friday 25 january 2013 / 14 Shevat 5773 volume 17 - number 2 news opinion letters tapestry community columns youth sports

Aviva Pelham south african sings her mother’s story. (page 10) jewish report leads, but bumpy road ahead for Netanyahu BEN SALES rupled its representation from TEL AVIV three to 12 seats. Together with the Sephardic His party shrunk, his opponents Orthodox Shas party and the grew and his challengers multi- haredi Orthodox United Torah plied. Judaism, the rightwing But with the results in, it bloc will hold 62 of the Knesset’s seems sur- 120 seats - a slim majority. vived the Knesset elections on That’s anything but a mandate Tuesday to serve another term for Netanyahu, who campaigned as prime minister. on the slogan: “A strong prime Netanyahu faces a bumpy road minister, a strong Israel”. ahead. His Likud party, together Instead of being able to lead a with the nationalist Yisrael new coalition with a large party Beiteinu, fell to 31 seats in the behind him, Netanyahu will voting from its current represen- have to negotiate with rivals and tation of 42. forge compromises with oppos- The biggest surprise of the ing camps. election was the ascendance Judging from the successes of of former TV personality Yair Yesh Atid, Labour and Jewish Lapid’s centrist Yesh Atid party. Home, Israelis cast a resounding Founded just a year ago, Yesh vote for progressive economic Atid won 18 seats on a platform reform and new leaders in their of national service and pro- parliament. middle class economic reform. The biggest thorn in the prime Likud’s traditional rival, the minister’s side looks to be Lapid. centre-left Labour, grew to 17 Unlike the fiscally conservative from eight seats, promoting Netanyahu, Lapid won support progressive economic policy. by calling for housing reform, And another political new- opposing tax increases for comer, Naftali Bennett, is likely the middle class and includ- to push Netanyahu to the right ing haredi yeshiva students on security issues. His Jewish in Israel’s mandatory military Home party, a successor to the conscription. Likud-Beitenu supporters cheering after hearing the results of exit polls on the Israeli elections on Tuesday. National Religious Party, quad- To page 3 (Miriam Alster/FLASH90/JTA)

Abe Krok - philanthropist, busi- Brixton Jewish Cemetery finally ‘Faith and Protection’ – UNHCR SAKS: Rabbi Hertz, King James MILNER: Armstrong has fallen nessman of note, passes away being spruced up Dialogue on Challenges Bible, stilted to modern ears on his own lance

“Abe was an example to businessmen Ultimately, all religious communities The phenomenon of “Bible Criticism’s”, Something about Lance Armstrong in SA regarding the sharing of his wealth and organisations must stand up and assumption that the entire canon of indicates that not being in the limelight with the less fortunate and his involve- take the lead in initiating and supporting Tanach was a human cultural construc- is a death sentence to him. He was a ment in educational matters,” said Rabbi efforts of conflict resolution and peace- tion to be “deconstructed” like any other facilitator and deserves everything he’s Mendel Lipskar of Chabad. building, from local to national level. literary text, was in its hey-day. got – and getting. 4 2 6 7 15


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Shabbat Times Jan 25 / 14 Shevat Jan 26 / 15 Shevat ‘Stand up and see’ Parshat Beshalach Tu B’Shvat PARSHAT BESHALACH Rabbi Sam Thurgood 18:15 19:36 In Parshat Beshalach, the Jewish them that there’s no need for fear in the Torah with a similar 18:30 20:32 Cape Town Beit Midrash Morasha people find themselves between and that Hashem will save them? insight. Hashem was about to 18:15 19:32 Durban a rock and a hard place; or, to be That is, after all, the encourage- perform one of the greatest vouring”, wherein you think back 18:20 19:50 Bloemfontein 18:05 20:04 Port Elizabeth more precise, between Pharoah’s ment that they need to hear. miracles of all time, but for the over positive or significant events 18:15 19:52 East London army and the sea. They cry out to Some years ago, I did a course on Jewish people at that moment, in your life, and consider their Moshe saying: “Is it because there “defensive driving” – the essence of the fact that they were about to be significance - it’s a powerful way are no graves in Egypt that you which is to become aware of the ac- saved was a more immediate real- to integrate something into your Saturday it’s have taken us to die in the desert? tions of everyone else on the road ity than the way in which Hashem emotional reality. Moments and What is this that you have done and take precautionary measures. saved them – there was a very experiences are fleeting, and it’s ‘new year of to us to take us out of Egypt?” As an exercise, we were asked the real possibility that they would only through consciously paying (Shmot 14:11) make of our watches – and to take have missed the significance of attention and applying mindful- And Moshe’s response to them a look to confirm. Immediately the event, and remained only with ness that we will gain long-term the trees’ is: “Don’t be afraid! Stand up and after that, we were asked the time a vague impression of what had impact from them. see Hashem’s salvation that He – and none of us knew it! Although actually occurred. Just like the Jewish people at will make for you today” (Shmot every one of us had seen the time “Stand up and see!” Moshe tells the sea, we are in danger of miss- 14:13). when we looked at our watch face, them. Be aware of what is happen- ing the special moments. When This is certainly an encouraging none of us had paid it any mind, ing! Absorb the significance and you feel inspired, when you wit- response for the Jewish people, and it made no impression on us meaning of this event; it is some- ness something great, when you but seems to contain an unnec- at all. thing that you will relive through- feel Hashem’s involvement in your essary element: Why must the The Maggid of Dubno, Rabbi out your lives, and throughout life - stand up and see! Take in it, Jewish people “stand up and see”? Yaakov Kranz of 18th century Jewish history. and that moment can last forever. The crown of the eucalyptus trees, one Why doesn’t Moshe simply assure Lithuania, explained our incident There is an exercise called “sa- Have a wonderful Shabbos. of the tree types that have embraced JNF and Tu B’Shvat values for over a century. OWN CORRESPONDENT Brixton Jewish Cemetery spruced up STAFF REPORTER in controversy because it was a This Saturday is Tu B’Shvat, corre- PHOTOGRAPHS: ILAN heritage building; it did so with- sponding with 15 Shevat, celebrating OSSENDRYVER out permits from the City of Jo- the new year of the trees. In contem- hannesburg, or City Parks or the porary Israel, the day is observed by The Jewish section of the Brix- provincial heritage bodies. over a million Israelis as an ecological ton Cemetery is finally in the Grauman said fencing had awareness day and trees are planted in process of being restored and se- been erected around the Jew- celebration; for many, it has become cured. ish section of the cemetery and known as Arbour Day. Following controversy over security guards were already in A Pesach-like ceremony dating to the cemetery being allowed to place 24 hours a day. the Middle Ages, which has in kabba- fall into rack and ruin, the Chev- “A major clean-up of the area listic traditions been revived, sees the rah Kadisha says work is now is in progress and lighting will celebration of Tu B’Shvat in a feast of well underway to restore the soon be connected. In a final 10 specific fruits and four cups of wine cemetery, maintain it and in- phase, we intend to repair all in an order, with the aim of bringing crease security and lighting. broken tombstones and lay them human beings and the world, closer to This was made possible flat – a popular practice in Is- spiritual perfection. through the generosity of a ben- rael and other countries - which The name of the festival, like sev- efactor, said Tzivia Grauman, preserves ageing stones and pre- eral in the Jewish calendar, is derived head of group communications vents their disintegration,” she from its Hebrew date. In Biblical times, for the Chev. said. this day was the day on which the be- In recent years, the cemetery The Brixton Cemetery is over ginning of the agricultural cycle was was regularly vandalised and 100 years old and still has a spe- calculated, for the purpose of tithes. occupied by vagrants, who also cial place in the hearts of the On Tu B’Shvat in 1890, Rabbi stripped the ohel, where they Jewish community, with many Ze’ev Yavetz, a founder of the Mizrachi “Although funerals no longer Chevrah Kadisha in 1898, as well cooked and slept. still regularly visiting it. take place there, those buried at as many other prominent people movement, took his students to plant Rubbish was strewn all over The cemetery was laid out trees in the agricultural colony of Zi- Brixton form a rich historic tap- too numerous to mention here. and the gravestones were used to in 1912 and opened in 1914, al- estry of Jewish and Future plans for the cem- chron Yaakov. Ten years later, this idea hang washing on. though the first Jew - Susman of planting trees had become a custom include pioneers, community etery include guided tours. Isaac Last year, the Chevrah demol- Abrahamson, aged 49 - was bur- leaders and rabbinic luminaries,” Reznik, affectionately known as adopted by the Jewish Teachers Union ished the ohel, a move shrouded ied there only in 1921. and later the Jewish National Fund. she said. “a walking Jewish encyclopae- In the early years of the 20th cen- A special section is set aside dia”, will be leading the tours, tury, the JNF focused primarily on for rabbonim and those who which could be extended to West planting eucalyptus trees to halt the served Jewish community or- Park and cemeter- spread of malaria in the Hula Valley in ganisations like the Beth Din, ies. northern Israel. Benevolent Asso- Alan Buff, a special advisor In keeping with the idea of Tu ciation and Chevrah Kadisha. to City Parks, said since Brixton B’Shvat marking the revival of nature, Among the many notable Cemetery was built, the Jew- many of Israel’s major institutions names is that of Rabbi Moshe ish community had requested to chose this day for their official inaugu- Friedman, a dayan of the Beth manage and maintain it them- ration. The cornerstone-laying of the Din and a distinguished, be- selves. Hebrew University of Jerusalem in loved scholar whose funer- “This practice was in force in 1918 took place on Tu B’Shvat, as did al in 1925 was attended by the beginning. However, there that of the Technion in Haifa in 1925 10 000 people. was no maintenance done in and the Knesset in 1949. Brixton is also the final rest- recent years, and the cemetery • In celebration of Tu B’Shvat, this ing place of the Tzaddik, Rav fell into disrepair. Last year we Friday Soul Workout is displaying Mordechai Slom, who resettled discovered that two heritage a Tu B’Shvat table at KosherWorld his community from Chelm in buildings had been demolished in , featuring Soul Work- Lithuania to Oudtshoorn, and - one in Brixton, and one in the out booklet, environment-friendly many still come to pray at his Braamfontein cemetery.” supplements, and the opportunity graveside; Sir Harry Graumann, City Parks is working with the to purchase a tree in Israel. 10:00 - first Jewish mayor of Johannes- Jewish community to try to as- 14:00. burg in 1909; Annie Slovo, moth- sist them in making their section • On Monday January 28, Greenside er of Joe Slovo; Joseph Ratzker, more environmentally-friendly, Shul hosts a Tu B’Shvat tea at 7a a president and honorary life but not much could be done until Chester Road Greenside from 15:00. president of the Witwatersrand the heritage bodies decided what Call (011) 788-5036 or e-mail info@ Hebrew Benevolent Association; action to take about the demol- Jacques Klisser, president of the ished buildings.

