•VT* ^v—-—IT- •—. • ' •-•- ^ •.. A .•;,/• •-..-.. '•'•/' I '. '• l;t;, * I Second claw Po«U«4 Pml4 • VoL LXX. No; 18;., ^ • * isections, 24 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 23^ 1963 At Cr«nford. N. J. _ TEN CENTS The Cranford College C'ub has Eighteen, exhibitors will ihave awarded scholarships totaling $3,- displays in the busines and indus- 250 io" IS Cranfdrd' girls, it was trial Parade, of Progress exposi- announced this week.. Nine mem- tion-May 30, 31 and June 1 in the Municipal Building under auspices ford High Schoo'l and three reap- of the Cranford Chamber of Com- .Plans for the organization of YES, a Youth Employment plicants will share/ scholarship Tfl%*/r^> iw \%2£%^ •• nfriy^f\\Iy\/^ Vl^igff>t*—. Service in Cranford; were furthered Tuesday night'at a me'et- amounting to S2.500, the club's day. One of .the, Cranford Days irtg of represenlatives of civic and.religious groups in. the. 'educational grant for" 1963. The 'eatures, this exposition last, year Vipjd^uUding^, nine high school seniors will be •was viewed by more than 5,000 presented at the, club's annuity SlrsJ Douglasllanl _ ^Prinrcieton Youth- perso.ns. •-.-•. •• , '.-..- ,• Employment Service, Inc.,' banquet Monday evehitig at the One of "the highlights of this Shnckamaxon "Country Club•> in outlined dfetails of the; pro- year's exposition will be the New gram which has been working •Scotch Plains. N -; . : Jersey Be.ll Telephone Co.'s TeJ- l*alace Opens In addit.'on to the high -sfchool rtar exhibit. A demonstration of successfully in that communi- grant-:*, College Club this year pro- how the new satellite is used for ty. She explained that YES vided a total of-S-750 in scholar- ntercontinental communications J3 ,an ihtiependent, non-profit qr- ships awarded to three Union Jun- will be given periodically during ganization, endorsed by schools, ior. College students, who also, will the three-day program,. churches, service clubs and £ivic be honored at the -dinner.- Among,other exhibitors will be For Prom organizations. It has the full, co- . High school recipients include: D. J.. Heyburn, Cranford Savings Couples will dance in a "Paj^- operation and' guidance of- the Suzanne- Crawford,.220 South ave- 1 and Loan Association, Para Man- ais Enchahte " tomorrow evening State Department of Labor and nue, easlf Patricia. Deane, 102 Industrjiv • ufacturing Co;, Stuart's Audio, at the annual Junior-Senior Prom # Hawthorne street; Ellen Erlckson, Publie Service-.Electric & Gas Co., The, Kpcaker. pointed 6ut that 112'Benjamin'.-street;. Janet Her- Suburban Trust Co., j. B. Wil- at Cranford High School, from 9 the Youth Employment Service has fufth, 204 Walnu^ avenue; Val- liams Co.; ftankin Fuel Cd., Cran>- p.m. to 2 a.m. been established to fill the needs erie Geiger, 129 Thomas- street; ford Historical Society, Cranford i The ehchanted. palace tfieme of two groups — employers, Carol King, 13 Marsh street; Lily Chamber • of 'Commerce, Cranford whether householders, business- liilncCallunx,. 411 Derimari road; will, be parried out; in turtluoise Physicians' Club, B-.Y Reproduc- and white decorations. Parents men or plant managers, wh6 can Cynthia Otlowski, 233.. Walnut tion Co., Union County Txust Co., use part-time, or temporary help," avenue,' and Virginia, Roberts, 8 and students are invited to: view • . ..'••'• ';''• Photo by Frutchey •AssocluW Ditzel's' -Garden Center, Clark and the many able,.interested and .Sylvester-street. .-.:'.' Door Co., Plymouth -Printing- (.he decorated gymnasium from 6 qualified young people who earn- . Moravian College has been se- HIGH SCHOQL WINNERS --.Shown are Crnnford High School. ~ ' "' ' ' 'l«rships this year- by-the Cranford College ahd, Iteel-Strong Fuel Co. to 8t p.m. tomorrow prior to the estly want some income and job" ~Tccte~d'~t>v i siizijirtnc Craw : her choice of a school irjrwhichrto Iub. At front-is Carol King, and others, left to right are: second "Cyt??tv***wtr" igt been announced by StuarfrMcF-ad- __'title of Miss Cranford Dayt are: Front, left to right, Diana Kreger, . jchooK The Eei^and Larry Elgart According to Norman: A. Kline study medical technology. Suz- "row, Ellen Erickson and Patricia Deane; third row, Valeric G'elger den, chairman, as follows: Thui's-' Of the Youth Study Group of the anne was a member of, the, Fresh- and Suzanne Crawford; back; row, Cynthia Otlowaki-, Virginia.. 1 Martha Frank, Margaret,Qrazi; back, in same order, Joanne Aliseo, Orchestra will play. day, May 30*. 1 to 4 pan.; Friday; „ A'buffet supper of fried chick- First Presbyterian Church, 'JSho man Chorus]. the Glee r Club . ahd Roberts, Lily MacCallum and Janet Herfurth.' "'",: May 31, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m:;'and Sat- Carol. Annie Cawley, Dorothy. Anne Craft, Anne Mazaarese^ Not- serve'd as chairman of Tuesday en breasts, salads, rolls, lemonade : the Choir. Other activities include urday, June. 