July 31 2015 / 15 Av 5775 Volume 19 – Number 28

days to go, until the south african Absa Jewish Achiever Awards 2015. Jewish Report 23 www.sajr.co.za Naming of school hall a fitting tribute Photo: Ilan Ossendryver Photo:

Jews have always placed a high premium on education and it was therefore fitting that the beloved Barney Meyers, principal of King David Victory Park Primary School from 1966 to 1990 - who passed away in May of this year, just short of his 90th birthday - had the school hall named for him. This will be a living legacy of this iconic figure. Barney was a former vice-headmaster of King David Primary School Linksfield and later, headmaster at Victory Park. Two other Jewish educational icons Jeffrey Wolf (pictured left) and his twin brother Elliot (right), who had close ties to Barney over many years, paid tribute to their former colleague and attended the naming event. Elliot was principal at King David Linksfield High School from 1974 to 2001 and Jeffrey occupied the same position at King David Victory Park from 1975 to 1998. In a tribute to Barney at the time of his death, Jeffrey said: “To speak of Barney in a few words is a daunting challenge as he epitomised so many outstanding qualities. Orphaned when he was only six and growing up in Arcadia Children’s home, Barney never allowed adversity to be an excuse. It is said that he never forgot a face and called every child in his care by their name.” See page 4.

Historic Garden Synagogue Most communal leaders Jewish lawmakers shut out Raising flags in South Don’t let BDS set the still plays vital Jewish role wary of Iran nuclear deal noise as they consider Iran Africa for different agenda, says Freeman nuclear deal scenarios The which adjoins The recent nuclear deal with Iran The SA Jewish media gives too the famous Company Gardens, is has been a controversial issue Turn off the ads, read, listen and is still in the “premier much attention and publicity to celebrating its 110th anniversary throughout the world. We asked consult. That’s what five key league” in terms of the future, the BDS movement which has this year. This magnificent ornate prominent members of the SA Jewish American lawmakers plan says scenario planner Clem urged the imposition of sanctions structure has long served as the Jewish community for their views. for the five to seven weeks they Sunter. The other two scenarios on . “We let them set the de facto headquarters for Cape Most are against it. Only Mr have to contemplate their vote on - or “flags” - are South Africa agenda. I don’t like talking on this Jewry. Justice Dennis Davis described the Iran nuclear deal. There are 28 as a “failed state” or “playing in topic because I really believe we the deal as “splendid”. in Congress, but seven are the second division” - a “gentler are giving fuel to BDS,” the Israeli 2 3 undecided. 6 meander downwards”. 7 deputy ambassador says. 8 . AN EASY STROLL HOME FROM SHUL...

Walk to Walk to Walk to Walk to Walk to

Linksfield Shul Chabad of Norwood Chabad of River Club Great Park Shul Pine Street Shul

LINKSFIELD THE GARDENS MORNINGSIDE MELROSE SYDENHAM Walk to King David Linksfield! Crafted for fastidious owner - Families will revel in this home! Most sought-after ‘Heritage Beautiful renovated 3 bed home 011 731 0300 R3 900 000 | Ref 16560 Space galore for entertaining. R4 699 000 | Ref 16584 Building’ walk to Gautrain station. with 2 income producing cottages. Hilton Steinfeld 082 455 8630 From R3 199 000 | Ref 16523 Joan Richter 082 552 7323 R2 999 000 | Ref 16374 R2 800 000 | Ref 16721 www.firzt.co.za Lourayne Hersch 082 780 0253 Gary Jerrard 076 033 0440 Limor Zino 082 888 7561 Valerie Berkow-Kaye 082 555 1757 Vivienne Levin 082 886 2842 2 SA JEWISH REPORT Shuls 31 July – 7 August 2015 Historic Gardens Synagogue still plays vital World News in Brief US said to release Jewish role Jewish spy DAVID SAKS Jonathan Pollard Visitors to ’s classy Mount Nelson Hotel may have come across a plaque recording that a NEW YORK - The United States is planning little over 160 years ago the first formal Jewish to release jailed Jewish spy Jonathan religious services took place in that part of the com- Pollard, who has been incarcerated for plex. Back then, the site was occupied by Helmsley three decades over a conviction for giving Place, the home of 1820 Settler and entrepreneur Israel classified information on America, Benjamin Norden Esq. the Wall Street Journal reported last week On September 26, 1841, Norden and 16 other Friday. The report cited “US officials, some adult men gathered there on Erev Yom Kippur to of whom hope the move will smooth form the first recorded minyan in southern Africa. relations with Israel in the wake of the Iran Thus was born Tikvath Yisrael - The Hope of Israel nuclear deal”. - later to be known as the Cape Town Hebrew Pollard is the only person in US history Congregation. The “Mother Congregation” of South to receive a life sentence for spying African Jewry, it continues to play a significant role for an American ally. Advocates for his in Cape Town Jewish life to this day. release have argued that he should be Cape Town’s first synagogue was built in 1849, freed because his time in prison has been next to what are today the Parliament Buildings. disproportionately long. Additionally, in That year also saw the appointment, short-lived recent years, the 60-year-old Pollard’s though it proved to be, of the country’s first Jewish A photograph taken at the memorial service for Yitzhak Rabin in the Gardens Shul in Cape Town, failing health has been widely cited as an clergyman, the Rev Isaac Pulver (dismayed by the November 1995. argument for his release on humanitarian still low standards of observance, he departed for a magnificent, ornate structure, served as the de move of most of the Jewish population from the grounds. Australia two years later and was replaced by the facto headquarters for Cape Jewry. It was the seat area to suburbia. However, it gained According to the Wall Street Journal Rev Joel Rabinowitz.) In 1863, the congregation of the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish congregations of a new lease of life through becoming incorpo- report, some US officials are pushing moved into a larger building in Government Av- the then , as well as of South West rated within a new and vibrant Jewish campus for Pollard’s release within the next few enue, just a few hundred metres away. Today, this Africa and the Sephardi Congregation of from the late 1990s onwards. That campus today weeks, while other officials say he will forms part of the South African Jewish Museum (only since 1986 has South Africa had one Chief includes the SA Jewish Museum, the Cape Town wait until he is up for parole on November complex. Rabbi for the whole country). Holocaust Centre, the Jacob Gitlin Library, func- 21, which would mark exactly 30 years The congregation moved into its third and final Like Wolmarans Street, it also took the lead in tion and conference centres and a restaurant and since his arrest. home, conveniently located right next to the old fostering Jewish religious education, and it was book shop. Alistair Baskey, a spokesman for the building, in 1905. Previously referred to as the there that the community at large has gathered As a result, the membership of the congrega- National Security Council, later said: “Mr Great Synagogue, but now more commonly called for such important prayer meetings as the Day of tion picked up steadily. Today numbering some Pollard’s status will be determined by the Gardens Shul (since it adjoins the famous Mourning for victims of Nazism (1942) and, more 800 souls under the current spiritual leadership the United States Parole Commission Company Gardens), the synagogue is celebrating its recently, the memorial service for Yitzhak Rabin of Rabbi Osher Feldman, it once again has a according to standard procedures. There 110th anniversary this year. following his assassination in 1995. full complement of clergy, as well as world-class is absolutely zero linkage between Like its counterpart in Wolmarans Street in The membership of the Cape Town Hebrew choir, and important public prayer gatherings Mr Pollard’s status and foreign policy , Cape Town’s Great Synagogue, itself Congregation progressively declined with the continue to be held at its historic premises. considerations.” (JNS.org)

Parsha The responsibility of looking after our health (chapter 4 verse 29) contains the words: “Vin- and look after our health and that in fact true appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the great ishmartem meod linafshosaychem - Be greatly faith in G-d states that Hashem has placed Torah that Hashem has bestowed upon us. It Parshat Va’etchanan beware for your souls”, although the context the responsibility of looking after our physical has wealth in every field of life and the means of these words refers to being reminded not to health on each person. Know that your very life to better our lives in every avenue of life, be it Rabbi Alex Carlebach serve idols. may depend on it physical or spiritual. Chabad of Lyndhurst Our holy sages apply this verse to mean that The famous Rambam, Maimonides, writes Let us cherish it, love it, observe it, study it. one must act very carefully when it comes to halachically that we must have a regimen that Kee hu chayainu - it is our very life. Thereby Among the beautiful teachings that our parsha their physical and spiritual health. There may be ensures our physical health. He includes careful may we be privileged to lead long healthy lives contains is a lengthy account of how the Ten some who argue that as G-d A-mighty runs the eating habits, stating that more people pass in which we will witness both redemption and Commandments was revealed to each and world and every individual in it, as G-d decides away from bad eating than from other diseases. consolation. every one of our entire nation by G-d A-mighty all, it follows, in their view, that G-d will decide He tells us that our bodies need to be active, Himself. how long a person lives, as well as how good a which certainly includes exercise. Many rabbis Shabbat Times This is the basis of our belief in Torah - a fact quality of life they will have, regardless of the tell us that smoking, which medicine maintains Parshat Va’etchanan that no other religion has been able to copy. In individual’s input. is injurious to our health, is contravening this July 31 / 15 Av addition, the more we study, the more we dis- Therefore, they argue that in terms of the dictate of the Torah. This applies equally to any Aug 1 / 16 Av cover how Torah is timeless and addresses every cliché that “if a bullet has my name on it, then other activity which medical science discovers is aspect of humanity from the most esoteric and I will go and if not I will survive”, the length harmful to our wellbeing. Begins Ends spiritual to the most basic and physical. One ex- of my life is being decided by G-d regardless of We are not only talking about quantity of life, 17:23 18:14 Johannesburg ample is the Command to look after our health, how I behave. but perhaps more importantly the quality of life 17:48 18:42 Cape Town including how and what we eat, our need to The above-mentioned verse tells us that this during the years that Hashem grants all of us. 17:05 17:57 Durban exercise and the like. supposition is not so. Rather it is the responsi- This week is also called Shabbat Nachamu 17:25 18:17 Bloemfontein One of the verses found in this week’s parsha bility of each and every one of us to safeguard - the time of consolation. I pray we can all 17:19 18:13 Port Elizabeth 17:12 18:05 East London More news on our website www.sajr.co.za

Editor Vanessa Valkin - [email protected] • Sub-editor Paul Maree • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Greenblatt - [email protected] • Advertising: Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 South African - [email protected] • Classified sales: Shereen Miller: [email protected] • Distribution manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – bryan@ Jewish Report designbandits.co.za • Website: Anthony Katz • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652. Board of Directors: Howard Sackstein (Chairman), Howard Feldman, Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Herschel Jawitz, Dina Diamond. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 430-1980. 31 July – 7 August 2015 News SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Most communal leaders wary of Iran nuke deal