PUBLISHER Bryan Silke - [email protected] • EDITOR Geoff Sifrin - [email protected] • Sub-Editor Paul Maree • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Akum - sharon@sajewishreport. • Sports Editor Jack Milner • Books Editor Gwen Podbrey • Arts Editor Robyn Sassen • Cape Town correspondent Moira Schneider: 021-794-4206 • Pretoria correspondent Diane Wolfson: 082-707-9471 • ADVERTISING MANAGER Karen Knowles - [email protected] Advertising: Adi Lew: 083-407-8034 - [email protected], Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 jewish report - [email protected], Chanon Wainer: 076-058-6072 - [email protected], Marlene Bilewitz: 083-475-0288 - [email protected], Marlene Hendler: 082-330-2656 – [email protected] • Classified Sales: Susan Walunda [email protected] • Distribution Manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – bryan@ • Website: Ilan Ossendryver • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652.Board of Directors: Howard Feldman (Chairman), Issie Kirsh (Deputy Chair), Marlene Bethlehem, Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Howard Sackstein, Jason Valkin, Elton Bondi, Michael Sieff, Steven Krawitz, Denese Bloch. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 274-1400 25 January – 1 February 2013 News SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Likud leads... Continued from page 1 But Netanyahu’s biggest concern showing of Meretz, the solidly may be a rival in his own rightwing leftwing party. By contrast, Labour, camp, Bennett, who appears to have traditionally a promoter of peace picked up most of the seats lost by talks, barely raised the issue in the Likud-Beiteinu. campaign. Instead it focused on While Netanyahu remains ambig- socioeconomic issues and made uous on the question of a Palestin- significant Knesset gains. ian state - he formally endorsed it in With Election Day over, the a 2009 speech at Bar-Ilan University coalition building begins: To win but has hardly mentioned it since or another term as prime minister, Ne- done much to promote it - Ben- tanyahu now must cobble together nett passionately opposes the idea. an alliance of at least 61 Knesset Instead, Bennett, a former hi-tech members to form Israel’s next entrepreneur, calls for annexing government. Who he chooses - and much of the West Bank. who agrees to join him - will deter- Even within Netanyahu’s party, mine a great deal about the course nationalists on the Likud list who charted in the years to come by the never before made it into the Knes- Israeli government. set, will now occupy seats. Among Election results (at exit polls): them is Moshe Feiglin, leader of the Likud-: 31; Yesh Jewish Leadership faction of Likud, Atid: 18; Labour: 17; Shas: 13; Jew- who favours West Bank annexation ish Home: 12; Meretz: 6; United To- and encouraging Arabs who hold rah Judaism: 6; : 6; Hadash: Members of Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party celebrating in Tel Aviv after hearing the results of exit polls of the Israeli elections Israeli citizenship, to leave Israel. 5; Raam: 4; and Balad: 2. (JTA) on Tuesday. (Yehoshua Yosef/Flash90/JTA) The rise of Yesh Atid and Jewish Home do offer Netanyahu some new opportunities, too. Rather than rely on the haredi Orthodox parties SA notables react to Israeli elections such as Shas and United Torah Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag Mr Justice Dennis Davis: Judaism for the coalition, he could (Rosh Beth Din): “The results show clearly there is a massive make common cause with Yesh Atid “It is surprising and disappointing. I believe divide in the country between those who and Jewish Home, both of which the polls do not reflect reality; it was antici- want peace and a democratic Jewish state want to draft haredi Israelis into the pated that the right would be on the leading and those who are less concerned with army or a form of national service - side. It will be difficult for Netanyahu. It’s a democracy (and) peace with Palestinians and even though they may significantly pity about wasted votes that went to smaller consider, at best, that the status quo is to be disagree on security matters. parties. It’s also a pity from a religious point preferred. Given that divide and a second Lapid talked during the cam- of view: many religious people didn’t vote, Obama administration, it’s to be hoped paign of his willingness to join a possibly under the influence of the Satmar that the incoming government will under- Netanyahu coalition, influencing Rebbe. It was nice to see Habayit Hayehudi stand with half the population wanting and the government from within rather establish itself on the political map. But voting for peace and thus change and with than from the opposition. where did the haredim go? Did they not greater external pressure for the same, this So, even though the haredi par- vote? Did they vote for other parties? What is the time for bold, decisive action towards ties grew by three seats - Shas went will happen to the Torah world?” preserving the Jewish and the democratic (state) in Israel.” to 13 from 11 and United Torah Prof Milton Shain (Director, Judaism to six from five, according Kaplan Centre for Jewish David Abel (who represents to exit polls - Lapid’s willingness to Studies): Likud in SA): provide Netanyahu with an equally “There was always an undecided factor of “In a volatile election in which two themes large chunk of seats to build his about 16 per cent, who moved to Lapid predominated: Jewish settlements in Judea coalition, means that the haredi mostly. It’s a bruising for Netanyahu. The and Shomron, as well as social responsibility parties may have lost their political election was fought on domestic economic issues - Likud has emerged as by far the larg- leverage to keep yeshiva students issues, religious issues, security and Iran. The est individual party, with Netanyahu the only out of Israel’s military draft. Palestinian question was not up for serious party leader capable of forming a broad, truly For its part, Labour looks discussion. It’s likely Netanyahu will go for a Zionist national coalition. All of which is as it destined to lead the Knesset’s broad coalition including the extreme right, should be. Two debutant parties (led by Yair opposition; its chairman, Shelly Naftali Bennett’s party, Habayit Hayehudi Lapid and Naftali Bennett) made significant Yachimovich, has vowed not to join and Lapid. He’ll face pressure from Europe impacts and are expected to feature in gov- a Netanyahu coalition. Tzipi Livni’s and the US on the Palestinian question. Time ernment. No party can cope better with the will tell whether he bows to it. If he does, he new Hatnua party, which won just situation than Likud, and there is no better will have to jettison the far right.” six seats, is likely to stay in the op- national leader than Netanyahu.” position, too. Avrom Krengel (Chairman of Tali Nates (in her personal The election represented a major the SA Zionist Federation): capacity): defeat for Livni, who in the last “It was a foregone conclusion that Benja- “I feel a glimmer of hope with the growth election led the Kadima party to 28 min Netanyahu would be prime minister of individuals and parties that discuss seats - more than any other party. and would form a government - he has openly the character of Israeli society This time, the eviscerated Kadima expressed the desire for it to be a broad- and the democratic values of the country. failed to win even a single seat. based coalition representing most Israeli However, my worry is that the current Hatnua’s poor showing also votes. In the context of the elections, some electoral system does not work and needs suggested how little of the election of the parties were winners and others to be re-looked at and changed. It is of was about negotiations with the were losers. Ultimately, the election itself great concern that there is such concentra- Palestinians. Livni made much of was a celebration and triumph of democ- tion on egos of leaders rather than on the the issue during the campaign, but racy and Jewish sovereignty.” political and social needs of Israel that are it failed to resonate with voters. more urgent now than ever before.” Hatnua’s six seats equaled the 24 SA JEWISH RREPORTEPORT News 25 January01 –- 081 February June 2012 2013

File photo File Abe Krok – philanthropist and businessman of note, passes away The famous twins were an (Krok Family Enterprises) to co-founder of the Mykonos leaders through exposure to inseparable team, with Solly, have its own synagogue on Casino in Langebaan, the relevant case studies in Israel. the accountant, and Abe, the the premises. Golden Horse Casino in “Critical learnings in the pharmacist. Among his many joint Pietermaritzburg and Gold areas of leadership, small “Abe was an example successes was the estab- Reef Resorts Limited in business and co-operatives, to businessmen in South lishment of the Johannesburg. were shared with our country Africa regarding the sharing Museum, Gold Reef City and He served on the board of thanks to the generosity of of his wealth with the less ownership of the Mamelodi the South African Associates the Krok brothers.” fortunate and through his Sundowns Football Club. of Ben-Gurion University of Abe’s personal friend involvement in educational Summer Place served as the Negev and, in 1989, was of many years and fellow matters,” Rabbi Mendel Lip- the base in 2002 for the 2006 awarded an honorary doctor- philanthropist Bertie Lubner, skar, of the Shul at Hyde Park Soccer World Cup bid and, at ate from the University of who with his wife Hilary, (housed in one of the Kroks’ one stage, it was suggested Bar-Ilan. visited Abe shortly before his major acquisitions, Summer by former President Nelson With Solly, Abe co-founded passing, described Abe as “a Place), told Jewish Report. Mandela that it be used to the He’atid Leadership Pro- notable legend of our time. SUZANNE BELLING Their mother Sarah, who Rabbi Lipskar, who con- house the ANC headquarters, gramme with the Mizrachi The successes that he and hailed from Lithuania and ducted the funeral at West which was not to be. Organisation in 1995 - a his brother Solly achieved Abraham (Abe) Krok who could not speak English, Park Jewish Cemetery on Millionex, a forerunner programme that developed together, are historic. (pictured), internationally- had not been aware that Tuesday, described Abe as to today’s National Lottery, over 500 business and gov- “Abe’s generosity knew no known philanthropist and there had been another baby “an exceptionally charitable formed part of Abe and Solly ernment leaders. bounds.” businessman, passed away on the way. man”, supporting causes in Kroks’ charitable endeavours. Wendy Kahn, national di- Abe is survived by his in Johannesburg on Monday True Gemini twins, they South Africa, Israel and all From small beginnings rector of the SA Jewish Board wife Rosie, his brother Solly, after a long illness for which celebrated their birthdays on over the world. in a little shop near Park of Deputies and former sister Bella, sons Maxim, he was in hospital for over May 28 and 29. With Solly, Abe was in- Station, the Kroks began executive director of He’atid, David and Mark, daugh- four years. He was 83. Abe was known for always strumental in founding the the giant Twins Pharma- said: “This programme made ters Elana Pincus, Shelley Abe was born 19 hours claiming he was the gentle- shul at Summer Place - the ceuticals in the 1960s. a valuable contribution Croock and Simone Lerman after his twin brother Solly. man by saying “after you”. only corporate headquarters More recently, Abe was in growing South African and his grandchildren.

Community Briefs International Nahum The day that human compassion Goldmann Fellowship in Kineret in June triumphed over Everest glory The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture is now accepting applications for MOIRA SCHNEIDER Photo: Ilan Ossendryver the 25th International Nahum Goldmann CAPE TOWN Fellowship, which takes place in Israel on the Kineret, June 11-17. The fellowship Nadav Ben Yehuda sacrificed his at- provides an intensive experience in tempt to summit Mount Everest, Jewish living, learning and leadership for mid-May last year, endangering his men and women from around the world, aged between 25 and 40, who show own life in order to save a life, con- serious interest in Jewish culture and trary to the code of the mountain. demonstrate a potential for communal The 24-year-old Israeli law and gov- leadership. The Memorial Foundation has ernment student reflected on his organised 25 Fellowships since 1987. For three-month venture to the world’s more information and to obtain application highest peak, at a gathering at Beit forms contact The Memorial Foundation Midrash Morasha. for Jewish Culture: (212) 425-6606, or Setting out from Katmandu, he visit or [email protected]. was equipped with three sleeping bags and a down suit to protect ORTJET SA SPREADS ITS WINGS against the -60*C temperatures, GLOBALLY five types of gloves, a helmet and ice axes. ORTJET South Africa is going global! Oxygen cylinders are also essen- Paul Bacher, CEO of ORTJET (Jewish tial for the Death Zone, where the Entrepreneurial Training) is working with people in Canada and the US to establish altitude is higher than 8 000 me- ORTJET in their neighbourhoods. “A tres and the body is unable to ac- group of Baltimore professionals and climatise any further on its own. entrepreneurs is the first to start the The climber has to contend with ORTJET business and training model in occasional 400 kilometre per hour the US. They are using our methodologies, winds, ice-covered mountains and processes and documents.” The business crevasses (deep fissures) covered by mentoring model is unique to ORTJET snow. and includes assistance for new and Two-and-a-half months were Nadav Ben Yehuda, who forfeited his chance to summit Mount Everest by saving a Turkish climber. small businesses with skills, mentoring, spent at base camp acclimatising. counselling and training. “It is not every “You climb up and down a few times can’t digest it - it was a really hard not ashamed to say. (I thought) neck and is pulling as strong as he day that a small local outfit gets a USA crowd launching our home-grown - you can’t go straight up because night.” maybe I can go to the summit, then can.” concept,” said Bacher. - MARCELLE RAVID you’ll die,” Ben Yehuda noted. He started his ascent the follow- come back to take him down - no, A few hours in, the Turk fell into “There are ice cracks all over and ing night. “After three hours, I see he would be dead (by that time),” he a crevasse and pulled Ben Yehuda in one is coping with avalanches.” One my first dead body - a Canadian said, referring to the 95 kg 46-year- too. “I actually thought we’ll be one climber’s oxygen cylinder exploded, woman I knew from base camp. She old Turkish American. of those stories (of) dead bodies on leading to a minor avalanche and was too slow going down the sum- In the event, he attached the un- the mountain. After half an hour, I the death of three climbers, he re- mit.” conscious man to his harness, de- pulled out my ice axes and started called. Two hundred and fifty metres scribing the descent as “the longest pulling myself out of the crevasse - Within reach of his goal, Ben Ye- from the summit, he saw another and most painful eight hours I’ve my eyes couldn’t even see anymore, huda made a decision to postpone body stuck inside a crevasse. “I ever had in my life. I had to put him it was too cold.” his summit for 24 hours because shook the body and heard a voice - between my legs or over my shoul- Once they reached camp, he put of the “traffic jam” which could re- he was alive,” Ben Yehuda remem- der. the man inside his sleeping bag and sult in his freezing to death. “But I bered. “I suddenly realised I knew “After 20 minutes, I stopped feel- gave him oxygen. didn’t have enough oxygen or sleep- the guy” as the person with whom ing my hands.” Thirty minutes into Of his experience he says: “I was ing bags because (I hadn’t) planned he had been arguing about Israeli the rescue, his oxygen mask broke really close, but what can you do? to sleep there. politics days earlier. and he had to remove it. “You feel I was really mad I didn’t get to the “I didn’t have food because you “It was a lose lose situation - I’m like someone has put a belt on your top.” 25 January – 1 February 2013 News SA JEWISH REPORT 5 Jewish population ‘booming in Brooklyn neighbourhoods’ JTA STAFF Jewish population in 2012. ber of Jews living in Wash- NEW YORK The full report includes more ington Heights sky-rocketed detailed geographic data on by 144 per cent. The Bronx, a Two-thirds of Jewish popula- the Jewish residents in UJA- former bastion of Jewish life tion growth in the New York Federation’s catchment area, that had seen a long period area has come from two largely including the five boroughs of of decline, is also rebounding. Orthodox neighbourhoods, a New York City, Long Island, The number of Jews rose from study has found. and Westchester County. 45 100 to 53 900 in 2012. Two Brooklyn neighbour- According to the study, most “The geographic profile gives hoods account for a majority of the increase since 2002 us essential current informa- of the 10 per cent increase occurred in the predominantly tion so we can best respond in overall Jewish population haredi Orthodox Brooklyn with laser-like focus to re- growth in greater New York neighbourhoods of Borough gional and communal needs,” over the past decade, according Park and Williamsburg. said John Ruskay, executive to data released last week from The number of Jews in Bor- vice president and CEO of a demographic study carried ough Park, home to the Bobov UJA-Federation of New York. out by UJ-Federation of New Chasidic sect and other haredi “We, along with our network York. With 1,54 million Jews, communities, rose by 71 per of agencies, area synagogues, the New York area is home to cent. In Williamsburg, the seat day schools and many other the largest Jewish community of the Satmar Chasidic sect, communal institutions, will in North America. the population increased by use this data for planning to Gedalya Gottdenger via Creative Commons The data comes from a 41 per cent. Other parts of the meet current and future needs demographic survey UJA-Fed- city also saw a dramatic rise in of the Jewish community.” Two Chasidic men walk in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Along with Borough Park, the neighbourhood eration conducted of the local Jewish population. The num- (JTA) accounts for two-thirds of overall Jewish population growth in the New York area, according to new details from a 2012 study.

