s*pots; on theMrs. E, D. Reeves, Mrs. Robert river under their.landinfi:i and'their Scouts and several ^ocol gr.oups. \ 103 N. Union Ave. " Cranford 1 Mrs'. W. L'. Merman, Mrs, BUSTER BROWN h yard is" usually crowded ^yith He resides with his vvjfe. and two JERRY GQRD'ON, tybp. BR 61099 ^ I-—roiadj Frigola foi' tflvintJ their, tfmc—hr Elizabeth. Telephone rnoTTiers of pTc=Scrr children to., inform them of lec-r OUT •I ledge: No Sale Is CompJcte 4^ tures given.'during the past school VIA'Nursing •. ' • ': ..-Until the-Customer Js Cohiplfetely Satisfied "' year, '.'• ..-..- . . •(Continued ../roiH. Pnpe 1) .ejttendetl. Jhe best wishes; of the iN. Union Ave. ;.. .'.'.-, BRidge 2-51911 The secret ^of . success' is con-,elub, . She was accompanied -by ..-^-YOpeh' Evenings 'til 9 -^- • '. -' staricy to purpose. — Benjamin her mother, also a guest of the Disraeli. • • '' association. •'.•'•' •> «

''•• '

.?•. tv • ••V". and :;: V-- save bv

v ••• H ;. V

rayon and nylon, feels so luxuriously soft and cool it's like a fresh fluff of powder next to the -*# skin. No wondcr'so many devotees insist on it all.year round and remind us they're waiting for our special savings on threesomes. FOR A •LIMITED TIME ONLY, so do come in and scoop up your favorite classics'from our great Pechglo Collection. ' .S"/(/r White Only


•) - •• ••'•.-- .-f;-P*\-' ^: t ,.-• jr^:-sm>- '•••.;•; "Mr. Average Man" is the one -wha.really runs' New Jersey Blue

'• >>: Cross and Blue SMeld. Both organizations were founded with only. one aim ... to provide an economical means for the average citizen A;Biicf:Si/es4lo>, to meet the cost'of health/care.; .Today^ as over the past 4ecades}_ regularly $175 eacbv, /the requirements of subscribers continue to guide us toward that NOW 3 FOR. . . ..V $3.25. Size 8, regularly $1.5t) each, 'objective. '"."''• ,. - X nq>v 3 for $3.85. \ ; Blue Cross and Blue Shield are truly non-profit. They are moti- V B. Short Panti'c. Sizci 5 to^ regulariy $1.65 each, vated by just one simple principle: provide members with the ; NOW 3 FQR...... $4.25. Sizes 8 to 9, regulaily $2.00 each, ',-J ability to obtain the best possible health care services at .the lowest, now 3Jor $5.15. v ' •.-s, i ; ' •> possible cost. , *' . '.'•'•. ' **""'•' C. "Tite" I'cinJie. , . •'>:,--H - .•;. ••:;•'' (Your choice of three lengths.) .As in years past, Blue Cross and.Blue. Shield will continue t6'., Medium lenjjlh shown, sizes.5 to 7, recularly"$2.00 eo.ch, ... work for their only real boss... "Mr. Average Man." Andliisfamily.: NOW 3 FOR . . ... $5.15. •Sizes 8 to 9. regularly $2.50 each, u , BLUE CROSS now 3 for $6-35T. - . - . FOR" HOSPITAL BILLS "" \ ..' • - FQR^DUCJOH JILLS Hospital, Service Plan of New Jersey ~-_\' . • MedlcaUSurglcaV Plan ol New Jersey •t ; :•//. ... 13-15 .North Union Ave. Gran ford ." I • • •••' - • •. ) r • ' i • . * ' -

•• \

Vr- '•"• •:';••..• •''•-• "/•" :"•« • i • .'• i "•'••• • '• l»*ee JF««t^C.,V CtASPGRT* (K. i.) CITIZEN AMD '.JtAY'SS, ma*U«r of the iewnship Coramitti* medlatrlyy, nIn writfhg. to. 3. .Walter CoT , NOTICE OF 4NTENTIOJI Mr. and, Mrs.VJ. Reagan,. Mr and l ; i t '.'•Tiny 8. Mrs. Kar| Pasw^. Mr. ahd-Jylrs. 3. WALTER GOTTtM, - it. j. • '• RODNBY FIBRE POST HO. SM, .' -• •* iftei Granford Eagle Scouts V CJerk S»ri.iJ OP,.FdHEKiN WAR* OP.jTHKiH Thomas S. Capron, Mr. -and Mrs. Paled: \ •"• '.WALTER P.rcsl'dfnt STATES. h*» «ppll«J to'the To»fil«hU> Adv, •"'.• - ' • 3 P*f Ay« Comtutttce Jit U»« TtMMMfhtP of CrVUltn. Hugo M. Staiger, Jr.- , i; . • Ci*hl'ord, N. J. N. Ji. for B Clui« license • for pr*ail*e* Sit- Am Mr., and Mrs.- Frank O'Brien, " ' . ••••• SBEHIFFS sAi-p <• Adv. t: i\l.U ' uated ill 479 Boutll Ay#n\ie. Crjirtfprd; NVJ; was a jjtertiljer of. St. Paul's AME SUPERIOR COURT OP NEW JERSEY Num*Nm*ss .anndd uddreiitie* otAhot'Ahe otSisotSisttrS^oi ••' Miss Aiiita C. Carlsen . Thcrejjwe j;p • i*lne Cranford residents among the 63 boys raised Mr. and Mrs, •F! George -Walton, CHANCERY DIVI8IOti '.'• „ NOTICE 'Of INTENTION Captain Newrll Roduejr Flike • Ptwt N«, •-•••: .. .-•. UNION "COUNTY '-J?r • ; Take noiiU-B that CRANFORD,; ELKS. 339. VctrratU""uf Fort-lgn W«f«' of the The Rev. Richard E. Graven, pas- Church.^ . '•'"»•.'"' to Eagle Scout rank; during the past y<*r who ware honored a.t the Jr.." Mr. and Mrs. Kingsland Ward, •• DOCKET NO. F 1JM-M E.PO.E NO. . 2(106, lius aDplled to thv Uijitrd SUtu. »r«; ' • „ > •f 1" Surviving are two sonii, Joseph Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Iversen,. Mr; NATIONAL STATE BANK OFt NEWARK, Township Cummil'lrc o! the Township of CommuDder: Thonia* F. 'Kprner, 218 So., tor of the Third. Presbyterian fifth annual-Eagle Sc6ut recojenition dlhn** ot UnionXounill, Boy a national banking ' association, Cranford for Rmewnl.ul Club X,lc«nKc'fur -Union AVfc, Cianford, N. J. and William, botixcf Elizabeth;«ftve and Mrs. Joseph Gatto, Mrs." Dib- .'•..•"•.. '. • Plaintiff, prrmisc* situated *t O51 Uncolti ' Av«nu« Senior Vlcc-ConimandrrT '.Michael praplulc.. "Scouts of Ame'ricu, last Wednesday'-m^nt at the Western Electric. Co. East,'"Cranlofd, New Jfrst-y. ' • Church. filtzaheth, conducted serv- grandchildren; lS^great ^grandchil- bpn"J. Wol"",. Mr; and .Mrs. Jo,hn '• ' .'• .' ' vs. ' ' • . ••' •' .' . •$4 Third Avtf., Ourwood... N. J. •. . '•," in Union. • " ' . . • •-• ''. ' ', •', ', ,'. '• -.. JOSEPH T. DONOVAN and KIAROARKT. Kaints and uddi'turt' of, the officer*' a.r.e:- Junior Vicr-Compiailder: Victor ?ttlorvU. «4J I*,: ices Monday, for Miss Anna Chris- dren; a sister, MrW'Saidie Knox of R. Goodwin,. Mr. and Mrs; d. M. DONOVAN, »/k a MARGARET'• 8, Exalted Roller: Jiimcs J. McKuy, Jr., Ml Brookside PI.. Cr»nford. N. 3. ••; tineqarlseh, 83, of 109 Edgar ave- .Birmingham, Ala., and a. brother,- .To achieve the rang ol Eagle Scout, a fiwst CIBSS scout must earn 21 Johanseh, Mr. and_.-.. Mrs. John ' DONOVAN, his wlft, et als; ,' . .Pulton PI..'Hanliet. M. J. •• ;• . • Quaritrmaslet:. Willis 0. Bird,.401 Lincoln . . .'. . -jf • Defendants. Leadlmc Knitht: St<-t>li<-n Cymbaluk.'.H9 W •'" Park %.. crwiford. N.'J. Ctf unhbus ' Alley of • Columbus. merit, badges, meet the . require- Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cohen, ClVIfc ACTION EXECUTION —. FOR BALE Edw»jrd St., Coloiila.. N. J. Ch»,prajii: Phllto .Berardlnelll. 14 Meeker nue, who diod last Thursday at' ' OP MORaVlAnKn .PRRM1HBB Ohio/ . »1_ ', •'" I,'-''i".' . •,' Mr. and, ,'M'rg. Arthur Cramer',. Mr, ll, fO Crime " ^ " •' ments of service to his home, com-j Cad Eetgraon. pharrhflcyy, gppn- T aligulil-fae-wode—ib >n.um,ty and_tro3p and pass_a board sored by Newtoti Burkett of tfie andTMrs. J. i-JT'Clbsori a'ndfiMr. and ecutloh to me dtrrcted I slid 11 Opose lor Lecturlng Kniiiht: Arthur J. Beamai), 106 uiedimiKly. in wrlttnB!'.to'J Walter Co"**' illness of fl.month . Mrs. Leo'Schultz. ' ' '. , T Mle by public veirdur. In IM "Court Hou«f. , OrjUiKC AV<^, Cratiford. N J-. •.. Clefk -of". th#: Township of cranford. N.-J. Wijliam A (Griffin cf review approved bjrthe council. Hillside National State Bank; Jo- tlj the dlty of Elizabrth, N.J., on Trustees: "• . . •» . . • . (Sinned) //Fhe fOngral.wng diplno cponcprqd imnMfJY the ?dth Amy. r»f MAT A f> . • 'Pi-nnlf v MnHiii km nmnt-.lx.. -PI Tliu.uu1. r. tta \K\ F. Schmidt: Memorial Funeral, t 1M3. at two o'clock In the' alternoop oJ Cranford. }l. J, * '.' ' 318 So. Unlofc.Ave.. Raritan road, Clark; formerly, of tempt is made to have each' scout by B. Frank Gerner, advancement Lerrfa. Named ' .; ' \ Mid i»f. „ •; • • . • .'• . ' Prank P. Coons. 217 Rankln A"'. C-ran- Cranford. ti. J.'T Home, lElizabeth. Cremation was Cranford,' died suddenly oh Tues- sponsored by arnan in the business —All the following, tj-ict or parcel bt land fotd. NTJ. .'•.•"•« Adf. Fee: »J5.40 . , 5-29. chair man for the council's southern (Continued. from Page !•)• ' »nd the preUilses here4na*(ter' particularly ' Walter M. Wasowskl; S Plmneld 8t day, affifrnobn, while being taken or profession of the boy's particular in Rosehill Crematory.' • district; Robert 0'Suillvan, retail second vicerpresidept, Victor S. described, situate lying and being In the . . Cranford. N. J.' • • JJOtlCK OF .INTENTION ^-__ A native of Copienhagen. Den- to ft&tovay Memorial Hospital by interest .with the aim of enabling Township ^>f-Cranford County of Union ' Robert Wllllaftisoii, 3D7 Stouthton, Ave., TaJce novice that.THE COACH A POUR the man to perform a."good turn" selling, SBonBored by Charles Arm- Nielsen; third vice-presidentf and State of Ntw Jeney: •;••'' ' : • Cranford, N. J. T . . RESTAURANT. ;tnc; has applied U> the mark,. Miss' Cadsen came to. this car. He had' become ill at Hyatt Richard S; Voting; secretary,- Jer- BJKIINNINO at a point on the. norther- August Swanholm, 31S So. Union Avf., Towrisl'IP Committee of the Township of tountry about 65 .years ago • and Roller Bearing Qo., Clark,: where in helpingthe scout.along the trail strong of .R.J. CSoerke Co. >'- ly side of. Craig Mact. formerly Ei*hth Cranford; N. J. • . crknfdrd-. N. J.. for .. a Restaurant-Con- ,to career achievement. . ry pe'Rosa; treasurer, John Erri- Street. dhVfcnt. 200 feet westerly, from % Treasurer: Christian D flayer. 46 Purkw*y dHlonul Plenary Retiir Consumption license l'ved in.Brooklyn for many years he was captain of plant ptotection. Guest speaker of the* eveningco;' assistant .treasurer," Edward point where tbe -westerly side of Central - Vlllaae. Cranford. NVjJ- ' •'...- for premises situated at 14 North Avenue. • 'Avenue, U extended In a nbrthexly direc- Secretary; Donald H. Rtnmrds, 430 Otlsco East. Cranfprd. N. J.. . ' . before moving to Cranford eight Born in Elizabeth, he Hved. Cranford Eagle Scouts'honored; was Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, presi- Rearlck. .'"''•.' tion • would Interject the. north sla» of their fields of interests and their mid Craig Place, and-which tiblnt It also Drive, Westneld, N. J. Names and»nddres*es of the olflcers «re: . jears ago". ' She 'had been a prac- of his life in Cranford dent of Onion Junior College. Don- Also, Hon tamer, Carl "Ganze- Objections; If liny, should be made Im- President: Alexander A. Blbby. 4?J Manor tended, lpcal!schools before moving sponsors follow;" ' •. &60 te,et westerly from' the• ldUtrMotlon mediately. In wrltinir, Va J. WsHer Coffer; Avenue, Crantord. • N. J. ; tical nurse, retiring 20 years ago. ald DWon of Explorer Post 75 of muller; tail twister", Syivanus J. of the westerly side of Oran«e V< d Qlerli of thr Townshlo of cranford, N. J Vlcc-Presldeni and Trensurer: WlUlarn A. t-oVQlnrk' ten 'years ago; ; H?_had Donald Dixon, civil engineer, the northerly 'line, of said" Caflp¥»O». . , ' (SUned) . ...-.._. • •Delflnls," J8-Connecticut 8l»*»t. (Jr»h- She wais a charter members of Cranford served as master of cere- Shaw; song leader,. Robert Laier; thence (1) north 38 decrees 28 minutes the White Lily Ladies Auxiliary of been ;employed by. Hyatt for 26 •sponsored' by W. K. Robinson of • v • ' CRANPORD ELKS; U.P.O.E.. ford, N. J. \- • •'• Western Electric; -Scott. Christian- monies. chaplain, Roy. K. Scheller; legal ekit 150.33 feet; thence (J) north 48 de- • ' LO.DOE. NO. 2006 Director- Carl' Totlt.. 308- Bender Avenue. the Independent Order of Odd Fel- .years; • . . ' / '. ,-' An address of appreciation to the advisers, Nicholas S< LaCorte and Bre» 12 mfntites' west 5O.'2tf* feet tc • .-•••• JiimeV; J. ilcKay, Jr. • Rose lie Park, N. J. .'.' . sen, sales, sponsored by Roderick parnt; thence (3) Ropth 38 detreea W Leadinc Knight lows/Brooklyn. • ••••..'.,' •• He [was, a comrnunicant of St. sponsors was presented by Dr. Charles J. Stevens; one^year, trus- minutes we.it 155.02 feet.to the nofUierly Objections, if. any.- should be made Im- Michael's Church, a life member W. Smith of the Union. Council ex- side of Craig Place; and thence, (4) slons! Adv. Pee: tt8:»S •' .' ' • • ' 5-33 mediately." In writing, to J. Waller coffee, > Surviving are two,, nieces* Mrs. Kenneth N. Albrecht of Cranford, tee's, Anthony Iaione and Albert the northerly line of Cxall Place, south Clcrt' of >the TownahlO of Cranford. K. J. of its lkoly Name Society, and was ecutive board; Marc Fing^rlin, eh- (Signed) "•. . - •••... Raymond Dickey with whdm^sjie -a* vice4presldent of the council. Kantner; two-year'trustees, Louis Bl degrees 34 minuted (east SO- feet to the NOTICE "TO CHKDITORB a member of .the Hyatt Supervi- giiieerlng, sponsored by William point and place of BKOINNINO. -••• THE COACH * POOR lived, and.Mrs. Edith Mackey of b RESTAURANT, Inc. • sors' Club and .N.'J..industrial fire Jayne of Jayiie's Motor Freight. Group singing was led by Philip M. '* p'Alessandris and • Arthur "Belnc ' also- known and designated, M Deceased Govington, Ky. , . ' '•'• Brubaktr of Explorer Post 80 of Boertmann. - . Lots 100 and 187 on a "Map ol Building Pursuant to the order of KUOtiNE J. Alexander A. Blbby. President Chiefs'Association.. Kenneth Morris, Jr., foreign cor- Lots for Sale by Doctor LounsUtry, Cran- KIRK. Surrovute of the County of Union; Adv. fee': *I3.32 5-4» Cranfprd. .. • .• •• * - ••>,/ ford, N. J.." which map Is lo the OSlee tnade on (he Keyentcenth ilnv of May, Surviving are • his wife, Mrs7 respondence,- sppnSored*by William of the Register of Union County! said AD., 1983, upon' the application of-the ".''•., NOTICE OF INTENTION >' Mrs. Edna M. Soiners Agnes CV McElwee~ Griffin; of The bally Journal; Wft- premises are alio known as Lots as Admlnlstrutrlx ofjfbe es- Tnirf nflt|fe .rhiit .Y+, m.Tvx n^Ttttffft^^n rit Notices "~CRANKORD. has BPpllpd. tg th»"*rowil- JUC« ford; New JerWjr, '-:•,'.••.- as* •iven to the creditors of suld deceased to ship Committee^oftliS Township of Cran- , fi fiialmierepark\vay , died Friday James, a student fn fourth grade at sored by Walter C. Money of, the from Page 1) The' aforesaid premises are commonly exhibit to the subscriber undt*r oath or ford. N. J., (6Y a Plerial-y Retail Con-' sumption license for'premises situated at evening of a heart attack at the St. Michael's Schqbl; two daugl^ Elizabethtbwn Consolidated Gas ; TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD kndtfn and dcsJgnrfted as MCr»lg PIac«. .affirmation v thWr claims ai\d' demands P. Neal and Mrs. Frank Cranford, NeW Jersey, and the aforesaid oifalhst the estate at said deceased within 523 Centennial Avenue, .Cranford, N. J. home of Vincent Tiiccio of 28 Hern- ters, Anne \ Marie, a senior at^Sx. Co. ' •'•• ' • '.-••'•'. .' bourne. , *• Cratiford. N. J. " ••'•• * description by metes and. bounds accords Six montlit from the date of .said order, or Ntcmcft nnd addresses of the officers and with a. survey made by P • j .-ftrnii. o.H.AS. slcckholders are: . • • > ' . • ing avenile. • ' Elizabeth Hospital School of Nurs- \ Paterson Rae, biology-chemistry, Mrs. WilUahi ,'jCnox.. is adult PDBLIC NOTICE OF SALE N they will be forever barred from prosecut- • Born in Jersey City, she lived sponsored by Robert Thompson of PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN of, Crantb** .N-iT.;"on 'AprU W, 19^7, and ing or recovering the same. against the President: aeorgcJ. Ohrle, 5J3 Centennial W andJCaiiiilftejCLia. junior at Ar- chairman and-jUrslIIa. Sehlmeyer, that the Township of Cranford will till revised by WIHlttm DIMarao, surveyor of subscriber. -.,''• • . ' Avenue, cranford, N...J. ' . .here- about six years. She a^r thur L. Johnson Regional. High Scherlng Laboratories • Division; student chairman. ' at public sale to the highest bidder, at a Irvlngton, New Jersey, on May.. 20. -M6T- ." Dorothy Brcy, Administratrix, Secretary ,and Treasurer: Kktherlne E. tended Trinity EpiscopaJ Church. 1 price: not less than the price hereinafter There IK due approximately »7,90».34 57 Monroe Ave'., ' Uhrie, 523 . Centennial Avenue, cran-. School. Clark ; three brothers, The- Ari additional list of. patrons\has with interest from March 1, 1963, and costs. CreHsklll, N. J. • • •' . . • ford. N. J. • .• , ' ' ' • set forth, at Its' meetint. to be held in • The Sheriff, reserves the right, to adjourn ; Surx'iving are a daughter, Mrs. odore of Garv^ood, Robert E. and been announced as follows:' Mr, the Municipal Building .located on the f Adv. Pe«: JB1.12 - • • '•••• 8-13 Objections, if any,-should be made Im- Robert A. Kernpf,' .with_jjn*om- JoiopJrirof Cr,anford^ and a sister, Jlahway most of. her life\ She was torneref North Union.Avenue andBprlm- this sale. ' • . .. . ,." ; . mediately.. In wrltlnu. to J. Walter Coffee, and Mrs; Seymour E. ,Moss", Mr, fleld Avenue, In the Town«hip of Cranford, : Ralph Orlscello, Sheriff •'• •' NOTICE OF INTENTION Clerk of the TownKllip of Cniliford. N. J. she lived; a sort, John J. of Crnh- Mrs. Peter Usher of Union.—- a communicant of St\ Mary's New'Jersey, on Tuesday, May 28, Vila, WILLIAM NEWMAN, E8O. , '•'.••.• Take notice that CRANPORD HOTEL. (id) '•• i arid Mrs. Alfred DiFabio.Mr. and at 8:30 P.M. (Daylight Savina; Time), the DJ & CC&C, CX-34-O-a YE CfLDETlAT ford, and siic grandchildren. The funeral vfrlll be from Dool'ey Church and> membefrbf its wfeary 1 Inc., has applied to the Township Com- Mrs? Vincent G.'Daniel, Mr. and lands and BremUc.s situate in the Town- Adv . Pee: J88.00' . ' 8-J3 mittee or the Township of Cranford., N. J,. QP ,CRANFORB" , . 'The Rev. Robert Biz2aro, rector Funeral Home, pranford, tomorrow Society. She was the widow of Mrs. Howard" P. Hofacker, Mr. ship of Cranford, County of union and for a Plenary. Retail Consumption license Ocora-e 3. Uhrlc, president of Ti'inity Episcopal Church, offici- at 8!4& a.m. followed by a high Patrick J. McAftdrews.whd-died\iri and Mrs.. Peter J, Orazi, Mr. and State of New Jersey, and more particularly ESTATE OF VICTOR BODEN. for premises situated at One.South Union Adv. Pee: $13.33 • 6-20 ated at services Monday at-Dbqley described as follows: • • Avenue. Cranford, N. J; • , mass of .requiem at St.'Michael's 1951 • • .f ••:'.. . ,\ Mrs. Nelson Dittmar, Mr. and.Mrs. . Bcklnnlhif at a point Iri the southerly . . Deceased Named and addresses of the Officers and '. NOTICE OF INTENTION Funeral Home' GranfordV Inier- Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Surviving are thrde daughters? side line of-Orange Avenue, 041.00 feet NOTICE TO CRKDITOK& - stockholders are:. ' Take notice that CARL DELLA SERRA '.. ment was in Graceiand. Memorial aroldrC. Hopper^,. Mr. and Mrs. easterly alonit satne, t,he followlnK I'tn'suant J^o the order of. EUGENE 3, Tresldtmt: Frank DITullto. 257 BloomlnRdale and JOSEPH OIANNOBILE, of Criinford. will be in St. Gertrttdo Cemetery,' Mrs. Mary iRohland of Elizabeth, Hbt .Wolf, Mr. and-Mrs. W. T. courses and distances from the easterly KIRK, Surrogate of the county of Union,' Avenue, Cranford. N. J, .~ •tl-rtdlnB OS MARISA'P RESTAURANT^ has Park, Kenilworthi -.,-':-: Mrs. Jean \Bilar of Grillette_;_and side of Wadtworth Terrace, said polut made on the third day of May, A.p., 1863, Vice-President and -Treasureri r William JlPPllPU-to'thji Townsh'lit Committee of the Woodbridge. • ', 1. :ly.- Mr. and Mrs.- G.-Glay- alufi dlstHrjt- Bfi ft piifilerly Yrom upon• the application- of. the uxderslgntd, Townshiship of cranford.-VtVt. 3'.]-to't3.]tot a a RtauRastaurr - IWrsriNftin. B, Vacsai of ,' CranfurA; nt. ExocutricM. of the eitate~ of »a(d 'da- • DITulllo, J07WJt&te4 anf-condlnonafcdlnondln l l ltcnarlt y RetaiRtill connumpconump- _J_1_E!^ Calvena i.Ziegler the easterly side line' of lot 33 Block ,hereby__glyen, to^the.ered.- • N, J. tlo'n license for • premlBrs situated »t'-17 -EdteonTl'lTgran'd- TtT~aS~TaTd ouT" on -Map oT"Crinford: itors or said deceased to exhibit to th» Secretary: James' P. Kervlclt, 418 Casino ulia A. Mfriter Mr. andNMrs. Herbert J. Seiser. Park, Cranford; N. Jr., filed May 34th, 1 Eastman Street. Cranford, N. J. •• chlldrcnand a great-grandchild. tub.icrlberK. under oath 01 afTlrmation their . • AvenucT Cranford.^.N. J. ' The names .and - addr Also, 'MK* and ^Mrs. Lester W. 1913: 175E: • ... •' . cliUms arid demands -ugalnst the cstata'.tof I*r'ed* Maybuiiin, 35-Elm Cburt.' South ., KEN ILWORTH—Services will be Mrs". Kathry ri,M . Mb Andre ws, 71, '."A" . N .54° - M' - 30" E 103.00 feet; •'«r«: • . ." - ' .•• ••:•.,. said "deceased within six raonUisfroin,th e Oraniiff, >(. J.;. . Curl Dollu Hcrrn, 311 Walnut Avenue, Criin- held Saturday at 10:30 a.m.' at the of 106 Pa\ynec road died Saturday Holmes, Mr\md Mrs. Charles A; "B" . S 4B° - 43' E B.40 feet; : date of said order, or they will be forever Objections, If nny. should be made l'm- ."C" N 46°-10'-30" K «00.33 ft.; ford. N. J. Ncsbitt Funeral Home, Elizabeth; .it her home after a short illness. Card-of Thanks. Fink, Mr. ^ntfSMrs.H. J. - Gutt- barred, from proiecutlnic'.or rdooverliiK the med,lately, in . xituated at'415 cen- sltuttted at 104 Walnut Avenue,'Cranford, Free, information, .no__ob!ljj{ationr .and premises an • Executive Office tennial Avenue, Cranford, N. J. ' N..J. ... ••"•-.• Building of brick, steel' and concrete Names and addresses of the officers.are: Objections, If any, should'JjojflBde—lm»- rjow. construction, at a minimum market President and Treasurer: Walter Orad, '2 l»diatcly^ln_wjaUilg^^o-arrWaTter Coffee. ... Send your name,' address and .. value Of TWO MILLION (12,000,000.00) Park1 Avenue, Cranford, .N. >L__i_-— le-rknjrthe Township of Cranford, N-. 3. DOLLARS, containing not'loss than VMce-Presld«iVj^lriejt-Gr^Airat6vrT7Tpros- (SUrned) » year of- birth to: Central Security 80,000 square feet of floor space. . SIDNEY SCHER Life Insurance Co., Dept. H-5Q6* 3. Construction of aaUL^bttlWInB-THBll Secretary: Helen Orad.' 2 .Park. Avenue, •* -104 Walnut Avonue ^cgmmtnc*—i»r7Tategmn*»r7Tarr • than eight (8) CrattJord, N, J. , . Crunford, N. J. > 1418 West Rosedale, Fort Worth 4,; monthsth , ftfrom.h thi s ddatet off acceptance Objections, If any, ..should bo. made 1m- Adv. Pee: ' Texns. • " . Adv. of the* bid of the succesafiil bidder by the. Township committee and shall be. fully 'completed not' later than fifteen (18)' months front the date of such .acceptance. Actual construc- tion shall be deemed ,to have taken place upon commencement of con- creting the foundations fpr said build 'ing. ....'•.•. ':•-• 4, The sale shall be subject to such state.of facts as. an'accurato survey SALE .may disclose, easements and 're- Established atrlctlonl of record, if - dny, pro- vided said casements and restrle- h Uons do not render the title un- marketable and . do not prevent tna SATURIAV. MAY 25' erection of said building. -JS. Tlie4uf""ful.bidder must perform o41 tof;tl>e conditions of sale'as in- corpdrsted herein and may not as- Remingtons ••• Royals •Underwoods • L. C. Smiths sign any interest prior to! the com pletion'of said building.- . • - Wonderful Buys, All in Good Working Condition. 6.. Ten per cent (10ft) of the amount These machines were traded in and have been Of the bid shall be paid in ca9h, or fay certified check, at tho time ol carefuMy checked and cleaned. the s»le, • 7. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid In cash, or by certified Check, on delivery .of deed at the FIVE TYPEWRITERS .....'. .: . v M each closing, which shall take pise* within three (3) month* from the dftto of acceptance of the bid of FIVE TYPEWRITERS .,..,.. •.. 5*99 each the successful blddef by the Vo«m> sWP-Cwnmlttee. Said^ closing date shall be of the essence, of the con- FIVE TYPEWRITERS ...... 15.00 each tract and upon failure of purchaser to take title within the time sUp- Ulated, the Township Committee FIVE TYPEWRITERS ...... 25.00 each may declare the. deposit forfeited and retain said deposit as liquidated damages and may veil the property TWO ADDING MACHINES ... 25.00 each or pursue such further legal and •suitable remedies' as it may have, The Township, at Its own cost aod Also, A Select Grdup of Nevv and Late Model Rebuilt Typewriters and Adding Machines, Fully expense, w411 cons(ru«t Bir«hwood Avenue as an access road from Orange Guaranteed, at Fabulous Savings. These Are Some Examples:— Avenue to Bloomlngdsl^ Avenue with S,S0O-lmeal" feet,- more -wle»sr jof-con- Crete curbs, a 38-foot wide macadam 6 BRAND NEW PORTA^LEg ^"sTuHy Wd^n¥^ Reg. $54.50- SALE PRICE $ 39.50 pavement of approximately 1,750 lineal f#et, a 48-Inch storm drain of ap- 1Q BRAND NEW PORTABLES — with tabulation ....•.,.: Reg. 109.5d~ SALE PRICE 84.50 proximately 100 lineal -feet, and ap- proximately 1,300 "feet "of sanitary 10 ASSORTED ADDING MACHINES and TYPEWRITERS .:,... Regg. 39.50 - SALE PRICE 25.00 sewer In the bed of Blrchwood Avenue In accordance with plans'on file in 10 ASSORTED ADDING MACHINES and TYPEWRITERS ...;... (leg. 59.50- SALE PRICE 35.00 the Office of the Township Engineer, Construction of Blrehwood Avenue ~ It SFIUNQFIELD AVENUE, CBANFOBD 4 REMINGTON 44-KEY TYPEWRITERS ...:-.".'._-.. ,...: Reg. 125.00- SALE PRICE 99.50 with said Improvements shall com- mence in lBfli.04 .construction of the 4 UNDERWOOD 13-in. TYPEWRITERS ...... ,:.. Reg: 125.00- SALE PRICE 99.50 building'progresses. Prior to the commencement of" any 4 SMITH-GORONA 88-KEY ....."..' ::...; Reg. 125.00 - SALE PRICE 99.50 work, purchaser shall submit to the We offer residents of Cranford and vicinity ah SALE Township, Committee and the Planning 1 I.B.M. ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, late model . Reg. 245;00- PRICE 195.00 Board for its approval color render- 125.00- SALE PRICE -ins, construction nlaus and - a lite 1 I.B.M; ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER ....;...:..;.., Reg. 99.50 plan, setting forth complete details outstanding funeral home, complete with air 245.00- SALE PRICE 195.00 with respect to the design, construc- 1 ROYAL ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER ...:,.. ' Reg. tion and layout of the building, and 225.00- SALE PRICE 175.00 driveways, parking areas and the gen' 2 REMINGTON ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS ...-:::;. Reg. cral nature of all landscaping. conditioning, organ, large light rooms for your 1 195.00- SALE PRICE 155.00 10. If title to said land shall prove to \ • v • . ~ REMINGTON ELECTIC TYPEWRITER : :..:..,: , Reg. be unmarketable, the liability of the 2 79.50- SALE PRICE 59.50 Township shall be limited to the re- BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES,-with subtraction ..... Reg. turn to the purchaser of the amount every convenience* Our, own display room* 1 125.00 - SALE PRICE 99.50 of hfa deposit. Title shall be deemed VICTOR ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE Reg. to be good and marketable If It. be such as will be insured by a Title Company authorized tc< do- business )n Plus Many Other Outstanding "One-Of-A-Kind" Bargains At Savings To 50%. the State of New Jersey, and provided any exception contained in such policy shall not pr«vent erection upon and use of the premises for an office bulW- WE SERVICE WHAT WE $ELL ^ Ing and accessory, use. II. Said 'premises -shall be . conveyed to the purchaser by Bargain and • gall deed, without • coven arils M to .the SALE STARTS AT 9 A. M. grantor. It. The . purchaser's title shall,. at .the option of the Township of Cranford, be subjtct to forfeiture in the •vtdt that' the purchaser falls to eotaply with th« covenant*' and conditions set forth in' paragraphs 1 and 3 above. Bald purchaser shall pay the ooek of n. publication of the notice of ' sale, i • preparation of de*d ind documentary F. H. £ray>Jr>Mgr. funeral Directors Arnold Salberg, Mgr. tp* : • I4t A eommlislon of live per «*nt /N shall b« paid by the. Townahlp ol It SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Sl« EAST bROAD 8THEET cranford W t|»» duir lTceii«ed brokar, 30 EASTMAN CRANFORD if any. eoniumrtt*tln> the i«J», upon . N* JT. — WE8TFIELD, N.. J. - AD I-O1 . '..'• pauhw W «Ue; ; , - - (Acrott The Street' from Cranford Theatre) 15. .The TowMihlp committee res^rvee; v- — —Jrt4lht .10 t^ai^ cDotine* ;'tat 1 be nMUMr

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y '"•"'•' (tf. i.) JUIN IMt IMUUbANDb OF LUCKY WINNERS AT A&P!

••;t-w Held by Two BtEpwnie Troops BrownieTroops 35 and.334 of the Blooniingtfa'le Avenue School hold iheir "Fly-Up" ceremony recently in (he" school auditorium. 6.0OO --3SSB • The welcome address and meaning of "Fly-Up" was giverr by .Mrs. R. O. Adarhs,' "Brownie consultant of the BIoorningdale-iRposevelt District: •'fhe Brownies sang the "Brownie Smile Spng!' arid the In- tVrmcdiatc Gil f ScoUtls of• TroopTroop~ — •'•••••--—'—.——^r- —• rr rpP"^^^.'>v. .vv:<;:%':;:::X':S:]:::::::::::::::":::^^ Cjili You Sister" being closed .riext Thursday,' Me- inocinl Day. * ' ". '• f* /' with their Brownie Witlgs. , „ Named to assist Edward Deh>. '.'PiuM-ntaiiuu ul. Qirl 'Qc'out piftH i done by the leaders of both mer in •' the^preparation of the trcjops. •• , . ',•.'• * cn'ambcr's float in the Cranford, "NIrs. A. tyattthews; leader of Days River Carnival were .Mrs;. Troop 547,' presented the twKnipe.o ' Morris Siegel, Boris Ber- TREASURES! \% troops with new: Girl Scouf flags gen, Harry Spies,and President on behalf of the Bloomingdale Roderick W. Smith, who presided PTA. • . • •.•"•..• at the meeting.' ."' . . • The new Junior; Girl Scouts ate: • The chamber approved the de- Join 1M 'A*P ctwtbmers who are winning valu- STAMPS Margaret Arsenault, Lynn Eg- sign for new welcome signs to.be able prizes simply by pfriying Plaid Stamps' bert, Susan Elwerjtowski, Gail Hel- placed at. the main entrances to" HIDDEN TREASURE! Nothing to buy - it's V. SETS wig, Maria Hrycak, Gail Limon- the township; The signs wjll in> easy—and adults pan participate each time they gello,. Ellen Morris, JVIareia Mur- cfude the insignias and will be picjfc up -a free Bidden Treasure card at AfcP! phy, Marily Murphy; Jane Nowa- sponsored by the chamber, Jun- kowski, Mary-Ann Nowakowski, ior Chamber of Commerce, Ro- Follow the simple rules on the card and —who Maureen Peer, Lisa Schprnstcin, tary, Lions and Kly/anis Clubs,; knows? ~ you may be a winner! And whatever Naricy Silberstein and Dierdrc you do —don't ovflrUVilrJjiri Vrnarornii rrf-TfiTfit" GRILLS Zahajke'wybz, all of Troop 35. liiesyou won't want to miss! . Beverly , Berquist, Nancy De Earns Piano Honors Micco, Diane ^.DiQuartto, Rise Kenneth Orgel, piano studcntj>jL A&P Employeei and their Families n6t eligible for prlz«« EASY TO WIN' Dmytriw, Renee poskoczynskij, Mj^.CclMid«''Rcrg0fi8'a "of T Lenox Janice Haz<^jja&Jtomefct''lTGWfDr, avenue,- received honors at the an- Elizabeth McNally,' nual auditions of the Music'Edu- Valerie Potrone, Elizabeth/SlTt-kls- cators Association of New Jersey. CIGARETTES REDUCED; ian, Rebecca ,Valla, Bevbtly Wells • All Popular Brandt...... • arid Su^ahncCa Williams, all of flu$ Valuable Plaid Stamps'! iTropp 334. • Oay Nineties Ball" RfOtltlR SIZE FitTEH TIPS The leaders of Troop 35 are arefJt)soph Di'Tullib, decorations; ctn.of cln.of Hvllnann't Irand * . %\ku\\vt A.'F. Egbert and Mrs. CJ. Li. Mur- Hai'ry Lawrence, entertainrnent; C C phy.. The leaders of Troop 334 are-Charles Speth; costume pri7.es, and Mayonnaise :39 69 Mrs. Stephen Dmytriw and' Mrs. Roy McBean, tickets.. . ' • ROUNDROAST Lordf M6H—rraneh Styta •N. H. Berquist. Tickets •, rtre now available C -" The members, of Intermediate through members of the Rotary Niblets Corn Girl Scout Troop 547 who took Green Beans 2 ^5 Club, the Junior Chamber of Com- iant WfioU Ktrfial AOEV part are Patricia Beadle, Barbara merce and at Martin. Jewelers. AII MHat VarletjM ^Burnett, Nancy Drummond, Toni- C Lynh Espositd', Susan Knowlson, Grain-Fed Beef! Susan Kresgc, Carol Loveland, Sal- Smith College Club Campbell Soup 2 : 35 lie Matthews and Marianne •-(Continued, from Page 1) NO FAT ADDED JWI V«giltabtM VwMlM " Thpmas. Their leader's are. Mrs.pi'the Golden C and vlpo-president h Club .at the high Realemon Camnb^ll Soun .Malanie Dmytriw was the' piano, school and has been a'member of TOMATQ accompanist. ' ''','•'•• ""-.,. the-National Honor Society, the Pure Be«f—Freshly Ground SOUP v V •• Hostesses at> the refreshment election committee, the "Choir and Lemon Juice Cam_ table were-Mrs. Roger Helwig and the Girls', Ensemble. She_also is H.. 15 C Mrs. Stanley Nowakowski df Troop a member of the Trinity Church lb. 39 jjant^^ I0.:«» 99 35 arjd Mrs. F. "J. McNTa^ly and Mrs. Choir. . •. • ..'.-• 3 T0MATO W. F. Williams at Troop 334. Her two sisters are nQw-in-col- Hunt's SAUCE lege, one being, a third-year student Kleenex Paper Sizes c Parade of Progress at. Antioch in Yellow Springs, Ohio^ ; to 2 lbs. lb. 8oi. and the other a freshman at Mary * 45 Del Monte 10 (eidfP Washington inj&iederioksburgr'^n; cleaned gratis by Swan Cleaners, SmrflTso'has a 14-year-old bfother ISO!. replaced on -polqs. and wiir'b'e in the Cranford school system. ;' SMOKED BEEF TONGUES 49»S. Del Monte ready for display on' Memorial Gr««n b. '•: Day.- . • •:'.: BoM M e 99e Morris 'Siegel, chairman of the.Library,' Doo'ley Rump Roast *' 7^J Top Round Steak ib. Gisnt town beautiflcation project, re- (Continued from Page 1) Reynold's Wrap C ported that six additional planters, iC Garden Club judging standard rc- Alumlnufti Foil Eye Round Roast 89^ Ground Round Steak Del Monte Peas 5 : 99 to be affixed • to pnrking metersi ceivjed certificates. : lib, • have been received' and 'will be Local members of the executive Regular ,H»avy Duty • \ i In olnee for Cranford Days. committee of the Garden Club of 12" width ri"width- Top Sirfom 1^^ 89* Del Monte lite retail promotion cofnmittqp New Jersey,- who will present cer- 25 ft.5*V . S 2 ;"88 Iqt. Mfl.«|QC 8 • •COSMETICS B.G- Breakfast Cocktail . oi. can Pistachio Nuts Z*?'. .E«fe 'JT.H llb ot Pard Dog Food Za-Rex Syrup p e e Pound Cake 'Jgj. J - lb y b ;/35 Marcal Pastel Napkins 2 ^;19 e • TOILETRIES ~ ForS8Udi > Goolin Danish Cheeso Horn 39 3 ca' m- 49° 37« Marcal White Napkins 2 ;i 21° W rant "W Wesson Oil • 9 b lo • • SUNDRIES 7 C C Glamour Bread " *' IIWWIIVII -. or Baling. e;;39 Bonnie Tuna Cat Food 2 t?;, 29 WFEND (ttcllcloui Suppltm«n» Far Uw Cilori* bl«») \FREEDOM Chicken i Sea Tuna **». 20° Noxon Metal Polish 'I STACK A FEW MEALS „ -, ^ k » \BUYUS. Kitchen Charm WAXED PAPER Coffees.' IN YOU* FREEZgR! frozen Food Buys! Eight O'clock ' Mild and Mellow MP Strawberries^;^ 5 if Welchade .^^ 1 ± .& Jlb.b«g;i.B? I c Rich and full bodUd : CANDIES Red Circle 31b. bug 1.71 Orange Samoa cam w . Hawaiian Punch -*- 2 Macaroni & Cheese Stotrffer . ^M-9Q0 Red L Scallop Dinner Bokar Coffee We're All Set for The Prom! Brand—tlllooni—IRONIHa BOARD Pk*. tf 25 T«al»U—PifuUrly 69.^ j^jr n r* 11*{* \4fr ProwloHe^tee( "" —— i."25i Cottage Cfieese ^^

