The Memo from Memorial

Weekly Newsletter of Memorial Presbyterian Church, Appleton, WI

April 11, 2019

Worship during Holy Week

Palm Sunday—April 14 at 10 am. Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem! We will be singing "Hosanna in the Highest." Special music by the Chancel and Children’s Choirs. Also, the sacrament of baptism. One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

Maundy Thursday—April 18 at 7 pm, “The Other Twelve Disciples” as told by Women of MPC. Celebrate the sacrament of communion.

Good Friday—April 19 at noon, hosted by First Congregational.

Easter Sunday—April 21 at 10 am. Celebrate the risen Christ with our Easter Brass & Chancel Choir. Pastor Mike preaching on Matthew 28, “All Creation Groans for Resurrection.” Celebrate the sacrament of communion. One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

Taize Worship

Spring Services at 5 p.m. Dinner to follow all services

April 14: All Saints Episcopal, 100 N. Drew St. April 28: Memorial Presbyterian, 803 East College Ave. May 19: Sabin House-Center for Spiritual & Religious Life

Check out MPC's BLOG

Every week you find important information about MPC's many ministries, programs, and events in the weekly "Memo from Memorial." Now you will be able to find in depth insights, articles, interesting articles, and much more on MPC's blog. Christian Educator Joel Screnock explores the popularity - and risks - of popular video games. Click here. CP Greg Braatz lists all the migratory birds showcasing his window at home, makes a connection to the changes we experience in the church and ties it into Easter. Read more. Pastor Mike reflects on his second experience at the Next Church national gathering of Presbyterians in Seattle. Click here. Upcoming Adult Education Opportunities

​​Coffee, Conversation and the Canon (Tuesday noon study group)

April 16 - NEW STUDY - Simon Peter—"an ordinary fisherman who heard an extraordinary call. He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton (same author as Half Truth). Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today.” This link will take you to an introduction to the study and the video of the first lesson.

Sunday Morning – 8:45 Returning to the series C.A.S.K.E.T E.M.P.T.Y

April 14 – Pentecost – we will look at the earliest days of the new church April 21 – Easter - no class April 28 – Teaching – a look at the letters May 5 – Bread for the World May 12 – Yet to Come

Lots of what I hope you believe is good stuff going on. Join me and your fellow MPC friends for lively discussion and coffee! Greg

Children & Youth Ministries

Sunday School (Ages 3- Grade 6) Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 8:45 a.m. Teachers lead our children through lessons from the curriculum “Growing in Grace and Gratitude,” a publication rooted in our Presbyterian tradition and identity. We encourage our children to explore their faith with an understanding of God’s grace and how that extends into our lives beyond Sunday. Our Sunday School class will hear the story of Jesus coming to Jerusalem, and learn more about Palm Sunday.

Kinderchurch (Ages 3- Grade 2) Kinderchurch meets during the worship service (children are excused after the Children’s Sermon), and provides the space for children to learn the routines of a worship service in an age-appropriate setting. We attempt to follow the lectionary as best we can, and teach the stories of the Bible to children at a level they can understand. Kinderchurch does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month in order for children and their families to partake in communion. Kinderchurch will not be meeting this week because it is Palm Sunday.

Spiritual Quest (8-9th Grade) Spiritual Quest is designed for students to explore their faith. Youth have the opportunity to strengthen biblical connections and learn about God, religion, and themselves through participation in an activities both at MPC and outside the church, as well as from their Covenant Partner. Spiritual Quest will be finishing their lesson on the importance of devoting ourselves to the prayers of the church.

Youth Fellowship (Grades 7-12) Youth Fellowship meets on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30. It is a time of fun and fellowship, and provides time for our older youth to explore the Bible and apply its stories and lessons to their own faith. Youth Fellowship will be starting a series on how to grow closer in our relationship with God. The first lesson will be on studying the Bible.