European Jewish Press, Western Europe: “Council of Europe Assembly considers banning Greek The Jewish World and Hungarian extreme-right members” The Strasbourg-based Council of Europe considers banning members affiliated with anti-Semitic parties. At the opening session, 30 MPs in seven seconds supported banning Greek MP Eleni Zaroulia of the Greek Golden Dawn Party and Hungarian MP Tamas Gaudy-Nagy, of the Jobbik Party.

The Jewish Week, New York, USA: The Jewish Daily Forward, New York, USA: “103 years for Satmar sex offender” “Jewish camp counsellor guilty in child porn” This week, a 103-year prison sentence for sexual abuse was imposed Former sixth grade yeshiva teacher and summer camp counsellor, on an unlicenced therapist from the Orthodox Satmar community in Evan Zauder, 27 from New Jersey, pleaded guilty to child exploitation Williamsburg. Nechemya Weberman, 54,was convicted of sexually and pornography charges. He faces a minimum of 10 years and a abusing a young woman for three years, beginning when she was 12. maximum of life in prison at his sentencing in May.

Jewish Journal, Los Angeles, USA: World Jewish Daily, International: “Orthodox woman, a first” “Vicious anti-Zionist children’s book distributed by In a groundbreaking appointment, the Academy for Jewish Religion Satmar in hopes of convincing haredim not to vote” in California, has selected Tamar Frankiel, 66, a professor of Tens of thousands of copies of a children’s book depicting Zionists as comparative religion and an expert on Jewish mysticism, as its new Nazi collaborators were published and distributed in haredi areas of Is- president, making her the first Orthodox woman ever to lead an rael by Satmar chassidim in the hope that it will influence the parents of American rabbinical school. those children and cause them not to vote in Israel’s national elections.

Jewish News, Sydney, Australia: Jewish Times Asia, Hong Kong: “Bereaved parents slam Israel Oscar nominations” “Thai royal pardon granted for a confessed murderer An Israeli activist group, the Almagor Terror Victims Association, in Bangkok” has written to the Academy of Motion Pictures ahead of the 2013 Eli Cohen 45, an Israeli national with Australian citizenship, who con- Oscars, arguing two Israeli films nominated for Best Documentary, fessed to murdering his wife in Bangkok in February 2004, has received “Five Broken Cameras” and “The Gatekeepers”, present a false a royal pardon from the King of Thailand. Cohen is set to be released in image of Israel. May 2013 and could return to Israel. Tel Aviv ranked as one of the world’s top beach cities

TEL AVIV - The travel publication Lonely Planet has every potential tourist in the world knows what we named Tel Aviv as one of its top beach cities, con- all know already - that Tel Aviv-Jaffa is an amazing tinuing the city’s recognition as one of the world’s city, full of surprises, that is not only fun to live in, top destinations. but also to visit,” according to Israel Hayom. Tel Aviv, known as the “White City”, placed Located in a region awash in tension and seventh in the Lonely Planet’s review of top beach threats, Tel Aviv is often referred to as “the bubble” cities behind top-ranked Barcelona. Tel Aviv beat for its relative peace and progressive views. In its cities such as its Middle Eastern neighbour Dubai, description of the city, Lonely Planet captured this Miami, Brighton and Hove in Great Britain on the list. outlook; Tel Aviv is “the total flip-side of Jerusalem, In response to the recognition, Tel Aviv Mayor a modern Sin City on the sea, rather than an ancient

World News in Brief World Ron Huldai said: “It’s appropriate and right that Holy City on a hill”. ( 26 SA JEWISH RREPORTEPORT OpinionNews 25 January01 –- 081 February June 2012 2013 jewishsouth african report ‘Faith and Protection’ – the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection Challenges Israeli elections: best ALANA BARANOV The SAJBD was present at the Dialogue These issues are particularly pertinent of democracy, or too as part of a broader Jewish delegation, for South Africa. Our country is the “When a stranger resides which was led by Mark recipient of the highest annual number with you in your land, you Hetfield, president and of asylum applications worldwide, with many choices? shall not wrong him… you CEO of the Hebrew Immi- 106 904 applications in 2011 according shall love him as yourself, grant Aid Society (HIAS), to the UNHCR. The many surprising results of the Israeli elections illustrate for you were strangers and included other Other challenges we face include an the maxim: “a week is a long time in politics”. As South Afri- in the Land of Egypt.” religious and NGO leaders asylum system that is overwhelmed by cans we should envy the fluidity of Israeli democracy. (Leviticus: 19). Few tenets from Israel and the United the sheer number of such applications Despite having the same basic electoral system - pro- are repeated as often in States. and recurring xenophobic attacks which portional representation, where each party gets a number Jewish law, and indeed The Dialogue had three impede integration into local communi- of seats in parliament (Israel’s Knesset) correlating with its protecting the vulnerable major objectives: to ex- ties. proportion of the national vote - differences between South and solidarity with the plore how the right to seek I am hopeful that the outcomes of Africa and Israel were starkly illustrated in Israel’s poll. foreigner is a core value asylum and the protection the Dialogue will contribute to creating The 32 Israeli parties contesting the election meant Israe- of all the major religious of stateless persons are sustainable solutions for these types of lis faced a huge array of choices. While some were tiny par- traditions. reflected in religious tradi- protection challenges. With a plan to ties, quite a few represented major blocs of power, garnering Sadly, as seen in the un- tions; identify practical maintain a network of communication significant numbers of Knesset seats. folding crisis in Syria (where an estimated ways for the UNHCR to better engage between organisations involved globally Social and economic conditions were high on the agen- 600 000 people have fled their homes with religious leaders and communities to in this sector, to share resources and das - recent surveys show that almost one in four Israelis live since the outbreak of the civil war), few help assist refugees, internally displaced ideas (such as the proposal from the in poverty. Peace with the Palestinians is obviously another principles are as overlooked by humanity. and stateless persons and to improve Jewish delegation for “cities of refuge”) major issue. Local religious communities are on protection space; and finally, to consider and encouraging religious leaders to Netanyahu’s relatively narrow win - 31 seats in the 120- the front lines of humanitarian crises. developing principles of partnership for sign up to a “code of conduct” on how to seat Knesset with the right and left blocs almost equally bal- As we learnt first-hand in South Africa co-operation between stakeholders. preach about refugees, there is much to anced - means his task of forming a government will be no during the xenophobic attacks of 2008, The issue of xenophobia was raised work on. easy matter. they often act as “first providers” of life- across the Dialogue’s roundtables, and Ultimately, all religious communities In contrast, in South Africa the ANC has, since it came saving assistance. Uniquely positioned to South Africa was cited as both an example and organisations must stand up and into power two decades ago, always had a massive majority - advocate for human dignity, and drawing of how protection can fail, but also how take the lead in initiating and support- 60 per cent plus - meaning it calls the shots in any coalition on principles held close to the hearts of faith-based organisations and religious ing efforts of conflict resolution and with a smaller party. Purely technically, we don’t have a one- the faithful, these groups can empower leaders can bravely make a difference in peace-building, from the local to the party state, but in practical terms it often feels like it, with the defenceless. terrible times. national level. minorities exerting little influence. Recently, I was privileged to be one Initiatives such as the Hate Crimes As the South African Jewish com- The large number of parties also indicates a leadership of the few South Africans to attend the Working Group, a coalition of civil society munity, with our own history of fleeing crisis in Israel at a crucial time in its history. There is not one fifth UNHCR Dialogue on Protection role-players advocating for hate crimes oppression and facing prejudice as the candidate who a majority could support wholeheartedly. One Challenges, as a representative of the awareness and legislation, in whose outsider, as well as the principle of tikun respected Israeli columnist commented that Israelis were South African Jewish Board of Deputies establishment I was involved on behalf olam in our religious tradition, it is voting for “the best of a bad lot”. (SAJBD). The theme of the Dialogue for of the SAJBD, were raised as examples of imperative that we each do what we can This refrain sounds familiar to South African ears. No 2012 was “Faith and Protection”. best practice. to make a difference. South African leaders today clearly stand out for their great- ness - the recent re-election of Jabob Zuma as ANC president - and essentially South African president, as he is expected to be endorsed in next year’s general election - elicited a re- Remember Martin Luther King’s sponse of great weariness among many South Africans. For South African Jews, a relevant question is what a new Israeli government’s attitude will be towards this country. In battle against hate recent years we have slipped low on Israel’s radar because of KENNETH JACOBSON Harvard, as reported by Seymour Martin our government’s virulent anti-Israel atmosphere. Israel now NEW YORK Lipset in “The Socialism of Fools”, King regards South Africa as of little political importance, given its responded to a hostile question about kneejerk hostility. For those of us who closely follow the Zionism: “When people criticise Zionists Does the hostility derive from the stalemate in the peace progress in America in the battles against they mean Jews; you are talking anti- process? Or a basic rejection of Israel itself? Or inherent af- racism and anti-Semitism, the obser- Semitism.” finity with the Palestinians because of historically close rela- vance of the Rev Martin Luther King Jr’s Third, King understood the importance tions with the PLO? (pictured) birthday this year on January of standing up for other minorities. Whatever the reasons, South African Jews, tradition- 21, had particular relevance. Perhaps King’s greatest legacy was his ally very Zionistic, are having a hard time getting their views First, the King holiday reminds us of conviction that justice for black people heard in the current climate. two significant anniversaries surrounding could not be achieved in a vacuum, that Looked at from a distance, a feather in Israel’s cap was the civil rights leader. It was the 50th an- all Americans must live free from oppres- given just days before the election by the US-based Freedom niversary of his historic “I Have A Dream” sion in order to guarantee freedom. House, whose annual report titled “Freedom in the World speech at the Mall on Washington and Why was obtaining civil rights for 2013” said Israel was the Middle East’s only “free” state, the 20th anniversary of all 50 states in African-Americans so important to the countering the country’s critics who say its democratic values the union observing the holiday. American Jewish community? Because Civil rights legislation allowed Jews to are eroding. Second, while leading the monumental it was the right thing to do, and because challenge their exclusion. Even more, the The report, ranking the world’s countries by political struggle for civil rights, King never equiv- it was good for all and built coalitions in revolution changed society in a way that rights and civil liberties, said Israel is surrounded by coun- ocated in denouncing anti-Semitism. fighting all forms of prejudice. being different and expressing one’s dif- tries where freedom is a scarce entity. Jordan and Syria were “The segregationist and racist make no Fourth, King knew that power politics ferences was no longer a liability. “not free,” and Egypt and Lebanon were “partly free.” Free- fine distinction between the Negro and were important to bring change. Speech- King’s work in seeking equality for all, dom House ranks a “free” country as one with open political the Jews,” he stated bluntly. es, marches, demonstrations and sit-ins was consistent with the values expressed competition, a climate of respect for civil liberties, significant In a letter to Jewish leaders just were all about power politics. But he by the Jewish sage Hillel two millennia independent civic life, and independent media. A “partly months before his 1968 assassination, profoundly understood that ultimately, ago: “If I am not for me, who will be?” free” country has limited respect for political rights and civil he said: “I will continue to oppose it appealing to the moral values, the good- One must have pride and stand up for liberties; in a “not free” country basic political rights are ab- [anti-Semitism] because it is immoral and ness and long-term interests of those one’s own. sent and civil liberties widely and systematically denied. self-destructive.” who needed to change - the white major- “If I am only for myself, what am I?” To Of nine countries given the worst ratings, two were in Is- The message - that it is never enough ity - was the key to changing society. be fully human, one must go beyond one’s rael’s region: Saudi Arabia and Syria. Other “not free” coun- for Jews and Jewish organisations to con- In the long run, however, changing own problems and stand up for others. tries are Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, the United demn anti-Semitism - remains terribly hearts and minds through education and “If not now, when?” Justice delayed is Arab Emirates and Yemen. Tunisia, Kuwait, Libya and Mo- important for the country. appealing to the best instincts of America justice denied. rocco are “partly free”. More specifically, King’s condemnation is the real solution. These values were King’s values. Too of- With the election over, the political wrangling begins as of anti-Semitism was and is important Fifth, the civil rights revolution led by ten in society today we stray from them. Netanyahu negotiates the political maze to come up with a for his own African-American commu- King also further opened up America for This 50th anniversary of his “I Have a government most Israelis can support. Let us hope the out- nity. For too long, levels of anti-Semitic Jews and is one of the key elements as to Dream” speech provided us with an op- come will produce a government that can not only improve attitudes have been too high. Not only why today American Jews are the freest portunity to recommit to those things the lot of Israelis, but also achieve a breakthrough towards did King react against blatant anti-Sem- community in the 2 000-year history of that brought us all together. (JTA) peace with the Palestinians. itism, but he anticipated more sophis- the Diaspora and things are so much bet- (Kenneth Jacobson is deputy national ticated versions. In an appearance at ter for Jews than 60 or 70 years ago. director of the Anti-Defamation League.) 25 January – 1 February 2013 Opinion SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Rabbi Hertz, King James Bible, stilted to modern ears