: Whipped Butter ~v 4 •+.: 17 No UNION AVE CR.AMFORO

.* * • . • • « • f- . 1 > ; • • • '1 L-J.:*'V, i •.'" »•'." ',' •' '•'.' ,: y ' *'.>'. ,'• ».n' .•'•«,•.' •A--.. •

:\.- M. '.>,') CITf ZEN AND ,1 MAY 28, aixi Arrow Manor, West Orange. • • •• rit?"pffuter. obseiycy, Cindy Jewett; • '•. . Mr. aruPMrs. Wilson have tak- frM choir director, Christine $? trjw, '•.,,•.,•• ""•• ',.. ,/'-.'.. '• ' Mr/Wilson cw England;^ - ,-': / N&'.... : The ''ceremony, wys cqndilckd ;: • The bride is.- a' graduate of ,Cran- ^}:^Ji"p ' > •*: by" Andrea • Skvasik in ord High School and! the Wash- • y^^;"'' 1 officer, Janjee. Jones as ington School, for Secretaries,. ?$<$&SJ ^ v'-V"' Of Elks CluJb •Miss. Phyllis Joan .Kissaek of Newark. She was employed for' .?0(§£%%\&l'•'•• Activities i'or l?le coming month marshal and Holly Paffrath, in- Montelair, daughter of Mr. and •£J/i years in, the law officey-of "' by, Crdnford, Lodge of Elks were stalling chaplain, all past!" worthy Mrs. Edward J.'Kissack -of South [Nicholas St. John LaCorte anctfati"-y 'ir^?'-"H announced this .week. advisers, and".Connie Frank,' re-. Harwich, Mass., formerly,'of Cran- The marching unit/vyill'takj: part cordcr,-.and Sandy Lanj<, soloist. • ford, became the bride, of Albert n the ^Memorial. Day-parade oh (r. Wilson •.h\ojds; a business de- Edward: Wilson, son .of-''Mrs.- Au~ May 30. The Elks Auxiliary'will :.'•>;-.••«« 1 -^tirri«r-LT-Wi)spn ~of' Montdaimnd' rJ[rt'M;^yJjger • '"/'•'/•Wi,' f>* ry School 'he late Mr. Wilson, May 11 in the (nrKiHfps homecoming comrou- w yf wIth u •• .IufuuU UJuI, ters-bn"Friday evening,.May.3,1,. fegistration Set : a \major's ; commissioi n in the. the Station' plaza. The'lodge will The Rev, Dr . Robert G. ' Army" Reserves, He is a district supply sodi at the teenage dance Registration for the fall terni ^.f :ikerr pastor,"officiated, at the cer- representative for Osborne-Kernp— at 8 p.m. that evening ill, t,he high' the Weekday Nursery School of ' emony and the'Rev. George Jacfcr er-Thomas of Cincinnati. " " '.r.-.V^J'^jlV'f-.. school. ! , . \_ . . the- First-PrcKbyterian Church will son of S«*T»rn'it,- formerly of Mont- The Elks: will man. a mobile kit- be held on Monday and Tuesday, clair, gavc.th'e benediction.' • . Lisle R. Beardslee of a English chen for the Country I ^^_ The bride w.as given ln°. m'ar- Village left lffst- Saturday for Mil- jffa"""\vTnr dispense i»j the nurSery school room. I -. ri'nge by_her father/ Mrs. E; J. waukee, Wis. On May 31 he pjatis hot dogs. . At 6:30 o'clcfck that eve- ' BARBARA SMITH Any 3- or 4-yearrold child is Kissnck, 3rd, of Cranford, siKtcr- - hard;. love,- Susan Richmond; re- features of the fair. Create 'KMg andV Costumes mittee includes Henry U. Meyer, ligion, Kathy Boardman; nature, Homemade cake and pizza wfll Alice Wible; immortality, Pamela ONLY A MASTER FURRIER I^ocal attics provided Michael in the School of Continuing PTOJ- Nicholas Manfredo, Jr., Harold be sold at the refre.shmei!t booth. fesslonal Studies at Pratt institute, Seymour, Jr., and Jarties Sheriddn; Betxler; fidelity, Jill Fernandez; Other booths will iticiude T-shirts, SHOULD BE ENTRUSTED ' Stanton, son.'of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- patriotism, Marguerite Sulzmnn; ward ^tahton'of 1 Broqkdale road, where he presented his creations to 'Serving on the circus committee 1 '•indoor and .outdoor plants, 'white his fellow students and teachers are John Hopko, general chair- service, t Suzanne > Greene; confi - elephants,, jewelry, and- second- WITH YOUR PRECIOUS FURS a freshman at Pratt Institute, New r dential observer, with the;help.of a classmate, JSlojse man; Mr. Manfredo^ and" all of- hand books. .;, '.•••• York, with materials, with which prank of Brooklyn; who did the ficers. . *. '. • '...,' Gamburg's Custom Storage Siamese lords ar# ladies arc cre-r modeling. .-'"... . : : V i Cbsts No More ,v •.•":. ated; .-. .. •••".' '.- '•' -.-'•-' '•..". -.' : - ...... "... " ' . . , •••?•' " . . -.;•'.... "i_..i. . . •„. . . .• ' •: ' •• lords and ladies, includ- ; ~^~ PuHy Injured — against Loss, Fire-or-Theit•--•— ng a King," are. gracing the stage Mrs. BfsHtrE&rns High Piano Open Thursday Evenings T Fully Trotected-—-from Moths, Heat, Humidity, Dust 4 of the Cr'an/ord Dramatic Club, Goverrtmeiit Award . Betfi Clay, former asspciat^, will be here to which is presenting "The King and Mrs. Robert Belle of East Win Hoiiors 1 I' on'its current Playbill. - Orange, formerly of Granford, has Seven piano students of Mrs.Gus serve you Thursday eveilingSc from 6 to 9 pjfi.' Michael;, a 1962 graduate Qf Cohen, 425 Orchard'street, partici- \ • • • received V the sustained superior ^ranford High School and a mem- performance award ' at Veterans' pated in the annual student audi- 249 E. Broad St Open Mori. Eves. AD 2-3423 ber of the club, created the color- Administration Hospital, Blast tions of'the Music Educators' Asso- Opp. Rialto Theater,AVestfield, N. J. ful tqsiumes worn by the King in Orange, where she is a medical sec- ciation of-Newr Jersey at Montclair State College recently. . Mrs. Scarkonipi's #r Made to Order . *• .. Ready to Wear the play, Using, whatever materials rfctary. were-available to' him.. He inte- Janet .Hirsch received the high- Remodeling;, • Cleaning Repairing; Mrs. Bejle, the former Gwen- For Appointments — Call BRidge 6-147«1 grated everything in a remarkably dolyn Laurel,' received the award est possible grade of 98 percent, .saltyticking. J WESTFIELD'S. DISTINCTIVE FUR SHOP :• ingenious whole using motifs such marking the fourth year of honors i for a government employe- rated •asleadingta.lTre6fp6Fat"e~ffiiQ varie- superior in job performance. She for! her. Sue Baldwin attained a .-stripes'•'"•._ . ty of materials and colors. is the wife of Robert Belib, teacher grade°of 95; Michael Goldberg, 93; outhhed in cast-off navy He is a student of fashion' design at Cleveland School. Ann KowalSki, 90; David Paul, 00; Buy Fine China The Easy Way The new-breed bikini, Ddvld- Mathews, 90, and Frances with modest bra and Walsh, honorable mention. ldw-slung trunks. Chic David Mathcws. received a pin 'and sleek for the young ') for three consecutive years. outlook. Kavy only. When the Kids The children -with grades of 90 Join Martin's China Club and above receive gold certificates Sizes: 8-16, and those receiving honorable'men- 1 .14.95 ':•"• Are Dressed .tionlare presented with silver cer- tificates. '- • • •'".'• For the Prom .. Clergymen Plan Picnic Tire annual" picnic fat1'member of, the, Cranford Clergy Council the first real refinement and. their families wilTbe held at t 5 pvm. Monday at Nomahegan in bone china in 10O Park. The. picnic, originally sched- uled last Monday, was rained out.

We Have The Ammo... « • -- - — - — — ••• - —"—'-.. -^ — '.- ~. ^—^- — ..,' ;_i •— •** FILM-d FLASHBULBS!

Ensign and Mrs. Donald G. Mc-r Clintock of Corpus Christie, Tex., 34 North Ave., W. announce the birth of a son, Don- ald G., Jr., on May 9. The pater- BRidge 6-1024 nal grandparents are Mr. and,, Mrs John H. McClintock of 100 Park drive and the maternal grand- parents are tMr. and Mrs. Robert Hickok of' Chrisliansburg, Va.".

Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. Clfck- enger, Jr., of Springfield announce the birth of a daughter, Cathy Sue on May 7 in Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. Mrs. Clickenger is the former Miss Gwen Merrltt of Cran- ford. The new baby- has two sis- MILDURNE Place Setting: \f[I.IHJRNlE Combination Coffn- Jers, Deborah Lynn and Donna dinner, sal'id, butter plates, .Tea Pot ..;...... $27,00 Jean, and a brother, Craig Howard. teacup & saucer .-$24,95 • ,'"•'' • ' ••, • For as little as ^50 cents a • ' . ' , >.,.'.. ,,. week you .can- own line • • N«w« Oxford bone china. Come • ' , in —-let us show you how Martin's China Club works. .SPINSMOOTH™ It's the smart — the thrifty The DEUM AGENCY way to accumulate line set- FOR THE HOLIDAYS ; self-ironing cotton shirts Re«l|or - Itutuuror tings. ; MembaicM/L Serylc*" You'll love pure white Ox- make yoir look better; / ford. China — rave over its muti OEFICEiBH 8-5051 delicate transliicency — the —•__ make her job easier THINS HOME: Bin 6*2550 beautiful glazo that" gives ' 39* I . .. it an exquisite luster. Ox- If you want to please her, Wear these richly de- ford China weighs but. little c= By MAHI^H. DEACON =- — is delicate in appearance • tailed SPINSMOOTH shirts right through the but durable enough to R.rb-- warm weather. She'll 'appreciate the extra-easy -BEFORE YOU MOVE IN ... .putting; vide a lifetime of gracious : care that this wonderful wash-and-wear cotton THE FACTS ABOUT service. The Mayfuir shape INSURANCE the sun V ' offers. No special laundering, and no ironing artfully combines . classic beaiity. with a .freshness on the : ever! Both of you will love the fasting neatness. Fact 1. Fire insur- ance alone on that makes it ideal far spot, Bring the lady with you when you come in to hqrnc and con- either traditional or con- '".tcn ts is not temporary settings. You're - aleck .(wo-pift'er cut on make yourselections. Bachman Pretzels ar^'rii sure to Und air Oxford pat- enough.. Your theHtraiffnt-awny fora for.those fun-time moments tern at Martin's to suit your • home could be de- young:', lo.nK-lcjfKcd , $5,00 .. .wherever fplks gather stroyed by wind- taste. .CItoos'o from either storm, explosion 24K gold or g loam ing, look, Dn'xhiiiK dots to enjoy good food and or other hazard. '- platinum, trims. teamed with matching solidjt in Hilkcn Ilelanca Fact 2. Theft cov- Let Martin's China C'lub WAKEF1ELD erage" of you r help you own this line china. knit. Sun-xpotted colors. Charge Accounts,Invited tixfert-Tailor on the Premises posse s nion.s, at SIZOH: 8-lfi, •-- , "51 Years of Quality" d BUY NOW " sTiouid" beTncTudcd". *•;-.' FOB YOUR CONVENIENCE: . Fact 3. A iawsuit judgment against Charge, Budget, .Club, Handi-Charge» Lay-A^ay Plans mHAPPV .>: you "could cost you everything • HOLIDAYS you own. You need liability in? AHEAD! surancc' _ ' . " Fact 4. you get all this and more ~Jift one. Homeowners policy . , . with-one low premium. . " ; NOTE: WHY % AS IT "SO~EAST 129-139 Central' FOR THE JONES FAMILY TO Stores Alto. FIND THE HOME THEY ' In W«tfH#ld • Westfield, NJ BAKERIES CORP. WANTED? THEY ASKED. A vo& PUIafi«W »i' 18 North Ave., W, HEALTfoft TO-HBtP. - - r - ~~- *tr, Vi ...... •• ' ..•.••;•:», „,... '.-'A • •. ".':Ui • •:• 1 •.;;,:;;-,. r^ _ •...• - ••• -'/ , •'<. •', .• V-- • l>l ;

•(..;•;.. »-^,-—-•»» _. _ .~=&mm*^~-p*^^: •."••S.T," ••""7*^Whii •>- ;.-." ;••'.,- j^'o, ^ •«-"*.

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:' *'•• •••.•••• ..' • CRAWFORD (V. J.) AVli CjrjRQVICLF-fr-TltlTRSDAV; MAV 23,^ Pace < . • . . ' • . •. , •.:-.••• • - • •• . .. ' ^ ... •..• club meets. c\'ery~1*hinSsdny searchand development at tight, ! Janice 'Andres, Theresa . Dorn-|^Vi)|inrri Wotr'rs, L,vnn,KriIov und,;new-PTA.officers will be installed.. DimcfToiMijlhf ]p Invite/ 1 during tfie- ^itmm^r at the hall oli^r'arid jir&ht .'maftapp of Gen-^^ki,'' Nimcy \ Fftho.l Couglas Thomas.Mur^tfta^cirtiecrfc'. ••< iby^Mrs: Mi£haoi Ba'ltaaHn.i! ..''•'• A wiuare-. dance ,\vili be held rC&Wis.W Hall, (i«r CheKtttu New" M^mbeirs ttf AtCrail eral' Instrument Corp. . ' •; . , 1 The Grubp, Kenneth, Kent, Phyllih" Le- . Members of Uuiiand.arV: Grorge tonight :it"-B:4.5 \ iVelock'; by' .the.. Union. -jCkiosts are "invited/ I New members have, been Invited vine, . Debra ' Mastribus, Glehn Backinblfr.iRonnie JSursvtt'li), 'Mark"'/\ cto attend;Scnjor.Citizens' meetings' Koessner., Patti Smath^ Carol!Fink, Steven Gale, Sa»disi \\ Q^Of^^^ji)^ Ulichny,' Joan' Backinoff, Charles 'pern, Joseph Jones,, Michael 'Kur-.^. , . -^..- ..^ i-. —-....- ,_7 !'*ram .-li30 to 4 p.m. Monday" after- noons at the Christian Evangelical Brown; Ronnie Burstcirj,' Roy dilla, Robert LaRocco. Jack Li.ob'o-\JlJAj|jjl!£ Cranfoird Dornff'ld.^Judith Edelman, Ann wilz./PhyiU^Ulvine, Howard. Li>v- JT.-7 r tit: ,,..,,•,, vrJ,«. Jl^ Church toy John^ Rath, president. • Bprtciii,. Craig Folte. • • ... -Hi, Joseph Paumi, Richard Rastelli. • l",^21" >Urih; tlaintd ^dli atldT. Last Monday members .played John Kroner, Wancy Levme, Ei-rP'etW Hudoy, Bonnie. - Schcchte'r.- jugglers \viH cavort for the crowds; • cards, visited,*and Were served re- 1'cen Maine, Jojin PalmeV, -Bonnietni'an,' Diane StirraC Williain \Val- Snthrday in the free'-circus with 11 freshments-by. Mrs. E. F. George, Pollackl, , FrankFn ' PragerPage,, Ba^ar^a^ ! ton,, Joel Ackelsberg, --Jelfe-ey v,\avh Olympic Park, will "formal- annUalspring concert,of the r : Mrs, Kingsland Ward and Mrs. H. •Pii/io, , .MarehgtMarehgta RehtiRehtigg , Judith j DougliteryDouglitery.. ' ' / ' • -• ]v'o^n \u 47 th ^h ^fhir' V entered in the River Carmval x)n' ^ .,r,mi SprvW T>aguer Walnut Avenuo .! . _. _ ...... , , _ ...... pai'k-s swim- t A nr bajad wHt-tbe'.present'cd' at 7:30.;"Joanne JErickson, Deborah Gold-! Warren: Dress, .Donald : June 2 byfihe Cianford Lions Club, berg, Barbara Musso; {fitephanie; Eruce Pollack, Chut-k Had>s,. J-ef-'-.minj? pooi also. wlU-.bi;tfiii liail^. Plans .for the club's portteipa- o'clock • tonight for "im Walnut 1

: Smith.'Paula Va.lvo, MichaelBeiji- frey Ganek, Richaid Mack, Mir; operation, with a 4-miin'on-g'aHon I'it was.announced by Jerry Gap^ce-, tiqn;iiv;'Cranfprd t>ays, May .30- ''••• • j chairman- of Craijfprd Days actlyi- june 2, were (Hscu'ssed. : * -•Among the selections i by stein, Latvrcnee Chiger, Gail[chacl "Schaeffer, Deborah • SUrrat.'i fp]asfi'' " ' ' •. '• ' • • chorus,.upder the direction of Miss Chris.tman, Diahne. Delia Fera. Clifford Weingus, Linda Shexihan,'I „.'•-,, T ,•_.•.., o. '•• A &'••' ••• " r ••.' •'•', '••'••• • V-"""' * ' Kwi0 st uM Mla Rhodin a Sw Coffee will' be donated, by the Rebecca Poyriter, will'jbf? ballads . Mark Fink, Charles Frankcn-: Martin Kane, Barbara Wafd, David | . l >; ^" Lions for booths to be .set up byGalen to from "South Pacific" an6 "Souncl betger, Roberf La Rbccor—AJita Betzler, Michac;l Gross, Kennethj^" couple now living in Vineland,.^ the- VlA endcd fjbin'the revolving . the traffic'•Bo.oth. on North avenue on his original MTM direction of Albert Haddad. with mine the standard \\\c\c rcquiredto v: :,;:: -^ buttoriidown cotton oxford shirts juinber donated by Victor JD, Sha"- perform' a manual, job Without" the heen, past president, Tht floati suse of a' stop watch.' . . L-. GONTOim CUT 10 rff VOUR RCilRE..". JMHttENTICMJLV W&B> .being completed • under the direc^ Mr. Galen holds B.S., M,A;-and tioii ^f Jerry DeRosa assisted- by' LL.B- degrees and^te a refelstci'ed 7 days ill Floridf Mr. Capece,, Mr. Kantner, john^ F. MTM practitioner and licensed Chbos^hese classic y Laezza, Jr., Victor Nielsen', Edward MTM instructor. . Hev has served occaslon/Ourcomplfetecrille^ooite^tMres Rcarick, August Thermann and 'as president of the Walnut Civic George, Coffey;' ' - Association, vice-president - and white and the newest fashion colors. The trustee: 6f Temple - Beth-El and i aOthentic Cfaj^i button-down collar is jus:t .. Enveloped jn a-cttmmon mist, we trustee of the Cranford Lodge of • . ^Deoftheflatteringstyieswecarryinthese sOe'm 'to. • walk in "clearness 'bur- Knights of Pythias. With E3stern Air Lines "Happy Holidsys* selves, and behold onlyj the mist Prior to' becoming general man- University ROWTM trimly tailored;long- that enshrouds others. '—• George ager of Duralitc, Inc., in Passaic, he *12.45 down gives you a week's vacation was director of manufacturing re-^ " sfefiivci shirts. " ' ~ ,.''•• . (5 days plus a weekend) in Or SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS — $5.00 MlAMIBEAtiH SOBRY! Pay. only $6.66 monthly-totaTcost 55118.50, WjEjC ;plus tax^per person, including roorn at an oceqn- front hotel or motel for 7 days; 6 nights (doub 1VIAY 25 upancy E'ur6peaa'Plan)androundt'ripJ lv fare, Shuri.-'Thurs., nights.gbing, CRANFORD MEN'S GARDEN CLUB Mon.-ThurA. night reiurn. Fqr reservations, call yourrIVavel Agent or EastcSrn now!.'... '

• i Also-low-cost"HappyHolidaysMvacations i . in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Bermuda


»#:<•••• SOLD By B. S.

: B :^ai:u^^^;B^:i;l:^.M

' l»i



•«••: :2&lWP r.iiv v • '':'•'.•" v'l-i '•!,;./.';"ij.1'\"^.-».i;.*X. •MtM.,- v:>;^ ».:•<;

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V. .-'•-•:. •., •«•.-,,V • i -'•••' . '*'. .--i ' ..-. ••• • ,:; X':. 'T -K- :'P^ + ' ••"•'.~.7- 1 : v. PaKe CRANFORD tafVs, She is president'.of the Future Teachers Council and Future Teachers of presently. .secretary • of the , Re,d of' Amedca,- editor of the. Spot- America. Putricia .served at; treas- Cross ix\\A the Spanish Club, light, on the staff of the Golden. C, STEM 5 Alt urer of'the Red Cross and com- •' In Svpl'.'ijili/'r, Eflon. will enter md • -served as Prom program posing editor, of the Spotlight 'and Douglass College, where she will •h'air'man. Other sjctivitieS includ- 1 SIRLOIN ! PORTERHOUSE : r has l>een a -staff'-member of' the major in languages* She plans to ed ' (Membership in the German I "Golden C... She also "has worked j leach language in hiuh school up* Mub, Pep Club, Psychology Club, Ib. Ib. on ..dance, and- p'roVii committees, j oil.completion of her studies^" . Student -Council,, and she'also 79c 79c r. Ellen Errekson, .this, year's top i'Teaching', at Ihe, elementary •;trved. oh dance committees ind, a ranking Konior .girl Cranford •; school level is the goal of Janet iHe election committed ' .,•' at. Hoiu'hion Collr-'W* iV th<* cr>llr» •Tumbling Club and .-Pep Club. electee, Ellen . was. c'hosen as' a, • Prom decorating cOmmitti'e. Fres'liman* - Chorus, Cljoir,. Band' CUBE STEAKS SHELL STEAKS National Merit linaljyt. She has i Valerie Gciger,' n member of Girls' Ensemble and the Neyv J!er- . , .••''. .';•'.• "• ..- v . • pholo bsr KriitrHcy Associates - SK.V State Opera Festival yero UNION JON-IOl^ COLLEGE RECIPJENTS -r- The- three Cranford girls above are winners of Cran- musical aciivities. h\ which she ford College Club'scholarships at Union Junior College-.- They are. left to.right: Miss Carol -Bunc-lc',. Ib. oarficip;i.ttd*. '. : • .••,-"••'..' ciaughter of Mr. iind.^MTi*s. John J. Bunck of 41 Irocjuois rbnc'i; Miss Helen Sipp, daughter of Mr. . Lily MacCaUum- will major,in •ami Mrs. Frank.'-X. S"ipp of 54 Elizabolnjavenue-, and Miss Lag'eborg Fey, daiiglite.r "of Mr., and Mrs, '•}ii[ili^ll 'and '|)&vcly)lqj»y...;it- D'Hig- ; >: *• 'ass ColleKer'Sne is a. member of Albert Fey'"of fl Grove street, '".'•., .'-.''„• ' . "* "•''•'.' •- •-..-._. Morrell Pride - Wilson's Certified CRANFORD RADIO We NaHoiral Honor Society, LaUn 'riUb.^Frsnch Club. Pep Clubland >oldc'n C and seryed on dance and >y Douglass College for her junior dunces anil • Cranteens, and that election committee.- She was 'ruin committees. - ' •: ear smarting in SeptembeSpmer r While there be in'oreconeert,reco, s .anddvplayvpys ^Sgotlight ancl A tin ion Junior College she was presented -by" ndnJ(?roft( t orgatu^a- Music therapy is the carccs...in- l (jiu.sii' lit1 Cyritl'ira Ollbwski, \VJ)»' thcjdi!iin s,list twice.and on the Hons." * . ' JL—<- ._/^ liis been accepted, ftt Indian?j,'Un;- n-esident's list Ia"sl'"nierm'--vwith.^a^i_i_Mrs. Bernard L. Wbw, of the Shank Butt ersity;- Cynthia * has btfen acr traight' A. average. Ingeborg is a leaHteTTWr Open All Day ompanisl for . the Jplioir, secre- "orrrier recipient of Callegc Club ody titled- Ib.. tary' of the Musitr Club and. i 'cholarsbipa. "••'-. Co'-chairrnptf/f6r. the joint pro- SMJf,> May 26 member of:..tl>o/GirIs' Ehsemble Helen Sipp, a history"hiaj'of, is a |gram wepc^Mrs. S. R. Chr'istense« md was in;-the All-State Chorut: nember of the Key.Club and the (dndiyti^: W: Kenneth Frederick. irtd theyp'pera Festival. She alsc Philosophy-Club. She is emplqy- las served on the Student Council d in the administration, office at rubaker Elected Head '\\c'"-Library.- Gouncil and Prom Union Junior College, where, sht; •ommittecs, flrid Cynthia was ac-. .vill begin her second year'jrf^stu- Of CHS Seiiior Class 34b. DAVIS HAM . . ,\,:- ; .129 ivc in the Latin 'Club, the Ger- "iy in September. Philip Brubaker has been elect-:: man Club and the Psychology The Crarifflrd •Cellcgc' Club ed'pie.sidenr.-of-.the; class of 1964, ives its scholarghif),'money from next year's senior class, at Cran-» 4-lb. DAVIS HAM ; 1. ;. ,, <2.98 ia.-.Roberts, who will, at- 'i sale.-of :used>tfooks• and. a sub- ford High School.- Elections were held last Friday. '•..'. 3-lb. KRAKUS HAM .. -s£ 198 apx\& Doiialnss. College, will major ?riptioh.drive for the Citizen and :n Spanish, which -she plans. to Chronicle, condiicteci "in.i alternate' Others -elected ^_are: Ursula 1 V2-lb. KRAKUS PORKLOIN . .1.49 each in high -school. She is a '•ears, Mrs. J..Paul Guinther is Sehlmeyer, vice-president; StQph^ ncmber of the Future Teachers of his year's scholarship chairman. nnie Anderson, secretary, and 3-lb. HOLLAND HAM . 2.7» ,\mericai th.c Latin Club, the Art Richard Erdmann, treasurer. 31ub", the make-up staff, and -Was 'He. who >ees.-eiearljf. and en- 'in the business staff of the Spot-. Vluiiicipal Pool/ CHOICE CUT (COnUvne^,, from Pane I) lightens other minds most readily, Light and the feditorial-staff of the keeps his p\yn-!.amp.trammed and' : : iges coulct. get- tpgoth.er>after Golcton C. ' - ~ -'-,- -- •- •'"". ' bvirningv .—jMfary jaakier;Eddy.J -, Seh61arshiDs to • i'capplio;i]fits -that there • be - more , block ')' Not too'long ago, pn^u- have bpen granted to- Barbara nionia meant ,t sure trip 3ra>v"who will enter her second tothc hospital and about vcar at JRutgcrs-Newark; Susan: • 50/50 chartce of sur- Ronnlund, who wif.I..-, be a sopho- fnore at Douglass ..College, ancL vival. Ihejiicky. ones MM Dorothy Turner, who • will-'.eoni spent costly weeks re- tinne- her starlie^ljTOTiio Weiley- FIRST CUTS INCLUDED cupenriing. "-* m .University. ...I •'•• " ' •" • TodayVihanks to new T;he\wimierjj' of College Club .and potent drygs, pneu- scholarships' atHttnion Junior Col-, ! •monia can be knocked ege' lire: Carol JBunck, daughter of Mr, apxl Mrs. John J. Bunck, 4] PICK OF THE POKTABI^S" out in a fow day's for CENTER CUT Iroquois' . road; •• Ingeborg' Fey, ...: only a few dollars. laughter of Mr."and Mrs! Albert' Fey, 9' Grove street, and Helen Sipp, daughter of '/Mr. -and Mrs. : 1 AMERICAN DISTILLING -'i'fank—X7 Sippf.54 -Elizabeth,-a^-e- Ib. 69 nue. . ' . ..J\.Ii$a*Bunck^A^>o^jHeTit«rh.er DRUG STCnt second .year at UJC, was on the 104.'INF. Union Aye. BR 6-070IJ -.lean's list for the fall term. She Free Delivery Chg. Accts works, .as. a library assistant and YOUR EASY is a member'^of the Psychology • '. Health Is Priceless, - Club and of-a'committee for the Y"t Costa Less Than Ever coHefie nevvspaper."", . .'.;" ^•M Ingeborg Fey has been accepted I Ib. 49 WHISKEY Fresh-Killed Cut-Up or Whole MORE PEOPLE STILL ONLY ^TILLBROOR OWN RCA VICTOR FRYER KLfVISiDN THAN Ic ANY OTHER KIND... BLACK AND WHIffc 1* MF LIVER ^ OR COLOR J lb '"luiaf*^ V2 - BltCON Th« WAYFARER NOW REDUCED — $2.83 Series 34-A-12-R 19" tube (overall diag.) PER Vz 0ALLON 172 sq. in. picturo Lean Round Boneless VPAMOUS lb Settle backhand relax while "Wireless.Wizard", CORNED BEEF 63^ does your tuning for you! Enjoy outstanding H-NAUGHTON'S -performance in.any TV signal area .. • spar*- LEAN GROUND HEAT kiing"bright pictures providedby the famed CANADIAN WHISKEY "New Vista" Tuner and 20,000-volt chassis WAS $14.70 ' NOW ONLY CHUCK CHOPPED .... Ib. 59c (design average) with three li F. signal-boost- ing stages. Telescoping "V" antenna adjusts -. "•• . IL \ . I;I. • :x" ' ROUND STEAK GROUND Ib. 79c ,l|.|llinMIMIIHIIIUIIMHIimMIM»UIHimi(«IMI.hUMmiUUIIMimiumutllMiriUliniMMUIIIIl^lllillllMIUIIIIIIIiriHliq)IMIIIMMIIIjmilMIM ll for best signal. Up-front Q&f Ollf ( lb 1 K OUR EXCLUSIVE ! OUR EXCLUSIVE •HSoWen Throat '' sourid Is YES — 10 DESKS TO SERVE YOU! JASTING CHICKENS 3Ji 'rich and full-bodied. BeautI- . LOW, LOW ROYAL DUKE BARSCOTCH j[ fresh killed Ib. Jl 100% IMPORTED t ful two-tono cabinet. Price! MIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII VODKA lb or • Scotch fICKEN LEGS 4J PAY ONLY $1.50 A WEEK - Three Partners Whiskies ICKEN BREASTS Imported Rum $3.99 .99 i L99 Full Quart 4/5 Qt. FuU Qt, T RKEYS 4 "WIRELESS WIZARD" " imViuuiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiniiiiKiMiiiiiuiiiiiiii.iiiiuimiiiiiiiuim iiiimi'iiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiiiiiiii umimiiiuiiiiiiiumiHiiiiiiiiinuiii boneless 45 This (ull-funGtion remote control changes chan- FREE PARKING] T RKEYR0ilSfS 4 nels, turns picture and sound on and off, adjusts 6- volume up or down through a coniplete range-1' Use. Our Convenient even turns all power'completely o(f! 1044 ENTRANCE FOR FREE DELIVERY '.IIIIIIIIIHlilllMHUimilllMIKHHIIIIIIIt HUIUIIIIH i I.

MOST TRUSTED WAME IN TELEVISIOM nJSOUTH AVENUE 30 EuHtman St. Opposite Cranford R. R. Station; (Opp. Cranford Theatre) • • • •• BRidge 6-3000

Open Friday Till 8 P. M. •i. ->• i ^-'Open Monday, Thursday^ \Friday -dds.k? Come on in-and try! i*fe V -• 26 EASTMAN ST,J,1 _ ^ „ h ^WALNUT. AV6, BRIDGE <-IIU.

. .•••/,• - •' • . • / ',' '• *.-•>••• : : t • i: -'TT "- 'v.••;•"'..."•• ;',;):';'". '••;.• • ••.'"• ..'^ £S?ife ^L-^w;^ J. :•

v :"•>:•< *. j) cmzBN AND (r^oNicLE-^rriuKSDAY. sfAy ?», tftss". sficfION TWQ Leonowjens;' M&s Palmter com-.| agents from eqast to coasY V •; Cranford • Public liibrary, . Cran^ |Boy.5cout'Troop 177. Also" grad-1 (£fo gale Slated ' . mp Near* wiU:r«c^lvfe into Boy Scouts-were Paul . " " T. . j^. a few hjonth^ ergo.'R.r.O service can be tailored tp a pfize to be. announced, and will in the^layhousC,, production,-of the; heedS of any .business cntoi>- ( Casale, Robert Leisten and Nich-', , Mothers^ ., . • To Submit Slogan be a gue$t of CECA-at the dedica- ohtir Tr-itask.'' Vincent Caravan,! l™*«** Bo^ BasebaJJ. '.'South Patiflc." Her vibrant per- prlsl\ ,reg?irclless of how large or; Slated : so'nality kindles an >exfcitemeht' small the number of personnel it tion ceremonies. .",'• ' '-." and JoHn Weber received'- bobcat .I.'^-. .>«»«. conduct a-cake sale on , [re CECA Contest Plans for: marching in -thepins from Cubmaster. Robertj May 31 from 8 a.m. to noon at the - thai can be Yelt throughout, the transfers annually. A company us.'-" In line with the -slogan coniest, Memorial Day parade on May-30 theatre. It is no wondor Paper ing4he service only pays*a fixed Cranford residents have one CECA is also .announcing' .a"sym- Schmatz. Union . County '• Trust. .Co. Mrs.' were discussed as Cub-Scout Pack Other awards Were made to A nucleus of participants in the Mill Playhouse audiences wflcom- tee' for each Y employee: aetuatly; woek-4eft to- enter the slogan, con- bol contest specially -aimed at-art 177- held 'its- last- mecting James Coffey is -chairman. " reeeiifiy completed "Gofis-for the ed Betsy back with open arniis. \ trdhjrferred under the R.F.C. sys- avefnoi Eugene-Gorsoy, test tor-CECA (Committee for students, artists, and^ anyindivi- season recently at Lincoln School. | Gary Horsch, Douglas Jphes, Region" • study of. the Regional Her leading man — "whp also tem. Educational and Cultural Ad- •dual resident able-to picture the The annual Ooia Star Inspection Kerry Keaae, Ray Lisinski, Rich- Those who aVe.fond of se'tting Plan Association will continue t appeared.in "South Pacific"?—Wil- •""-'The available relocation'-.., vancement), -•-••( ;i , ":'•• idea of GECA. .Contestants are will be'heldi at 7 p.m. on June 7 at ard McQuade', Mark Schlesinger, ,^. .. •-,.,.,. ,,_„„ meet as a group in order to keep Ham Chapman, displays Ithe .voice iees. under the R.F.C. program in- requires, a slogan asked.to submit entries on 8Vi"x Warinanco Park. Poys wilLimeet Eric Siegfried, Stanley Smith. thmgs'tor^hts" ^ave ahrcast of local-action in regard and apeparance .that h%s made him elude intensive rnerchandisinjfof a which Will bo- descriptive of 10" .wh'reported pew arrjv- aiuawarcness of Cranford's many >ations committee, and prizes will comod • Ray Lisinski, Wilfred dividual members of the cornmuh- nls. .- vi ' - - •" ' ••• •: educatTohal oiid cultural resources, Tae'announced at,a ifOture date. Prutzman and Wayne Foti into SHOES IS OUR SPECIALTY! II: .ity. - • ,. - ' ' • ...:"" ." : •' Deacon Agency aiv appreciation of these resources Wilbur Coon Shoes for Women ". "The purpose of this nucleus Elected to (Council and pridc-fn-the community.". group," Mrs. Gittermah explained, Is RFC Agent The CECA pi ogram has been Nunn Bush and Edgerfon Shoe* for Men "would be to. gain information Fi'nftHeer'Commissioner Fa'rris S. , The ^Deacon Agency of 1 North •_ . . , , developed 'as a monthly calendar "concerning" the local. master plan of educational and cultural themes TUBES TESTED FREE Pro-Tek-Tiv Shoes for Children I and to present the planners, at avenue, east, has been appointed ..Swaekhamcr Is one of seven new agent of: the-.Relocation .Finance members elected to-the New Jer- and events, beginning iVi October. By Tethnicians - -• ••. some, future date, with a list of At that time, the CECA progranv questions, that have arisen as a •Corporation '-for•'th?, 'Cranfordt sey Welfare Council at its recent will bo initiated by the dedicatijah ON ANY TMBES result of-our study." Clark" and ttoselle Park area, it annual -dinner at Bonnie Brae .of the two ne\v. Junior high schools YOU NEED Shoe Hospital 1 The RPA study s6ught to, de-was. Announced today by Mr si Farm fQr Boys,'Mil-lihgton. The 20% OFF NORMAL AND OWTHOPEDIC ShOES FOR THE CNTIRE Mario R. Deacon. and the Campus Center of Union , term.ine .the attitudes and opiri- . Relocation Finance Corporation, tocounci»»«»l. 1!i"s •.«a smie-wiastater-widee cooracoordinati - Junior College. The program aims FAMILY -ALL ORTHOPEDIC WORK DONE ON PREMISES -, ions of citizens in the Metropolitan the" nation's 'first, complete serv- '"B agency, composed, of 1,000or- to draw in a m3jor portion, of the 8 Alden St. • • Are,a (N. Y.', N. J., and. community in at least one- or h'^ore ice for arranging and financing in-r. • Kanizutionnl and individual memr Stuart's Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri. to 9 p.m. CRwdixig various aspects ter-city trahsfeKs of employees,by bers, whose purpose is to help of .its phases, • ; : . • , Mjfc industry and business, operates a meet.the needs of health- and wek- Slogah entries should be mailed — OpenvThursdlay Evenings CENTENNIAL AVE. series ofltv^-'TraiT^lW-trre^Iteg^^ ^ oil a post- card to "Slogah Contest," ion" television programs followed by group discussions.. Each indi- vidual participant was given the opportunity to express his atti- tudes through a questionnaire pre- sented at the end of each.meeting. The group, Mrs. Gitterman also indicatedrwill propose to the RPA that film strips of the television programs "Be" made available io> tivic groups in .the community. The LWV . has " been studying re^Mfll planning for the past two years, arid .the topic will receive further atiftfition as a state study item under th« chairmanship of Mrs: Eugene Hausman, •• recently Mrs. ^Martin Gale, local recrea- tion study chairman, reported that 'the'Union'County Park Commis- sion publicly announced its op- position to Assembly Bill. 594, which, if enacted'into law, would give the State Highway Commis- sion the" authority, to condenm park lands:Tor highway purposes. Xmiyvt Bigelow all iuool luxury twist or sumptuous plush An editorial in "Our Parks," a 1 :• .v,V*-;'^'l-.>%-'\ " nows, pamphlet, published monthly ..Vt"iiT:.-/«>v-!i.«->vv by the commission" indicated that • .;••"• •'•'•" •• • ' . • .. . • .' ' ' ' ' ••-!•-' "•.. *• - "although the Commission" is-sym- pathetic to the need for the de- Vow get extra-heavy 45»oz. waffle padding for longer wear veloDjiiient oftbetter highways, it 2 does not feel that park lands should be used for "that purpose." —"Our Paries" is—available- froe You get Koos expert tackless htstattatioti wall « to - wall! to any Union County resident- on request' by writing to Our Parks, Box "275, Elizabeth; N. J. The meeting, was conducted by fylrs, aTNthan Rodstein, ,\ newly Both these Bigelow carpets were great buys at 1170 sq. yd.! Now they're nothing les*

elected president of the league. than fabulous! "Now, Koos yives you broadloom and podding, completely installed . ... -•^•^: everything for" one incredible 8.88 sq.-7d.l And what a choicd you haVel Do you like the , Bfelsy Palmer Back deep, rich, sumptuous loblc and feel of velvety luxury on your floors? 1h^ plush is for yotH—Or, are heavy traffic areas ancL_cu:t!ve_: childrenyour concern? The tight, harfd- • ' '* -!?'/.L--iJ>-»>' -•' At the Paper Mill '. &**£<'? r~-*r:- You'll walk away whistling - a some all wool twist bounces right back from footprints, givets-long, long wearl No matter happy tune after seeing "The King which you chooser every yard is perfectl All moth-proof edl And colors! Not the'3 or" 4 and I" — starring Betsy Palmer and William Chapman — which •"^T'.V»*:i-l:'ii">' yoi> might expect at this bargain price . . . just look below! Koos gives you extra-he~avy opened at th'o. Paper Mill Play- 45-oz. waffle padding plus our finest. tackJess installation fdr that poured-on look from house last week for a four-week Wall-to-wall! Arid you save almost $3 a sq. yd.! Count up -the yards you need . . -.see run. . ..'.'•. . ' how your savings mount uph ftof .._. . tome see . . .come choose the one that's perfect In her starring role as Anna' WEDGEWOOD BLUE .^ for you . ... at Koos Rahway or'Parsippany storel Don't forget room measurements. ,-.^o'V;»>'- •"•*-vit.jv.«


RAPPS MARTINI PHARMACY iTWL «?^? Lft.'si' •11 J»*ik AT^ Pl^nfl»l<» AMBER GLOW ^ " PL 1-0001 - < HffiaiafA Pluurmadtt to aitenduc* ml »ton* VALLEY GREEN SILVER GREEN $$ DAY «nd NI6H1 AVOCADO '$.&Ph TIME TOGO TEMPLE GOLD k4VcWu TAXI HORIZON BLUE ROMAN GOLD mmmasmm HONEt^

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.•«r $j % .M &r —•<--^:<, CA^BR 60080 &^i\&M®M$&§M$M^^ '<$£A for a taxi. Probably there* cere M; amphibious- taxis. We don't I" ' iifiii^iu-^ have them. yet. But we'll take ...... «• you anywhere, anytime on land.

