friday 31 august 2012 / 13 Elul 5772 volume 16 - number 32

news opinion letters tapestry community columns youth sports Former dentist Louis Yudelman south african headlines Adcock Ingram exhibition. (page 8) jewish report

Hundreds of butterflies decorated by Theodor Herzl pupils in Port Elizabeth, will soon flit their way to Houston in the The Theodor Herzl US, part of a poignant commemorative exhibition, the Butterfly Project. The kaleidoscope of more than 1,5 million hand-crafted butterflies will be a breath-taking tribute to the same number of children who died in the Holocaust. Children of mixed denominations worldwide will contribute their two-dimensional creations to the Butterfly Project, butterflies are flying which has been organised by the Holocaust Museum in Houston. Pictured with colourful butterflies, are (behind) Isabella Costa Gamaleri; Ethan Kilbansky; Lathitha Mhlaba; and Teagan Hamer. Front: Theodor Herzl art teacher off to Houston Heather Rijs; Sameera Scharneck; and Hebrew teacher Sheila Liss.

SABC removes anti-Semitic Bridal Supplement GOLDSTUCK: AR.Drone: Baritone SAKS: ‘Conscience-stricken image from its website the next big toy? Colin Jews’ guilty of more than In response to complaints from the Ultimately, we’re probably not going to Schachat narcissistic grandstanding SAJBD and the public, the SABC has get away with claiming it is more than back in SA The confident assumption history will removed an offensive image invoking just a toy. But it is. It is the toy that has for Spring repeat itself is over-optimistic, not the anti-Semitic canard in Islam that given other toys a new lease on life. Opera only because the apartheid analogy is Jews are “descendants of pigs and Wi-Fi-controlled devices are popping Gala on baseless, but the international climate monkeys”. It had accompanied a report out of the woodwork everywhere. September has moved on from the post-colonial on African migrants in Israel. 9 environment that fostered so strong a reaction to anti-black racism. 3 9-21 22 8 6

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This week in Deuteronomy 22.8 we It’s like the farmer who knows that the 17:38 18:27 PARSHAT KI SEITZEI read: Ki tivne bayit chadash… when you Rabbi Yossi Goldman success of his crop depends on G-d grant- 18:10 19:02 build a new house, you must place a guard- ing rain, but the blessing of rain will only rail around your roof so that you will not Sydenham Highlands help after the farmer has tilled, ploughed 17:23 18:14 Durban North Shul 17:43 18:33 Bloemfontein bring blood upon your house should any and planted. man fall from the unenclosed roof.” Remember the story of the shlemiel 17:42 18:33 Port Elizabeth In the olden days, most roofs were flat In short, we believe in the concept of who kept praying to G-d three times daily 17:33 18:25 East London and people would use them as entertain- bashert but we mustn’t live by it. Oth- that He help him win the lottery and solve ment areas. erwise, why go to work? We say in the all his financial problems. Day after day he KASHRUT ALERT The Hebrew wording is Ki yipol hanofel. Bentsching (grace after meals) that G-d is implored the Almighty to grant him his REFORMULATED CLOVER Now, literally, hanofel means, “the one who the feeder and provider for all. So if G-d will personal salvation via the lottery. falls” which the commentators say implies support me why must I shlep off to work? When the lottery was drawn, unfortu- KRUSH FRUIT JUICES ARE that this individual was actually destined to Clearly, this is not the Jewish attitude. nately our shlemiel was not the winner. So NOT KOSHER fall off a roof and lose his life. That’s why it is a commandment of the To- he went back to Shul the next day and cried Clover Krush Fruit Juices have been So the question is: If that person was, in rah to safeguard our health. Likewise, we out to G-d bitterly, “Hashem you let me reformulated and are no longer kosher. fact, pre-ordained to fall, why is it my fault are not to live dangerously by leaving roofs down, I prayed so hard. Why didn’t I win The Beth Din logo has been removed. just because it happened in my house? Why unenclosed or swimming pools unfenced or the lottery?” Existing stock with the Beth Din logo may am I responsible for him acting out his des- our doors unlocked. And a deep, booming voice rang out still be used, the kashrut department of the tiny? One may ask: Is it not an expression of from the Heavens saying: “Because you Union of Orthodox Synagogues advises. Jewish philosophers would answer this faith to leave it all to G-d? To put our trust never bought a ticket, dummy!” question by saying that although we do def- implicitly in Him that He will provide? This concept applies to everything in Community Briefs initely believe in destiny and that whatever That He will protect and guard us from ac- life. As Gary Player said: “The more I prac- happens is part of the Almighty’s vast eter- cidents? tise, the luckier I get.” SOUL WORKOUT TAKES NORWOOD nal plan; nonetheless, every individual has The answer is an emphatic NO. “G-d If you want to be mazel’dig, don’t de- BY STORM an obligation to do his best to prevent trag- helps those who help themselves.” Far from pend on mazel alone. If you want to have Soul Workout recently did a highly successful edy. We must take precautions. Although being an irreligious statement, this is quite nachas from your children, don’t rely on promotional free handout at Dischem in Nor- we believe in miracles we are not permitted consistent with Jewish belief. the luck of the draw that they will marry wood for the Jewish customers, offering its ex- to rely upon them. Elsewhere, the Torah states that the right person. Parents have to plough citing study guide. There is a Yiddish proverb that “the “Hashem, your G-d, shall bless you in all and plant (and pray very hard) for nachas The symbiosis of spiritual and physical well- man destined to drown will drown even that you do.” Meaning that to succeed in to happen. being was the catalyst to create a promotional in a glass of water”. But that doesn’t mean any endeavour, we need G-d’s blessing, but In the words of the Psalmist which we drive at the centre which has many Jewish staff that you have to be the one to put his head He blesses us in all that we do. So, in order say in Shir Ha’maalot (Psalm 126): “He who members. under the tap. to merit His blessing, we must first lay the sows with tears, will reap in joy.” Uthando Centre brings hope to inner city kids

STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY stitutional Hill, , last Transvaal Memorial Children’s Hos- SUZANNE BELLING week. pital and owned by the Department Dubbed “A Heart for Children”, of Health, it was identified by Afrika Change came from people who were the Uthando Centre is yet another Tikkun in early 2010. The organisa- “incredibly irritated” with this coun- feather in the cap of upliftment for tion began fundraising in earnest try’s status quo, Afrika Tikkun CEO Afrika Tikkun, this time providing in order to develop what it terms a Marc Lubner told a capacity audi- inhabitants of Johannesburg’s de- “centre of excellence” - this from a ence at the opening of the Afrika caying inner city with basic needs, building that had been unoccupied Tikkun Uthando Centre by including childcare, nutrition and for years and had to undergo total MEC for Infrastructure Develop- healthcare. renovation, including removing the ment, Qedani Mahlangu on Con- Located in a section of the old deadly blue asbestos present in the walls. Uthando means “love”, which is what the founders of Afrika Tikkun - the late Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris Miss SA Teen 2011, Celeste Khumalo, “ambassador” for Afrika Tikkun, and and Chairman Bertie Lubner - envis- Manny Mhlanga, general manager of the Uthando Centre, with children from aged, according to Marc Lubner. the centre who provided entertainment at the opening. “When they started this organi- ciaries assisted by the centre to MEC Mahlangu termed the sation, they hoped to provide a place 18 000. centre an “important milestone in where less privileged children would “We are now able to offer the SA history”. Many children in this have the same amenities as their same holistic programme as at our country did not have access to tools own. Our slogan is: ‘We have a Heart other centres and implement our for development. for Children’; with the opening of ‘cradle to career’ interventions, “The development of a young this centre, our heart got bigger.” bringing hope to and its person is not an event, it’s a pro- Uthando will enable Af- surrounds,” said Marc Lubner. He cess. We have to be patient, (but) rika Tikkun to increase the added that apartheid had robbed with the work being done in the number of children in its early the community of leadership and centre, you are building a new childhood development pro- that the centre was faced with the ... Children coming out Marc Lubner, CEO of Afrika Tikkun; Gauteng MEC for Infrastructure gramme from 188 to 250 and difficult task of reversing the situ- of your centres are going to take Development Qedani Mahlangu; and founder and executive chairman of Afrika Tikkun Bertie Lubner, at the Uthando Centre launch. extend the number of benefi- ation. South Africa to the next level.”

PUBLISHER Bryan Silke - [email protected] • EDITOR Geoff Sifrin - [email protected] Sub-Editor• Paul Maree • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Akum - sharon@sajewishreport. south african • Sports Editor Jack Milner • Books Editor Gwen Podbrey • Arts Editor Robyn Sassen • Cape Town correspondent Moira Schneider: 021-794-4206 • correspondent Diane jewish report Wolfson: 082-707-9471 • Advertising: Adi Lew: 083-407-8034 - [email protected], Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 - [email protected], Manuela Bernstein: 082-951-3838 - manuela@, Marlene Bilewitz: 083-475-0288 - [email protected] • Classified Sales Charissa Newman [email protected] • Distribution Manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Frankie Matthysen, Nicole Cook • Website: Ilan Ossendryver • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652. Board of Directors: Howard Feldman (Chairman), Issie Kirsh (Deputy Chairman), Marlene Bethlehem, Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Howard Sackstein, Jason Valkin, Elton Bondi, Michael Sieff, Steven Krawitz and Denese Bloch. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 274-1400 31 August – 7 September 2012 News SA JEWISH REPORT 3 ‘Religion – a powerful force for the OWN A MEZUZAH MASTERPIECE good in the country’

Series 80 and above now available just in time for Rosh-Hashana

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A limited edition series created by Eduardo Villa and Carrol Boyes Photograph supplied Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein with Imam Rashid Omar, chairman, Western Cape Religious Leaders’ Forum (WCRLF) and Maulana Appleby, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Judicial Council, at the launch last Wednesday in These rare pewter pieces showcase the works Khayelitsha, of Call to End Corruption, a campaign being championed by the WCRLF. of renowned sculptor Eduardo Villa, MOIRA SCHNEIDER to separate us and cause friction,” he added. CAPE TOWN “This is a very important message of peace and created by Carrol Boyes. tolerance which is part of the South African dream of At the launch in Cape Town last week Wednesday of unity in diversity that needs to go out there.” Each mezuzah cover, etched with Villa's signature, the Call to Corruption campaign, championed by the As “practical tools” in the fight against corrup- Western Cape Religious Leaders’ Forum (WCRLF), tion, Rabbi Goldstein said that religious congrega- comes engraved with a unique series number and Chief Rabbi Warren said the involvement of reli- tions via their places of worship and their schools, a signed certificate of authenticity. gious leaders in the initiative, would strike a chord needed to promote the Bill of Responsibilities that with the people and the government. he was involved in drafting on behalf of the inter- Only 500 of each design exists. He told Jewish Report: “The vast majority of faith movement, with the government, and is now South Africans are members of organised religions, part of the curriculum. Claim yours and make it a family heirloom. so when you have religious leaders coming to the “It can change the whole culture of this country fore, that’s got to have a powerful impact. I believe in 10 short years,” he stated. that religion is potentially a very powerful force for In addition, religious leaders should encour- PINE STREET SHUL the good in this country and has, as such, been un- age their followers to use Corruption Watch, DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION der-utilised. which was established early this year for whistle- “The other major importance of the interfaith blowers to report corruption and to be sup- Available through Pine Street Synagogue movement is that it promotes peace, tolerance and ported. The CEO of the organisation is David 011 640 3101 - good relationships between South Africans, saying Lewis, and he is Jewish. SMS 45142; e-mail: that we should never allow our religious differences [email protected] Mezuzah Scroll not included SABC removes anti-Semitic image DAVID SAKS

In response to complaints from the SAJBD and members of the public, the SABC has removed an offensive image that had accom- panied a report on African migrants in Is- rael. The report and image was posted on the SABC website on August 24. The image was of an ape depicted as an Orthodox religious Jew and invoked the notorious anti-Semitic canard in Islamic tradition that Jews are “descendants of pigs and monkeys”. It was originally displayed at an anti-Israel rally in Malaysia in 2010. In its letter of complaint, the SAJBD pointed out that the image was “a harrowing example of how Jews as a people and Juda- ism as a religion, are being demonised and (in this particular case, literally) dehuman- ised”. It was “highly regrettable” that in post- ing it on its website, the SABC had contra- dicted its own stated mission of working for the “restoration of human dignity and build- ing a common future”. In its response to the SAJBD, the SABC said the report along with its accompanying image, had been sourced from a “respected news agency”, and been published by many media outlets.

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CARE Hotline 0861 111 770 or email [email protected] Driven by Miracle Drive 4 SA JEWISH REPORT News 31 August – 7 September 2012

Community Briefs The JWBS, at the very ripe age of Soul Workout takes Norwood by storm Soul Workout recently did a highly successful promotional free handout at Dischem in Norwood for the Jewish customers, offering its exciting study guide. 119, is still vibrant and strong The symbiosis of spiritual and physical well-being was the catalyst to create a promotional drive at the centre which has many Jewish staff members. The Jewish Women’s Benevolent Fund held its 119th AGM last Thursday, marking a year ending in February as one of lower capital and reserves, in line with welfare organisations the world over.