necessary to take this approach in his day, but Some renditions now sound faintly ridicu- Boer War because of his strident pro-Uitlander in our own times it comes across as being overly lous: “Jacob sod pottage” (Yaakov was cooking speeches. This in no small part led to his being defensive, even apologetic. a stew - what’s this “sod pottage” nonsense?!); recommended by Lord Milner for the post of Going through the text, moreover, I found “Joshua discomforted Amalek and his people Chief Rabbi of the British Empire. BARBARIC YAWP myself cringing every time attention was drawn with the edge of the sword” (well, yes - if I was Hertz returned to Johannesburg after the David Saks to “beautiful example of Hebrew poetry”. Shake- being hacked into little pieces by an edged weap- war to take up his old position for several more speare’s poetry is also beautiful; it is not the on, I’d also feel “discomforted”); and referring to years. At the 1905 SA Zionist Congress, he My wife and I are of a scavenger bent and enjoy reason why we put on Tefillin every morning. cattle as “kine” merely sounds pretentious. presented what was probably the first scholarly burrowing for discarded items of interest in Another feature of the Hertz Chumash that Hertz had a strong South African connection. potted history of the SA Jewish community. sheimos bins at the various shuls. Perhaps we has made it unfashionable is that it uses the His first important rabbinical position was in All in all, while his Torah commentary is no should get out more. At any rate, on one such King James Bible text. No matter what one can Johannesburg, where he became rabbi of the longer in use, he should be remembered for expedition, I found a copy of the Hertz Chu- say about the majestic language of that famous Witwatersrand Old Hebrew Congregation in what he was: a proud Jew, a fine Judaic scholar mash, in excellent condition. rendering, it is much too archaic for modern President Street in 1898. a doughty fighter for the honour of Judaism, The Hertz, for those under 40, was for much ears, the sundry ye’s, thee’s, thou’s and smiteth’s President Paul Kruger expelled him from the even if the form this activism took could be of the last century the standard commentary on having become the stuff of caricature. Transvaal following the outbreak of the Anglo- controversial. the Torah and Haftaros in synagogues through- out the English-speaking world. Nowadays, it is only in the older, more mainstream congrega- tions that one finds the occasional copy. It is not hard to see why the commentary, authored by the then Chief Rabbi of the British Empire Joseph Herman Hertz and published in the 1930s, should have fallen out of favour. It is a product of its time, when much of the traditional Jewish world felt itself under siege by secularist intellectual challenges to Judaism’s sacred texts. Back then, the phenomenon of “Bible Criti- cism”, at the core of which was an assumption that the entire canon of Tanach was a human cultural construction to be “deconstructed” like any other literary text, was in its hey-day. Hertz’s commentary was a stout-hearted but in retrospect perhaps misjudged attempt to challenge the “scholars” on their own terms and provide the Jewish layman with intellectual ammunition to refute their theories. In doing so, it would not be unfair to say that he made far too many concessions, in effect too often playing down the miraculous in favour of prosaic, rationalist explanations and giving too much prominence to secular academics whose comments are all too often rather banal. Looking through the commentary, it is rather jarring to see names like Chadwick, Rawlinson and even Olive Schreiner jostling for space alongside Rashi, Ibn Ezra and the Ramban. While their cited comments, as selected by Hertz, are obviously not themselves contrary to Jewish belief, they are so je june and antiquar- ian as to simply be a waste of precious space. Only the smallest fraction of the accumulated wisdom of past Torah giants can be presented in an anthology of this nature. Why take up so much of it with tangential observations on modes of Chaldean worship or Assyrian lexicog- raphy, even if these do provide insights into the milieu in which Judaism originated? It would seem that Rabbi Hertz was anxious to demonstrate at every opportunity that the material of the Hebrew Bible was rooted in and reflected historical realities. Maybe it was

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Now Summeron Be kind to yourself. Come and visit us. 9 Grafton AvenueSale Park 011-447-0337 28 SA JEWISH RREPORTEPORT NewsNews 25 January01 –- 081 February June 2012 2013 The consequences of Israel’s vote

URIEL HEILMAN sea change from the old days, when WASHINGTON campaigns were all about security. Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua bucked that A few observations about the Israeli trend, emphasising peace with the election results: Palestinians. The result: six seats. Right-left split changes, but not New faces: The 19th Knesset will much: From an outsider’s perspec- see a plethora of new members, tive, Israel would seem to be a very with more than a quarter of the politically unstable place. The big- parliament occupied by first-timers, gest party in the previous Knesset, most of them from Jewish Home Kadima, crashed from 28 seats to a and Yesh Atid. Jewish Home is led grand total of zero. The No 3 party, by a son of American immigrants to Yisrael Beiteinu, hitched its wagon Israel, businessman-turned-politi- to the ruling Likud party, but their cian Naftali Bennett, and Yesh Atid combined list lost about a quarter is guided by former TV personality of its seats, down to 31 from 42. Yair Lapid, also the son of the late Meanwhile, a party that didn’t politician Tommy Lapid. exist until a few months ago, Yesh Women: The new Knesset will Atid, emerged as the 120-seat Knes- have more women; Yesh Atid leads set’s second-biggest party, with 18 the way with eight female repre- or 19 seats, according to exit polls. sentatives. The Likud-Beiteinu list Yet despite the swapping of party has seven, Labour has four, and labels, not too much changed in Jewish Home and Meretz have the right-left split. The rightwing three. Hatnua and Hadash each has appears to have lost a little ground one. Among the newcomers will be - from 65 seats in the last Knesset the body’s first Ethiopian-Israeli to 62 in the new one. The centre woman, Penina Tamnu-Shata of and left gained some adherents, but Yesh Atid, an attorney who immi- remains a minority with fewer than grated to Israel at age three during 50 seats (the balance goes to the Operation Moses. An Israeli man casting his vote at a polling station in Jerusalem on Tuesday. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90/JTA) Arab parties). The end of Kadima: Twice in its New priorities: With Israelis pes- short history, the Kadima leader simistic about the chances for im- occupied the prime minister’s office. decision to join, albeit briefly, the by a quarter after what was widely wing this time, it appeared to be minent peace, a significant number But in just one election cycle, the Likud-led ruling coalition. It’s not panned as a lacklustre campaign, it’s for Naftali Bennett, leader of the of voters went for parties that made party went from Israel’s largest fac- the end of centrist politics in Israel, difficult to make the case that Net- newly-constituted Jewish Home socioeconomic issues, not security, tion to not winning a single seat. but it is the end of the road for the anyahu’s star is burning brighter. party (itself a successor to the Na- the centrepiece of their campaigns. Various factors doomed Kadi- party started by Ariel Sharon as a He’s almost sure to capture the tional Religious Party). Yesh Atid ran a campaign about ma: the rise of Yesh Atid, whose breakaway from Likud. premiership again - now comes the The party captured 12 seats, up social and economic issues, and socioeconomic-focused platform Bibi’s reign: Prime Minister Ben- horse trading that is Israeli coalition from just three as the NRP in the Labour leader Shelly Yachimovich, and charismatic leader peeled away jamin Netanyahu’s supporters used building - but it seems it will be last Knesset. Bennett, who supports who led the party to 17 seats, up centrist voters; Livni’s failure to to herald him as Bibi, King of Israel. more for lack of an alternative than annexation of parts of the West from eight in the last Knesset, gain adherents for Kadima and So did Time magazine just a few enthusiasm for Netanyahu. Bank, is likely to apply pressure on virtually ignored security issues subsequent defection to her new months ago. But with the combined Hello, Naftali Bennett: If there Netanyahu to shift further right on in her campaign. This represents a party, Hatnua; and Shaul Mofaz’s Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu list falling was any enthusiasm on the right security issues. (JTA)

World News in Brief

Netanyahu will not uproot major Israeli troops dismantle second Facebook apologises for closing account, Arab-Israeli journalist Jewish communities in any peace deal Palestinian outpost writes

JERUSALEM - In an interview on the eve of the gen- JERUSALEM - Israeli troops on Monday morning disman- JERUSALEM - The Jerusalem Post’s Arab affairs Authority in particular, have been cracking down eral , Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin tled a Palestinian tent city, the second erected in recent reporter said Facebook had apologised for closing on Facebook users,” Toameh wrote on the web- Netanyahu – fighting Tuesday’s general election on a days in the Jerusalem area. his account and removing posts. site of Gatestone, an international policy council Likud-Yisrael Beitneu ticket, made it clear that as Israel’s The soldiers entered the Palestinian outpost in north- Khaled Abu Toameh wrote in a column pub- and think tank. re-elected leader, he would not uproot major Jewish west Jerusalem near Beit Iksa and began to take down lished on last Friday by the Gatestone Institute, Toameh pointed out that some Arab countries communities just beyond the pre-1967 lines. the four tents and the structure serving as a mosque. that Facebook issued a “sincere apology” and that and the Palestinian Authority had established “I think that there is recognition that ultimately Bulldozers removed the structures, the Palestinian Maan a member of its team had “accidentally removed teams to monitor Facebook and other social there has to be a real and fair solution, and that certainly news agency reported. something you posted on Facebook. This was a media for critics. doesn’t include driving out hundreds of thousands of Twenty Palestinian protesters were removed peace- mistake.” “But the problem becomes worse when Jews who live in the suburbs of Jerusalem, and in the fully from Bab al-Karama, or Gate of Dignity, according to Toameh said the social networking site cited Facebook itself starts removing material that suburbs of Tel Aviv, in the Ariel bloc,” Netanyahu said in reports. The outpost was founded last week Friday. “security reasons” for shutting down his account bothers dictatorships and tyrants,” he wrote. an interview from his Jerusalem office, the Jerusalem It was the second Palestinian outpost established last for 24 hours last week. One day later the account “One can only hope that the same Facebook Post reported. week, and the second to be dismantled. Israeli troops late was reopened with posts critical of corruption in the employee who ‘accidentally’ removed the article Netanyahu reaffirmed that these communities would last week dismantled a Palestinian tent city erected in the Palestinian Authority and Jordan deleted. Toameh will make the same mistake and close down be part of Israel in any peace deal with the Palestinians. controversial E-1 corridor between Jerusalem and Maale had received hate mail and death threats due to the accounts belonging to terrorist organisations and “There is a common acceptance that the so-called Adumim. (JTA) posts, according to The Jerusalem Post. their leaders.” settlement blocs will remain part of Israel in any settle- “Facebook’s move came at a time when Arab Facebook allows Hamas leaders and other ment,” Netanyahu said. Bedouin brothers arrested for dictatorships in general, and the Palestinian known terrorists to maintain pages. (JTA) However, despite the focus on construction in planning attacks on Israel these areas, Netanyahu told a group of visiting US Jewish Home’s Bennett attacked by haredi Orthodox at Western Wall Senators last week Sunday that the real problem was JERUSALEM - Two Bedouin brothers were arrested not Jews building houses, but Iran. “The problem earlier this month for planning terror attacks inside Israel, JERUSALEM - Haredi Orthodox Jews reportedly on Monday pushed and verbally attacked Naftali Bennett, in the Middle East is Iran’s attempt to build nuclear the Shin Bet secret service said last Sunday. They were head of the Jewish Home party, at the Western Wall. weapons... This was, and remains, the main mission indicted at the Beersheva District Court The attack occurred as Bennett began praying in front of the Wall, the day before Election Day. He was facing not only myself and Israel, but the entire world,” Their plans included a suicide bombing attack at the protected by a security detail. Netanyahu said according to the Associated Press. Beersheva central bus station, an attack on a passenger Jerusalem police reportedly detained a haredi Orthodox youth who called on Bennett to take off his In the interview, Netanyahu also addressed train and firing rockets at Israeli targets, according to kippah. The youth reportedly shouted: “You want to draft our children to the army, mothers are crying at concerns regarding a report by American columnist reports. Two Jewish Israelis, one reportedly an Israeli night,” and: “Let me study Torah. Don’t force me to go to the army, you’re inciting sin!” Jeffrey Goldberg in which President Barack Obama is soldier, also were arrested for allegedly providing the Bennett, whose party has been rising in the polls, has sent out mixed signals on military service for all quoted as saying: “Israel doesn’t know what its own Bedouin suspects with weapons that allegedly were sto- Israelis, including haredim. best interests are.” len from the Israeli army. The Jewish Israelis reportedly Hundreds of supporters had greeted Bennett upon his arrival at the Wall. Netanyahu responded he was “confident that received drugs in return for their co-operation. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the haredi Orthodox Shas Party, on Saturday night had called the President Obama understands that only a sovereign Police found instructions on rocket building on the Jewish Home party a “home for the gentiles”. Israeli government can determine what Israel’s inter- older brother's computer, as well as the components “It’s forbidden to vote for them,” Yosef said in his weekly sermon. “These are religious people? Anyone ests are”. ( necessary to build the rockets in his apartment. (JTA) who votes for them denies the Torah.” (JTA) 25 January – 1 February 2013 Letters News SA JEWISH REPORT 9 The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected] Disclaimer The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a range of views on any given topic to be And still Professor expressed. Opinions articulated in the letters are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff or directors of the Jewish Report. Karabus is waiting... Guidelines for letters Letters up to 400 words will get preference. Please provide your full first name and surname, place of patient when Karabus did a locum in Dubai; residence, and a daytime contact telephone or cell number. We do not publish letters under noms de she died of leukaemia.) plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters may be edited or shortened. “We have, however, been told that the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi is going to be in Davos this El Al does not show compassion in times of grief week and so obviously it would be better for Deputy Minister Fransman to visit there the Photograph supplied This letter, about a flight to amenable. I ended up flying national/Jewish airline, week after that. Israel to attend a funeral, to Israel with Ethiopian and where no effort at all was “The latest situation is that Abu Dhabi is ap- does not refer to El Al’s old returning with El Al. made to try to assist me. pearing at the Universal Periodic Review of age and poor state of their Where is the compas- And then the price: I the United Nations Human Rights Council, planes travelling the South sion, the so-called Jewish paid for a one way on January 28. We have asked our govern- Africa-Israel route, or the empathy, the one Jewish ticket, Johannesburg to Tel ment to raise the question of foreign workers poor quality of their food, nation that binds us all Aviv with Ethiopian in the UAE and fair trial procedures.” or their sometimes poor together? Airlines R5 603, while El Al air-crew service, or their Apparently El Al had a charged me for a one way screening of Hebrew pro- compassionate travel ar- ticket from Tel Aviv to Jo- Prof Cyril Karabus’ son and daughter-in-law, grammes without English rangement in place, which hannesburg R14 722 (same Michael and Jen, with their son born a few Interested in working subtitles, or alternative was cancelled in June 2012. distance, but being a direct days ago. or migrating? viewing possibilities, etc, Why was this stopped? flight, uses less fuel, pays etc... Shouldn’t it be reinstated? less airport taxes and incurs OWN CORRESPONDENT Speak to the professionals It refers to compassion- In situations like a less operating expenses), or There have been no material further develop- ate travel arrangements. funeral, emergency travel an incredible R9 119 more Farrel Savitz ments in the situation of Professor Cyril Specifically, I had to travel arrangements become a than the competition. Karabus of Cape Town, who remains out on Registered Migration Consultant to Israel to attend a funeral. nightmare. Lack of tickets/ How do we safeguard bail in Abu Dhabi in Dubai, for close on six & Justice of the Peace There was never a real seats availability, when against being a helpless months on a 10-year old accusation of man- intention by El Al’s office having to fly at a moment’s victim of such a service slaughter. He did not even know that he had will be in Johannesburg from personnel to accommodate notice, are extremely prob- provider? been tried and found guilty in absentia, Mon 4th to Wed 6th Feb 2013 me or make any effort to lematic. However, Ethio- “We have publicly called on (International place me on a flight. Ethio- pian Airlines was more Leonardo Kleiman Relations and Co-operation) Deputy Minister and Cape Town on the pian Airlines was more understanding than our Bedfordview Marius Fransman to travel to Abu Dhabi as 7th and 8th Feb 2013 soon as possible to demand the release and To make an appointment Remembering the Mirvis family in their Johannesburg days the return home of Professor Karabus,” said please call our local booking agent attorney Michael Bagraim, who is represent- Renate Vorster on 0848 647 488 I read Suzanne Belling’s was also a member of the the family moved to Benoni ing Karabus, in an e-mail interview. (The case article about Rabbi Ephraim shul choir. Our families walk- where the Reverend Lionel has been postponed umpteen times because Mirvis with interest. ing together, made quite a Mirvis was employed at the Dubai authorities cannot locate the original His early life was not lim- spectacle at the time as there local shul and possibly the file on Sarah Abdullah, the three-year-old ited to Cape Town. I clearly, were four children in each local Jewish primary school as a child, remember walking family of the same age group. as well. It was after this home from Pine Street Shul, I recall they lived in the period around 1968/9 that Johannesburg, with the house opposite the Raedene the family then relocated to Mirvis family on Shabbat shops in the “island house” Cape Town. and Yomtov during the early bounded by Hathorn and 1960s. Ninth Avenues and Kinfauns Ron Ozen His elder brother, Howard, Street. Around 1965/6, Sydney, Australia