KOOS MAIN STORE Rahway, Ht.27 • FIJ 8-3700 Pnrkway Exit 13S • New Jersey

"WE 0>G ANYWm'-Kit "- " V fiad+o- flR/N&S US OUiCKi- Y BKANCH STORE ./*-»« BRidgoibOOOO P.aninpany, Rt. 46 • Dp 44100 CADILIAC L•ftOi.-j:> f iV •. ?f

': '' ". •— ./•• .* * /I. [, -:. •,' -.' .•'. • A •.•'-:•,. V -'•., . *• •• .,,.,.,.. ' ' " ' ' ' J

•'•:.\ The Cranford Chronicle, established 1893; The Cranford'1 Citizen, established^ 28 Nomahegan Court oar constitutional .system and our Cranforct; N. • J; ' ' Biblical faith are violated." ' '•'•• ••'•'"• " • : .. ' '•.'•!•••' (Combined in 4921) ' ' ;. •/'"v'".'. 'j-'~~'T May 16, 1-063/ ~ Many . Presbyterian . laymen thrqugh 'ever-present compiled on "WieiyiUOTl"*H Gran-.' eciiUve Committee of the Cran- that Ui ford Committee for Open Ho'us- Member: Quality Weeklies efflew Jersey ; .ford.";, • ..-•-....-',, . . •: • ^ . pfcrep! meat eater named Laelaps, A panel of enthusiastic, intelli- Ins, • /;..•..:. ..;.•.. ...:•; • ••.:. might be near- , , .• _. Very truly yours, ., gent, well-iinforiried ..pltlzens-re- • Theijrs was the .land that mil->

l • " . >'-- Frank W. Hpgan " ' ' ''-' ' ' '''..••' ' ' • • •' ' ' % ' . ' ' .' ' • ported their exciting, findings. lions "of years later puny men Entered-at the Post Office at Cranford, N. I'., as Second Class Matter. Published Thursdays cyt With the dedicated, expert lead- would call New Jersey, ar>d theirs Crctnford, N..-J., by the Cranford Citizen and Chronicle, Inc. .Official newspaper'for-Granford,' ership that has~ made- Cranford .•;•",'•. 701 -Willow Street was the time of the dinosaur— such a tine community, wo could literally ;-the "terrible lizards,"- Garwood and KenilWorth. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a Year- Advertising Rates on Request. V". f.•'•'..- ° Cranford, N. jj, ' for' the word. ^comes. from the also add some new facilities that :. ':• . • May 17, 19§3 Telephone BRidge 8-6000 would make us the most envied Greek .-"demos"" (terrible) and Officer il-23 Alden Stree), CrarifordV N. 7. community • around. We: are , .Dear Sir: ' • •; "sauros" (lizard). . small enough to• still 'be led by 1 heartily approve of our in- Dinosaurs' roSe some 200' mil-' sincere townspeople instead of terest in getting industrial rata- lion years ago' and disappeared . politicians, and large enough to blesl to build in Cranford.' This, about 65-millibn years ago. Only afford almost anything without it seems to me, js a major re- ' their fossilized bones remained - whe'ri man came -to inherit the adding to our tax burden! This sponse to the changes Cranford's NEW. JERSEiY; RESIDENT -r Small scale "rhodlel • of " 'Sign Up How for Bloodmobile Visit Here will be given a great deal of .j^owth has produced. We're just Earth, regardless of' how beauti- .hot the Same town we were fif- fully TV's Fred Fllntstone and. Hadrosaurus, 28-foot-tall duck-billed dinosaur whjch roamed /publicity, so.I will not tike space New Jersey 100 mill ion years ago. Courtesy New Jersey' State A Bloodmobile, under the auspices kernia. In some cases whole i)loodis~sep- to be merely repetitious; but it-, teen or more years ago. > Dina seem to get along. ' .-^,«..^.w.the Cranfor» d_., -. Garwoo d - Kenilwort.,_h. arated into packed red cells and fresh was'amazing to me, to hear thai But in QW; eagerness to get . New Jersey had .its share of .'Museum. ••• .' •''•' '• ' ' •-.•..-..•;• ".--'• ".••'. . ' -"' ".-••• '•of- if 1 ,SOD families." pay', a'. yearly our hands on this tax incorne, I terrible lizards. Ae least -four Chapter of the American Red Cross, will frozen plasma,' The_forriier is -used for figures."* .inhabr .^Jiapter^t the^Americaii neqjuross, wm woiuld.. suggest ,we_Jc«epVa~«ar©-- Sted the land and many other va- his long snout. • 'dinosaur couldn't live in the wa- "tbh blTffT t at Fel certairti n tetypess orihemia^anTToFHfHiac suggested, but this . is in line ful, but unselfi$li, watch on eitaotisiti a blooTBonailon center at Fel- lij/ith them), we can "have more. rieties of huge reptiles svtfam in • Edward Drinker Cope in 1,868 ter bul he could take refuge there patients. The fresh frozen plasma may Cranfdrd, the town in which most the seas^that lapped against the described Hadrosaurus as having and Laelaps could pnly squat and r. lowship Hall of the First Presbyterian than : a large pool ^club* on a of us expect to continue to live, be used fOrlhetreatmeht of nemophit •shores^ Indeed, the first major "a somewhat grinning physiog- •wait."'' ' " , . ' .••:.' •' •.•;;•' Church on June 10. Local residents are" community basis, with .tennis, industrial ratajbles or not. An.im- iacs or may be further broken down to shuffleboards; etc.: The eXcesfc --dinos'aur ..discovery in' North nomy" because of the shiny t^eth While Hadrosaurus and,l>aelaps urged to participate by scheduling an ap- portant part of this aspect of our" America Was the finding of Had- that extended from his jaws. were the giants, Cope and others extract concentrated units of vital blood money, after the fitst year, could town plannmjjf .was competently 1 cohtributfl to the reccesttionforidg rpsayrus in Camc|en County in Adding to his ludicrous appear- have pointed out that New Jersey pointment to donate a pint of blood on (discussed, lasjt. Wednesday nighi ance' wasi "a small head and an fractions such as gamma globulin, which of the town,—about $50,000 an^ 1858.' ' :~~"^~C • ;•"••'-' .' • '" ; had two smaller dinosaurs and that day. >, . at a Joint "meeting of-the High unwieldy belly." . many other species of tremendous . is used to prevent measles; serum albu-l nually! „ :. , -ScHool t»TA and the League of Old Hadrosaurus first showed A blood donor in this prQgram, jn : Yef, except foi? Laelaps, Hadro- reptiles in" the fresh*.waters or the miri, which is used "to prevent shock; fib- This-money v could build and Women Voters. A jJanel of his bones shortly before 1858 on tH.e farm of John E. Hopkins near saurus was king.' effect, helps to maintain- a blqod savings - maintain every conceivable and speakers directed our attention to, 1 adjacent, ocean. . "* . ' rihogen, which controls hemorrhaging, desirable leisure tin>o activity. A Haddonfleld. . Cutrtbus visitors Laelaps probably didn't grow Monstor-sizcd crocodiles,' 20 . account against which residents of the community recreation, with spe-'. as tall as Hadros&urus—'possibly and vaccina immune globulin, which is -recreation center .for' all • ages, cia'l; emphasis upon the proposed gathered to' see the sight and • fedt and mpre long, swarmed in community may draw whenever the need . complete with everything f?om Hopkins, cheerfully, gave them not more than 24 feet high—but What would'now be the riverfront used to treat severe yaccination compli- "community swimming pool. he was carnivorous and he was •arises.. Participation also, gives access to, ping-pong to , a Shakespearian ^..Walter Toomey, chairman of huge bones as souvenirs. . nearvCamdcn; Therq were SQ. cations. All these are available to . any ' group. More music, art, tennis, : That monster of ancient times fierce. ,The'ferns and leaves that many that Cope, Svohdered > how the resources of pother affiliated blood the first township-appointed Pool satisfied Hadrosaurus were ,not member of a comtiiunity in the Red Cross V roller skating, fdancingf^very^ Study Corninlftee, told- us .that ;would have crumbled topieccs-as ' they could'find enough food. He . banks throughout the country. This is • thing the Ci'anforo1 petspfe want.. decorations on New Jersey mnn- • even salad greens to Laolaps; he- feik that- Thor'acosaurus, one,..of . blood bank program. theiir. mqst careful'. and reliable telpieceB or as doorstops in Penn- wanted proteins, preferably meat. LQf_eni£rv aboui- iepott rcyeafed, ttmt Qiis~ir\ the 6v«rgrown'crocodiles,, gency, especially If a rare-type.of blood Any person desiring to donate a pint ..dollar-a week Christmas Club sylvania except that W. Parker Iblrfrtd^d >1 hHHA l te^t sayings? This could be. easily m,lng fatUity — availablo "to' Foulke of. Philadelphia heard structive, Laefeps leaped on his of the giant turtles' in the same is heeded. A donor also receiyfes a certif- of blood and thereby h^lp to .maintain eyery jesfdent-.of Cranford;"-? about the find, jhastened across. hind feet like a katlgaroo. Ad he •water.- '" . '• • • .' ; •' ; '. these many, benefits, should contact Bed managed, even by a teenager. 1 icate showing;his own. blood group and •, Let's encourage tKe men and would, when .turned over to the to Haddonfield and took up the vaulted across the muddy flats, ! - One of those turtles-i+Euciastes type. This, too, has proved to be valuable Cross headquarters at 1.0\ North Union women who have worked so hard •- Townihip in the proposed • four diggihg in 1858. He found the he left print? of 4eet shaped like . —^measured up to. six feet across-r- in case of accidents.. "Avenue, or any one of the following lo- for iis, with'our enthusiasm. years, earn for. the community rest of Hadrosaurus at a depth of those of. a bird of prey. and had a head a foot long. Else- cal residents on the committee? Mrs. H.. Their only 'payment. is the satis- about $70,o00 per year, with not nine feet, exhumed-, the heavy, Laelaps according to Cope, had where in the waters there were • ••"••Mostof the Jblood-given is transfused faction of achieving something a penny of tax money invested. ebony-black bories. and hauled • "flattened hooked claws, 10 in- 'other monsters: Cim.olitfsaurus, as given. This is whole blood so vitally I. Mitchell, Mrs. G. A. Duschy Mrs. W. T. excellent for the hometown they Furthermore, the proposed pool them away to the Academy of ches to a foot, in length, adapted "25 feet- or more in length -with a , constructlori,..»costs included the Natural Sciences in- Philadelphia. like the eagle's, for,_ grabbing .body as largo as an ox"; Elasmo^ necessary in accidents, major surgery,- Higgins, Jr., aad Mrs. E. Wayne Molli- lovef . '. . ' .•* u : Sincerely, purcKSse of about 8 acres of land Eventually some of the "sou- • and tearing, .prey.", Jfis tpeth saurus,- "a huge sea rangeV^35 to hemorrhage, and in the treatment of lu- neauic.. i ...•'• '.'•. -/''... ;',:'"•".'•;• at a price of, about $12,000 tQ were "curved, knife-shaped :-and f Lucille Hovell (Mrs. V. S*) venirs" joined the other bones 40 feet long"; Mososatirus,"* with • $15,000 per acre. This obviously, and Dr; Foulkb and others, re- crimped, or serrated on the rows of great conic teeth"sup^ attractive proposition . in our edges.,'' His lorig, round tail was , 176 . Garden Street constructed the beast they called ported on swollen ;p<)ots," aj'id ,tdwnship's futur,e bfefiombs; oveui 'IHadrosaurus," a ' duek-billed used to strike savage blows, at an Clidastes, ("probably similar to College Readiness Program Helps Prevent Drop Outs Cranford,. N. J. more attPacUve if wV compare it dinosaur. The skeleton still stands enemy. . popular ideas of the 'sea ser- Dear Sir:. — • * with the proposed Bell Telephone in the Academy of Sciences Mu- Cope called Laelaps "the; most pent'." . .. - - : . is just arftnnH the signed to lielp the freshman make the The Women's Club of St. gV'iiin in Philadelphia and n rt>.~ formidable land carnivore of this . The skeletons of all of these Mark's AME church wishes to corner. And a long summer vacation is adjustment from higgh school to collegeg . Bell is said to be prepared to production is in the New^Jersey •continent and second to none in ^ in southern-New. tftank the. editor and 'staff for. pay $15,000 per acre for a.S-acre State Museum. . - the Old "World," Remains of this just over the horizon! September seems In addition to the orientation phase their generous time and space Jersey marl pHts or swsimps. They parcel, Mr. Swackhamer, Town- Hadrosaurus towered 28 to 30 fearsome old' buccaneer were flourished for more than 125 mil- v r of the program' the students" enrolled ill tHat helped to .make our Inter- ship Financial Commltteemen, fte't tall, his great body supported found years ag6 near Barnsboro. •* " faraway. ' .. - * - . national Dinner on May.11 a suc- lion years, yet about 65\ rmllion * the college readiness program, are given estimates a tax income fromlBell on long, heavy hind limbs. Ris- .A battle between Hadrosaurus years ago they perished. The But for several hundred Cranford; :!cess. .-'•;.-• of about $80,000 per year' based ing on those back legs and balanc- and Laelaps would have been Earth had changed: Climates dif- a quick review in:the fields of.reading, Sincerely yours, 1 worth seeing," although .Laelaps j young people, the early falUimeans the % upon present'. rates. As you ing on bulky tail, the "lizard ' fered, food was /altered and time, English composition and mathematics, to ' " '"' Mrs.E. L.'Brantley, chr. know, based on 1963 figures, ate leaves, and. twigs . in, giant certainly would have won-unless ran out on the "terrible lizards," beginning of one of the most important 13.8% of this $80,000 w6uld re- gulps, using his stunted fore Hadrosaurus escaped temporarily, supplement what the high schools have 7 Holly Street, Copyright 1963—-New Jersey phases of their lives. That's when they vert to Union County. This limbs to pull branches . toward into (He Water. The duck-billed State. Tercentenary Commission, been doing. , Cranford, N. J. _ >~meam that—the—net—income to begin their college careers. The college readiness program will . May 20i, 1063" the Township would be about r ; College is a, dream cherished by open on July 1 and continue" through Dear Sir: " $60,000, not appreciably different j- most of our young people these days. July 26 with classes conjducted daily, l^resbyterfans are to be con- from the expected revenue from gratulated and admired for their* the .swimming .pool project. And well it should be. College days can Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a^frn. forceful stand tignlnit the con- Clearly, the municipal swimming .be among, the most rewarding days of to 11:45 a.m. Itwcarries no college credit tinuation of harmful racial seg- pool project is competitive with regation in our country, tast any industrial ratable, and it is By FARMS S. SWACKHAMEK our lives. \ Dr. Kenneth W; Iversen, UJC dean, 1 , week th'ey" formed^ a National ours. JWe can have Bell Tole- But college,'too, can be a. nightmare. reports the-initiaL program last summer Presbyterian Interracial Council' phorie arid our pool. Nearly half of all freshmen in America's was beneficial to a majority of those who : whos.e purpose is to "mobilize Well, whp cares about a swim- Iif« With the Mallards hollowed and approximately me by. Mr. Grail's observant ; colleges'and universities never earn their participated. He added that most of concerned Presbyterians to in- ming . pool tor - Cranford? Bob Last winter there were about three feet across. Here one fe- daughter, Aiui. Opeeations there bachelor's' degree. They become college those enrolled did somewhat better^aca-. volve themselves vigorously and Crane, Chairman of the newly 200 mallards frequenting the male mallard laid eight or nine started a. few days ^earlier tl]ari • -responsibly as .instruments for Township-appointed Implemen- river near the Union avenue dam. greenish-buff eggs. at the Riverside drive address. drop outs, facing many of the problems demically than might have been expected integration within the church, tation Committee^' told us that, Somehow or other the- Word Her 26 days of isolation was The Holly street mallard chose a and difficulties of jany drop out. , baseman their high school records and the communities in which they thai little "i x 4" noUce in the seemed- to got around among over on May 7. Shortly after spot up against the foundation1.-,. live and the whole • naiion." Chronicle asking those interested daWri'th^'first ;egg cracked, split oh the side of the, txmtrsrhouse,—'• Many of, these promising freshmen., other Criteria. . . ' • ducks that there^were free pro- K ..;" The Rev. pr. Marshal L. Scott, in a municipal swimming pool to visions and open water available open, and out jpopped^a tiny wet Ground cover is planted at that drop out of college for very substantial Since a four-year degree is hot only dean of the Presbyterian Institute call and give their names to Wal- and that Cranford was.a good duckling. Others followed quick- point. She laid 12''eggs as closo reasons like lack of nioney, but for ma,ny important in today's world, but also ex- of ^Industrial Relations in Chi- ter' Coffee brought a' response spot to wait for "spring^* ly. Each fluffed out Its feathers;- to the house. as she could got, _eagbr in ,a sermon delivered as from more than 400 families.. to dry in the warm sun. Shortly; " them. . . others it is simply a matter of not adjust- pensive to acquire, any student who has retiring moderator of the United Bob asked those, attending Wed- • Before the last traces of Ice after noon, .mother lined up the ''.-.'.. While incubating the eggs, she ing to the college- situation. They find any doubts about his making, the grade Presbyterian Church,> U.SA., nesday's i meeting — about 200 melted most of the flock disap- young at the edge of the nest. arranged plants so thatAthey al- the change from high school to College in college would do well to consider the accused communities -for \ their, — if they were, interested in peared north. Those birds re- She flew to the foot of the stump most covered her, hiding her from : "sophisticated and sneaky" per- joining such a pool and the re- maining" behind mated long be- a"hd. called to each youngster in view. I walked within three feet too difficult. college readiness' program. All high .petuation of segregation. He sponse was almost unanimous. fore spring breezes told-us less turn.-They jumped to the ground of the host without noticing her. In an effort to combat this problem, school students who will-graduate next said, **it is exactly In' these com- Bob and Walter think, and 1 sophisticated folk -that, better -on her instructions, a, bulge in Ann fed her bread every morn- Union Junior College has established a month and are college-bound are eligible munities whete there is the loud- agree, that-these probes indicate • weather, was on the' way. Be- the stump or 'nearby, bush ing, to keep;up her'strength for to enroll for the program at Union Jun- est talk about freedom and the that our pool project can be as cause the early migrants follow, breaking the fall. When, they the long ordeal. ~ ' college readiness program. This project most shouting about communism great a success as a similar pro-t the retreating ice so closely were all safely down she led Then" one day painters came id" emphasizes an orientation program de- ior College this summer. that the very fundamentals of fContinued on Pao«. 3) gunners know them as "ice mal- them across Orange avenue nrtd paint the house.. To project lards". \ " JUverslde 'drive to the river. shrubbery they spread canvases Early in April the pnirs that Unfortunatery( I arrived too over .everything close to • the "stayed located d nesting sp6t, late to see the procession but Mrs. house, including the mallard and often some , distance from the A. Lawrence Hamilton, one of her eggs. She hissed at the treat* w^ter. Generally, it was well' the mallard family's neighbors, ment but stuck to her job. All hidden in a hollow on the ground. told me the story. Another help-' twelve babies-hatched without One pair of Crantord's ducks - ful neighbor, Frederick L. Smith, further incident, here no "jumps were non-conformists, however. assumed the role of traffic coor^ were necessary nor were there anca Sark In the^ little park along River- dina tor to assure the family a any streets to cross to reach the side drive between Orange ave- ' safe trip across the busy .streets. • river. ,.'.'. nue and Central avenue is the ' Another mallard story was un- If, you walk along the river you 'i stump of on old free,' about 15 folded at the hoitie of P. J. Grail may be fortunate" enough to spot feet high. The top is slightly on. Holly street. It was'told to these families foraging for food.

'5 Years Ago reached its victory jgoal« of trophies, 12 gold medals, four XX>qald Wooley, Harold A. Olo- advertisements^tressing $150,000,' it was announced by silver medals and four bronze vier, Robert W. MUhoIaoii, Jr., "Free Enterprise," which ap- Delivery Here 65 Years Old Year-end 'activities for tho George S. Sauer, Cranford chair- medals — nil these were garnered^ Jotoph Kay and Dick Watteiu . peared in the daily press and ; largest senior clnss in the history mnn. ' • .. .- . by the traok team of Cranford' r... Harry W. Crane of 308 Walnut should the service demand it. day they, went to Newark to be of Cranford High School were to . were. to be published In the, High School at the State Relays Miss Gladys Estabrook,' faculty Citjren and Chronicle and other avenue, one of the two first mail It Is thought it wili take the car- measured for uniforms"' and de- I start with the' Junior-Senior 10 Years Ago at Long Branch. Coach J. Seth carriers/in CranfQPd, called at- rier^ aw, hour to cover their liveries would be ntode in civil-, Prom and end with commence- member and sponsor of the weekly newspapers. ' A continuation of the existing Weekley's boys won more awarda Cranford High School Photo- tentton this week to the fact that routes." (The reference here "ian clothes (except for caps ment on June 17. The class- policies regarding school bus than; any other team present. last Thursday was the 83rd an- was to picking up mail from the which the- men picked lip on of 1958 numbered 230 — a jump graphic Club, won first and sec- transportation was voted by the ond places for black ana white niversary of the inauguration of letter drop boxes.) their visit to Newark) until ar- of 65 over the previous year. Board of Education. The board ••,' 15 Years Ago The final organization of the mall delivery service here. . Carrier Reinhart was assigned rival of thp uniforms^ Boyd Raebum.nnd his Columbia prints in the'10th annual C*an- r reaffirmed its, policy not to pro- The Cranford High School ford Salon of Photography. Cranford Clvte awd Easiness As- . Making the first collections -to collect -and deliver on the For benefit of users of the mails, Recording Orchestra wpre to'play rvitle bus transportation if an band was heard Iri a program sociation was to bo completed at from mail drop boxes and deliv- south sip's of the Jersey Central the Chronicle pointed out: • at the prom. . ' • elementary pupil resided less • over radio, station WNJR< New- a mass meeting In the Cranford- eries ,to \ local homes were Mr. tracks, and ho also had. a portion "With the introduction of -the * * * • A varied prottain.of vocal High School auditorium. More of the north side to coven Car- freedellvery system, "the custom ^ I!-' than-two miles from.school or a ark, marking the'first radio ap- ~ selections, featurinr folk Mmn, Crano and Walter' E. Relnhart, The College - Club awarded high scho"ol Student less than twe pearance of the local music than 500 business and profession- now a resident of Plalnfleld. r rier Crano was assigned to the 6t. placing a penny skomp on scholarships to. thr^e Cranford group.- Louis F. Harr, supervise - NejTO- spfarituals and melodic al people were expected' to at- rest of the north.side of town. drop letters ^will cease. . Here* and .a- half miles from.school. favorite*, was \o be presented at The Cranford Chronicle of- Hith School seniors — Joyce *- * or of instrumental music, direct- tend. Winchester Britton, Sr... Muy 15i 1900, reported the ap- "For' the jir'cscnV' the news-, after drop« will r«qiiire a twoi EJlen Rauch, Mary Harris and Bids for the construction of ed. .-'•-• the annual iprimr concert by 4h« chairman of the temporary or- paper report continued, "tncre- cent stamp, or they will not be Cranford Glee Club in the hHk pointment of the two men and Itatta Taavo«te, The amount dJ»-, two hew elementary schools w«rartlcli>ation tat tfi« Citixen _ liu«i,'A. Stroar, past p^ Beld»n, buildittc committee chair- -Grayson, camp dlrtotor, at ja d*ttt of the ti*wifor4 Lion* .Club, "Tomorrow morning 'at "6:30 first "delivery-will be at about 8 hnrf Wtrred as assistant pott- and Clu-ohlde's subscription drive man, reiM»rted that 13 general me«tuie of the board of trtwteea '••;•- i2O Yeaw Ago "they,will start the work of col- a.m.'and the second about 3:30 master in 1043 after 43 yean* in the fall. wa» nominatW for «*i«uty »t»- contractors hod 'received draw- at the home of VloWr D.^SIia- A Cranford blacksmith, B. Jy ixttti voveroM. off the Vtaloa lecting whatever mall matter.is p.m. It is estimated that it will •Service. The latter** ton, LeRoy . '" • • • •:-. ; bin and specifications from the he«nr prealdeut, in Summit road. Eiohinger, arid hie shop at the Coutttr Lto«» Clute ait the itt- deposited In the letter boxes, take the carriers at least two :F. Rclnhartiof 14 Indian Spring - The Cranfowl campaign for architect. / • Harry B..JEe^her wa» to «*t« corner of High and Cherry ttual rcfloaal owilht^nco In MM which were placed about ;town hours to" cover their routes while road, ret&ed January- I of tU Union Junior College's silver an- a seooud MMUMMnaii u»Mant d*« deiiveriAg he mail." ywr aft»r 3» y id : v '^- ' - •• '*• •••"* •••••' ' street's, ware ftarurea in the Ust auditorium «f n«t Ptt*b>**rlan ywwrdfly. Tk«re are lo of thes« r .Two records; three first-place . It alfio was. reported that "to- niversarV development fund had r««tor, and BouneUor* w*r« to be of a series/of Public S*rvi*e £oic~ CpCUb • •' •"•" ' • boxes, but more will be erected for the local P«rt

' *''"> •. >*!)••

-h •- % . V. ••••.:>.: 1 : •^r.-'^ -f •*•-*«. '»"••- Ijtaiir-* —•^a,-,-;-•....• *^y-<*«.-«rj-.J- --^=-W_. - -oa**fc»>. ^,^te-ta_ T>a»t^-r'~ .. 'I: :

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• '•••••.•••'••••/•.•.•'. • • • ', ..••.-.•• . .• v •• . .• • CBANFORD (N.J;> CITIZEN AND CJlRONIt^E--THliRSDAy, MAX -^ 1963 had made an <-xw';| tru ('t'fort in order -(o please him. And. he would' h»tve been pleased. Didn't we say that lHa'*> chic}' wife, luw-.i' n 2276,-..B'nai B'rith, on lege roadiite.s'i program last year. have its final performances to- ! widow who, with her- soh, goes to }Clll - ,-:.v in fieV-voiri; that curries night at Temple Beth-El to witntss The' program was. .Established • Marlene Gilmore',""- 9ryear-old morrow and Saturday. 'V . . • j Sianv toiie.cohu; the teacher o.f;thu |Uv.|it]ve .self-Offadr.t* assurance-of the induction o£ Robert Lo.weh- on Jin experimental basis last sum- daughter^f Mr. ;ind Mrs. Edward ; Gilmore of 1,0? ., Glenwood; road, "" There has been a great- dual. of. kind's children. -~, 6T HI number, | h::-reharacler, -md tuptim stein of'11''Chester Lartg> place as mer to-help recent high school talk about the seriods-'thontre. Will, with more to oolnj e — is based «», Judy)hindjudy)'m'ndee heherr cloomucL lovlovee fo- forr president. -. .•.. "... •graduates, make the adjustment and Geraj'd Stjof, r2-yea.i--old\;s,o!i : it survive? What is the-nature of fact• '. Ahd.th" •'"--•'-•-e character- •-•-•• •--—-•—s art' mil'". Lun Thi(.(J fwhn oisony'tr.uly poig- Philip I-.ax, president of the from high school to college.' pt_Mi:.'and Mrs. William StLet of. 1 2 Franklin avenue, have received "its' ailment? And those who care Theirc'aly reasonslouftlV.an. d cry and-Jove for I t>lnt tht, translcy matioh from joy Northern New Jersey, Council of "the aim of the" college readi- have dutifully Jrushed off to .sueirc'al reasons. • • to KUITOW^ eloquent iii the linos of B'nai B'rith, was the .installing, of- • ness'pr.ogram is'to help prepare the three-year " •honpr pins' front, the ' And they have boon given dj- Music Educators' Association of dismembered bodies, etcgantly llcr bmlyil^ -jn-hel . v\)ice-. These ficer. • After thanking the outg.ojng recent high school graduate for the mertsfohh byy the••peoplppe vy)fyo ppla y jove,.j;,j;' bol-h ,H?hen soniethihj; solid masculine King o£. Siam (John V. Vice-prosidetits, Goodwin H6rp- ypunK men and'ivomen. who cntej- Hke "1*^9 Ttinft and I" comes children, all limpty-ump of them. witz, Melvin Kopcl'ra'an and.- Mi- fresluneri /classes''-never- complete piano auditions, while' Gerard .Whitttesey) and slowly, in the way..Vye..c-..versatik' wf'll handled. •maintained irn .average..of 92.per- alohg. that we 'realize how fertile of- women the world over, CDII- chael Chawoff; corresponding sec- the fdui:-yeav program." ' . the older theatre can be. , "The Small 'House of tlncleretary, Herman Forman; financial ; The program will carry no eol-cent in piano auditions cRirliig ihc The -charming and believable •quers him. Thomas"'had the-quaintness it de- adven4ur.es of a young English t;' \vi\a heard..to say "The secretary, Allan C 'Kane; record- credit. It will be limited to serves. The si'nginc, and dancing ing secretary, Sidney Lyons; treas- 'school., graduates who -are Doth are pupils of Mrs. Edna had ii'modfcsty-that-suited, the oc-'urer,- Jack-Bernstein. • .,..-'•'.•.' •coljefjc-bourid.. _ ... . Reag«n of 1(52 Hillcrest avenue. c:.sidif. ] .',•'' . " >' Guardian, M a r v i .n-•'''Brcssiler; Prof. Salins, a graduate of Up- Ht're was an ambitious under-: chaplain, Rabbi Sidney D.-Shank- sala .his ^"<=*»»•.. Unit """"When a cusR»ner~]5rcyr»trr ^trtn-/rTBittnrTrnwm "arts clegree from the,New School ^Dacron .&.'worsted; suit, manding as it;does -350 costumes, 'farold Bevman/ ' Harold Block, for Social Haeserirch, New York "Vm worried! My Mdm didn't Mr. Club, hehns (nil'made by Mrs. Olson and her enry Farer,.Irving Gorsky, A City. He joined the Union Junior Frpnk W. Hoytin of 7 holly 1 hamJRtfthpard and Norbert Wolf. CollcEe faculty., in .1955. ' street hns been elepted presidentof "something Mint's perfect, committee), each .0.110. more,speL - d^cherfxirsm r t.^cukw than the preceding one; ,,-Rabbi Shanken, spiritual leader the newly-organised Catholic Hu- '.through, the hottest ,; . 550-make-up , jobs,- -wigs.'and ex- of Temple Beth-El, delivered the man Relations Council of Union \vith SWAN. 1 wish she would'-•> summer days. He, can • - fiuisi'e head-drosses to suniioiiiiL nvocation. ' '' Trailside Showing County, and James H. Harrington wear it through the .ii'iem; masks,-. and:"i» golden Bud- Mickey'Freeman', television per- of-519 Claremont place will serve for SWAN has the best Cold Stor- :\ •fail and on'into winter. '•dhn—all in all a miracle of cpoj^^ sonality, provided the entertain- Movie on Birds as treasurer of .the. group. -•• , ment, and music- for dancing was Foivnine months' ftally. * Less per .mo'nth -than t?r;Uiun back-stage as well.as on the .council is an organisation of age in linion County." stage. • • .••'.'••., provided- by Ben Kane and. hisThis Sunday Cal'holic laymen whose aim is "to Yet. he pays only $49:75. • cigarettes,. Mr. Field! How . does an airmteui' group land.' • , A movie'entitled 'VBirdso'f Home •promote interracial justice by put- achieve- this miracle? Through and Garden," narrated, "by Dr. ting-Catholic' teaching iivto prac- leadorsh'ip ;ino'.stly. Elsie Midgley, Letters To The Jerome 'Fechtner, Fanwood, will tice." - -' •-. •-• '• . • who diiected ...the play, ,is such, a (•Continued from .Page -2) be. shown at the Union County Park lender. Slie'has the rare ability to joct h:\# been in Millburn. Commission's Trailside Nature and |--cir.g«nize c"s well ;is to create., and' Before we attract too!, many Science Center in the Watchung MOVING [She' is unstinliijg-anci generous'"of ratable*, lei us be sure that we do Reservation at 3 p.m. Sunday, - ! her.volf in" these eiiUcavors: Shr noL-uKeuptoof much of.the-avnil- Halfr-hour nature, talks for chil- & HAULING is both jflrrct an'd kinfU. and it is able land for tax iircorne, to the dren 'will be conducted at 4 p.fn. r point 'tiiat crantord Become? on Monday anci^i'ucsctay -Uy Ur. - UTTICSi CfcLLARS, •- obviousiiTat.sho inspires people tp YARDS. GARAGES CLEANED exert themselves. '. '»r -,-.•• *", .non»-competitive' as the progress Harold N. Molde"nkc, director of And always";1!]! everyone's mind,, stve attractive, residential' cdm^ •TiraLlslde.- The topic selected" for General. .HOUM < Maintenance niunity in which we have chosen the two' days is "Marine' yvild- ,. bar 6* Evening was the thought of Allan Whitney. s It was-as though he had been sit- to live. Let us not be over- ljfe'.V Dr. Mo'lden.ke's .lectures will . 307 South Ave.,Westfield,N.jr,,,Ab 3-0248 ting there, quietly, during the re- whelmed by the grapes of. a_vail- be illustrated yCrith color slides. . jr. j. wills hearsals. Indeed, it seemed as able industrial, tax moneyTTest The nature talks are designed to they.turn sour. • 'appeal to children from 6-to 16-CH 1-3588 — AD 2-1803 It 'would seem'that we can ber years of age., There is no ad- CH 5-3263 «in by selesting an attractive site mission charge. for our pool now, and competing, \yhere> negessary; with Bell Tele- | phone or nny othei- industrial i If you live in a typical house in ratable for that particular site, j I would strongly urge that, the ' TV, RADIQ REPAIRS present, .pool cpmmittee and the COLOR TV, ARTENNA INSTALLATIONS Township Committee intensify CKAWFORP Jiieir nctivities_in_tJiis_projeclLso-4. that a target date for the open- You May Have These problems I ing of the Crahford Municipal

* •' • " * ... * *. ,i» \' • Swimming Pool can be set "no filter than. June, 1964. I vybuld ' Y»u run ou» of hoi Water all too often ' (2) At Ihe rVibsf inconvenient fifties;. further urge all those who—are WE USE sincerely .itjtqrestcd in this pro- 3 tell. Ahe Towrtship Com- "Oh! I just remembered. You mittee and fhe Pool, Committee of their eagerness to see thin pro- get 'Free Gifts' d SWAN for ject, successfully completed. CRANFORD RADIO, 26 Eastman St. " Cranford Very truly yours, Storage Services. I'll have my • 1 Alfred Is. Miller i Mom dsk them about it"


UP TO UP TO 4 TIMES 7 TIMES AS MUCH HOT WATER AS MUCH PER HOUR PER HOUR AS GAS! AS ELECTRICITY! it Vm19 happy! My Mom has stored If you have a typical house you •Oil has time and again proved could easily run out of hot water itself the least expensive, most effi- all of our winter garments in several times a week. cient means of heating water fast. SWAN'S Storage Vaults, . . . Now you can have all the hot water, Phone us today. Find out how They'll be Safe and Clean!" you want at one time for only 9} -S* easy it is to switch to a Mobilheat- cents a dayl . • • - lired water heater!" ..' \ Yes, thanks lo Mobilhc'at--a.ml *For an average family of -L ASK ABOUT OUR an oil-fired hot water heater of cor- TREE' BOX STORAGE rect capacity—you can take care of all your washing needs at one time! Mobil Mother can do the family wash, ,_ 'I1'' H'll|lll(!ll(|t'H.IMMlil"MI IIMIII.-IJHllllUIIU.IMIIII Is the small car going out of the picture? 1 'Bi8ilnin'titihcd Drucleanem, Sis can do the dishes at the same - Shirt Lantulvri'rs, Household time Junior takes his bath and Dad Mobilheat Cleaners. .'N.'nMIHIIlllllllllinirilllllllll'llllllllllllllllltlllUUillHMIIIIIIMIlil. 1 1 enjoys a'shower'. tofel/ wdMiu more people than ony other heolinij «U ' Tliey'rp "growing ;he now coi" ; much of money into a sensible 'oinounl of <~ar. biqger this 'oason. So prepare yourself: tlyj 1963 VoiV.s- — And to think that on|/ n year o'r two wagon is still exactly the samr; size. ago, it was just .tho.o.tiior way abound. And it looks exactly first try. And that didn't need pov;er this_ , And tho peopl'ti who bought 1962 Volkswagens don't le«l 05 though they're "DEPENDABLE, FH1ENDLY SERVICE 8INCE 1«I" anci power thatro g«t around the block. We're going lo_mi.ss thorn.-And we driving last year's model • - - think a lot o"f Olhot people will, too. • ' • ' MaybeViost small c/ifi-are going out'. •pocauso wo think. Jhero are "people rof the picturo. But there's one small ' wlio still want to put'a sensible • • ••exception. . . , . —- - • for route service call BRfr<)900 BR 6-3300 Yard: • JENEWEIN MOTOR CARS • CRANFORD• 44 North Ave., East 3 North Aw., E. n Avri. 'at LVRR . 900 E. Elizabeth Ave. •;•. EUZABETHP -r 4 We«t Jersey St. ;._J_:...^'... Linden, Ntew Jersey - ; • WESTRIELD • 104 Np\h Ave., W.

