Trinity College Bulletin, May 1952
TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN ALUMNI NEWS ISSUE • MAY, 1952 • HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT IN THIS ISSUE General Clay to Speak at Commencement Louis W. Downes, '88 Presents Memorial Gate An American on the Mekong by Leonard Overton, '49 The Lemon Squeezer by Robert Morris, 'l6 Professor N otopoulos Receives Guggenheim Award Mrs. William G. Mather Makes Generous Gift Air Force ROTC baud practices on campus, new library in background. The Bantam Roster Herewith, the roster of roosters whose crows have been heard smce the last Alumni News issue m the 1952 Alumni Fund. They've come through. Have you? The goal is $50,000. The amount subscribed as this issue of the Alumni News goes to press totals 40,000. There's 10,000 to go, and you can help to get us there with your subscription. So do it now, please, re membering that to Uncle Sam it's deductible and to Trinity it's delectable. GEORGE C. CAPEN, '10, Chairman 1888- Jones, agent, Belden, Putnam. 1920- Ti/ton, agent, Priest, Whipple. 1942-Viering, agent, Bestor, Jebl, Jerome, Kloss, Ladner, Middlebrook. 1891-Pedersen. 1921 - Rausom, age11t, Ameluxen, Strong. 1943-Tyler, agent, Denny*, Dickinson, 1894-Be/de>l, age>Zt, Morrison. 19 22-deMacarte, age11t, Johnson, Nord· IIinson, Loweth, Rackemann, Tribelhorn. lund, Parker, Richman, Walsh. 1899-Morgan, age>Zt, Morgan. 194 Starkey, agent, Boardman*, Conant, 1924-Aimo11d, agent, Kennedy, Lundborg, Fay, Fearing, Hastings, Jacobs, l\foyer, 1900-Tay/or, age11t, Brooks, Clement, ~fancoll, ~1arranzini. Glazebrook, Taylor. Shera, Stevenson. 1926- Stucr, agent, Hough, Miller, Newell, 1945- Aspc/1, age11t, Cross, Fredrickson, 1901-Wales, agent, Fiske, Rudd, Van Noble, Parke, Thoms, Walsh, Whiston.
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