ALISON GOLDBERG sist in the provision of school uniforms to its spon- sored learners. The JWBS saw Marlene Bethlehem elected as presi- The library at Sandringham Gardens, as well as dent, in the wake of the death of Vera Davimes; and the tape library, are run under its auspices. And then the re-election of Maureen Disler as chairman. there are the JWBS’s famous book sales at shopping A change in its constitution was also heralded. centres and the gifts it sells for the High Holidays. Presidents will only be able to serve three years, to Guest speaker Claudia Davimes paid tribute to her allow more of its leaders to come to the fore. late mother-in-law, Vera. Davimes chose the subject Trying to put a finger on what characterises of relationships between mothers-in-law and daugh- JWBS volunteers and motivates them to serve for as ters-in-law, drawing on her own positive experiences, long as 40 to 50 years or more, in their self-effacing to affirm that such relationships can enhance one’s manner, was best assisted by Chevrah Group Rabbi life. Her comment that men and women choose in Jonathan Fox. What makes a person dignified? He, their spouses the qualities of their parents and that or in this case, she, who bestows dignity on others. this allows for empathy, were most insightful. CAP trains domestic workers Disler compared volunteers’ efforts to Olympic It is a mistake to try and substitute the role of athletes crossing the hurdles and aiming for gold. one’s own mother in one’s mother-in-law by refer- During August, CAP hosted free proactive safety training for the Glenhazel Jewish For them gold is the reward in knowing that they ring to her as “mom”. Where problems exist, these community’s domestic workers, which were well attended. Domestic training is an have made a difference in the lives of others less for- can often be the result of unfinished business be- important part of CAP’s approach to crime prevention; every attendee received a tunate than themselves. tween son and mother, relegated to the daughter- lanyard and pamphlet with safety tips translated into Zulu, Sotho and English. The The JWBS contributes to the Combined Jewish in-law. training was facilitated by the CAP marketing team, offering practical skills domes- Care and Jewish Students Education Funds; both Often a wife’s own mother can cause trouble in tic staff can implement in the workplace and their personal lives; it also explained administered by the Chevrah Kadisha. Chev CEO the relationship, reluctant to share her daughter’s how the CAP model works and the tactical units that are part of the system, with Michael Sieff, described that fundraising efforts in affections. The father-in-law, seemingly passive, can their role to protect the community against criminals. these tough times, required tougher approaches. also have a lot to say. Why Israel is so successful, despite its small size The JWBS’s 55 Club provides a three-course meal Alternatively, a son could phone his mother eve- Last week, WIZO Forum hosted a morning at Beyachad featuring a screening of twice weekly to members. The organisation has re- ry morning, causing resentment and competition. the film “Israel Inside”, produced by Wayne Kopping, which showcases the factors named its famous delicious wine, available on su- As a therapist, Davimes advised the mother to have contributing to Israel’s uniqueness. After the film, Victor Gordon, from the SA Media permarket shelves, L’Chaim. A Befrienders Group these conversations instead with her husband. This Team, discussed why Israel is so disproportionately successful in relation to her size. brings a ray of sunshine through home visits into is a case of substituting for a lack of communication She has among the highest number of start-up companies worldwide and more the lives of the house-bound or lonely. in another relationship. companies listed on the Nasdaq Exchange than any European nation. The military Among its fundraisers is its clothing depot, Her own father once stated that his relationship influence plays an important role in encouraging innovation and problem-solving at to which the public donates not only good quality with his mother came first. Davimes warned him he all levels. This is seen in creative business solutions in the economy. TALI FRANKEL clothing and household goods, but enables it to as- was wrong. 31 August – 7 September 2012 News SA JEWISH REPORT 5

ask to ‘bring an end to our enemies’, we should eliminate them from the face of the earth.” News in Brief be thinking about Iranian rulers, those evil ones During the Rosh Hashanah meal, some Jews who threaten Israel. May the L-rd destroy and kill have a tradition at the new year of reciting special Rabbi Ovadia Yosef asks Jews to pray Council, Maj-Gen Yaakov Amidror. them.” blessings over foods with double meanings. The for Iran’s destruction The meeting reportedly was part of efforts “We have Hezbollah and we have Iran,” Yosef blessing on the date, or tamar, calls on G-d to fin- by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to obtain reportedly said. “May the L-rd, blessed be He, ish off our enemies. (JTA) JERUSALEM - The spiritual leader of the Sephar- support from government ministers for an Israeli di Orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Shas Chairman called on Jews to pray on Rosh Hashanah for the Eli Yishai, who is a member of the nine-minister destruction of Iran and Hezbollah. security Cabinet, opposes such a strike. The call last Saturday night, came more than In Yosef’s weekly Saturday night sermon, he a week after Yosef was briefed on the threat from reportedly said: “When we say the blessing over Iran by the head of Israel’s National Security the dates at our Rosh Hashanah meal, and we

Tzohar launches campaign to reform agency that is relevant for each and every Jew who Chief Rabbinate calls Israel home. “As a result of the policies of the Chief Rabbinate, HOMEINISRAEL Real Estate Group, JERUSALEM - The Tzohar rabbinical organisation, restaurants across the country are foregoing kosher will be in South Africa from August 31st till September 10th, has launched a public information campaign that en- supervision, obstacles are being placed in front of marketing magnificent properties by leading developers in Netanya courages reforms in the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. people interested in halachic conversions, and more The campaign, launched last week Friday, in- and more Israelis are opting for a non-Jewish mar- cludes newspaper and bus advertisements, as well riage ceremony abroad,” he added. “With this grow- !!!! EXCLUSIVE IN IR YAMIM !!!! as a mission statement outlining the organisation’s ing wave of assimilation and abandonment of Jewish vision for a revised Chief Rabbinate. The statement tradition, the result will be a de facto detachment NEW PROJECT ONLY FOR ANGLO COMMUNITY was distributed to over 200 000 people. between the State of Israel and its Jewish identity.” v 5 MIN WALK TO THE BEACH v Tzohar is calling for the election of new rab- The campaign was launched on the yartzheit  v PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL, GYM & SHUL v binical court judges who would be more open to the of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the historic founder v GREAT PRE-SALE DISCOUNTS FOR THE FIRST 20 UNITS v needs of the general public, not just the religiously of the Chief Rabbinate and widely regarded as the observant sectors, and new guidelines for managing founding father of Modern Orthodoxy. FOR A PRIVATE MEETING PLEASE CONTACT: the marriage, divorce and conversion processes in Tzohar, which helps to involve non-religious cou- Selwyn Hare: +972-52-7771715 or Julian Shapiro: +972-54-2321800 ples and their families in religious wedding ceremo- Israel - three areas that have been particularly notori- While in South Africa: 076-0817007 or email us: [email protected] ous in alienating the secular community. nies - marrying about 3 000 couples a year free of For more information: “The Israeli public demands a rabbinate that re- charge - had been embroiled in a fight with the Chief sponds to the needs of all Israelis and not just those Rabbinate over the service. of specific segments within society,” Tzohar Presi- Earlier this summer, the Chief Rabbinate agreed dent Rabbi David Stav said in a statement. to lift restrictions on rabbis from Tzohar from con- “We need to wake up and say that now is the ducting weddings. In return, Tzohar pledged to with- time to make substantial changes in the structure draw a lawsuit against the rabbinate and trying to and mandate of the rabbinate so that it becomes an stop legislation over who conducts marriages. (JTA) Arutz Sheva, West Bank, Israel: “Protests against Migron eviction: Bibi The Jewish World is weak and unreliable” Hundreds of activists gathered earlier this week across Israel to protest demolition in the Migron in seven seconds community. The protests, organised by the Komemi- yut movement and Shomron and Binyamin residents’ British Broadcasting Corporation News, councils, are presenting PM Benjamin Netanyahu, as London, UK: responsible for the eviction. “Angela Merkel backs circumcision The Australian Jewish News, Sydney, right after German ruling” Australia: The German government says Jewish and Mus- lim communities should be able to continue the “Feldman tax case adjourned again” practice of circumcision, after a regional court ruled The Supreme Court has given Sydney Yeshiva it amounted to bodily harm. Chancellor Angela Mer- Centre’s Rabbi Pinchus Feldman and Rebbetzen kel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert said it was a case Pnina Feldman three weeks to organise the payment of protecting religious freedom. of a half-a-million dollar tax bill. Last year, they were ordered by the court to pay this tax liability incurred The Jewish Daily Forward, New York, US: in 2003. Baltimore Jewish Times, Maryland, USA: “Michigan Jewish student’s mouth stapled shut” Zach Tennen (19), a Jewish student at Michigan “Block picked to head TIP” State University was beaten and had his mouth Josh Block (39), a communications, foreign policy and stapled shut by attackers, reportedly associated with political strategist who has been involved in na- the KKK, spewing anti-Semitic hate. Detroit resident tional politics and policy for nearly 20 years and was Tennen said his attackers asked him if he was Jew- spokesman and director for AIPAC, is the next CEO ish, before they attacked him. and president of the nonpartisan The Israel Project.

The Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Canada: Alliance, le premier magazine juif sur le net, Paris, France: “Goldbloom to receive papal knighthood” “Call for protest to defend the practice Two Quebec pioneers of interfaith dialogue, Vic- of circumcision in Germany” tor Goldbloom and Father Irénée Beaubien, will The Conference of European Rabbis has called on the receive awards conferred by Pope Benedict XVI in German government to accelerate the implementation a Montreal ceremony on October 4.This is the first of a law protecting ritual circumcision, after a time a Catholic and a Jew will receive papal medals complaint from a doctor accusing a rabbi of physical together, in Vatican history. abuse of a child. 26 SA SA J JEWISHEWISH REPORT REPORT OpinionNews 31 August –01 7 September- 08 June 2012 jewishsouth african report ‘Conscience-stricken Jews’ are Thinking big guilty of more than narcissistic