i •'>

•...... • (• •• •' ' ,••' •'.•.'.:' ' < * •'••A

I;. . Tage Four . 'C^AKJFOBD (tf. Jf.-J CITIZEN A^I> CHRONICtE-TTtl!lJE8P^Y/j: ••I Metfck Em i Mr.TWnfl Mts. •.Frithjof. 'Av Scott:Y'- Meeting Features pf 3 Algonquin' driyel h^ve /rtiadg, •%••••' -known tho Engagement tot their Program of Spygs daughter, Virginia' Rita, to Edwin ., A -musical program highlighted •r ^-y': ^-->; ' <• - Frank -WhittlngfoV.-son of Mr, The 19.63 winners of" the Cranford'College Club scholarship avWirds Tast work's meet ing- of the First 1 and. Mrs. Edwlri. Whittington of will be'honored-•j!tie >-ts of theejub at its-annual bimqu,i?t Monday at. Presbyterian Church Couples' Club 7:iif p.m. at the Shnck&n'uixoh. Country Club in Scotch Plains. 1 • A i960 graduate of Cranford held in Fellowship Hall. AU sdngs •"• Mrs.. Z. ''Robert-.Turudlan,' ban- ..•.—--—•••---•--"•; ^-^-,-^~——?-r- 1 High School. Miss Scott attended came frorrr^hit shows and' 'were 1 c(Ut^t . •chainira'ii, announced thutj Drake * Business-College in Eliza- sung-by club members whqj.also X. -other guests willinelude 15 senior; beth. She is employed Jn the \tnn\ •]•:-,'••{• are members of the church Chancel -?rrn,,M,-;i'vr*iif' r-iilli'i'f- Clilh »ifrn-' U'rial»: management department impsori— -ehoir-.—i—•—— A 'hit'hliKht of 'the everting j wore Mrs. will be the! presentation of-a silver' jp nus ;of^ B.ahway High' School, has •G Rauch, Mrs.V WiUiaQVjA^'Bal- • • • . , .••'•. ,,,, ,\;. Winlli'ld announced at ,,a- lamily B ,g,tt to. the- K,rl who has attained ( pnr{y^.^ ,he-engageengagemenm t of completed two ..yearn of active du- rratier,. Norrnari H, Briibaker artd s tthh e highest si-holastipsiholastip- average m - , AlAlici e NapmiNi, to Wil- ty with the N.nyy. He is employed Herbert-1."Mitchell. .-" "" •'••'•'-':, .the SCMUIR'j/lass. orGranford High-i-lium Andrew Hogersori, son of Mr.: jn' the pr.oduct dii'velopmerit de- Mrs. Rauch sang.^Till There Wa* 1 partment'of Merck and Co. ^ : School ' ••'••.. ;, ' and Mrs."William Rogerson of-Ro-. Ypu'-V-apsJ "With A Song In My No date has been set for. the Heart" and joined With Mr.:Mit- •.. Mrs. .Edward ' Gijroy, ,-4'rania stile"" Miss Simp-son is.the daugh- ter-alsf)'of Charles William Simp- wedding. . ' . chell in singing "One Alone" and ••• ' (• •chairman, is--iij .chargp^of the eve- MISS .EVEJLYN-. M. "I'll See You Again;*' Mr. Mit- •.ni'ng's entertainment which pronv- son of Madison. .. . .' Miss Simpson is a graduate of, Mr; and'Mrs. C. X Belt of DfW- chell also sang "Thine Alone'' and •i.ses.to show that there is a hum- 1 Roselle Park High School, Union son, Mich,, have been visiting with "Serenade/ \ .. orous side to "the 'usually serious their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, Junior.. College and Katharine( Mrst-^Palmatier sang "The Sound collofje erf trance situation. She is Miss Bennett hn'd Mrs. Michael Bebkowlcz of or Music1" and "Hello .There, My . assisted by Mrs. Frank L. Bar-GibbY School in New York. -She' MISS VIRGINIA RITA; SCOTT currently attends RutgerK Utiivor-.- 317 Retford av'eriue. Love" Mr, BrUbaker was soloist chard, Mrs. Robert P. Bilmno,. Mrs, Y sity, where she also is a secretary on "Edelweise" and 'If Ever I ON HQUDAY INv-'BERMUDA-J-Mrs. William Weber, Jr., of 105 John A. Olson and Mrs. Raymond Should Leave. You" and with Mrs. •A. 1 to Dr. George Cpllierr director of The engagement ^of- Miss Eye- Elmora avenue observes-'Bermuda's s"u1h "^hjQ'' fnrtrtliiHi fni>p the graduate psychology labora- .ati^r Sartg "Smoke Gets In Decorations' will follow a blue yri M. Bennett to Stephen M. College Club Guest Specik&r ^on&Il.a-^Ma^^ Looking on Is her' tory.. . ••.'•;.•••'"• V ,'r Your V*t»t©* rav who is assistant treasiuvr ofh the National. .s Biscuit Com- and white color scheme and will pany in NeN w YYorkk CiCityt . TThhe WWebersb . flflew bback to thhe SStates* on carry out the theme 6f the entpr- An alumnus of Abraham Clark heNight _ •;, of Duncllen, has been, Av12-voice chorjus sang "With A May 15 after spending a week's; holiday in the colony; - K .,' .•'" y^ un- son attended N'ewai'k College of announced by the bride-elect's Little Bit of Lilckf" L"It Might As < » • . . • • . der-the direction of Mrs. Junies C. Engineering and now attends Soton Jan Schoffman of Mountainside, traveler, and, lecturer, was guest parents, Mr., and Mrs.-Harry Ben- Well Be ^Spring" and,, "Madam •Kim Ualintii Performs For'gusson, is! -responsible for thetfail University, as a chemistry speaker last, week at We season's final meeting of the Cranford Col- Jeanette."' The program was un- Stokes-Rodgiefs .-decorations. The committee in- major. ^He Is employed by Scher- nett of IS Burnside hvehue. lege Club in Fellowship.Hall of the First Presbyterian Church. der the direction of Mrs. George In.Benefit Ice Show ing '..Corp.,. Union, as a laboratory cludes Mi's. Irving C. Anderson, A. fall, wedding is planned.- t . The. speaker was introduced by Mrs. -Warren-. Sechrist, program F. Zobal and the chorus was con-MartiageTold Kim Balinth, S'-year-old daugh- , Mrs. -. Dvvifih't L. - Copelaud, Mrs. technician."" • - ., A graduate of Cranford High chairman for the'evening. Mrs. S^choffman, who returned from her. ducted by William Asprey. Announcement has been made ter of Mr. and: Mrs. Ivan J. Bal- An October wedding is planned. . Wallace 0- Dexter, - Mrs. rfenry School, Misrs Bennett aftonded '— • — ••••.;,.-, * =—' third trip to Hawaii.recently, took of the May • 4 marriage of Miss inth- of 15 Willow street, recent- Frahme, MBs. Walter VV. Gleason, Union Junior College and Tuscu- as -her topic, "Our Fascinating Jean Daniel Rodgers, daughter of ly participated in "Carnival on Mrs.' William Koch,. Mrs. Haryey -w ., mil - um- College, Grceheville,. Tenn. 50th." '_' • ; \- . Suzanne Simons Col. and Mrs. Edward "H: Rodgers Ice J90H" presented by'the-Ralph' K. Nevallf, J-r., and Mrs. George Rhododendron : She is a member of the- Sigma Al- Marriage Told , Mrs. Schoffman gave a brief his- of Columbus, Ga^ to Lee Douglas Evans Ice Skating School at the •Playle. \ -,.-""" . : " Honors Teachers Stokes, son" of .Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Ive Land Arena in, South PJnin-. . Mrs, T.uradiaii's committee .con- pha Pi social sororily and'the^au tory ^of our -rijewest- state and then Gardens Visited Beta Ganima athletic sprflrlty. presented a colorful commentary Stokes .of Sterling, 'formerly of field. for' Uu> benefit of the Essex sists Of the following member*: Of Mrs. Johnson Miss Suzanne Simons, daughter Cranfbrd, in the First Ptrcsby- Mrs. Richard Adams, Mrs. Ber- She is employed in the industrial on- Hawaii and its people, using of Mr. attd Mrs. Robert Simons or Counly. Chapter of the Muscular ByFloraphileClub relations organization for^Western- Mrs.' Alexander K. Prista. of slides which were taken on her terian Church in Colurribijs. •• Dystrophy Association, Inc. tram Backinoff, Mrs. . J. Jerome 11^2 Park drive, entertained at a -"fhe bridegroom' is serving a The Floraphile Garifen' Club at-Electric Co., Inc., in Kearny. ' Roanoke, Y'a..- formerly of Cran- latest trip to the "island paradise." tea Sunday in honor of Miss Winl^- Kim skirted as one of the Dutch Bohan,"Mrs-vPeter Burk, Mrs. Wil- three-ye,ar tour of duty with ihe liam J. Gorges, Mrs. Jiim.cs H. ,Har- tended Rhododendron^ Day at the Mr. Varmuza i^ a graduate of ford, announces- tlfe marriage of Mrs. Norman Brubaker, presi- fred Downs arid Mrsl Alice Cott- dolls in. "The liand of the Magic 'Army; He is now a 'specialist sta-, Dolls." Shejs.a student of the ington, Mrs.' Stuart M. Campbell, Holy Trinity _High- School, • West- her daughter, Mary Louise John- dent, conducted the business meet- tioned with ;the 11th.Air Assa'Ult- Watchung Mon- field, and Newark Colle'ge' of En- ner. Ralph Evans Ice .'Skating School Jr., Mrs. Edwin P.'.Hiirkin's, (Mrs'.' son, to William Kenneth Fr.eshley, ing. Final reports of activities.for Miss Downs, head of the'history Division ihTFbrt Benning, Ga, v day. Mrs.. Charles Haag gineering.' He is a member of Pi the year we're given, by .committee, department at, Vail-Deane School, in Millburn. Russeil W. Huckel, Mrs. Robert F, Jr.;.on"May 18 at 3t30.p.m'in St. Loary,. Mrs, W'iiliam H. Meyer, ford, a member of tlic-. Union Kappa,Phi fratcfrnity and is em- chairmen. Mrs. t>. S. Wilt-was wel- wiirretire following 34 years of John's Episcopal Church in Roar Mrs. Pauline Myers and Mr. and Miss Betty Fowlie«of ; London, Mrs. Edmiind W. MoVfis, • Mrs.County Rhododendron Society ployed as a: product specialist in comed as a new member. service at the school, and. Mrs, Mrs. Kdwnrd Mypf«!'-rif Vnrk. Pn-.,- Ontario, Canada! is Vieiting for' a Kefreshments - were served by Jesse' B. Patberg, Mrs. Bertram conducted the group through the he sales .division of tieekman In- nokcMr.. Frcshley is the son of Cottner, head of the Latin de- were, recent house guests of Mr. month with herJarpther and sister- TRudoy. Mrs. -Eugene Sasso ' iihd stpuments, Inc.;, Mountainside. the hospitality cammittee, com- partment, is', retiring followih# • 'r display gardeiis, pointing put -nexW Susan B. Freshley of: South Bend, and Mrs. Russell A. Baum of 211 Tn-!aw, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Fowlie Mrs. Harold Seymour. • prising Mrsi James DepeWrf chair- eight years. • . ; ' . "^nd unusual, varieties and ex- Ind.; and' W. K. Freshley of Niles, Columbia avenue. •."..'•-. , i J of 113 Orange; avenue. ... .'%, Family Pqrty Fetes Mich-. .""'. "V" maiu Mrs. Richard. French, Mr$., Guests included jujilor and sen- plairriiiK the proper growing con- The bride wrts given in mar-Rupsell Hardy, Mrs..George Wal- ior, girls, their mothers, and mem-- Sunny Acres Club ditions for the rhododendron^ 85th Birthday Celebrant ton, Ji\, and Mrs. Curtis Wilson. bers of the upper sfhool faculty. . riage by' hejf father,' Mr. Prista, of ; The club also visited the flower . Mrs. Fred • Lester of Irvington New York, and hall as her only 'Pourmg'wej-e Miss. Kathy Han 22nd PINGRY SUMMER SESSION Holding Workshop show in' the museum, wherfc' wa.s feted at a family party and attendant her sister,' Mrs. Ken- sel, daughter of Mr. and >Mrs. C bufl'et suppoi- Sunday in celebra- neth B. Stephanz, of.Roanqke. The Library Displays F. Hansel, Jr., of Cranfdrd, Misf ' June 26 ^August 14, 1963 bloom .from rhododendrons -and ion of her 85th birthday anni.yer- Nancy Kemeny and Miss Mar- v Tuesday Morning bridegroom's father «erved as '- READING CLINIC -; v. azaleas Were on display. ;ary at the -home of Mr. and Mrs.best mah arid ushers wore George Collector's Items garet Kemeny, daughters of Dr ' _ . The last workshop -jpecting of After a jplerjic on the shore of .. . • . " •'" .3 Vz- or 7-Week Course-. • •• • Jbn'Schwalbach of 8 Oraton diiye. Kriauer of Mendharri, brother-in- A display entitled, "The Collec- and Mrs. George Kemeny. of Eliz- the season, will be held "by theSurprise' Lake, JVirs. Herbert Mit- Mrs. Schwalbach is Mrs. Lester's abeth, and- Miss" Louise 'Benftey ., •'. Advanced -Develipmenldl -Remedial' Sunny Acres Garden Club at 10 faw of the bride, and J. E: Domtors," will be oh exhibit until chell reviewed the.club's activities ;randdaughtei\ • Thomas" of Roanoke. David Knau- daughter of Dr. and Mrs, John C • ACADEMIC COURSES a.m. Tiresday at the home of Mrs.during her presidency, arid turned .Othei^giiests wore Mr: and Mrs. May 29 at the Cranford, Public Bentley of Elizabeth. ' '• • William Spies, 725 Linden avenue. er, nephew-of the bride,..s_en':ed as Grades 3-12 .'. .35 JHours,. Instruction ~".:-..'....-_ 'the office bver~Tf6~TVIrs,. .JaTnes" ieorgeSegebade-and son, George, Library. .». ' Review- Advanced Credit r Preview "' ""''"" '' Mrs. H. M.-J3roughtoh, workshop Phelan, newly-elected, president. acolytftand Kenneth R. Stephanz, Mr. and' Mrs., Bernard -Segebade brother-in-law of the b_ride; Was On display ^£.waiIvCf,.il\ojw^..M ~" """rForelgn Languaqeg — Mathdi#atic3 ', •chairman, will- conduct the meet- Mrs. Kenneth Riha announced tyii Lawler Gets : ing^ and has announced ijs theme 1 and daughters, Cheryl and.t)on- soloist. * • T^V^..^ ' '. : • collection of Miss Marguerite Sul- , English - Science - History -~\ •-" --"-• that 'the next" meeting of -the ; and.Richard and Jotr-Schwal- livan of 348 Lincoln avenue, east; as "Conversation Piece"—a hori- Junior Garden Club, will be held" A family reception followed at Cheer Leading Letter ENRICHMENt PROGRAM bach of. Cranford, Mr. and Mrs, the~home of the bride's sister.' combs from Mrs. George D6eg of EVve'yn Lawler, daughter of Mr zontal arrangement suitable for at her home at 10 a.m. on 1 College. Chemistry - Exploratory Science • Charles V. -Lester of Mountain- —nMrs. freshley attended Georgi ratway'fmale; Spafiish* mantil- and Mrs. William Lawler- of 10f use on a dinner table. This will be May 31. ' . Study Skills - Cultural Trips ':: :--- ah all-day workshop, with mem- si.do, Mr: arid Mrs.' WilWaw "Lester Washingltori tTrrivcrsity and is a las, fans and combs from Mrs.Benjamin street, recently received' and "sons; Richai;d, Frederick and member of Kappji Delta sorority. Lloyd Briggs of 31 Spruce. Street, • Public Speaking - Psych6logy _. ••..*- bers providing a sandwich and , '-Mr. arid jWrsV H. Raymond Kir- her varsity letter in cheer leading 1 William, of Union,- Mr. and. Mrs.' She is the widow of. Daniel David and salt cellars from Mrs. ..Chester at Holy Family Academy In "Bay- •„...... College Readings -. Jr. High-Literature -^ 'dessert and beverage served by thi wan of 3jli Sloughtori avenue spent 1 hostess. Wilbur Willett "of Belmar.and Mr: Johxison of Washington, D. C. VanHirtum of 10,6 Hillcrest ave- onne, where she^ is in her sOpho- Composition - Arts -'Sculpture • the. week-end in Atlantic City, nue. J' ' . On Thursday evening, June 6, where they attended the conven- and , Mrs. Herbert Willett and Mr.. Fi'eshley is a graduate of more year. ' -' , DAY CAMP the'final regular -meeting will.be daughters, Janice and Arlene.of the School of Engineering of. the Mrs. Rriy C. Webb, who is in Awards were made to Jhe bas- ..' Ages 5-14 Daily 10:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. ' tion of tl)e Young Republicans of pharge of displays, reported that •held at .the home of Mrs. Harold New Jersey at the Deauville Hotel. Oakhurst'. > Uriivewity of Kansas and is a ketball, team members alsb, as , Swimming - Games - Sports- Arts - Crafts - Shoj>- Hanson, 115 County Park drive. tnember of Theta Tau. fraternity. youngsters have been especially in,- champions of the North Jersey terested in the display. "Some of Installation-of officers will be held The .families of Mr, arid -Mrs. He is employed by the General Catholic Girls Basketball League. Intelligencb Testinci and Psychological Service . Sivitn Club Members Electric Co. in Roanoke. . , them have never seen a button- at that time,' and annual reports William Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- The Rev. James A> Pender of • ••*•* Transportation Available--** •- --'--- given by .committee-chairmen. To Meet for Cocktails _ Jitter a short, honeymoor? the hook or-a glove opener, or S man-Setorf Hall University" and Frank ert Seavy, Mr. an'dj-Mrs. Joseph -V-. tilla, or. salt cellars- that' aren't Members also • will take -plants S'Malley, Mr. nnd- Mrs. Patrick Plans for ^a cocktail »party for couple will reside at 27J5O Dervveftt. 'Gifford of the New Y.ork Football PINGRY SCHOOL, HILLSIbE, N. J. — EL 5^990 from their garden^ to the meefinif memWers of. Nomahegan Swun Drive,,S. W;, Roanoke. plastic, and, of-course, there are ^Giants were guest speakers. allagHan and' Mr. and Mrs. W. whole age ^groups , who wouldn't to- exchange. Plans will .be dis- Jonathan Miller, Jr.,* fill of Cran- Club,. Westfield have been com- cussed for the club's annual pic pleted . according to an announce- know a hair pin from an aard- T ford, enppyed a group picnic'Sun- Literary Heralds Tell vark," Mrs. Webb commented. nic in June. -'•=... day at.Unami Park. ment by Mr..and Mrs. E. h. Shea bf 50? Linden...place. The. party Of Library Donation will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Siin-' "Origin of Worth" by Partridge Bonnie. Lerner, daughter of Mr. day at . the' Clu-Am Chateau, will be purchased 'for-the---Gran? and, Mrs. Daii Letncr oiZQ5 .Walnut •..'• • Mountiijriside. ' • ' " • ford Library, it was announced avenue, entertained at a slumber The Sheas arev coordinating, a by Mrs. George Santulli, president party Friday evening.for Denlse group of members' arranging soc- of the Literary Heralds :of Cran- De Marzbi Karen Taberski, Gail iar.funcfjonsas'a. means of keep- ford, at their meeting last Thurs- Christntan, Randi'Mlntz and Barb- ing'in/contact, with-frie'nds met atday evening at the home of Mrs.ara Musso. The party celebrated the pooLJ-during the swimming- Edward McCarthy of 108 Mohawk' Bonnie's 12th birthday anniversa- ry. On Saturday morning, a season. • • drive- - . :'' breakfast party was. held> at the "Here is Hawaii" by Bob Krauss House, of Pancakes in Menlo Park, Mrs. Otto "Weber of 121 Colum- was reviewed by Mrs. V. J. Bon-and other guests included Debbie bia avenue entertained at bridge giovonhi, and "Prologue to Love" Goldberg, Debbie Gallanjer, Sher- Mondtiy evening for Mrs. Harold by Taylor Caldwell was reviewed ry Welner, Elaine Gershman, Rita Glovier, Mrs. John Lamparter, by Mrs. Robert jGilbert. • ' _' . Metzger, Elaine Telesco and Lynn. Mrs, ^Robert - Brooks, Mrsi J.- M Others present were Mrs. Wil-Krilov. Kcimig, iMrs. F. S. Grcenawald liam Kitzmiller, Mrs.1 George Ross, Mrs. A. H. Preuss and Mrs. Karl Mrs. John Leone, Mrs, Danipl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Appel of 27 Wiebesiek.. . • _ • . . ..'. Scuro, and Mrs. John Jakob; —o— ', Troqupis road entertitined at a family party- Saturday—following-^ . ' Mr. and Mrs, Francis. • E. Slbat Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snydcr and the first holy communion of their of 24 Oak lane have returned from their children, Matthew and Tracy, son, Gerard, at St. ,John the a four-week motor trip to Arizona of Richland, Wash., were week-end Apostle Church. There were 30 and New Mexico. They also visited guests of Mr. Snyder's brother-in- guests, from Cranford, Palisades for seVeral days with their.son and law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-Park, Farmingdale, L. I., Bronx, daughter-in-law, the Rev. and Mrs.don McNeill of 325 Retford ave- N. Y., and Richmond, Va. John Sloat of New Castle, Pa. nue. . '•'• , utrex on on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Za'morski Wtttn MtO tpMHJUL COLORS 6t ^0 Crane parkway entertained MEGOLMLY $7.9$ GAL at a family patty for their son, -Joseph, following his first holy NOW ONLY communion at St. John the Apostle Church on Saturday. There were 40 guests from Cranford, Elizaboth, BEAUTY SALON Colonia, Clark and Parlin, \ 30 So. Union Ave, BR 6*6616 CmnlorcL N. J. J House Paint Latex House Paint • TWo^oat performinM -with • Outlasts ordinary house paints oae-eoat ecouony. Half the time, • No special undercut needed Zotoz Special — $12.50 half the work, half the eosUf bit' previously painted homes Chinese And ; erdtniry oil base t»»ints • Lasts • Safe to paint on damp surfaces • Dries fast to prevent spotting ^ permanant wave with4that extra special body. American Dishes Iwter fw |e» frequent repaint- Beautiful, and lasting soft \tfaves. " ' Hair cut included. lug • WlUulwds weaker u- by dust, dirt and JJUIS • Wa?h - At Family Prices ttimts ... Fade-resistant... brushes qlftn In soap and water • Cbalk-nslsting • Protects Bonat Permanent for Tinted Hair : $15.00 . Open Daily for Lu,nch Uth HoM-MteatJoitWIiiu stays aftlNst blistering and peeling M ' •• and Dinner :. white, ttktts stay bdikt • Hi*h- MW or bare wodd • Flews en for Clairol's loving Care, 4-\yeelc Rmse . 3.00 Dancing Frl., Sat., Sun. If shoes are your weakness Caressa Strolly- usiett applieaUoN • lhd«ra Cocktail Lounge will hit you where you>re vulnerable. - ••- - • i >•. .•'••.-''. ' • ' - .No Cover height, too; medium h^el . . in black EXPERT HAIR TINTING. patent, bone, red, yellow or green. — s to match. L'OREAL, CLAIROL, ROUX and REVLON .'• . '.- $4.75 and $5.75

*•'••'' '' . • • • , • • • * RICHARD HARTIG Manicuring . ' ... 1 .. ; $1.50 Bt. 22, Mountainside^ N. 3, SHOP r AD 2-387ft . M«mb«r of thk Dln«r«' Club :.Plenty d.F«»^^Poorldug at N«Jrt Door Ga« Skrtioa . Open Friday Evenings QUIMBY at CENTRAL Gpieh Mpn Eve 'til & WESTFIELD

V:\Y-M •;• I'iw-

^;::/.,%...vxt,. y • '«( V**'»

. - v, ••-• v, ••v~-":. '••• ,''.'•':'•••• ,'.'• v.;. :.• • •>.• -• •.•.-,--•

•'•••(• -," : CRAKfOED (1ST, i.j CttlZES _ . .-;. MAY 23,. 1863 " -•' -. y,..^.i Mrs. Harold giovfyr..all11 sorority'- council representative by • / xr. u „, ' \ . CK'Y>aTCuTnTo7]1hc-. .gj'dupT . She also, has been, North .BergW. •ini<»S»4rs.:.A*thur4clioserJl;ftwWr nasv"^a £r*"shmarifr^hm^:0ri' orientatipnentation,'; : : appenincjs Me-tz of Point P.U'usant. • j - '•••At Animal Banquet Tonight leader^ : Dr. a'nd Mri. Robert P. Ferguuon ., _. " .••'•••.-.; Instullation'.of officers and new members will be. held for the Wiliiam Washawanny, son .pfj ... Mrs, Harold M. Kuhn oC 26 • Miss Barbara ''»Isinger1 •'' of 6 Mrjjjnc}.Mrs. William, W^shawa.n-! Omaha drive entertained last ol. 1'Lenox: aven.ue'returned hohiej •' • • '•'<•* ' *,£?*}&yc& Junior Woman's'Club of' the Villagi' rmprovempi\t AssociUr M\iy 13 from a three weeks'. ^ourjPrinvt'toh. road, a sophomore at tion at the annual'-banquet this evening--a.V.th'fr Golden" Lantern, Lin- Tf ll.io Rarjtan road, was hon- Wednesday evening for M?S; prJ'd at a party_Friday_ afternoon James Hazard of Elizabeth, Mrs. ol Europe where tlu-y'visited Italy [cedar Crest College, Allentown; , den, at,7:30 p.m. Guest.s attending in celebration of this sixth birthday^ John Marancik of. Kahway, Mrs. hpd Switzerland ami in Pans and; p ;- h be ^, M tecord[ng «ec» ' the banquet will be Mrsv Gerald |-anniversa^y/ His^ guests wereJ-^ h SfZT'- —"7 •"• «*«..»»M^.j , ...... London. Qn May 20 they attended, , .•-.-._ ^ - ' I John, Steiger of RostJ,U> park, and the coramendement exercfSes of .the j !*tar-v ^ ll>e b Government. _J.. Flhney, president of the VIA, James Buito, James Zielenbach, [Mrs. Raymond -Wa'gner of Rosolle. MmiiingClub •Lori Henderson, C|ieryl '-Matyas University of Pennaylvahia. where') She. also was one of three glicllsj and" Mrs. J-tfhn .C. Klein, adviser • •'" • •. — °rr. !:_-•'•• and Mary Ellen Anderson.. V _*'.'••• their..; son, Lee H. F*"rgusoj», re-i t-ltcted TO swerve'hn the.honor board" to the junior group. Mrs. Walter Diane JaBcrman.'-dniiRhter of Dr. IJHfdoeto'i- »f mt'dit ijw- &-' Hurjng hor junior yew She Holds Annual =B==Z ^g gree. has been., elected to Opheleo, hon- Mr. and Mr$. F. A. ^^fi of Xjbng Mend<-'I1 Jiv-pnue," celebrated tier ViSr?. o*rguhiz'atipn for recognition Calif.. wil)"arriVf today forninth birthday,' anniversary- at', a the The ,; program'.for •" The' annual vlnncheon of the a visit, with'' th,eir son-in-law, ^ Supper party on MAy'-14. . o lletjians is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. wfll' be a film on "Project Hope." daii^hter. ]Mr. and Mrt. E. L. Shea ntcr Y Wednesday Morning Club was guests, were Nancy Loshln, Lesley Robert Isinger. v . '• • ' 1 This project is. the 'principal ac- held ••at- the- Maplewood Country of 508 Linden place. Mr. and Mrs. ! Vittorin, June. vV'argacki, Douglas i^if tivity of the People-to-Pcople Club, on ••W(-1drievsciay- of last week., Shea will entertain in',iheir honor JHki Pa.ul.Litwack, Brian Mil- Rodger C. Kojsf, son of Mr: and Health Foundation, Int., Washlng- on Saturday tor relates from H -;ler and her sisters, Barbara and Mrs.GeorgeE. Kopf of 359 Retford! Miss Judy• preston was a member. Mrs'.' Charles M.. l^ay, president, of the toiK t), C, an independenC non- and Mrs. J, W. Apgar, treasurer, Hokus and Connecticut. Laurie. avenue; has been named treasurer i ."-vice a capella choir of profit corporation- Its ;basic 'ob- reported on, the annual' conven- of the Class br 1965- at Lafayette Miami University of Oxford, Ohio,. 1 1 0 jective is to teach medical, dental tion of Federated WomenV Clubs, , CROWDING CEREMONY—Mrs. William • Ettel. of th<* Mathers' Alita'Mix, daughter of Mr; and '... Thb 33rd wedding anniversarj College,. East'on. Pa. ,;A major' int^' '' " «»ng last week-end at the and -paramedical personnel- in May-7 through la in Atlantic .City. Auxiliary of the Cranford Boys' Baseball Leagues^ is Shown_ Chaso Mtv rtf J2 of Mr....- cfierhjc'ai engineering, he \yas grad-1 ^aylpaj..-F4»giiYJaJUf>f-..l.h/> ^*lrUritm<^>-^ i Symphony. ...Miss PrestonVa junior • underprivileged < lands the latest The ijK';M1SrTBSSeT3an ''ait 'a recent auxiliary ' ehtertained •"." a,t" ^a slumber party of 40 Stratford terrace was mark- uated from Cranford High School Friday evening • in celebration of ed at. a party" held Saturday at the ai the University, is the daughter techniques -of U. S. medical meeting in the ^American Legion Casino.. Other girls in the pic- in 19&1. • '.'.'"• ". uf Mr.^ and Mrs. Charies M. Prestpn and- Mrs. Charles Messerve. The ture were runners-up in the,annual Miss Baseball contest. Left her 12th birthday, anniversary. Meadpwbrook, Cedar Grove, by : Guests, included Roni Kosick, Di- ol 201 Orange, avenue. "'-T-he Craaford Junior Woman's flower arrangements were by Mrs. to right in the front row are: . Karen -Nevitt,. Miss Baseball and'" their son and; daughter-in-4aw, annO' Delia Fera, Jayne - Kurisko, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert MuHcr of 441 Miss Martha Babcock, daughter Glubjyill have a Country Fair A. H. Houseknecht. Carolyn Broeker; back row, Mrsj Etteli Grace Leonard and Bar- JUdy Trezza, Joanne Erickson, Brookside place, and their" other of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Babcoek.| Booth at the Craniord Days Expo- Tho miniature set of Eugene bara Heineman. . ' • . ••'>'''.:. • o4j"24 Alan Okell place, has been sition. Items to be sold will bo O'Nei'll's play, .'The Emperor Paula Valyo, Cassandra Hydrean son, Gerard, of the Stratford ter- Couples'X and Sherry Weirier. - elected to Alpha. Psi Omega, na- '"Tammy" and Barbie" doll clothes, Jones," by Mrs. ,A. Rr-TJOTanTe race address-, and his fianceet| Miss' tional, dramatic fraternity, at Strawberry Festival aprons and decorated guesl. soap. which' won first place at- the State "Lunch in Pisa," a sa|ire on a con- Mr. and Mrj3. Edward La Tour- Marilyn Jannssch • of Roselle. ' Oswego State University, Oswego, The Couples'' Club of the First. -Mrs.- Edward Shimkus and Mi's•Convention'was.o, n display. ducted tour of Europe; ^Washing- ette, Jr., of 11 Myrtle street enter- Jonathan Meyer, ison of Mr. and ' •' ' —o—'•."•" ' . N.-.Y., where .she is a -junior, Richard Kimball are co-chairmen Mrs. Clark W. McDermith,- pror ton Square," a varied group of .tAined-TT511owing. the recent phris- Mrs. John Moyer of 302 Bloom- Mrs.: Alex ketherintftoTi of Point Presbyterian Ohup


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Eddy, the* Sunday, June 2"~at" the 11. a.mMrs. , Catherine McCallister, Mrs. quartet from Jonathan Dayton" GirlScqut Trobp' 547 will meet alertness,.', promptrjess, •' an&DiscovererXand . Fourider of service. ' • •- '. . Thelmn Williams; Mrs. Polly Hox- PioneerGirl Regional High School, Springfield, iipod Judgment. What appears Christiarr Science, found (his Members of the session will at^. ey, Mrs. Beatrice Herriott, Mrs, E. and the Senior choir of the church UV Sherlock, Hall at 6:45 tonight. cfTortleSs and iiaturnl to theto bje tfVe over many 'year,*, iti The. men and boys' choir will re tend the dinner" and meet, with thejGenbva Mayers, Mrs. J. W. P. Cot- * provided the entertainment. Rich- T 6 Observe experienced- player may seem lUtching for and following. the licr, Jr., of 'Newark,' Mr.s. Doris Plans ard Mfcyers was toastmaster. - hearse at 7:30 p.frn. at iirst diflicult to the beginner; spiritual nicssagc of the Bible class following the meal/"' Mrs. Matcheft of East Orange and Mrs. SvrTKatfy-W: ^_jO«^ Saturday the Couples' Club Lut as- the* highest, -degree of revealed to iwr tliro.ugli. pruycr Henry Smithers is dinner chair- *-*..• J ;.iiftrjection is attained by ath-and a receptive heurt.' She was man assisted by Mrs. Arthur Cra- Leon GipsoVi of Bound Brook. , nt Maue , pastor of the Olivet Pres- • -f'1!' * ': • • • U'tes lT»TougT\^Ritmtun^Tac^ce" toHief-,ffi hRi Mrs. \. women's choir under the di- Miss Doris'Bond,'a'missionary on '. byterian Church of Eas'ton, Pa., The 225th anniversary of Aiders- p.m. Election of,new officers will 1 and the Rev. George R. Cox, pas- gate will be observed Sunday at be held. GuQst speaker will be- by knowing amd following the the following lines from \\tt Richard Adam?, Mrs. John Oath- iirlough' from Iran, will be guest rules of.thc gumc, so we can all poem " 'Feed My . Sheep' " .1 tor of 'the First Presbyterian the 9:15 find'10:56 a.m.! services at th'e Rev. Richard J. Hardman, rec- but, Mrs. Meredith Conley and^Mrs. will -sing, under the direction of speaker at aii7eli^ampTn^ht"'(»f~the~r ' Church of Hartford, Conn, both the Granford Methodist Church. toi1 of St. Paul's Church, Westfleld. bo helped ift making right ^ 4p.4 44): Clifton Cox are in charge of dec-Miss Virginia Abrams, organist. choices by being responsive to I will listen for Thy voice orations, •' ' "•'"•'[ .' • Pioneer Girls at Alliance Church schoolmates of Rev." Mr. Dezso; "" It was at a meeting of a religious AH married couples, of the/parish Lest rayfootstep s strny; At 4 p.m. a Calendar Ten wjll the Rev. • Sfcnncth E. Walter, -stat- society on -Aldersgate street, Lon- are invited. . our highest concept of right at The Rev. Milton B. Eastwick, •be held at the church at which,'ci- on Tuesday. ed clerk of Elizabeth Presbytery don, .oV May 24, 1738, that John ".Services Oh Sunday; the Sunday • all times. I 'will, follow and rejoice associate». pastor, will preachj_at tations will be given to, the "Worn-; Miss Bond will show pictures of- : All the rugged way. ,. and pastor' of the Lmdeii'-Presby- ^Wesley rediscovered the Protestant atter' tHe Ascension will - include: We are all faced with choices the 9:30 and jl a.m. sorvices Sun"eHnirf--tiTe^¥ear.."..Members of the 1 of one kind, or another each In 'nrhc First Church of her-wqrkat-a-childrtin'fc oFphanage.-v- .terian Church; the Rev. Donald R .' doctrine of justification by faith. 7;45 a.n>,; morning prayet; 8 a.m., day on "Christianity begins at Young People's-Department serv- ; day. Some may call for swift Christ. Scientist, and Miscel- 1 Awards fof atti iidance^adgc&-and—. '• 'Pepper, vice-moderator of theH_e was listening to a reading of holy , eucharist; 9, a.m., mornlftg -action;'others'may require pali- lnny," Mrs. Eddy gives a simple Home." Church, time nursery "will ing as hostesses will be Cheryl Presbytery of Elizabeth and pas-Martin Luther's preface, to thbrayere : 9:15 a.ni;, parish eucharist; be held at both .Ijours, ranks will be presented to the girls. e.nco and prpycr for unfold- rule for making the right choice Relives," Donna Williams,/ Pamela Sunday/services will start.at 9:30 tor of the First' Presbyterian Epistle to th*c. Romans, in which Vnd; ;tl''a.m., morning- prayer and ment. In sonic .situations there under ajl .•oircumstances. Site, At 2:30 p.m.- Sunday the Young Jackson, Joyce Gipson, Avea.Jor- • Church of Bernardsviile. . Luther explains what faith is and Adults will attend a_jaicnic spon- a'.m. at. Bible School with classes sermTon«i there is only one right that he could do nothing with- members' class willmeet at 7 p.m.den, .Barbara Hillman, Pegg>- life. . .-. " choice. The dfoice between: out his Father's help. He said Sunday with the session. A. re- Youth Fellowship groups, for brother-in-law and their-daugh- rection of the Rev. William rWdn- Gipson, Carol( Porter. children ui the-lUst.grade through "' ter, Sara; Lee,» of Lafayette);.Mr. " The result of this experience was h,qiier. of the General iTheological .bjcing loving- Rather, than unlove ;(John 5:19), "The-Son can do ception in their .'honor will follow Brenda Bro'wn will welconv? \he. ittg is always'the right one. nothing of himself,*Diit what he. at 8 p.m. Officers and leaders, of high School, will meet in Fellow- and Mrs. William Hays, sister and the birth of., the Methodist mpve- Seinihary,.New York. The course guests at the tea. Mrs. Mildred ship Hall at 6 p.m. brother-in-lawj>f Mrs. Dezso from for the terni is "The. Approach to Choosing to be patient, kind, secth the Father do: for what the church have, been invited to .ment.. Wesley described his ex- charitable, and unselfish js nNthings sojevef .he doeth, these Parrott,™ president of the Women's The Sunday evening service will • Plainfield;. Alfred Hidi and daugh- perience as follows: "About a quar- Christian Reunion." The spring the reception which is arranged Club, will preside. •ways right. The choice between also doMh the Son- likewise." by the deaconesses... begin at 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Pyrie ter, Judy, brother and niece of ter of nine, while he was describ- meeting for adults of the Northern being trustful and expectant of He also left us the comforting The • new members' training will speak. Music'will be provided - Mrs. .Dezso, from Garwood. . ing the change whiqh God'works Coh'votfatlbri "^111 take place at On Saturday at 6 p.m. Cub Pack class will be held tjftnight at,7:30 good rather than suspicious is promise that if we abide in him 103 will have Its annual father and by the Junior'choir and the Senior The. Rev. William B. Simons, in the heart through faith in Christ, Christ (Church, South Amboy, on always the right one. Turning and allow his words to nhiclc o'clock and the Men's Club will Youth chorus. - former student assistant thihister I felt my heart strangely warmed. Sunday beginning with the service to God. .first, for help and irt ijsj whatever we ask will be son dinner in Fellowship Hall. meet at '8 p.m. Tomorrow, Youth of choral cvensoHg at 6:30 p.m Cubmaster is Everett Yacker. The board of elders will meet here, and his wife from the Meth- T felt I did trust jn. Christ, Christ guidance,,.one always, make the given us (sfcc John 15:7). Canteen will be held from 8 to 11at 8 p.m, Tuesday. '• • ..odist Church of Shickshiryiy, Pa.< alone for salvation,.and an; assure Reservations for the dinner must right cMoiee. • ;. •. . Junior High' young people will p.m. : be made at the church 'office by Asking. God's help involves hold a picnic in Noma^egan Park .The Women's Prayer Fellowship also were present. . . ."..' • ance wjas. given me that he Had . On. Saturday at 1 p.m. thewill meet Wednesday from 9:30 to 1 tohtprrpW'. ; The Rt.. Rev,^George The prophet Isaiah glimpsed the understanding that man from 4 to '7 p.m. Sunday. Richard v The Church School presented taken away my slnsk even' mine, the ncc<^for_and_the availability. created in God's image and like-; Young People's Department- will il a.m,- The regular mid-week the- pastor—with- a seulptu'redr*p^ -snd saved me from the law of sinN.LUXtoh, bishop of the' Anglican conduct' its meeting.—At -8 'pirn 1 Of <}ivinc guidance .when he ness, a« the Bible slates,'is nl- Bible* study• i\na prayer meet "llca" of "the praying' hands,' iand arid death." r - r-: -•-•>-;—-----* Diocese eft- Huron, Canada, will be Charles Silsby and'Sirs. William Monday-the Church School, Board. wit(Jtc(Isa. 30:21), "thine cars ways equipped.with-thc needed Eltingc,,cbradv.isci!PV.bay:c planned will be conducted that evening" at the church.gave Mm a purse for a The worship service on Sunday ''.shall henr n word behind thec, wisdom-to meet every problem, lesson study sessitHnrwiJl be- -held Y:^5. ••:•;••-;-•; • ;;-' • . ' -. • consoje stereo. - . ', |-will be an adaptation of the serv- A' meeting of the rector, wardens, Cod is as near as thought. More. a program of recreation arid" siip^ and at the same>hour the-Young!. .saying, This is the way, walk per. In the event of rain the pro- Boy .Scojjts3nd Cubs will meet The sixth annual banquet was ices prepared by John-Wesley for end vestrymen will take place in 'ycin it, -when ye turn to thethan -that. He is the Source of Adult Choir will'rehearse. ^ today at 7 p.m. ": -:-.•• early Methodists. Hymns by the guild room on Monday evening all true thinking. lie is divine, gram will, be held in the old gym- held by the Senior. Westminster 1 fight hand, and wheh Ve turn The Young people's Department . The Sanctuary choir will close Charles Wesley will be sung. The at 8 o'clock. Boy Scout Troop 74 infinite, the only Mind. Know- nasium. '' . °. . ~ Fellowship on' Wednesday at 6:30 : to the left." This comforting choir will rehearse at 7:30 p.m.its sdason. tomorrow .evening with p.m. Members of the Women's Rev. Dr. Albert Alllnger, pastor, will meet in Sherlock Hall at 7:30 Scriptural promise implies that ing this, one cannot help mak- On Tuesday at. 1 p.m. the Week- Tuesday, and at 8 p.m. the Mis- p.m. Monday. ing the right choice lit nil day Nursery School will conduct a: p. supper in Fellowship HalL'at : Guild served. Rev. Mr. Dezso .in- will preach at the first service on listening for divine direction is sionary Society will hold its meet- 6:45 p.m. • ' •. stalled the following new officers: "Wesley's Conversion and Ours." On Tuesday Girl Scout. Troop the. first step-in making the tjincs.1 T~ The Christian Science registration.for hexf,year's school. ing" at th« parsonage. At. 7 p.m. 642 will.meet in the guild room at Monitor At 1:30 p.m. the Prayer Grpup will The following children were dedr Moderator, George ' Davenport; The Rev. David J. Bort wjll"speak right choice. Wednesday the Cosmopolitan icatcd at last Sunday morning's . vicc-lmoderafor, Carole Pantano; on "Knight of the Burning Heart" 3:15 p.mv The boys*- ehoif will re- meet- in the junior room and atchoir will rehearse^. hearse at 5 p.m.; St. Cecelia. Girls' .7:30 Scout Xroop 79 will, meet in service: Joseph George and Ste> - at. the-second service. A memorial phen Charles Chiarchiaro, sons of choir, 7:30. p.m.^ and the men's vited, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond the old gymnasium. The nursery 1 Michael ICoiody; Presbyterian del- service ibr members and friends of Ward.r advisers, announced. Mr. and Mrst Joseph Chiarchiaro; egate, Alice Wible. .Mr. and Mrs.the church who passed. ' away chou-j 8:36 ^""'ThCfd department of the Chiicch School .Chapter of. Alcoholics Anonymous Dr. Roy •Forsberg'of WestfielcPj wTtrh^d''ttrstaff-trteiH^^ Temple to Mark John Haddow, Nancy. Ann and . •_ Charles' Carlsson arc advisers. during the year will be held^at both Karen Jean Cuthbcrt, children of services.— will meet in Sherlock Ha.ll at 8 and Stuart Burns of Fanwood, lay Westminster choir will rehearse Robert Tie.demann, past adviser of delegates, the Rev. Arnold Dahl- • the Senior Fellowship, "was the, Senior •. High Fellowship .will p.m. ' to Observe at 7:15p.m. Wednesday. i , The weekday services will in- quist and Rev. Mr. Wagner will TQday at 9:30 a.m. TheMargarpt The two-day holiday of Shavuot, liam.Lawrence Harrigan, son of guest speaker, fellowship meet* have an informal meeting at.7, p.m. attend the annual convention' of falling on' Wednesday and next ings will resume in the falL at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester clude: Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- Greene Association will hold 'its Mr. and Mrs. Dion Harrigan; Bruce nesday, holy eucharist aW a.m.;Ascension^ the New -Jersey Synod of the Lu-executive board meeting in theThursday, will be marked at Tem- "Life's Unexpected _ Crosses" Black, 139 Hillcrest avenue. Jun- ple Beth-El. . . Lorents Jleyns, son of Mr. and ior High Fellowship will conduct Thursday and Saturday, holy eu- The Revi Walter Wagner, pastor,; theran Church of America-at Occarj junior room. At 9:30 the news- Mrs. Gawett Heynn; Brenda Joyce, wijl be the title of Rev. Mr. Dez- lehaVist at 9 a.m. The service of has selected, "Mission Acconv City, jWonaay! through "Wednes- paper production staff .and the. The holiday,'one-of the holiest so's sermon at. the 9:30 and 11a retreat tomorrow, Saturday and : festivals of the Jewish calendar, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Sunday at Camp Kiamesha. Christian healing will beheld'ln plished" as.hi? sermon topic at the day. • deaconesse.s will . prepare the D. Massa; and David Warren • a.m. services Sunday. A sermon conjunction with the. Thursday 8:15 o'clock holy communion serv- .' On Tuesday Calvary Church church newspaper for mailing. At commemorates the giving of the for boys and girls will be preach- Meetings today are as follows: Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. PHrrman, son of. Mr. and Mrs. 7 p.m.i Boy .Scouts, in Randolph morning service at 9 o'clock. The ice tonight at Calvary Lutheran will be hosj. .to the Golden Age 11 o'clock the deaconesses will Louis W. Pfirrman. , ed at both services, ; service of morning prayer will take Church marking the* ascension. Club in fellowship hall at \a lun-meet in the board room with-Rev. Bible passages retelling the ex- Church School for young people Hall; 8 p.m., Chancel cnoir; 7:30 perience wi]l be read. '• Traditional- p.m., visitation committee in* theplace . fifteen minutes before the Other activities for. the comhig cheon at'l2:45 p.m.; Intermediate-jMr. Eastwick,. At.3 p.m. Gift Scout "•• of all ages and a child care nurs- holy .eficharist and the service of week include: Toddy, junior chour Choir will rehearse at 7:15 p.m.Troo; p 498 will meet in the oldly^ only dairy foods will be taten. will be recited on the second Hny.- ery will be held Sunday morning adult class room. Cub Pack 75 Services will bo held~at the tem- The bar -mjtzvnh of Jeffrey will hold .it's pack meeting, at 7 evening prayer will be conducted at.3:30; Friday, 8:15 p.m. CoURjes" kindergarten department. staff, 8 gymnasium and at 7:30 Troop 80 at'9:30 and 11 a.m. in the church each evening,, except Club; wjll present the 40-voicc p;m. Wednesday, Cherub .choir, will meet. The Chancel choir will ple on- Tuesday and Wednesday Frankel, son of Mi:, and Mrs, Mi- p.m. tomorrow in Randolph Hall. at 7:30 p.m. and' Wednesday and thael Frankel of 102 Wilshire drive A class for new members will Friday, at. 5 o'clock. Westfield SPEBSQA Chaptei* in 3:30 p.m.; Senior High choir, 7:15 hold, Its regular rehearsal at, 8 p;m. 1 The Child Study Club program next Thursday morning at 10 -a.m. will be cclc'bva.ted on Saturday at be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and Spiritual counseling and trtejsac-. a concert for members and their, p.m."•"_•' • •' '..-• •' " . •, ^Sunday,- June 2, at 2:30 p.m; Thewil) be on "Nutrition in Growth hWemorial Prayers for the deceased the 10 a.m; service. < . arid'7 Deve|opment.*'• Mrs*•• ] of absolution arc offered in friend?; • . . Biooclmpbilc Visit class will be received into. the Armstrong, home agent, "Union the churcVfofih 'Saturday from 4 Services of worship wHl Be. : • Afen in Service ' membership of the church by theCounty Home Economies Extension ,to..'5 '' ' '' held:Spriday at|8:15, 9:36; n"am- The-Red Cross Bloodtnobile will session on Monday, June 3, at 7:30 Young people who hgtve^eompleted -Arthur R. Sherrier,. son of visit Granford pn Jfune 10 and will Service, will be the speaker. The and Mrs. Raymond Sherrier 6f 107 p.m. The Junior High Fellowship Credit Union will,,meet on Tues- one year of, catechetical instruc- be at the iFirst Presbyterian will meet Sunday at I'p.m,' Christian Science tion will We intrjoduced to the con- HawTCoTuf street, corKpleted recruit Church to accept' blood donations day at 8 p.m. in room 33 and the training center at the Naval ROBBINS & ALLISON, INC. There will be a meeting of thecommission on education, 8 p.m. Lessons-Sermon gregation and wiHtffeceive certifi- of local residents. Those who de- Christian Education committee in cates of recognition. • Sunday Training Center, Gi;eat Lakes, 111. sire to donate have been requested Ettabll*fMMl 1112 x The Chapel choir will rehearse The nature of man's ego will be The nine-week indoctrination' to the church parlor today a£ 7:30 at',7:l& p.m. Wednesday,.... School will convene for all de- to call BRidge 6-6125. ' ." . ; explored Sunday at the First partments at 0:30 and 11 o'clock. Navy life covers seamanship, basic LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING P-m- ' ' ' .-'•," •'•' \ Church of Christ, Scientist in a military law, physical fitness, mil- A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Tomorrow the Westminsters Bible lesson entitled, "Soul and The Senior Luther League will choir will rehearse at 8:45 and the^JS the main course of a progres- 1 hike to Surprise Lake at 2 o'clock itary drill, first a}d, swimming and RADIO PROGRAM < Household Goods Exclusively Body.'. survival "and naval customs* and Senior phoir at 8 p.m. On this sive-dinner. . , Responsive reading by the con-Sunday^ and Intermediate Luther J same date Cub Pack 44 will meet BroWnie ' Troop 130 will meet League will. conduct a farewell | courtcsies. Each recruit receives gregation will open with this verse: tests and interviews which will de- at 7:30 p.in.; Triads will sponsor Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Brownie! "My soul shall make her boast in supper and election of officers in Storajte Shipping a spaghetti dirinei- at the church Troob 113 will meet Monday at fellowship hall at 6 o'clock. All ter mine his' future assjghments-and the Lord: the humble shall hear training in the Navyl ".'. 3:30 p.m. and "Girl Scout Troop thereof, and be glad" (Ps. 34:2). seventh and eignth graders are in- if 201 at 7 p.m. ' ' Included in the related read • Packing On Tuesday Boy Scout Troop ings will be these lines: "The one MAY ram COMFORT. HAPPINESS and the WAV TO" HEALTH 44 will meet at 7 p.m. and Girl Ego, the one Mind or -Spirit called • . Uurawb ti>lenln« t» isue of the followln* 213 South Ave., East Estimates Cheerfully [Scout Troop 686 at 6:30 p.m. God, isjnftnlte individuality, which SUNDAYS . Cranford, N. J. . . Given «n Any ft The Junior choir rehearsal will supplies all form and~eomelincss CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO rSOGKAMB OV.TlpB -VM3IN!tT.. take plac.e - Wednesday at 6:30* pnd which reflects, reality and di- p.m.; Brownie Troop 42 will meet ; v Bta. WNKW (UHke)^ Kvttr Sunday ...... Vy...»^.. «:4» •;«. WERA — (1590) 3:15 P.M. Call BRidge 6-0898 . Moving Problem vinity. ii individual spiritual man WHN — (1050) 10:15 A.M. at 4; Girl Scout Troop 32 will and things" (Science and Health BU. WNBO < «4Oke) — E»«ty Sunday ...... ,...... K:» •,»!. sponsor a spaghetti and meat ball with Key to the, Scriptures" by SU. Was <10M ke) — Kntt 8uni»y 10:15 ML dinner in the large felldwship Mary Baker Eddy'p. 281.) room from 6 to 8 p.m. the same BU. WQXR am ke) — l»t, Srd 8un4ay E«eh Meuth ll:0» a.m. d[ay. • .. . .. - . Sta. WJttX < no ke)'~- 2nd Friday Kath Month S:8* » «. Circle 4 of. the Women's Guild FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. will meet at the home of Mrs. far fre« literature and woorti of b«ueflt« reeeW*4 frou SCIENTIST. CRANFORD, N.J. thata uNxrami will fc«»o»i>r«tUt»d . if -*o Chester Foster, 11 Iroquois road, BBRVICKS — ' • ' . MARINO'S FISH STORE on Monday at 8 p.m.; and Circle Sunday, 11 A.M. > Bunday School! 11 A.M. OPEN DAILY 5 will meet at the home of Mrs. William Chiravalle, 50 Fjrescott •TK8T1MONY MpETTKO Except Mondays Wedneiday. 1:15 P.M, turn, Clark, at 8 p.m. the same RKADINO ROOM — Phon* evening. , 1)5 N. Onion Avenue BRidfl« 6-1333 Charles Stelzer was welcomed Mon. through Bat..' 1 P.M. to 4 P.M, as u new student in the Church Frl. eve., 7:30 - 9 P.M. .. PRESBYTERIAN WEEK-DAY School last Sunday morning. NURSERY SCHOOL PENTACOSTAL LIFETIME * * * ALUMINUM For 3- and 4-Year-Olds RESCUE MISSION • Storm Windows • '' " ' . (For AH Denominations) 1127 E. Grand St. Elizabeth, N. J. '• Screen* • (Combination Window SCVMOI Call Day or Night • Combination Slorm k. Scr«»u '•"..' •••••'• '.•'• '•' . Doovi MRS. KENNETH BALDWIN/Direcfor 351-5430 • Poirch Pleas© help us so that "we may hely those -. • Tub who are less fortunate than you. The Res- • Awning* POOLEY cue Mission is nondenominational. Opens Monday — September 9 FUNERAL HOME All Are Welcome • Straiten, - • Awning"windovrt REGISTER JUNE 3 A^D 4 218 NORTH AVE., W. BRIDGE 6-02S5 .1. Old Clothing TiFmMr^ funeral Home of homelike atmotpliere, completely • 2. All Kinds of Furniture NURSERY SCHOOL ROOM" 3.. Steves, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Aluminum Prod. ~ SHOWROOM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '•-•• -V '' .' ako .'•*• . • • .1 Newspapers, Et X DOOLEY COLOrflAL HOME « 102 Sbu#h Ave., W, Cranford, New Jersey 856 WMUUld Av«w May BRidge 6-3205 ADarn* 3-0255 •