World News in Brief Hagel meets with top Jewish leaders

WASHINGTON - Top Jewish organisational leaders met with Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s defence secretary nominee, and Vice President Joe Biden. A four-sentence statement on Monday, issued by the Confer- ence of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations, described the meeting in Washington last Friday as “an important opportunity for a serious and thorough discussion of key issues of importance to all of us”. The statement, which also noted the presence at the meeting of the leaders of the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, did not further elaborate. The meeting came days after Hagel, a former Republican senator from Nebraska, conferred with top Jew- ish Democrats and apologised for a 2006 comment in which he described the “Jewish lobby” as “intimidating” and reassured them that despite his past scepticism of some sanctions on Iran and wariness of a military strike to keep it from obtaining a nuclear weapon, he was now on board with President Obama’s postures on those issues. (JTA)

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Monday 4 February 2013 The Vineyard Hotel, Newlands On view three days prior Enquiries and catalogues 021 683 6560 / 078 044 8185 210 SA SA J JEWISHEWISH REPORT REPORT Tapestry News Books 25 January01 –- 081 February June 2012 2013 ‘Santa’s Story’ - a huge, joyful A gripping tale of generational celebration homecoming and departure The Land Within by Alistair Morgan Photograph supplied Photo: Jesse Kramer Photo: (Penguin, R175)


The melodramatic back cover blurb of this novel (“a young man returns to a Karoo farm bearing painful memories of… a tragedy in which he was fatefully implicated”) evokes the interminable (and often sordid) plaasromans beloved of writers (“Die Du Plooys van Soet- melksvlei”, “Die Geheim van Nantes” and, more recently, Etienne van Heerden’s “Ancestral Voices”, which was also inflicted on unfortunate Aviva Pelham in a scene from “Santa’s Story”. Aviva Pelham with her mother, Santa. schoolchildren as a prescribed work). The farm setting has long been a staple of South African literature: ROBYN SASSEN of what the book is about. the ideal vehicle through which to explore the interplay between land, “It has been wonderful to be able to celebrate four race, culture and historical injustices. If you not were fortunate enough, in Johannesburg, late generations of the Pelham family, like we have always Happily, though, Morgan’s novel - though it indeed features a farm, in 2011, to have seen “Santa’s Story” at the Rabbi Cyril done it: through song.” She laughs: “We were like the Von a burial ground guarding the obligatory “Terrible Secret”, labourers Harris Community Centre, with the inimitable Aviva Pel- Trapp family. Singing was terribly natural for us and I re- with unsavoury links to landowners, unresolved conflicts between fa- ham, her two sisters and her mother, to whom this show member as a child singing at the table, singing on picnics. thers and sons, machismo, rivalry and retribution - includes compel- is dedicated, fear not. A new version, which recently sold I studied music - clarinet (which I hated!) and piano, and ling insights and writing which is luminous, sensitive and deceptively out in Cape Town, performs in Sandton, next month. was rejected from singing as a second subject, in my first simple. Pelham, a world-class soprano who trained in Cape year at the University of Cape Town.” Henry Knott, the scion of a wealthy family, has spent his adult- Town and has had a glorious 40-year-career, explained: It affected her self-esteem badly, but such was her hood trying to reinvent himself from lonely farm boy into sophisti- “My mother turned 90 five years ago; we wanted to will to succeed that she forced her hurt feelings out of cated Cape Town psychologist. And, on the face of it, he has succeeded: celebrate her life. It has been absolutely unique, taking focus and enrolled toward the end of her degree in an he has a thriving practice, a comfortable home and a stable (if sexually her from Germany to Spain to France to Rhodesia, under opera course. The rest is operatic history. frustrated) marriage to Marian, who is pregnant with their first child. really hard circumstances through the war. “I plucked up courage, which overrode my tendency The novel opens as the Knotts travel back to the farm on the Cam- “She was enormously talented, but never had the to be asthmatic and I fell in love all over again with deboo. It now belongs to a young black couple, Kabelo and Ayanda chance to develop her own skills. She met and married a opera. Opera is the culmination of everything. I will Mahlangu, who have converted it into a guesthouse. stranger from Africa who she stayed married to for over never get over the thrill of singing accompanied by an The purpose of the journey is to secure permission from the Mahl- 60 years. My daughter, Gabriella, who is an English aca- orchestra!” angus to have Henry’s father - who is rapidly succumbing to cancer demic, wrote her story in a book and this show is a taste “‘Santa’s Story’ is a 90-minute account of a deeply - buried on the property. personal odyssey which has universal impact. It debuted The visit proves to be traumatic on many levels for Henry, begin- ORT played a major role in at the Fugard Theatre, last year, under the direction of ning with Marian’s discovery that she is bleeding and at risk of miscar- Janice Honeyman - she has known the family for a long rying. helping Santa and family time - with lighting by Mannie Manim - he has such Then comes news that Henry’s embittered mother - whose ances- warmth in his eye - and design by Dicky Longhurst - who tors first established the farm - has forbidden her former husband a ORT International played a considerable role in helping is so clever and authentic. grave in the family burial plot. Mahlangu, noting his visitor’s distress, European refugees like Santa; “Santa’s Story” celebrates “The show features a carpet of three fantastic musi- suggests an alternative: instead of burial, Knott Snr can be cremated the life-saving energies it offered Santa and her family. cians, including klezmer stalwart Matthew Reid, who is and his ashes scattered on the For a time, the family had refugee status in France, doing the musical arrangement. farm. which they had fled to from Spain. This meant that they “It’s daunting,” Pelham admits, about doing a one- Seeing again, after dec- could live there, but were not allowed to work - and they man show, with a diversity of songs in languages and ades, the little cemetery, is were starving. ORT facilitated the training of Santa and genres ranging from ‘night clubby French’ to Yiddish. It’s devastating for Henry. On her brothers in capacities which would not have come to about stamina, but I’m a seasoned professional and you these headstones, “lifespans bureaucratic attention, but was enough to enable them to plough into it what it needs!” were summed up with the eat, until they were recognised as Jews, that is. brevity of a hyphen chipped One of Santa’s brothers became a machinist in an air- • “Santa’s Story” is at Old Mutual Theatre on the Square into granite”. Here, too, plane factory, another became a dishwasher in a restaurant. in Sandton, February 7 - 17. (011) 883-8606. childhood was marred by the The value of a position like this was about income, but also, • The Union of Jewish Women has purchased the preview loss of his elder brother Da- and perhaps more importantly, scraps from customers’ show on February 5 as a fundraiser. Call Barbara (011) vid in the Angolan bush war, plates. 645-2591 or Margot 083-383-2986. incompatible parents and “They spent a lot of time shifting food from each others • WIZO Tzabar hosts a performance of “Santa’s Story” stints at boarding school. plates,” recalls Santa’s daughter, Aviva. “My mother trained on February 13. Call Graciela 082-925-0924 or email Two graves, in particu- to become a manicurist.” [email protected]. lar, evoke appalling memo- ries. One belongs to Lillian, a domestic servant through Arts Briefs whose deformed, alcoholic Broomberg, Chanarin put lens on Memorial service to celebrate life of son Henry enacted a hide- Polaroid and Kodak technology artist Colin RichardS ous rite of passage into adulthood. The other is The Goodman Gallery in Rosebank, Johannesburg, hosts an Colin Richards, arguably one of SA’s most respected art aca- that of David. exhibition by SA-born, London-based photographers Adam demics, who passed away suddenly at the age of 58 at his The occupants of these Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, “To Photograph the Details home in Cape Town, on December 26, will be celebrated at a two graves - and the truths that lie interred with them - of a Dark Horse in Low Light”. It’s about the history of Kodak memorial service on February 1, at Hiddingh Hall, Michaelis moulder as rankly in the earth as they do in Henry, who now realises and Polaroid technology, in the light of an understanding of UCT, at 16:00. Richards touched the lives of hundreds of art how much of himself lies dead and defunct in this soil. prejudice in photography. In the case of Polaroid, according students during his 25-year teaching career at Wits Universi- Beyond homecomings, the tale is also one of departures. Morgan’s to a media statement, “the artists reflect on the company’s ty. With his wife, artist Penny Siopis, he moved to Cape Town brilliant nuancing of Henry’s disintegration, South Africa’s racially questionable relationship with the apartheid government in 2009. Known for an intensely fine body of watercolour and oppressed past and its former victims’ transition to victors, creates and their consequent withdrawal from South Africa, which pen and ink work, Richards wrote prolifically and influentially mounting tension which is skilfully controlled until the full power of became the catalyst for the foreign disinvestment that crip- about art in Africa, and contributed to the field of art therapy. the novel crashes down on the reader. pled the National Party’s leadership”. The exhibition closes on This is a story of manhood (and, by extension, nationhood) mis- February 16. (011) 788-1113. Nathaniel Stern and Jessica Meuninck- read and, ultimately, misspent. And - having deposited us in territory Ganger from University of Wisconsin- we are loath to navigate - it never lets us fully return. Singer Yonatan Razel back for a show at Milwaukee show 14 new works in JHB the Lyric Art on Paper Gallery in , Johannesburg hosts an The musical act headlining last year’s Sinai Indaba, Ameri- exhibition by Nathaniel Stern and Jessica Meuninck-Ganger. can-born singer/songwriter Yonatan Razel who lives in Nahl- A body of 14 new works created through a residency run by Read the South aot, Jerusalem, returns to South Africa for a once-off concert the gallery is on show. Both artists teach at the University on February 13, at the Lyric Theatre, in Ormonde. Razel rose of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Stern, who spent several years to prominence in the Orthodox community in 2009, when in South Africa in the early 2000s, is an internationally ac- African Jewish he collaborated with Ya’akov Shwekey on the song “V’hi claimed digital and installation artist and Milwaukee-based Sheamda”, a song which touched the hearts of millions and Meuninck-Ganger, a printmaker. The work is curiously was named song of the decade by the religious radio station layered with supports and techniques, juggling time, space Report online Kol Chai. In 2007, YNet named Razel singer of the year, coin- and subject matter. Entitled “Dynamic Statis”, the show ciding with his release of his debut CD, “All in All”. Booking blends traditional printmaking and LDC video, and closes on through Computicket. February 16. (011)726-2234 or 1825 –January 25 January – 1 February 2013 2013 Community Columns SA JEWISH REPORT 11