SUZANNE BELLING concerned and, rightly so, within Iran and its continued In addition, although and that members of the US tions against Iran without but the real question is either funding of terrorist organi- inspections of the nuclear Congress and Senate clearly Iran having to guarantee The recent deal between the pre-emptive bombing of Iran sations such as Hamas and facilities are allowed after a will oppose this deal. It is not compliance with its obliga- P5 +1 (the five permanent or to increase the safeguard.” Hezbollah who threaten the request is received from the a good deal and, in the long tions.” members of the United Na- He thinks the nuclear deal lives of innocent Israelis and International Atomic Energy term, may cause turmoil in “Has the world not learned tions Security Council - the will bring about a recon- Arabs. Commission (IAEC), 14 to the Middle East for Western from the North Korea deal?” US, Britain, France, Russia sideration of (US President “On the contrary, the deal 24 days can elapse before the civilisation.” Boiskin asks. “I watched in and China plus Germany) Barack) Obama’s presidency legitimises that regime and Iranians allow inspectors to horror and with a deepen- and Iran with regard to Iran’s -“the deal will gain him a bolsters it financially and Is- enter the facilities. “Dur- ing sense of doom as the TV nuclear programme has monumental place in history. rael has every right to defend ing that time, they can hide portrayed hundreds of thou- been a controversial issue “I think there is a lot of itself and prevent Iran from anything.” sands of Iranians supporting throughout the world. We racism in criticism of Obama acquiring nuclear weapons.” When the severe sanctions the Ayatollah in a frenzied asked prominent members - if he had been a white man, are removed, immediately, call for death to America and of the South African Jewish I don’t think this would have hundreds of millions of dol- death to Israel - and this, community for their views. happened.” lars in cash will be released, the day after the deal was Davis is concerned about “and the Iranians have said accepted.” the people of Israel, but he they will continue to support This was a clear indication considers (Prime Minister their allies – Syria, Hezbol- that the Iranian leadership Benjamin) Netanyahu’s gov- Grant Rogerson Photo: lah, Hamas and Fatah”. Li Boiskin, Cape Town com- has not in any way changed ernment the most rightwing Serebro is of the opinion munal leader, speaking in her its “hate-filled murderous ever - “beating the war drum there is a long-term danger personal capacity, says the ideology, nor hidden its Photo: Moira Schneider Photo: like PW Botha when he was from Iran and the satellite deal struck with Iran shows intentions”. president of South Africa”. countries and organisations that the UN Security Coun- Israel, America, the Middle Dr Harold Serebro, re- it supports. “I think that cil’s “world view” is a farce. East and the world powers nowned Holocaust author, in these prolonged nego- “It awarded $150 billion need to be strategically vigi- who has carried out a great tiations, the Iranians have to fund terror groups and lant and alert - “very alert”, Mr Justice Dennis Davis deal of research for his outsmarted the Americans agreed to the lifting of sanc- Boiskin warns. describes the deal as “splen- newly-launched book “The did. Look at the alternative. Canopy - Warriors for Jus- Otherwise Iran will go ahead tice, Facing the Ticking Time in an uncontrollable way. Bomb”, feels the Iranian deal This way we have a chance is “very bad for Israel. It is of holding Iran accountable. going to cause all the Arab It is best to build in some countries in the Middle East safeguard - either you seek to Jonathan Silke, honorary to want to become nuclear bomb (Iran) or you carry on life president of the South powers and purchase weap- with sanctions.” African Zionist Federation, ons.” Davis says that by drawing says the nuclear deal between The Saudis, who are Sunni Iran into the 21st century, Iran and the Western powers Muslims, are particularly there is more hope of bring- will prove to be a historic vulnerable. “Iran is clearly the ing about social change. error rather than a historic new regional power of the “I think it would be of in- achievement “as it failed Middle East. Because it is al- terest to have a poll canvass- to build into its provisions lowed to continue its nuclear ing opinions as to whether it the strongest disapproval of research, none of the centri- was a good idea to have gone Iran’s calls for the destruc- fuges are removed which are into Iraq (too). tion of Israel, its encour- required to manufacture and “The people of Israel are agement of anti-Semitism enrich uranium.” SAZF Cape Council speaks out strongly against Iran deal

ROWAN POLOVIN FOR SAZF CAPE COUNCIL a game of deception that it has perfected over many years. The South African Zionist Federation stands firmly While there will be limits to the number of against the Iran nuclear deal. We believe that this centrifuges with which Iran can enrich uranium to deal is a threat not only to Israel, but to the United weapon-grade standard, it does not have to dis- States, Europe and the world. mantle a single centrifuge. On top of that, Iran will It is not a historic achievement by world pow- get rewarded with hundreds of billions of dollars ers in containing the fundamentalist and murder- in sanctions relief, allowing it to continue its vast ous regime of Iran. It is rather a historic mistake network of terror funding around the world. that legitimises that regime, bolsters it financially Iran has repeatedly called for the destruction and aids its vast network of terror in the Middle of Israel. It burns Israeli and American flags on a East, Africa and around the world. regular basis and instils a culture of anti-Sem- In theory, the purpose of the deal is to monitor itism throughout its population, going as far as and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. holding cartoon contests denying the Holocaust. In practice, the deal only temporarily delays Iran It funds the terrorist organisations of Hamas and from acquiring nuclear bombs, and legitimises Hezbollah that live right on Israel’s borders and their speedy acquisition after a decade. continues daily invectives against the Jewish State. While the agreement allows for inspections We ask fellow South Africans to stand with us of known nuclear facilities in Iran, these inspec- in firm and resolute opposition to this historic tions have to be declared 24 days in advance. blunder. We support Israel’s right to defend This effectively allows Iran to continue its nuclear itself and its right to prevent Iran from acquiring research and development unimpeded through nuclear weapons. 4 SA JEWISH REPORT News 31 July – 7 August 2015 Barney Meyers Hall perpetuates legacy of a great man

MELISSA ELION and every learner by name and details of his or her family, long after they had left the school, his varied interests and The outstanding contribution to Jewish education by the hobbies, his boundless energy and his belief in the maxim late Barney Meyers, principal of King David Victory Park of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Primary School from 1966 to 1990, was acknowledged at Reminiscing about his life and achievements was a his memorial, held on Monday, when the school hall was positive and affirming experience for all who attended named in his honour: The Barney Meyers Hall. the evening, as he certainly had a profound impact on Past pupils, colleagues, family and friends attended his pupils and staff. the evening which celebrated his life, achievements, and His daughters and their families who live in Hong the legacies which he passed on to all who knew him Kong and Israel respectively, were present and spoke through his professionalism, dedication, commitment at the memorial. His grandchildren put together an and positivism. audiovisual presentation of his life, with photographs Tributes were paid to him by Jeffrey Wolf, who worked and commentary, highlighting his achievements and alongside him as principal of King David Victory Park interests. High School for many years and Dr Zummy Isenberg, life- A Facebook page, “Memories of Barney Meyers”, has long friend. Many past learners and colleagues sent video been set up for past pupils and friends to post and share clips of memories and anecdotes about Barney Meyers’ memories and stories. wonderful qualities such as his ability to make each pupil The evening ended with the unveiling of the new hall feel important and special, his ability to remember each name. Rediscovered Irma Stern painting an expensive notice board ANT KATZ Hannah O’Leary, Bonhams’ head of South African art, found the painting in London when she went to a client’s A painting by acclaimed Jewish South African artist Irma apartment to appraise their art collection. “I was undertak- Stern titled “Arab in Black” valued at as much as R20 mil- ing a routine valuation when I spotted this masterpiece lion, was discovered hanging in the hanging in the kitchen, covered in kitchen of an English collector and was letters, postcards and bills,” O’Leary being used as a notice board, UK auc- said in a statement. “It was a hugely tion house Bonhams said last week. exciting find even before I learned of its The painting will be offered for sale political significance.” on September 9 during the second “Arab in Black” signed and dated “South African Sale” of 2015 at 1939 on the upper left corner, bears Bonhams’ New Bond Street premises the inscription: “Arab in black to in London. “Arab in Black” is expected stretcher and frame (verso) oil on can- to fetch between R14 million and R20 vas 61 x 51cm (24 x 20 1/16in) within million. an original Zanzibar frame.” The painting, which has wonder- Stern was an expressionist, born in ful “Struggle credentials”, had been 1894 in Schweizer Reneke in the then almost lost to the world, said Bon- Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, later hams. The painting had been linked to the province. She achieved Nelson Mandela, they said. national and international recogni- Bonhams has advertised the art- tion in her lifetime and her art fetches work as the painting that helped save some of the highest prices for a South Nelson Mandela’s life, because Stern African artist. Stern died in Cape Town had donated the painting to raise money for Madiba’s legal on August 23, 1966. defence at the Treason Trial. Mandela, who was eventually Earlier this year, Stern’s “Still Life with African Woman” found not guilty, had been arrested in 1955 on a charge of fetched R17,6 million at Bonhams’ first biannual South Af- high treason which carried the death penalty. rican sale of 2015 in London. The sale had been dominated The painting then went to Britain in the 1970s when the by Stern’s work with nine of her paintings on sale. “African original buyer emigrated to the UK and it was subsequently Woman”, in a replica Zanzibari frame, fetched the top price bequeathed to the current owner, who has chosen to remain of almost R19 million. anonymous. In March 2011, Bonhams achieved a then-record auc- The original owner was art collector Betty Suzman, whose tion price overseas for any South African work of art when father, Max Sonnenberg, founded Woolworths. Betty was Stern’s “Arab Priest” (1945) fetched R17,2 million. the sister-in-law of anti-apartheid activist and politician Her “Two Arabs” sold for R21,1 million at a South African Helen Suzman and Betty’s daughter is acclaimed actor and auction held by Strauss & Co, also in 2011, making it the director Janet Suzman. highest price ever fetched by a South African painting. 31 July – 7 August 2015 Opinion and Analysis SA JEWISH REPORT 5 Why is Israel so happy if things are so bad?

TAKING ISSUE countries included China, Vietnam, and India. (15 per cent), and France (14 per cent). can easily paint an erroneous picture. Mark Developing countries, mostly in Africa, also Developing and emerging countries showed Twain is well-known to have popularised the included the Palestinian Authority. even more optimism about the future than phrase in the United States to describe the The poll measured the perception among res- Israelis, however, such as the Vietnam- persuasive power of numbers, particularly the Geoff Sifrin idents of the economy’s performance. Forty- ese, Chinese, Nigerians, Indians, Chileans, use of statistics to bolster arguments which nine per cent of Israelis said their economy was Ethiopians, Senegalese, and residents of may be in doubt : “There are three kinds of lies: With the constant stream of ugly headlines ‘good’. But it’s for their children that Israelis Burkina Faso. Two thirds of the residents of lies, damned lies, and statistics.” about Israel, threats from the ICC about have the most hope. Some 51 per cent believed those countries expected their children to do But still, given the perception of deteriorat- possible war crimes investigations, and BDS’ their children will be financially better off better than they. Palestinians were the least ing political realities for Israel in the Middle worldwide success in fostering boycotts than they are – the highest percentage of any optimistic in the developing world – but more East and parts of the world at large, and the against it, one could easily conclude that country in the developed world, nearly twice optimistic than Lebanese, Malaysians, and worrying rise of anti-Semitism across the Israelis must be unhappy and pessimistic. the average in Western Europe and North Jordanians, and less optimistic than Poles globe – which affects Israel in many ways – it Any peace deal with the Palestinians seems America. In the US, only 32 per cent felt the and Venezuelans. is remarkable that that country ranks statisti- impossible in the foreseeable future, and next generation would be better off, while the Of course, statistics are only rough measures cally today among the most buoyant and arch-enemy Iran is about to re-enter the in- least optimistic was Japan (18 per cent), Italy of reality. They can change very quickly, and optimistic nations. ternational stage following its deal with world powers on its nuclear programme – without ever having renounced its vow to “wipe Israel off the map”. Yet while political realities look gloomy, sur- veys show Israel ranks as one of the happiest, most optimistic nations in the world in other Inspiration respects. Israelis feel better than most Europe- ans, according to the European Social Survey poll published recently by City University London and other academic institutions. The poll examined satisfaction levels in 29 mostly European countries, including Israel, measur- ing the sense of wellbeing, and community and emotional support among residents. Israelis scored higher than the majority of European countries - eighth place - in feelings of well-being. This was identical to Germany and higher than Britain, France and Italy. MINDFULNESS: MAKING Denmark came first, and Norway, Switzer- land, Iceland, Finland, Holland and Sweden ranked higher than Israel. These results are EVERY MOMENT MATTER remarkable – though they were probably af- fected by the fact that Europe was embroiled in a debt crisis at the time of the initial sur- vey, based on 2012 data. RABBI LAIBL WOLF Israel scored lower in the other categories, but still came out looking relatively healthy. 10 AUGUST In the sense of belonging to communities, 7:15PM it ranked eleventh, but still above France, Italy, Poland and Bulgaria. In the emotional CHABAD BENMORE/ RIVERCLUB support category it ranked thirteenth, with Germany coming third, near the Scandinavian countries. The lowest scoring countries were Portugal, Italy and Hungary. Russia received dismal scores in all categories. A more current survey focusing on fi- nance, confirmed the outlook of Israel as an advanced, optimistic society. In the Pew Research Centre’s annual poll of economic conditions in 40 countries released last week, Israelis score high in optimism. Most significantly, they expressed confidence in their children’s financial future. The survey categorised countries as ‘advanced’, ‘emerg- ing’ and ‘developing’. Israel was classified as TOWARDS A MEANINGFUL LIFE advanced, as were most of Western Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia. Emerging The Canopy RABBI ARI KIEVMAN Warriors for Justice WEDNESDAYS 5 AUG - 9 SEP Facing the ticking time bomb 7:15PM By: Harold Serebro CHABAD BENMORE/ RIVERCLUB This book can be purchased online R50 ENTRANCE FEE at R200 each