•"*' "•-)>.:/:

w •£**' '• • •••. ••••,•• '•". •'•••. • •'"'•'" •' ••'•.• •"•'•• '' ••!'+:«*•"'{'• y. ' • ' '-.' "•'••••• • .'•'••• ""v••:'•:. '",.•^y^'*y'"^"''''" ^'TT ••••/ ..'• /'\V;...V- ,V ' "*r " T .„ ,

>• •;•••" • CRANPORD (N: J.) CtriO&N.A^.jC|^9J^Cia^l^proAY;]^Y^M,jM3. : '../-. .'' ',.;; uv C-'A W5^unddr ih(' .JhV'Xummus'€»',• New-j.tee; MIH. .Joseph Specth,'aila v 1 H. P. Quodhow and Mrs. W, llfL Ai ii\y,. Trai'iT..T. ^ UTK. Tnp ftCJSV . , Van Deck, took "part.-lii- the pro-' 1/Will be heia Septeinb^T'^TJtPat.th« grana. .^Parents and. ijrjendsiy were • Seaman pprentice TJiorniis J. i iibme' of Mrs. McGirk. served refreshments.. .,'../••' ,. Mr»,"^Worman -J.'.-Gorringe dnd v son of Mr and. Mrs. Arr] ' " " • ••'• • ^ ''••.,.,'• :.' ', •". \ Congresswonvu » annonru-ed Tfils. ' thut Mrs. John^P.. I^y'rtes are troop lead-1 thur P.'Donnelly of Mou'nL'iin-lide.j • .' ,' ''• "•':' . ''' ••'•••'•• v i formerly.' oT Cnmford, was-, home Sjllteil for GrailuilioU- ••'.' William r^Gt"bghej»an-'of SprihKfitld arid Mark T. $(ug.art ^of Riihway ers. on. leav.e i^ccently after compl<4tiiig -.%•>.- . ' ., ^ .. ' " • '',.- have won''.'competitive,'a'ppojptrn'ejits to the United -States Air"-Force pated in a nature walk and visited basic training at Great Lakes, 111. | At Caldwell .College pitzel's Farm where they selected" ""Academy ia Colorado.Spriirigs, Colo., and that Stephen C. .Dmytriw OS Approximately, 45 Girl Scouts He left Friday for. his jieA^aKsjgn- Miss Murcla Ann DunnvdaM«hter plants" fyr their toothers. Mrs. Tl\ ploorningdale avoriLU', is piie o7 thL't't,-other Union County candi.r and ttyelr leaders attended a meet- ••-•'• Men in Service " ment with .Aviation Ordnance at, Ml. and Mrs. Joseph £1 Dunn R'pbert GJgon and Mrs.,J. T.' Chris- dates who" have been fpuiid'-quali injfjof Girt ScoUt Troop '52ff, Unimi -Army Pvt.-Charles'- P..Johnson, dct-ana Brnie T?roQp56()r^md4hft ltst Thursday in;. the, library of 'ui-ewilriaii—Jn.: the ,orpa»Wzatn>n^orpa»Wzatnn^ll nn.-v.tiiti m .ulul** iliuiliu; Two vacancies exist-for thV-Sbdh" walk -and" Charleston,'as 'well ers, Mrs, S|gmundg. Sa^owskj a.nd PlainHeTd. as chool for Brownie Service Battery, Second \,Missil^| New.; jersey Chapter of the AIui)i- In. college,. Miss Dunh's field of J '•"". v'w^-j.jr.ore .modern .dances, on Saturday ivirs. vyj-nmni n. •-••"•'v entering the academy this' su-m- rtV- Troop 6B6. Battalion, entered the Army in riae. Association -6f. Notre Dame concentration hsis fcieen^in English.• 'ul'ternooil,, Juno. 1, on* North' Union The .fqllpwing. girjs Were pre- 'mer. avenue-'in'-'front of the Country REASSIGNED — A 3/c Paul N. '-.'Guest, sgeakerv Mrs.; Hon Lee, November, -1962. A graduate of College' 0/ Staten ijilimd on Sun- 'a teaching eareeT."" She The son of Mr. and Mrs!. Stcphct)- Hebert, son of Mr.'and Mrs. Al- sented With Brownie 'wings and Cs-anfofd High School, lie attended day in Elizabeth.\They are Mrsv-J1;'as• bfeji active in-the Humanities. Fair to vbe held on the Cleyoland formerly. ^ Hong Kong. and now •Girl Scout plus: "Barbara Beckef, Dmyti'iw,. .StciiHon is ajaiember of Junior School grounds. • - •ber't E. Hebtfrt of 24 Burc,hfield a resident.of dranfprid; s^ke on Rutgers University. He was- em- -Ronald Figuly, publicity Clubrand the Athletic Association. th-cT~gripicjuating class at Cranfb.rd?! 'avenue, has been reassigned to' Cirnthia Doe.^ Debora ,Doe, Paula Hong-Kong,••'•••A fflnij' "jQumey into English, Elle'n Gprringe,- Sally ', High School, where -tteTias been Indiana University, at Bloom- Friendship" de.Rictlhg tKe activi- on' the .football, 'wfestSing. aiid ingtori, Ind., "for technical train- Hedeen, J-iynn Keimig,-Joanne ties of Girl Scouts in foreign coun- Iiynes, Karen Miller, Diane ..ftup- .track teams and'a mehiber of the ing as-a .United States Air'Force tries was'shown'. The scouts also band. He also js a member of communications analysis spec- pert, Janice Scb.en.ker, Susan ES arranged a display of items from Swinton, Kindra Vdllherbst and y^.". are flying again. Watch for^Lwjirnj^pf "Flying Ants" which come with Spring, shed Bremner Chapter, Order of,. De- ialist. Airman Hobert, who en- foreign cpUntries. Punch and cook- Marjorle Walt. " ; their—wings, the^j disappear '£}rfse wood-destroying insects cause much damage to M Auction Set liated in the. Air F6rce a «ihort ies of foreign lands baked by mem- property.. B'oildings not protected during construction usually require it later';- •^ Under. Mrs. Dwyer's merit sys- time ago, completed his initial bers of Troop 526 .at the home's of Intermfcdiate Scouts of- Troo'pfj tem ..for making appointments .to basic, military training at Lack- Deborah Pipala, Patricia Prisco, . We speciajiz^exclusively in protecticnvof property against service academies, all candi- ub land Air Force Rase, .in Texas. Geraldine Gohsiewski, and Jacque- TERMITES a^d^other Wood-Destroying Insects, using dejjendabte engt- dates 7 final".ittniTip auction of the A gradtiate of Oratory Prepara-? line WesseJs were served, . HAVE A CAREER necring methods. We ai'e npt sirriply..,cxterminators. Every job is supervised by ah Swrvice-oxaniination. The six ean- season will beiielS by t'he Crah- g ffT'^ NOT JUST A JOB! experienced; technically trained representative. •''•!•». • ford Philatelic Society on Wed- ; - .dictates for the Air Force. Academy tory t Charles" Pluhg^is are leaders , TVb are..a New Jersey organizationg,, empldyinpyg Newg . JeJerseyy residents e, andd we ..who attain the highest grades pn nesday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the ~Jia!^ served Neww Jersey propertpropertyy- dwners sucessfully since 19319355 . pur imputation ed Fairleigh Dickinson Univer- Troop " n HAIR REMOVAL this examination are- nominated church house of Calvary i_,athcmm sity. ' '-.••<..' ••..: in tfiis'HflIo*'"Ts"uTLSUrpasstfJ." Thuusawds-af^ _Jb availablilbl e in !NeNw JJersey -— v World famous Kf»« M»lhod pr#- t i ditt t --:i~..j—,._ for each available appointment. Church. James Webb of Plainfield not in some distant state. ' ' • '^•"^T~~*™*~~--~ ^«---.--.~«i^^.«,r, •^••-N*«ififJnees-'-thcri--must. take the will be auctioneer, The public is pafo yoo for o if warding -firtf or : part *•!*!• tacmr. Training hour* Our Work is Guaranteed foil" 5 Years without Additioiial Charge. academy1? entrance examinations invited to attend'. •" , FirstBtepTakm 7/roop 519 -..'"•• to mil your ticliwJul*. Agt.no bar-,, — FOR INFORMATION OR FREE INSPECTION^ AND ADVICE, CALL — and Undergo evaluation of their The club will close its season at Girls: of Brownie Troop" 519, tUr. i SMd for f"» bookltt "M" • high' school records arid- also meet .a banquet at i p.m. June 12 at the To Organize New*U n a m i Neighborhood, recently todoyl Myaot W210. i > high, physical standards, Those Westwood, Garwood. Colonel Leo-' made 30 nut cups shaped like wa- Arllnlan, OUttfor judged by Academy officials to be nard Smith of New York, stamp PTAaiCleveland tering cans for the teachers lunch- TERMITE CONTROL, INC. eon sponsored by the I^iviiigaton KREE INSTITUTE nrfOst fully qualified are offered the authority, will be-guest .speaker. A new Cleveland PTA will be 2 Locusf St. • CH 5-1492• - EL 5-1492 - AD i-1492^«rRoselfe Pirk appointments, ; • Edward Connell is. chairman. School PTA." They also partici- um ajnd si N r it, N. r New offipers. and" cohimittecs formed in pre*parati6n for the re- arc: President, Mj>Jvin Levinson of turn of Cleveland Junior School to Democratic Club A vend;' vice-president, Herbert elementary use in.September. •StilWcllr-.-of' Cranford; -treasurer, Members of a nominating com- Sponsoring Dances Michael Liska of Cranford; secre- mittee and by-laws 'committee The dance exhibition to bo-'p"fc- tary, Mrs. Toni Kreefieir- of Lin- wei)» named last Thursday at a Hottest Cannon Towel Buy In Years! den; publicity;". Mrs.-Kreeger, Roy __ sented by the Yvette Studio-of .the meeting at Cleveland School. Mrs. SB"*-' Dance during Cranford Days is be>- Daniels, L. G. Putseher; program, W*. J- Fordham, president of :^is.«« Mr. L.evmson and'Mr. Stillivell. _Bloomingdale School PTA, pre"r Mj:.'Levinson succeeds Mr^ Con-,sided. Miss Beatrice Warner, who 9% OO nell. .-. * V • ; ... .>.•;. • " •• will take over as principal of di CASH REFUND attended.'..' . snop: On Legion Convention Mrs. William Emerson was ' HURRY! GET I/V O/V 'THIS FROM FEDDERS ramed chairman qf the nominating IMIiBJL IF ITS A CdOL SUUMERI Registration Committee MARKETS AMAZIISi; TOWEL OFFER! , Mrs; Elaitie Nolan of ^ eorttmittep. assisted "by .Mrs. W. Si, Post,. 212, American Legion Aux- Sorber and Mrs. D: t. Bo,nham. CANNON iliary, is a -member-of the registra- Mrs. George Zobal Is chafrman. of tion committee for the annual con- •the by-laws committee .assisted by vention of the American" -Legion Mrs. E. A. Vaiser 'and Mrs. Robert' CANNON an,d Auxiliaries of Union County Baines. . to be held June 6,7 and 8 in Mrs. William Oplinger, newly Union. appointed .cgunty PTA. president, FIRST QUALITY MODEL spoke on the purpose and import- *4M77FZ Highlights include opening cere- monies and burning of Che. colors once of the PTA. •'. - ". At The Low Price Of Thursday evening., convention' pa- rade on Saturday afternoon with several prominent musical and Summer Session *" Cranford Radio, marching units and the testimonial jijojoer Saturday evening at theGaurses Added 26 Easiman St., Craniord^N. J. Elizabeth'. Carleret -Hotel, Eliza- There \vill-be^twa.^dditiSBfl] beth, ' • " ' r.iathematics courses^in Jhe sum« mer session curriculum of .Union Junior CoUcge, it iv.as announced today JjjKDr. Kenneth W. fverseny , . • "» I VI" • VvV'/i i^d director of the summer session. . " • t* Added course offerings are: Uni- Each fied Calculus I .(mathematics 211), and College Mathematics .(math- With *5 ematics 104); which includes ana- lytic geometry, fundamentals, of calculus, and trigonometry. j ' Other mathematics courses avail- able are: Introductory- Algebra, Cttpk« tHICK! College Algebra, Unified Calculus ol four FLUFFY! II-and IntroductorjrTTigonDmcttyr! B«autif Super These arc among more than)30 freshman and sophomores coifrses Color*! Absorbent! available for Union Junior Col- I la 6ddHlon >o regular itomp. with lege's annual summer ...-session,, A $1000 PURCHASE which will open on June 24 and LANCASTER • ' ~' ;o« Mb»e • • continue through . August 2. All BRAND >:•-•: classes are held in the eveningr 111. f^Moriday--throiigh Friday.:"T~"' BONE IN Eeglstration for the summer Cewpaa par session will .be. conducted ifrom 6:30 "to 8:30 p.m. on June 20 and. BRAHD Expl»*»S59c Style Nam* (...,..'... times as fast as a 49 Addrou ..-, .' Ti0 ilwlf on* • • ' • AIR CONDITIONED BUSES : gas heater, 7 times CAMPBELL'S ^& ^ 10* LANCASKR BRAND coupon pw as fast as an electric " e OLD VIRftlNU, j (oMHy G WIIUAMSBURC UNO M CHUCKS LAMB ^EAS,*, 1,33c j EiEirplr*r * Sol.lMoy 25 "y* JUMKTOWN heater. Gives all the MAXWELL HOUSE IQoz;. j 99cLANCASTER fcRANb ' SHOULDER R)» LOIN NIAGARA AMD j "V^ hot water" a family , M mnvjuut run niwi LESSER QUANTITIES AT REGULAR PRICE fc -IA addition to your IUQ. ttompi with •1. THOUSAND ISLANDSND , »124" LAMB CHOPS * 79c ^89^ 1.M can use for all "*" MOHTREAl, OTTAW* purchaM of thr«w 6-ot. can't of 7 QUEBEC, WHITE UK. $«.«, WHILE THEY 1AST / SHQP 4CA4C FOR THE fl/yCST, fl&SHEST* PRODUCE IDEA. ORANGE JUICE baths, clothes wash- Nam« > : B»v« ST. ANNE DE'BEAUCIE lw Infir,dishes and mm lane Siie OwaiMt FoldlitR Add»»Mi. .:....';...': ;.. 0 etORBIAN BAY CRUISE $;flcM limit «u .coupon p*r other needs. Otl-||||M rilii $tS7.4S l«r c ! JUMi.l, l».U»t. 7. CHAIR ASPARAGUS ^9 thopping Expi>»t V»l. May 25 | < .THE COOL SMOKY MTS. CRISP Yov save plenty, 1 J, TENMESSEE t NOKTH wild lurch** ICEBERO LETTUCE 2^ 29* D ys "li^Etr?O^jT?TAMPs" * * CAROLINA '...- too. Oil water heat* W S18.D0 CUCUMBERS •«!» >^y 3''-.* 19c LEMONS ^ *,** ^ 29« ~ In addition to your rsg. tloMpi with • > 13 6ASPE. MAINE AND pvrchoM of any lancailtr fkond ! ing cbata ,4(J% less nWi NEW BRUNSWICK THE BEST IN DAIRY fOODS RIM ROAST , than, gas; 48% less *. NOVA SCOTIA. NEW ,MM. riNisr Norn* : _-.. .: •I* BRUNSWICK, FRINCE '233** Addmt* ' than eleotrlc. Mvl EDWARD ISUNO tux i IMAL limit en* ^ EN.lAND »Upo« p*r • WIIUUilMlillllUIIMIUIlilllllltUllt'l lUIHllllllllliilKHIMIIIUUHMtUUU TBWTEE 8- tkoppiao fomuV •U>.- Mobil BKE«T OF MAINE . -<—^ • NORTHEAST AMWIM";. ' BirJseye Peas Sliced Swiss "" ^^P^^H^rtMi?" IN addition to your r«g. irampt wlttt | nrrklf l)r|i]r|iirr\ M.i> Ihiu Gel ue BAK« me FINEST i purchot* of 3 NM. * ---- Writt Hr tm taN REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. nnTiUt« IMHI H No«M ..' '..• .. v,. M «irttu»ur»ll 1 Sine* ifl»** IMrtrtlM {iHlrStl VIRGINIA IS PKS l.tDWi MM* • PEACR A^PtE, FRtHCH APPtfAPPtfii , LEMON, PINEAPPLE .' wupon p»r BR : YAH1}. tn*pping faMlly OFFICE CASSER TOURS lKp|r*« Sat.. May 35 'I North M Av«. «1 li.VJt,R, -II SI • IIK . .'ii -I 1 t

••.."•'.•.•'•>-'..•• • •"»••«•«£

'.<• ':-K-... v",v,.-. ;•••..• Page pli fit - CRANFORD (N.J^) CJITWEN iv*ND TftimSDAy. MAY 23. 1963 - ~

' ;. • > •. '.- • • i ' '; • \ • •>•..•' Basket,"• yfry.Kopd;'Pa1>k-i'ii DorV- fund^of .Unidh Junior pleted by appointment of the fol- The membership vi»tfcd to sapport ^ ncllv. "Sewing tin a Shlip," very '..'will be open today and t6r lowing committee .chairmen: Mrs.' ihe. Children's Aid and AdopUon good; Linda' G.lbgorski, morrow frpm'j.O a.m. to7 p.m. IJacheFBrantley.ways and means; Society. of TNew Jepsey. "The goa|,. tyaVe a pTtu-utihibn," .-go^d; Beth ., Mr. Joh'es, ;w.htj is. chairman, for', S£lvatore V. Maggib>!(registration; is to raisie SIO.QOrr; (o pay for ihed:;. .Afine' Schneider, ''Dressing to Suit the salti and c'hifirman of" Union Mrsv Edward Baran^ki, welfare; ical! expenses, for infants cax^d.'fof Traced at Rotary Reeling; youi'',Figure,".- vtiry good; Ma'r'i- Junior College's landscaping; com- besmond-Dj^MatMahon, .vacancies; by the hon-sectarian, intetracUil.' \ Dr. Kenneth C.• MncKay told fellow club .members bt- the ex'tiifl- rmm— Thomas. . ''The ^Blanket inlittee, said ^fne. public, is invited CbarJes.Rubenstein, legal adviser, drganizatiori' which care? for and indmai'y fU'owth of the .Criihfortt'.Historical Society in a recent meet- Stitch,'''nood; Mary Beth Weiland," to .visit T,he Barn. ' • • and,Edmund F. Baxter, Jr., public- places babies for adoption through- : ing'of ihe Rotary Club in "Qmii0rd_Methodist Church. • ','• y " ' ' "How toLay Out and Cut Out a Cranford residents serving on it^ •' •• :.''"• •••:.. "• •• :'."•' out the state. •" He reported the new wing to the society's museum on Nforth Uiiion >j?uUern," excellent. • cojnmittee with Mrs. Jonp,s 1 The, hexOrmeelittg—of -tne mu- 1 The Cranford Junior Woman^s avenue is near.injj'completion ami this will miikefor bette^fdisplays of At a recent meetinjj at the home are: Mrs. George Sauer, Mrs^JHenry nicipal •'committee will be hold ,-^h Club-received the firstTplace awari historical data.- .. ~ • ' '• of the leader, Mrs.. Edward Anthes J. -Mineur, Mrs. •.Wil!iarn--H/West, Jun6' 10 at .8 p.ni. in the .Muhiei- for-the best all. abound work in the ••>1"46. Elizabeth avenue, the girls Mrs.-Charles R. Haajj^Mrs. Robert pal. Building. - >'.' ' ." . The speaker recalled that Ihy •••an Cririjiifi, Mi}*-Josephine D'Ar- department of. American home, *sociie'(y was-foimded in 1927 by the* discussed Iht?;- parts of' Irks apron C, Simons 'and' Mi's. C. A. Boillod. garden, conservation. and safety. cahy(;lo',' O.. rArcangelo, 'Mr, and ihey 'are to »make, j-ncludfihR' the ];ite- Wesley i. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Glenn Wershihg, state chaif- ill \wnii -puui ••-"- the different parts tugeflier.\"~7~"T \acrt\tw StifesT president Chairman ofTHis 'this" fall: in the new winji- tif the Aw(l)ds_l Y€S€llt€u |dtepartmeni in me Craniprd L»iub, museum. .• " ./' , was Mrs. John R. Coogan. . Dr, .Maelva'y pai.d- tribute to the. Americans Face " Also, the flub received-an award To CrahiordChib for its.1 work for Project Hope; th« trustees of fhejwidety "who .ire &>/- Approximately 1,000 young wom- • voting much time so that our young Double Challenge njedical ship that trayels, by in- Dance en from -all over- the state" attended vit.ition; to foreign ports to- bring ••' people,,; will.'. .have' a historical,, NOTES the 36th anniial spring convention background of our i(>\ynship and' AME Guest Says:;' The Cranford Deihocratic Mu- up-to-dato medical training' and "tvcip.il Committoo.met .last \veek at of the/New Jersey State Federation techniques to newly - developing . -.sUite." . ', .••'••- ;.-''.._. • .' ,: "Our/ forefathers gave, us' the olj-Women's Clubs,:.Junior Mem- 'torawint; iittention to the. state's Cranford Hotel to review plans countries.^ Miss, Ann Roden of.. ! tools to work with 1 in the form for the; spring' dance" and social to bership Department; in Atlantic Illinois, pediatrijCs nurse aboard the . tercentenary observance' -next j 4-II Gourmet Club City, recently;' The Crajriford Jun- 1 'of the -.'Gonstitjition, the Declara/-] be held oii Saturday, June 15, at S. S. Hope, and Miss Dorothy . year, Dr.. MaeKa.v said; residents At the ior Woman's Club pf the Village : a recent, meeting of. ,tion of •independehce, the'.-JBill, ofi ...... , . ^ , ...... the •Veterans' Memorial .. ]H"ome.. Aeecbilrnan of Callf6rn.ia, "chief of New Jersey can take -great Gourmet-Club at the hom'e.6!Mrs.-.' J inights atid sincerity of- rMigioWq • TULIP STREE)T SALfc>^fhe above home'at 14 Tulip street was Richard. Brand, municipal chair- Improvement Association was rep- nurse, presented the award .and, pride in the fact that more ships i Jbhii'D.'Esposito of ..'18,-Arlington ] Dr. Anna Hedgeman, noted-Negro V resented by Mrs.. L.do B. Stiles and i nr. Ann:. Hedeoman. noted- Neero ~purc^ilsed by Mr. imd MrS. Michel Meeuwisseh .of Belgium t'fom- man'and general chairman for the spokei to the assembly of their ex- were built in this" state during m»d, club leader, members mader.\1-* . _*i*^v. . — ^.^>_ _ . flender <« _> J .,» ».*, Seiilared'a_l « >!. 1 rth &* M^ ^1 ** ti wth L^. ej\ * '•iri fen - Mrs. Bernard Solon as delegates V oma v Mr.,'and Mrs.'Gerald E. lj>hill'ips. Mr. Meeuwissen Is with.the in- dance, revealed the arrangements periences overseas. World 'W;ir II thnn'in any other M .'pear'and cottage choose salad! temational dinner of the Woman.'* completed to date, and appointed and Mrs. C;,Eugene Leonard and staje and thatv New Jersey was which they took home lor their "ternational^Telephone and 'Telegraph Co., New York-. Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Snimkus., ,--'<• Club* of St. Mark's AME Church chairmen of various committee's.^-. ti is the necessities, of life whlchv /'tire 'cockpit of the Revolution." parents. • ." recently. ' Mrs. Phillips have moved to South-Yarmouth, Mass. This' prop- The highlight, of tho convention He urged ehtb members to join Mr,. Brand announced 'that Mr. generate ideas of. right and wrong. Mrs. Exposito also • showed the i Approximately 150 persons at- erty^ was: Multiple Listed-by thc'Deaoon Agency ami .sold by Mrs. and Mrs. Edvvard T. DiCorcia and was the announcement of. the selec- the society during the .coming yii'ls how to make a .fresh Vege- 1 tended thedinner in Randolph Hall 'Ruth Richins, ".' . . . •-- . . tion of jhe'statc project for,1963-64. — W. Somerset-Maugham. . year tfnd lend support to n Mr. and Mrs. Charles G-. Siegfried table .-iilad ii'tt'raclive by ' tutting !o( the Cranford.Methodist Church. will act as the reception commit- ment to perpetuate the township's j rosebud radishes, cucumber rings j"If American people don't forget tee. Mr. DiCorcia and Mr. Sieg> history for futui:e generations.. and' carrot 'curls. I their differences' and meet the chal- Lan<|sci|.piiig Fuml fried are the.DeYnot-rntic ca'ndidate>4 PiisfPresidont J. Walter Coffee • For homewcrrk in .pVeparatip'n .j , g f. a- changing .world, the lixi+U , t n c o Benefit Sale Cbhtinuihg for Township Cornmitt'ee.,> • Don't be swayed • . - — ^—'—• -™——^-".-^w^i^u.^ meeting each girl, western world and the Christian Tickets for the dance "may • bte Tickets- were distributed for the was Student Council • A sale of personal treasures cbtalned from any member Of the Gay Nineties Ball lo bo Held June ! for dinner With instructions to. Christmas trees," the• guest, sp By cheaper ways! . 1 in the high school gymrinshim. | complete tho meal, with pictures j Barn ot.Dr. and Mrs. Thornas Roy or from the ticket chairman, Ni- Dr. Fletcher . Gilpin, president, j ut fe-.cin magazines, Dr. Hedgeman cited the drop-.out John X. Judson of Westfield is Jones "of ,560 Tremont avenue, cholas Maofriedo,' Jr., 303 South presided. -. . .—*-.' '' '• ' . ^—— .. : problem us one of the most serious the new president of the Day Westfield, will continue, today and Union aye'mie. • • '" ' ^' '•" ' • '•• i . Needle ?oinl Club I facing . the country. Dropouts tomorrow. • , . Try the rest „ Session Student Council o^f Union "In addition,'the organization of i. A business meeting of the Needle; form a Trlnge- society, she noted. 'The sale, which:Will benefit the the'mifrTicipal committee was com- Dunce Held i Point ,4-H ' Club was held" at the [she urged parents to-take the pvdb'- Junior College. ^ . •'..'•-. then choose the best! homd of the leader, Mrs. W.iHiam; jeiti seriously and to see. that chiW Mr. JudKon, a graduate of West- Babps of 42 Smith Union avenue, j tlren get help right away and not field High School, . received 195 ;' The Boys' Towns Committee of [Each member showed the. project'. leave solutions to tho school and • BEST MATERIALS votes in the annual election eon- Union .County, Int'.; held its she had prepared for.•4-£MDemon-' teachers. • BEST PAINTERS 12ih' annual clinriex-danee fpr the .stration-Night. Greetings were " extended by ducted Friday. He defeated- Gra- Guess who ]ust benetlt of Boys" Towns'of Italy,! p Yusif Ezra of Iraq and Mr. Jen of ham C. 'Hickmnn of. Woodbridge. cured a case ; •BEST PRICES ' Inc.-^on Saturday at:' the Essex I Sewing. Sisterit s China, guests at the dinner, Among Frances EJ. Poslusziiy of lustruetiohs on. how' to mako • a of homesickness House.-Newark....' • *• ' • t- j fhose attending were members of. 'Plainfield, who -ran on a ticket INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION The Union County committee. io-comple'te their full 4}H^ Council of Ch»yehfcs-jind the headed by .Arthin' Ven*ncr,i of—3X3j cotton skirts were given members. AAUN. • • . .,_..'__••. •'" withr Mrr treasurer.- She veceived 135 votes phone call - North avenue, chairman for the; of/the Sewing Sisters. ."4-U Ckib at v past 12.yenrs. Others, on the com-1 a recent meeting :at the home of to, 101 f61- Miss Rochelle Block of — Call — •. •. •^ ":: ' - -: 41 Blnke i avenue, ' Miss Helen When you're far away, mittee from this, ariea are Mrs. Su-i Mrs. Robert Williamson, of 307 1 Wothing works faster to Stoughton avenue: Caldwell to Attend Sjpp of 54 Elizabeth-avenue' was a bring people? closer. third candidate in th<; race.v ' 'They, also wore, shown how to' Miss someone? • TED HICHAUD A WORLD OF PLEASURE i cut .out the blouse which .is their SAR Congress Other Student Council officers Callright) how.. !. next project. Present • wore Jane B'rcnVjtB. Caldvyell of Fan wood', and members will be elected in NEW JERSEY BE1X "Avails you and your fam- ^jJ j Callaghan, 'Lisa SiuVer, Sally ,Lee October. ,. • • BR 6-9432 Cranford ily Ihis summeyt New ki'^m formerly vof: Cranford, a trustee of l Williamson, Eileen' McCarthy, Su- Abraham Clark.Chapter, SAR, Ro- Voting machines supplied by the s«/s hvorile seashore"re-.•..'> Union County Board of Elections' serf. UVAIETTE bylhe--.'.V'^ san Eilbadher,, P6ggy McCann, selle.will attend' flve.75rd annual SM. ' Swimming/ sun • bathing on fully pro- Mnnci Smith and Jean Ells. Congress of the National Society ,were used in. the balloting. IttteiJTiMtbes. Crabbing and boating in of the Sons of the American Revo- . ttKtn. Supervised Jeen.age dancing nilelf Zippy Zippers . lution this weeit in Lexington, Ky. fpr Demonstrations put on by mem- .He will be accompanied by his B'nai B'rith bers; of yie Zippy Zippers at the father-in-law, Dr. George Hay. of UrTio'n County ^-H Demonstration Johnstown, Pa., president of the Installation Daiiice Night, a.t Livingston .Avenue Cambria County SAR Chapter. • Philip Laxj. president of the iAVAUm School apcl the ratings^ they re- ' JMr._.Caldwcll's father, , the )ate_ Northern New Jersey Council, was OCUN COUNTY • ceived were: A. B. Caldwell, former local tax ; he fourth Btlwnn* Barneval * BWt X iht Blue Altaic Trances Anthes, "The -Sewing instnlling offiQer 8t t collector; served as president ot j aiiation and dance of Abj-aham Clark Chapter, and his annual inst Cranford Lodge 2276, B'nai B'rith. son, Brent II, .was recently • inr nt 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Temple ducted into the chapter 'as the first Beth-El-. • •'••• -•'••• .' third generation member in Ihe New officers are: President, Rob- chapter's history. ' " ert . Lowenstein; vice-presidents,, •Brent II .Vrtllienter The Citadel in Goodwin Horowitz, Mel Kbpclman, September and will participate in the. Citadel-Charleston, S. C, SAR sfecretai"y, Herman Formah; finan- h Chapter. A. descendent of Col. cial, secretary, Allan C. Kane; re- James Vanderburgh and" Tristram cording secretary, Sidney Lyons; Coffin of Nantucket, he is an 11th treasurer. Jack BeriTstcinT~Btiard^ generation American his.-an-j jar)j Marvin Bresslcr; chaplain, cestors having .settled in Newjnabbi Sidney,D. Shanken. Trust- to buy England in the-early 1600s. ees .are Frank ' Aronowitz, Dr. Harold Bcrman; , Harold Block, Henry Farer, Irving . Gorsky, DOCOMO CREST Ain:ahani Rothbard and Norbert • >"w^\ Pacanii Pinos, Pa. Atop the Poconoi. • .ys.lj Vacation w^Honcymooffr 2000-Acr»> Wolf, • ' ;: 1 jy Resort. 3 Hotels Delicious Meal... s_ Mickey Freeman,. Privatd 'Zim- Honoymoon Lodjo ft cozy Cottaees merman of the TPhil Silvers' Show, Amohcan Plan. Cocktail Luumo. All and Sports. Private ldfk«». Beach. Tonhls. •!• entertained • the ."membsrs ^r Movtcs. Social Activities, Band ft rriir»st« Mii>;ij> Inr -' . $9 Dallyr-$55 Weekly up. Booklet "QWH" I furnished by Ben Kane' aucl 'his N.Y.Ofllre'. II. W. lad St. (Rm. GU0yLOS-1B«0 bind


i ,

. . >* Start withtho appetizer, such as Shrimp Cocktail Supreme Shop-at-Home or Hort d'Oeuvres frora 1 " •the silver tray. (No extra charge for during Slipcover Special! eVIsp celery, enormous olives- Rolls and delectable Salado.) Next, Soup du Jourl OVVllyou profer,' "' Koos $98 Custom-nwdes urtolmltobly, savory onion soup 2 pieces! Sofa