The death this week of Neil Armstrong - the first man to walk on the moon - reminds us of grandstanding a moment in human history on July 20, 1969, when mankind was able to rise above its squab- DAVID SAKS bles and wars, and think big. Beyond ourselves. It is estimated that some 600 million peo- What are the reasons for the deterioration in the South Africa- ple - which at that time was 20 per cent of the world’s population - watched awe-struck as Israel relationship in the course of this year? Certainly, the (Boy- BARBARIC YAWP the commander of Apollo 11 stepped onto the cott, Divestment, Sanctions) BDS activists have significantly David Saks lunar surface in his white spacesuit. He left upped the ante in their campaigning for a boycott of anything footprints in the moondust which will last for Israeli, whether economic, diplomatic, academic, cultural or thousands of years, and uttered those immor- other. boycotts of Jews in general. tal words: “That’s one small step for man, one I can’t recall when last there were so many staged “confer- On local university campuses, there have been cases of Jew- giant leap for mankind.” ences”, overseas speakers, exhibitions and general anti-Israel ish organisations being excluded from public platforms on is- The greatness of the accomplishment of activity, suggesting that the lobby has been pulling out all the sues wholly unrelated to the Middle East, because they are NASA and Armstrong’s words, are a metaphor stops. pro-Zionist. In time, not only Jewish organisations, but even for the possibility that the human race has the South Africa is regarded as one of the keys to creating a individuals will start to be sidelined, unless they first denounce capacity to achieve again something with such hoped for ripple effect around the world. If this country can be the Zionist heresy. a potent sense of wonderment, and transcend its mundane conflicts. coaxed into endorsing the “Israel as Apartheid State” canard, All this is part and parcel of the “New Anti-Semitism”, the Nowadays, we have the Curiosity rover then it would be a major boost to the credibility of the global admittedly not terribly imaginative name by which the cur- trundling around the surface of Mars, send- campaign as a whole. rently dominant form of anti-Jewish prejudice is known. This ing back crystal-clear photographs and doing Typical of single-issue fanatics, the BDS activists are con- takes the form of depicting the world’s sole Jewish State as be- scientific tests. How long will it take before an- vinced of the truth of their cause, hence their conviction that ing beyond the pale of decency, as a racist and even Nazi state, other Armstrong steps off a space module onto just as apartheid South Africa was hounded out of existence by guilty of every manner of war crime, human rights violations, the Martian surface? international isolation, such will inevitably be the fate of apart- breaches of international law, colonialism and threats to inter- The world was by no means a perfect place heid Israel once a similar boycott campaign gains momentum. national peace. in Armstrong’s time. There was the Vietnam My view is that the confident assumption that history will No other nation has been subjected to so sustained and ir- War, the Civil Rights Movement, brutal dicta- repeat itself, is over-optimistic, not only because when it comes rational a campaign of vilification, with the additional grotesque torships everywhere and, in South Africa, the down to it, the apartheid analogy can be shown to be essentially irony that those at the forefront of it are among the most rights- apartheid regime entrenching its control over the country. baseless, but because the international climate has moved on delinquent countries on the planet. The Sharpeville massacre was still a clear from the angry, post-colonial environment that fostered so The “New Anti-Semitism” is more typical of other forms of memory in people’s minds, the trials strong a reaction to anti-black racism. anti-Jewish hatred over the centuries in that, unlike the Nazi had sent Nelson Mandela and others to jail for That is probably why anti-Israel boycotts have gained so lit- variety, it does not regard every single Jew as being intrinsi- life, and it was not at all clear how South Africa tle traction in democratic countries, while in the all-important cally wicked. Its proponents, in fact, defend themselves against would ever avoid a racial bloodbath and become economic field, Israel’s ties with formerly hostile superpowers the charge by pointing to those Jews who share their views on a “normal” country. like China and India are only increasing, dramatically so. “Israeli injustice”, and who “bravely” break ranks with their be- Yet, when Armstrong stepped off his space- Even if South Africa were to adopt the BDS platform in its nighted brethren by publicly denouncing it. craft for his lunar stroll, watched by his crew, entirety, I doubt whether the anticipated domino effect will set This is how Cosatu spokesman Bongani Masuku, defended Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, South Afri- in; whatever special moral status this country might have had himself when he wrote: “I am aware that so many Jews are on cans, along with hundreds of millions of oth- in the immediate post-liberation period has long-since dissipat- the side of justice and only those Jews are people I hold in high ers, were transfixed. Incredible! The moonwalk took place in the ’60s - that ed, with our penchant for consistently supporting some of the esteem, but not those who silently support massacres, but ex- romanticised period when student movements world’s most egregious human rights violators in our foreign pect us to regard them as human beings.” worldwide dominated the headlines, and pro- policy having hardly gone unnoticed. In his excellent long paper, “Anti-Zionism and Ant-Semitism: duced numerous visionaries, such as John Len- Moreover, there are no Mandela-like figures on the Pales- Cosmopolitan Reflections”, UK academic David Hirsh writes: non, whose song “Imagine” posited the idea tinian side that any true libertarian can identify with and no “Most forms of anti-Semitism in history have allowed for ‘ex- that human beings can, if they set their minds Palestinian equivalents of the Freedom Charter either. Why, at ceptional’ Jews. It is not a necessary attribute of anti-Semitism to it, build a society free of hate. And Martin the end of the day, would any genuine lover of freedom and de- that it must target every Jew and so there could exist an anti- Luther King, whose well-known words, “I have mocracy want to opt for fascistic Arab nationalism or frankly Semitism which exempts those Jews who do not identify as ‘Zi- a dream”, set the goal of a non-racial society. Nazi-like Islamist extremism over a Jewish democracy, flawed onist’ from hostility.” And prophetic troubadour Bob Dylan, who though it might be? This is why in the end what those supposedly conscience- sang: “The times they are a-changing”. Protest For all that, it is undeniable that the ferociously focused stricken Jews who, as Jews, sign anti-Israel petitions and cam- songs like “We Shall Overcome” proliferated around different societies. propaganda campaign against Israel and anyone who is per- paign alongside BDS activists, are guilty of more than just nar- Today, we tend to think of the 1960s gener- ceived to be supporting it, is fostering an increasingly uncom- cissistic grandstanding. ation as naive idealists - hippies with long hair fortable environment for Jews. Ultimately, they are providing an alibi behind which the and sandals, high on LSD, with stars in their It is naïve to believe that the careful distinction still made anti-Semite-as-anti-Zionist can justify their hatred for all other eyes - who thought they were changing the by the other side between Jews and Zionists is not steadily Jews who refuse to fall into line. I wonder how many of them world into a more enlightened place with their blurring, nor that boycotts of Israelis will not in time extend to realise that, and how much those that do even care. free love, drugs and encounter groups. They did not achieve a peaceful planet. But one precious thing they had was a sincere belief News in Brief that they could do so. Their sense of their own power was overstated, but they had a vision. We lack this today. Israeli Yonathan Pollak The world is, in a host of ways, not a pretty place in our time. Hatred and cynicism seem to be the order of the day in many places. And the urges boycott of his country Internet, while bringing many good things, has made the spreading of these demons easy and OWN CORRESPONDENT efficient, regardless of geography, creed, colour, religion, lifestyle, etc. Yonathan Pollak an Israeli anti-government activist and founder of “Anarchists We could do with some inspired, big think- Against the Wall”, who supports the boycott of Israel, urged students at Wits Uni- ing again to show us what human beings are ca- versity on Wednesday, to “stand up against the Israeli occupation of Palestine”, like pable of. Perhaps another John F Kennedy who students in the Arab Spring did to effect change in their countries. The theme of promised his nation - and the world in 1961 - his talk was “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel and the role of the that America would put a man on the moon by Student Movement”. the end of the decade. “Impossible!” it seemed. He called on the South African government, business and individuals to imple- The Curiosity rover on Mars is an amazing ment a strong boycott on Israel, like the world did against South Africa to bring down feat of technology. Yet it doesn’t match the first apartheid. moon landing in its effect on mankind - the un- He also had a go at Cape company, Cape Gate, for selling to Israel (material for the believable notion Armstrong represented that construction of the security fence), saying Cape Gate supported “Apartheid Israel”. we may not be forever bound to planet Earth, He said the movement to boycott Israel was “a difficult one” because of the power that the universe is waiting out there for us to of the Israeli exports to countries worldwide. walk in and that, as poet Robert Browning de- Pollak, who spoke both at Wits and the University of Johannesburg, had as “event clared, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, hosts” BDS; SA Artists Against Apartheid; Open Shuhada Street; Wits Students Rep- or what’s a heaven for?”. resentative Council; and Wits Palestine Solidarity Committee. Photo: Ilan Ossendryver 31 August – 7 September 2012 Letters SA JEWISH REPORT 7

The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected] TELFED HAS BEEN VERY ACTIVE ON BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST, SA EXTENDED A WARM WELCOME TO FLEEING JEWS JEWS IN SA SHOULD REALISE THAT RELABELLING AND EBRAHIM ISSUE I have read the two latest letters in the SA Jew- Jews towards poor non-Jews was, I would like IT’S TIME TO GO HOME TO ISRAEL Telfed - the South African Zionist Federation ish Report, on prejudice against Poland. I must to comment on what I am familiar with: It is The recent actions of (Trade and Industry Min- (Israel) was recently accused of remaining add, that I was saddened to read Don Krausz’s a fact that, during the last 18 years (in SA), ister) Rob Davies (“settlement goods”) and Ebra- silent on International Relations and Co-op- letter in the August 17 edition, in this regard. many Boer/Afrikaner people have lost their him Ebrahim (don’t visit Israel) are clear signs eration Deputy Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim’s It is, indeed, difficult to answer properly to money and live in squatter camps. that South Africa is following the route of Hugo statements (appealing to people not to visit his accusations, without fully understanding It is also a known fact that many Boer/Af- Chavez and his cronies in Venezuela - virulently Israel) and I am writing to correct that impres- the situation he experienced. However, I feel rikaner farmers have been brutally murdered anti Israel and anti-Semitic. sion. there has to be an answer to that. So, let me during the last 18 years or so. I would really Is it not time for Jewish leaders in South While Telfed’s main activities involve ab- remind people that, whatever their experience be proud as a Jew, had it been more common Africa to tell the Jewish people of South Africa sorption and support for southern Africans during the Holocaust, the fact still remains in the Jewish community before and during that it’s time to go home to Israel. Despite its who make aliyah and is essentially an apoliti- that during several generations and even sev- the World Cup, to help them, rather than buy challenging and often difficult issues, Israel is cal organisation, it does consistently confront eral centuries, Jews were welcome in Poland, expensive WC tickets. After all, many Jews the ONLY country in the world which welcomes issues and makes its voice heard on matters Some of those Jews were very wealthy and found refuge in South Africa before the Holo- Jews and protects Jews, both in Israel and the concerning relations between Israel and South some even had Polish non-Jewish servants. caust. Diaspora. Africa (both positive and negative). So, it is impossible to state that everything Not every country was keen on accepting Many years ago a non Jewish friend of mine On the outrageous statements made by the was “bad” there. so many Jewish immigrants. So, let us remem- remarked to me: “In pre-war Germany only the deputy minister - a letter was sent to the South And in this regard, without really know- ber that and be grateful. pessimistic Jews fled from Germany.” African Ambassador to Israel, Ismail Coovadia ing what theposter attitude new of extremely 1 2012/08/28 wealthy 10:03Avner PM Eliyahu Romm, Cape Town Brian Levenstein, Israel and a copy was published on our website www. and Facebook page www.facebook. com/telfed. At the writing of this letter no re- sponse has been received from the ambassa- dor. Here is the link to the letter sent to the am- bassador (posted August 20), currently on the Telfed website home page: http://www.telfed. israel-mr-ismail-coovadia and here is the state- ment about the labelling issue (posted May 20): statement-safrican-government-proposal-re- garding-labeling-west-bank-goods. In addition, these statements were posted on our Facebook page which has thousands of readers: Dave Bloom, Chairman, Telfed, Israel WELL-NIGH IMPOSSIBLE FOR SENIORS TO FIND EMPLOYMENT With reference to the article by Dr Ivor Blumen- thal in the Jewish Report of August 17, I am in full agreement with what was stated by him. I am a 61-year-old Jewish male with 25 years’ experience in the wholesale food distri- bution industry. Unfortunately my company closed their doors on April 30, this year and I was retrenched. I have been trying for almost four months now to obtain a similar position, and am finding it impossible to obtain employ- ment. It would be greatly advantageous if our Jew- PROUDLY ANNOUNCES A BOLD, NEW INITIATIVE ish-owned businesses would employ their own. Cecil Resnick, Sydenham C A Rare Offer and Fantastic Opportunity ON DEPUTY MINISTER EBRAHIM, THE GOVERNMENT AND ANTI-SEMITISMM Deputy Minister of International RelationsY A group of dedicated, forward-thinking, anonymous donors have created a special and Co-operation Ebrahim Ebrahim’s CMre- marks discouraging people from visiting Is- foundation to enable the next generation, i.e. young Jewish adults and families who are MY rael officially, which has not been gainsaid by unaffiliated to any Congregation, to get involved in Shul life startingthis Rosh Hashanah. either the government or the ANC, confirmsCY my view that this government as well as CMYthe ANC, are totally anti-Zionistic and in terms K Young Adults, Married or Single, are invited to take advantage of the new of the Ottawa Protocol their attitude smacks of blatant and naked anti-Semitism. No sooner were Ebrahim’s words cold FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE that we should boycott Israel on human rights grounds. when South Africa displayed its contribution to human rights by slaugh- Full congregational membership and Yom Tov seating for husband and wife or singles tering 35 protesting miners at Lonmin in Rustenburg. in Sydenham Shul or Shtibl will be made available at only R1200 per annum or R100 per month. A minister of the South African govern- ment should be appointed to advance the interests of the Republic and the people of As this is an Outreach initiative, rather than Chesed, no means test will be necessary South Africa in an impartial and rational but the following conditions apply: manner and not abuse his office to pro- Applicants must be mote his own personal agenda. That neither the government. nor the ANC has brought • Between 21 and 40 years of age him to task, indicates that they support his • Currently unaffiliated to any Congregation views. While Israel is chastised, the human rights abuses in China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, etc, are condoned by his This offer is limited to the first 50 applicants and will be treated on a first come, first served basis. and the ANC government’s silence. Contact: Jonty Cohen on 011 640 5021 or 082 370 5228 Although it is a difficult decision, it is about time that the leaders of the Jewish community take issue with both the ANC and the government on a more forceful ba- sis. In the time of apartheid, our official lead- ership had a policy of appeasement towards the Nationalist government and now has a policy of appeasement towards the ANC. A similar situation happened in Nazi Germany and we all know the terrible repercussion s that became the Holocaust. Rabbi Yehuda Stern Estee Stern Rochel Goldman Rabbi Yossy Goldman Yudi Cohen Levi Singer Eli and Lee Unterslak Shtibl/Young Adults Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Senior Rav Chazan Chazan Sheini Youth Directors/Children’s Services It is now time for the Jewish leadership to be counted. Sydenham Shul: At the Forefront of Jewish Life in South Africa Myron Robinson, East London 8 SA JEWISH REPORT Tapestry 31 August – 7 September 2012 Schachat back in SA for Spring Opera Gala Renowned baritone, Colin Schachat (pictured) reasons traditional Cantorial repertoire is CS: I do try, to the extent time allows, to be Photograph courtesy is celebrated the world over. Educated in law at difficult for me. I enjoy the baritone operatic involved in fundraising. I am also a firm be- The Famous Idea Wits University, he emerged professionally as material as it is written for my vocal range. liever that business and the arts should work Trading Co a singer at the age of 12, in 1984 when he was Nothing ever has to be transposed. Most of together. They have a lot of value to add to invited to participate in the World Chassidic the cantorial repertoire is originally written their respective endeavours. It seems that Song Festival, in Israel. Chazan at the Linksfield for high tenors with agile coloraturas. SA certainly has much interaction between Shul for six years before making aliyah in 1992, the private sector and the arts, this should Schachat returns briefly to perform next week in PB: I believe Stonehage, of which you were always be nurtured further. a Spring Opera Gala, staged by the Stonehage a member of the board of directors for 10 Charitable Trust for the benefit of the Chevrah years, is an international organisation with PB: How widely have you travelled; which Kadisha. PAUL BOEKKOOI interviewed him idealistic ambitions to change perceptions in places and venues were special to you? shortly before he arrived in SA. society. Tell me a bit more about its aims. CS: I have performed widely internationally PB: It is clear your career has expanded wide- CS: Stonehage is a financial services com- including such cities as London, Toronto, ly over the past decade and a half. In which pany. Ten years ago, we established a charita- Riga, Vilnius, Tel Aviv, San Diego, Zürich repertoire are you specialising? ble trust with the aim of making meaningful and, of course, Jerusalem... Highlights in- contributions to the communities where we clude performing at Buckingham Palace with Colin Schachat: I specialise in opera as well operate. In each jurisdiction we contribute the Royal Philharmonic; performing with as certain types of Jewish music. I still enjoy clearly to the wider society and also engen- José Carreras; performing in Jerusalem for musicals, and have been asked to tour with a der a culture of social responsibility amongst Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger and Shimon Pe- show of my musicals repertoire, in 2013. our partners and employees. res at the Presidents Conference.