What's Been Going on in Youth Fellowship

I remember a conversation I had with Pastor Mike awhile ago. Not sure when it was, or how it came up, but I remember telling him, “I’ll talk with our youth group about anything, except for sex.” I had reasons at the time that sounded solid to me – it would be awkward, I didn’t feel like I had the right things to say, I’m a male leader in a group that (at the time) was almost all high school girls. However, after having conversations with other youth workers, I realized that my reasons were really just excuses. It’s a topic that is far too important and relevant for me to ignore, and it was about time that our youth group took a look at sex, dating and marriage.

We just wrapped up our series last night. It was awkward at times, but overall, it was highly rewarding. At the beginning of the series, I had the youth write down on large sheets of paper what messages they’ve heard about sex and dating from their friends, the media, their parents, and the church. I’ve had their responses to what they’ve heard from the church hanging in my office ever since, as a reminder of our legacy. Most of them put “sex is for marriage.” The rest said “nothing.” I can confidently say that, after the discussions we’ve had the past few weeks, those answers have changed.

When I told the youth that we were going to be having these discussions, Chad Schimmelpfenning noted that this might be the first time – ever – that MPC has had dedicated talks about sex with our youth group. I’m so thankful that we have leaders who are willing to dive into discussions we’ve never had before, and youth that are ready to follow. The conversation isn’t over – it’s only just begun.

Donate to the Youth Stock Sale!

It’s time once again for the Youth Stock Sale! This year, 7 of our youth are going to be attending the Presbyterian Youth Triennium at Purdue University. Some of our youth went 3 years ago, and they are thrilled to be heading back! Please consider supporting them as we provide them with this unique opportunity to meet and worship with other Presbyterians from around the world. Donate here.

Volunteers Wanted The CYM Team is currently looking for volunteers for all of our ministries next year, and we want to help you find a place where you fit! We’ll be sharing a table with the Stock Sale this Sunday, and we can help you discover an area where you can use your gifts, talents, and passions to grow the faith of our children and youth.

Camp Scholarships Available!

Summer is coming up quick, and that means that it's time to start thinking about camp, and we want to help send you there! Check out Pilgrim Center to find a camp date that works for you, and then contact Joel Screnock in the church office for a Camp Scholarship form. Forms are due on April 14th.

This isn't just for kids either- there are options for parents and grandparents to attend camp too!

Session Snippets

Session's latest meeting was held April 9. At that meeting, Session welcomed (and approved for a 3-year term) its new Clerk, Chad Schimmelpfenning. Chad will be taking up the mantle from Shirley Collins, who has devoted many years to Session and the Church. The substance of the meeting was essentially a debrief on the March 23 special learning opportunity with Rev. Sarai Rice regarding MPC’s ministry and community connections. Session discussed key “take-aways” and observations. Looking forward, a group consisting of Kevin McElrath, Richard Dodge, Tim Shoaf, Laurie McCulloch, and Pastor Mike will meet again with Rev. Rice on May 11 for follow-up discussion. Each of those members was tasked with going into the community and reporting back with observations. Results of those discussions will be brought to Session at its next meeting, May 14.

Open Doors, Open hearts

The season of Lent is also the season for One Great Hour of Sharing. This ecumenical effort, that started in 1949 as an hour long radio appeal, has become the most participated-in Offering in the PC(USA). Last year MPC members contributed more than $1,800 through OGHS to help support PC(USA) domestic and global mission outreach via the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger and the Self Development of People programs. Through these programs our congregation engages both domestically and globally to provide disaster assistance, to assist refugees in war-torn corners of the globe and to assist the poor.

YOU can be a part of this effort by contributing to OGHS. Contributions may be made by using the Special Offering envelopes available in the pew backs. If you prefer to give electronically, you may do so by either going to the MPC home page and clicking on the “On-Line Donation” button or clicking this link HERE.

Thank you for contributing to the One Great Hour of Sharing!