It'stpue! You get Koos beautiful $&8 eu*to« slipcovers . . . for both sofa AND ehair ... for only $66! An unbel^vvably low price for '. custom slipcovers like tKese! Choos« your This check was paid with no questions asked! Fabric from fresh new prints right oat of Koos own stock; We'll pin-fit and cut yow slipcovers right on your furniture, finish Talk about service, this is ridiculous! But even the Chinese laundry has bills to pay,' so we cto it them with Koos finest uprkmanship, from without batting an eyelash. (Well,.hardly.) The poinris, a Suburban Trust checking account is heavy-duty, zippers right down to deep, full gkirts. Even deliver and install them to the.fastest,, safest, most reliable and convenient way for you to pay for anything;'A stroke of assure yoir of Kuos tnmous fit . ., the next- < the pen, presto, your check is as good as cash. Just one thing; the Chfnese expert from our bestthinj; to brand new upliolstety.' Giv« foreign department is Cantonese, so please don't make out checks in Mongolian dialect.;. you all this at a $32 saving! And What epvM be easier than choosing your fabric right ta' your own home ... with your own. v^aHc, n rtigs.arid draperiesall arounfl you? So »••• time, save money, save mistakes! Pho»Mi TV 8-3700 for K^» (No AbHeatiaa,

. x,

' :>\i •imi"«wii^Wl(|ii4.N*Bi*(aW^.^9wt. '^^ G'&'RW.OOft

CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 23,1963 SECTION THREE Democrats Bade Mrs. Rein For Tai Collector's Post -K15NIfcWG!.mr=: iTrThc (ox collec- t Borough Council, dos. The action Was taken in- ae? Costa .related," and several" paid GARWOOD ~r- Next Thursday's Stiund ambulance" •eordance with a law requiring counselors apd • handicraft in- Memorial Day parade will prb- andfa'fira engine. ' • county committees to select a structors willbe hired oh a part- Mayor Casa.bona has sent invi- time basisr" , . . ' ceed . through * the new ."Center 'tations to attend nnri participate candidate for a vacancy of this na- street underpass, of the Jersey ture If it-occurs 34 days 'betbre •Mr, Costa added .that there, also in 'the' ceremonies -to Goverhbr ••'• im election. :. ,-.-'' is urgent need for a number of Central Railroad, marking, the.first Richard J'. Hughes, • rppvesenta-' 'AWAITS VOTERS'. APPROVAL — The $2,860,000 regional high school, to be located'in Kenilworth, lives of Union County in the State • r volunteer handicraft workers and use of the new facility for a pub-, will be located! at the rear of Harding School, which is'visible in the slcetch at the rear left. Voters requested that persons interested lie celebration (other than the op- Legislature,. United States Sena- will go to the polls on Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. ' . .••-.;• " • tors Clifford P. Case and Hnirl- "' Firemen Hold in" assisting with the summer pro- ening ceiebration this, Sunday), it son A/Williams, Jr.', and Congress- gram contact him as soon as pos- was pointed out by Commander worhan Florence P; Dwyef, •;• sible. •'''••' ••-•" John L. Banyasz of Garwood Me-, '^-Former maydrs.. of the borough' Memorial morial Post 317, American Legion, also will be among those in the " KENILWORTH — The fourth speakers' stand. ; "'••'.'..•• annual memorial service- for' gle- Lions Name cTTSTrman' for .the Memorial Day The railroad gKadc crossing was ceaseri members' of the • Kenil- observance. • • . ' : " closed to worth FJre Department was held Str "nPl'tion with* The removal project •fpi>t wight at S eighth , graders y from Lincoln dn March 12,' 1962, ,ln the interim, headquarters'.-.-. • . . ' pedestrians were nble to cross the Among, the speakers, were Chief Kenilworth and Garwood resi- construction, furniture and other plans for- the school. * -, School will join those from St. MRS. FRED REIN dents, will go to the polls on equipment and improvement of tracks' on .a special pathway Thomas Cunningham of Arling- A financing plan calls for the £7/ Anne's School in marching this gujfrded.by lights and a watchman, Tuesday to vote 6n the $2,850,000' land. '.'...'• , '.'•'"•'.. ton, president of tb'e N. J. Exempt 'bond issue to' be amortized over GARWOOD — Delegates of the year,. marking the first time that but the only way motor vehicles Fire.men*,s Association; Capt, Ralph referendum for the fourth regional The .building expected Ho be 26 years, beginning in 1966 and Garwood Lions Club to the annual hjgh school to be located-in Kenil- the classes from. both public and (Including police, fire andfirstmid Whittle of Roselle, a member of ready for occupancy in the fall.of ending'in 1991. Mr. Ward said the state convention in Atlantic City equipment) could, act from .one wd'rth.. ' paroclhial schools ' have, paiftici— the executive committee of the 1965,- is planned, for an initial stu- extra cost, to'-taxpayeiT. woiild-tte- iron! June 6 to 9 were annbuhce

1 -

•\%\- ''"''"i'•'.•• • -.'V^ -'••,:?.•.'::'/'':•;>•'•;• ' ..•' ;.%••: i.'.; ••.".'•'•'•" i'/T.V- .MAY 23, . J) CITIZEN Jl fiA ,•• ..' .ready for .use by Tast; \veek, fo&tth e • ' ,' 'NOTICE 6R;'lNtl5Nj.»bK . 'inedluti-)y. In urltlno. .to Philip'J. Me , 725- Liberty Avenue, Unioii. .N J.' . v •'Ta'ke nolle* ••'that Vllurfkti ' C. UUD O«-\'n«, Clerk 6f. the Borou-jih W •KenlV' Atst. Secrtt-nry. Fred H, Wa*.U>Hch,a<46 • • i- official-opeiiing vvas put off uniil UadiitH. us BOULEVARD BAK. of KENIL- rlt,'N. J-\ '' ' '-•• : " Wlllard" Pluce. Uuloii,. N. 'Ji,' :'' ncjlt-Sundlay. to' permit finishingup WORTH, .hiu applied ,U) .the H»iyor und "" Otiji'i Uuns. If 14HJ'.' »ho)jld be made Im- if Council of the liurough'.of Kviiilwonh; - (Siani-dO)& N . im-dlntifly, • tri writlnu; 10 Philip j. ^*c- of 8 nlih>bv«r of incidentals, Qx\p N. J, tor u Plenary Retail. Cotjjumpliori FIIJOMENA CAPOHlANCO (ji-vuii. Clr.ik of the liorouith of KeiUlwomh, i *'61 the finisrrrrrg touches being put ItcfilM'^fQl. prt'inlirs ilLUHtfd ul C4l Boulr 74'b iJouUvurd-. . •N J- - • '•'. ,. .. • ' ••..;•••'.- • . • ' In pouble tting Ceremony vaJrd.' Kynllwurth, N. J. . K«Tillwonh. N. J. . . , ..'" • . <8iiEiiod)-,. - ^ • . •'. •': on this wet-'k \yas- the.paint-int" ..of WlllUiiu.'.C. Llnd rt-sidei. af 4 Barry Pliur, Adv. Fee: »U 00 • , ' (S-29 ' FRKWILL.. INC - - ' kENILWORTU — Eighth.-grade students will return tbnight .after ColonUi. N. •J.- • . Fri-d J. Wuethrich, president. ~^— Miss CaYole A.nn Qoqtlrcds, daugh\t?V~af Mr. and 'the undcSfpass bridge- '. •' NOTICE OK ISTESTIOV Adv. Pre-. Ml.00 5211 : : . QbWtlonii', If anyx, should'bi> 5-211 —irfrsr- Arthur A\ Goodred»af 525--Passaie avenue, bpcarnc >he bride of A two-d»y class-tripito-WashiaEifin, 'o.-C: ;•.:•/;'-••-.,.•—r--.-.- - - •. mcelliilrly. 111 wrlUnil, to Philip J. aToticc that OPOROEa tlJtOVE, a • The students visited the Arlington National Cemetery to witness CU-rk^of thj: HorouBh of .Keijlt.worlh, N. J.corporation, hu!« -anulled (u the Mnyor und NOTICE O>' "INTENTION William Jnnioj: McNairnaru; -'son Of Mi's. ••Edward; tf, McNarnara, of p Couiiril.of the Borouuh of-Kerillwanh, N. 4'.. takr ;n6llc«- that VINCENZA' 8ALE8IO: ''•''•••.. ,(8l«n ed> ' .,..-•• for a Plenary Retail Consumption' Hc*ni* lias atJplfcd lo the Mayor and Council 6f 'Rosellcs Park and the ktto Mr,. Me- •••• •.••'.- y the changing of the guard-at the Tomb.Qf the Unknown Soldier";,1 wo '•..'.' -'• • : < VVItUAM C. LIND for premiss situatcti on Route 22, Corner -the'. Borough 'ot 'Ourwood. N. J.. for a . •' . •' '•'• .-''"'• •• Barry'Place Nomura,, at a cei.emony Saturday Jim'a M(rmorial, FBI, .National GalWry of Art, Smithsonian Institute, " ' • colonla, N. J.' Of Mif the otfltei-s jrf: t>r«mlK«s illuut*d ot fl(H-Soutl u "Avenue. in the Church of the* Assumption^ ToEndSund# Lincoln Monument, Bureau "pf ".."—• ——-" •• '""'—"— l it41dfiit: 'Alfred. Wue'&teleld. 1»91 Moun- W N. J. . ' • . • Printing fcn Vice-president:'- Amelia WiWNtelcM. 19!) 1 mfdhitely. In wrltlna, to A. T, Moscii. C|rrk. The Key. Sebastian j. Chiego,» GARWQQ.P — The Rev. John-A. ton Moriutnelit, Whjte House, Con- - . NOTICE OP INTENTION . - 'Mountainview Avotiue, Union, N. J. qt tin" BoroUKlr-ot ttutuood N. J. . puslor, ofiicruiuci p Ihe 4 p.m. Take notice tJhi,. WALTER ' ANDREWJTSecretary. As Treasuror: Rlslr W^f' Mafcolnison, pastor- of the Gflr- gress,. statuai-y •• nail ana nni.^.,. lr.o.n» ... i^i-w ,» the' Borough of pb)«tlon«, If any,'should be ma'i 1091' MoiintolnviewA AvVnue, ilworth. Bridesmaids, were Miss of Beggars," from the tpxi of I return by ,4rain tonight- at.'9:35 building at 8 o'clock tonfght, . . medl'ittely, In-writing, to PJtlllp J. McOeVna, UllloBr-U J.' ' • Oarwood, N. J.. for.* 1'lvnury Kclull Cpn- Clerk of. [he Borough of Kenilworth, N. J tumption IICI-HM- for prtmilseK sitUBtod ut Mary Ann Goodreds of Kenil- Kings 18: 17-39. Church '.school o'clock'in Elizabeth, ' ...*, ;' A 'reception- will follow at Bay - .-.-•. . ' . 5-29 worth, cousin of the bride;" Miss .(8linred) ;v- 20 .North- Avenue, Ortrwood. H, J..^;.. . wiH meet at 9:45 a.m. 'Accompanying the group were ,Lea"f- Memorial ' Home. Edward .. • WALTER'ANDREW. - ' ' ' NOTICE OF- INTENTION' ' ' • John.P. Seltam resides at 20 North .Avenue, Patricia McNamara of Roselle 27 .'patents and seven faculty mem- ... - 934 PTanklln Street •Take notice that JOHN CHINCHAR, ^ad- .Qarwood. N. J.. • .„ ' • • Paflv-sistei'-of the -bridegroom.; {•fancy • Beylon of S33 Spruce, •McGulhess is general chairman Roselle, Jf, J. . Init UR.THK OARWOOD REST, has uppfil-d , Objections. If 'any; (iJipuWTx? madr Im- avenue will bje hostess, to thebers, including Miss Wiriona New- Adv. Feer J9.B8 ' , 6-33 to thr MuyiM'and Councl) of the Jloroiiuli mediately. In writing-, to. A. T. Mosca, Mrs. Robert'McNainafa of Eliza- senior youth group at a 7 p.m. comb,; Miss Margaret Ray, Sebas-> for .the observance! , • ..,'-. , of Cfuiwood,, N. 3., far a I'lenury Rrtall Clerk of tho Barouiih of Q«rwood. K. J. beth, s'istei-in-law- of the bride- cdi)surnt>tlofi 'lleeniie-'fof'^prerifUe'i -BltuBtrd • • • •- • -. (BinnedI 'meeting, Sunday at her home., A tian Addrno; Mrs. Sylvia Shapiro, .. -.NOTICE OF lilTENTION ut 25U South Avenjlf, Ci\rwood. N. J. - - - .-. '.. JOHN P. .SELZAM groom and Miss Mngdelena Grape film strip pin Esther will-be shown. Mrs. Jean DeFillipo, Miss Mary .Take notlcei- ttiat- SDNSET TAVERN Objecllons. If any, should be made Im- • . • 20 North Av*nUP of 'Elizabeth. - • ' . Lou Stachelrodt and John J. Kish, CYC to Show Films ' LIMITED, a limited partnership- association mediately, In .wrlt(nw, to A. T. MOKCB. clerk Oarwood, N.' J.r. l The Junipers wiH .meet :at the ccihlpoaed of James Vakubow,. Paul Konyha of the Borouuli of aaiwond. N. J. Adv. Fee: $8 SO . , ' ' T- '5-33 Robert ivIcNarriara served. ap saine hour i(t-the; ch-urch.i- - principS.1.. , .-'-..' -- - KENILWOkXH -- • Two films, and - Marian Konyha, has applied to the - (Signed)-. ' " "1,001 Arabian. Nights" and "Bat- Mayor-and Council of the Borough of Oer- . JOHN CHINClfAR •best roan for his brother and "MiKrunt Work" will" be' the ''.. The KindergiSrten Mothers' Club wopd, New Jersey, for a Plenary Retail • 239 South Av'fnue, Ushers were Edward McNarnara of topic of the.Rey. Reinhardt Van will attend a dinner and perform- tle in Outer Spa'p.e" plus a~cartoon Consumption license .for-premises situated , . ' . Oarwood. N. J* '» Garwood, another brother; Thomas with Mr. Magoo, will be shown at at 33Z-334 North AVenue, ,aa^wo,o Annual operetta ' SECTION 3: Any' jSart of ony Ordinance poration are: • ' . - WESTKIELD AVE. . KOBRUJE PARK. , 'said the council wants a "basement the. YMCA- of. Eastern Union Tiiesday at Lincoln School. incoiiBlstent with tho provisions' of this President: aermlnnrj. Dechellls. 114 Flor- Debbift REYNOLDS s--areh? provided in the plans as a Other officevs were! named as by the'pupils of St. Anne's School Ordlnrince nro hereby reDcalod. • ,cncL> AVCJIUC, Weiitfleld, N. J. County, Elizabeth. ". '.-'•" ' will be presented in the, school SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall tnke Vice-president: Benlto Buontompo. 21Q Wa.1- Cliff ROBERTSON shelter area. He noted the plans do follows: Vice-president,- Andre effect after fln.ftl paasauc in thlv rnnnncr . nut Avenue, cnlnford, New Jer-fey DRVE-IN THEATRE»PARfWAYt-MO II II Auditorium at 7;30 tonight and provldod by law. ' ' nojt include any underground facil- Rossi; secretary, 'Michael Law- ScervUry; Joseph Scalzadonna, 3O6S Valley NOW THRU TUESDAY! : My Six Loves; tomorrow night, and. at 2- p.m. T Road,. Scotch Plains;, ,N«. J. ities. ' " • * - Opeiiiiig tliiderpass r' rence; and treasurer, Renee Tro- • {"•' •' ' "VOTICE-. .. '" T Treasurer: Alfred t'lesco. 200 Florence Ave- A Man And An Adventure To' Match Laurence HARYEY Avery Ward, president o{ the'. (Continued front Page 1) iano. ''.'.'• ••'-.' Sunday. "The Heart of the For- Public Notjce i» Hereby Given that the nue. Wcstflc|d,,N. J. The Explonlve Eventr of Our Time est" is. the theme of the produc- forc«olnu Ordlnntic-fl was Introduced at a Objectlonii, if any, should bo. made Im- France NUYEN Martha HYER Union County Regional Board of the deadline by the Public Utilities The new o(Tic;ers will-be induct- mcptlng of iho'dovcrnlng Body of tKo mediately., in writing, to A. T. Monca, MARLON BRANDO Education', spoke on the proposed Commission to May- 1 and finally ed at a school assembly in the near tion. BoroUKh of Kenilworth on the 14th dny Clerk of the Boroimh of Gni'wiKxi, N. J. GIRL schodi and urged support at theto May 15. of Alay. 1983. It was then rotitl for . • tsigncd) Sandra CHURCH Eljl OKADA •— All TeclinieAlor rt-otram future. K. " . " ' • tho first time The .said Ordinnncc will be _ J WE8TWOOD LANES, INC. • — In EASTMAN' COLOR — polls. •,'•: i . • '. ' , TMe undwpass actually was , The annual student election Recreation ! • lurthcrcop jldor«d_lor.—fhwlr -passagb 'by '"„ . . . ' 433 North Av-enufi.. West SAT. MATINEE lite'"Governing Body' of the Boroulth of ' . • Westlleld. N. J. David LADD program began last, week with a" '••••• (Continued from Pagc'l) Kiinllworth nt tho Boroueh Hall, Boule- Adv. Fee: J14.08, • • 5-23 nominating assembly directed by Morris, Corelia. • Vogel _ as.. Mrs. vard, Kenilworth, New Jersey, at eight "THEUGtY Arthur O'CONNELt. Dennis* Copper, retiring1 president White, Earl Harper as 'Herbert, o'clock in the^evenintf (prevailing timdl NOTICE OF INTENTION on tho 28th day of May, 1003; At Tivke notice that KENILWORTH LIQ- "MISTY" '•Jl of the Student Council, and a pri- Walter Lewis,as Mr. Sampsoh-and saeh time and place, or n* any time and DOR3, INC., hail applied to the Mayor and • -...*.'— wu» — ; • •• POLICE EXAMINATION mary election. ' . ' Adolph Vogel "OS Mr, White:" •' plnce to- • which sufcrr meeting mav be Council of the Borough of Kenilworth,' ndJouVocd, all person* interested will be N. J., for u Plenary Retail Distribution AMERICAN "MY SIX LpVES " Public notice is hereby given of an examina- Miss Mary Ann Perina, who Blven an opportunity to- be heard con- license for premises Hltuatcd at 512 Boule- named'"Miss Garwood" last fall cernlntt such Ordinance. . .• -. vard,- Konilworth, N, J. • Best Actor . . , Gregory PECK START'S NEXT WEDNESDAY tion for the position of .: ' ~ By Order cf. the' QovernlnK Body. The names and addresses of all offlcej-a, di- St. Paul's Church when- she won a borough-wide . _•-•• PHtLBP J, McGEVSTA* rectors und stockhol(lcr:i of suid corpora- tion are: ' ' . ' Roman Holiday - • • Patrolman in the Borough pf Kenilworth contest. sp'onsored by, the Recre- • •' . ' Boroueh Clerk President and Troaturer: Martin Lubcll, 815 "THE BIRDS" Applicants must be over 21 years of age by us Told, atiori Commission, will share mas- Dated: Mny 14: 1903 Mountain'Avenue. Bprinulleld, N. J. . _. TO ROUTE 9 JUNCTION 36 GARWOOD'— Members of St. ter-of>-ceremony. honors with, Ad- Adv. Pee: $32.88 • . • 5-23- Secretary: Martha Lub'iill. R15 Mountain [• TOLL- IttrUMOrO ON OATEO WECCU'T- June 1, 1963 ayfd not more than 30 years of age. .. ,Ayciiue.^S»riiiBfleld, N;J. 1 Paul's/United Church of Christ and olph Vogel, president of the Foot-r NOTICE JEN Dlanet-Kramer. ShlniilehBuso Road, R. 1*. They shall be citizens of the United States- and res?- their guests will have a family day lighters, vyho are presenting;-the '3f6r Distributors, . D, No- 1, Osslnjng. New York. Inc.. trnding as.Perrone Wlnos & Spirits. Objection.'-, If any, should be mude^lm- idents of?the "Borough: of Kenilworth for at least picnic beginning at;.3 p.m. Sunday dramatic sections of the' program. n /il /h /n. Plrrftne Wtn'i> Rnieg AUIn TtriDort rn^llht'Hy. )p wlf'"ff, t" ^hlUn -T M«- ai Ciarwood Memorial Park, ij was Co., Charlotte Vlnlcole Clf!., Edelweiss Dls- aevna, clerk of tho BoroUKh of Kenil- CRAWFORD -two successive years prior to application. Miss Gloria Mosca will be a tribUthiK. .Co., , Eiifhor DUtributlnic' Co., worth, N. J. ."•'• ' • : . • a)inou.nced by the Rev. Stephen companist- for the "Show Case" Lcona Wlno Co.,,. has applied to the Di- • (Signed) • . . • CRANfORD - CR 6-9779 Starting salary — $5,400v00, plus hospftaliza- Sznbo, pastor. , musical sequences. Miss , Mbsca, rector'of the DlvUlon of Alcoholic •Bev- - KENILWORTH LIQW5HB. INC. RIALTO NOW THRU TUEV, M^Y 28 erage control for .a Plenary Wholesale Li- Martin Lubcll, Pres. and Trcaj. Alfred HITCHCOCK'S tion benefits^ police pension, uniform allowance. . Special activities will include a who has. assisted in other Foot- cense for the .premises situated, at 327 /.. - 818 Mountain Ave., NOW THRU TUES; Maypole celebration for children lighter shows, is a music teacher North 14th Streets KcnlHvorth.-New Jcrgey, Springfield, N» J. •' Applicants will be required to. submit to a med- and to maintain a warehouse at 327 North Adv. Fee: $13.20 --...: 6-33 Debbie REYNOLDS ages 4 through 7 wearing costumes in the Clark juiblic school system 14th Street, Kcnllworlh, New'Jersey, and to >f HE BIRDS'' i ical examination and a written examination. maintain a salesroom at 327 Nortl) 14th II - —. Aluo — of flowers or animals. Mrs. Earl and has staged, several operettas in Street, Kenilworth, New Jorscy. NOTICE OF. INTENTION Eriksen, Jr.,' and Mrs. Charles Clark schools.' OPFICKR8 BTOCK Tnke notice that ADKLB OORDA, trading My Six Loves' Applications may be. secured from: Police Chief — AlBO "Jacqueline Kennedy's. Craig will, be in charge. In case of Eli Btivry, President 33V4K- as THE MONROE TAVERN, has applied Edward Stupak at Keniiworth Police Headquarters Robert Nerl, who was th£ "be- to the Mayor and Council of the Soroush > Laurence HARVEY 11 .rain the picnic will be held in the hind the scenes'; man in-several 11 Penn"Rbad ' of Konilworth, N. J., for a Plenary Retail Asian Journey Cranford. New Jersey. Consumption license for preixtio); actuated France NUYEN. Martha HYER oft any day- during- the Week; Applications must be chiirch, Mr. Szabo said. ' . ' Footlightcr productions, has been Leo Brochts, Vlce-Presldcnt +:..:.'... 3-3 Mi % —:—-44J-]BftG*Bnde~Avenue-T tM«Md Ntth8thStt Maline« Daily. • completed: andretumedrtb Police-6hief-Stupiakrori^ -"The~pastor^hris" chosen "Sunset n'amecFstage manager, and he will .Panwood, Now Jersey Kenilworth. N. J, •.. GIRL NAMED TAMIKO to bawn" as^ his- topic for the di- bo 'assisted, by Gairy Kenny_and Joseph J. Perroho.vBetretary & Adole Oordu resides at 218 Harvard Road, — |n Teclinleoiar • WED. THRU TUB. or before June.4*1963. ; , : i , - g ; LldNJ' 1 Oomrileie Khow Weekday* vine worship service' at 11 a.m. : Treasurer- ~....ZJ.~..7.'.~.'.-,...~...3iVt'fvObjections, if any, should be made IM '.' • MAY 2I» to JUNK. -I Joseph Castaldo. U Robin Rdad ' - •• L From 7:80 (Exel. Frl.) , Sunday. The Chancel Choir, un- k mediately, Inwrltlne, t.o Philip J. McQevna, WINNBB OP 10 ACADEMY AWATIDS' - • By Qrder Of The Fanwootl,' Now Jersey • Clorkriof-yio Borough of Kentlwbrth.• v.- J FREE TOtS-rKIpDIE RACES der the direction of M,rs. Victor Objections, if any, should be made Im- .1 .(Signed) ' > 8 p.m. tK?s evening; Youth Chdir mediately, in writing, to the Director of ; ; West Side Story KENILWORTH POLICE COMMITTEE Greene, will sing.. Church school tho Division of' Alcoholic Bcvet'tso Con- -, MONKpB: TAVERN ; . ;•.'•• SAT..MATINEE. ,>•-••• • - TMTIME KCIIFDUlf: for grades %3, 4 and 5, at 1 p.m. trol, noo Raymond BouleYar.d,lNewa.ifk 3; .„.-; »•••"- ~"" AdeTe'aorda 7 will conyene^"at ?:30 a,m;: 318 Harvard Road Weekdaya: 1:15 - 8:'Jff -•••.••.:'-. -' ' Edward Stupak .' ' .v.. .:_".,;:(1 Saturday and for. grades, (Land .7. .New. .Jersey.. ...r. •.---.- STASTS IVEDTMAY'S" ' Choir rehearsals scfieduled -for at 2 p.m. ' , • . JOELt WWB DISTRIBUTORS, INC. '••••.• . Linden. N. J. Sat.: V.W • 4:SS'. f;0» • ftsl.V Chief** Police - the week' are aS' foll6ws: Senior tya PERRONE •'•.WINES & SPIRITS v. Fee: $9.08- , " 5-23 A»»d HITCHOCK'S Sun. • Thur.: 1:00 - 3:40 . «:3* - !»:!!» "~ ,The first year, confirmation class 317 North 14th Street * " ' Choir, 7 p.m., and Chancel Choir, KenllwQrth. New Jersey •. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ' . will meet at-3:45 p.m. Tuesday. Adv. ^ec: $18.48 6*23 Take notica that IANOELO CAP0UIANOO "THE BIRDS' ""SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOW • ; :—, ^__ i. u AND' FILOXrENA CAPOBIANCO, his wife, KATimrjAY MATINKK, MAV -Si'" (tradlna; ai-ANOE and MIN'S — BAR ANP BOnOUGH OK KENH.VVORTH — COUNTY OF UMION RESTAURANT, have applied to 'the Mayor DAMN THE DEFIANT' "The Phantom Planet" 8YNOFSIS OF AUDIT REPORT KOR CALENDAR YEAR 1908 and Council of the Borough of Kenilworth, COMBINED COMPARATIVE BALANCK SOKKT N. J., for a. Plenary Retail Consumption STARTAleS eWED. GUINES. JUNS '•E• Sth ' "littlest Hobo" ASSETS , . ' . ' D«v HI.-NMtr Dee. 31, 1001 license for premises situated at 740 Boule- Cash and Investments .;. ; : ,., ::. :.... jl.220.564.13 $1,273,203.00 vard, Kenilworth, N. J. OF YOUR FAVORltB State Road Aid Allotment Receivable .12,654.41 - 8.858.41 Angelo and Fllomena .Capoblaneo reside at COLOR. CARTOONS Taxon, Asiessments and Liens Receivable ,.... ' 00,305.20 " 107,815.17 740 Boulevard. Kenilworth, N. J. West Side Story 5 Accounts Receivable .*, '. 2.048.38 3,082.35 . Objections, _it any, should he made Inv Property Acquired by TuJc Title Men. Liquidation .... 25,075.00 , 2D.060.00 •Deferred (iharses to Future Taxatloa — General Capital -.„..... '. 345.000.00 200,000.00 Deferred Charncs "to Revenue of Succe'edlnc Years 13,200.00 23,810.00 PLainfield 6-5477 Total Aasctc ,., -.' - $1:610.337.00 Jl.104,830.53 '•. * *•'. *: • 1 LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities: NOW thru SAT.! Bonds Payable _ .-: :;„,. . 345.000.00 $ 200,000.00 Accounts Payable und Appropriation Reserves 22.13S.M 33^43.30 COMING LIBERTY Special Deposits 3,850.00 Local School Tax '. '. ;...,..;.: J93.24S.38 lOS.OOOJJOi OLPEST OWATIST PAT BOONfe -1 BARBARATEDW Regional HlKh School T»x .-. 200,000.00 175,000,00 Special Funds Accumulated „.....;.._....,..„,,„,„;„ —8lTtl4T88 86,483.64 ## Improvement Authorizations , '. , ( 44,036.00 123,11308 TI*E^rELLOW CANARY" Reserves'. , Por certain Atnets ReceivablO ..:.,... .18,043.4(1 - 110,808.14 plus — ELVrS PRESLEY TREE For Acquired Property : 25.075.00 28.060.00 #1 For'Other Purposes '• r- » 1« 1,800:69 Surplus , 808.783 J>1 087.131.84 THE FLAMING STAR" Total tluBllltles, Rcjorves nnd Surplus 11,616.337.00 41.704.B28.53 Footnote: Bonds and Notes In the amount of S13.20O.00 were authorized but not issued as at the close of the year, ' SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY REVENUES (C**h «»•!») • , ''. Yfar lllll-.' Y«ar 1W(1 HAT Collections of CuiTfnt Tax Levy )1,285,443.10 II,246,159.38 /..AT CITY Collectloosof Delinquent Tuxcn und Tax Title Lle»a ; 49,010.06 • ' 69,771.07 "im DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS" Sale o'f Foreclosed Property C... . 45,635.00 . •- 4.400.00 Miscellaneous Revenue ,» „.'. 23S,189.8Y 212,321.78 plus,...» JACK PALANtE FEDERAL Other Credits f. ' 10,658.03 13.023.10 Intorfund ttfiiris •Returned ..:. •.:..-...:...... r.:...^...-...... T. J.S0B.71 • 1.603.85 "SWORD of the CONQUERER' SAVINGS Total Revenues ; ,•: .,..' II.628,337.62 . 11.848,240.07 EXPENO1TUKES (Arrj-ua! Bads) miduct Aoprourlitloni • ' - t S74.eao.oo % 551,045.00 Loo«l School Tuxej 412,743.38 403,35O.7i when you open a KWial Hl«h Bchool Taxes 403,376.00 358.083.85 County^ Taxi's : ; .• , 318,-308,.13 215,070.84 open every day all summer '. • Total' Expenditures , N «..-. $1,600,186.11 $1,528,050.46 FltvcnuH In Excess Qf-Expenditure •,.,: :.. 10,151.51 - 30.1(061 1964 VACATION CLUB Surplus Revenue Balance January 1 .w...... 560,180,01 545,000.40 CRANFORD '63 SEASON STARTS Surplus Revenue Balance December 31 ..:.'., '.:... > 886,331.82" '. I 56^,180.01 ONE DAY ONLY SIGN UP TODAYr EECOMMENDATION8 \ .. • . • SATURDAY (IV th»t eltor.tj be continued in 1B«3 to dlsposo ql Ih'e nrooerty now owned by the Borough, • ' FRIDAY, JUNE 7 (It Th»t the-Oil Burner-In«D*ctor and Secretary of the Bourd of _H«»lth make circus twice ' That.eohnlderalloi be »lven to tht\*dqptlon- of an''ordinance •tfntablUhlnu fees . l to be ehurgtd (or furhtthlnt or police and other roporta. - ' '.' .' . The above luminary or jynopsli was tarxpared from the report pf audit of the i TICKETS , Borough of KenUworth. County of:tlnlpwr for the calendar year 40SI.' This rej>ort of OLYMPIC PAW audit.-iUbmltted by FVed«rlckJ. StefCiy, ReuUtered Municipal Accountant,, li aa tile Main Offlc. lllxab«lh • Llnd.n • K^llwoHh'• llmoro • Unior •t the HotQuih clerk's oflice and maV be inapeetM by*»ny. inUretUd perton. . " - Ht4lU 8tOO l-X :.-' i. .- i-'\ ..•••._ • ':• -H >««'«'J.,JltQEVNA-.. cl«rfe-, . • ••

:)'• ;r • 1 *'•'%•... .''•*' J. "•• -...** '* •' Vsifi*1' .-t '.:•,!. J v :< •••*?'*i*rt**.'< f Yc^r ~ "'9~""" • ^ ':'• -. £'-0^ 1 ' ^ •I, \f *.. J.) CHIW>NICLB--^THl>RS-pAVr-MAY £3, Pa«e Three._., Awa 'J.jonaj l -Higgh School, ciark, ''earningg !were arn'ohfj 150 ,awarck>d' le.m-rs son iqnyl students who won'. Lut^i Postmaster Asicw Wings Earned •Jcitatton•Jitattons aandd awardds fforr tthh e curr - .<>(( , tp,mnM»ndatiapmnM»ndatian foforr hm-jntf DuA11'' tet'itiik'atjfv; of ..merit in the La- ...;. 1 li ! i : : Check oji iVfail Boxes 1>,f1K^KAHrniA ToGarWOOjl Students ..rn.lsrf.oo; t l jwA'teeonffiqW d i l^.l^moiC «"!^'Jd^^;'i % ^»»>' mi,,«''' SSdaiion'"'jaieraiioniil ' [••'•—-. As4'.spring By 15 Brownies" •«• KENJfLWOKTH—A flyVup.cerer At Renilworth Public library es,- Pptittnuster jK'sldeim were among fine arts stu-.j ^ayjie Di Battista was •one'Jot 'Frank Papandrea. and Mary El- '3!. 000 poster's from "20 ^countries ,.» mony was jheld-la.^t Thursday by 1 new books"added, to trie Kc-nilwor»h , Nicholas Capece of the Kenilwo.rth derits^aH:Arthur U Johnson Reg- ll Johnsoh'Regiqna'l «tud"er»is who' Ion Gindel were,among fivt-'Jo'liii-lwi-re cnl-ered in this contest. -^C ' '•Browhie ^froop. 232 at. the-Com- Public Library has been released by Mrs." Gtrtrudc-O'ttL-BBiil'librarian. JPQS(. Office ha? asked. resident*.to, munity MethQdfst Church under ,Mrs. John W.aldvoiji-1, a member of, the Li bra ry .Board, is. book chair-, clean-up and fix-up their mail re- , the.'direction of Mrs. Albert Nimsz, : eeptacies...... -.'.'«-. man. Uader, and Mrs. Henry Doeschef, : —To>tmaster- Capc.ee said, "If 'the co-leader.' '• . ;_ .., ' Where's Annie? Bussing; Soldier VfV^ „„ ^rtll Iflfr* 1 containers .into-' which postmen put Brownies flying-upA were Joan "erf'Fortune, Bourne; GrandnjMher VXlFS V'Uillllt^j • mail were relatedJn looks, safety • Bnsta,— Lyrine eummings, Nancy »nH the -Prints. .Cajdwcll; Thc'.^ 1 adequacy...to-the1 value II IV ~ were.; i;idi: 1 1 ;Tre-cott. . '.'..' ••'•', China Only Yesterday, Hahnji *'»V" , >: "-^ .'.W's-" "" ^. ,->nd they put them in odd places v ; Members ,ol .Girl Scout Troop • Amazing*'Mirs. Bonaparte,- Kane;; w»tH. ^another' vehicle and then where they are' hot immediately !ViJ'assistcd. In,, ,thci color guard -School of the Sun, Maiutc: Smith •'i;ti"u.ck> lrop ;H H»o; 'nle.scction; vi.lbro and easily accessible to the ; were M^aria .Ledkovvsky, • Deanna iind'Jfrtncs, Monsarrat;.DOvil.With .°f Center and. Spruce streets at .career.;. ____^ . Dud^inskj,,- Patrica Kiss, : June 10 15 last TI rsda )oUcc: W!; Conrjer., ii A /^1 • • " • brownie; Non Ficlion ; cms " operated "by-. -Morri's P. 'f Of- I Ml A I 31110 Parents were welcomed, by Nan- : Physi.caT- Fitness for Youna; Shar«el. fc'ti/of Wesjieid, and ACXAM; Us. i" • f^i : J I *11 - • cy Driscoll, Elaine Seymour and Champions, Antonacci; World Ser- Anne'M. Min:'BlioUa, 23, or'fil;7.;i-|||LtRlIS| ' Kami Serpi. A flag folding dem- ies Thrills, -Bell; 'Problems of Ad- be.h, collided at_'.tlie .intersection.; KENILWORTH — tipenings in onstration was f'Tven'by.Susan Til- diction--Alcoholism and Narcotics,j,and Mr. Shargel's' ear cpnlinued j|-t, first and fourth- periods arc "or'arid Suvan Njmsz. .. : Bier; Berlin: East and West, Bind-j across Spruce street, mounted the • ^JJJ avaiJ.ible -1'orCamp -Wawav- er; Automation, Bluemle; What thp i cui'b and stniek ;i tree. • " andaada,, YWCYMCA cammpp in ththee Catskl Moon is Like, Branley; Makers of.! The police•_ reported that Mr. operated by -the YMCA of Eask-rn Teachers Name tfic 'rRef d Revolutions,, Coolidge;; Shnrd'el suffered ciits of the nose Union'G«urity. • ^ lew Officials Mathematics for Everyman, Col-j _an_ d forehead anw^rthirrW^v^rerr^rthd a contusion e second pldest YMCA .,....- Albert Leick .heads the slate of Claire, 65, sustained contusions of..' jn the country, is loeaied on a -iew officers elected by the Kcn- How Msn-Began, Curtis; Strike trie forehead and left shjHilder and '2,200-acre site. ThO progl^m is ilworth Teachers' Association at a in the West, Daniel and Hubbell; abrasions of the right kiies. They ; geared for al|,.jagc -levels starting recent meet at Harding Schpol. Outpost of Jupiter," Del Key; Life were treated by Dr.. Charles Lo-|.with- nine-year-olds or boys-who Other orYioers.arie^—Viff-pn You don't really need Wide-Track... unless you drive a car. in Elizabethan "England, Dodd;'Ar- mack and taken by 'the First Aid* have'completed third/grade. ;••. dent, Mrs. Ann LaCosta; secretary. istotle, Dean of Early Science, Squad to Overlook'-HospitalL^urja?^—-The' youngsters live in cabins Miss Donna Shallcrosp, and. treas- - Wide-Track Pontiac Tempest ••%••-.•

ltt Downey; Marguerite Bourgeoys—- mit. : '."•..•" u-ith nn adult; counselor and junior urer, Mrs. Mary Golden. •-••'• • •' •' """ "• • ' "••':''.'-. ^ •' • .'.•-'.'"."••';'. Teacher,. Sister St."Mary Miss MiraKliott'a was treated, at counselor. -There are eight boys Plans were, made fona banquet .SEE YQUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A WIDE CHOICE OF WIDE-TRACKS AND GOOD USED CA&S, TO0(. Genevieve • CND,: Hippocrates,! the ."scene for a cut' Knee; and jtu ~ a cabin, . and each cabin: is in June •••at Mrs. D's Restaurant, . -Fathe •'- j •o f-••• Medicine- -• • , -Goldberg " - . ' her- nieoci K,iithleon Mirofiliot- i ecj.uipped with toilets and hojl Scotch.Plains. Jackie Jensen Story, Hirschberg; tn, 11, of 349 hickory -avenue, a ; showers, ,The group votpd to donate a The Congress, Gerold Johnson; passenger'in her car, complained! Further information may be ob-scholarship to 'a Kenilwortb'..pupil A Simplified Guide to . Collecting of head bruises, pplice" reported, hained from; George, HofTman," ex- to be gradua- ———.'..:. ... . Who Found! Them, Lesserr Paul Re- by C.tpt. TJioinas Colvwll, Patrol- . •., _ ,'• '•' ,_ vere'si Ride, Longfellow; Great man Warren Opie and Special Of- ! American Ffghter Pi lots'o'f World ficer.'John Spcllmati. . ' ... WaV tr,' Loomis; L6olt at Guns Lord. American Composers of- Qur Rosary Bowlers Time, Machlis* Lawrence of Ara- bia", MacLoat^; Cave>' and Their Slate Banquet / Mysteries;-McClyng; B^dk of the, 'KENILWORTrt—A bi>nquet will v Ancient World and the Book o\ the | be held Siindayat.7:30 p.m: by the "Ancient Greeks, Mills; Boys' Third bowling league of St. Theresa's Book of Jladio and ElectronicSi Rosary' Socit'ty at tlio» Conch ^nd Morgan; An Outline of Abnormal Four-Restaurnnt, Cra'nf^rd. .Psychology,-. Murphy, and Bach Trophies will be presented by Vnch; The First Transcontinental [the Rev. Salvatore:._P;.t_.Ci.tarcliaj.!- •Kailroad..N.athnru... .-.-.-— |spjrituardii-ecfoiv to- the three top' John H. Glenn. Astronaut, Pierce j teams:- First, K.U Kats, Mrs. John: and. Schuon; Edgar Allan Poe Lisa, .captain; second, Hep Kats,! Tales, Poe;" The Enrth in Space,: Mrs. Charles Frolich, captain;'; Polgren; Volcanoes in Action, Pool; .third. Alloy Kats, Mrs.' .William -Physics: Its Marvels and Myster- Carolan,'captain. '. . ies, Posin; Our Earth: What It Is, -Trophies were presented to Mrs. . Pough; The Life of St. Pntfick, Lisa for high average of 136; Mrs,. Reyn61ds;«The Portable Medieval John Johanrisen, high scries of 508;; Render, Ross and McLaughlinp I'Mrs,'-Louis CaravcHo, high, game\ .Leo Durocher Story,' Schoor;' 102; and Mrs. Otto Raimondi, mo.st; Phil Rizzutp Story, Shapiro; Hank j improved bowler. . . '' -Aaron Story,'Shapiro; Iron Horse J J^^Jflb^ to-DiesehrStrrnvrA Lifetlrnc• •Withf'ward Cari-ashcr are co-chhirm?n.'i • Horses, Summerhnys'; Martin De-! • . : '- Porres Tarry; The Old Canals of i Fitxpalridk Killed''$25.. New'Jersey, Veit; The Great Psy- • * . / . . . chologlsts: <• Aristotle to . Freud, *or I*ltti Violation Watson; Story of Great Battles, - KENILWORTH'. — A line of"$25 ; Weble; The Story of Subm'ai'ipes, | was-levjcd on William Filzpatrick r Weller; GUbert and SuUivan, Wy- }o! fi4|TTVlichigt?iH {U 5nue-trr-M mer. • » niciixil Court-dn Monday night for Mysiories • ' - | a'violation of the five ordinance. House on Chnrltoh- Street,. De- i ; Mr. Fitzpnl.riclv. pleodcd guilty Jong; Fish or Cut Bait, Fair; Mys-; before. .Magistrate William Bru-. I tevy Behind E^avk Windows, jane; j def', to a charge of allowing rub-1*]1 'Zebrn-Striped Hearse, Macltonald; bish. and other combustible Jitter Mystery of the,Pharaoh's Treasure, to .ncaumulate on his .property../- Neavlcs; Summer Ballet Mystery, The complaint was signed by Fire | Wissman. • ' ' . Chief John Malone,