A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Community Briefs The ‘broad tent’ which is called the SAJBD Photo supplied The SAJBD operates Such dissidents are even said to be de- on the understanding serving of the death penalty under classi- that the South African cal Jewish law, which even if not intended Jewish community is literally comes dangerously close to incit- a heterogeneous one, ing actual violence against them. and that in order to Such statements, we said, were “highly fulfil its mandate of distasteful, potentially dangerous and being the representa- divisive and contrary to the freedom of as- tive spokesbody of the sociation that is enshrined in our Consti- community as a whole, tution and embraced by the South African it must provide a broad Jewish community”. Anne Kopelowitz, chairman of Our Parents Home Residents’ Committee and Dr Sophie Msiza, chairman of tent within which the A further harmful result of the arti- the Alex Veterans’ League. full spectrum of view- cle was that it gave hardline anti-Israel Our Parents Home residents take Alex Vets League under its wing points can be heard. factions an ideal opportunity to depict We do not see Jewish supporters of Israel as intolerant, Late last year, the residents’ committee at Our Parents Home invited residents from an aged home in disagreement among Above Board vindictive and reactionary. Predictably, Alexandra to spend the morning with them. Over tea and sandwiches, they got to know one another and ourselves as a source of Mary Kluk they were not slow in taking this up. discussed ways in which Our Parents Home could help them. Our Parents Home subsequently received a weakness; indeed, the National Chairman There has been, however, another form wonderful donation of blankets, craft equipment and more from Verimark, which they shared with the Alex contrary is true. How- of intolerance, in this case practised by Veterans League. Anne Kopelowitz and Maureen Solomon of the OPH residents’ committee; Joy Coplyn (ANC ever, differences of opinion will under- those whom the above blogpost de- councillor of Dunkeld) and Dr Sophie Msiza (AVL chairman) were all instrumental in making this initiative mine our community’s unity and general nounces. Over the past year, we have seen happen. – CELESTE EVERITT wellbeing when people are actively made a number of public boycott campaigns A happy centenary to you, HOUSE AND GARDEN CIRCLE RAISES to feel that they are pariahs. being conducted against Jewish business- Mary Feinberg! FUNDS FOR KOSHER MOBILE MEALS Apart from being counter-productive men whose establishments in some way in terms of creating polarisation and support Israel, most recently against the Mary Feinberg (née Imerman), a resident of The Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg’s popular hardening rather than changing people’s Reggies toy store chain, and prominent Killarney, Johannesburg, who spent many years House and Garden Circle has raised a substantial attitudes, this runs counter to the Jewish among those involved in them have been helping her pharmacist husband Teddy, behind amount of money for Kosher Mobile Meals (KMM), the ethos of dialogue and debate. anti-Zionist Jews. the counter, turned 100 late last year. She was UJW’s flagship project. Without such a culture, we risk frag- This is likewise unacceptable. It goes born in Johannesburg and lived with her parents KMM provides cooked, nutritious daily meals to menting into hostile camps, increasingly beyond merely disagreeing with the views in , until she married. Mary’s parents some 160 Jewish people in Johannesburg who are expending our energy in bickering with of the owners to advocate bringing about were Russian emigrants; her father started the unable to cook for themselves. Under the chairmanship Kotze Street men’s outfitters Imermans. Mary of Helen Slavin, the House and Garden Circle arranges one another rather than standing together actual economic harm against them in or- and Teddy had two daughters, Rhoda and Avis. monthly visits to magnificent gardens and interesting in a common cause. der to browbeat them into changing their Teddy worked until the age of 90; he passed homes, with guest speakers sharing their extensive Last month, the Board issued a media standpoints. away seven years later. Mary has 14 great- gardening and interior decorating knowledge. - statement taking strong issue with certain The SAJBD welcomes the diversity of grandchildren, 12 of whom live in South Africa. ESTELLE CLINE. intemperate statements made on a blog- views within our community. We respect post by a prominent member of our com- the right of individuals to express their munity. These had not merely expressed opinions, even when these differ from strong disagreement with Jews who have those of the Jewish mainstream, and are chosen to take a public stand against Israel committed to providing a space in which (or, at least, certain Israeli policies), but all viewpoints can be respectfully debated. called for such individuals to be exposed, In the end, we firmly believe that our Jew- boycotted, isolated and deprived of oppor- ish community will be stronger and more tunities of making a living. united for having allowed for such debate. This column is paid for by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Pre-election debate whets appetite for ‘the real one’

An engrossing pre-election debate was hosted For those in the audience not quite sure last Sunday night by the SA Zionist Federa- of which party they would vote for, the end- tion and the Israel Centre. result was exceedingly difficult, given the The SAZF said in a media release this was conviction of each speaker and the profes- done to raise interest and awareness of the sional articulation of their party’s policies. Israeli elections which took place on Tuesday. Each presentation made a huge impact as Moderator Harold Jacobs, vice-chairman each speaker addressed the issues pertinent of the SAZF, introduced the party representa- to the audience. tives: Daniel Barnett of Meretz; Leon Reich This was the first of a series of pro- proposing Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu; Naomi grammes that the SAZF and the Israel Hadar for Hatnua; Benji Shulman promoting Centre will be running throughout the year, Hadash; Howard Sackstein representing La- as part of the Zionist Education Project, bour; and Rabbi Laurence Perez speaking on initiated at the beginning of the year. behalf of both Shas and Habayit Hayehudi. Schools, shuls, organisations and individ- All the participants spoke with passion and uals, will be offered an intensive enhance- knowledge and with the determination to en- ment of the Zionist education currently sure that THEIR party would be the favoured available, through extra classes, specialist one when the voting took place at the end of lectures, video conferencing and the evening. symposiums. 212 SA SA J JEWISHEWISH REPORT REPORT News 25 January01 –- 081 February June 2012 2013 Ochberg changed the lives of so many MOIRA SCHNEIDER child-minders for them, there- parents, Isaac Bornstein and In 1921 there were 100 CAPE TOWN by keeping families together as Yetta Rosier, Ochberg Orphans, children; today there are four. far as possible. met at Oranjia as children of 11 “The real issue is that these Overlooked for many decades, At the time, there had been and 10 years respectively, and children need Oranjia - without a story of bravery and determi- a lot of opposition in the com- married a decade later. it they would have nowhere to nation is set to take its rightful munity to his mission, but Snitcher referred to turn,” he pointed out. place in the annals of world and he “wouldn’t take defeat”, ac- Ochberg as “a man whose ac- “They come from extremely South African Jewry. So said cording to an interviewee in tions changed and continue to difficult family circumstances Lauren Snitcher, Cape Town the movie shown in which or- change the lives and destinies and are in need of intensive representative of the Isaac phans and their relatives speak of so many. Had it not been for psychological and emotional Ochberg Committee based in of their experiences. “He said: Isaac Ochberg, I, my mother, support. It is also a day-care Israel, at the commemoration ‘Bugger you, it’s my money.’ my children and please G-d one centre for those living at home of Ochberg’s 75th yahrzeit held “To us he was our Daddy day, their children, as well as - we see this as the future of at the Oranjia Children’s Home Ochberg,” she recalled. so many of you whose faces I Oranjia.” in December. Half the children had gone recognise as Ochberg Orphan Tessa Webber, Ochberg’s In 1921, Ochberg, then to Oranjia and half had gone to descendants, would never be great-granddaughter, trav- Laura and Michael Radomsky. Michael’s father was an Ochberg chairman of the Oranjia Or- the Arcadia Orphanage in Jo- here.” elled from England to attend Orphan. phanage, embarked on a per- hannesburg. From the original Guest of honour was the commemoration. Though Photos: Moira Schneider ilous journey to save Jewish 176 orphans he saved, there 99-year-old Capetonian Molly she had never met him, hav- children from Eastern Europe are now close to 4 000 descend- Cohen, one of three surviving ing been born 20 years after who had been orphaned as a re- ants around the world. Ochberg Orphans. The other he died, she referred to “Isaac’s sult of the First World War, the At the event was Michael two are Solly Jossel of Johan- courageous life and his incred- Spanish Flu epidemic, poverty, Radomsky, whose father Ben- nesburg and Cissy Harris who ible devotion to his fellow- famine and the Cossack po- nie Karman, one of the rescued lives in Israel. man”. groms. At the time, there were orphans, came to this country President of Oranjia, Rod- Ochberg still holds the re- close to half a million Jewish as a young boy of “eight or ney Stein, noted that Ochberg cord for the largest individual orphans in the area. nine”. He was adopted by the had joined Oranjia’s commit- bequest to the Land of Israel. Though he had permission Radomsky family in Grahams- tee soon after its founding in With this, the JNF purchased to bring in 200 children under town after starting out in Cape 1911. While the Ochberg Or- land in the north of the coun- the age of 16, Ochberg man- Town, but “would not speak phans were a “fundamental try - named the Isaac Ochberg aged to include older siblings about it”, according to Michael. part” of the home’s 101-year Tract - on which Kibbutz Dalia Ninety-nine-year-old Molly Cohen, one of the three remaining by telling the authorities that Also there were Rita Shork- history, the nature of childcare and Kibbutz Gal-Ed are situ- Ochberg Orphans, who attended the commemoration of Isaac he needed nurses, teachers and end and Tania Jacobson, whose had changed. ated today. Ochberg’s 75th yahrzeit.

World News in Brief Good news for badly damaged knees and Yemenite Jews brought to Israel, Iran’s Fars cartiladge from Israeli technology reports SA’ANA - A group of Jews from Yemen ABIGAIL KLEIN $1,6 billion annually. date, confirm rapid carti- regenerate true hyaline car- identical to the body’s own arrived in Israel via Doha on a Qatari LEICHMAN CartiHeal’s trademarked lage and bone formation, tilage. tissues. The regenerated flight, the Iranian Fars news agency TEL AVIV Agili-C can be implanted in as clearly visible on MRIs Altschuler says Agili- cells gradually dissolve the reported last Sunday. a single-step arthroscopic and X-rays,” says Altschul- C has the potential to heal implanted scaffold and the The Fars report cited the Palestin- If you get a cut, break a procedure. In clinical stud- er. “Patients are reporting the problem at an early joints are nearly as good as ian Arab-language weekly al-Manar, bone or scrape an elbow, ies, it was shown to be able significant improvementstage and halt further joint normal. which quoted “informed sources” as your bloodstream brings to to regenerate true hyaline in pain level and return to degeneration, and therefore The first patient to re- saying that the undetermined number of Jews from Yemen had landed in the injury all the necessary cartilage (the most abun- normal function, including might have the potential to ceive Agili-C was a 47-year- Israel. nutrients for healing. But dant type of cartilage in sports.” prevent the need for more old Slovenian man, a for- Israel was planning to bring more if your cartilage gets dam- the human body) after six The implant has earned radical procedures, such as mer athlete whose knee Yemeni Jews in the coming months, aged, you’re out of luck. months. the European Union’s CE knee replacement, down cartilage was damaged due according to Fars. This flexible soft tissue that Founder and CEO Nir Mark of Approval, and the the road. to a volleyball injury six The Jewish community of Yemen cushions joints - especially Altschuler (pictured inset) company is currently run- The implant provides a years before the June 2011 last year numbered an estimated 130, in the knee - has no blood tells Israel 21c that this is ning post-marketing clini- scaffold that enables stem surgery. Unable to enjoy with 50 living in the capital Sana’a in vessels and therefore little a breakthrough in the field cal studies at leading cen- cells to climb up from the sports, he suffered on and a compound secured by the govern- ability to heal itself. - the “Holy Grail” in or- tres in Europe. bone marrow, form vessels off from knee swelling and ment and the remainder in Raydah, However, a privately thopaedics - because other There are approximately within the scaffold and re- pain. the Jewish Agency told JTA last year. held Israeli medical device experimental treatments 1,2 million cartilage repair generate tissue, Altschuler Six months after receiv- Some 100 Yemenite Jews made aliyah between 2009 and August 2012. company is now offering a generate only “hyaline-like” procedures performed an- explains. ing the Agili-C implant, the Attacks on Jews in Yemen by safe and effective, novel off- cartilage, which is actually nually worldwide, and these Within a few months, patient was active on the Islamist extremists have increased in the-shelf cartilage regen- a non-lasting fibrous tissue surgeries mainly aim for the top layer becomes car- ski slopes. A year from his recent years. eration solution in a global rather than the real deal. pain relief since it hasn’t tilage while the bottom surgery, he had completed The Fars article suggested that market worth an estimated “Our clinical results, to been possible until now to layer becomes bone - each a 180K cycling marathon, Israel had been “transferring” Jews according to company of- from around the world to Israel as part ficials. of “a Judaisation plot to change the “The X-ray and MRI im- identity of the region”. (JTA) ages are promising,” says Altschuler. “At six months Netanyahu congratulates inaugurated Obama, you can see signs of car- despite tension tilage formation and at a year it is nearly fully regen- JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister erated. The newly-formed Benjamin Netanyahu, hoping for his cartilage is hyaline carti- own re-election on Tuesday, congratu- lage, the body’s native car- lated US President Barack Obama tilage, distinguished by its on Tuesday morning and expressed specific type of collagen.” hope they would continue to “work Altschuler founded together.” CartiHeal in 2009 as a After being formally sworn in last Sunday at the White House, Obama portfolio company of Per- gave his inaugural address to 700 000 egrine Ventures’ Incentive people on Monday. He did not mention Technological Incubator. Israel, but emphasised his administra- Today, CartiHeal is backed tion “will support democracy from Asia by a recent financing round to Africa; from the Americas to the of up to $10 million from Middle East, because our interests and Accelmed, Access Medi- our conscience compel us to act on