MPC welcomes Memory Cafe

Beginning this week, MPC will begin welcoming Fox Valley Memory Project by hosting a Memory Café on the first, second, and third Thursday afternoons each month. Memory Cafés foster connection by creating " dementia-friendly communities where the fear and isolation often associated with dementia are eased by connecting people with one another and with resources to live well with dementia."

MPC is excited to CONNECT with the Fox Valley Memory Project. We hope you'll check out their events to see if you or someone you know could benefit from participating in a Memory Cafés or consider volunteering with their Cafe facilitators.

Welcome Fox Valley Memory Project!

Update: MPC Global Mission Committee

Dear MPC members,

As many of you may recall, in 2017, four MPC members traveled to Nicaragua. The goal was to explore developing a relationship with the Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD). The MPC team learned firsthand about meaningful successes CEPAD has achieved for families living in rural communities. Our church delegation was impressed and felt continuing our relationship with CEPAD would be beneficial. Unfortunately, in April 2018, violence erupted in the country which impacted many citizens and institutions, as well as church groups. Members of the Memorial Presbyterian Church Global Mission Committee have continued to meet and monitor the continuing unrest in Nicaragua.

While violence has subsided somewhat, the U.S. government has cautioned against American citizens traveling to the country. Because of the unstable situation, the MPC Global Mission Committee decided to postpone any future trips until the country returned to normal.

In the meantime, our committee has continued to stay in contact with the CEPAD. MPC Global Mission funds have been contributed to help CEPAD continue their important work in the country, and we have looked for other ways to lend support to our Nicaraguan friends. We are also in touch with new PCUSA mission workers who moved to Nicaragua in late January.

CEPAD has suggested its supporters write to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega requesting his government address the violence and unrest and create a peaceful resolution to their problems. The MPC Global Mission Committee has crafted such a letter which was endorsed by the Session. We would invite members of our church to sign the letter in support of Nicaraguan citizens and request that their civil and political rights be respected. We hope you can lend your moral support by signing this letter.

The letter will be available in the Narthex for signatures after Sunday services from April 7 - April 21. You also can read it here. Members of the MPC Global Mission Committee will be available to answer any questions. (It will be in the church office during the week.)

We also suggest you pray for the people of Nicaragua, the CEPAD staff, the new PCUSA missionaries, and all others who work to improve the lives of the citizens of Nicaragua.

Thank you, MPC Global Mission Committee (Fred Umland, Pat Spindler, Greg Braatz, Beth Lepinski, Becky O’Connor, Barry O’Connor, Tom Boldt)

Privilege Institute presents The White Privilege Symposium

What: Loving Justice: Asserting Human Dignity & Forging Bold Action symposium. This symposium will address issues of white privilege and its impact on racial, gender, social, and wealth inequality. Check out more information, including keynote speakers, here. When: April 12 & 13 Where: St. Norbert College, De Pere Register: Click here.

2019 Bread for the World Offering of Letters Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters campaign engages churches, campuses, and other faith communities in writing letters to Congress. Each year, for the focus of the campaign, we choose specific legislation or a legislative emphasis that can make a real difference to people struggling with hunger and poverty. MPC has participated in this advocacy each year since 1978.

People write letters, and present them as an offering to God before mailing them to Congress. Hundreds of Offerings of Letters are held each year, resulting in tens of thousands of letters to Congress. Supported with prayer, these letters are a bold witness to God’s justice and mercy. They have, and continue to have, a significant impact on the decisions made in Congress.

For 2019, the emphasis will be on the theme: Better Nutrition, Better Tomorrow, and urges our government to accelerate progress toward ending hunger by increasing funding for global child nutrition programs. A focus on not just access to food but improved and targeted nutrition, especially for the first 1000 days of life, from pregnancy through age two, will save lives and result in better lifelong outcomes. Bread for the World’s President, the Rev. David Beckmann says, “The evidence is strong: improving nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life is essential. Enabling children to grow and thrive will break the cycle of hunger and poverty in our world.”