For more information visit WWW.CHABADSOUTHAFRICA.ORG Call Wilma van der Merwe (011) 645-3614 or e-mail [email protected] 6 SA JEWISH REPORT Opinion and Analysis 31 July – 7 August 2015 Jewishsouth african Report A community newspaper in the

face of scandal Wilson/Getty Images Mark Photo: Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images) Photo:

I have been at the helm of the Jewish Report for a mere seven months and have already faced the dilemma that editors of many community publications face - the arrival of a few potentially scandalous or explosive issues and the dilemma of how to or even whether to cover them. If we were an ordinary newspaper like the Washington Post, our reporters would cover instances of abuse, infighting, theft, philandering, or corruption with the fervour of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein writing about the Watergate scandal. Sen Charles Schumer participating in a Senate Judiciary Rep Steve Israel answering questions after a meeting of the That is endemic to the true spirit of journalistic integrity. Committee hearing on Capitol Hill on July 8. Schumer, a New House Democratic Caucus in Washington, DC, on May 9, 2014. My professor at journalism school in Chicago often York Democrat, is seen as a key vote on the Iran deal. He fought for the 60-day review period. implored us to be brave and said that one was only a good journalist when one had really ruffled the feathers of the public figures that were covered in the news. Jewish lawmakers shut out noise as But a community paper like the SA Jewish Report requires a complete paradigm shift. We are not writing about a world they consider Iran nuclear deal out there that we are exposing for behaving badly; by virtue of our involvement and connection to community members RON KAMPEAS The other undecideds who spoke to JTA are Senator Ben Cardin and leaders, we are a part of the community system. WASHINGTON of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations This means we sometimes have a vested interest in Committee, and Representative Ted Deutch of Florida, the senior protecting our structures from appearing scandalous to Turn off the ads, turn down the noise and read, listen and consult. Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Middle East sub- the outside world whether our community’s actions justify That’s what five key Jewish lawmakers say they are planning for committee. exposure or not. And sometimes, we have an interest in the five to seven weeks they have to contemplate their vote on the Three Jewish Democrats in leadership have come out in favour protecting Jewish individuals from being exposed to the Iran nuclear deal. of the deal: Representative Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, the chief rest of South African Jewry. There are 28 Jews in Congress, but seven are undecided and in deputy whip in the House; Representative Sander Levin of Michi- My esteemed predecessor, Geoff Sifrin, says that in positions of influence as lawmakers consider an agreement that gan, the longest-serving Jewish congressman and the ranking the many years he was editor, he was, on some occasions, grants Iran sanctions relief in exchange for nuclear restrictions on member on the Ways and Means Committee; and Senator Dianne harassed with abusive phone calls and threats to shut down its nuclear programme. Feinstein of California, the ranking member of the Senate Intel- the paper. Republicans are mostly against the deal, so the focus is on Dem- ligence Committee. Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat California, a Sometimes, he was accused of being part of the conspiracy ocrats who would be key to garnering the two-thirds majorities in longtime leader on pro-Israel issues who is retiring, has also indi- of silence and at other times, he was told the paper was the House of Representatives and the Senate to override President cated she would back the deal. nothing more than a sensationalist, anti-Jewish tabloid. Barack Obama’s promised veto of any resolution of disapproval of Israel, whose background is in Jewish organisational activism, Sifrin says it was for him a very delicate balancing act where a deal. said he was relying on his experience. one had to make a judgement call in each case of whether to Democrats traditionally take their cues from members consid- “What I mostly do is in my DNA,” said the congressman, who expose controversial or scandalous material. ered closest to a particular issue. In this case, Jewish Democrats, was arrested in the 1980s for Soviet Jewry activism. Jewish newspapers like New York City’s The Forward and their leadership on pro-Israel advocacy, make them among the More tangibly, many of the lawmakers, particularly those with which covers a Jewish community of some six million across most watched. large Jewish constituencies, will be hosting town hall meetings a huge country, can cover scandals like the “mikveh peeping A number of groups opposing the deal are running ads in states during the August break. rabbi” in Washington, DC with a cool, calm distance. with large numbers of Jewish Democratic voters, including Flori- “We’ve got at least four big town halls that we’re planning for For us, amid a tiny community of some 75 000, when da, New York and California. Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat soon after we get back” to South Florida in August, said Deutch. trouble lurks, we are often asked by interested parties to be New York, likely to become party leader in the Senate when Sena- “I also know we’ve been setting up meetings with different con- cautious and consider all the consequences and ramifications tor Harry Reid, Democrat Nevada, retires next year, has been tar- stituents and different groups who want to come discuss the deal.” and all people affected, before exposing the issue. geted in particular by the ads. Deutch, who told JTA he was sceptical of the deal, said he could This is not always a bad thing. In one particular Joseph Lieberman, a former senator who is lobbying against announce his leaning by the end of this week. institution where abuse of a sort occurred a long time ago, the deal, told a New York-area conservative talk radio show that Administration officials insist that if Congress rejects a deal, we were recently asked to hold off until the organisation has Schumer was “key” and that his nay would open “the way for a lot European partners who would be key to reconstituting sanction, done their own investigations so that no-one is harmfully of other Democrats to oppose it as well”. would not co-operate. But Deutch isn’t sure that’s the case. exposed on incorrect information or before the wronged Obama spent face time toward the end of last week with a num- “I don’t want to rely on what we’re told by American officials,” he victims have decided how they want to proceed. ber of leading Jewish lawmakers urging them to back the deal. said. “I want to speak directly with our European friends, and I’ve This is where our dual role of being gatekeepers For all the pressure, Jewish lawmakers in interviews shared one been doing that.” of information as well as caretakers with a sense of adamant claim: They will not be rushed, and they will not let the Deutch also said lawmakers were consulting one another. responsibility to the community has to be weighed against noise get to them. “I want my colleagues to understand how important it is to get the pure and important goal of reporting the truth. “I was one of those members who fought vigorously for a 60-day past the talking points and to dig into the details,” he said. Our aim is not to just serve up juicy bits of impropriety review period,” said Representative Steve Israel, Democrat New Congress members are paying attention to calls from constitu- for headlines, but instead to consider whether it is in the York, noting that Congress has that amount of time to approve or ents. Schiff said his were running half and half, Deutch and Engel community’s best interests to know. But this does not mean disapprove the deal. “If you’re going to fight for that, the responsi- said callers tended to share their concerns about the deal, and Is- we will be complicit in hiding facts when they should be ble and nonpartisan thing to do is to take that time.” rael said last week Friday that calls were running 550 for the deal exposed! That weighing up is by its nature a very subjective Israel led his party’s congressional re-election campaign during and 300 against. process and all I can promise is we will sometimes get it the last two cycles and chafed at the rush among Republicans to Cardin did not have a tally, but said the calls were influential. wrong. denounce the deal. Feedback from constituents, he said, was “one of the factors that My belief is that we make our decisions based on the Representative Eliot Engel of New York, the senior Democrat on go into the political process and it certainly has an impact”. assumption that the community has a right to know the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said he was looking forward Like others, the Maryland Democrat said he was also paying about misconduct within communal organisations and to quiet time alone with his staff in the Sensitive Compartmen- close attention to the open hearings, such as the contentious ones institutions, and about the misbehaviour of high profile talised Information facility where government officials with clear- that Secretary of State John Kerry and other Cabinet ministers community members when it affects others. But they don’t ance may review classified materials. have endured in recent days in the House and Senate, as well as have a right to know about every spat within communal “I don’t like finger pointing and rhetoric,” Engel said. “I look at classified briefings. structures, nor about the misfortunes or improprieties the agreement and try to make decisions there.” “I want to fully understand this agreement, whether we of individuals. Sometimes it’s best to leave that to their Representative Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat are better off with this agreement, of having Iran becoming lawyers. on the House Intelligence Committee, said he was “really trying a nuclear weapons state, and if we walk away what the con- Ultimately, a community paper has a vital role in fostering to tune out the emotional appeals and figure out what makes the sequences will be,” he said. discussion and debate when issues should be raised and most sense”. The lawmakers are taking meetings with organisations dealt with to create an evermore mindful and conscientious Schiff noted Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s that oppose the deal, chief among them the American Israel community. We hope that we play that part with both verve likening of the deal to the Holocaust, saying the comments “were Public Affairs Committee, and those who support it. and integrity. singularly unhelpful and made me feel a bit ill”. Schiff said television advertising run by groups backing JTA spoke with five of the leading Jewish undecideds: Schumer and opposing the deal would not influence him. – Vanessa Valkin, Editor did not return our requests. Representative Nita Lowey, Democrat “When the ad campaigns begin, I’m going to try and New York, the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Com- tune those out as well,” the California Democrat said. “I mittee, indicated interest in an interview but was unable to make don’t think this is something going to be decided by a 30-sec- More news on our website www.sajr.co.za time during the past five days. ond ad.” (JTA) 31 July – 7 August 2015 News SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Raising flags in SA for different scenarios

Clem Sunter - watch the the West, illustrated by Russian President ism and climate change, including changing flags to see the future. Vladimir Putin’s annexation of the Crimea. weather patterns and rising sea levels. This has resulted in concerns in Western In his introduction, Afrika Tikkun CEO Europe about Russian ambitions. Marc Lubner said his organisation has a busi-

Photo: Wesley Wesley Poon Photo: The third flag is a “clockwork flag”, a grey ness model designed to assist beneficiaries flag ticking away - the ageing of the popula- “from cradle to career”, to give them the skills tion in the West and China - but not in Africa. to be employed after finishing school - not Middle-class anger at the super rich is just getting them into jobs, but into jobs for another flag. The level of inequality in Europe which they were well-suited and trained. and the US “is back to where it was in the This is also done on a professional basis 1880s” and it was the middle class that pro- that brings in income for Afrika Tikkun, as duced revolutionaries. opposed to it being only a charity. The last flag, another “clockwork flag”, Afrika Tikkun has over 20 000 beneficiar- includes threats such as international terror- ies, he said.