PB: You are a baritone. What, for you, are the PB: Do you do a lot of fundraising projects? • Stonehage’s Spring Opera Gala is at the Linder special attractions of this range? What are the specific needs we in SA perhaps Auditorium, , September 9, at 15:30. do not know about which can be fulfilled Tickets are available through Computicket. CS: Always having been a baritone is one through them? Art and science: excellent bedfellows A work that makes you feel ROBYN SASSEN that all’s well in the world Jocularly calling himself a chip off the ROBYN SASSEN City that year, demonstrating con- young block, retired dentist Louis Yudel- siderable choreographic talent. man is the father of award winning pho- You might never want to see con- “It’s hard for MIDM to see tographer, Dale. He’s also one of the temporary dance again, if you see dancers leave us to work in other exhibitors in an art show by medical prac- Théâtre Tallipot’s !Aïa, from Cave companies; we spend many years titioners. to Sky, directed by Philippe Pelen training and mentoring them; we An annual event for 37 years, the Ad- Baldini. Sublime in its sense of can’t compete financially or with cock Ingram exhibition attests to art and physical authenticity as it is, it is the opportunities choreographers science being excellent bedfellows. irrevocably intertwined in nar- or companies offer abroad; so we “I started photography 72 years ago,” ratives central to who we are, in lose our ‘investment’ just when says Yudelman. “The magic of the dark- Africa, but more than that, the they are at their peak,” she adds. room smote me.” performance acumen of Thierry Phyllis Klotz, artistic director Nearly 60 years after that, the magic of Moucazambo, accompanied by and founder of Sibikwa doesn’t digital photography smote him again. He two local young dancers, Kenny agree: “We are always glad for any- opens a door into a fully equipped dark- Rakotsoane from Sibikwa and one to be able to leave Sibikwa and room; further down the passage, he indi- Themba Mbuli from Moving into move to another company. In the cates a bright corner where his computer Dance Mophatong, will make your arts one cannot remain static. is. “My new darkroom. I started using a proverbial cup runneth over. “Kenny did a Sibikwa learner- Louis Yudelman’s photograph of a boater near the holy place of computer at age 70. I love it completely!” The work is flawless with- ship in 2009 and he has what it Varanasi, near the crematoria on the Ganges River in India. For 57 years, he practised dentistry, in out being predictable, disturbing takes. Théâtre Tallipot hosted an Johannesburg. He taught periodontology without being manic; it will leave audition for this work, and Kenny and implantology at Pretoria University, you with a sense that all is well in was an obvious choice.” rising to become president in the profes- the world, even when the gods rise !Aïa developed from a residen- sional societies of both these specialisa- to surprising heights. cy at the Nirox Foundation, near tions, unique for a so-called “GP dentist”. Says Sylvia Glasser, founder the Cradle of Humankind, that • TheAdcock Ingram Health Professionals Art and artistic director of Moving Theatre Tallipot made use of. Exhibition is at the Adler Museum of Medi- into Dance: “Themba is intelligent • !Aïa headlines this year’s Jomba cine in Parktown until September 13. Call and focused. His first formal train- Festival of contemporary dance in Cheryl-Anne: (011) 717-2067. ing was with MIDM in 2007. Durban, until September 9. Call • Louis’ son, Dale, has won the inaugural “In 2008 he went to study fur- (031) 260-2506. Ernest Cole Photographic Award. In an ex- ther and perform with Moeketsi • In Johannesburg, the Arts Alive hibition, in the Wits Art Museum, Braam- Koena (an MIDM graduate). The Festival presents Dance Umbrella fontein, September 5 - 25, Dale shows work year after, he returned to MIDM 2, between September 2 - 9. Visit shot on his cellphone. Call (011) 717-1365. as an aspirant. He created Dark

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In terms of legislation, proof of identity, residential address and travel arrangements are required to purchase foreign exchange. Bidvest Bank Limited (Reg No 2000/006478/06) is a licensed financial services and registered credit provider, NCRCP17. blast 120735 Bridal Supplement SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 9 Brides and their big day... Compiled by Marlene Bilewitz Tel: 083-475-0288 e-mail: [email protected] or visit Jewish weddings are always filled with a host of colourful ceremonies A Jewish wedding is filled with meaningful rituals and traditions and is renowned for being one of the most colourful ceremonies in the world.

Before the ceremony: bath, or mikveh, where she cleanses herself ketuvah, or marriage contract, is signed is placed on the bride’s finger as the groom A wedding is one of the cornerstones of spiritually, removing everything, including in the presence of four witnesses and the recites a verse. The rabbi then recites the the Jewish lifecycle, and almost as soon as a jewellery and nail polish, before reciting a officiator of the service. It outlines the le- seven blessings, or sheva brachos, although couple is engaged, these rituals begin with a special prayer. gal terms of the marriage. Shortly after the sometimes these are given to various people ceremony known as tenaim, which involves There is no specific traditional dress ketuvah the groom performs the bedekin the families wish to honour. breaking a plate to symbolise the destruc- for a Jewish wedding, although brides tend or veiling of the bride - a symbol of the The ceremony ends with the breaking of tion of temples in Jerusalem, and the sign- to wear white, and for the more Orthodox groom’s intent to clothe and protect his a glass by the groom - one of the more rec- ing of a contract that outlines the obliga- weddings, the groom arrives wearing a wife. ognisable Jewish traditions. The bride and tions of each side regarding the wedding, white robe known as a kittel, to symbolise Traditionally, the bride’s father escorts groom are now married, and are accompa- during a small reception known as vort. the clean white slate of their marriage. her to the chuppah, where she is the last nied by dancing guests to the cheder yichud, It’s worth mentioning that while ar- person to arrive and traditionally circles the or a private room - traditionally an intimacy ranged marriages were common in the past, The ceremony: groom seven times, a symbol of the woman reserved only for a married couple. it is only some ultra-Orthodox communities The wedding ceremony itself is presided as the protective, surrounding light of the The reception follows a pattern simi- that continue this practice today. One week over by a rabbi and takes place under a household. lar to those in other religions, such as the before the wedding, bride and groom tradi- chuppah - a symbol of the home that the Less Orthodox brides circle as little as making of speeches, but one other religious tionally stop seeing one another. couple will share. The ceremony normally once around the groom, where-after the ritual that will occur, is the blessing of the It is during this week, leading up to the takes place in a synagogue, but as long as rabbi blesses the wine and the bride and challah bread, and Jewish dancing to tradi- wedding, that various celebrations take the chuppah is present and the marriage groom drink the first of seven cups of wine tional songs is a big part of the reception. place: the groom attends a ceremony called takes place under a rabbi’s supervision, it they will drink together during the ceremo- an ufruf, which involves his going to the can be held anywhere. ny and reception. synagogue where he takes an active part in It is also traditional for the bride and The giving of the ring, or kiddushin, the service and the wedding is announced to groom to fast on the day of the wedding. that follows, is an important part of the the congregation; the bride attends a ritual Even before the ceremony takes place, the ceremony. The ring, usually plain and gold, – home of discerning gifts for discerning people MARLENE BILEWITZ To mention just a few: Villeroy & Boch - Founded in 1748, it is a highly innovative company with time-honoured tradition. It is rec- As one of the premium speciality store groups in sub-Saharan Af- ognised as one of the most important brands in Germany, the rest of rica, Stuttafords is the preferred destination for discerning custom- Europe and indeed, the world. ers looking for the world’s best brands in a setting that epitomises They have a complete range of products for a perfectly laid table. style and service. It comprises top quality dinner services, crystal ware, cutlery and a Founded in 1885, it is the oldest departmental store in South rich assortment of accessories and gifts. Africa. It has a range of exclusive and eclectic gifts and is the home Romero Britto - Superbly crafted, fun type gifting from Miami, of premier brands. USA. Sagaform – Joyful, innovative gifting from Sweden. My Garden Glasses, Kinto - From Japan, a stylish range of pottery, porcelain, glass- by Villeroy & Boch ware and wooden ware, with the focus being on tea. Ego - A range of eclectic award-winning gifting from Denmark. Their products comprise various wood ware, glass and porcelain. They are winners of awards from: Red Dot Design, Danish Art Biennale, Formland Design and iF Design. From September 13, Stuttafords will be the largest retailer of Alessi Italy. These products are marked by a high degree of in- novation, making their brands unique, cre- ating a culture medium that sets new trends and popular gifting products for the home. Let us not forget the bedroom and bath- room. There are a large variety of colours and textures to choose from. To mention one of the well-known brands: Polo Home boasts a superb range of bed and bathroom linens. See advert on page 21. Bridal Supplement 10 SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 Pronovias bridal company launches in SA Spanish bridal company Pronovias, makes its South African debut, bringing bridal couture to the prestigious fashion precinct of Sandton. The much awaited Pronovias flagship store has opened in the Michelangelo Towers Mall, Johannesburg. Pronovias is a leading international and enough space for your family and experience, designed to make any bride- bridal company with stores in over 75 friends to enjoy a glass of champagne to-be feel like royalty. countries. The Pronovias Group is a while you try on the finest in bridal cou- The chosen wedding dress style is family founded and run business who ture. then ordered from Spain in the ex- still manages their own operations and The store will carry gowns from the act size required and when arriving in expansion with an international team of brand’s luxurious designs, plus, fea- South Africa, is altered if necessary, by 738. tured collections from designers Ellie experienced seamstresses in the Prono- Creative Director Manuel Mota and Saab and Pronovias creative director, vias offices. Unlike most international a team of more than 70 creatives, design Manuel Mota. A friendly team of con- bridal companies, the Pronovias ap- around 650 different wedding gowns sultants provide expert advice, while all pointments are free of charge; however, and cocktail dresses, as well as more than efforts are made to provide a tranquil bookings are required. 2 000 accessories for all the Pronovias and relaxed environment for the bride Each bride has the right to luxury Group brands each year. One of the pil- and her team. and excellence, thus Pronovias has a lars of the company is their capacity for Each bride is treated in a way as to variety of wedding gowns ranging from innovation and trend-setting which has meet her individual needs for her big R10 000 all the way up to R200 000. made the Group’s products stand out day! During the 90 minute appointment, Cocktail dresses, mother-of-the-bride above the rest in the international mar- the bride selects the gowns she likes, and and bridesmaids’ dresses, range from ket. is then taken into a private fitting area R3 000 to R15 000, depending on style The Sandton flagship store is designed for a princess. The fitting room and fabric. sprawled over 1 000 square metres fea- is adorned with white Italian-designed • For more information, please turing spacious dressing-rooms with furniture and a 2,5 metre long under-lit visit or call the an abundance of light, lavish mirrors, catwalk; it is a truly once in a lifetime Pronovias store on (011) 784-2000. MICHELANGELO TOWERS MALL, SANDTON,SANDTON, JOHANNESBURG JOHANNESBURG TEL. TEL.      .  . BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ON LINE AT WWW.PRONOVIAS.COMWWW.PRONOVIAS.COM

JewishReport_PRONOVIAS_SINGLE.indd 2 08/08/12 13:42 Bridal Supplement 12 SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 IBV Vaults: Ensuring that your Jelli now precious assets remain safe introduces The IBV Group, holding company to IBV International Vaults, has broadened its business base while keeping its focus on exclusivity and quality of service. colour of BARRY BILEWITZ events and will enhance the joy of the bridal couple on their never-to- be-forgotten wedding day. This day may be the beginning of a long, The first in a series of Gold and Diamond Expos will be held at IBV beneficial and pleasurable association with the IBV Group. summer! Vaults, Mandela Square, Sandton, from August 31 to September 2. A se- The luxurious comfort and security of one of the world’s finest lect group of fine jewellers will be offering exquisite gold and diamond automobiles, the comfort of knowing that important assets are secure pieces at very favourable prices, presenting an ideal opportunity for in a world-class vault and the prospect of becoming members of the collectors, investors and soon-to-be- marrieds. exclusive IBV Super Car and My Lady clubs that bring elite benefits to A hundred complimentary tickets to the expo, worth R100 each, those of your status. have been made available to Jewish Report readers who can reserve IBV Vaults opened its doors in the Gateway Shopping Centre, Um- them by phoning Melissa at (011) 783-6101. One very fortunate hlanga Rocks, seven years ago. Executive Chairman Ashok Sewnarain, ticketholder is going to win a one carat diamond worth R50 000 at the had begun his quest to take a gap in the market and turn it into an ex- lucky draw on Sunday September 2, at 13:00. clusive depository of portable assets. Five years later, the success of this While visiting the IBV Gold and Diamond Expo, you may be able venture led to the opening of the second IBV Vault beneath the Da Vinci to see the pristinely elegant IBV Rolls Royce Phantom. This epitome Hotel in Sandton. These vaults are open for business 24/7. of luxurious vehicular transport is available for VIP transfers, special IBV Umhlanga: (031) 566-7050 / IBV Sandton: (011) 783-6101