Image: Image: cal Ventures and Elron. behalf of those who long for freedom”, CartiHeal’s cartilage regeneration solution could save many patients from joint replacement surgery. (Israel21C) the Jerusalem Post reported. ( 25 January – 1 February 2013 Youth SA JEWISH REPORT 13 Top three KDVP High matriculants SAUJS welcomes its national left out of the matric supplement Through a production error, King David Victory Park’s top three can- committee for 2013 didates in the 2012 IEB examination – all receiving 10 distinctions – At the end of last year, the South were inadvertently left out of our matric supplement. We regret the African Union of Jewish Students error and apologise to the three. (SAUJS) voted in their new national They are: committee, with Ariela Carno (national chairman) David Subel TEN DISTINCTIONS TEN DISTINCTIONS TEN DISTINCTIONS and Eitan Dubb as their executive committee, SAUJS said in a media release. Recently, SAUJS sent a delegation to take part in a two-week leadership programme that featured attending the annual World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) conference in Israel. During the trip, the delegation was Oren Benguri Karstaedt Saul Musker - AP Jake Pencharz - AP exposed to a variety of different - Accounting, AP Math- English, Dramatic Arts, Mathematics, Afrikaans, political viewpoints from various ematics, Afrikaans, Eng- English, French, History, English, History, Life Ori- sectors of Israeli society. lish, Hebrew, History, Life IsiZulu, Life Orientation, entation, Life Sciences, The delegation returned home with a fresh and exciting new outlook on how to combat anti-Israel campaigns Orientation, Mathemat- Life Sciences, Math- Mathematics, Mathe- and sentiments on campuses around South Africa. With the new committee chosen and the varsity year about to ics, Mathematics Paper ematics, Mathematics matics Paper 3, Physical 3, Physical Sciences Paper 3 Sciences, Visual Arts start, SAUJS is ready for an exciting year ahead. Pictured are the new SAUJS committee: Josh Todes (religious, UCT); Ashleigh Hill (national women officer); Chaya Pomeranz (WUJS); Yossi Singer (Wits); Ami Sonnenberg (national community officer); Gabriella Tobias Redhill School writes IEB exams (national media officer); Ariela Carno (national chairman); Harry Hoshovsky (national political officer). Not in In our Matric Supplement, we stated that Redhill School wrote the the photo but on the committee, are Candice Sifris (national social officer; and Ariella Odes (national religious NSC matric exams, whereas they in actual fact wrote the IEB exam. Officer). We regret the error. KDVP Primary warmly King David Linksfield welcomes its new pupils grade 8 Orientation Tour Photo supplied ERIN DE JONGH ter as hilarious skits were performed by the To welcome the children at King David Victory Park learner leaders. The desperate and dateless Primary School for the new school year, Principal We all assembled at the buses, some of us were all fixed up. Jannie le Roux, invited them to enjoy juice and a anxious, some nervous, but all excited for A boot camp ended the night on a high. doughnut with him at break. orientation and our grade 8 year ahead. We all had to do as we were commanded. After the long, vibrant bus ride we finally Revenge came soon after with a water fight. reached our destination, Meulstroom Lodge. The grade 8s punished their boot camp com- We were introduced to our grade theme, manders. Phineas and Ferb. Discussions followed with After a short night’s sleep and a bus jour- our directors and learner leaders. ney back, we arrived at our new home, King We were then informed about the various David High School. We were familiarised committees and took part in activities that with our surroundings by an “Amazing Race” explained what each committee has to offer. around the school. A delicious lunch followed. We then had free Sadly, after that we were dismissed. Our time where we all enjoyed a dip in the pool. grade 8 orientation was finished and it was The night events began with lots of laugh- time for big school. Photos: Joseph Miller Photos:

Matric learner leaders: Carla Haarburger; Nikki Silverman; Liat Ilouze; and Yakira Amoils, holding up grade 8 learner Amber Sandler (in the middle).

Aaron Witz, a learner leader, is helping grade 8 learner Joshua Sack lay tefillin during morning davening. 142 SA JEWISH REPORTREPORT Classifieds 25 January – 1 February 2013 To book your classified notice or advert contact: Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected]

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERT: 1. Only adverts sent via email to [email protected] will be accepted. 2. You will be advised on cost & payment details. 3. Payment is prior to the advert appearing. 4. Our banking details: SA Jewish Report, Nedbank , Account Number: 1984 514 865, Branch Code: 198405. DEADLINE for BOOKING and PAYMENT is Tuesday 12 pm. (If deadline is missed the advert will appear – when payment is received – in the next edition). IMPORTANT NOTICE - The Jewish Report runs adverts in the Classified section in good faith, however we cannot be responsible for the quality of services offered and claims made.

SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES PROPERTY PROPERTY VEHICLES SERVICES BEAUTY & HEALTH LIFTS LIFTS LIFTS TO LET TO LET WANTED HOME SERVICES BESt SERVICE SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS SILVER Modern spacious AUDIOLOGIST Airport vehicle, pax 7 + A reliable lift service. CHAMPAGNE REPAIR & Specialising in lifts to & luggage Netanya IF YOU WANT TO REPLATING KELLY NATHAN Shuttle PIP FRIEDMAN from airports, shops, COTTAGES Stunning, upmarket, Manor Medical Centre 083-267-3281 appointments, casinos (011) 334 To OR Tambo dialalift@gmail. and courier. S/C Accom, 2-bedroom, BUY OR SELL com 1102 189 Kelvin Drive from R160 Charne 083-391-6612 Central Berg, 2-bathroom, strictly To Lanseria EX-ISRAELI EMPLOYMENT kosher apartment A VEHICLE 082-473-6040 SERVICEMAN Tel: 0861-266-563 from R210 offers lifts to airport and WANTED close to to let on Netanya’s (0861-Book Me) Reasonable rates appointments etc. to all other areas Don’t drink & drive Caregiver/maid amenities. gorgeous Nitza ALL HOURS! Boulevard. Contact: Sam Neil 072-050-9927 Available 2 - 8 sleepers. (011) 728-5219 Two swimming pools INDIVIDUALISED immediately. SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR 083-627-8516 T: 036-468-121 in block. Walk to Solly Kramer www. HEARING NEEDS Experienced, the sea and shops. with excellent champagnecottages. 082-922-3597 Lifts offered Tel David Illfeld: SERVICES references. LIFTS to go shopping, 00972-52-264-9895 FOR SALE to the doctor, to 082-458-6819 or email Illfeld@ Persian rug, and from airport, Cottage to let Reliable 44 years old, valid curtains and or wherever you code 8, seeks driving post, in Glenhazel Royal furniture. THE FURNTURE need to go. Mon to Fri. Good ref. Call Fully furnished, 3 What offers? Linksfield/ DOCTOR Contact Gerald Wayne: 083-351-1225 bedrooms, big lounge Sandringham Call: 082-907-5507 for Fully furnished, 084-585-2454 JEFF EDISON TOURS and dining room, REPAIRS AND a safe and reli- kitchen and scullery, 2 beds, 2 baths, SERVICES RENOVATION TO ALL able service. & TRANSFERS study, open 1½ bathrooms, REPAIRS TYPES OF FURNITURE plan lounge/ RE-UPHOLSTERY A-TAXI SERVICE parking for 4 cars, Appliance Repairs 082-979 4664 dining, on-site ANTIQUE REPAIR/ Let Warren Pogorelsky alarm system. kosher kitchen, chauffeur you to your CAPE TOWN DOOR TO Stoves, washing-machines, RESTORATION garage, destination in Jo’burg DOOR AIRPORT Please contact tumbledriers, dishwashers & SANDING RE-SURFACING R10 000 + and back. Only R100 TRANSFERS AND TOURS fridges. Free quotations! POLISHING round trip for 20kms. Jose on LICENSED OPERATOR UP TO deposit. Tel: Call Jason 9 PERSONS Call June MARK 082-556-7314 082-399-6187 083-325-9313 083-226-3741 082-401-8239

