Management in the Public Sector Princeton University, March 31 – April 1, 2016

Thursday, March 31

 4:30pm Public Speech by Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island (Robertson Hall) Introduction by Cecilia Rouse, Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

 6:00pm Dinner for Panelists and Selected Students, Nassau Club

Friday, April 1 (All events to take place in Bowl 016, Robertson Hall)

 8:00am Breakfast, Arrivals

 8:30am Introduction to the Day Professor Steven Strauss, Wilson School, Princeton

 8:45am Reflections on Management in the Not-For-Profit and Government Sector Jennifer Raab, President, Hunter College, CUNY

 9:00am Management in Education:  Raffaella Sadun, Thomas S. Murphy Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School: Does Management Matter in Schools?  Josh Wallack, Deputy Chancellor for Strategy and Policy, New York City Department of Education  Moderated by Professor Martha Coven, Wilson School, Princeton

 10:00am Break

 10:15am Managing using Behavioral Techniques: Report from the Behavioural Insights Team and Ideas42:  Oliver J. Wise, Director, Office of Performance and Accountability, City of New Orleans  Elizabeth Linos, Head of Research and Evaluation, Behavioural Insights Team,  Will Tucker, Managing Director, Ideas 42  Moderated by Assistant Professor Johannes Haushofer, Department of Psychology, Princeton

 11:15am Technology in the Public Sector:  Nigel Jacob, Boston Office of New Urban Mechanics  Katherine Oliver, Principal, Bloomberg Associates  Gabriella Gómez-Mont, Chief Creativity Office, Mexico City  Moderated by Professor Nick Feamster, Computer Science Department, Princeton


 12:15pm Lunch and Roundtable Discussions, Robertson Hall Gallery  Todd Asher, Senior Member of the Media and Technology Team,  Josh Wallack, Deputy Chancellor, NYC Public Schools  Peggy Twohig, Assistant Director for Supervision Policy at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau  Elizabeth Linos, Head of Research and Evaluation, Behavioural Insights Team, North America  Gabriella Gómez -Mont, Chief Creativity Officer, Mexico City  Nigel Jacob, Co-Founder of the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, Boston  David Ehrenberg, President and CEO, Navy Yard Development Corporation

 1:30pm Management in the Public Sector  Martin Williams, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College London, Department of Economics – “The Political Economy of Unfinished Infrastructure in Ghana”  Daniel Rogger, Research Economist in the Impact Evaluation Unit of the World Bank's Development Research Group – Management Practices in the Public Sector: Evidence from West Africa  Moderated by Professor Jennifer Widner, Wilson School, Princeton

 2:30pm Break

 2:45pm Innovation in the Public Sector: What Have We Learned?  Scott Cordes, Director, Innovation and Budget, City of St. Paul  Theresa Reno-Weber, Chief of Performance and Technology, Louisville Metro Government  Courtney Hawkins, Executive Director, Providence Talks  Moderated by James Anderson, Bloomberg Philanthropies

 4:00pm Alumni Panel: Managing in the Public Sector – What do I wish I had learned at WWS?  David Ehrenberg, MPA-URP ’06, President and CEO Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation  Peggy Twohig, MPA/JD ’83, Assistant Director for Supervision Policy at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau  Rochelle Haynes, MPA-URP ’06, Chief of Staff, NYC Department of Homeless Services  Moderated by Jennifer Raab, MPA ’79, President, Hunter College, CUNY

 5:00pm Closing Remarks Professor Steven Strauss, Wilson School, Princeton

 5:05pm Alumni Reception, Robertson Hall Gallery