Summertime! You can already feel it in the air! That’s the good news. We truly do have one of the best climates in the world! So what about your kids’ summer clothes? The other good news is that all the latest European summer fashions are also already here in South Africa. And it’s all thanks to Jelli – the Children’s Bou- tique. If you haven’t already visited their flagship store in Hutton Court, across Jan Smuts Avenue from Hyde Park Centre, now is the time to do so. The choice of designer labels is excep- tional. The fabrics will take your breath away. Colour is everything this summer. From lemon yellow to clementine orange, there’s an acidulous atmosphere. It’s going to be a highly coloured world! Natural, light fabrics have blown in on the breeze from Europe. Take a look at Catimini, the French label that revels in childhood dreams. It is audacious; and it heads for South Africa with playful designs: colourful houses, nature in the wild, zebras and majestic elephants... Il Gufo is another brand that is go- ing to be a huge hit. Imagine children’s clothes inspired by a world of crystal clear waters, long beaches, fishing boats, an- cient sailing and adventures on the seven seas. Il Gufo fabrics are lightweight and comfortable. For young girls, the shades are fuch- sia and deep pink, always modern and elegant. What can one say about Desigual? This is the Spanish brand that does it different- ly. For Desigual, growing up is like a blank sheet of paper - and they are determined to fill it with colour. For girls, their clothing is pure imagi- nation, inspired by the fantastical world of Pandora - large, surreal flowers and animals only found in the imagination. The marvellous world of insects and hyper-realistic flowers and plants. Colour is always the key. What about the guys? For them, there is the magical world of pirates - done the Desigual way of course. The Big Brother range features fewer contrasts in colour, softened prints, minimal details - without losing that Desigual twist of course. It’s summer. Yippee! It’s time to shake things up. And Jelli is doing just that! Bridal Supplement SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 13 A Carrol Boyes wedding gift is skilfully handmade with great love and care Carrol Boyes (Pty) Ltd is a wholesale Carrol’s love of and for South Africa, Boyes is recognised as an icon, both locally manufacturer of upmarket homeware is evident in her creative work and in and internationally. and tabletop items. It is a woman- numerous associated projects and bears Visit one of the Carrol Boyes stores owned business and a multicultural testimony to the culture and ethos of the all over South Africa and choose from a organisation that supports gender em- company. Spirited, inspirational, talented wonderful range of unique lifestyle items, powerment both within and out of its and driven by a sincere commitment to the all imbued with the true spirit of South infrastructure. betterment and welfare of individuals in Africa. Carrol’s pieces have become the the community and workplace, Carrol has • You can view the whole range and modern go-to gift and an essential in ensured the future success of her com- find out where there’s a store nearest cutlery drawers and crockery cup- pany through her work as a mentor and you on / tel: boards around the world. the skills development of her staff. Carrol (021) 424-8263. If you are planning a wedding, or any celebration, you can place your “Gift Registry” on the Carrol Boyes website. Ensure that you receive the gifts you want and need from our beautiful ranges. It’s so simple. Just visit one of our dedicated Carrol Boyes stores and a friendly assistant will help you in choosing your gifts. When you receive a Carrol Boyes gift, you know you are receiving an item that has been handmade with love Your perfect and care. bridal gift store

Open your bridal registry at a Zulu Nyala – for Carrol Boyes dedicated store during the month of September 2012 and receive a beautiful gift that extra-special - stainless steel Cake Knife - Odyssey & Cake Lifter - Odyssey. Absolutely free! simcha experience Ts & Cs apply Zulu Nyala: a magical mix of worlds. our exquisite lake stocked with ducks Take some big city glamour, mix in some and swans, or an indoor chuppah in the country escape and a twist of bushveld Tanzanite Hall, a truly unique experi- hospitality. From the moment you arrive ence awaits all who attend. at this special 13-acre property situated For a limited time all our bridal cou- in Chartwell, just five minutes away from ples will receive a four-day getaway as Montecasino, both you and your guests our anniversary gift to them, to stay at with be in for an extra-special simcha the renowned Zulu Nyala Game Lodge in experience. Hluhluwe. Take a stroll around the lush grounds This unique bush experience boasts and you will encounter zebra, blesbok, over 40 different species of animals, springbok and a host of other wildlife. As all located within a 4 500 acre reserve. you enter our recently completed wed- Beautifully appointed rooms, exceptional Visit our website ding and conference centre, the versatil- meals and exciting game drives are the for a list of dedicated stores ity of the venue is immediately clear. order of the day. From an intimate small wedding in * To book a private viewing of Zulu LIKE US ON Carrol Boyes Functional Art the Diamond Rush Bar, to a wedding of Nyala for your next simcha, please 300+ in the Diamond Events Centre, fol- contact Cherie on 082-456-7009 or FOLLOW US CarrolBoyesSA lowing a beautiful chuppah overlooking

CB_Jewish_Report.indd 1 2012/08/16 3:02 PM Bridal Supplement 14 SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 Summer Place – ideal for memorable events in a truly exceptional setting For those who know that memorable events and principal occasions merit an exceptional setting, there is a place where the most discerning demands are met, gracefully and completely. Summer Place in Hyde Park, Johannes- cilities and business services allow for burg, combines classic design, elegant dé- strategic discussions, key negotiations, cor, and harmonious ambience with sheer private breakaways, or commercial cel- joie de vivre. ebrations. Surroundings conducive to the Its character is generous rather than creation of success, provide tangible in- rich, welcoming its guests without over- spiration for sound decision-making and whelming them, inviting them to linger a significant action. while longer. Banqueting facilities at Summer Place Set in classically landscaped gardens offer versatility and flexibility in perfect surrounding an extravagant pool where accord with fine dining and immaculate sparkling fountains splash around a mag- service. Kosher and non-kosher kitchens nificent bronze sculpture, Summer Place tantalise the most discerning palates with is an idyllic location for weddings and a variety of menu options suited to indi- memorable occasions. vidual preference and budget. The style of architecture and propor- Served in gracious surroundings with tion of the buildings are in such harmony impeccable style, matched with superior with the rest of the property, that indoor crockery, silver table appointments, and and outdoor spaces flow naturally into linen of the finest quality, every occasion each other, adding to the sense of serenity. at Summer Place is an event in itself. Subtlety of design has also created space Behind the impactful structures of for seclusion, without requiring those in Summer Place are our carefully selected search of a moment of private thought, to and highly trained personnel. Operating stray too far from the central entertain- as a diligent, closely-knit team, they share ment area. a common goal of sustained distinction Summer Place is unsurpassed as a ven- and client satisfaction. Here, quietly and ue for conferences, business functions, consistently providing discreet and con- and events. A professional yet warm am- siderate service, the exceptional has be- biance has been created where the busi- come the rule. ness of business is clearly understood. • Tel (011) 447-9744; Together with efficient, versatile room fax (011) 880-2050, configurations, multimedia technical fa- e-mail [email protected] Wedding checklist – it’s a definite must! After the initial ecstasy of announcing the engagement, One month before the bride-to-be soon realises that an actual wedding now 21. Meet with your rabbi to go over the ceremony at the needs to be planned. More often than not, with working chuppah. moms and busy friends, the organising of the wedding 22. Allocate who will recite the sheva brachot at the falls to the bride. chuppah. This is regarded as an honour. As daunting as this sounds it is actually a wonderful 23. Start taking vitamins to ward of colds and flu. exercise in independence - and a crash course in event 24. Arrange seating plans with the caterer (how many management - which can open up a whole new career guests per table) and with the person doing your table path should you find the experience pleasant. cards and table lists. The following checklist is intended as a guide only and 25. Contact friends (who have already offered) who will it would be wise to remember that each item entails an host sheva brachot. Give them the details of the guests entire checklist of its own. Try to delegate as much as you they must invite. can to responsible friends and family. 26. Delegate someone to get food for the Yichud room. It Photo: Kay Photography is customary to fast on the day of the wedding, so its As soon as possible: their own which includes copies of parents’ ketu- best to have a light snack before post-chuppah photos 1. Choose a date - this might depend on when overseas bahs and unabridged birth certificates of bride and commence - and don’t take too long with those. friends and family are able to get tickets. It also depends groom, which may take several weeks to get from 27. If you are going on honeymoon make necessary ar- on the availability of your wedding venue of choice. Home Affairs. Contact the Beth Din on tel: (010) rangements. 2. Book the hall and secure booking shortly afterwards 214-2600 28. Delegate your retinue to organise the bachelor party, by paying the deposit. 11. Arrange Kallah classes (Jewish marriage education). kitchen tea or pamper party etc. 3. Choose the rabbi (and shul) where you would like to 12. Arrange marriage prepare sessions. have the chuppah. 13. Find a dress or a dressmaker. Get material for The week before 4. Select someone who will do the invitations. These bridesmaids’ dresses, find ties and kippot for the 29. Assuming you’ve found somewhere to live, move in must ideally go out about six weeks in advance. You pole-holders. Later you should buy small gifts for essential furniture (eg beds) and essential appliances will also need to get quotes on thank you cards, table the retinue. You’ll need to look for comfortable (eg fridge, stove). Toivel items you will be using im- cards, and table lists. Your registry, if you want one, shoes for the wedding and jewellery for the day. mediately. needs to be mentioned in the invitation, which will 14. Meet the caterer - (many halls are contracted to a 30. Plan Of Ruf lunch - this is the Shabbos before the entail selecting the store(s) and choosing a gift selec- specific caterer). Choose the menu and pay the Beth wedding when the groom is called to the Torah. tion. Din fee. 31. Plan Shabbos Kallah. This is a women-only get-togeth- 5. Book a photographer. 15. Order or buy wedding band(s). Many brides buy er on the Shabbos before the wedding and helps to 6. Book someone to take a video. their groom a tallis, and depending on his custom bring joy to the bride. 7. Choose a florist. You will need flowers for the recep- he will need to get a kittel (white garment worn on 32. Arrange bride’s table - usually where the bride gets tion, the chuppah, the bridal bouquet, bridesmaids wedding day and Yom Kippur). dressed and has photos. and possibly the male retinue. 16. Choose your make-up and hair artists and book 33. Delegate friends to buy Shtick - fun gimmicky toys to 8. Book the band, both for the chuppah (although many beauty treatments and trial dates. add excitement to the wedding eg bubbles, sparklers shuls have their own choir) and the reception. 17. Choose a sheitel, buy hats and scarves etc. etc. 9. Choose your retinue, eg maid of honour, best man, 18. Order your ketubah. 34. Ask someone to make you a Bircat kallah - a prayer MC, drivers, pole-holders, and let them know if they 19. The ANC - Contact an attorney to draw up your sheet that you say shortly before the chuppah with the are to make speeches. ante-nuptial contract. names of people who need your blessings. Confi rm 20. Order benching cards. Also consider having beautiful that there will be a bedekin chair at the chuppah to 2 - 3 months before tefillat haderech cards on the table purchased from the receive guests etc. 10. Get UOS authorisation. They have a checklist of Kallah Fund. The money helps brides less fortunate. 35. Make arrangements to go to the mikvah.


PRONOVIAS B A R C E L O N A T h e w o r l d s l e a d i n g B r i d a l H o u s e


A gift of beauty and sound investment Pak Persian Carpet Gallery, a well-established name in Persian carpets, has moved from The Village Walk to 209 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North.

MARLENE AND BARRY BILEWITZ sian and Oriental carpets. These are now one of these precious items would make a outlets in South Africa - two branches in available for the “Grand Opening Sale” at unique and perfect wedding gift. Not only Johannesburg, one in Pretoria and four This 19-year-old business is headed by the spacious and glamorous new show- will you be giving a beautiful gift, but also outlets in the Western Cape. They are the the very knowledgeable Khurshid Dar, room, at the lowest prices. an investment. largest direct importers of Oriental rugs who grew up in the midst of this ancient You can’t miss it, travelling north, just What could be better than receiving a in the country. and precious craft. His father and grand- after Tyrwhitt Avenue at the intersec- gift that enriches the décor of your home Their love of the craft and their faith father before him were in the Persian car- tion of Jellicoe Avenue, a white converted and increases in value? in their product is backed by the fine pet business and this third generation son house on the left side of the road, with a Every one of these magic carpets is an after-sales service they offer: a five-year was trained in the craft from early child- large window, pictures of Persian carpets, investment, handpicked by the directors trade-in guarantee, as well as a cleaning hood. As Dar says, his playground was the exquisite handmade Pakistani filigreed who make at least three or four trips to and repair service by qualified weavers. piles of wonderful handmade carpets, all wood carving around the entrance to the Persia (Iran), Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan of which he could identify by his early showroom and huge signs outside. and other fine carpet weaving centres, to • Visit Pak Persian’s new showroom teens. On entry you will be assisted by individually select these unique and rare for an interesting and uplifting ex- In honour of its move to Parktown knowledgeable staff who will help you se- pieces for their discerning clients, at un- perience, or speak to Emrah, Meeran North, the gallery has imported three lect just the right carpet or wall hanging beatable prices. or Jihungir on (011) 447-2339 for containers full of the finest quality Per- to enhance the beauty of your home. Any The Pak Persian Group has several more details. GRAND OPENING SALE


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The most sought-after diamond ring in South Africa, IT’S THE WAY IT MAKES YOU FEEL the Shimansky Millennium Diamond Ring I DO

Bridal Supplement 20 SA JEWISH REPORT - 31 August 2012 Make your honeymoon memorable with the help of The Travel Company It’s your honeymoon and you need to make it the most memorable, unusual, incredible and romantic experience it can be - the one holiday neither of you will ever forget. In order to achieve this you need to call Lynne.