Guess whose favorite grandchild just called You're never really alopo whori a rihone is near. Think a moment. Isn't there someone who'd love to hear your voice? Pitone now.- NEW JERSEY UELL



US FOR YOUR NECES- When youVe" decided on a new car, SARY SUPPLIES. BANK tell your- dealer you would like to ELIZABETH HILLSIDE , KENILWORTH', >RAHWAY "MAKE A DATE WITH NATIONAb SJATE" ROSELLE PARK SPRINGFIELD SUMMIT WESTFIELD to arrange your auto loan. t an dard .^w s " MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AND SUPPLY COMPANV * L- • r .'•••-• Phone BRidg«-^-2/00 s 94 High Street v Crartfdrd

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•../ •

- fc- -*•:•, >age Four CRANFORD W;: J.V CJTfZEW AND -THtrRSPAV. MAY ,fo. t«fi2, r-

'- v. III The Paqking Engineering Co. Indians w6n their dnly game this week to stay ii>\ first The first place Bell's Pharmacy Cubs extendedtheir winning streak fo eight by winning- "place in the American League while Builders General Supply Yankees,-the Sportsman's- tlheir only game thi,s week oyer the American Legion Cardinals by a score of 6-4'/~:' •»' Shop Senators and the Roel-Strqn.g. .• '•Hrif #niia>Hy H»jHy*— ~^^ Ifrg 4ndi;mK^lppe^4ti€^lartln^&wil^^ hurler, Steve Ifolie'ral' n ledd thh e loserl s witithh tw t o hf iii -fifth straight. game without-a " ~ ' _ hii3 fifth-homcruit. Wi Brandenbefger was. the loss. Hansel. Tom Beadle and ; pitcher. f • Ken Schellej* each had two hits Dinner The Kiwanii dijb to pacejthe Indians at the plate. kept the pennant^'ace tight by *•"•• Brad Nostrand^and Grajjj* Ester- n'fpp'ing/'the^Cfanford Savings brookTShared the mound auties for; Approximately 150 k the eleventh annual Craw- 'and; •LOori'.''Braves, 4-3. . Lar*y 'the losers. Grej; •Ol«ett~had_jiJu'L1e' fordd Bowling -Leagua e bbanquet last Thursday owning at the Cran- Nels^nf--paced the wbiners'at tho ' ' f'ithC)}m i' wood, Gaywood. President Arthur pl;i)e witji.Uyo hittf^while Jbhann- 1 BASEBALL STANDINGS ^-Tfie" -63 league winners, received a SL'H. Perez iiajJ^Fe^ho'also hitfSafe- >- second. Thby trounced the Medics team trophy and individual trophies, as did Acacia'Insurance, and Athletics. • 12-4 itnd downed th*' >"— Eri-ico Trucking-,-"second and bined>f6- 16 strikeouts with the Senators, 8-2., . ' place finishers, "• '' . • '• ••' gaining', the win. Chancer The ' Yankees converted two . Mayor Nicholas •£»... LaCorte Cubs .. Indians the loss.-. Paul King • a,nd double plays in their; victory over spoke at the dinner. ' i Giants. Senators Rlchio. Garcia nil for the Braves. the A's.' : Mike Martin ..was the PORTTS— Dodgers ' White Sox The Hedenberg. MacBean Dod- winning pitcher and struck out Theodore Hull of G. E. Hbw- Pirates Yankees '.. •gers""stopped- the Gianford Elli seven. Mark Nordstrom had a CHEDULE land received -the"Roland K. Shel- Reds' Tigers ".•,,:.• Reds, 5-1. Each team had only double and a- single and Ed gil- ier ImproveWent Award and Rob- Cardinals Athletics .. three hits and Steve Radis cbllect- >'• verman cracked out' tvVO' si.ngles to Today: Varsity Baseball—Cran- ert Peterson' of. -Peterson's Dairy Braves ..-. Orioles •..- ed all three.for 'the'winners. Paul J •-• lead the Yanks' offensive attack. v Red Sox ... ford-at Clark, 3:45, p.Vn, won the ABC'award for most im^ Phillies . Nikituk w;i}! the winning mounds!- ' Doug Bonham had a pair of hits man and he -received excellent Varsity Track — Cranford p1 roved- bowler. ••', -..'•• for Athletics. Ed Markowich and at Jefferson. Nomahegan League , Unami League 'fielding support from Jud' TSclu-r Ben Avery were the pitchers for ' Ewald Peterson was presented ._•-.... ••. - w- w nas, D'Alesslo, Casale and Kep- Varsity; Tennis — Cranford -.'.'.•-. •. .;. '•:••• - h the losers-. vs. Westfleld at Cranford High with the William Gubas Award. Mohicans ,,...... 6 Lonapes ..,.'.....,....'...... ; 8 6 pler hit for the Reds and Ga'tto was Pitcher . Eric Schwartz struck School, 3:30 p.m. '.;:'.' This trophy, which was donated Seminoles ; 6 Huroris ...... ' 6 i "t|ie losing pitcher.. ' • ' • out 11 batters to.help the Yanks in V Cranford Recreatiori, Softball by former teammate.Robert Web- Cherokees . :. 5 ' ComahcKes 4 The Lehigh Oil Co. Pirates won"\, their win against the Senators. ' League-— Crpnford Hptel vs. Pawnees \.. ..- 3 • Slrawnecs. ,.. 4 a pair of tilts this week to move in- ' Nordstrom blasted a 'homer and er, is awarded to |he bowler GENE ENGEL Cheyerines ,2 ChickasoAvs to fourth place. They defeated . Riverside Club iind Sportsman's ; iJ5 ' two singles and \Silverman con- Shop.vs. J. B. Williams, 6:30 whose. average comes the closest Nayajos...... , 2 Grces ..•...... " 5 the Reds, '9-1,. and rolled over i'-'.nectod for a cfouble and, two singles ' p.m., Memorial Field. to that of the late Mr. Gubas. ' Apaches- ... .2 Crows -..„•.'.,-.... 0 the Robbins and Allison P.hUlies, "• to again-lead the Yankees at the Tomorrow:. Varsity Baseball — • Vice-president Joseph . Trezza 12-3. ' •' -. •'., ' '-:''"•-;: '•"• • '• \; . plate, Ron DeLonge.' had itwo Pony League Bob'Weiss pactfS-tfffe Pirates in Cranford vs. Clifford Scott, at also gave a few sh&rt remarks as . doubles and a single for the Sen- 'Memorial Field,.3:45 p.m. omplefes Outstanding; W L • •'." VV L their win over the Reds by twirl- -. ators and 'Frank DiCicco and Drew •..' '.Varsity Golf—County Mee't, did Harold Kiriney, secretary, .Rams .... .5 Seals .. . 2 1 injj a thrce-hittei:. Colineri, Kprrj- Kastner shared the molmd duties. Saiurday:: Junior Varsity BasO- President Boertmann commend- Athletie Carefef at Yirginia Beavers . 4 ; Angels . 2 3 gut, Banner, Fredericks and Laiiinr The Senators won~their other ball—Scotch Plains at, Cran- ed. William Linge, chairman of the Chiefs • .. .4 Stars . -.. . 3 4 ski all collected hits lor the win-} 'contesi this week to remain- in a •' ford, 9:30 a.m. ',.'.'•'•' trophy committee,' foi-- doing such ., Gene Engel, former Cranford Highr School track and Colts ' .... ."3. Bears .. • 2 5 ners. Casale and Santella collected ' second, place He by trouncing the ' Freshman Track — Rosell& a line job this yeai; and Clark. basketball star, has just" completeH an outstanding three-year filvies .... .3 Marlins' . *0 6 the losers'' bingles,. Casalle was .the, Rankin Fuel Co. Red .Sox, 1-4-G. •niickwnrthi'-rhnii-ytt^rt rif. ..tho gift- career inUho "samortwo sports.at.-thoJQ.niv'.Pjr.5lty_oLVir'gfflta: losing pitchier.- .'—...,.' . ' •• l~, •"Winning pitcher , Uebonge helped Monday: Varsity Traek-r-Urlion sponsor, committee, for obtaining where he was thehigh scorer for both Cavalier teams this year Tlie Pirates unleashed a 14-hit Hi's own. cause with ' a homerHn : •at Cranford.' %. sp many gitk; prize contributors. Ertgel, 6-5 arid-weighing 215 pounds, scored heavily in- Peie DePcrsio and Freef with two men on base. (Ron's homi- Vincent BrinkerhofT anid Charles y,Win Vtik Phillies. Al Frcdricfcs tossed a . er was hit directly into-his father's Varsity Golf-^Crnnfor'd vs. the discus, shot and javelin to ~ " ~ and Tony Silberto. ' , Clark at Echo Lake. ' Roberts were in charge of the foiir-hitter for the Pirates. John :•• - hands as ."he was sitting in the Antoine ajso led his.Jeam in hit-Two-Man Sweepstakes Individual awards went to Bill Recreation Softball Loagife banquet,.' •*..•'• pile up points for the Virginia Banner, Al Fre'dricks. John Coli- , stnnchO Kastner and ."William Ja-- track squad. When he gradu- ting with a double and two sinfil'es, Joe Szczygicl and Walter Guy Thbrm, Cass. GOrski, Dick Mar- neri, Weiss, "Lasinskl, Rothsteiri, nowski also hit well for the win- —Jokers vs.'Sportsman's Shfo'p - which mado'the day, his birthday, and Davis .Bros. vs. VFW, 6:30 ates in Jurfe, Gene will, leave won the Park Village Bowling quardt, Army , Innocentl arid Joe Korhgut and.Schuling all hit safe- . ners. Greg Harlari had a single a very happy- one. Fred Dohn,- Leagtfe annual two-man; sweeps D'Agostino; . ly for the, winners. Bob' Lizanich and a double'fof the'Red Sox and p.m., Memorial Field. . •Babetski to Coach two school track records. He Tuesday: .^Varsity Basebdll — Rick Koike, Scott Miller and Jimstakes last week at Parkway Bowl." was-the losing hurler. .'••.'. Richard Wagner .was' the- losing threw the javelin 209 feet, 7 inches Lancaster. all hi} singles, for the Other teams placing in this ev- Success doesn't ••happen.'" It is , In the only other game played, hurler. • •' • '"(Jranford vs. Rahway at. Me-American Legion and tossed the discus 152 feet, 10 1 rnorial Field, 3:45 p.m. , ] victors wfiilc Pete McCOrmick, •nt were "Dom DeBlasl '-SnS Mike organized,-pre-empted, captured by the Cttrdinals defeated the Reds. The White Sox -.won their only inches.' Re' also approached 50' feet Tom Joralemon and Ian Greitzer Castiollb, Caii Mcixner and Sieve,' concentrated common sanse! ~ The Cubs-Giants and Dodgers- - y.-aygjty_ JiPftninim-. l?|*fl n forij^yy:, Nine This Summer in the shot. '•.' "^Linden at .Cranford High " '^Bob: Sab'etski, assistant baseball ' Flaherty and Frances E. Willard. Phillies games were rained out. toine "-Tigers;,12-9. Charles Vogel Gone scored 460 points to averr School," 3:30 p.m'. coach at Cranford High School age 18.4 points per game in bas- was the winning pitcher although .Junior, Varsity Baseball •—• will'assume .the-'coaching duties pf receiving help from Kevin Ken- ketball thfsi past season, and wan Rahway at Cranfdrd, 3:45 p.m. the-Cranford Post 212 American the outstanding pWyer award for Ian and Ross Cree. dec led the Legion Junior Baseball.- teani this Recreation Softball League the state of Virginia. He became •'^•1^' .•;>-••• Sox with '. .three - bingles whilp —Cranford Hotel vs. J. B.' Wil- summer. , ' 1 David Ciuf.f and Vogel each chip the fifth" player in the history of T liams and Friendly Barbers vs. Babetski, a-; graduate of Blooms- University of Virginia basketiaall ped-in with a pair. Dohn was the Sportsman's Shop, 6:30 p.m., burg State College", JSloomsburg, losing* hurler "and. led his club, at history to score more than 1,000 Memorial Field. Pa.,, where. h.e -played baseball and points over flic threc-'year span. the plate with; three hits.-Foppert football, has been handling the added two singles for the Tigers. Engel's .varsity athletic career JV team at Cranford for the past got off to a fast start at Virginia Echo Ljike Results four years* compiling a record of two years ago,: jv.hen as a sopho- PePahna Ties for 7th '• Mrs. C/harles Klein, posted a S)5-34 wins and 16 losses. The cur-more, he was named the outstand- 23-72 to win the Class A division rent team has won-eight while ing athlete of the year. Gene was In Golf Toiiriiaiiieift of the Echo Lake Women's Golf losing one. • , recognized by coaches of all sports Sir' Tom DcPalma of 124 .Makatom tourney this week. Mrs. E. Tong- An Air" Force veteran, Bob Isas being one of :the bes> all-round drive tied for seventh in the Newberg had a 102-28-74 to take top married and resides in Westfleld athletes of his time at Virginia. Jersey Pre-Senior Golf tourna- hoitors in Class B and Mrs. I.- H. with his wife and two-son?. While at Cranford High School, ment last Thursday and Friday a,t Lewis shot a 109-32-'77 to wfn in The local team will open' the •Epgpl wp,s a-mpmbpr of on** "f •h*' .suason- Junfr-'-5"TlgalHSt WestHclcTal . Briei]xv.~The local resident, ' fowner ;v ...I.. top Cougar cage teams'. Iti his •Mrs. Charles Jerpmc; Mrs, Tamaques Park. Babetski re- senior year, . the locals won the Roselle' Golf Club champion, places Norman Koury who • will jturned in cards of 76-81-157 for theGeorge Kttauer ahd.Mrs.'D. C. North Jersey Section S title,, the Jennings'won low putts in the re- be handling the. Westfleld. Legion Watchung Conference pnd ended \ two-day event. . : sqiiad this year. . . " • A: it - -in-.-i in, .I, . " • ' spective classes.-, , • • , the season .with a 22-5 mark. '.,:0:.

TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR NOW IS THE TIME. A COMPLETE AND FULL VACATIOM Loop Results Brown's Mohicans; maintained jimiiumiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiimiimiiim IIIIIIIIIIIMII. their pace setting role In the No- AT THE BEAUTIFU1 mahegan League fay defeating the CCanfbrd Elks' Navajos, 8-4. Bill I»V up to you tOflef your childf off »o a good storf KresSe was the winning pitcher In life .... and one of the surest ways- »o provide for while Bill Thornton took the. loss. the future is with a Union Cbunly Trust Company Savings Doug Brinsko and Bill Kresge hdd Account. Just a small amount' from every paycheck de- two hits each for the. winners while Jim Woilanrt_andjBiil Thorn- posited in Union County Trust will soon build a solid ton led the' Navajos at batT-" ~ r financial future for your family. ' ••••'• Gibson Associates' . Seminoles Save at Union County Trust where your money-earns. foiight their way into sole posses-, 3 T/2% interest per year compounded[and credited ItUIIIIUIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIhmillllll I III sion of second place by winning IIIMUUiiiullinllllUIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllllllUlllii two games this Week. They out- quarterly. ' • 2 - CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN $COTCH PLAINS scored Goldberg's Cherokees 14-9 4 on Tuesday and,routed the Subur- STARf SAVING TODAY! , , (Just a Few Minutes, from Cranford) banj Trust Company's Apaches 10-0 on Sunday. ••.':. \ : In the first game, Wayne John- NOW ACCEPTING A LIMITED NUMBER son; and; David Baines split the hurling for the winners while Tom Schink and Ron Mahhardt twirled OF MEMBERSHIPS FOR 1963 SEASON for the Cherokees. John Giorda- no, Jim Olson, David Baines, John [nion County Trust Contpaiiy Murphy, Gleii Thimons and Bruce Serving You In A Wonderful Vacation For You Bernstein hit Well.for the Semi- noles* in 'this ofree-hitting .game ELIZABETH And Your Entire Family while Bruce * Nassbcrg, Kevin Brown, David Karalis and Ron JWahhardt supplied the- power for LINDEN SKACKAMAXON the losers, . CRANFORD BERKELEY HEIGHTS In the Sunday game, Wayne Johnson and John Murphy pitched MWIH rioiMi eooiit IWUMWCI coi>o»*tiou " ' , SWIM CLUB the Seminoles to victory by holding JVi if One of the >Cotntry's Largest •.-. .Acclaimed the the Apaches to only one hit, a Cleanest Pool in the State?. single by Fred Roode. The winners were limited to four hits made by • if Dressing Rooms Free — Showers <. John Murphyi David* Baines and it Circular Design Assures Safety for .the Children Wayne Johnson. Raymond John- ~~-~ :CrsSw it Accreditwl Life Guards at All Times son was the losine pitcher for the Apaches. • • . ."- .--,' . • - - ' "* it Hot and Cold Meals Served at the Pool On Wednesday, Gray's Pawnees edged put the Suburbnn Trust POOL OPEN UNTIL 9P.M.... 7 DAYS A WEEK! Company's Apaches by a 7-3 count. Bob> Quinlan struck out 13 op- Call FRED DEVESA for Information: ADams 3-1300 ponents oh his way _ to, victory while Gary' DeLonge, the loser, . .^^JJ—J^-^. , .. ..-. ,,'i—.—.^^^...;.t., ... • , - n •[^_^_.^,J^^_J^^J.^J. Jt,__JL1_J ilium ||, „ u iu_ - Jf u^'-- •^*^i>|M-mn - •-—i",y-.m -j^+i struck ouf 10 Pawnees. Chuck Iri- nocenti, Jeff Vandermark, Mitch SHACKAMAXON GOLF & COUNTI 7JyrGflxy Walters, •Corl Herbert ahd .John " H«« A Limited "Number Of McHugh-led the vlcWr* at but while for the Apaches, Roy John- son had ai double while Jeff Mack* eyich, Mark Rinoldi and* Fred GOLF MEMBERSHIPS OPEN Roode had singles; .For Th© 1963 Season. The Cranford * Body & Fender Works' t Cheyenncs ed'ged' the Cririfqud Kikg' Nayajos by8.to,6 in Coll Mr. Tokar for Full Details a close ba'ird-fQusht game on Suh- M day. Al Antoine struck out H bat- ters Itf pitching hlQ.way to victory. Tom Joralemnn. and i pitched for pw'loslnji team. AL •=«*-•.

•?.];-• iA^tA^^ f'n hanging Ltwcen 4hi.rd and home. Third-base-. Ninei man .Bob Korlesky Jfinaliy put- the ams " By RICH RUBENSTEIN '•'-•' ft toe. dayy'and afte.r the-.spotfdy first McManus' Junior .tag. oh Mazzella killipg the Cougar Beayei"S by topping the eian-. ars;2-0 Tom. CymbalUk scattered nine ' baseman pilfered. ' sdcond,. C. iare High of Linden ;fct 'Nofnahegan The first-place Cranford H6tel ed .fred Groat atid Ed Nestor' tar foi-d lions Club Blues, "2- j. Right handor Iiuve Harzold hits and led.Crantprd High's frosh drove in Conner1 with a single? (p Park, Cranford; Rams remaihed undefeated in.this k>ad itie bases. XVthni^ Burke> then Both-teams had base runners qn " B>>» Brorr " The RaipS .broke a scoreless • tossed a four-hH shutout as Hill- : : .Week's • Pony* League action- by blasted a -gi;anclslam homerun to in each /Fame after that but nclthW ba'sebojl -team to a.'5-l Victory over left. .,' . • • \,_ '.' •"• •;••: I'rmnlord AU II deadlock in the )tp"urth frame by side High^s varsity bnsebal!. .teahi Goodwill', 3b '•'.'..-.'....'.:...... ,..• 4 I downing . tlu* Jjut tho gameoh ice for Jhe Rarrisi roiild materialize"until the cSmets Rah'vC'ay at Nomahcgari Park^ Mon- Rahway tallied its only run. in 1( 4 3 Fire'rnen's MBA pushing five riins across the plate. downb,(J. Cranford for the second ~pus'h'od across their two'runs-'in the day morning. -First baseman Tim the sixth when With one;qul, Den- lb ...... ,',,^.'....>.-.;•• 3' 9-:>.'" , , now' After :.- TaraseJt - singled home Burke was winning pitcher and Hllll, .time this yearfjl-0,' uv.ifillside last sixth/ ,. • ;••.';: '. '• • • • ;';, ':., nis Motensen lined a triplt'to right struck out 11". Roy Kbehig Jed; Conner an.d second baseman Mike Cl.nv. 2b:, The Amo-ican Legion Chiets §wartsback whd^had tripled, lbs- Thtirsday afternoon. . • ' ' A walkiio leadofT hitler Don kal- scored on toomtnate Carl. F]a- o •A. m«A^r*»^^.vj.._»i...... i- .... j g. pitcher George Goodwin walk- Clare each^ •knocked in' two runs • yjxo'a with n the losers at the plate with Harzold.'a junior! used effective fus opened the Hil.lstde sixth but single to left.-.- Cymbaluk, p . ! With two-hits, fapieee-while Scott If 0 hits. breaking pitehe.s and good- off »spced two., forte outs followed with Kor- i retired the •. Indians In jWdsmmi 1. Trexza .pitcht^cT the Christerison was 3 for 4 iripludjng c 1,-fM'^nth in- nnr\o\- ihi»il.cvni'tjiiiuk,' ; mt-tt. and hand tho Ux nl< their Tathi one With- two outs. SclvulsRy P5^i^r?7elglitTi'^'cTor3>. . lowing the Blues only three hits .season setback,, their ninth. In' the i stepped up and worked O'Brien for TnTTCotiSurST Kahuay K KB I ana. one run. The' Chleis scored ' • Watehung Conference. a 2-2. count before flamming his The Victory tor Coach Jim. Love's season Saturday with Snilth; ss .:,. . 0 0 Cougarsv-w'tis- their eighth against' a.m. Kollurnl,-,-ab - .0 -0 single runs in the'Se'cond and.thirdt. , .Junior shortstop BillSchutsky [•game winning, four'-bagger. . /.••-: flat son;'. If 4. (I 0 Win Streak Extended to 8; frames to annex the victory.' Ii>s-' jvist f6ur losses^--Tht' locnls had de- j- broke up a scor6.le.ss tie" with the ' Harzold calmly retired the. Cou- v Bcliwvltzrr, c ;:. .-,.:'..• x . 6 0 .viuritken. 2b 'j 0 •• The first pUicc Multi'Arnp lienapes scared.33^.'runs, in two Barnes ing hurler' Pete Guy alloWPd only " Bame-det'idlng'.hii in the bottonV gi«r^ in th'e~se'venfh to gain the ti>- 9-1., for their seventh, •P win two weeks ago, but' dropped a % O'Reilly:.." M cf 3 0 tliie—vv>-.^k" while' hblding their opponents scoreless to run their \yin- four .hits. Chuck Arcli.dtacon had of the.sixth,-,'a. two-r.un homer to umph, 2-0.' ' .-.. ."••'•• 3 :\ 0 two blhgles and-^Shelly Geller Sl'lplry, 1b :....•..... l 0 ning streak.to c.ig'h-t-games this-'wbek^ftijhe Unami.Lbagut'. Irt^Tirtjiiht deep.left field'. The four-bagger : Due to thp rahyotit of the Clark M decision to Winfleld"Park the- Equally Airlepl 0 following Saturday! - . " ' ... . )''ii'rllo, .lb ....».•„.. ...:...... 3 . 0 1 •gjinres u'(>M'by the Lennpes/thehTfiaWonly 'bee slammed a '400-foot .double tp pacft '• •was tagged off Cougar . Frank {•aine Tuesday, theCpqgars have a i .:.• : 3 •o 0 K scored by th« winners at the pla-te.c Ricky • Cymbaluk,. 4-0 thus far this -sea- • On Skates or SpikeA . , ' 6 O'Brien who took' over for sopho- fairly busy week starting with tp- Hamir.fon'~sfaiTe^ in relief for the son,' struck out four and Exhibited ....;...• 3p 1 more "hurler Mike Delia Rosa in . The locals, wilt rrtak. e U,£. the' Bill PJummei; and Bob O'-f '. Tho'••league leaders crushed the Blues. , : '•;•' . ' . perfect control by not yielding-a Reilly, Granfqrd Hockey Club's: Cninforti 'a o o 0 .1 0- X—5 9 the third franiC' after the latter J postponed Clark "tilt -this afternoon Riihv.'-iiy ' 0 D 1 O--1 I) Rei'niblieciii Club. CrowsT~ftH), bp.. walk. Ho kept the Indians con- two s.tav defensem.en,. nre now 0 0 0, Tlxe-Cranford Rotary Club Bears sustained a leg injury and was at Clark beginning at' 3:45 p.m. Errors:. Cnuiford—Bcndlc, Guotlwjn; Hull hiiid the tlTFec'-Tiit pitching of'Ken stantly, hitting on the groqnd and leading . Jtheir respectivo. high knocked''the VFW Colts down to' forced to retire. O'Brien also and.then will return home tomor- . way--ainltli. Motenstri. Furllo. fourth •".plate by 'gaining a -6-1 de-;- 1 •"speHko^'jaitJJiSijdiarriond arid are Doublii;: Crunford—iSoodwln. Rc-istelU: Rich'lviazz'Qlla and .Rich" pitched superbly, 'yielding. J?njv, tDiLJ *ternopn. .with a Tl 'ci'itnlord-'--clulKti.'iiKon: Iluhwuy— Lynx" Mtii Twice c-ision over, them. Jim lfcller,' way. ^.''•'.•.'.-•• • • ,. ' •' j Spitzer each hud two hits, to pace threo'.hits while strTkmfj oiit• UvcT-i'ield^nieoUng with Clifford Scott 1 among the. "homily'S Urp~~-ten-4-l- .fyis teammates got him off to a Strjke Out;.- CymGtiliiiT *: Ciot'u'5Sw.Ht?f"B1;'' winning pitcher, struck out 10 rind and walking tttree. Harzold fanned' Hj&tfoi East Orange,, also it 3:45 hitters.- • : - ; Rastclli' struck ou fast sarstartt wwitth ttwoo runu s in thee in-: WulKs—Cymlinlulc 0; Oolusowslcl 1. In Cougar League had_ two. hits -to help 'ihis -own six., and issued just two base-oiij .m. Tuesday the Comfars'will re- ' Plummei;, who plays the. inr W—Cytnbalulc I5/-Stan" ZT" ^ cause. Al Hamiitoji and Bill Al- . balls' in. gaining ..the triumph. sume play with .another home af itial frame on three'hits. Christen- The Lynx and Bobcats each won r ion, with One out, lined a single field as wcli as pitchos for. Pin- Harry Linderoth connected • fo: ,w and bans uiso had two bingles for the The Cougars put on -tho rgerfy realfair with second place Rahway in gry School.; is batting .419 while Torhcals yianja pair of tilts ,-stole second, and, scored four hits, Mazzellar Tom t Dona-S" the wfnners;""T6'gaatl" "was' -Wio.4 • Ihreat-'b'efore the sixth-^'ith' a noja CHReHly, who is at the back- bUrTost one Ihis week in Cougar -ou--Goime*'sr single. Conner tb6k ' Netsters van. and •John Van 'Brunt each hiaiicr. .• ,'. -eut rally in the fj&orth.—I BIT stop position , fqr the- Cougars,- ou League, action. . - - . . The Cranford Junior, Service Mazzclla walkejHo open the inning; Friday with undefeated Spring- second on a' fielder's 'choice and; stacked t three binjjles and Ken stole- thirds^before coming across is hitting at a .395 clip. . >- The Lynx nipped ^the Beaicats, League Stars ..won their".'- third', tlit,.'. and s tp thir^i when'Rusty field Regional at Mernori.al Field, Rastblli and Gary .HDrbsfer each on ClaV-e's single iip the middle. Both O'Reilly and PJummeV | 2-0, as 6ach"pitcher tossed a one- of the season by'clowning the J&Jr-- Ci-ee lirtJcTaded a double Uricfttcen- both, beginning'at 3:45 p,m. ; x CymJJaluk 'hurled nothing but .did. yeoman • service forr the By RICH RUBENSTEIN hacl a pair'of safetfes to" lead .the httter. ^Tbmmy Schreiber gained Electric Marlins, 7-4. • Shelly Mit- ter.yj^lch Rubenstein followed, and •Mox Stoj-e r frunfnlrd RBI goose eggk^t Rahway lor the- first Cranford Hockey^ Club this Coach Stu Goldblat't's Cranfori Lpi'iape&'to ,'an overwhelming .17-0 th'e victory' , arid EdL BGcKe?" TTOhr ttefth ijd s&fiia sharp groujider to first base- 1 1 Maz/.ella. 2b' ' .'. past season .when the team' High tennis team became the win the loss. An error in tl>« initial ^^rnnn.Schufsky who retired Rubeh- Crce. ib five frames and had a 5-0 lead after win over the J. B. Williams Com- •man and. also led his,teanvat~HaT thq fifth 'when the Cougars tallied went .undefeated as_ did Cran- ningest Cranford High net team in frame, allowed .'both runsi to score. with I'wtf- hits. Dave Prill and . stein unassisted and then fired thp. anch'es. Mazzella _ajid' + Donavah three more times in the bottom ford's star* pitcher, ^6b Prall. the last 10 years by> swamping, Charlie Obranowicz pHched'and Dave VanBrunt each had a pair pitched for the winners and ~tA~ of the inning. Ge6rge Goodwin Linden, 4,-1, at Linden last Thurs batted, the Lynx to a 4-2 win over of. blngles for' tire losersl, Van- r led off with a double and scored day afternoon. low/od only* one hit'. Steve Gachko th«. Jaguars. C. Niea/iochia to(ok Bruntvvas the losing pitcher. ' '\ immediately on Christcnsoh's third The local netsterti, with* a wii was the losing hurler. the.loss. • All Stiturdiiy games were post- hit, a triplC( Gonnpr promptly Golumbia Tops over Linden, recorded their eighth Tommy Isaac.kept the Cranford Ray Hcrzog, Phil Niesz and poned due to rain and the Seals- made it 4-(Twith his second hit of Victory of. the campaign and stij Druggist H.urpns-ita contention by Niesz. all homered to lead the Angels tilt was pt>stp6ried on Sun- GHS Golf Team have two more . regular season twirling a thttec-hitter against the (dontinucdon'Patfe 7) day due to wot giouhds. . Tarulll. et ...... 3 matches remaining." The -bes Sho'prite Crees besides lead i»ig his Cranford High School's golf JouutJ, ss - ...3 previous season in ithe last decade team in batting with a. triple," a O'Reilly. If .-. ... 1 team dropped" a 13-5, decision.,"to .. 2 was 8-5 In'19(50. I'he Cougars wii double and vi sirigle. He registered DlP'ublo, 3b : Columbia of Soiifh Orange-Map- Delia Rosn. p\,., ... 1 be oqt to Improve that Jog with i 14 stiikeouts. The Hurons O'Dt'leit. p .'.:. I- lewood last' Friday at-Maplewood meeting, this afternoon with once- 1J-7. Bobby . Haddad and Mark Totnls 21 Country Club. -It- was the third bea-ten Westrield- at 3:45 p.m. and Chodosh each contribuied a' pair _1QSS_OJ. the. year ,,f.of the^jCo_ugar_ : J ; rtf- ^ffti- ^&mplete'Uie-yc'ih s HUNT KalTus, qt .....',....»..„.... I—which—has—four- -a •>• 0 .season.play on Tuesday with Braffdcnberger. had ^a.ll- .th^ee- hits ,...r,..., • .} 1/ Hodnranci.', tt .....!..,. 3 0 0 ' 0" one.tie."'. , • • Korletky, 3b ,%..... IV d^natch. against Linden, also ai. for the loserY He\vas also the ' 1 .0. • o Jcn'y Grayco paced.-.t}} SehUUKV, Ib~.....'.;.....; " 1 3:45 p'im'. Both matches will $' ing pitcher.. ' '. ; 2! Acts[ • JO acully....ES^,<,.;.v., 6 • X 0 ford; team by pijsUng^a 40 played on the CHS tennj.s courts. ' The Cfomanchos bested the C Flsfi'riiun, 2b,.*. 0" "1 0 ing 2 Mi points Haizold. p ....I... 3 .0 JO 0 * ICH^l^ foi'd Dombcrntic Cluh -"-.'• sponsored by - - 0 0 0 ini, lhe*ma.tch-match-'medal com- McLuuffhlin, o playing "of seniors-Bob Olson,. Jay 12-7.' Steve .Cachlco paced the I: t:. 3 0 0 0 petitlon. Fred Atkins also carded «i ' • Fan-oil and I^iek Huston, and jun-> winners at the plate with-three ' Totals .. .: 20 a 40 Including birdies- on tfie> doubles. W7 Hopkins, J.. Coates eighth and ninth• holes.- Bill. Ray ors Tom'Beam and Tim Fliihei'ty; Crnnford 0 0 0 0 0 O 0—0 swept all three . singles matches and J. Dorin all made sensational CRANFORD ELKS Hillside • 0 0 0 0 0 2- x—21 birdied the second hole. 1 and" won .one-' of two doubles plays in, the. field to save the Rosjultspf. the match follow:. ... Errors; None. matches toigain the victory. Olson gnrhe for the'Cbmanches. Robe'rt For Benefit of Crippled Kiddies DoublM: Cranford"—Crec. . Eric Teiienbaum, . Columbia "delieated- Linden's Barry Gerber, Seager was the winning pitcFier Mopie Rutit: IlTllsldo—Schutslcy. '(4-1 j, defeated Bill Donnelly (43.), Strike. Outti: Hnrzbld 0:. DPlI losii 3; 0-3 and 6-4, while Farrell clowned nncl Dan Mahoney took -the loss. • • •! •••••• •'' •••• _^_ at —• '••-" '. "••• ••• '• 2% to \\ Steve Rass, Columbia O'Brien 2. -.. ' . Dave Markant, 6-1 and 6-2, and Ra'y Seney led the ChFcasawS at Wnlji.v:-Harold J: Delia Ronn 1; O'Brien 3. (40^defeated Bill Ray. (42), 2 to Bearn defeated Dave WciUmart bat with two singles. HBP: by O'Bridn (Fishmnn). Lowenstein, Columbia Sac,: O'R;Mllji»-. 3-6, 6-3/and 6-S. --- (30), MEMORIAL FIELD ANNEX lr—O'Brien.. Gatyas'Sets Javelin Mark 6 down Linden's first doubles l.eam'. of Steve Siegal and Marty 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. : Sherling 5-7, 6T4, 6-2 while Cran- Stephen M. Gatyas, jr. of 506 E." COASI-TO-COAST MOVERS iinco.ln avenue receptly took first ford's team of Dennis Harcketts Anywhere in iho U. S. or Canada and-licnny-Qrand lost;to Tigers' since, in ^Western Carolina * Ath- THRU AUGUST 3 Safe, Reasonable and Don Epstein, and" Phil Grayson, etic . Conference for Junior Col- I>OST 2:30 ' ft-2-a.nd .7-5. ' cges for throwing the javelin. 2 mllns (rom 6ardenSt,Pkwy.JExIt'i05 Dally Double 2:20 Immediate Service. This is "Hie second*' cohyecutive . SckaUL TWINS tuiitt ta^rjuiditiiidJOST). r " Iv. P«nn. Shitton, Ny....l2i20 ,S4tt. 11:48) g Thrilling Races Dai/y THE 1963 IMPALA ^ Van. — flail — Boat — Air 2Va to ',?; Joe Pascal, Columbia ear that he has acceptcfd the tv. Newark (Penn,)...,., 12.35 S*tr. 12.04)- (46), defeated Fred. Krug (46), ward for Winga.te Junior College iv. Liberty SfW (CWJ).12(30 Sats. 12,00) CraqdsUnd $2 u f Newark (CNi)..".. ,..'..12.40 (Sats. izi66) 2 s, to \k\ and Arnold Peters, Col- t'Wingate, N. C. where ho-will Clubhouse S4 On the Midway. Courtesy of HENRY P. TOWNSEND, Agent (EarlMrTraln Departures during July) umbia (40), defeated Paul Hen- iracluate in ' Julie. His throw of' Connecllnr Train Iv. Crunrord tax Incl. flits (H*i». 11AM . 'CWILbRCM UNDER IK ... ALLIED VAN LINfeS, Inc, derson (49), 3 -to 0.' 71 feet» 9 inches set a new. con- NOr ADMITTED Sullivan Chevrolet, Roselle Park JFlwjptoof Slotaa* Pacing & Cratttig a Specialty The Cougars will take part. in erence recor.d for Western Caro- ' far C!amtr\*rrin] ntirl "~~ " ' " ^y^ij j MONMOUTH PARK The Resort of Racing Household Goodi. • Call ADams 2-4464 itient tomorrow at Scotch Plains Country Club.

-v ' l ement!

The Cranford merchants have not only drastically cut prices for this

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~r-Jr. !-";*>$*• '»*•• ••A.. ••._•..