For these and all your properties MICHAEL BELLING Five rising flags should be noted in this country: www.stamelmanproperties.co.za South Africa is still in the “premier league” in • Corruption and crime - corruption is “chang- Our Dedicated Experienced Team Offering you! • Property sales & rentals terms of the future, scenario planner Clem ing the game”; • Extensive property marketing Sunter told a breakfast hosted by Afrika Tik- • The ecliningd quality of infrastructure, par- • www.stamelmanproperties.co.za / www. kun at a Rosebank hotel last week. ticularly electricity and water; property24.co.za / www.privateproperty.co.za The other two possible scenarios, or flags, • Leadership, particularly inclusive leadership. • Print media – Jewish Report – Sunday Times – North Eastern Tribune – JHB Express and others as he calls them, are South Africa as a failed “South Africa is probably more divided now MARK SHIRLEY TREVOR LORRAINE state, or “playing in the second division - a as a nation than at any time since 1994,” he GOLDBERG STAMELMAN STAMELMAN LEVY • Monthly newsletters, bulk SMS communications gentler meander downwards”, he said. The said; 072 186 6911 083 488 0747 082 608 0168 082 517 0396 • Weekly show days, colour brochures, dominant area coverage... Prominent Constant Exposure. probability of this is as great as remaining in • Pockets of excellence that exist in many • Extensive database, secured online marketing the premier league. places, “a green flag”; and communications. Sunter, a former director of Anglo Ameri- • The entrepreneurial“ spark flag” - that is • Strong administration and support with legal, can who was known for his high road-low what changed nations more than anything marketing and financial back up. road scenarios for South Africa before the else. • Excellent training – competitive incentives • Credit checks, finance arranged end of apartheid, said the country is at an “We must change our mantra for 2020 from EZRA SHAQUILLE JUSTIN LYNN • Secure, professional office environment economic crossroad and that we need to do creating five million jobs to creating one mil- SHER SAYERS JACOBSON MCKAY 083 407 6633 078 448 3388 083 327 2591 079 522 8634 • “Extraordinary Service Extraordinary Trust” things differently to prosper in the future. We lion entrepreneurs,” he said. need to watch the “rising flags”, particularly “I would like to see some kind of economic Trevor Stamelman (082)-608-0168 | Office (011) 885-3742 or (011) 440-2579 relating to the economy, he noted. Codesa to turn things round.” [email protected] | www.stamelmanproperties.co.za The point of flags is to try to see things On the international front, a number of differently. flags indicate threats on several levels. The The country needs a conversation on first is the religious flag, a growing confronta- boosting the economy and creating greater tion between the major religions. “The Arab economic freedom and encouragement for Spring has turned into the Arab nightmare,” entrepreneurship, he said. The political revo- which also includes Sunni versus Shia. lution has occurred and now economic change “The world is more dangerous now than in is required, for example, with young people 1990,” he said. This is a “cloudy flag”, as we do creating jobs, rather than simply finding jobs. not know where it is going to lead to. The world of work has changed. The second flag is an existential threat to DLD On the road again TEL AVIV MEYER BENJAMIN and such to choose from, as well as the biggest Sep. 6-12, 2015 hotel in town, the Protea Hotel Clarens. There are One of life’s greatest pleasures is surely exploring all sorts of things to do, besides just exploring the the open road - especially here in South Africa village and its galleries and eateries, including fos- where our scenery is quite unrivalled. There is sil hunting, hiking, or white-water rafting. Join the South African delegation and something very meditative about the open road Another of my favourite places is Durban. get FREE AccESS to the DLD TeL AvIv and sometimes, with just the tyres singing on the Whether it’s in full summer when the heat sits InnovATIon FesTIvAL 2015! tarmac and a muted engine note for company, one on you like a comforting blanket, or in winter can feel very close indeed to Hashem. when the days are cool and clear and the nights I have been lucky enough to explore most are crisp. No wonder the locals speak about “the The DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival Join the official South African delega- areas of this great country by road, and one of champagne days of winter”. brings together the best thinkers on tion to the DLD conference coordinated by The Open Door Agency (TODA) and my favourite destinations remains Clarens - a In fact, it is probably one of the most underrated issues of innovation, media, digital, entertainment, art and science. It get free access to the conference. town (or really a village) that quite rightly has cities in the country, with a lot of South Africans originated in Munich and is running for been nicknamed “the Jewel of the Free State”. It’s concentrating instead on the charms of Cape Town the 5th time in Tel Aviv this year. TODA will also facilitate direct and named after the town in Switzerland where Paul and Johannesburg. personal engagement with startups, Kruger, exiled president of the Zuid-Afrikaansche There’s a lot more to Durban than the old fun- Along with the full DLD Tel Aviv Innova- funders, government agencies and other business linkages important to Repubiek, died, and is a drawcard for artists with in-the-sun cliché. Not only do you have beaches, tion conference (7th to 9th September) numerous events and conferences held you and your business (for delegates art galleries aplenty scattered around. but it’s in close proximity to the Drakensberg by multinational and Israeli compa- registering before 14 August 2015). It’s also an absolute magnet for visitors from the mountains - as well as game reserves, and even nies and organisations will be running city. And besides its compact, clean appeal, one of battlefields, if that’s your sort of thing. concurrently. The Open Door Agency (TODA) is a Clarens’ biggest lures is the setting, easily one of I spend most of my time in Umhlanga [on the multi-sector business promotion and development agency based in South the prettiest in all of South Africa, which is saying north coast], which has grown over the years from Attending DLD Tel Aviv is the perfect way to engage with and find out Africa. TODA focuses on developing quite something given the competition it faces a little hamlet into a sort of -by-the-sea - more about the booming Israeli tech, businesses through collaboration and from the rest of the country. with some of the best hotels in the country, includ- business, startup, investment and is driven to find ways of creating value If you have ever visited the place you’ll know ing the Beverly Hills and The Oyster Box. innovation ecosystems. through innovation and partnership. it’s dominated by jaw-droppingly beautiful, slightly Even if you’re not staying here, they’re great haunting sandstone mountains, with the Golden places to eat at, and The Ocean Terrace Restaurant Gate Highlands National Park just a few minutes’ at the wonderfully colonial Oyster Box has a daily For more information contact THE drive away. In fact, the Rooiberge is the range that curry buffet that’s one of the most superb even in [email protected] surrounds the village, and a lot of the homes in the a city known, naturally, for its curries. OPEN DOOR area use sandstone in their construction. Then, of course, Umhlanga has some of the best AGENCY Great little restaurants abound, and when it beaches in the province. If it’s shopping you want, comes to accommodation, you are spoilt for choice there’s the sprawling Gateway Theatre of Shop- www.opendooragency.co.za with a range of bed-and-breakfasts, guest houses ping which brims with top-range outlets. 8 SA JEWISH REPORT Community Columns News 31 July – 7 August 2015 A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Don’t let BDS set the agenda, says SAUJS - Our future is in good hands Michael Freeman On Monday evening, the SA Union of I commend SAUJS for all they have Jewish Students held a special SAUJS done and are doing, and can truly say STEVEN GRUZD pay them R40 000 each not to fly to Israel (a alumni dinner, attended by present and that if they represent the future of our claim BDS denies). former SAUJS leaders and members community, then we are in excellent The South African Jewish media gives too “Their biggest nightmare is that activists going back well into the last century. hands. much attention and publicity to the Boycott, would want to go to Israel and see for National Director Wendy Kahn, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS-SA) move- themselves,” he said. “They saw how BDS who represented the Board, reported Limmud - respect for diversity ment which has urged the imposition of had been lying to them. Calling Israel an that it was an enthralling evening, This year’s long-awaited Limmud festival sanctions on Israel, said Israel Deputy Am- apartheid state is an insult to the real anti- during which past national chairmen of of Jewish learning and culture kicks off in bassador to South Africa Michael Freeman. apartheid struggle.” SAUJS shared their memories of what Johannesburg on Friday. From there, it “We let them set the agenda”, said Free- He also strongly denied any cultural it was like to be a Jewish university will move to Cape Town before concluding man, speaking at the WIZO Monthly Forum boycott of Israel by South Africa. On the student in years gone by and the kind in Durban on Monday, August 10. on Tuesday at Beyachad, on “Unlocking the contrary, the Israeli Embassy can barely of challenges that confronted them as Board members, both professional Boycott: Is Israel on the Road to Isolation?” cope with all the requests for Israeli artists, Jewish student leaders in their day. Above Board staff and lay leaders, feature on the “I don’t like talking on this topic,” Free- authors and entertainers to appear at the Many of those SAUJS veterans Mary Kluk programmes at all three centres. I myself man said, “because I really believe we are many South African festivals, including Op- have since gone on to hold important National Chairman will be speaking on a panel on Holocaust giving fuel to BDS.” pikoppi and Joy of Jazz, he said. leadership positions in Jewish education in Durban, and as always He noted that Palestinian Authority Presi- Israel-South Africa trade grew seven per communal affairs, both in a lay and professional look forward to being part of this rich, diverse and dent Mahmoud Abbas recently said he did cent last year to over a billion dollars and capacity. rewarding initiative. not support BDS and that Israel was the PA’s tourism figures are up. “Although they are SAUJS is today one of the organisations with Limmud, while broadly supported by the partner. “In that case, who is BDS speaking great at PR and the media, and have a huge which the SAJBD has a particularly close working community at large, remains controversial in some for?” Freeman asked. And if BDS was so budget, BDS is just not having a significant relationship. It has been a constant source of circles. From my perspective, while I believe strongly concerned about Palestinian rights, why effect on the ground. We are not seeing any inspiration to witness the dedication of these young in promoting as much learning as possible, it is with had it not uttered a word about the serious impact,” Freeman said. Jewish leaders, who are at the coalface of so many of the important proviso that this does not involve 20 000 Palestinians murdered in Syria? “BDS thrives on publicity, and we keep our own struggles on behalf of our community. making negative judgements about people’s religious He also outlined BDS’ inherent anti- giving it to them, especially in the Jew- Operating in an environment that is always choices. Semitism, including the notorious singing ish media! Why give them the space?” he challenging and not infrequently hostile and By all means, express and explain your point of of “Shoot the Jew”, their contention that asked. “I am not saying ignore them, but put unpleasant, SAUJS continues to take a firm, principled view, but do so in a way that does not denigrate the anti-Semitism was “overstated and not a them on the back foot. stand on behalf of Jewish rights on campus, whether deeply-held beliefs of others. Discussion around major issue”, and the call for expulsion of all “Yes, they stopped a small recital by this relates to combating anti-Semitism, assisting all issues, but particularly with regard to religious Jews from the Durban University of Technol- pianist Yossi Reshef, but Wits then promoted religious students whose exams have been set on practices and beliefs, need to be managed sensitively ogy (and retraction the next day, saying they a concert by the Daniel Zamir Quartet that Shabbat or Yomtov, or ensuring that there are and respectfully. meant “all Zionists”). filled the Great Hall! Who’s really winning? opportunities for Israel’s case to be heard. So long as Limmud-SA continues in that vein, He pointed out that and a love “My message is: Don’t let BDS set the At the same time, it promotes Jewish-related I will remain one of its most whole-hearted for Israel is a fundamental tenet of Judaism, agenda - they don’t get to decide who we cultural, religious and social activities, builds bridges supporters. found in prayer, festivals and in religious are. We have so many great stories to tell with other faith and ethnic communities and finds rituals from weddings to bensching. about Israel and its creativity. The more we innovative ways to involve Jewish youth in issues of • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 Freeman pointed to the backlash over the set the agenda, the more they get alienated, wider importance in the wider society. ChaiFM every Friday 12:00 - 13:00. 16 black South African student leaders who and are exposed as radical, anti-Semitic This column is paid for by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies recently visited Israel, and how BDS tried to extremists.”