MARLENE BILEWITZ ery and monkeys. In the evenings, panels featuring local animal foot- stargaze around campfires and retire prints while rambling past gold-red Lynne Backos, CEO of The Travel Company, a in tents built into the jungle canopy dunes and African wildlife. born romantic who has seen and done it all, while peering into the mist-shrouded 7. Enjoy the simple pleasures on Am- will organise a holiday of a lifetime for you. rainforest from bed. bergris Caye, Belize. Surrounded by She has selected 10 unique and unusual des- 3. Smooching in Bettmeralp, Switzer- tropical beaches and covered with tinations which she believes to be perfect. But, land. It starts with a cable-car ride, verdant mangrove swamps in the she says that if there isn’t anything that the launching you into a car-free Alpine centre, this island is home to the client fancies from this bundle, “I will find village. We’re not sure what we love world’s second-largest barrier reef something more suitable and tapered to suit more: views of the Aletsch glacier after Australia’s. Snorkelling, diving their needs, either local or international”. and mountains (including the Mat- and sunset cruises on catamarans are From the windswept beaches of a car- terhorn), strolling between chalets or in- along Alaska’s inside passage. From your the norm here, but we’re drawn to the balmy free island in the Baltic, to tasting wine rarely dulging in fondue. Oh, and Swiss tradition cabin, peer at bobbing icebergs, imposing nights in basic thatched roof beach huts and sipped outside Argentina, these hideaways says if you lose your bread in the cheese, glaciers and misty veils of clouds suspend- napping in two-person hammocks. rarely appear on the usual post-wedding itin- you must kiss your dining neighbour - so ed above snow-capped mountain peaks. Or These are just a few of the wonderful erary: let that bread disappear! venture out for a walk on a remote beach places that Lynne has tucked away in her 1. Enjoy a private beach on remote Pa- 4. Embark on a sunset ride in Khan Khentii, or float away in a two-person kayak to en- magic box for you. malican Island, Philippines. At 5,5 km Mongolia. Peppered with rolling hills of chanting coves and glimpse wildlife like ot- • Contact or e-mail Lynne for long, roughly 500 metres at its widest birch forests and grasslands threaded with ters and seals. bookings or more information on tel- and only one five-star resort on the is- rivers, Khan Khentii is a protected wilder- 6. Take a vintage train journey in Namibia. ephone number (011) 911-2300 or land, you’re guaranteed seclusion. Oh, ness area three times the size of Yellow- From the all-aboard whistle to the smart e-mail [email protected] and dive in to see vibrant colours - Pa- stone National Park. Go horseback-riding retro furnishings on the 1950s-esque De- NB. We act as agents only and do not ac- malican is set smack in the centre of a at sunset across the steppe, and try yak cart sert Express, this train feels like you’ve cept any liability actions, errors or omissions 7 sq km coral reef. rafting together, before disappearing into stepped on a classic film set. Recline in an- on the part of the carriers or third parties who 2. Unwind on a gorilla safari in Bwindi Forest plush yurt lodgings. tique leather armchairs and clink glasses are governed by their respective rules, regula- National Park, Uganda. On guided walks to 5. Cruise Alaska’s coast on an intimate small in the Spitzkoppe lounge to the sultry sway tions and conditions. observe these gentle giants, you’ll encoun- ship. Only small vessels can drop anchor of the coach. Later, dine in the Welwitschia Quotations are valid for 24 hours and are ter jagged valleys, dramatic mountain scen- at the quiet fjords, tranquil bays and inlets restaurant car below sandblasted glass subject to change. Modern Grace dinnerware from R139.95

Octavie crystal glassware from R199.95 Miss Desiree crystal glassware from R199.95

HOME STORE available at Gauteng: Clearwater, Eastgate, Menlyn Park, . KwaZulu-Natal: Gateway. Western Cape: Cavendish Square, . Villeroy & Boch Illovo. Follow us on facebook & twitter. WHILE STOCKS LAST. E&OE. 22 SA JEWISH REPORT News 31 August – 7 September 2012 News in Briefs AR.Drone: the next big toy Tasmanian state body recommends banning nonreligious circumcision The AR.Drone 2.0 is more than just a toy - it is the toy that is changing all HOBART - An advisory governmental institution in an Australian state is recommending that it ban non- other toys. And it has deeper implications, writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK. medical circumcision on boys “except for religious reasons”. The Tasmania Law Reform Institute, which is tasked with modernising state laws, recommended “the enactment of a new and separate offence generally prohibiting the circumcision of incapable minors in ing the area and recording the events. One Tasmania.” The state has “unclear” legislation on circumcision, the 101-page report says. protester changed an AR.Drone into an “oc- However, the report, which was released earlier this month, states the new legislation ought to create cucopter” to stream live video to the Inter- net, enabling the media and the public alike an exception for “some well-established religious or ethnicity motivated circumcision.” GOLDSTUCK More than half a million people live in Tasmania, according to a 2011 government census. About 150 to watch the action unfold. ON GADGETS Its educational potential is also huge. Jews were living in the Australian state as of 2003, according to The New York Jewish Week. Arthur Goldstuck Tasmania, one of six Australian states, founded the institute in 2001 along with the University of Because the drone has an open API – an Tasmania and the Law Society of Tasmania. Application Programming Interface – ap- Circumcision should not be performed on minors in any case without signed permission from both A seismic shift occurred in the world of plications can be built to draw on sensory parents, according to the report. gadgets just over two years ago. No, it data and images collected by the device for The institute also wants to clarify what happens if parents disagree on whether a circumcision should wasn’t the release of the first iPad. It was tracking, mapping and monitoring of any- be done and it says that a circumciser who fails to meet a certain standard of care should be criminally something far more important. In January thing from traffic to animal behaviour. And, liable. (JTA) 2010, at the Consumer Electronics Show in of course, human behaviour. Las Vegas, the world was introduced to the At the Czech Technical University in Egged reportedly to forego human im- Estonian gas company apologises for Parrot AR.Drone, a radio controlled “quad- Prague, it’s used for robotics research in ages on Jerusalem bus ads using Auschwitz in ad rotor” helicopter. the Department of Cybernetics. Not only It sounds like a silly toy, but it captivat- did the researchers “demonstrate the drone JERUSALEM - The Egged bus company will not use TALLINN - An Estonian gas company has apologised ed the geeks at CES for two reasons: It was ability to act as an external navigation sys- images of either men or women in advertisements for using a photograph of Auschwitz in its advertising. designed to be controlled from an iPhone, tem for a formation of mobile robots”, but on its Jerusalem buses. The decision comes after The website of GasTerm Eesti, on August 23 published using Wi-Fi, and it included two cameras also developed a software package for con- controversy over featuring women in ads, Haaretz a photograph of the front gate of the Nazi death camp that could be viewed through the control- ducting and adapting such experiments – reported on Monday. with the famous inscription “Arbeit macht frei”, or ling device. and made it freely available to anyone who The Canaan Media advertising company had ap- “work makes you free”. The caption read: “Gas Aside from that, the device is enormous- wants to use it. peared to drop plans to place advertisements for the heating - flexible, convenient, and effective”. ly compelling for its lightweight materials Ultimately, of course, we’re probably Yerushalmim movement on Egged buses in Jerusa- The next day the photo was removed from the site – it is constructed from carbon-fibre tubes, not going to get away with claiming it is lem featuring photos of women and the slogans “Je- and an apology was posted. plastic and polystyrene, allowing its small more than just a toy. But it is. It is the toy rusalem women, pleased to meet you” and “Because Company director Sven Linros said, according to DzD. rotors to lift it as high as the Wi-Fi link will that has given other toys a new lease on Jerusalem belongs to all of us”. ee portal: “Hitler killed himself because he got a gas extend. It also looks like something from life. Wi-Fi-controlled devices are popping Israel’s Supreme Court had ordered the bus and bill... a lot of people laugh at this, but I do not. I visited science fiction, out of the woodwork everywhere. Soon, advertising companies to go ahead with the ad cam- Auschwitz with dread. I feel sorry for the victims and Two years on, and the AR.Drone 2.0 the cheap radio-controlled helicopters that paign, despite fears that the buses would be vandal- their families. has been brought to South Africa by SMAC have flooded toyshops will give way to iP- ised in haredi Orthodox neighbourhoods. “The picture was intended for a narrow group of to take the experience to a new level. hone- and Android-controlled helicopters Egged reportedly decided not to feature any people. We wanted to clarify that the CH4 gas is not Launched at CES in January this year, its of every shape and size. people in ads so as not to be accused of excluding toxic and can be used to heat buildings even those main technical innovation is a pressure Variations on the quadrotor were the women. Haaretz reported that in a late July letter to with such a sad history.” sensor that functions like an altimeter. For first out of the starting blocks. At this Canaan Media’s CEO, Egged marketing manager Eyal Auschwitz photos have been used before in ads. In the geeks, though, the camera upgrade to year’s CES, Interactive Toys took some at- Yehiel wrote: “Jerusalem-area advertising will be only January, a gym in Dubai used an image from the high-definition was the call to action. And tention away from Parrot with their range on the rear of buses; there will be no advertising on camp with the tag line “Kiss your calories goodbye”. that call was: “Upgrade!” of “Wi-Spi” helicopters and cars that in- buses’ side panels.” (JTA) (JTA) Aside from being compatible with all clude night-vision cameras and can record iOS devices – iPhone, iPad and iPods that video, photos and sound. are Wi-Fi enabled – it also works with An- All-terrain robots (ATRs), which look droid devices. In this country, most (but like miniature versions of the Mars explo- not all) iOS and Android phones are owned ration vehicle Curiosity, were next. The by the well-off who can afford them. But SuperDroids 4WD Wi-Fi controlled ATR then, at R3 500, the AR.Drone is no laggard includes a 360 degree pan-and-tilt camera, in the wallet either. and can be controlled from a PC. For those owning a Nokia smartphone, And then you will find any number of unofficial apps also exist to control it using Wi-Fi-controlled tanks, ranging from clas- the Symbian operating system. sic shapes to futuristic fighting weapons. The significance of the device goes be- Aside from being the 21st century rich kid’s yond the astonishing sight of what looks alternative to guns and military toys, this is like a military spying device hovering over- clearly part of the future of war and crime- head. fighting. While it has potential to be used for But it is also part of the future of legal invasions of privacy, the protesters in the precedents, as the fight for privacy takes to Occupy Wall Street movement last year the sky. showed it can also be used to turn the ta- • Arthur Goldstuck is managing director bles of such invasions. When police evicted of World Wide Worx and editor-in-chief of protestors from Zuccotti Park in Manhat- Gadget. Follow him on Twitter on @art2gee tan, journalists were prevented from enter- or at

Community Briefs

Apfel’s book is launched in Johannesburg Last week, Steve Apfel, writer of “Hadrian’s Echo”, signed books at the launch of his book, under the aus- pices of the Johannesburg Jewish Resource Centre. Apfel addressed a large audience, giving insights into and the reasons for current anti-Israel and anti- Semitism in the media; from leadership, opinion-mak- ers, politicians and academics. It was an eye-opener when he elaborated on how this has grown into a multi-billion dollar enterprise, from which Israel bashers are able to gain world cred- Photograph supplied ibility and recognition, at the same time turning the Steve Apfel, writer of “Hadrian’s Echo”, victim into the oppressor, while earning a great deal of signs a copy of his book for Margot money doing so. MARCIA PARNESS Segal, at the book launch.

Stephen Finn writes a most entertaining animal rights story Last weekend Pretoria saw the launch of an entertaining animal rights book, The Story of Humphrey the Hereford, aimed at children and adults alike, by Prof Stephen Mar- cus Finn. The story was born when Finn, as a six-year-old, rode his bicycle to the Potchefstroom Agricultural Fair and

Photograph: Dianne Wolfson saw a man pulling “the most beautiful calf”; he has loved Herefords ever since. The book is endorsed by Beauty Stephen Finn with his wife Louis and Without Cruelty. Copies can be obtained from the au- mother-in-law Miri Marcus at the thor at [email protected], or Beauty Without Cruelty: launch of his new book. DIANE WOLFSON supermarket