CRANFORD (N. J(.) CITIZEN AND CHRONrCLE-^THURSDAY, ,tMAV .vchowing, aiid stunting. Spectra-' • .. Services : "• " : Real Estate For Real Estate For .cide". te hV ,--, ,''•.•*• • ; turt/siich as St.- Alugustirie gras"s,; . . ' WILLIAM IT OAVirJSON • M'cPHERSpN REALTY dp : ! Classified Rates OKNIBAL CONTRACTING. Carpentry, •:. ' CRANFORD- ; dow-'n' t'o the-JcVct wher"«v the dc-' . Matonry. Pl«»Urln« * Rooftnxr Bittctt* .-. •-'•• ; .'. ««ALTOH' ,• . •".. ..• itructive insects^hidc. ' ! •'''.',' e-383«. No job too amalL bumttM ©ental Nurse Graduates t\ FIRST INSERTION —3 cents a word, 79 cents mln without oblgatlon. -. "'; , ,.. "if BQASD OF REALTORS Opma Dally »-» - Sunday >-• . Speetracide is ;.easily 'applied cash with order. (A 5 cmte Mnrk* charg* is mad* • BvatUDfl.6-9 . ' pT. John Carr of Cam'dcn, executive jbc-cr.ttary ,of the-New with1 any spreadei'.iThe ready-to-' CAJtPENTEB and CONTRACTOR. All lisc firapules require no mixing. A for *ach billing.) . kind* of alteration*, porche*. «te, Lud- Multiple Listing Setvicr ST. " , , erji State Dental"SOdety, will be Ruc'at speaker at comrhenciimen| cere- m\g Beibert. 388 Lincoln ~Driv«. K«nU- monies Tuesday for graduate!? of the d6ntal'nursing pYofiram at Uniyn 12 Va-poihid box -cbyers up4o 2,505 REPEAT INSERTIONS (CoruwcutiT* wttb without copy *orth, BRldg* «VO836, " • « Or by Appotntmaat 1 'Junior.'GoUegi*. '•'•.. . '*,"' . .".'. V'1 '••.".'.''.' scru.are feet of lawn. It is av.ailablo ; changes) —< 2 c«nts a word, 50 cfhts minimum. locally1 Ht Truberibach's Eced and «aJBCTRICAl> CONTRACTING — Hou«» The program \vill bb>conducted at 8 p.n1' in the lecfture hall of- ADS SET BY LINES — 15 c«nt» a line. Ads Mt In cap* wlrtn*. ' Jobblruj. fluore»c»nt fl^turen Seed Store, 116 South avenue, easti, repair* and plug* Irittalled.' • G«org< ft«artor« iY\c college's. . ' frith blank lines or display lines must b* charged by SangiilUano, -12 Uyctla SVcet , T»l chcxroed obi • BRldrfe 8-»52»' •-' .. V '; -BRidge 6-8110 . . . thc-job training •» the office,.of .a. twoltaws. MIME1DGRWPHING7 wiil present certificates to the.stu- 'dentist.-' " etc.. « »pe-' F^» tiny CASH, Checks or Stamps'should accompany aa*« COW OR.. HORSE MANURE well fettled. High School. This young (folonlul has 8 sbr'od by Union Junior College and For Rent ,eich»u»t. . 5 Burnalde Avenue. • Salesmen Vjy r.6tt; in .the-corrtpanV's annual .re- : m ' • .looiiiu. Vi bithu. law, porch; full buw- Form rich topuoll, also fill dirt S5 de- Mlri Finlayson ..,..;...... BR 6-7041 the Union County Dental tS'oeiety For Lawn Pests livered. CHEiSTjNUT FARMS.. MU lU- BOOMS FOR BENT by day or week. irient, tirrpluce, uurBUe und it's.priced rluht. Paul F.Humoiibn ...... BR 6-6516 port, mailed; to •stockholder.^,'said 48M. .-...•• . ,• U HtJiaonatile Rate*.. BKldfA 6-J121. BRidge 6-5600 opened in Ot'tobcr. In addition to ;of' the most destructive Alberta Coo^e '.....' BR 6TB67 180 hours"'of academic and pro- sales for the 62-week pvyiod ended CHANFORD HOTEU « AtiUMtNtni porch • •nbiDiurM t; Eleanor- Craig". BR BilllB lawn pests can now be, controlled lust February 23 wej« $5,310,544^ JalotuleK, awning* *yp« window*, com- A Brick River Home Nadml. Mepehan. -.... ,.••• BR 6-2062 fessional studies,- -the students are with- a- new 'granular insecticide PAINT. bination atom! window* an') acreeiu >'»• Louise Svedman .. BR. 6-«i53 '4,0u, an incr'on^c'q^i-.'i percent over combination door*. Llfetlr.e Aluminum required to take 45 hours of on- called' Spectracide. It contains 2 COMPLBTTl! LINE > A inqst unusual combination und. a most Open Friday EVPIUHBK 7-9 P.M. the $5,240,315^0*0 total -fon, fiscal INTERIOR AND t^CTJBRIOR 5 rodue't» •Tnc. 'QU South Avenu*. -W jjercent Dia^siinon 'Insecticide — Apartments for Rent BRidge eVOJOJ. tl delightful home. B rooms, porch and 1V4 . ,— OPEN WEEKENDS . — J961 andJsrSTpcrcent greater than : butlm on'the Ittt-flbor, 1 raoms arid bath on Sat. J rota B A.M. : Byn. from 1 P.M. widely' u?ed>and recognized as an iXTEX WAIA PAINT v-' 26 B'URNBIDE. AVENUB—Fqurrflomiir h«at. t)ic 2nd. full- buitement with d "26 x 3ff (I, the previous Veeord of $S;246,57«,- hot wjtter and electric supplied.. ID5. lielp Wanted - Male outstandinj*'- pesticide, for, insect BRldtie 6-0385. :. tf recreation room and a 3-ear iitt. earaiie. 200j>sr Finishes ALTERATIONS ' - " • * :. ' i .. eood,career wltR u ntttlonulb] prominent The lawn-damaging insects eon- Color company than'In Immediate returns. This provision of $66,4jl)0;600 for United or Rent UNUSUAL -1B u good .Job where. uibllity un 4.8 . percent increase Bouievtrd ' Kenllwoitri portatlon, Hultuble for storuue. With Black Shutters ' dltlon. .Seldom do we have'.jt UstliiE that Earnlnien are based on salary and a cen- Bermuda miXcs, 'cricked clover North Ave., W. • BRldu!c 6.-4383. olfers so much "charm and comfortable Uv.- erbuii commission urrauuement!. Cur ever the^$57,463,700 net income of BR 6-1888 needed. BINDER, SEWING 'MACHINE mites, cutworms,'arnjyworms a.nc|, • ^ ••,.•-_.• tt Contractor and Bullcjer *lnc- 104* »ft;JUJu>««ft*--, thp.p^Oyious year and wore. 2 per- thude treos. We hope you «ct the Picture! room, tllniriB room und kitchen arc tl nrm Mini rtixtm, lyniiinilil, ^rminii 3- oppers.-- theivrt'nnoying posts A delightful. 0-roorn colonial w|th a Brand Urge rooms: There are three ;«ood .islze 0747. cent gre^tef than' the 1960 record .LOOR WAXINO. MACHINES, new and Wanted To Rent BRidge 6-9548 New Modern IfCUcbcn, laree- nun room; bedroomii and tiled bath on the second controllccl by this 1? u»ed, complete Una of. ,w«x-S7«2. . •• ' tf for three adults, Unfirrnlshed. June on third level. Lnrex icreened porch ovcr- sowbugs^'springtajls, fleas, brown or July .occupancy. Excellent local ref- 'GET rUlX HOTTSK. POWER looklnK bettutlful krounds 78 x ISO, with holders amounted to $1.701 a.shai-e, , erencc. Cull 273-5424, after 8130 P.M. .' UO volt Installation* our ipcclalty . muny trees, flowers and i.hrubs. Horiic Work Wanted - Male dog ticks;' millipedes and "digger 1H1S WORJLD BOOK: EnoyclopedUj nr»t I /nCMERUANN BROTHSRS attractively decorated. Must be seen . fo BOY WISHES worlc mowini: lawns, uftcr- consisting of four regular quarterly ' ' ,8-29 v wasps. ' . '_.--'•' ' - ., in Mies. B'udtfet' plan. Call EVElrtN Eleotrleal Contractor* be appreciated. noo'nu. Call..BRIdge B-24ai. 6-23 payments of 30 cents each and a CHA1KEN, ruiton 8-4218. • tf MO 8-0344 , BR W-68M XTStO • • > tf To See these A-A^THbmes Spectracide granules alsQcan be year-cjnd extra of 50 cents, . In. BEVERAL HARDWIJK BBS r*n«es, per- Homes For Rent Help Wanted ^ Female used in "spot" treatments for con- 16,1, dividends totaled. $i.3f> a fect condition,- $30 each. CaU BBldgt TRUCK CRANK and TJD.-9 Bulldoieer trol of ants and wasp's. Band treat- •-oaos. tf for hire. S. W. Oliver, Inc., BBidga, 1 share. Additionally; a 2 percent CRANF1ORD: u. «-alB» and HUnter 8-7058. ' tf Office l& open from 8:M AM., to EVELYN WADE SALESWOMAN, over 3d, ^piuot'be afilc to ments around home* foundations stock dividend was declared at the 8:30 P.M. Weekdays dlscuiui drcBsmalclhi: and common scwlne ALUMINUM combination storm ttlndtara ' prohlcms with cnstomcrii. . Inlcrcstlnu will help prevent insects from close of each of the Uvo fiscal years. . wnfi «cre«rm—used—various -,ilft«s. S5.O0 4 BEDROOMS, 2 Vj. BATHS, Center-Hull WEDDING INVITATIONS- Buy from ex- Bunday: 1:00 P.'M. to 5:30 P.M; • worlc with cvcellent enrnlng possibility's. entering the house. . ... • ••' . - arm UP, Lifetime Aluminum PfSttneti S«Jllt Level Home, rccreutlon room, double perienced,' professional printer* and en- & SON Many company .benefits; , ^ald'vacations Mr. Ehrgott's report to the share- Ine.,.slO3 South Avenue. W., BRidge 8- Ukruwe. "'Oil hot 'wiiter hcut..- 18-month graver*. Best quality and price.. Fait FREE PARKING at - and attractive retirement plan. -SINGER Homeowners can, usually'tell in- holders also ttote.d that the net SMS; • - • -" •.---•.. -•- -•--••.• ••••••• tt letup available trom June 20, $37.5 monthljs service. Free parking at the door. Kealjtprs - Insurors SEWING CENTER. 62 Elm St., Wefitflcld, sect pests are destroying their ALLEN 'PRINTING CO., 41 North Ave^ ADams 3-01(47. •' ' '.. ... 5-23 worth 6f A*iP rose from $514,975,- PIANOS »nd. ORGANS, top brtnda, bett lawns when they see brown spots, 000 "to $536,404,000 during fiscal urices. Dudkln Piano Co,, Worth Ave. ColntmeiAts av BRidge 8-2244. ' ' ' at Railroad Station, Westfleld. ADama REALTOR . " ' • BR 8-5000 Realtors and Insurers -'—txco-nltthts a-weekrFuldaJ' «nd 8aturdui'_ 13 EuStmiln Street . Cranfortl OIL BURNER-SALES, Service", Installa- •Ctoll BRtdee jO-7100 for llttcrvlew. t-un. u 1 «3. NORTH TJNIOH AVE. . CRANFORD tion. Hot' water heaters, furnace and BRidge 6-8110 Tlirfee hmm Licenses !he jjear-carlier j-e,cord high -of BALT . lor WATER SOFTENERS, l " boiler installations and repairs. . Tree ;.. BVININas'CALL . ered. Refined,, rock, pellets and Wat- estimates. NICK MANFREDO. 303 So. iai North Ate A CAREER KENILWORTH—The license ot $21.48, based oh the 23,971',240 kins cosine. All too pound bago, Tutoring Z Vnjott Ave:r Cranford. Bttldge 2-5793. POOT OJP CENTENNIAL AVENOB Ann OlbBon MS-iasi Wolfdletcr P, Weber, 22, of 24 shiires outstanding on Feb. 23,'1963." A; R Salt Service. CHCBtnut 1-3720 TUTORING — ELEMEN.TARV. CHestnut XQ"arg5~pta-—.r.TrnT^T^T.i;.-...,... BR 6-0Wl -with-AVON—eOSM&TlCS-cau-not South^23rd--sti'0et.Was revoked on Much of the company's* annual BRd B-VJ88.: U 5-484'4. . • " ' •-.-•• 5-20 Tom Wade ..„. BR 6-1083 (un but profitable. Excellent Income, C3IIMNEY, ROOF and .gutter repairs. bonds, prizes can be yours.. Ke your own April 12 for two years .for driving report was.devotted to an explana- Also asphalt and 'concrete work. D. ROM Rowland,-9r 276-6320 FERTILIZER, time, -erasir seed, evejercens ' V*1.- •. ' • • ' . •• bossl Cnll Mrs. prny-, MI 2-DN8 for home under the. influence of .alcohol .in tion of the A&P capitail^jnprove.- and trees. Fret "advice, frte dellv«ry. • ATJTBRA. BRidge 8-4810. i tf Interview. . • . '.-..• - HERB DITZEL'S NURSERV AND OAR- WILLOUGHBY Maine, "The license, of Roger N. nients program,' includin'g invest- *JkN CENTER. 280 Dcnmfln Road. .Cran- jumble Store MASON WORK.AND REPAIRS. Steps, Jean, 2.1, of 343 Coolidge-drive was ments in..ft£\«_sitpres and remodel- tprd. BRIdge1 6-6418. . . " " , tf walks, ^patlbs,-1 drains.^ No . ioh too 2-5580 0OMBLE STORE WINTER SCHEDULE — small. BRidge:'.3-Q044., Aitcr 5 P.M. - ABOVE LISTINGS revoked on May 7 for 15 days un- ings. During the 52-week period, - Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday,-Sat- • call BRldee 6-3520. - ' ' ' U lEVENINqg STENO. .vSEC'Y.., der the point system, and .Alice M. the natibn's leading food retail firm BIRD .HOUSES dswHd birdseed I 1 1 TKU- urday, 0:3d A.M. to 4:30' P.M. For col- \xe offered thru member offices of the Piirt-llme, fotir hours per dny. JDiiclatloH. BENBACH'S ,.:'... leuderih uniform, klze. 0, 13; mlbcvllunc- wlHHS^Tr^netwlHHS^Trnets cluvlrnrrr^compiBtBrincllrnrrr^citi ^ . ous.' Cull after 4.' BRlduc 6-4063. B-8530,.-after fl.P.M.: •• 7-25 All Types of cludlnc chiilna, sprlncs and clips. Phono: FUlton 8-540}, fi.j8 MOTOR SCOOTER, excellent condition, EVENINGS CALL - Bloodmobiie; Visit $150 flrm. Can be. seen at 8. it-L. Cities John Mnlone „ Ft) 8-0709 ' Help Wanted Service Station. 300 North Ave., Oarwood, Musical Instructions Evelyn Rcttino , BR 8i575'» The Red- Cross Bloodmobiie will 13 noon to 10 p.m. -, ' Mnry Knlorlm ,... BR 8-4764 visit Cranford on June 10 and will Male or Female E. H. BENNETT, teacher of piano. Lateit Furrier Oil Howland. Jr. ,*. „:. BR 2-6657 be at the • First Presbyterian i. INSURANCE methods. Climslciil and popular. Lel- NEW FURg, Fur ooats romodeted, re- Cecilia Whitiler ..* CH B-4400 UNION County.'K largest • real c'gtiitc firm, v Hohs In your homo. 666 Dorian Road, paired, also made Into capes and stoles. Charles' Newman ,.,. BR 6-5.174 Church to accept blood donations hait opcnlnub In ttfWr new und exlittlnv Lost dud Found Weitflcld. Call ADams 2-S3B6. U Cleani'd-und glazed.'A. KANTNER, 118 of local residents. Those who de- - rcHldenltal Kales department: tf you LOST — Sayings Book NoV-35037. Suburban Walnut Avenue. BRtdfie fi-1678 tf are not experienced, we will train and FIRE > CASUALTY — LlfE v v TruiiTrust cocd:; . ItIf nott restorefc'storiftdj before^Jxiu;before^ . ' ' ' C ' ~ ' I'M' ' i ' Complete Multiple Listings sire to donate have been requested uuld»._you Ipw.ard ^ •s-—

;. .f-,' • r * i-y .tV,-^l

• *

•• • • " *'.- • •

'.'f :-"^: (V. .1.) «vn ".33.a 1963. ;.::' -. ViCt* - -K L. and Bob Reyfl61ds.took the *ihpje Betli-EI . the loiinghu'rier. -:-.' V; ... ,' ''',.5-3- x'ictOry over-the Bea/catv/Mar'.on' ;,n ' «i ible tit ^,s « fo<"^r «th *lV*e» wirinKrs.while*... i*-._—-. fc.1,'. ...L Mi.;1 E^r._s. v.«i. i j * i.. J *' ji i. ^ '.•'• . '•'-••— . _^' • • fellen Nielsen,; Ira EiJler, Gretthen Shirley-P««QeV-anlz rolleit^a, 203 Pete Niesz hit another hoitier- at Jonathan Ptirkhlser, Maryanh, . Racaioptii, rUn i<> lead tht 'Bobcats' in an 8-"4 Anita Randall, Linda Reisburgi game and. a 521 series to highlight SPRINGFIELD :.—, Th.e h/n;V)r"ioll for .the f if tlv markingp'crlod action. this week" in the .Temple Win over the TOmcaUi. Jeff Gt'ay it; Jonathan Dayton' Ri?Ri«nj»l ilijjh School lias been anno.imeW as Sa'nf.ord•, ,'R.etsky, Steward . Rosen, was the vyinnfnjj pit'eher \irui Mike Rona Roihi; Randall Saroki'.n, Jac- Beth-El/, Sisterhoods, B o w 1 i rt g follows:' • . ' ;>- -•• . . .•"' '''.. ."•• " "... V'..-•',' Mershon yuirt'Ved the loss.i- Jim inta .• Smttlins; -•_.. -„_ 1 The Tome:its'bouncecf backr.'to Department of /special service^ Kent, .471. Mindlin .also hand U)e Leopards- their only loss let; Arnold;Bodner,; Elaine • Bouct,- f - ,Chotiner} Dtivid Cohen, Car- had the second high game of 191; J n erri Nicholas Basile, Joseph .Capabi^ of the week. \:tr3l "Jim HiRbie arid ard— , 'Virginia .vpocgt*,: Stephanie? aneo-, Michat-1 Caruso; George and Laura Babat rolled the third lit •Fischo,-. Cowlcs.- June —' M L'J ^ h hits, including homeruns, to -pace T^fW^^ tYqozcsc, TDavicl Gersheri. Fitzgerald, Ruytnond- Morse, 'Erinil . Moore, "kathl6en Murphy, Gene- jZeirhan (TiTshwiki, Maureen'" Hig- the winners'. Higbie was the win- Ruikoivs)ri. Jonnn. Schiuho. JOSPDH Jay eve Tennis Tourney arid. Zuhl ;took -vc—Rapp -ftfcr J t*u»t Seciiry, Franl. Semon, Joseph Tri- Reutershan, Siisan Rivkirj.cl, ! Allyson Kalem, 'Richard pod i, Edward Weber. Date Resef for Saliirdiiy Beverly Ross, LeRoy R«gg, Carol iJeffi'c.V- karlin, .AHsn Kalz.. Jef- The' j'unior Chamber"df CoVn- Danny bourtttirrti.Zuhl each'hajd Ruiz. , l^aviren Smalley, :Albert • fiX'y Katz, Liince K°i-acmer. Stanley rnerce Tennis Tournament for boys three bingletv to aijd' the Leopards Slender, Lots '., Svitafcr .'AiHhony•'{ Levy, Donald Lewis',' AlHii-\ Lubi- arid girls Jn the 10-14-year-old in a .7-3 Win over the/Panthers.- Hotel, Barbers Roberts' .was .the! yi'ihr)ing hurler Verlungieri, "June Waldman, .Rita Iher,.. Marilyn' Marzell, Tina Ma-r- age .bracket has beeji rescheduled - Wilneiy Trudy York. ' I'zeVl, ''.Carol. Ma.tturro, Kenrietti. Still Tied for Lead for this Saturday at the Walnut Cross, toiiktlie'loss. The Leop-p Juniors . , I M;ix, fcind;j7.)fine McCije',. Christine :it:d;; also siopped' the. Badgers,'-.',15- o .avenue-- courts. The-"loiirney' wfll: NANCY WARREN • Bcwl'e". Brien, Thomas .Burns,. ! Mindas, . Patricia Moore, 'Richard In Softball Loop start, at 9 :i.m. • . , • 8'8','"" \VitVith -hpudhdt t-agai in ldleadini gt thhe Barbara Cannon, Meredith Chot- , Moore, Mary-Ann Mlicario, Keith . The tournament was postponed batting attack.' Preston Was the Ellen Parker, Suzanne The Cranfbrd Hotel and Friendly winnmg moundsman andjC)! ''I JHurry In and Take Advantage of irYcr" Frances D'Angelrv,- Gerard J Ejarburs each won single games this, from last week due to rain. Ap- This Big Saving! Ddhnef, Gregory pelCorso, Carole jP.cVker, Joan Wawitz, Robert Gies, plicants can register on the courts nan tooktk"" ththe I'OSKI' . JoiTifNielzeJif l CLOSED WEDNESDAYS from MAV fo 'Sammel, Diane Scobc.V. week ^to"' remain, undefeated "and had a homer for the lasers. SEPTEMBER ' Dcyinsky, Anita. Diamond, Emilia , Harold tied t-or. first 'place •UfTw: Cranford prior to the'matches. Febola, Betty Giftes, Linda. Ham- iNancy. Slut! ton, Valerio Spino, .fid Schenker cfacked but..foiir Stern. Michael . .Tabakiii, Recreation Softball League. doubles to.-pace the Tigei^ to' a mer, . John • Jahukowiez, • Jounne '. iSynh The Hotel nine defeated 'the Ka-4:riek;, Linda JfCuehti,"" Bruce, jKenneth Weiss. .Gail Wilson, Rob-" Bobcats,:Tomcats V' 15-1 win over the Wildcats. Pete J.ert Wuertz. . • . is1- • ••' Sportsman's Shop, 9-3, Pete, Walsh . .(Continuedit"-""11"."'-'" ' froviyruiii Pagerage 5D)) • Gilroy,.'winning pitcher, added a- RICHARD LediK; Adrieane Mardei', "Maj-tin SHOP 1 arid Joe Formanek each tripled to cats-Vto, a 10-1 ,win over the Jag- homerun and Bill Bovnrd cracked Mcnkin, John Meredith, .Judith Freshinen : 101 N? UNION AVE. : — t Open Fricfoy Evenings pace tHe winners at the plate while" Wars. Phil Niesz was the winning (out two siriglps. Art Williams was BRtdge i Brownlie, ffcr. "PeHsy Ki«iiii'eiv hbmerun and a iripTel The Jokers bounced back to V RAPID; REFEHEiyCE TO KELIABLE BUSINESS ..HOUSES down the Davis Bros., 4-1., and hold on to third place. Ron Durham, AUTHORIZED HEADQUARTERS Dennis.Raciynski and Jim Slocum. each had three bingles for the AUTO DEALERS * AUTO DEALERS * COAL FUNERAL PLUMBERS .191 Winners^ Handler was th'6 winning DIRECTORS hurler arid Daviis took'the loss. NORMS CHEVROLET, Inc. BENICK DODGE LOVELAND Fuel Co., Inc. : Edward G. Ledden & $oh : Norm Muldrow twirled a One'- The. Dependable* - A«thori>Bd DlairlbBter . hitter as the VFW blanked J. B. - i Aathoriiei AND HKATINO TRIUMPH SERVICE Williams, 10-0. Tom Reardqn had DART • DODGE • CUSTOM 880 Genuine '-^r- Cray Memorial :•'"'.SALES-^SfeBVICE"- PARTS - ' JOBEHNQ.ANP a- homer and "a bouble and FunejhalJDir&etori-, t'Y • tummer Specict single'" "aricT' a^ double to pace-, the BHldge 8-1144- - 12 ' Springfield 6-2935 ~ tH 51207 winners at the plateA Tom Gooftiey IOT KORTB AVE., K. 6-009^ was,the losing pitcher. •t: Team standings are: , M. a COLANERI LUBRICATION -- * BESVIOC . ' LAING MOTOR CAR '• ' • ' • ' '.....JML-1'..h. * JFISH DEALERS DOOLEY : -. •' PLUMBING! AND HEATING • Including Oil Change and"Packing of-r---- TrTWdry-JTrirlieFiT I."'..'.'.'.'.' 4 0 Ctnnftird Hotel .....,-. 4 JP*ri< D«p»riment — FUNERAfc SERVICE Personal Attention ' > • Wheel Bearings . • Jokers' ....:..I..-. '.:...'. •. :..' 4 To All Out Customers V'.F.W, .•....;'. 4 3 Ntrth MARINO'S FISH MARKET rtNGRAL DIRECCOR8 Duvls Bros. » ',„ ...... ,..v..: '.-... 2 . BR 62167 COMPLETE SAFETV CHECK- 'Jv 13. Wlllliwirs .'... 0 ADams 3-0220 Fresh Seafood Daily • .. Phone:, BRidge 6-0255 r Suortmnitirs Shop :..: ,....v.... 01 • CADI L L AC 2 Moen St. ' Cranfora - •Brakes, Steering and. Electrical^ KlVOrstdO ClUl) ,. ". \'..;..H. 0 Sales Si Service Call BRidge 6-1333 • ' >B North Ave., W. . Oraaford ENGINE TUN&UF*'— Guaranteed Used Cum 34 North Av«.i>JEL ' Cranford REU.LY OLDSMOBILE SERVieE Ad . • Clean and. Adjust Plugs,. Points and Poppy Sales" Begin — In«arpor»t«d —. . ' FURNITURE Atbl * I>L 6-2241 STATIONS .".. Carburatibn • • • .' •• _1. OLD.8HVKl.tI In Borough Today . ' Bale* A Seivlee _ 119 E. Fifth Street Plainfield FLORISTS " GARWOQD—Mrs. George Rod- Fern's Furniture, Inc; COOLING SYSTEM— ADami 2-7651 ••.KveryUtjitiK' For The How* CENTENNIAL Gutt Service ner, chairman Cor the Buddy Pop- S60 Norih Av«:, feasl, W«stfi«ld Furniture — AppH»nC««_'_:: py campaign of Bay' Leaf Post REKEMEIEB'S FLOWERS Juvenile "Furniture , lrvin\MuIdroyv— Start Cfcetley • Drain, Flush and Inspect AUTO BODY -Baby Catriager* •6867', "VFW, • announced that the Unoleum — —Ruga— Lampa ; Gulf Product* -. annual sale of poppies.in the bor-ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, INC. REPAIRS • Funeral Dciisrna • Potted Plants f Mechanic an Duty at All Times . ough will begin today, and con- BRidge B-5000 Truck & Auto Repair* _• Road Servie* • Weddinrf Arrangemeni* BRidfli* 0-9775 r1 tinue through Memorial Day,. ''•••'i. Authorized t Eaitmao 8fc . Cranford "Mrs. Rodner urged local resi- • Garden Supplies 367 Centennial Ave. Cranford MONTEREY MOTORS, INC. P O N T I A G SEVELL'S AUTO BODY LINCOLN CONftNENTAL—MERCURY—COMET—TRIUMPH dents to contribute generously to the drive, proceeds of which are Sales -r. Service • ; •••" "CO.:: •..;•- ;.. BRldge 6-4700 CHesinui 1-2700 CRANFORDESSO 301 South Ave. 'AD 2-6500 " Westf'ield I used to aid disabled veterans and- BODY AND PAINT SHOP . SERVICKNTEB Nighla"Call — AD 2-5252 • Wheel'Allrnmetit it Balanilnft their families. . ' ' Tempesrt, VauxhaM and • BraCe* Service . • • M»tor Tun* H, Uour Towlne Service LAMPS & LAMPSHADES . English Ford Line : J • AlUi Aeeeiuriati 116 North Avew W. Cranford 1001 Lampshades In Stock Flak up »itd Delivery Rerviaa : Fender Repairs —- Painting , Call BKldte <-0l(K> GOOD WILL IJSED CARS "." 130 3rd Are W. : - Retell COMPLETE LAMP HEPAIR-1WJHT. *. ^^TiudltPaintliig & Repair* M CRANFOHD ui ^AMPBBADEB MADE TO OBDEK -•-•• Foreigrn Car Service ." WESTFIBLD .FLOWER SHOP Our experience enablei u» to solve any JIDamt 2-3700 John c! Sieutrnacil '. ' '• lamp br lunuMhnde problem. . 40 yeara JOE'$ AD 2-.9B87 I'ron. Sine* 1DS£ ' . to builneaa. • • ' ' SINCLAIR SERVICE 320 Windsor Ave, Weitiield BtJY FLOWERS WHBRE S1ITGLAIR ONION COUNTY BUICK CO. AR&taROWN E.T. WILLIAMS OAS * OIL * , Member vneo . COMrCETB BEM1R8. AD 3-3650 789 Central Ava. • ' WeatSeld Brakes, Ixnitlon, ruiie-Uo* . ' £B0 Ave. (Nr. Orovt StJ^ BR 6-9788 . • ALUMINUM We»tdeli No Parking PfobXenu PRODUCTS s-aisa 956 C«ntenniBl Av«. Cranford • FORMAL WEAR * LIFETIME ALJJMINJLiM LIQUOR STORES * A«ikarla«« bUCTS7fnc. EXPERT SHOE '< i BUICK. . Ueme traprovemeHt Product* •Him and ISerrle* ' Stonu' Wludowi A Doors TOWN.TAVEHK REPAIRING CMC TRUCK SALJSS QWCK "SERVICE OOl^gttoSED CABS BR«r3205 , .' JLifQUOR STOHE 102 South Av« W. Cranford »W. Broad gi. • KUM M _-.... Cranford'a LOUIS MONTINI ELhtabeih 4-3300 TAILORS SHOE REPAIRING * BAJNICAJND • TOftMAL WEAR HEMTALS" BERSE BROfHiERS We Have Our Own Stock LIQUORS — BEERS . A«»h«rl««d * WATCllf * EVSTITUTIOIVS •CUSTOM TAILOHED SUItS BRldcp t-0500 ' Plymouth - Valiant DRY CLEANING REPAlRIlSfG fel * tftrvhe 415 Centannlal AT*. - Cranfoyd ADams 31020 MEN'S # WOMEN'S ALTEEA1ION$ ADams 3-1538 (k ahaH bluaka tt*m Oar4*a 443 North Ave., W. Westfi«ld 111 Ouimby St. Westfield

1/4% %% TWIN BOKO AUTO CORP. 4 INSURED 3 *FOOP MARKETS • AUTHORIZED Account ., AceounH STORAGE '* KENlLWORtH, BouUv.rd it C«nl«> HAYECK'S FINE FOODS • ELIZABETH,' E. Jariay n J+ffariort Fred J. Hqyeck, Prop. • LINDEN,"N. Wwdiuir Elm • ElMORA, Elmor* *t J.rt.y Op«m 7 Days A Week • UNION, Sluyvaianl at Van* Hall 515 Centennial Ave« Cranford Part, ROSELLE HENRY P. TOWNSEND CHaitaut 5-8100 SAVINGS & LOAN FUEL OIL 158 Weatfleld Ave., E., Ros?Ue Pk. ASSOCIATION ., ' HtVWO AND ItOttAOI ALL . 8Xvtwae ti MORTaAQEa LOVELAND Fuel Co., Inc. JtACVMNQ Current Rate Interest i% • • FORMS CH 5-1885, K8SO HEAT — FUEL OIL. Ul North Ave., W. Wortfleld AUGUSTINE MOTORS, *J5 Chestnut St. Roielle . Ffompt, Caariesus terrlea ADattkt t-U9» • • -•'•!_ . . Inc. . • Call BHldge 6-1144 Authorlied ' . Well arranged time is the surest MS NOBTB AVI., K. - CVAKVOMB INSURANCE On Your mark of a well arranged mind,— REEL-STRONG I='JEL CO. • NTOS1NG HOMES KNOWN PER ANNUM CBBTISER , IMPBRIAL Sir Isaac Pitman. PLYMOUTU Insured VAUANT Vrtondly Service since IBM CRANFOltD HALL TOMAN! CURRENT RATE NURSING HOME L C*ka BAtBS AND BKRVIOtt BHldfle 1-0900 C4mt)l«l« JGEf Lin* SCARBROUGH UAW tH*t*~-Ttrtx>toot BuUding* LIFE INSURANCE 3 North AD 3-1098 E.~ Cranford BRtffe* t REAL ESTATE .'A 57f Korth Av»M E. yttptoid WMRY RANKIN FUEL CO. tit Uaealn H(» K. Oranfor« M»Ut*i IUrvl«« . rt*m»t D«uV«ri«* , \« Serving- ; V*t Roofing - Siding Cranford & Garwood on. BIHIMBE f CRANFORD SAVINGS . Cell BRIdfl. 8-9200 BBENNAN & TQYE YEAKEL & SHARKEY with ,, Gutters - Leaders If No Aniwer, BRldff* 8-3341 In*ort>orat« <« Ant. COttUtllQWtH&- «reat man for tmtfll art.—F. Scott ADam* Fitzgerald . •', \ ..«-..,•••> .-•- -V'V•.?,••• ,r^ •-^fe-:--,,^: yfleabfer ii,, itftfOihl- ••;' ;*'<•-!,•. ••o^-a?-'; . •-•;Vf "^ '"" :'; •'•••C • \":' """•••*

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Page gjght frKANfORDtN. j.) CITIZEN Aftl> CHRONICLE—THURSDAY; 1963 ducted by -the .1158th A^rmy Re- iiisonWigh School/ City, and; > Major Hryiikiewi**/ ; is Vivo School- of Syracuse, N..Y. r1xVrved_ u B. S.i degree in 1S41Chape. l StteiwF already appropriated for grass I Mi*ml* "Actiy*AcllVt** TraininI ruiningg; •' A,W^ately'^6 officers . from frofrom StSt" .'Pyter^.CftUtjge PeterVCioUege.. I pta'ntihe-'could. nqft be transferred.. , KENILWORTH—-Aiiiiy..Ht.'.so.rye|il>e Firsi-y. 5?. AnnyVATea attended ____ k -._.. ••.• s' j -- A spokesman for the committee Major Beiijaniin'J. Hi^nkiowicz of I the course as part of their annual Of1 A -Tficf'ii Annual fi&lly In said it is ho0ed that ,th« borough ,,...<,.. u ;• ,;.....,:,:.'• ,,.J.Reserve, trahiihg. -. .'.;' . A J. £\ 111OMJ KENILWORTH.-'— Members of KenjlwoVth Ckwpel- Chapel will | will continue to consider a pro- K'Mulworth completed- two weeks ,, , • • _i ,. »• • i » • •.. , ,'.•,„ •• ' .-'-Jc*JHk is:^-efiul^'l.v. assigned • trt the .- *»• /- bo ainonft tin: 1,000 persons expected to attend the-annual. Christian I posed tree planting project along j Center street.- . ,.o . .'• ^; (1| active duty ti-am.-trtK as « student; y. s. . Army. Roserve School .'in j ( JTT1 f»pi* Fellowship ItyHyori Thursday, May.30, at Jonathan Day-t&n Regional : iii thp ofrjeer career, coum; M/theJj^W^y.'. Major Hryrikjewte*'- andi;yllIvvf, K 'High-School athlcfic.field-J'n'Springfield.Y • •••••• ' . • •'"•' 01T FBI .Kn'Kineor School, Kort IieJyLur.-VTrr^hit; wife live at'.221,"North 23rd Speakers at services at 11 a.m. and, 1:30 p.rn.VOl bbrJohn Bri»mh:iU Woillflt May-5. Tile tnuninl; was" con- '.street; He .si a .graduate ofpick-' : of Charlotte, .N.,' C..; and , H.. C. •-;'•• \.r \-~" -:•;'. .—•;-- , ""^:: "Talk on , •'Wills' •GARWQOD. New offlifcrs of j-Hcwlctt of New Zealitnd. . GARWOOD~A talko h .... _....._.. . for^^tHe-lt>H3-U4T "TDurTnuthv^lay ualntsmnd con-^ school year were*installed by Sup-i ;e.-ts will be.hpld '6~r all ages: The ,\ffl],f ffi G. Kanahe. Republican candidate lor surrogaie. jil a irieeilhg , 17/ //// orlntenft'ent.' of Schools , Lovyis F. j program. wilL>start at 9 .a.m. Garwpod • Women's' Republican L-iird as Tth e PTA" held its''final, i William McNeil of North Cn-- In Army Chapel Club Friday* night at the home of Wetting -bf thbee season last ! i.olina, foiincrly of Scotland, will; GATIWOOD,-— The Post Chapel- F. Steffen, 342 Hick- > • - • I, Thursday night in .incpln Schooi. j .ipeak at the 11 a.m. nnct 7t30 p.in. fa t Fort Monmouth waV. the setting pry avenue. .CiViden. to SP5 Walter Z, absence of t.bX> president, Mrs. An- second "- .'vice-presiden'i." '"Mrs.. A~ "Christian' #FelliS\vship Rally;Flasher.'3rd, USA,.son of Mr. andthony Gredone. - ; . Chiirlps Craij;; .v.ecord-ing-'. secre- will be held, in the Wbodside.Clyi-^Mrs. Walter J. Flesher, Jr., ol 343 Mrs. Jules Lusardi was named tary,' JWrs. Stanlpy Wolski;. corre-. pel. Fun wood, on Saturday at; chairman, for the club's second an- YOU SPEND AT Soulh . Bayville. ' Lt. sponding- secretary, Mrs. • Josepl'i aVcmHV and nual Columbus Ball, to be held, Troiano, and ' treasurer, Edward at Bay. Leaf . Memorial Home. • in Sigety (reclected). ». •-'•.. He, will also speale at the.Ken'il-' October-. .. • , " •'•••' • '-. The bride, }yho Was by The pVogram for the evening •.worth Chapei ort Wectnesoay at o, . , . , . , ' I,. • .Rv-laws- rend by Mrs. John. foatured selections by the school p.m. •*,' - ' •- •• ;her father, had her sister.; Miss Lombardo, committee • chairman, <>•& band aricT chorus directed by San- The Women's MLsstonary Grou'p ^e Thev^net, as maid «f hohor were adopted. . ; . -'^J.--~ -'• •' ford Knollcrr music Instructor. 'will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. A newRobert' Fi'oat of Gnrwood, served •Final regular meeting will be. a as best man. ..',-"' Life membership pins were pre- state of officers will be nominated.. 1 dinner afTair at 7:30 p.m. next Enjoy a green lawn from Spring sented to1 Mrs/ Dorothy Tejirs'e FiiiaL ajvards were presented The couple will. take up' resi- Wednesday at the Lynn Restau- and Mrs, Myrtle Christie,,-eighth lastSuridtfyto students who com- denpe In GarwootJ.. •• . •_-. • •' • • rant Jn-*ilizabethrPlans "also w^re The bride is n graduate of Lint to Fall with Agrico Grass Food grade teachers. pleted courses of the Bible, Mem- discussed for a picnic ,to be held $1.50 TRIAL SIZE There was a. tie for the aftend- ory Association. They ' arc: den' High School and js currently during the sumrrterjm a date to be enrqilod at Drake's Business Col- only The Agrico Lawn Feeding Prograrirke^epsjk'ouir lawn n'nee award'at the , meeflng be- Sheryl Flbrczak, David Macmil*- set. • ' •• . ••-•- '. • •: -. lege. Her husband was graduated an frum1 MayttrOctotwi';-Hiwt^h^t #o#mfciw* iixlb. and drought.-Your lawn'stays' the greenest of greefr.-- grade and Mrs. Evelyn Button's' SUPER THIAFOI High, School, Clark,' and is sta- .' AGRICO GRASS FOOD with lon^-tjistiri« CO'^. organic afternoon kindergarten class. ham, nnd Barbara Whittle. In ad- ,".It was announced that there dition,- they.'earned.-.five'-other- bi- tioned at Fort Monmouth after Supper Offered Today nitrogen feeds uniformly, nut in stuij-ts-.'.Won't burn, completion .of*a 18-imonth tour of MULTIPLE VITAMINS $4.75 bag/of Ac.kieu GK,\SS Foo'i) -'feeds 5,000 sq. ft, also wasr-a-4ie.for the attendance weekly -prizes and a.iree week at GARWOOD — _ The Mothers' award for' the yfc8£*Jbetween Mrs. camp. duty in Korea.. Auxiliary of the Garwood tittle, Suttori's afternoon classr Miss E.r- L*ftgue will rjold n _ spaghetti MQilGl O feeds better-r-feeds longer": J dean Phelps-'-, first grade an(TTVfr-s*. Ivy-Proj«ct Voluuteters luncheon and supper in the Cran- $ipo Ruth Larson's third grade. - New KofO wood" today~from 11 a.m. "to 2 p.m. Presentation ,of the colors W«TS Thanked by Conimitteeand 5 to 7:30 p.m. : .by Den 7 of Cub Pack 75/ under CoundlAssigned GARWOOD — The community Mrs. Joseph E^Humenik }s»gcn- WASH N DRI RESEED BARE SPOTS — NOW! direction of Mrs. Matthew Hirsch, improvement committee of theofal chairman. Committee^chair- den •• mother;.-.''and. Cubmaster Official Niitnbep ^ Garwood Woman's Club this w-eek nien include: Tickets, Mrs". Gar-' •but for goodness sake... f JSE • George Lajvrence. The ftev. John GARWOOb — District Deputy thanks to all those who men Guerriero and Mrs. Anthony 29c A^~Maleolmson~-pastohr-ofL-Garv:-Ri»y«>o.rid—O'Binon— to help-wit h—the-ivy ^ A.-M. pv planting proTeei^which the conV wpod Pi-esbyteripn' Church, gave announced• this' -"week that the new i j\nd Mi*s, Charles Hprbacz. ( tthh e iinvocation . ' couneil of Knighte . of Columbus mittee proposed for~the.,plopes at " ^Tickets will be available at' the PLASTIC: the_ sWc ofthc aewr GcnteY-street Refreshments were served- by organizetf in Garwood .was assigned dtJor. ..-.' • • >. . •'••"'.. • rnembejs of the Pre-School Moth-" a ner-mancnt number by Supreme underpass of the ~ Jersey Centi-al ersv Group. •>•• " , Knight Ltike E. Hart at the state- Railroad. '. '. ...•-' • : r SHOWER CAPS Convention' in Atlantic City over Althoygh the committee's sug- • —' -: .i the past week-end. * y .-.'.• gestion to plant a ground~cover of Mrs* LoBue Honoi<

iiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiMliiiiiiMiiiiiimniiirnii iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimimmilii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiliiiu m iimiiimu > luiiiiiiiiiinil ,MIIIIHIIIHI,IiIIIIIMLIUHII 1,1 n,> MnniciiiiiiiiniTni iiiiiiiliiriniiiiuitiuniriii iiuiniiiui 111 limriiiiuiim iniiciiiiiiiuiiiiiiiMliinliilu '.'".•.''• "-• '' : ' I o- O. o- ' Headquarters For o P : •" • o CHOCOLATES o o §•-••• INSECTICIDES • FUNGICIDES LAST 3 DAYS! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY! o o o AND o o a o PASTRIES o SELECTIVE WEED KILLER OUR ANNUAL STORE-WIDE, TWO-STORE EVENT .0 o -


V, $1*45 ;•••- .*••,-• -•••-- \ . DECANTER PraM'sSodium ^rkcnili> Uteri Killer makes tl i-asy id destroy wvcils poisOnivy -ou wulks. inudvuys,'tennis . courts anct varcts F-;tsv tu jpplv Will nol-LonlaKiiniiic M'finklint enn BUBBLE BATH <>i spruyfr whjtl' i:an he cnstlv cleaned • •. Out nalldi) ililutcd wiih^w-.iiiM kills it (60 Baths) . nil (srou'th t'h I0IM) MI ti Ahoiontrols.. fc 'irMltnit if $1.29. 95c Qt. — $275 Gal. . 5 Gal. $11.70 RUBBER BEACH SANDALS 69 FLOWER AND VEQETABLE SEEPS JUMBO GLADIOLA BULBS tALADIUM DAHLIA ROOTS * a sale so great it was months in the planning ^ ELECTRIC ^3 CHILD HEALTH SAND * save on fashions for the family, the home BABY FOOD WARMER 80-Lb. Bag Only 99c at Store * every sale item is priced amazingly low $2.00 DOROTHY ©RAY $1.00 WILD BIRD SEED * every item perfect quality a "best buy" No Parking Problems — Just Drive In Rear SUMMER COLOGNES . . plus tax * save on hundreds of specials on every floor _ rabeiibaeh*s 1 D ® RUG STORE * pay later -use Goerke's Revolving^ PRESCRIPTION PH/IRM/ICV OEUVERY - Phone Bfe 6-6(00 r • > '• ' •' '" * ~ "•'""• • (~ —- -•.••-;-'--«... , •_. .;•'.'...- - -X-w..' .'...•...•' .: i.J , D THEATRE • • WESTritL?t'0?RWM-TO THE ATM '.-••'•• .'••'.' • "•.-•' '"•-- • •' • •' •-.-.' " " " • —'. ' ' '" * ' . - -"••'• • ' -' We R«s*rv« Th* Q To LFmit QuinHtie*

. "A G«rd«n Supply Canlir Sine* 1922" '...'-...... SHOP THURSDAY TIL 9 7 .: .' •'':•••••:-•-•••••' "• STORE HOURS: • 116-118 SOUTH AVENUE, E^ST 8:30 ajn. to 10 pjn. \ 1661 CR^NFOttD, N. j: mut ; •.:> v,.-:'- " ' :.vS! •••;.'-,' •• fcl ^k±l^iM«^ivii'M