What’s On

Today, Friday (January 25) Monday (January 28) 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R40 Sunday (February 10) • Chabad House hosts a series of events non-members. Contact: Grecia throughout the year. Chai Seniors - • UZLC hosts photographer • UJW hosts retired Justice Ivor Gabriel (011) 532-9718. • Second Innings hosts geriatri- Holistic & Kabbalistic Nourishment”. Ilan Ossendryver who will Schwartzman who will talk on cian, Dr Stanley Lipschitz, who Daily programmes: Men’s Kolel Mon-Fri talk on “The Last of the “Politicians and the Law”. Ven- • UJW CT’s Simcha Group has will speak on “Memory Loss at Chabad House Library, 09:00 -11:00, Remaining Ethiopian Jews”. ue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. arranged a DVD show. Dona- and Memory Disorders”. Venue: followed by lunch. Ladies Kolel Tues- Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) tion: R40 (incl refreshments). The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, days & Thursdays. Special programmes: Time: 12:45 - 14:00. Contact: 648-1053, fax 086 273-3044. Venue: Stonehaven, 7 Albany Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for Mondays: Brain Worx with occupa- Gloria (011) 485-4851 or Cost: R15 for the Friendship Road, Sea Point. Enquiries: 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R40 tional therapist, Cynthia Liptz for brain 072-127-9421. Luncheon Club and a R20 083-439-8006. non-members. Contact: Grecia exercises, 09:00 – 13:00. Both men and donation for lectures unless Gabriel (011) 532-9718. women welcome. Tuesdays: Guest lec- • UZLC hosts Wendy Kahn, otherwise stated. Monday (February 4) tures. For more info contact Rabbi Ari national director of the SA Monday (February 11) Kievman (011) 440-6600 or e-mail rak@ Jewish Board of Deputies, Wednesday (January 30) • UJW hosts Wendy Kahn, who will talk on: “2012 - The national director of the • UJW hosts ballet historian Year That Was”. Venue: Our • Balfour Park Parkinson’s SAJBD, who will speak on Jonathan Hurwitz, who will • WIZO Elise Gift Shop in the Genesis Parents Home. Time: 14:00. Disease Support Group hosts “2013 - New Horizons or New speak on “The Future of Ballet Shopping Centre, Fairmount, entrance Contact: Gloria, (011) 485- Gisela Stanek, of the Parkin- Horrorizons”. Venue: 1 Oak in South Africa”. Venue: 1 Oak from Bradfield Drive opposite Shula’s 4851 or 072-127-9421. son’s Association of SA, who Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Bakery. Exciting range of baby gifts will speak on brain stimulation Contact: (011) 648-1053, fax Contact: (011) 648-1053, fax and gifts for all occasions available at Sunday (January 27) surgery in Parkinson’s Dis- 086 273-3044. Cost: R15 for 086 273-3044. Cost: R15 for reasonable prices. Hours: Mon - Thurs ease. Venue: The boardroom, the Friendship Luncheon Club the Friendship Luncheon Club 09:00 - 17:00, Friday 09:00 - 13:30, • ‘Jewish & Israeli Live Music’ Randjes Estate, Randjeslaagte and a R20 donation for lectures and a R20 donation for lectures Sunday 10:00 - 13:00. (011) 640-2760. with Roni Lea singing/key- Road, Highlands North. Time: unless otherwise stated. unless otherwise stated. boards, with songs of Eretz 10:00. Contact: (011) 640- • Bnoth Zion Association WIZO is col- Israel, Yoram Gaon and army 3919. Tuesday (February 5) Tuesday (February 12) lecting anything of value for its store. bands. Venue: Kosher Mi Contact (021) 464-6729 or Linda Saban Vami, Glenhazel. Time: 13:00 Friday (February 1) • UJW presents “Santa’s Story” • Second Innings hosts Ernie Saks 072-245-3225 or Cherna Kredo 084- till 16:00. Free entrance. with Aviva Pelham. Venue: The- who will speak on “The Anglo 589-8588. Contact: (011) 440-4933. • United Sisterhood has its book atre on the Square, Sandton. Boer War and the Seven VCs sale at the Time: 20:15. Donation: R180 won at Colenso”. Venue: Our • Intimate Antiques Fair held on last • JHGC, UN Information Shopping Centre. Unwanted per ticket. Booking: Margot Parents Home, Orchards. Time: Sunday of every month at Cedar Square Centre, and Liliesleaf Trust, books and magazines dona- 083-383-2986 or Barbara (011) 14:00 for 14:30. Contact: Grecia corner /Cedar Avenue in hosts the “International Day tions are gladly accepted. 645-2591. Gabriel (011) 532-9718. , from 09:00 - 16:00. Contact of Commemoration in Mem- Contact: (011) 646-2409, fax Robyn 083-311-4768. ory of the Victims of the Hol- (011) 646-4654. Wednesday (February 6) Wednesday (February 13) ocaust”, with guest speaker • The Selwyn Segal Shop has a huge Paul Goldreich, internation- Sunday (February 3) • UJW CT’s adult education • WIZO Tzabar presents “San- selection of gifts ranging in price from ally-renowned psychologist. division hosts pathologist Dr ta’s Story” with Aviva Pelham. R30 upwards. Visit them from Monday Venue: Liliesleaf, 7 George • Second Innings hosts Tali Fran- Len Anstey, who will talk on Venue: Theatre on the Square, to Friday, 08:30 to 14:00. Phone (011) Avenue, . Time: 15:00 kel who will speak on “Women “Medial Ethics and Religions”. Sandton. Time: 20:15. Dona- 640-6413 or (011) 640-5171. All pro- for 15:30. Booking essential. Conquer Mountains”. Venue: Venue: Stonehaven, 7 Albany tion: R150 per ticket. Booking: ceeds to The Selwyn Segal Foundation Call Thuli (011) 640-3100 or The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Road, Sea Point. Enquiries: Graciela on 082-925-0924 or for the Mentally Handicapped. [email protected] Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 083-439-8006. e-mail at [email protected] 20 SA JEWISH REPORT Sport 30 November – 7 December 2012 15 SA JEWISH REPORT Sport 25 January – 1 February 2013 ArmstrongPerfecting thehas fallenart of onhow his not own to lance lose game one needs to defend a lead. Howev- er, defence is seemingly quickly becoming what South African sport is all about. While the Boks held England at bay in the north, managing to cling to a one ROCKING THETHE BOAT BOAT point win, the Proteas looked to be head- Jack MilnerMilner ing for certain Test defeat Down Under as they ended the fourth day under the I do not profess to be an authority on cosh at 77 for four wickets, chasing 430 Irugby. suppose During that myit is time inevitable at school that I actually Lance to win. Armstrongdeveloped a would hatred once for the again game hit because the The match looked all over, with a win was Thiscontinually is not ajammed subject downI am reallyour for Australia certainty, but AB de Vil- thatthroats. keen to revisit, but I suppose, in the liers, Jacques Kallis and especially Faf du lightHowever, of his recent as I got interview older and with became Oprah Plessis, had other ideas. De Villiers kept Winfrey,more involved it will in remain the world topical of sport for quite and Du Plessis company for 68 overs and a somebegan time. to understand the nuts and bolts nobbled Kallis for another 40 overs in ofThe the wholegame, set-upI actually posed began a few to enjoy ques - the searing Adelaide heat, as Du Plessis very Why much. had Whatever he chosen I might Winfrey think to I tenaciously defied the Australian bowling doknow, the Iinterview? will always If bow he wasin admiration looking for to attack for nearly eight hours. the likes of commentator Dan Retief who Cricketer Faf du Plessis is supported by his team as he pulls off a stunning save of the second Many people would have found the somebody who would not ask too many Test match against Australia in Adelaide. toughhas a marvellous questions, understandingArmstrong was of wrong. the pushing and prodding mind-numbing to Hersport. first question was: “Did you ever he took advantage of a lucky bounce of in the final minute was one of the most watch, but it takes a special kind of pro- takeHowever, banned substanceswhat I have to learned enhance during your the ball to score the only try - and fur- inane I have ever seen. That was total ficiency and mental aptitude to stay out my tears as a sports journalist is how to thermore superb defence by the Boks. capitulation, as if to say they were happy there for seven hours and 46 minutes, in cycling performance?” analyse a game. As I said last week, I have I have said for the past few years that to lose by one point. mainly 34 degrees heat and high humid- Answer: “Yes.” always tried to maintain my objectiv- the Boks are unable to play 80 minutes of On that subject, I was the one person ity, with five different partners, one of Question: “Was one of those banned ity and not become a “fan with a pen”. attacking rugby. In the final 20 minutes absolutely delighted by that decision whom could barely run, to defy a vora- substances EPO?” Last Saturday I only managed to see the of the game they were probably lucky to as I had backed England on a minus 2,5 cious and tenacious Australian attack and Answer:second half “Yes.” of the Springboks versus Eng- have spent two of those minutes in the spread and that whacky decision sealed save a crucial match for his country. Question:land Test but “Did on youSunday ever morning blood dope I sat or EnglandDisgraced half. cyclist The Lanceremaining Armstrong 18 minutes in conversation me my with win. Oprah Winfrey. This was a monumental effort, usethrough blood the transfusions replay. Knowing to enhance the result, your was played somewhere on the Boks’ 22m There is no doubt we have some performed on debut and already written cyclingI could putperformance?” the excitement of a close you and would you do anything to win wonderfulcesses can players be used, in our but team, he did but submit one into theTo folklore those who of South have taken African the cricket soft view, I Answer:encounter “Yes.” behind and dispassionately at Thereall costs?” is little doubt that England, is nevercourt certainpapers downand I’m which sure garden they were path con -history.say: “Don’t defend him!” Question:interpret what “Did I hadyou watched.ever use any other whenArmstrong: it comes to“It attacking, was win at are all equally costs. coachsidered Heyneke to be Meyer “under is oath”.leading As them. a result, he So,What while Lance we might Armstrong lack the has attacking done is bannedAfter substances a little thought such Ias came testosterone, to the ineptWhen and I was they diagnosed certainly had(with enough cancer) I couldBut coming be found back guilty to defence: of perjury. All sports prowessreprehensible of a Genghis and Khan, he deserves, South Afri- as he has cortisonefollowing conclusion:or human growth In simple hormone?” terms, all chances.would do We anything kept conceding to survive. penalties I took in that are madeBut what up of will offence happen and is defence. that he Itwill is can calledsport hasit, the elevated death thepenalty. art of It defence is sad, be- Answer:that won “Yes.”us the game was an inspiration- theattitude dying moments- win at all but costs one - hasto cycling. to say vitalmake to have a movie a balanced of his life share (apparently of both. It that isto anothercause he level. certainly I suppose was athere great is cyclist an and Question:al moment from“In all Willem seven Albertsof your inTour which thatThat’s England’s bad. I was decision taking to drugsgo for beforeposts that is alsoalready an art in theto know pipeline) at which write point another of a bookadvantage personality in playing but he not abused to lose... his talent and de France victories, did you ever take but I wasn’t a bully. in which he will bare all, and make a few the public and sponsors who supported banned substances or blood dope?” “Before my diagnosis I was a competi- more million dollars to cover his losses. him. Now it is time to pay the price. Answer: “Yes.” What’stor, On but not a fierce competitor. When SundaySo far, so (December good. The 2)questions were Iprofessor was diagnosed, of English that at turned Wits, onme “Please into a direct and so were the answers. fighter.Sir, I Want That Some was good. More”, I took Charles that Dick- ruth- •She RCHCC then iswent rescreening on: “Was theit humanly award-win- lessens win-at-all-costsand children in thisattitude his bicentenary into cycling, possiblening film, to win “The the Debt”, Tour dedirected France by with John- whichyear. Time:was bad.” 09:30. Contact: (011) 648- outMadden doping, sevenand starring times?” Helen Mirren, 1053,So his fax disease 086 was273-3044. to blame Donation:for the Answer:Sam Worthington, “Not in my opinion. Jessica CastainThat gen and- wayR20. he Join treated UJW his for informal Whentea after you eration;Tom Wilkinson.I didn’t invent Venue: the culture, Clive M but Beck I startthe lecture. to analyse Armstrong’s words, one didn’tAuditorium. try to stop Time: the culture.” 19:30. Donation: can see how on the one hand he is ac- FromR60. Booking:this point Hazel the interviews or René (011) started 728- Thursdaycepting that (December what he has 6) done is wrong, going8088/8378, awry. Oprah after said hours she (011) had 728-8378,pre- but he is always producing “extenuating parede-mail: well [email protected] the interview and or had rene.s@ put •circumstances” UJW CT adult educationin mitigation division of guilt. hosts some 107 or questions, most of IsaacThe Habibquestion who I willhave talk been on asking“Jewish myself Life which she was able to ask. isin why the didIsland he doof theRhodes interview? – From He Begin- could •My JJMC, problem with with musical the interview director is Evelyn that havening justto End”. kept Venue: his mouth Stonehaven. shut and Time: there all Greentoo often presents she failed a musical to question tribute theto the would10:00 stillfor have10:30. been Entrance: people whoR20 would (incl answersDoornfontein and on the Hebrew odd occasion Congregation that she haverefreshments). supported theEnquiries: “impression” (021) that434- did,(Lions she just Shul), accepted “Memories those of replies. Yesteryear”, Armstrong9555. was not a doper. Question:as a fundraiser“You said for to the me shul. earlier The you reper- I think the answer became apparent don’ttoire think will it encompass was possible traditional to win without Jew- Fridaywhen he (December said: “I deserve 7) to be punished. doping?”ish songs. Secure parking. Time: 15:00. I’m not sure I deserve a death penalty. I’d Answer:Tickets “Not available in that from generation. Darla at And R200. •love The the United opportunity Sisterhood to compete, has its but year- that I’m083-794-6358 not here to talk [email protected] about others in that isn’tend whybook I’m sale doing at the this. Benmore This might Gardens not generation. It’s been well-documented. I beShopping the most Centre. popular Unwanted answer butbooks I think and I magazine donations are gladly accepted. didn’tMonday invent (December the culture, 3) but I didn’t try deserve it.” Contact: Tel (011) 646-2409; fax (011) to stop the culture, and that’s my mis- No swindler (and that is exactly what • UJW is hosting Marcia Leveson, former 646-4654. take, and that’s what I have to be sorry Armstrong is) has the right to deter- for, and that’s what something... and the mine what punishment they do or don’t sportWorld is nowNews paying in Brief the price because of deserve. That is for the courts and the that.POPE So CALLS I am FOR sorry END for TO that. PERSECUTION I didn’t have OF CHRISTIANS,American Anti-Doping NEW ME PEACE Association EFFORTS to access to anything else that nobody else decide on, not Armstrong. Despite his did.”ROME - At a gathering in Rome with Lebanon’s new cardinal,denials, Pope Armstrong Benedict XVI launchedseems to a newbelieve appeal that forShe peace stops in Syria there. and theAll MiddleArmstrong East, the did Associated was Pressif he reported. lays his cards on the table all will repeat“The what church he encourages had said allearlier efforts andfor peace ex- in the beworld forgiven and in the and Middle he shouldEast, a peace be allowed that will pandedonly be effective on the if subject it is based that on authentic he didn’t respect start for otherto compete people,” Pope in things Benedict like told triathlons the gathering, or thewhich doping, included that several he Lebanese wasn’t thepilgrims. only one mountain biking. doingHe it,also and spoke that out theconcerning same drugsthe plight were of Christians fromThere their is traditional something homelands about throughout this man the that freelyMiddle availableEast, calling to for everybody them to be able else. to “live their faithindicates freely”. that not being allowed to be in SurelyChristian that communities is not acceptable. have come underJust assault by theMuslims limelight amid the is upheaval almost relateda death to thesentence because“Arab Spring”. there Tens are of other thousands people of Syrian out Christiansthere haveto him.fl ed from Had the he civil come war there,clean while on hisEgypt’s own a cheatingCoptic Christian does community not justify fears the the fact rise thatof the you Muslim couple Brotherhood of years and the back, ultra-extremist I would haveSalafi said a groups to power. yourself are cheating. four-year ban would be fair. But he not Recently, several Coptic Christian teenage women were been assaulted by other women on Cairo Then, as expected, the subject of his only used illegal substances but “bullied” subways because their hair was uncovered. Many Coptic women are now afraid to ride the transit system testicular cancer is brought up, not by teammates into using them. He was a in fear of being assaulted or sexually harassed, according to Morning Star News. ( Oprah, but by Armstrong himself, who facilitator - just like a drug pusher - and once again subtly uses it as a cause for his he deserves everything he’s got – and behaviour. getting. Question: “How important was winning I am not sure what further legal pro- NJWED02028.indd 20 2012/11/28 5:27 PM Ready for Cape Town? Don’t just surf, call Seeff!

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