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ^pictured are: Geraldine Willoughby, Candlce Bqrges and Cleaetle night's meeting: ' ' \t . membership in the Biology Club, Briefer. ; '_' Pbotoby and- chocolate, eclairs will; be Other members of tho exposi- served, from li,p,m to 1 a.m. in "YES will complement the'fine Student Ctfuncil, >G.A.A.' Council,- tion committee include Dr. Wil- t work being'done by school gui- -II Tumb'ling Club! Modern Dance the high school cafeteria under the Scholcirship Winners Told mar F. Larige, Public Safety Com- direction- of Mrs, E. Milton Boy- dance counselors.' It has the Club, Future Teachers' of Amer- wholehearted support of Dr. Clark missioner H. Raymond Kirwan,. -etteand Mrs. Fred P. Andersen; ica\and German Club. '-.."' • " . Harold D. Owen, Stuart Snowden W. McDermith> superintendent* of Patricia • Deane plnns" to attend Ten From CHS to Seek ~ adult food chairmen, - and Ellen schools, and his s.taff. In fact, job and Mrs. Marie B.'Knipe, execu- Sue Moses, student food chairman. Newark State College, where she tive secretary. Assisting the com- applicants, will be secured "mainly will major in elementary teach-* Soda will be served in class- from the school system as the re.- mittee in clocking attendance will Miss Granford Days drowii rooms adjacent to the. gymnasium* ing. Her activities in high "school be members of Boy Scout Troop su)t of the. circulation of,. appjlpar. _ on Page^S) , •- Ten contestant's, all itud«nts jat Cranford' High School, wHI vie duringthe 'evening. Others- sepv- lion' forms among students'in the 7S;~ sponsored by Cranford Methr ing bn the. food committee are:. pdist Church. •'•• ,,:_,_„ fcir "the •Utlc of Miss'Cranford Days at the Spririg Rqvue to b6'"held' 14-20 year age*bracketf.-:.".. T 30ft drinks, Mrs. Norman H. Bru- riexT'TTn7ria^y7''May^iWr^8US^;pj^ High School, fllidi^ At a meeting of the chamber's baker, Mrs. George- H. Erdmann; "Mayor Nicholas's. LaCortc also Farewell Fete directors. Tuesday morning at Ma- torium. '"' ' " '" •' '•"•'•" " • ^'""""""^^^"^^n^.-:- •. H.- Mo^es, Mrs. expressed" on..th%siasm for YES,". risa'si Restaurant,. Miss.'Beverly The winner will be crowned by Miss Barbara Willoughby, chair- Jifc Klinp-^declared, "and indir F.:;Wolfc of Abbe Juniors and man for Beta Sigma Phi sorority,' Asa R. Lee.;'beydrag6; Mrs. WI1- program will have Ws complete i support and coopera- ForiHi Warren Rinkin. of Rankin Fuel sponsor.: Contest ants wHI J. Foppert, Mrs. F;' C. Atkins; Co. were welcomed ns new tablecloths, Mrs. i\on;i .I'''. judged -on poise . talcat and ^rrorrmnrdciptrr- officials »li0~ ThkSim* .A. reiJort' was received "from, charm by George Mortdn, Jr., f'Cotttinuedi oti Page.2) -v , Members of. Cranford Methodist Henry petering, chairman of the Mrs..Hilary Knierim, Wesley Philo. Church will honor their pastor, the decorations'" and flag committee; and Willi»m Lovett. Rcv^JDr,- Albert Allinger, and Mrs. that all' American;, flags have been The revue, • open to the public Allmgerj,oTi"*Si»atlay_at a farewell (Continued on Page S) •• program'- in ifrc-churcH^sanctuary free of charge, also will feature at 4 p.m. women's gay nineties "cbstume i Following this service, there judging and, a variety show direct- .- fl will ,be a reception in Randolph §a^ Nineties ad by Webster J. Van D,e Mark of ... -."Teen Tipsifor Parents" :was the subject of a panel, discussion- pre-'- Hall at 5:15 p.m.v at which time ;he Cpanford Dramatic Club. sented to the dranford High SchooP student .body Monday by a com..- the congregation and other friends r of the Allingers in the communrey BaUMamted " Contestants for the Miss Cran- rriittee of teonagers who Jiave been working with the Cranford High ••?-.! wilf have ^nn opportunity to pay loxd-liays title are: Joanne Aliseo School P.T.A. in the development of a family guide. •" . '. '. their- compliments^ ta the departing, of 513 Lexh\gton 'avehti|e, Cleaette •This was a preview look at the' sociaLbehaviqr guide'slated for : couple. ,- • " ." * A $2,200 scholarship, for her _ Swartz, a ^senior, at Brjefcr of 30.2 Retford avenue, distribution to parents of seventh The Allingers will jlea,ve the freshman year at Smith College in CranfQrd High School-, i\the win- The Cranford Rotary Club has through 12th grade students some- 1 Candice Borges of 35 Cayuga road, Cranfordf Church • June 0 . after Northampton, Mass., has be.cn ner of the nurse's; scnolarship announced that it will sponsor the •timo- this summer. library, f nearly 20 years of seryice. awarded to Nancy G, Grote, daugh- awarded annually by tho%illage Gay Nineties Ball "during the Cargl Anne Cawley of 243' North Participants included: April Lee, Announcement; -that- the Rov. ter of. Mr. arid Mrs," Harry A. Grofe Improvement "Association, ft was Cranford Days celebration . this avenue, west; Dorothy Craft of 18 Michael.
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