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DR IVOR BLUMENTHAL For their part, the secular community understands, ap- preciates and respects far less these people called “Jews”, With over 50 sessions and A decade and a half ago, as a board member of a Jewish in- than it ever has before. There is basically far less contact 16 elite international presenters to stitution, I found myself embroiled in a spat with a leading between Jews and people from other religions. rabbinical figure over his insistence that Jewish children Stereotypes and fundamental misconceptions abound choose from... it’s not too late to join us for should only be in Jewish day schools. more today than in the last half century. The world has Sunday at Limmud In his model for schooling our youth, there was no place moved away in South Africa from the Jewish community. for a Jewish child anywhere other than in a schooling insti- They are disinterested in our assertion of our Jew- tution reflective of our community, our value system, our ish identity. They are far more open to the advocacy of Sessions Include religious ethos and our practices. anti-Jew and anti-Israel protagonists, spearheaded by The implication was that he wanted to see Jewish the BDS movement in this country and around the world, Divine Selection: The Evolution of God Naftali Brawer children pulled out of the public schooling system, and than they are in the Zionist cause. This reality has been that cheder and other services offered at those schools, be brought about partially by ourselves and our insular strat- An Open Environment: Towards Robust and discontinued. egy which has backfired. Respectful Debate on Campus My contrary view was that there’s a place in society for What makes matters worse, however, is far more seri- Adam Habib Jewish children to be schooled in the public sector and in ous in my opinion. The motives, noble as they possibly Cradle to Career: Empowering the Future the secular environment. may have been, in protesting for Jewish children to be of South Africa Not all Jewish learners should automatically have to find moved exclusively into the Jewish schooling system, were Marc Lubner themselves in Jewish day schools and sometimes children exceptionally misdirected. from our community thrive in a more varied, less religious, The hope that through this action, Jewish observance The Politics of Power: How Israel treats secular environment where there is more of a different bal- would be strengthened among the traditionally secular its Bedouin Citizens Don Futterman ance of sporting, academic and cultural matters. and irreverent Jew, has proved unfulfilled. The hope that I always considered this argument to have been more through this action assimilation would be curbed, proved Integral Praxis: Self-fulfilment & Societal Change about numbers and money and far less about the interests unfounded in that social and even familial assimilation is Paul Cohen & Stephne Fain of the community and the future of these children and on the increase in this country and not on the decrease. their families. Our Jewish day schools suffer in part from what ap- Death: A Ticket to a New Destination David Cumes My opinion remains that to continue as viable business- pears to be group dependence on the lowest common es, many of our Jewish day schools need a critical mass of denominator, very often at a level of representing very State of the Opposition: A Jewish full fee-paying learners. We have so many of these schools little of meaning and impact to anyone. Perspective on South African Politics operating in Johannesburg that there is no way that they There is very little that is aspirational towards Jewish Glynis Breytenbach, Michael Bagraim, are economically sustainable. religious observance or practices. It may be argued that Darren Bergman & Howard Sackstein So, instead of recognising the financial plight many Jew- there appears at times to be diffused responsibility in the The Local Story Behind Global Jihad ish families find themselves in, those families were given pursuit of excellence, often even in religious learning, a Annika Hernroth- Rothstein little option: Withdraw the support services to non-Jewish higher secular content academically than ever before and schools; starve those children of Jewish community, iden- far less sustained Zionistic zeal than is conducive to a Who is Afraid of Orthodox Feminism? tity and religious and social insight and activities unless in proud and vibrant community such as ours. Dina Brawer Jewish day schools and parents would have no choice but What this strategy has in fact done in the active, strong and more! to look to those schools for the education of their children. and generally excellent Jewish day schools, is dumb-down They would find the money, even if the pursuit took them the pro-Jewish culture and sometimes even the averages into unmanageable debt. and transform those schools into institutions trying to I have found these attempts at social engineering inter- be everything to everyone and in so doing, standing for esting in that while these schools have opened their regis- nothing - not even Jewish identity. trations up to full fee-paying families, little has been done What solutions are available to us as a community? Join us this Sunday to effect the integration of children from these families Firstly, I believe we need to rationalise the number of Indaba Hotel, (William Nicol) into these Jewish day schools. shtetl schools which are popping up and proliferating Instead, especially in those, which are extremely reli- within our suburbs. This is simply unaffordable. It is a Register for Sunday gious, parents and their children are tolerated for their strategy which leads to donor fatigue, splits our society on our website fees. However, these parents who are really outsiders, can- and achieves very little except to stroke egos. www.Limmud.org.za not expect to have a say in the running of the school and Secondly, we need to work as a community with that certainly cannot expect their child to be welcomed socially handful of public schools which are receptive to partner- Registration at the hotel is from: 7am - 9am into the inner sanctum of these community networks. ships that allow for the reintroduction of cheders and Today, some 15 years later, where that rabbi seemingly activities facilitated by Jewish youth organisations and It’s not too late to come even if you managed to have his way and where very few Jewish chil- are prepared to respect our Jewish calendar. haven’t booked! dren are enrolled outside of our ghetto, I honestly cannot Then we need to advocate to families in our commu- We have Credit Card & SnapScan Facilities believe that we are any better off as a community than nity that they have a choice, which includes these public when decades ago there was a fairer and more equitable schools. We need to actively convince parents that we distribution of Jewish children between the public and embrace diversity and do not seek automatant conform- private schooling sector, let alone between the Jewish day ity. This requires a massive culture shift. schools versus the “others”. To do any of this takes political courage. We need, as I believe in fact that due to this insular strategy adopted the Jewish community, to ask ourselves whether we have by a handful of outspoken but very narrow-minded leaders, such courage in what has become a personality-driven we are worse off today as a Jewish community. autocracy. Our children are, I believe, less integrated. They un- South Africa derstand the greater community less. They are naïve to Dr Blumenthal is the former CEO of Services Sector anything other than those values which we represent as the Education and Training Authority (SETA) and is currently a Jewish community. business consultant, and radio host on Radio Today. 10 SA JEWISH REPORT News 31 July – 7 August 2015 Annika’s journey from secularism to Jewish observance

SUZANNE BELLING said Hernroth-Rothstein, who went through her metamorphosis of identity Annika Hernroth-Rothstein (pictured), with her people after she was harassed by internationally-known political adviser and her non-Jewish peers at school. writer who is addressing sessions of this “Before that I did not reflect on my year’s Limmud programme, has travelled Jewishness - it took several steps to change the journey from secularism to Jewish ob- that.” servance in her native Stockholm. It was around 1994 when neo-Nazis were She is a world-renowned fighter against part of the mainstream learners in her anti-Semitism, going so far as applying for school. “They were wearing uniforms of the asylum in her own country on the basis of Hitler Jugend, having attended a confer- religious persecution in an attempt to gain ence of members and sat next to me in an protection from her government! obtrusive way, harassing me at every turn.” “I took the step after Sweden gave asylum Her mother encouraged her not to look to Syrian refugees and considered the 10 Jewish - “I had this mop of unruly hair, a points in the terms required to gain asylum trademark of many Jewish girls, so I shaved - two of them were if you are suffering from my head when I was 15 and did all the su- religious persecution or if you cannot trust perficial things my mother advised.” to import meat from Belgium as shechting but worst of all desecrated my siddur.” your government to protect you.” Hernroth-Rothstein, intermarried and meat is forbidden in Sweden. Hernroth-Rothstein’s pro-Jewish lobby Hernroth-Rothstein went through a lot of had two sons, now aged 12 and seven. “There is one Jewish school in Stockholm intensified when she was on a train with red tape; her cause was publicised world- When she became religious, it was contem- and one camp, but it is up to me, as a par- her son, then aged five, wearing a yar- wide, including on Fox News and the BBC; plated that her husband would convert, but ent, to give my children a Jewish education. mulke. “A Muslim man was sitting in our but her request was denied as she was told that turned out not to be feasible. I attend the Adat Yeshurun Synagogue in pre-booked seat and when I showed him she was free to go to any country in the After they divorced, she maintained a to- Stockholm and send my sons to camp in our tickets, he yelled: ‘You people always European Union. tally Jewish lifestyle, with her former hus- Israel, which I visit about five times a year.” take what you want’. “The rest of the people “Seventy years ago, it was said ‘Never band agreeing not to serve the boys pork or She would love to make aliyah, but having sitting in the compartment did nothing Again’ and this is not just a catch phrase,” shellfish. She keeps a kosher home, but has the children’s father in Sweden is a prob- - one tenth of the population of Sweden – lem. “I was in Israel during the last war in 900 000 - is Muslim.” 2014 and felt much safer there than living Only after her second son was born did in Europe. she pursue her studies and earned two “Our shul has 350 members and is a degrees - one in Middle Eastern studies and young, modern-Orthodox congregation. one in communications. She started her BOOK YOUR There are currently 15 000 Jews in Sweden, journalistic career by writing a blog and her but only about 5 000 are [Jewishly] active own website. This proved so popular that in some way.” she now writes five columns a month for TABLE NOW! On her last trip to Israel, where she spent Israel Hayom and she also writes for Com- her summer, she travelled via Holland and mentary, The Tower (Israel Projects), The discreetly stuck the Israel flag on her case Jerusalem Post and Mosaic. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS EPIC EVENT for easy identification. Unfortunately, anti- Her topics for Limmud are: “Jews and the Semites vandalised the case. “They poured Temple”, “Jihadi Tourism”, “Anti-Semitism in Coke over everything, ruined my clothes, Europe” and “Rediscovering Jewish Identity”.

What’s on the web 23ABSA JEWISHAUG ACHIEVER2015 AWARDS 2015 The 16 rebels’ tour dominates VODAWORLD Six of the top-eight most read stories on sents the crème de SAJR Online over the past week have been la crème of ANC on the 16 young ANC-aligned student and and affiliated business leaders who have been castigated intellectuals by, and in some cases suspended from, their from around organisations and the ANC - but notably the country. not by the government - after they went on Then there is “Who a fact-finding mission to Israel and Pales- is calling the shots on SA’s tine earlier this month, hosted by privately- Mideast policy?” which is a question Jewish funded SA Jewish organisation SAIF (SA- communal organisations and Israel herself Israel Forum). have been wondering about for some time. Jewish Report Online has been reporting BDS made use of Jewish Report Online’s this unfolding news every step of the way liberal freedom of speech comments section and this story - which is still getting almost to post under our story: “What Madiba daily coverage in the mainstream media - actually said & the BDS misquote” a link to often quotes Jewish Report as their source. a carefully edited and propagandised video TO BOOK YOUR TABLE EMAIL: [email protected] For more information www.sajr.co.za Anti-Israel organisation BDS has led the trying to make it appear as if Madiba sup- attack on the 16, who have in turn been ported their cause. blasting BDS which, they say, originally of- Follow the back-story of news and opin- fered them R40 000 each to pay for cancel- ion on Jewish Report Online: lation waivers not to go (which BDS denied Also on the web are stories about how WE BUILT THIS COUNTRY this week). The 16 have not changed their Benjamin Netanyahu got to see the newly- stance on the visit. unveiled cherry of the Dead Sea Scrolls last WITH HEART & SOUL Other new related stories this week are: Sunday; how SA Jewish artist Irma Stern’s “Meet the defiant sixteen”. We were the first R20 million painting was being used as a to publish the names of the travellers - with kitchen notice-board; and why Diaspora

* Awarded to either a Jewish or non-Jewish person who has contributed substantially to the betterment of the lives of the people of South Africa. their consent - to show that the group repre- Jewry are not pleased with Israel. Members of the Board and Staff of the SA Jewish Report are not eligible for nomination.

table 200 x 131.indd 1 2015/06/29 11:05 AM 31 July – 7 August 2015 Social SA JEWISH REPORT 11 SAUJS alumni reminisce and debate over dinner OWN CORRESPONDENT This weeks On Monday evening the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) hosted a first-of- its-kind alumni dinner at the HOD in Johannesburg. Over 100 alumni, dating back to the late 1950s, attended. The event was organised by Cayla Urdang, Benji Shulman and Howard Low Price Sackstein. SAUJS has existed in various forms and organisations for the last 102 years. The aim of this Specials week’s dinner was to engage in conversation with the older generations of SAUJS members. The audience was addressed by current chairman, Natan Pollack. LARGE In addition to this, a panel discussion consisting of Brenda Stern, David Bilchitz and Mark RANGE OF Pozniak took place. The interesting discussion was led by Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to South Africa Michael Freeman, who himself was involved in student activism in the United Kingdom. The evening was a huge success. MEHADRIN INA COMMISSION MEATS PAARMAN’S IN-STORE RAISIN & BRAN 99 McCAIN MUFFINS 700g SLAP MAKES 16-18 32 CHIPS 99 TRADITIONAL 1kg STYLE 21 Photos: Gabi Blumberg Photos:


Rayna, David and Michael Esra. LAAGER ROOIBOS 99 TAGLESS 160 TEA TEA BAGS 33 BAGS

TASTIC BONNET MANY WHITE 99 MORE RICE 16 1kg SPECIALS IN STORE Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids LUCKY STAR SOUTH AFRICAN 99 SARDINES each VARIOUS FLAVOURS10 120g Tarryn Bortz, Chavah Barit, Jonathan Levi, and Yakira Amoils. Justine and Antony Seeff.

MAQ DISH- WASHING 99 each LIQUID 16 750ml


Aubrey and Heather Schneider. David Isakow and Jonathan Sinai.



Offers valid till 5th August ‘15 • While stocks last SPACEWORX_KOSH_1168 1 LONG AVENUE CNR RIDGE AND SUMMERWAY GLENHAZEL 011 440 9517 | [email protected] | www.kosherworld.co.za MON-THURS 7AM-10PM | FRI: 7AM-4PM | SAT:1/2 HOUR AFTER SHABBOS -10PM | SUN: 8AM - 10PM Ori Tobias and Aly Schneider. Philipa Joffee and Brett Dembo. 12 SA JEWISH REPORT Youth 31 July – 7 August 2015 Dov Landau tells of surviving

Photo supplied the death camps


Yeshiva College was privileged to recently welcome Dov Landau, a

Holocaust survivor who now lives Photo supplied in Israel, to speak at the Boys’ and Girls’ High Schools, relating his incredible story of survival during the Holocaust.

Holocaust survivor Dov Landau, showing the boys his identification number on his arm, a reminder of Rachel Falkson, CAP marketing and communications; CAP Tactical Officer Ryan Rudy; and four- his horrifying experiences at the year-old Ariel Katzeff who won R5 000 for Torah Academy Nursery School. hands of the Nazis. Ariel Katzeff wins big for ‘Future Blues’ rugby clinic: his nursery school great things set to come RACHEL FALKSON

CAP (Community Active Programme) recently held a colour-in competition for 25 nursery schools across CAP areas in Johannesburg to inform children and families about CAP’s new emer- gency number - 0861 227 227 (0861 CAP CAP). Ariel Katzeff (age 4) of Torah Academy Nursery School won the competition, winning R5 000 for his school. CAP’s marketing team had a difficult time choosing three finalists from the many mini-mas- terpieces they received. Ethan Dlamini from Glenhazel Primary, Aviel Vaknin from Maharsha Primary and Ariel Katzeff from Torah Academy Nursery were the three candidates along with their schools who found themselves in the top three. The public were invited to vote for their favourite on CAP’s Facebook page. Ariel’s piece received well over 400 votes, making him the winner. On Friday July 24, at Torah Academy, Ariel received a “big cheque” on behalf of his school; CAP also gave a short presentation on safety to over 160 Torah Academy Nursery School children.