Rafael Salgado Extra Virgin Olive OIl Truly Kosher 95 Wishing all our customers 1 Ltr and the entire community a Achva Honey Cake 57 Shana Tova Umetuka. Pareve 95 95 250 ml 23 A year fi lled with good health 400 gm and happiness. 38 Delicious Well over the fast. and convenient Rashi Grape Juice Selwyn Segal deli foods 95 Honey 946 ml 95 Orley Whip 39 375 gm 29 Plain Dessert 95 2 Ltr Pareve 71 Large 95 range of 250 ml 9 Yom Tov Brooklyn Bagels gifts Round Kitke with or Super Drink without raisins Tomato Juice each 95 95 600 gm 9 1 Ltr 22 Gleeda Ice Cream Assorted Flavours Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Snow Soft Chocó Chino - Pareve Facial Tissues 2 Ltr 95 2 Ply 95 49 Cardin 200’s 8 Margarine Pareve Wachenheimers 500 gm Hamerkaz Chicken Israeli Cucumbers in Value Pack 95 Brine 95 95 2 kg 22 540 gm18 69 Northwinds Selwyn Segal White Eggs - Shabbat Candles Jumbo Coca Cola 95 95 95 30’s 56 6’s10 2 Ltr12 cnr Ridge and Summerway, Glenhazel Call - 011 440 9517 | [email protected] | Trading Hours Monday to Thursday 07h00 - 22h00 | Friday and Erev Chag 07h00 - 16h00 | Saturday 1/2 hr after Shabbos - 22h00 | Sunday 08h00 - 22h00 24 SA JEWISH REPORT Youth Community Columns 31 August – 7 September 2012 Journeying back in time to their roots A column of the Chevrah Kadisha Getting into hot water Hot water has been in short sup- To explain, the three boilers ply this winter at the Sandring- that service the massive prop- ham Gardens campus and I’ve erty all the way from Sandring- been thrown in at the deep end, ham Square on Long Avenue to having to learn about the com- Golden Acres on George are: plexities of boiler maintenance, • 5 ton coal boiler - heat and hot a very specialised, technical field water more suited to the skills of an • 3 ton coal boiler - hot water engineer. only Frustration levels ran high - • 5 ton gas boiler - heat and hot those of the residents as well as water my own - as we struggled with The 5 ton coal boiler is used not being able to apply a quick- throughout the winter and the 3 fix or emergency solution. ton, during the summer months. We can all relate to mainte- Our winter back-up is the 5 ton nance problems in our homes. gas boiler but, as luck would Sometimes a geyser or pipe Partners in have it, that one broke down bursts or the power grid goes Chesed shortly before the 5 ton coal down. We grit our teeth and Michael Sieff boiler did. And then even the 3 endure the hours, or days, of Group CEO ton sporadically malfunctioned! Sean Korb with his grade 4 class Photograph supplied distress until the problem is It has been challenging. The resolved. But when all the boilers mal- infrastructure is old and repairs are costly OWN CORRESPONDENT function at the same time on a campus but, thank G-d, we are back on track and the size of Sandringham Gardens, it’s not have taken steps to ensure we never have Over the past three weeks a grade 4 class of Yeshiva College learners, embarked on days we’re talking about. Repairs can take to go through this again. a journey back in time, to discover their roots. weeks or even months to complete. So, for now, I’m out of hot water and Each child was given the task of researching their family tree, where their rela- It was an awful experience for our resi- thankfully our residents have theirs! tives came from and all the events that occurred during those times. We have no future if we forget our past. dents who were deprived, intermittently, May our partnership continue to The eyes of these children have been opened to a world they never knew before. of hot water and central heating. We were thrive! A big “well done” to grade 4L and their teacher, Sean Korb. distraught about their discomfort - thank • Please feel free to communicate with G-d warmer weather is now on its way. me on [email protected] Jewish Report Lifetime Achiever Alec Wapnick, passes on A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies The winner of the Lifetime Achiever Award at the Jewish Achievers function in July, property Approaching court for relief, a final resort developer and philanthropist Alec Wapnick, passed Last Thursday evening, the Board partnered with the ures regarding how products from Jewish enclaves in away on Wednesday, after many years of frail Mizrachi Shul in holding a memorial service for vic- the West Bank will be identified, are far from being health. A full obituary celebrating his life, will be tims of the Marikana shooting tragedy, and for all vic- ratified as official policy. run in next week’s issue of the SA Jewish Report. tims of violence in South Africa. This was in response Much of the work of the Board, SAZF and other in- to President Jacob Zuma’s designating that day as terested organisations, has focused on legal avenues being the one where the country’s faith communities through which our concerns can be addressed, and to would hold such services. that end the SAZF has launched a comprehensive le- In the midst of the week of mourning, we learned gal challenge against the proposed relabelling policy, that Cabinet had seen fit to approve the Minister of currently underway in the courts. From the outset, we Trade and Industry’s notice requiring that goods ema- have viewed the process adopted by the Minister as nating from what it refers to as “Israeli occupied ter- being fatally flawed from both a procedural and ad- ritories” be relabelled. ministrative point of view, and the entire exercise as We were outraged by what we saw as a cavalier being politically motivated. attempt by government to bypass the consultation Approaching the courts for relief was adopted process set in motion by the notice, as well as by its only after repeated attempts to address our concerns dismissive attitude towards our concerns. In our press through engagement with government had been sty- statement, to which the SA Zionist Federation and mied. We certainly would prefer, as a community, not Chief Rabbi were joint signatories, we deplored the Above Board to be embarking on what is likely to be a protracted manner in which South African Jewry’s representa- Mary Kluk court battle, but having done so we are committed to tives had been denied any meaningful opportunity of National Chairman seeing it through. explaining their position and airing the concerns they The voice of our Jewish community, no less than feel, despite having consistently demonstrated a will- that of any other constituency in our country, de- ingness to engage with government on the issue. serves to be heard and not treated with disdain. Regarding the With regard to the proposed relabelling measures them- actual issue over which the court is being approached, we are selves, these were “discriminatory, divisive, inconsistent with hopeful that whatever policy is ultimately adopted, it will come South African trade policy and seriously flawed from both an about through a proper process of consultation, with all duly administrative and procedural point of view”. At bottom, they constituted procedures being correctly followed. were motivated “not by technical trade concerns, but by political bias against the State of Israel”. • Listen to Steven Gruzd on Jewish Board Talk on 101.9 ChaiFM Notwithstanding the Cabinet’s decision, the proposed meas- every Friday 12:00 - 13:00. Repeats Sundays, 11:00 - 12:00. Christa Maria Trust SAJBD PANEL UPDATE AND DISCUSSION Gauteng Conference Sunday 2 September Investec ZEV KRENGEL AVROM KRENGEL 100 Grayston Drive SAJBD SAZF

REVISED CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Choices & Challenges:- 8:30 Registration, Tea And Coffee 9:00 What Next For- Conference Opening 9:30 21st Century Antisemitism: SA Jewry?- The return of old evils, rise of new threats for Jews, Israel & truth CHIEF RABBI The Rt Hon. Dr Denis MacShane MP DEPUTY MINISTER EBRAHIM GOLDSTEIN 11:15 Panel Update And Discussion – Choices & DISCOURAGES SOUTH AFRICANS FROM Challenges: What Next For SA Jewry? TRAVELING TO ISRAEL 13:00 Conference Concludes CABINET APPROVES MINISTER DAVIES’ LABELING PROPOSAL RT HON DR DENIS MACSHANE MP, UK CHERYLLYN Highly respected for his DUDLEY BEN SWARTZ works on Antisemitism, MP, ACDP FAIRPLAYSA MacShane has given 08:30- lectures all over Europe, the US and Canada on combating Antisemitism. He has published 13:00 several books and articles on the topic.


ELTON BONDI Founder and current CEO of Cy- ESTELLE CLINE holds a BA (Wits) with Industrial ROBBIE FIHRER attended King David High REEVA FORMAN is the Managing Director of RAYMOND GOSS Matriculated from Herzlia High est Corporation, a leading enterprise software Sociology and English majors. Worked in the School. He studied a Bachelor of Commerce Reeva Forman (Pty) Ltd. Long-serving member School in 1988 as Head Boy. Actively involved in development firm. Previously was strategy labour relations field for several years. Thereafter degree at Wits and also attending Wits’ Busi- SAJBD, Gauteng Council and National Executive Jewish youth movements. Attended ten machanot consultant with The Monitor Company, where held various volunteer positions on PTA’s at King ness School. Robbie founded Capricorn Capital Committee. Vice-chair SAZF. SAZF Founder and held a number of leadership positions within he joined Monitor’s investment banking prac- David Victory Park Schools. Joined the Union of Partners with 2 other partners in 2003. Robbie is and Chairperson of the ‘Israel Now Tour’ since Habonim. Holds an IMM diploma and a BComm tice. While at The Monitor, he led a number of Jewish Women and was elected Sandton Branch responsible for sourcing and evaluates transac- 2002. Chair of SAZF Media Committee /special Degree and a Member of the JSE. Joined the accounts in the resources, petrochemicals, Chairman 2006-2007 and Co-Chair 2007-2009. tions, performing due diligence investigations and projects. Chairperson Temple Israel, Hillbrow. Investec Group in 1999 and is currently the head Currently on the UJW NEC, MANCOM (holding managing portfolio investments. He is one of the Recipricant of the Abe Abrahamson Volunteer of Investec South Africa’s wealth management construction and financial services industries. the PR Portfolio) and their Executive Commit- founding members of CAP. Award SAZF 2006. Special Award from the offering and is a member of the Investec Wealth & Elton holds a BA (law) from Wits, PDM from tee. Holds Antisemitism and Racism Portfolio on World Zionist Organisation in 2008. Speaks on Investment executive for the past decade. Has sat Wits Business School (Dean’s List) and MA behalf of the UJW for the International Council of Israel, as well as management, marketing & on a number of domestic and offshore investment from Wits Business School. Elton has been Jewish Women. Sits on the Johannesburg AIDS empowerment Holds a BA Honours committees and is a member elected trustee of actively involved in the SAJBD since 2007. Council on behalf of the SAJBD (Psychology) from Wits. the Investec Provident Fund.

JEFFREY KATZ Attended King David (VP), STEVE LURIE Current National Chairman of the KAREN MILNER Educated at King David Links- MARK NOTELOVITZ After serving in the SA MARC POZNIAK was head Prefect King David Hebrew University (Jerusalem) and Wits Uni- SA Union for Progressive Judaism a post he has field and Wits University (BA Honours, MA, PhD). Special Forces, also known as the Recces, Mark High Linksfield, 1999. BA (Law and International versity (Johannesburg). Admitted as an attor- held since 2004.He sits on the Executive Board Academic at Wits University since 1993. Currently left SA in the early 1980s to join the Israeli Relations) and LLB University of the Witwa- ney of the Supreme Court in 1996. Practiced of the World Union for Progressive Judaism with holds position of Associate Professor of Psychol- Defense Force. Mark gained much experience tersrand, 2005. Chair SAUJS Wits committee as an attorney at Moss Cohen. Has lead the its headquarters in Jerusalem. Currently serves ogy and Deputy Head of the School of Human overseas, including working with the US State and afterwards SAUJS National Chair. Involved in legal department at Discovery Holdings since on the Gauteng board and the NEC of the SAJBD, and Community Development at Wits (the School Department, the Mexican Government, and combating antisemitism on campus and further 1998. Member SAJBD Gauteng Council since as well as sitting on the MANCOM of the SAZF. comprises the departments of Psychology, Social various other high-level security and counter- afield, including at the 2001 UN World Conference Steve was a past vice-chairman and long-serving Work and Speech Pathology and Audiology). terrorism projects internationally. After returning against Racism in Durban. In 2006, he resigned 2006 and elected as Vice Chairman 2009 and management board member of Beit Emanuel. Registered with the Health Professions Council of to SA in 1994, Mark spent much time at the helm from his articles at Fluxmans Inc. to co-found then Gauteng Chairman in 2010. He holds Diploma of Agriculture and is a retired South Africa as an Industrial Psychologist. of the CSO. Mark is the founder and CEO of Core Global Acquisition, an online marketing company. He also serves on the Board’s Management farmer. Tactical, a specialised security service provider, He sold his stake in the company to his partners and National Executive Committees and is which implements demanding security solutions in 2010 to pursue other opportunities. Co-opted the current Gauteng Chairman. in the residential, commercial and mining sectors. to the SAJBD Gauteng Council in 2009.

ELAN SAWITZKY SAJBD Gauteng Council and BERNARD SHULL is a practicing attorney. Past RABBI AVRAHAM TANZER Rosh Yeshiva, GIGI WOLF Born and educated in South Africa. SHAUN ZAGNOEV Matriculated from Yeshiva NEC member 2004-2012. Served five years Grand President Hebrew Order of David Inter- Yeshiva College of SA since 1963. Founding Lived in the UK for 17 years and studied Hotel College in 1984. Spent 1985 in Israel in Yeshivat on the National Executive Committee, SAUJS. national and a member of its Grand Executive Rabbi and Spiritual leader Glenhazel Area Management. Founder member Hale and District Har Etzion. Completed a Masters in Electrical Tour coordinator SA Grade 11 Israel Encounter continuously since 1977. Served as a member of Hebrew Congregation since 1963. Member Chevra Kadisha Cheshire and Chairperson for a Engineering in 1991 followed by an MBA from 2002. Delegate United Nations World Summit on the Executive Committee of the Beth Hamedrash and patron of various organizations. Member number of years. On returning to SA joined the Wits Business School in 1993. Worked as a Sustainable Development, 2002. Head of Security Hagadol Sandton from time to time since 1975 Gauteng Council SAJBD since 1988 and cur- UJW. Served as chairperson, Sandton committee, management consultant for 3 years at Gemini – SA Delegation, Maccabiah Games, 2009. and is a past Gabbai thereof. Past Vice Chairman rent Vice Chairman. President SA Rabbinical and thereafter as joint chairperson, JHB com- Consulting. Thereafter joined Ethos, the largest Currently working at Westland North as Business SAJBD Gauteng Council and a member of its mittee. UJW JHB treasurer until 2008. Member private equity firm in SA, at which he is a partner. Association 1988 - 1995 and Vice-president Development Manager. National Executive Council continuously since SAJBD Gauteng Council and National Executive Communal involvement includes: numerous lead- 1995-2007. Recipient Eric Samson-Mendel Ka- 1988. Served in various capacities on committees Committee since 2006. Elected Gauteng Council ership positions in Bnei Akiva, approximately ten of Jewish and broader community welfare com- plan Communal Service Award for outstanding Vice Chairperson in 2009. years involvement with the SAJBD at the Gauteng munal & sporting bodies. service to Jewish causes in South Africa (2009). and National levels and leading Shabbat services in different communities.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL [email protected] or 011 645-2521 @sajbd 26 SA JEWISH REPORT What’s On 31 August – 7 September 2012

NOTE: Deadline for all entries is 12:00 on the Friday prior to publication.