Apply by April 14!

This year, applications for the three scholarships available to members of Memorial Presbyterian Church are due two weeks earlier than in previous years. Please note that all applications and supporting documentation are now due by Sunday, April 14.

The scholarships available are the Huss Family Memorial Scholarship, the Presbyterian College Scholarship, and the Ellmaker Scholarship. Selection is based on church involvement, community activities, leadership, and academic achievement. Award recipients will be notified by the Scholarship Team in time for high school awards ceremonies.

For more information and application forms, call the church office at 920-734-1787.

Spring Cleanup Day May 4

Join us from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 4, to clean the church and do yard work. Sherry has lots of projects - and treats!

Easter Flowers

If you would like to contribute money toward flowers and decorations for the Easter services, you may download the form here and return it to the church office with your check by Sunday, April 14. You may contribute any amount; all contributions will be recognized in the Easter worship service bulletin.

Get artistic with the Fellowship Team

Do you have an artistic side of you that doesn’t get enough exposure? The Fellowship Team is looking for 10 to 16 people who would like to form a group “class” at Pinot’s Pallette on a Sunday afternoon in either late April or early May. The exact date will depend on the number of people who express an interest in this type of event. All materials and instructions needed to produce a painting on canvas will be provided for the cost of $35 per person. The time and picture to be painted will be determined when we schedule the event. If this type of event strikes your fancy, indicate your interest – and preferred date – on the sign-up sheet in the west hallway at church. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Umland at 920-903-8981 or at [email protected].

The closures on the bathroom doors by the kitchenette have been disconnected. This will make them easier to open and remove the need for the door stoppers. We will be trying this for a few weeks, so make sure to give us your feedback.

The MPC Prayer Group meets every Wednesday morning from 9-10 am in the Chapel, praying for our families, our church, our community, and our world. If you have a prayer request, please email it to the church office.

This week, let us pray for:

Betty Lockhart's niece, Desaire, 33, in hospice after fighting breast cancer and brain cancer.

Prayers for Val Bayer, who is preparing for heart surgery mid-April.

Rick and Carol Knight ask for prayers for Rick's brother, Tim, who fighting a occurrence of cancer and is now receiving treatment.

Bill, Kathy & Jeff Privatt's brother-in-law, who is meeting with a heart surgeon to discuss potential treatment/surgery for an obstruction.

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Many thanks to all of our Sunday morning volunteers! If you are unable to serve on the day you are scheduled, please arrange for a substitute and email the church office.

Sunday, April 14, 2019 Sunday, April 21, 2019

Greeters: Alice Baumbach and Youth Greeters: L'Esperance Family and Mike Fellowship Harer Head Usher: John Hill Head Usher: Les Angell Ushers: Betty & Steve Lockhart, Bev Hill Ushers: Patty & Dave Ogilvie, Jeanne and Mary Peterson Nymoen and Jane Stevenson Reader: Kari Zink Reader: Ross McDowell Nursery: Luann Ulmen Nursery: Luann Ulmen Coffee Servers: Kelsey & Kevin McElrath Communion Preparers: Margaret Fulton Counters: Jeanne Ryerson and Connie and Linda Boldt Olson Communion Servers: Jim Bowman, Mary Francis, Renee Boldt and Greg Braatz Coffee Servers: Laurie McCulloch and Elaine Presby Counters: Patti Athanas and Mike Harer

Community Notice Panel Discussion: Life After Prison Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 6-7 p.m. Location: First Congregational U.C.C., 724 E South River St, Appleton

Apply to be a census taker

The U.S. Census Bureau is seeking job applicants to take the 2020 census. Apply online here. For more information, call 855-562-2020.

Sunday Bulletin

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"The Memo from Memorial" is published every Thursday. Deadline for notices is Wednesday at 5:00 pm. Send all information to MPC OFFICE or contact the church office at 920-734-1787.