Coach David Malkin helping with the training day at the recent

grade 7 “Future KD Blues Rugby Clinic”. Greg Hurvitz Photo: WE BUILT THIS JODI STARKOWITZ During the first week of the July school holidays, King David High School Linksfield’s sport de- partment launched its “Future Blues” sport programme, aimed at familiarising KD primary school COUNTRY WITH learners with some of the new sports they will encounter in the high school system. The first event was an introduction to rugby for grade 6 and 7 boys. The high school director of sport and also the coach for this programme, Greg Hurvitz, was pleased at the turnout as well as HEART & SOUL the approach from all the budding young prospects. Said Hurvitz: “We started with rugby as we have been promoted to the Pirates Challenge A DON’T MISS THE section and with the physical and technical nature of this sport, we need to maximise the quality OPPORTUNITY coaching time we get with our incoming learners. TO ADVERTISE IN “We only had 14 boys here this time round, but with this being the July break, I am really happy we at least got to spend time with the 14; I know they had a superb experience and will definitely OUR ABSA get their friends involved.” JEWISH ACHIEVERS The boys spent from 10:00 to 12:30 for three days, going through a real introduction to the game, focusing on technical and value system development. MAGAZINE The programme continues now on Sundays for grade 6 and 7 boys in preparation for their high school careers and there is also an Open Rugby event from 09:30 to 13:00 on Monday August 10. It is part of the Jewish social event of the year - when our Jewish achievers in various fields are announced in August. It is glossy and upmarket with topical articles, Budding young soccer players profiles and a gathering of Jewish Who’s Who and an extremely long shelf life. Over the years it has become a treasure in the business enriched by two-day clinic community. Our Achievers Magazine circulation is over 13 000 with a readership of well over 50 000. This ANNA MOROSS AND EMMA STEIN gives advertisers the amazing opportunity to reach their target market with no fail - which The coaches from Black Aces soccer team includes most decision-makers. recently joined King David Victory Park This glossy upmarket magazine provides for a two-day soccer clinic for grades 8 to advertisers a unique platform for high-level networking and a good return on investment. 11, for both boys and girls. The high-profile companies who have graced The clinic was two hours long on both our pages over the years, bear testimony to the days and it gave the young soccer players “good company” they keep in the Achievers Magazine. the opportunity to develop their skills and fitness for the new season. Boys and girls also participated in fun activities to get to know their fellow team mates. The FOR MORE INFORMATION: teams were joined by Greenside High, TEL. (011) 430 1980 | www.sajr.co.za [email protected] whose players were also able to take much from the clinic.

Photo: Yael Gordon Yael Photo: The coaches benefited by learning Doron Goldsmith; Gadiel Shepherd; Alexander Monty; new and exciting drills to use with the Benjamin Melamdowitz; Jared Joselowitz; and Gabriel teams. It was a good way to start the new Milne enjoyed the soccer clinic. season.

14 SA JEWISH REPORT Letters 31 July – 7 August 2015 Disclaimer Guidelines for letters The letters page is intended to provide an opportunity Letters of up to 400 words get preference. Provide for a range of views on any given topic to be expressed. your full name, place of residence, and daytime phone Opinions articulated in the letters are those of the number. We do not publish letters under noms de writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters editor, staff or directors of the Jewish Report. may be edited or shortened. The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected]

All about ‘race-walking’ and ‘leapfrogging’

Although the people of have the World” you have told about Jemima Montag pleasure of reading the Jewish Report on Friday who is a “top-ranked female race-walker”. of each week, we on the coast - Durban, PE and Further, she recorded a sizzling 22 minute 4,29 Cape Town - have to wait a while before getting second effort at the Australian youth team’s their papers. Then those of us in the outlying camp. districts, and I make mention here of Umhlanga But, you say, she leapfrogged her way to this Rocks which is not an immediate recipient of the amazing speed. I am not a racist, knowing noth- Jewish Report, have to wait another day before ing about racing at all, but I would suggest that a commuter brings the paper to us. she was supposed to “walk” in this race and by So, although your paper was issued on July leapfrogging she has obviously cheated. 17, we have only sat down to read it in Izinga on the 21st. Colin Plen In your column headed “Around the Jewish Umhlanga Rocks

Sowetan misreporting on Maimane can have serious consequences

The individual replies of MPs Michael Bagraim “absolutely incorrect”) statement that the and Darren Bergman and Jack Bloom, Gauteng Jewish community’s position is “narrow and MPL, in answer to my letter of July 13 (about fundamentalist”. a purported remark critical of a two-state solu- Such a derogatory pronouncement can only tion for the Mideast made by DA leader Mmusi worsen the perception of Jews in the eyes of Maimane at Bloom’s book launch) refer. My The Sowetan’s readers. This is deeply regretta- letter was not intended as an election issue, if ble, as we have enough enemies in the broader that is how Bergman understood it. community, to say nothing of individual Jews, My objection to Maimane’s remark, as and is not merely “a storm in a teacup” as Jack printed in The Sowetan, was not to the DA Bloom thinks. The reporter should be told as a proponent of a two-state solution to the of the serious implication of his error, in the Israel/Palestine problem, as indicated by my hopes that he will be more careful in future. “general consensus”. I mentioned the fact to put his second remark in context. My objec- Dr Bryna Lewis tion was to Maimane’s imputed (Mr Bagraim’s Port Elizabeth

SA Jewish delegation to Israel, a gravy train trip

Will the SA Jewish Board of Deputies, the SA Zi- friends, the Palestinian Authority. onist Federation and the IUA/UCF please explain This trip must have cost a fortune. Will the to the country’s Jewish community why it was relevant organisations please tell us who went, necessary for all of them to go at the same time to why it was necessary for them to go and what this Israel. Surely one or two communal leaders would whole affair cost. I will not hold my breath for an have been sufficient to discuss our problems with answer as I’m pretty sure there will be some fancy the Israeli government? footwork around that request. It was stated in the article that one of the This is the gravy train at its worst. While many reasons this group went, was to see the “creation in our community struggle and go without neces- and maintenance of good relations with Israeli sities and many of our institutions battle to make government officials”. That’s very rich, especially ends meet, I for one am disgusted by this wanton after the SAJBD and the SAZF recently, in a joint waste of the community’s financial resources. statement, criticised the Israeli government for refusing the Jew/Israel-hater Blade Nzimande a Sonny Myerson visa to pass through Israel on his way to his Cape Town

I t’s to ANC’s advantage to keep youth in the dark

The 16 young ANC-affiliated students and business leaders should be commended for their bravery in going on a recent fact-finding trip to Israel. They are brave, not only because they knew the anti-Israel sentiment that many ANC leaders and (all) BDS supporters hold and that they would be chastised for their trip. But they are also brave to challenge their own beliefs about Israel that these two organisations had no doubt previously influenced. Of course the ANC-“aligned structures” and BDS don’t want South Africans to travel to Israel. Seeing is believing and if they were to actually observe Israeli society, they would see that the apartheid anal- ogy is a myth. Now that these youths are back, the forces at work are trying to intimidate and bully them. They cannot be changed now. They know the truth! They have seen and experienced Israel and know that the BDS has been “hiding the truth from them” and many others. Perhaps this will be another catalyst that will take votes away from the ANC. The DA has at its helm a new leader - its first black leader, Mmusi Maimane. He said he left the ANC after coming to believe that its driving goal was to preserve its members’ interests. This clash over a mere 16 young South Africans visiting Israel falls right into the same category of these organisations looking after their own interests and keeping the public in the dark (literally these days!). But true leadership requires that one look inward and acknowledge that one has responsibilities to others, and in that truthful acknowledgment, one can explore and admit to being mistaken and to changing one’s rhetoric.