Today, Friday (August 31) Johannesburg - Highlights and Challenges”. Monday (September 3) LifeLine, who will head a group discussion. • UZLC hosts Lionel Slier who will speak on Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden • UJW hosts political commentator and re- Join in and share issues. Venue: 1 Oak Street “South African Crime Stories”. Venue: Our Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Information: search officer of the Helen Suzman Foun- Houghton. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648- Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - 14:00. Contact: Grecia (011) 532-9718. dation, Aubrey Matshiqi, who will talk on 1053, fax 086 273-3044. Gloria, (011) 485-4851 or 072-127-9421. “What is Good/Bad for the ANC is Good/ • Hospice Flea Boot Market at the Checkers Bad for the Country”. Venue: 1 Oak Street Wednesday (September 5) Saturday evening (Sept 1) Car Park on Barry Hertzog Avenue, Em- Houghton. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648- • RCHCC hosts “30 Years After Claude Lanz- •  Shul gala dinner: “Spring in North- marentia. Every first, and last, Sunday from 1053, fax 086 273-3044. mann’s Shoah - New Developments in Holo- cliff”. Time 20:00. Dress formal. R350 per 08:00 until 13:00. Information: Madeline caust History”, a discussion with Holocaust person (table of 10 R3 000 per table). Music (011) 794-5464 or Amanda at Hospice (011) Tuesday (September 4) scholars and historians Ronnie Mink and by Mikolot. catered by Shelley Geffen. Con- 728-1052. • WIZO hosts its annual “Mystery Bus Tour”. Tali Nates, followed by a Q & A. Venue: Clive tact Sharon 011 678-3015 or 0723458219. Bus leaves Beyachad at 09:00 sharp on a M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation: • WIZO’s Bnoth Zion Association holds its full day trip. Bring own lunch. Cost: R180. R70 (incl refreshments). Booking: Hazel Sunday (September 2) Yomtov Market at Sea Point High School, Booking essential. Contact: Sandy (011) 645- or René (011) 728-8088/8378, after hours • Second Innings hosts Tali Nates, director of Main Road, Sea Point. Exciting gifts, chil- 2515. (011) 728-8378, e-mail: [email protected] the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide dren’s entertainment, delicious goodies and or [email protected], or visit www.great- Centre, on “Building a Holocaust Centre in more. More information: Tel (021) 464-6729. • UJW hosts Arlene Bernstein, former head of

• The Chevrah Kadisha is hosting Shani Krebs on “My Journey From a Prison Cell to Reha- bilitation”- a true story of addiction, meaning and hope. Venue: Golden Acres Card Room. Time: 19:30 - 21:00. Refreshments served. Donations appreciated. Information: Lara: (011) 532-9793/Tania: (011) 532-9719.

• UJW CT adult education division hosts Pearl Firer who will give a cooking demonstration, “Springtime in the Kitchen”. Venue: Stone- haven. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Entrance: R20 (incl refreshments). Enquiries: (021) 434- 9555 (mornings only).

• UJW hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former lecturer in the department of English at Wits, who will present a series of five lectures on “English Metaphysical Poetry”, starting today. She will discuss the poetry of two 17th cen- tury poets, John Donne and George Herbert. Venue: 1 Oak Street Houghton. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648-1053, fax 086 273-3044.

Friday (September 7) • UZLC hosts Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, the country communities rabbi, who will talk on his book, “The Travelling Rabbi - My Afri- can Tribe”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - 14:00. Contact: Gloria at 072-127- 9421 or (011) 485-4851.

Sunday (September 9) • Second Innings hosts Rebbetzen Adele Ka- zilsky on “The Modern Family - Are We Sur- viving?” Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Infor- mation: Grecia (011) 532-9718.

• Jacana Media is hosting the launch of Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft’s book, “My African Tribe”, as told to Suzanne Belling, with author and journalist Gus Silber, as guest speaker. Ven- ue: Beyachad. Time: 10:30. RSVP: rsvp@ja- or tel: (011) 628-3200.

Monday (September 10) • UJW hosts Prof Adam Habib of UJ, talk- ing on “Between the Right to Protect and National Sovereignty: The Case of Libya and Syria”. Venue: 1 Oak Street Houghton. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648-1053.

Community Briefs Make your own shofar for Rosh Hashanah “This Rosh Hashanah, make sure you know a shofar is not someone who drives a limousine”, says Rabbi Ari Kievman, innovator behind Chabad’s Chai Sen- iors Programme. In anticipation of Rosh Hashanah 5773, Chai Seniors offers Johannesburg Jewry’s el- derly a hands-on Shofar Factory. “The shofar’s blast is a wake-up call for the coming year. At the Fac- tory, we go through the entire process of mak- ing a shofar: from cleaning to sanding. In addi- tion, laws and customs of this commandment are discussed. The Shofar Factory is on Septem- ber 11 at 10:00 at Chabad House, Savoy. Call (011)440-6600, email [email protected] or visit 31 August – 7 September 2012 Classifieds SA JEWISH REPORT 27

TO BOOK YOUR CLASSIFIED NOTICE OR ADVERT CONTACT: Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected]

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERT: 1. Only adverts sent via email to [email protected] will be accepted. 2. You will be advised on cost & payment details. 3. Payment is prior to the advert appearing. 4. Our banking details: SA Jewish Report, Nedbank , Account Number: 1984 514 865, Branch Code: 198405. DEADLINE for BOOKING and PAYMENT is Tuesday 12 pm. (If deadline is missed the advert will appear (when payment is received) in the next edition). IMPORTANT NOTICE - The Jewish Report runs adverts in the Classified section in good faith, however we cannot be responsible for the quality of services offered and claims made.

NOTICES PERSONAL LIFTS LIFTS LIFTS PROPERTY FOR SALE VEHICLES CAREGIVER For your BEST SERVICE CAPE TOWN LIFTING TO LET MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Will take care of you/ AIRPORT SERVICE ONE-STOP Modern spacious SERVICE AVAILABLE Flat your loved ones. JHB beauty vehicle, pax 7 + luggage 24/7. Highlands North Accompany them on treatments. PIP FRIEDMAN Airport to City / Sea Point IF YOU WANT TO errands. Min 2.5 hours. Available Sept 2012 Call Ruth now. 083-267-3281 Collect @ airport R180, Reasonable rates. BUY OR SELL (011) 616-4305 [email protected] drop off @ airport R170. 011-788-3686 Jacqui – Malcolm 082-907-4790 House calls done HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION 083-651-1110 A VEHICLE Experienced, reliable driver PLETTENBERG IVAN WANTS TO Reliable, able to lift you anywhere/ Reasonable Rates! BAY TOWNHOUSE CONTACT: anytime 24 hours. LIFT YOU! CONTACT ARNOLD, Courier work undertaken. 3 BEDS, SLEEPS 6 Punctual, reliable. 082-447-0185 SOLLY KRAMER Please call Paul AVAILABLE JHB/Sdtn/Tambo& 011-454-1193 ST TH 083-542-6480 1 – 27 DEC 2012 082-922-3597 Pretoria HOME SERVICES st th EX-ISRAELI SERVICEMAN Doctors App. Etc. 1 – 15 Dec. Car for Sale offers lifts to airport and GENERAL R1 200 per day Reasonable rates APPLIANCE REPAIRS 2011 Volkswagen appointments etc. th th ON-SITE 15 -27 Dec. Don’t drink & drive 082-962-5007 Vivo Polo 1400 Stoves, washing-machines, R1 500 per day ALL HOURS! tumbledriers, dishwashers & Tiptronic balance Neil 072-050-9927 fridges. Free quotations! Well situated and factory warranty AIRPORT close to all amenities CALL JASON AC PS mp3 blue 082-401-8239 A-TAXI SERVICE SHUTTLE MARX tooth 18 000 km Let Warren Pogorelsky 082-448-4074 EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL chauffeur you to your new R160 000 HEALTH & BEAUTY HANDYMAN SERVICES destination in Jo’burg and G’hazel to GUITAR asking R122 000 LESSONS ALL REPAIRS, 082-556-1630 back. Only R100 round trip. Tambo AUDIOLOGIST MAINTENANCE Tel: 082-399-6187 R140 Learn to play by ear KELLY NATHAN CARPENTRY EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED or by reading. Manor Medical Centre WELDING FOR YOUNG JEWISH BRIAN K LIFT 189 Kelvin Drive PLUMBING GENTLEMAN Reasonable rates from Morningside Manor SERVICE & COURIER I am a professional ELECTRICAL “AIRPORT SPECIAL R140” all other areas musician and I travel Tel: 0861-266-563 (22 years old) Art and English (0861-Book Me) TILING Secure, comfortable & safe. to you. KNIFE SHARPENING are my 2 main strengths. SAM Wiling to learn. No transport yet. Anywhere 24/7. (Jhb - Pta) ETC ETC ETC (011) 728-5219 David Cohen INDIVIDUALISED CALL BRIAN ON 083-627-8516 MARK NATHAN 073-459-5810 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR Please contact Chevy/ 076-533-1440 HEARING NEEDS 082-556-7314 Diane 082 294 2552

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Join us on Sunday evening, 2nd of September, for an evening of thought, discussion and evaluation with some of the leading minds of the Modern-Orthodox and Religious- Zionist worlds.

7:00pm : Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat: Women in Communal Leadership –

have we done enough or too much?

8:00pm : Rabbi Prof. Daniel Herschkowitz, Minister of Science and Technology of the State of Israel : From Auschwitz to the Technion to the Pulpit to the Knesset – can we really

combine the worlds?

9:00pm : Panel Discussion with the guest speakers, Rabbi Laurence Perez and

Rebbetzin Candy Lipschitz: Sunrise or Sunset?

Venue: Mizrachi Shul, Long Avenue, Glenhazel. R25 entrance 228 SA SA J EWISHJEWISH REPORT REPORT SportNews 31 August –01 7 September- 08 June 2012 Jewish vision created the Paralympics JACK MILNER It follows a resurgence of interest in Guttmann, who escaped Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and settled in As each Olympic Games comes to an end, the coun- Britain, where his research on treating spinal patients try prepares for the Paralympics, which celebrates the drew the attention of the government. achievements of sportspeople with various disabilities. Guttmann began working with injured soldiers at Ironically, three South Africans have been cited as Stoke Mandeville Hospital, north of London, during raising the profile of the Paralympics - Natalie du Toit, the Second World War - a time when suffering a spinal Oscar Pistorius and Terence Parkin. All three were pre- injury was considered a death sentence. Patients were pared to look beyond their respective disabilities and discouraged from moving, leading to secondary infec- take on able-bodied athletes. tions from bed sores or from pneumonia. I remember getting a call from the Chinese News Known for an authoritarian streak and his stubborn Agency after (the hearing-impaired) Parkin won a silver insistence on changing the status quo, Guttmann swept medal for the 200m breaststroke at the 2000 Olympic in into the hospital and took patients off sedation, which Sydney. At the time I was working for the SA Press Asso- had been administered to make them comfortable. ciation (Sapa). “Why is Parkin swimming here when he Guttmann was having none of that! No one was going would win gold in the Paralympics?” I was asked. to be comfortable. “Because he’s good enough to win a silver medal in “One patient told me: `I’m waiting for G-d Almighty the able-bodied Olympics,” was my reply. to take me up’,” the Times of London reported Gutt- In Beijing, South Africans were delighted when mann as saying at a conference in 1962. “I told him: Shireen Sapiro came away with a gold medal. Shireen is `While you are waiting, you can do some work’.” back in London this year and whatever the outcome of He made the patients sit up and work muscles. Seek- her races, she is sure to do herself proud. ing to keep them motivated, he hit upon competition as However, what few people may know is that the only a way to make them work harder. He tried wheelchair reason the Paralympics takes place is thanks to a Jew- field hockey, but when that became too violent, he got ish neurosurgeon by the name of Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the patients involved in wheelchair basketball. who fled Nazi Germany. It was tough and demanding, but grateful patients Guttmann pioneered athletic competition as ther- nicknamed him “Poppa”. They were still paralysed. But apy for patients with spinal injuries and organised an many lived - and carried out Guttmann’s wish that they archery competition for 16 patients at Britain’s Stoke become taxpayers. Mandeville Hospital in 1948. From this humble start Loeffler said her father was marked by his past. have evolved the Paralympic Games, which this week Many of his relatives perished in Auschwitz. He was will bring together more than 4 000 athletes from driven, intent to give back to the country that had given around the world, to London. his family refuge. “The Guttmann story is massive,” Olympic historian “I think that’s another thing that made him work so Martin Polley told Associated Press. “He was the one hard,” she said. “He was Hitler’s gift to this country in who linked rehab to competitive sport.” a way, and he was determined to be a good British citi- This month has been Guttmann’s moment, what zen.” with a BBC film about his life, “The Best of Men”, an On the same day that London opened its 1948 Olym- exhibition at the Jewish Museum in London and his pics, Guttmann organised a competition for wheelchair daughter, Eve Loeffler, being named mayor of the ath- athletes, which he called the Stoke Mandeville Games. letes’ village - a sort of ambassador-in-chief, who wel- They involved 16 patients taking part in archery. From comes the participants for the Games that started on those humble origins, the Paralympics grew into a fes- Wednesday and ends on September 9. tival of sports involving 4 200 athletes from 166 teams. Queen Elizabeth with Ludwig Guttmann in the 1960s.

Community Briefs

THE NEW PLAYGROUND A fortnight ago, a new children’s playground was launched in the James and Ethel Gray Park. An initiative of residents of Melrose and Birdhaven, spearheaded by community mums, Shelley Kesler and Anli Sudwarts, it provides a convenient, safe and fun area for kids. It offers imported equipment, a kiddies’ bike track and is fenced in. Says MB CAP: “The playground is near the parking area, making it easier for our Tactical Units to patrol.” Kesler added: “I am very excited to see this vision become a reality and am grateful to the sponsors and team that made it happen.” Photo supplied

Anli Sudwarts (left) and Shelley Kesler in the new kiddies’ playground. MORIAH IN AUSTRALIA BRINGS JOY TO FIVE PORT ELIZABETH SCHOOLS The Union of Jewish Women in PE was recently the recipient of 220kg of school Photo supplied uniforms received from Moriah School in Sydney, Australia. Moriah School had decided to change their uniform and as they say “one person’s trash is someone’s else’s treasure”, although this was far from so-called trash! Blazers, trousers, skirts, jerseys, shirts, track suits and back packs were among the items received. The UJW PE was able to distribute these uniforms to five needy Pictured is a small group of happy children at Kleinskool schools in the area and the recipients Primary in PE, in their new uniforms, with Elaine Racussen were overjoyed. BERYL MEYER (back left) and Beryl Meyer (back right), both from the UJW.