Michele Engelberg Johannesburg

‘Wrong caption’ to Great Park Synagogue photo

Community stalwart Isaac Reznik points out that we used the wrong caption for the photograph on page 4 of last week’s paper - David Saks’ article on the Great Park Synagogue. Reznik says the photograph accompanying the article is of the Aron Hakodesh at the original Great Synagogue, Wolmarans Street, Johannesburg. 31 July – 7 August 2015 Classifieds What’s On SA JEWISH REPORT 15 To book your classified notice or advert contact: Today, Friday (July 31) 1948 - 1998” featuring interviews with all the • RCHCC re-screens the second of a two-part Tel (011) 430-1980, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected] major players. The second part will be screened documentary, on the Israeli-Arab conflict, “The • Young Jewish Professionals Tu B’Av Shabbos on Wednesday, August 5 at the same time-slot. Fifty years (of) War: Israel and the Arabs, 1948 BEAUTY & HEALTH LIFTS OFFERED SERVICES FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP Nachamu service and brocha. Venue: Shul in Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: - 1998” featuring interviews with all the major HOME SERVICES Sandton Central. Time: 18:00. Information: 19:30. Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- players. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: Experienced, reliable driver able Toronto real estate AUDIOLOGIST Appliance repairs on-site relocation 079-434-1293 or [email protected] 8088/8378, a/h (011) 728-8378, e-mail: 19:30. Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- to lift you anywhere/ anytime 24 Fridges, stoves, washing [email protected] or [email protected] 8088/8378, a/h (011) 728-8378, e-mail: hours. Courier work undertaken. Thinking of moving? KET LLY NA HAN machines, tumble dryers and We are a relocation team who can • UZLC hosts Shirley Zar on “The Diversity of or www.greatpark.co.za [email protected] or [email protected] Please call Paul Minsker dishwashers. Free quotations. assist with renting/buying and Jewish Life in America: A Personal Experience”. or www.greatpark.co.za Manor Medical Centre 083-542-6480 Call Jason 082-401-8239 / more! Call Daniel Bloch Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - Monday (August 3) 31 October(011) 882-2181 – 7 November 2014 Classifi eds 14:00. Information: Gloria, 072-127-9421 or What’s On • UJW Adult Education Division hosts Dr LorraineSA JEWISH REPORT 15 189 Kelvin Drive 076-210-6532 @ 416-666-0311 (011) 485 4851. • UJW Adult Education Division hosts Mr Justice Chaskalson, former lecturer in the dept of Morningside Manor AIRPORT TO BOOK SHUTTLE YOUR CLASSIFIED NOTICE OR ADVERT CONTACT:[email protected] Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, Today, Friday (October 31) Monday (November 3) offi ce (011) 648-1053. Robert Nugent, former justice of the Supreme English at Wits, on “The Prodigal Summer” - a Or visit www.DanielBloch.com Tel: 0861-266-563 SAM email: jrclassi [email protected] • Shalom Masorti Seniors Club welcomes anyone Court of Appeal, on “Courts, Constitutions and novel by Barbara Kingsolver. Venue: 1 Oak • UZLC hosts Prof Barry Schoub on “Ebola • UJW hosts Dr Adrian Tiplady, Square Kilo- Wednesday (November 5) (0861-Book Me) (011) 728-5219 SERVICES who would like to make new friends and have Cabin Boys: Making the Law in the Modern Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. 083-627-8516SERVICES LIFTS OFFERED LAND some EMPLOYMENTlight-hearted fun on the last Friday- Do of We Need to Constitution”.be Afraid?” Venue: 1Our Oak Street, Hmetreoughton. Array site bidContact: manager UJW on Office “Searching (011) 648-1053. www.knaudiology.co.za NOTICES Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - 14:00. for the Origins of the Universe with SKA”. • UJW hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former To ORNOTICES Tambo FOR SALE each month.WANTED Tea will be served and there will Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW IRENE’S SCHLEP SERVICE Hawley Marble and Granite Works Contact: Gloria 072-127-9421 or (011) Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: lecturer in the Dept of English at Wits, INDIVIDUALISED SERVICE FOR from R180. LYNDHURST LAND FOR SALE be aCAREGIVER/CHAR selection of board games and card games Office (011) 648-1053. • WIZO Aviv presents “Eat… Love… Laugh...” Hawley Marble and Granite Works I can take people to and from Est. 1948. Monumental masons. 485-4851. 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW offi ce on “Exploring the Wonders of Milton’s ALL YOUR HEARING NEEDS Est. 1948To Monumental Lanseria masons. Two open stands available, andWonderful of course Africanbridge. ladySpeaker today is John with Joel Harris: Live your life in “peace”… work Doctor’s appointments, We are proud to have served the (011) 648-1053. ‘Paradise Lost’” part 2. Venue: 1 Oak Street, We are proudfrom to R220. have served the 500 sqm each to build your own Rosen– alwayswho will smiling be speaking – on reflexology and Tuesday (August 4) not in “pieces” and Tanya Sachs on “The Art LIFTS OFFERED shopping, drop-offs at the Johannesburg Jewish community Sunday (November 2) Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Johannesburg Jewish community dream home on. sacro-craniology.recommended. Information: Esther, (011) of True Style… Tips and Tricks”. Venue: Ohr Reasonable rates to airport. Please call for many decades. Your support is Tuesday (November 4) Contact: UJW offi ce (011) 648-1053. for many decades. Your support is Beautifully located in well- 485-5619Brian: 072-280-9144 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or • Morris Rutstein-SAZF second semester of the Somayach, Savoy. Time: 19:15. Cost: R250 Lifts by barry all other areas. Irene 072-356-0282 much appreciated. Collen Hawley • Second Innings hosts Charlene Brett on much appreciated. Collen Hawley established Jewish area. Friday mornings. “Evening Hebrew Ulpan Course” starts today (incl dinner). Contact: Nadine (011) 645-2515 Reliable and efficient Tel: (011) 828- 9010 Chaim HOME SERVICES “Remain in Touch - Stay in Tune - Retain • JH&GC and the Jewish Genealogical Society • Chevrah Kadisha’s Biennial General Meeting Tel: (011)Alex’s 828- Lift Service9010 Chaim A TAXI SERVICE Call Eleonora on 082-877-9244 and terminates on Tuesday, November 24. or [email protected] or Shereen 082- Silver (011) 485-3005 driver offering lifts Experienced,Silver (011) reliable 485-3005 driver Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur Sunday (August 2) Independence”. Venue: YTheeshiva Gerald College, Horwitz Glenhazel (in ofthe SA host a talk 683-1554by fi lmmakers or [email protected] Lee Ann takes place at Golden Acres Card Room. you to your destination in Johan- ACCOMMODATION Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for Dance and Cliff Hackel on “Feiga’s Choice: Time: 17:00. Contact: (011) 532-9600. to airports, schools, specialising in lifts to shops and VEHICLES classrooms). Secure parking. Times: Every appointmentsBEAUTY you & HEALTHneed to go to. nesburg and back. OR Tambo from AVAILABLEWANTED • Big Band Music Appreciation Society meets10:30. Cost: R20Tuesday members, evening R30 from visitors 19:00 to 21:15.A Forgotten Jewish Story” Thursdayabout the (August 6) shops, clinics, ap- FLAT MATE Contact Alex: 083-409-4378 R170. Mercedes Benz at St John’s College Auditorium, Houghton.(incl tea and lightRegistration: refreshments). Monday Contact: August 3, at 18:30.multigenerational impact of the 1917 - 1920 • JWBS’s book sale at Benmore Gardens pointments, general MANOR MEDICAL Tel: 082-399-6187 Pleasant fl at mate required Time: 14:15 sharp. A DVD will be shownHylton on Marks, (011)Enquiries: 532-9616. SAZF, (011) 645-2531Russian (office pogroms• JH&GCon one andfamily. the EmbassyVenue: HOD, of Switzerland Shopping in SA Centre. Information: Gloria, tel and for modern high-security a short selection of “Big Band Performances” hours). host a screening of the documentary “Carl Lutz: courier services. SERVICES Sun City & Game Reserve IF YOU WANT TO Oaklands . Time: 19:00 for 19:30. Admis- fax (011) 485-5232. AESTHETIC fl at in Glenhazel. followed by an audiovisual presentation. The Forgotten Hero”. Venue: Hogan Lovells, HOME SERVICES SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS • SA Jews for a Just Peace (JVJP) and sion free. RSVP to hannahkarpes@telkomsa. Call: 072-507-5407 ContactBUY 083-265-2025. OR SELL Jack Mink presents a programme from his Wednesday (August 5) 22 Fredman Drive, Sandton. Time: 19:00. A reliable lift service. Constitution Hill present “Breaking Down net or (011) 640-3100. Friday (November 7) DeceCLINICased ACCOMMODATION “Big Band Collection”. A video, “At The Jazz Admission free. RSVP: shirley@jhbholocaust. A TAXI SERVICE Specialising in lifts to and from the Wall” (A day of live music, art, theatre, Manorestat Medicale ho Centreuse AVAILABLE A VEHICLE Band Ball (1925 - 1933)” will be shown. • Chev Social Services / CAJE’s “Enrich Your Life” co.za or (011) 640-3100/2148. Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur airports, shops, appointments, NORTH-FACING fi lm and talks about our concerns over • UJW hosts Simon Scharma, British historian • UZLC hosts Judy Jaye on “Your Personal you to your destination in Johan- c189le aKelvinran Driveces Information: Marilyn, 072-243-7436 humanor Jack, rights violationsseries presents and the a specialcontinuing marriage weekand panel writer on “The Story of the Jews”, from Journey Going Forward Into the New Year”. casinos and courier. FLAT TO LET 082-450-7622. with Rabbi Ari Shishler; Steven Crouse; Leonard • RCHCC in association with the SAJBD hosts nesburg and back. OR Tambo from EntireMorningside households Manor Cape Town military occupation of Palestinian territory ancient to modern times. Part 2: “A Leap Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - Charna 083-391-6612 Contact: Appliance repairs on-site Carr; Etta Goldman; and Dr Woolf Solomon. a book launch, “Robert Sobukwe: How Can R200. Mercedes Benz Tel 011 656-4209 apartment 3 Bedrooms, in the West Bank and Gaza.) of Faith”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. 14:00. Contact: Gloria 072-127-9421 or cleared, professionally • Fridges,Dor Yeshorim stoves, screening washing for Ashkenazi genetic Venue: Sydenham Shul Hall. Time: 19:45. Man Die Better?” by Benjamin Pogrund. Tel: 082-399-6187 1LIFT bed SERVICE with Solly Kramer Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW (011) 485-4851. and confidentiallywww. . I’ll 2 Water closets machines,diseases tumbletakes place dryers at Handatzolah House, 29 Cost: R40 (incl light refreshments) Bookings: He’ll talk about Sobukwe and other heroes. Sun City & Game Reserve Doctor’s garageapp, home-affairs,. dishwashers. Free quotations. takeskinawakening.co.za the burden off your OR Tambo, Pretoria. Closed082-922-359 verandah7 Durham Street, Raedene. Time: 14:00 - 17:00. Sharon (011) 532-9616 or sharonp@jhbchev. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: Fully furnished. CallCost: Jason R2 082-401-8239350. Information: / 083-794-1178. co.za Community19:30. Donation: R80 (incl refreshments). For the most reliable shouldersFor all your and Aesthetic pay you Reasonable rates! ‘SCOTSBRIDGE’, 076-210-6532 Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- airport shuttle contact needs. Botox Ivan 082-962-5007 for it. Please contact beachfront. • RCHCC re-screens the first part of a two-part • “Toward a Meaningful Life” course at Chabad 8088/8378,The Toni a/h: Yoko (01) Quartet728-8378, is e-mail: on the cards in the not too Gerald Waverley Toni Yoko’s Quartet - and Ladislavfi llers, peels, Miklas acne AvailableBEST SERVICE Sept 1 documentaryDECEASED on the Israeli-Arab conflict, “The Benmore-Riverclub. Time: 19:15. Information: [email protected] future. or rene.s@telkomsa. 082-907-5507 DIAL A LIFT From 1/1/2015 FESTATEifty years (of) HOUSE War: Israel and the Arabs, www.JLI.org.za or (011) 440-6600. net or www.greatpark.co.za 079-810-8837pigmentation R9 000 excl. all that jazz! (011) 786-6580 Comfortable / 7 seater. CLEARANCES [email protected] Contact Leo: R9 500 pm MANOR MEDICAL 083-267-3281 Entire households SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS for a trusted and Pip083-255-3552 – www.dialalift.co.za Contact: Paula cleared, News A tea of note in E London A reliable lift service. professionalTRAVEL CLINIC service. OFFICE SPACE 072-125-9796 professionally and Specialising in lifts to and from ManorAlso clear Medical garages, Centre AVAILABLE confi dentially. I’ll airports, shops, appointments, Pine Place, Lyndhurst cellars,189 storageKelvin Drive rooms TO LET Importancetake the burden of inculcating strong casinos and courier. 116 Johannesburg Road. off your shoulders andMorningside storage facilities. Manor ROYAL Charna 083-391-6612 Call: 082 666 52 52 moand pay ralsyou for it. in our children Tel 011 656-4677 [email protected] LINKSFIELD/ Please contact DIAL A LIFT WANTe-mail ED FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP SANDRINGHAM ELIANALadislav CLINE Miklas 083-267-3281 [email protected] CASH PAID Lithuanian / Polish / 2 beds, 2 baths, 079-810-8837 German citizenship for a trusted and All household open plan Parents should not rely too much on their chil- Pip Friedman For all your travel AIRPORTMany South African SHUTTLE Jews are professional service.

dren’s schools to instil values in them, implored Lisa Schewitz Photo: Comfortable furniture, linen, eligible for SAMEU citizenship. If you kitchen, dining Also clear garages, vaccination needs are interested, please contact kitchenware, (011) 728-5219 Drcellars, Laibl Wolf storage (pictured) at a parenting lecture The talented Bruce Gardiner; Felicity O’Leary: & Spacious me. I specialise in obtaining and lounge, 083-627-8516 at Sydenham-Highlands North Shul last week. clothingLIFTS OFFERED & more. Lithuanian, Polish and German small garden, rooms and storage Unis and Nelson Kram; Ethne Schewitz (UJW 7 seater. To OR Tambo Photo supplied Experienced, reliable driver citizenship. I am able to obtain the Wolf, facilities.a lawyer and an educational psycholo- chairman EL); and Phylis Strelitz. [email protected] All size beds & from R170. 1 carport plus able to lift you anywhere/ required documents from archives gist, is an acclaimed international speaker and To inLanseria Europe. VEHICLES October 19 was a beautiful Sunday afternoon at Inyoni The women of the Union Of Jewish Women, East www.dialalift.co.za anytime 24bases. hours. Courier work 1 parking. Avail- parenting expert. Rafromel Cynkin R220. CA (SA) WANTED Retirement Village in Johannesburg. The weather was London, hosted an annual senior citizens tea for undertaken.Call PleaseTerry: call Paul able December 1. Reasonableinfo@nobor deratesrs.co to.za His lecture addressed the pressing concerns AIRPORT SERVICE 083-542-6480 hot and so was the jazz! The band which was featured residents at McClealand Adult Centre, D J Sobey, 076-533-1440 all 083-346-4627other areas. No animals. of the modern parent and offered practical and JHB was the Toni Yoko Quartet, with the proceeds going to Kennsley Park, Fairlands Home, Silver Crown, R9 500 pm plus profound advice for parentsHatzolah looking Medical to Rescue. raise The event was organised by Langham House, Manor House and Meals on Wheels. When last were your deposit of happy and moral children.B’Nai B’rith Aviv branch. This year East London’s UJW had over 100 guests Mezuzahs checked? R12 000. One of the challenges facingOn the parentskeyboard is was ensur Andre- Benkhe; the double who were entertained by Helena Archer, Lloyd Brent, ing one’s child grows upbass with was intact handled self-esteem, by James Sunney; the lady who Bruce Gardiner and George Mountjoy. They chose to A professional scribe with 35 years Contact June he said. The answer to playedthis is three to promote instruments an and did the vocals was Pam give a donation to child welfare for their garden. 8-seater. experience (Rabbi Klein) will inspect 083-226-3741 or “assertive humility” withinMortimer; a child and which the man is awho “drummed up a storm” Tours/Day Drives all Mezuzahs and Tefi llin. (011) 640-4967. Looking for... means to be confidentwas of one’snone othercapabilities, than bandleader ToniHow Yoko. does one impart a value system to one’s Contact Arnold, Supplier of new Scrolls and Tefi llin CAPE TOWN while simultaneously acknowledging that they children? 082-447-0185 DavidCharming Lewin self-catering of the studio Search Two of the jazz standards which received a standing Shlomo Carlebach’s 20th & Unite Team in London are G-d given. The first is by modelling moral behaviour in 011-454-1193 apartment in upmarket southern ovation were “Route 66” and Dave Brubeck’s “Take In honour of the 20th yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shlomo who issuburbs. facilitating Sleeps 2. “resto- If parents believe that5”. each Toni Yoko’schild is drum entrusted solo was simplyone’s outstanding. personal interactions.Carlebach, A parent the Sandringham who learns Gardens Shul will hold rationWonderful of Nazi-era garden and lootedpool. by G-d to the parent and Thea parent’s tune “Smiling”, role is to sung by Pamhow Mortimer to stay was connected a to special his/her special child Carlebach in times Friday night service on art in AustriaSecure parking. and Germany allow their uniqueness great!to go Oneout ofto thethe female world, guests atof the provocation concert sent displays October a real-life 31. example of and propertyPhone 083-556-6775 claims in this will in turn inculcateme confidence an SMS afterwards, in the saying:child “Himoral Rollo, behaviour. thanks for It will also“Come enable and davena parent and help ‘liven’ up Kabelat the Czech Republic and that he/she has somethinga wonderful valuable afternoon to offer of the highestto maintain quality of jazz.their emotionalShabbat connection for the ‘young to people’the of Sandringham Israel”, is again appealing IF YOU WANT TO ACCOMMODATION world. The musicians blew us away - thechild best whichsince Archie is the child’sGardens” deepest says desire. the invitation (their emphases). toNEEDED Jewish Report FOR readersTWO BUYThe JewishOR SELL morning prayer “Modeh Ani” Anger is never positive and always creates for help. He is looking for Silansky and Dan Hill.” Mincha will be at 18:00 followed by Kabelat offers a powerful affirmation in this regard. The disconnection, Wolf emphasised. Thus a parent informationnear a shul. on theGarden Isaac- That was a compliment if ever there was one! In Shabbat. prayerA VEHICLE acknowledges that it is G-d who created needs to learn how to maintain their inner calm, We will remove and refi t your Mezuzah son (orfl at Izacson) or cottage. family. other words, the afternoon was a resounding success. The service will be conducted by Shaun Zagenoev and runs the world, and that He has given life. no matter what. Wolf recommends using medi- Phone Ivor on He isOccupation: focusing on 1: I have since heard that another concert featuring and the drosha by Rabbi Jonathan Fox. By saying this prayer every morning, one con- tation techniques to achieve this. (011) 615-8738 or 082-682-3438 ChaimJanuary Isaacson 2015 who mar- ried Chaya Kot (born 1902, nectsCONTACT: to G-d and his/her inherent worthiness. The second way to impart values is to con- NB: Mezuzahs and Tefi llin must be Contact Selwyn: checked twice every seven years Valkininkai, Lithuania, died A second challenge facing parents is the stantly talk about one’s beliefs. The Shabbat ta- October072 22, 238 1990 5419 in CapeWE OFFERmyriadSOLLY TAILOR eternal KRAMER influencesMADE a child encounters. ble is an excellent place to start. It is around the WE OFFER TAILOR MADE OurWE representativeOFFER TAILOR MADE Our representative Town) and Jacob Siskind Peer groups, media and societal norms all im- table that children get to know their parents, Our representative MANAGEMENTWE OFFER082-922-3597 TAILOR PACKAGES MADE MANAGEMENT PACKAGES OurwillMANAGEMENT berepresentative in South PACKAGES will be in South Isaacson (born about pact one’s child. the bluetheand know whatblue gency is important gencyto them, says Wolf.will be in South the blue gency HOUSE SUPERVISOR – ARCADIAMANAGEMENTTO FOREIGN AND PACKAGES LOCAL Africa from th 1937 in South Africa), or TO FOREIGN AND LOCAL willTO FOREIGNbeAfrica thin South from AND LOCALth Africa from th ParentsVEHICLES often fear that theirthe ability to influblue- HePresentsISRAEL encourages gency parents to use this forum Mayas a 20 till thMay till May 27 27 th TOOWNERS FOREIGN OF AND PROPERTY LOCAL Presents Africa Mayfrom 20 th Presents May 20 till May 27 Arcadia is looking for a full time home supervisor(siblings) to oversee Haviva the andsmooth Rena ence theirFOR SALE child is non-existent.OWNERS However, OF PROPERTY Presentsway toA share values, viewpoints and experiencesOWNERS th till OF MayPROPERTY 27 Isaacson. OWNERSIN OFISRAEL. PROPERTY PERSONALIZED PROPERTYPERSONALIZED MANAGEMENT PROPERTYA [email protected] 20 [email protected] A running of the house and surrounding areas. 2006,children white Toyotayearn Runx to 1.4know right fromIN wrong; ISRAEL. with one’s children, even from a young age. IN ISRAEL. PERSONALIZED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [email protected] “I have some pho- hatch back , 122 000 ks PERSONALIZED PROPERTYA MANAGEMENT [email protected] childrenIN ISRAEL. will always follow their parents’ values, Wolf also emphasised the crucial role of tographs of the family in excellent condition – The applicant must be female, Jewish and have says Wolf. The imperative is thus on parents to grandparents in today’s world. Do not under- mounted on the search R75 000. With manyWith manyyears years of of If you own a holiday an understanding of Jewish laws andpage customs. at http://remember. haveNo dealers. a strong Please moral call value system•If youRegular ownand toa holiday believequarterly •estimate reportingRegular one’s quarterly role reportingas a grandparent,experienceWith said Wolf,manyexperience in years property in property of With many years of If you own a holiday • Regular quarterly reporting org/unite/isaacson.htm”.Ifhome youCatherinefully own or in investmenton that a 079-791-6356 holiday system. Despite••home the RegularSourcing poor or investment morality quarterly good quality•addressing reporting Sourcing tenants goodthe grandparents. quality tenants Amanagement grandparentexperiencemanagement can andin property theand theIsraeli Israeli experience in property In addition the applicant must have the abilityLewin to supervise may be contacted propertyhome of theorin investmentsocietyIsrael,contact we live in, withpropertythe the strength in Israel,contact blueof the be a safe place wheregency a child can sharereal estatehis innerhome market,- or investment Barry management and the Israeli FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP •• SourcingSecure rental good collection quality•the Secure tenants rental blue collection gencymanagementreal estate and market,the Israeli Barry • Sourcing good quality tenants the domestic team, work within a multi-disciplinaryon +44 208 group 446 0404;property us toparents’ infind Israel,contact convictions,out how the moraltheus torevolution find out bluecanhow most feelings andgency trust in the loverealCohen and estate supportproperty exCohen market,South exin SouthIsrael,contact Africa, Barry Africa, the blue gencyreal estate market, Barry [email protected] beginLITHUANIAN at home. / POLISH / •• SecureEnsuring rental suitable collection•a securities grandparentEnsuring suitable offers. securities • Secure rental collection and attend professional staff meetings. us“we to findGERMANcan takeCITIZENSHIPout howthe “we can take the Cohenwill take exwill usthe South taketo hasslefind the Africa, hassleout out how out Cohen ex South Africa, •• EnsuringMaximizing suitable returns• securities MaximizingA returns A • Ensuring suitable securities headache“weMany can South outtake African of Jewsthe long are headache out of long A ofwill managing takeof managing“wethe your hasslecan takeyour Israeli out Israelithe A will take the hassle out A large requirement of this position is to be able to work with young eligible for EU citizenship. If you •• MaximizingProfessional returnsmaintenance• Professional contractors maintenance contractorspropertyproperty and save and saveyou you time time • Maximizing returns headachedistance ownership”out of long distance ownership” of managingheadache your out Israeli of long of managing your Israeli people within the therapeutic milieu and practice of Arcadia. are interested, please contact propertyand and money. saveand money. you time distanceme. I specialise ownership” in obtaining • Professional maintenance contractors • Professional maintenance contractors property and save you time A driver’s licence and own transport is essential for this position. anddistance money. ownership” Lithuanian, Polish and German For a confidential appointment call Barry Cohen 0n 00972-52-831–1174 and money. For acitizenship. confidential I am able to obtainappointment the For acall confidential Barry Cohenappointment 00972 call 52Barry 8311174 Cohen 00972 / 076-577200052 8311174 / 076-5772000 or email: or [email protected]: [email protected] Please send all CVs to [email protected]. For a requiredconfidential documents from appointment archives call Barry Cohenor 00972076-577-2000 52 8311174 or email/ 076-5772000 [email protected] or email: [email protected] For a confidential appointment call Barry Cohen 00972 52 8311174 / 076-5772000 or email: [email protected] Closing dates for applications is November 13 2014. in Europe. We will be available for private meetings in SA from 9 – 12 Nov. RAEL CYNKIN CA (SA) Tel: 076-577-2000 Please be advised that only short listed applicants will be replied to. [email protected] 083-346-4627 16 SA JEWISH REPORT Sport 31 July – 7 August 2015 Sarah seems to have found her Jewish mojo

JACK MILNER the faces at this event is former South African swimmer Sarah Poewe. What does Maccabi Germany have that Mac- Sarah has a non-Jewish German father cabi South Africa doesn’t? The obvious answer and a Jewish mother but certainly while in to this question is “money”, and in terms of South Africa, she never displayed any signs of looking at this issue, that might be the one I Yiddishkeit or an affinity for anything Jewish. was looking for, although I am not so sure... She attended the German School in Cape The European Maccabi Games began in Ber- Town and was brought up as a Protestant, the lin on Monday night with the official opening religion of her father. ceremony staged on Tuesday evening at the Shortly after I became sports editor of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, the same stadium Jewish Report I decided to interview Sarah where Adolf Hitler and his Nazi cohorts and called on a colleague of mine to ask if staged the 1936 Olympic Games. this would be possible. She politely declined, As would happen in any country, Maccabi saying that she did not consider herself to be Germany has focused on their Jewish athletes Jewish and an article in the Jewish Report but I was astounded to discover that one of would be sending the wrong message.

Former SA swimmer Sarah Poewe at a meeting with the organisers of the European Maccabi Games in Berlin. She was honest, and I respected that. in Germany.” Later, predominantly to further her swim- In the Maccabi programme, Poewe adds ming career, she went to live in Germany and she is honoured to be chosen as the German swam for that country. Now 32, she has had a Swimming Patron for the Games. “During the C reasonably successful swimming career, win- 20 years of my swimming career, I have fol- M ning a bronze medal at the Athens Olympics lowed the Maccabi Games with great interest.

Y in 2004 in the women’s 4x100m medley. Prominent swimming athletes, such as Mark Over her career she has won two gold and Spitz, Lenny Krayzelburg and Jason Lezak CM two bronze medals at the World Champion- initially brought the Games to my attention. MY ships and Short Course World Champion- “In the past I had been invited to take part CY ships; she is a three-time European record at the Games, but unfortunately due to my CMY holder, nine-time German record holder and studies and training schedules I was unable

K 17-time German Champion between 2002 to take part. Now that I have retired from and 2012 (long and short courses). professional swimming and have set up my Throughout this period I never saw a word own personal swim coaching business (Poewe about her Jewish background - until now. Swim Coaching), I have time to invest and In an article that appeared in a German- promote my role as an ambassador for the language newspaper a few days ago, they European Maccabi Games. point out that the public did not take note at “Having the European Maccabi Games the 2004 Olympics “when the German breast- in Berlin for the first time on German soil, stroke swimmer, Sarah Poewe, made history. makes me excited and very emotional. She won a bronze medal in the medley relay Knowing the historical background of Berlin, which was the first Olympic medal since highlights this event. before 1936 won by a Jewish German”. “I am so very much looking forward to They add: “In the European Maccabi Games, supporting and working with the German which will be opened today in Berlin by Ger- Maccabi team.” man President Joachim Gauck, Sarah Poewe So I come back to the first question. What is the patron of the swimming competition.” does Maccabi Germany have that Maccabi They then quote Poewe: “It’s a historic SA does not? Money? Could it be that Poewe event when so many Jewish athletes in Berlin is now out of the limelight and will need as come together,” she says. “We can only be much support as possible in her new business deeply grateful for the resurgent Jewish life venture? Or is it really a change of heart?

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